Inspire, motivate, educate Our cover girl, fitness guru Obakeng Makapan,speaks to us about her fitness journey Viwe Ndongeni-Ntlebi
MAKAPANE postes on her Instagram page for her health and fitness community.
OBAKENG Makapane, 26, popularly known as @obakeng_ fitobi the plant-based girl started her fitness journey in 2014 when she was in varsity. She says she started her journey because she needed a way to destress from varsity work. “When I started off, I enjoyed running and that was my main form of training, I then moved on to the gym but running remains my first love. I think it is such a therapeutic form of training and the fact that I get to do it outside is an added bonus.” In 2016 she started being a flexitarian then moved to a vegan diet a few years later at the end of 2019. “Plant-based fitness is important to me because it has taught me the importance of balance. Before, I used to think that meat and vegetables were the only important elements in nutrition. However, being plant-based has given me a broader understanding of food and the relationship between my body and what I consume.” With the knowledge she has, she creates content through her social media platforms for others to be inspired, motivated and even educated. Makapane posts meal prep inspiration, plant-based recipes, and guides for both home and gym workouts on her Instagram page for her health and fitness community. We spoke to her to get to better understand her lifestyle and what keeps her motivated. Why did you choose the plant-based lifestyle? Initially I was pescetarian because I really enjoyed seafood, then I moved to vegetarian because back then it was a bit challenging and costly to find dairy substitutes but as soon as accessibility was not a problem, I moved to a vegan diet. What was the most challenging thing about your