INDIA DIGEST Volume 32 - December 2015
English - Khmer
October 2015 Extula 2015
01 From the Ambassador’s desk cMNab;GarmμN_rbs;ÉkGKÁrdæTUt\NÐa 03 Incredible India Competition karRbkYtRbECg \NÐad¾Gs©arü 05 Journey of Tiranga
dMeNIrrbs; Tiranga
11 Vijayapur: A gem of art Vijayapur:
13 Bringing up the Indian palate karelIkeLIgBI»CarsGahar\NÐa 23 Luxury on The waters
33 Journalist who attended IHGF in October 2015 GñksarBt’manEdl)ancUlrYm IHGF kñúgExtula qñaM2015 35 India visit
TsSnaRbeTs\NÐa 37 Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic
41 Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam
GtItRbFanaFibtIRbeTs\NÐa elak APJ Abdul Kalam 45 Jaipur
TIRkúg Jaipur 49 Ajmer/Pushkar
53 News in pictures B½t’mankñúgrUbPaB 57 Mahabharata erOgmhaPart³
Embassy of India
Address: Villa No.5, St. 466, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Editor in chief: Mr. N.Sitlhou, First Secretary Creative & Editorial assistance: Mrs. N. Malhotra Editorial assistance in Khmer: Ms. Kunthea Editorial assistance in Khmer: Magic Group
Cover Picture
Tel: (+855-23) 210 912 Fax: (+855-23) 213 640 Email: Website:
H.E.. Mr Naveen Sreevastav, Ambassador,Embassy of India, Phnom Penh Cambodia. http://
From the Ambassador’s desk: Dear Readers and Friends of India, This is my first message since I assumed the office of Ambassador of India to this wonderful country which is a close friend of India. I would like to first of all thank all of you for supporting us through the last several years. You have contributed to the success and popularity of this magazine. India and Cambodia have enjoyed shared cultural values over the
Naveen Srivastava Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Cambodia
past thousands of years. Testimony of this culture and friendship has been etched in the walls of the magnificent temples of Cambodia and is visible also in the daily life of the people of Cambodia. Dance, music, painting and even films portray this strong cultural link between our two countries. I have been here only a few months but I am deeply touched by the warmth and genuine friendship of the Cambodian people. This issue of India Digest brings to you many cultural events that the Indian Embassy in Cambodia has organized in its efforts to showcase a glimpse of the vast cultural heritage of India to the discerning Cambodian audience. In our continuing endeavor to further these links especially to the younger generation, we have started an “Incredible India Competition”, where everyone can participate and get a chance to win a return air ticket to visit India. The details are available in this issue of India Digest or on our Facebook page. As the new year is starting, we have planned a number of activities to promote and strengthen our cultural, people to people, economic and commercial ties. We will be putting out information of these events through our social media outreach Facebook (IndiaIn Cambodia), Twitter (@indembcam) and webpage ( and I would request you all to please follow these. I am excited to be in this Kingdom of Wonder, and look forward to working with all of you to bring our two nations and peoples closer and to ensure that our age old ties are further strengthened.
From the Ambassador’s desk
cMNab;GarmμN_rbs;ÉkGKÁrdæTUt\NÐa sUmeKarBGñkGan nigmitþRbeTs\NÐaCaTIemRtI enHKWCasaTImYy rbs;´cab;taMgBIeBl´mkkan;kariyal½ysßanTUt\NÐaRbcaMRbeTsd¾Rss; s¥at EdlCamitþd¾Citsñitrbs;RbeTs\NÐaenH. Cabzm ´sUmEføgGMNrKuNGñkTaMgGs;Kña cMeBaHkarKaMRTeyIg´na eBlb:unµanqñaMcugeRkayenH. GñkTaMgGs;Kña)ancUlrYmeFVIeGay TsSnavdþIenHeCaKC½y nigeBjniym.
Naveen Srivastava
GKÁraCTUt\NÐaRbcaM RBHraCaNacRkkm<úCa
RbeTs\NÐanigkm<úCa rIkraynwgtémøvb,Fm’EdleyIg)anEckrMElkKñarab;Ban;qñaMmkehIy. skçIPaB énvb,Fm’ nigmitþPaBRtÚv)anqøak;enAelICBa¢aMgén)aRsaTd¾rugerOgénRbeTskm<úCa ehIyeKGacemIleXIjkñúg CIvitRbcaMéf¶rbs;RbCaCnkm<úCa. karraMErk t®nþI KMnUr b¤sUm,IEt erOgPaBynþk¾)anbgðajBITMnak;TMngvb,Fm’ rvagRbeTsTaMgBIrd¾eRcInenHEdr. ´)anmkdl; TIenHEtBIrbIExeT b:uenþGarmµN_´)anditCab;nUvPaBkk;ekþA nig mitþPaBBitrbs;RbCaCn km<úCa. GtßbTenAkñúgTsSnavtþI India Digest naMmkCUnelakGñknUvRBwtþikarN_vb,Fm’CaeRcInEdl sßanTUt\NÐaRbcaMRbeTskm<úCa)anerobcMedIm,ICabTbgðajeGayeXIjBIekr’þdMENlmrtk vb,Fm’rbs;RbeTs\NÐaEdlBak; B½n§mkkan;ePJóvkm<úCa. enAkñúgkarxitxMRbwgERbgedIm,Ibnþ eTAmuxnUvTMnak;TMngenH CaBiessCamYyekµgCMnan;eRkay eyIg)ancab;epþImkarRbkYtRbECg eQµaHfa {RbeTs\NÐad¾Gs©arü} Edlmñak;²GaccUlrYmehIyman«kasQñH sMbuRtynþehaH eTAmkeTATsSnaRbeTs\NÐa. Bt’manlm¥itmanEcgenAkñúgTsSnavtþI India Digest elx enH b¤tamry³eKhTMB½r facebook rbs;eyIg. edayehtufaqñaMfµIkMBugnwgcab;epþIm eyIgmanKeRmagskmµPaBmYycMnYnedIm,IelIkkemáIg nig BRgwgvb,Fm’TaMg BIrRbeTs BlrdæTaMgBIrCnCati esdækic© nigTMnak;TMngBaNiC¢kmµ. eyIgnwg bgðajBt’manbEnßmBIRBwtþikarN_ TaMgGs;enHtamry³eKhTMB½rsgÁmmYycMnYndUcCatamry³ ehVsb‘uk (IndiaInCambodia) b¤ Twitter (@indembcam) nigtamry³eKhTMB½r ( dUecñH´sUmesñIrGñkTaMgGs;Kña tamdanTMB½r TaMgGs;enHpg. ´BitCamanGarmµN_rMePIbNas;Edl)anrs;enAkñúgRBHraCaNacRkGcäriy³enH ehIy´rMBwg fanwg)aneFVIkar CamYyelakGñkedIm,IeFVIRbeTseyIgTaMgBIr nigRbCaCneyIgTaMgBIrCitsñit Cagmun nigFanafaTMnak;TMngd¾cas;rbs; eyIgnwgRtÚv)anBRgwgeTAmux.
From the Ambassador’s desk
INCREDIBLE INDIA COMPETITION Embassy of India is launching a new competition for our Cambodian friends who have been to India as well as those who have not been to India as yet. For those who have been to India, we would like to have photographs of your visit to India. The photographs could be in the following categories: (i) Places (ii) People (iii) General These photographs could reflect your experience of ‘Incredible India’. The Embassy will shortlist the best of these photographs and plans to host an exhibition of these photographs in Phnom Penh. Also the person who has best photograph will get a return ticket to India. Those who have not been to India, we would like you to submit a small article about your expectations of a visit to India. Article should be at least 200 words and not more than 250 words. The Embassy will make a selection of best of these articles and include some of them in our quarterly “India Digest” magazine. We will also select the author of the best article for a prize of return air ticket to India. So, hurry up, submit your photographs and your article to us via email: or our facebook
karRbkYtRbECg \NÐad¾Gs©arü sßanTUtRbeTs\NÐakMBugEtcab;epþImnUvkarRbkYtRbECgfµIsRmab;mitþkm<úCarbs;eyIgEdlFøab;)aneTARbeTs\NÐa nigGñk minTan;)aneTARbeTs\NÐaenAeLIy. sRmab;GñkEdlFøab;eTARbeTs\NÐa eyIgcg;)anrUbftrbs;GñkkMLúgeBlGñkkMBugTsSnaRbeTs\NÐa. rUbPaBenaHGac CarUbkñúgRbePTxageRkam³ k/ TIkEnøg x/ mnusS K/ TUeTA rUbftTaMgenHGacbgðajBIbTBiesaFn_rbs;GñkBI \NÐad¾Gs©arü. sßanTUtnwgeRCIserIsrUbftl¥CageKmYycMnUn nigman KeRmagbgðajkñúgBiBN_rUbftTaMgenHenAkñúgraCFanIPñMeBj. ehIycMeBaHGñkEdlmanrUbftl¥CageK nwgQñHsMbuRt ynþehaHeTAmkeTAkan;RbeTs\NÐa. cMeBaHGñkEdlminFøab;eTARbeTs\NÐa eyIg´sUmeGayGñksresrGtßbTtUcmYy GMBIkarrMBwgTukrbs;GñkcMeBaHkarTsSnaRbeTs\NÐa. GtßbTenaHKYrEtmancMnYnBaküy:agtic200Bakü nigmineGay elIs 250Bakü. sßanTUtnwgeRCIserIsGtßbTEdll¥CageK nigbBa©ÚlGtßbTmYycMnYneTAkñúgTsSnavdþI kRmgGtßbTRbeTs\NÐa RbcaM RtImas. eyIgnwgeRCIserIsykGñkniBn§GtßbTl¥CageKehIypþl;rgVan;sMbuRtynþehaHeTAmkeTAkan;RbeTs\NÐa. dUecñH sUmRbjuab;eLIg bBa¢ÚnrUbftnigGtßbTrbs;Gñkmkkan;GuIEm:l b¤mkkan;TMB½r ehVsb‘uk
Journey of Tiranga A national flag is not only a country’s identity, but also a symbol of its faith and ideals. The Indian National Flag too bears testimony to the fact
Long time ago when land was not divided by
Eminent freedom fighters such as Sister Nivedi-
national boundaries, people and clans used
ta (a disciple of Swami Vivekanada), Madame
flags to identify themselves as a unit or a cult
Bhikaiji Cama, Annie Besant and Pingali Ven-
they belonged to. That piece of cloth hung on
kayya contributed to these flags to proclaim
a structure or carried by leaders represented
the ideals of the land and its people. As nations developed, the flag became more than a mere
The Indian tricolour or Tiranga eventually came
identification; it symbolised all that people val-
into being on July 22, 1947, when an ad hoc com-
ued and fought for. The ideals, goals, philoso-
mittee of the Constituent Assembly adopted it
phy, hopes, achievements, aspiration and pride
as the national flag of independent India. Tiran-
of the people gave the flag colours, symbols
ga was subsequently retained as the national
and design that encapsulated all the patriotic
flag on India’s first Republic Day in 1950. The then
emotions. The story of Indian national flag is no
Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
introduced the flag with a memorable speech, Tryst with Destiny, in the 44 INDIA PERSPECTIVES
Post 1857, the Indian independence movement
+JULY-AUGUST 2013 Constituent Assembly and
gained momentum nationally and freedom
moved the resolution to adopt the new flag for
fighters preferred to form organisations and
Free India.
come under a common flag, and so emerged the ideas that represented India. The elements
Describing the design and dimension of the flag,
used on previous Indian flags included lotus,
Nehru said, “The national flag of India shall be
charkha (spinning wheel), stars and crescent.
the horizontal tricolour of deep saffron (kesan),
Journey of Tiranga
Journey of Tiranga
Pandit Nehru while presenting Tiranga to the Constituent Assembly on July 22, 1947
is for growth and of our relation with earth. The blue signifies the boundless sky above us and the fathomless sea below. The blue also implies inner energy. After the official declaration of independence Pingali Venkayya with the flag
by the Constituent Assembly on the eve of August 14-15, 1947, a group of 72 women led by
white and dark green in equal proportions. In the
Hansa Mehta presented the tiranga to Dr. Ra-
centre of the white band, there shall be a wheel,
jendra Prasad on behalf of the women of India,
the Ashoka Chakra in navy blue to represent the
symbolising the birth of the Indian National I Flag.
charkha. There are four colours: saffron, white
It was this flag that was hoisted on the Council
and green as principal colours, and navy blue
House on August 15, 1947 at 8.30 am. Now in its
of the Ashoka Chakra as the secondary colour.â&#x20AC;?
66th year, Tiranga is still going strong, not just at home, but globally.
In terms of values, saffron stands for courage, sacrifice, valour and the spirit of renunciation. The white in Tiranga stands for purity and sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rays, and so denotes the path of light. The green
Journey of Tiranga
Tiranga at Kargil War Memorial in Drass, J&K
• The national flag was hoisted for the first time on ramparts of the Red Fort on August 16, 1947 at 8.30 am, and not on August 15, 1947. It was from 1948 onwards that the flag hoisting ceremony took place at the Red Fort.
honour of being first hoisted on Mt. Everest along with the Union Jack and the Nepalese national flag by Sherpa Tenzing and Edmund Hillary, when they became the first men to climb the peak. So far, the Tiranga has gone up to Mt. Everest 38 times.
• The Parliament House , New Delhi, is the only building in India where three flags are flown at a time, representing the three distinguished office bearers: Speaker of Lok Sabha, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha. Before 1958, when the Supreme Court was housed in the Parliament House, four flags used to fly over the circular building.
• In 1971, the Indian tricolour, for the first time, travelled in space on board Apollo-15. Cosmonaut Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma later wore it as a medallion on his space suit during the Indo-Soviet joint space flight in April 1984.
• On May 29, 1953, the Indian tricolour had the rare
• The flag was hoisted on the South Pole on January 17, 1989 by Colonel J.K. Bajaj, and on the North Pole on April 21, 1996 by Squadron Leader Sanjay Thapar.
Journey of Tiranga
Tg;CatiminEmnRKan;EtCarbs;smÁal;RbeTsmYyenaHeT vaCarUbsBaØaénCMenO nig]tþmKti. Tg;Catirbs;RbeTs\NÐak¾manskçIPaBeTAnwgerOgBitpgEdr.
