Cathedral Highlights Fall/Winter 2018

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Cathedral Highlights FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 • V O L U M E 4 9 I S S U E 2

Special 100th Anniversary Edition


A Message from Our President

CATHEDRAL TRUSTEES BOARD OF DIRECTORS Incorporated 1972 OFFICERS Matthew Cohoat ’78, Chair Christian Browning ’93, Vice Chair Hon. Tanya Walton ’77 Pratt, Vice Chair Victoria Schneider ’88 Temple, Secretary Matthew Will, PhD, Treasurer Robert Bridges, President MEMBERS Kevin Alerding ’88 Rev. Eric Augenstein, MDiv, ’96 Dennis Barlow Very Rev. Patrick Beidelman, STL, ’90 Kimberly Blanchet ’90 J. Michael Cunningham Denise Farrell, Hon. ’08 Gregg Gallant Rosemily Geyer Ryan Hasbrook ’92 Michael J. Hannigan, Jr. Jason Konesco ’90 Dan Mattingly ’01 Dave McDowell ’75 Kyle McGrath ’01 Kathryn Martin ’83 O’Neil Sharon Reed Carmen Hansen Rivera, SAA ’66 Brother Roy Smith, C.S.C., ’61 Greg Stephens Pete A. Ugo MEMBERS EMERITUS R. James Alerding, ’63 John L. Davis ’66 Joseph M. Dezelan ’62 Daniel O’Malia ’65 Richard Pfleger ’73 Hon. Gerald Zore ’59 as of December 1, 2018

Fall/Winter 2018 Volume 49, Issue 2

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” – Matthew 2:10 Rejoicing is a wonderful thing to do, when you think about it. To rejoice with great joy takes it up a notch. To rejoice exceedingly... well, you get the picture. It has to be an event beyond description, beyond words. When was the last time you felt joy of this magnitude? For me, these events are certainly rare: the birth of a child, getting married, great accomplishments by our children, and MAYBE a championship by my favorite team. As we experience this season of tremendous joy, I ask you to try your best to find that great feeling this year. We do our best at Cathedral to celebrate the goodness of this season in a faith-filled manner, and I wish you the same at home. With 2019 upon us, a quick glance in the rear-view mirror reminds me that 2018 was quite a year here on the hill. The celebration of our 100 years has been memorable and enjoyable. As we flip the calendar, or get a whole new one, Cathedral forges forward with bold plans to continue to set the pace in the Catholic school environment. If there is one thing that has been very clear to me since my arrival in 2016, it is that Cathedral High School is the leader in the field of distinguished schools, and has set the pace and provided a model for other schools to emulate. That is good news. The great news is we are committed to being a Catholic school leader in our city, our state, and our country! These bold plans are only possible thanks to our exceedingly generous supporters, such as yourself. Our current Centennial Campaign is moving nicely toward our audacious goal of $25 million. This is already more than double any previous campaign at our beloved school, and we plan to keep Cathedral viable and vibrant well into the future. A primary objective of this campaign is to establish and enrich endowed funds for teacher compensation and training, as well as scholarship funds for our students. The capital projects in the campaign include improved athletic facilities at Brunette Park and a new Innovation Center. This center, with an estimated cost of $12 million, will accelerate our efforts to provide new and best practices in the STEM areas (science, technology, engineering and math), with appropriate spaces for teaching these disciplines in new and innovative ways. We will also have a new university-style dining center, complete with a Cathedral Cafe, so our students and staff can dine in collaborative groups in a comfortable, modern setting. This center, along with the previously mentioned initiatives, position Cathedral to be the Catholic school of the future. The great joy of this season began so simply in a manger more than 2,000 years ago and continues today in beautiful places like Cathedral. With your help, we will march on and continue to provide joyful opportunities for years to come.

The Cathedral Highlights is published two times annually by Cathedral High School for alumni, parents, and friends. The publication address is: Cathedral High School 5225 E. 56th St. Indianapolis, IN 46226 Phone number: 317.542.1481 Please send news to: Cathedral Highlights c/o Cathedral High School 5225 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226

Peace and joy to you,

Robert A. Bridges, PhD* President

*At the time Highlights went to print, Robert Bridges earned his PhD from The Catholic University of America. Look for more about this wonderful accomplishment in the next issue of Highlights. Congratulations, Dr. Bridges!

Cathedral Highlights FALL/WINTER 2018 • VOLUME 49 ISSUE 2

Contents 5

Cathedral Launches Hall of Fame – Circle of Excellence


Feature: Cathedral Turns 100! Honoring Our Past... Blessing Our Future


Centennial Celebration Weekend


Centennial Campaign Overview


Irish Athletics & Fall Sports Wrap-ups


Save the Date Calendar

On the Cover: Former and current presidents of Cathedral High School unite at Cathedral’s Centennial Mass, September 13, 2018. The men are standing at the exact same spot where the Holy Cross Brothers stood on the exact same date 100 years earlier. From left: Michael D. McGinley ‘60, Julian T. Peebles ‘64, Stephen J. Helmich, Robert A. Bridges. Inset: The Four Holy Cross Brothers at the same location on September 13, 1918.

In each issue 2 4

16 22 26

President’s Message Principal’s Message Holy Cross Update Class Notes In Memoriam

Above: Cathedral High School at 14th & Meridian from 1927 until 1976. WWW.GOCATHEDRAL.COM 3


A Message from Our Principal Dear Cathedral Alumni, Family and Friends, After having the good fortune to celebrate Cathedral’s 100 years, I have reflected on the past 17 years in which I have served this wonderful school. I continue to be moved and inspired by our Cathedral family. Every day I witness our dedicated faculty and staff cultivate relationships with their students and strive for continued excellence. I witness our students push themselves beyond their comfort zone, not only academically, but also spiritually, physically, and socially. I witness our parents and alumni collaborate efforts and share their gifts to positively impact our school and community. After 100 years, Cathedral continues to grow and pass on the values and philosophy of educating the whole child, heart, mind, and spirit, in an atmosphere of inclusion and diversity.



With this, I share my gratitude and thank you for being a part of our 100 year celebrations. I thank you for your pride, love and benevolent support for dear old Cathedral! I am humbled and beyond blessed to have been part of such an incredible celebration with you all. As Cathedral aims to be the Catholic school of the future, I look forward to embarking on the next 100 years, living out our mission, and providing the best possible education for individual students with a firm foundation in Holy Cross values. Blessings,


A publication for alumni, parents and friends.

For change of address: Please contact Lisa Farley at 317.968.7373 or Have a story idea? Contact Grace Trahan-Rodecap at 317.968.7352 or

David L. Worland Principal


Cathedral Launches Hall of Fame – Circle of Excellence In her 100th year, Cathedral High School is proud to launch a Hall of Fame – Circle of Excellence. It may seem like a natural thing to do in Cathedral’s 100th year, but it’s no simple task. “There are so many people who contributed to Cathedral’s 100 years of success,” says Joe Dezelan ’62, committee co-chair for the Circle of Excellence. “ Some people are remembered more than others, maybe because they gave a lot of money or their names are more recognizable. It’s important for us to honor those people who may not have been as visible, but still made a significant contribution. When you have 100 years to consider, it’s a tall order. We have a lot to consider.”

