Moving On Up A Little Higher
A collection of significant postings through August 2011
Chairman of the Board
Pope on a Box
Introduction A 160 page book was published on July 4 2011. It was a compilation of a selection of significant posts that have appeared on Marty Rathbun’s blog since its inception in July 2009. The book serves a purpose. It is a handy reference and summary of the blog, now recognized as the source of truthful information about the Church of Miscavige, for Scientologist, media and anyone else who shares an interest in the astonishing adventure brought to this world by L. Ron Hubbard. The contents of this book are now being made available in electronic form, for ease of distribution and ease of access. This publication is one of several. In a simple, easy-to-read format, you can read, share, embed, download and print these publications. The original postings can be found on Marty’s blog and we have included interactive links, you so you can see follow these to the original postings and associated comments and communications. To read, follow and contribute to the blog, simply go to The Editors
Publisher’s Note
Independent Scientologists are simply Scientologists that practice Scientology outside the influence of David Miscavige. David Miscavige has had a greater influence over the organisation of Scientology than L.Ron Hubbard did. Scientologists can argue whether this influence is for the better or worse, but what is not arguable is the fact that the “COB” has exerted an extraordinary and pervasive influence over organised Scientology. We (in the Church of Scientology and out of the Church) are all Scientologists doing our best to keep Scientology working. All Scientologists are welcome here.
Contents 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Our Community Independent Scientologists Community
4 12 12
Community 15
David Miscavige
On DM’s Behavior
How Diamond Dave Eludes Justice
Lying in Miscavige’s $70 Million Bunker
The Mad Mind of Miscavige
Miscavige’s People Can’t Lie Straight in Bed
The Arrogance of Miscavige – in His Own Words
The Psychosis of David Miscavige
Miscavige Meltdown
Miscavige Meltdown Update
David Miscavige Violates Tom Cruise’s Confessional
David Miscavige the Cheater
David Miscavige the Coward
The Great Middle Path The Great Middle Path
50 50
31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard discovered methodologies that can enhance self-determinism, increase freedom of choice, and bring about higher states of awareness and beingness to those who practice them. Hubbard developed a method of confession that includes unconditional forgiveness and results in more able, happy and peaceful beings. Hubbard developed an ethics system that an individual can apply to himself to improve his worth to himself and to his fellows. Hubbard established a form of organizational policy that is predicated on rewarding accomplishment rather than punishing failure. Hubbard set forth many of the fundamental values of Scientology and its organizations in the Creed of the Church of Scientology, The Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member. Thirty-one factors have been discovered that threaten the continued viability of this vital subject.
Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics.
In his quest to attain power Miscavige forcibly removed no less than four Hubbard appointed executives senior to himself, and dozens of Scientologists who had created scores of huge, effective Scientology centers. Miscavige used threat of force and violence in clearing the path to control of all Scientology organizations and assumed the self-created position of Chairman of the Board. He was never assigned by Hubbard and holds a position that was not created by Hubbard.
Since securing his position of power, the statistics of Scientology have steadily decreased in spite of Miscavige’s public proclamations to the contrary.
Miscavige has conducted a campaign to fortify his personal power by denigrating and depowering anyone who personally knew and worked with Hubbard. That includes, but is not limited to, the members of Hubbard’s family. The operation served to consolidate his personal power while immeasurably harming the vigor and image of Scientology. 4
Miscavige accomplished his coup by commandeering the only line of communication to Hubbard during the last five years of his life, plying Hubbard with embellished and false reports of a dangerous environment to keep him out of communication with Sea Org members and his family. The reports falsely accused Hubbard’s family and lifelong friends of selling out to the enemy and that Scientology orgs had been infiltrated by psychiatric and government interests. He prevented true reports from reaching Hubbard in order to make his actions appear necessary and on policy and to solidify his position.
Miscavige has persuaded those at the top of the Scientology organization that to disclose the secrets of his unconscionable acts would harm the religion and violate “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” Thus, the truth of what goes on behind the façade of false PR that Miscavige creates is hidden from the vast majority of Scientologists and the general public.
Miscavige uses confessions of Scientology managers to invalidate, castigate, and embarrass them into acquiescence and silence.
Sea Org members who voice or even hint at any hesitation to carrying on with his tyranny or supporting his actions, are routinely physically beaten by Miscavige.
Those Sea Org members who have attempted to correct Miscavige’s offpolicy and out-tech actions have been subjected to belittlement, invalidation and false propaganda. They have been silenced through imprisonment and mental and physical duress.
Miscavige’s abuse of Scientology executives and staff became so extreme and continuous, he resorted to locking all of CMO INT and Exec Strata into a building and called the prison “the Hole.” RTC, CMO/WDC, Gold, IAS, CST, OSA Int and ASI executives and staff have regularly been deposited in the Hole and subjected to Reverse Dianetics, including physical beatings and severe mental abuse for months or even years at a time.
Miscavige has run a continuous propaganda campaign attempting to besmirch the good name of L Ron Hubbard. He has consistently given little interest and funds for defending public relations attacks on Hubbard. Conversely, when Miscavige’s abuses come under scrutiny by the media or on the Internet Miscavige spares no money in attempting to destroy the reputations and lives of anyone with the temerity to discuss Miscavige’s conduct. Miscavige’s operations against “critics” include violations of the right to privacy, intimidation, investigations for perceived weaknesses then ruthless exploitation of them, propaganda campaigns, interference with contractual and personal relations, black bag jobs and blackmail. To exacerbate his atrocities, Miscavige justifies his conduct by pointing to some anachronistic Hubbard policy intended to deal with real attacks from the fifties and sixties. Thus, Miscavige perpetuates the notion Hubbard is somehow responsible for his own crimes. He routinely cites alleged things Hubbard once said (in violation of the first policy letter every Scientologist reads when exploring the subject) to justify his brutality against executives and staff members.
Miscavige has created a multi-hundred million dollar slush fund called the IAS. For twenty five years it has collected inestimable funds from Scientologists under false pretenses. The IAS has used scare tactics to extract “donations” to “save” the Church from attacks. Meanwhile, Miscavige prohibited IAS from disbursing funds to handle most of those attacks. On numerous occasions, Miscavige and IAS have given Scientology public the false impression IAS was spending tens of millions to sponsor “dissemination campaigns,” while in fact only funding a few ads for a very limited run, until the next campaign was devised. Conversely, the IAS has disbursed exorbitant amounts for Miscavige’s personal vacations – including many Caribbean diving trips and a five star tour of Scotland (including cases of sampled Scotch being shipped to Miscavige’s residence afterward). When IAS executives balked at Miscavige’s actions, he feigned surprise about the extravagances and had President IAS escorted to the Int base, and locked her up in the Hole for behavior modification.
Miscavige has turned the top end of the Bridge into a dead end: First, he has programmed the Advanced Organizations, including the FSO, to regularly security check pre-O.T.s, and then use their confessions to coerce them into paying more money for atonement, a practice not unlike the Medieval Catholic Church selling indulgences. Second, he has imposed an unwritten code of behavior amongst O.T.s. They are regularly made to conform to correct dress, language, political thought, and even ideas as to how to use their personal time. Said practice is anathema to the very purpose of Scientology, which is to make a person more his- or herself, more insouciant and independent thinking. Third, Miscavige has entered arbitrary “contribution as a Scientologist” requirements mid-levels which can be satisfied by making 6
cash “donations.” Fourth, Miscavige requires pre-OTs to attend his regular propaganda events (see Factors 22 and 23) and are treated as ethics bait until they enthusiastically embrace his projected public image. This enforced acceptance of falsehood makes attainment of OT technically impossible. Thus, Scientology, as practiced in Miscavige’s orgs, is auditing one toward conformity, solidity, lies; in other words, down the tone scale, or, the precise opposite direction to the intended aim of auditing.
Miscavige’s “Ideal Org” strategy has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of Scientologists’ donations to forward an entirely off-policy action. Hubbard’s Ideal Org policy letter says nothing about building posh quarters. A plethora of Hubbard Policy condemns Miscavige’s “straight up and vertical” method of building an org. Subsidies, particularly those extracted from the public under pressure, to build posh quarters are strictly forbidden by Hubbard policy. Hubbard advised that orgs be built from the bottom up by the elbow grease of local Scientologists, flanked by international management broad public promotion campaigns, growing their quarters only as they expand their delivery and income. Miscavige has hoodwinked Scientology public with the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme, shuttling staff around the world to pose at new “Ideal Org” openings for photo ops, many of whom are then shuttled off to some other org or soon leave for lack of pay. Regardless of the poshness of their quarters, Miscavige’s orgs are doomed to failure (and the failures are legion) because Miscavige has for years forcibly prevented Scientology management from implementing LRH advised pricing formulas to make Scientology affordable to working people, org finance systems that encourage orgs to survive and expand, and staff pay systems that make it viable for upstats to work on staff.
Miscavige’s alteration of confessional (FPRD) technology to, in effect, cancel Hubbard’s fundamental principle that a being can and does make undesirable mental mass and energy disappear by directed attention alone has caused innumerable Scientologists to regress on their paths to spiritual freedom. He has converted a powerful spiritual technology into a tool with which to enforce conformity.
Miscavige’s use of the technology of suppression to impose suppression rather than to accomplish its original opposite purpose has suppressed countless Scientologists and divided many families.
Miscavige has perverted the practice of disconnection from a voluntary tool one may use to improve one’s life into a mandatory control mechanism. He uses the practice to suppress the free flow of vital, truthful information and to keep individuals toeing the line through threat of losing their loved ones, rather than as a tool to depower actual suppression.
Miscavige’s refusal to allow the entire International Base Crew (including RTC, Watchdog Committee, CMO INT, Executive Strata and Gold) to apply Ethics formulas to rise out of conditions he arbitrarily imposed is a Scientology High Crime. Miscavige has kept the international managers of Scientology in the lowest ethics conditions continuously for nearly two decades by imposing arbitrary requirements for upgrade nowhere covered in policy.
The practice of ordering divorces based solely on Miscavige’s opinion of the spouse, or the fact that he or she is in a different church organization than his or her spouse is antithetical to the concept that true survival can only be attained across all dynamics.
Miscavige’s arbitrary policy that makes conceiving a child a crime warranting offload from the Sea Org is contrary to Hubbard policy. It has also spawned a policy that has required countless women to obtain abortions.
Miscavige’s practice of verbally declaring Scientology staff members suppressive persons while leaving them on posts that affect international Scientology is suppressive to Scientology and Scientologists.
Miscavige has co-opted Scientology’s multi-million dollar audio/visual production facility and its several hundred Golden Era Productions staff for the purpose of forwarding his own image and power through Scientology events. He has cross ordered hundreds of Hubbard advised dissemination films and marketing campaigns. This is done under the guise of the importance of international events, yet such events are proscribed by LRH policy. Millions of dollars are spent on these events in order to showcase Miscavige to further secure his power.
Miscavige puts on international events that intentionally misrepresent the true state of Scientology. Statistics are manipulated and falsified, video scenes are created that are palmed off as reality and campaigns are routinely unveiled with great fanfare but exist only for the purpose of being announced at the event. The manipulation of truth is skilled and extensive and designed for the purpose of making Miscavige look good. Scientologists wonder at the incredible figures presented on the number of new people coming into Scientology every second, minute, day, week, year, or the incredible reach of people being contacted or the vast numbers of officials and Opinion Leaders who fully support Scientology — yet their local church organizations show no sign of this massive and unrelenting growth. Scientologists who retain enough sanity to spot the contrary facts must suppress such rational thoughts for those who complain are subject to heavy ethics and, if they persist in expressing doubts, expulsion.
