Report on Third Dissemination Workshop

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months

DELIVERABLE 7.8 Third Dissemination Workshop

Date 23/09/2016

Review History Submitted By Reviewed By DAPP team coordinated by A. Musetti A. Melia (IES)

Version 1.0

Dissemination Level PU PP RE CO

Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological developme nt and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................... 3 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 4 2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN ..................................................... 4 3 SUMMARY OF THE DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP ................................................................................. 5 5 COMMON WORKSHOP .............................................................................................................................. 9 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................................. 12 ANNEX I ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 ANNEX II ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 ANNEX III.................................................................................................................................................... 15


Grant No. 608775


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDICATE1 “Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities” is a collaborative project funded under the FP7 SMARTCITY-2013 programme (Grant Agreement No. 608775). The project involves participants from across Europe including Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. INDICATE proposes a novel city-wide decision support system which accounts for all major systems and activities relevant to develop energy-efficient cities. The creation of such energy-efficient cities is a critical part of global sustainability and will require integrated smart urban planning tools for both master-planning and detailed energy optimisation. INDICATE project is centred on the creation of a new interactive cloud-based tool to enable dynamic energy assessment of multiple entities within the urban environment. The tool will support key stakeholders in the transformation towards smart & sustainable cities. This document constitutes Deliverable 7.8 “Third Dissemination Event”. It has been developed within WP7, in the framework of Task 7.1 “Dissemination and Collaboration”. This deliverable provides an overview of the third and final dissemination workshop carried out for the INDICATE project with the aim to shown the tools developed and the project results. Furthermore, the document collects the issues that have been discussed within the joint workshop with two other FP7 projects, DIMMER and OPTIMUS.


INDICATE website:


Grant No. 608775


1 INTRODUCTION This deliverable provides an overview of the second dissemination workshop carried out for the INDICATE project. There are three dissemination workshops during the course of the project. The first one took place in July 2014 in Dublin, leaded by Trinity College, the second one took place in October 2015, leaded by IES and the last one took place in September 2016, leaded by D’Appolonia.

2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN In the context of the Work Package and the overall aims of the INDICATE project with respect to communication and cooperation, a dissemination plan with the following objectives was developed: communicate, promote and raise awareness about the project objectives and results; promote the active engagement of stakeholders throughout the course of the project; maximise the research impact and sustainability; and, introduce to market and create awareness about the INDICATE tool. The activities outlined in the dissemination plan are grouped under the following headings: On-line dissemination; Seminars and Workshops; Journals; Conferences; Dissemination Workshops; and other activities, as appropriate. The dissemination approach is two -fold: (1) the dissemination plan has been divided into two phases; Phase I (M1-18) and Phase II (M19-36); and further subdivided according to internal communications, and dissemination activities. The internal communications component of the dissemination plan will be led by Integrated Environmental Solutions, while Trinity College will take the lead on dissemination activities. For further information regarding the dissemination plan, please refer to report D7.2, submitted in January 2014.


Grant No. 608775


3 SUMMARY OF THE DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP The third dissemination workshop was initially due to take pl ace in June 2016. However, it was decided to postpone the event, and run it after the summer period and when the software tool would be validated and ready for a live demonstration. The third dissemination workshop was held on Friday, September 16, 2016 in the Hospital Galliera in Genoa. The half-day session attracted approximately 40 professionals from the fields of urban planning, architecture, energy and engineering many of whom had also participated in the consultation meeting with local key stakeholders in Genoa during the first period of the project within the activities of WP1. A full list of attendees can be found in Annex I. The aim of the workshop was to show to the participant the project results with a live demo of the developed tools. Please refer to Annex II for the full agenda developed for the workshop. To publicize the event a dedicated web page was developed on Eventbribe 2 (ANNEX III) and it is also linked with the INDICATE websites. The event page was also used to manage bookings of participants. The first half of the session focussed on providing participants with information regarding the project. The Hospital Galliera General Director Adriano Lagostena (EOG) introduced the workshop. The Director pointed out that the efficiency in the hospital is not only due to the health sector (e.g. number of beds or number of surgery), but in order to have an efficient hospital is necessary to evaluate and manage the hospital in an holistic way considering also the building, the energy demand, the internal handling, the equipment etc. Some of these aspects are evaluated within the INDICATE project.