The four categories for the Circle of Excellence are as follows: 1) Alumni – Accomplishments Made as a Student 2) Alumni – Accomplishments Made Post Graduation 3) Employee – Faculty, Staff, Administrator or Coach 4) Community

“This is something Cathedral has needed for a long time and the time is right.”

“It’s important for people to realize we are looking for a very elite group,” says Dezelan. All candidates for the Circle of Excellence will be judged on their significant and/or long-term contributions to Cathedral High School. While many in our community have served their state and local programs over a long and distinguished career, their accomplishments must have been illustrious, distinguishable, exemplary, or profound for them to be considered. Longevity, without meaningful impact, does not constitute appropriate credentials for Circle of Excellence consideration. “I’m honored to serve as co-chair of this committee, along with John Short ’70. This is something Cathedral has needed for a long time and the time is right. I’m excited to honor those who deserve to be recognized.” The selection committee ranges from a 1946 Cathedral graduate to a 2002 Cathedral alumna. Having a wide age span definitely helps when implementing a Hall of Fame for a school with a 100 year tradition of excellence. In addition to Dezelan and Short, the other committee members are Joe Qualters ’46, Joe Smith ’59, Frank Sergi ’73, Kevin Flynn ’82 and Anna Obergfell ’02 Kirkman. Nominations are being accepted through February 28, 2019. The announcement of the first charter class of the Cathedral Circle of Excellence will be July 1, 2019. The number of inaugural inductees will be determined at a later date. After Cathedral’s Centennial Anniversary, a maximum of five inductees will be selected each year. Tentatively, the first charter class will be honored at the Cathedral Fund Dinner on Thursday, October 3, 2019. “I encourage people to dig deep into the past and nominate a deserving member of our Cathedral family. Also seek out others who might know of someone and encourage them to nominate, as well,” says Dezelan. To nominate a member of our community for Cathedral’s Circle of Excellence, please go to You can also call 317-968-7333 to request a hard copy of the nomination form. WWW.GOCATHEDRAL.COM 5


Cathedral Turns 100!

Honoring our past... Blessing our future By: Grace Trahan-Rodecap, Cathedral High School Marketing Director

Back in the early 1900’s, Indianapolis had three Catholic girls’ academies, but no Catholic high school for boys. Bishop Joseph Chartrand wanted to change that, so in 1917 he began appealing to supporters to open a Catholic high school for boys. After the money was found, Chartrand began the next task of finding teachers. He had heard about the Brothers of Holy Cross in South Bend and their work of establishing boys’ high schools. Reverend Father Andrew Morrissey, Provincial of the Congregation of Holy Cross at Notre Dame, accepted Chartrand’s invitation and assigned four Brothers to Indianapolis. It was a cool, cloudy morning on Friday, September 13, 1918 when Cathedral opened her doors as Indianapolis’ first Catholic high school for boys. Classes began with 90 students, freshmen and sophomores, on the second floor of Cathedral Grade School at 13th and Pennsylvania. Cathedral’s reputation for academic rigor and athletic excellence grew quickly, as did enrollment. After a series of temporary quarters, Cathedral moved to a new million-dollar school building at 14th and Meridian. This was Cathedral’s home for the next 50 years. That building, by the way, is now home to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. In 1964, the Brothers of Holy Cross purchased Cathedral from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. 6


The Brothers ran the school as a private, independent school until 1972. Cathedral remains independent today, meaning she receives no financial support from the Archdiocese. Faced with a general decline in enrollment at Catholic schools, including Cathedral, the decision was made to close Cathedral in 1972. A group of parents, alumni, and friends rescued Cathedral by forming a non-profit organization to take over


the school. Robert V. Welch ’45 organized the Cathedral trustees and for the next 15 years served as her Board Chair. Welch, for whom the activity center is named, is often referred to as the “Savior of Cathedral.”

In the 2016, Cathedral acquired a stunningly beautiful piece of property at 42nd and Mitthoeffer. Now known as Brunette Park, these 35 acres serve as the home base for several athletic teams, including baseball and softball.

“I remember reading the Indianapolis Star in October of 1972,” says Jim McLinn ’70. “Mr. Welch was quoted as saying ‘The Holy Cross brothers have every right to leave the school if they so desire, but they do not have the right to close the school.’ The rest is history.”

The Class of 2019 is blessed to be graduating during Cathedral’s 100th anniversary and the Class of 2020 will be the 100th graduating class of Cathedral High School. God has truly blessed our beloved Cathedral for 100 years. Cathedral is tradition. Cathedral is excellence. Cathedral is family. May God continue to bless our beloved Cathedral and she begins her next 100 years.

In 1976, the Cathedral trustees moved their school to the former site of Ladywood School at 56th and Emerson, which had just been closed by the Sisters of Providence. (From 1893 until a 1970 merger with Ladywood, St. Agnes Academy was an all-girls prep school run by the Sisters of Providence.) 1976 was also the year Cathedral became co-ed. Since Cathedral has been on “the hill,” the school has solidified her tradition of excellence in academics, the arts, and athletics. Her graduates include a Nobel Peace Prize winner, judges, mayors, artists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, business innovators, CEOs, professional athletes, and so much more. From 1976 to the present day, Cathedral has won more than 60 state athletic championships. Cathedral was first recognized as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 1988. She was again recognized in 2004 and 2016.

Cathedral High School’s

100 Year History Book Celebrate Cathedral’s 100th Anniversary with this gorgeous limited edition book. It includes 68 pages of Cathedral’s history and accomplishments through the years. It is a story of tradition, Holy Cross values, and a foundation of excellence that started in 1918 and, with God’s grace, will continue well into the future.

Order your Cathedral 100 Year History Book today at While there, check out other 100 year commemorative items while supplies last!

Paperback $15 Hardback $20

On September 13, 2011, Cathedral re-affiliated with Brothers of Holy Cross. As a Catholic school within the Holy Cross tradition, Cathedral embraces these values, based on the writings of Blessed Basil Moreau: Divine Providence Excellence Integrity Family Educating Hearts and Minds Inclusiveness and Diversity Option for the Poor

Don’t miss out on this piece of Cathedral history!




Centennial Anniversary Weekend− What a Celebration! Thank you to everyone who made our Centennial Celebration such a phenomenal success! Our spectacular weekend began with our 100 Year Mass at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral. After mass, many people made their way to the Harvest Hop, which was held across the street in the building Cathedral called home for 50 years. That building is now home to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Mother Nature continued to bless us with gorgeous weather during our celebration, which was a welcomed treat for those who participated in our Centennial Golf Outing. Later in the afternoon, families enjoyed food and fellowship at our Family Fan Fest. Past coaches and football heroes were honored during half time at the football game. Our football team certainly gave Cathedral a fabulous birthday present that evening, an overtime victory over St. Xavier, 20-14.

