Report 1.1 - Identification of Key Stakeholders

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months


Report 1.1 Identification of key stakeholders

Date [10.03.14]

Review History Submitted By Reviewed By DAPP team coordinated by A. Musetti Ruth Kerrigan (IES)

Version 8

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................3 1 METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................................................................4 2 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS AT PILOT LEVEL .........................................................................................8 2.1 Genova Galliera Pilot ..........................................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Owner & Planner .........................................................................................................................................9 2.1.2 Investors ......................................................................................................................................................9 2.1.3 Business Communities .................................................................................................................................9 2.1.4 City Planners ................................................................................................................................................9 2.1.5 Developers .................................................................................................................................................10 2.1.6 Utility Companies.......................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Dundalk Pilot.....................................................................................................................................................11 2.2.1 City Planners ..............................................................................................................................................11 2.2.2 Developers .................................................................................................................................................11 2.2.3 RET / Technology Suppliers .......................................................................................................................11 2.2.4 Utility Companies.......................................................................................................................................12 2.2.5 Business Communities ...............................................................................................................................12 2.2.6 Public Communities ...................................................................................................................................12 3 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS AT EUROPEAN LEVEL ..............................................................................13 4 CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................................................................................17 CONTRIBUTION OF DELIVERABLE TO FUTURE TASKS .................................................................................................18 ANNEX I .......................................................................................................................................................................19 ANNEX II ......................................................................................................................................................................21 ANNEX III .....................................................................................................................................................................22


Grant No. 608775


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDICATE “Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities” is a 7th Programme funded SMARTCITY-2013 targeted collaborative project (Grant Agreement No. 608775). INDICATE addresses these issues through the development of a decision support tool that is used in all stages of urban development of a city. The tool can be used to (i) inform masterplanning at early stages of urban development; (ii) help make decisions with respect to best technologies to integrate and their economic and environmental impact to the urban environment; and (iii) optimise existing Smart Technologies to further reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. An important result of the project is the creation of these new innovative business models, which will be tailored to various different stakeholders (e.g. owners, occupants, management companies, public authorities etc.). A prerequisite of business model development is knowledge of the marketplace and what the market really needs. This document aims to identify a network of relevant stakeholders that will represent the final users of INDICATE decision support tool. The network of key stakeholders will be exploited throughout WP1 and will facilitate the collection of needs and requirements for the INDICATE tool. How to read this document: 

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Chapter 1 describe the methodology of whole process of stakeholders identification foresees two different phases: one based on local level identification and another one based on European level (effort by DAPP). Chapter 2 describe the stakeholders identification process at local level. After a preamble (effort by DAPP), the chapter is composed in two sections: the first based on the demonstrator of Genoa city (effort by EOG) and the second based on the demonstrators of the Dundalk town (effort by LCC). Chapter 3 describe the stakeholders identification process at European level. The chapter shows the synergies with other EU funded projects and the relation with European organisations and communities in order to collect a list of contacts of people involved in area of interest useful to the INDICATE project (effort by DAPP and contribution from ALL partners). Chapter 4 reports the conclusion of this document. It is a summarization of the whole process of stakeholders identification (effort by DAPP). Chapter 5 is an overview of how the identified stakeholders will be involved in the INDICATE project (effort by DAPP). ANNEX I is the flyer presenting the project to the stakeholders (effort by IES, DAPP and EOG). ANNEX II is the contact list of local Stakeholders (effort by DAPP, EOG and LCC). ANNEX III is the contact list of European Project (effort by DAPP).


Grant No. 608775


1 METHODOLOGY The main aim of the INDICATE project is to facilitate the transformation of a city towards a Smart City through the development of the Virtual City Model (VCM). To reach this goal, it is necessary to take actions at all stages of development of a Smart City. Therefore the interactive tool must cover the following goals: plan, reduce, integrate and optimise. The INDICATE decision support tool can be used in a city where the buildings and their urban environment are at an early stage of the sustainable development or otherwise where the city has already installed smart grid infrastructure and energy efficient technologies are present in many buildings. For this reason the INDICATE tool can be used by City Architects/Planners, Urban Planning, Consultancy Firms, the Public and Business Community, Construction Companies at national end European level, Manufacturers of materials, Energy Efficiency Professional, ICT/RET system suppliers and potential investors and all companies involved in activity of RTD on Energy Efficiency domain. At this stage of the project have been identified 7 groups of stakeholders. Each of the stakeholders group is involved in the process of the development of the VCM in order to reach the end goal of a creation of the Smart City. The process of identification of stakeholders is based on the analysis of the benefits and opportunities that each stakeholders could obtain by using INDICATE and how these benefits affect the development and the transformation of a cities towards a Smart Cities. The analysis is summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1: INDICATE Stakeholders 10/03/2014