Figure 1: The Hospital Galliera General Director Adriano Lagostena

2 -indicate-design-and-development-of-smart-cities-and-green-hospitals-27488717494


Grant No. 608775


The introduction was followed by a presentation on the overall INDICATE project by Aidan Melia (IES). The Coordinator presented the context in which it took place the project, pointing out the objectives , the consortium and four INDICATE pillars: PLAN, REDUCE, INTEGRATE, and OPTIMISE. During the second half of the session, Elisa Spallarossa (EOG), introduced and guided participants through the practical activities developed in the project by showing the works that have been done on the pilot cases. EOG has described how the INDICATE test sites have been used to demonstrate how the tool support decision makers with respect to:  

Integration of technologies and renewables; Support the optimization of existing systems in cities that are searching the “smart” status.

During the presentation has been shown how the BIM models developed for the Galliera Hospital have been used to help consortium members to:   

Better understand different levels of historical buildings; Identify hospital functions room by room Locate and calculate volumes of different MEP Zones

Those data have been used for IES calculations, to create the Virtual Power Plant.

Figure 2: Galliera BIM model

As well as showing off some of the work carried out in Genova pilot, Alberto Musetti (DAPP) shown off the second prototype of the new dashboard which has been developed for the project focusing on the Dundalk pilot. This 30/09/2016

Grant No. 608775


new dashboard is now fully functional in the newest release of CityEngine and this was one of the first occasions that it was showcased publicly in a real live demo. This allows for various results to be displayed in an attractive manner. D’Appolonia has provided an overview on the tool by showing the interaction with objects within the scene, the inspector panel and dashboard with the CCI and charts created in real time. To show the tool, Musetti has used some user testing defined within the WP6 – Validation and Demonstration – in particular:     

Demonstrate the increase in energy efficiency with the integration of new technologies Identify technologies available for building upgrades Interventions for single building Get best value for money in terms of energy upgrades For an energy supplier to identify demand at the city level

Figure 3: Screenshot of the second prototype of the new dashboard

The workshop presentation continued with the demonstration of a real use cases on the Genova Pilot. Nicolàs Urbina (EOG) focused on the work that had been conducted in Galliera Hospital. The premise was to highlight to the workshop audience the potential capabilities of the INDICATE tool . In this part of workshop Urbina shown the tool with the Galliera scene which includes the actual Galliera Hospital buildings, the residential buildings, the schools and all the buildings which are part of the district. Using this actual scenario, Urbina shown the hospital energy consumption as well as the district energy consumption. Then the scenarios of the same district but with all the projects developed over the years of the New Galliera Hospital were shown on the tool. Urbina has provided a comparison on the energy consumption of different scenarios implemented supported by the tool. Finally he showed the energy simulation by integrating new technologies within the New Galliera Hospital.


Grant No. 608775


Figure 4: New technologies integration in the New Galliera Hospital

There was an interesting informal discussion held at the end of the workshop. A key topics of discussion were the use of the INDICATE Common City Index (ICCI) and the validation of the dashboard results. Concerning the ICCI, the general consensus was the ease of measuring the City performance with an index provided by the tool, but the stakeholders ask to also be supported by online documentation (e.g. a really simple web page to understand how this index is calculated). Concerning the validation of the dashboard results the stakeholders have appreciated the goodness of the results in particular the Galliera Hospital has shown the benchmark among the real energy consumption of the hospital with the data provided by the INDICATE tool.


Grant No. 608775


5 COMMON WORKSHOP Although the main topic of this document is the Third Dissemination Workshop, in this last period of the project has been organized a joint workshop with two FP7 projects DIMMER and OPTIMUS. The event was attended on behalf of the INDICATE project by Aidan Melia (IES), Alberto Musetti (DAPP), and Nicolàs Bruno and Elisa Spallarossa (EOG). The workshop was held at the Politecnico di Torino on September 14th and 15th 2016. The aim of this workshop was to explore common themes and results among the projects. It was interesting to share insights with these two projects, which are also finishing in September 2016. Aidan Melia with Anna Osello (DIMMER3) from the Politecnico di Torino, and Haris Doukas (OPTIMUS 4 ) Technical University of Athens chairing the project outcomes session.

