Moving On Up A Little Higher

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Moving On Up A Little Higher

A collection of significant postings through June 2011


Introduction A 160 page book was published on July 4 2011. It was a compilation of a selection of significant posts that have appeared on Marty Rathbun’s blog since its inception in July 2009. The book serves a purpose. It is a handy reference and summary of the blog, now recognized as the source of truthful information about the Church of Miscavige, for Scientologist, media and anyone else who shares an interest in the astonishing adventure brought to this world by L. Ron Hubbard. The contents of this book are now being made available in electronic form, for ease of distribution and ease of access. This publication is one of several. In a simple, easy-to-read format, you can read, share, embed, download and print these publications. The original postings can be found on Marty’s blog and we have included interactive links, you so you can see follow these to the original postings and associated comments and communications. To read, follow and contribute to the blog, simply go to The Editors

Publisher’s Note

Independent Scientologists are simply Scientologists that practice Scientology outside the influence of David Miscavige. David Miscavige has had a greater influence over the organisation of Scientology than L.Ron Hubbard did. Scientologists can argue whether this influence is for the better or worse, but what is not arguable is the fact that the “COB” has exerted an extraordinary and pervasive influence over organised Scientology. We (in the Church of Scientology and out of the Church) are all Scientologists doing our best to keep Scientology working. All Scientologists are welcome here.

Contents 31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Our Community Independent Scientologists Community

4 12 12

Community 15

Squirreling 18 Superpower Rip Off


Miscavige Turns Flag into Mecca of Technical Perversion


Reverse (Black) Dianetics


1984: The Severe Reality Adjustment


DM = LRH = 1987


Uncertain About Clear for Eternity


The Next Great Technical Breakthrough


Why for the Golden Age of Tech and F/N Confusion


Black Dianetics in Radical Scientology - Introduction


Freedom from Overwhelm


OT VIII Claudio Lugli to Captain David Miscavige


Truth Revealed about OT VIII


More Truth Revealed


The King of Squirrels


Doomsday Dave – KofS Part II


COB Briefing To OT Ambassadors


The Joe Howard Paradigm – Tech Outside the Wall


The Great Middle Path The Great Middle Path

55 55

31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard discovered methodologies that can enhance self-determinism, increase freedom of choice, and bring about higher states of awareness and beingness to those who practice them. Hubbard developed a method of confession that includes unconditional forgiveness and results in more able, happy and peaceful beings. Hubbard developed an ethics system that an individual can apply to himself to improve his worth to himself and to his fellows. Hubbard established a form of organizational policy that is predicated on rewarding accomplishment rather than punishing failure. Hubbard set forth many of the fundamental values of Scientology and its organizations in the Creed of the Church of Scientology, The Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member. Thirty-one factors have been discovered that threaten the continued viability of this vital subject.


Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics.


In his quest to attain power Miscavige forcibly removed no less than four Hubbard appointed executives senior to himself, and dozens of Scientologists who had created scores of huge, effective Scientology centers. Miscavige used threat of force and violence in clearing the path to control of all Scientology organizations and assumed the self-created position of Chairman of the Board. He was never assigned by Hubbard and holds a position that was not created by Hubbard.


Since securing his position of power, the statistics of Scientology have steadily decreased in spite of Miscavige’s public proclamations to the contrary.


Miscavige has conducted a campaign to fortify his personal power by denigrating and depowering anyone who personally knew and worked with Hubbard. That includes, but is not limited to, the members of Hubbard’s family. The operation served to consolidate his personal power while immeasurably harming the vigor and image of Scientology. 4


Miscavige accomplished his coup by commandeering the only line of communication to Hubbard during the last five years of his life, plying Hubbard with embellished and false reports of a dangerous environment to keep him out of communication with Sea Org members and his family. The reports falsely accused Hubbard’s family and lifelong friends of selling out to the enemy and that Scientology orgs had been infiltrated by psychiatric and government interests. He prevented true reports from reaching Hubbard in order to make his actions appear necessary and on policy and to solidify his position.


Miscavige has persuaded those at the top of the Scientology organization that to disclose the secrets of his unconscionable acts would harm the religion and violate “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” Thus, the truth of what goes on behind the façade of false PR that Miscavige creates is hidden from the vast majority of Scientologists and the general public.


Miscavige uses confessions of Scientology managers to invalidate, castigate, and embarrass them into acquiescence and silence.


Sea Org members who voice or even hint at any hesitation to carrying on with his tyranny or supporting his actions, are routinely physically beaten by Miscavige.


Those Sea Org members who have attempted to correct Miscavige’s offpolicy and out-tech actions have been subjected to belittlement, invalidation and false propaganda. They have been silenced through imprisonment and mental and physical duress.


Miscavige’s abuse of Scientology executives and staff became so extreme and continuous, he resorted to locking all of CMO INT and Exec Strata into a building and called the prison “the Hole.” RTC, CMO/WDC, Gold, IAS, CST, OSA Int and ASI executives and staff have regularly been deposited in the Hole and subjected to Reverse Dianetics, including physical beatings and severe mental abuse for months or even years at a time.



Miscavige has run a continuous propaganda campaign attempting to besmirch the good name of L Ron Hubbard. He has consistently given little interest and funds for defending public relations attacks on Hubbard. Conversely, when Miscavige’s abuses come under scrutiny by the media or on the Internet Miscavige spares no money in attempting to destroy the reputations and lives of anyone with the temerity to discuss Miscavige’s conduct. Miscavige’s operations against “critics” include violations of the right to privacy, intimidation, investigations for perceived weaknesses then ruthless exploitation of them, propaganda campaigns, interference with contractual and personal relations, black bag jobs and blackmail. To exacerbate his atrocities, Miscavige justifies his conduct by pointing to some anachronistic Hubbard policy intended to deal with real attacks from the fifties and sixties. Thus, Miscavige perpetuates the notion Hubbard is somehow responsible for his own crimes. He routinely cites alleged things Hubbard once said (in violation of the first policy letter every Scientologist reads when exploring the subject) to justify his brutality against executives and staff members.


Miscavige has created a multi-hundred million dollar slush fund called the IAS. For twenty five years it has collected inestimable funds from Scientologists under false pretenses. The IAS has used scare tactics to extract “donations” to “save” the Church from attacks. Meanwhile, Miscavige prohibited IAS from disbursing funds to handle most of those attacks. On numerous occasions, Miscavige and IAS have given Scientology public the false impression IAS was spending tens of millions to sponsor “dissemination campaigns,” while in fact only funding a few ads for a very limited run, until the next campaign was devised. Conversely, the IAS has disbursed exorbitant amounts for Miscavige’s personal vacations – including many Caribbean diving trips and a five star tour of Scotland (including cases of sampled Scotch being shipped to Miscavige’s residence afterward). When IAS executives balked at Miscavige’s actions, he feigned surprise about the extravagances and had President IAS escorted to the Int base, and locked her up in the Hole for behavior modification.


Miscavige has turned the top end of the Bridge into a dead end: First, he has programmed the Advanced Organizations, including the FSO, to regularly security check pre-O.T.s, and then use their confessions to coerce them into paying more money for atonement, a practice not unlike the Medieval Catholic Church selling indulgences. Second, he has imposed an unwritten code of behavior amongst O.T.s. They are regularly made to conform to correct dress, language, political thought, and even ideas as to how to use their personal time. Said practice is anathema to the very purpose of Scientology, which is to make a person more his- or herself, more insouciant and independent thinking. Third, Miscavige has entered arbitrary “contribution as a Scientologist” requirements mid-levels which can be satisfied by making 6

cash “donations.” Fourth, Miscavige requires pre-OTs to attend his regular propaganda events (see Factors 22 and 23) and are treated as ethics bait until they enthusiastically embrace his projected public image. This enforced acceptance of falsehood makes attainment of OT technically impossible. Thus, Scientology, as practiced in Miscavige’s orgs, is auditing one toward conformity, solidity, lies; in other words, down the tone scale, or, the precise opposite direction to the intended aim of auditing.


Miscavige’s “Ideal Org” strategy has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of Scientologists’ donations to forward an entirely off-policy action. Hubbard’s Ideal Org policy letter says nothing about building posh quarters. A plethora of Hubbard Policy condemns Miscavige’s “straight up and vertical” method of building an org. Subsidies, particularly those extracted from the public under pressure, to build posh quarters are strictly forbidden by Hubbard policy. Hubbard advised that orgs be built from the bottom up by the elbow grease of local Scientologists, flanked by international management broad public promotion campaigns, growing their quarters only as they expand their delivery and income. Miscavige has hoodwinked Scientology public with the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme, shuttling staff around the world to pose at new “Ideal Org” openings for photo ops, many of whom are then shuttled off to some other org or soon leave for lack of pay. Regardless of the poshness of their quarters, Miscavige’s orgs are doomed to failure (and the failures are legion) because Miscavige has for years forcibly prevented Scientology management from implementing LRH advised pricing formulas to make Scientology affordable to working people, org finance systems that encourage orgs to survive and expand, and staff pay systems that make it viable for upstats to work on staff.


Miscavige’s alteration of confessional (FPRD) technology to, in effect, cancel Hubbard’s fundamental principle that a being can and does make undesirable mental mass and energy disappear by directed attention alone has caused innumerable Scientologists to regress on their paths to spiritual freedom. He has converted a powerful spiritual technology into a tool with which to enforce conformity.


Miscavige’s use of the technology of suppression to impose suppression rather than to accomplish its original opposite purpose has suppressed countless Scientologists and divided many families.



Miscavige has perverted the practice of disconnection from a voluntary tool one may use to improve one’s life into a mandatory control mechanism. He uses the practice to suppress the free flow of vital, truthful information and to keep individuals toeing the line through threat of losing their loved ones, rather than as a tool to depower actual suppression.


Miscavige’s refusal to allow the entire International Base Crew (including RTC, Watchdog Committee, CMO INT, Executive Strata and Gold) to apply Ethics formulas to rise out of conditions he arbitrarily imposed is a Scientology High Crime. Miscavige has kept the international managers of Scientology in the lowest ethics conditions continuously for nearly two decades by imposing arbitrary requirements for upgrade nowhere covered in policy.


The practice of ordering divorces based solely on Miscavige’s opinion of the spouse, or the fact that he or she is in a different church organization than his or her spouse is antithetical to the concept that true survival can only be attained across all dynamics.


Miscavige’s arbitrary policy that makes conceiving a child a crime warranting offload from the Sea Org is contrary to Hubbard policy. It has also spawned a policy that has required countless women to obtain abortions.


Miscavige’s practice of verbally declaring Scientology staff members suppressive persons while leaving them on posts that affect international Scientology is suppressive to Scientology and Scientologists.


Miscavige has co-opted Scientology’s multi-million dollar audio/visual production facility and its several hundred Golden Era Productions staff for the purpose of forwarding his own image and power through Scientology events. He has cross ordered hundreds of Hubbard advised dissemination films and marketing campaigns. This is done under the guise of the importance of international events, yet such events are proscribed by LRH policy. Millions of dollars are spent on these events in order to showcase Miscavige to further secure his power.



Miscavige puts on international events that intentionally misrepresent the true state of Scientology. Statistics are manipulated and falsified, video scenes are created that are palmed off as reality and campaigns are routinely unveiled with great fanfare but exist only for the purpose of being announced at the event. The manipulation of truth is skilled and extensive and designed for the purpose of making Miscavige look good. Scientologists wonder at the incredible figures presented on the number of new people coming into Scientology every second, minute, day, week, year, or the incredible reach of people being contacted or the vast numbers of officials and Opinion Leaders who fully support Scientology — yet their local church organizations show no sign of this massive and unrelenting growth. Scientologists who retain enough sanity to spot the contrary facts must suppress such rational thoughts for those who complain are subject to heavy ethics and, if they persist in expressing doubts, expulsion.


Miscavige has cross ordered production of the authorized LRH biography. The hired LRH Biographer, who has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, instead has worked almost exclusively for nearly two decades on writing speeches for Miscavige.


It is policy to never use lies in PR. Yet Miscavige has repeatedly lied, and directed others to lie, when confronted with facts concerning his unethical, abusive behavior.


Miscavige has personally enriched himself, living a far more lavish lifestyle than L. Ron Hubbard ever lived, though Hubbard had earned his fortune through his own writings. Miscavige has (by the standards of the Sea Organization) lavish living quarters in various cities complete with chefs and maids, owns or is provided expensive cars and motorcycles, flies exclusively in private jets, has his hairdresser and chiropractor travel around the world with him, and receives compensation that is far, far in excess of any other person on Scientology staff.


Miscavige has enforced an unwritten policy within the Church that his word has become more important than the words of the Founder. Church staff routinely follow the dictates of Miscavige that are directly at odds with LRH policy. His utterances are recorded and transcribed and distributed to staff. He changes the technology of L. Ron Hubbard under the guise of “getting it on Source” and using hidden data lines about what LRH wanted. Miscavige has gradually established himself as the new Source. The biographer of L. Ron Hubbard was recently used 9

to front for Miscavige to journalists who were investigating many of the abuses outlined in these factors. Under Miscavige’s direct orders the biographer of Hubbard (who always eschewed the notion that he was anything other than a man) told the journalists that in his estimation Miscavige, and not Hubbard, “is a God.”


Many veteran Sea Org members have been RPF’d, imprisoned in the Hole, beaten and declared by Miscavige for having the temerity to object to Miscavige cross ordering Hubbard policy.


Miscavige spent over seventy million dollars in Scientologists’ donations for an office building for himself and his personal support staff. Miscavige constantly altered orders for the building during construction, many times to upgrade material and finishes to the most expensive available, ordering the removal and destruction of what had been originally installed. Such profligate spending is contrary to countless finance policies of Hubbard, who was always extremely frugal in the spending of Church donations.


Miscavige has created orgs that are the reverse of the islands of succor that Hubbard built during his life and directed be duplicated in his written policies. Prior to Miscavige’s Scientology, orgs were lively, creative, safe spaces where people congregated to share their spiritual experiences. Orgs are now places to avoid for fear of falling victim to crush regging, heavy ethics and modification of behavior.

