Water Resources Development Paradigms in the Current Context

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"Water Resources Development Paradigms in the Current Context�

fundamental core - theory, approach, philosophy, methodology

Plenary Session, 8 Apr 2013 Key Note Address by Dr C. D. Thatte cdthatte@hotmail.com 1

Efficient WM: Challenges/Opportunities GWP defined WM in 1997 : Co-ordinated (integrated) Dev. and Mgmt IWRDM (Rio 1992) requires WR deployment, to be Efficient, Economic and Effective. S, T, E: together optimize: 6 Ms – men, material, machines, methods, money, management. Speed however is the essence. WM basically targets infrastructure D&M for : 5 Fs – Food, Feed, Fodder, Fiber, Fuel to speedily produce & augment Goods & Services offered by Eco-System. IWRDM (India’s policy) aims to ensure SD with trade-offs between – social, economic, ecologic pillars for a safe, durable and long service. ----------2013 - International Year of WATER CO-OPERATION. (Not confrontation!) IWW needs to provide a feed-forward to WORLD WATER WEEK in Stockholm Sept 2013

-------IWW Sessions (8-12 Apr) Deliberations on these issues through 3

parallel Streams: Irrigation (CU), Others (NC) Hydro & Thermal needs, Industry, Urban/Rural W/S, Sanitation. 4 th Integrated / Basin to local reqd. Through: 17 Seminars - showcasing development, 9 Panel Disc – to identify2

India WM – Challenges / Opportunities (contd) Successes / Failures - Balance

• •

In last 65 years: banished famines, controlled drought/flood menace, reversed desertification, kept pace with food needs, irrigates world’s largest area, a strong base in industry, self-sufficiency/reliance in many spheres, strong trading community, implemented 11 FYPs + some annual plans. Engg-Const-centric work did the trick. Design Engg for RU/KU. Fragmented water sector, overdrawn GW, inequity (and over-use) in W/S, low WUE. WR of Himalaya, Brahmputra basin (floods) in particular under-developed. Hydro-power criticized. Strong negative Env. Lobby. Drawal (CU) > 80% for agri. But, likely to decline to 60% by 2060. Its low WUE (35-40%), presently a rallying point of opponents, may lose edge! But, India not rated high for ‘efficiency’ in socio-economic (HR) sectors – a function of Society’s discipline, level of Governance! O&M in disarray due to inadequate funding. Hard decisions required. Harder work awaits. Need to resuscicate R&D, standardisation, hand-books.

India WM – Challenges / Opportunities Successes / Failures - Balance (contd)

• No assessments of WUE in M&I- W/S sectors, releasing >80% of withdrawn water (NCU) in polluted condition, calling for heavier treatment for fresh stock. Or more release for dilution. • Presently, about 20% drawals treated. Huge backlog. Delhi for instance treats 54%. • The withdrawal % for M&I likely to grow by 3 to 4 times by 2050, whereas that for irrig by 1.3 times. From present, irrig need to go up by +30%, other sectors by +300%.

Indian IWRDM – India’s Strengths It is at core of Water Sector India has 2% of world’s land, 4% of freshwater, 16% population (125 Cr), and 10% of its cattle. Present Rural/Urban population : 65/35, Ultimate 2050 (160 Cr) could be 45:55? Urban = Industrialised? Skewed? Live Storage, only 200 cub m / capita (against US at 5000) has rescued India, but difficult if not augmented fast in next 4 decades. US may afford de-commissioning some dams, India can’t. Must renovate them, till replacement cost is more than Rehab. New STE helpful. More than global average annual rainfall with likely slight increase in it, besides extreme events increase likely, due - impact of CC; Himalayan water machine goes on; river basin systems benevolent in spite of chronic floods / droughts; Declining population growth rate / poverty; strong HR pool, eminent heritage in WRD, fair share of NR; Democracy, constitution / legal system /policies, S&T institutions, a healthy economic growth rate, fair governance, political stability are plus points.