Miscavige has cross ordered production of the authorized LRH biography. The hired LRH Biographer, who has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, instead has worked almost exclusively for nearly two decades on writing speeches for Miscavige.
It is policy to never use lies in PR. Yet Miscavige has repeatedly lied, and directed others to lie, when confronted with facts concerning his unethical, abusive behavior.
Miscavige has personally enriched himself, living a far more lavish lifestyle than L. Ron Hubbard ever lived, though Hubbard had earned his fortune through his own writings. Miscavige has (by the standards of the Sea Organization) lavish living quarters in various cities complete with chefs and maids, owns or is provided expensive cars and motorcycles, flies exclusively in private jets, has his hairdresser and chiropractor travel around the world with him, and receives compensation that is far, far in excess of any other person on Scientology staff.
Miscavige has enforced an unwritten policy within the Church that his word has become more important than the words of the Founder. Church staff routinely follow the dictates of Miscavige that are directly at odds with LRH policy. His utterances are recorded and transcribed and distributed to staff. He changes the technology of L. Ron Hubbard under the guise of “getting it on Source” and using hidden data lines about what LRH wanted. Miscavige has gradually established himself as the new Source. The biographer of L. Ron Hubbard was recently used 9
to front for Miscavige to journalists who were investigating many of the abuses outlined in these factors. Under Miscavige’s direct orders the biographer of Hubbard (who always eschewed the notion that he was anything other than a man) told the journalists that in his estimation Miscavige, and not Hubbard, “is a God.”
Many veteran Sea Org members have been RPF’d, imprisoned in the Hole, beaten and declared by Miscavige for having the temerity to object to Miscavige cross ordering Hubbard policy.
Miscavige spent over seventy million dollars in Scientologists’ donations for an office building for himself and his personal support staff. Miscavige constantly altered orders for the building during construction, many times to upgrade material and finishes to the most expensive available, ordering the removal and destruction of what had been originally installed. Such profligate spending is contrary to countless finance policies of Hubbard, who was always extremely frugal in the spending of Church donations.
Miscavige has created orgs that are the reverse of the islands of succor that Hubbard built during his life and directed be duplicated in his written policies. Prior to Miscavige’s Scientology, orgs were lively, creative, safe spaces where people congregated to share their spiritual experiences. Orgs are now places to avoid for fear of falling victim to crush regging, heavy ethics and modification of behavior.
Thirty One
Miscavige’s out ethics has gone unchecked for so long that his behavior has become extremely depraved. In recent years he has directed the org that LRH formed to assure the ethical practice of the religion, RTC, to literally pimp and pander for his movie star friends. A number of women have been unwittingly lured into this scheme by being told they were working on a very important project to forward the aims of Scientology. In reality, Miscavige arranged dates with them for his personal friends. This activity was kept secret by violation of the integrity and security of Scientologists’ confessionals, threats, intimidation, and the attempted division of families. Those who have attempted to put ethics in on Miscavige from within have been ruined personally by Miscavige. Scientology is valuable to the many when studied and practiced in a sane environment. To allow it to be destroyed by the driven greed of a sociopath would be to condone a travesty. Scientology practiced 10
in accordance with Hubbard’s Code of a Scientologist, Credo of a True Group Member, and the Creed of the Church can contribute something vital to society. While Miscavige and his minions will no doubt claw, harass, and sue until the end to protect his fiefdom, it would well behoove all Scientologists to re-familiarize themselves with the Church’s creed: “We of the Church believe… That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.”
Our Community Independent Scientologists Community
September 26, 2009
I am confident that my friends who saw me evolve over the past couple years will attest that what I posted in February on my little web page was true. Particularly, the following description outlining my intentions and objectives: “A lot of folks seem to be suffering from the inculcated idea that once they depart or cease to slavishly follow every arbitrary dictate they automatically forfeit any spiritual gains they may have attained along the road. Natively conscientious as most beings are, such an evaluation can begin a pernicious dwindling spiral of self-invalidation and unhappiness. I understand this phenomenon and the internal dichotomies extant within the organization that brings it about. In the process of reversing the decline in myself and in others certain lessons were learned that might be of some assistance to those who have experienced the same. “I offer a simple program of rehabilitation of previously recognized abilities and education on universal truths and principles of spiritual growth. I do not offer a substitute for Scientology nor am in competition with the Church. I am only offering to share all the skills I have learned – from a wide variety of sources – to help those in need who once formally participated in Scientology but who now hold no hope nor intention of ever seeking help from the Church.” I was on no mission to replace the Church or even the Church leadership. It was purely an offer to help those who had made the determination that they would never again seek help from the Church of Scientology; for whatever reason. Within days of that posting I caught wind of Miscavige efforts to pull the plug on that offer of help. Church informants reported on some of those who initially reached out to me. Those people were intercepted and offered large incentives to turn on me, turn over all communications with me, and to return under the control of the Church. When I did not attempt to compete for those souls, adhering to my word that I wasn’t interested in those even harboring a desire to remain under the control of Miscavige’s outfit, Miscavige had OSA send informants to try to infiltrate my home and life. What I had posted was not a threat in any way, shape or form to Miscavige’s fiefdom. It was never intended to be completion. I meant what I explicitly stated about the category of people I was reaching out to. People that the Miscavige regime had zero interest in, other than apparently, in keeping in a dormant, sleeping, effect state. His reaction confirmed what I believed to be true about Miscavige: the very concept of anyone helping someone – particularly for no motive other than purely the desire to help one’s fellows – was so abhorrent to him it caused irrational impulses to stop and destroy. 12
“Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk.” – LRH Since that time a lot of water has passed under the Bridge. That includes a lot of Miscavige generated toxic waste. That also includes a lot of pure, clean and beautiful outpouring of theta from folks who fit the exact description set forth in the italicized text above. Several people have challenged me to demonstrate that I am able to take over Miscavige’s position or to create an organization mirroring his. I do not have any desire to do either. Some people have criticized me of irresponsibility for exposing the truth about Miscavige’s church without offering all the bells and whistles of Church membership they find comforting or necessary. People who are in it for the bells and whistles probably ought to stay parked right where they are. Ultimately, they will be served nothing but bells and whistles. I have learned quite a lot since February. First, there are far more people who consider themselves Scientologists, or at least use what they learned from Scientology in their everyday lives, who fit the description of having no intention of ever again being affiliated with the Church than I initially thought was possible. Second, many of those people fear retribution if they publicly discuss their feelings on the subject. Third, many of those people lead unhappy lives because they miss the ability to share community with others of similar philosophic disposition; a subset of that group, may have also suffered financially by having to cut ties with business networks they nurtured for many years. Fourth, some portion of that public are ill physically and spiritually because they have dwindled down to apathy and below and found refuge with the only ex-Church member forums that have existed – ones that make anonymity and hiding a virtue, and make criticism an end, rather than a means to achieve any improved state of affairs. When I started blogging more and more people contacted me about helping them to reverse the spiral they found themselves on. In order to cope with such an overwhelming number of individuals, I began simply connecting former Church members up with similar thinking ones in proximity to one another. Lo and behold, such people began to report to me truly phenomenal phenomena. Here is a list of the types of things they have reported more than once: 1. A rehabilitation of states attained in Scientology by simply having someone acknowledge with reality what he or she has been through. 2. An enhancement in states attained through Scientology by now receiving regular acknowledgment of theta phenomena that up to that point they had no one to share with who could truly understand and appreciate it. Sadly, many folks have reported being invalidated by Scientology public and staff for such origins when they were affiliated with the Church. 3. Feeling de-pts’d by virtue of feeling some strength in numbers – even if the increase went from one to two – and all that comes with that. 4. Physical disabilities healing. Not a bit surprising to me. In the Church’s “Freedom” magazine in response to the St Pete Times Truth Rundown series, my former wife attributed a long list of physical problems I had the year I left 13
the SO. It was one of the few relatively accurate statements of that scandal sheet. All of those ailments rapidly resolved upon my cutting all connection to the SP. 5. Great artistic, career, and or business opportunities suddenly appearing, attributed by people reporting them to beginning to socially network again with newly discovered friends sharing their philosophy. 6. The increase in frequency of OT perceptics and abilities. I don’t have ultimate answers to questions of how to set up widespread, uniform delivery of the tech, nor how to administer whatever form that might someday take. I don’t even purport to have the background, training or experience to answer such questions. I do know that I have been working on an Ethics paradigm – sometimes referred to as Ethics Program Number One. I do know that I have seen many people rise from apathy and below to 4.0 and above on the Tone Scale as they become de-PTSed from Miscavige’s Church. Most of those people never received a formal session nor even had the opportunity (yet) to meet in person. The several I have met in person tend to confirm my estimate that most folks reporting incredible gains by handling the suppression in their lives are not exaggerating. I am of the view that those phenomena listed as 1-6 above have been suppressed in Miscavige’s Church. I do not have the slightest hesitation in continuing to facilitate more free, independent Scientologists experiencing what appear to be the miracles attainable with the subject when studied in the fashion Hubbard originally advised it be done. That is with a keen, critical, and independent mind. That increases the ability to as-is. Isn’t that what the entire aim of the subject is, to increase people’s ability to as-is? Having operated with this viewpoint, I have been pleasantly surprised to learn of another natural, positive byproduct of as-ising lies with truth and making it safe for the well intentioned to congregate and share ideas. I have learned that there are a number of very capable folks who are approaching the subjects of tech and admin in the same fashion I have tried to approach Ethics. They are not motivated by money. They are not motivated by fame. They are motivated purely by making it possible for others to experience gains similar to their own. I believe that the behaviorism, twisted moralism, materialism and induced fear of disclosure of confidences practiced as standard operating procedure in Miscavige’s church are the reverse of Scientology. Those practices increase mental mass, and convince a person he needs to become a slave in order to become free. All too often, rather than increase one’s ability to as-is, it results in people who specialize in creating mental mass for others (guilt, fears, self-invalidation, and for those who have been to Int for any substantial period, actual text book engrams). People who have simply exercised their abilities to be there and comfortably confront when faced with Church intimidation tactics – and not allowed themselves to be drawn into flash fights and the resultant creation of ridges – have as-is’d the invaders. That has happened most frequently when the person 14
being targeted by the Church has the comfort of knowing he has people who are behind him or her with unconditional love. It is quite remarkable. I am fairly certain that if a decent percentage of independent Scientologists stand up, identify themselves, and freely associate with like-minded friends in the light of day at least three things will happen: 7. Many individual lives will regain meaning. Many more lives still will reap the gains from each of us who independently and freely use Scientology with no other motivation than to help others reach higher states of beingness. 8. Scientology (the subject and community) will experience a renaissance within society at large. 9. Miscavige’s church will be forced to either radically reform by reversing its suppressive operating basis or face its inevitable demise (note the intransitive is used; it is not because of anything that you or I will do to it that will cause it other than being their comfortably – it will be a self-inflicted fate). At this point, at this Ethics stage, I am advocating that independent thinking Scientologists think hard about being proud of exercising their independence. That they make themselves known and use the title “Scientologist” without shame or embarrassment. That they create community with other independent Scientologists and make it that much safer for those people to get their strength up and flourish. To the extent we tip toe around imaginary egg shells, we are PTS. We cripple our own ability to as-is. If we walk tall, we rehabilitate one another’s abilities to as-is. The Lord knows that this world could use some more of that.