CayUrNas;mkehIy RKaEdlEdndIenAminTan;maneKEck CaRBMEdnRbeTs mnusS nigbkSsm<½n§)aneRbIR)as; Tg;Cati edIm,IsmÁal;BYkeKCaRkúm b¤sasnaEdlBYkeKeCO. eday RbeTs)anGPivDÆ Tg;CatikøayCarbs;mYy elIsBIrUb sBaØa vaCanimitþrUbEdlmnusSRKb;KñaeGaytémø nigxMRbwg ts‘U. ]tþmKti eKaledA TsSn³ kþIsgÇwm sñaéd esckþIR)afña nigemaTnPaBrbs;mnusS )anpþl;CaBN’ eTAkan;Tg;Cati rUbsBaØa nigkarrcnaEdlbgðaj BIGarmµN_ GñkesñhaCati. erOgr:avrbs;Tg;CatiRbeTs\NÐavamin xusKñaenaHeT. eRkayqñaM 1857 clnaÉkraCü\NÐa)anTTYlkarelIkTwkcitþ kñúgépÞRbeTs ehIyGñkcm,aMgedIm,IesrIPaBcUlcitþ begáIt GgÁkarCaeRcIn ehIybegáIt)anCaTg;CatirYmmYy ehIyvivdæ KMnitenaHeGaykøayCaTg;CatitMNagRbeTs\NÐa. cMNuc sMxan;EdleKeRbIenAkñúgTg;CatiRbeTs\NÐamun² rYmman páaQUk Charkha (kgvil) páay nigGDÆc½nÞ. Gñkcm,aMg esrIPaBd¾l,Il,ajmandUcCabgb¥ÚnRsI Nivedita (sav½k rbs; Swami Vivekanada) elakRsI Bhikaiji Cama, Annie Besant nig Pingali Venkayya )ancUlrYmcMENk mkkan;Tg;CatienHedIm,I RbkasBIesrIPaB.
eRkaymknaykrdæm®nþI elak Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru )anENrnaMBITg;CatikñúgkarbriyaymYyBIkarNat; CYbCamYynwgeRBgvasna (Tryst with Destiny) enAkñúg TsSn³\NÐaTaMg44 (44 India Perspectives) rYmCamYy nwgsPaFmµnuBaØ Ex kkáda-sIha qñaM2013 ehIyk¾)an QaneTAdl;karseRmcykTg;CatifµIsRmab;\NÐaesrI. karBiBN’naBIkarrcna nigTMhMrbs;Tg;Cati elak Nehru )anniyayfa {Tg;Catirbs;RbeTs\NÐaRtÚvEtmanbIBN’ ExSrbnÞat;edkénBN’elµót BN’s nigBN’exovcas; EdlmanTMhMb:unKña. enAcMkNþalExSbnÞat;s RtÚvmankg; mYyEdlCa Ashoka Chakra EdlmanBN’exovcas; sRmab;tMNageGay Charkha}. vamanBN’bYn KW BN’elµót BN’s nigBN’ébtgCaBN’cMbg nigBN’exov cas;rbs; Shok Chakra CaBN’ bnÞab;bnSM.
cMeBaHtémø BN’elµóttMNageGayesckþIekøóvkøaBlIkmµ esckþIkøahan nigviBaØaNkñúgkarlHbg;. BN’senAkñúg Tiranga tMNageGayPaBbrisuT§ nigkmµrsµIRBHGaTitü nigedIm,IbgðajKnøgrbs;BnøW. BN’ébtgKWsRmab;karrIk ceRmIn nigsRmab;TMnak;TMngrbs;eyIgCamYyEpndI. BN’ exovbgðajBIemXEdlKµanRBMEdnenABIelIeyIg nig smuRT Tg;CatibIBN’rbs;RbeTs\NÐa b¤ Tiranga cab;manvtþman Edlvas;CeRmAmin)anenABIeRkameyIg. BN’exovk¾bgðaj enAéf¶TI22 Exkkáda qñaM1947 enAeBlEdlKN³kmµkar BIfamBlxagkñúgeyIg. BiessénsPaFmµnuBaØykvamkeRbIR)as;CaTg;Catién RbeTsÉkraCü\NÐa. eRkaymkeTot Tiranga RtÚv)an bnÞab;BIkarRbkasCapøÚvkarBIÉkraCüPaBedaysPaFmµnuBaØ rkSaCaTg;CatiCatienAéf¶saFarNrdæTImYykñúgqñaM1950. enAl¶acéf¶TI 14-15 ExsIha qñaM1947 Rkúm®sþI 9
Journey of Tiranga
72 nak; tMNageGay®sþIRbeTs\NÐa EdldwknaMeday ExsIha qñaM1947 naem:ag 8 knøHRBwk. bc©úb,nñenH Hansa Mehta )anCUnGMeNay liranga mkkan; enAkñúgqñaMTI66 Tiranga enAEtrwgmaM minRtwmEtenA\NÐa Dr. Rajendra Prasad enAkñúgGKarRkúmRbwkSa enAéf¶TI15 enaHeT KWenAsaklelak.
Tg;CatiRtÚv)anbgðÚtelIkdMbUgenAelIkMEpgbnÞay Everest edayelak Sherpa Tenzing nig Edmund RkhmkalBIéf¶16 ExsIha qñaM1947 evlaem:ag 8:30 Hillary CamYynwgTg;CaticRkPBGg;eKøs nigen)a:l; enA naTIRBwk minEmnéf¶TI15 ExsIha qñaM1945 enaHeT. eBlEdlBY k eKkø a yCamnu s SdM b U g Edl)aneLIgdl; cab;taMgBI qñaM1948 rhUtmk KWmanBiFIbgðÚtTg;CatienA kMBUlPñM. knøgmk elak Tiranga )aneLIgPñM Everest bnÞayRkhm. cMnYn38elIk.
sPaTIRkúgjÚvedlI KWCaTItaMgEtmYyKt;enARbeTs • enAqña1M 971 Tg;Cati\NÐa)aneFVdI eM NIrelIlhM Gakas \NÐaEdlTg;CatibIRtÚv)anbegðaHeLIgkñúgeBlEtmYy elIkdMbUgeday yanþGab:ULÚ15. eRkaymkelak EdlCatMNag[RbFankariyal½ykitþiysTaMgbIkñúgenaH Rakesh Sharma embBa¢akarGavkas )anBak;Caemday rYmman RbFansPaCan;Tab GnuRbFansPaCan; nigRbFan elIQutGavkasrbs;elakkñúgkMLúgeBlehaHehIrelI Can;x<s;. munqñaM1958 enAeBlEdltulakarkMBUlsßit GakasrYmKñaeday \NÐÚsUevot kalBIExemsaqñaM1984. kñúgsPa manTg;CatibYnRtÚv)anbegðaHeLIgenAelIGKar ragmUlenH. • Tg; C ati R tÚ v )anbegð a HenAb: U l xagt,Ü g kalBI é f¶ 1 7 mkra qñaM1989 edayelakvresnIyÉk J.K. Bajaj ehIy • enAéf¶TI29 Ex]sPa qñaM1953 Tg;Cati\NÐaman enAb:UlxageCIgenAéf¶ 21 Exemsa qñaM1996 edayelak kitþiysd¾kRmmYyEdlRtÚv)anbgðÚtdMbUgeKbg¥s;enAPñM Sanjay Thapar EdlCaT½BGakas . •
Journey of Tiranga
Vijayapur: A gem of art Established in the 1oth century AD by the Kalyani Chalukyas, the city of Vijayapur (formerly Bijapur) is known for its artistic monuments and intricate architecture
You can term it as a fascinating open-air museum that dates back to the Islamic era of the Deccan region. The rustic Vijayapur (formerly Bijapur) tells a glorious tale dating back to around 600 years. The Kalyani Chalukyas established Bijapur in the lOth century AD. The city changed hands and became a part of the Khilji Sultanate during the second half of the 13th century. In 1347, the Bahmanis of Gulbarga took over the sultanate from the Khiljis only to be split into five states, known as the Deccan Sultanates, with Adil Shah taking control over Bijapur. Blessed with a treasure of mosques, mausoleums, palaces and fortifications, the city got its major monuments during the reign of Adil Shah... There are plans to get these monuments the status of UNSECO World Heritage Sites.
Vijayapur: A gem of art
begáIteLIgkñúgstvtSTI10 AD eday Kalyani Chalukyas EdlCaTIRkugén Vijayapur (BImuneKehAfa Bijapur) EdleKeRcInsÁal;vatamry³vimand¾viciRt nigsßabtükmµk¾sµúRKsµajrbs;va.
GñkGacehAvafaCasarmnÞrI enAxageRkAEdlmanmnþesñh_EdlmanGayukalyUrlg;taMgBIsm½yGusI aø menAkñgú tMbn;Decan. Vijayapur EdleKsÁal;BImunmktamry³eQµaH Bijapur manRbvtþierOgniTanyUrNas;mkehIy RbmaN600qñaM. Kalyani Chalukyas )anbegáIt Bijapur kñúgTsSvtSTI10 AD. TIRkugenH)anpøas;bþÚr ehIy)an køayCaEpñkmYyén Khiji Sultanate kñúgkMLúgBak;kNþalstvtSTI13. kñúgqñaM 1347 Bahmanis én Gulbarga )andeNþImykkSRtcamBI Khiljis edIm,IbMEbkCardæ5eTot EdleKsÁal;vafaCa Deccan Sultanates edayman Adil Shah CaGñkRKb;RKg Bijapur. edayTTYl)anRbsiT§iBrCamYynwgrtnsm,tþi viharGuIsøam ectiy vaMg nig sMNg;karBarsRtÚv TIRkúgenHmanvimanFM²kñúgkMLúgeBleLIgRKgraCürbs; Adil Shah. eKmanKeRmagedIm,I eFVIeGayvimanTaMgenH)aneQµaHCarmnIydæanekrþ_mrtkBiPBelak UNESCO.
Good to know
Best time to visit October-March
How to reach Belgaum airport is 205km away. Take a train to Bijapur railway station, 2km away. Regular buses ply from major cities in south and west India.
Also see Chand Bawri, Mehatar Mahal
Vijayapur: A gem of art
Bringing up the Indian palate The Indian culinary atlas has been designed by restaurants known for innovative and interesting cooking styles
Bringing up the Indian palate
April 16, 2014: The iconic B Merwan announced
the same succulence minus the 160 spices used
that it is shutting shop! Social media went ber-
in the Galouti variant! Similar was the case of Poi.
serk, posting about the 100-year-old Irani eatery.
A Portuguese import, Poi was redeveloped by
No detail, no matter how frivolous - from the soft-
the Armenians- India’s first baking community –
est mawa cake to the bun maska, Czech chairs
with wheat flour and toddy, served with sausag-
to the 46 baking lines- was spared. It felt
es and egg. It was India’s first taco!
as if the curtains had fallen on yet another historic chapter, one that connected Bombay to
Even the world-famous Butter Chicken was in-
vented in Moti Mahal when Tandoori Chicken was served in a bath of gravy. It was the same
So what was it about B Merwan that demand-
tenacity of bringing in something different that
ed such a loyalty? Like many of them earlier, B
led to the birth of the Baida Paratha and Seekh
Merwan was part of history that shaped Indian
Kebab roll in 1303. The now much sought-after
cuisine we know today. In fact, Indian culinary
Tandoori King Prawn was a delicacy served in a
history is replete with such Merwans that have
Kori Roti to traders at the port way before it for-
shaped civilisations and its palates. Known then
ayed in the royal court of Patiala as one of the
as hotels or serais depending upon their location
queen’s favourites.
(serais were small motels on highways whereas hotels were located in towns or on ports). These
One among the many sweets that took shape in
places were grounds of innovations of new dish-
these hotels was the Rasmalai. Having originated
es and commonising cuisines that came down the royal kitchen and assimilated newer ones that arrived on the shores. Developed in the exotic corridors of the royal
Butter Chicken was invented in Mod Mahal when Tandoori Chicken was served in a bath of gravy
kitchens, the Galouti Kebabs reached the common man shaped as Tandoori Kebab or Bhagu Kebab, with a few variations. Bhagu Kebab had
Patatas Bravas
Chicken Kulfi
Bringing up the Indian palate
in the temple corridors of Puri in the state of
remained, new ones came up across the coun-
Odisha, Rasmalai was perfected in sweetmeat
try, especially in Delhi, Mumbai (then Bombay)
shops in Salepur before it reached the bylanes
and Kolkata (then Calcutta). Each of these
of Calcutta (now Kolkata) and then to the court
places had its unique identity. Like United Coffee
of Wajid Ali Shah.
House in New Delhi became the first restaurant to have a textured wall with seating replicating
Over the years, these standalone restaurants
the Ooty Club. The menu at these restaurants
became the hub of culinary inventions like
was a blend of English, Chinese and Indian
fafda, jalebi, imarti, chhole bhature, chaat and
delicacies. Dishes like Spanish Paella, Vegetable
samosa. What added to the charm of these
Ratatouille and Penne Alfredo with Vodka,
places was them serving as the meeting place.
Croissant, Egg Benedict, Roulade, Tea - English
This meant they could experiment effectively
and otherwise - Sandwiches and the famous
and they did. Peppered Hot Chocolate was first served on the Spice Route after chocolate arrived in India with the Spanish, and the first wine made by squashing
The Standalone restaurants became the hub of many inventions like fafda, Jalebi, immarti and chaat
grapes and beetroot together to give it that red colour. Chandni Chowk, the shopping paradise of the Mughal era, established in 1650, became the food potpourri as years passed by. The oldest and most-famed outlet here is Pt Gaya Prasad Shiv Charan, set up in 1872, and Ghantewala Halwai which served the Mughals their fill of Sohan Halwa. The restaurant business flourished between 1860 an d 1900. While the smaller hotels Murg Galouti Sangam
Peshawari Kebab
Bringing up the Indian palate
Casserole became common meal much like
emerge and cater to the working class. Such
Biryani, Yakhni, Zarda and others during
Udupi-style places provided quality food at
Mughal times.
affordable prices. Kayani, the oldest surviving bakery in Mumbai, too served a similar purpose
Calcutta (now Kolkata) saw its first Western
for mill workers who, even at the end of the
hotel- with electric fans, tubs and a restaurant
month, could afford a breakfast of two cups of
in 1880 by David Wilson.
tea and two Bun Maskas with butter for less than an anna.
Called Auckland Hotel, it had its first coffee shop serving cookies, cakes and Indian coffee. Gym-
In between all arrived the slightly upscale fine
khanas and exclusive clubs like Bombay Royal
diners that merged food, decor and aspirational
Yacht Club mushroomed everywhere.
values. Like Firpoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant in Calcutta (now Kolkata). Established around 1917 by Italian
In fact, it would not be wrong to say the enti- -re
Angelo Firpo, it was the favourite spot for the high
Gymkhana belt at Marine Drive developed
society that served Lord Irwin, the then viceroy
during this time and so did cricket, chicken
and governor of India. Even back then, Caviar
lollipop and soda! Much like Roshanara, one of
and Foie Gras were served here.
Delhiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest clubs that later became doubly famous for being the place where the Board of
Between 1920 and 1950, little changed by way
Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) was formed in 1928. On the other side of this trend were places like
Kolkata saw its first Western Hotel built in 1880 by David Wilson called the Aukeland Hotel
Mavalli Tiffin Service (later MTR) that began to
Tandoori Sheekh Kebab Bringing up the Indian palate
of new concept restaurants or newer cuisine
Post-1970, the Indian food scene went in for a lull
though Rock culture did inspire a few to change.
for nearly two decades. Yes, there were restau-
Like Cafe Leopold in Mumbai which was a coffee
rants opening - some of the best names opened
place changed into a cool beer and buddy
during this time like the Dum Pukht, Peshwari and
hangout. Indian delicacies had suddenly taken
Bukhara - but most of these were located in hotels
over but with smidgen of the other influences in
and were inaccessible to the common man.
the coffee shops. Till 1990, it was back to Indian cuisine -mostly Chinese and the so-called Punjabi cuisines
from the North Frontier. Food business suddenly
became the usual bet, with a few exceptions. “A
became a commercially viable occupation but
handful of restaurants run by seasoned hoteliers served quality food,” says Zorawar Kalra, founder, Massive Restaurants but they were far and few. “Delhi,” adds Kalra, “however remained the hub of experimental cuisine as the city developed.
In between all came the upscale fine diners that merged food, decor and aspirational values
Suddenly, there was an invasion of Chinese and fast food dragging along North-Eastern cuisine. But that was it.” Calcutta (now Kolkata), however, says Chef Sabysachi Gorai, founder, Fabrica By Saby, continued to develop newer concepts. Blue Fox became one of Calcutta’s first bar-restaurants with live bands playing music for people to dance. It is an entertaining record of Calcutta’s nightlife from the 50s and 60s. Food here continued to be a mix of English, European and Indian.
Chicken Biryani
Bringing up the Indian palate
innovations and experiments stopped. In the early 90s, chefs took the baton of bringing interesting concepts that started with olives, grew with the likes of Pizza By The Bay and Olives, and suddenly the Indian restaurants took the biggest makeover. Such was the rise of experimental cooking and experiential eating that by the latter half of 2000, India had seen molecular gastronomy, slow Rasmalai
cooking, vegan, sous vide and the birth of progressive cuisine. And with that Indian restaurants were back to the early 1300s where innovation was the key!
Chhole Bhature
Bringing up the Indian palate
karelIkeLIgBI»CarsGahar\NÐa esovePAeFVImðÚb\NÐaRtÚv)anrcnaeLIgedayePaCnIdæanEdleKsÁal;famansÞIlcm¥inmðÚb KYr[cab;GarmµN_ nigmanPaBécñRbDit.
éf¶TI16 Exemsa qñaM2014 ePaCnIdæan B Merwan d¾l,Il,ajmYy)anRbkasbiTTVa. RbB½n§pSBVpSaymankar RcbUkRcbl;kñúgkarpSayBIePaCnIydæanGuIr:g;v½y 100 qñaM enH. KµanB½t’manlm¥itRtÚv)anrkSaTukenaHeT minfatictYc b:uNÑaGMBInMm:av:a (Mawa) d¾Tn;bMputrhUtdl;nMbu½gm:asáa (maska) BIekAGIeqkrhUtdl;LdutnMTaMg46. vahak;dUcCa vaMgnn)anbiTTMB½rRbvtþisaRsþ)at;eTAehIy KWbiTBITIRkúg bumébdl; TIRkúgm:uméb.
