Vol. 11
Issue 4 • Autumn 2019 • Free
Only a life lived for others is a life worth living. ~Albert
The Of ficial Newsmagazine of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Jersey
Goal Preparations And Good Times
ince my swearing in as Grand Master back on June 20th, I have been really busy preparing myself for all of the goals that I have set up to do. Specifically, by meeting as many lodges and fraternities as possible to see what can we do to reinforce our membership, because unfortunately, we are in a serious decline in all branches of the Order. My charity this year is Breast Cancer Awareness and my motto is, Keep the Fraternity Torch Always Lit Don't Let It Die. This isn't only happening in the Odd Fellows but the Masons as well. Every place you look organizations are all hurting due to lack of members. Our message that we have bring to our communities has to be strong but with an effectiveness that motivates the younger generation to join our lodges. We have to offer them something so that they will be happy to join and to spend at least one hour per week
conversing with them, listening to their ideas, and ask why they haven’t joined before or why they still don’t want to join. I know is not easy but not impossible to try and by doing so we may gain members – we have nothing to lose but time. We also need to listen to the community and learn how we can help. Let's listen to their opinions in their own neighborhood and ask if they have an idea of what we do in the lodge. I bet most people don’t and they live right next to us. I recently had conversations with some neighbors while wearing my IOOF shirt/hat and was asked, "What do those circles and the letters inside mean?" I proudly and slowly explained that the F stands for Friendship, the L is for Love and the T is for Truth. They remarked how these are meaningful words and asked, "What do you do? ... Like you have an office or a school to teach?" I answered, "No, we have the lodge that you see right there and we meet once a week and if you join soon, you will be happy that you did, you are going to ask yourself why didn’t I join before!" And that is why I feel so proud to be an Odd Fellow and the Grand Master of the
...wearing my IOOF shirt/hat I was
asked, "What do those circles and the letters inside mean?"
Grand Lodge of the state of New Jersey! I'd like to mention that I am a very lucky person because of the team that is working with me this year! They are a very nice group of professionals who are always supporting me and very respectful at all times. I also like the way we meet and that the outcome of our meetings are strong. The positive decisions that we have to make for the good of the order benefit many recipients that await our help. On the 29th of June, I was very happy to invite members of our lodge and other lodges, to come to my house to celebrate the session for that coming Tuesday and to celebrate Father’s Day. After a short session, we went to the yard and celebrated all the fathers past and present. I put signs on the front of the house welcoming all of the neighbors and members of the community and invited them to get involved. We gained two new applicants who completed the investigation and are ready to become members of our lodge. We had some barbecue, refreshments, snacks, deserts and some of the younger kids and members took a jump in the pool. The turnout was amazing with over 50 people! Everyone had a great time and wants to do it The Samaritan
again. I don’t mind because I see this as beginning of promoting and advertising our Fellowship. The next day we traveled in support of the IOOF Family Activities Committee at the Trenton Thunder Baseball stadium to watch a game. Many members from various lodges around the state were present. We even had several new prospects attending. I like to extend my congratulations to brother Tom Calabrese for putting this event together I can’t wait for the next one. Then on July 4th, I traveled south again with my wife and three of my grandkids to support New Brunswick Lodge No. 6 during the Parade. Again, I want congratulate brother Tom Calabrese and brother Dan LeFever, for a beautiful and Patriotic event — The 4th of July Parade. There was a tremendous amount of people and my grandkids were so happy because it was the first time they rode on a float. So many people involved and they were giving out frisbees and small American flags. It was a very exciting event and we loved every minute of it! This town really puts a parade together from Police Departments to Fire and First Rescue Units, and great performances by all participants. As the Grand Master, on July 16th, I visited a lodge that has been working for many years.When they started, within a year they had over 100 members! This is a "Spanish Lodge" as we call it because