India Water Account Annual Rainfall = 1170 mm, Precipitation = 4000 BCM, Runoff currently assessed = 1869 BCM. In past, since 1949 by Khosla, then in 1954 – 1988 – 1993 & recently by CWC, also by NCAgri, reassessments carried out. Exploitable WR is 1123 (690 SW + 433 GW) + 100 - 220 (IBWT) BCM = 1223 (with IBWT 1343 BCM). Presently Developed = 600 BCM. Remaining adequate for all needs (food 500 M tonnes) in 2050 AD, with increase in irrigation WUE from 35-40 to 60% by then (NC, and Steering Com XI plan). But needs to be developed fast. Time running out. XII Plan Target 35 to 40% (for all USES). NB: Figures of Return Flow & WUE assumed by NC (tables 3.31 & 32) remain unconfirmed, in absence of scientific assessments. CWC / MIDS – studies available, but with lot of deficiencies.

70% area rocky, aquifers small. Defy mapping, a PANACEA – GW reform in XII plan? Perry calls – Dubious.

Skewed Development of GWR

Already divided. – New wedge between SW/GW. They are two sides of the same coin. Over drawn resource in NW, West, and South – calls for strict regulation, as WSD, RWH and Artif Rech have severe limitation of fresh-surface-water, surplus availability. >45% GW from SW application. Rest Natural Charge. Safe <70, Semi-critical <90, Critical <100, Over-exploited >100% GW Development. Every +% WUE, will reduce GWR, causing decline in GWT with + Drawal. Under-development of the resource in East, NE due to surpluses in SWR – Drainage a problem. Wherever SW irrigation has reached, adopt conjunctive use. Also adopt it in regions with comfortable availability of energy.

Recent Prescriptions - Discordant Recipe for confrontation with MoWR Ethos – Sweeping Conclusions, Dissent ignored, Lack of consultation

• Assessment (MoWR 2025) for supply/demand faulted by “Water Resources Group” projecting for 2030 half demand remaining unmet! Not validated. Wrong Evap rate. Unacceptable. • Again faulted as of limited value, as - masks regions of water shortage, and / or quality. A dis-aggregated picture (basins / aquifer) favored. Already available. • Though large dam projects were mainstay of past effort, now limited role (limited by time & Governance, more difficult), only ‘Paradigm Shift (PS)’- fundamental change in principles, approach and strategies needed. Unacceptable view. • Build all possible storage within 2 decades. Nor change machinery for soft options. Otherwise, be prepared for a losing battle. Tell people & Govts. Don’t sell Dream of PS.

Himalayan - Peninsular; Perennial - Ephemeral; NW-NE : deficit, surplus Rainfall: 100 mm - 11000 mm Source : NCIWRD Report

River Basin Classification by CATCHMENT AREA Minor < 2000 sqkm, Medium 2000 - 2 lakh sqkm. Major > 2 lakh sq km area. 80% people live in major basins. ----------------------------------------------------------------Water Availability - cum /capita /year: Narmada, BrBait, Godavari, Mahanadi, B’Putra > 1700. Scarcity indicators (Falkenmark) more for Temperate zones. N-E N-W

Schematic Depiction: Importance & Urgency of IBWT

Essential : : : : : : : : : : : : : :


Recent Prescriptions

Sweeping Conclusions – Break in Ethos – Lack of consultation with Professionals, States Caused unnecessary strain & uneasiness in relations.

• Daunting challenges: increasing demand, limited potential for augmenting supply, falling GWT, SW/GW quality drop, impacts of CC on hydrologic cycle, increasing floods / droughts, conflicts on water sharing, low irri WUE, thin spreading Funds, time/cost over-runs. • They are not new. Being faced all-through plan era. • Thrusts (Panacea) : i) Move away from narrow: engineeringconstruction- centric approach; build CE capacity to achieve it; (Counter-productive, every infrastructure needs it, allthrough) to a multidisciplinary (engg includes social engg!), participatory approach, including CAD (yes, but hard to realize) for sustained effort at improving WUE; - continued