CaEpñkmYyénRbvtþisaRsþEdl)ansRmÜckar cm¥inmðÚb\NÐaEdleyIgsÁal;sBVéf¶enH. tamkarBitRbvtþi énkareFVImðÚb\NÐa sm,ÜreTAedayhagnM Merwan Edl naMmknUvPaBTan;sm½y nig»Carsrbs;va. kalBImun eKsÁal;faCasNæaKar b¤k¾ Serails GaRs½yelI TItaMg (Serails CasNæaKartUc²elIpøÚv Highway cMENkÉ sNæaKarmanTItaMgenATIRkúg b¤kMBugEp.) TIkEnøgTaMgenH CamUldæanénkarEkéqñmuxmðÚbfµI² nigeFVI[mðÚbTaMgenaHman lkçN³dUcKñaBIpÞH)ayraCvgS nig laycUlkñúgmuxmðÚb dUecñHetIGVICaePaCnIydæan B Merwan EdlTamTarmankar fµI²Edl)anmkdl;TwkdIenH. KaMRTmYyb:ueNÑaH. dUcKñanwgePaCnIdæanCaeRcInenAxagelI
Bringing up the Indian palate
B Merwan
mðÚb Galouti Kebabs Edl)anEkéqñkñúgbnÞb;d¾kRménpÞH )ayraCvgS )anmkdl;édmnusSsamBaØEdlmanRTg;RTay dUcnwg mðÚb Tunde Kedab b¤ Bhagu Kebeb edayman karERbRbÜltictYcb:ueNÑaH. Bhagu Kebeb man»Cars dUcKña dkecjBIeRKÓgeTs160muxeRbIR)as;kñúg Galoutivariant! GaharPoi k¾manPaBRsedogKñaenHEdr. mðÚb Poi CaTMnijnaMcUlBIB½rTuyhÁal; RtÚv)anGPivDÆn_eLIgvij edayCnCati Armenians EdlCashKmn_dutnMdMbUgrbs; \NÐa CamYynwgemSARsÚvsalI nigTwkRkÚcqµa beRmIeday sac;Rkknigs‘ut. vaCanMtakU (Taco) dMbUgrbs;\NÐa. sUm,IEtkarIsac;man; d¾l,IelIBiPBelakk¾RtÚv)anbegáItkñúg hag Moti Mahal ehIysac;man; Tandoori RtÚv)an beRmIedayRsÚbCamYynwgTwkRClk;. vaCakaBüayamdUc KñaeTAnwgkarnaMykGVImYyEdlEpøkEdlnaM[mankarkekIt énmuxmðÚb Baida Paratha nig Seekh kebabs roll kñúgqñaM1303. esþcbgÁa Tandoori KW GaharRbNit mYyEdlmanlk;kñúghag Kory Roti CUnBaNiC¢krenAkMBg; EpmuneBlEdlGaharenHlukluycUlkñúgraCüvaMg Patiala Edl)ankøayCaGaharRBHmhakSRtiyanIcUlcitþbMput. bEg¥mmYyRbePTkñúgcMenambEg¥mCaeRcInEdlGacrk)an enAkñúgsNæaKarTaMgenHKWCa bEg¥m Rasmalai. eday manRbPBedImecjBIRBHvihar Puri kñúgrdæ Odisha, bEg¥m Rasmalai RtÚv)anbRgÁb;lkçN³enAkñúghaglk;nMEp¥m enA TIRkúg Salepur muneBlEdlva)anmkdl;tMbn; bylanes of Calcutta (bc©úb,nñCa Kolkata) ehIybnÞab;mkeTA kan;tMbn; Wajid Ali Shah. b:nu aµ nqñamM kenHePaCnIydæanTaMgenH)ankøayeTACamCÄmNÐl énkarbegáItmðÚbfµI²dUcCa fafda, jalebi, imarti, bhature chhole, chaat nig samosa. GVIEdl)anbEnßm dl;karTak;Tajdl;TIkEnøgTaMgenHKWvaCakEnøgCYbRbCuMKña. enHmann½yfaBYkeKGacBiesaFn_y:agmanRbsiT§PaBehIy
BYkeKGaceFVI)an. ePaCnIydæan Spice Route )anbeRmIsUkULaekþACaelIk dMbUg bnÞab;BIsUkULa)anmkdl;RbeTs\NÐaCamYyCnCati eGs,:aj ehIyRsadMbUgRtÚv)anpliteLIgedaykarRc)ac; EpøTMBaMg)ayCU nigéqfavcUlKña[ecjCaBN’Rkhm. pSar Chandni Chowk zansYrénkaredIrTij\v:an;kñúg sm½ym:ugehÁa Edl)anbegáIteLIgenAqñaM1650 )ankøayCa TIkEnøglk;GaharcRmúHeRcInqñaMknøgputeTA. hagEdlcas; CageK nigl,IeQµaHbMputenATIenHKW Pt Gaya Prasad Shiv Charan begáIteLIgenAkñúgqñaM 1872 nig hag Ghantewala Halwai Edl)anbeRmI Gahar Sohan Halwa dl;CnCatim:ugehÁa. GaCIvkmµePaCnIydæanenH)an rIkceRmInenAcenøaHqñaM 1860 nigqñaM 1900. xN³Edl mansNæaKar tUc²enAesssl; k¾mansNæaKarfµI²)an ekIteLIgenATUTaMgRbeTsCaBiessenATIRkúg EdlI TIRkúg muméb (kalBImun Bombay) nigTIRkúg Kolkata (kalBI mun Calcutta). kEnøgnImYy²manGtþsBaØaNBiess erog²xøÜn. dUcCahagkaehV United House enARkúgjuÚ edlI )ankøayCaePaCnIydæandMbUgeKEdlmanCBa¢aMgt,aj nigekAGIGgÁúycmøgBIkøwb Ooty. bBa¢ImuxmðÚbenAePaCnIy dæanTaMgenHmanCaPasaGg;eKøs, cin nig\NÐa. mðÚbeGs,:aj dUcCa Paella, bEnø Ratatouille nig Penne Alfredo CamYyRsa vodka, nM Croissant, s‘ut Benedict, Roulade, TwkEt nMsaMgvic nigmðÚb Casserole d¾l,I)ankøay CaGaharTUeTA dUcnwgmuxmðÚb Biryani, Yakhni, Zarda nig GaharepSgeTotkñúgGMLúgsm½ym:ugehÁa . Culcutta (bc©úb,nñ Kolkatta)mansNæaKarEbbelakxag licdMbUgbMBak;edaykgða GaggUtTwk nigePaCnIdæankñúgqñaM 1880 edayelak David Wilson. sNæaKar
enHmanhagkaehVdMbUgrbs;xøÜn Bringing up the Indian palate
beRmInM Cookie, nM cake nigkaehV\NÐa. Gymkhanas enAcenøaHqñaM 1920 nigqñaM 1950 ebIeTaHBICavb,Fm’rwg nigkøwbpþac;muxdUcCakarkøwb Bombay Royal Yacht )an maMEbbNa karpøas;bþÚrtictYcedayKMnitfµI²énePaCnIydæan b¤muxmðÚbfµI)anCRmúj[mankarpøas;bþÚr. dUcCahagkaehV rIkduldalRKb;TIkEnøg. Leopold enAkñúgTIRkúg Mumbai EdlRtÚv)anpøas;bþÚreTA CakarBit vaCaerOgminRtwmRtÚveTEdlniyayfa Gym- CahagRsaeborsRmab;karCYbCuMKña. mðÚb\NÐaPøam²)an khana Belt TaMgmUlenAtMbn;Marine Drive RtÚv)an ekþabkþab; b:uEnþCamYynwgkarman\T§iBltictYcepSgeTot GPivDÆkñúgGMLúgeBlenH ehIykILa cricket, sac;man;Lol- kñúghagkaehV. lipop nigTwksUdak¾dUecñHEdr! dUceTAnwg køib Roshanara Edr køibmYykñúgcMeNamkøiccMNas;bMputrbs;TIRkúgedlIEdl mðÚbcin nigmðÚb Punjabi )ankøayCamðÚbFmµtaedayman eRkaymk)anl,Il,ajeFVdgsRmab;eFVICakEnøgmYyEdl krNIelIkElgmYycMnYn. «ePaCnIydæanmYycMnYnEdlebIk RkúmRbwkSaPi)alRKb;RKgkILa Cricket kñúgRbeTs\NÐa edaym©as;sNæaKartamrdUvkalbeRmImðÚbGaharEdlman (BCCI) RtÚv)anbegáIteLIgenAkñúgqñaM 1928. KuNPaB» elak Zorawar Kalra sßabnikePaCnIydæand¾FM )anniyaydUecñH ehIyKat;)anbEnßmfa b:uEnþvamancm¶ay enAelIEpñkmçageToténninñakarenHKWCakEnøgdUcCaesva q¶ay nigmanticNas;. elak)anbEnßmeTotfa ebIeTaHCa tiffin Mavalli (eRkaymk MTR) Edl)ancab;epþImpuseLIg y:agNa TIRkúgedlIenAEtCamCÄmNÐlénkareFVIBiesaFn_ nigpþl;PaBgayRsÜldl;kmµkr. kEnøgEdlmanrcna mðÚb. rMeBcenaH mankarlukluyénmðÚbGaharcin nigGahar bTEbb Udupi )anpþl;GaharRbkbedayKuNPaBkñúgtémø Fast Food enAtamPaK|sanKWTIRkúg Culcutta (bc©úb,nñ smrmü. Kayani hagnMcas;CageKEdlenArs;ranman Kolkata) eTaHCay:agNa emcugePA elak Sabysachi CIvitenAkñúgTIRkúg Mumbai k¾maneKalbMNgRsedogKña Gorai, sßabnikhag Fabrica By Sabi )anbnþGPivDÆ sRmab;kmµkreragm:asuInkinRsÚvEdlsUm,IEtenAcugExenaH eKalKMnitfµI². Blue Fox )ankøayCaePaCnIydæan)ardMbUg k¾BYkGacmanlT§PaBTijGaharBelRBwk dUcCaTwkEtBIr eKenArbs;TIRkúg Culcutta edaymanRkúmtRnþIelgt®nþI EBgnignM Bun Maskas CamYynwgb‘½rEdlmantémøefak sRmab;[mnusSraMkmSanþ. vaKWCakMNt;RtakmSanþeBlraRtI CagmYy Anna. enA Culcutta BITsSvtSr× 50 nig 60 . GaharenATIenHenA EtbnþlaycRmúHEbbGg;eKøs GWr:ub nig\NÐa. bEnßmelIePaCnIdæanEdlmanGaharKuNPaBRbesIr k¾man kartubEtg nigtémøsmesckþIR)afña dUcCaePaCnIydæan eRkayqñaM1970 TidæPaBmðÚb\NÐa)ansßitkñúgPaBs¶b;s¶at; Firpo enACulcutta (bc©úb,nñKolkata) . begáIteLIgenA Gs;ry³CitBIrTsvtSr_. BitNas;manePaCnIdæanmYycMnYn qñaM 1917 edayCnCatiGuItalI Angelo Firpo, vaKWCaTI )anebIkTVadUcCahag Dum Pukht, Peshwari nig kEnøgEdleBjniymsRmab;sgÁmvNѳx<s;EdleFVIkar Bukhara b:uEnþkarebIkkMLúgeBlenaH PaKeRcInmanTItaMg beRmICUnelak Lord Irwin bnÞab;mk]braC nigCaGPi)al sßitenAkñúgsNæaKar EdlmnusSFmµtaminGaccUldl;. énRbeTs\NÐa. sUm,IEtkalBIeBlenaH Gahar caviar nig Foie Gras k¾RtÚv)anbeRmIenATIenHEdr.
Bringing up the Indian palate
rhUtdl;qñaM 1990 mðÚb\NÐa)anvilRtlb;mkvij PaKeRcIn mkBIRBMEdnxageCIg. GaCIvkmµmðÚbGaharPøam²enaH)an køayCaGaCIbBaNiC¢kmµzitefr b:uEnþkarécñRbDit nigkar BiesaFn_)anbBaÄb;. enAkñúgTsSvtSr_90 emcugePA)an naMykKMnitKYr[cab;GarmµN_Edl)ancab;epþImCamYyeRbg GUlIv rIkceRmIndUc Pizza by the Bay and Olives ehIy Rsab;EtePaCnIydæan\NÐacab;epþImERbmuxmat;fµI.
enHKWkarekIneLIgénkarcm¥inGahar nigkarbriePaKGahar eBaleBjedaybTBiesaFn_RtwmkNþal qñaM 2000 mk RbeTs\NÐa)anemIleXIj sil,³Gahar karcm¥inGahar² mðÚbbUs, Sous Vide nigkMeNIténmuxmðÚbbnþbnÞab;. ePaC nIydæan\NÐa)anRtLb;eTAedImqñaM1300EdlkarécñRbDitKWCaKnøwH!
Bringing up the Indian palate
Luxury on The waters The two mighty rivers of India, Ganga and Brahmaputra, offer a way to travel through the country in total serenity and comfort aboard a river cruise
A river cruise in India gives you an opportunity to spend your holidays in the most luxurious way while exploring the beauty and historical legacy of the country. It is now possible to cruise for around 1, 750 miles on the rivers and inland waterways of India, passing through great cities, alongside wildlife sanctuaries and historical monuments.
Luxury on The waters
These cruises operate on two major rivers - Brahmaputra and Ganga, known as Hooghly in West Bengal. Be it urban mansions, monuments in towns or mangroves on remote islands - unearth the daily life steeped in generations of abiding customs, rituals, beliefs and craftsmanship which is reflected in the variety of folklores, music, weaving, pottery, foods and festivals. With options of upstream and downstream available, one can opt for either of the route they want to explore.
Luxury on The waters
Brahmaputra River Cruise
Guwahati in Assam and terminating at Silghat
Brahmaputra, called TsangpoBrahmaputra, is a
near Tezpur and Kaziranga.
trans-boundary river and one of the major ones of Asia. The upper course of the river was long
Here the spotlights are Nameri and Kaziranga
unknown and it was only in 1884-86 that its iden-
national parks and the temples of Tezpur. One
tity when, the Yarlung Tsangpo was established,
of the major highlights of this cruise, while in As-
a part of the river that flows in Tibet. The cruise
sam, is the visit to Sibsagar, the old capital of the
on the river offers a first-hand experience to ev-
Ahom kings and the Majuli Island with Hindu mo-
ery traveller. Organised between October and
nastic communities. Visit to every nook and cor-
April, the travel packages, including four-night,
ner of the country reiterates that art and craft is
seven-night and two-night options, ensure a Na-
intertwined with culture and tradition.
ture-soaked sojourn from Kolkata in West Bengal up the Brahmaputra to Dibrugarh in Assam.
Ganga River Cruise
The cruises feature visits and attractions such as
Sourced from the Himalayas, no river plays a
wildlife safaris (both by jeep and on elephant),
more important role religious, cultural, econom-
village walks, visits to tea gardensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; exploring
ic and social- in the lives of the people than
towns on cycle rickshaws, enjoying barbecues
River Ganga. India has witnessed innumerable
on deserted river islands, dance performances
change in terms of civilisations and the holy river
and trips to craft workshops. While on this cruise, you must visit the Manas National Park on Indo-Bhutan border along with a sojourn to an archaeological site, a crafts village and a pilgrimage centre. Also, there are cruises initiating from
Luxury on The waters
The 260-KM long distributary of the Ganga river, Hooghly serves perfectly as a cruising path
Clockwise from top left: Lounge area on the deck; the courtyard of Ramnagar Fort; Sufi Mausoleum at Maner; Shahi Qila or Jaunpur Fort; snippet from Patna-Farakka cruise; votive stupas in Sarnath
Luxury on The waters
Luxury on The waters
Clockwise from top left (facing page): Snapshots from Patna to Farakka cruise; early Mughal tomb at Chunar; ghats of Vanranasi; sundeck on the cruise; Sonepur Cattle Fair; glimpses from the Patna-Farakka cruise; being camera-locked by international tourists
Luxury on The waters
Clockwise from top: Spa services offered on the cruise; sundeck area; lounge area; delicacies served on the cruise; dining area
Luxury on The waters
has been Witness to such spectacles The cruises on Ganga begin from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, making its way to Chuna Fort from the Mughal days to the British cemetery, sailing its way to the British cemetery and then to Ramnagar to visit Maharaja Palace and culminating the sojourn with Ganga aarti. If sailing towards Bihar, visit the Buddhist site of Sarnath, Sher Shah Suriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sasaram Fort and Buxar. In Bihar, tourists can plan a day trip to Nalanda or Bodh Gaya. The Inland Waterways Authority of India plans to operate more cruise sails from next year onwards. In addition, there are cruises that include Nabadwip (famous for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu), the old colonial and enriching French culture at Chandannagore, further sailing through Kolkata, Dakshineswar, Belur, Mayapur, Murshidabad (with its Mughal palaces, museums and mosques). The entire stretch of approximately 1,200 km brings forth an experience of cultural and historical precedence. While the river banks promise the site of wild boar, jackal, Bengal fox, jungle cat, rhesus macaques, grey langurs, bluebull and blackbuck, the channel itself is the abode of more than 90 species of fish, smooth Indian otters, terrapins, tortoises and river dolphins.
