Vol. 8
Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a new year of peace and happiness.
Issue 4 • November/Decemeber 2016
A Christmas Remembered...
Photo courtesy of Sandy Clemmens It seems like only yesterday these “big kids” were spreading Christmas cheer at the Amity Lodge No. 166’s Christmas Party for Underprivleged Children, year unknown. Pictured from left to right are Jim Ammann, Bob Barrett, Gary Clemmens, Dennis Block, Sr., and Dennis Block, Jr .
Ridgely Canton No. 5 Burlington Lodge 4527 Route 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016 Next meeting: Wednesday November 3oth at 7:30 pm
Interested? Please contact
Steve Wooton, Adjutant
canton can•ton I /’kan,tän/
Middle French, from Italian cantone, from canto corner, from Latin canthus iron tire
First Known Use: 1522 The Canton, also known as the Patriarch Militants, is the highest branch in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Membership is open to an Encampment Member who has attained the Royal Purple Degree. The name Patriarchs Militant conveys the two-fold idea of peace and soldierly valor. This branch is semi-military in character and formed solely for the purposes of chivalric display. Members are admirably fulfilling our mission through the many dedication ceremonies such as The Pilgrimage to the Tomb of The Unknowns held annually at Arlington National Cemetary in Arlington, Virginia.
The Samaritan
A message from
The Grand Master
Dedication Was The Theme Of The First Semester
uring our first semester in the Grand Lodge we have continued to work with great dedication which contributes to the greater good and the growth of our order in general. We attended The Grand Lodge of Connecticut’s Session during September and met with the Rebekah Assembly and The Encampment while we were there. Accompanying me on my visit were Grand Patriarch Raúl Rodríguez and his wife Alina Roman, and PGM Guido Miranda. In October we also went to the NJ Rebkah Assembly Session held in Ocean City, NJ. A large number of sisters and brothers gathered to honor Past President Marcia López Araujo and new president Ana María Galan. Marcia has held the position for two consecutive years and we thank her for her dedication. I have made many fraternal visits thoughout NJ and have been accompanied by my Deputy Belgica Cartagena, Grand Patriarch Raúl Rodríguez and his deputy Fernando Pita, and other members of the Grand Lodge. We were present for New York Hispano America Rebekah Lodge No. 113 on September 25th where the brothers and sisters of NJ gave a note of joy. We also helped them with their installation ceremony for the officers on October 7th. I want to say this begins a new year of fraternity within our districts. Alvarez del Portal Lodge No. 285 celebrated 42 years on August 21st We also paid tribute to brother Past Grand Jorge Luis Gonzalo along with the founders of ther lodge. Brothers and sisters could enjoyed deicious food and a night of dancing. The lively atmosphere was provided by our DJ Rigoberto Giron who is also New Noble Grand for the year of 2017 for a second term. Our presence at the 25th anniversary of Sanchez Moya Lodge No. 282 on September 11th was a jubilatn event. We danced late into the night! It also served as a tribute to brother Manny Sosa, Past Grand, and currently serving as Conductor of the Grand Lodge. Due to rain, the New Brunswick lodge No. 6 Annual Golf Tournament was postponed from September 19 until October 3. My scheduled official visit to Alvarez del Portal Lodge No. 285 had to be postponed until November 7th. Sadly, we have attended the funerals of brothers snd sisters who have departed and are at eternal rest. We pray for their souls. In the September/October Issue of the Samaritan, Sister Beth Garvin really surprised me by putting a photo of me on the cover! She made me an overnight celebrity and I received many compliments. Sister Beth took the photo at the Grand Lodge PicGM continued on page 14
Some of the happy faces at Alvarez del Portal’s 42nd Anniversary! Photos by Ramon Cartageña The Samaritan
Welcome to
The Samaritan The Official Magazine of the New Jersey Grand Lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellowship.
181st Grand Lodge Session • Part 2
Please send any and all IOOF related news with any identifying info to ioof_nj@comcast.net This is YOUR magazine so any comments or suggestions are always welcome, too!
Our success depends on YOU! .O I.O .F.