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CITY PLANNERS: This group includes urban planners, public authorities and city authorities. The advantages for the City Planners to use INDICATE tool are that they are able to feed into developments plan of public buildings and to have an overall view on the actions for improvement of existing buildings. Furthermore the global vision of the city in a single tool could help the city planners in the balancing of energy use and infrastructure requirement. These features facilitate the process of transformation from city to Smart City. DEVELOPERS: This group includes building and district owners, main contractors, architects, energy efficiency professionals, engineers, designers, university centres. With the INDICATE tool, the Developers can analyze the building and the district environment and they are able to understand where the investments are required and how optimise the use of the building. The advantages for the Developers to use INDICATE tool are the analysis and simulations of most suitable technologies to be integrated in the buildings in order to make the infrastructures more energy efficiency and reduce the supply and demand. These benefits lead to a better management of the buildings portfolio and thus facilitate the process of transformation from city to Smart City. RET / TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS: This group includes materials and solution manufacturers, R&D centres, and all organizations that propose energy retrofit solutions, devices, products, systems and tools for the energy saving. Through the use of the INDICATE tool, the Suppliers are able to simulate and demonstrate the increase of energy efficiency with the integration of new technologies. Furthermore by using INDICATE it is possible to analyse and compare the efficiency of different technologies in retrofitting process and estimate the RoI for each solution. Increasing the visibility of the advantages brought by renewable energy technologies and the creation of a technology portfolio leads to improve the technology solutions and increase the market share of renewable and ICT technologies. POTENTIAL INVESTOR: This group includes banks, public and private investors. Using the INDICATE tool, the investors are able to investigate which technologies will have a major impact on the city and so they have the opportunity to decide how invest on the best infrastructures and estimate the return of investment (RoI) on their business. More investment opportunities in the city, means that there are increases in the finance and economy of the city. UTILITY COMAPANIES: This group includes utility managers, energy suppliers, service providers, network managers and network owners. INDICATE tool drives the utility companies to analyze and estimate how the infrastructure improvements will benefit the city and how the their services will benefit the community. Using the tool, the utility companies will be able to evaluate different tariffs plans and estimate accordingly the revenue and the RoI for each infrastructure improvements. BUSINESS COMMUNITIES: This group includes business occupiers, representatives of business communities, public authorities and city authorities. Using INDICATE, they are able to understand the potential for the integration of groups of buildings. identify the potential for the energy district system and the effects for the employees or tenants in order to provide a better and more comfortable working environment. PUBLIC COMMUNITIES: This group includes representatives of end user communities, public authorities and city authorities. By using INDICATE, they are able to identify the potential opportunity of a city and improve the supply chain in order to provide a better and more comfortable neighbourhood to live in. These 7 categories of stakeholders allow us to have a complete coverage on the four pillars of INDICATE project. As the project is at an early stage, it is important at this point to have direct contact with end users in order to determine stakeholder engagement programs to define their needs and preferences to achieve the aims of the 10/03/2014

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project and subsequently involve them in all phases of project development in order to validate the INDICATE solution. The identification of the key stakeholders follows the classification of the seven groups described above and in each group we want to investigate specific issues. From the City Planners group is interesting understand the main objectives and what are the parameters to evaluate the results of city transformation. In additional is important investigate what are the key indicators to implement an energy efficiency renovation project. The City Planners highlight what parameters (i.e. humidity, noise, energy consumption, energy produced etc..) are crucial in the life cycle of a building and/or a district. Furthermore it is important to investigate how does the use category of any building (residential, commercial, industrial, public, etc..) influence the methodology selection and the approach taken to energy efficiency. From the City Planners and Developers groups are interesting understand how the regulatory requirements, the policies and the standards influence the approach taken to scheme development and the selection of any methodology, with more attention on BREEAM, LEED, BER methodologies. The Developers allow us to identify the key factors that influence the choice of materials and technologies that will be integrated in any designed and constructed scheme. With key factors we means cost, availability, suitability, regulatory standards and performance effectiveness. From the RET and Technology Suppliers group is important understand what are the innovative solutions to improve the energy performance of a building and/or district and reduce the emission of carbon footprint, maintaining a high level of working/living environment. From the Potential Investors group is important understand and analyse what are the decisions that lead to invest in new technologies and business opportunities. From the Utility Companies group is important understand how the energy services are integrated in the cities. Furthermore we explore how the presence of existing urban networks or energy collection systems and distribution influence design and build activities and how the communities will benefit from their improvements. From the Business and Public Communities groups is important understand if the methodologies, the solutions and the standards adopted in the energy efficiency projects influence their awareness and behaviour in terms of the operations of the buildings. Identifying and activating a large, diverse pool of stakeholders and finding out what moves them, enables INDICATE to involve the key stakeholders in validation activities that give input to WP3, and to get their endorsement. INDICATE needs to take input of stakeholders with authority on future energy systems to ensure that the combined elements of the vision make up a well-defined, coherent unity, and to ensure that the vision is both desirable and feasible to implement. To achieve this goal the whole process of stakeholder identification foresees two different phases: one based on local level identification and another one based on European level. The first actions, which involves the identification of the stakeholders will be carried out at pilot level. This choice comes from the need to identify all the actors directly involved in the three project test sites from which it is possible analyze in depth the different issues. Through the consultations with local stakeholders, will be possible to understand and highlight the requirements and the functionalities that must be implemented in INDICATE decision support tool. The need to extend the network of stakeholders at European level comes from the objective that INDICATE aims of creating a generalised model that could be replicated in different scenarios and not be a model applicable only to the project pilots investigated. Therefore starting from the stakeholder identification at pilot level, the consortium has extended the local level identification to the European level by identifying the public and private 10/03/2014

