Report on Second Dissemination Workshop

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608775 INDICATE Indicator-based Interactive Decision Support and Information Exchange Platform for Smart Cities STREP EeB.ICT.2013.6.4 1st October 2013 36 Months

DELIVERABLE 7.6 Second Dissemination Workshop

Date 27/10/2015 30/10/2015

Submitted By A. Melia A. Melia

Review History Reviewed By R. Kerrigan

Version 1 2

Dissemination Level PU PP RE CO

Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608775

Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................4 2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN ..........................................................4 3 Workshop Setting ......................................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Workshop Objectives .........................................................................................................................................6 3.2 Workshop Format ...............................................................................................................................................6 3.3 Audience .............................................................................................................................................................7 3.4 Session Details....................................................................................................................................................7 4 Additional Dissemination ........................................................................................................................................11 5 Workshop Results and Future Plans ........................................................................................................................12


Grant No. 608775


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable provides an overview of the second dissemination workshop carried out for the INDICATE project. There are three dissemination workshops during the course of the project. The first one took place in July 2014 in Dublin, hosted by Trinity College. This workshop was held in conjunction with the Making Cities Work Conference in Dublin Castle, which was organised but the European Council of Town Planners. Due to time constraints, the aim of the workshop was to disseminate some recent work that has been conducted with regard to the INDICATE project.


Grant No. 608775


1 INTRODUCTION This deliverable provides an overview of the second dissemination workshop carried out for the INDICATE project. There are three dissemination workshops during the course of the project. The first one took place in July 2014 in Dublin, hosted by Trinity College. This report is set out as follows:   

A reminder of the approved dissemination plan Overview of the workshop setting Overview of the workshop structure

2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE APPROVED DISSEMINATION PLAN In the context of the Work Package and the overall aims of the INDICATE project with respect to communication and cooperation, a dissemination plan with the following objectives was developed: communicate, promote and raise awareness about the project objectives and results; promote the active engagement of stakeholders throughout the course of the project; maximise the research impact and sustainability; and, introduce to market and create awareness about the INDICATE tool. The activities outlined in the dissemination plan are grouped under the following headings: On-line dissemination; Seminars and Workshops; Journals; Conferences; Dissemination Workshops; and other activities, as appropriate. The dissemination approach is two-fold: (1) the dissemination plan has been divided into two phases; Phase I (M1-18) and Phase II (M19-36); and further subdivided according to internal communications, and dissemination activities. The internal communications component of the dissemination plan will be led by Integrated Environmental Solutions, while Trinity College will take the lead on dissemination activities. For further information regarding the dissemination plan, please refer to report D7.2, submitted in January 2014.


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3 Workshop Setting The second dissemination workshop was initially due to take place in July 2015. However, it was decided to postpone the event, and run it in conjunction with a major international conference taking place in Dublin. The idea here was to reach out to a much larger audience, and ensure a broader depth of coverage for the project. The conference itself was hosted by the European Council of Town Planners1, and the Irish Planning Institute2 and called “Making Cities Work – Technology in Planning Practise”3. This conference is organised as a biennial which takes place every two years in different European cities. The conference took place in Dublin Castle, and was held on October 15th and 16th 2015. The focus of this particular biennial was to present and explore new technologies applicable to urban planning practise, and highlight projects where such technologies were being developed. The main objectives were to:    

Identify and demonstrate technology applications in planning practice Familiarise planners with the use of technology applications Enhance professional practice skills in urban planning Develop professional leadership and practice management skills in urban planning

In this regard, it was considered that INDICATE was the perfect candidate to be included as one of the workshop sessions. The idea of moving the workshop from July, to coincide with this conference was therefore justified.

