Ministry of Water Resources
Availability (Average Annual in BCM) Total precipitation – 4000 Run-off - 1869 Utilizable water - 1123 Surface water - 690 Ground water - 433
Demand @ 2050 (Assessed by NCIWRD (1999) in BCM) Irrigation – 807 Domestic - 111 Industry - 81 Other uses - 181 Total demand - 1180
Water availability – limited; The way out– reduce demand through efficient use of water
Reducing per capita water availability
Per capita water availability in m3/year
Water stress 1700 m3/capita/year
Water scarcity 1000 m3/capita/year
The National Water Mission (NWM) document approved by the Union Cabinet on 6th April, 2011 envisages Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20% as one of its five key goals.
India has low water use efficiency compared to the developed countries. The overall irrigation project efficiency in developed countries is 50 – 60% as compared to only 38% in India.
of the water used in the country is for irrigation, there is tremendous scope for reducing water demand by increasing water use efficiency in irrigation. The
water ‘saved’ can be used in other sectors having much higher outputs in terms of value. Increasing
water use efficiency is multi disciplinary which involves high level of co-ordination with different agencies and institutions.
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The task involves research in the field of irrigated agriculture, industry and domestic water, promotion of water efficient / water neutral technologies and determination of water foot prints of different project activities.
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Inefficient use of water will have adverse environmental implications like water logging, salinity building up, land degradation and deterioration in water quality.
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Presently, there is no agency under water sector to improve water efficiency like the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), which was set up under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mandate of the BEE was to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy.
Establish “National Bureau of Water Use Efficiency (NBWUE)”,
Under Article 3(3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
To comply with the goal of increasing water use efficiency by 20% as identified in the National Water Mission (NWM)
to promote, regulate and control efficient use of water in irrigation, municipal and industrial uses in the country and to issue necessary regulatory directions for this purpose; to create a Resource Centre and Data Bank related to various aspects of Water Use Efficiency to develop standards for efficient household water fixtures, appliances and other equipment using water to evolve system of efficiency labelling and incentives for promoting increase in water use efficiency
to evolve guidelines, promote and ensure water audit in water supply and in industries. to promote Research and Development including action research in order to increase the water use efficiency to work towards capacity building and mass awareness through Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to promote region specific projects on water use efficiency in collaboration with States
in area of increasing water use efficiency and maintaining its quality in agriculture, industry and domestic sector, Incentivize recycling of water including waste water, Development of Eco-friendly sanitation system, Provide incentives for water neutral and water positive technologies, Improve efficiency of urban water supply system, Efficiency labeling of water appliances and fixtures,
Promotion of water efficient techniques and technologies, Incentivize use of efficient irrigation practices and fully utilize the created facilities, Promote mandatory water audit including those for drinking water purposes, Undertake Pilot projects for improvement in water use efficiency in collaboration with States, Incentives through awards for water conservation & efficient use of water, and Adequate provision for operation & maintenance of water resources projects.
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The specific target proposed to be achieved through setting up of NBWUE is to increase water use efficiency by 20% by March 2017.
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To carry out baseline studies to determine present status of water use efficiency for various uses of water, CWC has identified 138 Major and 73 Medium Irrigation Projects. Similar baseline studies needs to be carried out for water supply for domestic and industrial uses.
Taking up benchmarking / demonstrative projects to prioritise interventions required to improve water use efficiency - Increase in water use efficiency can be achieved by implementing various engineering and nonengineering measures. Institutionalising system for water footprints, water auditing, etc. – A protocol for assessment of water footprint and carrying out water auditing would be evolved and institutionalised through directions under Environment Protection Act.
Evolving system for water use efficiency labelling – A system for water use efficiency labelling on the lines of energy efficiency labelling would be evolved and implemented through standardisation.
Evolving system for incentivising water use efficiency – A system of incentivising water use efficiency through awards, etc., would be evolved and institutionalised. The pattern of central assistance under AIBP and other schemes would be devised in such a way to incentivise water sector reforms and efficient use of water.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources Chairman, Central Water Commission Chairman, Central Ground Water Board Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary to Govt. of India Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary to Govt. of India Mission Director, National Water Mission
Chairperson Member Member Member Member
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forest Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development Joint Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion Secretaries (responsible for irrigation) so nominated by the States (3 States on rotation basis for 3 years) Head of one industry association (FICCI/CII/ASSOCHEM, etc.) on rotation basis for 3 years Two experts on water use efficiency on rotation basis for 3 years Two NGO’s working in water resources sector on rotation basis for 3 years Director General, National Bureau of Water Use Efficiency (NBWUE)
Member Member Member Member Member Member
6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 to 15 16. 17 & 18. 19 & 20. 21.
Member Member
Member Member Member Member Secretary
Advisory Board under the chairmanship of Union Minister of Water Resources
High Level Steering Committee for National Water Mission under the chairmanship of Secretary (Water Resources)
Inter-sectoral Advisory Group for Goal-IV: Increasing Water use Efficiency by 20% under the chairmanship of Secretary (Water Resources)
Sl. No.
Activities 1 st
2012-13 2 3r 4t nd
1s t
2013-14 2 3rd 4t n
1 st
2014-15 2 3r 4t nd
1s t
2015-16 2016-17 2 3r 4 1st 2 3r nd
1. 2.
Setting up of NBWUE Carrying baseline study for various uses of water
Approval of EFC Memo Cabinet Approval Setting up of NBWUE Capacity building/ training for baseline study Asking States baseline studies
Baseline studies Review of Reports Selection of demonstrative Projects for Water Use Efficiency
Taking up benchmarking / demonstrative Asking States to prepare project to Detailed Project Proposals improve water (DPRs) use efficiency Preparation of DPRs Techno-Economic Appraisal of DPRs
Implementation of works Six monthly monitoring of work progress
Impact evaluation
Institutionalizing system for water footprint, water auditing, etc.
Activities 1st
2012-13 2n 3 4th d
2013-14 2 3rd
2014-15 2n 3r 4th d
2015-16 2n 3r d
Evolving system for water use efficiency labelling
Evolving system for incentivizing water use efficiency
4 1st t
2016-17 2n 3r d
Preparation of concept paper Obtaining Comments Finalisation of protocol for water footprint & water auditing Proposing amendments in Companies Act., etc. Preparation of concept paper Obtaining Comments Finalisation of protocol for water use efficiency labeling Issuance of directions, etc. Preparation of concept paper Obtaining Comments Finalisation of incen-tivization scheme Selection of Awardees