they work with a Spanish Ritual. We have three in NJ: Patria y Libertad No. 280, Álvarez Del Portal Continued on next page
No. 285, and my home lodge Sánchez Moya No. 282. Going back to when I started with this lodge, we had been having conversations between our members during many different sessions. Brother Héctor Galano had been the secretary of this lodge for many years. It was a very hard, sad, and painful time when lodge No. 280 members became elderly and very ill. The number of members were declining so they couldn’t attend their sessions as usual. As a result of several conversations and meetings it was decided that we must join forces to stay strong. On the 16th of July, Lodge Patria y Libertad No. 280 merged with Lodge Sánchez Moya No. 282. Now we work as one lodge, with meetings every Tuesday at 8:00pm at 6200 Monroe Pl. West New York, NJ 07093. Then on the 19th of July we aided in the Installations of the new officers elected of L.E.A. No. 96 Catalina García. I'd like to congratulate the Past Chief Matriarch Pia Lopez for a great job encouraging all their elderly members to come to the sessions. She won their respect and support and for that we are very proud. I'd also like to tell the newly elected Chief Matriarch Iliana Caballeros to keep up the good work as she has done in the past as Past Noble Grand of the Rebekah Amor y Verdad N. 118. And lastly, my congratulations to Maruchy López Arenas for the professionalism she performed that night as DDGP during the installations of this encampment. Sister, as Grand Master , I salute you and best wishes. We also had a wonderful day at the Odd Fellows Picnic on July 27th.This is a great event and my congratulations to PGM Ben Burger and his committee for putting this together. Keep up your good work brother and thank you. From August 3rd to the 10th, I took a cruise with my wife, daughter-in-law, our three grandchildren (Bella, JJ and Gia), and my father-in-law Mr. Salamanca (PG), who was my inspiration to become an Odd Fellow. He is the person responsible for what I am today in the fraternity and I couldn't ask for a better person to be my father-in-law. We are always together and we share the same feelings about helping people in any way we can. We are always doing something together for someone less fortunate than us. You see so many things happening in the outside world that it is getting to be somewhat scary but that is why we do what we do as Odd Fellow — extend our hand and help! We are always visiting members whether sick or not to engage in conversations and find out why they aren't attending the lodge regularly. If not, we want to know if it's something we did wrong so we try to come up with a solution. The idea is to identify reasons for absenteeism in the lodge and all lodges should be doing the same. I’m going to try to do that with as many lodge members as possible during my term to show that is not impossible to visit and shake a hand of a brother or sister that we don’t get to see often. We must practice what we preach, as it states very clearly in our Ritual ... "as I perform my duty, To Visit the Sick, Relieve the Distressed, Bury the Dead and Educate the Orphan”. As I’m getting to the end of my message in this edition, I feel if I don't acknowledge these three teachers of the Order (Encyclopedias as I call them) I haven’t completed my story. They are: Pastor
Román, PGM PGP may he RIP; Hugo Cabrera, PGM PGP, my mentor and the one I go to for most of my questions/ advice; Fernando Pita, PGS of Latin América, my deepest appreciation for sharing your wisdom with me, thank you. And last but not least I want to talk about my wife, Maritza. We have been married for 37 years and it has been the best thing that ever happened to me. We have three boys, Michael, Jesus and Javier and six grandkids, Isabella, Anthony, (JJ) Jesus, Ariana, Gia and Morrigan, who we are so involved with, we are always on the move. My wife Maritza loves her job that she is been doing now for about 25 years. She is a teacher of special needs students, which