Accelerated development of hydropower

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Hydropower is renewable, economical, non-polluting source of energy, Development should be accelerated in national interest. Ideal mix of hydro energy vs thermal energy is 40:60 against the present ratio mix of 25:75. Hydropower is reliable, better performance, caters to peak load demand. Rate of growth of power supply needs over 10% annual growth against 7% GDP growth. Hydropower potential of about 84000 MW are identified with 60% load factor. 2

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 Additional 15,000 MW have been assessed from small, mini & micro hydro projects.  Only about 25% of the total potential has been harnessed including projects under construction.  Peak power supply has a deficit of about 12.2% on all India basis with peak deficit of 17.7% in western grid & least of 3.3% in eastern grid.  Present hydropower scenario, requires full concerted efforts for acceleration in hydropower development.


2.0 CONVENTIONAL CHALLENGES There are several pitfalls in the base of accelerated mode of hydropower development. The conventional hydropower include remoteness of hydropower sites, evacuation of power requires equal or more efforts. Long gestation periods. Lack of availability of long term funds commitment. Involves energy production risk due to historical data base. Law and order situations in remote areas. Inter state disputes. 4

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 Apportionment of project cost among various beneficiaries.  Cumbersome procedures for environment, forest and wildlife clearances.  Himalaya has maximum potential of hydropower, but being geologically young formations is known for geological surprises.  Requires bankable DPR : All consultants can’t prepare, requires pricing, detailing, sensitivity analysis for possible variation in cost over run, time over run, delay in project execution due unknown situations and power evacuation.


3.0 TECHNICAL ISSUES  Technical half baked studies, sedimentation are common problems and designs incorporate the short term observed unrealistic data base.  ecological surprises, foreign contractor can not anticipate Himalayan geological problems and do not prepare/procure suitable equipment & geological interpretations advance planning are proofed wrong.  Likely large variation in dependable discharges.  Climate change is likely to change the dependable yield studies as well as minimum flows issues.


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 Mandatory releases for d/s river ecology are yet being decided and such implications will change energy generation pattern.  There is real shortage of trained technical manpower.  Scope for safety passage of floods due to climate change effects shall be required to be incorporated at later stage.  Each DPR shall clearly bring out the risk assessment impact on the production of units and structural safety requirements.


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 China is expected to build hydropower stations at the ‘Great Bend’ on Brahmaputra River in Tibet and is likely to cause discharge pattern changes on about 25 HEP under construction in the area.  There is hardly any document or records available for specific geological surprises met and solutions formulated with cost implications and time over run; CWC/CEA shall address such requirements.


4.0 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES  Inter state issues  A news less than a week back says Pakistan has objected on the design parameters of three projects on Chenab – Ravi Rivers delays could be immeasurable- (News, March- 2013).  Land acquisition, problem for construction, power evacuation, rehabilitation, forest, land, quarry land issues are perennial.  Selection and procurement of hydro & transmission equipment should be not be done in haste.


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 Certain projects in 2011-12 were reported that they have imported equipment from China even for the requirement of 2014-15. What will happen to the warrantees & guarantees, these shall lapse even before installation.  Legal issues have erupted in Kishan Ganga project as Pakistan has raised issues (News, March- 2013).  Nepal has cancelled license for Jindal Power HEP project - 454 MW – Bajhang district.  We must not go blind folded on least cost basis without understanding the hidden costs of replacement/repairs, incase required we shall be depended on Chinese manufacturers.


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 Recently, in a project, turbines were to be repaired and awaiting shipment back to China, all at the cost of generation loss  Procurement documents of civil & bought out items should very thoroughly made, as several works get stalled due to misunderstanding of wrong interpretation of clauses. These documents should be tailor made and CEA/Central agencies should be consulted while framing the documents. Such agencies should take help of legal opinion as required.  Purulia pumped storage is classical where cost was three times higher, case was fought out in SC level & foreign contractor won with higher cost.  Extra caution required in dealing with foreign contractors.


5.0 SMALL HYDRO SCENARIO  The issues bogging down this sub sector are no different from large projects.  Accessibility of sites, risky transportation of heavy equipment.  Several clearances – Project allotment from state agency, MOEF clearances for project costing more than Rs. 100 cr., Irrigation dept. clearances, land allocation clearances, security problems, wheeling and banking, variable buy back arrangements .


CONCLUSION  March, 2013 News says that 37 nos. projects are stuck up due to environmental clearances, LAQ issues, even flag SHP projects like ultra mega power projects are held up due to LAQ & environmental approvals, forest, land clearances. Only due to LAQ, projects costing Rs. 1.6 L Cr. are held up which cover thermal & hydro power projects.  The problems are manageable require concerted and sincere efforts by policy makers & Technocrats.


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