Recent Prescriptions Thrusts (Panacea) - continued • ii) As GW accounts for 2/3 of irrig (40% due to SW infiltration, unsustainable) & 80 % of domestic W/S, participatory approach to sustainable GWM based on ‘aquifer mapping’. (Dreams) • iii) Improve WUE by 20%: Define, standardize. Improve Governance, build larger back-up, raise dependability. For all sectors – function of discipline. Mech/Elec work – effi. is not very high either. • iv) Upgrade institutional framework through new Acts based on Model Bills: a. State Regulatory Authorities, MWRRA as model; b. GW Bill, separately dealt; c. NWFL: need to be established (Alagh Committee? NWP, NWMission), can’t present laws be amended? State / Center relations? Opposition.

India Water Demand (BCM) Assessment by

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6


MoWR Std Com









Irrigation Drinking Industry Energy Others Total

688 56 12 5 52 813

910 73 23 15 72 1093

1072 102 63 130 80 1447

557 43 37 19 54 710

611 62 67 33 70 843

807 111 81 70 111 1180

In 40 years, Irrig needs minimum +200 (+30%), other sectors +160 (+300%) BCM of water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CWC defines WUE = Vol used beneficially / Vol abstracted. Covers Reservoir, Conveyance, Application, Drainage: efficiency. A product of all parameters. GW has lesser, so WUE goes up. GWI also suffers from Water Logging! Cess-pools exist near all cities / industries!

LIVE STORAGES REQUIRED IN INDIA – Food / Energy Existing major, medium = 177 BCM, Under construction= 76 BCM, future = 70 BCM, Total= 323 BCM. Ageing Dams need care, rehab. Likely loss to sediment by 2050 =53 BCM. Nett = 270 BCM, storage needed= 450, to be added= 180 BCM + sediment loss at 0.5% / year. Conventionally identified dams will add 132 BCM, S&T should enable addition of 100 BCM. Follow China. (Baglihar) In addition to the present 5000 large dams, India needs to build another thousand dams, to capture flow & meet ultimate needs of 1.5 billion population. Progress slow. LAQ, R&R policy to care of Opposition . India badly needs augmentation of storage (cub m/capita) within & inter basin, even if some desire change of Paradigm! Deploy S,T,E for cost-cutting. Activists must help encourage Governance. Discourage illusive targets. Food deficit in 2050 = 500-240 = 260 Mt. Needs quick addition. HP deficit 9%. India uses 240 units of Electricity, 12% of world.

India WM – Challenges / Opportunities (contd)

Success (Water Sector) depends on other sectors: Failures. Distrust of Engg-Const-approach, a sure failure recipe: counterproductive. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

India has mal-nutrition (Agri, PDS, BPL), large qty of untreated effluent polluting rivers/reservoirs, water borne diseases, health problems, open defecation (M&I Sectors). Rural to urban migration, small land-holdings, land reforms in wait, 60% people dependent on agriculture, housing shortage, deficit in employment, agriculture GDP low. No dearth of policy, legal framework, follow-up & monitoring deficit. Synergy of all Actors for ‘Inclusive Development’ missing. CO-OPERATION. On top of it, Distrust of ‘professionalism – S, T, E’ by civil society, activists. Disdain for existing institutions. Divisiveness. Simplistic approach, unrealistic idealism.

India adopted ‘IWRDM’ in 1992. Some dropped ‘D’ as ‘Dams’ were dirty for them, even if they were key structures. WCD era (2000-02) saw a peak against dams sposored y WB+UNEP. It was resoundingly defeated. GWP (1997) defined IWRM : Co-ordinated (integrated) Dev. and Mgmt of natural resources, to maximise economic and social welfare equitably while ensuring eco-sustainability. Integration means: SD of all uses – C/NC, SW/GW, u/s to d/s, skies to seas, info, knowledge, STE, social / economic / legal / legislative / admin / ecologic issues, quantity/quality, storages – transport – transfer – ET – sinks / wetlands. Account for Trade-Off in augmenting G&S of ecology.