can be very challenging job, but she has the charisma and patience to do it. Her job is to make sure they learn and she does whatever it takes! Sometimes I go buy some little things that will call their attention and it works! One of the reasons she loves her students so much is that they try so hard especially at the start of the school year which is always hardest part. Two years ago, after years of trying, I finally convinced Maritza to become an Odd Fellow when brother Ben Burger was Grand Master. Ben came to an official visit at our lodge and started talking to her about it, so she started to think about it. Every time I had a chance I kept mentioning the upcoming NJ GL Degree Rally on April 28th, 2018. She asked what it was and I explained that it is the best time to get initiated because you receive all of your degrees on the same day, and then you can take a position in the lodge. To my surprise she said, "Yes", give me the application and invited two co-workers we have known for years and the three of them joined together! When it comes Halloween, my wife dresses as something different every year and she likes to create her own costumes with things from the house. Last year, I helped her a little with an idea and it's one of the best costumes that I remember because she looked so real — Dr. Albert Einstein! Honey, you look great! (I hope you enjoy the surprise of your picture on cover.) Maritza, I love you! I’m very happy and proud to have you as my best friend, my wife, mother, grandmother, teacher and Odd Fellow. The Samaritan
And to my cohort on this this cover, Sister Beth, I'd like to express my most sincere gratitude for your help, for your friendship, and for helping me acknowledge my wife and her work. Your consistent ideas and dedication in creating The Samaritan to keep our Order well informed is admirable. Hopefully, it will soon be in every member’s home and not just their lodges. Beth, my words are not enough for the respect and admiration I have for you, for the hard work that you constantly do, thank you! In Friendship, Love, & Truth, Manny Sosa, Grand Master
Welcome to
The Samaritan An Official Publication of the New Jersey Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Please send any and all IOOF related news with any identifying info to ioof_nj@comcast.net This is YOUR magazine so any comments or suggestions are always welcome, too!
Our success depends on YOU!
.O I.O .F.
PRESS Association
Promoting Odd Fellowship through Positive Communication
Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin Editor/Art Director
Welcome to ! y t i C c i t n a l At
Laura Baehr-Wooton Proofreader
Steven Wooton
Fact Checker
Cover Photo: Einstein By Manny Sosa
wHat We did lasT SumMer Debbe McClelland Grand Secretary
4527 Rt. 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016
United States of America oddfellows22@comcast.net
609-386-0025 or 609-519-8504 GRAND LODGE MEETINGS First Saturday of each month at 9:00 am
Grand Master Message......................................... 2,3 Grand Patriarch Message........................................ 7 Rebekah President Message.................................... 6 What We Did Last Summer.................................. 8,9 NJ Sessions....................................................... 10,11 SGL Session........................................................... 14 Good of The Order........................................... 12,13 Events.................................................................... 14 Hire An Odd Fellow.............................................. 15 The Samaritan
p U ’ n i k Pac ! r e m m Su
As Summer ends, Discovery Tour students show off their backpacks donated by the NJ Grand ENcampment. Encampment.
! s d i K r a e Y t a Have A Gre ©2019 obie./photo John Volpe
canton can•ton I /’kan,tän/
Middle French, from Italian cantone, from canto corner, from Latin canthus iron tire
Ridgely Canton No. 5 Burlington Lodge 4527 Route 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016
First Known Use: 1522 The Canton, also known as the Patriarchs Militant, is the highest branch in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Membership is open to Encampment Members who have attained
the Royal Purple Degree. The name Patriarchs Militant conveys the two-fold idea of peace and soldierly valor. This branch is semi-military in character and formed solely for chivalric display.