Saturday evening was magnificent as we culminated the weekend festivities with our Grand Gala. Thank you to all of the speakers who took us down memory lane and articulated Cathedral’s history so beautifully. Special thanks to Jean Smith ‘97 who did an amazing job with our Mission Moment. You can find her speech on page 10 of Highlights. Thank you to our Pride of the Irish Marching Band and our Centennial Choir for sharing their talents and adding the beauty of music to the celebration. Thank you to all the students who attended the Gala and added to our special moment at the end of the program. Also, thank you to the parents who made sure their students made it to all the activities.

We were honored to have Archbishop Charles Thompson officiate our 100 Year Mass. Joining Archbishop Thompson were Very Reverend Patrick Beidelman ’90, Reverend Eric Augenstein ’96, and Deacon Mike Slinger ’67.

Rosie Thomas SAA ‘63 Houk and committee members pictured above did a phenomenal job organizing the Harvest Hop. It was wonderful to celebrate the early days of Cathedral with the academy ladies. 8


Last but certainly not least, thank you to the 100 year committee who collaborated for four years to make sure Cathedral enjoyed a fabulous celebration. Their hard work, combined with other staff members and volunteers, made our anniversary weekend one for the history books.

Thank you to the 100 year committee for their four years of hard work and preparation for our incredible 100 year celebration! Jim McLinn ‘70, John Davis ‘66, Elisabeth Lesem ‘08, Kim Jamell, Michelle Rhodes ‘01 Taylor, Kati O’Brien 08, Denise Farrell, Hon. ‘08, Kelly Bego ‘99 Simerly, Nicole Farrell ‘98 Beasley, Grace Trahan-Rodecap, Chris Kaufman, Deanna Woodruff ‘94 and Jean Smith ‘97. Not pictured: Rosie Thomas SAA ‘63 Houk and Brother Roy Smith ‘61

A big thumbs up from everyone who was able to make it to the Centennial Golf Outing at the Maple Creek Country Club.

Gianna Peerman, daughter of Angela Guynn ’90, got some beautiful artwork on her arm during the Family Fan Fest, courtesy of Indy Face Painting & More.

Forever Irish parent and emcee of the Grand Gala, Kevin Gregory.

Dr. Tom Greer and all of the students in attendance at the Centennial Grand Gala, including our fabulous Centennial Choir, graced everyone with an Irish Blessing after the Mission Moment.

The undefeated City Champions of 1968 were reunited during the Centennial Football Game. It was great to see (L-R) Dave Weimer ’69, Leo Cullina ’69, Tom O’Donnell ‘69, Joe Shimrock ‘69, Dwight Nix ‘69, John Barton ‘69, Jim Curry ‘69, Jim McLinn ’70, Dana Stewart ‘69, Bob Roberts ‘69, Ray Roembke ‘69, Denny Yovanovich ‘69, Bill G’Sell ‘69 and Tim Kavanaugh ‘69.

President Robert Bridges and his wife Marcia with school leprechaun Michael McNulty ‘19 at the Centennial Grand Gala. WWW.GOCATHEDRAL.COM 9


“We are proud of our accomplishments and at the same time, we are keenly aware that excellence cannot be accomplished without the support of our family. “

100 Year Mission Moment Speech

by: Jean Smith ‘97

When I think of this place — Cathedral High School — I think of an energy, a connection that seems to run through it. This thread of connectivity that while not particularly tangible is surely palpable. It’s what my friends and I call “an Irish thing” — unless you’ve lived it — you just don’t quite understand. There is something about Cathedral this is a place that I love. Long before I arrived on the 56th Street campus as a Cathedral student, there were influencers in my life that spoke to the great place that Cathedral is. My mother is a St. Mary Academy alumna and I had many friends who were Cathedral students. But one of the most influential people to me was Father Patrick Kelly, who served as sacramental minister at my home parish — St. Andrew the Apostle. He was someone who spoke to the history of Cathedral, the pride, the struggles, and the many triumphs of Cathedral. Father Kelly and my Cathedral friends were people that, without even knowing it, shared that Cathedral was a place of faith, honor, and excellence. These people and so many others were building on the shoulders of those who went before them and creating a strong foundation on which WE will continue to build in the future. When I graduated from Cathedral in 1997, I left with a great love for this school. I was 10

given a top-notch education, taught to serve others, made amazing friendships...and had a state championship to boot! Cathedral was a safe space to learn and to grow — and upon graduation, my classmates and I knew we were ready to spread our wings and seek our ultimate potential. The truth is, you don’t REALLY understand the magnitude of what Cathedral is until you’ve been gone for a bit. It’s not until you realize that five to seven years after graduation that you still have lifelong connections with classmates and teachers, or that you still WANT to come back to cheer on our teams. It’s not until you can’t wait to bring your own children to campus to see a theatre production, attend the Easter Egg Hunt, spend the summer at Camp Cathedral, and eventually BECOME Cathedral students themselves that you realize just how impactful Cathedral truly is. I can recall conversations with my baby sister, a Cathedral graduate herself, eagerly anticipating the day that her twin sons would be Cathedral students. Today, those young men of hers are members of the class of 2020, Cathedral’s 100th graduating class. To quote Blessed Basil Moreau, “If we are to influence the future, to create a better time than ours, we must do what we do well.” I don’t think anyone in Indianapolis would argue that Cathedral does what she does


well. Excellence in all things has been a foundation for Cathedral High School — whether it be in academics, the arts, or school spirit — excellence sets Cathedral apart. We are proud of our accomplishments and at the same time, we are keenly aware that excellence cannot be accomplished without the support of our family. Yes, Cathedral is more than just a place, we are a family always leaning on one another for edification and support. We build each other up and challenge one another to do our best long past our high school years. THAT right there is Cathedral! When I think of what Cathedral means to so many of us, I’m reminded of the song “Lean On Me”: “Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on, for it won’t be long ‘til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.” Cathedral’s 100 year legacy is an accomplishment that we ALL should be proud of — president, priest, principal, teacher, student, parent, or alumni. We have all woven our unique threads into the fabric of this beloved school. We are a family, and we have leaned on one another time and again. We are forever grateful you joined us to celebrate 100 years of Cathedral High School and we are excited and honored for you to bear witness to the tapestry that is yet to come. Dear Ol’ Cathedral, Here’s to you!


C AT H E D R A L :

Tradition of Academic Excellence

Cathedral High School was a college preparatory school long before the term was coined. In 1921, Cathedral held her first graduation. Eleven young men graduated and nine of them matriculated to college. Seven of them enrolled at the University of Notre Dame. Today, continuing on to college is the norm for Cathedral students; 100% of the Class of 2018 was accepted to a college or university.

Class of 1921

Top colleges, universities and military academies continue to seek out Cathedral graduates. The Class of 2018, which included 316 students, reported more than $55 million in scholarship offers.

National Merit Scholars Please join us in congratulating our six National Merit Scholarship semifinalists! We are so proud of Jacob Schneider ‘19, Brendan Hurley ‘19, Ava Sweeney ‘19, Blake Lowe ‘19, McKenna Wylam ‘19, and Anna Pohl ‘19. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $31 million. Two other outstanding students were named National Merit Commended Scholars. Congratulations to Sydney HastingsSmith ’19 and Sam Kacius ’19.

