Moving On Up A Little Higher - destruction of orgs and rise of the IAS

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Moving On Up A Little Higher

A collection of significant postings through June 2011

Destruction of Orgs and the Rise of the IAS

Introduction A 160 page book was published on July 4 2011. It was a compilation of a selection of significant posts that have appeared on Marty Rathbun’s blog since its inception in July 2009. The book serves a purpose. It is a handy reference and summary of the blog, now recognized as the source of truthful information about the Church of Miscavige, for Scientologist, media and anyone else who shares an interest in the astonishing adventure brought to this world by L. Ron Hubbard. The contents of this book are now being made available in electronic form, for ease of distribution and ease of access. This publication is one of several. In a simple, easy-to-read format, you can read, share, embed, download and print these publications. The original postings can be found on Marty’s blog and we have included interactive links, you so you can see follow these to the original postings and associated comments and communications. To read, follow and contribute to the blog, simply go to The Editors

Publisher’s Note

Independent Scientologists are simply Scientologists that practice Scientology outside the influence of David Miscavige. David Miscavige has had a greater influence over the organisation of Scientology than L.Ron Hubbard did. Scientologists can argue whether this influence is for the better or worse, but what is not arguable is the fact that the “COB” has exerted an extraordinary and pervasive influence over organised Scientology. We (in the Church of Scientology and out of the Church) are all Scientologists doing our best to keep Scientology working. All Scientologists are welcome here.

Contents 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Our Community Independent Scientologists Community

4 12 12

Community 15

Destruction of Orgs and Rise of The IAS


Der Fuhrer’s Big Lies


“Command Intention” propaganda used to extort money


The Real Third Party


Neglected Heroes – Staff of Scientology Orgs


Idle Orgs – The Great Ponzi Scheme


Birthday Game Smoke and Mirrors


How Far Have We Come


How Miscavige Killed Church Management


Marc Yager and the IAS


Free Heber 44 Ship of Fools


Ringmaster of the Vulture Culture


The Great Middle Path The Great Middle Path

52 52

31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard discovered methodologies that can enhance self-determinism, increase freedom of choice, and bring about higher states of awareness and beingness to those who practice them. Hubbard developed a method of confession that includes unconditional forgiveness and results in more able, happy and peaceful beings. Hubbard developed an ethics system that an individual can apply to himself to improve his worth to himself and to his fellows. Hubbard established a form of organizational policy that is predicated on rewarding accomplishment rather than punishing failure. Hubbard set forth many of the fundamental values of Scientology and its organizations in the Creed of the Church of Scientology, The Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member. Thirty-one factors have been discovered that threaten the continued viability of this vital subject.


Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics.


In his quest to attain power Miscavige forcibly removed no less than four Hubbard appointed executives senior to himself, and dozens of Scientologists who had created scores of huge, effective Scientology centers. Miscavige used threat of force and violence in clearing the path to control of all Scientology organizations and assumed the self-created position of Chairman of the Board. He was never assigned by Hubbard and holds a position that was not created by Hubbard.


Since securing his position of power, the statistics of Scientology have steadily decreased in spite of Miscavige’s public proclamations to the contrary.


Miscavige has conducted a campaign to fortify his personal power by denigrating and depowering anyone who personally knew and worked with Hubbard. That includes, but is not limited to, the members of Hubbard’s family. The operation served to consolidate his personal power while immeasurably harming the vigor and image of Scientology. 4


Miscavige accomplished his coup by commandeering the only line of communication to Hubbard during the last five years of his life, plying Hubbard with embellished and false reports of a dangerous environment to keep him out of communication with Sea Org members and his family. The reports falsely accused Hubbard’s family and lifelong friends of selling out to the enemy and that Scientology orgs had been infiltrated by psychiatric and government interests. He prevented true reports from reaching Hubbard in order to make his actions appear necessary and on policy and to solidify his position.


Miscavige has persuaded those at the top of the Scientology organization that to disclose the secrets of his unconscionable acts would harm the religion and violate “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” Thus, the truth of what goes on behind the façade of false PR that Miscavige creates is hidden from the vast majority of Scientologists and the general public.


Miscavige uses confessions of Scientology managers to invalidate, castigate, and embarrass them into acquiescence and silence.


Sea Org members who voice or even hint at any hesitation to carrying on with his tyranny or supporting his actions, are routinely physically beaten by Miscavige.


Those Sea Org members who have attempted to correct Miscavige’s offpolicy and out-tech actions have been subjected to belittlement, invalidation and false propaganda. They have been silenced through imprisonment and mental and physical duress.


Miscavige’s abuse of Scientology executives and staff became so extreme and continuous, he resorted to locking all of CMO INT and Exec Strata into a building and called the prison “the Hole.” RTC, CMO/WDC, Gold, IAS, CST, OSA Int and ASI executives and staff have regularly been deposited in the Hole and subjected to Reverse Dianetics, including physical beatings and severe mental abuse for months or even years at a time.



Miscavige has run a continuous propaganda campaign attempting to besmirch the good name of L Ron Hubbard. He has consistently given little interest and funds for defending public relations attacks on Hubbard. Conversely, when Miscavige’s abuses come under scrutiny by the media or on the Internet Miscavige spares no money in attempting to destroy the reputations and lives of anyone with the temerity to discuss Miscavige’s conduct. Miscavige’s operations against “critics” include violations of the right to privacy, intimidation, investigations for perceived weaknesses then ruthless exploitation of them, propaganda campaigns, interference with contractual and personal relations, black bag jobs and blackmail. To exacerbate his atrocities, Miscavige justifies his conduct by pointing to some anachronistic Hubbard policy intended to deal with real attacks from the fifties and sixties. Thus, Miscavige perpetuates the notion Hubbard is somehow responsible for his own crimes. He routinely cites alleged things Hubbard once said (in violation of the first policy letter every Scientologist reads when exploring the subject) to justify his brutality against executives and staff members.


Miscavige has created a multi-hundred million dollar slush fund called the IAS. For twenty five years it has collected inestimable funds from Scientologists under false pretenses. The IAS has used scare tactics to extract “donations” to “save” the Church from attacks. Meanwhile, Miscavige prohibited IAS from disbursing funds to handle most of those attacks. On numerous occasions, Miscavige and IAS have given Scientology public the false impression IAS was spending tens of millions to sponsor “dissemination campaigns,” while in fact only funding a few ads for a very limited run, until the next campaign was devised. Conversely, the IAS has disbursed exorbitant amounts for Miscavige’s personal vacations – including many Caribbean diving trips and a five star tour of Scotland (including cases of sampled Scotch being shipped to Miscavige’s residence afterward). When IAS executives balked at Miscavige’s actions, he feigned surprise about the extravagances and had President IAS escorted to the Int base, and locked her up in the Hole for behavior modification.


Miscavige has turned the top end of the Bridge into a dead end: First, he has programmed the Advanced Organizations, including the FSO, to regularly security check pre-O.T.s, and then use their confessions to coerce them into paying more money for atonement, a practice not unlike the Medieval Catholic Church selling indulgences. Second, he has imposed an unwritten code of behavior amongst O.T.s. They are regularly made to conform to correct dress, language, political thought, and even ideas as to how to use their personal time. Said practice is anathema to the very purpose of Scientology, which is to make a person more his- or herself, more insouciant and independent thinking. Third, Miscavige has entered arbitrary “contribution as a Scientologist” requirements mid-levels which can be satisfied by making


cash “donations.” Fourth, Miscavige requires pre-OTs to attend his regular propaganda events (see Factors 22 and 23) and are treated as ethics bait until they enthusiastically embrace his projected public image. This enforced acceptance of falsehood makes attainment of OT technically impossible. Thus, Scientology, as practiced in Miscavige’s orgs, is auditing one toward conformity, solidity, lies; in other words, down the tone scale, or, the precise opposite direction to the intended aim of auditing.


Miscavige’s “Ideal Org” strategy has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of Scientologists’ donations to forward an entirely off-policy action. Hubbard’s Ideal Org policy letter says nothing about building posh quarters. A plethora of Hubbard Policy condemns Miscavige’s “straight up and vertical” method of building an org. Subsidies, particularly those extracted from the public under pressure, to build posh quarters are strictly forbidden by Hubbard policy. Hubbard advised that orgs be built from the bottom up by the elbow grease of local Scientologists, flanked by international management broad public promotion campaigns, growing their quarters only as they expand their delivery and income. Miscavige has hoodwinked Scientology public with the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme, shuttling staff around the world to pose at new “Ideal Org” openings for photo ops, many of whom are then shuttled off to some other org or soon leave for lack of pay. Regardless of the poshness of their quarters, Miscavige’s orgs are doomed to failure (and the failures are legion) because Miscavige has for years forcibly prevented Scientology management from implementing LRH advised pricing formulas to make Scientology affordable to working people, org finance systems that encourage orgs to survive and expand, and staff pay systems that make it viable for upstats to work on staff.


Miscavige’s alteration of confessional (FPRD) technology to, in effect, cancel Hubbard’s fundamental principle that a being can and does make undesirable mental mass and energy disappear by directed attention alone has caused innumerable Scientologists to regress on their paths to spiritual freedom. He has converted a powerful spiritual technology into a tool with which to enforce conformity.


Miscavige’s use of the technology of suppression to impose suppression rather than to accomplish its original opposite purpose has suppressed countless Scientologists and divided many families.



Miscavige has perverted the practice of disconnection from a voluntary tool one may use to improve one’s life into a mandatory control mechanism. He uses the practice to suppress the free flow of vital, truthful information and to keep individuals toeing the line through threat of losing their loved ones, rather than as a tool to depower actual suppression.


Miscavige’s refusal to allow the entire International Base Crew (including RTC, Watchdog Committee, CMO INT, Executive Strata and Gold) to apply Ethics formulas to rise out of conditions he arbitrarily imposed is a Scientology High Crime. Miscavige has kept the international managers of Scientology in the lowest ethics conditions continuously for nearly two decades by imposing arbitrary requirements for upgrade nowhere covered in policy.


The practice of ordering divorces based solely on Miscavige’s opinion of the spouse, or the fact that he or she is in a different church organization than his or her spouse is antithetical to the concept that true survival can only be attained across all dynamics.


Miscavige’s arbitrary policy that makes conceiving a child a crime warranting offload from the Sea Org is contrary to Hubbard policy. It has also spawned a policy that has required countless women to obtain abortions.


Miscavige’s practice of verbally declaring Scientology staff members suppressive persons while leaving them on posts that affect international Scientology is suppressive to Scientology and Scientologists.


Miscavige has co-opted Scientology’s multi-million dollar audio/visual production facility and its several hundred Golden Era Productions staff for the purpose of forwarding his own image and power through Scientology events. He has cross ordered hundreds of Hubbard advised dissemination films and marketing campaigns. This is done under the guise of the importance of international events, yet such events are proscribed by LRH policy. Millions of dollars are spent on these events in order to showcase Miscavige to further secure his power.



Miscavige puts on international events that intentionally misrepresent the true state of Scientology. Statistics are manipulated and falsified, video scenes are created that are palmed off as reality and campaigns are routinely unveiled with great fanfare but exist only for the purpose of being announced at the event. The manipulation of truth is skilled and extensive and designed for the purpose of making Miscavige look good. Scientologists wonder at the incredible figures presented on the number of new people coming into Scientology every second, minute, day, week, year, or the incredible reach of people being contacted or the vast numbers of officials and Opinion Leaders who fully support Scientology — yet their local church organizations show no sign of this massive and unrelenting growth. Scientologists who retain enough sanity to spot the contrary facts must suppress such rational thoughts for those who complain are subject to heavy ethics and, if they persist in expressing doubts, expulsion.


Miscavige has cross ordered production of the authorized LRH biography. The hired LRH Biographer, who has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, instead has worked almost exclusively for nearly two decades on writing speeches for Miscavige.


It is policy to never use lies in PR. Yet Miscavige has repeatedly lied, and directed others to lie, when confronted with facts concerning his unethical, abusive behavior.


Miscavige has personally enriched himself, living a far more lavish lifestyle than L. Ron Hubbard ever lived, though Hubbard had earned his fortune through his own writings. Miscavige has (by the standards of the Sea Organization) lavish living quarters in various cities complete with chefs and maids, owns or is provided expensive cars and motorcycles, flies exclusively in private jets, has his hairdresser and chiropractor travel around the world with him, and receives compensation that is far, far in excess of any other person on Scientology staff.


Miscavige has enforced an unwritten policy within the Church that his word has become more important than the words of the Founder. Church staff routinely follow the dictates of Miscavige that are directly at odds with LRH policy. His utterances are recorded and transcribed and distributed to staff. He changes the technology of L. Ron Hubbard under the guise of “getting it on Source” and using hidden data lines about what LRH wanted. Miscavige has gradually established himself as the new Source. The biographer of L. Ron Hubbard was recently used 9

to front for Miscavige to journalists who were investigating many of the abuses outlined in these factors. Under Miscavige’s direct orders the biographer of Hubbard (who always eschewed the notion that he was anything other than a man) told the journalists that in his estimation Miscavige, and not Hubbard, “is a God.”


Many veteran Sea Org members have been RPF’d, imprisoned in the Hole, beaten and declared by Miscavige for having the temerity to object to Miscavige cross ordering Hubbard policy.


Miscavige spent over seventy million dollars in Scientologists’ donations for an office building for himself and his personal support staff. Miscavige constantly altered orders for the building during construction, many times to upgrade material and finishes to the most expensive available, ordering the removal and destruction of what had been originally installed. Such profligate spending is contrary to countless finance policies of Hubbard, who was always extremely frugal in the spending of Church donations.