Hooghly River Cruise The 260-km long distributary of River Ganga, Hooghly serves perfectly as a cruising path. Operating round the year in West Bengal, it stretches from Kolkata to Farakka on a cruise up to Hooghly and covers the famous Howrah Bridge, Hazar Duari and Katgola Palace. Ecstatic views steeped into history, culture, tradition and scenic beauty supported by a well-trained crew along with a lavish spread is the perfect recipe of these luxury river cruises.
Luxury on The waters
PaBRbNitenAelITwk Tenø Ganga nig Brahmaputra d¾manGnuPaBTaMgBIrrbs;\NÐa pþl;CUnnUvkareFVIdMeNIrkmSanþtamTUk kñúgRbeTsRbkbedaypasukPaB nigPaBs¶b;s¶at;.
TUkkmSanþtamdgTenø nwgpþl;»kas[GñkcMNayeBl visSmkald¾viessvisalbMput xN³eBlGñkGacKyKn; emIlekrþ×dMENlRbvtþisaRsþnigsRms;énRbeTsenH. \LÚv enHGñkGacCiHTUkkmSanþ)anry³cg¶ayRbEhl 1/7 m:ay tamdgTenø nigpøÚvTwkénRbeTs\NÐaedayqøgkat;TIRkúg s¥at² tMbn;GPirkSstVéRB ehIyR)asaTRbvtþisaRsþnana.
TUkkmSanþmandMeNIrTsSnadUcCakaremIlsahVarIstVéRB (manTaMgkarCiHrfynþhSIb nigdMrI ) karedIrkñúgPUmi kar TsSnasYnEt karKyKn;TIRkúgedayCiHeqAEk karbriePaK sac;GaMgelIekaHrehazan karsEmþgr)aM nigkareFVIdMeNIr eTAhagsib,kmµ. enAelITUkkmSanþ GñkRtÚvEteTATsSna ]TüanCati Manas tamRBMEdn\NÐÚb‘Utan CamYynwg karkmSanþenArmNIdæanburaNmYyEdlCaPUmisib,kmµ nig TUkkmSanþTaMgenHebIkdMeNIrkarenATenøFM²BIr KWTenø Gan- mCÆmNÐlFmµyaRta. dUcKñapgEdr manTUkkmSanþecj ga nig Brahmaputra EdleKsÁal;faCa Tenø Hooghly BITIRkúg Guwahati rdæ Assam nigbBa©b;enATIRkúg enArdæ Bengal xageCIg. minfavaCaTIlMenAkñúgTIRkúg viman Silghat Cit TIRkúg Tezpur nig Kaziranga. Rkúg b¤k¾éRBekagkagkñúgekaHdac;RsyalenaHeT CIk kkayCIvitRbcaMéf¶Edlcak;kb;eRCAkñúgCMnan; TMenomTMlab; TIenHkEnøgsMxan;²mandUcCa]TüanCati Nameri nig kaRbtibtþi CMenO sil,htßkmµ EdlqøúHbBa©aMBIerOgeRBgepSg² ziranga nigR)agÁR)asaT Tezpur. dMeNIrkmSanþtamTUk t®nþI tm,aj sµÚn Gahar nigBiFIbuNünana. CamYynwg d¾sMxan;mYykñúgrdæ Assam KwkarTsSna TIRkúg Sibsagar CeRmIseFVIdMeNIrBIedImTwk b¤cugTwk GñkGaceRCIserIspøÚv EdlCaraFanIburaNrbs;esþcAhom nigekaH Majuli Edl EdlGñkcg;KyKn;)an. manshKmn_TIGaramhiNÐÚ. TsSnaRKb;RCúgeRCayén RbeTsEdlsil,³ nigsib,kmµmanTMnak;TMngKñaeTAnwg TUkkmSanþtamdgTenø Brahmaputra vb,Fm_ nigRbéBNI. Brahmaputra KWCaTenøEdlqøgkat;RBMEdn ehIyCaTenø d¾FMmYyenAGasuI. EpñkxagelIénTenøenHminRtÚv)aneKsÁal; TUkkmSanþtamTenø Ganga CayUrmkehIy eTIbEtenAcenøaHqñaM 1884-86 Edl manRbPBecjBI PñMhim:aéL KµanTenøNaEdlmantYnaTI GtþsBaØaNrbs;vaRtÚv)aneKsÁal;faCaEpñkmYyénTenøEdl sMxan;Cagkñúgvis½ysasna vb,Fm’ esdækic© sgÁménCIvit hUrecjBITIeb. TUkkmSanþnwgpþl;bTBiesaFn_pÞal;dl;Gñk rs;enArbs;RbCaCnCagTenø Ganga eT. RbeTs\NÐa eFVIdMeNIrRKb;Kña. kBa©b;eFVIdMeNIrerobcMeLIgcenøaH Ex tula )anqøgkat;karpøas;bþÚrrab;minGs;rYmmanTaMgGarüFm’ ehIy nigemsa rYmmanCeRmIs 4yb; 7yb; nigFana)annUvkar Tenød¾sikþisiT§enH)ank¾)anqøgTsSnIPaBCaeRcInpgEdr. sñak;nUvEbbFmµCatisuT§saFcab;BITIRkúg Kolkata enArdæ TUkkmSanþtamTenø Gangacab;epþImBITIRkúg Varanasi Bengal xaglic rhUtdl;TRI kúg Dibrugarh énrdæ Assam. kñúgrdæ Uttar Pradesh eTAkan; Chuna Fort BI Mughal 31
Luxury on The waters
TIbBa©úHsBGg;eKøsehIybnþeFVIdMeNIreTAkan; extþ Ramnagar edIm,ITsSnaraCvaMg Maharaja ehIybBa©b; edaykarTsSna kmµviFI Ganga aarti. RbsinCaeFVIdMeNIr eTAkan;rdæ Bihar cUrTsSnatMbn;RBHBuT§sasna én Sarnath Sher Shah Suri’s Sasaram Fort and Buxar. days
enArdæ Bihar ePJóveTscrN_GaceRKageFVIdMeNIrmYyéf¶eTA kan;vtþ Nalanda b¤ Bodh Gaya. GaCJaFr\NÐaeRKag nwgebIkpøÚvTwkdIeKak [TUkCaeRcInqøgkat;cab;BIqñaMeRkay eTA. CagenHeTAeTot manTUkkmSanþCaeRcInEdlrYmman Nabadwip (l,Il,ajBI Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) sl;BIvb,Fm’GaNaniKmniym)araMgenAÉ Chandannagore bnþdMeNIrqøgkat;tMbn; Kolkata, Dakshineswar, Belur, Mayapur, Murshidabad, (CamYynwgraCraMg m:ugehÁa, sarmnÞI nigvihar). dMeNIrTaMgmUlenHlatsn§wg RbEhl1200KILÚEm:RtEdlnaMmknUvbTBiesaFn_vb,Fm’ nigRbvtþisaRsþ.
xN³enARcaMgTenøGñkGacemIleXIjtMbn;manstVRCÚkéRB EqáéRB ke®B¢aag Bengal qµaéRB sVa stVtUc eKaéRB eRbIs ehIyERBkenHÉgRbCuMeTAedayCRmkRtI eP GeNþIk kn§ay nig epSatCag90RbePT. TUkkmSanþtamTenø Hooghly CaédTenø Ganga EdlmanRbEvg260KILÚEm:Rt Hooghly CapøÚvTUkkmSanþd¾l¥\tex¢aH. ebIkdMeNIrkarmYyqñaMeBj enArdæ Bengal xaglic TenøenHlatsn§wgBI TIRkúg Kolkata dl;Farakka elITUkkmSanþénTenø Hooghly ehIy RKb;dNþb; s<an Howrah, Hazar Duari d¾l,Il,aj nig vaMg Katgola. TsSnIPaBsb,ayrIkraycak;kb;kñúgRbvtþisaRsþ vb,Fm’ RbéBNI nigsRms;eTsPaB EdldwgnaMedaynavikd¾man CMnajrYmCamYyesvabeRmIKWCarUbmnþl¥\tex¢aHéndMeNIr kmSanþtamTUkd¾RbNitenH.
Luxury on The waters
Journalist who attended IHGF in October 2015 in we showcase hand-made productions of high quality and we have been recognized by the International markets in the world.” He also mentioned that Cambodia is one of the market for Indian goods. The product categories on display include housewares, tableware, kitchenware, hotelware, home furnishing, home textiles, Mr. Veng Sambo
linens, cosmetics, festive decor, among others. More than 5,000 overseas buyers from leading international departmental/ chain stores, wholesalers, distributors and major brands were
I was fortunate to be selected to
present at the fair. And I was so proud that I could be there. I
visit India as sponsored by Em-
noticed that every Indian product exhibits the unique style and
bassy of India, Phnom Penh for
art that demonstrate the strong culture of this country since
the 40th edition of IHGF- Delhi
thousand years. The event was held from 14 – 18 October, 2015
Fair which is the world’s largest
at India Expo Centre & Mart, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi cover-
fair of Indian handicrafts and
ing around 1,90,000 sq. m. Since the area is so big one cannot
Artwork. My first impression as I
visit all the stalls in one day.
landed in India on October 13, 2015, was the multitude of crowd
what I learn from Mr. Dinesh Kumar, director of the organiz-
wherever I went. I am told that
ing team, Indian Handicraft products for export to international
the population of Delhi is more
markets by the end of 2015 will amount over $3048 million. This
than the entire Cambodian pop-
is a huge amount, really. And according to Ministry of Com-
ulation. The welcome reception
merce of Royal Government of Cambodia report, business be-
was very warm and I immediate-
tween Indian and Cambodia has been increasing remarkably
ly felt at home. The food and
over the past few years and the value of import is more than
hotel were of very high standard
one million dollars.
that we all enjoyed so much and can never forget.
Relations between Cambodia and India have started since the ancient times. India’s influence in Cambodia can be seen on
The next day I visited the Fair. The
tradition, religion, language and Hindu temple. I could see our
event was organized by the Ex-
similarity as I visited India.
port Promotion Council for Hand-
great experience to remember. I thank you Embassy of India in
icrafts (EPCH) and inaugurated
Phnom Penh for this golden opportunity. I strongly believe that
by Minister of State for Textiles,
Cambodia and India will remain true friends in the future, and
Mr. Santosh Gangwar at India
business relations will grow more under bilateral agreement.
Overall, my first trip to India was a
Expo Centre and Mart. Speaking on the event, Gangwar stated “This is a successful fair where-
Journalist who attended IHGF
written by Mr. Veng Sambo
GñksarBt’manEdl)ancUlrYm kñúgExtula qñaM2015
elak ev:g sm,Úr
´BitCamansMNagNas;EdlRtÚv)an sßanTUt\NÐaRbcaMraCFanIPñMeBjeRCIs erIs]btßmÖeGayeTATsSnaRbeTs\NÐa kñúgBiBN’ IHGF kñúgTIRkúgedlI Edl CaBiBN’sib,kmµ nigvtßúsil,³ FMCageK bg¥s;enARbeTs\NÐa. cMNucd¾KYreGay cab;GarmµN½dMbUg naeBlEdl´)aneTA dl;RbeTs\NÐa enAéf¶TI 13 Extula qñaM2015 enaHKWfa manhVÚgmnusSCa eRcInminfakEnøgNaEdl´)aneTAenaH eT. maneKR)ab;´facMnYnRbCaCnenA TIRkúgedlIKeW RcInCagcMnnY RbCaCnRbeTs km<úCaTaMgmUleTAeTot. eK)anR)arBV BiFTI TYlsVaKmn_ya: gkk;ekþA ehIy´man GarmµN_ dUcCaenApÞHxøÜnÉgGBa©wg. mðÚb nigsNæaKarBitCamansþg;darx<s;Edl ´BitCarIkrayxøaMgNas; ehIynwgmin GacbMePøcbTBiesaFn_enaH)aneLIy.
manvtþmanenAÉBiBN’enaH. ehIy´BitCamanemaTnPaBNas;Edl´GaceTA TIenaH)an. ´)ankt;smÁal;faplitpl\NÐanimYy²bgðajBIrcnabfl¥Ék nigsil,³Edlbgðajvb,Fm’xøaMgxøarbs;RbeTsenHEdl mantaMgBIrab;Ban; qñaMmun. RBwtþikarN_enaHRtÚv)anerobcMeLIgcenøaHéf¶TI14 dl;éf¶TI18 Extula qñaM2015 enAÉ India ExpoCentre & Mart, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi EdlmandITMhMRbEhl190000Em:Rtkaer:. edayTItaMgenaHFMxøaMg mnusSmñak;minGac edIrTsSna RKb;hagkñúgmYyéf¶enaHeT. GVEI dl´)aneronBIelak Dinesh Kumar naykénRkúmGñkerobcM KWfaplitpl sib,kmµCnCati\NÐa sRmab;naMecjeTA kan;TIpSarGnþrCatinacugqñaM2015 KWmantémørhUteTAdl; 3048 landuløarGaemrik enHBitCacMnYneRcInNas;. ehIyebIeyagtamr)aykarN_RksYgBaNiC¢kmµrbs;RBHraCaNacRkkm<úCa vij GaCIvkmµrva\NÐanigkm<úCa)anekIneLIgKYr eGaykt;smÁal;kñúgkMLúgeBl b:unµanqñaMcugeRkayenH ehIytémø énkarnaMcUlKWeRcInCagmYylanduløar. TMnak;TMngrvagRbeTskm<úCanigRbeTs\NÐamancab;taMgBIsm½yburaNmkmk. \T§iBlRbeTs\NÐaGaceXIjenAkm<úCatamry³RbéBNI sasna Pasa vtþsasnahinÐÚ. ´GaceXIjBIPaBRsedogKña eBl´eTATsSnaRbeTs\NÐa. niyayrYm dMeNITsSnkic© elIkTImYyeTAkan;RbeTs\NÐaenH KWCabTBiesaFn_ d¾Gs©arü mYyEdl´nwgcgcaM. xJúMsUmGrKuNsßanTUtRbeTs\NÐaRbcaMPñMeBj sRmab;»kas masenH. ´eCOCak;y:agmutmaMfaRbeTskm<úCa nigRbeTs \NÐa nwgEfrkSamitþPaBenHnaeBlGnaKt nigTMnak;TMng GaCIvkmµkan;EtrIklUtlas;eRkamkic©RBmRBgeTVPaKI. sresreday³ elak ev:g sm,Úr
éf¶bnÞab;´)aneTATsSnaBiBN’. BiBN’ enaHRtÚv)anerobcMeLIgedayRkúmRbwkSa pSBVpSaynaMecjsRmab;hag Gñklk; e)aduM GñkEckcay nigyIehal,I²Edl Journalist who attended IHGF
India visit I, Booharath Duong, Director, Pluton Lifeciences Limited, cambodia, had the honor to get invitation from pharmexicil India to attend the buyer seller meet on Dec 11th - 14th 2015 at Varanasi, India. I would like to thank Embassy of India in Phnom Penh who recommended my name for this meeting. I had read about India in history and our Cambodian culture is Mrs. Rath
the boon of same. Basically Khmer language also comes from Indian language “ Sanskrit”. I have had the desire to see India through my own eyes. It worked like a “two birds with a stone” when I visited the religious and world renowned destination like Varanasi.
place where the Ganges flows and also the routing town for sarnath, Buddha place. We had buyer seller meet for herbal products and I could find some interesting suppliers for business partnership for cambodia. I have confidence that no other country can have better herbal, traditional products than India. Ayurvedic, herbal cosmetics,can be in good demand in cambodia and I find India as the biggest hub. I got better understanding about Indian manufacturing capabilities and also it is the “ pharmacy of the world”. I feel proud in propagating the Indian products in our country “Cambodia” and would refurbish the people minds of prioritizing European products. I would like to thank once again Indian Embassy in Cambodia, Pharma export council, Ministry of Commerce India, and all related officials for arranging this visit for Cambodians. I would look forward to get some other chance later in near future.