Cathedral Student Earns Perfect Score on the ACT Congratulations to Ava Sweeney ‘19 on earning a perfect score on her ACT. Only 0.195% of all test takers earn a perfect ACT score. In informing the school about this tremendous achievement, Sweeney’s parents wrote, “We want you to know that we credit this achievement to the teachers and staff at Cathedral, especially the senior retreat. She took the exam the morning after senior retreat. She was short on sleep, but so filled with God’s love, she believed she could do anything. When people ask us ‘Why Cathedral?’ we say our daughter receives more than a great education that prepares her for college. She gained awareness and confidence in her abilities.”



C AT H E D R A L :

Tradition of Excellence in the Arts

Cathedral’s first theatrical production was The Prince and the Pauper on May 10, 1920. Boys played the male and female roles in the play. In the 1930s, the sisters at St. John’s, St. Mary’s and St. Agnes academies finally allowed their girls to participate in productions on the Cathedral stage.

Fall 2018 Children’s Play

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe




Fall 2018 Production

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Congratulations to Jade Miller ‘20 and Caitlin O’Connor ‘19. Their amazing works of art, which were selected to be included in the Scholastic Art Regional Traveling Exhibition, will be featured at the Cultural Arts Gallery at IUPUI December 1– January 5, and at the Indianapolis Art Center February 8– March 17, 2019. Jade Miller’s work is “Lilly Pods” and Caitlin O’Connor’s oil painting is “Lucky Dog.” Having their work selected to represent some of the best student art in central and southern Indiana is quite an honor and a testament to their artistic skill and accomplishment.

“Lucky Dog” © Jade Miller

“Lilly Pods” © Caitlin O’Connor


Centennial Campaign Overview

Guided by a bold vision and in celebration of our 100-year history, we have launched our Centennial Campaign. Cathedral’s initial goal was to raise a minimum of $20 million. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity to date with more than $20 million in commitments, we are excited to announce a stretch goal of $25 million. Here is a closer look at the three pillars of our Centennial Campaign priorities:

Innovation Center Goal: $12,000,000 The Innovation Center is a symbol of what is to come and a marker of Cathedral’s academic preeminence in Indianapolis. This premier facility will push Cathedral to the forefront of education with a space that not only promotes interdisciplinary learning and exploration, but also enhances our academic approach to science and innovation to captivate our students. As technology continues to drive our world, students need the best educational options in the fields of engineering, computer programming, robotics, science, and design. We will have a science center and makerspace that provides the flexibility for instruction and lab experience that parallels the space and thinking of Eli Lilly, Roche, Google, and Apple. Our students only have one chance at a high school experience that will prepare them to thrive. With the Innovation Center, Cathedral is uniquely positioning herself to educate students in transformational ways unlike any school in the area.

Brunette Park Athletic Facilities Goal: $1,500,000 If Cathedral High School ever needed a tangible reminder of divine providence working in our midst, Brunette Park would be it. In the summer of 2016, Cathedral discovered that the Midwest Regional Little League property at 44th and Mitthoeffer was coming up for sale. Suddenly, a 35-acre oasis in our area was available and within reach. The space available in this location has the potential to house soccer, baseball, softball, football, track, lacrosse, cross country, tennis, and more, but initial plans will focus on baseball, softball, and cross country. Cathedral staff knew this was God’s plan for our campus to expand and we leapt at the chance to make it happen. Now, we do not just have space for games, but we have an athletic home.

Future Projects

Phase 1 Projects Through this serendipitous expansion, Cathedral now has a home and an opportunity to reach a new community with Holy Cross values.






















Endowment Initiatives Goal: $9,000,000

Exceeded Goal!

Perpetuating the Mission We currently have a student population that encompasses a diverse socio-economic spectrum with nearly 40% of the student body representing families who have shown a financial need during the application process and receive tuition assistance. However, the school is able to fund less than 50% of the combined financial needs of those families that have qualified for tuition assistance. We know that a Catholic education has long been the most effective tool for ensuring all students, no matter their background, have the best possible chance at living a productive life. Accordingly, we are expanding our commitment to provide aid, undergirding support for our mission. Through the Centennial Campaign, $1 million will prefund tuition assistance putting aid funds in place before assistance is awarded and $1 million will support the endowment, assuring aid will be available for any deserving student for generations to come. We believe this is a reflection of our greatest strengths and will perpetuate our foundational values into the next 100 years.

Professional Excellence Cathedral seeks to recruit, retain and reward exceptional educators, who continually reflect on their practice and effectiveness guided by the Holy Cross philosophy of education. In order to retain and attract extraordinary educators, we must reward teachers with a compensation package that reflects their professional market value and is competitive with neighboring schools. If we believe that students are our greatest priority, then we must provide them with the best educators. We also must encourage these educators to continuously pursue professional growth permeating Cathedral’s Holy Cross values of excellence, integrity, divine providence, educating hearts and minds, family, inclusivity, option for the poor, hope and zeal.

Why a $25 million goal for the Centennial Campaign? •• All three funding initiatives support the school’s strategic plan to carry Cathedral into the next 100 years. •• While we have exceeded goal in the endowment initiative, there continues to be a need for cash and pledges for the construction of the Innovation Center and upgrades at Brunette Park. •• Additional unrestricted campaign giving is needed to offset the construction contingency costs and campaign expenses.

Total: $20.5 million

Campaign Goal: $25 million PROGRESS AS OF DECEMBER 1, 2018

For more information, contact: Nicole (Farrell) Beasley ‘98, Vice President for Advancement |, 317.968.7383 WWW.GOCATHEDRAL.COM 15


Holy Cross Commitment Ceremony

Congratulations to the recipients of the Holy Cross Blessed Father Basil Moreau Award and the Saint Brother André Bessette Award. These students were selected either because of their academic excellence and fusion of heart and mind or because of their service and dedication to others. The recipients are as follows; Marco Rebolledo ‘19, Bessette Award; Colin O’Dell ‘19, Moreau Award; Levi Wojtalik ‘21, Moreau Award; Abby Murphy ‘21, Bessette Award; A’Nya Wiley ‘20, Bessette Award; Natalie Schorr ‘20, Moreau Award; Sir Jonathon Thompson ‘22, Bessette Award; Ellie Sheddy ‘20, Moreau Award; Lane Fowler ‘22, Moreau Award; Nick Bozzelli-Levine ‘22, Moreau Award; Ben Irwin ‘20, Bessette Award; Nate Hillenburg ‘21, Bessette Award; Alexis Mattingly ‘22, Bessette Award; Nate Griffen ‘19, Moreau Award, and Andrew Marcou ‘21, Moreau Award. Not pictured: Joe Finnell ‘19, Bessette Award.

