First Dissemination Workshop

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months


DELIVERABLE 7.4 First Dissemination Workshop

Review History Date July 25, 2014

Submitted By Dimitra Xidous

July 31, 2014

Dimitra Xidous

Reviewed By Version Aidan Melia (IES); Alberto Musetti 1 (D’Appolonia) 2

Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................4 2. STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT ............................................................................................................................4 3. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN .........................................................4 4. SUMMARY OF THE DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP .......................................................................................4 4.1 INTERACTIVE SESSION.................................................................................................................................5 4.2 LAUNCH OF THE FIRST INDICATE NEWSLETTER ..................................................................................7 5. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS ....................................................................................................................8


Grant No. 608775


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The first INDICATE dissemination workshop was held on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 in Dublin. The half-day session attracted approximately 30 professionals from the fields of urban planning, architecture, energy and engineering. The aim of the first workshop was to introduce participants to the project, and share information on progress achieved to date. In addition, the workshop included an interactive session designed to identify and further flesh out the workflows of four personas – a Senior Planner and a City Architect, both working with a Local Authority, and a Senior Project Architect and an Energy Systems Engineer, both in private practice – in relation to how the proposed INDICATE tool might be used in real world projects. The session provided some excellent feedback regarding stakeholders expectations and requirements for the INDICATE tool, ranging from the need for the tool to provide a function that will allow ongoing monitoring of urban development plans and validation of objectives, to the need for the tool to consider quality of life indicators.


Grant No. 608775


1 INTRODUCTION Dissemination is the process of making the results and deliverables of a project available to the stakeholders and to the wider audience. Dissemination is essential for take-up, and take-up is crucial for the success of a project and for the sustainability of outputs in the long term. The focus of Work Package 7 of the INDICATE project is dissemination. Specifically, this Work Package is responsible for the delivery of the following: dissemination of the INDICATE objectives and results at various levels to suit particular audiences (i.e. decision and policymakers at national, European and international levels; business managers and leaders; technical researchers; and, developers); contribution towards standardization by way of a reference Smart City Domain Ontology and Validation Cases; and, interim and final exploitation plans. The INDICATE project will promote communication and cooperation, at national and sub-national levels, with respect to Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities. Through the project, linkages between ministries, government officials, local authorities, building design professionals, researchers and scientists, industries, construction companies, technology suppliers, communities and individuals, potential investors and business communities will be strengthen. This focus of this report is on D7.4 and the first dissemination workshop which was held in Dublin on July 8, 2014.

2. STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT The structure of this report is as follows:  General overview of the approved dissemination plan  Summary of the dissemination workshop  Conclusion and next steps

3. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN In the context of the Work Package and the overall aims of the INDICATE project with respect to communication and cooperation, a dissemination plan with the following objectives was developed: communicate, promote and raise awareness about the project objectives and results; promote the active engagement of stakeholders throughout the course of the project; maximise the research impact and sustainability; and, introduce to market and create awareness about the INDICATE tool. The activities outlined in the dissemination plan are grouped under the following headings: On-line dissemination; Seminars and Workshops; Journals; Conferences; Dissemination Workshops; and other activities, as appropriate. The dissemination approach is two-fold: (1) the dissemination plan has been divided into two phases – Phase I (M1-18) and Phase II (M19-36); and further subdivided according to internal communications, and dissemination activities. The internal communications component of the dissemination plan will be lead by Integrated Environmental Solutions, while TCD- TrinityHaus will take the lead on dissemination activities. For further information regarding the dissemination plan, please refer to report D7.2, submitted in January 2014.

4. SUMMARY OF THE DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP The first INDICATE dissemination workshop was held on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 in Dublin. The half-day session attracted approximately 30 professionals from the fields of urban planning, architecture, energy and engineering. A full list of attendees can be found in Annex 1. 21/07/2014

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Figure 1 – Workshop Welcome by Mark Dyer