September 30, 2009
I believe the way we are going to effectuate the most effective genuine change is by de-PTSing ourselves. Several mechanisms are wielded by Miscavology to keep the sheep in the pen and to keep the more adventurous ones in fear of straying too far. The most common weapon is the disconnect card. It is used to keep people in a state of terror of losing their family, friends and livelihoods. Many on-line, or at least in good standing, public and former staff have reached out for advice on how to keep pursuing the truth without losing one or more of what they consider integral parts of their communities. As more appear and more are made aware of fellow independent minded folk in their vicinities little communities are forming. The effects of the support independent Scientologists give to one another are remarkable personally, on the family dynamic, and in terms of business networking. While watching these successes begin to unfold, it occurred to me that if the process of forming communities were aided and a form of coordination amongst neighboring and even distant similar communities began – however informally – the de-PTSing could expand exponentially with little effort. The ripple effects of independent thinking Scientologists connecting are immeasurable. 15
Some inquiring minds have also been asking, but what of my Bridge? Well, for starters I have found the case gain being attained by independent Scientologists simply connecting up with one another and validating one another’s gains that were suppressed under Miscavology are spectacular. Escaping from the suppression and Reverse Scientology practiced in Miscavology tends to rehab every ability you once thought you had attained but were convinced by reges, recruiters, E/Os acting for reges, execs acting as reges, etc. were canceled due to your “out ethics” for failing to mortgage your home or drain your retirement account to fill DM’s coffers. If you want to continue with formal auditing, I know there are some fine independent auditors whose dance cards are not full. I bet there are many more because I haven’t even really explored the free zone much. But more fundamentally, the communities that independent minded Scientologists are so fearful of being expelled from are deviating more and more from the Aims of Scientology as promulgated by LRH. Those communities are becoming increasingly tolerant of and thus encouraging of insanity and criminality (particularly financial criminality). They are being leaned on hard to continue to contribute to the “wars” that Miscavige is so fond of declaring. Honest beings in those communities have long since been stripped of any rights. The able are increasingly being made to suffer rather than prosper, and when one manages to somehow reach greater heights, he or she is pressured to become a pimping cog in the financial irregularity machine. So, let’s examine what we mean by community. What is a community? What kind of community do real Scientologists want? What are the benefits of sharing an ethical, sane community? Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers begins with a chapter about a small town in Pennsylvania named Roseto. It was named after the village its Italian-American inhabitants’ ancestors had emigrated from during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Sometime in the 1950’s a guest speaker at a local medical conference, Dr. Stewart Wolf, happened to notice that there was an extremely low incidence of heart failure in Roseto. Wolf investigated for years to determine how this small burg could apparently beat what was then a nationwide epidemic. Using every medical and scientific investigative means Wolf – with the aid of other doctors and a sociologist (John Bruhn) – failed to find a single physical common denominator that explained Rosetans’ longevity. They seemed to drink, smoke and eat fatty foods just as often as most other Americans. Then: “What Wolf began to realize was that the secret of Roseto wasn’t diet or exercise or genes or location. It had to be Roseto itself. As Bruhn and Wolf walked around the town, they figured out why. They looked at how the Rosetans visited one another, stopping to chat in Italian on the street, say, or cooking for one another in their backyards. They learned about the extended family clans that underlay the town’s social structure. They saw how many homes had three generations living under one roof, and how much respect grandparents commanded. They went to mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and saw the unifying and calming effect of the 16
church. They counted twenty-two separate civic organizations in a town of just under two thousand people. They picked up on the particular egalitarian ethos of the community, which discouraged the wealthy from flaunting their success and helped the unsuccessful obscure their failures.” Wolf and Bruhn went on to discuss their findings at medical conferences across the country, “about the mysterious and magical benefits of people stopping to talk to one another on the street, and of having three generations under one roof. Living a long life, the conventional wisdom at the time said, depended to a great extent on who we were – that is, our genes. It depended on the decisions we made – on what we chose to eat, and how much we chose to exercise, and how effectively we were treated by the medical system. No one was used to thinking in terms of community.” Communication, great social activity, love and respect for family, attending a church that has a “unifying and calming effect”? Imagine that. Kind of sounds like a firm foundation for “A civilization without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights…” Maybe we should stop being so confounded worried about being expelled from immoral, rapidly declining communities and start getting busy building ones in which we can be happy and of which we can be proud.
David Miscavige On DM’s Behavior
February 13, 2010 by Mike Rinder
Online blog posting + comments: There has been some discussion concerning why people continue to listen to Miscavige when his actions are so contrary to those of a real Scientologist. Even those who have left wonder why it took them so long to come to their senses. And then when they have seen the light, they ponder how it is that so many others continue – in the face of overwhelming evidence – to act like lemmings. There are many reasons why people don’t just walk away – Sea Org members make an eternal commitment to forwarding the Aims of Scientology and to leave the Sea Org appears to be a betrayal of LRH; many have family members who would disconnect if they left; others have no experience in the outside world and don’t know how they will make a living; and the biggest threat of all looms large to those on the inside – the apparent loss of their eternity. But still, it is puzzling how people can witness the most brutal and demeaning actions carried out by DM and not come to their senses. LRH gives an answer in PAB 13 ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR, written in 1953. It is a briefing to auditors on the importance of knowing the most aberrated and most aberrative types of personality. In this PAB, LRH says: “What we will call the aberrative personality does the following things: 1. Everything bad that happened to the preclear was (a) ridiculous, (b) unimportant, (c) deserved. 2. Everything the preclear and others did to the aberrative person was (a) very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable. 3. Those things which the preclear could do (a) were without real value, (b) were done better by the aberrative personality or by others. 4. Sexual restraint or perversion. 5. Inhibition of eating.”
Anyone who has had the misfortune of dealing directly with David Miscavige will instantly recognize these characteristics. The constant negation of anyone around him, with vehement accusations that “everyone” is incompetent, and he is the “only one” that can do anything. His repeated refrain that people are “pretending” to be tired (after endless nights of little or no sleep trying to get his unreal orders done while he sleeps a full night every night – unless he chooses to stay up and then uses this to loudly proclaim how little sleep he is getting while “everyone else” is in bed asleep). He is often heard loudly proclaiming that the “incompetence” of all those around him is “literally killing him, by forcing him to work himself to death”. Should anyone protest or react to the indignities and suffering he doles out he accuses them of “dramatizing”. He repeatedly regales those around him with highly degraded and pornographic descriptions of their supposed sexual perversions, while claiming to be completely virtuous himself and sleeping in a separate bed from his wife to prove it (though others have noted his attraction to his Communicator Lou). He routinely orders others onto rice and beans for weeks or months on end, or even having them fed scraps in the Hole (which had to be paid for), while he eats a special diet and has a full time chef to cater to his desires. This of course, is only a brief summation. One only need look at the many accounts in the media or on the internet for personal experiences of numerous individuals that cover each of the points 1 through 5 above in far more detail. And while the Church tries to claim that every one of them is a bald-faced liar and “nothing really happened to them” (though they never seem able to come up with a motivation for so many people lying – other than the bizarre allegation that Marty Rathbun and I are being paid by the pharmaceutical companies), there are numerous people who have observed the facts. And there is no doubt that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of others who would tell the same stories of their experiences if they weren’t being coerced into silence either by threat of disconnection from their families, loss of job or legal action being brought against them. While there is much more in this PAB that describes Miscavige to a “T”, there are a few select passages that seem especially appropriate: They speak very sternly of honesty or ethics and put on a formidable front of complete legality. They are impartial, which is to say they are incapable of decision but ride continually a maybe. They close terminals easily with courts, for courts are, sad to say, more or less of this disposition themselves. They feel called upon at no pretext to become adjudicative on subjects where their opinion has not been invited. Anyone who has ever done the work on a project and had to get it approved by Miscavige recounts a familiar tale. And don’t doubt that he insisted on approving everything – anyone who attempted to take any action of significance in Scientology without his approval was accused of trying to “take over” and declared a Treasonous SP. Submissions he demands instantly one day then sit with him for days or weeks or even months (while rather than reviewing them, he spends hours berating people that he is too busy to be able to get all the work done that everyone forces on him). And when he does finally review the submission it is returned with a scathing reject informing the person that they are stupid, incompetent, suppressive and trying to destroy him by sending him a suppressive proposal. This can go on for months. It is one (though perhaps not 19
the most important) of the reasons why the Super Power building has never been completed. Over 20 years there have been literally thousands of hours of staff and professional time (let alone money) putting together submissions to go to Miscavige that he didn’t approve. Again, read the numerous accounts in the media and on the internet. It is a hallmark of Miscavige to demand that he approve everything, but refuse to accept any proposal that is made. LRH goes on to say: “It will often be discovered by the auditor that the preclear has “swapped terminals” with these aberrative persons. The weight of aberration is such that the preclear has been swung into the valence of such people, for they have obviously won.” Virtually everyone around him eventually goes into his valence to one degree or another. And then having committed similar overts of their own, are far less likely to criticize what Miscavige does. This point doesn’t require much explication – just look at Tom Cruise. “It should be understood that anyone going down tone scale in moments of anger is apt to use the above-numbered steps one way or another. But this is a momentary thing; the above steps belong, of course, on the tone scale and are significant of a level on the tone scale. Thus, one going down tone scale into anger or into apathy, is inclined to use these operations momentarily. This is quite different from the aberrative personality. The aberrative personality is at work with this operation 24 hours a day. Ceaselessly, relentlessly, calculatingly, with full knowingness, the aberrative personality continues this onslaught against those around him.” This is exactly what life around the Machiavellian Midget is like. It is all day long, ceaseless and relentless. And it doesn’t even stop after he goes to bed. Nobody secures until he retires to his private quarters, but many have experienced the nightmare of finally getting into bed, only to be woken up again for more harassment if Dear Leader was unable to sleep. Or he remembered something you had failed to comply with that he hadn’t berated you enough for during the day. But, there is more. Ever wondered about his fixation on Idle Org buildings? Or his insistence that audio/visual replace real Scientologists in every Div 6 in the world? Or his need for dozens of expensive suits, luxury cars, exotic motorcycles, lavish living quarters? …These people, being well downscale, are very close to MEST and have a very solid agreement with MEST. Or, how about his bizarre fascination and compulsion to be with Tom Cruise? It goes beyond the MEST – his private jet and home in Telluride for skiing getaways etc. etc. There is something more to it than that, as LRH describes: Men in the field of the arts are very often victimized by these aberrative personalities. The “merchant of fear” closes terminals rapidly with any area which contains a great deal of admiration. … There is hardly a man of art or letters who does not bear on him the scar of having associated with a “merchant of fear,” for these are vampire 20
personalities. They are themselves so starved of admiration and of sensation that they drink out of others around them any possible drop of admiration in any form. Where a woman becomes a “merchant of fear,” sexual starvation is continually attempting satiation and all the while the “merchant of fear” will protest and, to all visible signs, follow a life of complete celibacy. But, in spite of all that, can you REALLY be sure that he is in fact an aberrative personality? LRH gives one sure fire way of telling: “Now in case you err and try to apply this classification too widely, there is one definite characteristic you must not overlook. This characteristic makes the difference between the aberrative personality and run-of-the-mill human beings. The secrecy computation is the clue. The best index to a secrecy computation is a refusal to be audited. Because of this factor of the secrecy computation, and for no other factor, it chances to follow that the aberrative personality can be known by his refusal to have any auditing of any kind, or, if he has any auditing, accepts it very covertly and will not permit it to have any effect upon him. He will not have a second session. He has all manner of excuses for this such as “altitude,” but in any way, shape or form he escapes auditing. If your preclear’s unwilling to be audited, he himself may fall into this classification.” One definite characteristic? Those who have been around DM know he refuses to be audited by ANYONE. He claims that everyone is out tech. Ray Mithoff, who LRH trusted as his auditor and senior technical terminal on the planet is unqualified and “criminally out tech” according to DM. What about all those people in RTC who decide who is or who isn’t an in-tech auditor and sit in judgment on the TRs and metering of every auditor on the planet. Surely they are qualified to audit Dear Leader? When Marty Rathbun was the highest official in RTC and was entrusted by DM to exclusively audit the top celebrities and VIPs, Marty had the temerity to suggest to Shelly Miscavige that maybe Dave might need a session since he was sick as a dog and that he would be happy to provide it. Shelly looked like a doe stuck in the headlights. From that point forward Marty, who up to that point could do no wrong in DM’s eyes – after bailing him out of a heap of trouble on numerous occasions – was a marked man. And, of course, there never was a session! But, the point of this essay was to explain why people listen to this little monster. And LRH describes why this happens. “The society at large is so accustomed to association with MEST and the “merchant of fear” so closely approximates some of the characteristics of MEST—the maybe, for instance—that the public quite commonly misassigns strength to such aberrative personalities and thinks of them as strong people or as wise people. They are neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack.” And with all that said, there is one last, vitally important sentence that explains the phenomenon of DM: Because justice in this society prides itself upon impartiality, these impartial people— the aberrative personalities—are quite often listened to by those around them.