IWW 2013 Current Context: XII Plan (2012-17), Road Map Current WRD Paradigms First of the Five Years Plan is gone. How to treat 2012-13: ‘Annual Plan’? PARADIGMS – Adopted action plan needs frequent revisit, corrections without impacting core values. Was ‘SHIFT’ necessary? No. Is a ‘break from past’ envisaged? Dislocation / Revolution intended?) It could be counter-productive.

ENHANCING PRODUCTION FOR FOOD SECURITY (250-510 MT) Water use efficiency, drainage, saving + 30 Fertiliser use efficiency

+ 30

Reclamation, soil health care

+ 40

Realignment of cropping pattern

+ 30

Rain-fed area (WSD)

+ 30

Expansion of irrigation, ILR: Engineering Centric + 100 TOTAL

+ 260

IWRDM – Engineering Centric Approach with Agri Engg needed to achieve these targets, for 4 more decades. Don’t rubbish it.

WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT (for rain-fed agri) (Ref: Hargreaves, Seckler, Katyal, M Dinesh Kumar)


Most of the moisture adequate area is fully harnessed. Remaining less productive.


Dependability low; costs high, mortality high.


Operates on a narrow band of possibility.


Use to complement irrigation command (Pravara)

Claim: Traditional wisdom/culture is allowed to die. WISDOM DOES NOT DIE. IF IT IS DYING, IT IS NOT WISDOM. Is ‘Traditional’ necessarily ‘Appropriate’? If yes, when population was a third, why imports. Marry wisdom with modern S,T, E to reach new heights.

PARADIGMS fundamental core of WRD in the Current Context

-----------------------• In the Year of Water Co-operation (WWD 2013), a severe attack on core (STE) crucial for next 4 decades has come. ‘Engineering’ shapes on ground, a dream envisaged by ‘S&T’; sustains with care its fruition through-out economic life, ever ‘rejuvenating’ it. • Engg-const centric approach is the base of IWRDM! It is not narrow, do widen it. Update it. Peripheral issues don’t help. • GoI has to realistically reconsider ramifications of ‘SHIFT’. • While talking of inclusive social development, can’t negate the core. Engage, consult, don’t bull-doze. Don’t throw BABY with the Bath & the Towel.

Water Use, Efficiency in Use Dilemmas

• Coping with extremes, IWRDM, Sustainable Development or Environmental Sustenance – an unresolved dilemma? • Supply and / or Demand Management. • MDGs – SDGs, Deficit in governance & HR Dev. • Participatory consultative process, Transparent, Accountable,.. jargon? • -------------• WUE in a hydrologic entity RB / Aquifer: storage, conveyance, application, drainage: for all uses – basin to local level. • No standard method to assess WUE, periodically. Yet sporadic effort made. Rainfall to ET, Basin level, all uses integrated – CPSP not used.

Water Use, Efficiency in Use • Based on water use, delta is 0.68 m per ha. Based on rainfall & effective for crop CU, it is =1.45 m per ha. It reflects low irrigation WUE of 30% - 35%, 40% - 45% in exceptional cases. NC assumed it at 40% for 2010 & projected it at 60% by 2050. Logic for +20% for NWM assumption is unknown. • A basin wide macro level study by Vaidyanathan & Sivasubramaniam (MIDS 2004) reported overall WUE = 38%; Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery & Mahanadi systems at 27%, Indus and Ganga systems at 43%47%. Large delta areas had poor WM practices, while North had RWS ('warabandi‘). • Several deficiencies noticed in both.

Water Use, Efficiency in Use

• 55% of irrigation is by GW, where WUE may be high (70%) as conveyance is local, area users- small. (Function of a product.) Yet GWI also shows Water-Logging! NC still hoped for its rise to 75% by 2050. No logic provided. GW/SW WUE not comparable. • CWC compilation 2006 of WUE study by WALMIs for 30 Maj/Med old schemes, covers 3.5 Mha command (range 9 lakhs to 2000 ha), • Was not a representative sample for WG/SC to relie: AP 19, UP 6 , Har 2, Pun 2, Kar 1. AP = 75% area. Storage/Drainage WUE (SE) not reported, Average Conveyance WUE (CE) = 75%, Field WUE (FA) = 56%. Overall = 39%. Need increase of FA. • Deficiencies pointed out to be removed. Revisit - study. Don’t jump at ‘momentous’ conclusions. • Undertake fresh survey, if not undertaken.

