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Summer Reading, It is time for My Favorite Time of the Year
By Grant Bremmer
It’s summertime! Time to relax and enjoy oneself by exploring something new, a time when a love of learning can flower. And, of course, reading great books is at the top of the list. Summer is the time for pleasure, not pressure, and enjoying reading to stimulate the mind. For parents, encouraging your teens to read during the summer is an engaging way to learn and have fun. It can lead to interesting conversations, new vocabulary words, observations, and different kinds of images—whole new worlds.
Reading can also effectively boost academic skills while being engaged outside the classroom and enriching summertime experiences. A great summer read for the whole family is Writers of the Future Volume 39. It is full of winning short speculative stories accompanied by superb illustrations. Each story takes the reader on a different path, from humorous to scary. The stories are enthralling and entertaining. Here is the review from OnlineBookClub.org: “Perfect 5 out of 5 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the short stories. There is literally something for everyone, and the illustrations linked with each short story were mesmerizing.” There is a wealth of talent waiting to be discovered. The Writers of the Future is a writing competition for new authors using blind judging. The annual anthology is a collection of stories hand-picked by authors including Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Nnedi Okorafor, Kevin J. Anderson, Larry Niven, Jody Lynn Nye, and other masters of the genre.
How can you go wrong?
Reading books fully engages your mind and imagination. Any activity with qualities in which the brain is entirely focused on a single task is proven to reduce stress and enhance relaxation. Being the youngest of six children, my family could not afford books. So saving my pocket money for a month, I purchased my first book at 14 during summer break. It was Biggles, Secret Agent by Captain W. E. Jones. There were many more to follow. This passion for reading was the foundation for a successful career. Surprised at securing an interview for a job at the BBC, I scoured the local bookstore and luckily found The Story of Broadcasting by A.R. Burrows (which I read within two days). There is no doubt that reading that book helped me secure my position where I worked for the next thirty years. The ability to read is a precious gift, as so much can be gained. It is the vital foundation for learning and being successful. Encourage your teens to read—reluctant readers may be one book away from discovering the love of reading. You will see the change when reading is fun, not a chore.
One of the most significant benefits is transporting yourself to different time periods and experiencing other cultures—improving your knowledge of the world. It can open our minds to different ideas which may challenge our own and cause us to view things in a different light.
In conclusion, no matter whether you enjoy your summer at home, snatching breaks in a busy schedule, or traveling afar, pick up some great books this summer, relax, and escape to another world.
By Grant Bremner
Born in Scotland, he spent his entire working life with the BBC in London. He is now an author of speculative fiction short stories and novels, including the Chaotic Space series. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grant-Bremner/e/B005D783HM