Look at all the fawning lemmings who worship the private jet he flies in and the ground he drives his BMW on. They believe what he tells them, though it may be demonstrably untrue. They believe his stories of “massive”, “straight up and vertical” expansion. They believe he is “saving the tech” (from what it is always unclear – some “SPs” somewhere) and “carrying on LRH’s legacy.” But, this too will come to pass. Every person who sees the truth and steps out of the shadow of this aberrative personality tips the scales a little more towards the end of the insanity and a return to a true Golden Age of Scientology where freedom of thought, action and belief once again reigns.
How Diamond Dave Eludes Justice
February 3, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: how-diamond-dave-eludes-justice/#comments In the early-mid-eighties David Miscavige and Pat Broeker were reveling in the absolute power they had wrested by forcing LRH to remain off the lines. As the only gatekeepers to the Old Man they could and did filter everything LRH was to learn of the church over the last five years of his life. And they made awful sure that filtering, first and foremost, made their positions more secure. During those glory days, at a comm drop in a remote desert location, Pat gave DM a congratulatory gift that summed up his impression of the latter’s character and beingness. It was a butane lighter with a nifty diamond embedded into its case. Around the precious stone the following words were engraved, “Diamond Dave.” It validated DM’s self-projected image of himself as a rock star, after then popular Diamond David Lee Roth of Van Halen. Broeker would later rue the day he went out of his way to stroke DM’s ego.
Next time you view the Palladium event where these two announced the passing of LRH, pay careful attention to DM’s eyes as he welcomes Broeker to the podium. They had “I’m taking you out” written all over them. And so he did. How did he get away with it? The same way he gets away with running an Abu Ghraib like torture chamber on American soil; MONEY. 1) He authorized the checks for the lawyers who were retained to represent LRH’s interests during the eighties, and they dutifully advised LRH as DM told them to. 2) He authorized the expenditure of more than 100 million dollars between 81-86 to turn civil suits that could have been settled for 1.6 million at the outset into a horrendous war that kept LRH off the lines. And shortly after LRH died, and there was no more need for an All Clear for LRH, why, DM bought himself one for 2.6 million dollars. 3) He paid the attorneys who advised Broeker that if he didn’t kow-tow to DM, and continued to attempt to exert control in the church, he would wind up behind iron bars because of his financial irregularities. 4) He authorized the 100s of millions of dollars spent on the six to eight offpolicy extravagant yearly events over the next two decades that were carefully orchestrated to position him – slowly but surely – as senior to Source. 5) He ordered the expenditure of whatever monies necessary to get in the face of the media and law enforcement for the next two decades so as to create an environment that encouraged the media and law enforcement to decide “lives too short” to wrestle with the Church of Scientology. He spares no expense in covertly influencing media and law enforcement to remain at bay. 6) He set up a two punch system to deal with any potential witness to his criminal behavior: a) intimidate and harass to the point where the terminal is amenable to b) a buy out in exchange for silence. Despite this seemingly impenetrable wall that I helped to build, do you know how I know with certainty that Diamond Dave will inevitably face justice? Because for the first time ever, the one-trick pony’s two-punch system cannot deal with what he is facing. For the first time ever he is faced with a growing number of folks who cannot be intimidated and are not for sale at any price.
Lying in Miscavige’s $70 Million Bunker
August 19, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: lying-in-miscaviges-70-million-bunker/#comments Miscavige and his minions are painting themselves into the lower corner of the RTC bunker by virtue of being forced to make sworn representations; a slippery slope for a pack of liars.
Warren McShane swore out a complaint to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. A copy of the resultant Sheriff’s report was obtained by the Headleys’ lawyers and 23
it was filed in their cases in support of their opposition to the church’s motion for summary judgment. A link to the document, along with the Church’s urgent motion to strike it from the record, is at the bottom of this report. Note in the motion that the church denies Warren made any such report to the Sheriff. The complaint was filed based on a photo of Tom Cruise’s and David Miscavige’s motorcycles appearing on my blog. (words indented are quotations from the official documents.) “Mr. McShane handed me a colored copy of a digital photograph that had been posted on Mr. Rathbun’s web site on April 23, 2010. The site information is listed as follows: 2010/05/bikesbuilding50.jpg”
Warren really did wonders for the church’s future tax exemption and for ongoing criminal investigations into his boss. He made it very clear to the Sheriff that the hundreds of hours of work performed on those personal bikes of his and Tom Cruise were “operations and projects of the Church of Scientology”: “It appears that much, if not all, the information and images contained in the two computers are proprietary in nature related to the internal operations and projects of the Church of Scientology.” “The projects and all the material, data, and images associated with these projects were described as not for public consumption, and proprietary to the Church of Scientology.” Warren has undermined any future dead agent packs that try to attack JB’s credentials for future appearances:
“JB was an employee of Religious Technology Center (RTC), which is under the supervision of Mr. McShane. JB did not have an official title within RTC, however, due to his tenure with the church and his unique skill set he was an integral part or the lead on many high profile internal church projects.” Warren confirmed that all base personnel (with the exception of JB, and of course he is now gone) had no access to the internet absent restricting filters: “JB’s internet computer was different from other employees, in that it did not have any filters and JB could search the internet without restrictions.” McShane swears to the Sheriff, that with the exception of JB – and of course he’s gone – no “church members/employees…enjoy…freedom of movement”: “On April 22, 2010 (Thursday) at approximately 0730 hours JB left the main facility driving his privately owned vehicle. It was not clear where he was going, or the nature of the trip, however it was not unusual for JB to come and go due to his work projects. His ability to come and go from the facility is in contrast to other church members/employees, who do not enjoy the same freedom of movement.” McShane has established that RTC hired professionals to put my home and family under constant surveillance for an indefinite – but clearly lengthy, general – period of time. Hence it should go a long way in proving that RTC, Dave’s org, is utterly responsible for every invasion of privacy and harassment they have committed to date : “Mr. McShane told me RTC had previously contracted with a private security firm in the State of Texas, to monitor Mr. Rathbun’s activities.” Now, a little back story before I continue. Miscavige told me on several occasions that there was one reason and one reason alone that Warren McShane remained in RTC after the 1987 take over. That is, “Warren is such a good liar, who else is going to handle RTC depositions and declarations?” Miscavige told McShane to his face that if it weren’t for his lying abilities he’d be busted to Gold to do MEST work the rest of his life. Now, check this out: “According to Mr. McShane, JB was spotted by the security detail on April 24, 2010 meeting with Mr. Rathbun at a restaurant in the City of Ingleside, Texas.” Interesting, since by April 24th JB had not even entered the state of Texas since his 22 April departure from the Int base. Obviously, JB had not set foot in the city of Ingleside, had not met with me and had not dined with me by April 24. “The security detail reported that at the conclusion of the meeting they followed JB to a “Best Western” motel in the City of Ingleside. The security detail called Mr. McShane and advised him of JB’s arrival and the meeting.” JB never stayed at a motel in the city of Ingleside, ever – not to this day. JB never ventured within 22 miles of Ingleside by the time he was ambushed by Tommy Davis, Angie Blankenship, Laurance Barram Stumbke, and Bob Wright – which as we shall see McShane admitted to later. 25
“Mr. McShane summoned (4) church members/employees who know JB the best and sent them to Texas to attempt to contact him and perhaps persuade him to return to the facility in Hemet, CA.” “According to Mr. McShane the four dispatched employees were able to contact JB in the lobby of the Best Western motel on April 26th or 27th 2010. The group tried to persuade JB to return with them. JB retreated to his room and refused to come out or speak with the group.” (For the record, Warren, it was 28 April) That’s funny, Tommy Davis (Tommy, of course, needs no introduction as to his history and proclivity for lying) has told at least two reporters that I know of that the Texas Op never happened and he never set foot in Texas. Yet, he testified under oath (in the Headley case) that he went to Texas. But, he again lied claiming that he went there to fetch JB on his own determinism and specifically was not “summoned” by McShane (as McShane told the Sheriff ), nor by his female “supervisor” nor Miscavige. Q: Did your supervisor tell you to go see him? A: No, she did not. Q: So, why did you go to Texas to see John? A: Because he is a very good friend of mine. … Q: So no one sent you to see Mr. Brousseau? A: No. And so, I suppose in aid of David Miscavige’s ongoing efforts to lose the church’s tax exemption, Tommy testified that the private jet charter (no doubt paid by the church) that sent 20 people to Texas was a wholly “personal affair.” Q: And you were visiting him as part of your job duties for the Church of Scientology? A: No, I was not. Of course, McShane failed to mention the other sixteen people that accompanied Tommy, went to my home, blocking the street with four cars in order to prevent me from rescuing JB from Tommy’s gang of four. Let’s see what Tommy had to say about that under oath: Q: And at the time that you were visiting Mr. Brousseau, is it true that there also were a number of vehicles that were sent to the home of Marty Rathbun? A: I don’t know of anybody that sent them. Nobody sent anybody anywhere. Now, back to more McShane lying. “There are three motorcycles parked in front of a fountain with the structure behind the fountain. Mr. McShane told me the motorcycles are privately owned by 26
members of the church. According to Mr. McShane the photo was taken in 2005 by employee Yvonne Gonzalvez, using JB’s personal digital camera.” The church’s lawyers raised a hue and cry that the report from which I quote could not possibly be publicly available because it could compromise an ongoing investigation. Well, I wonder whether these pricey legal Einsteins bothered to read the report. If they’d read it, they’d have found out why it couldn’t possibly be an “ongoing investigation”. The damn pictures in question were taken with JB’s personal camera as McShane himself acknowledges to the Sheriff. I wonder whether those legal beagles thought through how they would ever explain to a judge that the “proprietary “products” that the church claims are in danger of duplication and undercut are a couple of custom motorcycles and a space age tanning booth produced with slave labor. Not to mention the fact that everything JB took with him is relevant and credible evidence of felonies committed by David Miscavige. The insertion of Gonzalvez was another McShane lie. Finally, McShane had this to say to the investigators: “Mr. McShane told me the structure in the digital image is the front of the RTC Administration building, located across the street from us.” (Note the present tense – indicating the Sheriff’s deputies taking the report were sitting across the street from Temple Miscavige while taking the report, no doubt being doted upon by Cathy Frasier and Muriel D). And in the photo at issue – taken in 2005 – there is an RTC symbol etched in the expensive, bullet proof glass entrance to prove it is the RTC building. One little problem: Warren said “is”, not “was.” And thus, Warren accidentally told a truth. Did you know that Jenny Linsen, and a host of other Miscavige insiders, supplied sworn declarations to the St Pete Times (the ones designed to bury Mike Rinder, Amy Scobee, Tom Devocht and I) claiming that the RTC 70 million dollar palace in question was never RTC, was never intended to be for RTC, but instead was always planned to be CSI’s HQ and has been since its construction? While ordering that perjury, Miscavige also ordered, and obtained compliance, that the 30 foot by 20 foot bullet proof glass over the front entrance be replaced. Why? To replace the multi-thousand dollar RTC symbol etched into the glass with a multi-thousand dollar etching of the CSI symbol. All done as part of his cover-up that he spent 70 million dollars for his own personal, 55,000 square foot office palace. All measures taken after I called him out on it. It is the same building Miscavige and his personal staff occupy to this day. You know what it is like to live a lie? You gotta remember the lie and all the subsequent cover up lies all the time so as not to get caught out in another lie. I reckon you all know that because you broke that cycle for good on Grade II and/or OT II. Imagine for a moment the personal hell that Miscavige lives day in and day out. Not only does he live a lie and lies habitually, he orders his inner circle to 27
lie continuously; and under oath. He even spends tens of thousands of dollars altering MEST to conform with his lies. Memo to Warren, Jenny and Tommy: I know that you had to learn to remorselessly lie to remain close to the top. It is a survival requirement. Regardless of the manner in which I have reported facts here, I want you to know that there are many people out here who will receive you with open arms and help you get rapidly onto your feet to live honest, productive, and happy lives. Scientology actually works. Clean hands actually do make a happy life. Memo to Dave: You have apparently fully accomplished what you are so fond of accusing others of, buying your own bullshit. You have surrounded yourself with liars you created and so your mocked up universe continues on its dwindling spiral unabated. But, don’t worry, your one source of accurate information on the true state of affairs concerning Scientology is still broadcasting daily strong and clear, Moving On Up A Little Higher. One last word of advice, borrowed from Nas: Use the two holes above your nose to see the truth yo.
