The Samaritan • Grand Lodge Session Issue 2015

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Volume 7




Issue 3 • Grand Lodge Session Issue 2015

What’s so ODD about New Jersey?

You’ll know for ‘Shore’ if if  you you check out pages 14-17...


Welcome to

The Samaritan The Official Magazine of New Jersey Grand Lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellowship.

Please send any and all IOOF related news, events, photos, buildings, memories of days gone by, etc, with any identifying info to This is YOUR magazine so any comments or suggestions are always welcome, too! Our success depends on YOU! .O I.O .F.


PRESS Association

Promoting Odd Fellowship through Positive Communication Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin

It’s Official! Odd Travels


Odd History: Arlington Cemetary

Editor/Art Director

Pastor Roman Photographer

Robert Wooton


Proofreader/Assistant Editor

Steven Wooton Fact Checker

Send Lawyers, Guns, & Odd Fellows




Debbe McClelland Grand Secretary

4527 Rt. 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016

United States of America Tel: 609-386-0025 or 609-519-8504 GRAND LODGE MEETINGS 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 am

Conclave Joint Report ................................3 Grand Master Message................................4 Grand Patriarch Message............................5 Rebekah President Message........................6 Good of The Order.........................18-21, 25 ‘Odd’ Standing Achievements...................31 Philanthropy........................................23,27 Events .......................................................30 The Samaritan




March Madness At The Mid Atlantic States Conclave


ur most important task this year has been the Conclave, for over one year we have put a lot of effort into organizing this event. Thanks to everyone for their time and attendance as this was the start of the success of the Conclave. Basket donations by all the Lodges, Encampment and Rebekahs, along with other activities were great fundraiser. Special thanks to everyone for their generosity in buying tickets for the raffles. Everyone enjoyed the two nights of entertainment especially the hospitality room which the committee worked effortlessly to provide a variety of drinks and snacks. I want to thank everyone that worked hard to make this a success. I would like to make mention of my gratitude and respect for Donald Anderson for his energetic personality and wisdom that helped us so much. Immediately upon our arrival Friday morning we helped the brothers and sisters who had brought supplies for the hospitality room or baskets for the raffles. We also helped in organizing the banquet table and Secretary Debbe McClelland and sisters and brothers filling the welcome bags for the guests being registered. Friday night was fun night which was ‘beach theme’. We commenced the night with the presentation of the State flags and dignitaries and followed with the flag salutation and invocation. A generous buffet followed by entertainment of story tellers. Entertainment finished at 9:30pm but most of the guests continued the night in the hospitality room where everything was served



Many thanks to all the jurisdictions that were present.

with smile especially Brother Mike O’Connor in the canteen and the sisters Lillian K. New and Arlene de Francesco who were always concerned that brothers and sisters sample everything that was brought. Saturday morning the Mid Atlantic Conclave committee held their elections and new officers were installed. Reports were given and future Conclave details were discussed. We must highlight the collaboration provided by Marcia López-Araujo, President of the Rebekah State Assembly, Pía López , Carlos López, Victoria Burger and Benjamin Burger whom made us laugh when every time he was requested you could hear his voice across the banquet hall. The future Grand Master Thomas Calabrese was always attentive in everything related to the organization of the event. Peter McElroy was the Coordinator of the activities and skits for Saturday afternoon. Although Brother Douglas and Sister Dorothy Planer were not present due to Brother Doug’s operation we must highlight their work as Treasurers of the Conclave and until the last moment kept accounts up to date. Broth-

er Raul Rodriguez always with his smile was also the person responsible for art and printing of the programs for the Conclave. The Baker family collaborated in many activities, the making of the baskets, the sale of pins of the Conclave and the multiple decorations that gave life to the tables on the night of the banquet. Brother Harold Delhagen collaborated in many ways and was the brother who welcomed visitors in the lobby of the Hotel. Myrtle Hubbs (our “covergirl” for this issue) was the winner of the night.

por encima de lo planificado y los hermanos y hermanas pudieron disfrutar de ratos amenos durante su estancia en el hotel donde se celebró tan magno evento, los actos de entretenimientos también fueron del agrado de los presentes así como la música brindada en la noche del sábado. Nuestra llegada al hotel se produjo en horas tempranas de la mañana del viernes donde de inmediato nos dimos a la tarea de ayudar a los hermanos y hermanos que traían los materiales y abastecimientos para el Cuarto de la Hospitalidad, o las cestas que se rifarían en la noche del sábado, organizar la mesa de recepciones y ayudar a la hermana secretaria Debbe McClelland y a los hermanos a empacar las bolsas que se darían para que el acto quedara más lúcido. En el día viernes fue la recepción de los hermanos visitantes y todo estuvo organi-

zado como estaba planeado siempre con la atenta dirección del hermano Donald H. Anderson el que se preocupó porque todo estuviera en orden para hacer sentir a los hermanos confortables durante este evento. En la noche fue el buffet en el salón comedor y después muchos hermanos pasaron a las Habitaciones de la Hospitalidad donde todos fueron atendidos siempre con la sonrisa de los hermanos y en especial de hermano Mike O’Connor en la cantina y las hermanas Lillian K. New y Arlene de Francisco que siempre estuvieron preocupadas porque los hermanos y hermanas comieran de todo lo que se había traído para la ocasión y en especial del café que la hermana Lillian preparo especialmente para algunos hermanos a petición del Gran Maestro. Debemos de destacar también la colab-

Report continued on page 4

Locura De Marzo En El Cónclave Estados Del Atlántico


stamos de lleno ya en los trabajos de nuestros Grandes Cuerpos hemos comenzado con las visitas oficiales a las logias de la Jurisdicción y hemos acompañado también al Gran Patriarca en sus Visitas a Campamentos, también hemos estado al lado de la cama de un enfermo para demostrarle al hermano Dog Planer nuestro apoyo en tan difícil momento. Nuestra tarea más importante en este año ha sido el Conclave, al que por más de un año le hemos dedicado todo nuestro esfuerzo en la organización del mismo, las reuniones que se daban del conclave dieron el fruto esperado por todos, la donación de cestas por parte de las logias de la jurisdicción contribuyo en mucho para el lucimiento de este evento que tanto trabajo nos dio en organizar, los abastecimientos para el Cuarto de la Hospitalidad, estuvieron muy

The Samaritan


Informe continúa en la página 4



My Committment To The Order Will Continue


he time has come say goodbye to my term as Grand Master but it is not a good bye as my commitment as an Odd Fellow and to the Order will continue. I will not have the title ‘Grand Master” but will continue to work hard and with the same enthusiasm as in this past year. As Grand Master I had the opportunity to visit many new lodges, make new friends and share many great times. Thank you for all the memories.