PRESS Association
Promoting Odd Fellowship through Positive Communication
Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin Editor/Art Director
Ramon Cartagena Photographer
A Beam Of Hope From Union Lodge
Robert Wooton
Proofreader/Assistant Editor
Steven Wooton Fact Checker
Cover Photo: Winter Ice By Aaron Burden Unsplash/Aaron Burder Photography
Shock & Awe At The Seashore
Debbe McClelland Grand Secretary
4527 Rt. 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016
United States of America oddfellows22@comcast.net
609-386-0025 or 609-519-8504 GRAND LODGE MEETINGS First Saturday of each month at 9:00 am
Grand Master Message............................................ 3 Grand Patriarch Message........................................ 5 Rebekah President Message.................................... 6 Past President Message............................................ 7 Good of The Order................................................ 15 Philanthropy......................................................... 17 Events ................................................................... 18 Hire An Odd Fellow.............................................. 19 The Samaritan
A message from
The Grand Patriarch
He Began Far From Home But Close To His Heart
t has been an honor to start my year with a medical relief to Cuba. With funds supplied by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and the help of the Rodriguez, Roman Geraci, and Ojeda Family. I have been able to attend the Odd fellow and Rebekah Session of New York, Connecticut, and Delaware, Rebekah in New Jersey. At this time I would like to thank my Grand Lodge, Grand Encampment, home lodge both Odd fellow and Encampment and my family. I’d like to give a special thanks to the following: Thomas Calabrese from New Brunswick Lodge No. 6, Joaquin Roman from Hispano America Lodge No. 233, Olga Roman from Hispano America Rebekah Lodge No. 113, Pastor Roman, Raul Rodriguez, Adis Roman, Maritza Rodriguez from Alvarez del Portal No. 285, Alica Geraci, Angela Geraci, Jenifer Geraci family in, and Dr. Maria Julia Ojeda Ojeda, Annia Maria Jimenez Ojeda guides in Cuba. In Faith, Hope, & Charity, Raul Rodriguez, Grand Patriarch
The photos on this page are part of the Cuban Medical Relief Report by Raul Rodriguez and Adis Roman. This project was sponsored by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey under Grand Master Tom Calabrese, Project Manager. The entire report can be seen on the NJ Grand Lodge site: www.ioofnj.org.
The Samaritan
A Message from
the Rebekah President
Looking To The Future
t is an honor to serve this year as President Rebekah State Assembly. I would like to thank my sisters and brothers my Lodge Amor y Verdad. No. 118. Â I am looking forward to working with Grand Master Pastor Roman and Grand Patriarch Raul Rodriguez. To our Sisters Staff of Rebekah. Assembly, thank you for your continued support. To our Past President. Sister Marcia Lopez Araujo, congratulations for your excellent work, and I wish you the best in your future work to our Order. In Friendship, Love,& Truth, Ana M. Galan President, Rebekah State Assembly
The Samaritan
! s r a e Y 25 Odd
A Message from
the Rebekah Past President
It’s Been My Pleasure To Serve
t was an honor and privilege to serve as your President this year. It’s been a very busy year filled with many wonderful memories. I am grateful for the kindness, support and friendship. I would like to thank my Assembly Officers, District Deputy Presidents, Past Presidents, Committees and Members for your support, encouragement, time and dedication in making this a great year. Many thanks to the Lodges for their hospitality and friendship extended to my Staff and to me. Thanks for supporting my charity, “School Uniforms for Needy Families” which benefitted 300 families this year. To sister Ana Galan, congratulations and best wishes as President next year. In Friendship, Love,& Truth, Marcia Lopez-Araujo, Past President, Rebekah State Assembly
Moya 1, Sanchez 1 r e b m rs. te On Sep ted 25 yea ra b le e c 2 8 2 7 Lodge No. ges 6 and a p n o s to Pho Roman y of Pastor s e rt u o c are
The Samaritan
Good of the order
181st GL Session Awards
Photos by Pastor Roman
Not So Odd Recognitions
n this second installment the NJ Grand Lodge Session, June 2016, we look at some special recognitions received at the Banquet. The top left photos, boxed in red, are GM Tom Calabrese and Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin recipients of this years Sovereign Grand Lodge Award as presented by Sovereign Grand Warden John Miller. The Mighty Oak themed medallion represents the Sovereign Grand Master’s “Deep Roots Build Strong Branches” campaign. Top right photos are of Frank Rodgers receiving the Grand Master’s Meritorious Service Award as presented by GM Tom Calbrese and Franks’s wife, Diane. Bottom left photo is Susan Cooper, recipient of the Rookie of The Year Award
The Samaritan
instiuted for the first time by GM Calabrese. Pictured bottom center is GM Tom Calabrese presenting a plaque to PGM Diane Brierly which states, “Grand Lodge of New Jersey Gratefully Acknowledges the Contributions of Diane Brierley; Her outstanding and tireless efforts toward making the world a better place through words and deeds are recognized by all members throughout the Order. By providing exemplary daily demonstrations of a life based on the principles of Friendship, Love, and Truth. She has earned the never-ending love and respect of her Brothers and Sisters. By improving and elevating the character of all those she touched, she has distinguished herself as an Ambassador of good will and harmony.” ~ Beth O.
