“THE class of 2024 reflects the resilience of the protea – South Africa’s national flower and a symbol of renewal and strength.”
These were the words of Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube on Monday, January 13, when releasing the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results.
South Africa’s national pass rate increased from 82.9% in 2023 to 87.3% for the 2024 NSC.
Gwarube said the matric class of 2024 started Grade 8 in 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was a huge disruption to teaching and learning globally. They then continued to Grade 9, a key year for subject selection for Grades 10 to 12, during the pandemic.
She said the protea thrives in adversity, with its woody seed cones and roots designed to survive wildfires. After the flames of wildfires have passed, the nutrient-rich ash they leave behind nourishes the soil, triggering the release of seeds and the rejuvenation of protea flowers that blossom even brighter than before.
“Similarly, the matric class of 2024 has faced immense challenges – from Covid-19 that disrupted their learning, to the evolving budget pressures being felt by various provincial departments and schools, to other social ills such as violence, gangsterism and the new trend of protection-fee rackets terrorising our schools,” Gwarube said.
“Despite these challenges, we have seen the highest rate of learners enrolled for Grade 12 in 2024 writing the NSC exams since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Gwarube said that like the protea, the class of 2024 seems to have drawn strength from adversity, emerging more determined and ready to flourish – proving that from the harshest conditions, greatness can bloom.
Looking at top achievers from schools in rural and under-resourced areas, she said that “these young proteas continue to blossom and bloom in spite of the adversity they face”.
Basic Education Deputy Minister Dr Reginah Mhaule reminded the nation of the matric class of 2024’s journey from Grade 8. “We are (actually) here to celebrate the 2020 Grade 8 class, who today are exiting the basic education system to join higher education.”
Mhaule also touched on pupils being affected during Grades 8 and 9 because the curriculum had been trimmed and some topics were not covered.
“These young proteas continue to blossom and bloom in spite of the adversity they face.
PINELANDS High School proudly boasts the top learner in South Africa, the top two students in the Western Cape, and the first and second positions among quintile five schools in South Africa.
Rayyan Ebrahim earned the prestigious title of Top Achiever in South Africa with an extraordinary aggregate of 97.6%. This monumental accomplishment is due to his dedication, resilience and hard work.
The school’s second top achiever, Matthew Wise also received national recognition – securing second place among learners from quintile five schools with an aggregate of 96.7%. His exceptional performance reflects his commitment to academic excellence.
Quintile five schools are public schools that serve the least poor communities.
Recognition goes to the school’s top three students who all achieved aggregates above 90%:
¡ Rayyan Ebrahim – nine distinctions, including 98% for Accounting, 99% for Further Studies Maths (standard), 100% in Physical Science and 97% for
¡ Matthew Wise – nine distinctions, including 100% in Mathematics, as well as 99% for Accounting, Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) and Physical Science.
¡ Leigh Fransman – seven distinctions, including 94% for Afrikaans, Life Sciences and Life Orientation.
Another 17 students achieved aggregates of 80% or more.
The class produced a sound Bachelor’s pass rate of 86.1% and a pass rate of 100%. There were some exceptional individual results, and many young people and their families were overjoyed. These outstanding results are a reflection of their resilience, dedication and the support of their teachers and parents.
Pinelands High School is incredibly proud of the achievements of the learners and the legacy they leave behind. The results underscore the school’s commitment to a culture of excellence and preparing students to excel both academically and beyond.
At Pinelands High School, we take pride in fostering academic excellence, providing a supportive environment, and offering diverse opportunities for all students to thrive.
• Top NSC student in South Africa
• Top in Quintile 5 schools in South Africa
• Top 1% for Further Studies Maths (Standard)
• Aggregate: 97.57%
• 9 Subject Distinctions
• Further Studies Maths (Standard): 99%
• Physical Sciences: 100%
• Mathematics: 97%
• Accounting: 98%
• 2nd in Quintile 5 schools in South Africa
• Aggregate: 96.71%
• 9 Subject Distinctions
• Physical Sciences: 99%
• Mathematics: 100%
• EGD (Engineering Graphics and Design): 99%
• Accounting: 99 %
1 0 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 5 &
2 5 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 5
W e i n v i t e y o u t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e H e r s c h e l
d i f f e r e n c e o n o u r u p c o m i n g O p e n D a y s .