The aim of the first workshop was to introduce participants to the project, and share information on progress achieved to date. Please refer to Annex 2 for the full agenda developed for the workshop. The first half of the session focussed on providing participants with information regarding the project. Alberto Musetti (D'Appolonia) provided an overview of stakeholders’ engagement and business model development, followed by a presentation on city characterization by Prof. Biswajit Basu (Trinity College Dublin), and a presentation by Liam Flynn (Future Analytics Consulting) on sustainable urban indicators and the Common City Index. Finally, Aidan Melia (Integrated Environmental Solutions) gave an overview of the development of the Virtual City Model. During the second half of the session, Tom Grey (Trinity College Dublin) introduced and guided participants through an interactive session designed to identify and further flesh out the workflows of four personas – a Senior Planner and a City Architect, both working with a Local Authority, and a Senior Project Architect and an Energy Systems Engineer, both in private practice – in relation to how the proposed INDICATE tool might be used in real world projects. Section 4.1 provides additional information regarding this session, as well as the material that was developed for it.

4.1 INTERACTIVE SESSION To facilitate stakeholder engagement and discussion throughout the interactive session a scenario and personas were developed. The scenario comprised of outlining a fictitious urban district, and identifying tasks related to masterplanning and planning schemes. Some key information regarding the urban district included: 

The urban district of Macondo contains a mix of residential, retail, commercial, educational and recreational uses. Following the designation as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) the aim is to regenerate the area with a focus on sustainable energy and energy efficiency. In addition: o Location - approximately two kilometres from the city centre


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o o o 

Site area - 12 hectares (30 acres), Public Transport - served directly by a limited public bus route but is close to a light rail transit stop. Proposed uses - for new educational, healthcare, service industry and residential developments.

Sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency is one of the key aims of the SDZ and the following targets have been suggested by the local authority as a starting point: o Dwelling Energy Rating - All new residential units to achieve an A3 Building Energy Rating (i.e. <75 kWh/m2/yr). o Renewable Energy - Local onsite renewable energy generation to cover a minimum of 30% of total space and water heating for all buildings o Efficient networks - An integrated heating / domestic hot water systems to be provided at block, neighbourhood or district level as appropriate. o Efficient Management - District wide Energy Services Companies (ESCO) to be established to handle the energy infrastructure within the SDZ

Based on this scenario, stakeholders were tasked with the following, in-line with the workflows of specific personas:  Masterplanning o Use the Planning Scheme as a guide when completing the Masterpan which must include detailed design principles and proposals for the entire urban quarter including: site layout; landscape and public realm design; architectural designs for key sites; detailed circulation and traffic layouts; and detailed designs for key infrastructure and services provisions with an emphasis on sustainable energy performance. o Build on the sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency focus of the Planning Scheme, the urban design team must set out detailed proposals to achieve the Planning Scheme objectives, including district-wide proposals and building level design proposals. o Personas: Elaine (Senior Project Architect); Patricia (Energy Systems Engineer); Ken (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer). 

Planning Scheme o Prepare a Planning Scheme which consists of a written statement and plan outlining: the extent of the development including boundaries; specified development types and permitted uses; urban design objectives including maximum heights, open space etc; and objectives regarding onsite movement and circulation including pedestrian, cycle, public transport and vehicular traffic. The objectives set out in the Planning Scheme will be used to create high level guidelines for the Masterplan. o Carry out a preliminary energy analysis to support or refine the targets and set out specific objectives to achieve these targets. o Personas: Peter (Senior Planner – Local Authority); Julia (Senior Architect with the City Architects Section, Local Authority)

For the full package of materials prepared for the interactive session, please refer to Annex 3.


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Figure 2- Taking Workshop Participants through the Interactive Session

Given the number of workshop participants, the room was divided into four groups, with feedback on all the personas except Ken (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer). The session provided some excellent feedback regarding stakeholder expectations and requirements for the INDICATE tool, ranging from the need for the tool to: o Provide a function that will allow ongoing monitoring of urban development plans and validation of objectives; o Consider the implications of the various energy measures on the uniqueness of the area; o Provide feedback on how various energy measures will impact environmental, social and economic sustainability; o Inform overall morphology of the area; o Look at natural solutions; o Carry out dynamic energy optimisation calculations; and, o Consider quality of life indicators; A more fulsome description of the results of this interactive session will be developed and shared via the Stakeholders page on the INDICATE website1, as well as via social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc). In the meantime, the full breadth of workflow needs and INDICATE tool requirements can be accessed in Annex 4.