Miscavige has created orgs that are the reverse of the islands of succor that Hubbard built during his life and directed be duplicated in his written policies. Prior to Miscavige’s Scientology, orgs were lively, creative, safe spaces where people congregated to share their spiritual experiences. Orgs are now places to avoid for fear of falling victim to crush regging, heavy ethics and modification of behavior.

Thirty One

Miscavige’s out ethics has gone unchecked for so long that his behavior has become extremely depraved. In recent years he has directed the org that LRH formed to assure the ethical practice of the religion, RTC, to literally pimp and pander for his movie star friends. A number of women have been unwittingly lured into this scheme by being told they were working on a very important project to forward the aims of Scientology. In reality, Miscavige arranged dates with them for his personal friends. This activity was kept secret by violation of the integrity and security of Scientologists’ confessionals, threats, intimidation, and the attempted division of families.

Those who have attempted to put ethics in on Miscavige from within have been ruined personally by Miscavige. Scientology is valuable to the many when studied and practiced in a sane environment. To allow it to be destroyed by the driven greed of a sociopath would be to condone a travesty. Scientology practiced 10

in accordance with Hubbard’s Code of a Scientologist, Credo of a True Group Member, and the Creed of the Church can contribute something vital to society. While Miscavige and his minions will no doubt claw, harass, and sue until the end to protect his fiefdom, it would well behoove all Scientologists to re-familiarize themselves with the Church’s creed: “We of the Church believe… That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.”


Our Community Independent Scientologists Community

September 26, 2009

I am confident that my friends who saw me evolve over the past couple years will attest that what I posted in February on my little web page was true. Particularly, the following description outlining my intentions and objectives: “A lot of folks seem to be suffering from the inculcated idea that once they depart or cease to slavishly follow every arbitrary dictate they automatically forfeit any spiritual gains they may have attained along the road. Natively conscientious as most beings are, such an evaluation can begin a pernicious dwindling spiral of self-invalidation and unhappiness. I understand this phenomenon and the internal dichotomies extant within the organization that brings it about. In the process of reversing the decline in myself and in others certain lessons were learned that might be of some assistance to those who have experienced the same. “I offer a simple program of rehabilitation of previously recognized abilities and education on universal truths and principles of spiritual growth. I do not offer a substitute for Scientology nor am in competition with the Church. I am only offering to share all the skills I have learned – from a wide variety of sources – to help those in need who once formally participated in Scientology but who now hold no hope nor intention of ever seeking help from the Church.” I was on no mission to replace the Church or even the Church leadership. It was purely an offer to help those who had made the determination that they would never again seek help from the Church of Scientology; for whatever reason. Within days of that posting I caught wind of Miscavige efforts to pull the plug on that offer of help. Church informants reported on some of those who initially reached out to me. Those people were intercepted and offered large incentives to turn on me, turn over all communications with me, and to return under the control of the Church. When I did not attempt to compete for those souls, adhering to my word that I wasn’t interested in those even harboring a desire to remain under the control of Miscavige’s outfit, Miscavige had OSA send informants to try to infiltrate my home and life. What I had posted was not a threat in any way, shape or form to Miscavige’s fiefdom. It was never intended to be completion. I meant what I explicitly stated about the category of people I was reaching out to. People that the Miscavige regime had zero interest in, other than apparently, in keeping in a dormant, sleeping, effect state. His reaction confirmed what I believed to be true about Miscavige: the very concept of anyone helping someone – particularly for no motive other than purely the desire to help one’s fellows – was so abhorrent to him it caused irrational impulses to stop and destroy. 12

“Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk.” – LRH Since that time a lot of water has passed under the Bridge. That includes a lot of Miscavige generated toxic waste. That also includes a lot of pure, clean and beautiful outpouring of theta from folks who fit the exact description set forth in the italicized text above. Several people have challenged me to demonstrate that I am able to take over Miscavige’s position or to create an organization mirroring his. I do not have any desire to do either. Some people have criticized me of irresponsibility for exposing the truth about Miscavige’s church without offering all the bells and whistles of Church membership they find comforting or necessary. People who are in it for the bells and whistles probably ought to stay parked right where they are. Ultimately, they will be served nothing but bells and whistles. I have learned quite a lot since February. First, there are far more people who consider themselves Scientologists, or at least use what they learned from Scientology in their everyday lives, who fit the description of having no intention of ever again being affiliated with the Church than I initially thought was possible. Second, many of those people fear retribution if they publicly discuss their feelings on the subject. Third, many of those people lead unhappy lives because they miss the ability to share community with others of similar philosophic disposition; a subset of that group, may have also suffered financially by having to cut ties with business networks they nurtured for many years. Fourth, some portion of that public are ill physically and spiritually because they have dwindled down to apathy and below and found refuge with the only ex-Church member forums that have existed – ones that make anonymity and hiding a virtue, and make criticism an end, rather than a means to achieve any improved state of affairs. When I started blogging more and more people contacted me about helping them to reverse the spiral they found themselves on. In order to cope with such an overwhelming number of individuals, I began simply connecting former Church members up with similar thinking ones in proximity to one another. Lo and behold, such people began to report to me truly phenomenal phenomena. Here is a list of the types of things they have reported more than once: 1. A rehabilitation of states attained in Scientology by simply having someone acknowledge with reality what he or she has been through. 2. An enhancement in states attained through Scientology by now receiving regular acknowledgment of theta phenomena that up to that point they had no one to share with who could truly understand and appreciate it. Sadly, many folks have reported being invalidated by Scientology public and staff for such origins when they were affiliated with the Church. 3. Feeling de-pts’d by virtue of feeling some strength in numbers – even if the increase went from one to two – and all that comes with that. 4. Physical disabilities healing. Not a bit surprising to me. In the Church’s “Freedom” magazine in response to the St Pete Times Truth Rundown series, 13

my former wife attributed a long list of physical problems I had the year I left the SO. It was one of the few relatively accurate statements of that scandal sheet. All of those ailments rapidly resolved upon my cutting all connection to the SP. 5. Great artistic, career, and or business opportunities suddenly appearing, attributed by people reporting them to beginning to socially network again with newly discovered friends sharing their philosophy. 6. The increase in frequency of OT perceptics and abilities. I don’t have ultimate answers to questions of how to set up widespread, uniform delivery of the tech, nor how to administer whatever form that might someday take. I don’t even purport to have the background, training or experience to answer such questions. I do know that I have been working on an Ethics paradigm – sometimes referred to as Ethics Program Number One. I do know that I have seen many people rise from apathy and below to 4.0 and above on the Tone Scale as they become dePTSed from Miscavige’s Church. Most of those people never received a formal session nor even had the opportunity (yet) to meet in person. The several I have met in person tend to confirm my estimate that most folks reporting incredible gains by handling the suppression in their lives are not exaggerating. I am of the view that those phenomena listed as 1-6 above have been suppressed in Miscavige’s Church. I do not have the slightest hesitation in continuing to facilitate more free, independent Scientologists experiencing what appear to be the miracles attainable with the subject when studied in the fashion Hubbard originally advised it be done. That is with a keen, critical, and independent mind. That increases the ability to as-is. Isn’t that what the entire aim of the subject is, to increase people’s ability to as-is? Having operated with this viewpoint, I have been pleasantly surprised to learn of another natural, positive byproduct of as-ising lies with truth and making it safe for the well intentioned to congregate and share ideas. I have learned that there are a number of very capable folks who are approaching the subjects of tech and admin in the same fashion I have tried to approach Ethics. They are not motivated by money. They are not motivated by fame. They are motivated purely by making it possible for others to experience gains similar to their own. I believe that the behaviorism, twisted moralism, materialism and induced fear of disclosure of confidences practiced as standard operating procedure in Miscavige’s church are the reverse of Scientology. Those practices increase mental mass, and convince a person he needs to become a slave in order to become free. All too often, rather than increase one’s ability to as-is, it results in people who specialize in creating mental mass for others (guilt, fears, self-invalidation, and for those who have been to Int for any substantial period, actual text book engrams). People who have simply exercised their abilities to be there and comfortably confront when faced with Church intimidation tactics – and not allowed themselves to be drawn into flash fights and the resultant creation of ridges – have as-is’d the invaders. That has happened most frequently when the person 14

being targeted by the Church has the comfort of knowing he has people who are behind him or her with unconditional love. It is quite remarkable. I am fairly certain that if a decent percentage of independent Scientologists stand up, identify themselves, and freely associate with like-minded friends in the light of day at least three things will happen: 7. Many individual lives will regain meaning. Many more lives still will reap the gains from each of us who independently and freely use Scientology with no other motivation than to help others reach higher states of beingness. 8. Scientology (the subject and community) will experience a renaissance within society at large. 9. Miscavige’s church will be forced to either radically reform by reversing its suppressive operating basis or face its inevitable demise (note the intransitive is used; it is not because of anything that you or I will do to it that will cause it other than being their comfortably – it will be a self-inflicted fate). At this point, at this Ethics stage, I am advocating that independent thinking Scientologists think hard about being proud of exercising their independence. That they make themselves known and use the title “Scientologist” without shame or embarrassment. That they create community with other independent Scientologists and make it that much safer for those people to get their strength up and flourish. To the extent we tip toe around imaginary egg shells, we are PTS. We cripple our own ability to as-is. If we walk tall, we rehabilitate one another’s abilities to as-is. The Lord knows that this world could use some more of that.


September 30, 2009

I believe the way we are going to effectuate the most effective genuine change is by de-PTSing ourselves. Several mechanisms are wielded by Miscavology to keep the sheep in the pen and to keep the more adventurous ones in fear of straying too far. The most common weapon is the disconnect card. It is used to keep people in a state of terror of losing their family, friends and livelihoods. Many on-line, or at least in good standing, public and former staff have reached out for advice on how to keep pursuing the truth without losing one or more of what they consider integral parts of their communities. As more appear and more are made aware of fellow independent minded folk in their vicinities little communities are forming. The effects of the support independent Scientologists give to one another are remarkable personally, on the family dynamic, and in terms of business networking. While watching these successes begin to unfold, it occurred to me that if the process of forming communities were aided and a form of coordination amongst neighboring and even distant similar communities began – however informally – the de-PTSing could expand exponentially with little effort. The ripple effects of independent thinking Scientologists connecting are immeasurable. 15

Some inquiring minds have also been asking, but what of my Bridge? Well, for starters I have found the case gain being attained by independent Scientologists simply connecting up with one another and validating one another’s gains that were suppressed under Miscavology are spectacular. Escaping from the suppression and Reverse Scientology practiced in Miscavology tends to rehab every ability you once thought you had attained but were convinced by reges, recruiters, E/Os acting for reges, execs acting as reges, etc. were canceled due to your “out ethics” for failing to mortgage your home or drain your retirement account to fill DM’s coffers. If you want to continue with formal auditing, I know there are some fine independent auditors whose dance cards are not full. I bet there are many more because I haven’t even really explored the free zone much. But more fundamentally, the communities that independent minded Scientologists are so fearful of being expelled from are deviating more and more from the Aims of Scientology as promulgated by LRH. Those communities are becoming increasingly tolerant of and thus encouraging of insanity and criminality (particularly financial criminality). They are being leaned on hard to continue to contribute to the “wars” that Miscavige is so fond of declaring. Honest beings in those communities have long since been stripped of any rights. The able are increasingly being made to suffer rather than prosper, and when one manages to somehow reach greater heights, he or she is pressured to become a pimping cog in the financial irregularity machine. So, let’s examine what we mean by community. What is a community? What kind of community do real Scientologists want? What are the benefits of sharing an ethical, sane community? Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers begins with a chapter about a small town in Pennsylvania named Roseto. It was named after the village its Italian-American inhabitants’ ancestors had emigrated from during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Sometime in the 1950’s a guest speaker at a local medical conference, Dr. Stewart Wolf, happened to notice that there was an extremely low incidence of heart failure in Roseto. Wolf investigated for years to determine how this small burg could apparently beat what was then a nationwide epidemic. Using every medical and scientific investigative means Wolf – with the aid of other doctors and a sociologist (John Bruhn) – failed to find a single physical common denominator that explained Rosetans’ longevity. They seemed to drink, smoke and eat fatty foods just as often as most other Americans. Then: “What Wolf began to realize was that the secret of Roseto wasn’t diet or exercise or genes or location. It had to be Roseto itself. As Bruhn and Wolf walked around the town, they figured out why. They looked at how the Rosetans visited one another, stopping to chat in Italian on the street, say, or cooking for one another in their backyards. They learned about the extended family clans that underlay the town’s social structure. They saw how many homes had three generations living under one roof, and how much respect grandparents commanded. They went to mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and saw the unifying and calming effect of the 16

church. They counted twenty-two separate civic organizations in a town of just under two thousand people. They picked up on the particular egalitarian ethos of the community, which discouraged the wealthy from flaunting their success and helped the unsuccessful obscure their failures.” Wolf and Bruhn went on to discuss their findings at medical conferences across the country, “about the mysterious and magical benefits of people stopping to talk to one another on the street, and of having three generations under one roof. Living a long life, the conventional wisdom at the time said, depended to a great extent on who we were – that is, our genes. It depended on the decisions we made – on what we chose to eat, and how much we chose to exercise, and how effectively we were treated by the medical system. No one was used to thinking in terms of community.” Communication, great social activity, love and respect for family, attending a church that has a “unifying and calming effect”? Imagine that. Kind of sounds like a firm foundation for “A civilization without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights…” Maybe we should stop being so confounded worried about being expelled from immoral, rapidly declining communities and start getting busy building ones in which we can be happy and of which we can be proud.