E x p l o r e o u r b e a u t i f u l c a m p u s , v i b r a n t
c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e s p a c e s i n w h i c h w e
c h a m p i o n c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g , a d a p t a b i l i t y ,
c r e a t i v i t y , p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g a n d
c o l l a b o r a t i o n .
H e r s c h e l G i r l s S c h o o l c e l e b r a t e s g r o w t h ,
e f f o r t , c h a r a c t e r a n d a c h i e v e m e n t ,
p r e p a r i n g y o u n g w o m e n t o f a c e t h e f u t u r e
w i t h c o u r a g e , c o n f i d e n c e a n d r e s i l i e n c e –
r e a d y t o l e a d a n d s u c c e e d i n a w o r l d o f
l i m i t l e s s p o s s i b i l i t i e s .
B o o k i n g s c a n b e m a d e b y v i s i t i n g
w w w . h e r s c h e l . o r g . z a
L e a r n i n g t o m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e
Herschel Girls School, located in Cape Town’s southern suburbs, is proud to provide holistic and forward-thinking education as an Anglican and ISASA member school.
In 2022, a key milestone was reached when Herschel joined the Independent Examination Board (IEB) The 2024 matriculants were the first to write the IEB National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations, marking an exciting chapter in our history Our pupils excelled, achieving 3rd place nationally in the Girls’ Schools category, and 7th overall, as reported in BusinessTech (14 January). These accolades highlight the dedication of our pupils and staff
We are incredibly proud of our 2024 Matrics and all they have achieved Four pupils, Zoë Arenhold, Cate Lea, Kaitlyn Knight and Erin Meyer made the IEB Outstanding Achievers in the Top 5% list
For us, education is a ‘long game’ and it is a journey Herschel’s success stems from a culture of academic excellence and balanced growth which has evolved over time A highly respected work ethic, broad and enriching participation in school life, impressive timemanagement skills, and focused, curious engagement characterize the holistic education that pupils receive
Herschel pupils are encouraged to participate in a range of activities (sporting, cultural and community
engagement) to discover more about themselves, their interests and abilities, establish meaningful friendships, stretch themselves, develop holistically and, importantly, have fun!
Our teachers are professional, dedicated, adaptive and genuinely invested in the teaching and learning journey They take pride in their profession and value the importance of their roles
Central to our approach is robust pastoral care We understand the challenges of managing change and a busy school life By prioritizing wellbeing, we equip our pupils with the resilience and perspective needed to thrive in a dynamic and uncertain world
We believe that good education should always unfold within a context much bigger than itself. We encourage awareness of local, national and global issues, fostering empathy, leadership and social responsibility under our tagline, Learning to make a difference This prepares our pupils not only to succeed academically but to make a meaningful impact on the world
Herschel Girls School celebrates growth, effort, character and achievement, preparing young women to face the future with courage, confidence and resilience – ready to lead and succeed in a world of limitless possibilities
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Applications for 2025 are now open. Don’t wait –visit www.redandyellow.co.za or email at registrations@ redandyellow.co.za or fulltime@redandyellow.co.za to secure your spot.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Cannons Creek matric Class of 2024 for a phenomenal set of results – 100% pass rate for the 22nd consecutive year.
The class of 33 pupils achieved a total of 100 As, with an average of three distinctions per candidate. The overall class average was 75%, with six subjects attaining A averages.
Twelve pupils achieved an A average overall, 11 pupils achieved a B average overall, and seven pupils achieved a C average overall. Three pupils achieved a full-house of distinctions, and must be congratulated on this phenomenal achievement – Hanaa Parkar, Bethany Reynders and Luke Jacobs.