Please contact
Steve Wooton, Adjutant wooton335@comcast.net
Members are admirably fulfilling our mission through many dedication ceremonies including The Pilgrimage to the Tomb of The Unknowns held annually at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
The Samaritan
Testimonial Dinner For Nora Lastres
y Sisters and Brothers, friends, and family, It’s hard to believe my term as President is winding down to a close. On the day of my Testimonial Dinner, May 19th, I felt like I was in a dream. I remember the night I was initiated in Cuba, in my dear lodge Bayamo No. 46 in 1969, by the hand of sister Belkis Borges. I never imagined I would get as far as to where I am today. I have many people to be grateful for, but above all I am grateful to God and to my lodge, Amor y Verdad No. 118. I will not tell you that I haven’t been nervous because I have been. I always remember Sister Chambeli Araujo’s words, “We are all going to help you. Go forward you can do it!” Thank you to Sister Iliana Caballero, PNG, for always being there and Dasio Sanchez who worked so hard to make it all possible. Thank you to all my sisters that always kept me company during my Official Visits. I must also thank the members of the Assembly and the Grand Lodge for always making me feel so welcomed. There are so many bees that have contributed with a drop of honey! I feel proud, very proud, to serve as your President. I thank God for his guidance. I have not forgotten Orestes Lastres, who god has sent for. As always, he is sitting right beside me. At my Testimonial, his brother Bernardo Lastres came all the way from Houston, Texas. To my sister, Norma Hidalgo and members of my family, blessings to all and thank you for your support. May God guide you safely wherever you travel. Fraternally, Nora Lastres, President Rebekah Assembly
The Samaritan
Advancing Faith, Hope, And Charity
opefully everyone had a good Summer. Now we must get back to bolstering the membership of The Encampment by encouraging more Odd Fellows to join. Working together with the Odd Fellows, the Encampment will be able to help more individuals and charities. I am planning a visit to my Charity, the Bessie Green Community. I invite all members of the Order to take part. We will be able to see firsthand how they help those in need. Over 40 years ago, Ms. Bessie Green made a decision that seemed simple at the time but has impacted thousands of lives. Bessie donated her fur coat to the pastors of North Reformed Church in Newark, New Jersey. Her instructions were to sell the coat and use the money to assist someone who perhaps could not afford a coat of their own. This simple act of generosity has blossomed into an organization taking on Bessie's name that assists several thousand people each year with food, clothing and a
...with the Odd Fellows,
the Encampment will be able to help more individual and charities.
Bessie Green
variety of other resources and services. It is my hope that you will join me in The Encampment and together we will see how we can grow the Order and advance the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In Faith, Hope, & Charity, Tom Calabrese, Grand Patriarch
New Opportunities To Learn And Serve In Our Order
ife is what we make of it! This year, my wife Adis and I had the opportunity to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge (SGL) session, which was in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We enjoyed many new experiences and had many opportunities including meeting other members of the Order. We also learned a great deal about the Sovereign Grand Lodge. We got
to see how the next level in the order functions, but it was very confusing as things were all over the place when trying to be everywhere with everyone. Adis had the opportunity to work at the I.A.R.A president gift table and I helped a little when I was able to participate in the International Level. I was appointed to Ambassador of Goodwill for the General Militant Council The Samaritan
by General Commander Jack Roberts. This has opened the door for us to to learn and serve the order. It is a great honor and opportunity! In Friendship, Love, & Truth Brigadier General Raul Rodriguez Ambassador of Goodwill
What We Did Last Summer
In June, City Sail opened the Hudson river to Jersey City youth through a free five-week sailing and swimming program. Youth learned the basics of sailing on the Hudson river and took an introductory course in swimming technique at a local university. Youth competed to earn prizes along the way by learning to tie knots, passing tests on sailing terminology, and using real-life sailing skills on the water. The program culminated in a three-day sailing trip on Long Island Sound at the end of the summer. We had about 25 teens participating in City Sail. It is open to both high school and middle school students at no charge.
Guest commentary and photos provided by Karen Dilsizian, New City Kids College Readiness & Alumni Relations Coordinator In July, I took a group of our middle school students to Montclair State University. (photo at right) This was part of our summer "Elevate Program" which is a leadership development program for students going into 5-8th grades. For most of the youth this was the first time that they had stepped foot on a college campus. In addition to introducing them to college/career opportunities, they are also participating in Public Speaking and Music Classes. Then we held the New City Kids Alumni Dinner on Sunday, August 18th at Carvao restaurant in Jersey City. Eight alumni were present. (Photo below.)