Multicultural Assembly

Cathedral was proud to celebrate her Holy Cross value of Inclusiveness and Diversity during October’s Multicultural Assembly. The Flag Parade represented the diversity of our student body’s heritage. Students and staff also enjoyed several outstanding performances. Special thanks to our Vice President for Community Relations and Diversity Ken Barlow ’82 for organizing an awesome assembly.




Breakfast with Santa Special thanks to the Cathedral Alumni Association for hosting Breakfast with Santa on our beautiful campus.

Luck of the Leprechaun Raffle Winner Congratulations to Terry Buckman on winning the $10,000 grand prize in the Luck of the Leprechaun Student Raffle! Buckman is no stranger to Cathedral or Catholic schools. She taught in various Catholic grade schools throughout the Archdiocese of Indianapolis for 37 years and is the parent of two Cathedral graduates. Howard Fogel, Coordinator of Student Philanthropy, and Nick Torres, Director of Philanthropy, had the honor of presenting Buckman with her huge check. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Luck of the Leprechaun Student Raffle. This year we raised $220,000 for tuition assistance and various student clubs/sports/activities. (Raffle License #147178)

Forever Irish Ladies Luncheon Thank you to Megan Martin (l) and Dawn Orr (r) for once again co-chairing a fabulous Forever Irish Ladies Luncheon. A special thank you to Victoria Schenider ’88 Temple (center) for her beautiful, heartfelt keynote speech. Temple also presented each attendee with a Miraculous Mary Medal and a mass card. Both gifts were deeply appreciated and added an extra special touch to a lovely afternoon.



C AT H E D R A L :

Tradition of Athletic Excellence Since Cathedral became co-ed in 1976, her athletes have won nearly 70 state championships.

Cathedral Girls Soccer – IHSAA State Champions! Whatever the outcome, it would have been special. That the outcome of the 2018 Cathedral High School girls soccer season was the program’s third state title made it all the more so. “The year, the season, was just really enjoyable,” Irish girls soccer coach Mark Behringer said. “The girls did what we asked them to do. We built an identity through the season and everything just fell into place.” The Irish, a year after a bitter sectional-final loss to Bishop Chatard, fulfilled their seasonal goal — beating South Bend St. Joseph by a score of 1-0 in the Class 2A Indiana High School Athletic Association state championship game at IUPUI on October 27. The Irish also won the 2007 and 2009 IHSAA girls soccer state titles. “This group very quickly made it known that their goal was to win a state championship,” Behringer said. The Irish (13-4-4), No. 4 in the Indiana Soccer Coaches Association final rankings, scored 93 seconds into the state final when junior Maddie Wirth was credited with a goal from a scrum in front of the St. Joseph net. Senior goaltender Sophia Saucerman registered eight saves and an Irish defense that grew stronger throughout the postseason shut out St. Joseph through the final 78 minutes. St. Joseph outshot the Irish 22-5 in the final.

Cole Hocker ’19 Wins IHSAA Individual State Championship Title Boys Cross Country – State Runner-Up All in all, Jim Nohl was pleased. That was true of pretty much the entire Cathedral High School boys cross-country program in 2018. “I couldn’t be any happier,” Nohl, the boys cross-country coach, said. The Irish in 2018 not only featured a state individual cross-country champion for the first time in school history, they turned in the best team finish in program history. Cole Hocker, a senior and one of the nation’s best high school cross-country runners in recent seasons, won his first Indiana High School Athletic Association state title at the Lavern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course in Terre Haute on October 27. The Irish as a team finished second in the meet.




Ken Barlow ‘82 Named to 2019 Men’s Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame Class Congratulations to Cathedral’s Vice President of Community Relations and Diversity Ken Barlow ‘82 on being selected for the 2019 Men’s Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame. Barlow earned 1982 Indiana All-Star and high school All-American honors following a career at Cathedral that saw him set school records in blocked shots and field goal percentage, and graduate third in career scoring and second in rebounds. He averaged 19.6 points and 11 rebounds as a junior to earn All-City and All-State honors and averaged 18.7 points and 9.4 rebounds as a senior, helping Cathedral to a best-ever 27-3 season. His record-setting career at the University of Notre Dame included a school record of 120 games played, along with 1,342 career points, also graduating among program leaders in blocks, steals, field goal percentage and free throw percentage. A two-time MVP and two-time team captain, he earned honorable mention All-American accolades and was the 23rd pick of the first round of the 1986 NBA Draft. In 16 seasons of professional basketball in Europe, he was a member of teams winning 12 championships in FIBA Euroleague, the Italian League, the Italian Cup, the Israeli League, the Israeli Cup, the Greek League and FIBA Euroleague Cup. Additionally, his jersey was retired in the Greek and Italian Leagues. We are so proud of you, Ken Barlow!

A boys soccer

This was one Whitey Kapsalis didn’t want to end.

“I’m sad,” Kapsalis said shortly after the 2018 Cathedral High School boys soccer season.

Kapsalis, in his second season as the boys’ coach, said the reason was simple: The 2018 team was special — not just on the field but off it. The Irish finished ’18 as one of the final eight teams playing in Class 3A, continuing to build a strong foundation by finishing 13-5-1 and winning the City Championship — and also winning a second consecutive sectional championship.

girls volleyball

The girls volleyball team not only won the City Championship in 2018, they also won the Section 10, Class 4A title — doing so with a team dominated largely by inexperienced youth. They beat Heritage Christian 3-0 for the City Championship before beating Lawrence North 21-25, 25-11, 25-12, 25-18 in the Section 10 tournament final at Warren Central.

The Irish finished the season with a 3-0 loss to 3-0 Roncalli in a Region 3, Class 4A semifinal at Greenfield-Central on October 20. Congratulations to Rose Meyer ’19 on being selected for the 2018 IHSVCA 4A All-District Team!

Cathedral advanced to the sectional final with a semifinal victory over Warren Central (25-7, 25-11, 25-15). The Irish won their first-round sectional match over Arsenal Tech (25-2, 25-3, 25-6).



GIRLS golf This season was absolutely a success. Considering where the 2018 Cathedral High School girls golf team started, and considering the collective level experience, Eric Bruns couldn’t see it any other way. “Overall, it was a very positive season,” Bruns said.


The Irish, one year after graduating a slew of experienced golfers who formed the core of a long run of success, not only won five consecutive dual matches during the 2018 season they also won an eighth consecutive sectional title. The Irish won the Section 15 Tournament at the Old Oakland Golf Club with a team score of 373, eight shots ahead of runner-up Heritage Christian.



Nothing came easy for Cathedral High School girls cross country in 2018.

They got better as the season continued.

But while that was true, Irish girls cross country coach Mark Doctor also said what at times was a tough season produced remarkable results. “The end result was good, but it was a weird road getting there,” Doctor said. “There was a lot of bizarre stuff that went on. In the end, it kind of sorted itself out.”

And if that didn’t mean a deep postseason run, it still meant a successful season for the 2018 Cathedral High School boys tennis team. “The bottom line is the young men are great young men — and they really improved as players and as people,” Irish tennis coach Mark Noe said.

The underclass-dominated Irish not only had two meets canceled due to weather in ’18, they also competed in a slew of meets defined by uncommonly hot weather before persevering and surprising many observers by advancing as a team to the semistate round of the postseason.