The 2025 plans are diverse for the Class of 2024. Kaythlin Arendse will be studying law and interning at parliament; Bethany Reynders is embarking on a ballet training gap-year programme; Anthony Allen will be studying actuarial science at UCT; Hanaa Parkar will be studying chemical engineering at Stellenbosch; Ruben Clark will be completing yachting and scuba diving courses; Ishrat Banderker will be studying towards a BA in Islamic studies at the Madina Institute; and both Aidan
Cloete and Aidan Marais will be studying mechatronics at UCT.
Advice from the matric Class of 2024:
“Don’t let anything discourage you from working hard, whether it is a bad mark or something that’s just really hard in the year, it will be worth it in the end.” –Aidan Marais (6 distinctions)
“Consistency is key. Take every opportunity, test and piece of homework you can to work towards the final exam. Don’t get disheartened; it’s never too late for an academic comeback.” – Bethany Reynders (7 distinctions)
“Pay attention in class, get enough sleep, work hard for prelims and finals, and do a lot of past-year papers.” –Luke Jacobs (8 distinctions)
“My advice would be to make sure you strike a balance, otherwise you will burn out and won’t make it to finals. If you don’t, it’s a long year; you write over three exam periods. So make sure you spend a lot of time with your friends, go outside, do exercise and go out – it makes a big difference.” – Hanaa Parkar (7 distinctions)
Brescia house school
AS the matric results for the class of 2024 are released, the Brescia House School Head Girls of 2024 reflect on the journey of a group of young women who have demonstrated exceptional resilience, compassion and leadership.
Their legacy is one of grit and grace – qualities that have shaped their time at the school and prepared them for the challenges ahead.
For these students, the conclusion of their school journey represents both a milestone and a stepping stone to the future. Over the past year, they have navigated the complex demands of academic achievement, leadership responsibilities and personal growth; emerging as role models for their peers and the broader school community.
“Leadership at Brescia House School has always been defined by service and the Class of 2024 embraced this ethos wholeheartedly,” says Palesa Ntsoane, Head Girl for 2024. “As a matric group, we redefined leadership not as a title but as an opportunity to uplift others and foster a culture of connection.”
Through their actions, they exemplified the value of being present – showing up for their peers, school and themselves – with authenticity and dedication. They lived the values of their foundress, St Angela Merici, which are caring, building relationships based on love and charity, as well as strength in unity.
A defining characteristic of this cohort has been their commitment to sisterhood.
“As a girls’ school, Brescia House School provides a unique environment where young women are encouraged to support and inspire each other. The Class of 2024 carried this tradition forward, creating an atmosphere of inclusivity, encouragement and shared purpose,” added Ntsoane.
This culture of sisterhood is a hallmark of their legacy and one that will inspire future generations.
Balancing the rigorous demands of matric with leadership roles was no small feat. Yet, these learners displayed remarkable tenacity; managing academic pressures without compromising their roles as servant leaders. Their ability to lead with humility, while prioritising personal and collective well-being, reflects the core values instilled by the school.
The Class of 2024 departs having left a lasting legacy on the Brescia House School community. Their journey stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, compassion and a shared commitment to excellence. As the next group of leaders prepares to take on their roles, they do so with the example of a class that demonstrated how to lead with grace and serve with joy.
Brescia House School continues to cultivate an environment where young women are encouraged to be resilient, compassionate and courageous. The Class of 2024 embodies these values and carries them forward into the world – equipped not only with academic knowledge but with the character and heart to make a meaningful difference.
THE Independent Examinations Board (IEB) class of 2024 achieved a 98.7% pass rate – the highest pass rate recorded in the past five years.
About 13 250 learners registered to sit for the IEB National Senior Certificate exams, with the results receiving approval from Umalusi, South Africa’s quality assurance body, which confirmed the integrity of the examination process.
