World: Household And Sanitary Paper - Market Report. Analysis And Forecast To 2020

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020 2015 Edition | Sample Report

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 REPORT DESCRIPTION 1.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 KEY FINDINGS 2.2 MARKET TRENDS 3. MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1 MARKET VALUE 3.2 CONSUMPTION BY REGIONS AND COUNTRIES 3.3 MARKET OPPORTUNITIES BY COUNTRIES 3.4 MARKET FORECAST TO 2020 4. PRODUCTION 4.1 PRODUCTION IN 2007-2014 4.2 PRODUCTION BY REGIONS AND COUNTRIES 5. IMPORTS 5.1 IMPORTS IN 2007-2014 5.2 IMPORTS BY REGIONS AND COUNTRIES 5.3 IMPORT PRICES BY COUNTRIES 6. EXPORTS 6.1 EXPORTS IN 2007-2014 6.2 EXPORTS BY REGIONS AND COUNTRIES 6.3 EXPORT PRICES BY COUNTRIES 7. PROFILES OF MAJOR MANUFACTURERS Appendix 1: Production, trade and consumption by countries Appendix 2: Trade and prices by countries Appendix 3: Direction of trade between major producers and consumers LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Key Findings Table 2: Per Capita Consumption, By Country Table 3: Comparison Of Consumption, Production And Imports, By Country Table 4: Production Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007-2014 Table 5: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007-2014 Table 6: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, By Country, 2007-2014 Table 7: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007-2014

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

Table 8: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, By Country, 2007-2014 Table 9: Production, Trade And Consumption Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2009-2014 Table 10: Trade Of Household And Sanitary Paper And Prices, By Country, 2009-2014 Table 11: Direction Of Trade Of Household And Sanitary Paper Between Major Producers And Consumers, In Physical Terms, 2014 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Market Value – In USD, 2007-2014 Figure 2: Consumption, By Country, 2014 Figure 3: Imports In Terms Of Value, Growth And Share Figure 4: Market Forecast To 2020 Figure 5: Production Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, 2007–2014 Figure 6: Production Of Household And Sanitary Paper, By Region, 2014 Figure 7: Production Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007–2014 Figure 8: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, 20072014 Figure 9: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, 20072014 Figure 10: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, By Region, 2014 Figure 11: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007–2014 Figure 12: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, 20072014 Figure 13: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, 20072014 Figure 14: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, By Region, 2014 Figure 15: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Physical Terms, By Country, 2007–2014 Figure 16: Export Prices Of Household And Sanitary Paper, 2007-2014

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

1. REPORT DESCRIPTION The report provides an in-depth analysis of the global market for household and sanitary paper. It presents the latest data of the market size and consumption, domestic production, exports and imports and price dynamics. The report also features current sales data, allowing you to identify the key drivers and restraints. Additionally, a strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market is provided, as well as profiles of the leading companies. Forecasts illustrate how the market will be transformed in the medium term.

Countries coverage: Worldwide Product coverage: Household and Sanitary Paper Data coverage: • Market value; • Volume and dynamics of production; • Structure of production by regions and countries; • Key market players and their profiles; • Volume and dynamics of exports/imports; • Producer prices, import/export prices; • Market trends, drivers and restraints; • Forecast of the market dynamics in the medium term; • Per Capita Consumption.

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

2. GLOBAL TRADE - KEY FINDINGS China dominates in the global trade of household and sanitary paper. In 2014, China exported 641 thousand tonnes of household and sanitary paper totaling 1,716 million USD, 44% over the previous year. Its primary trading partner was the U.S., where it supplied 23% of its total household and sanitary paper exports in value terms, accounting for 36% of the U.S. total imports. Overall, the global household and sanitary paper trade dropped to 11,581 million USD, with a CAGR of -6% from 2007 to 2014. In physical terms, it showed decline, falling from 6,973 thousand tonnes in 2007 to 5,098 thousand tonnes in 2014. In 2014, the U.S. (10%), Germany (9%), Canada (7%), France (6%) and the United Kingdom (4%) were the leading destinations of household and sanitary paper imports, together making up 36% of global imports. The share of Japan increased (+2 percentage points), while the share of France illustrated negative dynamics (-2 percentage points). The shares of the other countries remained relatively stable throughout the analyzed period. Germany and the U.S. were among the other main global suppliers of household and sanitary paper in 2014 with a combined share of 21% of global exports. However, the fastest growing exporter from 2007 to 2014 was China (+14% per year). The remaining exporting countries demonstrated negative dynamics throughout the analyzed period. China significantly strengthened its position in the global export structure, from 4% in 2007 to 15% in 2014.

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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

Sample Report

3. GLOBAL IMPORTS Figure 1: Imports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, 2007– 2014 (million USD) Imports (million USD)

25000 20000

20 087 17 787

18 914

19 846

% to previous year


21 681

250% 200%


11 411 11 068 11 001

10000 113%




105% 109%






0 2007







50% 0%

Source: UN DATA

4. GLOBAL EXPORTS Figure 2: Exports Of Household And Sanitary Paper, In Value Terms, 2007– 2014 (million USD) Exports (million USD)

23 185

25000 20 571 20000

% to previous year

18 071

19 551


20 946

250% 200%


11 581 10 629 11 069

10000 114%










0 2007






150% 100% 50% 0%


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World: Household And Sanitary Paper – Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2020

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