Thirty One

Miscavige’s out ethics has gone unchecked for so long that his behavior has become extremely depraved. In recent years he has directed the org that LRH formed to assure the ethical practice of the religion, RTC, to literally pimp and pander for his movie star friends. A number of women have been unwittingly lured into this scheme by being told they were working on a very important project to forward the aims of Scientology. In reality, Miscavige arranged dates with them for his personal friends. This activity was kept secret by violation of the integrity and security of Scientologists’ confessionals, threats, intimidation, and the attempted division of families. Those who have attempted to put ethics in on Miscavige from within have been ruined personally by Miscavige. Scientology is valuable to the many when studied and practiced in a sane environment. To allow it to be destroyed by the driven greed of a sociopath would be to condone a travesty. Scientology practiced 10

in accordance with Hubbard’s Code of a Scientologist, Credo of a True Group Member, and the Creed of the Church can contribute something vital to society. While Miscavige and his minions will no doubt claw, harass, and sue until the end to protect his fiefdom, it would well behoove all Scientologists to re-familiarize themselves with the Church’s creed: “We of the Church believe… That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.”


Our Community Independent Scientologists Community

September 26, 2009

I am confident that my friends who saw me evolve over the past couple years will attest that what I posted in February on my little web page was true. Particularly, the following description outlining my intentions and objectives: “A lot of folks seem to be suffering from the inculcated idea that once they depart or cease to slavishly follow every arbitrary dictate they automatically forfeit any spiritual gains they may have attained along the road. Natively conscientious as most beings are, such an evaluation can begin a pernicious dwindling spiral of self-invalidation and unhappiness. I understand this phenomenon and the internal dichotomies extant within the organization that brings it about. In the process of reversing the decline in myself and in others certain lessons were learned that might be of some assistance to those who have experienced the same. “I offer a simple program of rehabilitation of previously recognized abilities and education on universal truths and principles of spiritual growth. I do not offer a substitute for Scientology nor am in competition with the Church. I am only offering to share all the skills I have learned – from a wide variety of sources – to help those in need who once formally participated in Scientology but who now hold no hope nor intention of ever seeking help from the Church.” I was on no mission to replace the Church or even the Church leadership. It was purely an offer to help those who had made the determination that they would never again seek help from the Church of Scientology; for whatever reason. Within days of that posting I caught wind of Miscavige efforts to pull the plug on that offer of help. Church informants reported on some of those who initially reached out to me. Those people were intercepted and offered large incentives to turn on me, turn over all communications with me, and to return under the control of the Church. When I did not attempt to compete for those souls, adhering to my word that I wasn’t interested in those even harboring a desire to remain under the control of Miscavige’s outfit, Miscavige had OSA send informants to try to infiltrate my home and life. What I had posted was not a threat in any way, shape or form to Miscavige’s fiefdom. It was never intended to be completion. I meant what I explicitly stated about the category of people I was reaching out to. People that the Miscavige regime had zero interest in, other than apparently, in keeping in a dormant, sleeping, effect state. His reaction confirmed what I believed to be true about Miscavige: the very concept of anyone helping someone – particularly for no motive other than purely the desire to help one’s fellows – was so abhorrent to him it caused irrational impulses to stop and destroy. 12

“Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk.” – LRH Since that time a lot of water has passed under the Bridge. That includes a lot of Miscavige generated toxic waste. That also includes a lot of pure, clean and beautiful outpouring of theta from folks who fit the exact description set forth in the italicized text above. Several people have challenged me to demonstrate that I am able to take over Miscavige’s position or to create an organization mirroring his. I do not have any desire to do either. Some people have criticized me of irresponsibility for exposing the truth about Miscavige’s church without offering all the bells and whistles of Church membership they find comforting or necessary. People who are in it for the bells and whistles probably ought to stay parked right where they are. Ultimately, they will be served nothing but bells and whistles. I have learned quite a lot since February. First, there are far more people who consider themselves Scientologists, or at least use what they learned from Scientology in their everyday lives, who fit the description of having no intention of ever again being affiliated with the Church than I initially thought was possible. Second, many of those people fear retribution if they publicly discuss their feelings on the subject. Third, many of those people lead unhappy lives because they miss the ability to share community with others of similar philosophic disposition; a subset of that group, may have also suffered financially by having to cut ties with business networks they nurtured for many years. Fourth, some portion of that public are ill physically and spiritually because they have dwindled down to apathy and below and found refuge with the only ex-Church member forums that have existed – ones that make anonymity and hiding a virtue, and make criticism an end, rather than a means to achieve any improved state of affairs. When I started blogging more and more people contacted me about helping them to reverse the spiral they found themselves on. In order to cope with such an overwhelming number of individuals, I began simply connecting former Church members up with similar thinking ones in proximity to one another. Lo and behold, such people began to report to me truly phenomenal phenomena. Here is a list of the types of things they have reported more than once: 1. A rehabilitation of states attained in Scientology by simply having someone acknowledge with reality what he or she has been through. 2. An enhancement in states attained through Scientology by now receiving regular acknowledgment of theta phenomena that up to that point they had no one to share with who could truly understand and appreciate it. Sadly, many folks have reported being invalidated by Scientology public and staff for such origins when they were affiliated with the Church. 3. Feeling de-pts’d by virtue of feeling some strength in numbers – even if the increase went from one to two – and all that comes with that. 4. Physical disabilities healing. Not a bit surprising to me. In the Church’s “Freedom” magazine in response to the St Pete Times Truth Rundown series, my former wife attributed a long list of physical problems I had the year I left 13

the SO. It was one of the few relatively accurate statements of that scandal sheet. All of those ailments rapidly resolved upon my cutting all connection to the SP. 5. Great artistic, career, and or business opportunities suddenly appearing, attributed by people reporting them to beginning to socially network again with newly discovered friends sharing their philosophy. 6. The increase in frequency of OT perceptics and abilities. I don’t have ultimate answers to questions of how to set up widespread, uniform delivery of the tech, nor how to administer whatever form that might someday take. I don’t even purport to have the background, training or experience to answer such questions. I do know that I have been working on an Ethics paradigm – sometimes referred to as Ethics Program Number One. I do know that I have seen many people rise from apathy and below to 4.0 and above on the Tone Scale as they become de-PTSed from Miscavige’s Church. Most of those people never received a formal session nor even had the opportunity (yet) to meet in person. The several I have met in person tend to confirm my estimate that most folks reporting incredible gains by handling the suppression in their lives are not exaggerating. I am of the view that those phenomena listed as 1-6 above have been suppressed in Miscavige’s Church. I do not have the slightest hesitation in continuing to facilitate more free, independent Scientologists experiencing what appear to be the miracles attainable with the subject when studied in the fashion Hubbard originally advised it be done. That is with a keen, critical, and independent mind. That increases the ability to as-is. Isn’t that what the entire aim of the subject is, to increase people’s ability to as-is? Having operated with this viewpoint, I have been pleasantly surprised to learn of another natural, positive byproduct of as-ising lies with truth and making it safe for the well intentioned to congregate and share ideas. I have learned that there are a number of very capable folks who are approaching the subjects of tech and admin in the same fashion I have tried to approach Ethics. They are not motivated by money. They are not motivated by fame. They are motivated purely by making it possible for others to experience gains similar to their own. I believe that the behaviorism, twisted moralism, materialism and induced fear of disclosure of confidences practiced as standard operating procedure in Miscavige’s church are the reverse of Scientology. Those practices increase mental mass, and convince a person he needs to become a slave in order to become free. All too often, rather than increase one’s ability to as-is, it results in people who specialize in creating mental mass for others (guilt, fears, self-invalidation, and for those who have been to Int for any substantial period, actual text book engrams). People who have simply exercised their abilities to be there and comfortably confront when faced with Church intimidation tactics – and not allowed themselves to be drawn into flash fights and the resultant creation of ridges – have as-is’d the invaders. That has happened most frequently when the person 14

being targeted by the Church has the comfort of knowing he has people who are behind him or her with unconditional love. It is quite remarkable. I am fairly certain that if a decent percentage of independent Scientologists stand up, identify themselves, and freely associate with like-minded friends in the light of day at least three things will happen: 7. Many individual lives will regain meaning. Many more lives still will reap the gains from each of us who independently and freely use Scientology with no other motivation than to help others reach higher states of beingness. 8. Scientology (the subject and community) will experience a renaissance within society at large. 9. Miscavige’s church will be forced to either radically reform by reversing its suppressive operating basis or face its inevitable demise (note the intransitive is used; it is not because of anything that you or I will do to it that will cause it other than being their comfortably – it will be a self-inflicted fate). At this point, at this Ethics stage, I am advocating that independent thinking Scientologists think hard about being proud of exercising their independence. That they make themselves known and use the title “Scientologist” without shame or embarrassment. That they create community with other independent Scientologists and make it that much safer for those people to get their strength up and flourish. To the extent we tip toe around imaginary egg shells, we are PTS. We cripple our own ability to as-is. If we walk tall, we rehabilitate one another’s abilities to as-is. The Lord knows that this world could use some more of that.


September 30, 2009

I believe the way we are going to effectuate the most effective genuine change is by de-PTSing ourselves. Several mechanisms are wielded by Miscavology to keep the sheep in the pen and to keep the more adventurous ones in fear of straying too far. The most common weapon is the disconnect card. It is used to keep people in a state of terror of losing their family, friends and livelihoods. Many on-line, or at least in good standing, public and former staff have reached out for advice on how to keep pursuing the truth without losing one or more of what they consider integral parts of their communities. As more appear and more are made aware of fellow independent minded folk in their vicinities little communities are forming. The effects of the support independent Scientologists give to one another are remarkable personally, on the family dynamic, and in terms of business networking. While watching these successes begin to unfold, it occurred to me that if the process of forming communities were aided and a form of coordination amongst neighboring and even distant similar communities began – however informally – the de-PTSing could expand exponentially with little effort. The ripple effects of independent thinking Scientologists connecting are immeasurable. 15

Some inquiring minds have also been asking, but what of my Bridge? Well, for starters I have found the case gain being attained by independent Scientologists simply connecting up with one another and validating one another’s gains that were suppressed under Miscavology are spectacular. Escaping from the suppression and Reverse Scientology practiced in Miscavology tends to rehab every ability you once thought you had attained but were convinced by reges, recruiters, E/Os acting for reges, execs acting as reges, etc. were canceled due to your “out ethics” for failing to mortgage your home or drain your retirement account to fill DM’s coffers. If you want to continue with formal auditing, I know there are some fine independent auditors whose dance cards are not full. I bet there are many more because I haven’t even really explored the free zone much. But more fundamentally, the communities that independent minded Scientologists are so fearful of being expelled from are deviating more and more from the Aims of Scientology as promulgated by LRH. Those communities are becoming increasingly tolerant of and thus encouraging of insanity and criminality (particularly financial criminality). They are being leaned on hard to continue to contribute to the “wars” that Miscavige is so fond of declaring. Honest beings in those communities have long since been stripped of any rights. The able are increasingly being made to suffer rather than prosper, and when one manages to somehow reach greater heights, he or she is pressured to become a pimping cog in the financial irregularity machine. So, let’s examine what we mean by community. What is a community? What kind of community do real Scientologists want? What are the benefits of sharing an ethical, sane community? Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers begins with a chapter about a small town in Pennsylvania named Roseto. It was named after the village its Italian-American inhabitants’ ancestors had emigrated from during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Sometime in the 1950’s a guest speaker at a local medical conference, Dr. Stewart Wolf, happened to notice that there was an extremely low incidence of heart failure in Roseto. Wolf investigated for years to determine how this small burg could apparently beat what was then a nationwide epidemic. Using every medical and scientific investigative means Wolf – with the aid of other doctors and a sociologist (John Bruhn) – failed to find a single physical common denominator that explained Rosetans’ longevity. They seemed to drink, smoke and eat fatty foods just as often as most other Americans. Then: “What Wolf began to realize was that the secret of Roseto wasn’t diet or exercise or genes or location. It had to be Roseto itself. As Bruhn and Wolf walked around the town, they figured out why. They looked at how the Rosetans visited one another, stopping to chat in Italian on the street, say, or cooking for one another in their backyards. They learned about the extended family clans that underlay the town’s social structure. They saw how many homes had three generations living under one roof, and how much respect grandparents commanded. They went to mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and saw the unifying and calming effect of the 16

church. They counted twenty-two separate civic organizations in a town of just under two thousand people. They picked up on the particular egalitarian ethos of the community, which discouraged the wealthy from flaunting their success and helped the unsuccessful obscure their failures.” Wolf and Bruhn went on to discuss their findings at medical conferences across the country, “about the mysterious and magical benefits of people stopping to talk to one another on the street, and of having three generations under one roof. Living a long life, the conventional wisdom at the time said, depended to a great extent on who we were – that is, our genes. It depended on the decisions we made – on what we chose to eat, and how much we chose to exercise, and how effectively we were treated by the medical system. No one was used to thinking in terms of community.” Communication, great social activity, love and respect for family, attending a church that has a “unifying and calming effect”? Imagine that. Kind of sounds like a firm foundation for “A civilization without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights…” Maybe we should stop being so confounded worried about being expelled from immoral, rapidly declining communities and start getting busy building ones in which we can be happy and of which we can be proud.