Destruction of Orgs and Rise of The IAS Der Fuhrer’s Big Lies

August 7, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: der-fuhrers-big-lies/#comments Miscavige’s recent events and publications make evident that he has regressed to using the same big lies on the public that he used in the early eighties to bamboozle Hubbard in order to get himself into power in the first place. The lies are woven into all of Miscavige’s recent utterances about the great “expansion” experienced with himself at the helm. He spends millions to spread the word about the increase in posh square feet added to Scientology premises. He buttresses it with impressive claims of increasing numbers of books gotten into the hands of readers. Square feet. For the moment, let’s put aside the fact Hubbard so abhorred the idea of Scientology becoming all about real estate and MEST to the point he advised rebellious Scientologists in the early days to bomb any ostentatious quarters some future manager might construct. Recent observations inside a number of Miscavige’s Ideal orgs on four continents have found a dearth of humanity. That’s right, very few people. Not much auditing and not much training. Not much life around all that pretty MEST. Books. Miscavige has claimed that in the past five years there has been greater Scientology expansion than in the previous five decades combined. He relies solely on alleged book sales figures to support that invented figure he pulled out of the air. In fact, over the last five years the Church has engaged in the same massive fraud that thrust Miscavige into power in the first place. Orgs have been forced to purchase more books than they could ever sell. Public have been forced to buy more books than they know what to do with. I have been told by some on line public that they have numerous sets of books in their homes and storage spaces. These are book sets they have been pressured into buying in order to get a pass from Ethics. Many more public have reported being coerced into large donations to have sets of books shipped to unknown libraries. Many have asked how Hubbard tolerated Miscavige’s initial early eighties reign of terror against veteran Mission holders. Miscavige false reported to Hubbard that book sales were so astronomical upon beheading the Mission holders that the suppress was then off Scientology. What he did not report is where all those sold books went. Miscavige promoted notoriously dishonest and effective regges to Author Services in the early eighties. He gave them full power to order the Publications organizations in LA and Denmark to do as they said. He then ordered an obedient CO CMO INT (Marc Yager) and ED INT (Guillaume Lesevre) to order all orgs to buy insane amounts of books from the Publications organizations. 18

Millions of books were stored in attics, basements and outside storage spaces by every org and mission. During a brief respite from legal and PR assignments in the early nineties, I went on an inspection tour with Miscavige to about a dozen class V orgs. Each and every one of them had huge spaces devoted to book storage, books that were received during Miscavige’s stat push that he false reported to Hubbard years earlier. In many orgs the books were unsellable having been subject to water damage and mold. Those who know the mechanics of the missed withhold phenomena can understand how this might have been another one of those significant steps he took on the downward spiral toward his current violent insanity. The financial stress caused on orgs by being coerced into buying books they could not sell for decades sent the majority of orgs into an insolvency that they never recovered from. Miscavige actively prevented the implementation of finance systems that would allow orgs to get back on their feet and pricing systems that would make services affordable to anyone who might express interest. The net result has been consistently dwindling numbers of new Scientologists and major delivery statistics. Compare Int promo from the eighties to Int promo now. Lots of books and lots of new real estate are touted. Services? Forget about it. It’s like they said about Mussolini and Hitler: forget what they do to people, look at the shiny trains and armaments they so efficiently crank out; they must be good leaders.

“Command Intention” propaganda used to extort money October 7, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: command-intention-propaganda-used-to-extort-money/#comments In a Guardian’s Office Order, since converted to an OSA NW Order, LRH explained a propaganda technique used by the enemies of Scientology. It is called propaganda by redefinition of words. Here is an example: you take early 20th century Mental Hygiene practices such as electroshock, pre-frontal lobotomy, and ice baths (used in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and the United States to curb dissent) and try to make them palatable by calling them Mental Health. Some detractors have argued LRH implied it should be used in dealing with enemies. But no one has ever argued to my knowledge that it could be construed LRH advised it be used against Scientologists by the Church. Yet, that is precisely what is happening in the Church today, in spades. The Church has gone so far south that it is now using propaganda by redefinition of words against its own public to extort huge sums of money out of them for no exchange. It revolves around the redefinition of the term “Command Intention.” 19

Please see the following email text currently issuing from the Church to “OTs” in the LA area: THE LATEST UPDATE ON THE IAS 1st target: $10 million DONE 2nd target: $8 million DONE Next Target $4M Needs to be done by October 18th! There have been 7000 donations to the IAS in the last ten weeks in the WUS!!! There have been 400 New Statuses!!! Have YOU had YOUR interview? IT’S COMMAND INTENTION THAT EACH OT BE BRIEFED AND GET 3 PEOPLE INTO THE IAS OFFICE. PLEASE DO SO NOW! Notice the generic “Command Intention” as the anonymous source of the order to herd in more marks. Former Sea Org members know that Command Intention is synonymous with LRH intention. That is what the term is understood to mean in LRH Flag Orders, LRH dispatches, and LRH tapes. Over the past several years “Command Intention” has taken on an entirely different meaning. Command Intention now means DM’s intention. When it was pointed out to me by an OT VIII in good standing that the public understands “Command Intention” to refer to LRH intention, I started comparing notes with some former Int base staff to reconstruct how this redefinition came to be. It is a pretty twisted narrative, but worth recounting as it sheds more light on how far off Source Scientology has strayed. During the nineties and during this decade Miscavige regularly swaggered around the International Headquarters base (and less frequently the FSO, FSSO, Upper Middle Management, and CLOs) with an assistant in tow, recording virtually every word he said from the minute he got out of bed till the minute he secured. Miscavige could never constrain himself to do an on policy inspection wherein all orders are made to the senior of the area IN WRITING. Instead, he simply barked out orders to anyone in his path all day long usually accompanied by an SRA (severe reality adjustment) or two, and a convoluted explanation of his intentions. A pool of secretaries were employed in his office who did nothing all day long but transcribe the tapes of Miscavige barking orders all day long. This included hour’s long rants. More often than not, a transcript of a particular rant to a particular staff member began with Miscavige directing he or she approach something in a particular way, then Miscavige would spit out stream of consciousness style series of different ways to approach it. A good percentage of his transcripts are documentation of Miscavige cross ordering himself. Miscavige employs another pool of staff who distribute these transcribed orders to the staff the orders were issued to originally with arbitrary deadlines by which they must be applied. All echelons of executive between Miscavige and the ordered staff member are hounded with orders nudging compliance. The madness is compounded by the fact Miscavige often gets on a hobby horse and lectures the same staff member for an hour or two for days on end. By the time Miscavige is done with an area he has contradicted himself so many times it 20

is anybody’s guess what is the correct direction to take. It is further compounded by the fact that Miscavige might come in days or even weeks later and order the precise opposite of what he originally ordered. It is further compounded by the mindless and incessant nudging the ordered staff member receives by echelons of “executives” between COB’s secretarial staff, RTC, CMO INT, EXEC STRATA, CMO GOLD, GOLD EXEC STRUCTURE, etc. Unlike what Miscavige has done with LRH orders, he has established no ways or means to cancel inapplicable, stale, or plain insane Miscavige orders. Many an executive of Gold, CMO GOLD, CMO INT, Exec Strata and RTC has been shot from guns by Miscavige for “cross ordering COB” by pushing an order of COB. Many an executive of Gold, CMO GOLD, CMO INT, Exec Strata and RTC (and FSO, FSSO, CLO’s, etc., ad infinitum) has been shot from guns for “black PRing COB” for trying earnestly to get an order of COB done. To contradict himself all day long is a handy op by Miscavige. If something fails, he can point to the transcript where he said to do it another way. If something succeeds he can point to a portion of some transcript that seems to align with what was done. It is the perfect Service Facsimile, he is always right and just about everybody else is always wrong. To everyone else, it is like living in a gigantic implant station. Over the years executives at several echelons learned a method of survival in this world gone wild. The method gave limited protection (slip and slide room) from getting annihilated for “cross ordering COB” by pushing COB, and gave them some horse power to try to get whatever they decided to get done despite it being contradicted by so many known COB orders. The method was to say, “get it done damnit, it’s Command Intention.” It was a great way to stay out of the cross hairs of the many investigators rolling back “destructive orders” and “black PR of COB.” The executive under interrogation could honestly say, “I never said that order came from COB.” Another use of “Command Intention” for higher echelon execs was to protect COB from the black PR some of his psychotic orders might engender toward him. On many occasions I relayed COB orders to the assembled executives at CMO INT, CMO GOLD, GOLD, OSA, and other venues by lying and saying it was my own order. I picked up on the “command intention” op other execs used as covered above and used the term as a means to protect COB from the repercussions of having issued a wing nut order. Others have shared with me similar experiences. Well, apparently all this has rolled down hill and public OT’s conned or coerced into becoming IAS Reges are now getting the same treatment. Only at that level it is probably more pernicious. At Int, Miscavige so dominated every aspect of life (down to requiring his psychotic rant transcripts be Method 9 word cleared) that it was a given “Command Intention” meant DM. The realization of that fact lead to the final decision to leave the SO by many whom I have spoken with. At public level there is enough separation to leave the impression “command intention” still connotes LRH. In the case of the IAS the use of the “command intention” op is particularly fraudulent. Public are being given the impression that forking over tens of millions 21

of dollars to IAS is LRH intention. You ever wonder why IAS never produces a promo piece with an LRH quote about the importance of the IAS? LRH probably never even heard of the IAS; and if he did it was a lie about how it was simply an international membership with a nominal fee (which it was till LRH died; the never ending, escalating statuses at great expense to the public came later). The lie is furthered by a steady stream of lies communicated to public Scientologists with great fanfare: the oft repeated myth as to what the IAS has done in terms of protecting the Church. Many an event presentation has credited the IAS with being integral to winning the 1985 Battle of Portland. The IAS did not do a single thing to contribute to the Battle of Portland. The IAS has been promoted as being integral to the 1993 IRS exemption the Church received. The IAS did not contribute a single dime – not one thin dime – to the twelve year war effort that led to exemption. It is not LRH intention for anybody to deposit a single penny into the coffers of IAS. In fact, it is quite contrary to LRH intention as covered in HCO PLs and other writings on donations and memberships.

The Real Third Party February 6, 2010 by Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: the-real-third-party-by-mike-rinder/#comments

There has been some discussion of late concerning the 3P that exists between “Scientology” and “Independents”.


LRH states: The law would seem to be: A THIRD PARTY MUST BE PRESENT AND UNKNOWN IN EVERY QUARREL FOR A CONFLICT TO EXIST. Or FOR A QUARREL TO OCCUR, AN UNKNOWN THIRD PARTY MUST BE ACTIVE IN PRODUCING IT BETWEEN TWO POTENTIAL OPPONENTS. Or WHILE IT IS COMMONLY BELIEVED TO TAKE TWO TO MAKE A FIGHT, A THIRD PARTY MUST EXIST AND MUST DEVELOP IT FOR ACTUAL CONFLICT TO OCCUR. It is very easy to see that two in conflict are fighting. They are very visible. What is harder to see or suspect is that a third party existed and actively promoted the quarrel. The usually unsuspected and “reasonable” third party, the bystander who denies any part of it is the one that brought the conflict into existence in the first place. … One sees two fellows shouting bad names at each other, sees them come to blows. No one else is around. So they, of course, “caused the fight”. But there was a third party. Tracing these down, one comes upon incredible data. That is the trouble. The incredible is too easily rejected. One way to hide things is to make them incredible. … This theory might be thought to assert also that there are no bad conditions that cause conflict. There are. But these are usually REMEDIAL BY CONFERENCE UNLESS A THIRD PARTY IS PROMOTING CONFLICT. If you look at the conflicts that Scientology is involved in, they range from “the Church” versus “Independents” to “the Church” versus “the media”, versus “the government”, “the French”, “the pharmaceutical companies”, “the psychs”, “the SPs”, “the squirrels”, “the out ethics public”, and on and on. Even the staff versus the public. There is an old principle of investigation: trace back who benefits. What purpose is there for all this conflict to be fomented. There is an easy answer for that – one that every Scientologist is aware of, and it is increasingly apparent to one and all that it has become more important than the orgs and delivering LRH tech. The IAS. Every conflict, every disaster affords a new reason that money needs to be donated to the IAS. But, LRH also says, you have to locate the hidden BEING behind the conflict. That’s also easy. Look to see who benefits.