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Organizations, European Projects and Associations focused on topics relevant to the INDICATE project and from these relevant projects are been identified the stakeholders. This allow INDICATE to reach all relevant public authorities, SMEs, Universities and companies involved in ICT and Energy Efficiency domains.


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2 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS AT PILOT LEVEL The INDICATE project will help with the development of urban master plans; support the decision maker with respect to the integration of technologies and renewables in their neighbourhood which will help reduce consumption and demand on fossil fuels; and support the optimisation of existing systems in cities that are already reaching ‘Smart’ City status. To demonstrate each of these aspects of the tool, 2 city demonstrators with detailed information about the site and the ability to make improvements and demonstrate the functionalities of the tool throughout the course of the project have been chosen; these are Genoa in Italy and Dundalk in Ireland.

Figure 2: Partners involved in the identification of stakeholders

The partners Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera (EOG) and Louth Country Council (LCC) as public authorities for Galliera hospital and Dundalk town respectively have collaborated with D’Appolonia (DAPP) to identify the key stakeholders for each pilot test. The close interaction between the two pilot owners and DAPP (Figure 2) has allowed to define a common strategy needs so that the same information will be obtained from the interviews in both Genoa and Dundalk in Task 1.2. To achieve an unified vision of which stakeholders must be involve, are been organized meetings which were attended by DAPP, EOG and LCC and IES (for coordination support). In the meetings are been defined and identified the “good” local stakeholders: municipality offices, architects and planners, hospital staff (for EOG), citizen (for LCC), local business and investors, ecc. In addition since the project website was not yet active once stakeholders involvement started, it was decided to create an early version project flyer (in both languages, English and Italian) with an abstract of the INDICATE project (see ANNEX 1). The flyer has been shared with the stakeholders to introduce the project and increase our references. With local stakeholders, it has been decided to have a face to face interview. In this early phase of project, this direct approach with stakeholders is more useful than an indirect contact as phone, mail or web. In additional the face to face talk is useful to create a local interest. When the contacts are established then this activities could be followed by workshops and online survey (more detail will be provided in D1.2). The opportunity to have a face to face meeting with the individual stakeholders, allow us to have the opportunity to investigate different issues. Following the stakeholder groups described above we have identified the stakeholders for Genoa and Dundalk city (see ANNEX 2).

2.1 Genova Galliera Pilot Genoa is the capital of Liguria and the sixth largest city in Italy. Genoa is currently promoting the Genoa Smart City Association, which is aimed at improving the city quality of life through sustainable economic development based on research and technology guided by the Municipality in a project of integrated planning; it has also 10/03/2014

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signed the Green Digital Charter at the end of 2009 to encourage cities to reduce the carbon footprint with ICT solutions. The INDICATE project acts to integrate and optimise new ICT and Renewable Technologies within the Ospedale Galliera. The stakeholders for Genoa Galliera Pilot were selected by EOG with the help of D’Appolonia from among those who have participated in different ways in the definition of the draft of the New Galliera Hospital. They are designers, public bodies and consultants involved in the planning and approval of the Galliera project. The identified actors have tackled a project with innovative solutions based on the rational use of energy and renewable energy sources, both at urban and building scale. Furthermore these players will face in the future similar projects to the New Galliera Hospital that will offer more and more integrated solutions for which find evidence on sound science.

2.1.1 Owner & Planner Engineer Michele Maddalo, manager of the technical department of Galliera Hospital, hospital energy manager, responsible for the already performed projects in the area of renewable energies and actor of requests in terms of energy efficiency for the New Galliera project.