The IEB said that all candidates who successfully completed the examinations attained a pass that qualifies them for tertiary study.
The results are:
¡ 89.37% of the cohort achieved entry to degree study (compared to 88.59% in 2023).
¡ 7.56% qualified for entry to diploma study (compared to 8.31% in 2023).
¡ 1.53% achieved entry for study at the higher certificate level (compared to 1.57% in 2023).
¡ 0.02% achieved an endorsed certificate.
St Stithians Boys’ College and St Stithians Girls’ College in Sandton proudly announced a flawless 100% pass rate among their 251 candidates. The schools recorded a remarkable 98.4% Bachelor’s degree pass rate and an impressive 742 distinctions, with 10 learners receiving the prestigious Summa Cum Laude award for maintaining an average of 90% or above.
Meanwhile, Trinityhouse Schools, with its class of
2024 comprising 267 matriculants across four campuses, mirrored this success story with a 100% pass rate and a stellar 99% Bachelor’s degree pass rate. Brand academic head, Sumari Purdon, lauded the learners for their commitment to excellence, adding that their results exemplified the ethos of Trinityhouse’s comprehensive educational philosophy.
Crawford International Schools also demonstrated academic prowess, with the latest results revealing a remarkable tally of 1 527 distinctions among its cohort, yielding an average of 2.8 distinctions per candidate. With 25 learners achieving an average exceeding 90%, Crawford secured 17 IEB Outstanding Achievement Awards; cementing its renowned reputation for academic distinction.
St David’s Marist Inanda also recorded a 100% pass rate, along with 99% achieving Bachelor’s degree passes. Comprising 148 learners, the class of 2024 collectively secured 444 distinctions – reflecting their all-rounded excellence in academics, sport and community engagement.
Headboy Fhatuwani Mudau’s leadership marked a significant achievement for the school, especially as it continues to nurture learners through its dual campuses in Sandton and Alexandra.
Mudau’s story serves as a testament to the school’s commitment to breaking social barriers through education and community service initiatives; furthering the values of respect, humility and servant leadership.
172 candidates and a 100% pass rate 171 (99.4%) achieved a Bachelors Pass 622 subject distinctions (80%+)
81 learners achieved four or more subject distinctions
10 learners achieved an aggregate of 90%+
4 learners achieved 8 subject distinctions.
Top Candidate: Kate Ferguson
7 Subject Distinctions (all above 90%) 95.3% aggregate
REFLECTING on the accomplishments of its matriculating learners, the St George’s Grammar School community is beaming with pride for the remarkable achievements of the Class of 2024.
Their dedication, perseverance and hard work have culminated in a 100% pass rate – a testament to their resilience and the unwavering support of their families, teachers and peers.
The matric pupils have not only excelled academically, but have also embodied the values of the school: diversity, inclusivity and a commitment to excellence. These young individuals are equipped to make meaningful contributions to the world, carrying with them the lessons and experiences that have shaped them within the Georgian community.
These achievements are a celebration of individual effort as well as the collaborative spirit that defines St George’s Grammar School. They are a reminder of the potential that lies within every learner, when nurtured in an environment of encouragement, inclusivity and excellence.
St George’s Grammar School is particularly proud to highlight the exceptional achievements of some of its top performers:
¡ Kian Johnson: Achieved an outstanding seven distinctions and one B, including two marks above 90%.
¡ Zanele Ngweni: Earned five distinctions, including one mark above 90%.
¡ Ande Melane: Secured five distinctions, with two marks exceeding 90%.
¡ Haneem Keraan: Achieved two distinctions
¡ Ethan Petersen: Achieved three distinctions
¡ Aaliah Esa: Achieved three distinctions
¡ Arya Naidoo: Achieved three distinctions
St George’s Grammar School extends its heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have guided, inspired and supported the Class of 2024. Their passion and dedication have been instrumental in shaping these young minds.