Who benefits from the IAS money? The Machiavellian Midget himself. It is this money that he uses to prop up his own PR and keep himself in power. It is this money that is used to buy empty buildings (as everyone just saw at the last IAS event) and generate PR about the “massive inroads” Scientology is making into the world with programs that are shown in PR videos at Miscavige’s events. Remember, the incredible is too easily rejected. One way to hide things is to make them incredible. That is the reason Scientologists cannot spot the real 3P. It is too incredible. How could the “Dear Leader” who has been responsible for the incredible expansion of Scientology, be a bad hat 3P? Well, he has conducted a campaign of PR by redefinition of words. The Big Lie The big lie he is perpetrating is that Scientology is expanding like never before. The evidence to “prove” this is the purchase/renovation and opening of “new” Ideal Orgs. In truth, MEST has been substituted for real expansion in a sleight of hand that has been so deft that most Scientologists don’t see it. Of course, every person who calls himself or herself a Scientologist naturally wants to see Scientology expanding. Who, other than a real SP, would not want others to achieve the gains they have achieved? Who, other than a real SP, would not want to destimulate the planet by getting as many people as possible to be able to erase their reactive minds? Who, other than an SP, would not want everyone to be able to read and understand what they are reading with Study Technology. And after all, we all want a Cleared Planet as our ultimate goal. The expansion of Scientology and the destimulation of the peoples of earth IS the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. And even a new Scientologist knows that this is the formula that when applied enhances survival. So, how do you persuade otherwise intelligent, well-meaning people (that is, the Scientologists of the world) to ignore obvious outnesses? You make the outnesses seem small when compared to the greater good. The LRH example comes to mind – if a vaccine saved thousands of lives, but killed a few, is it a pro-survival solution? Of course. So if under Miscavige’s leadership the Church has expanded at “explosive” rates does it really matter if he has been beating people up, spending money like a Saudi prince, knocking hats off those junior to him, destroying the management infrastructure etc. etc. etc.? Of course not. But, what if that explosive expansion actually DIDN’T exist? What if those things that are said about Miscavige were not only true, they had in fact destroyed the very structure of organizations and management that LRH put in place, turning the executive echelon of Scientology into a mob of broken, mindless individuals, thus guaranteeing that no expansion would occur. What then? Then Miscavige would have to come up with a way of demonstrating “expansion” without really having any, using whatever resources were available. Miscavige doesn’t have competent management at his disposal. But, he does have MONEY. Hundreds of millions of dollars. And though money won’t buy you love, nor happiness, it will buy MEST. So, here is Miscavige the Magician’s trick. Scrap the LRH plan of building orgs to St Hill Size (too hard to do anyway – and then there are those damned staff that have to be gotten to OT in the orgs and there’s no management to organize that) and replace it with “Ideal Orgs”. Oh how clever. 24

There IS an LRH policy called Ideal Orgs, so it sounds legitimate. And you just keep talking about Ideal Orgs and make it the “thing to do” and pretty soon everyone will forget about the St Hill size orgs. And slowly, but surely, you redefine even the concept of an Ideal Org to being “ideal BUILDING”. And then you tell everyone that this is THEIR problem and make them “part of the game”. So, the OT Ambassadors and the local OT Committees and all local Scientologists now buy into the laudable objective of having a nice building for their org. But building the org itself – the people and the theta – they drift quietly into the background (until it comes to “Grand Opening” when a lot of people are going to see the “Ideal Org” on video and the broken down, discarded staff from Int and staff from other orgs are shipped in to make it appear temporarily the place is something more than merely a building). So, Miscavige tells one and all that he is spearheading this massive expansion, proven by the “new” Ideal Orgs that are being opened. You hear it at the International events and you read about it in Freedom – pages and pages about Miscavige opening orgs (and not a mention of L. Ron Hubbard). And obviously anyone who says Miscavige is anything other than perfect is just an SP trying to destroy Scientology, because look at what he is doing and that IS the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. Or is he really just the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain? Or is he really the hidden Third Party that is too incredible for most Scientologists to spot? It’s easy enough to know. Walk into any one of these “Ideal Orgs” and see whether there is massive expansion occurring? Do they have more or less staff than was shown on the video for their “Grand Opening”? How many students are in the course room? How many Clears have they made since they “opened”? Funny that you aren’t hearing about the massive expansion in these individual orgs. All you see about them is Miscavige cutting the ribbon and spouting flowery doublespeak written by the LRH Biographer and some shots of empty buildings. Why you may ask don’t the people in the orgs say anything about this? It’s the old Roman strategy of “divide and conquer.” The few remaining staff huddled in the cold in the Buffalo “Ideal Org” think they are the only ones who have an empty org and that they are really out of step with the rest of the Scientology world. They don’t even want to ask the few remaining staff in Madrid what things are like over there. They’d probably be shot if they tried. And no public person wants to look like a fool after donating time and money to creating the “Ideal Org” and being good followers of the great COB and his “Command Intention” by questioning whether the org is doing well. They see it, but they quietly hope someone else is going to deal with it. But there is another beauty to this plan too. It keeps everyone quiet. Because anyone who points out the obvious is labeled an SP. “Obviously” if someone is saying the orgs aren’t full and expanding they are CI – or worse yet, they are gloating about it and want it that way. And who would gloat at the poor staff who are there working their asses off day in and day out? Only a pure SP. Again, propaganda by redefinition of terms. Pointing out the obvious is redefined as gloating. The staff of those orgs are in the unenviable position of having no 25

management to guide them. No programs. No marketing. Those things have all been forsaken for the “Ideal Org Strategy” because of course, once the “Ideal Org” has been shown on a video, it has no importance to Miscavige any longer. You can’t show a building opening twice. People might get suspicious. It’s the big lie. It is clever. But when you analyze the FACTS, it is what it is. And until the real Third Party is spotted, the conflicts will continue. And one last thing. The proof of this pudding is this: as soon as someone DOES spot the real source of the conflict, THE SP, charge blows, the clouds part and a whole lot of shaking starts going on. Abilities return, sometimes chronic somatics even disappear, and things start going right again in one’s life. Hell, if you listen real close you might even hear scores of gentle “clicks” in the air, the sound of spines straightening up across the world.

Neglected Heroes – Staff of Scientology Orgs March 5, 2010

by Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: neglected-heros-staff-of-scientology-orgs/#comments One of the tragedies of the reign of Miscavige is the utter disregard for staff wellbeing. There have been LRH orders extant since the late 70’s to resolve staff pay. He identified it as a major reason for orgs not expanding and later as a key block to accomplishing the objective of LRH ED 339R – Saint Hill Size Orgs. If you cannot afford to live as a staff member, you either moonlight or leave staff. Many dedicated individuals have joined staff thinking that they would be able to contribute to expanding the org and as a result, make a viable living through staff. But the problem is the finance system that orgs are forced to operate on leaves so little for staff pay that even when the org grows, the percentage of income devoted to staff pay is so small, and so much comes “off the top” that the increase in the number of staff needed to deliver what is required to sustain increased income simply divides the staff pay sum by more people. There is a fault in the SYSTEM. It’s well known. Why didn’t this ever change if LRH said it should? Back in the early 80’s there was a project called “The Staff Pay Project”. It was not completed before LRH went off the lines. And from that time forward, Miscavige has had literally hundreds of submissions on staff pay, none of which he would approve. There are probably hundreds of pages of transcripts of rambling meetings Miscavige had with International Management and Finance personnel (back in the “good old days” when they were nominally on post) where he pontificated at length about 26

what should be done. Problem is (as others have described) the “direction” that he gave was invariably confusing and often times contradictory. And then any submission to him would be rejected because it didn’t “comply” with some line in a 50 page transcript of his ramblings. Tens of thousands of hours of executive time have been spent M9ing the endless transcripts from DM, then putting together submissions to him attempting to satisfy all his dictates (literally an impossible task as one day he would say one thing and then the next it would be the opposite). So, why isn’t there a workable staff pay system? Because to this day Miscavige refuses to put one out. (In case someone out there saw a Staff Pay system in 2004 that was “done personally by COB” that he PR’d as being a solution to staff pay, I ask you – did it work? The Cancer of the IAS There is a second problem with staff pay: the takeover and dominance of Scientology by the IAS and the proliferation of building and library donations. Funds channeled into these endless sinkholes do not go on the regular org GI and Financial Planning lines. So, funds that could be being donated for services (which are part of the org GI and FP) are being siphoned off. Miscavige doesn’t want to interrupt these Condition 0 Exchange activities (after all, all you need to “deliver” for a hundred thousand donated to the IAS is a pin, a trophy and some imbecilic title). You can’t increase staff pay or build orgs while still having the IAS as the “senior organization” in Scientology. Hence, Miscavige’s decision was easy, if shortsighted: pour the coals on the IAS and org staff be damned. Just as an aside on the IAS – it is a Third Dynamic engram by definition. It was an arbitrary implemented at one time to solve the problem of creating an untouchable pool of money out of the reach of the IRS that could be used to pay off the IRS if they did not grant the Church tax exempt status. After 1993, it had served its purpose and should have been disbanded and the public should have been informed that it was no longer needed. But, by that time it was a cash cow for Miscavige that was too good to discard, no matter the havoc it would wreak on organizations. If you have read the LRH article “What Your Fees Buy” you will be familiar with the fact that LRH intended the fees for SERVICES to not only support the local organization, but to fund the defense of the religion, to finance projects to bring LRH tech into different sectors of society and to promote Dianetics and Scientology. Following are quotes from “What Your Fees Buy”: It costs money to bring cases up to the US Supreme Court level as we have. The legal defense expenses we have in a dozen countries is not small. So a portion of your fee goes to keeping the subject available to you and to the world. Your fee supports a long and complex set of communication lines by which tech and admin can be cared for rapidly. A portion of your fee just the other day began a survey of a backward country to introduce high speed educational processes to bring their people quickly from the Stone Age up to present time. The “Peace Corps” was also there on cushy government funds building houses for a big construction company at a nice profit. But we, unsupported, began the effective work actually needed there to help the people. 27

A tiny bit of your fee negated up an area ruined for the Americans by the American Navy. Small parts of your fee heal up a lot of things over the world. But the biggest part of your fee stays right in your area. It is used to make training and processing and data available to the next fellow first by keeping the org there and second by letting him know about it and third by making as sure as possible that the training and processing he gets is standard and effective. Your fee keeps the nearest org alive and functioning and the environment safe. Anyone who has ever been approached by an IAS reg will find a lot of this eerily familiar. This is exactly what those IAS regges say the money is being spent on. So, one may ask, if this is what the money is being spent on WHY HAVENT THE COST OF SERVICES BEEN REDUCED? And as a side note – IAS funds are ONLY spent when Miscavige wants them spent. Those massive “campaigns” that are announced at the IAS events have a few bucks thrown at them to show at the event, and then they die, and just to dispel another lie that has been repeated forever, the IAS had NOTHING to do with “The Battle of Portland,” NO IAS funds were ever used for legal, PR or Crusade activities. Instead of pouring the coals on LRH’s purpose and LRH ED 339R by having the correct single finance channel (through orgs) and making it possible for our staffs to live by implementing the appropriate staff pay system, Miscavige diverted and channeled those funds to the IAS, his off-source ideal org strategy or his latest and “greatest” scheme leaving staff destitute and orgs bereft of the energy they so vitally needed. The Final Nail in the Coffin of Staff But there was something beyond even that. LRH ED 339R was written FOR STAFF. It gave them the Birthday Game and the target of building their org to the Size of Old St Hill. And something else in 339R was even MORE IMPORTANT. LRH knew that an average staff member could not attain OT. Even if they received enough staff pay to be able to live, they still would not have enough disposable income to pay for OT levels. And many could not afford to go off to LA or Copenhagen or St Hill for months to do their OT levels – their posts would suffer. He had a brilliant solution – the UNIVERSE CORPS. It made it possible for staff to be real Scientologists and achieve the gains of the OT Levels. LRH ED 339R says that EVERY org that reaches the size of Old St Hill would be rewarded with a Universe Corps sent from Management that would move all staff in the org up to Clear and through the OT Levels. It wasn’t something available to public, it was a reward for the dedication of being a staff member. Right in their own org they would be able to do the OT Levels. This was a massive change. Never before had OT levels been available outside AOs. But, there was a problem. This required training staff and sending them out to the orgs. And of those orgs back in the day that were awarded St Hill Size – Tokyo, Orange County, LA Org, Tampa, Hamburg, Munich, Joburg etc. – how many of them do 28

you think have a Universe Corps today? When they were sent (some orgs back then actually had a Universe Corps) they were soon ripped off. Tampa were told that their “Universe Corps” was the FSO! And today? LRH ED 339R is forgotten. Replaced by Miscavige’s Idle Org strategy. Perfect. Idle Orgs don’t require stats. And certainly don’t require a Universe Corps. They don’t require a Management to recruit and train a Universe Corps. Idle Orgs – Miscavige’s brilliant solution that buries 339R (and the staff along with it) under a pile of PR bullshit. LRH ED 339R is a distant memory, along with the concept that an org is a friendly place where people can find help and like-minded individuals, not just a gathering place for vulture regges waiting to pounce on anyone who walks in the door. Where has the compassion for people that is the very hallmark of LRH and his technology gone? It’s sure hard to find in the Church of Mestology.