written by Mrs. Rath
India visit
TsSnaRbeTs\NÐa ´ dYg b‘Uhardæ CanaykRkúmh‘un Pluton Lifesciences Limited RbeTskm<úCa man kitþiysEdlRtÚv)anGeBa¢IjBI Pharmexicil RbeTs\NÐaeGaycUlrYm karCYbCuMGñk Tij Gñklk;naéf¶TI11dl;éf¶TI14 ExFñÚ qñaM2015 enATIRkúg v:ar:aNasuI RbeTs\NÐa. ´sUmGrKuNsßanTUtRbeTs\NÐa RbcaMTIRkúgPñMeBjEdl)anENnaMeQµaHrbs;´mk kan;karRbCuMenH. elakRsI rdæ
´)anGanBIRbvtþisa®sþRbeTs\NÐa nigvb,Fm’RbeTskm<úCaeyIgKW)anekIteLIg dUcKña. CaFmµta PasaExµrk¾manedImkMeNItmkBIPasa\NÐa {PasasM®sáwt}. ´EtgEtcg;eTA TsSnaRbeTs\NÐapÞal;nwgEPñk. vadUcCaRBÜjmYy)aj;)anstVBIr naeBlEdl´)aneTATsSnakEnøgsasnad¾l,Il,ajkñúgBiPBelakenAkñúgTIRkúg v:ar:aNasuI. TIRkúgEdlCakEnøg Tenø®hÁaMghUr nigCaTIRkúgrsaNatEdlCaTIkEnøg rbs;RBHBuT§. eyIg)anCYbCuMGñklk;GñkTij elIplitplfñaMeFVIBIrukçCati. ´)anrkeXIjGñkpÁtp; gÁ ; KYreGaycab;GarmµNC_ aeRcIn sRmab;eFVICaédKUGaCIvkmµCamYyRbeTskm<úCa. ´man CMenOfaminmanRbeTsNaepSgGacmanfñaMrukçCatinigplitplRbéBNIl¥CagRbeTs \NÐaenaHeT. EdlCaRbB½n§fñaMrukçCatiRbéBNI\NÐa GacCatRmÚvkarmYyrbs;RbeTs km<úCa ehIy´KitfaRbeTs\NÐaCakEnøg pÁt;pÁg;FMCageK. ´)anyl;kan;EtRbesIrBI smtßPaBplitRbeTs\NÐa ehIyRbeTs\NÐaKWCa {»sfsßansRmab;BiPBelak}. Ayurvedic
´manemaTnPaBkñúgkarpSBVpSayplitpl\NÐakñúgRbeTskm<úCacUlrYmpøas;bþÚrKMnit RbCaBlrdæEdleGaytémøelIplitplGuWr:ub. ´sUmEføgGMNrKuNsaCafµIcMeBaHsßanTUt\NÐaRbcaMRbeTskm<úCa RkúmRbwkSa»sf sßannaMcaM RksYgBaNiC¢kmµ\NÐa nigm®nþIEdlBak;B½n§TaMgGs;Edl)anerobcMdMeNI TsSnkic©enHsRmab;Blrdækm<úCa. ´rMBwgfanwgman«kasepSg²eTotnaeBlGnaKt y:agxøI. sresreday³ elakRsI rdæ India visit
Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic a leader in being ecofriendly tourism. Humorous signs advocating against littering, smoking and using chemical on crops, placed at tourist sights and around the town of Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, cause observers to stop and wonder at the minds behind the words. Above the clouds and nestled in the colder Ms Nou Sotheavy had participated in the 4th International Tourism Mart 2015 in the North East India. She has published this article in the Khmer Times earlier.
temperatures of Sikkim is a holy lake which lays peacefully quiet as decorated yaks relax calmy when the delegates arrive in twos and threes in their mini cars. After a two hour ride, the Cambo-
In 2015, Sikkim announced they will be the first
dian delegate stretches quickly before the bit-
state in India to become all organic. For three
ing cold wakes her from the haze of jet lag. Ev-
days, 52 international buyers and delegates
erywhere is natural beauty of color highlighted
from tour operators and media from 23 countries
by rays of sunshine, a view that the Sikkim wants
traveled up the harrowing curved streets of the
to protect with eco-tourism.
mountains to visit the mysterious state of Sikkim for the fourth International Tourism Mart (ITM).
Tourism and Environmental Impacts The number of foreign visitors to the north-east-
Invited by India’s ministry of tourism, delegates
ern states during 2014 grew by 39.8 percent -- an
from Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei,
increase from the previous year. The numbers
Cambodia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy,
are expected to grow as expansion plans of e-vi-
Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway,
sas to 113 countries will increase to 150 countries
Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzer-
by March 2016 and after the construction of Sik-
land, Thailand, UK, USA and Vietnam met with
kim’s own airport by the end of next year in Pa-
71 tour operators from eight north eastern States
kyong, 35 Km away from the capital, Gangtok.
and West Bengal from different regions of India. Currently, the only way into Sikkim is by a 3 to 4 In a swirl of colors and costumes, performanc-
hour vehicle from the Bagdogra airport. Sikkim
es from the seven sister states of Northeast In-
needs a special permit to enter, but has now vis-
dia were displayed in different cultural dances.
itors can register at the border and receive per-
From the rhythmic rituals of fire and blades to the
mission on site.
drumming echoes of a warrior’s prance, India’s Northeastern seven sister states and Sikkim (the
Stating that the Indian Prime Minister, Shri Naren-
big brother state) represented the different tribal
dra Modi, as having a positive vision to develop
groups and various heritage to its finest.
the North East which has a very high tourism potential in the country, Dr. Mahesh Sharma, the
Sikkim was chosen to hold this year’s ITM event as
Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic
Union Tourism Minister hopes that tourism in the
North East will continue to increase the country develops the environmental protection in that area. Sikkim’s Example Sikkim’s plans to become a fully organic state by the year’s end and will be dediciated by the prime minister when he visits in January of next year. Local products like potatoes, spinach and tomatoes are flavorful and delicately prepared in curry dishes and with local flavors -- a delight to sample.
A humorous sign at Tsomgo lake, this holy lake is 30 KM from Gangtok, Sikkim in Northeastern India. (KT Photo: Sotheavy Nou)
Describing Sikkim as a landlocked state sharing its borders with China Nepal and Bhutan while
ideal tourist state.
being is one of the 18 biodiversity hotspots in the world and home to 30 percent of the flow-
The North East shares the international bound-
ering plants in India, Dr. Sharma stated “Given
aries of India with China, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
our strength in natural resources and heritage,
Nepal and Myanmar. Known for its natural
we have made eco-friendly policies the highest
beauty, tranquility and wild flora and fauna, it
priority of the state.”
makes for an attractive area for the development of ecotourism. Gangtok, the capital and
Sikkim’s developing tourism over the past twenty
the largest town of the Indian state of Sikkim and
years has already implemented bans on various
is at an elevation of 1,650 meters in the eastern
things to preserve the ecosystem. Bans on fire-
Himalayan range. Contrary to much of India,
crackers, plastic bags, smoking in public places,
the majority of ethnicities in Sikkim are Nepali,
destruction of reserved forest areas as well as
Lepchas and Bhutia.
shooting wildlife and the use of chemical fertilizers, insecticide or pesticides have been instated. Heavy investment into the education and preservation of the environment has placed Sikkim as the first state to frame ecotourism policy in the country. After a survey in 2013 by the New Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) on the national air quality review, results showed that the North- eastern region of India had rapid increase in air pollution due to the increase of motor vehicles in the Indian states of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim.
A view from above near Tsomgo Lake, 30 KM from Gangtok, Sikkim in Northeastern India. (KT Photo: Sotheavy Nou)
Dr. Sharma praised Sikkim’s cleanliness and no smoking drive, as a process of becoming an
written by Ms Nou Sotheavy
Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic
rdærbs;RbeTs\NÐaTImYy EdlepþImeRbIRKb;plitplsrIragÁ
RtÚv)aneKeRCIserIseFVIRBwtþikarN_ ITM qñaMenH kñúg namCaGñkdwknaMedaysarEtmaneTscrN_min b:HBal;nwg brisaß n. pøaksBaØad¾kEM bøgCaeRcInelIksÞyÜ RbqaMgkarecal sMramepþspþas karCk;)arI nigkareRbI R)as;sarFatuKmI mI kelI dMNaM b¤dak;enAkEnøgeTscrN_ nigCuMvijRkúg Gangtok EdlCaTIRkúgrbs;rdæ Sikkim )aneFVIeGayGñkTsSnaQb; kBaØa nU suT§avI )ancUlrYmTIpSareTlcrN¾GnþrCatielIkTI4 qñaM2015 ehIyq¶lB; KI nM ti EdlenABIeRkayBaküTaMgM Gs;enH. Sikkim
enAPaKxageCIgRbeTs\NÐa. kBaØa)anpSBVpSayGtßbTenHtam ry³TsSnavtþI Khmer Time naeBlfµI²enH.
kñúgqñaM2015 Sikkim )anRbkasfaBYkeKnwgkøayCardæ dMbUgkñúgRbeTs\NÐaEdlkøayeRbIsrIragKÁRKb;Epñk. kñúg ry³eBlbIéf¶ GñkbBa¢aTijGnþrCaticMnYn52 nigRbtiPUmk BIRkúmh‘uneTscrN_ nigRbB½n§pSBVpSaymkBI23 RbeTs )aneFVIdMeNIrmkkan;pøÚvekagxVat;ExVgPñM edIm,ImkTsSnardæ Sikkim d¾Gaf’kM)aMgkñúgmCÆmNÐlBaNiC¢ kmµeTscrN_ GnþrCatielIkTI4 (ITM). edayGeBa¢IjedayRksYgeTscrN_RbeTs\NÐa RbtiPUmk BIRbeTsGU®sþalI bg;køaeds b‘Utg; Rb‘ÚeN km<úCa )araMg GaLWm:g; \NÐÚensuI GuItalI Cb:un m:aeLsuI en)a:l; NUEv:l hSWLg; éf cRkPBGg;eKøs shrdæGaemrik nigevotNam CamYynwgRkúmh‘uneTscrN’cMnYn71Rkúmh‘unmkBIrdæEb:k xag|sancMnYn8 nigBIrdæ West Bengal mkBIeRcIntMbn; epSg²KñaénRbeTs\NÐa. enAkñúgcMeNamBN’ nigQutsemøókbMBak; karsMEdgmkBI rdæTaMg7EdlmkBIEb:kxag|sanRbeTs\NÐaCa karraM Ebbsil,³xus²Kña. BIcgVak;ePøgsasnaénePøIgnigkaMbit rhUtdl;sMelgFugsÁrGñkRbyuT§énrdæxag |sanTaMg7nig Sikkim (rdæEdlCabgFMCageK) )antMNageGayRkúmsm<½n§ epSg²eTot nigekr’þmrtk l¥\tex©aH. 39
Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic
enABIelIBBk nigRCkkñúgsItuNðPaBRtCak;rbs; Sikkim manTenød¾visidæEdlsþitenAy:ags¶b;s¶at;k¾dUcCa stVcamrI sMraky:ages¶óm kMLúgeBlEdlRbtiPU)anmkdl;eday tamry³LanBIrbIrbs;BYkKat;. eRkayBICiHLanBIrem:ag mk RbtiPURbeTskm<úCaBt;xøÜny:agelOnedIm,IeGaysVag BIeKgbnÞab;BImanGarmµN_minRsÜl edaysarehaHqøgtMbn; Edlmanem:agxusKña. RKb;TIkEnøgKWCasmösSBN’FmµCati Edlpþl;eday RBHGaTitürH CaeTsPaBmYyEdl Sikkim cg;EfrkSaCamYynwgeGkUeTscrN_. \T§iBlvis½yeTscrN_ nigbrisßan cMnYnGñkTsSnabreTsmkkan;rdæEb:k|sankñúg qñaM 2014 )anekIneLIgcMnYn 39/8 PaKry elIsBIqñaMmun. cMnYn enHRtÚv)aneKrMBwgfanwgekInedaysarEtKeRmagBRgIkvIsa BIRbeTscMnYn 133 eTA 150RbeTs KitRtwm ExmIna qñaM2016 nigeRkayeBlsagsg;RBlanynþehaH Sikkim naeBlcugqñaMeRkayenAÉ Pakyong Edlman cm¶ay 35 KILÚEm:RtBITIRkúg Gangtok. naeBlbc©úb,nñ meFüa)ayEtmYyKt;edIm,IeTA Sikkim )anKW edayCiHLan3eTA4em:agBIRBlanynþeyaH Bagdogra. Sikkim RtÚvkarlixitGnuBaØatBiessedIm,IcUl)an b:uEnþ\LÚv GñkmkTsSnaGaccuHeQµaHenAÉ RBlanynþehaH nigTTYl lixitGnuBaØateBleTAdl;TIenaH)an.
cab;taMgBIeBlnaykrdæm®nþI\NÐa elak Shri Narendra Modi manTsSn³viC¢mankñúgkarGPivDÆEb:k|san EdlCa tMbn;EdlmanskþanuBleTscrN_xøaMgenAkñúgRbeTs. elak Mahesh Sharma rdæm®nþIshB½n§ eTscrN_ sgÇwmfavisy½ eTscrN_kgúñ Eb:k|sannwgbnþekInRsbeBl RbeTsenHGPivDÆ karkarBarbrisßanenAkñúgtMbn;enaH. ]TahrN_rbs; Sikkim KeRmagrbs; Sikkim kñúgkarkøayCardæmYyEdleBareBj edayplitplsrIragÁnaeBlcugqñaMenH nigkar]TÞiseday naykrdæm®nþI kMLúgeBlKat;mkkñúg Exmkra qñaMeRkay. edaysarEtkarekInénkareRbIR)as;m:UtUenAkñúgrdædUcCa AsplitplkñúgRsúkdUcCadMLÚg bEnøs<INac eb:ge)a:Hnwgman sam Meghalaya Manipur Mizoram Arunachal rsCatisMbUrEbb nigerobcMy:ageBjcitþkñúgmðÚbkarI CamYy Pradesh Nagaland Tripura nig Sikkim. nwgrsCatikñúgRsúk EdlrIkraynwgsakjúaM. elak Sharma )ansresIrBIPaBs¥atrbs; Sikkim nig Sikkim KWCardæEdlmanRBMRbTl;nwgRbeTscin en)a:l; karebIkedayKµanEpSg faCadMeNIkarénkarkøay Cardæ nigb‘Utg; ehIyk¾CakEnøgEdlmanCIv³cRmúH18 kEnøgkñúg eTscrN_d¾RbéBmYy. BiPBelak ehIyk¾CalMenAsßanrbs;edImpáa 30 PaKry Eb:k|sanmanRBMRbTl;Cab;nwgRbeTscin bg;køaeds b‘Utg; kñúgRbeTs\NÐa. elak Sharma )anelIk eLIgfa en)a:l; nigRbeTsmIy:an;m:a. edayPaB l,Il,ajBIsRms; “edayeyIgmanFnFanFmµCatimrtkeRcIn eyIg)anbegáIt PaBes¶óms¶at; rukçCatinigstVéRBrbs;va va)aneFVIeGay eKalneya)ayeGkUCasiT§iGaTiPaBrbs;rdæenH”. køayCatMbn;d¾Tak;TajsRmab; GPivDÆeGkUeTscrN_. Gangtok EdlCaTIRkúg nigtMbn;RkúgEdlFMCageKrbs; Sikkim )ankMBugGPivDÆvis½yeTscrN_kñúgry³eBl 20qñaM Sikkim EdlmankMBs; 1650Em:Rt kñúgCYrPñMehm:al½y cugeRkayenH ehIy)anGnuvtþkarXat;XaMgmin eGaynaM xagekIt. pÞúyBItMbn;epSgénRbeTs\NÐa Catisasn_PaK cUlrbs;CaeRcInedIm,IkarBarRbB½n§eGkU. karXat;XaMgmin eRcInenAkñúg Sikkim KWen)a:l; elbqa nigb‘Utg;. eGaynaMykpav fg;)aøsÞic karCk;)arIenA kEnøgsaFarN³ karkab;éRBeQIenAtMbn;GPir½kS k¾dUcCakar)aj;stVéRB nig kareRbIR)as;CIKImI KImIsmøab; stVl¥itnigstVepSg²RtÚv)an sresreday³ nU suT§avI eKelIkeLIg. karvinieyaKCaeRcInelIvis½yGb;rM nigkar karBarbrisßan)aneFVIeGay Sikkim køayCardæTImYyEdlnwg maneKalneya)ayeGkUeTscrN_TImYyenAkñúgRbeTs. Signs in Gangtok, Sikkim in Northeastern India about being a nonsmoking state. (KT Photo: Sotheavy Nou)
eRkayBIeFVIkarsÞabsÞg;kñúg qñaM 2013 edaymCÄmNÐl viTüasa®sþnigbrisßan (CSE) enARkúgjuÚedlI BIkarBinitü KuNPaBxül;RbcaMRbeTs lT§pl)anbgðajfatMbn;|san énRbeTs\NÐamankMeNInkarbMBulbrisßan y:agelOn Sikkim India’s First State to Go All Organic
Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam ( Late )
Former Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam has passed away at the age of 83 on July 27, 2015 after collapsing as he delivered a scientific lecture at IIM Shillong.