Squirreling Superpower Rip Off

September 11, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: superpower-rip-off/#comments I just read an interesting post on the Leaving Scientology blog at http:// More than $142,760,000 dollars has been raised for the Superpower building. One public recently learned that one reason the Church keeps crush regging for Superpower – even though an official Church spokesperson told the media recently it would cost no more than $90,000,000 grand total in costs to complete – is that Superpower donations have been siphoned off for projects other than Superpower. The Church spokesman also said that $40,000,000 has been spent so far on the empty shell. You ever wonder why the Church has let that $40,000,000 building shell languish for close to ten years? There are at least four reasons. First, they don’t have a clue what Superpower is. See Joe Howard’s piece for details at Second, it is one more excuse to crush reg huge sums of money that one of their Reges has already admitted is used for other purposes. Third, there is no OT IX and X on the horizon. And DM needs some carrot to keep the OT VIII’s on the reservation. He falsely leads them on as if Superpower is some next step on the Bridge for them. Future posts will detail how OT IX and X are not even over the horizon. Fourth, the elaborate groundbreaking and immediate heavy construction activity to build the shell was not done for purposes of getting Superpower delivered in the first place. I participated in the planning of that 1998 groundbreaking event with Tom Devocht, Mike Rinder and DM. The groundbreaking show – with bleachers brought in and packed with Scientologists, fireworks, and other bells and whistles- was put on within a couple short weeks after the Church was indicted for its involvement in the death of Lisa McPherson. It was ordered by DM at great expense for the sole purpose of diverting the public’s, the media’s and the Tampa Bay area population’s attention off of McPherson. Once the last civil case connected with McPherson was settled in early 2004, the Church really put the brakes on the building, racking up nearly $250,000 in building department fines for not completing the building in a timely fashion. But the reg machine never slowed down one iota. Already, it has created a $50,000,000 slush fund of DM funny money.


Miscavige Turns Flag into Mecca of Technical Perversion

July 20, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: miscavige-turns-flag-into-mecca-of-technical-perversion/#comments In the early nineties I observed David Miscavige lecture John Woodruff, then ED of the largest Class V org on the planet, and his technical hierarchy on how to run lower grades. He chastised them for taking an intensive or two per grade – about what LRH estimated thorough, in tech grades would take on the average pc. Miscavige boasted how then IG Tech Ray Mithoff as C/S and then-Inspector General Greg Wilhere as auditor had gotten Tom Cruise through his Grades in less than an intensive per grade. As anyone who has read Keeping Scientology Working might have guessed, it wasn’t long before the once mighty Orange County Org was beset by lawsuits and its stats crashed, never to recover. It also was not long before Cruise blew from Scientology for a decade. In 2001 and 2002 I reported in detail to Miscavige how those quickie grades, Dianetics, and lower OT levels had blown off Cruise. I knew because I recovered Cruise to the Bridge at that time. Undeterred, Miscavige kept on his “technical compilations battle plan” the action item to severely curtail the Grades Process Checklists. The checklists were the first on-Souce ones issued and in use for decades. LRH advised all processes that he developed for each grade be included; adding that any C/S (or auditor for that matter) worth his salt would recognize the moment a pre clear had attained the end phenomena of each grade and move him or her up to the next one. As is so common with Miscavige, he never got around to doing the work and issuing the altered HCOBs and HCO Pls. Instead, he quickied his lust for quickying by simply cross ordering LRH’s issued bulletins, lectures and policies (most notably Keeping Scientology Working and Technical Degrades). First, he violated long-standing LRH policy that Flag not engage in delivering lower level services. LRH pointed out that such practice would short circuit orgs and missions across the planet by violating Danger Conditions: Why Organizations Stay Small. Miscavige, apparently desperate for Flag public and cash, had of all posts WDC for Ideal Orgs order OT Ambassadors across the planet to select their lower level pcs to Flag for Grades auditing. If one wonders why the $20-$40 million edifices Scientology public dug so deep in their pockets to erect for Miscavige remain empty they need look no further than Miscavige and this one off-policy order alone. Recent observations of Dallas, Tampa, New York, Buffalo, and Malmo confirmed those “ideal orgs” are as about as active as graveyards. Miscavige has compounded his felony by having Flag promote quickie grades. Here is a quotation from a recent widely circulated Flag official promotion:


From: Stephanie & Charlie Bills [] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 1:48 P To: Subject: Completed Grade II, III and IV and started L11 in 10 Days. Kathy Lackey came to Flag on 4 July 2009 ready to start Grade II. She was gotten right into session and completed Grade II on 8 July. She then completed Grade III on 10 July. And by 14 July (just 10 days after arriving to Flag) she completed Grade IV and started her L’s!!! Please compare Miscavige’s promotion with these words by L. Ron Hubbard: “Within 5 years after the issue of this PL, with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. ‘Quickie grades’ entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions which neglect or violate this policy letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES.” - HCO PL 7 Feb 1965 Keeping Scientology Working. And: “A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES… 8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in Grade 0 in 3 minutes”, etc. 9. Shortening time of application of auditing for financial or labor-saving considerations… The puzzle of the decline of the entire Scientology network in the late 60s is entirely answered by the actions taken to shorten time in study and in processing by deleting materials and actions.” -HCO PL 17 June 1970RB Technical Degrades I have audited thousands of hours both within and outside the Church. I know from first hand observation in acting as the chief case debugger international for seven years that virtually every botched and enturbulated case I handled was answered by putting in that which had been quickied and omitted by others before. And Miscavige knows it as I reported all my actions directly to him. To compound the compounded felony Miscavige’s minions are boasting about putting the quickied Grades pc straight onto the Ls Rundowns. The L’s compilation is an overt product that has been known to Miscavige as so confusing as to be the number two cause of failed and severely complicated cases in Scientology. The L’s have been on the “compilations correction line up” as a top priority for nearly twenty years. The simplicity of how the Ls create as many botched and failed cases as they have advanced cases is mind boggling. It too has been reported to Miscavige directly. He refuses to fix it, and instead promotes it to cases incessantly, knowing that a good fifty percent of them will wind up spending hundreds of 20

thousands of dollars in endless reviews, and a good percentage of those ultimately will blow off from Scientology severely disaffected. But at $1,000 an hour, Miscavige apparently figures ‘why work when you can steal.’

Reverse (Black) Dianetics

September 4, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: reverse-black-dianetics-scientologys-1984/#comments

For those who have not watched it, please view the Reverse (Black) Dianetics segment of the filmed interview of me on the St Pete Times webpage. I detailed how Miscavige practices Reverse Dianetics day in and day out at International Management headquarters; and how Miscavige avoided meeting with me to discuss the ceasing of that practice. Now, read this quote from Miscavige’s recent 80-page Freedom magazine created to respond to the St Pete Times Truth Rundown series: “He [Miscavige] personally verified all books and lectures, their contents and their sequence so Scientologists can now study their religion in pure form and chronologically. This project alone represented thousands of hours of Mr. Miscavige’s time in ensuring every word conformed precisely with Mr. Hubbard’s original works by reading and re-reading each manuscript and final book as well as listening to all 2,500 of Mr. Hubbard’s lectures.” Please keep this passage in mind as you continue to read. Chris Collbran – a freedom fighting brother - provided me with some research he conducted, demonstrating a very curious edit performed on a Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture. The following text is an accurate reproduction of the transcript issued with DM’s re-release of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture of 6 December 1952 Formative State of Scientology, Definition of Logic. The words in bold face appeared in the cassette tape version of the very same lecture available in every Church of Scientology for many years prior to DM’s new edited release (copyrighted 1982). If you have a set of the newly issued DM-edited PDC on CD, you can listen to it for yourself – the bold faced words below have been deleted. If you have the same previously available PDC lecture on cassette you can listen to it too, and the bold face words, lo and behold, are audible. “You’ll find almost any preclear can be given Creative Processing. And you could get ahold of him and flip the PDH out. That’s interesting, isn’t it? In other words, you can take them out as fast they lay them down. 21

“Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s 1984? Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. That would be — could be the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. “It’s a very simple remedy. And that’s just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That’s all. Don’t hoard it and don’t hold it; and if you ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn’t available. Because he’s the boy who would be electing himself “The New Order.” And we don’t need any more new orders. All those orders, as far as I am concerned, have been filled.” That is correct, all of the words in bold face type above have been removed from the CD released lecture and accompanying transcript. And yes, all those words appear in the same lecture previously available on cassette tape and they also appear in the tape’s accompanying transcript (copyright 1982). I leave it to the reader to come to your own conclusion as to why Miscavige might edit LRH in that fashion.

1984: The Severe Reality Adjustment September 8, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: http://markrathbun.wordpress. com/2009/09/08/1984-the-severe-reality-adjustment/#comments Miscavige takes a great deal of pride in having created what has become an accepted term of Scientology nomenclature behind the Wall. It is called the SRA, or Severe Reality Adjustment. An SRA entails getting into a person’s face, screaming a reality at the top of one’s lungs with such force that the recipient goes into overwhelm and accepts the enforced reality. Should the recipient show the slightest disagreement or even puzzlement over the reality being imparted, it is expected that the SRAer use physical force to finish the job. Quite similar to the many lectures wherein LRH describes implant technology. Miscavige recently promised to “annihilate” the credibility of folks imparting truths about Miscavige’s history that are apparently unpalatable to Miscavige. The above facts are quite interesting in the light of the following passage from George Orwell’s 1984: “If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened — that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death.” “The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, 22

though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control,’ they called it; in Newspeak, ‘doublethink.’” “‘Stand easy!’ barked the instructress, a little more genially. Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself — that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.” Wake up!

DM = LRH = 1987

September 9, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: dmlrh-1984-doublethink-newspeak/#comments WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH DAVID MISCAVIGE IS L. RON HUBBARD DM played right into our hands with some very ill-advised haymakers in response to recent truths being shared. One was in the form of 250 pages of declarations sworn by twenty-five inmates of the Hole. They are designed to annihilate the credibility of me, Mike, Tom and Amy. DM took the false rumors about me wanting to take over his little Jonestown so seriously that he had his minions go way overboard in electing him source in their sworn declarations. Just as we predicted, he has now locked himself into some untenable positions, and more importantly, has left himself defenseless against what is coming a little ways down the road. In any event, some of the statements in the declarations are so fawning, they are not only cultic and creepy, they indicate 1984 is upon them in full force. From Marc Yager, identified as CO CMO INT and WDC Chairman:


“Statements made about our religious leader are inseparable to the religion itself and this is an attempt to attack and ridicule the Scientology religion, the ecclesiastical team that is dedicated to implementing our Founder’s scriptures, the millions of Scientologists that live both in the United States and abroad and the thousands of dedicated staff that have volunteered service to help humanity.” From Russ Bellin, identified as Int Reserves Dir in CSI (he does not explain how DM busted him from CO and Director of the same Church of Spiritual Technology that DM has attested to the IRS is senior to himself as COB RTC): “Marty Rathbun is openly attacking the leader of our religion, the very principles of Scientology and our Founder.” Mark Ingber, identified as a WDC member: “It is with considerable asperity that I look upon the handful of ex-Scientologists who are yapping vile lies to the media about Mr. Miscavige. That is not an attack just on Mr. Miscavige. It is an attack on L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology religion.” Sue Wilhere, identified as CSI’s AVC Aide: “Mr. Miscavige is Scientology. He is the emissary of L. Ron Hubbard. Their attack on Mr. Miscavige is a direct attack on L. Ron Hubbard and on Scientology – they are not separable.” Again, Orwell explains: “Orthodoxy in the full sense demands a control over one’s own mental processes as complete as that of a contortionist over his body. Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible. But since in reality Big Brother is not omnipotent and the Party is not infallible, there is need for an unwearying, moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts. The key word here is black white. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction to the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH DAVID MISCAVIGE IS L. RON HUBBARD


Uncertain About Clear for Eternity

December 29, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: uncertain-about-clear-for-eternity/#comments A number of people have come to see me to help sort out arduous, extended mind-games the church has played with them concerning the subject of Clear. It is quite remarkable that the church has had such success in confusing so many people about a subject that is simplicity itself. The basic on the chain is the McPherson case. In the summer of 1995 DM personally wrote an extended C/S r-factor to Lisa McPherson that denigrated all Flag tech terminals on her case and falsely declared her as Clear. Apparently having recognized herself she was not experiencing the calm that others had described the state as including, and having lost all faith in anyone beneath the COB himself sorting out what he had declared sorted out, Lisa became increasingly frantic and desperate about what was going on. Within three months Lisa had a psychotic break and died after a seventeen day squirrel Introspection Rundown at Flag. After McPherson died, Miscavige successfully withheld from even those handling the criminal and civil cases that he in fact had initiated the chain of events leading to her death. Then in his inimitable every-outpoint-is-a-why style of evaluation, DM instituted a number of arbitraries to make the attestation to the state of Clear an engramic episode. He created a pendulum swing whereby it became an increasingly complicated process to attest to Clear. DM briefed Flag tech terminals and tech and admin staff in a number of SO installations that there was no such thing as past life Clears. He said that all past life Clears had long ago been accounted for. Anyone with much technical training knows how specious and illogical such a claim is. But, for the many staff and public who were caught up in never ending Clear invalidation at the hands of the church, and subject to non-stop propaganda about DM’s immaculate conception, it seemed their confusions about Clear would go on for eternity. Two people who were directly invalidated by such Miscavige briefings have visited me, had their confusions about Clear sorted out, attested and quite happily moved on. Another trick perpetrated by DM is to pester those who have already attested to Clear with doubts and never-ending interrogations about their states before allowing them onto OT Levels. He’s got the tech hierarchies at Flag and AO’s programmed to program such people with endless sec checking. It seems the EP of those sec checks is not to have someone certain about Clear, but instead to become “certain” that DM is Source. Two people who were subjected to that type of treatment visited, were easily sorted out and are now solo auditing their OT levels.


DM has gone so far as to redirect public who have been on the OT Levels for some time back onto Dianetics auditing; a high crime of some magnitude. This is particularly suppressive when one considers LRH devised a simple C/S to handle terminated anyone who might have gotten onto the OT Levels absent certainty about his or her Clear state. A bloke who had been put back onto engram running after NOTs visited, the LRH C/S was performed, and he no longer has any doubt or reservation about his Clear state. If five people thoroughly confused about their Clear states, all of whom sorted out next to instantaneously, could find their way to the middle of nowhere to get resolved – I fairly wonder just how many there are similarly situated within the C of Mestology. There is no reason to be confused about Clear for eternity.

