Increasing WUE & Setting Aside gains for Environmental Flow ?

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Increasing Increasing WUE WUE & & Setting Setting Aside Aside gains gains for for Environmental Environmental Flow Flow ? ? Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit

Improving WUE Getting Water for EF Two independent things.

Reducing Fertilizer Subsidies Case for setting aside savings for Salary head

Improving WUE Getting Water for EF Two independent things.

The Real Problem is The Govt. is shying away from deciding how much should be EF Saving from higher WUE ďƒ¨ EF is a way to avoid that decision.

Very Rough calculations Agricultural use 85% of MAF WUE Target 20% improvement Water saved = 20% of 85% = 17% of MAF So, 17% of MAF for EF Is much > what we think is possible Is it

= > <

We don’t know

17% of 1123 bcm = 191 bcm, allocated to EF Utilizable Reduces to 932 bcm Are we OK with that ?

Two Two mistakes mistakes we we have have made made about about EF EF Mistake Mistake 11 EF EF Required Required can can be be determined determined by by aa formula formula or or mathematical mathematical model model Reality Reality Allocation Allocation of of resources resources is is always always aa decision decision Involves Involves trade-offs trade-offs with with other other uses. uses.

How How much much honorarium honorarium to to pay pay to to Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit

Happiness ďƒ¨

How How much much honorarium honorarium to to pay pay to to Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit

Honorarium ďƒ¨

Happiness ďƒ¨

How How much much honorarium honorarium to to pay pay to to Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit

More More Honorarium Honorarium to to Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit Less Less Honorarium Honorarium to to all all others others

Honorarium ďƒ¨

Two Two mistakes mistakes we we have have made made about about EF EF Mistake Mistake 11 EF EF Required Required can can be be determined determined by by aa formula formula or or mathematical model More water for EF mathematical model Reality Reality

Less water for all other uses EF Required has to be decided.

Allocation Allocation of of resources resources is is always always aa decision decision Involves Involves trade-offs trade-offs with with other other uses. uses.

Two Two mistakes mistakes we we have have made made about about EF EF Mistake Mistake 22 Friend Friend of of Environmental Environmental (foe) (foe) are are the the right right people people to to tell tell us us how how much much EF EF is is required required Reality Reality FOE FOE a) a) are are excessively excessively concerned concerned about about environment environment only only Environmental Environmental Impacts Impacts of of Water Water Development Development Actions Actions Water Water Development Development Impacts Impacts of of Environmental Environmental Actions Actions

Two Two mistakes mistakes we we have have made made about about EF EF Mistake Mistake 22 Friend Friend of of Environmental Environmental (foe) (foe) are are the the right right people people to to tell tell us us how how much much EF EF is is required required Reality Reality FOE FOE a) a) are are excessively excessively concerned concerned about about environment environment only only b) b) can can not not make make decisions. decisions. That That has has to to be be done done by by the the Government. Government.

Happiness Status of Env. ďƒ¨

How How much much EF EF honorarium honorarium to to pay pay to to Chetan Chetan Pandit Pandit

Honorarium EF ďƒ¨

Tennant’s Table Description of Flow

April to September

October March

Outstanding habitat

60% MAF

40% MAF

Excellent habitat

50% MAF

30% MAF

Good habitat

40% MAF

20% MAF

Fair to degrading habitat

30% MAF

10% MAF

Poor to minimum habitat

10% MAF

10% MAF

Severe degradation

<10% MAF

<10% MAF


Report by MoEF Committee chaired by Member (RM) CWC (2004-05) Committee of (Directors of ?) 7 IITs : : : “Research” by individual scholars


Conclusions 1. Quantity of EF will not emerge from a formula 2. Enough Research 3. Confront the problem upfront 4. Factor in legal and procedural issues 5. Take a decision 6. Implement it


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