4.2 LAUNCH OF THE FIRST INDICATE NEWSLETTER As noted in the photos above, INDICATE partners live-tweeted proceedings, sharing updates and photos during the course of the workshop. Lastly, partners also took the opportunity of the workshop to share information regarding additional dissemination materials, including launching the first INDICATE newsletter:


INDICATE website:


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Figure 3 – The first INDICATE Newletter, launched at the dissemination workshop

For more information regarding the development of the INDICATE newsletter, see report D7.3. To view the inaugural issue, go here: .

5. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS A short news item summarizing the workshop has been posted on the INDICATE website, and circulated via social media. In addition, based on the success of the interactive session, Trinity College Dublin will liaise with D’Appolonia to incorporate some of the feedback into the ‘Stakeholders’ Section of the INDICATE website, with the expectation that this information will be built upon in subsequent workshops. In this way, this feedback can provide a more fulsome picture of the INDICATE tool throughout the course of the project. Lastly, following up on this workshop, INDICATE partners D’Appolonia will be holding a second dissemination workshop in Newcastle (UK), at the eCAADe Conference in September2. While this first workshop was targeted to Irish stakeholders, this second workshop in Newcastle provides an opportunity to target stakeholders across Europe.


eCAADe 2014 conference: 21/07/2014

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Annex 1: Workshop Attendees Name Cathal Black Aoife Moore

Malachy Bradley Niamh Farrell Roseamarie Webb Seán O’Leary Mary Crowley Conor O’Donovan Ed Lenox Pilar Segarra Padraig O’Hara Philip Jackson Salah Vaisi Irene Almenar Molina Billy Hynes Marisa Oliveira Pereda Donna Gartland Biswajit Basu Oliver Kinane Marion Chalmers Anthony McNamara Justin Sexton John O’Hagan Sinead Mullen Helen Coleman Alberto Musetti Tom Grey Mark Dyer Dimitra Xidous Liam Flynn Aidan Melia


Organization Department of the Environment Midlands Regional Authority

Regional Planning Guidelines Officer for the Greater Dublin Area Galway City Council Galway City Council Irish Planning Institute Irish Planning Institute Society of Chartered Surveyors CASALA, DIT Architect Louth County Council Scott Tallon Walker Architects Architect (TrinityHaus) TrinityHaus Future Analytics TrinityHaus Codema TCD TCD Irish Planning Institute Executive Planner Louth County Council Louth County Council Louth County Council Galway City Council D’Appolonia TrinityHaus TrinityHaus TrintiyHaus FAC IES

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Annex 2: Workshop Agenda INDICATE Project - Workshop Date and Time: Tuesday July 8, 2014 – 9:30-12:30pm Location: EU House, Dawson Street, Dublin INDICATE will support stakeholders in the transition towards smart cities by providing an interactive decision support tool for urban planning and design. The tool will assess the interactions between urban objects and spaces, buildings, the electricity grid, renewable technologies and ICT and recommend options for optimising infrastructure, installing technology, and providing cost effective utility services.

Workshop Agenda 9:30

Welcome and opening remarks by Prof. Mark Dyer (Chair) (TCD)


Introduction to the INDICATE project, including goals, objectives and partners (IES)


Presentations on INDICATE progress related to the following Work Packages: Work Package 1: Stakeholder engagement and Business Model Development (DAPP) Work Package 2: Characterization of the City and Algorithm Development (TCD) Work Package 3: Development of the Common City Indicators and the Common City Index (FAC) Work Package 4: Development of the Virtual City Model (presentation to be geared towards future activities with respect to the INDICATE project (IES)


Coffee Break


Interactive Session: Development of 4 personas (each representing a key stakeholder group) to be fleshed out via the development of workflows (based on specific needs/uses of stakeholders, e.g. city planner; urban designer/architect/planner; engineer; renewable technology consultant or provider). The aims of the interactive session will include: further development of the persona; identifying typical workflows for each persona along and how the tool might align; identifying the convergence and conflicts vis-Ă -vis the tool and the different types of users/stakeholders (TCD)


Group Feedback


Concluding remarks: Chair to summarise and describe how comments and feedback will inform and direct INDICATE project development.


