E v e ry t h i n g e a s t e n d
Vo l 2 5
no 3
September 13 2017
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Independent / Maryann Lucas
Edwina Lucas
p. 13
Walk On Water, p 4
106th Rescue, p 19
Oysters & Brews, p 34
Boys Soccer, p 62
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Every heart attack is a race against time. Now you can get the most advanced care. Faster. INTRODUCING THE CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION LABORATORY AT STONY BROOK SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL. When every minute counts, now you can count on the highest level of cardiac care, 24/7 in Southampton. Our state-of-the-art catheterization lab and our experienced team of Stony Brook cardiac specialists is providing lifesaving diagnostic procedures, interventional angioplasty, stenting, and more in the Audrey and Martin Gruss Heart & Stroke Center. Today, in an emergency or by appointment, we’re making a difference where it matters most, right here at home.
To learn more, visit southampton.stonybrookmedicine.edu or call (631) 726-8200. Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Especially Propane
Summertime fun lasts longer, especially with propane delivery and services from W.C. Esp. There’s nothing better than propane for a perfect season, whether you’re heating a swimming pool, gathering around a fire pit, relaxing in a hot tub or grilling on your outdoor BBQ. W.C. Esp offers automatic propane delivery, maintenance and repair, plus air conditioning services, plumbing, wireless and wi-fi thermostats, 24-hour emergency response, maintenance plans, energy-saving comfort system upgrades – even marine services. When it comes to summer fun, no one answers the call for propane like W.C. Esp. Call us to learn more and ask about our new customer offer.*
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5/13/16 3:53 PM
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
By Justin Meinken
Walking On Water
Under a cloudless blue sky, the young athletes faced the crystalclear waves with their instructors by their side. While many of the children were first-time surfers, they leaped in with little hesitation. This past weekend, over 100 athletes braved the strong swells
of the ocean brought in by the impending hurricane Irma.
But the sea’s wrath could not diminish the overwhelming excitement shared by the hundreds of volunteer instructors, sponsors, and organizers. The volunteers for A Walk on Water were prepared to face any waves that allowed them to teach surfing properly and provide
a form of water therapy for anyone with disabilities.
A Walk on Water is a not-forprofit organization that uses water therapy, and specifically surfing, to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The participants ranged from those with various levels of autism, to those with spinal cord and paralysis disabilities.
Ocean Cohen, a young athlete who has participated in several Walk on Water events, proudly displayed her trophy and said with a large smile, “I really enjoyed this!” She did add, however, that, “The water was very cold!” When she was asked about her instructor, Adam, Ocean said enthusiastically, “He’s my boy!” and that she would definitely do it
WEDNESDAY September 13, 2017
Last Quarter
5:30 PM 11:00 AM Understanding Medicare, Flanders Senior Center
12:00 PM Burger Day, North Sea Tavern
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Watermill Center Tour
Art Show Opening, SCC Eastern Campus, Riverhead.
Car Show, North Sea Community House
Independent/Morgan McGivern
6:00 PM Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Hampton Bays Senior Center
7:00 PM Wellness Lecture, Southold Library
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Independent/Morgan McGivern
the disabled athlete are encouraged to participate in the event.”
A Walk on Water conducts their water experience on a one-to-one basis, uses tandem surfing only, and once in the water there are always three volunteer instructors for each athlete. As an added precaution, every athlete is required to wear a life vest. Although the event is normally geared toward children, this year, Swentek said they invited disabled adults to participate as well. Sixty adults, including seniors, arrived by bus to take their places in the water. again. Another young athlete, Ella Folger, said proudly, “I didn’t know how to surf before, but now I do!”
Sean Swentek, vice president of A Walk on Water, said that the charity started in Los Angeles in 2012. Swentek explained that the board of directors are “like-minded souls who share the same traits in their desire to want to help people.” He indicated that, in the case of the disabled, there seems to be “something really comforting about the water. There is scientific
research that substantiates the benefits of surf therapy.” Swentek pointed out that Karena Cristea from the University of Canada is conducting her Master’s thesis on the benefits of surf therapy, and he is excited to see the results of her research.
While surfing is used as fun and exciting sport, “surfing is really used as the tool to building relationships and earning trust,” Swentek said. “We build bonds over the shared experience.”
When asked about those who might be frightened to even attempt to surf, he smiled. “It seems that the ones who protest the most actually get the most out of it,” he said. “Each child is first introduced to their instructor who spends quite a bit of time sitting and playing in the sand with them and later sitting on the surfboard in the water once the child is comfortable before any surfing is actually attempted.” He added that, “To boost confidence and help develop trust, siblings of
The board of A Walk on Water was grateful to all of their donors and sponsors who made the charity possible as well as giving them the opportunity to bring surf therapy to Montauk. They plan to have at least three events on the East Coast in 2018. The event ended with a fundraiser at the Montauk Beach House and featured a silent auction with music by DJs Alexandra Richards and Jack Luber. For additional information about A Walk on Water, visit www. awalkonwater.org or call 1-805991-AWOW (2969).
Waning Crescent
6:00 PM 10:00 AM Stepping On, John Jermain Library
September 14, 2017
12:00 PM Nutrition Series, PBMC, Riverhead
5:00 PM Live Music, Baiting Hollow Farm Vineyard
5:30 PM Memoir Writing With Joan Baum, Rogers Library
Lisa See Author Talk, Shelter Island Library
7:00 PM Meat Allergy & Ticks, Westhampton Library
8:00 PM Open Mic, Stephen Talkhouse
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
political correctness? His statue has been there since 1924. That’s a lot of cold rainy nights. That’s a lot of hot sticky days. That’s tons of pigeon poop.
Jerry’s Ink
by Jerry Della Femina
LIBERAL PIGEON POOP Are you as confused as a pigeon flying over a town in the south, looking for a statue of a Confederate general on which to poop?
Don’t be. When it comes to the war on statues and historical heroes and sites named after them, you’re being hustled once again by the liberal left, who are masters of the “Here’s what’s politically correct” bull crap. Can’t you see they’re playing you? Of course, the issue wasn’t helped by the racist, pea-brained Nazi bigots who decided that they were going to save the Robert E. Lee statue by marching armed, looking for a fight, into Charlottesville, Virginia. Did you see those dopes? I’ve owned goldfish with higher IQs than those losers. The truth is, the wrong people marched.
Who should have marched? People who have a respect for history. People who don’t get swept along by either side. People who form their own opinions. People who know that a statue is just that – a cold, hard hunk of metal. In this case, the statue of Robert E. Lee has been in Charlottesville since 1924. When did you start to believe that Robert E. Lee was a traitor to the United States? Last week? Last month? Thank God that Abraham Lincoln, with the ashes from the Civil War still hot, had respect and compassion for the South and didn’t feel like some of you do now, 152 years later. Like him or not, Robert E. Lee played a pivotal role in southern and American history. Are we to erase his place in history or bring down his statue in the name of
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It’s a statue that was there in 1941 when hundreds of young men and women marched past it and went off to fight the real enemy. Most of them came back. Sadly, some of them didn’t.
Korea. Vietnam. Afghanistan. Iraq. Young men and women died. The statue never moved. The statue was there during Brown vs. Board of Education.
The statue was there when courageous young people fought to sit and be served at a lunch counter; when a brave woman refused to sit in the back of a bus. The statue never moved. The statue was there when we elected our first black president. The statue never moved. Now the statue has become a symbol of the anger of those politically correct liberals who are frustrated because they can’t get a terrible president impeached fast enough.
Yes, it’s all about Trump. Want proof ? Since 1924, the Robert E. Lee statue has been ignored and left untouched during the terms of these presidents: Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush (W.), and Obama. Now along comes the Trump disaster. Trump, who lies to us every day and seems to get away with it. Trump, who is ripping the country apart.
And so out of frustration with their inability to topple him, the politically correct mafia says: Let’s show him. Let’s take down some statues. Let’s take down every statue. Let’s change the name of every college building dedicated to a famous name. Let’s change every street named after a historical figure. Some have already suggested removing statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Christopher Columbus. I say sure, let’s rip every statue’s head off and dance around like savages. Let’s cheer as our disgusting Mayor Bill de Blasio declares that we should look at every statue in New York City and decide which statue shall live and which statue shall die. History in
September 13
the hands of a reptile like de Blasio makes me sick.
Let’s make it a national statue pogrom. And believe me, it won’t end with taking down statues. Need proof ? As an insult to an Italian who changed the world, the idiots on the Los Angeles City Council have voted to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. Let’s not stop in the United States. Let’s bomb and destroy the Egyptian pyramids. You know they were built by slave labor, don’t you? And while we’re at it, let’s show ISIS that we can be as destructive as they are. The Parthenon has to go. Pull down what’s left of it. You know those ancient Greeks. Perverts. And let’s not forget the Italians. Let’s get our hands on the Colosseum. Wait a minute, the Colosseum is nothing but ruins that were knocked down umpteen years ago. In that case, let’s remove the ruins and replace them with a giant apartment house built with materials from the ruins. The apartment house? That will be for indigenous people. Naturally. How will it end?
From The New York Post: “Cleansing the past is a dangerous business,” warns Victor Davis Hanson at the National Review. “The wide liberal search for more enemies of the past may soon take progressives down hypocritical pathways they would prefer not to walk. Planned Parenthood will have to renounce founder Margaret Sanger, an unapologetic racist and eugenicist who pushed abortion to reduce the non-white populations. Liberal icons Franklin Roosevelt and Earl Warren pushed for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
“Toppling statues and erasing names will only cease when modern progressives are forced to blot out the memories of racist progressive heroes.” What our super-liberal Nazis will never understand is you can’t erase history. If you bring down the statues and buildings, and you erase and change the history books, in the end, history will be handed down with words and scraps of paper – but history will never die. If you wish to comment on “Jerry’s Ink” please send your message to jerry@dfjp.com.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Constitutional Convention Confab
By Kitty Merrill
Under Article 19 Section 2 of the State Constitution, there must be a question placed on the ballot every 20 years for the voters to decide whether or not New York State should have a constitutional convention. 2017 is that year. The last time the voters voted to have a convention was 1967. The proposed convention in 1967 was defeated by the voters and again in 1987 and again in 2007. The question slated to appear on New York State ballots on November 7 is, “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?”
In anticipation of the vote, the League of Women Voters throughout New York State have been studying the complicated issue --- the historical background, possible constitutional changes for consideration, costs, methods of delegate selection, and pros and cons.
The program will be taped by Southampton Town’s SEA-TV and aired on Channel 22. According to the NYS Constitution’s mandated timeline, if the referendum is approved in November 2017, then New Yorkers would elect delegates to the constitutional convention at the general election on November 8, 2018, the delegates would start meeting in April, 2019, and they could present their proposed changes to voters at the general election on November 5, 2019.
Holding a constitutional convention has proven to be a controversial issue over the years, risking deletions of hallowed constitutional principles but also providing the potential for positive change.
For questions about the program, or to request a speaker for your organization, contact the League at 631-324-4637, or the government committee co-chairs Cathy Peacock at cathpeac@optonline.net or Ann Sandford at asandford@optonline. net.
Randi Weingarten, president, American Federation of Teachers, will offer a dissenting voice, while speaking on behalf of the “yes” vote will be Dick Dadey, executive director, Citizens Union of New
Continued On Page 52.
Quogue-Sinclair Propane Sets the Scene for Comfort
Locally, the Hamptons’ League of Women Voters’ government committee, co-chaired by Cathy Peacock of Amagansett and Ann Sandford of Bridgehampton, will provide a PowerPoint presentation and discussion for the public on Monday at 7 PM at the Hampton Bays Senior Center, 25 Ponquogue Ave.
On Tuesday night at 7 PM (doors open at 6:45 PM), the East Hampton Democratic Committee will also host an informational gathering about the state constitution. The 411 at St. Michael’s Church in Amagansett will come in the form of a debate.
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8/29/17 4:04 PM
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Sand In My Shoes by Denis Hamill
You clean out the cabana of all the jetsam and flotsam of the shimmering hot days of summer, 2017 -- the old party remnants, the scattered beer caps and empty condiment jars from joyous reunions and teary goodbyes. You send your kids off to school with new clothes and shoes a size bigger and you are left with broom and shovel in hand to sweep up the sandy debris of another season warehoused in memory as the cruel pages of the calendar turn toward fall and the ice storms of winter. Treasure your blessings.
This year the melancholy was slammed into perspective by three killer hurricanes, a neverending political maelstrom out of Washington, and local news that makes you just stop and realize that if the change of season gives you the blues, remember it beats dressing in black for real tragedies that you are not experiencing.
As the steel centipede of foreign cars driven by the beautiful people inched home to nouveau riche Brooklyn and old, monied Manhattan past the multi-million dollar mansions of East Hampton on September 7, they never saw the 5’ 4”, 100 lb. body of a pretty young homeless woman named Hallie
Ulrich lying on the side of the road in a remote part of town. Hallie Ulrich had just completed her 22nd summer in her sad brief life, sprawled in the green grass on the anonymous shoulder of Alewife Brook Road, north of Terry Road. Hallie Ulrich had a distinctive tattoo of a wise owl on her right wrist and another tattoo of two interlocking rings on the inside of her upper left arm.
summer, someone loved her enough to give her a roof over her head, and to surely cheer and applaud and wipe a tear as Hallie walked in cap and gown to receive her diploma from Pierson High School. Someone who cared certainly congratulated her when she made the dean’s list at prestigious Pratt Institute in Brooklyn where she studied for a noble life as a promising artist from the gorgeous seaside town of Sag Harbor. Two years later the dawn of East Hampton broke over the “undomiciled” Pratt dean’s list girl’s lifeless body and all the things Hallie Ulrich might have been – an accomplished artist, a loving companion, a friend indeed, a devoted mother -- ended in a heartbreaking pile on the side of her final road of life as the curtain fell on her last summer in the Hamptons.
When someone so young and smart and talented fails to blow out 23 birthday party candles it feels so wrong and tragic that one feels that a law of nature has been violated.
These were the human hieroglyphics that helped police identify her.
The official police press release read in part: “East Hampton Town Police requested assistance from Homicide Squad detectives. . . The victim’s death does not appear to be criminal at this time.” Once upon a better Hallie Ulrich
September 13
“We are not treating it as a crime,” a Suffolk County Police spokesperson told me on Sunday.
But, of course, when someone so young and smart and talented fails to blow out 23 birthday party candles it feels so wrong and tragic that one feels that a law of nature has been violated.
“Her family has been notified,” a SCPD homicide detective told me. “That’s the most I can tell you.”
Any of a thousand things can lead a person astray to homelessness and death in the budding springtime of life – a traumatic experience, two missed paychecks, a broken heart, deep depression, a fragile mind, substance abuse, a slammed door. Hallie Ulrich, in Facebook photos, looks full of smiles and play and laughter, posting things like: “Hello friends! Follow the Hooke Sculpture Gallery on Instagram! And stop by anytime if you want to see some lovely artwork and listen to Edith Piaf !” Edith Piaf was famous for singing about love, loss, and sorrow. The two indelible interlocking rings tattooed into her young flesh suggest Hallie Ulrich once loved and was loved by someone special. But it looks like Hallie Ulrich died alone.
So as summer ends think of Hallie Ulrich, think of her family that will mourn and bury her, think of the poor cop who found her, and that someone special who surely did love her once as you feel wispy as you clean out your summer cabana and close up the pool and get ready to dry dock your boat. In a Facebook post from August 1, 2014, Hallie Ulrich quotes a line from a song called “Oh Love” from an album called Be Held by Ayla Nereo: “Oh Love! Tearin’ us apart from the inside out so we can see ourselves from the inside. . .”
That verse ends with these poignant lines that might serve as an epitaph for Hallie Ulrich: “Oh Love! Tearin’ me apart from the inside out so I can see myself from the inside/ And might be causin’ pain/ And might be coming home/ And might be sayin’ this is all you asked for.” As summer ends…
To comment on Sand in My Shoes, email denishamill@gmail.com.
September 15, 2017
Waning Crescent
7:00 PM 10:00 AM Babies Boogie, Mattituck-Laurel Library
12;00 PM Fighting Chance Lobster Bash, Duryea’s, Montauk
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Diego Campo, Wölffer Estate Vineyard
PechaKucha Night Hamptons, Parrish Art Museum
The Fireman’s Ball, Pollock Krasner House, Springs
7:00 PM Queen Esther, Southampton Cultural Center
8:00 PM Darin & Dino, Suffolk Theater
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Harvey Rescues Arrive
By Kitty Merrill
According to the Insurance Information Institute, 68 percent of households in the United States have pets. The ASPCA broke the numbers down to note 44 percent of those households as dog owners.
As of September 1, there were an estimated 42,000 evacuees in shelters in Houston alone. Add in the numbers of victims of Hurricane Irma that slammed through the Caribbean and Florida over the weekend, and evacuees increase. Doing the math of the pet owners and evacuees, that’s a lot of lost Labs and displaced Dachshunds – the Washington Post estimated thousands of dogs in the city of Houston alone. Across the country shelters are opening their doors to the animals and on the East End, the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation is among them.
According to director of adoption Kate McEntee, shelters around the Northeast got involved because existing shelters in Texas became overcrowded with displaced animals. Out-of-state shelters took animals already in shelters. The goal, she said, is “to clear out the shelters down in Texas to make room for displaced pets looking to be reunited with their owners.”
SASF is working with Austin Pets Alive, which initiated the effort of moving animals out of the area; “the shift,” McEntee called it. So far, 12 dogs have arrived in Hampton Bays. Six Thursday night and another six on September 5.
As of Sunday, McEntee was waiting to see when Irma rescues from the foundation’s partner shelter El Faro de los Animales in Humacao, Puerto Rico, would arrive. “They’re without water, without electricity, and it may be months before they have it. It’s pretty scary,” she said. Volunteers offered to fly shelter animals up to New York over the weekend, but the confusion of the disaster caused delays. Hurricane Irma was still underway on Sunday when McEntee initially expected the plane from Puerto Rico.
While the flight from Texas was harrowing for the pups, two have already landed homes. Coco, a brown Chihuahua, “met a lady at an adoption event at Coldwell Banker in Southampton over the weekend and the lady said, ‘This is my soulmate,’” McEntee reported. She felt confident the new owner would give Coco the love and patience she needs to recover from the trauma. A Husky puppy named Belle also left the shelter with adoptive parents on Sunday. “They saw her the other day and said, “We couldn’t stop thinking about her,’” McEntee related.
“We’re already finding homes for our Harvey rescues,” she enthused. With 80 dogs in residence, SASF has held emergency volunteer classes to help with the extra visitors. “People are coming in, donating crates and food, helping to walk the dogs,” McEntee said.
Independent / Courtesy SASF Coco from Austin with her adoptive owner and soulmate.
The week has been a hectic one for the director, with innumerable calls to Texas, to Puerto Rico, plans
made and changed, hours spent waiting for arrivals, and untold details to organize, in addition to a community fundraiser held Saturday night. (See photos of the Waxing Gibbous
event elsewhere in this edition.) Still, McEntee was on hand Sunday to see Coco and Belle off to their new, safe lives. “It’s nice to see them go home. It’s the best part,” she said.
