Advances to enhance Water
Use Efficiency in Small Water bodies” Experiences from Grassroots A.Gurunathan Chief Executive DHAN VAYALAGAM (Tank) FOUNDATION Presented at India Water Week 2013 9th April 2013
DHAN Vayalagam (Tank) Foundation A Water Thematic Institution promoted by DHAN Foundation to promote and upscale community centric small scale water resources’ conservation and development and improve livelihoods by enhancing productivity from tankfed agriculture in India
Technical Advances Minor irrigation Structures Sub-basin based Rainwater harvesting through improving tank cascade systems Reviving Traditional Technical Wisdom on Water distribution by installing Plug and Rod Shutters in Sluices Bringing back Traditional Skills of Water Managers/Neerkattis by enhancing their knowledge on improved water management practices Introducing Micro Irrigation Technologies
Improving Water Security •Creating
Dead Storages in Tanks to cope Climatic Risks •Introducing Inland Fisheries with composite Fish culture and feed management •Demarcating the area between FTL and MWL and encouraging foreshore plantation to arrest siltation.
Safe Drinking Water •Structural
Improvements in Drinking Water ponds (Ooranis) : Fencing, Filter Wells fitted with Hand pumps, Inlets with shutters •Installation of Biosand Filters at Households Eco system based Watershed development by appropriate Soil and Water Harvesting measures
Tankfed Agriculture Development •Systemic
Rice Intensification in Rice, Mustard and Wheat •Change •Coping
from Mono cropping to mixed cropping
risks through introducing Weather Index based rainfall insurance