The Next Great Technical Breakthrough

by Mike Rinder July 27, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: the-next-great-technical-breakthrough/#comments Every time Dear Leader appears in public, he makes his next pronouncement about forthcoming technical breakthroughs/discoveries/wonders that will “soon” be available that will “open the floodgates to the Bridge,” “give you miraculous, never before heard of wins,” “speed your progress up the Bridge by a factor of 10,” “turn you into superman” or whatever other Dan Sherman hyper drivel appears on the teleprompters before him. This is a public warning. At one of his upcoming Nuremberg Rally Style™ events, he is going to announce the greatest breakthrough since DMSMH – the new Mark VIII E-Meter. He will loudly announce its virtues and explain that nobody could have really made case gain before the advent of this wondrous new meter, and that this is an advance more significant than any other accomplishment and has been dozens of years in the making and is only now available because of the progress in technology that have now made it possible to do what LRH wanted done with the E-Meter. The technical advances of the Mark VIII are not the subject of this post. I leave that discussion to others. But one thing for sure, Dear Leader has sunk about $30 million into this project — so whether it is bogus or not, he will pitch it as the most wonderful and necessary item in the world that every Scientologist MUST have (ever heard that before?). The point here is Dear Leader’s dedicated worship of the almighty dollar. The Mark Super VIII E-Meter has been manufactured and ready for release for at least 5 years. Well Dave, if this is such a wondrous breakthrough, and is exactly what LRH 26

wanted, why are the meters sitting in warehouses instead of in auditing rooms being used to achieve the stupendous case gain only available with the miracle meter? Because Dear Leader isn’t happy with the colors! This is not a joke. Now, you might ask, what difference does the color make to either the Auditor or the pc/pre-OT — and you would of course also know the answer to that elementary question: Nada. You may recall the posting on this blog about DMTC’s candy-apple red motorcycles parked in front of the RTC building. That was one of the colors developed for the Mark VIII in Dear Leader’s never ending search for the perfect meter color. Man, you have to admire someone that puts that much care into every little detail (well, maybe not, if everyone is being denied the magnificent gains possible because the exact right colors are not being produced). But there is another reason too for withholding this “vital technical breakthrough” (these will be his words, not mine). Dave has a Marketing Plan and the meter has to be released AFTER other items on his plan or the sales will not be maximized. No good releasing a new item and not maximizing the sales. My God, the thought of missing a few bucks of revenue in the first week is enough to drive him to drink (or at least another drink). So, all those auditors out there suffering with the antiquated Mark Super VII Quantum cannot use the wonders of the Mark VIII Hyper Drive Tone Arm Rocket Ship — because if Dear Leader released them now, there may be some that assault his highly tuned artistic sensibilities, and more importantly, there may be some sales missed. While much of this post is dripping with sarcasm, the facts remain. The meter has been DONE for at least 5 years. Miscavige will proclaim it as a magnificent technical breakthrough that no auditor or solo auditor could possibly live without — yet he will not tell them they could have had it 5 years ago if it were not for him refusing to release it until he felt good and ready. LRH never held back on any of his breakthroughs. Ever. PS by Marty: A word on the breakthrough he’s holding back. It is no breakthrough at all. I piloted the first needle movement mechanism that came off the assembly line. In 2003 DM had CO CST (yeah, DM uses CST, that exists solely to keep DM in check, as his new bright idea GI proto type expeditors) put the movement into a Mark Super VII shell to disguise it. I used it for several intensives on Tom Cruise. I gave the obligatory “Yeah, it seems to be far more responsive”. It was absolutely obligatory. In fact, there wasn’t a blessed noticeable difference between the responsiveness in the needles of the Mark Super VII, and New Super Duper Delux Over The Top With Superlatives Mark VIII. Not any. So, Mike is perfectly right to call the entire thing a marketing gimmick. DM used to consistently bandy about figures to brag to Int terminals how he was going to make $10 million in one event – two meters for every auditor, every solo auditor, and every other gullible public on board.


Why for the Golden Age of Tech and F/N Confusion

August 4, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: why-for-the-golden-age-of-tech-and-fn-confusion/#comments Many people here have pointed out David Miscavige’s technical ”why” that lead to the Golden Age of Tech (the blind have been leading the blind) is not a why since it can lead one to ask “why?” of the “why.” Others have pointed out that if it were the why, then the “who” would be David Miscavige since he had been leading the way for a decade and a half by then. I have reported earlier on this blog that Miscavige did not even do an evaluation that then lead to the Golden Age of Tech. He read an eval at the event that released his handling that had been in the works for many months. He wrote the eval as his speech (with the help of Danny Boy of course) the week leading up the event. All of your comments got me to thinking about the Why for the Golden Age of Tech. I did my own eval. Policy: Keeping Scientology Working Situation: Church auditors are being trained to be slaves to procedure, a method LRH stated could lead to the loss of the entire subject of Scientology. Data: Toward the end of his life LRH made his technical intentions abundantly clear. After thirty years of development, he narrowed down all major technical problems to two related situations; poor TRs and poor metering. That is why he wrote the technical training film treatments. That is also why he established Golden Era Productions – to produce those films. That is also why during his last five years, his repeated only wish was to return to the Int base (where Golden Era Productions was located) so that he could complete the Technical Training films. Each of LRH’s film treatment titles was preceded by either the designation “EM” (for E-meter training film) or “TR” (for Training Routine training film). LRH reasoned that given good TRs and accurate metering an auditor could not help but get case gain on pcs. It aligned with his SHSBC warning that the only way Scientology could be lost was by Scientologists becoming slaves to procedure. Procedure anyone can learn and do. It was TR’s and metering that were the key to making any procedure work. Correct Target – LRH, correct relative importance – LRH, Correct Source – LRH Instead of completing the films, LRH spent the last five years of his life in seclusion, securely planted there by Miscavige’s deft false reporting ability. On the one hand he reported how LRH would wind up publicly pilloried and possibly in the penitentiary if were to come anywhere near the Int base. On the other hand he continually reported how he was on the verge of attaining an All Clear so that all of that would change. Incorrectly Included False Reports – DM, Added Time – DM, Altered Importance – DM, Falsehoods – DM 28

While LRH’s body withered and he ultimately moved on, DM cross ordered LRH by creating ostentatious studios, over-the-top Hollywood level film standards and a whole new “priority” for Golden Era Productions (DM’s event extravaganzas). As a result, the tech films were not completed in LRH’s lifetime. Another decade passed and the films were still not completed. A project LRH intended to complete in a matter of months had been delayed for a decade and a half. Added Time – DM, Added inapplicable arbitrary standards – DM, Incorrectly Included mega ego – DM, Wrong Source – DM On the heels of tax exemption (Oct 93) DM spent much of the ensuing two years at Flag. He pushed a program (brilliantly executed by Bitty Miscavige with the help of Tom Devocht and many others) to upgrade hotel and service areas of FSO. All cockroaches were cleared out, spaces were renovated and tidied, and they even had drinks with umbrellas served to Flag public in the HGC waiting areas. Adequate MEST upgrade -DM, Bitty, Tom The MEST upgrades were wildly popular with Flag public who were tired of paying through the nose to have a session in a 98 degree room while dodging cockroaches. DM basked in the glory. It was like Mussolini making the trains run on time. He made regular appearances at Flag graduation. He had Source mag put his mug on the cover and position the new Flag as his creation. However, with stardom came responsibilities. DM’s glad handing with public gave them access to bitterly complain about the technical standards at Flag. Since he had positioned himself, and advertised himself, as being fully responsible for the “new Flag” from top to bottom, he now had to take a look at what was happening technically. Incorrectly Included ego – DM, Wrong Source – DM Conducting look-in at Flag HGC’s, DM saw the obvious - some overworked, underpaid, unexercised, underfed, unaudited, physically ailing, aging Class XIIs were calling stuck needles “floating needles.” DM – apparently blinded by his hellacious crimes against L Ron Hubbard and his life-long evaluated terminated handling for out tech – decided LRH was wrong. The reason, pronounced DM, for people calling stuck needles F/Ns was not horrendous TRs and metering (which was absolutely evident), but instead “they don’t know how to get an F/N.” Wrong Source – DM DM instituted requirements that all TR and Metering passes in all technical training be approved by RTC Reps. The Reps assigned, like DM, for the most part had very little training and even less experience in the chair delivering the Bridge. All were the lowest form of DM-lackey robots enforcing DM’s arbitrary, blanket pronunciamentos concerning TRs and Metering. DM cross ordered the majority of the Int base and for months had them working on hundreds of binders of drills on PROCEDURE. He then proceeded to jam the binders down the throats of every Scientologist internationally, bringing delivery of Scientology as it was once known to a grinding halt. Because he couldn’t spot an F/N himself if it loosely and lazily kissed his own eyebrow, DM redefined a floating needle as three even swings of the needle. In one fell swoop DM brought widespread ruination of cases across the globe. Prolongation of the situation threatens the very future of the 29

subject of Scientology. Recently, DM committed the final sacrilege, reshooting the last existing LRH directed, narrated and produced technical training film (The Professional TRs Course, where LRH coached and passed TRs students were, we thought, forever captured on celluloid). Wrong Source – DM. Incorrectly Included tech arbitraries – DM Outpoint count: Predominantly Wrong Source and Incorrectly included Majority of outpoints assigned to David Miscavige Why: To prove his wrong why “they don’t know how to get an F/N” right, and to make the rest of the world wrong, Miscavige made Scientologists slaves to procedure and redefined an F/N so that nobody could achieve one. Who: David Miscavige Resources: LRH Tech readily available to the world. LRH trained technical compilers in the independent movement. Hundreds of trained Scientologists who have rejected Miscavology. Handling: 1. Cancel Golden Age of Tech. DONE by this issue 2. Cancel RTC “passes” requirements on TR’s and metering. DONE by this issue. 3. Reinstate Academy Level and higher class auditor training to pre 96 (preGAT) checksheets and material, where a student does TRs in a disciplined and purposeful manner , and learns metering and TR’s from LRH material and LRH meter drilling (as sup’ed by auditors with lots of VWDAHs under their belts).

Black Dianetics in Radical Scientology Introduction

November 9, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: black-dianetics-in-radical-scientology-introduction/#comments This is the first in a series of posts on the subject of Black Dianetics and how it is being practiced in present time by the “church” of Scientology. I was prompted to write this series based upon my having recently audited folks who have received services at the Flag Service Org (FSO) and Flag Ship Service Org (FSSO) – the highest ”meccas” of Radical Scientology - in the past couple years. With more Scientologists awakening, refugees of Radical Scientology who were “serviced” in 08 and 09 have arrived. Thus, I am finding out just how grotesquely and rapidly the dwindling spiral toward total Black Dianetics is taking hold in Radical Scientology. 30

As an introduction, and for orientation, I offer the following quotations from LRH’s “Danger: Black Dianetics!” and “The Loophole In Guarded Rights”, which establish the need for this series. The first quote gives some explanation for the oft repeated question on this blog, “why do Scientologists continue to put up with it?” A person on whom Black Dianetics has been employed seldom retains the sanity or will to make a complaint, or does not know he has been victimized. In addition, persons claiming such offenses against their persons are commonly catalogued by doctors as suffering from delusion. Thus the employer of Black Dianetics can escape unpunished under existing legal procedures. The next quote tends to shed light on why Miscavige has created eighteen websites and blogs dedicated solely to destroying Moving On Up A Little Higher and the independent movement it represents. The processes of Black Dianetics can be remedied by what might be called White Dianetics, in most cases. If any group desired to use the phenomena discovered in Dianetics to enslave an individual, a group, or a nation, its first step would be to place White Dianetics out of bounds, to illegalize its practice, and to condemn the tenets contained in it. To debar the general public practice of White Dianetics is to make possible a general unpublicized practice of Black Dianetics. The final quotation expresses the importance of exposing the precise practices of Black Dianetics being employed to control, weaken and destroy people. In order to resolve insanity, it was necessary to release the natural laws discovered in Dianetics. When they were released it became possible to create insanity at will. And even more insidiously, complete control of a human being can be effected without insanity being demonstrated by him. The release of these laws and the whole of Black Dianetics is necessary if a long range program of prevention is to be effected. So long as Black Dianetics remains the property of the very few, a very great many more will suffer eventually than those few who will die because of the publication of this material. Thus, the first basic principle of Black Dianetics: So long as a natural phenomena remains the knowledge of a few and is denied to the many it can be utilized to control the many. Time for a little move up the confront of evil scale in my estimation. Flag and FSSO have been converted by Miscavige into Black Dianetics factories. This series will expose how, and what processes he is utilizing to effect this travesty.