I enjoyed this year immensely and believe was a very successful one but, must recognize that the success of my term was due to the collaboration of so many wonderful brothers and sisters (too many to name) and specially my staff who traveled so many miles with me to all the events. I want to congratulate the incoming Grand Master and his staff and wish them good luck.

The Helping Hand Of The Grand Lodge Of NJ


n May 9th, the Grand Lodge of New Jersey (G.L.) awarded two checks to individuals in need. Ms. Barahona (pictured top right with GM Guido and Mario Barahona) has a brain tumor and is currently under treatment. She has been traveling to the United States for further testing. The G.L. gave her $1,000 to help with her travel expenses to and from the United States. David Herrera (pictured lower right with GM Guido Miranda) is a young man who is currently enrolled in the Union City High School. He is an honor student and was initiated in the Alvarez Del Portal lodge this week. David is alone in this country and works parttime to pay attorney expenses as he is finalizes his immigration status. The G.L. gave him $1,500 for education.

Report continued from page 3

Maritza Rodriguez, daughter of Brother Raul Rodriguez gave us a great example of fraternity by asking for more opportunities for the young relatives of the brothers and sisters because they may be the future of the order. Many thanks to all the jurisdictions that were present. In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Guido Miranda, Grand Master Pastor Roman, Grand Patriarch

Informe viene de la página 3

oración brindada por la Presidenta de la Asamblea de Rebecas, Marcia López Araujo, Pía López y Carlos López, Victoria Burger y Benjamín Burger, pues cada vez que eran solicitado el hermano Ben respondía con una voz que se escuchaba en todo el salón, el futuro Gran Maestro Thomas Calabrese estuve siempre atento en todo lo relacionado a la organización del evento y The Samaritan


Thank you all for your support!

In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Guido Miranda, Grand Master preocupado porque todo marchara bien, Peter McElroy fue el coordinador de las actividades del sábado en la tarde, aunque el hermano Douglas y la hermana Dorothy Planer no estuvieron presente por motivos de la operación del hermanos Dog es de destacar su labor como Tesoreros del Conclave y hasta el último momento rindieron las cuentas al día, Raúl Rodríguez nos mantuvo siempre con la sonrisa a flor de labios pues sus actividades eran de notar en todo momento, además fue la persona encarga de la confección del libro del recuerdo del Conclave, la familia Baker colaboro en muchas actividades pero una de las más importantes fue la venta de pines del Conclave y la elaboración de múltiples regalos y adornos que le dieron vida a las mesas en la noche del Banquete, el hermano Harold Delhagen colaboro en muchos aspectos y fue el hermano que dio la bienvenida a los visitantes en el Lobby del Hotel, Myrtle Hubbs fue la agraciada en el Fifty Fifty y también formo parte del Show de los Barberos, muchos más hermanos y hermanas colaboraron en la organización de estos actos pero sus nombres escapan a mi memoria, esperamos que el nuevo Conclave nos dé más experiencias para el engrandecimiento de la fraternidad. La hija del Hermano Raúl Rodríguez nos dio un nuevo ejemplo de fraternidad al solicitar que se dé más atención a los juveniles familiares de los hermanos pues esta es la cantera de donde se nutren las logias. Muchas fueron las Jurisdicciones que estuvieron presente y para ellas va nuestro agradecimiento en estas líneas. En Amistad, Amor, y la Verdad, Guido Miranda, Gran Maestro Pastor Roman, Gran Patriarca



Member Contributions Highlight A Successful Year


he Arctic cold days that hit us during the past two months of winter disrupted our regular lodge and encampment meetings; however, we are back to our regular schedules. During these past few months the work of secretary and treasury at Alvarez Del Portal and Michael Popik Encampment were not interrupted because we have always been tracking the correspondence and accounts payable through Treasurer, Dacio R. Sanchez and secretary, Pastor Roman. The scheduled meetings of the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment have been met in a timely manner, in the company of Carlos Lopez, Raul Rodriguez, Pastor Roman and Guido Miranda whom have attended all the scheduled events. These meetings included those of the Grand Lodge, the Committee for the Mid Atlantic Conclave and the Grand Bodies planning board to organize the Charity Ball. We also had a great attendance to the Devil’s Ice hockey game in spite of freezing temperatures. The monetary benefit will be used for the scholarship funds of our Lodge Alvarez Del Portal No.



Overall, we have worked toward the general welfare of our Order and we will continue to do so God willing and may he give us the gift of health.

285. Overall, we have fulfilled our obligations as grand staff. We have also held meetings with the President of the Rebekah State Assembly, Marcia Lopez Araujo, in order to organize her testimonial dinner held by Rebekah Lodge Amor y Verdad. Thanks to the building committee and the collaboration of other brothers, we were able to maintain property clear of snow and ice and ensure that there were no accidents. The installations of new officers for Michael Popik Jr No. 117 were well attended and we hope that the new staff brings new ideas and enthusiasm for the growth of our order. The official visits for the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment are being met on schedule and we are awaiting date confirmation for the remaining official visits, weather permitting, in order to complete our commitments this year.

The staff meetings of the Grand Encampment have been taking place on schedule; at our last meeting we discussed matters regarding members of the order in general, donations and charities. We held nominations and elections of new officers for the

juegos de Jockey sobre Hielo con temperaturas congelantes donde se obtiene un beneficio monetario que irá a parar a los fondos de Becas de nuestra Logia Álvarez del Portal # 285 en fin hemos cumplido con nuestras obligaciones como Grandes Funcionarios. También hemos mantenido reuniones con la Presidenta de la Asamblea de Rebecas Marcia López Araujo para la actualización de datos del Testimonial Dinner de la Presidenta. Nuestro edificio de sesiones se ha mantenido caliente y libre de nieves en los alrededores gracias a la colaboración de los hermanos y apoderados del edificio que siempre han estado presente en esos días para velar que no ocurran accidentes o se rompan las tuberías de agua por congelación como suele ocurrir en estos tiempos de crudo invierno. Las Instalaciones de los Funcionarios del Campamento Michael Popik Jr # 117 se efectuaron con una nutrida concurrencia y esperamos que la nueva directiva de un

nuevo empuje a nuestro campamento para el engrandecimiento de la orden en general. Las visitas de los Grandes Funcionarios de la Gran Logia y el Gran Campamento a las Logias y los Campamentos de la Jurisdicción ya se han estado efectuando o esperamos la confirmación de fechas para cumplimentar uno de nuestros compromisos con la Orden. También se efectuó la reunión semestral de Gran Campamento donde se trataron asuntos importantes para el Gran Cuerpo y miembros de la orden en general, también se llevó a cabo la nominación y elección de los nuevos funcionarios para el próximo período y se dio a conocer las donaciones efectuadas o a efectuar en los próximos días. El almuerzo del Charity Ball fue todo un éxito, con una nutrida concurrencia por parte de los miembros de las logias del Estado de New Jersey. El día 17 de marzo se llevó a efecto la visita oficial conjunta del Gran Campa-