Good of the order
181st GL Session surprise
t seems like a life time ago, SQUEAK—let Steve come up but the New Jersey Grand and have — SQUEAK—talk Lodge (NJ GL) Session of about the next award have June 2016 was the most sur- — SQUEAK—”. So, I gave prising and most memorable Steve his jacket and thought, Odd Fellow event I’ve attend- I’ll leave now. I’ve heard Steve ed —EVER! As most of you speak a gazillion times and know by now (and for those he is a great speaker but did I who don’t), the surprise of the mention I had to go to the laNJ GL Banquet evening was dies room, and I was freezing? when Steve Wooton, down on While Steve walked up to his knee, asked me to marry the stage, I leaned over to Joey him. People have asked me and told him my plan to which for months to see the photos Joey clamly said, “Why don’t so, I’m going to share them you wait until Dad’s done so he along with the moments that knows where you are?” I don’t know why I stayed, but I did. lead up to the proposal. We were enjoying our deli- I know I thought of the time I cious meals while listening to missed Steve speak at an Emboth guest speakers and hon- manuel Cancer Foundation orees as they made their way event because I was talking to to the dais to accept awards, someone in the hotel lobby. I receive their donations, and heard I missed one if his better to thank the Odd Fellows. speeches so I thought OK the I never get tired of this eve- night’s winding down so I’ll ning because I believe it’s a wait a until he’s done and then nice reminder of what we do, I’m gone. why we do it , and who we Steve was up on the dias, do it for. I wasn’t feeling well The because of a painful heel injury and as usual I was cold Set because I lent my mom my Up jacket. As the banquet progressed, I mentioned to Steve that he could have my desert because I was going to go back to the room to warm up, put my foot up, and “skip to the loo”. I told him I’d be back down in time to down to take photos at the Officer Installation when he handed me his sucking the crowd in with suit jacket while whispering his off the cuff, casual, or“wear this ‘til I do my presen- atory skills and giving this unknown person some really tation”. I sighed with an OK. I was feeling some empathy nice compliments without befor Grand Master Tom Cal- ing too specific other than he abrese because he was loos- had said “she” a couple times. ing his voice due to a bout of I was looking around the room at the crowd laryngitis. He of over 200 Odd was squeakFellows, family, and ing like a 12 friends wondering year old boy who he was going who’s voice to name. I had abwas changing. solutely no idea he All I heard by was talking about me this point was BUT, when Steve said “SQUEAK — “and she’s my best this person friend” I thought — could have — OH HELL HE BETSQUEAK— TER BE TALKING Rookie last The Accomplice ABOUT ME! And year if have as he called me up — SQUEAK— we had the award have — to the stage, my immediate SQUEAK—but I’ll have — thought why is he calling me
up to the stage? I certainly don’t believe I deserve an award for doing the Samaritan or anything else I do in the Order. But dear
Dropping the bait...
