‘Public Private Partnership in Efficient Drainage Management in Agricultural Water Use’: Khadakwasla Project, (Maharashtra) Vijay. S. Ghogare Executive Engineer, Irrigation Research Division, Pune, WRD, Maharashtra, India, Vijayghogare90@gmail.com
A. K. Surushe S E & Director, Directorate of Irrigation Research & Development, Pune, WRD, Maharashtra, India, sedirdpn@gmail.com
Khadakwasla irrigation project is in pune district of maharashtra is one of the oldest project in India which include cluster of four dams namely panseth,varsagoan ,temghar and khadakwasala. Rehabilaitation of PAPS, of varasgaon dam is done in village NANVIJ
for resettlement of PAPs,alternative land which is alloted to PAPs got dameged due to waterlogging.
PAPs were demanding for alternative land and rehabilitation once again, which is too costly,,time consuming and socially not feasible.
The study emphasises the efforts of DIRD in motivation of WUA on successful completion of drainage scheme to avoid re rehabilitation of paps without further land acquisition.
Example of PPP in drainage scheme. Datta digambar Water user association is formulated in this village with 300 stakeholders
Required land for construction of drainage scheme is donated by farmers free of cost to reclaim damaged area of PAPs .
If farmers have not given land free of cost then its difficult to execute this scheme due to cost norms for drainage scheme. ( Rs. 40,000/ ha is cost norms ) present cost of scheme is Rs 36000/ha For construction of drainage scheme ,8 ha .land was required which is in irrigated command area .if farmers have not given land free of cost then cost of scheme will be cost of land for 8 ha will be 8ha x 25 lakhs per ha = 200 lakhs cost of scheme =62 lakhs so cost of scheme is 262 lakhs and cost per ha will be 262/ 170 ha =Rs 1,54,000 /ha which is beyond cost norms. So due to farmers initiatives and co operation we have executed schemes and reclaimed land which was alloted to Pap ,s for their resettlement.
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Necessity of scheme ď Ž
The farmers were demanding for reclamation of the said land or demanding alternative land. Their demand is valid, but it was not practically possible to re resettle and rehabilate the PAPs due to social as well as in economical point of view. If only economics is considered the alternate land (for 108 ha,cost will be Rs.2700 lakhs at market rate is Rs 25 lakh/ha ). The national loss of agricultural produce is also very high.
The main causes of the water logging are Seepage from canal and distribution system Over irrigation
Excess use of chemicals and fertilizers No change in cropping pattern Growing of water intensive crops like Sugarcane Encroachment in natural drains by beneficiaries and silting in nalla. Deep soils with low permeability Obstructions to natural drainage system due to presence of rock in sub-soil and manmade obstructions such as bunds in nalla
The Study Area
The Datta Digmbar WUA is formed by Nanvij farmers under the MMISF Act 2005. 100% recovery of water charges. Other activities performed by the WUA are 1)Farmers training and awareness creation about optimum use of water. 2)Farmers participation to maintain their own scheme constructed for their betterment. 3)Avoid disputes among farmers.
Contribution from Government officers….
officers participated in Gram Sabha
officers cleared doubts in the minds of farmers.
farmers having small area of land became landless due to execution of open drain as they have to give their land without any compensation Construction work of open and sub surface drainage scheme. Handing over of scheme to WUA for further maintenance.
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Located between Distributory No.29 of Khadakwasala Right Bank Canal.
: Schematic layout of Nanvij Drainage scheme
Functioning of sub surface drain.
Graph showing year wise increase in damaged area in Nanvij
Design: The permeability of subsoil is 2.63 x 10-4 cm/s Electrical conductivity 3.80 ds/m pH value was varying from 8.5 to 9.40.
Surface DrainBed width of 1.00 m. side slopes of 2:1 Average depth drain of 2.50 m. Length 3260m meters
Sub Surface Drain
1. Drain depth 2. Drainage coefficient 3. Discharge per unit length of pipe 4. Spacing of drains 5. Diameter of lateral drain 6. length of sub surface drains (pipe)
= 1.1 = 1.25 cm/day = 0.0058 LPS = 40 m c/c = 100 mm = 11758 m
Layout and typical cross section
Total cost of the Scheme: 1. The total cost of the scheme is Rs. 6.14 million 2. Cost per hectare of protected area is Rs. 36, 118/Nanvij sub surface drainage scheme is one of the ambitious schemes in Pune region. Which uses subsurface draining perforated pipes for removal of subsurface excess water helping soil regains its fertility.
Active participation in of WUA is successfully implemented in Nanvij sub surface drain work.
170 ha area is protected against waterlogging. The re rehabilitation of PAPs is avoided, which could have created serious social and financial problems.
Alternate land cost worth is saved due to this scheme which may have required for resettle PAP,s of varasgaon dam (alternative land cost will be 108 ha x 25 lakhs /ha =2700 lakhs The land required for the scheme is donated by farmers saved worth ( cost of land required is 8 ha x Rs 25 lakhs /ha =Rs 200 lakhs) The agricultural yield grown Rs 230 lakhs per year from cash crops.
The scheme though small in size and price can be projected at national and international levels pioneering in PPP in sub surface land drainage scheme.
The WUA formed under MMSIF act 2005 can act as owner of the command doing anything that is benefited to the end users.
Websites www.dird-pune.gov.in http://www.aquamisr.com Research Papers ‘Water users Associations in Maharshtra ,India- Achievements, Challenges and Way ahead’ E B Patil, Sanjay Belsare ‘Reforms Initiatives in Water Resources Sector in Maharashtra State’ S V Sodal Books Guildlines of CSSRI, Karnal Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures by S K Garg