GP continued on page 22

Aportes Miembros Destacan Un Año Exitoso


a han pasado los días del frio del Ártico que nos azoto durante el presente invierno, durante estos dos últimos meses nuestra reuniones de logias y campamentos se han visto interrumpidas por los elementos de la Naturaleza, nuevamente comenzamos de una forma normal con nuestros trabajos y días de reuniones regulares, durante estos meses pasados los trabajo de secretaría y tesorería no se interrumpieron pues siempre tuvimos cuidado de la correspondencia y de las cuentas a pagar por medio del tesorero Dacio R. Sánchez en la tesorería y Pastor Román en la secretaría. También los trabajos y reuniones de la Gran Logia y Gran Campamento se han efectuado con puntualidad, en compañía de Carlos López, Raúl Rodríguez, Pastor Román y Guido Miranda hemos asistido a todos los eventos programados, las reunión de la Gran Logia, reuniones del Comité para el Conclave del Medio Este, reuniones para la organización del Charity Ball, asistencia a los

The Samaritan


GP continúa en la página 22



Thank You For An Amazing Testimonial Dinner


want to thank my family and friends who came to my Testimonial dinner on April 19th, and all who took adds in my souvenir book. We all had a wonderful time and I thank the Test imoni a l Dinner Committee for an excellent job done, especially Dacio Sanchez and Pastor Roman for a wonderful party. I will forever remember this day. As Grand Master Guido Miranda’s and Grand Patriarch Pastor Roman’s year comes to an end

I wish them the best in their future endeavors. I enjoyed working with them; they are true examples of Odd Fellowship. I look forward to working with Tom Calabrese as the new Grand Master and Brian Simons as Grand Patriarch for the time remaining until my year ends. I hope all our mothers had a Happy Mother’s Day and wish all our fathers a Happy Father’s Day. In Friendship, Love and Truth, Marcia Lopez-Araujo President, Rebekah State Assembly of NJ

Photos courtesy of Ed Molina and Pastor Roman. More photos on page 22.


was born in Havana, Cuba on January 14, 1962. In November 1969, my parents, Pia and Carlos Lopez brought my siblings and me to the United States in search of freedom. I graduated from New Jersey City University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science and have been employed in the medical field over 26+ years with Vascular Surgeons. I am married to Armando N. Araujo and have one daughter, Chambeli and two wonderful granddaughters, Shanelly and Malena. Despite a demanding career and caring

for my husband who was recovering from a stroke, I joined Amor y Verdad No.118 in 2008. In 2011-2012, I served as Noble

The Autobiogaphy of

1 Marcia Lopez-Araujo 2 Grand of Amor y Verdad No. 118 and Chief Matriarch of Catalina Garcia LEA No.96. I served as District Deputy President of United Rebekah District and Warden of Rebekah State Assembly in 2012-2013, Vice The Samaritan


President in 2013-2014 and in June, 2014. I obtained the Grand Encampment Degree. This past October I was elected President of the Rebekah State Assembly of New Jersey. Throughout these years, I spearheaded several fund raising cruises and a toy drive this past December, benefiting Women Rising, Inc. of Hudson County, New Jersey. Of all the roles that I have fulfilled in my life thus far, serving my community alongside my Brothers and Sisters with Friendship, Love and Truth has been one of the most rewarding.


ací en la Habana, Cuba en Enero 14, 1962. En Noviembre de 1969, mis padres Pia y Carlos López trajeron a mis hermanos y a mí para los Estados Unidos en busca de libertad. Obtuve el Bachillerato en Ciencias en New Jersey City University y he estado empleada por 26+ años con Cirujanos Vasculares. Casada con Armando N. Araujo y tenemos una hija, Chambeli y dos nietas preciosas, Shanelly y Malena. A pesar de tener una carrera de mucha exigencia y cuidando de mi esposo mientras se recuperaba de un stroke me hice

miembro de Amor y Verdad No. 118 en el año 2008. En el año 2011-2012 fui la Noble Grande de Amor y Verdad No. 118 y Ma

El Autobiography de

1 Marcia López-Araujo 2 triarca Jefa de Catalina Garcia LEA No. 96. Serví como Diputada Presidenta del Distrito de Rebekahs Unidas y Gran Vigilante de La Asamblea de Rebekah en 2012-2013, Visé Presidenta en 2013-2014 y en Junio The Samaritan


2014 tomé el grado del Gran Campamento del Estado de Nueva Jersey. Este pasado Octubre fui electa Presidente de La Asamblea de Rebekah de Nueva Jersey. Durante estos años he sido responsable de organizar varios cruceros para recaudar fondos y el pasado Diciembre colecte juguetes para beneficiar a Women Rising, Inc. del condado de Hudson, Nueva Jersey. De todos los cargos que he ocupado en mi vida hasta hora, servir a mi comunidad junto a mis Hermanas y Hermanos con Amistad, Amor y Verdad ha sido el más satisfecho.

The Samaritan



t’s more than just business as ususal when Grand Master Guido Miranda, Grand Patriarch Pastor Roman, and Rebekah President Marcia Lopez-Araujo venture out on official visits. They traveled the Grand Jurisdiction of New Jersey meeting, greeting, and eating with friends both old and new. Members seen on pages 8-11 from: Alvarez del Portal No. 285, Amity Lodge No. 166, Catalina Garcia LEA No. 96, Echo Lodge No. 96, Frederick Lucas No.11, French Lodge No. 89, Medford Lodge, Michael Popik Lodge No. 117, Patria y Libertad Lodge No. 280, Sanchez Moya Lodge No. 282. Photos courtesy of Beth Garvin, Pastor Roman and lodges.