Irish boys tennis, after a series of narrow losses to perennially strong programs early in the season, finished the 2018 season with a 10-8 record and finished as the Sectional 48 runner-up to perennial power and longtime rival North Central.

The Irish, after a third-place sectional finish and a fifth-place finish regional finish, finished ninth at the Shelbyville semi-state meet — with junior Gillian Cridge and Audrey McKinney advancing to the state meet.

The Irish finished ranked 10th in the state.





A strong program working to get stronger. That’s how Bill Peebles described Cathedral High School football during a 2018 season that marked his first as the program’s head coach. No, the Irish didn’t win a state title — and yes, Peebles said the Irish ideally would have gone further in the postseason. Still, even with a sectional-final loss, this was a successful debut. “We were disappointed we didn’t get through it, but we had some pretty remarkable things happen,” Peebles said. The Irish (6-6) not only won two postseason games, they beat a strong Roncalli program in the sectional semifinal and turned in an impressive 20-14 regular-season overtime victory over Cincinnati (Ohio) St. Xavier in the Cathedral 100-year anniversary game. “A special day,” Peebles called the victory over St. Xavier, adding: “We had some really special moments. We had a really tough schedule, but we had some really good moments throughout the season.”

freshmen football: a perfect 10 Irish fans at the Freshmen Football Tailgate celebrate an undefeated season at 10-0!

Visit to read the full wrap-up on each sport

Fall Commitment Ceremony

Congratulations to the scholar athletes who committed to play their chosen sport at the collegiate level.

Pictured from left to right: Sydney Cripps ‘19 – University of Notre Dame (Rowing) Claire Koscielski ‘19 – University of Cincinnati (Tennis) Abe Wojtalik ‘19 – Ball State University (Tennis) Ryan Pehlman ‘19 – University of Cincinnati (Cross Country) Luke Mattingly ‘19 – Marian University (Golf) Jordan Slivka ‘19 – Ohio University (Wrestling)

In early November, Armaan Franklin ‘19 signed his Letter of Intent to play basketball at Indiana University.

As this issue was going to print, we learned that Haven Montefalco ‘19 committed to play football at Harvard University. Congratulations to all of our scholar/athletes. WWW.GOCATHEDRAL.COM 21


Class Notes

Lifelong connections with alumni and friends



The Mequon Community Foundation (Wisconsin) honored Karl Hertz ‘54 for his decades of service and leadership as a Pillar of the Community during a luncheon at Concordia University Wisconsin.

1960s Jon Brissman ‘62 was recognized by the California Legislature Assembly as an Inductee of the California Applicants’ Attorneys Association’s Greater Inland Empire Chapter’s 2018 Hall of Fame for his life of service, commitment, and leadership in the community on the 11th day of October, 2018.

Cathedral graduates and Vietnam veterans (left to right: Richard Schmutte ‘66, Frankie Medvescek ‘66, Mike Casey ‘66) posed for a photo at a National Vietnam Veterans Reunion, hosted by the Howard County Vietnam Veterans Organization based in Kokomo, Indiana. Medvescek has attended for the annual event for the past 27 years. Not pictured but also in attendance was Tim Logan ‘66.

Joe Dezelan ‘62 visited with Brother Roy Smith ‘61 and Brother Douglas Roach, a former Cathedral principal at their home, Columbia Hall, at Notre Dame before the Florida State game last fall.

In August, the Class of 1974 gathered together for a fun evening. Front row: Tory Puntarelli, Chris Countryman, Joe Storey; Middle row: Bill Scheibelhut, David Allen, Richard “Bubba” Sage, Dave Heidelberger, George Lauck, Jim Stark, Joe Breen; Top row: Bob Hammond, Brian Sullivan, Dave Zapp, Phil Glogoza, Dennis DeHebreard, Claude Benson, Jeff Laurie, Ed Locke, Jon Smith; Too late for the picture: Joe Kelly

The Class of 1978 gathered for their 40th Reunion at Cathedral. Fifteen members of the Class of 1965 attended a golf outing in Naples, FL. Eight of the attendees (Quinn, Maguire, Wade, Sheehan, Sanders, Albright, Curry, and Earnest) were there to attend the Second Annual Jack Ross ‘65 Memorial Golf Outing. John Quinn ‘65 originated this trip about 6 years ago (Ross was an original member of the group, so they named the outing after him upon his passing). The rest of the attendees take part in a “westsider” annual golf outing in Sanibel Island/Ft. Myers, FL. Now, the two groups merge into a larger outing each time. This is the third year they gathered as a group for a day of golf at Stoneybrook Golf Club in Estero, FL with dinner after in the clubhouse at Duffy’s Restaurant. They had an absolute blast laughing, golfing, drinking a few beers, and telling old stories about the Holy Cross brothers and other teachers, the girls at St. Agnes, St. Mary’s, Ladywood, and Chatard, and other various antics and sports heroics during high school.

Left to Right: Front row: Danny O’Malia and Mike Bell; Middle row: David Albright, Frank Dolence, Jack Watson, John Quinn, Mike Curry, Russ Sanders, Dan Sheehan; Back row: Bill Russell, Tim Wade, Wayne Vuolo (non CHS), Jim Maguire, Bill LaFata, Rick Mates, Frank Countryman, Lante Earnest (non CHS) 22




This past May was the 4th Annual “Brian’s Songs,” a fundraiser started by John Clamme ‘93, to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The event is held in honor of former Cathedral student Brian Trieloff who passed away in 2003. The event, held at Mousetrap Bar and Grill, owned by Mike Quarto ‘88, has raised $100,000! There’s live music every year featuring Cathedral grads, including Jimmy Cain ‘85, Scott Newbold ‘85, Molly Cain ‘89 Milton, Matt Cain ‘92, John Clamme ‘93, Maryclare Cain ‘97 Hasbrook, Kyle Vanes ‘99 and Pat Hasbrook ‘99! The 5th annual Brian’s Songs takes place May 24, 2019. Eric ‘95 and Kathleen Kelley ‘04 Hoefflin welcomed their daughter, Charlotte Kelley Hoefflin, on Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at 7lbs 4oz and 21.5 in. long.

Courtney Hughes ‘98 Geyer and husband Phil welcomed baby boy Simon Everett Geyer on May 25, 2018.

Last December, Chris Keen ‘99 was named as the AVCA (American Volleyball Coaches Association) Division II Assistant Coach of the Year. Keen was the first Florida Southern coach, head or associate/assistant, to be named as a national coach of the year. Shortly after, Keen was promoted to head volleyball coach of the Florida Southern Moccasins.

Carrie Hill ‘96 and Kristyn Schlimgen ‘00 Hill welcomed their son, Prescott Michael Hill, on the 4th of July, 2018.

Tommy Bissmeyer ‘00 and wife Nancy Homsy Bissmeyer welcomed baby girl Isabella Bissmeyer on September 28, 2018.