2.1.2 Investors Architect Franco Giodice, vice director of sector investments in health of health department and social services in Regione Liguria administration, program manager for the construction of new hospitals in the region of Liguria. The regional administration is financing the project of the New Galliera with about 44 million â‚Ź grant. This mode of financing of infrastructure in health care is destined to end, available firms will be in the future for other programs only European funds, but the commission and the EIB according to the program HORIZON 2020 will finance projects about energy-efficiency related infrastructure. Then in healthcare buildings future projects should contain solutions similar to those studied for the Galliera if not even more evolved. The interest of regional administration will be to focus on these issues in allocating funding available.

2.1.3 Business Communities Architects Giovanni Battista Poggi and Luisa Pagone, of the Department of regional programs of transports ports and public works and construction. In the New Galliera project they were partners not only in terms of funding but also as a facilitator and glue between other public bodies affected by confirming permissions in the draft. Solutions such as those found in the design of the New Galliera will be replicated on other types of important projects concerning the development of ports and shipbuilding in the region and their interactions with the city, the development of the areas under de-industrialisation, not least the use of public goods offered for sale according to programs of privatisation of public housing, old hospitals, barracks, etc.

2.1.4 City Planners Architect Pier Paolo Tomiolo of the Department of urban planning of regional administration. The regulatory and urban transformations such as that included in the draft of the New Galliera is a task that belongs to the regional administration of Liguria. Dr. Gabriella Minervini works for the Department of Environment in the Regione Liguria. For the issues of sustainable development the environment department is perhaps one of the regional administration's most important institutional stakeholders. In particular it is authorised to issue consents relating to environmental impact assessment projects. It was therefore interested in the analysis of environmental screening of the project of the New Galliera. 10/03/2014

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Architects Maurizio Sinigaglia and Silvia Capurro of the Management planning, SUE and large projects of the Municipality of Genoa, are responsible for the project planning of the development plan of the city of Genoa and the drafting of the Building Regulations to implement the plan and the verification of tasks compliance with the plans. They are involved both as planners with regard to the project of the New Galliera at the urban level and at detail level of in the building and as the authority which approved the project in the conference services. Engineer Rita Pizzone works with the Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Liguria. As part of the Galliera hospital several buildings are under protection as architectural and landscape heritage and the area of construction of the new building is included in the range of landscape protection of the coast, and so this public body had to express their opinion on both the new building (to house the health activities) and the reuse of monumental pavilions. In our opinion, it is interesting to hear the point of view of a body whose judgments, although away from the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency, weigh heavily on possible actions in the energy sector on the existing building, especially given that in Italy buildings are very often subject to protection in a direct or indirect way. Engineer Simona Brun works for Infrastrutture Liguria, a public body with the mandate to plan the realisation of four new hospitals in Liguria. They are interested in solving problems relating to urban transformation and integration of energy saving systems at both urban and building scales.

2.1.5 Developers OBR, Steam and D'Appolonia, together with the architect De Pineda from Barcelona, are authors of the preliminary draft of the New Galliera. They, through the design of the building envelope, the plant system and the environmental impact analysis, have translated in practice the Galliera's willingness to realise a Green Hospital expressed in the feasibility study: Paolo Brescia (OBR) has designed the urban scale and building envelope; Riccardo Curci (Steam) has designed the energy systems and their integration; Lisiero (D'Appolonia) is the author of the environmental impact analysis. In addition, the architect Rocchi (D'Appolonia) is responsible of the authorisation process of the project and Professor Del Grosso is the Technical Director of D'Appolonia and cosignatory of the project. Professor Paolo Orlando from the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Genoa, is the principal author of the feasibility study of the New Galliera. He proposed the realization of a Green Hospital according to the criteria of the green health care (such the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care or the Green Guide to Health Care), bringing to the attention of strategic direction of the environmental sustainability of a company appointed to provide health and then in the first place to preserve it. Professor Anna Osello from the Politecnico of Turin and Professor Angelo Ciribini from the University of Brescia are part of a group of scholars who are investigating the development of design systems with tools of Building Information Modelling in Italy. These tools allow the user to perform sophisticated modelling of the energy behaviour of the building and systems with the ability to perform rapid simulations and comparisons between different plant solutions and building codes. Although the current project of the New Galliera has not been developed with BIM tools, the aim of the hospital is to conduct the next step of the design trough the implementation of such systems. Osello and Ciribini have made an important contribution to the preparation of the tender for the next step of the project.


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2.1.6 Utility Companies Engineer Bongiorni of SIRAM, the energy management company of the hospital. Currently SIRAM is managing several hospitals in Liguria, by an ESCO contract. At Galliera SIRAM has installed a combined engine for electricity and heating, and is developing a program of HVAC centralised control.