The Samaritan


The Samaritan


The Samaritan




Honor: Integrity In IOOF Beliefs And Actions

2015-2016 Grand Encampment Officers

Grand Patriarch Brian Simmons Grand High Priest Raul Rodriguez Grand Senior Warden Hector Galano Grand Junior Warden Debbe McClelland Grand Scribe Joseph Hubbs, Sr. Grand Treasurer Robert Wooton Representative to SGL Steven Wooton Grand Marshal Guido Miranda Grand Inside Sentinel To Be Appointed Grand Outside Sentinal Oscar Gonzalez Advisory Officer Pastor Roman

District Deputy Grand Patriarchs

District No. 1, Nos. 11, 15, 17 District No. 2 & 3, Nos. 1, 30, 60

Carlos Lopez Steven Wooton

District Deputy Grand Matriarchs

District No. 1, LEA No. 23 District No. 2 LEA No. 96

Debbe McClelland Marcia Lopez-Aruajo


s Grand Patriarch I look forward to working with you all during the upcoming year and visiting all Encampments and LEA’s. The key to our future is getting more members in our Encamp-

purpose is to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members, to help injured service members aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of

~ ~ ...key to our future is getting more member in our Encampments, especially younger members.

ments especially younger members. I urge all members to try to get younger members into our ranks because only through those younger members will we be able to grow and expand. My theme for this year is “Honor”. The dictionary defines honor as honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions, which I believe is what defines us as members of the Odd Fellows. Their mission is too foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. This organization’s

injured service members. The Wounded Warrior Project helps wounded soldiers get back into mainstream civilian life after leaving the service. This aspect is often overlooked and can be very difficult for them. I hope u will join with me and support this noble cause to help those who put themselves in harms way so that we my live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Brian R. Simmons Senior Warden

For more information The Samaritan




Unity: Working Together To Strengthen The Order


n anticipation for my year as Grand Master I have spoken to a number of Past Grand Masters. I appreciate and plan on using their advice to help me during the next year. My theme for the year is

always looking for volunteers! Please contact them if you’d like to volunteer for this very worthwhile cause! RAINE is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2001 to assist children and their families who are in crisis.

~ ~ You can break a single stick but when bound together they are not able to be broken.

“UNITY”. Working together to strengthen the Order, as in the story of the bundle of sticks. You can break a single stick but when bound together they are not able to be broken. My charity this year is RAINE. Since its beginnings, RAINE has positively impacted the the Bayshore Community – by providing food, clothing, assistance during the holidays, and various other necessities for families in crisis. The RAINE team, based in Hazlet, NJ, consists of compassionate, caring individuals striving to make a difference in the lives of others. They are

Services that are provided by RAINE include food and/or clothing, and holiday gifts. All information regarding families will be kept strictly confidential. I wish Grand Master Guido Miranda a successful Session, and thank him for his successful service as Grand Master. I hope to carry on his energy and dedication. I also want to thank the Grand Lodge Staff for their dedication to the Order. In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Tom Calabrese Deputy Grand Master

For more information 732.865.3555 or The Samaritan


2015-2016 Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Master Thomas Calabrese Deputy Grand Master Pastor Roman Grand Warden Benjamin Burger Grand Secretary Debbe McClelland Grand Treasurer Frank Rodgers Grand Representive Emeritus Peter Broeren Grand Representive Joseph Hubbs, Sr. Grand Chaplin Walter Norris Grand Marshall Raul Rodriguez Grand Conductor Joseph Lyons Grand Guardian Felix Caro Grand Herald Ramon Cartagena Asst. Grand Secretary Raul Rodriguez Asst. Grand Treasurer Brian Simmons Grand Instructor Steven Wooton Advisory Officer Guido Miranda

The Samaritan




iddle Atlantic sted the 58th M arch 27th to ho ey rs Je ew N M e (MASC) from . The theme ey States Conclav rs Je ew N , boro 29th in Swedes t was “Shore to Please”. en for this year’s ev comprised of Connecticut, is tucky, The MASC Columbia, Ken sylof t ic tr is D rk, Penn Delaware, Jersey, New Yo Mar yland, New est Virginia. and somehow W in for a spevania, Virginia, of Texas snuck on ti ic the jurisd dd Fellows cial visit. a chance for O The Conclave is mble for work and play. asse and Rebekahs to ar “On The Boardwalk” in ye xt ne u See yo ar yland! Ocean City, M ASC photos on pages 16 e See mor M eth Garvin s courtesy of B and 17. Photo an. and Pastor Rom



The Samaritan


clave Special thanks to the 2015 Con as seen be can who Committee (many n erso And Don ): anls anim barnyard ry), reta (sec (chairman), Tom Calabrese be Lillian New (hospitality suite), Deb ger Bur Ben ), tion istra (reg McClelland o(banquets/food), Karen Barker (dec ), kets (bas agen Delh rations), Christine Kate er, Bark id Dav o, ruaj ez-A Marcia Lop Len Barker, Sylvia Berr y, Diane Brierly, ns, Bur da Wan ger, Burger, Victoria Bur cis Fran De ne Arle s, men Gar y Clem Joe bs, Hub co, Harold DelHagen, Doris CarHubbs, Myrtle Hubbs, Dan LeFEver, lMcE Pete , Lyon Joe ez, Lop los Lopez, Pia a Edn a, roy, Terr y McElroy, Guido Mirand g Dou ols, Nich Ruth Murtha, Dottie nagle, l Rau an, Rom or Past er, Plan Planer, Dottie Rodriguez, and Marie Rogerson.