September 16, 2017 Waning Crescent
6:00 PM 8:00 AM North Fork Open, Ladies Tennis, Greenport
10:00 AM Hike Point Woods, Montauk
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Ziva Bakman-Flamhaft, East Hampton Library
Artist Reception, Romany Kramoris Gallery
Alexander Calder screening, Amagansett Library
8:00 PM Songs of Jerry Herman, Guild Hall
10:00 PM Hello Brooklyn, Stephen Talkhouse
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
106 To The Rescue… Again th
Independent / U.S.Air National Guard photo by Daniel H. farrell
The 106th airmen, posing for a group shot after returning from Texas.
By Kitty Merrill
Just days back from their heroism in Houston, the 106th Air Rescue Wing based out of Gabreski Airport in Westhampton was deployed to the Caribbean to assist in the wake of Hurricane Irma. As of Sunday night, they’d transported 15,000 evacuees from St. Maarten to Puerto Rico.
A post on the Rescue Wing’s Facebook page from Sunday at 1:31 PM reads, “1268 Americans were evacuated from Sint Maarten to San Juan, Puerto Rico on multiple flights September 8-9, 2017. All six C-130 Hercules airplanes carrying out the operation were Air National Guard aircraft flown
by the 106th Rescue Wing from New York, 156th Airlift Wing from Puerto Rico and the 123th Special Tactics Squadron from Kentucky. The air guardsmen carried out the noncombatant evacuation operation putting themselves directly in harm’s way airlifting those in need under the weather conditions shown here.” The post included a satellite weather map showing flights took place just miles from the center of the storm.
King aircraft, three HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters, three Zodiac boats, and 124 airmen required to carry out the mission.
Airlift operations were still underway on Sunday afternoon, and by Sunday’s end the numbers topped 1500.
Another HC-130 from the 106th Rescue Wing deployed from Westhampton Beach on Monday, to transport additional response personnel from the Kentucky Air
The post concluded with the 106th motto, “That others may live!”
The 106th brought two HC-130
Last Thursday, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the deployment, reporting he personally spoke with Governor Ricardo Rosselló of Puerto Rico. Administration officials remained in close communication with counterparts in the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean nations in Irma’s path, pledging to help in any way they can.
National Guard’s 123rd Special Tactics Squadron to Florida.
The 106th Rescue Wing supports the Air Force’s personnel recovery mission. The wing is manned by more than 1000 military and civilian personnel and also performs civil search and rescue missions as well as assisting state disaster relief and other state emergencies as directed by the governor. The wing sent 124 airmen to assist Texas in recovering from Hurricane Harvey from August 27 to Sept. 1. During their recent deployment to Fort Hood, Texas, and the Houston area, the men and women of the 106th rescued 546 people. Next stop: Florida.
September 17, 2017 Waning Crescent
12:00 PM 8:00 AM North Fork Open, Men’s Tourney, Greenport.
10:00 AM Marders Garden Workshop, Bridgehampton
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
Seaweed and Science With SoFo
Brunch Series, Riverhead Theater
Gallery Talk, Guild Hall
1:00 PM
6:00 PM
Shinnecock Tropical Fish, Hampton Bays
Art Law Lecture, Amagansett Library
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Into The Woods With Edwina Lucas
By Kitty Merrill
environment drives Edwina’s sensibility much like the sea coast of Maine aroused the spirit of Winslow Homer. Not unlike her forebears, Edwina has captured the grandeur of this magical place.”
She spent childhood summers in the woods around Noyac, building forts and catching frogs with her cousins – “endless afternoons” in the forest, Edwina Lucas recalled. When she was just five years old, her mother taught her the fundamentals of oil painting, and she fell in love with the medium.
Speaking of her upcoming show, “The Woods,” which opens this Friday, he added, “Edwina Lucas’s unique style and original narrative make this exhibition of paintings and drawings, done entirely from direct observation of nature, both beautiful and inspiring.”
That love melded with her pull toward nature. In 2013, she graduated summa cum laude from Skidmore College with a major in studio art and a minor in art history. Her senior thesis, a triptych portraying figures in water, earned honors from the department.
Sara DeLuca of Ille Arts in Amagansett saw Lucas’s paintings and decided to mount a show. Lucas praised the gallery owner as “not afraid to show young artists, to give someone like me a shot.”
“Studio” in art notwithstanding, upon graduation, she spent an entire year painting outdoors.
“I wanted to challenge myself to go back to the basics, to paint like the masters, and one of their challenges is to paint life,” she said Monday. Working “plein air” meant a lot of trial and error, she said. “You have to figure out how to avoid blinding sunlight, and avoid ticks, and crowds and people coming up to you,” she reported.
The light – famed for compelling artists to the Hamptons – “is really everything,” Lucas said. “It has the ability to change the landscape from morning to night, and I love the long shadows.” In her paintings, she strives to capture the beauty of the natural world and the transformative power of light, using it to dapple her forest-scapes and other pastoral paintings. Having spent childhood summers on the East End, she moved here year-round after graduation. “My goal is to show the beauty of this place off season,” Lucas said. As
light changes with seasons, a winter painting may focus on the exposed structure of a tree, its branches stripped of lush summer leaves.
Lucas set up shop, so to speak, in places like the Morton Wildlife Preserve and the Clam Island neighborhood in Noyac. She painted behind John Alexander’s studio in Amagansett. The worldrenowned artist is a mentor and Lucas, 26, has worked as his assistant for the past five years. “He’s been an amazing teacher. He’s
also drawn to the great masters, classical realism, and nature. He pushes me to work on bigger paintings.”
The admiration is mutual. Said Alexander, “Edwina Lucas is an exceptionally gifted artist whose paintings are the descendants of 19th-century artists such as William Merritt Chase and Thomas Moran who were drawn to Long Island because of its dramatic landscape and exceptional atmospheric light. Growing up on Long Island, this
Alongside the landscapes, individual items in nature are favored subjects. “Birds and nests and dragonflies; they’re all the things that make up this beautiful place,” Lucas said. “The Woods,” opening at Ille Arts in Amagansett on Friday,
Continued On Page 48.
September 18, 2017 Waning Cresent
9:30 AM Healthy Heart Lecture, Southampton Hospital
Independent / Gary Mamay
“Owl” 14 x 11 in, oil on panel, 2017.
Lucas worked as an intern at Grenning Gallery in Sag Harbor, later as its manager, and later still as one of its featured artists. A 2016 exhibit showcased “Amagansett Ravens,” a 48-inch-by-40-inch oil on canvas depiction of a murder of crows in a cornfield, the black birds contrasting with the gold of barren stalks an eyecatching counterplay calling to mind autumn while foreshadowing the coming of winter. The theme of contrast continued with another from the show. “Spotted Fish” shows a shimmery sole fish against a background of gold, yellow, grey, and silver disks.
10:30 AM Country Line Dancing, Flanders Senior Center
10:48 AM
1:00 PM
LIRR Arrives East Hampton
Blood Drive, Hampton Bays Library
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
The Eagle Huntress, Rogers Library
Monday Night Madness, Southampton Publick House
6:30 PM Computer Class, Rogers Library
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Life Aboard The Josephine
voyage. The ship’s carpenter Joseph Redfield kept a daily journal, noting latitude and longitude, describing the whale hunt, and recording goods bought and sold at port. Through Redfield, we learn of the pet monkey that resided on board, of the captain’s near-death experience while in Hong Kong, and of William King’s tragic accident whale hunting. Redfield also includes a list of all the crew members, seven of whom were from East Hampton, and one of whom was from Abemama Island (part of the Gilbert Islands group). An Englishman, S.S. Hill bought passage on the Josephine in 1848 as it sailed from Russia to Hawaii. He later went on to publish two books about his travels. They chronicle his journey on the Josephine. Through him we learn of a terrifying storm the Josephine weathered off the coast of Russia and of the “willo-wisp” or ignis fatuus (foolish fire) phenomenon that the crew witnessed.
Independent / Courtesy East Hampton Historical Society Folk art painting of shore whaling, collection of the East Hampton Historical Society
Compiled by Kitty Merrill
The East Hampton Historical Society will unveil a new exhibit at the Marine Museum that focuses on the voyage of the whaling vessel the Josephine and the story of its East Hampton captain and crew. Debuting Saturday at the museum’s open house, the exhibit will tell the story of the Josephine through logbooks, maps, charts, artifacts, and personal accounts of the voyage.
From noon to 4 PM explore where the Josephine sailed, read portions of the logbooks kept on board, and learn about the story of East Hampton whaling through selected artifacts from the society’s collection. The curator will be available to help guide you through the exhibit and answer any questions. Kid friendly activities will also be on hand. The Josephine, captained by Hiram Baker Hedges of East Hampton, set out from Sag Harbor in
October of 1846, and made its way down and around Cape Horn and to Chile. Then it sailed for the Hawaiian Islands, Petropavlovsk, Russia, and Hong Kong. The voyage ended with 2400 barrels of whale oil, 60 barrels of sperm oil, and over 28,000 pounds of whalebone.
The society’s collection includes three separate accounts from onboard the Josephine, each of which offers a unique perspective of the exciting and somewhat unusual
Finally, there is the account of H. H. Frary, published in 1937. Frary, who was only 18 when he sailed with the Josephine, provides detailed and exciting descriptions of “giving chase.” In one instance, Clark King “got fast” (harpooned) to a whale, and the whale retaliated by hitting King with his fluke. King was thrown into the air, and the crew worried that he was dead. Luckily, he survived. Most notably, Frary’s account offers emotional insight into the relationships between crewmembers, and details how they spent their time when they went ashore in Russia, Hawaii, and Abemama island.
September 19, 2017 Waning Cresent
3:30 PM
5:30 AM
10:30 AM
LIRR Departs Greenport
Chair Yoga, Hampton Bays Senior Center
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
Ellen’s Well Support Group, Hampton Bays Library
Avoiding Scams, Mattituck-Laurel Library
Teen Tuesdays, Hampton Library Bridgehampton
5:30 PM Meet The Artist, Yan Gabriella, Riverhead Town Hall
6:30 PM East Hampton Republican Listening Session, American Legion, Amagansett
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Community News
Laud ‘Pioneer For Change’
By Kitty Merrill
When Anthony Hobson, an architect with Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects in Bridgehampton, bought a modest house in Flanders for himself, his wife, and baby girl two years ago, he knew it would need a new septic system. When he learned about Suffolk County’s septic improvement incentive program that could combine with an additional incentive from Southampton Town, he decided to be the program’s very first applicant.
“From day one I wanted to be the first,” Hobson said, standing in the dirt next to heavy equipment, smiling as he watched his diligence come to fruition. Last Thursday he became the first homeowner in the county to use the government incentives to cover the $25,000 cost of installing a high tech wastewater treatment system. “It’s basically free for me,” Hobson said. And, it’s “a big leap forward in our effort to reclaim our water,” according to County Executive Steve Bellone. Bellone was joined by an array of elected officials, environmentalists, and septic technicians who clambered down into the ditch to view the high tech system and mark its installation. “This represents the beginning of the solution to the water quality crisis in our region,” the CE summarized. “Did you know you were the first?” Bellone asked Hobson. “That was the whole goal,” he replied.
Officials estimate there are some 360,000 failing septic systems in Suffolk County. Bellone predicted that, thanks to the incentive program, “We’re going to do hundreds, and thousands, and eventually tens of thousands [of installations] across the county.” So far, some 80 grants have been issued of 532 respondents to the program.
According to South Fork Legislator Bridget Fleming, 25 percent of the grants awarded and 35 percent of the applicants have been in this district. “We can lead the way,” she said, noting the Hobson property overlooks Reeve’s Bay across Flanders
Road. The task of addressing myriad water quality issues is daunting, the legislator observed. But it’s also a must for the region’s environmental and economic survival. It’s estimated the cost to upgrade all the county’s outdated septic systems tops $8 billion, she said, “but we’re kickstarting it here.”
Independent / Kitty Merrill
Given the region grapples with brown
Continued On Page 47.
Anthony Hobson, the first applicant for the county septic improvement incentive program, is all smiles at last Thursday’s installation of his free system.
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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
In Depth News
By Rick Murphy
Health Care Crisis Worsens
charging sticker prices, but the government, and thus taxpayers, make up the difference by subsidizing the program.
Forget the political infighting going on in Washington.
Forget the blame game played around the water cooler – it’s OK to realize the Affordable Care Act must be replaced or revamped without sounding like a Trump supporter. Over 20 million Americans now have insurance thanks to ObamaCare. But it is important to understand many if not most of those people are going to lose coverage if the situation doesn’t change. Whose fault it will be provides little consolation.
These are the conclusions of several prominent non-partisan experts who have sounded the alarm about the status quo. But if you are a hard-working middle class American, whose insurance premiums are not paid for by your boss, you already knew that.
For Americans who make too much money to qualify for federal subsidies, the cost of health coverage is about to soar dramatically, with premiums reaching $2000 a month. At the same time, deductibles, an insidious tool to ease the burden of soaring rates, have risen as well. A recent profile of a Midwestern farmer earning $60,000 showed he paid $24,000 in premiums and had a $14,000 deductible. That meant he paid $14,000 before he received a single cent of reimbursement for medical bills. For the year, he paid $40,000 in medical-related expenses. “When your health insurance [payment] is bigger that your mortgage something is wrong,” wrote Mitchell Schnurman, a business columnist for the Dallas News.
The situation has gotten completely out of hand, politicians on both sides acknowledge. Hard-working Americans with 16
The cost of the subsidies was supposed to be generated by the ACA. In 2013, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who helped develop the law, said about half the costs are offset by projected savings in Medicare payments to insurers and hospitals. Another quarter was to be offset by added taxes on medical-device makers and drug companies. Independent / Wikimedia The United States spends more on health care than countries that provide blanket coverage for every citizen.
good jobs are struggling with health insurance – and thousands are being forced to drop their plans entirely or pay for a cheaper plan that provides less coverage.
Meanwhile, the poorer the recipient, the less the cost of health insurance. Thus, we have some people who are unwilling or unable to work with no-cost health insurance that in many cases is a better policy than the ones working Americans can afford. Kicking and Screaming A recent report by Kaiser/HRET Employer Health Benefits forecasts that the average family health care plan will cost $18,142, up 3.4 percent from 2015. That’s faster than wage growth in America. It has, finally, brought lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to seek bipartisan solutions, even though they come to the negotiating table kicking and screaming.
About 10 million Americans buy individual insurance coverage either on or off the exchanges and get no federal subsidies to help bring down the cost, according to the Congressional Budget Office. About the same number gets financial assistance for the plans they purchase on the exchanges,
according to CNN Money. That’s the “affordable” part of the ACA.
According to MONEY, premium tax credits are available to people with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level. If you make $29,425 a year (250% of the federal poverty level), you’d be expected to pay 8.18 percent of your income in premiums, or $2,412 annually ($201 every month). ObamaCare’s premium tax credits can be paid to your insurer in advance to lower your monthly premium on a marketplace plan, or adjusted on your tax returns. The marketplace calculates your tax credit based on the price of the second lowest cost silver-level plan in your area (called the benchmark plan) and your expected financial contribution, which is determined on a sliding scale based on your annual income.
The ACA website brags, “One in six Americans get a marketplace plan for less than $100!” And therein lies the rub. Some working-class Americans are paying over $1000 a month for a health plan, while millions who work sporadically or not at all get similar health coverage for hundreds of dollars a month less, or at no cost at all. The health care provider is still
It didn’t work out that way. “In a general sense, the rich, of course, subsidize the poor. The rich pay more income taxes,” he says. “So, yes, absolutely, that’s how subsidies are supposed to work,” says economist Joseph Antos of the American Enterprise Institute. So if you’re a low-income person getting a tax credit from the US.Treasury to subsidize your health care, a big chunk of that credit is coming from taxes paid by the rest of us – including those of us who have trouble paying for our own health insurance premiums. Fake News It is not just the rich who pick up the slack for the poor now being offered health care. According to the Congressional Budget Office the ACA extended the program to cover some Americans with incomes up to 133 percent of the poverty line. That expansion increased enrollment by 10 million but is funded by Medicaid, which ultimately is funded by all of us.
The crisis is fueled by both political parties. Just as Republicans refused to acknowledge their proposed reform plans were riddled with inconsistencies, the liberal press has continued with its onslaught of “fake news” stories. “There Are No More `Bare’ ObamaCare Counties.” Margot
Continued On Page 18.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Health Crisis
Continued From Page 16.
Sanger-Katz wrote triumphantly in the New York Times (8/15/17), forgetting the entire ObamaCare system was built on having competing HMOs available to everyone to keep costs affordable.
In this case, there were hundreds of counties around the country that at one point did not have single provider willing to step forward. (There are still a dozen states that have only one provider and thus no competition.)
In other words, the fact that a provider offered to step in and offer health insurance was not exactly good news – that provider has a monopoly and is free to charge whatever rates it deems necessary. Less than two weeks later the Times doubled-down on its selfproclaimed theory that having just one health care provider was a positive development. “Supporters of the Affordable Care Act achieved a major victory this past week when, thanks to cajoling and arm-twisting by state regulators, the last `bare’ county in America — in rural Ohio — found an insurer willing to sell health coverage through the law’s marketplace there,” Reed Albeson wrote in the lead of a front page article.
“Yet the continuing churn among insurers and the anxiety pervading the industry — stirred largely by President Trump’s predictions of collapse and threats to withhold critical government payments to insurers — have obscured an encouraging fact: Many of the remaining companies have sharply narrowed their losses, analysts say, and some are even beginning to prosper,” Albeson crowed. More Than Doubled One had to turn the page and read to the very end of the article to find out how it was “many companies are beginning to prosper.” “To stanch their losses, many companies raised their prices substantially for this year while narrowing their networks of providers to hold down costs. In Phoenix, for example, a typical plan’s monthly premiums more than doubled. Although people 18
September 13
In Depth News with incomes low enough to qualify for federal subsidies were shielded from the brunt of the steep increases, the higher prices prompted Republicans to blame the law for plans that were out of many people’s reach. In some cases, companies will seek even higher rates for 2018,” Albeson wrote. Note that the author managed to take pot shots at Trump and the Republicans in Congress though they had nothing at all to do with the developments in the health industry she was writing about. The Times has been a staunch proponent of keeping the ACA in place. But the facts are irrefutable: rates are skyrocketing next year, doubling in some states and rising significantly in almost all of the others. That will force more Americans who don’t qualify for subsidies to take less expensive plans with higher deductibles, even while poorer people with less income qualify for better plans.
All of this is not to imply the GOP has a better idea. The GOP’s AHCA plan, at least at first glance, did little to reduce premium costs.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will leave 23 million more people uninsured in 2026 than if that act, also known as ObamaCare, were to remain in place. But there are indications millions will lose their plans even if ObamaCare remains the law of the land. Already, the marketplaces are reporting younger, healthier Americans are bailing from the system altogether, refusing to purchase health insurance. More and more middle class Americans are bailing for a more ominous reason: They can’t afford coverage any more. There is considerable evidence, as President Trump insists, that the current system will collapse from its own weight. For the system to remain in place, HMOs that are participating in the program at the current level will have to be available, when in reality many are dropping out of the program. Defective And Unreliable It also doesn’t take into account that an undetermined number of
Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) purchasers who pay for retail plans will drop out simply because they can’t afford the premiums. That means more subsidies, and the states that have to pay a portion are beginning to balk already. The CBO acknowledges the GOP plan would also reduce the deficit by $119 billion over 10 years, but that provides little comfort for those who are struggling to make ends meet month to month.