The Mad Mind of Miscavige
October 12, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: the-mad-mind-of-miscavige/#comments The following is an excerpt from a mid-2007 despatch dictated by David Miscavige.
In the last few weeks, it has not been nice. Do you know that pimple you saw? Well, I popped it. We’re talking two guys buying X-rated movies and masturbating simultaneously in the same room with one being the husband and one being the wife, going through Dean and Deluca (a gourmet mail order catalog) catalogs as husband and wife and the bald-headed guy buying the other one cheese as a favor. We’re talking about the guy who was on the finance lines and refused to get you the finance issues, waiting for R to come back so he can be permanently appointed for the rest of the universe as the International Finance Dictator. We’re talking about me finding out exactly what Mike was doing in 1982. We’re talking about Marc’s op. We’re talking about me knowing exactly what MR has been doing on his sympathizing for all the SPs who got nothing done. Translation: The bald-headed fellow is Marc Yager, WDC Chairman and CO CMO INT. The cheese-eater is Guillaume Lesevre, ED International. You’ve heard Mike, Tom, Steve, Dan, Amy and I talk or write about Miscavige’s constant accusations that Yager and Guillaume were homosexual lovers. Well, here it is in writing. This is after Debbie Cook’s experience in the Hole wherein Miscavige threatened all 28
of Int that if they didn’t get a homosexual confession out of Marc and Guillaume, he would send Tom Cruise down to beat the hell out of them. Debbie reported that Marc and Guillaume did not confess despite brutal beatings. Debbie was then ordered to stand in a garbage can with a sign “lesbian” around her neck to be physically and orally assaulted for the next day. For those unfamiliar with this history please see The Final Purges Part IV - 45 Days in the Hole (p. 68) After all that, what does Miscavige do? He starts writing despatches like the one above to his pets at the time in continental units. He runs a black propaganda campaign, with purely invented, lewd stories to titillate his minions and destroy the reputation of top international management. The Int Finance Dir he refers to is Wendell. And yes, he is waiting for LRH; and the fact he won’t come off that belief drives Miscavige batty daily. The reference to MR (Rinder) sympathizing with SPs back in 82? You got it, he had disagreements with the power pushes Miscavige did at the time violently taking out Mayo, two CO CMO Ints, Mary Sue Hubbard, and Mission Holders Network. That’s right DOX. Plenty of them. Spread around the world in dozens of safe locations to guarantee they shall see the light of day. Despite Miscavige’s expensive, violent, and best efforts otherwise.
Miscavige’s People Can’t Lie Straight in Bed
October 26, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: miscaviges-people-cant-lie-straight-in-bed/#comments By way of background, I refer to my post Lying in Miscavige’s $70 Million Bunker In that post I quoted excerpts from the July 2 deposition of Tommy Davis that were lodged in the court file in the Headley cases. Since then I received a copy of the entire transcript of the deposition. The transcript reveals that Davis’ prevaricating was far more blatant than what was demonstrated by the thenavailable excerpts in the 19 August post. On July 2 of this year Thomas “Tommy” Davis swore under the pains and penalties of perjury to tell Marc and Claire Headley’s lawyers the truth, and nothing but the truth. Let’s take a look at what regard Miscavige’s chosen golden boy has for the law of the land requiring one answer truthfully to questions asked in deposition. Usually it requires some external documentary evidence to prove someone a liar. Davis proves himself to be a liar. Q (question): So do you have any responsibilities for Sea Organization members who blow? 29
A (answer): No. Q: You’re not supposed to follow individuals who have left the Sea Organization? A: I’m not actually sure I understand the question. Q: Okay. Do you follow individuals who left the Sea Organization without prior authorization? A: No. Q: Have you ever done that? A: No. Q: So you have never followed a Sea Organization member that has blown? A: No. Now, the following is what Tommy had to say just five minutes later during the deposition: Q: Okay. So you have been to Texas in either April or May? A: Yeah. Q: Okay. And what was the purpose of that visit? A: I was — went with some friends to see a friend of mine who had left. Q: Was that individual’s name John Brousseau? A: Yes. Q: Isn’t true that you showed up at his motel room at 5:30 in the morning? A: Yes, it is. Q: Did he call and ask you to come visit him? A: He did not. Q: So when you visited him at 5:30 in the morning, it was unannounced? A: That is correct. Q: And you came in a vehicle. And were there three other people with you? A: Yes, there were. Q: Had Mr. Brousseau recently blown the Sea Organization? A: Yes, he had. Q: How did you know he was in Texas? 30
A: I was informed by my supervisor. Q: Did your supervisor tell you to go see him? A: No, she did not. Q: So why did you go to Texas to see John? A: Because he is a very good friend of mine. Q: But he did not ask you to come visit him?\ A: No, he did not. Q: And at the time that you were visiting Mr. Brousseau, is it true that there were a number of vehicles that were sent to the home of Marty Rathbun? A: I don’t know about “sent.” There were some people who went to see him, yes. …. Q: Who did send those individuals to Marty Rathbun’s house? A: I don’t know of anybody that sent them. Nobody sent anybody anywhere. Q: So no one sent you to see Mr. Brousseau? A: No. Q: And were you visiting him as part of your job duties for the church of Scientology? A: No, I was not. After Tommy unequivocally swore that he went to Texas to see John Brousseau with three other people at 5:30 in the morning unannounced and uninvited on his own initiative, not as directed by his supervisor, not having anything to do with his duties in the church, and solely based on his decision as a personal friend to do so, he swore as follows: Q: How did you get to Texas to visit Mr. Brousseau? A: On an airplane. Q: Who paid for your airplane ticket? A: The church. Q: Did the church also pay for Angie, Bob and Laurance’s plane tickets? A: Yes. Q: And did the church pay for the vehicle that you were driving to go see Mr. Brousseau at the motel? 31
A: Yes. After all of that Tommy had the temerity to swear to the following under oath: Q: What is a blow drill? A: The only time that I have heard that term was in receiving media inquiries. It is not a term I was familiar with prior to being asked about it by the media. So the definition I have of it is from the media, which is that people leave and there is some sort of drill by which, that goes into play when they leave Q: Have you ever participated in what you have an understanding to be a blow drill? A: I don’t believe I can answer that question, because I just explained that I don’t know what a blow drill is outside of what the media has asked me. So I could not participate in something that I never heard of until I had been asked it by the media. Oh yeah, then there are the documents that JB reminded me of: Hi Marty. Then there’s the “Incident Report” filed by Warren McShane as President of Religious Technology Center on 12 July 2010 with the Riverside County Sheriff. Further contradiction and evidence of Tommy’s lying is where it is reported: “Mr. McShane summoned (4) church members/employees who knew JB the best and sent them to Texas to attempt to contact him and perhaps persuade him to return to the facility in Hemet, CA. According to Mr. McShane the four dispatched employees were able to contact JB in the lobby of the Best Western motel on April 26th or 27th 2010. The group tried to persuade JB to return with them. JB retreated to his room and refused to come out or speak with the group.” Yet Tommy states he and the others went on their own volition and were not “sent”? Further, when I was in the motel room after they tried to approach me, Tommy slipped the following handwritten note under the door: “JB, “This is nuts. We just want to talk. We’re here to resolve whatever is going on. But, you do need to understand the consequences of what has been done and what you’ve gotten yourself into personally. We have with us docs you have previously signed and which places you at risk. We mean you no ill will. We are not here to persuade you to come back. Rather, we hope we can reach an understanding whereby you abide by the covenants you have signed and we will refrain from further contact. We’re here because we’re your friends and wanted to help you do the least amount of damage to yourself and to Scn. We’ve come a long way to talk to you and have approached you in a straightforward way.” “I’m going to call you in room in five minutes so we can talk.” 32
“We can end and resolve this simply and now.” “So, let’s just talk.” Needless to say, the phone rang nearly incessantly after that, but I didn’t answer. So, there’s more docs showing he is a liar. It is 6 months now since I left. It still feels good! JB Quite apparently Miscavige is having great success in molding into his own character those still within the confines of his bunker.
The Arrogance of Miscavige – in His Own Words
November 5, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: the-arrogance-of-miscavige-in-his-own-words/#comments Here is David Miscavige’s view of himself in his own words. These are April 2007 instructions to Tommy on what to tell the BBC in response to their repeated requests for his interview. “When you go to ask an organization for an interview, you don’t get the top guy just because you ask. Especially when it comes to me. My perspective is, I’m responsible for the Church, that’s who I go see, I am the most public figure there is, and if and when I do a show, I do it on my sweet time. “Larry King wants to interview me—to him, he’ll wait because that’s ratings. Cooper Anderson is the hottest thing on CNN, not that that means anything. He’ll wait because that’s a coup. This guy thinks he gets the interview. “This is why, whatever these questions are, he’s asking questions anybody can answer. He thinks that what gets him the head of the Church organization is that he can come up with a bunch of anonymous, salacious, unfounded allegations and therefore the top guy in the Church should do an interview with him to answer them. Is the guy crazy? “You go to any religious leader, you want that show—then you’re going to get the show on the religion. There is no religious leader in the world that is going to go and answer to a pile of crap unless they’re a fly by night, and what’s bothering him is that we’re not fly by night. We’re getting bigger and bigger.” Compare this to the type of business he was transacting that had him too busy to deal with riff raff like John Sweeney, Anderson Cooper and Larry King. Here again is from a dispatch from Miscavige sent within a few short weeks of the above diatribe: 33
“ In the last few weeks, it has not been nice. Do you know that pimple you saw? Well, I popped it. We’re talking two guys buying X-rated movies and masturbating simultaneously in the same room with one being the husband and one being the wife, going through Dean and Deluca (a gourmet mail order catalog) catalogs as husband and wife and the bald-headed guy buying the other one cheese as a favor. We’re talking about the guy who was on the finance lines and refused to get you the finance issues, waiting for R to come back so he can be permanently appointed for the rest of the universe as the International Finance Dictator. We’re talking about me finding out exactly what Mike was doing in 1982. We’re talking about Marc’s op. We’re talking about me knowing exactly what MR has been doing on his sympathizing for all the SPs who got nothing done.” I guess Tommy Two Tone was right on one thing: Mr. Miscavige gives a whole new meaning to the term “religious leader.”
