•Apart from poor or lack of maintenance , the system also suffers from unreliable supply and inequitable distribution of water. •Focus on sound irrigation management, scientific agronomic practices, enhancement of various efficiencies of water use and crop productivity per unit of water. •Farmers who are the main stakeholders in the management of system have been excluded from its management. The doctrine of PIM(Participatory Irrigation Management) has gained currency during the last few decades as a strategy to overcome this weakness.
NEED OF PIM • Scarce Natural Resources • Reducing per capita water availability(In 19515177m3/cap/yr to 2011-1545m3/cap/yr) • Relatively lower efficiency • Physical sustainability • Financial sustainability • Problems of irrigation management • Poor utilization of irrigation facililties • Inequity in water distribution
• Community participation in the development and management of water resources is not new to India as it has ancient roots. • The policy of PIM with full involvement of farmers in O&M in its present form is being advocated for more than two decades. • Since 1985, MoWR has been encouraging farmers participation in water distribution of the projects covered under Centrally sponsored CAD programme.
DEVELOPMENT OF PIM IN INDIA(Contd.) In 1987 the Union Government issued guidelines for farmers participation in water management and the model bill for enactment of PIM was circulated to States during 1998. The National Water Policy(2002) also envisages that management of water resources for the diverse use should incorporate a participatory approach. PIM is an important component of CADWM programme being implemented now in 28 States.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF WUAs • The States of Indian Union have adopted different PIM models suiting to local conditions. Though basic features of PIM remain same, the structure and function of WUAs vary from State to State. • In general, WUA is a three tier system in India. These are WUA at minor level, distributary committee at distributary level and project committee at project level. • WUAs have been delineated, as far as possible on hydraulic boundary basis. These are divided into Territorial Constituencies.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF WUAs • Goa and Sikkim have single tier. • Bihar has two tier at village and system level. • Gujarat & Maharashtra have canal/branch level committee. • Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu have apex committee at State level. • In Minor Irrigation- single tier, Medium irrigation projects- two tier and Major irrigation projectsAll three tiers of WUAs function.
FUNCTIONS OF WUAs • Planning, execution, operation and maintenance of distribution network. • Formulate, implement the schedule of water deliveries to different reaches in the canal system and communicate to the concerned users with the approval of general body. • Ensure use of water economically, judiciously and avoid misuse and wastage of water through awareness creation, capacity building and motivitation of farmers.
FUNCTIONS OF WUAs(Contd.) • Carry out timely and proper maintenance and repairs to the system in their jurisdiction. • Inspect water utilization by the farmers, assess irrigated crop area and collect water charges. • Sort out the differences and disputes among members or among different levels of WUAs. • Prepare annual water budget. • Organize social auditing for utilization of fund and of water at the end of each crop season.
FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY TO WUA • Providing financial sustainability to WUAs is the main requirement to derive benefits on continuous basis from the created infrastructures. • State Governments levy water charges. WUAs assess and collect water charges from the users directly in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Bihar and Rajasthan and retain prescribed percentage of water tax collected.
FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY TO WUA(Contd.) • WUAs assist the Revenue Department of the States in assessment and collection of water charges in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh. In these States, some grants of fixed percentage of water tax collected or rate fixed on area basis are provided. • Retention/plough back of fund to WUA for O&M activities of canal infrastructure varies from State to State.
Farmers are happily paying water charges due to assured supply of water. Farmers have adopted efficient irrigation and agronomic practices due to awareness and training. Maintenance is proper. There is saving in water. Communication gap between farmers and government has bridged. Theft of water has declined. There is shift from high water intensive crops to low water consuming crops.
CONSTRAINTS OF PIM • Capacity building is necessary. • Transfer of irrigation system to WUAs without their due rehabilitation. • Limited resources at the disposal of the WUAs. • Provision of enabling environment, administrative and political will, legal framework and financial sustainability.
RESULTS OF EVALUATION STUDIES • 81% have been formally registered. • Involvement of women farmers in management committees of WUAs is 3% across the states. • The small & marginal farmers and tail end farmers in the committees is 78% and 83% respectively. • Less than 20% of WUAs conduct monthly meetings on regular basis • 60% of the WUAs have participation of above 60% of members during WUA committee meetings. • Above 60% of the WUAs conduct their annual general body meetings.