reader, have I mentioned that I reallllyyy had to go to the ladies room? Steve handed me a wrapped package that looked like a three year old got a hold of a tape dispenser and wrapped the package with an inch of tape. I worked at opening the package until I finally ripped the paper off, saw the back side of a frame, turned it over, (yeah he planned everything to the tee with Tom, his accomplice) to see a picture frame with the words, “Beth, will you marry me”? In a state of shock (my thoughts are not fit to print) I turned to find Steve behind me, down on his bended knee, with an engagement ring in his hand. I was speechless. (There’s a photo on this page of Mike O’Connor with a surprised look on his face which I have to imagine mirrored my reaction.) The only think I could mutter was that I wasn’t good at this marriage stuff — well I thought I was muttering until I heard the room laugh. I was afraid to open my mouth (again) afraid to move, and afraid to look at the crowd. I felt frozen in time— Steve said it was actually a good 10 minutes. Then I heard someone yell, “ARE YOU GOING TO SAY YES?” (TY Donna!) and I said YES! Steve and I kissed and we walked off the stage together. Thank you all (even you Tom who was in on this for months) for being part of this unique and special moment. It was a more extraordinary event because Steve asked me in front of all of you who have welcomed and accepted me into your lives years before I was initiated as an Odd Fellow. You are our extended family. So I have to ask…What’s so ODD about marrying an Odd Fellow? I can hear the groans all the way up to Connecticut! In Friendship, Love & Truth, Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin (Note: Since there are no photos of my face, you can see what I look like on page 8. I have to say, it was a wonderful evening!) The Samaritan
He waited so long behind me even Pastor was shaking...
I finally turned to find Steve on his knee and saw my reaction in “Mike the Mirror”.
Finally. Turn the page upside down to read the the sign.
Photos by Pastor Roman
And by the way… I said Yes!
From An Idea Handwritten On A Napkin, To A Day
Photos on page 10-13 by Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin
The Original Model
The Samaritan
Of Rememberance With Friendship, Love, and Truth
The Samaritan
n the 15th Anniversary of 9-11, Sunday, 9-11-16, Union Lodge No. 213 members Jim Smith and Ed Vincent saw their idea “on a napkin” come to fruition. Together, with a 16 foot steel beam from the 39th floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower, these men formed The Absecon 9-11 Memorial Founders Committee. The Committee’s hard work and dedication are at the base of this magnificent site. (Visit www.facebook.com/Absecon911 to see the weekly progression of the site.) This educational memorial is built on respect, rememberance, and honor of those who died, those who served, and those who continue to support those ideas. The Site is located at Heritage Park, 500 Mill Rd., Absecon, NJ. For information on how you can help support The Absecon 9-11 Memorial Site, contact Ed Vincent 609.277-1730. Special thanks to Absecon Fire Department for putting me up in the bucket and to Frank Zabielski for the photo! ~ Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin
The Samaritan
Photo by Ralph Zabielski
The Samaritan
GM continued from page3 nic this past summer. Now I know how she must have felt at the Grand Lodge Session when Brother Steve Wooton proposed. You can see those photos and read her story on page 9. My Testimonial Dinner is being held on November 13th which will be a time to celebrate and I hope you are all able to attend. I will write about it in the next Samaritan We will also begin celebrating the holidays with our many lodge holiday and Christmas parties. May you all have a healthy and happy In Friendship, Love, & Truth, season! Pastor Roman, Grand Master
uestro Primer Semestre en la Gran Logia ha contribuido para que el trabajo continúe siempre con mayor dedicación para el engrandecimiento de nuestra Orden en general, ya hemos participado en varias visitas, estuvimos presente en la Sesión Anual de la Gran Logia de Connecticut donde pudimos confraternizar durante los días 16 y 17 de septiembre con los hermanos Campamentales, la Gran Logia y la Asamblea de Rebecas. Por nuestro estado estuvimos presente Raúl Rodríguez y su esposa Alina Roman y como invitados también estuvo el Pasado Gran Maestro Guido Miranda y un servidor de ustedes. También fuimos a la reunión de la Asamblea de Rebecas de nuestro estado los días 11, 12 y 13 de octubre, donde un gran número de hermanas y hermanos se dieron cita para exaltar a la hermana Ana María Galán a su nuevo Puesto de Presidenta, dejando descansar a Marcia López Araujo que por dos años consecutivos ha llevado las riendas de esa rama de Rebecas en el Estado de New