Light Lunch

For more information on the INDICATE project, visit: Follow us: Facebook - Indicate-Smart Cities & Twitter - @INDICATE_EU


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Annex 3: Interactive Session – Complete Package of materials developed Handout 1: Macondo – Urban District Masterplan and Task and personas related to Masterplanning Macondo - Urban District Masterplan 1. Overall Scenario The urban district of Macondo contains a mix of residential, retail, commercial, educational and recreational uses. Following the designation as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) the aim is to regenerate the area with a focus on sustainable energy and energy efficiency.    

Location - approximately two kilometres from the city centre Site area - 12 hectares (30 acres), Public Transport - served directly by a limited public bus route but is close to a light rail transit stop. Proposed uses - for new educational, healthcare, service industry and residential developments.

Sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency is one of the key aims of the SDZ and the following targets have been suggested by the local authority as a starting point;  Dwelling Energy Rating - All new residential units to achieve an A3 Building Energy Rating (i.e. <75 kWh/m2/yr).  Renewable Energy - Local onsite renewable energy generation to cover a minimum of 30% of total space and water heating for all buildings  Efficient networks - An integrated heating / domestic hot water systems to be provided at block, neighbourhood or district level as appropriate.  Efficient Management - District wide Energy Services Companies (ESCO) to be established to handle the energy infrastructure within the SDZ


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2. Key Task – MasterPlan Masterplan The appointed urban design team will use the Planning Scheme as a guide when completing the Masterpan which must include detailed design principles and proposals for the entire urban quarter including: site layout; landscape and public realm design; architectural designs for key sites; detailed circulation and traffic layouts; and detailed designs for key infrastructure and services provisions with an emphasis on sustainable energy performance. Building on the sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency focus of the Planning Scheme, the urban design team must set out detailed proposals to achieve the Planning Scheme objectives. This will include district-wide design proposals (i.e. district heating systems or neighbourhood Combined Heat and Power systems); and building level design proposals (i.e. orientation, massing, height, fenestration, building insulation, building services etc) 

Personas – MasterPlan Elaine is a Senior Project Architect who works with medium sized architecture and urban planning firm. Her firm is the lead consultant in a design team that has recently been appointed to design the Masterplan for the Macondo district. Elaine will head up a multidisciplinary group within the urban design team to coordinate the sustainable energy strategy for the project and liaise with other specialist consultants with regard to the proposed energy infrastructure and associated services. What are the keys stages that Elaine might go through and how might a decision support tool support her work throughout these stages? Patricia is an Energy Systems Engineer who works with a large international engineering firm who are a key part of the Macondo district Urban Design team. She will be involved in the detailed design of the district’s energy infrastructure including proposals for local renewable energy generation, local distribution networks and district heating schemes In this scenario what would Patricias’ workflow entail and how should a decision support tool be designed in this regard? Ken is a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer who heads up the design section of a large renewable energy and district heating company who design and supply urban scale energy solutions. Ken’s company are tendering to be the main energy services infrastructure supplier for the Macondo project and he has been tasked with preparing a first stage proposal for the overall site. What would Ken’s workflow typically be in this scenario and how should a decision support tool be structured to meet his needs?


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Handout 2 - Macondo – Urban District Masterplan and Personas relating to Planning Scheme. Macondo - Urban District Masterplan 3. Overall Scenario The urban district of Macondo contains a mix of residential, retail, commercial, educational and recreational uses. Following the designation as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) the aim is to regenerate the area with a focus on sustainable energy and energy efficiency.  Location - approximately two kilometres from the city centre  Site area - 12 hectares (30 acres),  Public Transport - served directly by a limited public bus route but is close to a light rail transit stop.  Proposed uses - for new educational, healthcare, service industry and residential developments.

Sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency is one of the key aims of the SDZ and the following targets have been suggested by the local authority as a starting point;  Dwelling Energy Rating - All new residential units to achieve an A3 Building Energy Rating (i.e. <75 kWh/m2/yr).  Renewable Energy - Local onsite renewable energy generation to cover a minimum of 30% of total space and water heating for all buildings  Efficient networks - An integrated heating / domestic hot water systems to be provided at block, neighbourhood or district level as appropriate.  Efficient Management - District wide Energy Services Companies (ESCO) to be established to handle the energy infrastructure within the SDZ 21/07/2014