Integrated Assessment of WUE • Assumed status of WUE in different use sectors is given in NCIWRDP in 1999. But the Sectors are: inter-dependent, use recoverable non-consumed (neither credited / nor debited) quanta of water. • Is - regeneration / its drawal down-stream / and reuse for different sectors assessed at all? • Because of competing needs, presently all WR schemes: i) serve multiple purposes, ii) are inter-dependent, iii) utilize both SW-GW (not conjunctively) but inefficiently, are hamstrung by: energy availability, society’s weak economy and inequity, level of subsidy and political patronage. Even if a scheme is serving a single purpose, it does serve others in d/s. How does WUE measure account them?

Scale, Multiple Uses, WUE, SW/GW • Basin to local level and back, top to bottom and reverse, whole to part & back, iterative, holistic process. Integrative of uses – F,P,N; CU/NCU. Isolated approach wrong.

• Deployment of micro, sprinkler, precise methods. R&D output to reduce waste, increase productivity.

• Unreal targets, estimate, little updation, deficit in performance. • Recent hiccups in XII Plan for WR sector, Paradigm Shift, supporting Temples to Tombs – advocacy. Examine real need for new Acts / Laws. Amend if possible. States not agreed on NWFL. Center/State roles cited.

Water Use Efficiency (η ) Due to recycling in d/s, although PROJECT efficiency is low, BASIN efficiency is high enough RIVER ET W.10

RES. 1

AW =10



η .1 = 4/10 = 40%


R.6 W.12

RES. 2

AW = 6


η .2 = 6/12 = 50%



R.6 W.15


RES. 3 DAM 3


η .3 = 9/15 = 60% R.6


η BASIN = 80%

Selected References • Water Crucible: 21.1.13, Recent Initiative by ACTyagi SG ICID, CBIP. • ICID Congress paper by SAKulkarni • CWC HB in 2 vol, Computing WUE for irri projects • CWC Guidelines 2005 Wat Application & Conserv • CPSP ICID 2002-03 • Water A/C – terms and definitions: 2011 by Perry & Karen Frenken • NWM: Improving WUE by 20%: Concept Improvement by Dhingra • Inst Reform WUE Agri: Best Practices & Policy; Sachin Shah, CEEW • Efficient irrig; inefficient communic; flawed recom: 2007, Perry • FAO Terminology

Definition, NWM targets, Monitoring • National Water Mission (response to IPCC) advocated 4 targets + WUE at +20% by 2017: WR Augmentation – Conservation - Preservation, Socio-Economic-Politico-Legal governance: Data-Base, Basin Approach, reduction of PC/PU gap. Obsession with WUE & the magic number 20% unreal, revisit. (NC wanted it in 2050). No blind advocacy needed. Review causes for slow progress on other 4 targets, even at the end of 4 years! Setting up RBA – nil? • Definition of WUE: W/L Productivity, Water Accounts, Audit, Bench-Marking, BC Analysis, ERR, IRR. WUE must integrate all uses at local, sub-basin, basin level, both SW / GW, output / input. Best definition: Kg of biomass / unit CU. • Good monitoring system needs Scientific definitions. • Monitoring WUE: States can undertake for river basins within their boundaries. NWDA for inter-state basins.

Reasons for low Irrigation WUE in assessment all need a strong STE input •

SW/GW, multiple purposes – feed forward/backward ignored, scale

• •

Completion of dam/ head works ahead of canals Dilapidated irrigation systems

Unlined Canals, weeds /vegetation, siltation, loss of shape

• • • •

Lack of field channels Lack of canal communication network. Lack of field drainage Improper field leveling.