Idle Orgs – The Great Ponzi Scheme

April 17, 2010

by Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: idle-orgs-the-great-ponzi-scheme/#comments

To quote David Miscavige (in classic Dan Sherman speak) from the recent March 13 event : “Our theme is relentless expansion, which you might also describe as both astounding and astonishing – and you can add staggering and even bedazzling…” 29

Not to mention “utterly incredible” as in: adjective – not credible; unbelievable. First, let’s examine one aspect of this incredible expansion. The Theory of Expansion is to put a stable point there and expand from it. LRH laid it out — open groups around the world to provide introductory services which expand and graduate to Mission status at which time they can move people up through higher levels of training and auditing. The Missions in turn expand and become new Orgs, the stable points in society. Missions cannot Clear anyone and more importantly, they cannot train auditors, that can ONLY be done in an official Church of Scientology Class V or above Org. Of course, without auditors, you can’t do much (though you can reg for building donations, IAS donations, book donations and staff pay donations); to generate real expansion of Dianetics and Scientology there must be an ever growing number of Orgs. In 1992, the Church informed the IRS that there were 156 Scientology Orgs around the world. In the ensuing 18 years of bedazzling expansion there has NOT BEEN ONE NEW ORG added to that total (There was a new org in Greece and maybe one in Taiwan, but there were a couple that shut their doors elsewhere). Second, the big fudge stat that DM trots out is “more than 8,000 Groups, Missions and Orgs on the global map.” But with 150 or so orgs, about 300 Missions, no more than 100 Narconons, a couple of hundred Applied Scholastics Schools and groups, no more than 100 total CCHR, Criminon, Citizens Commission on Law Enforcement groups (according to the official websites) – he is thousands short. Sure, there are some Dianetics groups. Let’s take the wildest estimate of 1000 around the world (try and find one in your local area, just look them up in the phone book). Still “short” more than 6000. Perhaps there are WTH groups somewhere? One would imagine even if there were 1000 of these you would see SOME result, but let’s take 1000 WTH groups. Dave, you’re still “short” 5000. Add Volunteer Minister “groups” – they probably count a couple of thousands of those, though every time there is a disaster it seems the same people are rounded up to go off and put on their yellow t-shirts. So, presumably the balance must be thousands and thousands of “WISE groups” that have nothing to do with getting people onto and up the Bridge. So, the 8,000 plus orgs, missions and groups is less than 500 orgs and missions and more than 7500 uncategorized “groups.” But, it is impossible that with this many “groups” there aren’t hundreds of new expanding Missions and from that a dozen or two each decade would become an Org? Would ONE new Org a year be “bedazzling” expansion? Is ZERO? Somehow, Dave, it just doesn’t add up. Third, the results of the International Birthday Game leaves a bit of a credibility gap for the discerning viewer… The best Mission in the world and winner of the international Birthday Game (evidencing the greatest expansion rate over an entire year) for the THIRD time is the Mission of Los Feliz. But the oddity is that if they have had the fastest rate of expansion for 3 years, why do they only have 25 staff? There used to be Missions with more than 100 staff back in the 70’s and 80’s? OK, let’s ignore that and move on. The World Champion Class V org is the Idle Org of CC Nashville. And who was on stage to accept the award? None other than Sea Org member Renee Duszak, 30

known to many in the LA area from her time at AOLA and CC Int. This seemed a little strange, but then I met someone who was recently an outer org tech trainee at the Friendliest Place in the World. Here is the bizarre tale of what happens with those outer org trainees unlucky enough to be sent to Flag for training. Upon completion of their training, INCLUDING internships, they are put onto “apprenticeships” in the Flag HGC and are required to get 5 public from lower orgs arrived to do Grades before they can “graduate”, or they are made to do a “Div 6 apprenticeship” supervising “Basics” courses. But the worst fate for an outer org trainee is to be sent to the newest undermanned Idle Org (and believe it, they are ALL undermanned). The tech resources for the “Idle Orgs” are manned by staff imported from other orgs and they are there until they replace themselves. The Flag Outer Org Trainee weekly staff meeting announces how many staff have been recruited for Idle Orgs by other orgs (“Sacramento recruited two tech staff for Las Vegas this week”). The Hey You that has been the norm at International Management for years (Guillaume Lesevre “from International Management” – NOT “ED International” – presented the Birthday Game Awards) has become the standard operating procedure in the orgs now too. But, how low does it go on perverting everything in the land of DM? The LRH Birthday Game has now officially been reduced to a farce. They list the winners for each Continent and of course, if there is an “Idle Org” in that Continent they had to win, otherwise Emperor DM would have been standing on stage with no clothes. So, the biggest and best org in Europe was the “Idle Org of Malmo”, somehow managing to beat out Milano, Munich and Moscow (not to mention all the other letters of the alphabet). Anyone who saw the report from Dan Koon when he visited the morgue in Malmo knows how “astonishing” this is. The top of the heap in the UK is the Idle Org of London Foundation. I saw the empty, dead London Org several times in December and if this is the biggest booming org in the UK then the “bedazzling” expansion is really something. And the WUS winner was the Idle Org of Dallas. Again, eyewitness reports show the place to be empty – what happened to the hugely booming San Francisco? Mountain View? Orange County? LA Org? Surely Dallas isn’t the brightest star in the entire Western United States? So, the Ponzi scheme rolls on, with Scientologists around the world being hoodwinked into giving money for the Idle Org strategy believing that this is what is going to expand Scientology in violation of all LRH policy on the subject. Those orgs are being manned with SO members Hey-You’d from management and staff from other orgs sent to “apprentice”. And when the video is shown at the event, the resources are poured into the next org to be videoed. Anyone been to Buffalo Idle Org recently? San Francisco? Madrid? Or any of the other “old” Idle Orgs? They are not booming. The bright lights of the video crews are gone and they are back to the small, failing orgs they were before DM breezed into town to bask in the limelight. In his usual rousing finale at the March 13th event, DM rather aptly described Scientology as “a southbound train on a downward slope”. Freudian slip? Sad as this whole scenario is, I must thank Dan Sherman for providing at least a little humor. Get a load of this passage that must take an honored place in the Hall of Shame of Ridiculous Hype: “This is the occasion when we celebrate Source— utterly and emphatically. It is also an unqualified and unconditional occasion, which 31

means this is nothing else except unbridled celebration. While just for good measure, it might even be called an unequivocal and uncompromising celebration, especially in a world where the economic and political gurus will tell you the global recession is not a depression, it is the decline and fall of Western civilization.� Phew‌

Birthday Game Smoke and Mirrors

April 3, 2011

By Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: birthday-game-smoke-and-mirrors/#comments 32 This segment of the event is a study in the hardest outpoint to spot: Omitted Data. First omitted. Guillaume Lesevre used to be introduced as ED Int. Then it became “from International Management” after he had been removed from post. Now he is just “Mr. Guillaume Lesevre.” Miscavige only tolerates him being in the same event because he doesn’t want to stoop to handing out awards to Missions and orgs (he doesn’t mind doing it to the Platinum Gluteus Maxima’s who provide his vacation trip/party/meal/tailor/manicurist allowance). What’s it going to be next year? “Please don’t clap, here’s Lesevre to hand out the stupid awards.” Second omitted. The LRH Birthday Game. They don’t mention achieving St Hill size so all staff earn a decent wage and can go OT with the Universe Corps – that IS the LRH Birthday Game and what he told all staff he wanted in LRH ED 339R. Today its ONLY Ideal Orgs, and that means “Ideal Buildings” (in fact, in many cases, they are FAR from “ideal” as described by LRH – badly located, requiring massive renos, too expensive). Listen to the Shermanspeak sleaze: “These orgs play to reach LRH’s target and so become Ideal, at which point civilization changes and destiny is guaranteed.” Almost sounds like LRH’s target it to become Ideal. Or, “the only sure route to a wide open road to OT is Ideal Orgs.” Third omitted. ANY new orgs or missions. The numbers of orgs and missions remains the same, year after year, after year. Yet, Miscavige’s grandiose description of the “Ideal Org” strategy talks about the orgs replicating themselves – establishing groups and missions in their field and these then growing and becoming new orgs. And there are NO new ones. In fact, Lesevre gives the following stats. “175 Orgs. 488 Missions. Better than 6,000 IHELP groups, social betterment and humanitarian programs.” Apart from those stats for orgs and missions never changing, it’s about 1400 short of the “more than 8,000” that Miscavige and Tommy Two-tone keep announcing (while at the same time asserting the church has “no connection and nothing to do with” an Applied Scholastics school getting negative media near the new “Ideal Org” in Melbourne.”) Its 2400 short of the 9,000 they now have on the Scientology website: ”Over 9,000 Scientology Churches, Missions and affiliated groups exist in 165 nations, four times in just ten years.” [That IS what it says, I didn’t mistype it]. 33

Fourth huge omitted. Actual stats are few and far between. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Belleair next to Flag is the EUS champion mission again – for the fifth time. By now it should be at least 100 staff and 500 WDAHs. Look at the picture of the staff — all 10 of them. Kaoshuing is top mission in ANZO again. This IS a big Mission. There was a huge “Ideal Org” building bought for it a decade ago? No mention (though they mention the buildings bought years ago for Capetown and other places). Must have gone the way of Harlem and Battle Creek and some of the other over-hyped, never heard from since, PR dished out in earlier years. South Coast Mission in WUS is the most expanding mission in the world. Check out the photo of the Mission staff. THAT is the most expanding Mission in the fastest growing religion on earth? Toronto Fdn – the second place org winner in Canada. And the ONLY thing mentioned and shown is a drawing of how the outside of their “Ideal Org” will look. NOT mentioned – they have had that org since the late 70’s!!! It is one of the buildings that LRH directed be bought by the Building Investment Committee. Still not renovated! Why? They don’t have the money! It used to be the biggest org in Canada. Now, you couldn’t really explain THEIR failure on not having a big enough building? Then we get the real sleazes, the Conts where they COMBINE the Day and Fdn “Cont orgs” and contrive them as “winners” – London, DC and LA Org are all sleazed with combined stats. And even then, the few stats they give are hardly impressive. London got more than 5000 books in the hands of new public – that is 50 per org per week! And that is worth mentioning as one of the most impressive stats in the world of Scientology! They show 40 staff in the photo of the London “winners”. That’s one of the big, booming “Ideal Orgs” with a $20 million dollar building on a street with NO body traffic (hard to find a street without body traffic in London). DC gives NO stats, but they win the whole shooting match with “5X Book One hours” and “50X the number embarking on introductory routes” (whatever that means). Somehow in EU they imported a bunch of staff to Brussels (they never had more than 8 staff in Brussels org) and they “won” the game. The proof of their production? “They welcome more than 500 diplomats, ambassadors and VIPs to Introductory and Sunday Services.” Intro and free Sunday Services are combined? I guess it gives a clue that all free services are now counted as “Intro Services” – so that probably means “someone looked at an Intro Video in the robot displays” is “a person introduced to Scientology and taking their first step on the Bridge.” Of course, there is no mention of how many hours they deliver. The only org that really looks like it might be doing well is “Scientology Mexico” in Latam. But the 2nd and 3rd place orgs only get a “building mention.” But then again, this org and Roma are two recent “Ideal Orgs” so they are probably still staffed with SO member and imports from other orgs (until they have to move on to the next “Ideal Org”). 34

The SO Orgs are pretty sorry too. AOSHEU’s big stat is that they “make a new OT every day” – but 7 completions per week on either OT 1, OT 2, OT 3, OT 4 or OT 5 (and that counts one “OT” for completion of the theory course and one for the completion of the solo auditing) isn’t much for an Advanced Org that services “13 time zones and 43 nations.” AOSHUK has the distinction of producing “more Power Releases than any other SO Org” (wow) and “extending the Bridge through OT Reunions and Ideal Org briefings.” CC Int (these may be the stats for CC Int in LA or the stats for the combined Celebrity Centers that collectively are also known as CC International) sounds pretty impressive with 3000 Basics Completions – but what that really means is 60 books read per week. They also produced 48,000 hours of auditing (correct order of magnitude for a single Saint Hill size org) but only 1000 Releases. Really? 48 hours per release? Clearly they are not doing the “streamlined Grades” that you can get through in an intensive or two at Flag – because that is 5 Releases. Objectives? Book One? Unexplained and sounds like some pretty horrendous overrunning. Maybe they are bogging everyone waiting for that third swing? Finally: An incorrectly included. Enforced butt kissing of “COB” that is required to be included in every winner’s speech. Yecchhh.

How Far Have We Come February 15, 2010 by Haydn James.

Online blog posting + comments: how-far-have-we-come-since-1950/#comments


Many of us came into Scientology or joined staff or the Sea Org with the purpose of clearing the planet. Remember that game? It was a numbers game – make enough Scientologists, enough Clears and the majority of enturbulated humans that inhabit this spinning orb we call Earth would disenturbulate. We didn’t need to physically clear them all, perhaps just a small percentage, but with six billion inhabitants, 3% would mean clearing 180 million, a finite if daunting task. But we knew LRH had made a fantastic start back in 1950 when he kicked the whole thing off with the publication of Book One (Dianetics). It was a runaway success, which led to countless members, groups and the early Scientology Churches. So we knew that if we just put our shoulder to the wheel and others followed suit we would get there in the end. SO HOW FAR HAVE WE REALLY COME IN THE 60 YEARS SINCE THE PUBLICATION OF DIANETICS? Now, Miscavige and his spin doctors would have you believe “We are millions” that we are “bigger and greater than ever” and that we are “racing away to a cleared planet, straight up and vertical”. But rather than listen to rhetoric, spin and bald faced lies, to determine the progress we’ve actually made we have to look at the numbers, because real numbers, based on experience, factual “uncooked” figures, don’t lie. So let’s look at how many Church of Scientology members exist now compared to times past because real expansion could only mean one thing: more members — more Scientologists moving up the Bridge. My wife and I worked at all echelons of Scientology and the Sea Org for more than 60 years combined. Our years in the trenches, working hands on with Scientology public as well our years in management with access to Scientology international reports and statistics up to the year 2006, plus the very latest intelligence reports from orgs, makes us uniquely qualified to calculate and comment on the actual number of Scientology church members. Let’s define a member of the Church of Scientology as a person who is actively taking service or who is likely to take service from a Church organization at ANY time in the future, a broad definition. CLASS V ORGS: As try as they might Class V orgs only get about an 1/8th of their actual public taking service at any given time. We were one of the bigger orgs in the world (Birmingham) and we had only 50 Scientologists on lines at any one time and had around 400 in total. This rule of thumb (total public = 8 times the onlines public) holds true for the other Class V Orgs. There are 150 Class V orgs. As of 2006, the incredibly stellar Milano org apart, the top 15 orgs had 50 to 120 Scientologists taking service per week. Shockingly, most of the rest fell into the small and failing category with only 10 to 20 per week. That means a minority of orgs had 400 to 800 members while most had between 80 and 160. So let’s be very generous and put the average total members per org at 200.