The Samaritan


The Samaritan




Harold Del Hagen Shares Ten Life Lessons Learned


he following Lessons Learned are an excerpt from “Living on 7 West” the diary of  Harold Del Hagen during his adventure at Temple Hospital while waiting for a heart transplant in 1998. Harold’s entire diary can be found at Lessons Learned 1. Keep your Eye on the prize. Many times I felt like a soldier in battle as people were dying all around me. As bad as I felt about them, I had to stay focused on my goal, a new heart. It didn’t mean that I didn’t care, but my mental outlook had to stay focused on the goal. 2. Relationships. I read only one book during my stay at Temple. It was “Tuesdays with Morie”. At first it felt strange to read a book about a man who was dying. He relates in the story that to him, relationships are that most important thing in life. Now I try to develop a new relationship every day. This gives me the opportunity to help and encourage all that I meet and will give me a more meaningful life. 3. Not too far from here. As I have written before, this is a song, which meant a lot to me. It is a real challenge to reach out to others and show them that you care about them. I saw many hurting people on Broad St. as we sat on the benches. Some begged for money or cigarettes some eat out of the garbage cans, and some slept on the benches and manhole covers. There were hurting people on 7 West as well. Most of them just needed someone to talk to and be encouraged. 4. Brighten the corner where you are. My old favorite saying “I have PMA” was really put to the test during this time. I tried to be as cheerful as possible and meet others where every they were in their struggle for improved health. I truly wanted to brighten the corner where I was! 5. Unload the junk in my life. Now that I learned how to get the “junk food” out of my diet, it became clear to me that I have to get the “junk” thoughts and habits out also. I cannot allow my time to be wasted on useless things. I am not sure how long this new heart will last, so I better use my time wisely. 6. Be thankful for every day! Now each day is a new opportunity to live a full life. Even at Temple, I should never stop thanking God for everything, no matter what happened. It is true that it isn’t as important what happens to you in this life as how you respond to what happens to you! 7. Give something back. Receiving a new Heart is an incredible gift. You can’t take


Now each day is a new opportunity to live a full life.


this gift without turning back and helping others who are still waiting. There will be many ways that I can go back and encourage others as they wait and even after they have gone home. 8. Trust in the Lord, always. From the first day at Temple, I learned to trust all of the wonderful people who care for me. The caregivers never gave me a reason to doubt them. Trusting in the Lord gave me the strength to endure the wait, the sur-

gery and the recovery. Again, trusting in the Lord, always! 9. Prayer does work! The thing about prayer, which impressed me most, was learning of people thousands of miles away and people close by me who kept me in their prayers each day. Some of whom I didn’t even know. Different churches and groups were praying for me and I may never know them, but will always be grateful. My family and friends, plus my own constant prayers could not go unnoticed by the Lord! It is the greatest healing tool of all! My prayers always expressed my trust in God and my willingness to accept the results that lay ahead. Even now my prayers reflect that trust. 10. It was good for me to be afflicted (Psalm 119:71). As I reflect on all that happened during this time, I can see that in many ways the series of events defined who I really am and what life means to me. The challenges, fears, the loss of new found friends showed me what is the ultimate meaning of life. I never doubted the outcome and am still prepared for whatever may happen in the future! This experience helped me understand what is ultimately important in life! In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Harold Del Hagen, 1998

Gift of Life Family House

serves as a “home away from home” for transplant patients and their families by providing temporary, affordable lodging and supportive services to those who travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for transplant-related care. Gift of Life Family House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. The Samaritan


401 Callowhill Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 Phone: 267-546-9800

401 North 3rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 Phone: 800-DONORS-1



Seventh Annual Spring Tea Honors Trina Trammel


mmanuel Cancer Foundation held their seventh Annual Spring Tea Fundraiser and Auction on April 26 at the Brick Elks Lodge, Brick, NJ. The standing room only crowd enjoyed an afternoon of live music, food,


and now our son Tyreek resides in Heaven. My son Tyreek was diagnosed with Pontine Glioma (a rare brain tumor on the brain stem) in 2012. While preparing ourselves for what was supposed to be a joyous family reunion at Camp McDonald (Stokes For-


...ECF is what I’d like to call Angels straight from Heaven.

and fun to benefit children and their families battling pediatric cancer. Everything at this event —lodge hall, food/drinks, utensils, entertainment, over 100 gift baskets, raffle prizes, you name it —is donated which equals 100 percent profit for ECF! Each year the event is planned around with Mother’s Day with an ECF Mom selected as an honoree. This year, Trina Trammel was selected and this is her message: My name is Trina Trammel. I am from Hamilton, NJ. My husband and I have been blessed with four beautiful children

rest) our lives would be forever changed. Within 24 hours of our arrival, Tyreek looked as if he had a stroke. We rushed him to newton Hospital that led us to Goryeb Children’s Hospital and there is where we received Tyreek’s diagnosis. We were overwhelmed with doctors, social workers, and the hospital staff but I am glad we were. Through the hospital’s resources were introduced to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (ECF). I remember our first meeting with our social worker at the Woodbridge Mall. She came

Emmanuel Cancer F O U N D A T I O N

has been serving New Jersey’s children and their families since 1983. We provide a variety of specialized services, at no charge, to any New Jersey family facing the daily challenges of caring for a child with cancer. For more information, call 908-322-4323 or visit

Photo courtesy of

Tyreek Trammell with his parents, Markeese and Trina.

with goodies for the children to keep them happy and occupied as we went over the services provided by ECF. All my questions and concerns were answered and taken care of in a matter of weeks. From there we would receive courtesy calls from our social worker, food baskets once a month, and birthdays for the children. Most of all, anytime I felt down because of what was happening to Tyreek and needed someone to talk to cry to, I was able to pick up the phone and call my social worker and she’d be right there. I explained to Tyreek about who ECF was and what they did for families that were in need. He told me that he felt OK with knowing that we would have someone to help us if we needed it. With him being comfortable with that made me comfortable with it. Tyreek passed away on February 10, 2012. Our lives felt shattered. No words can describe the loss we have experienced. Since his passing it felt like my whole world came crumbling down. I had surgery two months later, our other children were trying to adjust back to school while coping with the loss of their brother, we had to move from our home due to no agreement with our lease, and

The Samaritan


our truck broke down and my hours were cut at my job. It felt like life was slipping away from me and I had nowhere to turn… then an ECF volunteer reached out to me. I remember talking to her about the issues that came forth as they coming to me. I received support from her especially with her knowing exactly how I felt because she had experienced the loss of her son as well. She made sure that we were being helped with food and resources to find another place to live. The ECF Christmas Drive took care of our children’s Christmas and all the while we are forever grateful. I don’t know what we would have done without the help of this wonderful organization. We are deeply overwhelmed with gratitude. ECF is more than just a helping hand to families that are struggling with Pediatric Cancer — ECF is what I’d like to call “Angels straight from Heaven.” As we are picking up the pieces of our life, we deeply than ECF for all they have done and are doing for our family. Thank you! For information on how you can be a part of this event please contact ECF Chairperson Celeste Cumo at 760-715-8092.



Friendly ‘Family Feud’ At The Annual Charity Ball


he Arthritis Foundation of New Jersey (AF) hosted the yearly Charity Ball in celebration and thanks for the longstanding relationship with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Jersey (IOOF) on March 14th.