Jersey. Hemos visitado las Logias de new York en visitas fraternales el gran Patriarca Raúl Rodríguez y su Diputado Fernando Pita y el Gran Maestro Pastor Roman con su Diputada Bélgica Cartagena y otros miembros de la Gran Logia, y las logia Sánchez Moya y Álvarez del Portal, estuvimos presentes en el Aniversario número 68 de la Logia de Rebecas de New York Hispano América 113 el día 25 de septiembre, donde los hermanos y hermanas de New Jersey dieron una nota de alegría en ese día. También asistimos a las instalaciones de la logia Hispano América 233 el día 7 de octubre donde pudimos ver una lúcida Ceremonia de Instalación de nuevos oficiales. Quiero esto decir que comenzamos un nuevo año de fraternidad en nuestros distritos. Por motivos de lluvia el torneo de Golf que auspicia la Logia New Brunswick no pudo efectuarse el día 19 de septiembre y tuvo que ser trasladado para el día 3 de octubre fecha que estaba programada la visita Oficial del Gran Maestro y su Comitiva que tuvo que ser pospuesta para noviembre día 7, también la visita a la Logia Alvares del Portal fue suspendida por estar los hermanos del staff en la reunión de la Soberana Gran Logia. Celebramos en aniversario numero 42 de nuestra logia Álvarez del portal el día 21 de agosto donde también se le dio un merecido Homenaje al hermano pasado Noble Grande Jorge Luis Gonzalo y los fundadores de nuestra logia y los hermanos pudimos confraternizar hasta por la noche y el baile no falto amenizados siempre por nuestro musicalizador Rigoberto Girón noble Grande para el ano de 2017 por segundo termino. Nuestra presencia en el aniversario número 25 el día 11 de septiembre de la Logia Sánchez Moya fue motive de júbilo para todos y donde el baile se prolongó hasta muy tarde y se le dio un homenaje al
hermano Manny Sosa como pasado Noble Grande y actual Conductor de la Gran Logia. El día 30 de octubre celebramos en la Logia Amor y Verdad # 118 el aniversario número 40 y también se le rindió homenaje a las hermanas y hermanos fundadores así como a la Pasada Noble Grande Chambeli Araujo que por dos términos consecutivos dirigió los destinos de esa logia y ahora se concentra en prodigar ayuda a los estudiantes de bajos recurso y llevar también abrigo a personas desamparadas. El Testimonial Dinner del Gran Maestro el día 13 de noviembre es también motive de celebración y de eso les hablaremos en el próximo número del
Samaritano más ampliamente. También tendremos presentes las fiestas de nuestras logias celebrando las Navidades y el año nuevo En días pasados celebramos el picnic de la Gran Logia y allí me tomaron la foto que apareció en la portada del numero anterior del Samaritano, la verdad que la Hermana Beth Garvin me sorprendió con esa foto que ha sido motivos de comentarios favorables. También hemos estado presentes en los funerales de hermanos y hermanas que por motivos del destino han partido el eterno descanso y por los que rogamos En F, L, & T, por sus almas. Pastor Roman, Grand Master
Your donation helps local families & charities in NJ! Visit us at www.ioofnj.org
What’s so
ODD about helping others?
French Lodge No. 89 • Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Ground Hog Day Raffle $75000 00 Prize: $500
$25000 00 Prize: $100
st 1st Prize:
rd 3rd Prize:
nd 2nd
th 4th
0 0 et! k c i $ t r y pe Onl
ID # 200-6-40621
Drawing: Feb. 7, 2017 Richwood Academy 836 836 Lamb’s Lamb’s Rd. Rd. •• Richwood, Richwood, NJ NJ
For information contact: Steve 856-217-6382 Bob 856-881-8414
The Samaritan
Are you
ODD enough?
Good of the order
Odd Fellows Around town
Photos by Sandy Clemmens Members of Amity Lodge No. 166 cooked a meal on 9/11/16 at the Gift of Life Family House in Philadelphia, PA. The Home Cook Heroes program provides a much-needed support service to families who often don’t have the time, resources or energy to prepare a healthy, home-cooked meal. Family House meals are served each evening and brunch is served on the weekends.
Photos courtesy of Tom Calabrese New Brunswick Lodge No. 6 members were seen working their shifts at the “Friends Helping Friends” promotion at Boscov’s in Woodbridge.
Photo courtesy of Tom Calabrese
New Brunswick No. 6 at East Brunswick Day
Photo courtesy of Doris Hubbs On July 2nd, Joe Hubbs was caught doing what Odd Fellows do best—giving! The recipient, Sarah M. Johansen stated on her Facebook page: “I was very blessed last Saturday to receive a GENEROUS donation from an organization that calls themselves The Oddfellows. I’m not usually very religious or spiritual, but with every donation I’ve received, my little grinch heart grew. It really does warm my heart to see how many people care about me. Please, if you can, visit The Oddfellows website (www.ioofnj.com) just to see what they’re about. Their credo is something we can all get behind and I really am honored that they’ve chosen to stand behind me, too!”