150 orgs multiplied by 200 = 30,000 total members in the Class V org sector – at the most. ADVANCED ORGS have predominantly the same people listed under Class V orgs but you have a gravitational effect too where Scientologists go and live in the area around advanced orgs. There are 7 advanced orgs (AOLA, ASHO Day & Foundation, AOSH UK, St. Hill Foundation, AOSH ANZO and AOSH Europe) with around 150 service attendees each, on average (AOLA had more but others had less). Sticking with the same Class V org formula, 150 x 8 = 1200 total parishioners each, on average. So that’s a maximum of 8400 additional advanced org parishioners and that is generous indeed considering a higher percentage attend services than in Class V orgs and at least some members have now been counted twice by being counted under both Class V org and Advanced org categories. FSO has the same parishioners listed in both the Class V and Advanced org sections but also has some who consider themselves FSO-only public. At 500 of them taking service at any given time (discount the outer org trainees as they are counted in the Class V orgs and Advanced orgs) that’s 500 x 8 (extremely generous) = 4000 total additional parishioners and some of those have now been counted three times. MISSIONS: There are hundreds of missions but they are far worse off than orgs. Many have just one or two part time staff and a handful of parishioners. I have attended events at missions in two different states of late and there were no more than 10 attendees in each. 300 missions with an average of 25 parishioners (very generous) = 7500 members. As for field auditors, WISE etc. — all counted a number of times in various categories above so I am not going to repeat the error. TOTAL: 30,000 plus 8400 plus 4000 plus 7500 = a very generous 49,900 members at the very most. [Note: this is as of 2006. Things are much worse now with FSO turned into a crush regging machine, the houses of Scientologists for sale in the Clearwater area at an all-time high (despite the depressed housing market), a truly crashed Class V org scene and countless other problems not to mention the independent movement in full flow!] As a cross check, let’s figure it a different way and let’s go back a few years. As of the year 2000 Scientology as a whole got a total of 20,000 attendees worldwide for an “important” international all-Scientologists-must-attend event. That’s all attendees on the night plus all worldwide attendees for all the delayed events – total showings. Now, it’s no surprise but as hard as they try, A Class V org can only drag about a quarter of its public to any given event no matter how “important”. FSO and Advanced Orgs manage around 50 percent of their resident public. That puts the entire Scientology population in the year 2000 at sixty thousand if we are consistently generous and say that the total number of attendees for an important worldwide event represents only a third of all members. 37

In summary, that’s 60 thousand members in the year 2000, down to around 50,000 by 2006 and much less by 2010, which all jives with experience, stats, reports and more recent intelligence my wife and I have witnessed. There is also an empirical observation that can be made that supports these figures. Have you noticed how the remaining staff and public seem to be made up of mostly older people on the one hand and fairly young people on the other? Even the young people are most often the sons and daughters of the older staff/ Scientology public (and they are heavily recruited to staff because they are one of the few remaining recruit pools). I know I’m far from alone in making this observation — an age polarization has taken place in Scientology creating a wide gap. Now, that’s not so hard to spot but what about the omitted? What about the countless missing members from all the years in between? Where are they? As shocking as it may seem, it looks like we failed to make any meaningful number of Scientologists for the last twenty odd years (which is also the period of Miscavige’s utterly dominant reign by the way). Now, another thing that shocks me about these numbers is that it seems very likely LRH had more members’ way back in 1953 than Scientology has now. Let me expand: In 1953, Birmingham in England had only a Dianetics group. But on page 339 of Tech Volume 1, LRH wrote that he travelled from London to Birmingham on 21st May 1953, to give a lecture to 100 attendees. He was very disappointed in the attendance but very happy with their obvious knowledge of Dianetics. But if you fast forward 50 years to 2003, Birmingham boasted one of the biggest Scientology orgs on the planet yet with all the modern forms of communication it struggled and I mean struggled to get 100 public attendees to ANY event, of ANY kind, at ANY time. What the …? And how come after working for 14 hard years in Birmingham (before we returned to management in 2005) my wife and I managed to build the org up from nowhere to a level where it only just matched the size of London Foundation circa 1977 (nearly thirty years earlier) and it’s worse than that because in 2005 Birmingham was the only Class V Org in the UK of ANY real size. And can anyone explain why my wife went to a tech briefing in Sacramento in 1977 at which there were more than a 1000 attendees (just a tech briefing) whereas you wouldn’t hear of a 1000 Scientologists gathering in the Sac area these days. I visited Sac Org in 2006 – it was dead. And can anyone also explain how come I attended a Flag World Tour event in London in 1976 at which there were thousands present whereas I attended an important London event in 2003 for the benefit of both London Day and Foundation for which less than 90 showed up. So in our zeal to correct obvious abuses let’s not miss outpoints about the size of the Empire State Building — Scientology is puny and it is smaller now than at any time in its entire history, which is an outrage, but the facts and numbers don’t lie. “But … but … what about the grand opening events for the big shiny new buildings where hundreds of people show up?” a few might ask. What? You mean like Dallas where my wife worked on the final stages of the building prep cycle for weeks and was at the opening event and reported that the number of Scientology 38

members in Dallas was actually less than the average number I used in the above calculation and the big Dallas shiny new building was empty. And Madrid opening event where Miscavige forced Scientology church executives from all over Europe to attend to pad the numbers. I know because my wife and other execs from Birmingham were forced to fly there and consequently mingled with all the other attendees similarly press ganged. These “grand openings” are staged to look great but after the event is over and rent-a-crowd departs all you are left with is an empty building, a handful of staff and less public than ever before. And there is another colossal outpoint that goes hand in hand with all the above: an LRH rule and observation on book sales states that for every 25 books sold to the world at large a Scientologist is made. Through orgs and trade lines we have sold something like 50 million books out in the world over the years. That’s two million Scientologists. Where are they? And are they the missing members between the ages of twenty-something and fifty on up? You could ask what the hell we have been doing for the last 60 years. But that would be an unfair question because it’s no secret that Scientology’s international stats crashed in the summer of 1990 and have not reverted twenty years on. So the real questions are: - What have we been doing for the last 20 plus years? - Why are there fewer members now than at any time in our history? - Where are the missing two million members? - And above all, what factors underlie this terrible state of affairs? Next, I’ll proffer some answers from my perspective.

How Miscavige Killed Church Management

August 31, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: how-miscavige-killed-church-management/#comments In January 1996 when I returned to the Int Base after two years of tech training at the Ship and Flag, Miscavige was well in progress on annihilating church management. First, Miscavige was in the process of busting Marc Yager off CO CMO INT/WDC Chairman and spent three years attempting to turn the man into a mouse. Second, Miscavige had nearly all those who remained in Int Management working on an evolution as massive in content and as destructive in result as Golden Age of Tech. In his Stalinesque style Miscavige dubbed it New Era of Management. Like GAT, NEM consisted of endless binders of Miscavige written and/or directed 39

and approved material. Just as GAT forever altered and replaced LRH tech, NEM forever altered and buried LRH admin. Miscavige had teams of key executives for Upper Middle Management (Int Liaison Office which he had previously dubbed Flag Command Bureaux which was originally back in the day of LRH called the Flag Bureau) and for every Continental management office up at Int Base for months preparing to fire to implement his grand NEM scheme in one, sudden, implant-like fashion. Those involved in that evolution are well represented here and I am sure can fill in some of the details of their engramic several month Q and A “briefing” period. If the “trainees” or “Missionaries in briefing” learned anything it was these two lessons that were implanted with an atomic branding iron: a) Miscavige and his NEM issues were senior to LRH and his virtual books (in the form of Flag Orders and Central Bureau Orders and OEC) on management. b) Scientology did not exist at the International Scientology Headquarters. Third, the international tech hierarchy was effectively made leaderless by the busting of Ray Mithoff from the post of Senior C/S Int. Oh, he retained the title, but he was made a mere figurehead (just as Heber had been made as President CSI and Guillaume as ED Int as early as the eighties). Dan Koon was put on as Snr C/S Int Chief – administrative head of the Snr CS Int Office. Once DM effectively dead agented Ray with all Int tech terminals (including his own Snr CS Int office) Dan was posted elsewhere – and Ray from thereon out was nothing more than a figurehead (Note: Dan had no knowledge and played no part in the Miscavige Op – Dan is the last person in the world who would engage in denigrating a person into oblivion). Next Miscavige appointed Mark Ingber as CO CMO INT/WDC Chairman. Through continual barrages of verbal cross orders to not only LRH, but even to his own NEM, plus beatings and invalidation, Miscavige soon destroyed Ingber. Miscavige replaced Ingber with Jenny Linsen Devocht. Through the same methods that he had destroyed Yager and Ingber, sans the beatings, he destroyed Jenny. Miscavige replaced Linsen with Wendell Reynolds of Int Finance Dictator fame. But Wendell soon went the route of the other who preceded him. By the time Miscavige had made mincemeat of that troika, Yager had graduated the RPF (1999) and he was thrown back into the fire. By then, CMO Int and Exec Strata were choked by so many restrictions (such as no evals allowed; no programs that did not push NEM and Golden Age of Tech allowed) that International Management had become a mere functionless title. To ensure no management would emanate from Int, Miscavige assigned the entire Int Base lower conditions from which they never were allowed to emerge. Yager was declared SP, as were a number of International managers, as were Mike Rinder (while WDC OSA) and I (while on the post of IG), as were a number of other Int base execs; all ordered by Miscavige, all while we continued to occupy our posts. By the year 2000, Scientology Management was dead. 40

The proof of the pudding is the current scene. Here it is in a nutshell: Marc Yager is still holds the title CO CMO INT/WDC Chairman. But there is no CMO INT nor WDC, with the exception of Angie Blankenship who holds WDC Ideal Orgs. But Angie doesn’t answer to Yager; she reports and answers to Miscavige. Yager has been reduced to being a preps boy (culling pc folders and ethics folders at Int to find lurid details on the likes of us) for Dan Sherman (LRH Biographer) to write “freedom mags” and the myriad anti-Marty sites OSA has its operatives pretend spontaneously appear. Yager does not even report to Miscavige, because Miscavige cannot look at him without leaping at him and pummeling him to a pulp every time he is in his sight. So, Jenny Linsen (whose post title is D/CO Production CMO INT) actually forwards all communication between Miscavige and her nominal senior Yager. Miscavige bypasses whatever is left between Int Liaison Office (Upper Middle Management) and Continental Liaison Offices and orgs by directly running every CO CMO Cont. That is right, he receives weekly reports routed directly to COB RTC from each CO CMO. The reports report on stats for each continent and org (as in Ship, FSO, PAC) where each CMO unit is located. Miscavige then whips out his dictaphone and rattles off weekly orders to the CO CMO’s on a purely stimulusresponse basis. And that is what he calls management. Anyone with the slightest training or understanding of LRH FO and CBO and HCOPL tech recognizes that I do not exaggerate when I say that management has long since died, and there is no such thing as management any more. There may be bodies at the CSI Management building at Hollywood and Ivar, and there may be bodies in CLOS, but per HCO PL Danger Conditions, Why Organizations Stay Small – with such long term and thorough bypass, they do not in fact exist. To exacerbate matters Miscavige utterly bypasses Snr CS Int Office, Tech and Qual bureaus Int and Cont, and even tech hierarchies of orgs such a FSSO and FSO and AOs by virtue of running all tech matters through his RTC rep NW. They too write weekly reports to Miscavige and he replies to each one – when he is not too busy skiing, scuba diving, or attending premieres with celebrity pals. Most of those reps have never audited a single grade on another person, nor even C/S’d a person up a single grade or level of the Bridge. RTC at Int is reduced to nothing but service facilities for Miscavige – communicators, secretaries, mail clerks, stewards, maids, chefs, etc. – and Warren McShane who handles “Legal”. Incidentally, some wonder why OSA has become a toothless shadow of a network. That too is answered by HCO PL, Danger Conditions. DM and Warren have bypassed them, directly hiring and running an outside intelligence apparatus to “monitor” my “activities.” And they are incompetent beyond belief. Meanwhile whenever OSA does through blood, sweat and tears establish an intelligence line in my general vicinity, Miscavige blows it by ordering some knee-jerk (completely stimulus-response) ”expose” on Marty and Mike; expose’s that are so thoroughly chock-full of embellishment and lies they have zero impact. And so, the last thing Miscavige used to be able to rely upon (a network that at least could make people afraid of him) has also been decimated by Miscavige himself. 41

By the way, since the late nineties the one corporate and ecclesiastical post that could do anything about this state of affairs technically has also been usurped by Miscavige. The CO Church of Spiritual Technology (CST, which holds an option to shut down and take over RTC’s function in the event of this level of departure from RTC purpose and function) Russ Bellin had been Miscavige’s project manager for such important matters as the Mark VIII E-meter that has been rotting in a warehouse for five years (and will likely remain there forever), and building unbelievably expensive CD and transcript productions lines (which are largely superfluous in this day of downloadable audio and video). That all ended a couple of years ago when Miscavige (as is his habit) decided everything Russ did (that had been heavily promoted by Miscavige as being the only competent products on his lines) were all Overt Products (even though Miscavige publicly basks in the glory of them to this day). Miscavige busted Russ to Int Finance Director, after he found out the previous IFD (Wendell Reynolds) had secretly financed the blow of an Int Staff member (God bless Wendell after all). Russ got tired of two years in the hole and this past Spring made a break for it. Unfortunately, his foot kicked the fence on his way over, and he was quickly apprehended and returned by Gold Security. Miscavige has kept CST in check by a loophole he found in LRH’s estate planning that sought to guard against Miscavige’s type of destructive dictatorship. That is, CST officers and directors must remain in good standing with the mother church CSI in order to qualify for remaining in CST. DM controls CSI with an iron fist, and the moment anyone in CST shows the slightest sign of stepping out of line, why, Miscavige simply arranges their dismissal from CST into a lower corporation like CSI – as he did with Bellin. Perhaps all this sheds more light on why I have no hesitancy in pronouncing the church’s death. This true state of affairs is why I have been directing my attention more and more towards the future. Worrying about the church, or hoping for its salvage, is a colossal waste of time and energy. It is dead.