Freedom from Overwhelm

December 4, 2010

Online blog posting + comments: freedom-from-overwhelm/#comments We have come to discover the crux of Miscavige’s Black Dianetics implant technique. My own awakening experience has been shared in greater or lesser degree by the many O.T.s who have made their ways to the Shack (the original and Casablanca). In my view, here is how Miscavige reverses Scientology to create the product of unquestioningly loyal sheep at the upper reaches of the Bridge. First, as most of you know the ability gained from OT III is Freedom from Overwhelm. How, then, are so many OT 3s, OT 4s, OT 5s, OT 7s, and OT 8s (not to mention Clears and Releases) finding themselves in the unmistakable condition of overwhelm? If you look at what staff and public get a steady diet of from the very top in Radical Scientology the one overriding common denominator is overwhelm. Overwhelming, implant-like stage setting events – six times a year. Overwhelming diet of entheta about the state of the planet, and its populations’ insistence on destroying man’s only road to total freedom. Overwhelming invalidation and evaluation as to individual behavior. Overwhelming interiorization by way of unrelenting sec checking and evil purpose pulling. Overwhelming demands for money. Overwhelming demands for thinking in a prescribed way, and overwhelming punishments for thinking rational (redefined as ‘critical) thoughts. Overwhelming auditing sessions by auditors taught an overwhelming beingness, and operating on the equation auditor plus meter can and should overwhelm pc or pre-OT. Overwhelming family, peer and business associate pressure to toe the white line. Overwhelming harassment for those who stand up and refuse to be overwhelmed. If there is anything to be learned from the public disclosures of myself, Mike, Steve, Dan, Amy, Jeff, Marc, Claire, Jackson, Sarge, Karen, et al (ad infinitum) about the day to day conduct of David Miscavige, the common denominator of it all could be summed up in this description: “continuous intent to overwhelm.” I think we can accurately state his overwhelmingly primary goal as “to overwhelm.” Multiple reports have now been received and cross verified that Radical Scientology is routinely programming OT VIIs and OT VIIIs for objectives and even 32

the Purif. A more suppressive, and reverse, general tech mis-programming is hard to conceive of. LRH says this about the effect of incorrect programming in HCOB 13 June 70 I, C/S Series 3: Session Priorities, Repair Programs and Their Priority: When incorrect programming occurs, then any auditing on it can add up to more overwhelm, which adds up to more errors. There is that word again, overwhelm. On top of all this is the overwhelming effort from staff and even public Scientologists to make the only acceptable beingness of a Scientologist to be overwhelming. That this is the end result is not surprising given the following from LRH from HCOB 28 January 1966, Search And Discovery Data: How a Suppressive Becomes One Search and Discovery is being made, and auditors are finding on one person and another, “myself.” Well, just among us girls, of course, you are going to find it. One of the best reasons you are going to find it is that it is part of the R6 bank. The other reason you are going to find it is that after a person is totally overwhelmed by a suppressive he assumes the valence of the suppressive. And a person you would find that on has actually been pretty suppressive… That is the mechanism of suppression – overwhelming a person. Oddly enough you will only find it on persons who are suppressive and of course you’ve walked into the real mechanism of how does a suppressive become a suppressive. He becomes a suppressive by taking over the valence of a suppressive. Is there any wonder why the overwhelming public impression created by Radical Scientology in the market place of public opinion is “Scientologists are overwhelming”? Freedom from overwhelm is attainable and rehabilitatable. The first step, as in remedying any disability, is recognizing that the condition exists. It is quite amazing to watch how rapidly people blossom once this Black Dianetics process is remedied.


OT VIII Claudio Lugli to Captain David Miscavige

February 2, 2011

Online blog posting + comments:

An open letter to David Miscavige from his erstwhile custom tailor, Italian Scientology pioneer and OTVIII, Claudio Lugli Dear Dave, It has been a while since we last talked and saw each other, so I decided I’d write you a few lines. I really appreciate how you’ve been thinking about me lately. As soon as my son Flavio reported that I was reading the Blogs on the Internet, you sent directly from the US the dearest Marion Pouw and Mike Sutter. Could you please say HI to them at your earliest convenience, because I really miss them. Despite the jet lag, having flown cross-world from Los Angeles to Brescia ITALY, I have to say, they have completed a remarkable job in clearing every doubt I might have had in relationship to your strategies on Idle Orgs, the IAS and the new Statuses (btw, these were genius) all the way to the Basics and the imminent release of Super Power. On top of all that they told me all about what you were doing so that Scientology would achieve its goals. By the way, I was really sorry to hear from Marion that you have to wear reading glasses since you had to personally verify every point on the New Basics! Wow, but what can I say, work is work, right? Anyway, I saw that they were strictly following a very exact program and they have completely handled ANY doubt I might have had! 34

On another note, I’d like to bring to your attention their complete lack of obnosis. You might have noticed that by now, since me and Renata publicly declared our Independency soon after their departure. Oh, now that I brought her up, Renata sends a huge hug to Shelly! And by the way, Marion was so kind to let us know, even though we didn’t mention her name, that she is doing well and that she’s in a special program (must be such a deep and exciting program, because we haven’t seen her or talked to her since 2004), and please give her a big hug from me as well. Going back to our discussion on obnosis, I think next time it would be a little cheaper for you to remove the recorded microchips installed in Marion’s and Mike’s pituitary glands. You could just send them over to me in Brescia as I have the last generation – state of the art – implant reader where I can read any kind of robotic programming. But I guess you shall decide what do to with those two your own way, maybe the physical impact is more real to you. Besides all this, I am writing to you because there is something that Marion and Mike were not able to clarify to my satisfaction. Do you remember in 2006, it was in April at Author Services in LA when we last met? Thanks to your once assistant Emily Jones – a good looking girl, maybe too good looking to be your assistant… and by the way, whatever happened to her? I noticed Lou giving her the stink eye back then…anyway; she had been able to steal about an hour from your busy schedule so that I could finally get some good measurements for your clothes. It is with great pleasure that I recall that meeting. We were all waiting for your arrival, and Georgiana Sommerville (your steward) with Emily yelling, “he’s coming, he’s coming”, what a great experience, everyone standing at attention, really dedicated, maybe a little scared, but what do you want, it is all part of ethics presence. But you know me, I’m kind of an easy going guy, and our discussions have always been pretty open and down to business. I always told you what I wanted to say, as I’m doing right now, and I always admired your being available. Anyhow, if you remember, I told you that we had just been at Flag and that thanks to a couple of amazing sessions I had with Cristina, I achieved an incredible stability of my Case, to the point where I felt that it was about time to go OT. Not like I hadn’t done it all along…please! You know I finished OT8 in May of 1989, and thank God, you found out that some things weren’t just right, and as you know, I had redone the “new” NOTs rundowns. I had amazing wins with the original ones – sure, it was pretty easy when you’re audited by Class XII Malin Gelfin, and maybe because she didn’t call the right F/Ns and wasn’t waiting for the three sweeps of the needle, I really didn’t notice she was doing it wrong…I think I’m losing track over here, anyway, after having redone the NOTs Rd, thank God you saw that the blind was leading the blind!!! Imagine if he was deaf too… And so you really saved us with your Golden Age of Tech. Those seven years of Solo NOTs, done after OT8, were incredible!!! In every way…especially those FPRDs, ten intensives at a time during my six months check, I’ll never forget them! Let’s get back on track here and back to our meeting where I told you that I left it all behind, and I was able to find myself as an OT again, and I was ready! I reminded you that I got into Scientology in 1974 with the sole purpose of going 35

OT. I didn’t have any problems I had to resolve in my life…mine was a spiritual research that had been going on for several lifetimes, and I am as aware of it now as I was aware of it back then. I told you that I understood LRH’s necessity of lowering the gradient, and that I had been asking myself for a long time…and I was now asking you: “Where are these OT Levels ???” I did OT8 in 1989. Tiziano was only 11…he married twice since then and has a 12 year old daughter that goes to middle school; Flavio was just a kid as well, he was 12. He joined the Sea Org 13 years ago, and recently you sent him as an OSA spy against his own parents! My wife explained it to you in details with her post called “Flavio, a stolen son”! Gee, I never lose this bad habit of continually changing the subject! What I meant to tell you is that 22 years had passed!!! You remember when I asked you directly “Where are these OT Levels ???” and thank God you had an answer for me! And I still remember it now as if it was yesterday, with your penetrating look… your light blue eyes, your solid voice, firmly stating “Claudio, let me tell you, I discovered what had been stopping Scientology for the last 50 years!!!” I was already contemplating…but then you went ahead and told me: “Claudio, do you know SUPERMAN???? That’s it, that is what we’ll become!!!!“. Oh my God…COB himself told me we will become like SUPERMAN, I couldn’t contain myself, I said goodbye to you and left with Renata. Maybe I even forgot to get your measurements, but who needs them now that we’re all gonna be like SUPERMAN? I flew back to Brescia and told everyone the amazing story. Flavio was put on a special project right after…a pilot program, he was telling us about incredible wins, but he couldn’t say anything! It was SUPER SECRET and EXTRA CONFIDENTIAL. And then and there I thought, “here we are!!!” And soon after the HUGE EVENT arrives, June 2007 and you announce to the whole world: The real reason that had been stopping Scientology for the last 50 years is: “THE TRANSCRIBERS !!!“ Dave, I gotta tell you. Got a little disappointed right there. But I’m still dying for OTIX and OTX, and I’m not giving up. I bought 2 great copper poles, and every morning I hook them up and try to discharge, still not having any benefits, but I look up, way up high in the sky, beyond the clouds where I’ll soon be with my big S on my chest. Claudio Lugli


Truth Revealed about OT VIII

March 16, 2011

Online blog posting + comments: truth-revealed-about-ot-viii/#comments Let me tell you why David Miscavige’s personal staff are currently jet setting all around the world desperately trying to drive OT VIIIs and OT VIIs back into the implant pen. Disappointed, confused, invalidated and in some cases simply broken OT VIIs and OT VIIIs have been coming to Casablanca in increasing numbers . While getting repaired and rehabbed we have been able to pretty much fully map the David Miscavige Black Dianetics version of “OT levels.” We have discovered that David Miscavige has altered the Bridge in such a perverse and diabolical fashion that the “new” End Phenomenon of OT VIII lays in a dastardly implant. This explains why some OT VIIIs have dutifully agreed to start the Bridge over again like so many squirrels in a cage. And it explains why those who have not been successfully implanted have been left in a state of confusion (they had enough theta – and understanding of Scientology – left to resist being thrust from the prior confusion into the implant). Sometime between 1988 when OT VIII was first released and early in the new millennium (if not earlier) Miscavige ALTERED the End Phenomena of OT VIII so as to reverse its effect. This truth has been revealed by the combined testimonies of more than a dozen OT VIIIs who completed the level as early as 1988 and as late as 2010. Combined with the experience of a couple dozen folks who have spent decades on OT VII we have discovered how the NOTs band has been twisted to gradually create a confusion that serves as the prior confusion for the laying in of an implant on OT VIII. The operation is so dark and suppressive as to be difficult to confront. It explains why the NOTS band has been made more arduous the longer one is on it – the precise opposite effect of any auditing (including once NOTS and SOLO NOTS while L Ron Hubbard was around). Let me draw some analogies for those not yet at NOTS or above. For those who are Clear but not OT, imagine your NED case becoming more solid and more arduous to address the further through NED you went. For those who have received Grades auditing, imagine each Grade becoming more difficult to confront and feeling massier and more suppressed as you move “up” the Bridge. Imagine in both scenarios that while the above is going on you are feeling progressively less self and pan determined and more other determined. Imagine that you are becoming more compliant and less free thinking and less and less able to differentiate and disagree. Those who have entered the NOTS band and spent much time on it within Scientology Inc need no analogy. You have lived (or are living) it. And we know the half dozen curve balls that have been entered into the NOTS band line-up by David Miscavige to create that effect.


The implant conditions an “OT VIII” to believe that he or she needs to start at the bottom of the Bridge over again, Purification Rundown, Objectives, etc., and an unhealthy dose of FPRD to boot. Miscavige’s bridge to nowhere is in fact not a bridge at all, but instead a squirrel cage. When you are done, you start all over again. He has “OT VIIIs” attest to something that carries with it awareness characteristics resembling those of someone newly entering Scientology at the very entrance to the Bridge. My post about VIIIs being routinely put onto Objectives was one of the most visited and commented upon posts in the 18 month history of this blog. See OT VIII’s to Objectives- the Latest in Reverse Scientology Now we know why it resonated with OT’s. Miscavige has convinced those who sit still for the implant that they need to gear up to slam their attention deep down the track and they need to up their confront for the task. The implication is they need this to apparently alleviate amnesia to get the answer to a question OTV III has always promised to answer. After OT VIII. And that is why so many OT VIIIs have felt such a deep-seated sense of betrayal and confusion upon completion of the level. Now, wait a second! Didn’t L Ron Hubbard state that OT VIII Truth Revealed addresses and handles the reason for amnesia on the Whole Track? As a matter of fact here is what the currently published Grade Chart states under the “ability gained” column for OT VIII: Handles the primary reason for amnesia on the whole track. We have experienced many tipping points over the past two years on our quest to salvage the subject of Scientology from the jaws of death. This point is different. This is the make-break point. The implant is known. Its remedy is simple. Beings can be and are being set free of this nefarious operation. They will continue to be forever. How do I know? Too many OT VIIIs already know the score. And believe me, they won’t forget. Because they now do know the reason for amnesia on the Whole Track – they have experienced it and survived it in real time – and they aren’t about to ever let it happen again. I suggest none of us ever lose sight of what LRH said on the Class VIII course aboard the Apollo in 1968: So anyway, Scientology is well named. It is the road to truth. It is a study of the truth. And total truth is total power. And when the guy hasn’t got any lies left in him he’s OT. And all the mechanics of OT work out too. So, the subject is very, very well named.