Lauren (Murray) Blake ’00, recently started a new career in real estate. She completed the residential real estate course, passed the realtor exam, and took a job with Carpenter Realty out of Westfield. Her family is all very proud of her finding the time to complete the course work and study for exam while raising triplet 2 year old’s (Andrew, Beau, and Grace). Just like big brother, Josephine Marie Cerone made her debut 4 weeks early to parents Katie McCallum ‘00 Cerone and Louis Cerone on August 25, 2018 at 7:39pm. She was 5lbs, 12oz of pure sweetness. Scott ‘00 and Lindsay Laham welcomed a baby boy, Lincoln John Laham.

Zach Fox ‘98 recently opened his own Edward Jones Investment office in New Palestine, Indiana.

Kyle Mayfield ‘01 and Rachel Mayfield welcomed baby boy Finley Aaron Mayfield.


Joe ‘00 and Marie Bauer welcomed their son, Dominic Jack Bauer, to their family.

Tim Craft ‘96 and his wife Molly welcomed a baby boy, Harry, in February. Harry joins proud siblings Ana, age 10, and Yoseph, age 8. Tim was recently named Leasing Manager for Healthcare Trust of America, the largest healthcare specific REIT in the US.

Dr. Adam Azman ’01 and his wife adopted a newborn baby girl, Abigail Emma. Abigail was born on August 13. On the very same day, Adam moved to Cincinnati and started a new job teaching chemistry at his alma mater, Xavier University.

Lindsey Lauck ‘00 Wolf and Brandon Wolf introduced the newest member of their family, Beckett David Wolf.

Members of Cathedral’s Black Student Union and E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Club were gifted with tickets to join alumni and staff for a viewing and panel discussion of the movie ‘The Hate U Give.’ Eric Saunders ‘01 (front right) was one of several panelists that lead the discussion with youth from around Indianapolis. Teresa Woller ‘01 Pallas and husband Christian Pallas announced the arrival of their daughter, Olivia Barbara Pallas, on September 12, 2018.

Dr. Ashlee Stallion ‘02 is a pediatrician and posed with some of her patients at the 100 Year Celebration Football Game vs. St. Xavier. All pictured are children of Cathedral alumni.


CLASS NOTES Diana Loiselle ‘01 Wedding married husband Paul Wedding at Our Lady Mount Carmel Church. Mark Seiler ‘02 and wife Lisa Bates announced the arrival of their baby girl, Elsie Louise Seiler. Louie Michael Taylor, son of Dave ‘01 and Catherine Taylor, was born on July 16, 2018. Jon ‘02 and Kristen Payne welcomed their son Zachary Talbott Payne on August 18, 2018. On July 27th, 2018, Sarah Straub ‘02 and Derreck Keaton welcomed baby girl Foley Isabell. Carrie Sullivan ‘02 Persic and husband Brad had their baby boy, Teague Christopher Persic, on July 9, 2018. Captain David Lauck ‘03 and wife Meghan had their second son, Harrison Mitchell Lauck on October 13, 2018.

On November 19, 2018, Julie Malone ‘03 Hum and husband Houston welcomed a third baby girl, Harper Grace Hum. Harper is the baby sister to Hadley and Hazel. Grant Heger ‘04 was named ACT (Association for Commuter Transportation) 40 under 40. From ACT, “These awards recognize leaders committed to developing programs that shift behavior and create long-lasting change within their communities and organizations.

Garrett ‘05, Kali, and Cameron Clark, welcomed Cohen Thomas on June 4th, 2018.

On July 8th, 2018 at 8:16 PM 2006 grads A.J. and Abbey Wetterer Stasic welcomed son, Andrew Charles Stasic, at Athens Regional Hospital in Athens, GA. He was 8 pounds and 21.5 inches at birth and he is their first child and the first grandchild on both sides.

Emily Casey ‘05 McClure and Andrew McClure ‘06 welcomed their second child, Joseph Lawrence McClure on November 13, 2018.

Mike Stevens ‘06 is going into his 9th season with the Indianapolis Colts as the Video Broadcast and Production Manager. Below is a photo from last year’s game in Buffalo against the Bills.

Kilah Dickey ‘07 welcomed her first baby girl, Kinly Raine, on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 8:17pm. She was 6 lb. 15 oz. and 20 in. long.

Casey Schaak ‘06 McCahill and husband, Tim, welcomed their son Callan Thomas McCahill in September 2018.

Jenna Schnellenberger ‘04 Hughes and husband Brad Hughes had baby boy Brooks Thomas Hughes on November 20, 2018. Shelley Dahm ‘04 Lane and her husband welcomed baby girl Josie. Drew Hunt ‘05 and his wife, Bridget, welcomed their baby girl, Delaney Mae.


Sara McSoley ‘06 Spears and Michael Spears had their first baby boy, Michael “Mack” Thomas Spears on October 2, 2018.


Rachel Ramey ‘07 Meiser married David Meiser on May 5, 2018 at the historic Morris-Butler House. The wedding was photographed by Amelia Morris ‘04, and the bride and groom shared the day with 100 of their closest friends and family. Rachel’s two closest friends were in the bridal and grooms party: T. Corrina Morris ‘07 was a bridesmaid and Joshua Lemieux ‘07 was a groomsman.

CLASS NOTES Sarah Niederberger ‘08 Becker and Tyler Becker welcomed their second child, Jameson John Becker, on Halloween 2018. He was 7lbs. 5 oz. and 19.75 in.

Alumni Class Luncheon Schedule

Amy Dickman ‘08 Shei and Ren-Jay Shei had their first baby boy, Oliver, in August 2018. Megan Schrader ‘08 Hunt married Bryan Hunt on October 21, 2018. Quinn Ketterman ‘08 and his wife, Stephanie, welcomed Eliza Ross Ketterman on October 11, 2018. Rick Michaelis ‘08 married Milissa Maric on September 22, 2018. Daniel Peter Pavilonis was born on October 26, 2018 to mom Stephanie Cook ‘08 Pavilonis and Nick Pavilonis and big sister Lillie.

Class of ’48 1st Wednesday/Month at K of C #3433 (March, June, Sept., Dec.)

Kelley Ford ‘11 and Karlie Fletcher ‘11 were married on May 19, 2018, and they reside in McCordsville. Other Irish alumni in the wedding party were Paige O’Herren ‘12, Chris Yust ‘12, Max Odgaard ‘11, and Kara Fletcher ‘09 Zeltwagner.

Class of ’55 3rd Friday/Month, 1 pm at Murphy’s Pub Class of ’56 1st Monday/Month, 11:30 am at Marriott, 21st & Shadeland

Alexis Goedde ‘08 Dickerson married husband Michael Dickerson.

Mary Ording ‘09 Hemer has been named girls varsity volleyball coach at Cathedral High School. In addition to her coaching duties, Hemer is a school counselor at Cathedral. Look for more on this story in the next issue of Highlights. 2009 graduates, Kara Voigt and Adam Broady, were married on September 8, 2018.


