Indian News Queensland | CORONA CRISIS
Diaspora leaders discuss stranded Indians' welfare with H.E. Gitesh Sarma
arious leaders of the Indian diaspora community from all states across Australia had a detailed and constructive video conference with High Commissioner of India Mr Gitesh Sarma on the welfare of the stranded Indian Nationals as well as the international students from India on May 2. The Zoom meeting with Mr Gitesh Sarma on COVID-19 situation in Australia was attended by the leaders of various Indian associations
from all eight states and territories. It is believed the feedback and the suggestions that were shared among all will advance the Covid-19 situation in Australia to some positive outcome in coming days and weeks. During the meeting particular emphasis was put on the Indian students who have been left high and dry in Australia, amidst lack of employment and part-time work in Australia as well as little chance of flights back to India.
Leaders of the Indian diaspora from all 8 states and territories holding video conference with H.E. Gitesh Sarma
We need your help. Please download the COVIDSafe app today. Mr Gitesh Sarma during the Zoom meeting
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Visit Download the COVIDSafe app today to keep yourself and your community safe by helping our health workers to notify you quickly if you’ve come in contact with someone who has Coronavirus.
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With your privacy protected by law, COVIDSafe keeps a secure note of other users you’ve been near if you have to go out. So, if they test positive for Coronavirus, you’ll be notified. It’ll help us stop the spread sooner, so we can all get back to the things we love.
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MAY 2020