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Figure 1: General Setting for the conference speakers

3.1 Workshop Objectives The objectives of this workshop were to build upon initial dissemination that was carried out during the first dissemination workshop held in 2014, and from subsequent newsletters. It was noted, that a lot of the participants that were present at the first workshop, were also present at this event. Therefore, this was a timely opportunity to provide an update about the project, and also give some practical examples of work that has been undertaken. During the first workshop hosted by Trinity College, practical examples of work carried out were not necessarily possible. This was due to the fact that the project was still at an early stage in terms of achievements. In that first workshop however, an interactive session occurred whereby different personas of potential users were developed. Key objectives for this workshop were to:   

Quickly reiterate the general objectives of the project Provide an update to work completed on one of the project sites Obtain feedback from the workshop audience

3.2 Workshop Format The workshop itself formed part of a series of presentations, which fell under the theme of Energy & Urban Mobility. Due to time constraints from the event organisers, we were only allocated a 25 minute slot for 30/10/2015

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presenting. This was disappointing as initially we had a much longer session in mind planned. With this in mind, the approach for this particular workshop was not to dwell too much on general details about the project, but rather focus on a specific aspect that would be relevant to the particular audience. In order to maximise the limited time available for the workshop, we set about advising the audience on some of the work that had been conducted in Dundalk as part of the project. As most of the workshop audience was Irish, this made the most sense as Dundalk is an Irish test site.

3.3 Audience There were approximately 65 people present at the workshop. The background of the audience varied from local authorities and municipalities, architects, planners, people involved in the energy sector, and also academia. There were representatives present from the following:               

Irish Planning Institute Town and Country Planning Association (UK) Royal Town Planning Institute (UK) European Council of Town Planners HOK (New York) Masdar Institute (Abu Dhabi) Dublin City Council Aberdeen City Council South Dublin County Council Cork City Council Dublin Institute of Technology Technical University of Madrid University of Belgrade University College Dublin ARUP

3.4 Session Details This second workshop was organised as an information session on the more recent developments of the project. There was some general information presented about the project to provide some general context, however the primary focus was to give participants an example of recent work that has occurred as part of the project. In this regard, an overview was provided on work carried out on the Dundalk test site.


Grant No. 608775


Figure 2: Aidan Melia from IES speaking during the INDICATE workshop

The workshop presentation focused on some of the low level masterplanning work that had been conducted in Dundalk. This was the first stage of demonstration work to take place in Dundalk as part of the project. The premise was to highlight to the workshop audience the potential capabilities of the INDICATE tool. In Dundalk, a model was created using existing SketchUp software, with the ultimate aim of using the CityEngine software produced by project partner Esri. The initial work that was conducted in Dundalk however, was about proof of concept, and to start the data gathering process, so that a more detailed model could later be produced using CityEngine. The focus was to target certain parameters that would be useful to display at masterplanning level in a city. Certain things like building typologies, building heights, floor areas, were all examined and displayed to via SketchUp. This was all portrayed to the audience through a presentation, with some screenshots included below.


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Figure 3: This image was used to show off building typologies in Dundalk

Figure 4: This image was used to show off building heights and floor areas in Dundalk


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As well as showing off some of the work carried out in Dundalk, this was a useful time to show off the first prototype of the new dashboard which has been developed for the project. This was initially created for the Galliera Hospital test site in Genoa. This new dashboard is now fully functional in the newest release of CityEngine and this was one of the first occasions that it was showcased publicly. This will allow for various results to be displayed in an attractive manner.

Figure 5: The new dashboard portrayed to during the workshop


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4 Additional Dissemination This event also allowed for some more general dissemination of the project for attendees who did not necessarily attend the workshop. Project partner Future Analytics Consulting had a stand at the conference with INDICATE brochures, and some significant interest was shown in the project.

Figure 6: Stephen Walsh from Future Analytics displaying INDICATE brochures as the Making Cities Work conference


Grant No. 608775


5 Workshop Results and Future Plans There was an interesting informal discussion held after the workshop which was guided by some questions from the audience. A key topic of discussion was the use of new innovative technologies for planners. The general consensus was that that INDICATE was a potentially cutting edge piece of technology which could do much to aid a variety of people in their daily work. There will be a third and final dissemination workshop hosted by Dappolonia in the summer of 2016. The location of this is yet to be decided, but will most likely be held in Genoa in order to provide a sense of balance with regard to dissemination. A stakeholder event was held there previously at the start of the project which was very well attended. So the idea would be to invite some of these same stakeholders back to obtain an idea of the final results of the project. Although the project will not be finished at that time, we should have a good enough idea of our position with regard to a final prototype.


Grant No. 608775


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