Mr Kalam served as India’s 11th president from
gree in aeronautical engineering from a tech-
2002 to 2007 and was popularly known as “Mis-
nology institute in Chennai (Madras).
sile Man” after pioneering the country’s military missile programme.
Mr Kalam joined the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in the neighbouring state of Kerala in the
APJ Abdul Kalam was born in 1931 into a mid-
1960s as one of its first three engineers. He played
dle-class family in Rameshwaram, a town well-
a major role in the centre’s evolution to a key
known for its Hindu shrines in the southern state
hub of space research in India, helping to devel-
of Tamil Nadu. Born in humble circumstances in
op the country’s first indigenous satellite-launch
a Muslim family in rural Tamil Nadu, a young boy
vehicle. He worked for the Defence Research
who sold newspapers as a boy to help his family
and Development Organization and the Indian
make both ends meet, rose to the highest office
Space Research Organization. Indian scientists
in the land. He did so not through the conven-
have hailed him as the father of the Indian nu-
tional route of a political career but through the
clear bomb and its missile delivery systems.
dint of hard work as a scientist in government service.
He also played a key role when India tested its nuclear weapons in 1998. India’s “missile man”,
His father owned boats which he rented out to
as he was dubbed in the popular press, Abdul
local fishermen, but he himself began his career
Kalam was a rocket scientist who rose to prom-
as a newspaper vendor. He then earned a de-
inence as head of the country’s successful ci-
Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam
vilian space and missile defence programmes.
teashop, talking to people from backgrounds
Combining idiosyncratic power-point presenta-
as humble as that which he had outgrown. In
tions of his vision for India’s future with instruction-
this simplicity lay the secret of his ability to con-
al poems for children, lecturing on everything
nect with people, across the boundaries of age,
from solar energy to the importance of broad-
class, religion and region.
band connectivity for India’s villages, Abdul Kalam “ignited minds”, to use the title of one of his
In his life and his work, APJ Abdul Kalam embod-
five bestselling books (he published 17 in all).
ied the best of what India can be.
Man of simplicity
India has never had a more beloved president.
Abdul Kalam was also, unusually for an Indian
Active till the end, he left the world in mid-
who occupied the high positions he did, a man
speech, as if to remind us that he still had some-
of great simplicity. With his long silver hair un-
thing more to say.
fashionably combed back and his thick Tamilian accent, he was an unlikely pop culture idol, but
The shock of his sudden passing has left a nation
that was what he became. The former president
bereaved. India mourns his death, but will long
was proud of his Indian education and liked to
celebrate his life.
describe himself as “Made in India”, having never been trained abroad.
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.”
During his 25 years as a scientist based in Thiruvananthapuram, he endeared himself to ordinary
APJ Abdul Kalam
people everywhere. Legion are the recollections of his waiting patiently for a bus, having breakfast at his favourite
Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam
GtItRbFanaFibtIRbeTs\NÐa elak APJ Abdul Kalam
GtItRbFanaFibtIRbeTs\NÐaelak APJ Abdul Kalam )ansøab;kñúgGayu83qñaM enAéf¶TI27 Exkkáda qñaM2015 bnÞab;BI)andYleBlKat;kMBug EføgBI viTüasa®sþ enAÉ IIM Shillong
elak Kalam )anbeRmICaRbFanaFibtIRbeTs\NÐaTI11 eFVI)an minEmntamry³Tmøab;enaHeTdUcCatamry³GaCIB cab;BIqñaM2002 rhUtdl;qñaM2007 ehIyRtÚv)aneKsÁal; neya)ay EtKWtamry³karxitxMeFVIkarCaGñkviTüasa®sþ y:agl,IeRkameQµaHfa {bursmIsuIl} eRkayBI)ancab;epþIm kñúgraCrdæaPi)al. kmµviFI GPivDÆn_eyaFamuneK. «Bukrbs;Kat;manTUkCaeRcInsRmab;CYleGayGñkrkRtIkñúg APJ Abdul Kalam )anekItenAkñúgqñaM 1931 enAkñúg tMbn; EtKat;xøÜnÉg)ancab;epþImGaCIBCaGñklk;kaEsSt. RKÜsarGñkmFümmYyenAkñúgRkúg Rameshwaram EdlCa eRkaymk Kat;k¾)aneroncb;briBaØabRtEpñkvisVkrynþehaH TIRkúg Edll,Il,ajBITIskáarbUCasasnahinÐÚ EdlsßitenA mkBIviTüasßan bec©kviTüa Chennai (Madras). xagt,Úgénrdæ Tamil Nadu. ekIgenAkñúgkal³eTs³l¥kñúg RKÜsarmUsøImmYyénÉtMbn;CnbTénrdæ Tamil Nadu ekµg elak Kalam )ancUleFVIkarenAmCÄmNÐlGvkas Vikram Rbús mñak;EdlFøab;CaGñklk;kaEsStCYypÁt;pÁg;RKÜsar )an Sabhai enArdæCab;enaHKW rdæeKrala enAkñúgqñaM1960 Qandl; kariyal½yFMCageKenARbeTs\NÐa. ehIyKat; kñúgnamCavisVkrmñak;kñúgcMeNambInak;. 43
Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Kat;)anedIrtYy:agsMxan;kñúgkarGPivDÆn_mCÄmNÐleGay køayCakEnøgsMxan;kñúgkarRsavCavGvkaskñúgRbeTs\NÐa edayCYy GPivDÆyanþtararNbmundMbUgbg¥s;EdleFVIeday RbeTs\NÐa. Kat;)aneFVIkarenAGgÁPaBkarRsavRCav karBar nigGPivDÆn_. GñkviTüasa®sþ\NÐa)aneKarBKat;dUc Ca«Bukrbs;RKab;EbknuyekøEG‘r\NÐa nigRbB½n§pþl;mIsuIl.
kalKat;manGayu25qñaM kñúgnamCaGñkviTüasaRsþenA Thiruvananthapuram Kat;)aneFVIeGayeKcUlcitþRKb;TI kEnøg.
edayKYbpSMbTbgðajBITsSn³rbs;Kat;ceM BaHGnaKtRbeTs \NÐaedayGmCamYykMNaBüENnaMmkekµg² karbeRgón GVI² TaMgGs;edayrYmmanRbB½n§sULaeTAdl;sar³RbeyaCn_ én tMNrP¢ab;GuIneFIeNteTAkan;PUmi elak Abdul Kalam )andak;eQµaHesovePAEdlKat;)ansresrmYyfa {KMnit beBa©H} EdlCaesovePAmYykñúgcMeNamesovePAR)aMrbs; Kat;Edllk;dac;CageK (Kat;)ansresrsrub17k,al).
RbeTs\NÐaminEdlmanRbFanaFibtIEdlKYreGayRslaj; EbbenHeTBImunmk. Kat;skmµrhUtdl;cugbBa©b; Kat;)an cakecj BIBiPBelakeBlkMBugEføg)anBak;kNþal vaeFVI eGayeyIgcaMfa Kat;manerOgepSg²eRcIneTotRtÚvniyay. PaBPJak;ep¥Ilénkarsøab;rbs;Kat;eFVIeGayRbeTs\NÐa)at; bg;FM. RbeTs\NÐa)ankat;Tukçkarsøab;rbs;Kat; b:uEnþnig sresIBIKat;Caerogdrab.
karcgcaMmYyrbs;Kat;cMeBaHLanRkúgKWhVÚgmnusSCaeRcIn TTYlTanGahareBlRBwkenAePaCnIy_dæanEdlKat;cUlcitþ niyayCamYymnusSRKb;vNѳedaydak;xøÜn edayTaMgxøÜn Kat;)anedIrtYnaTIy:agsMxan; enAeBlEdl\NÐaeFVIkarsak Kat;elIszan³enaH. edayPaBsamBaØenHÉg EdlCaGaf’ l,gGavuFnuyekøEG‘rkñúgqñaM1998. elak Abdul Kalam kM)aMgEdlGaceFVIeGayKat;GacTak;TgedayKµanRBMEdnGñkviTüasaRsþkaMRCÜcrukEkt EdleKEtgEtehAKat;faCa Gayu vNѳ sasna nigtMbn;. {bursmIsuIl} RbeTs\NÐaenAkñúgBt’manl,I² )ankøayCa mnusSsMxan; kñúgnamCaGñkdwknaMkmµviFIGvkassuIvilnig kñúgCIvitnigkargarrbs;Kat; APJ Abdul Kalam )ankmµviFI karBarmIsuIld¾eCaKC½y. bgðaj BIPaBl¥bMputEdlRbeTs\NÐaGaceFVI)an.
bursEdlmanPaBsamBaØ {mnusSRtÚvkarCYb]bsKÁ BIeRBaHvacaM)ac;edIm,IeGay Abdul Kalam xusBICnCati\NÐadéTEdlmanzan³x<s; eyIgrIkray enAeBlEdleyIgeCaKC½y.} dUcKat; edayKat;manPaBsamBaØ. Kat;mansk;EvgBN’ R)ak; ehIyCaerOy²sitmkeRkay ehIyKat;mantugCn APJ Abdul Kalam CatitamIl Kat;emIleTAdUcminsmCaCaTIeKarBenaHeT Et karBitKat;)ankøayCamnusSd¾KYreGayeKarBEmn. GtIt RbFanaFibtIrUbenH manemaTnPaBcMeBaHkarcMNHdwg\NÐa rbs;Kat; ehIycUlcitþerobrab;BIxøÜnKat;fa {plitkñúgRbeTs \NÐa} eRBaHKat;minEdlsikSaenAbreTsenaHeT.
Former Indian President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Jaipur The city of history and culture, forts and palaces, golden sands and warm people.
The origins of the beautiful city of Jaipur can be
The city is a visitor’s delight. From the intricate,
traced back to the eighteenth century, during
delicate looking Hawa Mahal to the graphic
the reign of Jai Singh II who ascended the Am-
forms of the Jantar Mantar – an open air obser-
ber Throne in 1699. He abandoned the rugged
vatory of outsized astronomical instruments, the
hills of Amber in 1727 and set about laying a
Badi Chaupar lined with shops and business es-
perfect palace-city in the adjoining plains ... Jai-
tablishments on both sides to the majestic fort
pur. It is this city that became the capital of the
-palace at Amer; from the colourful fountains-of-
post-independence state of Rajasthan.
life to the sublime Birla Temple; from the architectural delight of the City Palace to the serene
For long called the Pink City because of the ex-
Jal Mahal
tensive usage of the locally abundant pink stone, Jaipur has massive forts, magnificent palaces,
Jaipur offers so much
exquisite temples and marvellous gardens. All
Jaipur is also home to exquisite handicrafts, beau-
through, Jaipur has retained Its strong Rajputa-
tiful textiles, delicate jewellery and semi-pre-
na flavour tempered by several influences - the
cious/precious gems and stones.
Mughal being the most prominent. The region’s strong cultural heritage is distinctly evident even
Busy streets and colourful markets showcase
much of Jaipur’s vibrancy and charm. Together,
these images constitute a city of immense variety and interest for today’s traveller. No matter why you visit Jaipur, sightseeing is mandatory, for the capital is full of most exotic palaces, gardens and museums.
TRAVEL INFORMATION DELHI (Std Code: 011) Getting There By Air: New Deihl is on the cross-roads of major international a1rlines and is conveniently con-
Jaipur’s signature building is Hawa Mahal, a multi-layered palace with a pro-fusion of win-
nected to major cities of the world.
dows and stone screens. Jantar Mantar is a stone
observatory raised in the 18th century by an as-
New Delhi has two separate terminals for do-
tronomer king. The City Palace was the princi-
mestic and international flights, 4.5 km apart. The
pal residence of the fotmer ruling family, and is
two are linked by coach services. The domestic
known for its stunning architecture. It also houses
airport is used by domestic airlines whereas the
a museum. Heading out of the city is Jal Mahal,
Indira Gandhi International Airport. Delhi’s inter-
a former hunting lodge. The experience of vis-
national airport 20km away from the city centre
iting Amer Palace is one that cannot be easily
is used by Air India and other international carri-
described. You ride up on elephants to the for-
ers offline carriers and international flights.
mer capital of the royals, set to the backdrop of wooded hills. Overlooking Amer are two fortress-
By Road: Delhi is linked by the bus services of
es, Jaigarh and Nahargarh, both with motorable
Delhi Transport Corporation and state roadways
roads running up to them, and full of history of
of neighbouring states to all important cities and
the state’s martial past.
destinations in north India.
The newly built Birla Mandir is a unique monu-
Delhi is well connected by road to major cities:
ment with exquisite marble carvings. For best effect, see it on a moonlit night. The Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation (RTDC) and
200km from Agra, 399km from Ajmer, 446km from Amritsar
India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC)
Local Transport
operate half-day, full-day and evening tours at
Airconditioned and non-airconditioned cars
very reasonable prices.
can be hired for self-driving. Chauffeur driven cars can be hired from various car rental agen-
Other places to visit in Rajasthan are Ajmer, Push-
cies. Charges vary according to the type of car,
kar, Bikaner, Udaipur, Chittaurgarh, Jodhpur,
distance and usage.
Jaisalmer, Ranakpur, Mount Abu and National Parks. Mount Abu provides an escape from heat of the plains.
For further mformation please contact
Jaipur is also home to exquisite handicrafts, beau-
lndiatourism Jaipur
tiful textiles, delicate jewellery and semi-pre-
State Hotel, Khasa Kothi, Jaipur, 30
cious/precious gems and stones.