The CBO’s assessment of the AHCA shows that the deficit would fall and premiums would fall for some Americans, but the report also raises potential concerns, foremost among them that it would destabilize individual insurance markets in some states, leaving unhealthy Americans unable to buy
The inescapable conclusion is that for-profit health insurance is a product that is “both defective and unreliable,” as Dr. Steffie Woolhandler of Harvard Medical School aptly depicted it.
While it is the worst of times for some, it is the best of time for those in the healthcare insurance industry. “Thanks to what CIGNA called `lower usage’ that allow insurers to retain more premium income; profits are once again on a trajectory to set ever-higher profits,” Roger Bybee wrote in his essay, “America’s Health Crisis Is Getting Worse.”
“The writing on the wall could not be clearer: The health insurance
Continued On Page 48.
Another Health Provider Bites The Dust
By Rick Murphy
Cross CareConnect off the list of available health insurance plans in New York. Northwell, its parent company, made the decision to close last week. The decision leaves over 100,000 subscribers scurrying to find a replacement plan.
Northwell requested a 29.7 percent hike for individuals earlier this year but instead was granted only a 23.1 percent by New York State.
The company said via a press release that it paid $112 million into the Affordable Care Act’s riskadjustment pool – amounting to about 44 percent of CareConnect’s 2016 revenue from its small-group health plan (businesses with 100 or fewer employees). The company would have been liable for a similar payment had it not terminated coverage. However, those who have CareConnect have some time to find an alternative. Northwell must submit a formal withdrawal plan to the state, but CareConnect operations will continue as the
company, “works with its customers, businesses, and others to help transfer policy holders to other health plans,” Northwell said in the written statement. “It has become increasingly clear that continuing the CareConnect health plan is financially unsustainable, given the failure of the federal government and Congress to correct regulatory flaws that have destabilized insurance markets and their refusal to honor promises of additional funding,” Northwell CEO Michael Dowling said. He blamed these flaws for the demise of CareConnect.
“While it is unfortunate that the continued uncertainty across the nation due to the repeated actions of the federal government to undermine the Affordable Care Act at this time in the insurance cycle has caused CareConnect to begin an orderly wind down from the market, we recognize that this decision will help Northwell focus on its core mission to deliver healthcare services to New Yorkers,” said New York Department of Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
In Depth News
Deepwater Hires Two Locals
Julia Prince, Jennifer Garvey.
By Rick Murphy
Deepwater Wind has added two local women to its development team. The announcement was made last week, although one of the hires, Julia Prince, has been affiliated with the company for several months. Deepwater is the parent company of South Fork Wind Farm, which has contracted to build a wind farm off the coast of Montauk.
Jennifer Garvey has been named development manager, Long Island. She previously held the position of associate director and cofounder of the New York State Center for Clean Water Technology at Stony Brook University. Prior to that she was deputy chief of staff for Southampton Town under former Supervisor Anna Throne-Holst. Julia Prince has been named Montauk manager and fisheries liaison. She is a former East Hampton Town Councilwoman. Although her appointment was made public earlier this week, she has been unofficially representing Deepwater for some times at public meetings and events. Deepwater promised the local fishing community a liaison to represent their concerns about the wind generators after widespread concern that the fishing industry would suffer damage –perhaps irreparable – from the placement of the wind generators, the noise they emit, and the cable that will carry the electricity to shore. In her role, Prince will lead community relations in Montauk and fisheries outreach with Long Island’s commercial and
September 13
On The Beat
Independent / Deepwater Wind
recreational fishing communities. Prince, of Montauk, has deep roots in the community, having previously owned and operated several successful local small businesses, including a concierge company and La Bodega restaurant in Montauk. In addition, Prince sits on the board of the Montauk Beach Property Owners Association. Prince attended Hunter College in Manhattan where she earned a degree in economics.
Garvey, a native of Hampton Bays, earned a master’s degree in public relations from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from SUNY Geneseo.
“We’re so pleased that Jen and Julia have joined our team,” said Deepwater Wind CEO Jeffrey Grybowski. “They’ve both lived and worked on the South Fork for years and are well-respected members of their communities. Their valuable local insight, deep roots in the community, and considerable expertise will help guide our work to bring offshore wind energy to Long Island.” The permitting for Deepwater Wind’s 90-megawatt South Fork Wind Farm is a multi-year process that requires approvals from more than 20 local, state, and federal entities. Scheduled to begin operations in 2022, the project’s 15 turbines will be located “over the horizon,” more than 30 miles east of Montauk where they will not be visible from Long Island beaches.
Independent / Rick Murphy The body was found just down the block from an obscure beach in Northwest Woods.
By Rick Murphy Sag Harbor Woman Found Dead Wearing beads and dancing with a hoop, Hallie Ulrich, in a floor length skirt, looked blissfully happy as she danced at a gathering of young people, perhaps a festival. It was the last picture posted on her Facebook site. Friday morning at 6:30 AM East Hampton Town Police received a call: there was a body lying on the side of the road by Cedar Point Park. One source told The Independent it was wrapped in a blanket.
Suffolk County homicide detectives responded, and about nine hours later put a name to the attractive young lady with an owl tattoo on her right wrist and a tattoo of two interlocking rings on her upper left arm. It was Hallie Ulrich of Sag Harbor, who was once accepted and attended Pratt Institute.
Police ascertained she was homeless, and though no one is talking on the record, she apparently had a history of drug problems. There was a report of a possible overdose at a Lighthouse Road location at about 6:10 AM. The body was just a short walk away on, Alewife Brook Road near Terry Road. The beach is just down the road. Perhaps the caller used the blanket to dump the body there, fearful of repercussions. Perhaps Hallie just took the blanket with
her – it was a cool morning - and went for a walk.
The County Homicide Squad, in a statement, said investigators don’t believe foul play was involved. The investigation is continuing. Captain Chris Anderson of the East Hampton Town Police said, “They are looking at everything.” There is a hotline for anyone with information: 631-852-6394. “It appears to be yet another tragic story,” Anderson commented. Police DIFFUSE Volatile Situation A potentially tragic standoff ended without incident Thursday when Southampton Town Police arrested a North Sea man.
The saga started when police went to the home of Eric Mayo to question him about an incident that occurred on September 2, when a woman accused him of trying to strangle her. Mayo refused to cooperate and boarded himself in the house, allegedly threatening police in the process. A negotiating team kept in contact with Mayo, 41, who eventually emerged voluntarily after being holed up for over five hours. Mayo was arrested on a felony count of attempted strangulation and faced additional charges from the incident. 19
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
In Depth News
PFCs: In Hampton Bays Drinking Water, Too
By Rick Murphy
Yet another local community has to deal with contaminated drinking water, and the culprit in all three cases PFCs that can be traced to products like firefighting foam.
Hampton Bays is the latest. It was revealed this week that two water district wells have tested positive for PFOS and PFOA, though the levels of the contaminants were just above what the State Department of Environmental Conservation considers acceptable. Nine other wells were free of the chemicals,
officials said.
PFOS has previously been detected in a Yaphank neighborhood and Westhampton, which was declared a Superfund site last September. A spokeswoman for the Suffolk County Department of Health at that time told The Independent the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t list PFCs as a contaminant to test for in drinking water wells until last year.
The DEC said in a press release this week that the two-acre site of the
Hampton Bays Fire Department property will be investigated. NYS Superfund monies could become available for a cleanup if certain conditions are met. Families affected were quietly notified and have switched drinking water sources. However, Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said there is no danger to the public and no one is drinking the contaminated water. “It’s all interconnected. All users drink from all wells. It’s important that people know that their water is safe to drink and
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that no one consumed bad water. Corrective actions are being taken so that when demand rises in the spring we are prepared with adequate supply.”
The wells were taken off line at first detection, one last year and one in July. “The detection was slightly above the recommended not to exceed level of 70 parts per trillion,” Schneiderman said. “There was no requirement to discontinue use. It was done with an abundance of caution. We are now moving to install carbon filtration.” Though the event in Hampton Bays so far seems manageable, US Senator Chuck Schumer, at a press conference in Hauppauge Friday, lambasted the Department of Defense for dragging its feet on the cleanup in Westhampton. VOLATILE Situation Officials believe the contamination in all three cases stems from firefighting foam used to put out, among other things, engine fires. Volunteer firefighters often train using the chemical.
That was surely the case at Gabreski Airport in Westhampton and most likely in Hampton Bays as well – the wells in question are south of the of the Montauk Highway firehouse. The situation in Westhampton is more volatile. The Independent previously reported some local fire departments trained in a building at Gabreski and used the foam in some of their exercises. This has taken place for at least 10 years, one source said.
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More telling, and what had Schumer upset, is the overwhelming evidence that PFC contamination is rampant at Air Force bases all over the country and that Air Force officials have been reluctant to test for or remediate the problem. The suppressant has been widely used at airbases all over the country for decades.
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“I’ve said it before and I will say it again: every day that Suffolk County waits for this reimbursement is a day too many,” Schumer said Friday. “The Air National Guard is responsible for the cleanup of the toxic mess at Gabreski Airport and
Continued On Page 57.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Independent/Courtesy Ilana Babou-Harris’s
Eat/ing Your Heart Out
A still from Ilana Babou-Harris’s Cooking with the Erotic.
By Jessica Mackin-Cipro
Crush Curatorial in Amagansett presents “Eat/ing Your Heart Out,” an investigation of how, why, how much, and what drives our impulse to eat. The show is part of an ongoing collaboration with Brooklyn-based artist and curator Molly Surno. Along with Surno, the show includes artists Ilana Babou Harris, Christopher Chiappa, Christina Crawford, R. Crumb, Cheryl Donegan, Suzan Pitt, Joshua Schwartz, Allie Wist, and Elaine Tin Nyo.
“Molly and I have been having conversations about what an exhibit space can bring to the
East End that is outside the traditional gallery structure,” said Karen Hesse Flatow, founder of Crush Curatorial. “‘Eat/ing Your Heart Out’ will not only have performance and media-based work in the exhibit space, but will also expand beyond the potato barn walls.” Throughout the exhibition there will be a series of events including dinners, talks, and cooking classes. Event collaborators include Rirkrit Tiravanija, Almond Zigmund, and Scott Bluedorn. From hosting an artists’ dinner at Almond Restaurant in Bridgehampton, to a communal dinner with Tirivanija, to a foraging walk with Bluedorn,
the show expands far beyond the gallery walls.
“There is nothing more binding or alienating than eating, which is the subject of investigation for ‘Eat/ ing Your Heart Out,’” said Surno. “Food pleasure is a topic that we find on Instagram, on Pinterest, in blogs… so we are very savvy about looking almost in an erotic way at eating. ‘Eat/ing Your Heart Out’ poses a series of questions from the future of eating to sexual confusion and longing,” she continued. On display will be legendary cartoonist Crumb’s original drawings from the cookbook, Eat It, made up of his wife’s recipes;
Donegan’s Craft, where a variety of sculptures are made with the artist’s tongue; the installation, Recipe for Potable Water, by Wist, a method for desalinating ocean water for drinking in the face of sea level rise; Surno’s vagina cake, animating the hyperbolic relationship between sexual desire and eating; Chiappa’s Swiss Project, wall pieces made from deli-collected Swiss cheese which are then enlarged and turned into water-cut aluminum sculptures; among several others.
There is an opening reception on Saturday from 6 to 9 PM. The show will run through October 2. For more details on additional events visit www.crush-curatorial.com.
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Town Guide: Liz Asaro
By Zachary Weiss
WHO: Liz Asaro ABOUT LIZ: Liz Asaro is a modern/alternative rock musician and mother of three based in New York City. Her newest single, “1000 Years,” was released last week. INSTAGRAM: @LizAsaroMusic LIZ’S FAVORITE SPOTS: Wakesurfing in Smith Cove. It’s
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completely addicting! Amazing any time of day, but surfing at sunset is extra special.
Sunset at Wiborg Beach in East Hampton. Just hanging with friends and kids, bringing dinner, or sitting by a fire. When you walk away at dusk it’s like you are saying goodnight to the ocean. I love buying anything from the farmstands out here. My weaknesses are the cinnamon rolls from Round Swamp Farm in East Hampton, and shishito peppers from Balsam Farms in Amagansett.
I love the Stephen Talkhouse for any live music. It’s just a great institution. I love both playing there, and being in the audience.
My hammock. My backyard is so Zen. I could lie there and look up into the trees all day – if I had time of course!
Artists Alliance of East Hampton
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
A Passion For Portraiture
By Nicole Teitler
prints of her fine art work in stores throughout the island. “I really do feel I lived back in the turn of the last century. I relate so much to the art and literature of that era. The way people dressed and the craftsmanship of that period are a lost art.”
When she was only three, Denise Franzino began copying Disney characters with a crayon in hand. Like most children, her first artworks were debuted throughout the walls of her home as curated by her mother, the household favorite being Mickey and friends. She later discovered her passion for art as a teenager growing up in Bellmore. Now, she has worked as a professional portrait artist for over 25 years, capturing her subjects in beautifully-depicted backgrounds with a surreal likeness. “The one key to painting a portrait is to work from big to small,” Franzino explained. “Drawing is paramount in portraiture. If you go off the slightest bit you lose the character of the sitter. Even if you paint every feature perfectly and you go off on the outside shape of the head, you’ve lost the likeness.” Franzino earned her bachelor of fine arts degree, with honors, in illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design, consistently listed as one of the top five art schools in the country.
“The school had a very good reputation. I also chose it because it was next to Brown University,” Franzino described. “I wanted to be near a school that offered football games and an eclectic group of people. I never fit in with the so-called ‘art crowd.’ I was more conservative and felt Brown would fill in that gap. I also liked the reciprocity program they offered. If Brown students wanted to take classes at RISD and if RISD students wanted to take classes at Brown, it was encouraged.”
Upon graduation Franzino landed an illustrious position as an illustrator for The New York Times. Additional resume mentions include Doubleday Books and Harlequin Books, with several other publishing companies. However, not everything was as easy as it seemed. Lacking confidence in her skills led the 26-year-old Franzino to answer an ad in the paper to learn how to paint like “the Old Masters.” Her instructor, John Frederick Murray, changed the course of her life.
In her spare time, Franzino enjoys strolling through the Metropolitan Museum of Art, making a beeline for the American Wing.
“My fiancé laughs at me when I take a few days off and take a painting workshop. The beauty of my career is that there is always something to learn. It’s a blessing to love what you do.” Denise Franzino’s Caught by Surprise.
“I walked into his studio and felt like I was transported back in time to the Renaissance. The drawings and paintings looked like Michelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci had done them. Right then and there I said to myself ‘I don’t care what it takes, this is what I aspire to do one day,’” Franzino said. She studied with Murray for 11 years, and upon her completion segued from illustration to portraiture. “His unending guidance and patience gave me the tools to become the artist I am today. I think of him every day, and owe all my accomplishments to him.” With a style best described as American Impressionism, the artist works on both toned and white canvas, depending on the subject at hand. Formal drawings are posed with the subject looking at the viewer. For interiors, a professional photographer is hired to adjust lighting. Informal portraits are figure impressions, such as playing on the beach with a spontaneous connotation, and typically have as many as 250 pictures taken. The plethora of options allows for
Independent / Courtesy Denise Franzino
composite paintings, taking the best version of individual fragments and blending them into a seamless image. Upon the selection of the best photos, Franzino paints an intricately detailed 8x10 of the blended fragments, allowing clients to physically see her vision and provide any feedback before the final, larger portrait is done.
Whether it’s local or at a home away from home, Franzino will travel to locations of sentimental value to her subjects. “I love using locations on Long Island as backdrops for the paintings. There is such a beautiful abundance to choose from. My clients’ happiness is my number-one priority. It’s their painting that they are going to have forever.”
The process of a typical portrait takes as long as three months to complete, from photo shoot to finished product, with price points ranging from $2500 to $20,000. “Most of my work I utilize photographs. No one can sit for days to complete a portrait from life, especially children.” For something a little less pricey, the artist sells Victorian style
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Art aside, she and her fiancé are avid travelers with an affinity for the outdoors, and she also enjoys time spent with her dog, Penny. Recently, Franzino was a finalist in the prestigious Portrait Society of America’s members-only competition where there were over 1100 entries, quite the artistic achievement. Find Denise Franzino online at www.denisefranzino.com, call at 631-385-0192 or email info@ denisefranzino.com. You can follow more stories from Nicole Teitler on Facebook and Instagram @Nikki on the Daily.
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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Indy Style
Independent/Courtesy Mo. Import Co.
Vintage And Handmade Finds From Missouri Import Company
By Jessica Mackin-Cipro
Missouri Import Company, aka Mo. Import Co., is an Amagansett-based collection of storied goods sourced by Dakota
Arkin Cafourek, a wayfaring gal from the East End, and Andrew Cafourek, a code writing, bearded man from the Midwest. The husband and wife team are
bringing vintage and handmade home goods from across the country back to New York, as they scout shops and items, handselecting unique finds for their inventory. What Mo. Import Co. provides is a combination of furniture, textiles, gear, and grooming.
“We salvage and refurbish furniture, and collaborate with diverse craftspeople to spread their talent,” said Dakota. “I fell in love with the Midwest through my
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Minnesota-born, Missouri-raised husband,” she continued.
After finding special selections of handmade Americana, the couple drives a truck full of goods crosscountry back to their home turf — the Hamptons and New York City. “We are drawn to character and a good character has a good story and is good fun, and that is what we look for when we make these selections from our travels and wanderings,” said Dakota. “Call us dreamers, but we like knowing each piece in the home can tell a story.”
Mo. Import Co. will host its firstever New York City pop up at Artists & Fleas Soho this Monday through Sunday, September 24. For more information, to purchase items, or to read stories of the duo’s adventures, visit www. moimport.co.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Indy Style
Hampton Daze by Jessica Mackin-Cipro
Independent/Frazer Harrison, Anna Webber, Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for Desigual
Desigual NYFW
Desigual unveiled its Spring/ Summer 2018 show at New York Fashion Week on Thursday. It marked Jean-Paul Goude’s first step as artistic director of the brand. Goude was tasked with creating a presentation that would bring both bold novelty and unique appeal to complement Desigual’s longestablished DNA, which celebrates optimism and individuality. The runway show and its accompanying performance were a celebration of diversity, eclecticism, and originality. Each model represented a singular character, with makeup and hairstyles that further pushed the boundaries of
The women’s fashion was inspired by a voyage through different types of jungles. The show also included a 16-piece capsule collection called “Desigual Couture” designed by Goude himself.