More Truth Revealed

March 17, 2011

Online blog posting + comments: more-truth-revealed/#comments Follow up to last post, Truth Revealed about OT VIII. Lest there be any future mistaking as to who personally laid in the implant, please review the words below. They were penned by David Miscavige for his closing speech on “Org Night” during the year 2000 Maiden Voyage aboard the Freewinds. Because, I have recently been reviewing many of your folders, particularly those who enrolled on New OT VII, or New OT VII Expanded, soon after the release of the Golden Age of Tech for OT’s. And what was evident is that many are nearing full completion of that level. In fact, I would use the word “imminent.” So, we have also brought to the Freewinds the Golden Age of Tech materials for New OT VIII. As part of that, I have also recently done a review of a great many folders for those who did New OT VIII, before New OT VII Expanded. For the good news, there is no long training course awaiting you! Your skills, as currently being demonstrated on Solo NOTs, will definitely take you through this level, AND EVERY SINGLE SUBSEQUENT OT LEVEL. In fact, it’s all good news. C/S’s at Flag have the precise instructions on what step to C/S as you complete New OT VII. In some instances, it is best to do L’s at that point. Ultimately, every pre-OT should do the L’s but, LRH gave specific instructions on “case phenomena”, or I should say, lack of specific “case phenomena”, where the pre-OT should do the L’s immediately after VII and before VIII. But again, that’s an individual matter based on specific case assessment. Otherwise it is right onto and through New OT VIII and then up to IX and X. For those who previously audited the level, you will of course do an expanded OT VIII. And in that instance, the service is free of donation. What you will find when you arrive is an issue describing any false data some of you may have been given. As a whole, with some distance and perspective, it is pure squirrel cage. This particular passage should be passed around to those who have had troubles in the past fifteen years on the Solo NOTs and OT VIII levels:


I have recently been reviewing many of your folders, particularly those who enrolled on New OT VII, or New OT VII Expanded, soon after the release of the Golden Age of Tech for OT’s…As part of that, I have also recently done a review of a great many folders for those who did New OT VIII, before New OT VII Expanded. The last folders I am aware of David Miscavige personally reviewing and C/ Sing were those of Lisa McPherson shortly before her spin, psychotic break and untimely death. This particular passage should be passed around to those OT VIIIs who completed OT VIII prior to June 2000: For those who previously audited the level, you will of course do an expanded OT VIII. And in that instance, the service is free of donation. What you will find when you arrive is an issue describing any false data some of you may have been given. Steer clear of “Expanded OT VIII” lest you want to be a genie (wounded or not) stuffed back into a bottle. And the last sentence of that passage ought to be passed around to anybody wishing to achieve any level within Scientology Inc anytime in the future: What you will find when you arrive is an issue describing any false data some of you may have been given. Be wary, very wary, of David Miscavige issues replacing L Ron Hubbard issues under his trademark squirrel guise of “describing false data.” Including, but not limited to the above, the sixteen page OT VII expanded, an entire stage full of “golden age of tech”, “golden age of knowledge”, etc… Please also see the write up below of a frequent contributor to this blog, OTDT, and his perspective from having experienced attempts to entrap him in Miscavige’s squirrel cage: Having done VIII in ’89 and the original VIII Expanded in ’90 and all the L’s, I would like to state the following: 1. There was no false data given out on OT VIII in ’89 unless it was the entire bulletin itself, which I doubt because it aligned with data in LRH books. I experienced their campaign of recalling VIIIs back to the ship to handle ‘false data’ and do an ‘expanded’ VIII in ’90. Their ‘false data fix’ did not consist of revealing that the bulletin contained any false data whatsoever. In fact, there was no false data revealed or found. The only false data was that there was false data. Maybe it was a ruse, used to condition people to the real false data that lay ahead in the future with the introduction of the ‘Golden Age of Tech’. 2. ‘Redoing’ OT VIII as an ‘expanded’ level after auditing more on OT VII is completely and foolishly squirrel and harmful and the only purpose would seem to be to confuse one and drive them down the tone scale into more solidity. I cannot see in any way that doing more VII would produce anything that would cause one to have to do more VIII.


3. DM’s ‘advice’ to do the L’s after VII and before VIII is suppressive. OT VIII completely changes forever the way one would look at and audit one’s case in any auditing in the future. OT VIII reveals that one has been following a trick pathway inside the labyrinth. Why send someone back into the extremely complex labyrinth of the L’s, particularly L-10, without this vital awareness, and especially after so much work on VII and when they are so close to possessing a vital piece of the treasure map that will help guide them through? 4. I’d like to know what kind of bullshit magic DM thinks he possesses that would give him the skill or awareness to be able to tell from looking at someone’s folder that they were imminently ready to complete the level. Haitian Voo-Doo or does he do a Turkish Whirling Dirvish dance that puts him in a semi-godlike trance of omnipotence? And why does he say, “I-I-I”? “I looked at the folders”, “I determined” this and that and the other thing? I, I, I. Why is he not allowing his senior technically qualified people to make the adjudications and indications? 5. OT VIII Expanded was and is not free of donation. You will unknowingly donate your previous gains, you sense of self, your space, your knowingness, your confidence and your self-determinism. The only way you should ever do VIII again is if you completely did not understand it at all when you studied it and really did not audit it at all and got no EP on the process at any time and didn’t even attest to it. Really, what’s the likelihood of that? Maybe one in a gazilliontrillion-brillian-frillion? Those are some odds. 6. I read DM’s illegal and out-tech written interpretations of OTVII which was mandatory for all VIIs and VIIIs in ’95 or ’96. They were filled with eval, inval and blatant interpretations of HCOBs. Isn’t that nice. What part of Qual training did I fall asleep on where it talked about the way to fix a product is to write up a bunch of interpretive authoritative documents filled with opinions to shotgun everyone with? 7. I can essentially agree with Marty’s technical stance that if one is trained right and does the levels of the bridge thoroughly and has one’s Act One in then they very well might not need OT VIII, but I would add one corollary to that, that one must be armed with the knowledge contained in History of Man along the way and at some point have achieved the benefit of the philosophical practices contained therein. And I’m not talking about those goofy clam incidents or jack-in-the-box stuff, but very down to earth spiritual truths and nuances thereof. 8. DM himself can only be handled from inside, and handled the same way he gained power, first by beating the living hell out of him, threatening him with blackmail and then using lies to do him in. A time comes when one must turn and punch Satan in the head and use his blackness against him to do good and besides, it would be so much fun. The successful formula for this would seem to lie in the mere corporate legalities of the matter, used with the right amount of courage.

- OTDT 41

The King of Squirrels

April 16, 2011

Online blog posting + comments: the-king-of-the-squirrels/#comments With all the talk of squirrels this past week, let us focus for a moment on the undisputed King of Squirrels, David Miscavige. Since he is also the indisputable “Ecclesiastical Leader” of the “churches of Scientology” let us be very clear about the basis for anointing him with this King of the Squirrels title. The earlier beginning to my having even gotten into this terrain, was a controversial comment of mine to the effect that folk promoting their Skype auditing, and long-distance internet NOTs supervision was, in my view, squirrel. That evaluation was predicated on the idea that the interposition of mest forms of electronics between a pre clear and an auditor is a grotesque perversion of the original formula that makes auditing work: Auditor plus pre clear is greater than bank. And that opens the door for any number of complexities to enter into the magical simplicity of the Basic Auditor Comm Series HCOBs and the several SHSBC lectures that go with them. First let us define “squirrel” in the Scientology vernacular: Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from noncomprehension. Usually the noncomprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an offbeat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood. When people can’t get results from what they think is standard practice, they can be counted upon to squirrel to some degree. -LRH, Keeping Scientology Working After returning to Flag from the ship from my relatively unhindered eighteen month auditing and training sabbatical in the summer of 1995, I was assigned by Miscavige to the RTC Rep Office at Flag. He told me that I was to begin at the bottom of the RTC org board, as my sabbatical was my own RPF for having blown in 93. In retrospect I think he wanted all influential public see me running about Flag with an “RTC Trainee” tag and my single, slim Ensign bars on each shoulder. I was to answer to the Class VIII RTC Rep Angie Trent and communicate to no one else above her on the command channel, most particularly not him. That was fine by me, because frankly the end phenomena of my ship program was that I had no designs for any altitude or status, I just wanted to apply the tech, and the last person I wanted to be connected to directly was David Miscavige. I worked mostly on TRs and Metering with the dozens of outer org trainees who were there, ran a program to retread Class XIIs on their TRs and Metering, and handled various VIP cases directly whom the tech hierarchy at Flag (as supervised by Snr CS INT) had failed to handle.


I was pretty much let alone to get on with it as completion stats and L’s HGC stats were steadily rising where I roamed. However, at the end of each day the Rep office personnel would gather in the Green Room of the FH auditorium to write up our sections of the RTC Rep’s daily report to Miscavige. It was the Rep’s report, and a great deal of it consisted of what I was producing in the course rooms (outer org, and staff Class XII course room). Most days, I’d write up my report while Angie and Rikki Jensen (who had zero tech training) would review TRs and Metering videos. Each day they were frantic to get several on the airport run to Miscavige, who had to give final passes. They were between a rock and a hard spot. They had a vicious daily demand for more. Yet the more they sent the more abusive, confusing rejects they would receive from Miscavige – all interlaced with the most vicious arbitrary opinions. I was at ground zero of the end of simple TRs and metering, and the beginning of the era of mass confusion and endless TRs and Metering Courses. While writing my reports I could not help but hear Angie and Rikki discuss rejects of students I had debugged in the course rooms. I attempted to interject my view, and oft times defense or advocation for a particular student’s video. Each time Angie cut me off saying that Miscavige had given her explicit orders that I not be allowed to participate on the video pass line in any way, shape, manner or form (which was consistent with Miscavige’s orders to me). I wound up spending considerable time in the course rooms attempting to console students trying to reconcile their arbitrary rejects without outright disrespecting the RTC Reps and by extension Miscavige. I took on sort of a tricky, covert Chaplain hat while trying to maintain some semblance of the hard-aschrome-steel persona Miscavige demanded of all of us. At the end of each day I would heard Angie and Rikki arguing for several minutes on whether a metering video read was “instant” or “latent” or “prior.” These arguments were interlaced with innumerable “COB saids”. The definition of “instant read” departed further and further from the simplicity that LRH defined it with: The correct definition of INSTANT READ is THAT REACTION OF THE NEEDLE WHICH OCCURS AT THE PRECISE END OF ANY MAJOR THOUGHT VOICED BY THE AUDITOR… …Additionally, when looking for reads while clearing commands or when the preclear is originating items, the auditor must note only those reads which occur at the exact moment the pc ends his statement of the item or command. -LRH – HCOB 5 August 1978, INSTANT READS One day I lost my composure and told Angie and Rikki in no uncertain terms words to the following effect: Will you please look at how insane this situation is? You two sit here and debate dozens of individual reads for minutes on end each, day in and day out. You pull out rulers against a video screen and flunk a guy because he wrote “Small Fall” 43

instead of “Fall” because you think it was 1/16th of an inch off. Worse, what was yesterday defined as an instant read, is today called “latent” or “prior.” Think about this. Imagine yourself in session, with you two sitting over your shoulder second guessing every read. Is an auditor afforded the opportunity to say to the pc, “hold on a few minutes, I want to get a second opinion”, walk off and discuss it like you two do with someone else whether a given read is instant, latent or prior? Hell, why do you think LRH introduced the idea of checking for “false, protest, etc.” Don’t you know that if you take up an uncharged item the TA will immediately start rising and there are remedies for that? This entire RTC handling on TRs and metering is taking training away from establishing certainty and instead introducting utter indecision and arbitrary. You’ve knocked the hat off of every Flag exec, Training and Qual terminal. Complexity and Confronting period, that is what is wrong with metering supervision and you are introducing it in spades. That last reference was to HCO PL Complexity and Confronting: THE DEGREE OF COMPLEXITY IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEGREE OF NONCONFRONT. Reversing this: THE DEGREE OF SIMPLICITY IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEGREE OF CONFRONT. And THE BASIS OF ABERRATION IS A NONCONFRONT. The response to my outburst was red face, embarrassed silence. In that culture there was no other possible response because to acknowledge would be to acknowledge where the bony finger was pointing, the King of Squirrels. To fight would encourage an issuance of more discussion of the King of Squirrel’s arbitraries. We all returned to our business but tensions increased between us. As weeks went on all manner of unusual solutions arose to satisfy crams issued to students with their RTC rejects. People were nitpicking every word LRH ever said about instant reads. They were fighting over one LRH comment over another. It was a tragic train wreck of semantics and literalness. And students, Flag Supervisors, and executives and the Reps themselves became increasingly confused. The next thing I see is a Golden Era Productions, super high-tech video playback machine installed in the RTC Rep office at the Fort Harrison. Angie and Rikki began doing their video reviews behind the closed door of that little office. When I asked about it, Angie told me that COB had come up with a breakthrough on “instant reads”. He sent them that fancy video player because they could slow it down to incredibly slow speed and definitively determine whether a read was instant or not. In practice it confused matters even more. The reps were working in one electronic universe, the supervisors and students in another entirely. The reps would sometimes invite a Flag exec, Supervisor or Qual terminal over to the 44

ivory tower to demonstrate how they were right by showing them a disputed video on Miscavige’s secret, doomsday machine. That was necessary as some Flag executives began to protest heavily – though necessarily covertly – to the increasing confusion surrounding TRs and Metering. They would leave the magic technological wonder as confused as when they arrived for reality adjustment. When I was able to elbow my way into their little enclave over Angie’s efforts to keep me out, I saw that indeed doomsday machine it was. The sound was slowed down with the picture and greatly amplified. The instant the words of the major thought ended was virtually impossible to divine as it blended in with the amplified ambient noise. I even found an LRH lecture where he stated during the SHSBC era that about the most idiotic thing someone could do is to create some high tech film playback system to debate the issue of instant reads. I gave that to Angie and went about my business. As my disagreements with Angie (representing Miscavige) became more intense and less suppressed, suddenly the Lisa McPherson matter hit like an atomic weapon that wiped out that chapter from my life and the lives of many others. To understand how that became the latest prior confusion knocking me further out of valence, you can Google “Marty Rathbun videos” and watch me talk of where that lead me, Miscavige and the church. Now, I’ve got a pc arriving today and need to do some work in preparation for that, so cannot write more at this time. Hopefully, I’ve provided enough information to clear at least some fog from the swamp of arbitraries many have suffered from during the ensuring fifteen years. I am not done with this. I am going to present some documentary evidence that the quagmire I describe above became far more thick and inescapable over the years that followed.