2001 Rajasthan Tel/Fax: 0141-2372200 Email: indtourjpr@raj.nic.ln
TIRkúg Jaipur Jaipur
CaTIRkúgRbvtþisa®sþnigvb,Fm’ manCBa¢aMgkarBarBIsRtÚv nigraCvaMg xSac;BN’mas nigmnusSd¾KYr eGaykk;ekþA.
enACYrCamYyhagepSg² nigGaCIvkmµCaeRcInenA sgxagpøÚveTAdl;CBa¢aMgkarBarsRtÚv nigvaMgenAÉ Amer. cab;BIkEnøgTwk)aj;énCIvit eTAdl;R)asaT Birla d¾éføføa. cab;BIkEnøgpþúMKñaén City Palace eTAkan; Jal Mahal d¾es¶óms¶at;.
pþl;eGayeyIgCaeRcIn ... Jaipur KWCapÞHrbs;sib,kmµd¾RbNit RkNat;d¾Rss;s¥at eRKÓgGlgáard¾eqIt nig semi-prectous/t,Úgmantémø nigeBRC. edImkMeNItrbs;TIRkúg Jaipur d¾Rss;s¥atenH GaceGay pøÚvEdleBareBjedaymnusS nigpSarcMruHBN’ )anbgðaj eyIgdwgRbvtþieTAdl;TsSvtSTI18 kñúgkMLúgraCkal Jai BIPaBrMeCIbrMCYlnigmnþesñh_rbs; Jaipur. CarYm rUbTaMg Singh II EdleLIgRKgraC Amber Throne kñúgqñaM1699. Gs;enHbgðajBIPaBcRmúHKñad¾sem,Im nigcMNab;GarmµN_ Kat;)ane)aHbg;TITYl Amber kñúgqñaM1727 ehIycab; rbs;GñkedIrelgsBVéf¶. epþImeFVITIRkúg raCvaMgenATIrabCab;KñaEdlehAfa Jaipur. vaCaTIRkúgEdlkøayCaraCFanIrbs;rdæ Rajasthan eRkay minfaehtuplGVIEdleFVIeGayGñkmkelg Jaipur karedIr TTYl)anÉkraCü. emIlkMsanþCaerOgcaM)ac; BieRBaHTIRkúgenHKWeBareBjeTA edayraCvaMgdac;Rsyal sYnc,ar nigsarmnÞIr. taMgBIyUrNas;mkehIyeKehAvafaCa TIRkúgBN’páaQUk BIeRBaHmankareRbIR)as;TUlMTUlayénfµBN’páaQUkkñúg GKar Jaipur l<Il,ajCageKKW Hawa Mahal EdlCa tMbn;. Jaipur manCBa¢aMgkarBarkarQøanBansRtÚv raC vaMgEdlmaneRcInRsTab; CamYynwgbg¥ÜcEdlkarBarrlay vaMgd¾rugerOg R)asaTd¾RbNit nigsYnc,ard¾Gcäriy³. taMg nigkBa©k;eFVIBIfµ. Jantar Mantar KWCakEnøgemIlpáay BImunrhUtdl;\LÚv Jaipur rkSa)annUvEbbbTrbs; Ra- EdlRtÚv)aneKsg;eLIgkñúgTsSvtSTI18edayGñk tara jputana x¢ab;x¢Ün EdlmanlT§plmkBI\T§iBlBIeRcIn sa®sþ. City Palace KWCakEnøgsñak;enArbs;RKÜsarkan; mCÄdæan. Mughal KWCa\T§iBlsMxan;CageK. ekrþ×tMENl GMNackalBImun ehIyvaRtÚv)aneKsÁal;tamry³ sMNg; vb,Fm’tMbn;KWsMGagEbøkeKsRmab;sBVéf¶enH. d¾Gs©arürbs;va. ehIyvak¾mansarmnÞIrkñúgenaHpgEdr. RbsinebIeyIgecjBIRkúgmkKWenA Jal Mahal KWCapÞH TIRkúgenHKWCakEnøgeFVIeGayGñkTsSnarIkrayxøaMg. cab; sRmab;Rbmaj;kalBImun. GñkGacCiHdMrIeTAkan;TIRkúgcas; taMgBIkEnøgsµúRKsµaj BIrUbPaBTn;Pøn;rbs; Hawa Mahal rbs;kSRt eTAkan;TITYleFVIBIeQI. enABIelI Amer KWman eTAdl;TRmg;CaRkahVikrbs; Jantar Mantar (kEnøg CBa¢aMgkarBarsRtÚvBIrEdlmaneQµaHfa Jaigarh nig xageRkAsRmab;]bkrN_tarasa®sþemIlpáay). Badi Nagargarh EdlCBa¢aMgTaMgBIrmanpøÚvEdl GacCiHyanþelI Jaipur
va)an ehIyvaeBareBjeTAedayRbvtþiénk,ac;KuNRbeTs kalBICMnan;mun.
EdleKeTIbEtsagsg; KWCavimanEtmYyKt; Edlmancmøak;fµEkvd¾RbNit. RbsinebIcg;emIlvaeGay c,as;RtÚvemIlvaedayeRbIBnøWRBHc½nÞcaMgvaeBlyb;. saCIv kmµGPivDÆn_eTscrN_ Rajasthan (RTDC) nigsaCIvkmµ GPivDÆn_eTscrN_\NÐa (ITDC) dMeNIrkarknøHéf¶ mYy éf¶eBj nigkaredIremIlkMsanþEbbFYrenAeBl l¶acCamYy nwgtémød¾smrmü.
edIm,IeTAdl;TIenaH edayCiHynþehaH³ Delhi KWCakEnøgqøgkat;rbs;ynþ ehaHGnþrCatiFM² ehIyGacP¢ab;y:aggayRsÜleTA kan;TIRkúg FM²enAkñúgBiPBelak.
Birla Mandir
kEnøgEdlRtÚveTAemIlepSgeTotkñúg Rajasthan KW Ajmer, Pushkar, Bikaner, Udaipur, Chittaugarh, Jodh-
PñM Abu nig]TüanCati. GacCakEnøgEdleyIgGaceKcevs BIkEnøgrab
pur, Jaisalmer, Ranakpur,
PñM Abu esµI)an.
KWCapÞHrbs;sbi ,kmµdR¾ bNit RkNat;dR¾ ss;sa¥ teRKÓg Glgáard¾eqIt nig semi-prectous/t,Úgmantémø nigeBRC.
BN’mansRmab;eFVdI eM NIr
DELHI (Std Code: 011)
Gakasyanþdæan New Delhi manRckBIr KWmYysRmab;ehaHkñúgRbeTs nigmYyeTotRmab;ehaHGnþrCati ehIyvamancm¶ay 4.5 KILÚEm:RtBIKña. TaMgBIrenHRtÚv)anP¢ab;Kñaedayesva bgVwk. GakasyandæanehaHkñúgRsúk RtÚv)aneKeRbI sRmab; ynþehaHkñúgRsúk EdlmanGakasyandæan Indira Gandhi International Airport Delhi’s Inter-
cm¶ay 25KILÚEm:RtBIcMNuckNþalTIRkúg EdlvaeRbIedayynþehaH\NÐa nigynþehaHdwkTMnij GnþrCatiepSg² nigynþehaHGnþrCati. national
tampøÚvfñl;³ Delhi RtÚv)anP¢ab;edayesvaLanRkúg rbs;saCIvkmµKmnaKmn_Rkúg Delhi nigpøÚvrbs;rdæeTA kan;rdæenAEk,r²Kña nigeTAkan;TIRkúgsMxan;² nigeTA kan;\NÐaxageCIg. Rkúg Delhi RtÚv)anP¢ab;edaypøÚvfñl;eTAkan;RkúgsMxan;³ 200 KILÚEm:RtBI Agra 399KILÚEm:RtBI Ajmer 466 KILÚEm:RtBI Amritsar. kareFVIdMeNIredayLan eyIgGacCYlLanEdlbMBak;edaym:asuInRtCak; nig minmanm:asuInRtCak;sRmab;ebIkedayxøÜnÉg. eyIg k¾CaCYl étkugLanBIPñak;garCYlCaeRcIn. témøKWsßit elIRbePTLan cm¶ay nigkareRbIR)as;. sRmab;BN’manbEnßmsUmTak;Tgmkkan; lndiatourism Jaipur State Hotel, Khasa Kothi, Jaipur, 30 2001 Rajasthan
TUrs½BÞ/Fax: 0141-2372200 GuIem:l: indtourjpr@raj.nic.ln
Ajmer/Pushkar Located within the core of the desert slate of
The Dargah
Rajasthan, the historic towns of Ajmer, Pushkar,
Popularly known as Dargah Sharif, this is the
Merta and Nagaur comprise a region which has
shrine of the Sufi mystic Khwaja Moinuddin Chish-
been a cradle as much of mighty kingdoms as
ti, better known as Gharib- Nawaz, who has his
of religious, and philosophical thought. Pushkar,
final resting place here. Pilgrims of all faiths come
since time immermorial, has been one of the
from the world over to attend the place, since
most hallowed holy spots for the Hindus. After
the shrine is considered a place of wish-fulfill-
the advent of Islam, Ajmer and Merta became
ment for those who pray with sincerity.
the major centres of Sufi philosophy, which is a unique humanistic blend of the Hindu and Muslim religious attitude and conventions. The Dargah at Ajmer is universally revered. Nagaur has stood as a sturdy bastion against invaders. Ajmer is a centre of pilgrimage for both Hindus and Muslims and is a true synthesis of Hindu and Islamic cultures. Pushkar This small township and the sacred lake of Pushkar is 11 kms. away from Ajmer. The road to Pushkar winds through the Nag Pahar (Snake Mountain) leading to the ancient lake.
Pushkar Lake, believed by the Hindus to be as
-Delhi National Highway include Alwar,
old as creation, has been a place of pilgrimage through the centuries. There are 52 bathing ghats built around the lake. The water around each ghat is supposed to have special powers. Annually on Kartik Purnima (the full moon day), the famous Pushkar fair is held. Devotees come
Alwar/Sariska: Excursions on the Jaipur known as the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Tiger Gate of Rajasthan, 150 km from Jaipur. Sariska: Nestled in the picturesque ranges of Aravalis, this fort throbs with life. A natural habitat, it offers a unique opportunity to see a variety of animals at close range. The Sariska wildlife sanctuary is 35 km
to take a holy dip in the lake.
away from Alwar. Other places to visit in Ra-
Getting there
Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Ranakpur, Mount Abu
Hourly bus service to Pushkar front near the old bus stand at Daulat Bagh in Ajmer, 14 km away. Jeep taxis take passengers as well. Ajmer is also the nearest railhead.
jasthan are Bikaner, Udaipur; Chittaurgarh, and National Park etc.
The Palace on Wheels
For a different kind of experience, enjoy India
Udaipur, Day 7 - Bharatpur, Agra. Day 8 - Return
through journeys in superb-luxury tourist-trains ...
to Delhi. Accommodation is mainly in coupes,
cocooned in the comfort of the luxurious, perks
with each carriage having a lounge, a mini bar,
of modern-day travel! Liveried waiters at your
kitchenette and modern toilets.
beck and call, modern comfort rooms - find them all in some of the best-preserved and reg-
Tarrif includes cost of travel, full catering, con-
ularly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; used railway cars in the world.
ducted sightseeing tours in deluxe coaches, entrance fee for monuments, cultural entertain-
The Palace-on-Wheels
ment and boat ride etc.
An extraordinary train for extraordinary people. It is a unique experience offered by the Indian
Note: Half fare for children between 5 and 12
Railways. Running between September to April.
years of age. The tariff does not include liquor,
Day 1 - The train leaves every Wednesday from
laundry and an) other items of personal nature.
Delhi Cantonment Railway station. Day 2 - Jaipur, Day 3 - Jaisalmer, Day 4 - Jodhpur, Day 5Sawai Madhopur, Day 5-Chittaurgarh, Day 6-
For information and booking Sr. Manager, Palace on Wheels, Tourist Reception Centre, Bikaner House, Bandara Road, New Delhi-110011. Tel: 91-l 1-23381884, 23383837, 23386069 Fax: 91-11-23382823 Email: Website: www.palaceonwheel .com Ajmer/Pushkar
Ajmer/Pushkar manTItaMgCasñÚlenAkEnøgEdleKFøab;e)aHbg;ecalkñúg Rajasthan TIRkúgRbvtþisa®sþrbs; Ajmer. Pushker, Merta nig Naguar rYmmantMbn;EdlCaedImkMeNIt GNacRkd¾manGMNac k¾dUcCasasna nigKMnitEbb TsSn viC¢a. kalBIeBlyUrlg;Nas;mkehIy Pushkar Føab; CakEnøgmYyd¾Bisidærbs;sasnahinÐÚ. bnÞab;BIkarmkdl; rbs;sasnaGuIsøam Ajmer nig Merta )ankøayCa mCÄmNÐlFM²énTsSn³ Sufi EdlCakarlaybBa©ÚlKñaEt mYyKt;rbs;mnusS. bnÞab;BIkarmkdl;rbs;GuIsøam Ajmer nig Merta )ankøayCamCÄmNÐlTsSn³viC¢a Sufi EdlCa karRcbl;bBa©ÚlKñarbs;mnusSEtmYyKt;rvag\riyabfnig snñi)atrbs;sasnahinÐÚnigmUsøIm. Dargah enAÉ Ajmer RtÚv)aneKeKarBCasakl. Naguar )anegIbQrCakMEBg y:agGg;GacedIm,IkarBarBIGñkQøanBan. KWCamCÄmNÐlFmüaRtaTaMMghinÐÚnigmUsøIm ehIyvaCavb,Fm’sMeyaKrbs;sasnahinÐÚnigGuIsøam. Ajmer
TIRkúgd¾tUcenH nigbwgd¾Bisidæén Pushkar mancMgay 11 KILÚEm:RtBI Ajmer. pøÚveTAkan; Pushkar RtÚvqøgkat; Nag Pahar (PñMBs;) EdlGaceTAdl;bwgburaN. bwg Pushkar RtÚv)aneCOedaysasnahinÐÚfaburaNtaMgBI edIm CakEnøgFmüaRtaCaeRcInTsSvtS. TwkenACuMvijcg¥Úr TwkRtÚv)aneKcat;TukfamankMlaMgBiess. Caerogral;qñaM enAéf¶eBjelakEx (Kartik Purnima) pSarNat; Pushkar d¾l,Il,ajRtÚv)aneKerobcMeLIg. GñkEdlmanCMenO)an mkgUtTwkenATwkvisidæenAkñúgbwg. edIm,IeTAdl;TIenaH LanRkúgmanRKb;em:ageTAkan;Eb:kxagmux Pushkar enA Ek,rcMNtLanRkúgcas;enAÉ Daulat Bagh enAkñúg Ajmer EdlmancMgay14KILÚEmRt. 51
Dargah Dargah Dargah
RtÚv)aneKsÁal;y:agl,Il,ajtamry³eQµaH Sharif. vaKWCaTIskáar³bUCarbs;GñkmanCMenO
GFiFmµCati Sufi mystic Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti EdleKeRcInsÁal;faCa Gharib-awaz EdlmankEnøg sRmakcugeRkayrbs;eKenATIenH. GñkeFVIFmµyaRtamkBI eRcInCMenO )anmkBIeRcInRbeTsedIm,ImkcUlrYm edaysar EtTIskáar³enHRtÚv)aneKcat;Tku CakEnøgbn;Rsn;Bsi di æ sRmab; GñkEdlbn;edaymanesckþIesµaH. stVéRB
dMeNIrkMsanþenA Jaipur pøÚvCati hayev Delhi edayrYmman Alwar EdleK EtgsÁal;vaCa Tiger Gate of Rajasthan cm¶ay 150KILÚEm:RtBI Jaipur. Sariska: vasßitenACYrPñM Aravalis d¾Rss;s¥at. éRBTaMgenHsm,ÚreTAeday CIvit. lMenAzanFmµCati vapþl;Ca«kasEtmYyKt; edIm,IeGayeyIgGacemIlstVCaeRcInRbePTenA Cit². CRmkstVéRB Sariska mancm¶ay 35 KILÚEm:RtBI Alwar. kEnøgepSg²eTotedIm,ITsSna kñúg Rajasthan rYmmandUcCa Bikaner, Udaipur; Alwar/Sariska:
Chittaurgarh, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Ranakpur, Mount Abu
nig]TüanCati .l.
edIm,IeGayTTYl)anbTBiesaFn_xus²Kña GñkGacTsSnaRbeTs\NÐatamry³karedIrelgkñúgrfePøIgd¾RbNit ehIyh‘u¿B½T§ edayRbNitPaBnigmanpasuxPaB EdlvaCakareFVIdMeNIrEbbTMenIb! GñkbeRmIEdlBak;ÉksNæanenABIeRkayGñk ehIy GñkGacehABYkeK)antambnÞb;pasuxPaBd¾TMenIb. GñkGacrkBYkeK)anenAkñúgkEnøgEdlman suvtßiPaB ehIyCaeTogTat;. raCvaMgenAelIkg; rfePøIgvisamBaØ KWsRmab;mnusSvisamBaØ. vaCabTBiesaFn_EtmYyKt;EdlGacpþl;)anedayrfePøIgRbeTs\NÐa. dMeNIkar cab;BIExkBaØa dl;Exemsa. éf¶TI1 - rfePøIgeFVIdMeNIecjerogral;éf¶BuF BIsßanIy_ Delhi Cantonment Railway. éf¶TI 2 - Jaipur éf¶TI3 - Jaisalmer éf¶TI4 - Jodhpur éf¶TI5 - Sawai Madhopur éf¶TI5 - Chittaurgarh éf¶TI 6 - Udaipur éf¶TI7 - Bharat pur, Agra éf¶TI8 - Rtlb;mkkan; Delhi vij. karsñak;enAcMbgKWsRmab;mnusSBIrnak; EdlkEnøgnimYy²manranGgÁúyelgmYy kEnøgkMsanþtUcmYy pÞH)aytUc mYy nigbgÁn;d¾TMenIb. témøKWrYmmantémøénkareFVIdMeNIr GaharRKb;eBl karnaMTsSnaenAkñúgkEnøgnimYy² témøcUlemIlviman karkMsanþ Ebb vb,Fm’ nigkarCiHTUk .l. kMNt;smÁal;³ témøBak;kNþalsRmab;ekµgGayu5qñaM eTA12qñaM. témøminrYmbBa©ÚlRsa kare)akG‘ut nigsmÖar³ epSg² sRmab;buKÁl. sRmab;Bt’manbEnßm nigkarkk;Tukmun GñkRKb;RKgCan;x<s; raCvaMgenAelIkg; kEnøgTTYlePJóv Bikaner House pøÚv Bandara TIRkúg New Delhi -110011 TUrs½BÞ: 91-l 1-23381884, 23383837, 23386069 Fax: 91-11-23382823 GuIem:l: evbsay: Ajmer/Pushkar
News in pictures
H.E. Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K Patnaik and his wife recieve award from Indian Association team on his farewell dinner on August 7, 2015.