2.2 Dundalk Pilot Dundalk is a town in Ireland, located between the border of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and as such is equidistant with Dublin and Belfast. The Dundalk community has a strong track record of smart and sustainable initiatives and it is the first exemplar Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) in Ireland, established by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Furthermore Dundalk is involved in Smart Energy Efficiency Dundalk (SEED), an innovative project with existing smart building. This means that Dundalk city will be used to assess the master planning aspect of the INDICATE tool and for optimisation of existing Systems. Louth County Council is involved with identification of the stakeholders for the project in Dundalk, and with experience from working closely with business and the community has identified a number of potential participants that would have a high level of interest in the project.

2.2.1 City Planners Catherine Duff is an executive town planner at Louth County Council and has worked for many years in urban planning. Catherine was selected by Louth County Council because of her extensive experience in planning and her involvements in projects such as Smarter Travel1.

2.2.2 Developers Garrett Shine is an executive scientist at Louth County Council and has been active in the Sustainability Through Energy Management initiative and also a driving member of the Energy Committee. Garrett was selected because he has a significant amount of experience within the local authority with regard to energy efficiency. His initiatives with wind power and solar power are significant within the local authority. Dr. Pamela Dagg is an executive scientist at Louth County Council and has been involved with a number of energy initiatives. She was selected because she plays a major role in the Sustainability Through Energy Management Programme (STEM). David McDonnell is Chief Executive of the Smart Eco Hub2 . Through a collaborative network of small and large enterprises, academic research organisations and local government agencies David, as head of the Smart Eco Hub provides an environment for identifying synergies, creating business opportunities, establishing living labs and simulating innovation. David was selected because Louth County Council is one of the 15 Councils and 5 third level institutes that he is involved with.

2.2.3 RET / Technology Suppliers Barry Grennan (Xerox3) is the Business Centre Manager with Xerox since 2002 with responsibility for the colour toner manufacturing operation in Xerox’s Dundalk Plant. He was selected because he was involved in the Dundalk 2020 Holistic project. As part of this project he assisted companies in Dundalk to set up energy management systems to assist their competitiveness in the market place. Barry is an active member of the HEF and a key player in developing Dundalk as a Smart Town. 1

Smarter Travel web site page Smart Eco Hub web site page 3 Xerox web site page 2


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Derek Roddy (Climote4) CEO and Founder of the company which provides remote control for home heating. Derek was selected because he is an active member of a cross border clean technology and low carbon business network with member from Belfast to Dublin. Damien McCann (Viatel – Digiweb Group5) is a Corporate Account Manager. He was selected because of his IT skills and his work on the Louth County Council Broadband Forum where he is assisting with developing Dundalk as a Smart Town.

2.2.4 Utility Companies Declan Meally (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) has worked with SEAI6 for 10 years and is Head of Department in Emerging Sectors since 2012. He was selected because he chairs the LBF Sustainable Energy Group and is responsible for the Dundalk 2020 Holistic Project.

2.2.5 Business Communities Paddy Malone (Chamber of Commerce) was selected because he represents the business community and has been a key person in developing Dundalk as a smart Town.

2.2.6 Public Communities Mark Deery (Councillor7) is a local Green Party Councillor who has also served in the Oireachtas as a Senator from 2007 to 2010. Mark has been selected because he represents the citizens of Dundalk and has been driving Dundalk to be a Transport Free and Smart Town since he was first elected to Louth County Council. He has been very pro-active in the Dundalk 2020 project and the roll out of the EC Concerto Holistic Project which sets specific (energy related) targets to achieve in the sustainable energy zone in Dundalk.


Climote web site page Digiweb Group web site page 6 SEAI web page 7 Dundalk Town Council web site page 5


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3 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS AT EUROPEAN LEVEL The project partners have an extensive network and a good working relation with many organisations and persons in the stakeholder target groups. Several partners in the consortium are among the most active participants in European research projects. Therefore, to drawing up the list of European Stakeholders, has been started from screening of European Research Projects and Associations in which D’Appolonia and other partners are involved. Have been investigate 52 projects (27 of which the INDICATE partners are directly involved) inside the FP6, FP7, CIP framework and National Founding related to ICT for Energy Efficiency for buildings, neighbourhoods and smart cities (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Synergies with other EU projects at building, neighbourhood/district, and smart cities level

The analysis was conducted on online information and dissemination documents. For each project has been analyzed the main objectives, the partners involved, the methodologies and the proposed solutions in order to investigate synergies with INDICATE project and then identify possible stakeholders. The tables below (Table 1) collects the research project identified in this task, and in ANNEX III collects the key person contact information. Table 1: Synergies With Research European Project