Doomsday Dave – KofS Part II

April 18, 2011

Online blog posting + comments: doomsday-dave-kos-pt-2/#comments What follows occurred eight years after the 1996 Golden Age of Tech implant, where Miscavige guaranteed public Scientologists that he had forever, absolutely solved TRs and Metering and all other barriers to rapid, standard training of auditors. With that, though not stated and apparently unnoticed by the many, Miscavige was also saying “Ron was wrong, his idea about the TRs and Metering films helping supervisors solve the making of auditors was plain silly.” You may recall that in 1996 Miscavige proudly announced that based on his own “breakthroughs” that all orgs, including all Class V orgs, would be making “perfect” auditors with alacrity and in abundance. Eight years later Miscavige – ignoring his eight year old definitive and absolute claims – let his OT Ambassador friends in on a little secret. In his 2004, Maiden 45

Voyage Anniversary private OT Summit briefing, he acknowledged to the Ambassadors that students were taking literally “years” to get through his Golden Age of Tech metering course. How he got away with blaming it on others is a marvel – given that from May 1996 forward he claimed consistently that he was Scientology’s tech God. But you can see for yourself that his event implant technology apparently was the ONLY thing he kept working like a charm. And without mentioning that his 1996 hi-tech marvels (Quantum meter, reads simulator, and the doomsday machine super slow down playback reads critique player), in 2004 he promised to introduced yet another electronic via gadget to the line-up. Recognize too, that here we are, another seven years later, and he hasn’t delivered on that new doomsday machine. He said the doomsday machine would result in – oops didn’t he say that in 96? – perfect auditors being made in abundance in every org in the world. But, he said, it would be unviable to install immediately because it would cost perhaps 20,000 per org to replicate and install. In the interim, he has collected hundreds of millions to build pretty MEST orgs across the world. But, no new doomsday machines in any of them. And so, fifteen years have passed since David Miscavige “solved” metering by forever assuring metering is a lost science inside his “church.” After reading this, I encourage people to read HCO PL Complexity and Confronting in a new unit of time. What follows comes from the official COB Office staff transcribed transcript of Miscavige’s secret 2004 briefing to OT Ambassadors on the Freewinds. Without further ado, I give you the King of the Squirrels:

COB Briefing To OT Ambassadors

25 June 2004

PROOFED AGAINST VIDEO (1 Jul 04) OK, complexities. Man that meter is apparently complex because people can take a long time on that metering course, okay? There’s two things you can bug. People can get into this endless TRs, you need a TR supe on metering. This is really a frontier on the Golden Age of Tech because of course the whole – if you take a look at what that was, it’s just drill in the right way to do something and you get it. But a metering guy without somebody really knowing his stuff standing over him, the guy can really go off the rails and be at it forever and he’s positive he can’t make it. And I run into it practically every time I go somewhere. Even last month at Saint Hill there’s a guy there having been on it ninety months or whatever, and I’ve been at it and it’s just miscalling reads, you have to just slap him around pretty hard actually but boy, he gets it and you’re talking five minutes. This is only the beginning, but I can’t refrain from a few comments: a. “People can get into this endless TRs”. How, when you solved everything, by bypassing everyone through your Rep NW – which incidentally wiped out the tech hierarchy of the church of Scientology in the process – fifteen, count them, fifteen years ago. 46

b. “And I run into it practically every time I go somewhere.” Really? I thought you solved this when you came up with a new doomsday meter, doomsday reads simulator, doomsday Golden Age of Tech drills for supervisors, etc.– fifteen, count them, fifteen years ago. c. “you have to just slap him around pretty hard actually but boy, he gets it and you’re talking five minutes.” Easy then, just open an ultimate fighting prison camp for Spartan Sea Org members at Int. Oh, forgot you did try that. No wonder you call me a squirrel – I guess the Truth Rundown in the SP Times cut right across your STANDARD TECH handlings. Whew – ladies and gentleman, I am not making this stuff up, it is transcribed from the actual briefing by Miscavige’s own staff. And now, back to the rest of the KoS’s presentation: So we’ve been working on a couple things here. Here we go. I’m going to show you one thing that now we got a – believe it or not – simplicity, but it does work. Here’s a little pilot. Okay. And this hopefully – look, this is – you’re seeing prototype stuff here now. OK let’s start on this little display here. Okay. And this isn’t coming out tomorrow. No really, this is between us now, this not coming out tomorrow. This is just get – no, it is not, but I’m going to show it to you. Deal? What happens – anybody’s here been on a pro metering course (yeses), what, you see people and they walk over to the TV, they’re measuring the read. Okay (laughs) we get all these things (laughs). How long have you been on it? Seven months. Really, what have you been doing? The last 6 and a half I’ve been on my final assessment. (Exclaims) It shouldn’t be like that. Okay. Again, I cannot hold back another comment till the end, this guy just spits outpoints and lies faster than you can say “spit”. If you haven’t already please read the last post on this blog, The King of the Squirrels. Miscavige started the practice of walking over to TV screens and measuring reads. Miscavige created and enforced the arbitraries that made “final assessment” impossible. Nine years BEFORE this briefing. And look, he’s getting laughs as a response by the OT Ambassadors. Ok, back to Miscavige: Here’s a little device and here’s a training aid that really is going to speed this up. This is a reads recorder. And it’s right there for the guy in doing the assessment. So here you go, student would be there, it’s got a microphone, a headset, coach would have it as well. Right? I’m going to play it for you over the speakers because obviously you’re not going to all be able to hear this you know. And what this does is a guy doing an assessment or any reads it records it onto a hard drive, it’ll record hundreds of hours, you can record many assessments on it, and then play them back immediately and it plays back on the meter. And here we go. I’ll give you – now you got the camera on there? (Yes sir.) 47

Okay here we go, this is just a little setup here, you can see, it looks a bit odd. Okay. Right here. Various buttons and whatever, different files, meaning which assessment did they do, you know, it just goes up, I can move it up, okay I’m just going to play one now. Imagine somebody just did an assessment. You’re going to have to get it on the meter. I played back their assessment that second… (Assessment) And there it all is right there, instantaneously. Okay we go to the next assessment and that one they’re checking…. (Assessment) Okay. So we put this in a course room, and we did do it cause I thought, well I don’t know, I mean, is it really going – it’s instant, that’s the point, and the coach and the student are there. We haven’t had a student on the pro metering that’s been doing it yet. I mean it literally has reduced it down to checksheet time because it’s right there, we’re not to a video, we’re not to a screen, we’re not to anything else, it’s instant, anybody can go back and play it, even if the sup wasn’t watching them there it is. (Exclaims) So that’s step one and it’s end of metering bugs. (Cheers, applause) So, what he has done is put a digital recorder system into the meter itself or a plug in. You see that is much different than having a different piece of MEST recording the drilling, because the MEST is in or on the meter instead of outside the meter. Get it? Oh, by the way, “we haven’t had a student on the pro metering that’s been doing it yet. I mean it literally has reduced it down to checksheet time.” Do you realize this ass just admitted that as of nine years after his having taken over metering, that HE has not got a single person through the course in checksheet time. Now, realize his introduction of MEST recording on the line in no small part permanently knocked off hats and responsibility from everyone from whoever his second in command is now, right on down through every hat on the org board to the supervisors in every org by introducing his electronic vias. And as of 2004 he says he’s gonna introduce more and in effect PEOPLE cannot supervise. Sorry, back to the smartest guy in the room: Now that’s something we’ve been developing and I just have to get all the interface ready so people can hook it up to their meters in the room and that’s probably the furthest in the distance from these quite frankly. And there are several of these things we just developed and – okay, in any event, now here’s another one, here’s what we’re really getting. This I’ve been able to take from Flag and I’m going to be able to take it right down to org level. Because one thing you know if you’ve been to the Flag AO down there you notice that they can record their sessions. Every single one on a hard drive high security – no video tapes floating around, you can look right at the session – if you knew the cost of that baby, who, that wasn’t going to be too viable to put in the orgs. So we’ve been working on this for a couple of years, and we have a system here that for — fifteen, maybe twenty thousand dollars maybe we can put it into an org with two HGCs networked throughout the entire place, into the Qual cramming, into their C/S office, into everywhere, now, let’s take a – and look what you can do now. 48

At best what Miscavige describes is a gizmo that will eliminate the need to measure the length of read on a TV monitor; and nothing else. But in practice it is yet another means to have his pre-selected, physically attractive, unapproachable, non-tech trained minions second guess, bypass and knock the hats off of supervisors. He’s going to have students with headsets plugging themselves into the meter in order to do e-meter drills. Now hear this, this will further make metering impossible. The more one focuses on the MEST of it, the less they will be able to master perceiving the one and only LRH definition of INSTANT READ: The correct definition of INSTANT READ is THAT REACTION OF THE NEEDLE WHICH OCCURS AT THE PRECISE END OF ANY MAJOR THOUGHT VOICED BY THE AUDITOR… …Additionally, when looking for reads while clearing commands or when the preclear is originating items, the auditor must note only those reads which occur at the exact moment the pc ends his statement of the item or command. -LRH – HCOB 5 August 1978, INSTANT READS Really folks, metering is simplicity itself. But recognize, L Ron Hubbard did not have people sitting in course rooms for months, let alone years interiorizing further and further into the meter in order to understand what this means – at the expense, of course, of the actual magic that allows as-isness to occur, the auditorpc comm cycle. LRH had them do drills till they were comfortable enough and confident enough to take a person in session, then they’d go in session, and they would audit, audit, audit and they would learn to the point where they would not even contemplate arguing about what is and isn’t an instant read. The auditor would know. And many auditors do know. But, they ain’t anywhere near the doomsday machines, the church or Scientology, and most importantly they aren’t anywhere near – or any place they can be even indirectly influenced by – David Miscavige.

The Joe Howard Paradigm – Tech Outside the Wall

September 21, 2009

Online blog posting + comments: the-joe-howard-paradigm-tech-outside-the-wall/#comments I encourage everyone to read what I call the Joe Howard Paradigm at http://www. Also please consider what LRH once said in a similar vein: “And I believe that the freedom of the material which we know and understand is guaranteed only by a lightness of organization, a maximum of people, good training and good, reliable , sound relay of information. And if we can do these things, we will win. But if we can’t do these things, sooner or later the information 49

which we hold will become the property of an untrustworthy few. This I am sure, because it has always happened this way.” From the tape, “What Scientology is Doing” 6 June 55, Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress. I think my own technical training narrative supports this line of thinking. I worked pretty hard for 12 years in support of obtaining tax exemption for the Church. My primary motivation was that it was called for in LRH’s estate planning which was designed to make Scientology available to everyone ultimately. His estate planning called for a system of checks and balances so that one madman could not lord over and destroy all of Scientology. When exemption was attained it took me about a month to confirm my suspicions that the checks and balances had indeed been usurped by a madman. The control was so thorough that to even subtly object would mean being shipped off to a gulag and made into a mouse. I got on my motorcycle and rode across the country for nine days. When I phoned my father from San Antonio Greg Wilhere intercepted the call – he sat for days by my father’s bed side who was terminally ill with cancer for this purpose. He begged me to speak to Miscavige. I did, and Miscavige pleaded with me to meet him in New Orleans. I met him. Miscavige swore to God he would cease acting like a madman, and promised he would stop abusing people. He told me if I returned he’d send me to the ship to train and move up through OT III (I was Clear at the time) since I had worked so hard and safeguarded the church forever and thus deserved it. I accepted since training in and applying Scientology was the only reason I joined the Sea Org in the first place. Miscavige sent his most trusted Class XII Greg Wilhere to join me to twin with me and report on me. He sent Snr CS Int Class XII Ray Mithoff to audit/sec check me. Both have recently executed declarations under the penalties of perjury that they are DM’s top technical dogs and I am a lunatic who has no certificates. Now, you have probably seen that I have copped to committing physical violence on staff members – on several occasions in 2001 and two occasions in January 2004. Mithoff’s and Wilhere’s declarations reminded me of some more physical battery I performed on several occasions. a. I lightly kicked Wilhere in the shins on a number of occasions, just hard enough to wake him up when he fell asleep while “coaching/suping” me on TRs, and meter drills, and while auditing me. b. I lightly kicked Mithoff in the shins on a number of occasions just hard enough to wake him when he feel asleep on me in session. Note, since I left the Sea Org a number of others have reported similar batteries upon those two for the same reasons. Because no one on the ship had any idea I had blown, but for Greg and Ray, and because they only knew me as IG Ethics, nobody fooled with me on study. It was just me and LRH as far as I was concerned. I absorbed it intensively because it was the opportunity I fought for twelve years to obtain. I never once in almost two years of study doped off. I demanded to and did TR O two hour blinkless – even though I had to look at a dozing twin. When it came to the meter drills, the Class 50

XIIs couldn’t do them with me because their needles were painted to the dial. I had to sup myself on those too, using greenhorn staff whose needles reacted like normal beings. And – long before the Golden Age of Tech, and despite orders from the two Class XIIs I didn’t need to – I did the dating drill all the way to a done routinely with no flubs. That is the way I applied LRH because I was dead serious about thoroughly duplicating his tech and using it as he did. When I started student auditing, another Class XII – Margaret Supak – C/S’d my auditing. Not long into Grade O auditing she sent me to cramming for “comm cycle additives” for asking a distraught p.c. “what’s up.” Of course, the p.c. told me and it was the first of many, many cases I would crack by simply using communication, my meter and trying to audit like LRH did. You might have noticed that it is ILLEGAL in the current Church of Miscavology to audit anything like LRH did in the many auditing demo tapes he recorded. Well, when I refused the cram, Wilhere came in to handle me. He couldn’t. He had zero altitude or credibility with me for the outnesses noted above and because I caught him and reported him for destroying the Freewinds Captain’s marriage by constantly and covertly flirting with his wife. Mithoff then laid down the law with me. He told me the numerous LRH references I provided to him stating to the effect that the only way an auditor can seriously run aground is by failing to understand what is going on with the pc before him, and that one must use two way communication (required by the auditors code) to be sure he does, were trumped by Class VIII data. I told him that rather than accept verbal tech from him, I was now forced to go study Class VIII. I listened to all the Class VIII lectures and read all the written references I had not already read on Academy training. Of course I found out Mithoff was lying or simply hadn’t a clue what Class VIII is about – and thus no clue what Standard Tech actually is. LRH lays in with an atomic branding iron that Class VIIIs study all the tech and it is drilled and applied and finally one can simply sit down and “play the piano.” Just like he advised policy be applied in the intro to the OEC. You don’t argue one line of one HCOB against another. Just as you don’t argue one line of policy against another. Incidentally, that is ALL that DM’s technical hierarchy and international management have done for years. They produce nothing. They use tech and policy to stop all day long. And right when some enterprising soul does something adventurous like do an eval, or initiate a sane tech program, Miscavige will enter some blanket order that “evals are canceled” (actual DM order), or Snr CS Int Office can issue no orders (actual DM order). When I left the ship I had trained through Class V Grad officially. But, because of my experience with the Class XII priesthood, I effectively did the Briefing Course and Class VIII. That is because Mithoff could not explain to me why a number of integral LRH lectures were not on the Academy level checksheets he and DM had issued in LRH’s name. Rather than limit myself to the 8-12 lectures on each Grade – and then again at NED and Grad V and HSSC – I did a computer search and pulled and listened to every lecture LRH ever gave that touched on COMMUNICATION AT LEVEL 0, PROBLEMS AT LEVEL I, O/W AT LEVEL II, ARC BREAKS AT LEVEL III, AND SERV FACS AT LEVEL 4 , etc. 51