Goude said he sought to champion “cultural diversity, street-chic as a democratized form of couture, festivity, originality, rhythm, and humor—these are the values that
not only refer to Desigual’s DNA, but to my own, as well. Let’s say we are on the same wavelength.” Attendees of the NYFW show included Sabina Socol, Armela Jakova, Marienne Mirage, Macarena GarcÌa, Stephen Gan, Yolanda Hadid, Ivan Bart, Fern Mallis, Azealia Banks, A$AP Ferg, Tinashe, Slick Rick, Justine Skye, and many others. 25
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Indy Snaps
Late Summer Cocktail Party Photos by Morgan McGivern
The Southampton Historical Museum held its late summer cocktail party at Rogers Mansion in Southampton on Saturday evening. The event was hosted by Marge Sullivan, chairperson of the board of trustees and Peter Hallock, museum advisor. Guests enjoyed music by DJ Twilo. 26
Graduation Party Photos by Rob Rich/www.societyallure.com
A graduation party for Avery Singer, daughter of “Real Housewives of New York City” Ramona Singer, was held on September 3 in Southampton. Singer graduated from University of Virginia in May.
the Independent
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Starting at
September 13
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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Indy Snaps
Hermes Party
Photos by Rob Rich/www.societyallure.com
Hermes hosted its annual Hampton Classic party on the grounds of the horse show on September 1. 28
Labor Day Party Photos by Rob Rich/www.societyallure.com
Andy Sabin hosted his annual Labor Day party in Amagansett on September 3.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Longhouse Reserve Landscape Awards
By Jessica Mackin-Cipro
LongHouse Reserve’s biennial Landscape Awards luncheon will be held on Saturday at noon. The event takes place as a celebration of outstanding landscape design and creativity, held at the 16-acre reserve in East Hampton.
The luncheon will follow a pre-awards lecture featuring honorees Deborah Nevins and Kris Jarantoski at Hoie Hall at St. Luke’s Church in East Hampton at 10 AM.
The event will honor Nevins for her spectacular civic gardens that are said to be an inspiration. The noted landscape designer and founder of her Manhattan-based firm is responsible for projects around the globe, including the Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center in Athens and many significant greenroof plantings. Jarantoski is the outgoing executive vice president and director of the Chicago Botanic Garden. He will
be recognized for building the remarkable oasis. He has played a major role in the creation of the 27 distinct gardens and four natural areas of the 385-acre campus. Similar to the landscape artists being honored, LongHouse
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Independent/Courtesy LongHouse
brings together art and nature, and aesthetics and spirit. There are over 60 sculptures in the gardens including works of glass by Dale Chihuly, ceramics by Toshiko Takaezu, and bronzes by Eric
Fischl, Lynda Benglis, and Willem de Kooning. Works by George Rickey, Alfonso Ossorio, Yoko Ono, Pavel Opocensky, and Takashi Soga are also on view. For more info visit www.longhouse.org.
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Gallery Walk
by Jessica Mackin-Cipro Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com.
from 5:30 to 7 PM. Light snacks will be served.
Look Deeper
The Artists Alliance of East Hampton is hosting its 30th annual Studio Tour on Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM. Twenty artists will exhibit their work, including paintings, drawings, and sculpture. The tour is free and open to the public. To download the tour map visit www. aaeh.org.
The White Room Gallery in Bridgehampton presents “Look Deeper.” The show will feature works by artists Zoe Green, Alyssa Peek, Laurie Fishman, Kevin Bishop, and Adrienne Fierman. The show opens today and runs through October 1. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, September 23, from 5 to 7 PM. For more info visit www.thewhiteroom.gallery. Romany Kramoris Gallery Romany Kramoris Gallery in Sag Harbor presents a group art show featuring the works of Peter Lipman-Wulf, Franklin Engel, Bob Rothstein, and Isabel Pavão. The exhibit will be on display through September 28, with a reception for the artists on Saturday from 5 to 6:30 PM. Yan Gabriella Peropat East End Arts presents a new art exhibit at the Riverhead Town Hall gallery featuring artwork on paper by Yan Gabriella Peropat. The community is invited to meet the artist at a reception on Tuesday
Studio Tour
Free Falling… The group art exhibit “Free Falling…” will be held at Ashawagh Hall in Springs. Artists include Kirsten Benfield, Chris Butler, Anahi DeCanio, Jerry Schwabe, and Richard Dice. An opening reception will be held on Saturday from 5 to 8 PM. Restorative Nature “Restorative Nature,” paintings and sculpture by Gina Gilmour, will be on display at Suffolk County Community College through October 24. The show is an exhibit of paintings and sculpture ranging from small ceramic sculptures to paintings up to six feet high. View her works in the Lyceum Gallery, in the Montaukett Learning Resource Center on the Eastern Campus of SCCC in Riverhead. A public reception will be held today from 4 to 6 PM. ONGOING The Triumph of American Modernism
631-287TOTS 631-287-TOTS
“The Triumph of American Modernism” is on display at the Janet Lehr Gallery in East
Alvin Langdon Coburn’s Pillars of Smoke, Pittsburgh on display at the Janet Lehr Gallery in East Hampton.
Hampton. The exhibit will be open until September 20. The exhibit includes art by Marsden Hartley, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Charles Demuth, Morton Schamberg, Joseph Stella, Oscar Bluemner, Niles Spencer, Willem de Kooning, John Graham, Man Ray, and Ralston Crawford. Rebecca Harary was honored last Saturday at the gallery to celebrate her candidacy for City Council, NYC. Rental Gallery Rental Gallery in East Hampton presents Geoff McFetridge’s “Test for Positive Thinking” and Elsa Hansen Oldham’s “New Work.” The show will run through October 31. For more info visit rentalgallery. us. Avedon’s America Avedon’s America is on display at Guild Hall in East Hampton through October 9. Displaying over 50 years of Richard Avedon’s photographic career, the show is a comprehensive presentation of black and white images that are as visually striking as they are psychologically intriguing. Visit www.guildhall.org. Perceptive Dimension Alex Ferrone Gallery on the North Fork presents the “Perceptive
Dimension” exhibit featuring two new photographic series by regional artists Carolyn Conrad and Scott Farrell. On exhibit are works that depict the artists’ sensitivity and awareness of the integral spatial and dimensional aspects of varied scenes. “Perceptive Dimension” runs through October 8. Reading Grey Gardens The Drawing Room in East Hampton presents the exhibition Mary Ellen Bartley’s “Reading Grey Gardens.” The show runs through October 15. Water Tulla Booth Gallery in Sag Harbor presents “Water: The Element That Surrounds Us.” The show features artists Stephen Wilkes, Daniel Jones, Dawn Watson, Blair Seagram, and Herb Friedman. The exhibit will run through October 15. Between the Lines Roman Fine Art in East Hampton presents a solo exhibition by Tim Conlon. This exhibition of new paintings and train sculptures titled “Between the Lines” marks Conlon’s first solo exhibit at Roman Fine Art. The exhibit showcases the artist’s latest work in his ongoing Blank Canvas series, a collection of freight train paintings that combine typography, abstraction, and trompe-l’oeil. The show will run through September 24. Visit www. romanfineart.com.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Reporting From Broadway by Isa Goldberg Michael Moore on Broadway, The Terms of My Surrender Reading a letter from ABC inviting him, Michael Moore, to appear on “Dancing with the Stars,” the curmudgeonly showman takes it as a death notice. Nothing scares him more than dancing; he just can’t do it. But hold that thought. We’ll get back to it in Michael Moore on Broadway, The Terms of My Surrender. Presenting his platform for his 2020 Presidential run, Moore promises free HBO for all Americans, a ban on low flow showerheads, and two free joints, delivered weekly by the US Postal Service. Isn’t that something every American can understand just as easily as “You’re fired!?” Stirring things up for a change, Moore is not about to surrender; he will bring Donald Trump down.
That is why he has called us all here, to the Belasco Theatre, for a 12-step meeting. His higher power is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And the addiction he’s working on is the drunken notion that Trump will be stopped without our having to do anything. While compassionate, his target is our fear of taking active measures to defeat the 45th President -- the apathy, lethargy, and spinelessness of liberal Americans, who allowed “this” to happen. His admonition, “Sober the (expletive) up!” Describing our pathos, using his knowledge of the political scene, Moore presents a database of factoids about how the Democrats lost the 2016 Presidential election. One glaring statistic, that Clinton lost the state of Michigan by just two votes per precinct, drives the point. Activism starts small, but it starts with us. More importantly, he is probing and down-to-earth in analyzing the issues facing our country. His genius comes out in the way he
follows a thread of information as it connects with another, and attaches itself to the bigger picture. Working his way from the biopsy to the disease, his ability to conceptualize and communicate in simple English is inspiring to witness. And if it propels us to action, as the Q& A afterward indicated, his show would have been civically worthwhile, too. Of course, Moore is here to stir us up, to empower us, and to free us to all to play a role in changing the direction our country is taking. His premise, that everyone should run for office, is one he shores up with his own experiences, like getting his friends to vote him onto the Board of Education when he was in high school, so he could get their principal fired. What 18-year-old voter wouldn’t go along with that? It’s easy. Still, facing one’s fears is never easy. In the end, he faces his own – dancing. Like the buff cops who step into their roles on the kick line, Michael Moore sends us into the night, inspired to stand up with courage. The Prince of Broadway Nostalgia, in the very best sense – as a recollection of the past because it rings powerfully in our memory, drives The Prince of Broadway. A musical revue really, the eponymous Prince spans the decades from 1954 to 1986, the years during which Hal Prince directed and produced a run of Broadway hits, from West Side Story, Follies, and Fiddler on the Roof, to Kiss of the Spider Woman. At its soul, the show is a compilation of the best musical numbers you can see in one evening in a Broadway theater. In addition, each of the incredible performers who carries it, is tasked with reciting stories about Hal Prince, most of which succeed for their brevity. But there is one,
Michael Moore in The Terms of My Surrender.
in particular, that speaks to this incredibly enjoyable evening of theater, and it’s about Prince’s revival of Showboat. It was the only revival Prince produced apparently, and he chose it because it’s about the two things he loved most, family and theater. Beyond that, the vanity aspects of a Broadway musical about the man who directs it are swept seamlessly into the background. Prince is not known for his ego, nor is ego the soul of the theater, as Prince envisioned it.
In addition to the selection of great numbers, the cast is wonderful. Tony Yazbeck breaks out into a rousing tap routine singing Buddy’s song, “The Right Girl” (Follies), and shows up in Act II as a decimated Leo Frank in Parade about the immigrant Jewish factory manager who was lynched in Atlanta in 1913. He rolls through an enormous number of characters and songs here, from Tony in West Side Story, to Che in Evita, with Janet Dacal, a stunning Eva Peron. With her amazing gift for acting a song, Karen Ziemba takes on some powerful roles as well. Her interpretative approach to
Independent/Joan Marcus
the gorilla in Cabaret, and her emergence as the saddest of souls, Fraulein Schneider, are selflessly portrayed. But in Sweeney Todd, Ziemba is, in Mrs. Lovett’s words, “disgusting,” just like that old cannibal pie maker she portrays.
Warbling her way through a great range of musical styles from Sondheim to Weber, Emily Skinner hits an incredible high note in her rendition of “Send in The Clowns.” And Bryonha Marie Parham brings down the house at the end of Act I, singing Sally Bowles’s song in Cabaret. From the looks of things, it’s time for another revival of that beloved show with Brandon Uranowitz as Emcee. He also rolls through a multitude of songs before we arrive at the show’s eleventh hour number – Kaley Ann Voorhees (Christine) and Michael Xavier in The Phantom of The Opera. Best for last: Chuck Cooper, portraying the American slave in “Ol’ Man River” from Showboat.
If the wonderful confections of American musical theater thrill you, watching this show is like hanging out at Levain Bakery early in the morning, before the first customer arrives.
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
Entertainment Guide by Bridget LeRoy MUSIC the classic & the classical There’ll be dancing in the streets, and beyond the sea, at Suffolk Theater in Riverhead this weekend, starting on Friday night, when Darin & Dino: New Millennium Big Band takes the stage at 8 PM. The 19-piece orchestra salutes Bobby Darin and Dean Martin, and the place opens at 6:30 for drinks, row seating, and even cabaret seating with dining for the full experience. Ain’t that a kick in the head? Tickets are $39 and $45
Then on Saturday night, it’s Motown’s own Martha Reeves & the Vandellas, with songs you walk into the theater singing, like “Heatwave” and “Jimmy Mack.” There’ll be swinging, swaying, and records playing for the show that starts at 8, with doors opening at 6:30.
Tickets $55, $65, $69.
Feeling a little bit classical and a little bit peckish, on Sunday during the day the Altezza Piano Trio will present classical, romantic, and 20th century favorites. First in a new brunch series offered by the theater, young performers from Juilliard will serve up classical music while you enjoy your eggs Benny. Come in casual, get a little cultchah. Doors open at 11:30, show begins at 1 PM. Tickets are $29, brunch is additional. Get your seats through www. suffolktheater.com, or by calling the box office at 631-727-4343. at the talkhouse
Amagansett’s favorite venue offers up a few shows this week, starting tonight with Odell Fox at 8 PM. Tomorrow is Outrageous Open Mic Night at 8, followed on Friday by Sarah Conway
Sarah Conway and the Playful Souls take the stage at The Talkhouse.
and the Playful Souls at 8 PM, an eclectic mix of rock, country, blues, and gospel. On Friday at 10, it’s PUMP! Saturday sees Black & Sparrow at 8, followed by Hello Brooklyn at 10 PM. For information about tickets prices and more, visit www.stephentalkhouse. com or call 631-267-3117. FILM
ANGELS PART TWO Guild Hall offers up Part II of Angels in America, Tony Kushner’s brilliant take on the AIDS epidemic in the ‘80s, on Friday at 7 PM. The National Theatre live screening of Angels in America Part II – Perestroika, features Andrew Garfield and Nathan Lane, among others. Tickets are available through www.GuildHall.org or the box office two hours prior to screening. General admission is $18 ($16 for members). POLLOCK KRASNER spotlights milos forman
For a full list of services please visit our website, www.jcoh.org or call all the Jewish Center at 631-324-9858 or e-mail Diane Wiener, Executive Director at director@jcoh.org. Rabbi Joshua Franklin | Cantor/Rabbi Debra Stein Diane Wiener, Executive Director | Harry A. Katz, President Edina Segal, Director of Jewish Education & Family Engagement
In conjunction with the exhibit “Abstract Expressionism Behind the Iron Curtain,” the Pollock Krasner House in Springs continues its series centering on Eastern European filmmakers during the 1950s and 1960s. Under Communism, cinema was among the most important instrument for social criticism and ideological debate. Moreover, directors like Milos Forman and Roman Polanski took their anti- authoritarian themes with them when they left their countries to make movies elsewhere. This week the film is Milos Forman’s The Fireman’s Ball, made in Czechoslovakia prior to Forman’s outstanding American successes like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Hair. The film and discussion is at 7 PM on Friday, hosted by Marion Wolberg Weiss. Admission is free. Call 631-3244929 for information. on calder
On Saturday at 6 PM, East End filmmaker Roger Sherman screens and
discusses his Emmy- and Peabodyaward winning documentary, Alexander Calder, a film Charlie Rose dubbed “an extraordinary American masterpiece.” A Hamptons Take 2 Documentary Film Festival copresentation, the screening will be held at the Amagansett Free Library. For information and reservations, call 631267-3810 or register online at www. amaglibrary.org under “Listing of Events.” words
War widow Join the East Hampton Library on Saturday from 1 to 3 PM for a talk with Ziva Bakman-Flamhaft, author of War Widow: How the Six Day War Changed My Life.
Dr. Ziva Bakman-Flamhaft is a lecturer in political science, a Fulbright scholar, and a memoirist. In 1968 as a young war widow in Israel, she became an activist and a mentor to other war widows. A year later she arrived in the US to serve her government and remained in New York ever since. Her first book Israel on the Road to Peace: Accepting the Unacceptable was published in 1996. Inspired by the 2015 Nobel laureate, Svetlana Alexievich, who documented human suffering by tyranny and war, Flamhaft plans to publish her interviews of Israeli women and her Palestinian assistant in a book form. Sign up at the adult reference desk, or call 631-324-0222 x 3 to attend. ART
PARRISH PECHAKUCHA The Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill features speakers giving rapidfire presentations about living creatively on the East End at the 21st PechaKucha Night Hamptons on Friday at 6 PM. At this iteration of PechaKucha, speakers will show 20 slides for 20 seconds in compelling under-seven-minute presentations. Continued On Page 48.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Arts & Entertainment
East End Calendar by Kitty Merrill Each week we’ll highlight local community events and library offerings presented by area institutions and organizations. It’s on you to send ‘em in, kids. Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email news@indyeastend.com.
East Hampton
garden. To register for the program, call 631-288-3335 or sign-up online at www.westhamptonlibrary.net. THURSDAY 9•14•17
• Learn about memoir writing from Joan Baum at 5:30 PM at Rogers Library in Southampton. Register by calling 631-283-0774 exxt.523.
SATURDAY 9•16•17
FRIDAY 9•15•17
• Following a short introduction explaining different types of moss and their origins, hike part of the beautiful Point Woods trail network with the East Hampton Trails Preservation Society at 10 AM and focus attention on the mosses abundant there. No strollers or baby carriages, please. Meet on Camp Hero Rd., a right turn off Rte. 27 in Montauk, about a mile east of Deep Hollow Ranch. Leader: Victoria Bond. 631-329-5441.
• At noon, journalist and author Isabel Vincent will speak on the freedom of the press and the First Amendment at the Westhampton Free Library. Vincent is an investigative reporter for the New York Post and has been a defendant in numerous lawsuits over her reporting. She will discuss her book, Gilded Lily: Lily Safra, the Making of One of the World’s Wealthiest Widows, which was banned by a court in Brazil. To register, call 631-288-3335 or sign up online at www.westhamptonlibrary. net.
• A writers’ workshop will be held at the Amagansett Library the first and third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM, beginning tonight. Look forward to meeting guest speakers for professional guidance and support. Call 631-267-3810 for the deets.
WEDNESDAY 9•13•17 • A support group for grandparents raising grandchildren takes place the second Wednesday of each month at the Hampton Bays Senior Center on Ponquogue Avenue at 6 PM. Childcare is available. Call 631-728-1235 to learn more. • Tweens, grades four to six, are invited to help the Westhampton Free Library set up a new garden root viewer at 4 PM. Participants will also learn about plants and help tend to the Tween
• The South Fork Natural History Museum welcomes the Montauk Observatory to discuss the astronomy of the Milky Way at 7 PM. Astronomer Dr. Mike Inglis is the guest speaker and a guided tour of the night sky follows his talk. The program is free. Visit www. sofo.org for additional information and to register. SATURDAY 9•16•17
• Take part in international coastal clean-up day in Sag Harbor with the South Fork Natural History Museum at 10:30 AM. Visit www.sofo.org for additional information and to register.
• The Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons will hold a book, plant, and yard sale from 9 AM till noon at the Bridgehampton Community House on the School Street side of the building. Find treasures for your inside and outside garden.
Friends. Family. Community. Dermot PJ Dolan, Agent 2228 Montauk Hwy Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Bus: 631-537-2622 Bus: 212-380-8318 dermot@dermotdolan.com
We’re all in this together. State Farm® has a long tradition of being there. That’s one reason why I’m proud to support Local After School Programs like Project MOST. Get to a better State®. State Farm, Bloomington, IL
• Meet author Kimberly Rae Miller at 3:30 PM., at the Westhampton Free Library. Miller is the author of Coming Clean: A Memoir. Her book discusses growing up as the daughter of a hoarder. To register for the program, call 631-288-3335 or sign up online at www.westhamptonlibrary.net. • The Southampton Historical Society hosts an antiques fair at the Rogers Mansion from 11 AM to 4 PM.
• Kids can “Touch a Truck” for free at the Hampton Bays Firehouse from 11 AM to 2 PM.