CITINES 10/03/2014

Description Autonomous Management System Developed for Building and District Levels. – EU FP7, EeBNMP Develop a set of comprehensive and accurate indicators which can be used to illustrate where the potential for social unrest exists. – EU FP7 Control & Automation Management of Buildings & Public Spaces in the 21st Century. – EC FP7, EEB-ICT CASCADE will develop facility-specific measurement-based energy action plan for airport energy managers underpinned by systematic Fault Detection Diagnosis (FDD) Methods. – EU FP7, EeBICT Design of a decision support tool for sustainable, reliable and cost-effective energy strategies in cities and industrial complexes. – EU FP7, ICT Grant No. 608775





District Information Modeling and Management for Energy Reduction. – EU FP7, ICT Dundalk 2020 was the first exemplar Sustainable Energy Community in Ireland; it now provides a showcase for innovative technologies, policies and practices that are needed to create Sustainable Energy Communities. – National Funding by SEAI Implement and demonstrate in 3 Social Housing pilots an integrated and replicable ICT-based solution. – EU FP7, CIP-ICT-PSP Envelope Approach to improve Sustainability and Energy efficiency in Existing multi-storey multi-owner residential buildings. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Innovative green technology for smart energy saving on existing residential buildings with centralized heating/cooling generators. – EU FP7, SME Embedded Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings Energy management and decision support systems for Energy POSitive neighbourhoods. – EC FP7, EEB-ICT Energy Efficiency for EU Historic Districts Sustainability. – EU FP7, EeB-ENV Energy-Hub for residential and commercial districts and transport. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Design and real time energy sourcing decisions in buildings. – EU FP7, ICT Mechanisms and policies to assemble, monitor and control smart grids. – ENIAC Energy consumption prediction with building usage measurements for software-based decision support. – EU FP7, ICT New systems, technologies and operation models based on ICTs for the management of energy positive and proactive neighbourhoods. – EC FP7, EEB-ICT Innovative solutions to enhance the solar energy value-chain and better interface to the smart grid. – ENIAC New µ-CHP network technologies for energy efficient and sustainabledistricts. – EU FP7, EeBNMP Geo-clustering to deploy the potential of Energy efficient Buildings across EU. – EU FP7, EeBNMP Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart GRID Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for EUROPE. – EU FP7, ENERGY The development of a systematic and holistic approach to the security of large scale and interconnected urban built infrastructure. – EU FP7, SEC Gas Absorption Heat Pump solution for existing residential buildings. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Will show other towns and cities across Europe how to use different energy technologies and techniques in an intelligent and integrated way. Cities involved include Dundalk, Mödling and Neuchâtel. – EU FP6, SUSTDEV Knowledge-based energy management for public buildings through holistic information modeling and 3D visualization. EU FP7, EEB-ICT An architecture and distributed embedded systems to implement the realtime interface between the smart energy grid (infrastructure) and a cloud of devices/loads at the The ICT Roadmap for Energy-Efficient Neighbourhoods. – EU FP7, EEB-ICT Producing a methodology for the exchange of data between various actors involved in the construction of a building and its surroundings. – EU FP7, SST Multifunctional Energy Efficient Façade System for Building Retrofitting. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Novel Business model generator for Energy Efficiency in construction and retrofitting. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Develop an Open Dynamic System (ODYS) enabling the 'holistic Energy management' of the dynamics of energy supply. – EU FP7, EEB-ICT Benchmarking and mainstreaming building sustainability on the EU based on transparency and Grant No. 608775


POLLUX People Friendly Cities

Public building retrofit



Smart Urban Adapt





openness (open source and availability) from model to implementation. – EU FP7, ENV Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a Multi-system Real-time Embedded Platform. – EU FP7, SP1-JTI This cost action will create a trans-disciplinary network of key stakeholders that identify new approaches, policies and research priorities for the emerging theme of smart and liveable cities. – ESF COST Action This project will audit 50 public buildings in the East Border Region of Ireland. Nine of the 50 buildings will receive an energy retrofit. Two of the nine buildings are located in Dundalk. – INTERREG IVA ICT Roadmap and Data Interoperability for Energy Systems in Smart Cities. – EU FP7, ICT Toolboxes for systemic retrofitting. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Sounds for Energy-Efficient Buildings. – EU FP7, EEB-ICT Sustainable Energy mAnageMent for Underground Stations. – EU FP7, EEB-ICT Smart Energy Efficiency Dundalk (SEED) mobilises the local authority, local education providers, community, industry and research groups to deliver the next generation of integrated energy approaches’. – National Funding by SEAI Self learning Energy Efficient builDings and open Spaces. – EU FP7, EEB-ICT Smart Energy Efficient Middleware for Public Spaces. – EU FP7, EeB-ICT Semantic Tools for Carbon Reduction in Urban Planning. – EU FP7, ICT Sustainable Indicators Management System will automatically collect data from the city and presents it to the relevant managers or local citizens via a user friendly graphic interface. – IE National Founding A simulation data warehouse and associated 3D web app will be developed which enables the chaining of multiple simulation models, ranging from (micro-)climate to transport to housing demand. – EC ClimateKIC Intelligent Management System to integrate and control energy generation,consumption and exchange for European Sport and Recreation Buildings. – EU FP7, EeB-ICT TRANSFORM will deliver a strategic energy Transformation Agenda for each of the participating cities that will be made operational through detailed Implementation Plans, for specific districts per city. – EU FP7 Business Model Innovation for High Performance Buildings Supported by Whole Life Optimisation. – EU FP7, EeB-NMP Decision Support Tool for Retrofitting a District, Towards the District as a Service. – EU FP7, EEBICT Customised energy savings strategies and ICT solutions for EU schools. – EU FP7, CIP-PILOT Action

