3 cgwb ppt jka india water week05 03 2016 final

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Jal Kranti abhiyan 2015-16 Central Ground Water board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Â

5TH March, 2016


Jal Kranti Abhiyan 2015-16 1. Launching of Jal Kranti Abhiyan 2. Bhujal Manthan 3. Workshops on Water Conservation, Water Security, Water Quality, Climate Change and Best Practices 4. Water Management Training Program- Climate Change and Best Practices 5. Preparation & Printing of Publicity Material 6. 1st National Essay Competition 7. Identification of Jal Grams 8. Organizing Conferences at State H.Q. 9. Trainings for Jal Mitra/Neer Nari/WUA Pollution Abatement 10. Training Programmes in OE, Fluoride and Arsenic Affected areas 11. Construction of tube wells in Arsenic affected areas 12. Other IEC activities- 6th National Painting Competition

1. LAUNCHING OF Jal Kranti Abhiyan • Launched

Simultaneously at Jaipur, Shimla and Jhansi on 05.06.2015

• Launching

programme at Jaipur was organized by CGWB

• Sushri Uma Bharti Hon’ble

Minister for Water Resources, RD & GR inaugurated the Launching function at Jaipur.

LAUNCHING OF Jal Kranti Abhiyan (contd.) • Hon’ble Minister of

Water Resources, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Hon’ble Minister of PHED & GWD and other Public represen -tatives graced the function.

• More than 3500 persons

participated in Launching function.


2. Bhujal Manthan

• Organized at Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana on 21.08.2015 • Sushri Uma Bharti, Hon’ble Minister for WR, RD and GR was the Chief Guest • Shri Om Prakash Dhankhad, Hon’ble Minister, Govt. of Haryana, Local M.L.A, VC, Kurukshetra University, Dr. Amarjeet Singh, Special Secretary, Ministry of WR, RD & GR were other dignitaries. • About 2000 persons participated. • Hon’ble Minister for WR, RD & GR released following publications :  Aquifer Atlas of Haryana  Abstract volume of ‘Bhujal Manthan’  Brochure on Arsenic contamination of GW  Brochure on Fluoride contamination of GW  Brochure on ground water salinity

Bhujal Manthan (contd.) An Exhibition was organized by CGWB A total of 64 technical papers received. 27 papers were presented in four technical sessions. Main Recommendations include: Studies to be taken up for better understanding of impact of pollution on human health. Pilot studies to be taken up more vigorously. Community participation through mass awareness & capacity building campaign Advanced Geophysical studies like electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) & Heli-borne surveys be undertaken Artificial recharge techniques should be employed to push the freshwater-seawater interface into sea & alternate source water to be planned. Large-scale ground water development is feasible in Eastern states

Bhujal Manthan (contd.) Workable water resource plan must be made mandatory

for clearance of any proposal for large-scale mining involving excavation below the water table. Efforts are to be made for conservation of springs in the

hilly areas. Climate adaptation strategies should include groundwater

management. Recommendations of Bhujal Manthan will be of great significance for advancement of Geosciences specially in the domain of ground water science in the country.

3. WORKSHOP ON Water Conservation, Water Security and Water Quality Climate Change & Best Practices

Target: 15 Workshops Achievement: 15 Workshops  Conducted


in States of Assam, Upper Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Kerala, Lakshawadweep, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Puddichery, West Bengal, A & N Island.

 About 150 experts & delegates


from Govt. Organizations NGOs, Academicians, Scientists from Research Institutes, Farmers, Urbanites & Industrialists etc. participated in each Workshop.

Workshop Recommendations(Contd--)  Building bye laws for Mandatory RTRWH in urban areas, artificial

Recharge structures in Rural Areas & along Highways in Critical and OE Blocks. Incentivizing RWH.  Constitution of State Ground Water Authority  Health education in Water Quality Affected Areas  Research

in innovative, cheaper and acceptable techniques for treatment of industrial waste waters and their reuse.

 Third party audit of schemes should be made integral part


inspection report be documented  Self regulation instead of govt. imposed regulation to be encouraged.  Use of modern technological tools such as RS & GIS should

encouraged for better data integration & visualization


Workshop Recommendations (contd.) Promote studies to make spring sources sustainable. Involve rural population

and encourage traditional water conservation measures for spring development and management. Study to be carried out in all capital towns and districts HQ’s to analyse

impact of solid waste disposals on water sources and to firm up a policy on the disposal system. A scientific investigation to study snow cover behaviour in context of global

warming in Himalayan region. Regulation for watershed for rejuvenation of springs and streams Convergence of

policies of line departments for water security and best

practices Preventive measures for pollution caused by fertilisers by organic farming

practices, integrated pest management etc. by Farmers

Workshop Recommendations (contd.) Dissemination of water conservation techniques up to grass root level and

involvement of all line departments by district authorities to make people aware elaborately. Creation of awareness on climate change and its impact on the existing

ground water resources by highlighting all possible means of best practices. Measures to control deforestation in recharge areas as part of conservation

of water resources to control declining trend of rainfall in the hilly terrains. Easy Tips for water conservation, security & quality control measures in

vernacular medium to make people aware at grass root level. Capacity building in district and block level for preparation & effective

implementation of water security plans under Jal Gram Yojana.

