Contributor: Dr. N. Asoka Raja Professor and Head Department of Agronomy TNAU Coimbatore
Email: nasokaraja@yahoo.com
Introduction Production ProductionStatistics Statistics India – Banana production is 30.8 million tonnes in 2012-13
Present Market Trend Tamil TamilNadu NaduBanana Bananaoutput outputdoubles doublesin in44years years
As Asof ofnow, now,there thereis issteady steadyincrease increaseof ofretail retailprice pricein inmarket market
Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4.
To optimize the fertilizer dose with WSF by drip irrigation (DF) To assess the yield and quality of Banana by fertigation To compare the WUE and FUE under DF over conventional methods of irrigation and fertilization. To assess the economics of DF over conventional method
Technical programme T1-
Drip fertigation with WSF at 125% dose once in 2 days
Drip fertigation with WSF at 100% dose once in 2 days
Drip fertigation with WSF at 75% dose once in 2 days
Drip irrigation + Soil application of NF at 100% dose once in 2 days
T5Conventional irrigation at 1.0 IW/CPE + soil application of NF (Control) at 100% dose
Experimental details Details 1. Variety 2. Planting 3. Spacing 4. Plot size 5. Lateral spacing 6. No. of laterals 7. Emitter spacing 8 lph 8. Fertilizer used
9.Fertilizer application frequency 10. Fertilizer application method 11. Irrigation scheduling 12. Depth of irrigation
Drip Nendran Normal 2x2m 40 x 6 m 2m 1 lateral for each row 2m WSF: Polyfeed (PF) 11:42:11 Urea - 46:0.0 Potash - 0:0:60 Multi - K 13:0:46 Once in 2 days
Furrow Nendran Normal 2x2m 40 x 6 m Normal NPK fertilizer dose at 150: 90: 300 g/plant / year
By fertigation pump
By soil application
Once in 2 days Based on 2 days CPE
At 1.0 IW/CPE At 50 mm CPE for 1.0 IW/CPE ratio
N and K 3 equal splits at 3, 5, 7th month after planting entire ‘P’ as basal
Table1. Number of fingers / bunch, number of hands / bunch and finger weight as influenced by drip fertigation
Fig 1. Relationship between fruit yield and yield parameters under drip fertigation in banana
Table 2. Finger weight and bunch weight in Nendran Banana as influenced by drip fertigation
Table 3. Effect of drip fertigation on water saving in Banana
Fig 2. Trend of water requirement, fruit yield and water use efficiency under drip fertigation in banana
Fig 3. Fruit yield versus fertilizer use efficiency under fertigation in banana
Conclusion •
Drip fertigation with WSF at 125% achieved more than two-fold inceased WUE.
Bunch yields of banana increased by 72 percent under drip fertigation with WSF.
Water saving was 48 percent with higher fertilizer and water use efficiency compared to surface irrigation.
DF is economically viable technology in TC Banana.
Considering the economics, affordable farmers can go upto 125%dose with WSF in Nendran Banana for overall higher fruit yield and gross returns,
While farmers with resource constraints, can adopt 75% dose with WSF for economic returns.
General view of the experimental field
DF with 125% water soluble fertilizer