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PAVAN KUMAR ANKINAPALLI INDIA WATER WEEK 2013 8-12 April, 2013 Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi “Efficient Water Management: Challenges and Opportunities”

Sector Challenges and Context  Policy, Institutional and Governance weaknesses... o Weak accountability/capacity → ‘reactive’ and ‘constrained’ planning → Always been a catch up game → Investments (whatever little) made on an ad hoc basis o Build – Neglect – Rebuild syndrome → Focus on Individual Projects and Asset Creation rather than Improved Service Delivery o Poor Service + rent seeking + populism → poor recovery of costs

 …have translated to o Inequitable Access, Intermittent Supply, Unreliable Quality o Dilapidated ‘Invisible’ Networks o No last mile connectivity o NRW up to 50 per cent o High ‘Coping costs’

 …Challenge reaching crisis levels o Huge infrastructure deficits; growing demand for better services o Growing financial gaps → large investment needs and very less investments


PPPs in urban water sector in India Signs of success A few projects grounded

Momentum subsided Onset of pessimism

Way Ahead?

Now Mid to Late 90s

Mid decade Around 2000

First initiatives High international interest Poor results

WSP (2011); Ramanujam (2009)

Efforts to prepare PPP projects

Many ongoing initiatives

High NGO opposition

Waiting for first commercial results

High profile projects run aground

PPP interest at tipping point 3

Key Questions

 How to ensure successful implementation of PPP projects in Water Supply?  Why do different projects have different levels of success with PPPs?  What are the key factors that contribute to the success/failure of PPPs in Water Projects?


Analytical Framework Success/Failure of the Project

Project Structuring/Contractual Governance (Demand side factors) •Payments to Operator •Project Modalities •Commercial Risk Mitigation – Revenue and Capital •Political Risk Guarantee and insurance

Local Conditions (supply side factors) •Fiscal Space/autonomy •Political Will •Social acceptance •Tariff sustainability •Institutional Capacity •Citizen Engagement


Project Structuring/contractual Governance  Payments to the operator  One of the key factors for the success of PPP projects  viability depends on water tariffs;  EPC payments are made by cities (e.g. Mysore) to reduce the risk

 Project Modalities  Lease and Management contracts fared better (Nagpur, Belguam, HubliDharwad, and Gulbarga) than concessions  However, few projects experimented with JNNURM grants (Shipuri and Khandwa, and Salt Lake City)

 Risk Mitigation – Capital and Revenue  Reimbursements for cost over runs (e.g. Mysore) to mitigate capital risk  Safe guards against defaults in customer payments (Khandwa and Shivpuri); fixed management fee and additional Performance linked incentives (Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwar and Gulbarga) 6

Project Structuring/contractual Governance  Political Risk Guarantee and Insurance  problem of moral hazard – where the behavior of political environment alters opportunistically at the expense of the other in the knowledge that the losing party is unlikely to withdraw the agreement.  E.g. TNUDF withdrew from Alandur Project midway  Municipality questioned the readiness of STP; newly elected mayor refused to connect the households to sewer line  Refusal of payment to the operator by the municipality  Resulted arbitration


Local Conditions (supply side factors)  Fiscal Space and Autonomy  Decentralization ; impact of grants and subsidies  Alandur – project was financed by grants and loans; Ability of users to pay upfront  Availability of JNNURM funds – Shivpuri, Nagpur and three cities in Karnataka  Political Will  Water and Sanitation - public good nature; need for a strong political will  Alandur project – Political Champion  Pune Water Supply Project – political opposition  Social Acceptance  Heterogeneous groups with different initial conditions and interests  Conflicts during the project period – tariffs, coverage, service levels etc.  Demonstrations against the PPP projects and contractual agreements create difficulties in implementation of PPP projects (Mahalingam, 2010)  Latur – Opposition Committee; Delhi Jal Board – Parivartan’s campaign 8

Local Conditions (supply side factors)  Tariff Sustainability  Ability to pay; willingness to pay; willingness to charge – crucial elements  Soft money available - JNNURM funds ; no substantial efforts are made in this front, except few cases  Innovative arrangements in few cases – negotiated tariffs (Salt Lake City Project); upfront contributions and membership register and monthly payments for services (Alandur)  Nagpur Water Supply Project – widespread protest against high tariffs ; subsequent withdrawal  Institutional Capacity  A major critical factor – can have huge cost and time implications  Withdrawal of TNUDF from Alandur – lack of capacity at ULB level  Citizen Engagement  Successful PPP projects – epitomes of citizen involvement and engagement  Aggressive campaigns and Citizen Committees (Alandur) – success factors  Failed attempts in Delhi and Hyderabad – strong political champions are not enough


Conclusion  Wide diversity of outcomes in water PPP projects; identifying key factors for success/failure is challenging  Yet, some patterns emerge from the cases  Combination of a variety of factors – lead to turbulence and difficulties  Grants from JNNURM can help cities to take up PPP projects  Effective communication Strategy - critical factor for success  Finally Infrastructure Business is not about creating physical assets within estimates of time and budget  But about delivering services overtime in a sustainable manner  Thus, success is not about signing contracts; but delivering the service to customer at an affordable price !


Thank you Pavan Kumar Ankinapalli Email:


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