My first assignment upon going to Flag to work under the RTC Rep in late summer 95 was to handle the ethics (including sec checking), TRs and metering of the Class XIIs at Flag. They were a piece of work – with only a couple of exceptions – because like Mithoff and Wilhere they couldn’t even keep their eyes open for a session, couldn’t sit still in a chair, couldn’t read a meter, all the while asserting they were the priesthood and could not learn another single thing about Tech – they were IT. In the middle of all this, their (and DM’s) product Lisa McPherson and her tragic death took me off that project before completion. Over the next several years more of their flubbed products were assigned to me to handle by DM because he had nowhere else to turn. That included a virtual who’s who list of Scn celebrities and executives. Nearly all of them I FES’d, C/S’d, examined, and serviced as Ethics Officer and Chaplain in addition to auditing because every time a Class XII either at Flag or Int got involved it was all about making themselves right for their own overt products. Miscavige not only condoned that, he ordered it in place once he saw that was the only way he could stop some serious squeaky wheels from collapsing and possibly hurting his image or creating an external PR flap. Suffice it to say none of them went the route of Lisa McPherson – quite the contrary. I handled many cases tangled up in a ball from overt L’s delivery. Because of time constraints and his necessity to handle direct requests from VIPs themselves, DM ordered me to Read it-drill it-do it on NOTS and the L’s. I later was able to complete Class IX training formally, but not before I handled a number of NOTs ball ups. When Miscavige had his final psychotic break (which he never came out of ) in November 1999 (see my St Pete Times filmed interview for particulars) he started targeting me and all of international management in bizarre ways (much covered in the SP Times Series). My attempts to continue myself up the Bridge were torpedoed by Miscavige – twice pulling me off NOTs with NO justification when he had learned I had arranged an auditor for myself. I audited hundreds of hours of NOTs without having received a NOTs session. I audited Tom Cruise from start to finish on NOTs without having received NOTs myself. And even when that was done, I managed to get onto the program – and while getting Tom through OT VI – and being his review and six month check auditor, Miscavige again ordered me OFF NOTS. Meanwhile, Miscavige took over all TRs and metering passes at FLB through his rep office as the first phase of his Golden Age of Tech. They prolonged and complicated the TRs to the point where auditors were churned out who could ARC break a Saint in a New York minute. The metering coaching was so complicated that his metering comps were left with one certainty, “there is no way to know for sure whether something is an instant read or not.” And then the drills. He had a group of tech bustees putting them together. In the last couple weeks before release he had me and Snr CS FSO Richard Reiss testing the drills and correcting them for return to Tech Comps for corrections. Richard and I sent reams of pages of drills blackened with our edits and notes back to Comps. By the time the release event arrived, we had tested perhaps 60% of the drills, and had seen very few of our corrections back for verification. But, in Miscavige’s world, the EVENT must go on. Scientology is but one series of events for him (Hitlerian backdrops and all). 52

There is serious out tech embedded throughout DM’s Golden Age of tech. For example, have you ever seen an auditor assess “buttons” on you back to the stone ages, and by the time you start taking them up, you are talking about problems you never even conceived of having at the start of session? I contend a simple “what’s up?” (Two Way Comm) with an eagle eye on the meter would have resolved 95% of those situations. In fact, I’ve seen it happen because that is Standard Tech, not hammering the pc like he was a defendant before the Spanish Inquisition. Now, my coverage of Miscavige’s practice of Reverse Dianetics is well covered in this blog, as well in a segment of the St Pete Times filmed interview. My point in all this is simply this: The Church of Scientology under Miscavige has created a priesthood of Reverse Dianeticists. The only way I escaped it was the circumstances of not being junior to it during my own training. It was me and LRH with no vias or interruptions. I had no sup, I had no Qual, the only people assigned to “handle” my training got in the road of it. I would not allow the apex of DM’s tech hierarchy (Mithoff and Wilhere) to confuse me with their warped interpretations. And today I would not let either of those blokes audit my dog. Interestingly, the only “Scientology priest” I have run into on the outside also justifies his omniscience on his Class XII status. Eerily, he too possesses a signal inability to sit comfortably in a chair or read an e-meter, and has twice been reported to me by pc’s of his for falling asleep in session. He inquired through one of his trainees about my post warning people against fooling around with Ls. I responded that the biggest problem I ran into with botched L’s cases was their having been run on tons of unreading items. This newly minted “Class XII” responded that he had no idea how I could have determined someone was run on unreading items. Need I say more? Incidentally, the priest Class XII was so offended that I reported that two of his pc’s reported he’d fallen asleep mid session that he viciously attacked me for being a mere read it-drill it-do it Class XII. He told me I haven’t a clue how to handle Ls, since he is the only man in the world outside the Church with a full set of the L’s material. I told him I’d have a discussion with him on the subject once he showed me his carefully guarded holy grail. He came unglued at the suggestion that his priesthood of mystery be shattered. I think my experience supports that the Joe Howard Paradigm may well be the best way, if not the only way, to break the Reverse Dianetics priesthood of Miscavology. People are all going to have to take a measure of responsibility for their competency with the tech. They are going to have to learn enough about the fundamentals to judge whether the person who solicits them to audit them has the quality of TRs and requisite understanding of the tech to warrant their own time and effort. One is not given that opportunity within the Church incidentally. One ought to have the freedom to exercise that judgment. If, as Joe suggests, some enterprising souls set up Qual units devoted to training and correcting auditors, it seems they all ought to be independent so that the most effective make it because of their stellar products, and the shoddy substitutes die out because of their lack of results. Such delivery would not be too difficult – because the “secrets” of Class VIII and Class XII are simply the reverse of 53

what I have known Class XII’s to be capable of: to wit, if your TR’s are as natural as the wind and your metering is an accurate as a laser, you have made it. There is nothing you cannot handle. To allow anyone to attempt to consolidate and monopolize the tech could lead to another Dark Ages like we are attempting to break through today. I maintain that one gets out of the tech what one puts into it. If one is studying for the purpose of attaining some status or to make lots of money, he or she is going to be a lousy auditor. If one is studying it for the purpose of attaining a higher level of understanding of mankind and its plight, he or she will attain something approaching that. If one is studying it because of a driving purpose to help others as best as one can, he or she will make a great auditor. Unfortunately, the organized (oxymoron in Miscavology’s case) hierarchy of Scientology has proven unworkable. We can argue for three lifetimes whether it is because of some defect or omission in policy or whether it was an SP who foiled the best laid plans. It is irrelevant in terms of delivering the tech now. A Black (Reverse) Dianeticist has set himself up as Source and those weak enough to continue to tolerate it within management have bought into the program 100%. And believe me, there are nothing but weaklings left in DM’s vicinity. DM is continuing to alter training patterns and material so as to lose the effectiveness of the technology and in practice reverse its product. It seems to me that it is incumbent upon those who care about the future of the technology that they do what they can to make it available outside of the control and continued alteration of Miscavige.


The Great Middle Path November 12, 2009

Several months ago I wrote the Great Middle Path and posted it on under the pseudonym Sitting Bull. It is the only posting I have ever made under another name than my own. I only did so out of respect for the other authors of articles there – none of whom were able at the time to use their names for a variety of defensive reasons. I have updated the article with facts that have occurred since its original posting which tend to support its contentions. The updated article follows:

The Great Middle Path

According to the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) the way toward light is along the great middle path. That is, an intelligent, righteous pursuit of truth that bypasses the distractions of the extremes. Neither extreme asceticism nor extreme engagement in entertainments of the flesh leads anywhere but to from below whence one came. Observing the Scientology spectrum within such a framework is quite interesting. The extreme, reactionary far right of the spectrum is occupied by David Miscavige (DM). He is so obsessed with maintaining his image as the only one who is really “On Source” that he consistently implements policies (written and oral) that are changing the very nature of the subject for the worse by assuming the role of Source. Scientology once consistently assisted people in becoming more themselves, more tolerant, more questioning of authority, more independent of thought, more insouciant, more free. Under DM those pursuing the highest levels of spiritual attainment in Scientology are instead becoming less themselves and more what he wants them to be: more intolerant, less capable of independent thought, more serious, and more imprisoned. And all that comes with an ever increasing financial price – so let’s add “more worried about future survival” to the list. DM seems to be working hard to turn the only road to total freedom into the rocky road to virtual captivity. The extreme, rebellious far left of the Scientology spectrum is occupied by those who would not be satisfied until every last word of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was forever destroyed. The anti-Scientology extreme cut its teeth on the purported purpose line of restoring freedom of speech and thought on the subject. Ironically, that very group is now demanding that everything L Ron Hubbard ever issued be burned in one colossal Spanish Inquisition-esque bonfire. Thus, the antis have turned freedom to think and speak into freedom to think and speak as we do. Both extremes of the spectrum seem to have settled on one strong point of agreement. That is – getting the other guy is everything. What neither side seems to understand is that the generalization of their intentions toward one another only empowers the other side. Unfortunately, the folly of these factions comes at the expense of the largely innocent majority. 55

DM loves nothing more than appointing an enemy of Scientology to justify his continued, escalating abuses and ravenous money collection. To the degree criticisms are generalized to the subject or even to staff or public, DM gets a pass. He is only too happy to have his own criminal acts hung on innocent people (Scientologists at large) so that he can position himself as their protector. This was done in spades with the Freedom magazine published and distributed in response to the Truth Rundown series by the St. Petersburg Times. While the series focused very specifically on the well witnessed human rights abuses of Miscavige himself, and each source made a point to assert said acts were in violation of all that Scientology and LRH stand for, DM came right out of the blocks in Freedom trying to shift the blame. The first column of the first page of text accused the Times of “incit[ing] hatred against Scientologists”, “painting[ing] a false picture of the Scientology religion”, “unfairly stigmatiz[ing] Scientologists”, and accused the Times’ of being “biased” and demonstrating “bigotry”. Incidentally, I received a number of reports from public who were crush regged to contribute large sums of money for this tripe. They too were told falsehoods about their religion being under attack. With his generalization of his own sordid conduct projected onto Scientology, and his dishonesty about the nature of exposures of same, DM encourages wellmeaning Scientologists to continue funding his war chest which he uses to silence truth. On the other side of the spectrum, DM pours gasoline on the critics’ fire by his intolerant, aggressive, and anti-social responses to their hue and cry. Any criticism no matter how valid – and the most warranted criticism is always directed at his own conduct – is characterized by DM as “anti-Scientology.” Since an SP is incapable of any self-recognition of wrong-doing, instead of correcting his abuses DM steps them up and keeps producing future enemies, all the while driving mere critics into the anti-Scientology camp by his efforts to censor and destroy them. The relative minority of Scientology haters (far, far left) – those who favor book banning and burning and coercive tactics used to alter people’s beliefs – similarly use the DM led suppression tactics to paint the entire religion of Scientology as pernicious and worthy of dismantling. To them, everything about Scientology must go – including the peaceful practice of its philosophy, even when done sans the policies they use to justify all their broadsides against the religion itself. To those who enjoy conflict and strife the opposite extremes of the Scientology spectrum are a match made in heaven. Spewing generalities is the stock-in-trade of both sides, and those generalities further empower either side. In the final analysis, those who generalize their attacks on Scientology and Scientologists are DM’s best friends. By the same token, DM by his penchant for generalizing any valid criticism of his own conduct as “anti-Scientology” is the greatest ally of the anti-Scientologist. They keep one another in business. Since the original posting of the Great Middle Path, the attacks on the middle by both DM and the Haters has rang out in near perfect harmony (in fact dissonance). DM and the Haters want me and other independent minded Scientologists silenced at any cost. DM and the Haters want Scientology (the philosophy, the religion) destroyed and are doing their damnedest to make it happen. 56

DM resonates with Haters because his chronic tone level is HATE. The 1.5 horizontal column (closest to Hate there is) in Science of Survival reads like it was tailor made for DM. For example, those who have been around him much will readily recognize the applicability of these easily visible traits: Affinity: Hate, violent and expressed. Command over environment: Smashes or destroys others or environment. Failing, may destroy self. Fascistic. The handling of truth: Blatant and destructive lying. Literalness with which statements or remarks are received: Accepts alarming remarks literally. Brutal sense of humor Method used by subject to handle others: Uses threats, punishments and alarming lies to dominate others. Pleasure moments: True pleasure moments difficult to find. Reactive satisfaction in destroying. Both extremes of the spectrum are died in the wool Haters. They are busy keeping the innocent many embroiled, diverted and confused – while they empower one another. Empowering the extreme minorities only leads the peaceful majority toward the fringes of darkness. The light shines upon a place far from the dark extremes of the spectrum. Look for the alignment between DM’s actions and utterances and those of the anti-Scientology Haters. Recognize, Haters are friends of Dave. And Dave is the best friend of the anti-Scientologist. Think before lending support to either side of the darkness. Think for yourself!


We of the Church Believe That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon opinions of others and, that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.


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