The synergies with other EU funded projects represent the logical evolution of RTD activities in the field of ICT for energy efficiency. In particular these communities have been identified: 

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E2BA (Energy Efficient Buildings Association) currently consisting of 142 members (more than 30% from the construction sector, gathering most of the top 10 groups in EU, the rest from the value chain), DAPP is coordinator of the operational working group being also coordinator of the Ad-hoc Industrial Advisory Group within the EeB PPP. ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform), DAPP is member of the High Level Group. PTIC (Italian Construction Technology Platform), DAPP is a coordinator of the SME Focus Area. SCSP (Smart City Stakeholder Platform), lunched by the European Commission (DG Energy) as part of the Smart Cities and Communities Initiative under the SET-Plan to "filter and make accessible information on


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potential technologies to enable cities and local governments to find and finance suitable technological solutions", DAPP is active as participant to the high level group for roadmap participation. EERA (European Energy Research Alliance), an alliance of leading organisations in the field of energy research with the aim of strengthening, expanding and optimising EU energy research capabilities through the sharing of world-class national facilities in Europe and the joint realisation of pan-European research programmes (EERA Joint Programmes), DAPP is active in EERA initiatives. Genova Smart City Association through the direct involvement of DAPP as the project manager. SIAIS (Società Italiana dell’Architettura e dell’Ingegneria per la Sanità): national association of Italian engineers and architects for the Italian health service, EOG is an active member of the association. Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italia), DAPP is an active member of the Italian association.

Having regard to the synergies of INDICATE partners with this communities, in the Task 1.2 will be set up a engagement plant in order to strengthen the stakeholders network. The involvement of some members of the consortium within that communities, will allow to introduce INDICATE project to the communities members and share with them the knowledge resulting from the project. Taking into account the Research European Project and the Energy Efficiency Communities identified, an initial list of people has been collected. At the moment the list counts circa 1000 contact persons8 and it will be constantly updated during the project progress. The list has been retrieved from a screening of project mailing list and direct contact with the project coordinators. In order to have a greater impact on communication aspects, for each person into the list have been collected: name, surname and email. Furthermore, when it was possible, have been reported the organization name and the area of interest with regard to the INDICATE project. The Table 2 summarize the list of European Stakeholders. Table 2: Identification of European Stakeholders

Stakeholder Group City Planner Potential Investors

Developers RET / Technology Suppliers Utility Companies Business Community Public Community

# Stakeholders 119 18 11 54

Description Municipality, Urban Planner. Buildings owner association. European Commission: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Project Oficer, Call Coordinator. Architecht, Consultant Company (Energy, Environmental, Construction).

140 111 370 14 105

University and R&D Institute. Large Enterprise, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. Local and Regional Energy Agency, Energy supplier, Network Manager. Representative of business community, Puclich Authority. Association of publich community, City Authority.

The engagement with stakeholders will be performed in Task 1.2 when the persons in the contact list will be contacted in order to analyse the real potential of the INDICATE tool, but also their input on how to fine tune the INDICATE approach for optimal adoption will be taken into account. The inputs from the stakeholders will be collected by surveys, and will conduct a quantitative analysis of these results therefore it is important to collect the largest number of Stakeholders.


Having regard to the dissemination level of this Document, it is not appropriate to include the list of people as Annex. We have the ability to use the email addresses of the people in the list, but we cannot share it. 10/03/2014

Grant No. 608775


4 CONCLUSIONS This deliverable reports the identification and construction of a network of key stakeholders that will be used in other tasks of the WP to understand the needs and the requirements for the INDICATE tool. The process of the stakeholder identification is the results of two activities, one at the pilot level and one at the European level. At both levels a clusterisation of the stakeholders has been formulated according to the benefits that each group could retrieve from the project. The 7 groups identified are: City Planners, Potential Investors, Developers, RET / Technology Suppliers, Utility Companies, Business Community and Public Community. From the stakeholder groups, the consortium is able to collect the requirements to develop an interactive cloud-based tool able to support those involved in making design decisions towards transforming their cities to a smart city.