Workshop Recommendations (Contd.) Suggested suitable measures for Arsenic & Iron free water and salinity problem in

coastal areas of the Country. Leakage in water distribution system should be significantly reduced. Suggested water efficiency in agricultural sector to ensure more crop per drop. Reuse and recycling of waste water should be adopted to ensure zero discharge. Export of virtual water is to be regulated. Efforts for water security should commence with coordination of activities of all

concerned agencies and sharing of relevant data and information Conjunctive use of surface water and ground water for irrigation may be adopted in

cyclic manner for sustainability in water logged areas.

4. Water Management Training Programmes, Climate Change & Best Practices

Targets: 10 Trainings

Achievement: 10 Trainings  Kerala,

West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Jammu & Kashmir, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar & Jharkhand.

 About 50 trainees from GO, NGO, Research

Scholars, PRI etc. participated. West Bengal  Training capsule include GW scenario, area

specific issues vis a vis management strategies including Rainwater Harvesting/ Artificial Recharge of aquifer systems etc., Climate Change & Best Practices are incorporated in the trainings.  Trainings have helped in capacity Building at


Grass root levels

5. PREPARATION OF publicity material  Brochures on Arsenic, Fluoride & Salinity of India, material

for school children, slip pad etc. have been prepared, printed and distributed in workshops, Trainings etc.  Development of Mobile apps, Digital Model on Artificial

Recharge in Urban area and Rural areas, Printing of Diaries etc. have been prepared/printed.  Preparation of Hoardings

6. Essay Competition

 Essay competition was organized under two categories:

 Age Group 15 to 25 years on water related issues (Category -1)  Technical Papers (Category-2)  Guidelines and Modalities for organizing Essay Competition was prepared.

 A committee constituted for deciding topics/themes of Essay Competition.  Prize winners were decided by a panel of Jury for both categories  Wide publicity was given through Advertisement in leading news papers, website of

CGWB etc.  1st Phase of Competition (submission of Essays/ Technical Paper) was completed

on 12.03.2016.  2nd Phase i.e. writing of Essays Completed on 17.03.2016.  Essay Competition for both categories completed and prizes distributed to winners

7. IDENTIFICATION OF Jal Grams  Proposal

for implemen -tation of GW irrigation for 235 Jal Grams in 7 States namely Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, J & K, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra was sent to the Ministry.

 Guidelines

for GW Development and Recharge for Water Security and Irrigation Plan under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)/ Jal Kranti Abhiyan has been submitted to he Ministry.

Sl. State/UT No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A & N Islands Assam Chhattisgarh Goa Kerala Lakshadweep Maharashtra Manipur Nagaland Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tripura West Bengal Total

Targets 6 54 54 4 28 2 72 18 22 6 44 66 64 16 40 496

Identified yet to be identified 00 27 54 4 28 1 58 9 22 4 24 65 50 8 354

6 27 0 0 0 1 14 9 0 2 20 1 14 8 40 142

8.Organizing Conferences at State Target-10

Achievement-10  Organized at Lucknow, Kolkata, Bangalore,

Jaipur, Bhopal, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Guwahati and Patna

 Emphasize

on catching rainwater where it falls.




 Rainwater Harvesting & Artificial Recharging

should be made a mass program.


 Farmers and local stakeholders be involved

for sustainable ground water management and enhancement in crop production.  Industrial Sector should take responsibility

and work in improving water resources scenario in the country.  Need for change in cropping pattern.  Sense of ownership to be developed in users

through IEC activities.


 Women

participation management of water



9.Workshops CUM Trainings for Jal Mitra/Neer Nari/WUA Target: 04


Achievement: 04




• Organized at Auranabad, Coimbatore, Kota and Raipur • Sarpanchs, Gram Sevaks, Jal Mitras, Neer Naris, WUAs, NGOs, Farmers, Engineers etc. participated. • Training lectures were given by Water Experts for capacity building of Jal Mitra/WUA etc. • Jal Mitras expressed that training was very useful to understand the aspects of ground water and Jal Kranti Abhiyan

RECOMMENDATIONS OF WORKSHOPS CUM TRAININGS (contd---)  Water Security Plan on few Jal Grams were discussed and advised

to prepare plans on similar lines in other Jal Grams.