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4. Key Task - Planning Scheme Planning Scheme The Local Authority must prepare a Planning Scheme which consists of a written statement and plan outlining: the extent of the development including boundaries; specified development types and permitted uses; urban design objectives including maximum heights, open space etc; and objectives regarding onsite movement and circulation including pedestrian, cycle, public transport and vehicular traffic. The objectives set out I the Planning Scheme will be used to create high level guidelines for the Masterplan. Given the emphasis on sustainable energy generation and energy efficiency the local authority must also carry out a preliminary energy analysis to support or refine the targets and set out specific objectives to achieve these targets. 5. Personas – Planning Scheme Peter is a Senior Planner with the Local Authority and is a key member of a small planning team that has been assembled to prepare the Planning Scheme for the Macondo District. He has much experience regarding sustainable urban design and has been brought into this team to manage the energy analysis and associated target and objective setting for the Planning Scheme. Describe the process that Peter might go through to complete these tasks. How could this workflow be supported by a decision support tool? Julia is a Senior Architect with the City Architects Section in the Local Authority and will oversee the urban design issues within the Planning Scheme within the Local Authority team. She will work closely with Peter to ensure that the outline urban design strategy supports the sustainability and energy efficiency objectives to be set out in the Planning Scheme What stages will Julia go through and how would she use a decision support tool such as INDICATE?


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Annex 4: Feedback from Workshop Participants Senior Planner (Peter) with the Planning Department at the Local Authority Task – Prepare Planning Scheme for urban district Workflow:  Visioning Statement ( this will then be used as a benchmark throughout project)  Understand current energy uses in the area  Identify potential complementary energy uses to inform proposed permitted uses and zoning Requirements for tool;  Provide function to analyse and provide feedback on high level different growth and use scenarios at a high level  Provide on function that will allow ongoing monitoring of plan and validation of objectives  Provide a high level cost-benefit analysis to ensure overall targets and associated objectives are correct or even viable. (Note – The key issue here is that currently planners are often given very aspirational targets to achieve and they do not have the evidence or expertise to fully inform the plan making, monitoring, or revision process) Senior Architect (Julia) with the City Architects Planning Department at the Local Authority Task – Prepare Planning Scheme for urban district Workflow:  Establish team internally  Establish consultation process with local and other key stakeholders  Establish quality of life indicators  Measure current consumption in zone  Investigate future development potential for the zone  Decide how to share energy generation / use and distribution Requirements for tool;  Incorporate the human aspect through some form of storey telling ( or the overall consideration of human behaviour and consumption as a continuum or storey line) In this regard allow inputs which capture various resident / local person profiles (i.e. similar to building categories have local person profiles or group profiles) Facilitate local community participation. This may involve local input to make local person profiles reflect the real local conditions and associated behaviour/ consumption.  Provide feedback on how various energy measures will impact environmental, social and economic sustainability.  Consider the incorporation of quality of life indicators as part of the tool  Consider the implications of the various energy measures on the uniqueness of the area, the creation of active public realm and other key urban design qualities. (Note – The point has been made that the tool needs to concentrate on being a decision support tool (which it is), as opposed to a decision making tool) 21/07/2014

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Senior Project Architect (Elaine) who works with medium sized architecture and urban planning firm Workflow:  Analyse Planning Scheme and other relevant planning policy to inform overall urban design approach  Establish consultation framework for more detailed design proposals Requirements for tool;  Provide energy demand analysis  Provide seasonal feedback and other temporal implications for design  Inform overall morphology of area and design implications if height, massing, orientation etc. in relation to energy needs Energy Systems Engineer (Patricia) who works with a large international engineering firm Workflow:  Audit existing area to Measure and Estimate  Calculate high level systems design (i.e. CHP etc)  Look at natural solutions  Consider the intersection of water (treatment and distribution?) and energy Requirements for tool;  Capture info about existing buildings and services  Provide a facility to examine different scenarios  Characterise demand based on users  Handle seasonal aspect and other temporal issues  Calculate integrated storage and generation options  Carry out dynamic energy optimisation calculations  Provide options for phased development scenarios (i.e. over 2, 5, 10 years etc). This should also provide options to assess and provide feedback on energy efficiency/ renewable energy technology or practices to determine whether it is cost effective to install energy now, or whether it is better to wait until the technology improves. (Note - Engineers at the workshop said they currently use the likes of EnergyPRO to do this)


Grant No. 608775


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