Odd Fellows and Rebekahs filled the VFW Hall in East Brunswick, NJ where they dined, fellowshipped, bought chances and raised made money for AF. The AF had a special game for the IOOF this year — it was time to play Family Feud. It was boys against the girls as each team took their turn at guessing the correct answer to the emcee’s question. Needless to say, the women won! Once the

women cheered loudy for themselves and claimed their prizes it was time to get down to the business of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). The first speaker was the 2015 AF Adult Honoree, Alyssa Whiteman, who eloquently told her story. Alyssa was diagnosed with JRA at the age of 2 1/2. She struggled through school as the only kid in class with an “old person’s disease.” While at AF events, Alyssa met other kids who were going through the same difficulties and it helped her own her disease. She has gone to the annual Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC 2 times since 2008 and is

excited to attend again this year. As a volunteer with the Arthritis Foundation, Alyssa has participated in events like Family Day and Camp CHAT, and attended the

The Samaritan




Bergen County Walk and Jingle Bell Run in high school. After graduating Loyola University last May with a degree in Physics, Alyssa is excited to be back home for the Bergen County Walk. She can’t wait to marry her college boyfriend Jacob Dykstra this September! The AF has given Alyssa the confidence to grow up with Arthritis in a time when very few people knew arthritis could affect children. She is very excit-

ed to run a walk team again and fight for a cure! The 2015 AF National Honoree, Lexi Narototzky, now 16 years old, relates this about (JRA): “There are certain days and times I feel fine and other days where I can hardly move.” Always mindful of her limitations, Lexi she takes her medication and carefully monitors her activities. “It’s humbling to watch your contemporaries participate in gym class while you sit on the sideline knowing that if you run too far or too fast, you may not be able to even walk up the stairs to your bedroom when you get home. I am grateful to be a part of the Walk to Cure Arthritis so that we can help raise money and awareness to conquer this disease.”

Lexi was unable to attend due to SAT testing so her mother, Stacey Glassman, stepped up to the podium to share her first hand account of Lexi’s trials as a (JRA) child. This is Stacey’s story: Hello, my name is Stacey. I’m the mother of a (JRA) child. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Odd Fellows for their generous support that they have shown the

Arthritis Foundation for over the past decade. Unfortunately, due to timing I will be speaking on behalf of my daughter Lexi, who is this year’s National Teen Walk Honoree. At this moment she is taking the SAT

The Samaritan


college entrance exam, but due to her accommodations it has precluded her from being here this afternoon. Lexi was diagnosed at the age of three with Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This disease has affected her hands, knees, feet, and fingers. Everyday has been a constant struggle to handle the symptoms of this Ball continued from page 25

Southern Lodges and the Grand Lodge Staff. The Rebekah State Assembly President along with other Rebekah members presented the Grand Master with a gift. Alvarez Del Portal gave a donation to the Grand Master’s charity. Our Grand Master, Guido Miranda gave each one of the ladies a flower and a big kiss as a symbol of love that must prevail amongst all brothers and sisters. This meeting was dedicated to the deceased brothers and sisters and a bouquet of white roses with a black bow was placed in their memories. We must highlight the contributions made to the Brothers and organizations in general on the part of all the lodges, the Grand Lodge and the Grand Encampment. Overall, we have worked toward the general welfare of our Order and we will continue to do so God willing and may he give us the gift of health. Fraternally in Friendship, Love, & Truth, Pastor Roman, Grand Patriarch GP viene de la página 4

¡Buena Suerte, Marcia!

GP continued from page 4

upcoming term. The Charity Ball was a success with large attendance by members of New Jersey state lodges and the help of the Arthritis Foundation. Thanks to this event it was a successful fundraiser for the Arthritis Foundation. March 17th was the official visit of the Grand Encampment and the Grand Lodge to French Lodge and Arthur Baker Encampment. After an exquisite meal we met in the session room for our meeting with the Grand Lodge and Encampment staff. After the final speeches which were given by the Grand Patriarch and the Grand Master,

Steve Wooton began a collection by dropping a bill in the center of the room which was followed by the rest of the members. $240 was collected and was matched by $260 by French Lodge for a total $500 to be donated to brother, Douglas Planer whom is convalescing in the hospital. In addition to this donation, we were also given donations to help charities of the Grand Patriarch and the Grand Master. On March 26th, Grand Master Guido Miranda visited his home lodge, Alvarez of Portal No. 285 which, in spite of inclement weather, we had excellent attendance of brothers and sisters from our District and The Samaritan


mento y la Gran Logia a la Logia French y al Campamento Arthur Beker, luego de una exquisita comida nos reunimos en el salón de sesiones de la Logia French # 89 y allí fueron presentados los funcionarios del Gran Campamento y de la Gran Logia, luego de los discursos de rigor hicieron uso de la palabra el Gran Patriarca y el Gran Maestro, por parte de la logia de ofreció una contribución al hermano Douglas Planer que está convaleciendo en el hospital, también fueron entregadas donaciones para las campañas de ayuda del Gran Patriarca y del Gran Maestro. El día 26 de marzo tuvimos la visita del gran Maestro Guido Miranda en la Logia Álvarez del Portal # 285 con una concurrencia excelente de hermanos y hermanas de las logias de nuestro Distrito y de los Grandes Funcionarios de las logias del Sur de New Jersey, que a pesar de las inclemencias del tiempo supieron decir presente en esta Visita Oficial, las hermanas Rebecas les dieron un presente al Gran Maestro y la Logia Álvarez del portal contribuyo para el programa de ayuda del Gran Maestro, Guido Miranda le entrego a cada una de las damas presentes una flor como símbolo del amor que debe de reinar entre todos los hermanos, la sesión fue dedicada también a hermanos y hermanas fallecidos a los que se les ofrendo un ramo de rosas blancas. En estos meses debemos de destacar las contribuciones hechas a hermanos y organizaciones en general por parte de las logias, la Gran Logia y el Gran Campamento. En fin si hemos trabajado en pro del bienestar de nuestra Orden en General y lo seguiremos haciendo si Dios lo permite. Fraternalmente en Amistad, Amor, y la Verdad, Pastor Román, Gran Patriarca




ew Brunswick Lodge No. 6 hosted their Annual Trapshoot Fundraiser at the Mallard Gun Club in Monroe Twp., NJ. Sunny skies, fellowship, and good attendance helped to make this event a success. There was only one thing missing — The Southern Lodges...

See you next year!