Marc Yager and the IAS

May 30, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: marc-yager-and-the-ias/#comments Back in the eighties Marc Yager, as WDC Chairman and Inspector General for Admin in RTC, had an additional hat of running the IAS. Once some serious bread began to be made under the guidance of President IASA Janet Light, DM took it over from Yager with force. I well remember DM browbeating and severely invalidating Yager as being “incompetent” and “incapable” of making money, “even 42

though you are a fucking Jew”, he said. And Miscavige continued to do that by pointing to HIS then-running of the IAS vs Yager’s running of management – while the former was cross ordering and bankrupting the latter. By 96 DM had decided that Yager was his why and who. The entire base was briefed on what a criminal Yager was and how he had intentions to harm DM dating back to his earliest days of the SO. The briefing was one bizarre, paranoid exaggeration after another. I know. I was Yager’s sec checker. What I reported bore no resemblance to what DM announced. Please see Gary “Jackson” Morehead’s videos on the website wherein he talks about how Yager was treated by DM during his subsequent captivity in a self-made hut in a remote corner of the property. Regular beatings. Some severe. I wound up getting Marc through a lot of FPRD, and kept tabs on him through his RPF program. By the time Marc graduated, DM had killed off three CO CMO/WDC Chairmans. Despite Marc’s stated wish to stay off management lines (and clearly stay away from DM), DM grabbed Marc and put him right back into the frying pan as CO CMO/WDC Chairman. It was not long before Yager was the recipient of regular beatings, and constant invalidation and hazing in front of all WDC members, all CMO INT, and Exec strata. Recently, someone reminded me how it was that Yager had once again fallen out of grace so rapidly. When Marc was fresh and clean off the RPF, he did an evaluation (perhaps the last one ever issued from Int) on international stats. He found as a why that IAS had severed orgs’ lines to their own publics, scavenging every last dollar the public had before they could be asked to donate for services. He noted that IAS was cross ordering management right down to org level. Somehow, he got the eval out and into implementation – for perhaps a month or two. Several orgs reported “hallelujah!” and many orgs had their stats begin to rebound. That was until Miscavige heard about it. Yager was severely rebuked in front of all of Int, his eval was cancelled, shortly after NO evals were allowed to be issued by Int (which is in effect to this day). Marc was treated like dirt by DM from that day forward. So, I apologize to Marc Yager. I have called him a mouse with no spine on this blog. I take it back. Marc is an intelligent, caring guy. I did witness him being turned into a mouse effectively by DM. However, he had something on the ball and he cared at one time. I think with a few months of decompression down in these parts he could be rehabilitated into a very productive citizen one day. Hell, with what he has been subjected to, he’s got a full year’s fishing and lodging pass waiting at the Shack.


Free Heber

April 4, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: free-heber/#comments

The Heber we knew! I know that I speak for a lot of similarly minded folk when I say that Heber Jentzsch is one of the most special people I have met and worked with. Mike Rinder feels the same way. Mike has written an article describing what became of Heber at the hands of Miscavige. I was witness to much of the pre-hole history he recounts. I was gone by the time Heber was jailed by Miscavige and Mike recounts that sad history. For those who knew Heber this will hurt. Sometimes, truth does hurt. But, at the end of the day, it is truth that will set us free. This particular bit of truth has motivated me to dedicate a portion of every day from here on out to freeing Heber until that is accomplished. If some internal personnel with a conscience 44

comes across this, please communicate to Heber that my house is his – we’ve got a room for him on the water, in a place where he can sing to his heart’s content and reconnect to the thousands who love him. by Mike Rinder

After watching the AC 360 series many have wondered: “Where is Heber?” His absence was magnified by who Miscavige did send forth as cannon fodder to respond to his crimes: four obviously rehearsed ex-wives who made fools of themselves by repeating lines given to them by Miscavige and received unanimous derision on the AC 360 blog; “Teflon” Tommy Davis who has been caught in more lies than Baghdad Bob and looks more and more like (dare I say this, after he made such a big point about me selling cars for a living) a sleazy used car salesman; and a bored, disinterested looking NON Scientologist tax attorney there to field the “tough” questions about Scientology tech and policy that Tommy couldn’t handle. As everyone knows, Heber is far more accomplished, competent and likeable than any of Miscavige’s new puppets. So, where is Heber? Why isn’t he out there representing the C of M? The answer is simple: Miscavige hates Heber. He has said many times that Heber portrays the wrong image of “his” Church. Heber is too old (but not too old to send to the Hole….). Heber doesn’t feel the need to dress like a window mannequin for Barney’s. Heber is “stupid”. And Heber knows too much. Unlike Teflon Tommy, who was never at Int, Heber has not only witnessed Miscavige brand physical and mental abuse ™, he has experienced it firsthand. Miscavige cannot afford to put Heber front and center because he might just tell the truth. And I know how that goes – me having to lie to the BBC about Miscavige beating people was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I walked out while in London. (So much for me being removed from all positions of authority and kicked out by Miscavige when he found out all the terrible things I had done – I was the International Spokesperson for the Church and on the Board of CSI when I blew). It is true, I didn’t have a post – but then again NOBODY in management did, and it appears to be that way still as Guillaume Lesevre was presented at the “Barnum and Bailey” March 13th spectacle as “from International Management” rather than “ED International” because he hasn’t been on post for at least 5 years!). Heber bore the brunt of much of Miscavige’s ire over the years. I have seen Miscavige strike Heber on at least 10 occasions. Miscavige had dolls made in the likeness of Heber (and me). These were very elaborate reproductions that looked like ventriloquists dolls. Miscavige would make Heber sit with the doll on his lap and Miscavige would address himself to the doll instead of talking to Heber directly. This was to demonstrate the “fact” that Miscavige thought Heber “wooden” and “unresponsive.” (Anyone who knows Heber can attest to how ridiculous this is). It is all part of Miscavige’s Joking & Degrading and constant denigration of people around him, especially those he considered were some form of threat (and Heber’s popularity with staff and public was a very real threat in Miscavige’s eyes). The dolls were even flown to the UK for the IAS event where Heber endured endless cruel bullbaiting at the hands of Miscavige. I only saw Heber snap once, when after hours of Miscavige brand taunting and belittling ™, Miscavige squirted 45

Heber’s face and glasses with contact lens fluid and then blew powdered coffee creamer into his face. This is the level of behavior of the so called “leader” of Scientology. But that wasn’t all that happened at IAS event time. Heber, along with myself and Guillaume Lesevre were assigned to MEST work. It was surreal, donning a tuxedo to do an international event and then a boiler suit to do MEST work in the woods next to the Saint Hill Manor lake. And then being thrown fully clothed in the lake (in November). Miscavige then decided it wasn’t good enough to be “hidden” by the lake and moving us to do MEST work next to the Stables where all Saint Hill staff walked to eat their meals. It was there that Heber slipped on a log, fell and quite badly injured himself. Of course, Miscavige blamed that on Heber’s “out ethics”. (And just a final note on the UK, not really on topic – Guillaume Lesevre and I were assigned to clean the toilets and sweep the halls in AOSHUK , watched over by Security Guards – plenty of public witnessed this). Heber is banned by Miscavige from making any public appearances and isn’t allowed to be in Int events any longer. So, he has become a “non-person” and is kept out of sight at the Int base. Heber was the first person from outside the Int base to be sentenced to the Hole. He was there when I left in March 2007, and for all I know, is still there. I do know NOBODY has heard from him for years. And while he was in the Hole regardless of his years of service and his progressing age, he was treated like everyone else: living in the CMO Int trailer along with 100 others, sleeping on the floor, eating standing up in an office with no tables and chairs and only leaving for 20 minutes once a day for a communal shower in the garage (unless DM was around, in which case some days there were no showers as nobody wanted to risk DM seeing the SPs in the Hole being frog-marched by security to the garage because it would “enturbulate” him – though he demanded daily reports to keep track of “juicy” admissions coerced out of people). Heber was stood in front of the 100 people and “forced” to confess (an activity which I am ashamed to say I took part in) and then derided about his Mormon upbringing and his relationships with other religious leaders (he was labeled a squirrel). Heber never complained though he was the most senior person in the Hole and the living conditions took a greater toll on him than anyone. And like everyone else, he was not allowed to communicate with anyone outside the Hole at all. Not even his own family. And that for Heber was perhaps the hardest thing to endure. Anyone who knows Heber knows above all else his high communication level and how many friends he has made over many years. He is loved by so many because it is impossible to know him and not see the goodness in his heart and his real concern for the well-being of others. I believe the cutting of his comm lines was the greatest penalty Miscavige could impose on him. And I must also note that while virtually every prominent executive left in Scientology has put their name on perjured declarations saying that all that has been exposed about Miscavige’s reign of terror ™ is lies, there has been no word from Heber. When you stoop to the bottom of the rotten barrel to trot out exwives to respond to allegations of mental and physical abuse by Miscavige, isn’t it odd that the person with perhaps the most credibility with Scientologists and with the media ISNT heard from? 46

So, why is he still there? Well, read the excellent blog by “Back to Life” recently posted on Scientology-cult which incisively explains the circumstances and mindset that keeps good people chained inside a bad scene. And beyond that, Heber is getting extra-special attention. Because of his popularity and credibility, he has to be kept out of sight. Imagine the nightmare for Miscavige if Heber was ever freed and able to speak his mind? That is why you don’t see Heber. And yes, something DOES need to be done about it. He is 76 years old, has served LRH and Scientology with distinction and dedication for many decades and in the winter of his body’s life should be living a peaceful existence, pursuing activities that give him pleasure. So, if you have an opportunity, ask Scientologists, the media, law enforcement or anyone else who may have an interest: “Where is Heber Jentzsch, the President CSI?”

Ship of Fools May 19, 2010

by Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: ship-of-fools/#comments As everyone who reads the glossy C of M promotional hype knows, the Freewinds is “a luxury retreat off the crossroads of the world.” An “island of sanity in a world gone mad.” Yet, like much else in Miscavige’s perverted kingdom, there is a thin veneer of truth in the picture presented to the world and then there is what REALLY goes on out of the public eye. The Freewinds IS a luxury vessel. Made even more so over the last few years following a multi-million dollar refit and renovation. This of course includes luxurious facilities for Dear Leader himself — not just berthing, but his personal dining room and office spaces beyond the offices already allocated to RTC. The Freewinds is a favorite haunt for Miscavige for three reasons: a) it is outside the control of any government (except when she was boarded by French authorities while at anchor in St. Bart’s, hence no more visits to French ports), b) he likes to scuba dive and do underwater photography (the entire Gold base was made to watch one of his underwater slide shows like they were watching a Source briefing on LRH as a photographer with surveys done on the staff afterwards to detect any “BI’s”). The Caribbean is unsurpassed on that front. And, c) Freewinds is remote from any other Scientology organization. So, Miscavige can goof off, have movies flown in each night, scuba dive during the day, eat out at expensive restaurants on shore and still call or write the poor fools 47

at the Int Base and berate them about his long schedule and all the hard work he has to do due to their incompetence. They don’t know any different and the crew on board the Freewinds think “COB” is taking a “well-deserved” vacation and are honored to have him on board! Dear Leader stories from the Freewinds are many. His lavish parties for Tom Cruise have been covered numerous times. His delight in assigning individuals to clean the bilges – sometimes for weeks on end, is also well known. (And I know this from personal experience on several occasions, along with Heber, Marc Yager and Guillaume Lesevre — though of course they will deny the Freewinds even has an engine room to protect Dear Leader). But recently debriefed former Freewinds staff have given a fuller picture of Dear Leader’s madness and the level of effort that is employed to cover up to keep it a “safe space” for DM to luxuriate. First an illustrative vignette. One of the stewards who was serving DM had a cold sore. For that, she was taken off post and confined to a room alone for a week until all evidence of the cold sore was gone. At that point she was sec checked to find out what evil purpose she had towards COB that she would have a cold sore in his presence! She was eventually busted from post altogether. Of course, the Freewinds is also home to Miscavige’s personal bankers – the IAS. The IAS paid for the $1500 per day scuba boat charters that routinely sat on standby for weeks on end so he wouldn’t have to plan ahead but could take off whenever he felt the urge. They also paid for lavish meals at the most expensive restaurants on the islands, as well as showering Dear Leader with gifts. It should come as no surprise that the financial largesse spread through the upper echelons of the IAS. President IASA and her entourage were well known for their shopping sprees in London, Paris, LA and NY and in any port of call that had name brand stores. And when it came time for gifts to be bought for the head honchos – the already healthy paychecks of IAS staff would be increased and they would each “donate” the difference into the gift pot. And while everyone else on the Freewinds operated on a normal SO schedule, the IAS routinely took a day off every week to “increase their havingness.” And when their regges were discovered to be severely out ethics, little if anything would be done. Of course, when you present Dave with trinkets of tribute and keep him supplied with unlimited fine food, wine and scuba diving opportunities, you are pretty much above the law (until Janet McLaughlin became mutinous towards Miscavige and was rounded up in late 2006 and put in the Hole – where she remains to this day, while her husband was sent to the Freewinds where he remains, refusing still to divorce her – a bizarre story which will be told here as the final chapter of DM’s final purges). There is one other person on the Freewinds exempt from standard ethics and justice. Dear Leader’s diving companion and on board hit-man, Captain Mike Napier. When DM wants to threaten someone, or keep them locked up, Napier is his go-to guy and on board enforcer. After Janet McLaughlin was busted, Dear Leader called Napier personally and told him to round up all IAS crew on board into the Starlight Cabaret, lock the doors, take their phones, pagers and computers and keep them from communicating with anyone in the world. 48