You’re very welcome Sarah!
The Samaritan
Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth:_________________________
Address/city/state:____________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________Cell Phone____________ Email_________________ Sponsor’s Information: Sponsor’s Name
Sponsor’s Degree/Rank
Name of Lodge Sponsor is a member in Good Standing.
______________________________________________________ Relationship to Sponsor (self, spouse, child, stepchild, grandchild)
Odd Fellow or Other Charity Events Attended by Applicant or Sponsor : _____________
______________ ____________________
Applicants Scholastic Record: Name of College attending or plan to attend:_________________________________________________ 1- Attach A Copy of Your Transcript: (High School or College, whichever is most current) 2- Scholarship Committee may request additional information if needed CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the answers to the attached application for the Grand Lodge of New Jersey I.O.O.F, Scholarship are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true. I have read the rules governing the continuation of the Scholarship, and if I am awarded a Scholarship; I agree to the rules and acknowledge the Committee’s discretion in continuing the Scholarship from year to year. Date: ___________________ Signature of Applicant: ___________________________________ (If under 21)
Signature of Parent or Guardians: ___________________________________
Grand Lodge Scholarship application requirements are on page 22 of this issue. The Samaritan
A Good time ‘Fore’ a Good Cause Lawrence Lodge
Navesink Lodge Photos courtesy of Tom Calabrese New Brunswick Lodge No. 6 held their Annual Golf Outing at the Peddie Golf Course on October 3rd. Participants enjoyed a Continental Breakfast, BBQ with open bar, gifts, prizes and of course, a game of golf. Thanks to everyone who made this event a success!
VFW Post No. 133
Friends of NB No. 6
Mike O’Connor & friends (NB No. 6)
The Samaritan
Sean McBride, Bill Crane & friends (NB No. 6)
YOUR Attention IS REQUESTED December 2016
3 December 3: French Lodge No. 89 and Emmanuel Cancer Found- ation Christmas Party, NOTE NEW LOCATION Trinty Methodist Church, 284 Cedar Road, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062
February 2017
3 February 7: French Lodge No. 89 Ground Hog Day Raffle Drawing, Tickets are on sale now! Contact Bob 856-881-8414 or Steve 856- 217-6382. See ad on page 12 for details.
April 2017
Completed applications must be mailed (or emailed) to: NJ Grand Lodge Scholarship Committee, Thomas Calabrese, 44 9th St, Hazlet, NJ 07734 ( ioofnjscholarship@gmail.com )
If you DO NOT get a confirmation that your application was received. Please
CONTACT the Scholarship Committee prior to April, 15, 2017. Application must be CLEARLY printed. Scholarships are not granted for Post -Graduate Studies.
3 April 15: NJ Grand Lodge Scholarship Deadline! Scholarship applications are available on page 16 of this issue, at your local lodge meeting, and on the website. Scholarship requirements and instruc- tions are found on this page.
May 2017
3 May 7: Eighty-fourth Annual Independent Order of Odd Fellows Pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Unknowns. More information and details will be sent when they become available.
June 2017
3 June 22-25: Please Plan ahead and Save the Date! 182nd NJ Grand Lodge Session. Contact Grand Lodge Secretary, Debbe McLelland, for up to date information.
Deadline for the Next Issue of
Applicant must be a member, the child, stepchild, grandchild or spouse of a member in good standing, or deceased member who at the time of his death was a member in good standing of an Odd Fellow or Rebekah Lodge. All questions must be answered to the best of your knowledge and belief. Failure to provide clear and complete information may result in rejection of the application. All applications should include the most recent available transcript from high school, college or university at the time of this application. Transcripts may be forwarded later under separate cover. Do not delay submitting the application because of the transcripts not being available. NOTE: For the 2017-18 school year the scholarship is $750. Applying does not mean that you will receive a scholarship, but the application will be considered based on the information provided and the funds that are available. If it is determined the eligible request exceeds the availability of funds. The following criteria will determine eligibility. (A) Orphan of member (B) The member (C) The member’s spouse (D) The child of a member (E) Grandchildren of a member living in NJ. (F) Grandchildren of a member living outside NJ. (G) The residency, refers to the applicant not the member. Notification of the Scholarship Award will be made in July. Checks will be giving out at the GL Statewide Picnic. Checks not giving out at picnic will be mailed to address on application at a later date. All applicants must apply each year. Failure to maintain a passing grade or failure to remain enrolled full time in an accredited school, may result in the reduction or forfeiture of the remaining portion of the scholarship, at the discretion of the committee.