Photos courtesy of Tom Calabrese and Dan LeFever

The Samaritan


Return the Enclosed Reporting Forms by July 5, 2015. Make Copies if you so desire. Mail To: The Sovereign Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., 422 Trade St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

2014-2015 Living Legacy Program Reporting Form Jurisdiction and Branch ....................................................................................................... Unit Name and Number ....................................................................................................... Planted:



At cost of




................. .................

Money ................................................... Promotion .............................................

Years of Participation



_________________________ Reporting Officer

2014-2015 Community Service Program Reporting Form Jurisdiction and Branch ............................................................................................. Unit Name and Number ............................................................................................ Or Individual ....................................................

Hours Volunteered ....................

Participated in the following types of Programs:

Contributions: Money;; Promotion;; Years of Participation


_________________________ Reporting Officer

Form courtesy of the SGL. For more information please visit 20 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 18, Issue 2 The Samaritan


First Odd Sign of Spring

Union Lodge Annual Dinner At Careme’s

Photos courtesy of Beth Garvin

On Tuesday evening, April 7, Union Lodge No. 213 hosted their annual dinner at Careme’s Restuarant where members, families, and guests feasted on a delicious array of appetizers, entrees, and sweets. Careme’s is part of the Atlantic Communty College Culinary Institute in Mays Landing, New Jersey. Ball continued from page 21

disease. Because this disease does not manifest itself outwardly, many people are simply not aware of the pain she suffers from JRA. There are certain days and times she feels fine and others are so debilitating that she can hardly move. She misses on the average, 30 days a year from school but I am proud to say that she still maintains her grades and is on the honor roll. And I am not only her mother; I am her massage therapist and giver of her weekly biological shots. Most people are unaware that living with arthritis means taking constant medication, having monthly blood work up done and administering weekly shots, which is hard for a parent to see their child experience. But events like this and the generosity of your donations help raise money and awareness so that new and improved drugs can be developed to help combat this insidious disease. It’s people like you who devote their time and money that one day a cure can be found, and for this Lexi and I are eternally grateful. Lexi and I attended the Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC last year and are looking forward to attending the Summit again next week.

Photos courtesy of Beth Garvin and Pastor Roman

It was quite enlightening and uplifting to see the overwhelming, eager contemporaries willing to walk to the Capital and see our representatives for meetings to discuss bills to be passed through both the houses to keep the cost of theses drugs that arthritis patients use to ease their symptoms at a relatively reasonable price. We are going back next week to push again for the implementation of this bill so that all patients will be able to afford their med-

ication and to keep the ceiling of the costs of these medicines within reason without affect the efficacy of these drugs. Thank you for the Odd Fellows continuous support!

The Samaritan


For information visit www. IOOF would like to thank AF and everyone who made the Charity Ball a wonderful afternoon! See you next year!

Return the Enclosed Reporting Forms by July 5, 2014. Make Copies if you so desire. Mail To: The Sovereign Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., 422 Trade St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

2014-2015 Scholarship Reporting Form Jurisdiction and Branch ......................................................................................... Unit Name and Number ......................................................................................... Local Scholarship(s) Awarded


Number ............................ Amount ............................................... Jurisdictional Number ............................ Amount ............................................... Total Number ............................ Contributions ...................................... Participated with another Community Group: Yes .................... No ................... Amount ................................. Participated in Government Matching Funds Program: Yes .................... No ................... Amount .................................

_________________________ Reporting Officer

2014-2015 Drug Prevention Program Reporting Form


Jurisdiction and Branch ........................................................................................ Unit Name and Number ....................................................................................... Participated in what type of Program ........................................................ Contributions

Money ............................................ Promotion .......................................

Years of Participation



_________________________ Reporting Officer

Form courtesy of the SGL. For more informationVol. 18, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 21 please visit The Samaritan






Monday night, February 23, we ‘took to the ice’ as the Devils faced the Coyotes for Game 30. We committed to 40 tickets and sold 41. Hope to have 50 plus next year.

Thank You To All That Made This Event A Success!

The Samaritan




The SGL - IARA Membership Program


Date Admitted _______________________

Sponsor Name ____________________________________________

Bro. ___ Sis. ___

Name ___________________________________________________

New Member’s Lodge ______________________________________

Address _________________________________________________

Lodge Secretary Name______________________________________

City ____________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________

State/Province ____________________________________________

City ____________________________________________________

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________

State/Province ____________________________________________

Date of Birth: M/D/Y _______________________________________

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________

E-mail: Phone:


The SGL - IARA Membership Program


Date Admitted _______________________

Sponsor Name ____________________________________________

Bro. ___ Sis. ___

Name ___________________________________________________

New Member’s Lodge ______________________________________


Lodge Secretary Name ______________________________________


Address _________________________________________________


City ____________________________________________________

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________

State/Province ____________________________________________

Date of Birth: M/D/Y _______________________________________ E-mail:

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________



The SGL - IARA Membership Program


Date Admitted _______________________

Sponsor Name ____________________________________________

Bro. ___ Sis. ___

Name ___________________________________________________

New Member’s Lodge ______________________________________

Address __________________________________________________

Lodge Secretary Name ______________________________________


Address _________________________________________________


City ____________________________________________________

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________

State/Province ____________________________________________

Date of Birth: M/D/Y _______________________________________ E-mail:

Postal/Zip Code ___________________________________________


MAIL, FAX, E-mail TO:

Attn: I.O.O.F. The SGL / IARA MEMBERSHIP 422 Trade Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101-2830 Fax: 1-336-722-7317 Email:

22 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 18, Issue 2 Form courtesy of the SGL. For more information please visit The Samaritan