“To the Class of 2024, as you embark on the next chapter of your journey, remember that you are part of a legacy of excellence. Continue to strive for greatness, carry the Georgian spirit with you and shine brightly in all that you do. Congratulations on your remarkable achievements – we are so proud of you.”
Secure your place online
ARE you a non-German speaker interested in a worldclass education? Join the German International School Cape Town (DSK) for its Middle and High School Open Day for Grades 5 to 12.
Mark your calendar for Friday, March 7 at 9am. Due to limited availability, the school encourages you to secure your space by booking online at www.dsk.co.za/opendays/
DSK’s Open Day includes an informative session, a
guided tour of the campus as well as a “meet-and-greet” with school management, teachers and DSK parents who will be happy to answer questions.
The DSK offers an internationally recognised schoolleaving certificate and the German Language Diploma, which qualifies graduates for further studies in South Africa and universities in Europe. This paves the way for an international career.
“Your child’s international education starts with us.”
springfield convent school
SPRINGFIELD Convent School’s matric Class of 2024 showed commitment and determination, which have been rewarded with a fine set of results.
These results, together with their extramural feats, social and spiritual growth, and contributions to the wider community through community engagement and service, are a testament to the impact they have had on Springfield Convent School – as a grade and as individuals.
“We know that the lessons learned here at Springfield will not only allow them to be successful in their chosen fields of study and work, but will also give them the platform to contribute positively to society. This will be guided by the values of respect, compassion
and responsibility, engaging with others with integrity and offering service to the community, while always keeping veritas (truth) close to their hearts,” said the school.
Springfield Convent School salutes its matrics who achieved multiple distinctions and congratulates them on their achievements. It also recognises those matrics who may not have made the list of high-achievers but showed equal dedication and grit to achieve their best results.
“Well done to the Class of 2024 – we thank you for all you have given to Springfield Convent School. On behalf of the staff and learners of the school, we congratulate the matric Class of 2024.”
top achievers 2024
100% Pass Rate 253 Subject Distinctions with 77 of these being over 90% 3.24 distinctions per pupil
Top Performers
IN 1903, Krugersdorp High School was established under the watchful eye of Miss Martin, the first headmistress of the school. It was under her guidance that the fundamentals of grit, excellence and dedication were inculcated in the core business of the school.
In the rich history of the school, two dramatic occurrences took place. The first was in the early 1920s when the school burned down – yet the very next day education continued in a new home for Krugersdorp High School. The second occurrence took place during the national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, again, like in 1921, the school was not held back by any hurdles and started educating its learners immediately online. This ensured that its learners were provided with opportunities to continue with their core business –education.
first schools to provide online learning to its students and created a drive-thru on one of its rugby fields for its learners to both upload and download their schoolwork.
In its 122 years, the school has had a mere nine principals – Ivan Bailey being the current headmaster. Under his guidance and leadership, the school has further developed its academic, sporting and cultural offerings. This is also a further indication that consistency and dedication are integral parts of the philosophy to KHS (as the school is fondly known among its community).
Krugersdorp High School was among one of the
As it works towards developing the holistic learner, Krugersdorp High School focuses on encompassing the academic, sport and cultural offerings provided to each learner. This ensures that learners are provided opportunities to further develop their futures. When a learner starts at Krugersdorp High School, the school begins its journey in ensuring that they are provided the best possible platform to succeed as a well-rounded adult.
AS South Africa celebrates the 2024 matric pass rate, which reached an unprecedented 87.3%, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is equally excited about the education opportunities that remain - especially regarding mathematics.
Among the 615 000 who successfully passed their NSC exams, many young learners were celebrated for their remarkable achievements. Among them is Sbusiso Buthelezi, one of KwaZulu-Natal’s top achievers.
His success can not only be attributed to his own hard work and dedication, but also to the support structure around him. Aside from the encouragement from his mom and community, he also attended one of SAICA’s development camps in 2024. These camps, hosted annually in collaboration with the Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (FASSET) and the Department of Basic Education, equip Grade 11 and 12 learners with the skills needed to improve their mathematics performance and unlock high-demand career opportunities. Most of the 2024 camp attendees achieved impeccable success, with many surpassing the camps’ target of 60% in their final matric results.