H.E. Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K Patnaik and his wife with Indian Association Team on their farewell dinner night on August 7, 2015.
H.E. Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K Patnaik and his wife with Indian Association Team members and their families on thier farewell dinner night on August 7, 2015.
Cambodian officials, welcome H.E. Vice President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, upon his arrival at Cambodia on September 15, 2015.
Speech by H.E. Vice President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, to the Indian and freinds of India diaspora at Hotel InterContinnetal September 15, 2015.
Indians and friends of India watch as H.E. Vice President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, gives his speech to the audience on September 15, 2015.
News in pictures
News in pictures
Speech by H.E. Vice President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, to the Indian and freinds of India diaspora at Hotel InterContinnetal on September 15, 2015.
H.E. Vice President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari along with his wife Madame Salma Ansari, along with their team, members of the Embassy of India on September 17, 2015
Business to Business Meeting, Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Federation of Gujarat of Industries (FGI) in Cambodia on September 21, 2015.
H.E Ambbasdaor Mr Naveen Srivastava lights the auspicious lamp to inaugurate the Diwali celebrations at Hotel InterContinental on November 14, 2015.
H.E. Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K Patnaik visit to INS Kamorta which docked in Cambodia to promote India Cambodian friendship.
Aerial view of INS Kamorta as it cruises the sea.
News in pictures
News in pictures
India Cambodia Investment and Trade Seminar with members of FICCI, H.E Minsiter of Commerce Mr Sun Chanthol on December 8, 2015.
Mr Debashish Pattnaik, opening notes at India Cambodia Investment and Trade Seminar on December 8, 2015.
A lighter moment during his speech to Indian delegation on December 8, 2015.
H.E Minister of Commerce Mr Sun Chanthol during his speech at India Cambodia Investment and Trade Seminar on December 8, 2015.
FICCI delegation members, Embassy of India team along with H.E Minsiter of Commerce Mr Sun Chanthol at India Cambodia Investment and Trade Seminar on December 8, 2015.
Business to Business networking at India Cambodia Investment and Trade Seminar on December 8, 2015.
News in pictures
News in pictures
Anxious audience at Color’s of India dance programe by Dr Rekha Mehta and troup at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
Dance performance with earthen pot and fire on thier heads at Color’s of India, by a team of Dr Rekha Mehta and troup at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
Dance performance with earthen pot and fire on thier heads at Color’s of India, by a team of Dr Rekha Mehta and troup at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
Dance performance at Color’s of India, by Dr Rekha Mehta at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
Sword Dance performance at Color’s of India, by a team of Dr Rekha Mehta and troup at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
Dance performance at Color’s of India, by Dr Rekha Mehta and at Chaktomuk Theatre held on December 10, 2015.
News in pictures
But Balarama observed that Krishna was sitting silent and looked quite cool as if nothing had happened. So, he suspected that Krishna had a hand in the abduction of their sister. Balarama said to Krishna, “Brother Dear! why are you sitting silent after hearing of such a disgraceful act by Arjuna? Have you decided to bear with his misdoing because you love him very much? ” Balarama further continued, “We accorded Arjuna such a rousing reception when he came to Dwarka with you. Is that the way to repay our friendly act? Everybody feels that he has heaped unbearable disgrace on us. You may tolerate it, but not me. I’ll chase him with my best soldiers and teach him a bitter lesson.” Krishna had been silent as Arjuna had carried away Subhadra with his connivance. So, he decided to pacify Balarama. He said, “Brother Dear! be calm and think over the matter with a cool mind. Isn’t it a matter of pride for us that our sister has become a bride of Indraprastha? Our aunt, Kunti, is already in that family. Moreover, you must not forget that Arjuna is invincible. What if you make war on him and get defeated? Where shall we stand in that case? Won’t
it be an even bigger disgrace?” Krishna’s words pacified and his rage melted away. He said, “My loving young brother! you are perfectly right. We should not take any step in haste. We must handle the situation tactfully and with sagacity.” Inwardly happy, Krishna said, “We should make peace with the Pandavas and perform Subhadra’s marriage to Arjuna duly in a religious manner to give it a true colour so that it is accepted socially.” Convinced to the core, Balarama praised Krishna and he decided to act as told by him. He went to Arjuna and brought him back along with Subhadra most honourably. Then their marriage was performed according to the prescribed rites and with royal pomp and show. Having stayed at Dwarka for about an year, Arjuna moved to a holy place called Pushkar near Ajmer in modem RaJasthan. Subhadra was with him and he passed the remaining years of his exile there. The period of exile over, Arjuna returned to Indraprastha along with Subhadra who was in the guise of a milk-maid. Reaching the capital, Arjuna chose to
see his elder brother Yudhishthira first of all as he knew that he would handle the matter with grace and tolerance. As for Subhadra, she went inside the palace and touched the feet of her mother-in-law Kunti who kissed her forehead and hugged her. Then she blessed her in various ways. Next, Subhadra went to Draupadi and touching her feet, she said, “Sister Dear! accept me as your maid-in-attendance.” Draupadi was very much impressed at Subhadra’s modesty and simplicity. She embraced her closely out of affection and blessed her saying, “May your husband be ever victorious!” As soon as news of Arjuna’s arrival in Indraprastha reached Dwarka after completing his exile, Balarama and Krishna reached there along with several Yadava chieftains. They had come with valuable presents for Arjuna, his brothers, Subhadra, Draupadi, Kunti and for all other relatives. As for King Yudhishthira, he held a grand reception in honour of. Atjuna’s marriage to Subhadra. After a few days’ stay at Indraprastha, Balarama returned to Dwarka along w1th the Yadava chieftains receiving return-gifts from the Pandavas. As for Lord Krishna, he
chose to stay at Indraprastha for some more time. BIRTH OF ABHIMANYU In due course of time, Subhadra gave birth to a lovely son. From the very beginning, the baby showed signs of growing up into a handsome brave virtuous graceful warrior. He was the favourite of his father, four uncles and especially of his maternal uncle Krishna. After holding the baby’s naming ceremony (namkarana), Arjuna’s son was named Abhimanyu because he was very highly (Abhi) self-willed (manyu). When he was about 6-7 years old, his father began to give him lessons in archery. By the age of 15 years, he had become a warrior to be reckoned with. Even famed warriors of the day trembled at the very mention of his name. He was indeed the pride of the entire Pandava clan. As for Draupadi, she bore five sons-one from each Pandava brother. Their names were Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Shrutakarma, Shataneeka and Shrutasena. When all the five princes had grown up a little, their hair-removing (mundana) ceremonies were performed. Some time later, their sacred-thread (yagyapavita) ceremonies were also performed. The Pandavas felt highly delighted to see the young princes growing up into warriors gradually.
b:uEnþ )alaram )anGegáteXIjfa RKisña GgÁúyy:ages¶óms¶at; nigeFVI sMdIrbs; RKisña )anlYgelam )alaram ehIykMhwgrbs;Kat;)an Fmµtahak;dUcCaKµanerOgGVIekIteLIgGBa©wg. dUecñHehIyKat;sgS½y rlay)at;. Kat;)anniyayfa “b¥ÚnRbúsCaTIRslaj;rbs;bg! b¥Ún niyayRtÚvNas;! eyIgminKYreFVIGVIRbjab;Rbjal;enaHeT. eyIg fa RKisña cUlédkñúgkarcab;BRgt;b¥ÚnRsIrbs;BYkeK. RtUvEtRKb;RKgsßankarenHedayR)aCJa nigPaBQøasév.” )alaram )anniyayeTAkan; RKisña fa “elakb¥Únsmøaj; ehtuGVI)anCa b¥ÚnGgÁúyes¶óms¶at;bnÞab;BI)anlWefakTabeFVIeLIgedayGrCun? etI RKisña niyayedaykþIeRtkGrfa “eyIgKYrEtbegáItsnþiPaBCamYy b¥ÚnseRmccitþRTaMnwgGMeBIxusqÁgenHeRBaHEtb¥ÚnRslaj;Kat;xøaMgetI nwgbgb¥Ún )aNÐv³ ehIyerobGaBah’BiBah’ sUhaRda eTA[ GrCun [)anRtwmRtÚvtamsasnaedIm,IsgÁmGacTTYlyk)an. “eRkayBI maneT?” TTYl)anbBa©úHbBa©Úl )alaram )anelIksresIr RKisña ehIyseRmc )alaram )anbnþeTotfa “eyIg)anTTYlbdisNæarkic© GrCun y:ag citþeFVItamKat;. Kat;)aneTArk GrCun ehIynaMKat;mkvijCamYy éføfñÚr enAeBlEdlKat;mk TIRkúg dVka CamYynwgb¥Ún. etIenHCaGVI sUhaRda edaykitþiysbMput. bnÞab;mkBiFIGaBah_BiBah_rbs;BYkeK EdleKsgmkelITegVIrak;Tak;rbs;eyIg? RKb;KñaKitfa Kat;)aneFVI )anRbRBwtþeTAtamk,ÜntRmaraCvgSy:ag GFwkGFm. erOgTury’s EdlminKYrelIkElgeGaymkelIBYkeyIg. b¥ÚnGacRTaM )anb:uEnþbgminGaceT. bgnwg[Tahantamcab;Kat; ehIynwgpþl; eday)ansñak;GaRs½yenATIRkúg dVka Gs;ry³eBlCag1qñaM GrCun )anpøas;eTATIkEnøgskþarmYyEdlehAfa PUsxar CitRkúg eGcEm‘r emerond¾CUrct;mYyeTA[Kat;. enA raCasßan TMenIb. sUhaRda enACamYyKat;ehIy)ancMNay RKisña enAes¶ómeRBaH GrCun )ansmKMnitCamYynwgrUbKat;cab;BRgt; eBlevlaEdlenAesssl;nireTsxøÜnenATIenaH. sUhaRda. dUecñHKat;k¾seRmccitþniyaylYgelam )alaram fa “bg Rbússmøaj; sUmeFVIcitþ[RtCak; ehIyKitelIbBaðaenHedaysRmÜl. ry³eBlnireTsxøÜn)anbBa©b; GrCun )anvilRtlb;eTAraCFanI RBH\®n etIvaminEmnCaemaTnPaBeTEdlb¥ÚnRsIrbs;eyIg)ankøayCaPriya vijCamYynwg sUhaRda EdlEtgxøÜnCaRsþIRc)ac;TwkedaH. mkdl; enAraCFanI RBH\®nÞ ? GñkmIg kunþI rbs;eyIgk¾rs;kñúgRKÜsarhñwgEdr. TIRkúg GrCun )aneTArkbgRbúsrbs;Kat;eQµaH yFisiþr³ muneK eRBaH mYyvijeTot bgminRtÚvePøceTfaKµannrNaGacvayQñH GrCun eT. Kat;dwgfa Kat;GacedaHRsaybBaðaedayGnueRKaH nigRtaRbNI. cuHebIbgeFVIs®gÁamCamYynwgKat;ehIycaj;? etIeyIgKYreFVIEbbNa bnþeTot? etIvanwgminEmnCaerOgkan;Et[Gb,ysEfmeToteT? sRmab; sUhaRda vij nag)ancUleTAkñúgraCvaMgRkabsMBH)ateCIg 59
mþayekµkrbs;nagKW nag kunþI ehIy kunþI k¾)anefIbf¶as; nig»b kMeNItrbs; GPiman nagvij. bnÞab;mk)anCUnBrnagsBVEbby:ag. mYyry³eRkaymk sUhaRda )anpþl;kMeNItdl;kUnRbúsd¾KYr[ Rslaj;mñak;. RKan;EtekItmkPøam TarkenH)anbgðaj[eXIjfa bnÞab;mkeTot sUhaRda )aneTArk RTU)aDI ehIysMBH)ateCIgrbs; rUbeKnwgkøayCaGñkcm,aMgd¾Rss;sgðamanesckþIkøahanKuNFm’eBl nagedayniyayfa “bgRsIsmøaj; sUmTTYlyk´CaGñkbeRmI.” eKFMeLIg. TarkenHKWCasMNb;citþrbs;«Buk «BukmaTaMg4 nigCa Biess«Bukmaxagmþay RKisña. RTU)aDI mankarPJak;ep¥IrCaxøaMgedayeXIjkardak;xøÜn nigPaBsamBaØ rbs; sUhaRda. nag)an»b sUhaRda y:ags¥itCUnBrnageday bnÞab;BI)anR)arBVBiFIdak;eQµaH[Tark kUnRbúsrbs; GrCun RtÚv)an niyayfa “sUm[sVamIrbs;b¥ÚnTTYl)anC½yCmñHCaerogrhUt.” RbsiT§namfa GPiman eRBaHekµgenHBitCamanqnÞHx<s;Nas;. enAeBlEdlKat;manGayu 6-7qñaM «Bukrbs;Kat;cab;epþImbeRgón Pøam²eBlEdldMNwgmkdl;raCFanI RBH\®nÞ rbs; GrCun)anelc Kat;[ecH)anFñÚ. GayuRtwm 15 qñaM Kat;)ankøayCaGñkcm,aMgd¾xøaMg lWdl;Rkúg dVka bnÞab;BIbBa©b;karnireTsxøÜn )alaram nig RKisña )an køamñak;. sUm,IEtGñkcm,aMgEdlmanekrþ×eQµaHk¾jak;sac;EdreBllW eTAdl;TIenaHEdrCamYynwgemkulsm<½n snþtivgSy:aDU. BYkeKnaMmk eQµaHrbs;Kat;. Kat;KCW aemaTnPaBrbs;RkumRKÜsar )aNÐv³ TaMgmUl. CamYynUvGMeNaymantémøCUn GrCun bgb¥ÚnRbúsrbs;BYkeK sUha Rda RTU)aDI kunþI nigsac;jatidéTepSgeTot. sRmab; RTU)aDI vij nag)anpþl;kMeNItdl;kUnRbúsR)aMnak; Edlmñak;² CakUnrbs;bgb¥Ún )aNÐv³. BYkKat;maneQµaH RBHTIv\I sRmab;RBHraCa yuFisiþr³ RBHGgÁ)anerobcMBiFITTYlsVaKmn’y:agFM NÐya, sut³esam:a Rs‘Utakmµ satnIka nig Rs‘Utaesna. éRkElgCakitþiyssRmab;mgÁlkarrbs; GrCun nig sUhaRda. enAeBlEdlbuRtaTaMgR)aMFMeLIgbnþic BiFIkat;sk;rbs;BYkeKRtÚv)an bnÞab;BI)ansñak;enAraCFanI RBH\®nÞ Gs;ry³eBlb:unµanéf¶mk )ala R)arBVeLIg. mYyry³eBleRkaymkeTotBiFIcgExSGMe)aH k¾RtÚv)an ram vilRtlb;eTARkúg dVka vijCamYynwgemkulsm<n½ edayTTYl R)arBVeLIgpgEdr. RkúmRKÜsar )aNÐv³ manGarmµN_rMePIbEdl)an )annUvGMeNaytbsñgmkvijBI )aNÐv³. sRmab; RKisña vij Kat;)an eXIjbuRtaFMeLIgkøayCaGñkcm,aMgbnþicmþg². seRmccitþsñak;enAraCFanI RBH\®nÞ mYyry³eTot. Mahabharata
edImI,)anTTYlkarEckCUnTsSnavdþIenHeday\tKitéfø sUmsresrmkkan; sßanTUt\NÐa pÞHelx 5 pøÚvelx 466 PñMeBj km<úCa Embassy of India, Villa No. 5, Street 466, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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