Odd Fellows Annual Trek To Arlington

The IOOF pilgrimage is a solemn ceremony that we have named “The Pilgrimage to the Tomb”. It is the result of a privilege that was afforded to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs by our thirty-second Prresident of the United States and an Odd Fellow, Franklin D. Roosevelt who was in the White House from 1933-1945. June 17, 1934 was the first date for the Odd Fellow Pilgrimage. The purpose of this Pilgrimage was not only to honor the Unknown Soldier and the Nation’s War Dead, but also the members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows who had made the supreme sacrifice in World War I. Lodges from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia participated in this first Pilgrimage. One year later, New Jersey and Delaware joined; almost 1,000 members of the Order were present. Credit for the Pilgrimage idea goes to Charles Lampe, who was Grand Master of the District of Columbia. On July 7, 1940, the Grand Sire, on behalf of IOOF presented to the Unknown Soldier the Grand Decoration of Chivalry, the highest decoration be-

stowed upon an Odd Fellow. This Jewel, received by the Department of Army, is prominently displayed in the Hall of Trophies. On May 3, 1959 the Sovereign Grand Master presented two more Grand Decoration of Chivalry Jewels to the Army – one for the Unknown Soldier of World War II and the other for the Unknown Soldier of the Korean Conflict. Both Jewels were placed in the Hall of Trophies. Growth of this tradition was tremendous. Finally, a resolution was adopted at the 1954 Sovereign Grand Lodge Session that sponsorship be assumed by The Sovereign Grand Lodge and that each Sovereign Grand Master appoint the General Chairman. Previously, it had been the custom for the Department Commander of the Patriarchs Militant of the District of Columbia to serve as chairman of the Pilgrimage. This ceremony of Remembrance for those who have given their lives to preserve the “American way of life” enshrines the principles of Odd Fellowship: Friendship, Love and Truth. It is indeed an honor to be a part of this pilgrimage. ~ Courtesy Frede Ende Lodge No. 87 • Greenville, TX

Photos courtesy of Tom Calabrese, Beth Garvin, and Pastor Roman

The Samaritan




3 July 5: Sovereign Grand Lodge Reports due. Please see pages 24, 26, 28 for Living Legacy, Community Service, Scholarship, Drug Prevention, and Odd Fellow/Rebekah New Member Report Forms. 3 July 18: New Jersey Statewide Picnic at Thompson Park. For more information contact Ben Burger at 609.479.3167 or email him at


3 August 8: French Lodge No. 89 Peach and Pancake Breakfast, Richwood Academy Hall, Mullica Hill, NJ For more information contact Bob Wooton 856-881-8414.


3 August 17-21: 189th Sovereign Grand Lodge Session; Fort Worth, Texas 76102. For more information, 3 3


September 16: Grand Encampment Meeting, 6pm, Dolphin Diner September 21: New Brunswick Lodge No. 6 Annual Charity Golf Outing, Peddie Golf Club, Hightstown, NJ. Contact Tom, 732-266- 4381 or Dan, 732-766-9192

Deadline for the September/October Issue


The Samaritan is August 10, 2015

My son, Brian Simmons, Jr., French Lodge No. 89, is stationed in Jabitie, North Africa. Several people have asked for his address to send care packages to his unit while deployed. They get very little over there (some get no care packages at all) so anything would be warmly welcomed.

¡Pero Pastor, Me dijeron que habría un nuevo coche, el equipaje, y un paquete de vacaciones a Atlantic City!

Ay Caramba... ¿Puedes creer esto? Una semana más...

Thank you for a year well served gentlemen! Enjoy your vacation package to Atlantic City...

Translation; Guido: But Pastor, They told me there would be a new car, luggage, and a vacation package to Atlantic City! Pastor: Can you believe this? One more week...

Spc. Simmons Brian HHC 1-77 AR BN PSC 831 Box#12130 FPO-AE 09363 Any questions, please call me at 609-458- 4853. Thank you, Brian Simmons, Sr.

Happy Birthday New Jersey! 182 Years Of Odd Fellowship


he birth of Odd Fellowship in this country took place on the 26th of April 1819 but it wasn’t until August 3, 1833 that the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was instituted, while Rutherford Lodge No. 240 dates its existence from the 17th of October 1893. In 1891-92 certain residents of this borough, members of the order but away from home lodges, conceived the ide of forming a subordinate lodge here to which they might attach themselves, thus securing the benefits of a lodge home, so dear to every member of the order. The following seventeen members of the lodge were the main ones instrumental in the organization of the order in this town: James Leyland, Charles T. Johnsons, WM. J. Singerland, George K. Thomas, Julius Jaeger, Horatio N. Fish, David R. MacNeil, John J. Dupuy, C. Henry Kotzenberg, William Henkelman,


~ wasn’t until August 3, 1833 that the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was instituted...

George Ruckstuhl, James H. Smith, Rensselaer Furman, William W. Butler, Joseph W. Beebe, William Gibson, Frank Spitz. Forty-five members were taken in on the night of the institution, making a total of sixty-two members to start with. While the growth of the order here has been slow, it has been sure, the present membership being about eighty-five. The lodge is sustained by the payment by each member of $8.00 per year dues, the member receiving in case of sickness the sum of

$5.00 per week, and in case of death his beneficiary is entitled to $100.00 funeral benefits, and in case of a member’s wife he receives $50.00. The order in this state has increased from 51 members in 1833 to about 30, 000 in 1897, while member ship in the country at the present time is nearly 700,000. The amount expended for relief of distressed brothers in this State for 1897 has been nearly $150,000. ~James M. Van Valen History of Bergen New Jersey, p.443-444

Keep up on current events at The Samaritan




Photo courtesy of Karen Barker

Dottie, Doug, and Nagee (aid and special friend) take time to celebrate this special occasion at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital.

Meritorious Service Award Past Grand Master Douglas Planer was awarded the Meritorious Service Jewel by Grand Master Guido Miranda for performing meritorious service on behalf of Odd Fellowship beyond the usual and customary duties of membership.

Congratulations, Doug!

New Brunswick Lodge No. 6 gratefully acknowledges the contributions of

Past Grand Master Hugo Cabrera

His outstanding and tireless efforts toward making the world a better place through words and deeds are recognized by all members throughout the Order. By providing exemplary daily demonstrations of a life based on the principles of Friendship, Love, and Truth. He has earned the never-ending love and respect of his Brothers and Sisters. By improving and elevating the character of all those he touched, he has distinguished himself as an Ambassador good will and harmony.

On March 24, 2015,

Past Grand Master and Past Grand Patriarch

Peter Broeren,

celebrated 99 years young! Congratulations, Pete!

Congratulations, Hugo!

The Samaritan



Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of New Jersey 4527 Route 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016 Session Issue 2015




universal justice fun






love truth

faith unity leadership universal justice relief fellowship honorable


what iscommunity an odd fellow? charity friendship men

respect harmony

I AM AN ODD FELLOW! I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man. I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind. I believe my home, my church or temple, my lodge, a nd my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and m y deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty "to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan" and as I work with others to build a better world, because, in spirit and in truth, I am and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man; I AM AN ODD FELLOW!



pro active

education conscientious devlopment universal fraternity

What’s so ODD about helping others?

visit the sick bury the dead educate the orphan relieve the distressed



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