• Learn about organic gardening with the Peconic Land Trust at Bridge Gardens in Bridgehampton at 10 AM. Call 631-283-3195 to save your seat. SUNDAY 9•17•17
• Marders in Bridgehampton hosts weekly workshops designed to help you improve your garden at 10 AM. This week, the topic is “Fall lawn care, fall pruning and putting your garden to bed.” Bring in your tools for a quick sharpening, too. • South Fork Natural History Museum hosts an outdoor workshop in Southampton titled, “Seaweed Art . . . And Science.” Learn how to identify, collect and press seaweed using techniques to highlight the plant’s color, shape, and form. 11 AM. Visit www.sofo.org for additional information and to register.
• Meet author Ziva Bakman-Flamhaft, at 1 PM at the Westhampton Free Library. Bakman-Flamhaft is the author of War Widow: How the Six Day War Changed My Life. Her book chronicles both the dangers and delights of her childhood in Israel and the tragedy during the brutal, Six Day War that cut her happy marriage short. To register for the program, call 631288-3335 or sign up online at www. westhamptonlibrary.net. • In September a great variety of tropical fishes can be found in Shinnecock Bay: Butterflyfish, Filefish, Jacks, Trunkfish, Cornetfish, Groupers. Join the Group for the East End
in Hampton Bays to wade with seines and dip nets in search of these southern visitors. Please wear water shoes. 1 to 3 PM. For reservations or more information, please contact Steve Biasetti at 631-765-6450 ext. 205 or sbiasetti@eastendenvironment.org. MONDAY 9•18•17
• Rogers Library in Southampton screens The Eagle Huntress today at 3 PM . This 2016 winner of the Hamptons Film Festival award for best documentary tells the story of a 13-year-old girl who tries to be the first Kazakh female eagle hunter. Visit the library’s website to register or call 631283-0774 ext. 523. • At 6 PM, Rogers Library in Southampton, in collaboration with Southampton Hospital, sponsors a talk about tick-borne diseases. Call the library to sign up. TUESDAY 9•19•17
• Chair yoga for seniors is held at the Hampton Bays Senior Center every Tuesday from 10:30 to 11:15 AM.
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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Oysters And Brews, A Perfect Pairing
The localized relationship is almost symbiotic. A brewery always pushing the boundaries of what traditional beer is and a trusted eatery with an appetite for what’s next. But the real question is, can they shuck themselves?
By Nicole Teitler
“Drink and eat local,” John Liegey, co-founder of Greenport Harbor Brewing, echoed over the phone. I’m on a three-way call with him and Ian Wile, owner of Little Creek Oyster Farm & Market.
“Ian taught me how to shuck my own oysters. I don’t know if they’re any tastier when I open them,” Liegey chuckled. “99.9 percent of the time it’s not me opening my own.”
The two first met approximately five years ago at Greenport’s Oyster Festival, an event dedicated to brews and bivalves. Now, with the brewery’s new expansion into a dual location in Peconic, together they have teamed up to serve the community -- customers can now indulge in Greenport on tap at the oyster market. “I feel like Little Creek is pretty much the epicenter of our connection to Greenport,” Liegey said. “Ian is just amazing. Everybody there has been super supportive of us. When the series first started, which is super select and very limited, we picked out a handful of places to offer the beer and Little Creek was an immediate decision. I love going there, being there -- I feel at home there.”
“It’s fine. I don’t brew my own beer,” Wile responded lightheartedly. The brewery maintains a local mentality, sending out only eight kegs to New York and eight on Long Island. The rest stays within the community. Little Creek is ideally situated just steps away from the Shelter Island ferry and off Front Street, making it a great drinking experience location. The beers released are selective but thankfully there’s no end in sight for this flavorful partnership.
Independent / Courtesy Greenport Harbor Brewing
Wile takes a liking to the playful experimentation of the whole thing. You never know what you’re going to get. “We’ve always enjoyed the Greenport tasting room. And we share in a customer population that’s willing to break out of their habits.” Personal favorites include the Berliners, with their intense sour flavoring. One from the summer season included the Fuzzy Flamingo, a light pink beer that’s anything but ordinary. “It totally challenges what people think of when they think of beer. With daring flavors in it.” Here today, gone tomorrow, Greenport likes to switch things up with limited releases that are often times at Little Creek for palatable adventures. Craving that fall pumpkin spice? The Leaf Pile Ale is ready for the sipping. Could it be next to your favorite oysters? Stop in to find out every Thursday during beer release night.
Wholesale 725-9087 Retail 725-9004 34
Join Liegey and Ian Wile will be at the fifth annual Oyster Fest on October 8, a kickoff to prime oyster season during the months of October through December. Most importantly, raise a glass of the new Oyster Stout to a shucking good time! Greenport Harbor Brewing is located at 234 Carpenter Street in Greenport (the original brewery) and at 42155 Main Road in Peconic. Call them at 631-4771100, visit them online at www. greenportharborbrewing.com and follow them for the latest “hops” on Instagram @Greenportbrew. Little Creek Oyster Farm & Market is located at 37 Front Street in Greenport. Call them at 631-477-6992 or visit them online at www.littlecreekoysters.com. Don’t forget their Instagram @ Northforkoysters. You can follow more stories from Nicole Teitler on Facebook and Instagram @Nikki on the Daily.
Prime Meats • Groceries Produce • Take-Out Fried Chicken • BBQ Ribs Sandwiches • Salads Party Platters and 6ft. Heroes Beer, Ice, Soda
Open 7 Days a Week
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Guest Worthy Recipe: Jennifer Glanville
By Zachary Weiss WHO:
Jennifer Glanville, director of brewery programs with Samuel Adams JENNIFER’S GUEST WORTHY RECIPE:
Chick’nCone Crispy Fried Chicken Topped with Crockpot Sam Adams Beer Cheese WHY? “There’s a reason people have been celebrating Oktoberfest in Germany for centuries – it’s the best party to bring together friends and family over great food and great beer. This year, we’re thrilled to bring NYC foodies and craft beer lovers alike a Sam Adams OctoberFest-infused Chick’nCone, a mouth-watering recipe perfect for the fall season. While the deliciously fried chicken and waffle cone drizzled with OctoberFest beer cheese might look intimidating, pair it with a stein of Sam Adams OctoberFest and both the cone and the beer will be gone before you know it!” INGREDIENTS FOR THE FRIED CHICKEN 1 chicken breast
1/2 c of buttermilk 1/2 c of flour
1 c Panko bread crumbs
Seasoning (to your liking) FOR THE BEER CHEESE 1 bottle Sam Adams OctoberFest 16 oz of shredded sharp cheddar 8 oz cream cheese 1 Tbsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard DIRECTIONS For the Beer Cheese Combine into crockpot and whisk every 20 minutes. Heat until melted and blended.
For the Fried Chicken Slice chicken breast into ¾ inch by 2 inch strips. Roll in flour and seasonings, covering completely. Add buttermilk.
Steaks this well done are rare! New York Shell Steak Porterhouse Steak Filet Mignon
Let chicken strips soak and then remove and place in Panko bread crumbs, covering completely. Chill for 1 hour.
In a fryer or frying pan use corn oil and bring to 350 degrees. Carefully place chicken strips in oil and fry for 6 minutes or until completely cooked and golden brown. Remove from oil and lightly salt. Slice into bite-sized pieces. Place in small mixing bowl and add 2 oz of Sam Adam’s OctoberFest Beer Cheese. Toss chicken until covered and place in waffle cone. For the Waffle Cone (If you’re making your own cone, CoBatCo Olde Tyme waffle cone mix is recommended.)
Mix with cool water following directions on bag. Ladle 1 oz of mix into center of waffle cone baker. Cook for 54 seconds. Remove and shape. For added flavor, squirt a small amount of Sriracha in a spiral shape in the cone mix before closing the baker lid.
Marinated in Cliff’s Special Sauce, then Broiled to your taste
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Cliff’s Elbow Room 1549 Main Road, Jamesport
Cliff’s Elbow Too!
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Cliff’s Rendezvous 313 E. Main Street Riverhead
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Recipe of the Week by Joe Cipro
Rigatoni With Sausage, Cherry Tomatoes, & Roasted Shallot Cream Sauce Ingredients 4 c dried rigatoni pasta
1 quart cherry tomatoes 1/2 lb ground sausage 10 oz arugula
3 Tbsp butter 3 shallots
1/2 c heavy cream
1/2 c grated parmesan cheese
2 sprigs of rosemary (chopped)
1 handful of parsley (chopped) 1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c white wine
1 Tbsp ground black pepper salt
Directions (serves 4)
Bring a medium sized pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Set your oven to 400 degrees. Peel the skins off the shallots and coat each Japanese RestauRant and sushi BaR
in a bit of olive oil. Wrap them in tin foil and roast for about 45 minutes.
While this is happening, par cook the ground sausage in a sauté pan over medium-high heat for about eight minutes or until the sausage begins to brown. Strain the fat and set aside for later.
While the shallots roast, chop the herbs and cut your tomatoes in half so that you’re ready to assemble the pasta. When the shallots come out of the oven, soft and golden brown, you can put them into the food
Fine Dining Specializing in Japanese Cuisine & Sushi Offering Lunch & Dinner Menus and Exotic Cocktails We also have a Tatami Room
To put everything together, start by heating a large sauté pan and add the pasta into the boiling salted water. The pasta will need eight to 10 minutes. Add the olive oil to the hot pan and begin to crisp the ground sausage. When the sausage begins to brown, deglaze the pan with the white wine and allow it to reduce for one minute before adding the cream, butter, cheese and roasted shallot puree. Allow these ingredients to incorporate and reduce until a creamy sauce consistency is achieved. The pasta should be strained and added to the dish, along with the tomatoes and arugula.
Toss in the final ingredients and allow them to simmer together in the cream sauce for another three minutes or so before finishing with the chopped herbs.
Open 7 Days for Lunch & Dinner
631-267-7600 40 Montauk Highway Amagansett, NY 36
processor and puree them with a bit of warm water and a touch more olive oil, if necessary.
18 Park Place East Hampton 324-5400 Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Take Out Orders
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Where To Wine by Kitty Merrill
Castello di Borghese Vineyard The tasting room is open daily from 11 AM to 5 PM. www. castellodiborghese.com.
from noon to 3 PM. www. sanninovineyard.com Pugliese Vineyards Stop by on Saturday for live music by Alyson Faith from 2 to 6 PM. Second Chance will take the stage on Sunday from 1 to 5 PM. www. pugliesevineyards.com.
Wölffer Estate Vineyard Sunset Fridays and Saturdays at the Wine Stand continue this weekend with music from 5 PM till sunset. Friday, Diego Campo plays, with Infinity Edge on deck for Saturday. www.wolffer.com Sannino Bella Vita Vineyard Be a winemaker for a day with a blending class offered Sunday
Baiting Hollow Farm Vineyard Baiting Hollow Farm Vineyard presents music on Thursday at 5 PM, surprise musical acts perform. On Saturday from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, it’s Craig Rose again and Spectrum from 2 to 6 PM. On Sunday, from 2 to 6 PM, it’s Ain’t So EZ. www. baitinghollowfarmvineyard.com.
Food & Beverage
by Jessica Mackin-Cipro Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com.
Martha Clara Vineyards
Clovis Point Vineyard and Winery
There’s a guided vineyard walk and tasting on Sunday beginning at 11 AM. Tickets are $15, reservations required. Visit the website for more info. www.marthaclaravineyards. com
Enjoy patio nights with live music from 6 to 9 PM. This week Teacherman performs. On Saturday it’s TJ Brown, and Bryan Gallo takes the stage Sunday. Both play from 1:30 to 5:30 PM. www. clovispointwines.com.
Southampton Publick House The Southampton Publick House presents weekly happenings. Monday is Monday Night Madness with $5 pints, $6 wings, and $7 burger platters from 5 to 10 PM. Monday through Friday is happy hour from 4 to 7 PM with wine and drink specials and half price
wings. Tuesday is 2-for-1 Tuesdays with two dinner entrees for the price of one from 5 to 10 PM. Wednesday is Industry Night at 10 PM with $5 pints, $8 house wines, $7 well drinks, and $7 Milagro margaritas. Thursday is a special prime rib dinner for $20. Friday hear tunes by DJ Dory at 10 PM and on Saturday music by DJ JetSet. Brunch takes place Saturday and Sunday from 11 AM to 3 PM. For more info visit www.publick. com.
ASTPORT LIQUORS Monday 9-6, Tuesday-Thursday Friday• &•Closed Saturday 9-9, 12-6 Open 12pm 6pm onSunday Monday OpenSunday Sunday 12pm-9-8, - 6pm Monday 12-7pm
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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
47 Montauk Highway, East Hampton, NY (631) 604-5585
Featuring all your favorite dishes & items. The best Japanese food in town! Zokkon Sushi available at Hampton Market Place
Montauk Seafood Festival Photos by Richard Lewin
Happy Hour Mon.-Thurs. 5-7pm
Serving Dinner 7 Nights
The Montauk Friends of Erin and the Kiwanis Club of East Hampton presented the fifth annual Montauk Seafood Festival on Saturday and Sunday, this year on the field opposite Uihlein’s. Under the tent, attendees had the opportunity to sample an array of delicious seafood delicacies prepared by various Montauk restaurants. Music by the 3Bs, crab races, face painting, marine information provided by the East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery, and more rounded out the fun. The event benefited Toys for Tots, Pediatric Trauma, Montauk St. Patrick’s Day Parade, education scholarships, and other organizations. After stuffing themselves at the festival, many of the guests walked to Lynn’s Hula Hut at Montauk Marine Basin to relax and to try their special Hula Juice.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Chevrolet Express Cargo Vans
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656 County Road 39A Southampton, New York 11968 631-287-1000 *Prices good until 10/2/17. All in stock vans available wit similar savings. Hurry in while supplies last. Thank you! 39
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Charity News
Southampton Animal Shelter Benefit At Boardy Barn
Janice D’Angelo, Owner
Jeffrey Yohai, Rph, Owner •AHAVA •Dr. Hauschka •ALIXX Candles (France) •Mason Pearson (London)
•Crabtree & Evelyn •Thymes •Douglas Plush Toys •Lilly Pulitzer
“I just love how you have changed the Pharmacy and how bright and inviting it is... and the staff is so helpful and friendly.” -George & Jeanette Smith 120 Main Street, Sag Harbor SagHarborPharmacy@aol.com www.SagHarborPharm.com
Phone: (631) 725-0074 Fax: (631) 725-8672
Photos by Nicole Teitler
The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation hosted its eighth annual benefit at the Boardy Barn in Hampton Bays on Saturday night. There was a Chinese auction, 50-50 raffle, silent auction, door prizes, buffet dinner, and cash bar.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Charity News
Sweet Charities
by Jessica Mackin-Cipro Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com. Let’s Get CrackinG Fighting Chance, a free cancer counseling center on the East End, will host Let’s Get Cracking, a lobster bash at Duryea’s Lobster Deck in Montauk on Friday. Seatings are at noon and 1:30 PM. The cost is $60 and all proceeds support the work of Fighting Chance. For reservations call 631725-4646. ELIH Charities On Saturday and Sunday Eastern Long Island Hospital presents its North Fork Tennis Open, hosted by the TWIGS branch of the ELIH auxiliary at the tennis courts at Peconic Landing in Greenport. On Sunday, the Eat for Change fundraiser will be held at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Riverhead from 4 to 8 PM. Fifty percent of proceeds will be donated to ELIH.
On September 23 and 24 it’s the Dream Green Extravaganza with 65 cash prizes. Top prize is $50,000 and the cost is $100 per raffle
ticket. The drawing will be held on Sunday, September 24, at 4 PM at the Dream Green booth at the East End Seaport Museum Maritime Festival in Greenport. For more info on all events, call 631-4775463. Evening by the Sea Hampton Bays Rotary will host its 11th annual “Autumn Evening by the Sea” fundraiser on Thursday, September 21, from 6 to 8 PM at Oakland’s Restaurant. The event benefits a water-related charity each year, with last year’s proceeds creating life-ring stations along the Shinnecock Canal in a joint project with the Rotary Club of Southampton. This year’s focus is raising money for the purchase of water filtration straws to be distributed by Rotary member Jennifer Sheipe Halsey. Halsey travels to Ghana for her personal charity mission “Giving HOPE to Ghana,” and her team will distribute the straws on their next visit. Admission is $45 per person and includes open bar and ample appetizers. Those unable to attend
may purchase raffle tickets offering a $2000 grand prize and dinner for two at 12 local restaurants as a second prize. For tickets visit the Hampton Bays Library, Carolyn’s Good Ground Cleaners, or download a reservation form at www.hamptonbaysrotary.org. Diabetes Research Institute Hit the pedals and enjoy a beautiful scenic tour by joining Empire Ride for the Diabetes Research Institute, which is participating
in the Massapequa Park Bicycle Club Tour of the Hamptons on Sunday, September 24. Funds raised by participants will support the Diabetes Research Institute and its mission to find a biological cure for diabetes. This scenic ride, from 7:30 AM to 5 PM, will begin at Southampton High School. The tour has routes of 25, 50, 70, 100 miles, and two 25-miles guided rides. Register online for $45 and create a personal fundraising page at www.RidefortheDRI.org to generate support from family, friends, and colleagues.
Coastal Cleanup Day
By Kitty Merrill
Saturday is International Coastal Cleanup Day. Surfrider Foundation’s Eastern Long Island Chapter has an ambitious goal. They want to pick up as much trash as possible at as many beaches as possible between Montauk and the Moriches Inlet. Grab a friend or two, and go to your favorite beach prepared
to collect some trash. But don’t throw it away! One week later, on Saturday, September 23, Surfrider is screening the film A Plastic Ocean at Southampton Arts Center. They plan to have all of the trash collected from International Coastal Cleanup Day on display. If you participate in the cleanup, admission to the screening is free. Visit the chapter’s Facebook page for details.
