9 minute read
Steven Procko
Author: Rebel Correspondent

Steven Procko received a 2023 Independent Press Award Distinguished Favorite in History for his book, Rebel Correspondent. Steven is a documentarian, cinematographer and history buff.
His documentary series “There’s History Around Every Bend,” led him to the discovery of Private Arba F. Shaw’s writings featured in Rebel Correspondent. Steve’s commercial film production company Steve Procko Productions (SPP) has earned three Emmys, over fifty Addy Awards, Telly Awards, and two Promax awards. His Emmy- award-winning financial literacy program Talkin’ Money Minutes is available on over 100 Public Television stations nationwide.

Also an accomplished fine art photographer, Steve’s work has been exhibited at The Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, The Museum of Art in Ft. Lauderdale, in addition to solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States. Steve shares a mountain log cabin in Georgia and a home in Florida with his wife Lauren and their dog Rigby.
Rebel Correspondent by Steve Procko is the true story of a young man who joined the Confederate army just days after his eighteenth birthday. Nearly 35 years later at the age of 54 he penned 55 articles, 40,000 words, over the course of 11 weeks. The articles “My Experiences In the War of the 1860 Briefly Told” were printed in a small north George newspaper, The Walker County Messenger between 1901 and 1903. They were all but forgotten until Procko discovered them while researching a documentary “There’s History Around Every Bend”.

Shaw’s articles painted a true picture of the everyday accounts and the harsh realities of war. He had typhoid, was wounded twice, and in fact would experience effects of these wounds for the rest of his life.
Despite the 36 year gap, Shaw’s articles are rich with details, names and places, and events. Procko plans to develop a documentary based on the book.
Procko’s second book CapturedFreedom will be published in 2023. It’s another fascinating Civil War story about nine POW Union officers and their amazing escape.
Listen to the full interview: https://bit.ly/42H6CXX and visit rebelcorrespondent.com, Capturedfreedom.com, and Historybend.org.
Rebel Correspondent and Captured Freedom are part of “The History Around Every Bend” book series available at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, BooksAMillion.com and other retailer websites.
Listen to the full interview: https://bit.ly/42H6CXX

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