Joe Fulnecky ‘14 was awarded the Zahm Prize for the most distinguished academic record in the Mechanical Engineering graduating Class of 2018 at the University of Notre Dame. He was also recognized at Commencement Mass for having the highest academic ranking in the College of Engineering and was a Valedictorian candidate, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Moira Corcoran ‘15, was named a Boren Scholar by the National Security Education Program, a Defense Department initiative to help American undergraduates achieve superior-level proficiency in languages and cultures critical to ensuring national security and economic competitiveness. As an Indiana University senior, Moira will use the scholarship to study Turkish language and culture overseas during the 2018-19 school year. Upon graduation, she will work for at least a year in a national security position within the federal government.

Catie Stevens ’10 Crosetto was married to Matt Crosetto of Chicago on June 9th in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame. Molly Lawless ‘10 Vance married her husband, Austin Vance, on September 29, 2018.

Class of ’51 2nd Wednesday/Month, 11 am at Golden Ace Class of ’54 2nd Tuesday/Month, 10 am at Denny’s, Castleton

Alexa Roytek ‘08 and Sean Lowe welcomed Watson Gregory Lowe on September 28, 2018.

Brittany Lee ‘09 Ward and husband Christopher celebrated the birth of their first baby boy, Griffin James Ward on October 24, 2018.

Class of ’50 1st Thursday/Month, 11:30 am at Napoli in Beech Grove (March, June, Sept., Dec.)

Ryan Stiffler ‘19, who has received nominations for appointments to the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Air Force, caught up with Morgan Bolden ‘15 (Navy) and her brother Seth Bolden ‘18 (West Point) at the Army/Navy game.

Class of ’59 2nd Tuesday/Month, 11:30 am at Murphy’s @ Flynn’s Class of ‘60 Last Thursday/Month, Noon at Golden Ace Class of ’62 1st Friday/Month, Noon at George’s Neighborhood Grill Class of ’63 1st Wednesday/Month, Noon at Golden Ace Class of ’64 First Friday/Month, Noon at George’s Neighborhood Grill Class of ’65 3rd Monday/Month, 11:30 am at Ralph’s Great Divide

For the full list of alumni class luncheons, please visit

In the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of Highlights, the last name of Elizabeth Wyman ‘14 was misspelled. Elizabeth had the opportunity to attend the Winter Olympics where she served as a sports journalist for Ball State, WTHR, and various other newspapers. Elizabeth also reported at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.



In Memoriam 1930s

Cyril W. DesJean ‘39 Francis E. Salb ‘39


Patricia Elizabeth Pfau SMA ‘40 Worrell Omer Anthony Vogelgesang ‘43 Harold C. Braun ‘44 Constance B. Zeller SAA ‘46 James E. Oakley ‘48 John D. Graul ‘48 Robert Schisla, Ph.D ‘48


Richard F. Delaney ‘50 Richard “Dick” Francis Hahn ‘50 Richard G. Meisberger ‘50 William H. Salzmann ‘50 Msgt Lawrence P. Tobin ‘51, USAF John P. Childers Sr. ‘52 Mary Hulman SAA ‘52 George Norman McCarty ‘54 John H. Fitzgerald ‘55 Dennis Patrick Yaggi ‘55 Alma Armanis SAA ‘56 Rose Mary Davis SMA ‘57 Richart Elizabeth Anne Dugan SMA ‘58 Gaskill Robert George “Bob” Morgan ‘59


Jack Robert Baxter ‘61 Thaddeus “Tad” MacCartie III ‘63 David J. Wall ‘64 Thomas J. Wilson ‘64 William D. McCormick ‘66 David M. Obergfell ‘66


Michael Kiesle ‘71 Peter Wenzel ‘72 Robert J. “Bob” Hermann ‘74


Mark T. Cavanaugh ‘85


Michael Joseph Huser ‘99 G. Ryan Thrapp ‘99


Matthew T. Hughes ‘06




David Edward Hunzicker ‘11 Sidharth T. John ‘14

Cathcart Family Honors Their Father Longtime Cathedral supporter and past Cathedral parent, Joe Cathcart, passed away on September 30, 2018. Joe made giving back to the community a way of life and was a long-time supporter of Cathedral where he provided tuition grants for students who enrolled from an east deanery Catholic grade school. Prior to his passing, Joe gifted support to the newly established Faculty Compensation Endowed Fund which is one of the three funding priorities within the Centennial Capital Campaign. In addition to this, Joe’s children, David ‘05, Ryan ‘09 and Kelly ‘10 will continue to honor their father’s legacy by continuing to fund tuition grants, which will be awarded in their father’s name. Thank you Cathcart family for supporting Cathedral and honoring Joe in this way. For more information about the Centennial Campaign and/or how to include Cathedral in your estate plans, please visit

Brother Bernard Francis Donahoe, C.S.C. Brother Bernard Francis Donahoe, C.S.C., age 86, died on November 26. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin, the son of John and Mary (Sullivan) Donahoe. He was influenced by reading Thomas Merton’s autobiography, Seven Story Mountain, and, after seeing an advertisement for the Brothers of Holy Cross in Our Sunday Visitor, he decided to enter the juniorate program in September 1950 at Watertown, Wisconsin. He professed his final vows in 1955. He began his college studies at the University of Notre Dame and graduated Magna cum laude with a degree in History in 1955 and earned a Master’s degree with honors in 1958. After his first two years of teaching, he came to Cathedral High School to teach for four years. In 1961, he was honored with a graduate fellowship at the University of Notre Dame and earned his Ph.D. in 1965. Brother Bernard also spent 38 years teaching at Saint Mary’s College, the University of Notre Dame, and Holy Cross College. Speaking of his time as a leader in influencing fellow professors, students, and colleagues in Holy Cross, Bernard said: “Living and working for fifty plus years with some of the finest people God has ever put on the earth has been a privilege and a delight. Whether I accomplished anything worthwhile during that time, only God knows.”

Save the Date

Upcoming Events Black History Month Program February 13, 2019 42nd Annual ShamrAuction February 23, 2019


Trivia Night March 23, 2019

Cla endinsses g in 4 and


Easter Egg Hunt April 20, 2019


2019 Father Kelly Golf Outing June 21, 2019


2019 Grand Reunion (all classes ending in 4 and 9) June 22, 2019

Grand Reunion Weekend June 21-22, 2019

To view Cathedral events, visit

Register online at

Cathedral Alumni Cathedral Alumni


We Want to Hear from You! Have you changed jobs, gotten married, had a baby, received an award or recognition, or moved? Let us know. Complete and mail the form below or email the information to: Elisabeth Lesem ’08, Cathedral High School, 5225 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226, Name

Class year

Address Phone






Cathedral High School 5225 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 317.542.1481




$ 15,000* 2ND PLACE: $2,000


3RD PLACE: $1,000

Raffle tickets $100 each. Grand Prize will be drawn live at ShamrAuction on 2/23/19. Two early bird drawings on 12/14/18 and 1/25/19 worth $500. Early bird winners will be entered back into the raffle for the Grand Prize drawings. You need not be present to win. More info at

License #147178 *Payment based on a maximum of 900 tickets sold. All proceeds benefit the Cathedral Family of Funds.

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