In our first issue of IOL Pets of 2021, we look at pet well-being & nutrition. Our pets are our babies, only the best for them. We tell you just what that best is – from food to behaviour to social media.
Someone special we’d like you to meet is Bunny, the talking dog who is baffling scientists & amazing her TikTok followers as they track her amazing journey online. As offices reopen, more & more pets are being left home alone after over a year of constant company. Read our useful tips on helping your pet get through these stressful times. Our cold-weather guide for fur babies is sure to warm your heart & they will love the interesting ideas we’ve come up with to keep them snuggly. As winter’s might grows, so do the number of destitute animals at animal shelters, rescue organisations and SPCAs across the country. These heroes-for-animals organisations are in desperate need of support to help hundreds of destitute animals get through the big chill. We implore you to open your heart to this good cause