The Psychosis of David Miscavige November 24, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: the-psychosis-of-david-miscavige/#comments For those who have not lived and worked around David Miscavige, it is sometimes hard to believe the magnitude of Miscavige’s psychosis. The following Blackberry message threads between Miscavige and “Lou” (Miscavige’s Communicator) on one side and Tommy Davis and Mike Rinder on the other end of the line gives a taste of what it’s like within the bizarre, insane world of Miscavige. First, realize that Lou types Blackberry messages (dictation style as Miscavige dictates) and puts them in her own name so as to cover Miscavige’s ass (the same policy applies to despatches). You will see in later messages we post that Lou sometimes pendulum swings between first and third person when referring to Miscavige when she is frantically trying to keep up with his dictation. The first thread below starts at 8:35 Miscavige’s time and ends at 8:40 Miscavige’s time. In it, he addresses Tommy severely denigrating Mike Rinder who at the time is in the same physical location as Tommy and is actually cc’d on the messages. CICS means Counter Intentioned Cock Sucker. Mfing means Mother Fucking. ——Original Message—— From: Lou To: Tommy Davis To: Mike Rinder Sent: Mar 23, 2007 8:35 PM Subject: Re: Msg 34
You are answering and driving? Okay – you just gained a notch on him. He’s the passenger and you have more hands to answer. Make sure he knows what the acronym CICS means as that’s exactly what he’s proving by event REFUSING to answer a comm! ——Original Message—— From: Thomas Davis To: Lou To: Mike R Sent: Mar 23, 2007 6:39 PM Subject: Re: Msg Yes sir. He knows what cics means and he is getting this answer to you immediately. ——Original Message—— From: Lou To: Tommy Davis To: Mike Rinder Sent: Mar 23, 2007 8:40 PM Subject: Re: Msg A) he’s gtng the message to me when he wants after 10 MFing nudges. B) CICS – the term was originated when the first DNA of a slug was seen by the first sloth. The “refusing to answer a comm” referred to is Mike Rinder attempting to comply to Miscavige’s demand that he write a lengthy CSW (completed staff work) on a blackberry while riding in a car, being constantly interrupted by Miscavige phone calls and Blackberry messages. After this series of messages, there is a phone call between Miscavige on the one end and Tommy and Mike on the other. The next message from Miscavige is to Mike Rinder, who at the time is still in the car with Tommy. The message is sent seventeen minutes after the thread above – and even fewer minutes after the phone call – where Miscavige severely rebukes and denigrates Mike to Tommy. In the message below you can see Miscavige seventeen minutes later reversing the pecking order rebuking Mike for not handling Tommy’s “treason”. Miscavige refers to the intervening phone call in the message. YS means You Suck.
From: Lou To: Mike R Cc: Tommy Sent: Mar 23, 2007 8:57 PM Subject: Re: Thank you. Devt. E-mail not included and sounds like a brush off. He told you that you could make this the final nail in his coffin. It appears you only plan on asserting it is (the final nail in his coffin) as opposed to drafting a spectacular written e-mail that is escape proof. Just giving your typical “beyond the beyond” doesn’t cut it and never has. It’s like the unoriginal OSA mantra of “nothing could be further from the truth”. It needs to be an e-mail that has him and BBC puckered as being in an untenable position. It doesn’t appear you’ve spent any time doing that. Not one specific either on how you plan on handling the treason on tommy caving in as regards the boss. And finally you have just brushed off the cycle on BBC and didn’t sway you’d even worked out the questions for BBC if they let you in. The Qs would have to be on point and even phrased like the abusive questions are by Sweeny. We have no idea what he’s been asking and the “do you still beat your wife” was an example of how the questions should be phrased and not what the question would be. What question could be posed toi BBC that would be framed like Sweeny’s but as regards BBCs handling of this show. You just brush off everything and should instead be working out brilliants handlings that are full homework and handle the hell out of, just like he does every time. In essence this is your usual wilco without a single specific. Saying you wrote an email is like saying you “handled it”. That’s why he hung up. He was the only one giving any specific lines and ideas and you 2 were just axk axk ack and he had no idea if what he was saying was accurate as he hasn’t been there. You were more than willing for him to go on and on as long as you didn’t have to originate anything. YS! And have him hat you on the L button as you keep taking him off as an info. Do you realize every one of my mssgs are longer than yours. You really are just sp aren’t you? I waited to get this crap? I can’t even believe it. You just can’t work or do can you? YS YS YS YS YS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask Dan Koon, Amy Scobee, Jeff Hawkins, Steve Hall, Marc Headley, Claire Headley, Bruce Hines, or any number of other people who have worked around Miscavige. This is standard operating procedure and could have been recorded at any hour of any given day.
Miscavige Meltdown
April 24, 2010
by Mike Rinder
Online blog posting + comments: miscavige-meltdown/#comments It was a beautiful day in Pinellas County, sunny and warm. I was standing in a secluded parking lot in shorts and flip-flops talking on the phone while I was waiting for Christie to come out of the doctor’s office (nothing wrong, she consults on nutrition). I was not really paying attention to anything but was engaged in conversation. I turned around and suddenly there were 7 people dressed in “business attire” walking towards me, now about 10 feet away: Jenny Linsen, David Bloomberg, Sue “David Miscavige is Scientology” Wilhere, Guillaume “on no post but from International Management” Lesevre, Andrew Rinder (my brother), Taryn Rinder (my daughter) and Cathy Rinder/Bernardini (though she uses another name she kept screaming that she is my wife?). They looked more than a little out of place in their “power suits” (except my brother who was dressed in a polo shirt and looked normal). They started right in — it was just like being in the hole — 7 people surrounding you yelling and screaming “You are a fucking SP”, “Stop doing what you are doing”, “You are going to die”, “You are trying to destroy Scientology”, “You are hurting your family”, “You disconnected from your family”, “You are killing your mother”, “Stay away from Benjamin” (this last was a little strange given the statements that I refuse to communicate with anyone in my family) etc. etc. etc. The rabble was led by Jenny Linson and Cathy Neal/Rubio/Rinder/Bernardini– doing a perfect imitation of DM frothing at the mouth and yelling obscenities. Guillaume said virtually nothing. Bloomberg tried to be Mr. Big and told me several times “Stop what you are doing.” Sue Wilhere said nothing. My brother who is an OT 8 but not a Sea Org member was the most civil and sensible and actually seemed to want to communicate something other than screaming “You’re an SP”. My daughter Taryn is a Gold staff member and is indoctrinated into the wonders of Ideal Orgs and I feel some pangs of guilt that I raised her in the SO and that she is now caught in the web of lies. And of course, lurking in the background were the ever present PIs in sunglasses. When I told my brother that I would talk to him without the assembled peanut gallery, the screaming only increased with “Tone 40” commands from Jenny to “Shut up and listen” and “you ARE going to hear us”. I think he was a little surprised to see what he had gotten himself into. Little does he know what really goes on – but perhaps he is going to now realize from personal experience that the “goodness and light” image that DM tries to portray isn’t quite what it seems. But, DM couldn’t have foreseen that his little ambush squad would approach me when I was on the phone with John Sweeney from the BBC in the midst of a recorded interview! So, everything the DMbots said was recorded as it went down by the BBC. Of course, they were under strict orders from DM about what they were to do, so they just barged ahead with their craziness. That’s the breaks when people in fear are operating on orders – they cannot make a decision if 37
something changes. No “think for yourself”…. In fact, when I informed them they were being recorded by the BBC they seemed to take it as a challenge to their manhood (womanhood? bitchhood?) as if I was trying to trick them (cunning SP that I am). So, it was all recorded (audio only unfortunately) and they couldn’t have done a better job of convincing the BBC of Miscavige’s insanity and that everything that is said about how people are treated by him and that they will sign perjured affidavits is absolutely, utterly true. You often hear “he pulled it in” – a much overused justification that some (including DM) use to explain their overts on others – I couldn’t help but think that DM just “pulled it in.” Jenny kept screaming about how I WAS going to listen to them (I guess she thinks I take orders from her or else she is going to take away my eternity?) and I told her and the assembled others to “Fuck Off” (if this ever airs on US TV there will be a LOT of bleeps though they will get the unadulterated version in the UK). I then attempted to get in my car and leave. A scuffle ensued with Dave Bloomberg, Jenny and Cathy holding the car door open as I tried to close it to drive away and my brother taking my keys out of the ignition as I grabbed his hand and bent his finger back (until he told me I was going to break it and I let go). It wasn’t good odds. So, I got out of the car to go into the doctor’s office to call the police. More scuffling ensued as I tried to make my way 50 feet to the door. My sunglasses were knocked off and someone trod on them (my brother later insisted I take his nicer glasses to replace them). By this time, the doctor and her staff had heard the ruckus outside and she came to the door and told me I could come in and nobody else was welcome. Cathy and Taryn barged their way into the doctor’s office saying “he’s my husband” and “he’s my father”. She told them she didn’t care who they were, it was her office and they weren’t welcome (the rest of the gang were blabbering incoherently at the door). During the scuffles, Cathy had somehow sustained a cut on her arm that was bleeding. The doctor tried to 8C her out of her reception area and Cathy started yelling at the doctor “He’s my husband, and you have my blood on your hands”. Pretty bizarre. That was after she had shouted at Christie in front of the Doctor in her reception area “You, you’re a fucking little bitch.” The doctor asked if I wanted her to call the police. I told her yes, as I wanted the record made then and there was no doubt the Church would try to claim that I hurt Cathy’s arm and (of course they waited until there were no other witnesses to approach me 7 on 1). I have no idea how her arm was grazed, Jenny Linson might have bitten her in the throws of her frothing insanity for all I know. The doctor locked her doors and she and her staff were too scared to venture outside until the police arrived. They were literally terrified. She even called her next patient and canceled the appointment. More excellent PR area control for Scientology in the Clearwater community! The doctor also called the paramedics due to the blood on Cathy’s arm. The paramedics arrived within a couple of minutes and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department (6 cars) showed up about 5 minutes later. Of course, the real chickenshit rats scurried away before the Sheriff’s arrived – Linson, Lesevre and Bloomberg jumped in their cars and drove off as I waved fondly. But Cathy was stuck in the ambulance, so Sue Wilhere stayed with her. So did my brother and daughter – the only two civil ones amongst them. Everyone made statements to 38
the Sheriff’s, as did the doctor and Christie. I am sure Sue and Cathy would rather have left, but they were kind of stuck. Just before the Sheriff’s arrived, I asked where my car keys were. The assembled mob said “they didn’t know.” I told them that would really be a problem as soon as the police arrived – and suddenly Sue Wilhere “found them”. Childish isn’t the right word for this sort of behavior. Now, for anyone who thinks I should have “pressed charges” I can assure it would have been a waste of time. This sort of thing is orchestrated to be 7 on 1 (not counting PIs) with no witnesses for a reason. These people will say anything – even under oath – and would simply claim that I attacked someone first (not true) and it would be a long, drawn out procedure that would, in the end, accomplish nothing. And make no mistake, it was a carefully staged (if botched) operation, they waited until I was alone as my brother said they had seen me yesterday (and all I did was ride my bike with Christie and Shane to the park so they were out stalking in the neighborhood). The police DO have all the statements from the witnesses and they issued a trespass warning to the Church people who didn’t flee. There was little else they could do. Don’t worry, because better than criminal charges that go nowhere – it was all recorded by the BBC as it went down. And that is far more devastating in the long run. As for my brother and daughter (who I did manage to speak to alone for a few minutes), I told them they both looked good and I was very happy to see that. I also told them they don’t know what is going on and challenged Taryn about the Ideal Orgs and how off policy it is and whether she thinks Miscavige beating people is acceptable. And with my brother, I asked him if he knew what inurnment is because Miscavige is engaged in it and he is going to destroy the Church through his out ethics. Of course, under the circumstances they aren’t going to agree with me. But maybe they will think about it. My brother asked me for my phone number so he could call me to have dinner, just him and me “if he can get permission.” I gladly gave it to him and told him any time. But if he is going to ask permission, it’s never going to happen. One day I hope he will decide to do it on his own. If anyone needed current proof that the activities of the Hole are still ongoing, it was played out in full living color today. It was vintage DM, gang-bang yelling and screaming, attempting to drive in anchor points and intimidate. Problem is that it occurred in the parking lot of a doctor’s office in Clearwater. The doors weren’t barred. There was no Security Force muscle and there ARE phones with which to call law enforcement. So, it didn’t work out so well for DM. In fact, as has become his personal trademark, he delivered himself yet another massive foot bullet. Meanwhile, he sits stewing in massive MWH phenomena, lashing out with wild animal reactions, wondering which of his crimes is going to be exposed next. And he should be worried.