• • •

Dysfunctional gates, measuring devices. Absence of vol supply Inadequate extension services Low pricing rate for water.

Source: SC XI Plan

Challenges & need for a Paradigm Shift, XII Plan 1. Limits to new large dam projects storage, in providing viable addition (Ackerman 2011): Several viable schemes in pipeline, several under investigation. Need to undertake them. Small – beautiful, big – bountiful! 2. World Bank: little value left to new storage in peninsular river basins (Kaveri, Krishna, Godavari, Narmada & Tapti (Briscoe and Malik 2006). Tribunal Awards indicate several needed storages. WB known for flip-flop. 3. IWMI (2007): Krishna & Kaveri reached full or partial closure. Little water reaches sea, inadequate EF (Ackerman 2011). IWMI definition of closure questioned. Sabarmati and other scarce basins examples. 4. New dams in flat regions, submergence and displacement higher. BCAnalysis is the ultimate test. Not such off-hand remarks. 5. Aggravated inter-state conflicts (Polavaram). Many conflicts are resolved. Better conditions now.

Challenges & need for a Paradigm Shift XII Plan (contd) • 6. Blackmore (2010): irrigation by dams in Ganga basin of low value, GW tables high. (Lot of engineering inputs needed.) 7. For Indus, limited yield in regulated release. 8. Himalaya: high erosion & sediment load. Power turbines affected due siltation. Cap loss=0.5% / year. BCA accounts for. (Many engg solutions adopted.) 9. Valdiya (1999), Goswami & Das (2002): neo-tectonism in Brahmaputra Valley dangerous. Quake-induced land-slides can affect dams. (Settled long back. Digging dirt.) 10. RIS (Zipingpu) trigger for Sichuan EQ, raising doubt about dam-building. (Tehri, Koyna: issue settled long back.)

Challenges & need for a Paradigm Shift (contd) 11. IBWT major reservations: i) land submergence and R&R cost not accounted, ii) estimate for running power to lift water not made, iii) transfer in monsoon, surplus / deficit dicey, iv) needs of deficit States growing, present planning difficult, v) planned links bypass core dry-land of central and western India at +300 m, vi) can affect nutrients supply in d/s through floods. (Familiar objections paraded again. Parliamentary Committee (Sambasiva Rao cleared the need. SC recently reiterated. IBWT inescapable to overcome mismatch between demands / availability. BC Analysis (incl. social –eco costs) to be carried out before undertaking each link.)

11. IBWT major reservations: contd • vii) deltas on east coast may suffer cut in sediment supply, leading to erosion and affect ecosystem, viii) could affect monsoon system (Rajamani et al 2006) due low salinity layer with low density maintaining a high sea temperature (> 28 degrees C) in BoB, creating low pressure areas and intensification of monsoon, leading to serious long-term effect on rainfall affecting people. (Imaginary fears, without making impact assessment of existing IBWT schemes. Also impact of redistribution of water flow over more basins needed. Need to carry out Post-facto EIA.)

Views and Facts: SC, NWDA, ICID, ICOLD, INCOLD findings on IBWT (No. 11) - ignored

• IBWT schemes for various purposes exist on all continents. Oldest is about 2000 years old. • The existing total capacity is about 490 BCM/yr, realized by about 155 schemes in 26 countries. • The capacity of about 60 proposed schemes is about 1,150 BCM/yr, which is about three times the existing capacity. • In India, at least 11 existing schemes transfer over 73 BCM of water per year. • SC dismissed CGWA’s case (and similar doubts) with that of Activists (RR Iyer et al) for Review of Order of 2012 for GoI to go ahead. XII Plan ignores it. Why?