RESULTS OF EVALUATION STUDIES • The farmers in around 70% of the WUAs have contributed upto 10% according to their capacity towards the project cost in term of labour, crop produce, construction material and others. • Above 60% of the studied WUAs have been handed over the charge of water distribution system and 48% of WUAs are involved in water distribution . • 28% of them are involved in collection of water charges. • Around 22% of WUAs have made expenditure on repair & maintenance. • Nearly 60% of WUAs ensure water to tail end farmers. • Above 40% of WUAs are involved in regular audit of their accounts and possess the audit reports whereas 25% of them have published their audit reports. • Nearly 14% of WUAs are also involved aquaculture activities.
RESULTS OF EVALUATION STUDIES • Around 13% of the WUAs have enough funds especially in Maharashtra and Gujarat to sustain. • The role of WUAs in the field of agricultural extension, input supply, marketing and side business is insignificant (4%) across the states. • Around 17% of WUAs are also involved in dealing with salinity and drinking water related issues each. • WUAs have access to support services from the project implementing agencies in terms of capacity building (55%), funds (28%), technical assistance (43%), stationery (17%) furniture & equipments (5%), etc. • Around 56% of WUAs enjoy satisfactory relationships with the project implementing agencies.
RESULTS OF EVALUATION STUDIES • WUAs have experienced high degree of impacts due to access to irrigation water in terms of – – – – – – – – –
increased area under cultivation23%, increased area under irrigation 90%, increased number of irrigation 96%, change in cropping pattern 31%, increased number of milch animals 22%, increased employment opportunities 28%, increased access to child education34% health services 31% reduced women drudgery 21%.
ACTION POINTS FOR XII PLAN WUA should be formed and their capacity building/empowerment should be taken up in mission mode by engaging WALMIs/NGOs/Reputed Agencies. Each WUA should be provided with the office and minimum requisite infrastructure for their smooth functioning. Each WUA and its members should be given entitlement of water and assured minimum quantity of water in time with flexibility and equitability
ACTION POINTS FOR XII PLAN(Contd.) Enactment of PIM Act should be expedited in the states which have not yet enacted the act; Water charges should be rationalised and WUA should be empowered to assess and collect water charges and to retain the amount as decided by the State Government; WUA should also be assigned CAD works within their operational areas; Cropping pattern is to be decided in consultation with experts and availability of water; WUA to receive and distribute water among members on volumetric basis by installing suitable measuring and control devices. Beneficiary contribution of 10% in OFD works and reclamation of waterlogged areas to continue.
Thank you
• Average annual precipitation 1170 mm (Highly uneven both w.r.t. space and time- 75% in four monsoon months and average 100 mm in western part to 10000 mm in Cherapunji) • Total annual precipitation including snowfall is 4000 BCM; • After accounting for evaporation and evapo-transpiration the availability of surface water(SW) and replenishable ground water (GW) is 1869 BCM; • Topographical constraints and hydrological features- 690BCM SW and 433 BCM GW.-Total 1123 BCM.
• • • • •
Geographical area 329 Mha Cultivable area 182 Mha Net sown area 140 Mha Net Irrigated area 62 Mha (44% of cropped area) Half cropped area will remain unirrigated even if the entire potential is used. • 16% of world popualtion, 4% of world water resources and 2.5% of world’s land resources. • 1700m3/capita/year –water stress condition • 1951 – 5177 m3/capita/year 2011-1545m3/capita/year.
• 35-40% from SW & 65-70% from GW; • Enhancement by 20% to 25% from SW and 5% to 10% from GW
• In Vijaynagar empire (AD 13th to 16th Century) a series of diversion structures were built by rulers in which farmers participated voluntarily for resolution of conflicts and routine maintenance. • PHAD of Nasik, Maharashtra. • WARABANDI system of water management in North India. • Kuhl of Himachal Pradesh. • Ahar-Pyne of Bihar & Jharkhand.
• Goa and Sikkim have single tier. • Bihar has two tier at village and system level. • Gujarat & Maharashtra have canal/branch level committee. • Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu have apex committee at State level. • In Minor Irrigation- single tier, Medium irrigation projects- two tier and Major irrigation projectsAll three tiers of WUAs function.
Retention/Plough Back
Rs. 100/- per ha first year, 2nd to 4th year- percentage of participation fee paid, 5th year onward- percentage of water tax collected in the previous year. Rs. 100/- per ha.
Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh
Rs. 60/- per ha for major and Rs. 80/- for other projects, besides administrative grant of Rs. 5000/per year.