Miscavige Meltdown Update
April 28, 2010
by Mike Rinder
Online blog posting + comments: miscavige-meltdown-update-3/#comments There have been many comments in response to my original posting, including a great deal of support and many good wishes from friends too numerous to count. I wish to thank you all. It would have been literally impossible to respond to each person individually. The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office completed their report about the incident last Friday and it contains some interesting information. Cathy Neal/Rubio/Rinder/ Bernardini told the sheriffs that it was all just a big coincidence. Apparently she just happened to be driving around Clearwater with her friends (my brother from Australia, daughter, her and Sue Wilhere from Los Angeles) and in a stroke of pure coincidence saw me and decided they wanted to make the point to me that I should be communicating to my family. Strange though that she omitted to mention that Jenny Linsen, Guillaume Lesevre, David Bloomberg and two PIs were also present? Or that the doctor’s office is in a secluded glade and can’t be seen from the road and is at least 10 miles away from the closest Scientology facility. There was also no mention of the fact that my brother had said after the melee that he had seen me the day before? Another coincidence? Also strange that she claimed to be upset about me not communicating to my family when she was screaming at me to “leave Benjamin (my son) alone” (because I had gone to the Fort Harrison the week before to attempt to see him). Also strange that she was the one who wrote to me on 4 July 2007 when I had communicated to the Church that I wanted to see her, responding “Fuck You” and that the divorce papers would be forthcoming (they were and she was the petitioner, with Jeanne Gavigan In House OSA attorney filing the divorce). No doubt, there will be more spin control attempted on this matter as the St Pete Times are writing a story following the release of the Sheriff’s report. Of course, the Church will have to come up with some sort of justification for the insanity. Based on what is in the sheriff’s report, their response is predictable: claim that I caused the graze on Cathy’s arm (the sheriffs took reports from everyone and concluded that her injury came about as a result of “incidental contact”), that I broke my brother’s finger (being the crazed lunatic that I am, out searching the streets for my family members so I can corner them 7 on 1 and launch an attack) and that this was all just a “family matter” (with Jenny Linson leading the charge accompanied by 3 other non-family SO members from International Management there?). DM only has one response: never defend, always attack even when the facts are plainly contrary. It is a foregone conclusion that they are going to shoot themselves in the groin yet again as whatever they say is going to be reported by the SP Times, even if it isn’t believable. But that will leave the door wide open for the BBC to prove them liars once again. DM cannot see beyond today.
If the real purpose was to talk to me, it really would have been so simple for my brother to just call me – as he wanted to do but didn’t have “permission.” Or my daughter. If they honestly wanted communication, why send nasty letters from the IJC address telling me that I am the worst kind of SP, have no concept of Scientology, make no case gain and various other nasty things obviously written at the prompting of others. And coincidentally (there are a lot of coincidences?) the first series of letters arrived after Monique Yingling’s failed attempt to silence me in Denver where I told her that communicating with my family was EXTREMELY important to me, but I would not let it be used as a method of control over me. No doubt DM saw this as a “weakness” and has been trying to exploit it ever since. The second round came right after the BBC interview (which was filmed by Church PIs) where I expressed the same sentiment. Perhaps I should give those letters to the media and let the world decide whether the C of M really has any concern for the unity and well-being of my family. I haven’t done so up to now because I don’t think my family acted on their own but are trying to protect their lives and families by toeing the DM party line as they know the consequences of not doing so. The unmitigated hatred that is displayed in those letters is not the brother, sister, mother, daughter or even ex-wife I know. It’s sad to see people who I know to be kind, decent and caring lose all humanity. But this shall all come to pass. DM cannot continue to run an empire based on lies and operating through fear. The more drastic the responses, the closer it is to the end. A cornered rat becomes most insane and lashes out the hardest when the coup de grace is about to be delivered.
David Miscavige Violates Tom Cruise’s Confessional
May 7, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: david-miscavige-violates-tom-cruises-confessional/#comments
I audited a number of intensives of confessionals on Tom Cruise from July through November 2001. By order of Miscavige many of those sessions were secretly recorded by a well-concealed video camera and voice recorder system built into the VIP auditing room at Celebrity Center International. I was r-factored that it was for the purpose of having the CS check up on the quality of my delivery. All I knew at that time was that I forwarded the videos to my CS at Int (RTC). I was also required by Miscavige to write reports on the content of every session I delivered during that period and send them directly to Miscavige. I was told by him that he needed to know because recovering Tom to Scientology was the most important mission possible. I never received a single suggestion from Miscavige during the recovery process. He quite apparently wanted to keep his distance until the messy divorce was over and there was no chance of Scientology becoming an issue. 42
The only C/S comments I received during that period, besides “VWD”, and during the subsequent 2 1/2 months of full time auditing I delivered in 2002, were out-tech suggestions to re-check things that were confirmed as FLAT by me. They were forwarded from COB Asst Shelly (who had virtually no tech training); all of which I refused to carry out in order to protect the pre-OT. Finally, I unilaterally decided to stop recording sessions in Feb 2002 – despite flak from Shelly for ceasing – on the basis that it was simply unethical to record him for no apparent purpose (the video was certainly of no importance for auditor correction purposes) and without his knowledge. Well, my suspicions about DM’s real purposes for recording Tom’s confessions have been confirmed as warranted. I have recently learned from a very reliable witness that DM regularly held court with others in his personal lounge in the roadside Villas at the Int base, and while sipping scotch whiskey at the end of the night, Miscavige would read Tom’s overts and withholds from my reports to others, joking and laughing about the content of Tom’s confessions. My witness is unimpeachable in my eyes as his account contains too many accurate details from someone who had zero reason (or ability) for being anywhere near Tom’s folders, videos and reports direct to DM. I also know he was a regular, preferred guest at DM’s scotch night caps during that period. Wake up, Tom. It is not too late. Though, time is getting very, very short.
David Miscavige the Cheater
August 3, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: david-miscavige-the-cheater/#comments
One of the essences of Reverse Scientology as practiced in the Radical Corporate organization is to indoctrinate through the CULTure there that life is not a game. No, they are taught that life is a deadly serious activity. They are conditioned to believe that life is an arduous struggle against evil enemies intent on enslavement – and that any lapse in seriousness about this is a transgression requiring 43
adjustment of attitude. Adjustment toward a much more solid, black and white, us vs. them, seriousness. The Radical Corporate Scientology view is that of its leader David Miscavige. Win at any cost; defeat the designated enemy by any means necessary. Become whatever it is that the leader has you resist. And above all, NEVER question the enemy status of anyone Botox Dave fingers. Thus, the cult has become a sorry example of that which Scientology once served as an alternative to: intolerant, warring institutions. Those who know or knew Miscavige personally will tell you that he is incapable of the activity of games, by pure definition. He is obsessed with using “games” to create “no-games” conditions (that is he must dominate and overwhelm into nothingness every opponent – real or imagined – he perceives as confronting him). Even on a personal level, there is no “game” Miscavige ever played that he did not cheat in order to “win.” In basketball, he blatantly and violently fouled his opponents and required his “teammates” to do the same (he also always made sure I was on his team, who back in the day could drain ‘em from just about anywhere:). Of course, because of his position no one could argue – and by violent overwhelm, against all rules, Miscavige would invariably “win.” Even in the card game Pinochle, which he required execs to play with him (nobody, and I mean nobody, ever played any game with the habitual cheat on his own determinism), Miscavige overtly grabbed the cards of his opponents to view them whenever he lagged behind on points. The obsession with winning at whatever cost of course applied to the group too. Our standard operating procedure when it came to handling a new flap, was to move in and hire the local rainmakers who, with enough palm greasing, could put the church on top at the end of the day, by any means fair or foul. I’ll give an example to illustrate. Between April 2002 and September 2003 Miscavige had me stationed at the Clearwater Florida Headquarters of the church (also known as Flag). The primary program he ran me directly on with daily micromanagement orders was the Pinellas County Public Relations Area Control program. In short, use Public Relations and money to influence local leaders and authorities to protect the church from the disasterous potential fallout from the Lisa McPherson civil cases that continued after the June 2000 dismissal of the criminal charges against the church. First order of business was hiring – at a very handsome salary – the number one Republican political consultant (in an historically Republican region) in Pinellas county, one Mary Repper. The program Mary and I developed under Miscavige’s direct supervision was simple. First, Mary finds out the favorite Scientology celebrity of each influential person in Pinellas County politics and government (including law enforcement). Second, I contact that celebrity and close him/her to come to Mary Repper’s home for a dinner with a collection of those local officials who happen to love that 44
particular celebrity. The targets are won over by intimate face time with someone he or she is giddy over. The Mayor of Clearwater, the Mayor of Tampa, County Supervisors, the Pinellas County Sheriff, the Pinellas County Public Defender, many prominent lawyers, and a number of other local public figures attended these special evenings with a star. Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Greta Van Sustern, and soap star Michelle Stafford each had their own special audiences appear to be spellbound face to face at the home of Ms. Repper.
MIchelle Stafford with Mary Repper We then used a number of the people so wowed at these events to get footholds in with judges in the Pinellas county courts – infiltrating the courts indirectly with the messages that “Scientology is good and being discriminated against”, “McPherson’s lawyers and family were bad, gold diggers exploiting Lisa’s death.” For those who haven’t read the complete St Petersburg Times Truth Revealed articles, Lisa McPherson was killed on church premises on David Miscaviges causation. We also hired laywers who knew judges assigned to our cases in Pinellas County, and paid them so handsomely they were willing to make ex parte contact with and inculcate the judges directly with those same messages. That occured with Judge Beach who was assigned to the civil case, Estate Of Lisa McPherson vs Church of Scientology, and Judge George Greer, Church of Scientology vs. 45
Executor of the Estate of Lisa McPherson in Pinellas county probate court. The lawyer involved with Judge Beach was Lee Fugate of Zuckerman, Spaeder (Tampa Office), The lawyers involved with George Greer were F. Wallace Pope and Ed Armtrong of Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP. So effective were Fugate’s many ex parte, casual meetings with Judge Beach that Beach effectively extorted the McPherson family into accepting a settlement on terms they felt degraded and disappointed with having to accept. And that is the end product of Miscavige’s “game” – no game, no rules, just application of overwhelm by any means necessary to make the other side feel degraded and so that he can stand, chest out, boot on the necks of his prey.