The Samaritan
The Class of 2019 Senior Dinner took place on June 18, 2019. We had close to 80 guests including former staff, current staff, parents, grandparents, friends, teens, and alumni. Each senior was presented with a college basket which included school supplies and a laptop which had been generously donated by our supporters. Every senior also received a box decorated by a teen and filled with hand-written letters from their peers and children in our After School Center whose lives they have touched. Many tears were shed! Superlative awards were given to each senior including "Mrs. Fashion Killa" and "Mr. Dream Chaser." We also presented 18 seniors/alumni with a one-time college scholarship to be used for tuition payments. The awards ranged from $250-$1,300. One of my colleagues led a candle lighting and prayer ceremony which symbolized serving as a light to your community. And of course, there was lots of food, photo taking, and dancing!
I am proud to share that two of our Teen Life Interns completed a coding summer intensive program for young men of color. The All Star Code Academy is a competitive 6 week program which is held in New York, Jersey City, and Pittsburgh. Our teens participated in the Jersey City cohort which was hosted by JP Morgan Chase. I attended their “Demo Day” where the students presented their final projects and were awarded a certificate of completion.
What We Did Last Summer The Samaritan
n Wednesday, June 19th, the Grand Encampment met for the 176th year with Grand Matriarch Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin presiding before turning the reins over to incoming Grand Patriarch Tom Calabrese. On Thursday, June 20th, the Grand Lodge met for the 186th year with Grand Master Raul Rodriguez presiding with massages optional. The GL recessed for a Memorial Service followed by lunch and then back to work at 1pm. After lunch, Reps from New City Kids gave a succinct presentation and thanked the GL for all their support. All owls in tact, GM Raul completed his duties on Friday, the 21st, when incoming Grand Master Manny Sosa began his term and then closed the Session. Congratulations to all outgoing Officers/Staff and best of luck to all incoming Officers/ Staff! Photos by Beth O.-Garvin.
The Samaritan
n the evening of June 20th, Odd Fellows, family, and friends came together for the Annual Banquet at The Golden Nugget, AC, NJ. After a delicious meal, Steve Wooton hosted the evening with love and good humor as programs were acknowledged with the BIG checks and awards given. The Meritorious Service awards were given to Tom Calabrese and Debbe McLelland. Grand Master Raul Rodriguez and Grand Matriarch Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin addressed the crowd for the last time in their respective positions. SGM Doug gave thanks to his 'new' Jersey friendships. Photos by Joe Wooton
The Samaritan
Good question... If you're a NJ Odd Fellow chances are you hit many of them over the course of a year! The photos on pages 12 and 13 are a small glimpse of several events that happened over the summer: Bowling,
The Samaritan
Trenton Thunder Game, Peach and Pancake Breakfast, Camp CHAT, 5K Walk/Run, NJ State Picnic, and a Memorial Day Parade. Check with your lodge for upcoming events! Photos by Tom Calabrese, Sandy Clemmens, Beth Obie.-Garvin, and Frank Rodgers
The Samaritan
00 years of Odd Fellowship in the United States woke dignitaries from the past (and present) to the Opening Flag Ceremony in North Carolina this past August. Pictured from left, NJ Reps Vicki Burger and Steve Wooton; Immediate Past SGM Doug Pittman with SDGM Chuck Lusk; NM Reps Barb Corfield with sister, Sandy McWatters; SGM Wes Nelson and wife; and to the lower right, PSGM George Glover. Or is that Thomas Wildey? Photos by Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin
For a full account of the 2019 SGL Session please see Rep. Tom Calabrese's in depth report. For more photos please visit the IOOFNJ Facebook page.
Join Us!
The GL of the IOOF NJ and it’s respective lodges, promotes and hosts many events throughout New Jersey and the country. The following list is representative of some but not all activities, fundraisers, and assorted Odd events that we’d love for you to attend. Don't forget to send your event info!