 Need for Capacity building in district and block levels for effective

implementation of Jal Gram Yojana

 People’s participation in Mohalla/ Gram Sabhas/Gram Panchayat in

planning, designing, implementation and operation of schemes.

 Jal Grams representatives to hold village level meetings to convince

people for adopting suitable cropping pattern.

RECOMMENDATIONS OF WORKSHOPS CUM TRAININGS (contd---)  Information of schemes to be displayed at village level so that people can

assess their demand-Supply status for preparing suitable water security plans.

 PPP model may also be attempted in JKA

 NGO’s paved way for understanding & implementation of programme and

therefore needs to be actively involved.

 More publicity required under Jal Kranti Abhiyan.

 Recommended to name Jal Kranti as “Blue Revolution” in India.

Pollution Abatement 10. RGI Tier-III Training Programme (BLOCK LEVEL) UNDER JAL KRANTI ABHIYAN

• The target groups are PRIs, State Govt. Officials,

NGOs, Progressive Farmers stakeholders at grassroots level.



• Focus area are Arsenic & Fluoride contaminated

areas and Water Stressed areas (OE Blocks)

Achievements During 2015-16 Focus area


Number of training conducted

Person trained

Woman participation


Arsenic UP, Bihar, WB, Assam effected




Fluoride Chhattisgarh, MH, JH, WB, effected Assam, AP, Telengana, TN, MP, Karnataka, Odisha, Kerala,




Water Raj, Guj, Punjab, Haryana, Stressed UP, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Kernataka, HP, TN








Achievements During 2015-16 Contd. • Topics covered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Local groundwater situation and challenges Impact of groundwater pollution and water stressed condition on human health and development Availability of alternative source of water- in time and space Mitigation and remediation process. Need of Participatory groundwater management

Detailed interaction with the participants/stake holders:

Feed back received: Awareness at grass root level 2. Peoples participation 3. Involvement of local institutions 4. Coordinated effort 1.

Glimpses of Training conduced under Jal Kranti Abhiyan

POLLUTION ABAQTEMENT 11. Construction of Arsenic Free Tubewells in Selected Blocks Of Ballia & Ghazipur Districts, U.P.

Arsenic Infested

Districts of UP

• Ballia • Ghazipur • Chandauli • Gorakhpur • Gonda • Balrampur • Behraich • Lakhimpur Khiri • Unnao

PILOT PROJECT, BAIRIYA BLOCK, BALLIA DISTRICT  Block identified –Bairia block • Villages affected by Arsenic -- 34 • Population

affected (2021)

2,00,000 ●


(2011) 1,70,000

• Water requirement (2021) – 145

lakh lpd

per day ( human and

cattle) • TW proposed (300m depth) – 46

main wells and 6 observation wells • costs - Rs. 12.7 cr

PILOT PROJECT, KARANDA BLOCK, GHAZIPUR DISTRICT Block identified – Karanda • Villages affected by Arsenic- 15 • Population affected  (2021) ~ 55,000,  (2011) - 47000 • Water requirement (2021) ~42 lakh LPD ( human and cattle) • TW proposed (300m depth) – 16

main wells and 4 observation wells • costs --- Rs. 4.8 cr

Schematic Design of Tube well with cement seal for Arsenic affected Area.

Normal Design of Tube Well constructed in multilayered Aquifer System

Design of Tube Well in Arsenic Infested Area

Targets and Achievement

Bairiya Block , Ballia District • Targets

TW 46, OW – 6

 Karanda Block,Ghazipur


• Achievements TW 28, OW – 3  Targets:

TW 16, OW – 4

 Achievement TW 11, OW - 4

Other IEC Activities

6th National Painting Competition More than 14 lakh students from more than 17,000

schools participated in the School Level Competitions. State Level and National Level Painting Competitions

conducted along the rivers The National Level Painting Competition First prize of

Rs. 50,000/-Two Second prizes of Rs. 25,000/- each, Three Third prizes of Rs 10,000/-each and Twenty Five (25) Consolation prizes of Rs. 5000/- each were given.


National Level- Chhat Puja Ghat- Delhi

On the Spot School Level Painting Competition On spot School level painting competition was

organized at Garh Mukteshwar & Anup -shahar, U.P. on the banks of Holy River Ganga Sushri Uma Bharti, Hon’ble Union Minister graced

the event and distributed prizes to the winners. 8 prizes were distributed including 1st, 2nd and 3rd

prize of Rs 5000/-, Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 2000/respectively & 5 consolation prize of Rs 1000/- each


Garh Mukteshwar


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