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
THE INDEPENDENT Min Date = 8/4/2017 Max Date = 8/10/2017
Source: Suffolk Research Service, Inc., Hampton Bays, NY 11946 * -- Vacant Land
Real Estate SELL
East Hampton Town ZIPCODE 11937 - EAST HAMPTON Studnicky,S &Ellis,A Dessoffy W & M Silvestera&Blazhevic Lein, P Balliro, A Zuccotti, G & M Quiroz,, H & P DeCristofaro, E & M Cameron, B & V Rosenthal, R Yassky, B Balliro, A Moncayo,K &Briones,K Mucci, D Buchbinder,J &Shomer Cutler, D & J SRP 2012-5 LLC Sivan, A &S by Ref ZIPCODE 11954 - MONTAUK 25 Farragut LLC Guarino, C by Exrs Graham, M & C Capuano, M & C Riverhead Town ZIPCODE 11792 - WADING RIVER Culcasi HomeBuilders County of Suffolk ZIPCODE 11901 - RIVERHEAD Feit, D & Kohen, J Reed, G & A Newby, H Rogoz,M & I &Didio,A ZIPCODE 11931 - AQUEBOGUE Buckley, R Siviglia, R Berges, M & R Jaffe, C ZIPCODE 11933 - CALVERTON Prescott, S & K Bjelobrk, M Prescott, S & K Bjelobrk, M Conklin, A & K Miloski, J ZIPCODE 11947 - JAMESPORT Nadworny L.P. Olsen, L Dobies, P Sladek-Maherg, W & T ZIPCODE 11949 - MANORVILLE Morrill, D Barsanti, J Shelter Island Town ZIPCODE 11964 - SHELTER ISLAND Hanson, R Mills, M & Bedell, L Gachot,J&Colarusso,C Clark, D & E Poleshuk, B & L Ketcham Properties Southampton Town ZIPCODE 11901 - RIVERHEAD Sawicki, J & G US Bank National As Paoli,L & Oliveira,A Nigro, R ZIPCODE 11932 - BRIDGEHAMPTON Dray, P & C Vanacker, J ZIPCODE 11942 - EAST QUOGUE Armand Gustave LLC Leskowits, E by Heir Cohen, H & L Grazina, V ZIPCODE 11946 - HAMPTON BAYS Sanchez, J & M McGregor,W &O’Gara,C Maczynska, Y LoBasso, T & J US Bank Trust NA Feeney,M etal by Ref Donato Bros Bay Ave Schmidt, D Trust ZIPCODE 11959 - QUOGUE Irwin, D & J LiebermanLiebelson,H Rosmarin, S US Bank National As ZIPCODE 11960 - REMSENBURG Foronjy &Silverstein Evans, T & L ZIPCODE 11963 - SAG HARBOR Harrington, M Helstowski, K ZIPCODE 11968 - SOUTHAMPTON Odom, J & R La Rosa, R Setareh Family LP Bomni Walexy LLC Kim, I & Lee-Kim, D Hecht, J & F ZIPCODE 11972 - SPEONK Pavlak, E US Bank National As ZIPCODE 11976 - WATER MILL Reatherford, B & C Oppenheim Fam Trust ZIPCODE 11978 - WESTHAMPTON BEACH Levitsky, D & H KWS QPRT & JJK QPRT Southold Town Northfork BrewNBites Front Street Fusion ZIPCODE 11939 - EAST MARION J.C.Quinn, Inc Giannoni,S&Briscoe,L ZIPCODE 11944 - GREENPORT Sarabia, J & J Neuman, J & H Trusts Dowe,C &Strecker,M Reiter Jr, T by Admr
September 13
PRICE LOCATION 1,095,000 635,000 895,000 230,000 562,500* 658,525 590,000 1,325,000 1,870,301*
120 Tyrone Dr 7 Sherwood Ln 791 Fireplace Rd 32 13th St 144 Three Mile Harbor Hog 27 Hollyoak Ave 6 Montauk Blvd 42 Quarty Ct 11 GreenHollow&193-2-7.01
915,119 925,000
25 Farragut Rd 20 Fairmont Ave
0 2 1/2 St
655,000 362,000
43 Foxglove Row 54 Joyce Dr
423,500 355,000
1 Huckleberry Hill 16 Harbor Rd
410,000 410,000 150,000*
48 Marge Ln 22 Marge Ln 133 South Path
605,000 33 White Birch Ct 380,000
21 Wilburs Path
280 River Rd
1,250,000 1,285,000 540,000
13 Prospect Ave 135 N Ferry Rd 27 S Ferry Rd
145,000 887,500
92 Priscilla Ave 17 Huntington Ln
12 Ludlow Green
3,000* 523,000
Scrub Property 22 Fairline Dr
402,480 490,000 551,788 330,000
29 A Newtown Rd 2 Wilson Dr 12 Rampasture Rd 39 Bay Ave & lot 045
3,200,000 488,250
37 Old Main Rd 40 Quogue Riverhead Rd
7 Woodcock Ln
179 Merchants Path
660,000 3,600,000 1,775,000
37 Glenview Dr 257 County Rd 39A 5 Upland Dr
220 Montauk Hwy, Unit 22
1224 Head Of The Pond Rd
265 Dune Rd,
21 7th St
500,000 200,000*
2790 The Long Way
365,000 400,000
1040 Middleton Rd 412 Carpenter St
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
By Rick Murphy Quintanilla, Chung In The Hood There’s plenty of things to squawk about in the new Barn Lane home purchased by Carl Quintanilla and his wife, Judy Chung.
Quintanilla, an Emmy Awardwinner, was the anchor of the CNBC hit “Squawk Box” and now appears on “Squawk on the Street” and “Squawk Alley.”
His wife, Judy Chung, a former producer for CNBC and MSNBC, now works as a design manager for Ralph Lauren.
The $3 millionplus Bridgethampton property comprises a 4200-squarefoot custom built home on an established street in the Barn & Vine development. It sits on nearly an acre and comes with gunite pool and lush landscaping outside and seven bedrooms, six-and-a-half baths, and a fully finished lower level inside.
the Independent
September 13
Real Estate News
pockets around the country where that holds true. One reason it is still happening: oil prices have remained low. One reason why it may not continue: the cost of health insurance is rising. According to Forbes, “The president-elect and his team have made it clear that they hope to roll back much of the post-crisis financial regulation laid out in the Dodd-Frank Act. In theory, this
Continued On Page 48.
The house on 25 Barn Lane.
Independent / Elliman.com
The Prettiest 1/2 acre in Southampton Village
Market Trends In January a panel of experts gathered by Forbes magazine made a series or predictions about the 2017 real estate market and what to expect. Taking into account global uncertainties -- not to mention events in Washington DC -the experts foresaw a volatile marketplace.
The experts predicted a volatile mortgage market, perhaps capping out at about 4.6 percent for a 30year fixed, the increase attributed to the Trump Effect. In reality, rates have lowered slightly, recently hovering around 3.75 percent.
Svenja Gudell, chief economist at real estate data firm Zillow, predicted a rise “at a volatile rate” once Trump settled in. It hasn’t happened yet. The experts predicted prices would rise, slightly, and that has happened nationwide. Affordability -- that segment of the market where a family on a median income can buy a house -- is shrinking, though there are
South of the Highway, Corner Property, 2-car detached garage, Mature trees, 3BR-2Bath Full Basement, Expandable Attic, Communal Tennis Court, $2,350,000 631-283-5029 Cell: 631-495-5672 43
the Independent
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September 13
although technically I guess it does. By Rick Murphy
had no water or beer, so we boiled it in the water from Trout Pond or dropped it onto our makeshift grill which immediately collapsed from the weight.
Rick’s Space
Here are my faves; go fishing in the morning. Sea bass, served whole, is my first choice but cod, fluke, striped bass, etc. are all out there. Of course, you could always grab a chicken from the coop, clean and dress it, and cook it up – reserve the feathers for another use.
by Rick Murphy
Oh Poor Sustainable Me Long before “sustainable” became one of those fuzzy wuzzy feel good words we talked the talk and walked the walk.
Once every August a few of my friends and I would go camping for a weekend and live off the land. We would gather our own firewood and catch and kill our food. Of course, in those days cans of pork and beans roamed free on the vast prairies that are Noyac today.
Basically, we’d arrive at the campsite Friday – one of our parents would drive us – gather some firewood (though not nearly enough) and unload our camping gear (I had
a blanket). We also had a case of Budweiser, which we sat around the fire and drank until it was gone. Then we passed out on our blankets and that was that. The next morning we’d have eggs and bacon someone’s mother packed for us, which we ate with our fingers because no one remembered to bring forks. Someone suggested we forage for edible roots to cook up, which drew robust laughs from the rest of us and scorn that lasted for years. That night we got so hungry we hiked for miles to steal corn and then realized when we got back we
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By dawn Sunday morning someone had already left to walk all the way home and alert our parents that we were starving to death. When I got home I ate manly food that outdoorsman crave like Sugar Corn Pops and sat around and watched cartoons. Hell, we were just kids – I was only 19. I was thinking about that over the weekend, when so many people are without food and water because of the hurricanes. It wasn’t long ago that folks were totally sustainable – they grew veggies, raised chickens, harvested fruit, put veggies away in Mason jars for the winter, and so on.
My grandfather would go one better, slaughtering a pig each year and making and preserving meats like prosciutto. We may have been poor, but we had plenty to eat.
The value of knowing exactly what you put in your system is better stated another way: you know what you’re NOT ingesting. To understand what I mean, grab some prepared dishes from the frozen food aisle of your supermarket and look at the ingredients or talk to people you know in the restaurant business to find out what goes on in some of those kitchens. You would lose your appetite in a hurry. During this time of the season I like to have as many meals as possible not only prepared from scratch, but also using ingredients that were literally alive at the beginning of the day.
This does not mean if Hannibal Lecter slays his aunt and then eats her esophagus with fresh fava beans he has achieved the stated goal,
When you get home either hit a farmstand or better still raid your garden.
I make a tomato, cucumber, red onion, basil, and parsley salad floating in a sweet olive oil and wine vinaigrette. Boil up a pot of fresh corn. I like all the varieties white, yellow, and mixed, so I buy a few of each. Pick some fresh fruit and bake a cake. If you are a pretty good cook like I am you can make it into a crumb cake. My mom and aunts had an ice cream maker, so we could drop a scoop of vanilla right onto a slice of pie as it came out of the oven.
Sometime during the day, find time to bake bread. My grandfather (Papa) would make bread, rolls, and muffins first thing in the morning. We’d wake up to that delectable smell, which would linger for hours. As little kids we would grab a hunk of hot bread and Papa would pretend he was mad and chase us – but he always left the butter out.
How long could we subsist if disaster struck? Papa would jar enough vegetables to last all winter. He had chicken and eggs. He’d preserve fruits by making jellies and jams. And, with three giant drums of Chianti, he had enough wine to last say, 25 years. BTW, he also made his own smokes, with what or how I’m not sure. We were so poor we wore coats made of chicken feathers. Naw, I made that up.
Anthony Bennett L A N D S C A P I N G “No job too big or too small”
the Independent
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Public Participation
From legions of volunteers helping to rescue individuals and animals, offering assistance, supplies, or just prayers for hurricane victims, to a village gathering in unity, to golfers donating to a food pantry, to surfers sharing their skills with kids and, yes, even to a Flanders fellow stepping up to be the first to install a high-tech septic system to protect the environment, the theme this week on the East End was public participation.
September 13
It wasn’t the government. It wasn’t elected officials.
It was We The People, out in droves this week helping. Simply helping. Helping by opening our checkbooks, opening our hearts, opening our mouths, shining a light on need both local and afar and coming forward to do what we could. This is the spirit of our island and our nation – the compulsion to help, the drive to set aside paltry political differences and band together in time of crisis.
We don’t need to make America great “again.” The selfless acts of heroism and heart we’ve seen this week reminds us who we are. Let’s remember. And, once the flood waters recede in Florida, once the surface waters test clean in Flanders, let’s not forget. Let’s not walk away from our obligation to continue to help. And, yes, while we may enjoy critiquing our elected officials, lasering in on disputes and defects, let’s not put it all on them. This week showed us how strong citizens can be when they are engaged. This week showed us the profound value of public participation, and what individuals can do for suffering neighbors. “Ask not. . .”
Generally Pleasing Dear Editor,
A belated but much meant compliment on your makeover. It is not only graphically pleasing, but the breadth of issues covered, and well covered, is generally pleasing. Also a belated and sincere thanks to all the people who have worked so hard to counter the airport noise -- for the great benefit of all -- and appreciation for their
continuing effort.
Chris Norwood
Ed Gifford
Doubtful Benefits Dear Editor,
In 2013, Discovery Land Corporation of Arizona submitted an application for a Planned Development District (PDD) to build an increased density golf course resort in East Quogue known as The Hills.
Since then, Discovery Land has submitted thousands of pages of documents in support of its PDD many of which discounted the opinion of a local marine scientist, Chris Gobler, who questioned the nitrogen yields of the PDD. To
paraphrase the arguments made by The Hills representatives, the marine scientist did not have the experience to understand the complexities of a project that involved multiple disciplines
Continued On Page 46.
the Independent
i n dy e a srytt hei nn .c om EvE g Ed ast End thE 1826
Continued From Page 44.
Publisher James J. Mackin
Associate Publisher Jessica Mackin-Cipro
Executive Editors:
Main News & Editorial kitty merrill In Depth News Rick Murphy Arts & Entertainment Jessica Mackin-Cipro
Writers Bridget Leroy, Nicole Teitler, Laura Field
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Columnists / Contributors Jerry Della Femina, Patrick McMullan, Denis Hamill, Zachary Weiss, DOMINIC ANNACONE, JOE CIPRO, KAREN FREDERICKS, Isa goldberg, Laura Anne Pelliccio, MILES X. LOGAN, vincent pica, Ashley O’Connell, Elizabeth Vespe, Justin Meinken
Sales Manager BT SNEED Account Managers TIM SMITH JOANNA FROSCHL Sheldon Kawer Annemarie Davin Art Director Jessica Mackin-Cipro Advertising Production Manager John Laudando Graphic Designer Christine John
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outside his area of expertise.
However, after debating the original PDD for about three years, “at the eleventh hour,” Discovery Land has been allowed to submit a radically different PDD that involves the purchase of an additional parcel of land, the purchase of Pine Barrens credits, and the privatization of Southampton’s septic rebate program.
Based on the three new benefits listed above, a new nitrogen study prepared by Chris Gobler tentatively concluded that the new PDD will allegedly produce lower levels of nitrogen than the old PDD.
However, even though the new nitrogen study appears to have been “officially endorsed,” as reported in Rick Murphy’s 9/6/17 In Depth News article “The Hills May Get Jay’s Vote,” the calculations are based on variables that are not guaranteed. I believe it’s also worth mentioning that the “complexities” of the new benefits have not been thoroughly vetted beyond their alleged ability to reduce nitrogen levels. Therefore, in my opinion, the benefits of The Hills PDD continue to remain in reasonable doubt.
Susan Cerwinski
Office Manager Kathy Krause Editorial Interns Elizabeth Vespe, Justin Meinken Delivery Managers Charlie burge Eric Supinsky
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Renounce Racism Dear Editor,
In the wake of the recent upsurge in bigotry and violence in Charlottesville, we the members of the Southampton Town AntiBias Task Force renounce any such expression and stand for the peaceful demonstration of differences. Our membership has long been at the forefront when it comes to standing against threats to our freedoms and unity as a nation and hereto is no exception. When violence that some believe was stoked by the 2016 presidential campaign emerges as empowering groups who have been in the shadows, we must all be called to action to defend both our freedoms and rights and to eradicate the presence of bigotry in our midst. The members of the Southampton Town Anti-Bias Task Force are
1826 THE
September 13
By Karen Fredericks
What effect do you think being the firstborn has had? Gerald Linn I have two brothers and two sisters. As for the effect of being the oldest, I think the firstborn is most often the one who takes all the risks.
Nate Kully I’m the oldest. It’s just me and my sister. I hear one of the traits that firstborns are known for is their leadership. I would love to think that that was true. I can see why they say that. You feel protective of your younger siblings. Jen Chase I think that being the oldest, and in my case, the oldest of three, makes you learn to feel responsible for others. Somehow you grow up knowing you’re expected to take care of the younger ones. Rob Forman My younger brother always says it makes me bossy. Seriously, though maybe it really does? As the oldest you’re used to being put in charge. So maybe there’s some truth to what my brother says.
aware of in the shadows darkened by fear and hatred the overt expression of dis-ease of racism and disease of prejudice continues to lurk and ruminate. Unfortunately, however, in recent times we see this cancer metastasizing and becoming covert again and affecting the minds of our offspring and tarnishing the gleam of the bright shiny city on the hill called America. Our nation’s international reputation is being discolored even as we endeavor to recover from past indiscretions. We support the free market exchange of ideas even if those ideas are abhorrent to us. Freedom of speech and expression belongs to us all but only if our intention and actions are in support of peaceful discourse and is devoid of bigotry, prejudice and bias, and is not used to incite violence and hate crimes. In summary, the AntiBias Task Force of Southampton Town stands firmly behind our Charlottesville brethren and join those who encourage bias free open expression. However, if any of those expressions are violent
and suggests the supremacy of any group over others, we are strongly opposed to it. We support the residents of Charlottesville, Mayor Michael Signer and all those around our nation who stand in opposition to bigotry, white supremacism, the neo-nazism, hate groups and violence.
Please know that the “Force is with You.”
James Banks
On behalf of the Southampton Town Anti-Bias Task Force Plane Fun To The Editor,
Every once in a while there is a gem tucked away. “Just Plane Fun Day” held at HTO on Saturday was no exception. Patient Airlift Services (PALS), a volunteer organization that airlifts both local cancer patients out of the area for treatment, as well as airlifting cancer-stricken children in for camping had a booth at the event. The volunteers brought a sobering Continued On Page 67.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Continued From Page 15.
tide, harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and closed beaches, all thought to be due to excess nitrogen in the waters, Fleming observed, “We’re ground zero here.”
Adrienne Esposito, executive director of the Citizens Campaign for the Environment, lauded Hobson for stepping forward to participate in the program. While it was crafted through “the will and the strength of good leaders,” she reminded the engagement of the public is crucial. Hobson, she said, “raised his hand and said ‘I want to be a pioneer for change.’”
Assemblyman Fred Thiele joked that the last time the lawmakers were all together, they met at Sylvester Manor on Shelter Island to herald the county’s first installation of an alternative onsite “constructed wetlands” wastewater treatment system with a celebratory first flush: “We had a big ceremony to flush a toilet. Now we’re having a big ceremony to install a septic system.” Both gatherings touted the systems’ ability to reduce the amount of nitrogen reaching ground and surface waters.
the Independent
September 13
Community News
Bridgehampton National Bank in the amount of $1 million, and financial commitments from several philanthropic foundations.
A total of $10 million over five years has been appropriated by the Suffolk County Legislature through the Suffolk County Assessment Stabilization Reserve Fund. This equates to $2 million for the first year as well as each subsequent year through 2021. Funding for the grantbased program was made possible as a result of approval by Suffolk County voters of a 2014 referendum that authorized use of funding for nitrogen reducing septic systems. Said Thiele, “Together with New York State’s $2.5 billion water quality
improvement program approved by the State Legislature in April and voter approval on the East End of a new water quality component to the Community Preservation Fund last November, thousands of homeowners will now be able to access the financial incentives necessary to upgrade outdated and failing septic systems.” Voters said yes to using up to 20 percent of Community Preservation Fund money for water quality projects, which include incentive programs for system upgrades, as in Southampton Town. “The program is affordable and it’s workable and that’s why it’s going to succeed,” Esposito said. To learn more about the
county program, visit www. ReclaimOurWater.info.
Hospice & Horses
By Kitty Merrill
East End Hospice and Spirit’s Promise Equine Rescue are teaming up to offer a six-week adult bereavement group. It begins Wednesday, September 20, and runs every Wednesday from 11 AM to 1 PM at Spirit’s Promise on Sound Avenue in Riverhead. To learn more and register, call 631-288-8400.
It’s never too early to prepare
At the Hobsons, the system is comprised of four tanks to store and treat waste that, once it passes through multiple layers of treatment, is sent into a pressurized shallow drain field that improves distribution of wastewater from the system. It is expected to remove 70 percent of nitrogen compared to a conventional septic system.