Grant No. 608775


CONTRIBUTION OF DELIVERABLE TO FUTURE TASKS INDICATE aims to develop an interactive cloud-based tool, which will provide dynamic assessment of the interactions between buildings, the electricity grid, the Electric Vehicle (EV) grid and Renewable and ICT technologies. Therefore it is necessary to involve the end users in all steps of development of the INDICATE tool. As agreed within the Description of Work (DoW) Task 1.1, the network of key stakeholders identified in this task will be involved in other tasks of the WP1. In particular stakeholders will be engaged to take part at frontal interviews and workshops and online surveys (Task 1.2) to facilitate in-depth analysis of how the INDICATE methodology will be useful in the transformation of the city. Furthermore the stakeholders will be engaged to create a detailed understanding of the technology market for the development of an innovative business model (Tasks 1.2 and 1.4).


Grant No. 608775




Grant No. 608775



Grant No. 608775



Key Stakeholder Organization & Role GENOVA KEY STAKEHOLDERS

Owner & Planner Investor

Michele Maddalo Franco Giodice

Business Communities

Giovanni Poggi Luisa Pagone Pier Paolo Tomiolo Gabriella Minervini Maurizio Sinigaglia Silvia Capurro Rita Pizzone Simona Brun

Planners Planners Planners Planners Public Community Planners Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Utility companies RET Suppliers City Planners Developers Developers Developers RET / Technology Suppliers RET / Technology Suppliers Utility Companies RET / Technology Suppliers Business Communities Public Communities


Paolo Brescia Riccardo Curci Lisiero Enrico Rocchi Andrea Del Grosso Paolo Orlando Anna Osello Angelo Ciribini Bongiorni

Technical department at EOG Vice-director of investments in health of health department and social services in Regione Liguria Department of regional programs of transports and public works and construction Department of urban planning of regional administration Department of the Environment in the Regione Liguria Development plan of the city of Genoa Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Liguria Development of four new hospitals in Liguria New Galliera: urban scale and building envelope – OBR New Galliera: energy systems – Steam New Galliera: environmental impact analysis - DAPP New Galliera: responsible of the authorisation process - DAPP New Galliera: cosignatory of the project - DAPP University of Genoa, feasibility study of the New Galliera Hospital Polytechnic of Turin - Building Information Modelling University of Brescia - Building Information Modelling Energy management of the hospital - SIRAM

DUNDALK KEY STAKEHOLDERS Catherine Duff Executive town planner at LCC Garrett Shine Executive scientist at LCC Pamela Dagg Executive scientist at LCC David McDonnell Chief Executive at Smart Eco Hub Barry Grennan Business Centre Manager with Xerox Derek Roddy

CEO of Climote

Declan Meally Damien McCann

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Digiweb Group

Paddy Malone Mark Deery

Chamber of Commerce Local Green Party Councillor

Grant No. 608775



Key Contact Alfredo Samperio (Schneider Electric) TNO Defence


Anna Osello (Polito) Michael Curran Acciona



Alessandra Monero (DAPP)





Rafael C. Socorro Hernández (ACCIONA) -


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


Isabel Rodríguez-Maribona (TECNALIA) Frans.G.H. Koene (TNO)



Panayiotis Philimis



Rui Neves-Silva


Enrique Morgades,CIRCE Fundación


Partner Contact DAPP FAC

Karsten Menzel (University College of Cork - IRUSE) Violette Geissen ( Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek)




Juliusz Żach, Mostotal Warszawa S.A.



Dominique Caccavelli, CSTB



Grant No. 608775



Rémy Garaude Verdier (ERDF)


William Hynes (FAC)



Luigi Tischer (ROBUR)



Michael Curran






Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan (SINTEF)


Manchester City Council



Magdalena Rozanska (ACCIONA)


Mikel Sorli, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation


European Society of Concurrent Engineering (ESoCE-Net)


Daniel Hiniesto Muñoz de la Torre (ACCIONA)


People Friendly Cities

Ruth Kerrigan (IES)


Public building retrofit

Michael Curran



Christian Mastrodonato (DAPP)



Andrea Ferrari (DAPP)



Andrea Cavallaro (DAP)



Alberto Giretti


Michael Curran


CEMOSA (Project Coordinator)


Anna Osello


Grant No. 608775





Dr. Leandro Madrazo, Universitat Ramon Llull

SIMS Smart Urban Adapt

G. Schmitt Jan Halatsch - ETH Zurich



Donato Zangani



Ronald van Warmerdam


Ruth Kerrigan (IES)


Mirko Presser, Institute of Denmark


Alfio GalatĂ - AESS



Grant No. 608775




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