Why the focus on mathematics? Without it, Buthelezi cannot fulfil his dream of studying actuarial science. The number of matric learners opting to take mathematics has steadily declined from 46% in 2011 to just 34% in 2023. In 2024, only 255 762 learners registered for mathematics, compared to 268 100 in 2023. Furthermore, only a small percentage of those who choose the subject achieve the necessary 60% pass to pursue university programmes in fields such as accounting, actuarial science and engineering.
“The SAICA FASSET Maths and Accounting Camps played a pivotal role in my academic success and personal growth,” Buthelezi said. “The teachers went beyond the basics; diving deep into the subject matter and transforming mathematics and accounting into languages I could fluently understand and confidently apply. The structured sessions and rigorous exercises clarified complex concepts - significantly enhancing my analytical and problem-solving skills.
“Beyond academics, the SAICA camps instilled in me a sense of discipline and resilience. They prepared me for my matric exams and nurtured a mindset of lifelong learning and determination. These camps were more than just a learning experience - they were a turning point in my journey, shaping me into the person I am today. I wish all learners could experience the support I received at the camps – it truly made a remarkable difference.”
Makabongwe Siziba, FASSET Acting CEO, said: “Our collaboration with SAICA is fundamental in preparing matriculants for success. By working together, we ensure students are not only equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge but also gain the confidence to navigate the challenges of higher education. The strength of this partnership is key to empowering students to build brighter futures.”
Robert Zwane, SAICA’s Executive Director: Learning and Development, added: “Mathematics develops problem-solving
skills, which drives innovation and economic growth. While we’ve seen progress regarding mathematics, we cannot afford to neglect the momentum in this area. The shortage of learners excelling in mathematics is alarming. Without a strong mathematics foundation in education, South Africa risks failing to produce the skilled professionals necessary for our STEM industries. This challenge requires collective action, as there is still much work to be done to bridge the gap.
“SAICA therefore urges educators, policymakers, parents, and industry leaders to prioritise mathematics education and help build the dreams of our youth. Businesses are encouraged to contribute by offering mentorship, resources and opportunities to equip maths educators and inspire learners from all communities to excel in maths. We need communities and parents on board to encourage learners to choose mathematics as a subject and provide the necessary support and technology to improve maths education. The strong focus on mathematics isn’t just about individual success - it’s about national progress, and we all need to play our part. We must ensure that all learners have the resources and support to excel in mathematics. Without this, we cannot foresee a future of strong governance, job creation and global competitiveness, which in turn impacts South Africa’s economic stability.”
SAICA’s development camps aren’t the only answer. SAICA also offers sponsorship to the top accounting learner in each province every year, as well as a Thuthuka bursary should the learner meet the Thuthuka requirements. Other interventions, like the South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO) competition, play a vital role in improving math proficiency in South Africa and demonstrating that mathematics is not just a subject but a critical skill that opens doors to exciting careers.
“By encouraging learners to engage with mathematics interactively and competitively, we help them realise their potential and the vast opportunities available to them,” added Zwane. “We implore other entities in South Africa to join us in creating exciting interventions for learners to excel in mathematics. So far, FASSET and the Department of Basic Education have partnered with SAICA to host the camps. In 2025, we hope to see at least two big corporates on board to offer their support. Those interested in helping can email Gugu Makhanya at gugum@ saica.co.za. Let us work together to pave the way for sustainable progress and prosperity in the South African economy.”
The following top achievers from the Free State also attended the camps in 2024.
• Realeboha Ntjelo
• Tshiamo Peace Machitje
• Kanelo Motloung
• Letlotlo Ntoahae
• Lehlohonolo Mokhothu
• Thapelo Thekiso
• Neo Samuel Mokoena
• Mpho Motloung
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