December 2019
3 December Listings unavailable at press time. Please check with your Lodge Secretary for events and times.
Ongoing 2019-2020
3 First Saturday of the Month (except December): NJ GL Meeting, Burlington Lodge, 4527 Rt. 130 South, Burlington, NJ 08016. Please contact Debbe at oddfellows22@comcast.net or 609-386-0025 3 Ridgely Canton No. 5, Burlington Lodge, 4527 Rt. 130 South, Burlington, NJ 08016. Please contact Steve at 856-217-6382 or wooton335@comcast.net
And while you’re at it, bring a friend or two... November 2019
3 November 2: Union Lodge No. 213 Beef & Beer 3 November 3: Testimonial Dinner for Grand Master Manny Sosa The Samaritan
For announcements, events, & more Photos:
DEADLINE for the next issue of The Samaritan is 12.9.19 14
Odd FellOws m
Marie Rogerson Accountant
Rogerson’s Accounting & Bookkeeping 609-203-8638
accountingservicesbymarie@yahoo.com Art/Graphic Design
Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin Artist/Graphic Designer
Active Hub Design
Marketing Services
Mario B. Guzman, Jr., CEO
Secure Marketing Inc. 2045 Lowell Avenue Mays Landing, NJ 08330
securemarketinginc@gmail.com Massage Therapy
Maritza Rodriguez
Licensed Massage Therapist NJ: 18KT01247200
Where Art and Technology Meet
Modalities Include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial, Aroma Therapy & Custom Massage
609-294-0237 (home office)
Dot Planer
Handmade Jewelry & Crochet Items
Sellers of Purple
Jeff Pennell
Circus Model Building Programs
The History/Art of Circus Model Building
baby gifts, ponchos,shawls, sweaters, afghans, slippers, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more!
For your next Meeting or Special Event
Dot 908-494-1441
Beep Beep the Clown, LLC with Jeff Pennell
Balloonist, Magician, & Clown for all Occasions 609-893-0240 www.beepbeeptheclown.com
Dr. Peter K. Anderson
Eyecare, Eyeglasses, and Contact Lenses
Advanced Eyecare Center 215-946-8478 doc@drpeteranderson.com www.drpeteranderson.com
Pest Control
Orlando Ricardo, Jr.
Residential - Commercial - Industrial
Flash Exterminating Co., Inc. 406 36th Street Union City, NJ 07087
201-348-1324 Fax: 201-864-0038
Residential/Commercial Garage Doors
Model Building
Music/Music Instruction
Humberto Sanchez
Guitar • Piano • Percussion • Voice
786-319-2698 • 786-362-0926 rafastra@gmail.com humbertosanpe.h@gmail.com
Jeff Pennell
Installation and Repair
Jersey Pines Overhead Doors 609-338-5683 jpdoor@hotmail.com www.jerseypinesgaragedoor.com Your listing could be included in the next issue of
The Samaritan
and on the IOOF NJ Facebook page. (and it’s FREE!) www.facebook.com/IOOFNJ/
What’s so ODD about hiring an Odd Fellow? Not a thing that we can think of, so we started a business listing featuring services, talents, and occasional hobbies for hire of our brothers and sisters. Email your listing info to IOOF_NJ@comcast.net or mail to The Samaritan Business Listing, 209 Cedar St.
Tuckerton, NJ 08087. You will receive a confirmation call so any listing without a phone number will not be published. We publish every two months so listings must be received a month prior to publication. Questions? Call Beth at 609-294-0237.
m The Samaritan
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of New Jersey 4527 Route 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016 Autumn 2019
What’s so ODD about helping others? Want to know what makes us so ODD in New Jersey?
Che ck us out at : www.IOOFNJ.org • www.facebook.com/IOOFNJ
reliable help
respect harmony
universal justice fun
love truth
faith unity leadership universal justice relief fellowship honorable
what iscommunity an odd fellow? charity friendship men
visit the sick bury the dead educate the orphan relieve the distressed
I AM AN ODD FELLOW! I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man. I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind. I believe my home, my church or temple, my lodge, a nd my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and m y deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty , to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan, and as I work with others to build a better world, because, in spirit and in truth, I am and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man; I AM AN ODD FELLOW!
pro active
education conscientious devlopment universal fraternity
self... ARE YOU ODD ENOUGH? An d ask you r