Figure 5: Project Coordinators chairing the project section


The DIMMER system ( G.A. 609084) interfaces with building information, and district energy distribution networks models, and integrates them with real -time data from pervasive sensors at the network and building level and user-profile as well as feedback information. It allows access and visualize “inthe-context” real-time information exploiting web services generated using an ontology-based approach. 4

The OPTIMUS project ( G.A. 608703) develops and deliver a Decision Support System (DSS) as an integrated web-platform, which helps local authorities to show the best energy saving opportunities available in public buildings. 30/09/2016

Grant No. 608775


Three parallel session was conducted during the workshop. Haris Doukas (OPTIMUS - EPU) chaired a break-out session on User identification and data required. First of all the participants have discussed of the different title interpretation:  

“User identification” could refer either to the final user (occupant of the building) or to the user of the technological tool (e.g. energy manager, policy maker …). “Data required” could include both the data required by the user (e.g. an energy indicator), and the dat a about the user (used to describe the user), or more in general the data used to describe the building or the district.

Then the approaches used by the three projects on the following topics were analyzed:         

Identification of users at different scales (interaction among users) Users requirements (IEQ, energy performance, carbon reduction, cost) Use of subjective surveys (questionnaires, social media …) In-field analyses (spot or long-term measurements, real time data…) Spatial aggregation of data Temporal aggregation of data (schedules, avg., data …) Clustering of data Quality of data (uncertainty) Data accessibility

Aidan Melia (INDICATE -IES) chaired a break-out session on Data Management and Visualisation. A number of common issues and trends emerged from this session from the three projects. The session was split into three key areas:   

Types of Data being dealt with by the projects Data Management and issues Visualisation methods

It was clear that there was a significant commonality between the partners, when it came to dealing with GIS data. Other data management areas addressed examined included issues surrounding measured data, and privacy matters. It was clear that this is a common issue. With regard to visualisation, it was apparent that the tools being developed were for professional users and not members of the public. Training would be essential to use the tools. Regardless of this though, any visualisation methods used would need to be easily understood by final end users.


Grant No. 608775


Figure 6: Alberto Musetti speaking during the Data Management and Visualisation session

Marco Jahn (DIMMER – FIT) chaired a break-out session on Technologies developed. This session was split into three key areas:   

Optimize what you don't measure: Wireless Sensor Networks Supporting efficient development of IoT applications for districts: DIMMER Middleware: easy access to data and technologies District energy optimization from the perspectives of pilot sites: Turin, Manchester and Genova


Grant No. 608775


CONCLUSION The last INDICATE dissemination workshop was held on Friday, September 16, 2016 in Genova. The half -day session attracted approximately 40 professionals from the fields of urban planning, architecture, energy and engineering. The aim of the workshop was to introduce participants to the project and show with a real live demo the second prototype of the new dashboard, which has been developed for the project focusing on the both city pilots. The session provided some excellent feedback regarding stakeholders expectations and requirements for the INDICATE tool, ranging from the ability to assess the cities through the CCI developed, to the ability to cross and link the indicators in order to create new dashboard charts useful to support in the urban decisions.


Grant No. 608775






Alberto Aidan NicolĂ s Elisa Adriano Sara Roberta Daniela Arianna Silvia Giorgia Luca Marisa Marco Paola Michele Antonello Donatella Carlotta Arianna Giuseppe Carlo Franco Gianluca Gabriella Francesco Andrea Erika Fabrizio Francesco Andrea Matteo Mauro Giorgia Pietro Susanne Massimo Riccardo Margherita Pietro Michele

Musetti Melia Urbina Spallarossa Lagostena Accogli Clavarino De luca Fonsati Piombo Passalacqua Oddi Raciti Esposto PodestĂ Troilo Mercenaro Mascia Patrone Viscogliosi Tucci Bettini Giodice Panichi Innocenti Nacchia Aula Morati Ferraris Zampini Vinci Campora Strada Zuninio Rocca Glade Bacci Vulcano Cesati Degli Espositi Maddalo


Grant No. 608775




Grant No. 608775




Grant No. 608775


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