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In addition to the grant, homeowners can qualify to finance the remaining cost of the systems over 15 years at a low three percent fixed interest rate. The loan program will be administered by CDCLI Funding Corp, with financial support from
for the coming winter
In July, Suffolk County launched the first-in-the-state Septic Improvement Program to incentivize eligible homeowners to replace their cesspool or septic system with the newer and advanced wastewater treatment technologies. Homeowners can apply for grants of up to $11,000 to offset the cost of one of the new systems, which typically cost between $15,000 and $20,000. An additional $1000 in grant money may be available for residents wishing to install optional pressurized shallow drain fields.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Traneli, with Charlie Romo and Valerie diLorenzo and musical director Barry Levitt, audience members can reminisce about some of the Great White Way’s best musical moments. From $20/$18 members to $45/$43 members. . Visit www.guildhall.org or call the box office at 631-324-0806.
Continued From Page 32.
The roster includes sculptor John Capello; musician Chris Clemence; film editor Gloria Dios; professor and executive director of the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science at Stony Brook University, Dr. Ellen Pikitch; artist Randall Rosenthal; visual artist Drew Shiflett; costume designer Yuka Silvera; and affordable housing expert Catherine Townsend. $12 includes museum admission; free for members, children, and students. Visit www. parrishart.org for further information.
a queen in southampton
The Southampton Cultural Center presents Queen Esther Marrow (yes, that’s her real name!) in Here’s To Life! on Friday at 7 PM at the Levitas Center for the Arts.
Sunday at noon, a gallery talk on “The Impact of Photography on Social Issues in the Work of Richard Avedon” will be led by museum director and chief curator Christina Mossaides Strassfield. Displaying over 50 years of Richard Avedon’s photographic career, the show is a comprehensive presentation of black and white images that are as visually striking as they are psychologically intriguing. Free admission with reservations. Visit www.guildhall.org or call the box office at 631-324-0806.
what artists should know
On Sunday at 6, Amagansett Free Library presents a talk with art lawyer Carol Steinberg on “Reading the Fine Print: What Artists Should Know (But Are Afraid To Ask).” Steinberg brings years of expertise to bear in decoding new laws that protect artists in consigning their work. For information and reservations, call 631267-3810 or register online at www. amaglibrary.org under “Listing of Events.” THEATER
herman saluted On Saturday at 8 PM, enjoy Broadway favorites like “Put On Your Sunday Clothes,” “We Need A Little Christmas,” and “I Am What I Am,” when Guild Hall presents A Grand Tour – The Songs of Jerry Herman. Featuring Broadway performers Sal Viviano, Ted Levy, and Deborah
Queen Esther has long been an international star, performing in concert halls and theaters in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Milan, Madrid, Lisbon, Barcelona, and many others world capitals. She has enjoyed performing for the Pope, several presidents, and royalty.
Her thrilling career began when she was discovered by Duke Ellington at 22, and soon joined the Civil Rights movement touring with Dr. Martin Luther King, Harry Belafonte, and others. She went on to appear with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, BB King, and on Broadway, television, and in films. Tickets are $25 general admission and $15 for students under 21 with ID. Get tickets by visiting www.scc-arts. org. Loudon at Bay Street Loudon Wainwright’s back and Bay Street’s got him, with a solo piece many years in the making. Surviving Twin is what the singer-songwriter calls a “posthumous collaboration” with his writer father. Part concert, part dramatic reading, it is a hybrid theatrical form consisting mainly of songs written by Loudon III, along with readings of magazine columns written by his late father, Loudon Jr., and photographs that span four generations of the Wainwright clan, who call the East End home.
There will be two performances on Friday and Saturday at 8 PM. Tickets can be purchased online at www. baystreet.org or by calling the box office at 631-725-9500.
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September 13
Independent / Patty Collins Sales A 9/11 memorial service was held at the Windmill in East Hampton on Monday night.
Real Estate Continued From Page 43.
could open up banks to lend more freely to a wider-range of would be buyers.” So far that hasn’t happened – money is still tight, and the banks, perhaps fallout from 2008-09, are holding it close to their vests. Though most experts foresaw modest growth, David Blitzer, chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones, sounded a cautionary note. “Home prices cannot rise faster than incomes and inflation indefinitely.”
Redfin expects the median home sale prices to gain 5.3 percent in 2017 compared to 2016, which would not be a major change from the 5.5 percent year-over-year gain expected to close out this year. Zillow is forecasting the median home value to rise 3.2 percent from $192,500. The experts predicted competition would grow “fiercer” meaning homes will stay on the market a shorter length of time. Last year the average time was only 52 days, meaning if it’s priced to sell it’s going to sell. Political uncertainty will be replaced with policy uncertainty,
Continued From Page 13.
with a reception from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, also features work by
Italian sculptor Eva Cocco. She studied architecture in Rome and developed a passion for ceramics early on. Her porcelain sculptures are anthropomorphic and otherworldly at the same time. The beauty they radiate has been described as soulful and thought provoking. Cocco has lived on and off in Sag Harbor and continues to work closely with Celadon Studio in Water Mill.
“The aesthetic philosophy of Wabisabi and its concept of accepting beauty within imperfection greatly inspires my work which stands permeated with ephemeral simplicity and irregularity. My latest ceramic artwork is characterized by interpretations of holy idols and folklore testimonials with the intent to enhance the importance of traditions in our present days,” she said.
“The Woods” opens Friday and will remain on view at Ille Arts through October 3.
Health Crisis
Continued From Page 18.
industry is not interested in either `shared sacrifice’ via lower profits (i.e. lower premiums) or `shared prosperity, through covering the uninsured,” Bybee wrote. America’s healthcare crisis -- acutely felt by both the insured and uninsured -- is getting worse. It will continue to do so, and even with the ACA in full effect, isn’t likely to reverse course.
the Independent
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September 13
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September 13
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WE KNOW THE HAMPTONS! Call The Independent to find out how our experienced Sales and Design Teams can create an advertising campaign tailored to suit your business.
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East End Business & Service
York City.
WE CLEAN WINDOWS Reasonable Prices Call for Free Estimate
By Kitty Merrill
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CLASSIFIEDS ARTICLES FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD $350 Cord (Delivered and Stacked) $290 Cord (Dumped) $180 1/2 Cord (Delivered and Stacked) $150 1/2 Cord (Dumped) Call Jim 631-921-9957. 39-45-31
631-324-2500 www.indyeastend.com www.indyeastend.com www.indyeastend.com www.indyeastend.com
HELP WANTED CONSUMER TIRE HAS OPENINGS FOR AN AUTO MECHANIC AND TIRE MECHANIC CALL MIKE AT 631-324-8292 TREE SPECIALIST-Topping for view and sunlight. Tree removal, pruning, etc. 631725-1394. UFN LANDSCAPE SPECIALIST- Custom design and installation. Planting of trees and shrubs. Hedge and bush trimming, etc. 631-725-1394. UFN HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP- The Independent is looking to hire Part time Front Office helper-phones-
That is not so. Failing to vote is not counted as a “yes” vote.
Mount Up
9:30 AM for registration and enjoy Goldberg’s coffee and bagels. The ride takes off at 11 AM and heads to the Montauk Lighthouse.
The 7th annual motorcycle ride with the Red Knights Chapter 25 to benefit the Donald T. Sharkey Memorial Community Fund takes place Sunday.
Proprietor-Conrad East Hampton Serving Montauk -Watermill
Posts on social media in opposition to the convention note the question will appear on the back of ballots. The fear is that if voters forget to turn their ballots over and vote, the measure will go through and the failure to cast a vote on the question will equal a “yes.”
Rights now in the State Constitution -- free and public education, safeguards for public employee pensions, ban on public funds for religious schools -stand to be lost, according to the Dems’ release announcing the discussion. What could be gained are new rights and safeguards for democracy: e.g., fair campaign
$30 donation per bike, 50/50 raffle, plus food and drinks at the Highway Restaurant will follow.
Meet up at the Bridgehampton Fire House on School Street at
Call 631-267-2677 to sign up.
Call The Independent for more info 324-2500 Fax: 631-324-2544 Classified deadline: Monday at noon
mailings-filing-will train. Please send letter of interest to Publisher James J. Mackin: jim@indyeastend.com UFN
SPORTS WRITER The Independent is looking to expand our Sports and Recreation Section. Part time Sports Writer position is open. Please send letter of interest to Publisher James J. Mackin: jim@indyeastend.com UFN THE
finance; non-partisan redistricting; rights to clean air and water; protection for a woman’s right to choose.
Continued From Page 7.
September 13
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the Independent
September 13
Traveler Watchman
Nurturing Unity At Mitchell Park
By Kitty Merrill
They wore pins made of red, white, and blue ribbon, and sang “God Bless America.” About 50 people gathered last Thursday afternoon at Mitchell Park in Greenport for the United Front (Street) rally. The goal of the movement was simple, according to organizer Jim Shaw. “We need more love, less hate.” Reeling from the events in Charlottesville, North Carolina this summer, Shaw was one of the organizers of an informal group that rallied in the park on August 13.
This week, he pointed out “the unsinkable American spirit expressed in Houston,” and said the group came together in the same spirit to pray, and to celebrate unity. Several members of the clergy and local elected officials took turns at the microphone. Rabbi Barbara Sherrill of the North Fork Reform Synagogue spoke of “the human mission: to sift through and dig deeper.” Vicar Roger Joslin of Holy Trinity Church and Church of the Redeemer in Mattituck is new to Greenport. He said it was heartwarming to see the community united.
That day, the President’s threat to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program that protects children brought to the US illegally by immigrant parents topped the headlines. Rev. Joslin said he knew people whose lives were changed by DACA and encouraged individuals
Independent / Kitty Merrill Gathering in Greenport to present a united front.
to “continue to show support for those at the margins of society.”
“We live in a community where people say, ‘yes, you’re different from me, yes, you don’t believe what I do or exactly as I do, but we’re neighbors and we trust each other,’” Reverend Ben Burns offered. “We live together. We respect each other. We trust each other. Praise God.”
as a community and we’ll get through that together.” He called upon locals to seek out others in the audience and “hug it out.” Speaking on behalf of the Anti-
Bias Task Force of the Town of Southold, Sonia Spar urged people to hang on to their humanity in times of opposition. She noted each person present had a “sphere of influence” to which they could bring a message of unity. “We at the Anti-Bias Task Force welcome every single effort to bring us together,” she said. “We have to promote an environment of safety and inclusion for all.”
Six -year-old Oliver Faint was the sole youngster to step up to the open mic. He said softly, “I want us all to be friends.”
Mayor George Hubbard echoed the sentiment, adding, “We need to hold together and look out for each other.” The unity of Greenport residents, he said, is what makes living there “so special and so sweet.” Trustee Douglas Roberts reminded that Greenport Village declared itself “a welcoming village.”
“We welcome people regardless of their place of origin . . . we come together to say – especially to our dreamers – that we’re here together 53
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Traveler Watchman
North Fork News
Compiled by Kitty Merrill
There are always a ton of fun and interactive events happening on the North Fork, here is a list of our favorites. Got news? Email us at news@indyeastend.com. HURricane Help Join the North Fork Promotion Council for a fundraising sunset cruise on the Peconic Star II. Profits will be donated to the Houston Food Bank (www. houstonfoodbank.org) in response to the current events in Texas
caused by Hurricane Harvey. Every $1 provides a full day of meals to our neighbors in need in Southeast Texas. Enjoy an evening on the Peconic Bay honoring past presidents Neboysha Brashich and Joan Bischoff, and thanking past executive director Abigail Field. The cruise includes wine, beer, hors d’oeuvres, and a raw bar. Cash bar also available. The cruise sets sail out of Greenport on September 27 at 5:30 PM. Tickets are $75. Find them on the eventbrite website under peconicstar-fundraiser-tickets.
Sharks ReHAb Underway In a collaborative effort with the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the New York Aquarium, the Long Island Aquarium recently assisted in the rescue of seven sandbar sharks from the basement of a Hudson Valley home. Officials searching the home found several species of marine life, including the seven sandbar sharks, as well as several dead sharks and stingrays. When the official investigation was complete, the aquarium teams were able to
assess the condition of the animals. The sandbar sharks were examined and tagged, then transported to the Long Island Aquarium in a truck provided by the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research & Preservation, which is outfitted with a water tank and oxygenation system.
The juvenile sharks varied in length from two to three feet and were deemed to be in adequate condition, but not in good health due to the conditions in which they were found. Regular care and feeding at the Long Island Aquarium will return these animals back to a healthy status, and they have been eating and swimming well since their arrival at the Long Island Aquarium. They will be in quarantine for at least 30 days or until they are completely healthy. CAN I GO? Clinical supervisor Jose Vargas is the guest speaker discussing “Stress & Moderation” tonight as part of Eastern Long Island Hospital’s wellness series of lectures for adults and teens. It’s an interactive discussion about everyday pressures, plus a chance to learn some stress relief techniques. It’s going down at the Southold Library at 7 PM. Going Fad Free
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Peconic Bay Medical Center in Riverhead hosts a monthly healthy lifestyle nutrition series. The series presents discussions on an array of topics such as weight management and overall improvement in nutritional health. Tomorrow at noon, the topic is “Living the FadFree Way.” To enroll, call 631-5486395. Phone that same number to save a seat for the next installment of PBMC’s kitchen wellness series slated for September 20 at 11:30 AM. Watch the center’s chefs prepare grilled fish tacos with mango slaw.
Also coming up at PBMC, the third Wednesday of each month a support group for caregivers of dementia patients takes place at noon. The next meeting is September 20. Call 631-548-6827 to sign up.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Traveler Watchman
Shop The East End
By Nicole Teitler
Shop local is more than a motto; it’s a way of life. Long Island’s East End is a community that helps local businesses thrive through countless partnerships, and Taste the East End Boutique helps to bring it all together.
Situated next door to the Hyatt East End, at 489 East Main Street in Riverhead, in partnership with Hyatt, the Long Island Aquarium, and a shop at MacArthur Airport, the store was established during the summer of 2016. Customers should not be misled by the name, as product ranges from gourmet foods to candles, skincare, tote bags, and much more. All catering to its customers while supporting local markets, the artisan-crafted goods are all produced in New York, with a large focus on the greater LI region. Alexandra Bussi is the store designer and manager. The boutique has an airy décor emulating the serene surroundings of the North Fork. Upon entering the doors you’ll oftentimes see Bussi behind the counter -- the restored bed of a Ford pick-up truck. By her side, her Pomeranian, Lola, enthusiastically greets customers.
“It’s great to support the talented makers in our areas,” Bussi said. “With fall coming up, our sweatshirts from Carleton Clothing, North Fork Design, and Hampton Trading Company have been selling very well. The really popular items would have to be locally-made soaps from White Field Farm and Southampton Soap.” Walk toward the left for jewelry, edibles, bath products, and glasses. Toward the right, pick up wall décor or don your favorite shirt design. An astounding 45 merchants currently sell in the space, which is continuously growing as the months progress. Bussi seeks out new businesses regularly, with a special affinity for the uniquely presented.
“I am obsessed with a face scrub from East End Soap that leaves my face silky smooth and smelling like sugar. It’s nice to have somewhere to get some local goodies throughout the island,” Bussi admitted. Visit to enjoy all the goodies our community, and beyond, have to offer. For you, for a friend, and especially for an out-of-towner looking for the perfect parting gift.
Independent / Nicole Teitler Alexandra Bussi -- and Lola -- support talented makers at Taste the East End Boutique in Riverhead.
Call Taste the East End Boutique at 631-727-2686, or follow them on Facebook and Instagram @Taste the East End.
You can follow more stories from Nicole Teitler on Facebook and Instagram @Nikki on the Daily.
game Room depot, iNc www.gamedepotusa.com pool tables & accessories Juke Boxes, arcade games shuffleboard, ping pong Foosball, air Hockey game Room Furniture poker tables, and much more The Lincoln Available in 7’ or 8’ models Shown in Mahogony Also available in Antique Walnut
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
SFD Hosts Muster
Vay’s Voice
Photos by Kitty Merrill
Voiceover Artist
The Southampton Fire Department hosted the 36th annual day of trucks and teamwork at Agawam Park on Saturday. Antique fire apparatus paraded to the site where competition among fire departments ensued. Licensed
audio samples available
Jr. and Adult Clinics Private Lessons Your Court or Ours Inquire Within
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Masterpiece Cleaning Keeping homes sparkly-clean for over twenty years. Southampton to Montauk Residential | Commercial | Parties House Openings & Closings 631.488.7180 masterpiececleaning.com
the Independent
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Indy Snaps
September 13
It’s That Spooky Time Again!
The Independent’s BOO! Short And Scary Story Contest is underway again!
Students are invited to submit Halloween-themed artwork and spooky essays to The Independent and possibly be awarded a trophy – or even have their submission read on the radio! Art can be delivered to our office at 74 Montauk Highway, Suite 16, in East Hampton or images can
be scanned and emailed to news@ indyeastend.com.
Please put the name of each student, the teacher’s name, grade, and school on every submission. Every single one….or pay the price! Stories should be e-mailed to us at indyeastend.com in a Microsoft Word format, with the subject heading “BOO submission.”
They Want To Listen
By Kitty Merrill
this week – tomorrow and Tuesday. Sessions run from 6:30 to 9:30 PM and free wine and cheese will be offered. Tomorrow they’ll listen at Ashawagh Hall in Springs and next Tuesday, find them in the American Legion in Amagansett.
Hampton Bays
There is ample evidence to back up the claim that producers of fire retardant foam and related products and the customers who use them – the US Air Force among them – have deliberately understated the dangers or hidden them altogether.
East Hampton Republican candidates for town board want to hear voters’ concerns. Manny Vilar (supervisor), along with Jerry Larsen and Paul Giardina (town board) will host listening sessions
Continued From Page 20.
they should be the ones who pay to clean it up – now – not later. It’s troubling and unacceptable to know that the feds are trying to wiggle away from their duty.”
The Senator said PFOS has been used at the local airport and adjacent airbase since the 1970s. According to a study conducted by Environ, an environmental, safety and health sciences consulting firm in Arlington, tests show PFOS can cause cancer, delays in physical development, stunted growth, endocrine disruption, and neonatal mortality; “Neonatal mortality might be the most dramatic result of laboratory animal tests with PFOS,” the study warned. No Danger?
Hook ‘em & Cook ‘em Photos by Nicole Teitler
Hook ‘em & Cook ‘em with Barcelona Wine Bar was held at Navy Beach on September 6. Guests at the dock-to-dish inspired culinary competition and private dinner joined 14 Barcelona Wine Bar & Restaurant chefs from across the country, along with James Beard Award winner Christopher Lee, as they returned from a day on the open water catching fluke, striped bass, and bluefish. Using their respective “catches of the day,” the chefs prepared an exclusive family-style meal. A portion of the proceeds from the event went to benefit the Navy SEAL Foundation.
Critics have long contended the federal government has dragged its feet on research into the danger the chemicals pose to humans. They also contend the “safe” levels of perfluorochemicals in humans are grossly understated.
The foam manufacturer 3M said its own studies concluded their product presented no danger to humans. PFOS is used in Scotchgard, a 3M product on the market for over 40 years.
According to “Our Stolen Future: New Science,” a website maintained by scientists, “The PFOS story is likely to emerge as one of the apocryphal examples of 20th-century experimentation with widespread chemical exposures: prolific use and almost no testing for safety, until unexpectedly and almost serendipitously, it is discovered as a contaminant virtually everywhere. And as is often the case in these stories, the company producing PFOS products possessed information hinting at its risks but chose not to share their data with regulators or the public for years.”