So, it is no surprise that when Napier had sex with a local island restaurant waitress he went untouched. Even worse, somehow the blame was shifted to the Port Captain Freewinds (Ludwig Alpers – a truly likable and decent man) by the CO CMO Ship, Sue Price. Captain Love Boat Napier is hated by the staff on the Freewinds – and the vast majority of them don’t even know he had out 2D. In fact, his “ethics” handling consisted of him giving a base briefing where he handed out flimsy copies of TWTH signed by him and the CO FSSO (Sharon Webber). The crew had no idea why they were getting them and Sharon Webber aided in the coverup. As an aside, Sue Price spent many years at Int. She has imported Dear Leader’s habits and routines into ship life even when he isn’t there. Wrong targeting. Constant Executive C/Sing though she isn’t tech trained. Heavy invalidation and evaluation. Precisely because the Freewinds is a remote world unto itself, it serves another purpose: Prison ship. Many of you have read the story of Don Jason. Because he was a “security risk” he was incarcerated on the Freewinds. His passport was taken away. His movements were restricted. He was under guard (it is a confined environment, easy to monitor). He made a heroic escape which resulted in the Security Guard who was on watch being removed and posted as a plumber, the Security Chief being demoted and the ship’s plumber being made the Security Chief! Others haven’t been so lucky. One of the Ship Engineers was severely disaffected with Captain Love Boat after several run-ins with him. He became increasingly enturbulated and was not sleeping. He was put under 24 hour watch with full time guards and video cameras in his room. He was not handled with standard tech and ended up committing suicide by hanging himself in the shower with a sheet. The entire incident was covered up so as not to create a “flap.” False information was given to the authorities. Carol Miles, the Public Officer and public face of the Freewinds has disappeared. I guess, like Heber, nobody dares ask where she is. In fact, she was being “handled” under the brilliant guidance of CO CMO Ship (Sue Price) with her special style of “executive C/Sing”. Carol’s “handlings” didn’t go well. She made threats and became a security risk. And what happens to inmates on the prison ship when they are too hot to handle? They get shipped off to the prison colony – the RPF in CLO ANZO, in Sydney. Quite a number of “problem” staff have been routed to the ANZO RPF. It is thought to be so remote that anyone sent there has effectively been “disappeared”. Like the 3 Gold staff who were banished to the ANZO RPF after they pissed off Dear Leader. Those 3 (Karl Whitcher, Kip Engen and Nicolai Cifarrelli) were assigned to do the RPF twice through. They have been there since 2004. One of them completed the first time through last year – imagine 6 years of sec checking, FPRD and TRD and now having to do it all over again! So, this is where Carol Miles is. She joined other “security risks” banished to the prison colony – including the former IG MAA Chris Guider who had fallen from grace when he refused to comply with an order from Miscavige to hit a Gold staff member with his swagger stick and the ex-RTC Rep FSO who knew all about Miscavige’s involvement in the McPherson matter. 49

Does any of this sound like standard Scientology? Unfortunately, it is merely the tip of the iceberg. At the whim of Dear Leader, people’s lives are destroyed. Like the 11 Int base staff banished to NY to work in Estates, then blamed for “overspends” on the Idle Org and offloaded (except Chris Beeny, who was sent to the prison colony never to be posted anywhere other than Estates – only because his parents were prominent OTs in LA), or Eric and Margit Ottman, declared and banished to Alaska because Eric accidentally ran over one of Dear Leader’s dogs. Or, or, or… The list goes on. Yet, Miscavige has a lot of people believing that he, and he alone, is keeping the flame of LRH’s legacy burning. In truth, he is systematically destroying the subject and in so doing, undermining everything that LRH stood for. His continuous present time overts must be stopped – but he is incapable of restraining himself, so enough pressure must be brought to bear from the outside to force him to cease and desist. It will be done. Dear Leader’s sinking ship of fools may still buy his bullshit — or be too scared to call it for what it is. But there are a lot of people these days who aren’t cowed by his bombast, bluster and bs. His crimes will be exposed until he is no longer in a position to wreak havoc on LRH’s life’s work.

Ringmaster of the Vulture Culture

July 20, 2011

by Mike Rinder

Online blog posting + comments: ringmaster-of-the-vulture-culture/#comments This video excerpt is but the latest example of the degradation of Scientology at the hands of Pope on a Box. It is one section of the Opening Night of Maiden Voyage 2011, an event devoted almost exclusively to the surreal, off-policy “fundraising” circuses staged by the OT Asses in orgs around the world, even those that already have an “Ideal Org”. 50

Watch it and weep for what was once an organization that had some dignity, compassion and offered genuine help to man. If you might have ever had a fleeting thought “there’s no way anyone could condone this insanity, it must just be local people who are a bit wacko doing their own thing” – here is the proof that it is commanded and promoted from the “top”, the very pinnacle of the apple box. These OT Asses are POB’s ”storm troopers.” They do as he commands and then he validates them for their accomplishments at the annual Maiden Voyage. And, while you are spared the full implant, the exact same Joker and Degrader, Shermanspeak ™ mumbo-jumbo, delivered in his annoyingly hypnotic sing-song was presented for Africa, ANZO, Latam, UK, Canada, EUS, WUS and Flag. So, you can imagine the pain of having to endure 8X what you see here. In many areas, the “big win” was that they have “design and construction documents approved” (wow… now THAT’S straight up and vertical Planetary Clearing!!!). In every area a LOT of orgs are left out. Just taking EU as an example, there was no mention of Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Aarhus (still an org there?), seems like DK and Copenhagen Orgs have been combined?, Angers, St Etienne, Lyon, Clermont Ferrand, Hanover, Tel Aviv, Barcelona, Lisbon, St Petersburg, Nuoro, Monza and probably others I am forgetting. Every Cont had the same omissions — yet inclusion in this gala presentation required nothing more than putting on some sort of “theme” event and having a postulated building and/or some “design” documents. For all those waiting for “OT IX and X” until all orgs are “Ideal”, you are in for a VERY long wait. Also of note: not one person from “International Management” is in the audience. It used to be the first three rows on the left side were occupied by “international management”, IAS and Freewinds execs. Now, because the entirety of “International Management” has been dismantled by Dear Loser, its just CO FSSO and the Port Captain as part of the applauding seal brigade. Of course, the front row consists of the biggest contributors, the Baybacks, Jensens and Feshbachs – and front and center, POB’s speechwriter extraordinaire smirking and applauding his own witty incomprehensibility – Dan Sherman. This single video clip should be enough to snap any real Scientologist into reality. THIS is what Corporate Scientology has descended into under POB. A parody mash-up of a game show, Saturday Night Live skit and Sunday Morning televangelist money grubbing. This is apparently the best evidence POB can come up with of the unprecedented, unheralded, previously unimagined, superlative, massive, greater than all 50 years combined, straight up and vertical expansion he keeps talking about. Wow….


The Great Middle Path November 12, 2009

Several months ago I wrote the Great Middle Path and posted it on under the pseudonym Sitting Bull. It is the only posting I have ever made under another name than my own. I only did so out of respect for the other authors of articles there – none of whom were able at the time to use their names for a variety of defensive reasons. I have updated the article with facts that have occurred since its original posting which tend to support its contentions. The updated article follows:

The Great Middle Path

According to the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) the way toward light is along the great middle path. That is, an intelligent, righteous pursuit of truth that bypasses the distractions of the extremes. Neither extreme asceticism nor extreme engagement in entertainments of the flesh leads anywhere but to from below whence one came. Observing the Scientology spectrum within such a framework is quite interesting. The extreme, reactionary far right of the spectrum is occupied by David Miscavige (DM). He is so obsessed with maintaining his image as the only one who is really “On Source” that he consistently implements policies (written and oral) that are changing the very nature of the subject for the worse by assuming the role of Source. Scientology once consistently assisted people in becoming more themselves, more tolerant, more questioning of authority, more independent of thought, more insouciant, more free. Under DM those pursuing the highest levels of spiritual attainment in Scientology are instead becoming less themselves and more what he wants them to be: more intolerant, less capable of independent thought, more serious, and more imprisoned. And all that comes with an ever increasing financial price – so let’s add “more worried about future survival” to the list. DM seems to be working hard to turn the only road to total freedom into the rocky road to virtual captivity. The extreme, rebellious far left of the Scientology spectrum is occupied by those who would not be satisfied until every last word of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was forever destroyed. The anti-Scientology extreme cut its teeth on the purported purpose line of restoring freedom of speech and thought on the subject. Ironically, that very group is now demanding that everything L Ron Hubbard ever issued be burned in one colossal Spanish Inquisition-esque bonfire.

Thus, the antis have turned freedom to think and speak into freedom to think and speak as we do. Both extremes of the spectrum seem to have settled on one strong point of agreement. That is – getting the other guy is everything. What neither side seems to understand is that the generalization of their intentions 52

toward one another only empowers the other side. Unfortunately, the folly of these factions comes at the expense of the largely innocent majority. DM loves nothing more than appointing an enemy of Scientology to justify his continued, escalating abuses and ravenous money collection. To the degree criticisms are generalized to the subject or even to staff or public, DM gets a pass. He is only too happy to have his own criminal acts hung on innocent people (Scientologists at large) so that he can position himself as their protector. This was done in spades with the Freedom magazine published and distributed in response to the Truth Rundown series by the St. Petersburg Times. While the series focused very specifically on the well witnessed human rights abuses of Miscavige himself, and each source made a point to assert said acts were in violation of all that Scientology and LRH stand for, DM came right out of the blocks in Freedom trying to shift the blame. The first column of the first page of text accused the Times of “incit[ing] hatred against Scientologists”, “painting[ing] a false picture of the Scientology religion”, “unfairly stigmatiz[ing] Scientologists”, and accused the Times’ of being “biased” and demonstrating “bigotry”. Incidentally, I received a number of reports from public who were crush regged to contribute large sums of money for this tripe. They too were told falsehoods about their religion being under attack. With his generalization of his own sordid conduct projected onto Scientology, and his dishonesty about the nature of exposures of same, DM encourages wellmeaning Scientologists to continue funding his war chest which he uses to silence truth. On the other side of the spectrum, DM pours gasoline on the critics’ fire by his intolerant, aggressive, and anti-social responses to their hue and cry. Any criticism no matter how valid – and the most warranted criticism is always directed at his own conduct – is characterized by DM as “anti-Scientology.” Since an SP is incapable of any self-recognition of wrong-doing, instead of correcting his abuses DM steps them up and keeps producing future enemies, all the while driving mere critics into the anti-Scientology camp by his efforts to censor and destroy them. The relative minority of Scientology haters (far, far left) – those who favor book banning and burning and coercive tactics used to alter people’s beliefs – similarly use the DM led suppression tactics to paint the entire religion of Scientology as pernicious and worthy of dismantling. To them, everything about Scientology must go – including the peaceful practice of its philosophy, even when done sans the policies they use to justify all their broadsides against the religion itself. To those who enjoy conflict and strife the opposite extremes of the Scientology spectrum are a match made in heaven. Spewing generalities is the stock-in-trade of both sides, and those generalities further empower either side. In the final analysis, those who generalize their attacks on Scientology and Scientologists are DM’s best friends. By the same token, DM by his penchant for generalizing any valid criticism of his own conduct as “anti-Scientology” is the greatest ally of the anti-Scientologist. They keep one another in business. Since the original posting of the Great Middle Path, the attacks on the middle by both DM and the Haters has rang out in near perfect harmony (in fact dissonance). DM and the Haters want me and other independent minded Scientologists silenced at any cost. DM and the 53

Haters want Scientology (the philosophy, the religion) destroyed and are doing their damnedest to make it happen. DM resonates with Haters because his chronic tone level is HATE. The 1.5 horizontal column (closest to Hate there is) in Science of Survival reads like it was tailor made for DM. For example, those who have been around him much will readily recognize the applicability of these easily visible traits: Affinity: Hate, violent and expressed. Command over environment: Smashes or destroys others or environment. Failing, may destroy self. Fascistic. The handling of truth: Blatant and destructive lying. Literalness with which statements or remarks are received: Accepts alarming remarks literally. Brutal sense of humor Method used by subject to handle others: Uses threats, punishments and alarming lies to dominate others. Pleasure moments: True pleasure moments difficult to find. Reactive satisfaction in destroying. Both extremes of the spectrum are died in the wool Haters. They are busy keeping the innocent many embroiled, diverted and confused – while they empower one another. Empowering the extreme minorities only leads the peaceful majority toward the fringes of darkness. The light shines upon a place far from the dark extremes of the spectrum. Look for the alignment between DM’s actions and utterances and those of the anti-Scientology Haters. Recognize, Haters are friends of Dave. And Dave is the best friend of the anti-Scientologist. Think before lending support to either side of the darkness. Think for yourself!


We of the Church Believe That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.


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