Shift in Approach to XII Plan Reports considered / not considered Reports considered in Appraisal of XIth plan: I) NDC Agri WG Report on Irrigation 2006 (2007), II) The WG report for XI plan 2006 (2007), III) Steering Committee XI Plan 2007. Reports considered in formulating Appraisal of XIIth plan. A. Reports by Professional Organisations between 2008-2010: I) WRD 2008 Theme Paper on IWRDM (CWC.MoWR). II) INCID, CBIP publication (2010) on the eve of ICID Congress 2010 in New Delhi, III) Report of CWC/MoWR Apr 2012. B. MTA XIth plan (2009-2010), C. AP - Approach to XIIth plan, D. NDC’s 56th meeting (Oct 2011), E. Working Group MMI CAD WR. Sec WR did not chair. Dissent note ignored - Shift, F. Steering Committee (SC), G. Draft Plan, Vol I (ignores WG Dissent); H. NDC 57th meeting Dec 2012.

XII Plan Targets - Nutshell • Complete on-going, few special new = To add IPC: 7.9 Mha. Restore IPC of 2.2 Mha through ERM. Close present PC/PU gap of 10 Mha through CADWM. In 1951: 23/23=0, 4th plan 1974: 44/42=2 (5%), 8th plan 1997: 86 / 77=9 (10%), 11th plan 2012: 113/90=23 (20%). IPC to rise to 121 Mha. Increase WUE 30-36% in MMI. CADWM; RRR (Repair, Renovation, Restoration) , ERM (Extension, Renovation, Modernisation) – main instruments. • Rationalize ISF & collection, promote PIM-pricing-delivery to WUAs, MMI priority downscaled, reform measures, Planning & Monitoring, Information System, Irrigation Management Fund, Legal inst / Orgns, AIBP. MMI plan size: State 314300, Center 27600, T 341900 Rs Cr. (Against Rs Cr 232311 of XI Plan, FM St 57775, Cen 2675, T 60450.

Institutional Framework Proposed • NWRC has adopted both NWP 2012 and Draft XII Plan. They mention need for NWFL. Chapter 5 on Water (XII Plan) proposes a slew of measures for Framework of Institutions: 1. NWC, 2. WRAuthority for each state, 3. Model Law for GW (already circulated to States), 4. NWFL. • Indeed, need for each not established. 1. Why NWC, not a revamped CWC? 2. Assess gains & losses of MWRRA model. 3. What happened to past model bills, like: flood zonation, Ground Water, PIM, RBA etc? 4. States’ responses: lukewarm. Consensus? • Center/state, centralisation/decentralisation: Activists. No dialogue opened with States. May have fate like WGEEP report. • Need for proliferation of legal instruments. Hone provisions in existing ones, amend where necessary. States oppose NFWL. Alagh Committee by MoWR. Report awaited.

Way Forward •

Paradigm Shift out of place. Restore trust. Appeal to concerned to review present ‘strain’ and go for CO-OPERATION with S, T, E professionals of IWRDM. Increase outlay for new projects to add to IPC. No quarrel about other provisions. • Prepare a Feed Forward for World Water Week (Sept 2013). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Mobilize IWRS, 12 other India’s Water Assoc., State Professionals for Water Crucible by ICID. • Redefine WUE, standardize procedure. Select basin-wise samples & mount assessments for 3 years. • Prepare Agenda for NWRC, NWB for course correction. Consult States on Acts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Open campaign to remove bias, build consensus of professionals. • Build synergy through consultation: Hydrologists, WR Engineers, Agriculturists. • Forge alliance as India did against ‘WCD machinations’ in 2001-02. • Strengthen NWDA, Follow SC directive, Pursue Brahmaputra Board Flood Fighting MP. • Revitalise R&D apparatus. Build ‘on-shelf’ solutions.

Way Forward • Prepare basin-wise/state-wise lists of MM – MP/IBWT projects for clearance during 4 years of XII Plan, provide funding in 2014-15 onwards for selected . • States to prioritize dams for Dam Safety and process for clearance and funds. • Like China, plan Sluice Spillways in critical dams from 2014-15 onwards. • Open campaign for under-taking DPRs of storages in BP basin, keeping flood surcharge intact. • Undertake comprehensive WUE standardization, and repeat one major sub-basin study from each state. • Revise Road Map for XII Plan. Need to firm up S,T,E.

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