The Air Force acknowledges water testing done at a dozen air bases all over the country has already shown that the chemicals spread into public drinking water systems in many cases. Schumer said recent actions by the DOD – both here at Gabreski and at Newburgh Air National Guard Base upstate, which also suffers from PFOS-contamination – demonstrate an intent to step back from its commitment to respond to and pay for this contamination. 57
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Just Plane Fun Photos by Richard Lewin
“Vintage” was the theme of the day at East Hampton Airport on Saturday, as the East Hampton Aviation Association, and its president (and pilot) Kent Feuerring hosted “Just Plane Fun Day.” Guests had the opportunity to interact with vintage aircraft, warbirds and military flybys, and vintage cars from the 1920s to the 1990s. Gimme Shelter Animal Rescue brought rescue dogs who were available for adoption. Raffles, food trucks, and music by Alfredo Merat rounded out the day. 58
ABTF Community Picnic Photos by Morgan McGivern
The Southampton Anti-Bias Task Force hosted its 13th annual East End Community Picnic at Red Creek Park in Hampton Bays last Saturday. The free event boasted music, games, dancing, sports, and, of course, hot dogs and ice cream.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Community News
Sag Harbor: 1, Whale: 0 Photos by Justin Meinken
Under clear skies, Sag Harbor celebrated its whaling history this past weekend. Children scrambled to compete in tug-of-war, boogie board races, corn shucking, and potato sack races. The Whaler’s Cup races took place throughout the event and hundreds enjoyed a village-wide block party. 59
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
School Days
Submitted by local schools
Creative Networking
By Kitty Merrill
The East Hampton Arts Council and the Golden Eagle/Studio 144 will host a creative networking night tomorrow from 6 to 8 PM at the “Barn” at Golden Eagle/Studio 144, 144 North Main Street in East Hampton. This event is part of a series of collaborative evenings to engage, cultivate, and connect artists, professionals, and the public on the East End. In the first hour, the work of five artists will be presented. The works will include a singer and musician, an artist, a
writer, an artist and printmaker, and a podcaster and oral historian. A mix-and-mingle reception will be held afterward as an incubator for new creative projects. The East Hampton Arts Council was established to foster the economic value derived from promoting arts-related activities and businesses, including all visual arts, music, theatre, dance, and writing; and to advise the town on issues concerning the arts. For more information, call Councilwoman Sylvia Overby at 631-324-2620.
Independent /Courtesy Hampton Bays School District Hampton Bays Elementary School first-graders on the first day of school.
Eleanore Whitmore Early Childhood Center An open house for parents of East Hampton, Sagaponack, and Wainscott students attending the school district’s prekindergarten program will be held on Monday at 6 PM. Parents of pre-K students can visit their classrooms, meet their teachers, and learn about the curriculum.
TUCKAHOE SCHOOL NEWS “Meet the Teacher” evening orientations for grades one to four will be held on Thursday at 6:30 PM and for grades five to eight will be held on Thursday, September 28, at 6:30 PM. The PTO’s first meeting is being held on Friday, September 29, at 8:30 AM. Join them for their first meeting of the year and learn about all the activities the PTO has planned for the 2017-2018 school year. The PTO wrapping paper fundraiser this year begins on Monday, September 25, and ends on Tuesday, October 10. The seventh grade outdoor educational trip this year is on Wednesday, September 27 to Friday, September 29. 60
Westhampton Beach School District Students across the Westhampton Beach School District were eager to start the 2017-1018 year at their respective schools on Sept. 5.
The students, who were greeted by smiling teachers, administrators, and support staff, quickly became acquainted with their new teachers, routines, and programs.
“We are looking forward to an exciting school year, filled with outstanding academic and extracurricular opportunities for our students,” said Superintendent of Schools Mike Radday.
Independent / Kitty Merrill Amaden Gay Agencies presented the East Hampton Food Pantry with a check for $54,000 on Monday morning. This is the second time this year the firm has donated a significant sum to the local organization.
Hampton Bays School District Carrying new backpacks and books, elementary, middle, and high school students in the Hampton Bays School District arrived for their first day of the 2017-18 school year on Sept. 5. At all three schools, students were welcomed by teachers, administrators, and support staff as they made their way to their classrooms and acclimated to their new schedules and routines.
To enhance educational experiences this school year, the district will provide additional opportunities for students to connect with the curriculum.
Independent / Courtesy Supervisor’s Office East Hampton Town Supervisor Larry Cantwell (center) presents proclamations to Budget Officer Len Bernard and Chief Auditor Charlene Kagel-Betts for their work in bringing the town’s bond rating to the highest in town history.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Community News
Cars And Coffee
By Kitty Merrill
Who doesn’t like vintage cars, fun, and food, for free? The Bridgehampton Historical Society is hosting the first annual “Cars and Coffee” event on Sunday from 11 AM to 3 PM.
Bridgehampton Cars and Coffee is a social car gathering uniting owners and enthusiasts of classic, vintage, exotic, and specialty cars. In its first year, the event is expected to draw more than 100 classic cars. Cars and Coffee is being launched by the organizers of the invite-only
exhibition, The Bridge, which takes place the day before at the site of the former Bridgehampton Race Circuit.
Entrance to Bridgehampton Cars and Coffee is free and open to the public, welcoming children of all ages to attend. Smorgasburg’s purveyors from New York City and across the region will be on site offering food and drink, and live entertainment will be provided for the duration of the event. Enthusiasts are encouraged to bring their vehicles to display.
Strictly Business
Compiled by Kitty Merrill
One Kings Lane To Stay After an overwhelmingly strong response to One Kings Lane’s first street-level physical retail location in Southampton this summer, the brand has decided to extend its lease and invest in a longer-term relationship with the Hamptons community. Originally opened at the start of summer 2017 as a seasonal pop-up, the shop will now continue to operate with
regular hours throughout the year. The store will continue to feature an assortment of product that is regularly refreshed as items sell out, with a major redesign of the floor space slated for the fall. The brand’s signature complimentary design services, available in-home or in-store, will remain a year-round offering.
Shoppers are invited to visit www. onekingslane.com/Southampton for store updates, seasonal retail hours, or to book appointments with The Studio design team.
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Find The Hidden Book
By Kitty Merrill
Goodreads was founded 10 years ago with the mission of helping people find and share books they love. Through Goodreads, readers have added 1.9 billion books to their shelves, written 67 million reviews, and connected with more than 200,000 authors over a shared love of reading. On Monday, local author Helene Forst will be participating in Hide a Book Day that is sponsored by Goodreads.
As part of their 10-year anniversary celebration, Goodreads is teaming
up with fellow book lovers at The Book Fairies, a not-for-profit that collects reading materials for people in need, to hide books around authors’ neighborhoods for people to find, read, and leave for the next person. Said Forst, author of Stoked-1969, “I will leave out one autographed book for someone to find in East Hampton Village. The book will be hidden in a semi-obvious spot for someone to find. A clue is that it’s a high-traffic area where it will be surrounded by friends. Good luck and happy reading!”
Food As Medicine
The September “Food as Medicine” workshop offered at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital has been rescheduled. It was due to be held
yesterday, but will take place next Tuesday. Call 631-726-8800 to register.
locally and family owned since 1958
www.hamptonjam.com 61
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Sports & Fitness
And We’re Off! Fall Season Underway
Independent/Gordon M. Grant
By Rick Murphy
Make no mistake about it, high school soccer is on the rise locally, and healthy rivalries are forming much the same as they developed in football and basketball.
Bonac dropped to 1-3 on the season. After beating Mattituck 5-0 on September 1, the locals have dropped three straight without scoring a single goal.
East Hampton, Southampton, Pierson/Bridgehampton and Southold have all taken home county championships in the past few years. It’s too early to spot the bragging rights, but what is probably going to happen this season is what happened last season – the local teams take turns beating each other.
But that’s for later in the season. Right now, it’s about getting the ships in order. For East Hampton, it about offense or the lack thereof – the team has 62
been unable to consistently mount attacks. That fault manifested itself Friday, when the locals were blanked
at home 1-0 by Wading River. Bonac only had a few deep penetrations and wasted a beautifully played defensive
Southampton is off to a tough start. The Mariners were crushed by Walt Whitman 6-1 Saturday to run their record to 0-2-1. Joey Avallone scored the lone goal for the losers. A day earlier Hampton Bays beat Southampton 2-1. Joe Luss scored for the losers but Dylan Flores scored twice for the Baymen including the winner with 5:30 left on the clock. Pierson/Bridgehampton won its opener Friday, besting Stony Brook
Continued On Page 64.
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Independent/Gordon M. Grant
Sports & Fitness
The East Hampton boys soccer team has talent – the Bonackers just need to find a way to score a few goals and unleash it. Page 62: Zane Musnicki (#18). Above, clockwise from left: Wilmur Guzman directs a header, Musnicki, Justin Carpio advances, Cristopfer Criollo makes a steal.
the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Sports & Fitness
By Rick Murphy
Lady Settlers Off To A Fast Start
The Southold/Greenport girls soccer team ran its record to 3-0 by edging archrival Mattituck Thursday, 1-0. The Lady Settlers used a tried and true formula: just enough offense coupled with a killer defense. Kaitlin Tobin scored on an assist from Jillian Golden and Hayley Brigham and a killer defense did the rest; Brigham turned away eight shots in the fray. Two days earlier, playing at Mercy, the Settlers got off to a quick 3-0
lead and easily disposed of the Lady Monarchs 5-1. Grace Syron and Jillian Gordon were the big winners. Syron had one goal and two assists and Golden scored two goals and tallied an assist. The locals opened the season with a bang on September 1, taking out Port Jefferson at home 6-0. Tobin scored twice and assisted on three others. Golden had a goal and three assists and Brigham played flawlessly in the net. Southold/Greenport sits atop
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League VII and plays at Babylon Saturday morning at 10 and gets Center Moriches at home Monday at 4:15 PM.
Hampton Bays 6-0 Saturday and Southampton fell to Mount Sinai by the same score. East Hampton, playing in League V, was blanked by Rocky Point; also in League V, Westhampton was beaten Thursday 3-1 by Islip.
We’re Off
Laube Does It Again
In League VI action, Shoreham/ Wading River walloped
Continued From Page 62.
3-1. Sam Warne scored twice and assisted on another goal and Grady Burton also scored. Dylan Kaminski and Will Martin split the netminding chores and made 4 saves each. Southold beat McCann Friday 6-0 behind the scoring of Ryan Herrman, who exploded for three goals. Joe Silvestro (2) and Nelson Bonilla also scored. Luis Herrera recorded two assists and Cole Brigham, manned the goal, repelling five shots. Southold came into Sag Harbor Saturday and lost a nailbiter to the locals, 1-0. Borys Zasada scored on a feed from Luis Padilla for the winner. Kevin Feliciano was in the net for the Whalers. The settlers dropped to 2-1 on the season. The Whalers are 2-0.
There is no telling how high Tim Laube will rank on the list of Long island football greats when his final season ends this year. But put it this way: he is on the short list of the best running backs in Suffolk County history already.
Friday night his team, Westhampton, made a miracle comeback against Bellport to win its opening game. Guess who led the charge?
Credit Bellport’s DJ Trent, who apparently forgot to read Laube’s press clippings. Trent ran for three first half touchdowns and the Clippers forged to a 30-21 first half lead. Trent scored again in the third to make it 38-21. The Hurricanes and Laube, playing before a crowd of 1500 fans at home, made a determined late charge. Laube scored on a one yard plunge and when the home team stifled the Clippers, Laube and company got the ball back again. Tyler Nolan exploded for a 62-yard blast. Once again the Clippers failed to score, and Laube, Nolan and company moved up the field. Laube’s one-yarder gave the locals the late lead. Bellport wasn’t done. The quarterback Devin Trent engineered a long drive, and the Clippers lined up from the Westhampton three yard line with 13 seconds left and the game on the line.
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But Laube is more than just a scoring machine – he plays defense, too. Devin Trent took the snap, bobbled it, and was met by a blitzing Laube. Trent tried to hand off to his twin brother TJ, but Laube was in the middle of the play. Game over. It was just another day at the office for Laube, who rushed for 262 yards on 29 carries and scored four times (he had 40 touchdowns last season). DJ Trent ran for 153 yards not including a scintillating 83 kickoff return to open the game.
The Hurricanes next play on Saturday at Half Hollow Hills West. Kickoff is slated for 1 PM. 64
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
the Independent
September 13
Sports & Fitness
No Football In Bonac
By Rick Murphy
It’s official – despite a last minute plea to keep East Hampton High School football alive - school officials have canceled the season. Two weeks ago the cancellation was announced because only about 20 students showed up to play.
“We have 14 players on the varsity and we have nine on the junior varsity,” the athletic director JosephVasile-Cozzo (Vas) said. “We’ve tried everything to keep the program going, and our coaches were working extremely hard toward that end.”
However, a group of parents and players petitioned school officials to keep the sport alive. Jennifer Fowkes, one of the parents, said her two sons don’t play football but she felt strongly about having a team nonetheless. “It’s important to the community. The pep rally, homecoming, these things mean a lot.” Fowkes said lamented the downsizing of the school’s athletic program. “We dropped wrestling
mid season last year. Now our lacrosse program is combined with Southampton.”
East Hampton used to combine with Pierson and Bridgehampton in football, but the combined enrollment of the three schools is used to place the team with similar-sized schools. East Hampton did not fare well against the tougher competition. East Hampton scaled back, and now Pierson and Bridgehampton combine with Southampton. Vas, meanwhile, petitioned to allow the Bonackers to drop from Division III to Division IV, where East Hampton would have faced teams from schools with lower enrollments. Section XI refused the request. Bonac has been competitive in several sports playing against teams from equally large schools (Class A ), especially in basketball and soccer. There is one bright spot: East Hampton’s PAL team won 19-0 this week. The team is comprised of fifth and sixth graders.
Independent / Courtesy Elliman.com Classic Winner: Daniel Bluman, the Douglas Elliman $86,000 Grand Prix Qualifier winner on Friday, September 1, also took top honors at the Hampton Classic two days later at Sunday’s Grand Prix finale competition, earning the $300,000 Grand Prix CSI prize. During Friday’s event, the Colombian-born Israeli show jumping rider, who has competed in the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, bested 52 other entrants and topped a 10-horse jump-off to win the $86,000 Douglas Elliman Grand Prix Qualifier. From left, Hampton Classic Ringmaster Alan Keeley, Bluman, and Enzo Morabito of Douglas Elliman.
On The Water
Fresh Bait • Boat Outfitting • Custom Rods • Rod & Reel Repair 288 E. Montauk Hwy, Hampton Bays 631-594-3336 Fax: 631-594-3338
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
September 13
Sports & Fitness
Indy Fit
by Nicole Teitler
Tennis with Dennis The US Open may be over but after watching a few matches I became inspired. Sure, I played tennis growing up and made the varsity team in high school (oh so many years ago), but when trying to think of the last time I actually practiced I drew blanks. All of my baseball and golf swinging was sure to be a hurdle I’d have to overcome. Thankfully, Dennis Ferrando at East Hampton Indoor Tennis gave me an hour lesson to brush up on my long-lost skill set.
relearning the proper basics, I fell in love with tennis all over again (love one, love all -- my tennis motto from back in the day). Here are some tips for beginners, or those wanting to get back in the swing of things. Basics: Don’t worry about the power, it’s about good contact. The racket mimics what your hand does. Hit it right.
Ferrando has been a certified USTA instructor with EHIT since 1996, about the same time I swung my first racket. He claims the key to success with the sport, as with most things in life, is to simply enjoy it. After an hour of running around the court,
When you swing, make the racket go from your lowered hand to your opposing shoulder -- always make sure to follow through.
Keep your opposing hand on top (left for righties, right for lefties).
Our water quality is deteriorating! We are losing Montauk Beach! Our seniors are losing their homes! Vote
Paul Giardina is the only candidate with 45 years experience as an environmental engineer. He can: Protect our fragile environment Clean up our water resources Work with, NOT against, local businesses Implement affordable housing solutions
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on September 14 6:30PM at Ashawagh Hall and September 19 6:30PM at EH American Legion
Learning the key to success from Dennis Ferrando at East Hampton Indoor Tennis.
Move the moment the ball has been hit by your opponent, not after it has bounced in your court.
parallel to your foot, and your eyes at the back of the racket (not where the ball is going).
On the Court:
Equipment Recommendations:
When at the baseline (the back of the court), always keep center. In moving toward the ball, maintain the Shuffle Step (quick motion that faces your opponent while quickly preparing for the next shot). Always stay on the balls of your feet. Two shuffle steps on either side will cover entire base line, so always return to center!
When at the service line, or midcourt, if an overhead ball (also called a smash) comes your way be sure to prepare your stance the same way you’d serve the ball. Turn sideways and point your opposing hand toward the ball for a more accurate motion. When hitting from the midcourt always follow your ball and the line of the ball. There’s over a 90 percent chance the ball will come back to that spot. Up at the net for a passing shot, the forceful motion keeping the ball out of reach of your opponent, position your opposing foot at a 45-degree angle. Always keep the racket strong,
For the ideal racket, try an adult Wilson, 27 inches long and weighing in at 9.9 oz – 10 oz. Practice on a clay court, which grips the shoes where it’s easier on your legs. Try and stick to tennis shoes, indicated by the flat bottom.
To progressively get better, or stay consistent with your current level, make sure to play -- or take a lesson -- two to three times a week
In addition to taking a lesson, enjoy cardio classes or “tennis aerobics” with Ferrando, an hour-and-a-half of drills and skills in this up-tempo clinic. Who knows, you could be the next Sloane Stephens or Rafael Nadal!
EHIT is located at 174 Daniels Hole Rd, East Hampton. Find them online www.ehit.club . Call them at 631537-8012 or email tennis@ehit.club. You can follow more stories from Nicole Teitler on Facebook and Instagram @ Nikki on the Daily.
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the Independent
i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m
Continued From Page 46.
of tanks from 700 to 1000 and armored vehicles from 3000 to 4000.
Don’t get me wrong, the antique planes and cars were spectacular, and I got assorted photographs with those. But the photo sitting in front of me on my desk as I write this, that I most cherish, is that of a small boy PALS passenger, Miracle Max. It reminds me what HTO is all about, people not politics.
Japan should increase its missile defense systems to counter missile launches from North Korea, and it might want to develop a robust conventional offensive intermediate missile capability that could strike North Korea.
reminder of those dedicated people who give of their talents, their equipment and their time to provide relief through our very own airport to our very own residents. As they put it, “changing lives, one flight at a time.”
Paul Giardina, Candidate East Hampton Town Board 2017
Japanese Military Build Up Dear Editor,
As a counterweight to China and North Korea we should encourage Japan to build up its military capabilities.
Japan should increase its frontline military personnel from 250,000 to 350,000 and increase the number
September 13
It has about 300 fighter aircraft and 500 transport aircraft which could go to 500 and 600, respectively. Attack helicopters should increase from 120 to 200. It needs to develop a number of fighter bomber wings. It needs to upgrade its Navy from three aircraft carriers to five and double its destroyers to 90.
Maybe China and North Korea will be more conciliatory and less aggressive when facing a more powerful Japan.
Also, we should maintain a strong military presence in Japan to influence Japanese policies. We have nuclear weapons available at U.S. bases and on aircraft carriers and submarines in the Pacific. P.S. This letter written before Buchanan’s editorial.
Donald Moskowitz
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