Miscavige the “conquerer” As I have noted before, David Miscavige once told Tom Cruise “I wouldn’t mind George Bush being our Constantine” (the first “Christian” Roman Emporer, who converted in a deal with the “churchies” at the time by negotating what is and isn’t Christianity and then enforcing the “faith”); because Miscavige admired Bush’s alleged lack of intelligence and willingness to enforce ideas no matter how thick headed. In other words, his “perfect dissemination program”: force Scientology (read, Miscavige’s Papacy) down the throats of the populace at gunpoint. The ultimate “product” of the church of Scientology is someone firmly in Miscavige’s valence, with no conscience, programmed to do the dictator’s bidding regardless of the merits or ethics of the matter. Devotion and surrender to the “winning” SP valence. And that product is one hundred and eighty degrees diametically opposed to what the churches promise and what the technology in good hands can deliver. Remember that life is a game. The references within Scientology are legion on this fact. One I recommend in particular is Professional Auditor’s Bulletin 86 Causation and Knowledge, 29 May 1956. It is a very concise and clear sum up of what Scientology is and what it seeks to achieve. This has all been lost on Radical Corporate Scientologists. Yet, it is so central to what the subject is about, the fact that Miscavige has put his no-games-condition, overwhelm at all costs attitude in at all levels of Scientology, is the death knell of the subject (absent an outside agent picking up the pieces).
The end object of Scientology is not the making into nothing of all existence or the freeing the individual of any and all traps everywhere. The goal of Scientology is making the individual capable of living a better life in his own estimation and with his fellows and the playing of a better game. - LRH, PAB 86 UPDATE 1:30 cst, Village Voice Investigates: runninscared/2011/08/scientology_use.php#more
David Miscavige the Coward
August 4, 2010
Online blog posting + comments: david-miscavige-the-coward/#comments The liar is inevitably a coward and the coward inevitably a liar. - L Ron Hubbard
A tremendous amount of International Association of Scientologists fees are being expended daily to run a black PR operation against me personally as well as a 110 day operation designed to impede me directly and make the lives of Mosey and I a living hell. Miscavige is enforcing the OSA bible Public Relations Series 18 to the tee. Except, as in all things Miscavige touches, he is doing so in the reverse. Hubbard explains the intention of the Black Propagandist in PR Series 18 as follows: The world is full of madmen. The basic characteristic of extreme madness is perpetual attack, attacks on anything, attacks on persons or things which contain no menace. Extreme, not petty crime is at the root of such an impulse. The attacker has an evil purpose in life. He is a thing of death, not life. And his harvest is a death harvest. Such a person feels he cannot feel safe unless everything else is dead. His evil purpose takes many forms and expressions. The end product is the same – death.
At bottom, David Miscavige is a coward. If you’d go to the St Petersburg Times video interview of me, and watch the segment titled Reverse Dianetics at reports/project/rathbun.shtml, you will learn that Miscavige did not have the courage to confront me man to man before I left (even with whatever security contingent he chose to bring with him, against me alone). He promised he would meet on my demand to discuss his practice of Black Dianetics at International Headquarters - several appointments, several no shows on his part. I patiently awaited the promised meeting for ten months. Now, after I spend two years attempting to reverse the Black Dianetics he has laid in he spends twenty thousand dollars a day to send “security pros”, and Kool Aide drinkers (whom he pays handsomely) to attempt to make our lives a living hell here – barking out Miscavige’s venomous lies on our driveway and throughout our neighborhood, filming into our home up to 21 times a day for 110 days. And Miscavige, necessarily, has them tell blatant lies as to their very identities and purposes that virtually nobody watching believes. For example, Ralph S Gomez, the “security pro” making big bucks for supervising the voyeurs has identified himself as the Assistant Producer for a documentary company, telling the media, law enforcement, and everyone in our community that line. Well, the following is a verbatim conversation I had, which Monique witnessed and I duly recorded, with Mr Gomez on 23 June 2011, day 68 of his assignment. This is what the “assistant producer” had learned in more than two months on the job. The one time I caught the coward alone, outside his little pack, during these 110 days. GOMEZ: It ain’t worth it, man, what you are going through. Fix whatever you did. RATHBUN: Why don’t you find out before you go trailing someone all around town? Why don’t you find out what it is all about? GOMEZ: I don’t understand it.
RATHBUN: Then why are you doing it? If you don’t understand it, then why are you doing it? GOMEZ: All this wouldn’t be happening for no reason. I mean just fix it, man, fix it. IF THIS WAS HAPPENING TO ME, I’D FLIP OUT. Well, five and one half weeks later, we’re still standing and Miscavige is still trying: living, perpetuating, buying others to forward LIES.
Ralph S Gomez and the Cultettes And Miscavige, by now you well know my answer to your offer for me to “fix it” with you and have you and your agents withdrawn. I am fixing it. But, apparently you are operating on another definition of “fix” than I am. Ralph Gomez, other “professional” cult whores, Kool Aid Drinkers, and others feigning ignorance as to what this is all about, our friends at Indipendologo have summed it up real simple for you. For a concise, accurate brief on Miscavige’s cowardice – note well the skirts he hides behind as he flees from the truth – please have a look at the video produced by DRITTONEIDENTI (means straightinhisteeth) and posted by the founder of the Italian independence movement Gary Baldi. The video appears at the end of the post at this link, http:// The final irony is this. Although it may not appear so to those not intimately involved, and though you all might find it hard to believe in light of events of the past quarter year, I have got David Miscavige exactly where I want him.
The Great Middle Path November 12, 2009
Several months ago I wrote the Great Middle Path and posted it on under the pseudonym Sitting Bull. It is the only posting I have ever made under another name than my own. I only did so out of respect for the other authors of articles there – none of whom were able at the time to use their names for a variety of defensive reasons. I have updated the article with facts that have occurred since its original posting which tend to support its contentions. The updated article follows:
The Great Middle Path
According to the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) the way toward light is along the great middle path. That is, an intelligent, righteous pursuit of truth that bypasses the distractions of the extremes. Neither extreme asceticism nor extreme engagement in entertainments of the flesh leads anywhere but to from below whence one came. Observing the Scientology spectrum within such a framework is quite interesting. The extreme, reactionary far right of the spectrum is occupied by David Miscavige (DM). He is so obsessed with maintaining his image as the only one who is really “On Source” that he consistently implements policies (written and oral) that are changing the very nature of the subject for the worse by assuming the role of Source. Scientology once consistently assisted people in becoming more themselves, more tolerant, more questioning of authority, more independent of thought, more insouciant, more free. Under DM those pursuing the highest levels of spiritual attainment in Scientology are instead becoming less themselves and more what he wants them to be: more intolerant, less capable of independent thought, more serious, and more imprisoned. And all that comes with an ever increasing financial price – so let’s add “more worried about future survival” to the list. DM seems to be working hard to turn the only road to total freedom into the rocky road to virtual captivity. The extreme, rebellious far left of the Scientology spectrum is occupied by those who would not be satisfied until every last word of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was forever destroyed. The anti-Scientology extreme cut its teeth on the purported purpose line of restoring freedom of speech and thought on the subject. Ironically, that very group is now demanding that everything L Ron Hubbard ever issued be burned in one colossal Spanish Inquisition-esque bonfire. Thus, the antis have turned freedom to think and speak into freedom to think and speak as we do. Both extremes of the spectrum seem to have settled on one strong point of agreement. That is – getting the other guy is everything. What neither side seems to understand is that the generalization of their intentions toward one another only empowers the other side. Unfortunately, the folly of these factions comes at the expense of the largely innocent majority.
DM loves nothing more than appointing an enemy of Scientology to justify his continued, escalating abuses and ravenous money collection. To the degree criticisms are generalized to the subject or even to staff or public, DM gets a pass. He is only too happy to have his own criminal acts hung on innocent people (Scientologists at large) so that he can position himself as their protector. This was done in spades with the Freedom magazine published and distributed in response to the Truth Rundown series by the St. Petersburg Times. While the series focused very specifically on the well witnessed human rights abuses of Miscavige himself, and each source made a point to assert said acts were in violation of all that Scientology and LRH stand for, DM came right out of the blocks in Freedom trying to shift the blame. The first column of the first page of text accused the Times of “incit[ing] hatred against Scientologists”, “painting[ing] a false picture of the Scientology religion”, “unfairly stigmatiz[ing] Scientologists”, and accused the Times’ of being “biased” and demonstrating “bigotry”. Incidentally, I received a number of reports from public who were crush regged to contribute large sums of money for this tripe. They too were told falsehoods about their religion being under attack. With his generalization of his own sordid conduct projected onto Scientology, and his dishonesty about the nature of exposures of same, DM encourages wellmeaning Scientologists to continue funding his war chest which he uses to silence truth. On the other side of the spectrum, DM pours gasoline on the critics’ fire by his intolerant, aggressive, and anti-social responses to their hue and cry. Any criticism no matter how valid – and the most warranted criticism is always directed at his own conduct – is characterized by DM as “anti-Scientology.” Since an SP is incapable of any self-recognition of wrong-doing, instead of correcting his abuses DM steps them up and keeps producing future enemies, all the while driving mere critics into the anti-Scientology camp by his efforts to censor and destroy them. The relative minority of Scientology haters (far, far left) – those who favor book banning and burning and coercive tactics used to alter people’s beliefs – similarly use the DM led suppression tactics to paint the entire religion of Scientology as pernicious and worthy of dismantling. To them, everything about Scientology must go – including the peaceful practice of its philosophy, even when done sans the policies they use to justify all their broadsides against the religion itself. To those who enjoy conflict and strife the opposite extremes of the Scientology spectrum are a match made in heaven. Spewing generalities is the stock-in-trade of both sides, and those generalities further empower either side. In the final analysis, those who generalize their attacks on Scientology and Scientologists are DM’s best friends. By the same token, DM by his penchant for generalizing any valid criticism of his own conduct as “anti-Scientology” is the greatest ally of the anti-Scientologist. They keep one another in business. Since the original posting of the Great Middle Path, the attacks on the middle by both DM and the Haters has rang out in near perfect harmony (in fact dissonance). DM and the Haters want me and other independent minded Scientologists silenced at any cost. DM and the Haters want Scientology (the philosophy, the religion) destroyed and are doing their damnedest to make it happen. 51
DM resonates with Haters because his chronic tone level is HATE. The 1.5 horizontal column (closest to Hate there is) in Science of Survival reads like it was tailor made for DM. For example, those who have been around him much will readily recognize the applicability of these easily visible traits: Affinity: Hate, violent and expressed. Command over environment: Smashes or destroys others or environment. Failing, may destroy self. Fascistic. The handling of truth: Blatant and destructive lying. Literalness with which statements or remarks are received: Accepts alarming remarks literally. Brutal sense of humor Method used by subject to handle others: Uses threats, punishments and alarming lies to dominate others. Pleasure moments: True pleasure moments difficult to find. Reactive satisfaction in destroying. Both extremes of the spectrum are died in the wool Haters. They are busy keeping the innocent many embroiled, diverted and confused – while they empower one another. Empowering the extreme minorities only leads the peaceful majority toward the fringes of darkness. The light shines upon a place far from the dark extremes of the spectrum. Look for the alignment between DM’s actions and utterances and those of the anti-Scientology Haters. Recognize, Haters are friends of Dave. And Dave is the best friend of the anti-Scientologist. Think before lending support to either side of the darkness. Think for yourself!
We of the Church Believe That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.