Scholarship Application is on page 16 of this issue.
December 5, 2016
The Scholarship Committee
Hey, All the cool kids are doing IT! If you haven’t been to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey Facebook Page, we think it’s time you log on. Not only will you see IOOF NJ info/events but you’ll see Odd Fellows all over the world living “friendship, Love, and Truth”. Oh, and we have alot more photos.
So, what are you waiting for?
www.facebook.com/IOOFNJ ESTÁS INVITADO!
Por favor, al igual que nuestros página. The Samaritan
Odd Fellows m
Marie Rogerson Accountant
Rogerson’s Accounting & Bookkeeping 609-203-8638
accountingservicesbymarie@yahoo.com Art/Graphic Design
Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin Artist/Graphic Designer
Active Hub Design
Where Art and Technology Meet
609-294-0237 (home office) justelizabeth@aol.com
Camera Repair
Pastor Roman
Specializing in Film Cameras
Beep Beep the Clown, LLC with Jeff Pennell
Hire Music/Music Instruction
Humberto Sanchez
Balloonist, Magician, & Clown for all Occasions 609-893-0240
786-319-2698 • 786-362-0926
Financial Planning
Michael K. O’Connor
Guitar • Piano • Percussion • Voice rafastra@gmail.com humbertosanpe.h@gmail.com
Dr. Peter K. Anderson
Financial Planner
Eyecare, Eyeglasses, and Contact Lenses
moconnor@tfsweb.com www.wealthtfs.com
doc@drpeteranderson.com www.drpeteranderson.com
TFS Wealth Management 732-758-9300, ext. 214
Marketing Services
Mario B. Guzman, Jr. CEO
Advanced Eyecare Center 215-946-8478
Pest Control
Orlando Ricardo, Jr.
Residential - Commercial - Industrial
Roman Camera Repair
Secure Marketing Inc.
Flash Exterminating Co., Inc.
1409 Eleventh Street Noth Bergen, NJ 07047 camerasyes@aol.com
Karen Barker & Dot Planer Handmade Jewelry & Crochet Items
Sellers of Purple
baby gifts, ponchos,shawls, sweaters, afghans, slippers, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more!
Karen 908-821-5179 Dot 908-494-1441
2045 Lowell Avenue Mays Landing, NJ 08330
406 36th Street Union City, NJ 07087 Fax: 201-864-0038
Residential/Commercial Garage Doors
Model Building
Jeff Pennell
Circus Model Building Programs
The History/Art of Circus Model Building
For your next Meeting or Special Event
609-893-0240 jpdoor@hotmail.com
Jeff Pennell
Installation and Repair
Jersey Pines Overhead Doors 609-338-5683
jpdoor@hotmail.com www.jerseypinesgaragedoor.com
What’s so ODD about hiring an Odd Fellow? Not a thing that we can think of, so we started a business listing featuring services, talents, and occasional hobbies for hire of our brothers and sisters. Email your listing info to IOOF_NJ@comcast.net or mail to The Samaritan Business Listing, 209 Cedar St. The Samaritan
Tuckerton, NJ 08087. You will receive a confirmation call so any listing without a phone number will not be published. We publish every two months so listings must be received a month prior to publication. Questions? Call Beth at 609-294-0237. 19
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of New Jersey 4527 Route 130 South Burlington, NJ 08016 November/December 2016
What’s so ODD about helping others? It’s Scholarship Time!!!
universal justice fun
love truth
faith unity leadership universal justice relief fellowship honorable
what iscommunity an odd fellow? charity friendship men
respect harmony
I am an Odd Fellow! I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man. I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind. I believe my home, my church or temple, my lodge, a nd my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and m y deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty "to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan" and as I work with others to build a better world, because, in spirit and in truth, I am and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man; I am an Odd Fellow!
pro active
education conscientious devlopment universal fraternity
Contact your Lodge Secretary immediately about The NJ Grand Lodge Scholarship (or see page 16 of this issue) and all IOOF scholarships available. Don’t miss these great opportunities for your student!
visit the sick bury the dead educate the orphan relieve the distressed