INDICATE Newsletter 2 - November 2014

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elcome to the second INDICATE newsletter! In this edition we would like to introduce some current project activities including:


- July Dissemination Workshop - Up-coming journal publication - Expert Advisory Panel Review The back page also provides more information about INDICATE including upcoming events which may be of interest. We hope you enjoy this newsletter and would encourage you to contact us through any of the links provided. The INDICATE Team


An interactive cloudbased tool usable by a variety of stakeholders for the dynamic energy assessment of multiple entities in urban areas

Dissemination Workshop

INDICATE Partners hosted the first Dissemination Workshop in July 2014. The workshop was attended by architects, engineers, planners and urban design professionals. The session provided updates on stakeholder engagement, city characterization and development of the virtual city model. In addition, The team faciliated an interactive session designed to identify user needs regarding the INDICATE tool.

Interactive Session Participants were asked to flesh out the workflows of four personas – a Senior Planner and a City Architect, both working with a Local Authority, and a Senior Project Architect and an Energy Systems Engineer– in relation to the INDICATE tool. Feedback included the need for the tool to provide ongoing monitoring of urban development plans and validation of objectives, and the consideration of quality of life indicators.

Article in Energy Procedia INDICATE partners at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) attended the summer conference ‘Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2014’in the Welsh capital Cardiff. TCD researchers presented ongoing INDICATE work on characterising the energy performance of a city. The work will be published online in an upcoming edition of Energy Procedia under the title ‘Demand-side characterisation of the Smart City for energy modelling’. For more information regarding documentation available to date, visit the INDICATE website:

Expert Advisory Panel

As part of INDICATE’s quality control process an Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) has been created and comprises of seven external experts from Ireland, the UK, Italy, the Middle East and the US. The EAP will observe project results and offer advice regarding: beta versions of software developed; test bed analysis and application results; and business models for the uptake of the solution. This will ensure that INDICATE continues in the right direction and that the final deliverable will be marketable to a wide range of stakeholders (details of the EAP and comments from the first EAP meeting will be reported in the next newsletter).

Recent Events Partners have presented on key components of the INDICATE project at the following events:

Aidan Melia at eCAADe Confrerence in Newcastle on September 8, 2014

eCAADe Conference, 10-12 Septmber 2014, Newcastle, UK (

Upcoming Events Readers might be interested in the following upcoming events which deal with many issues related to the INDICATE project: Planning for Climate Change Conference - Dublin, March 2015 ( planning-for-climate-change-conference-dublin12th-march-2014) “The tools needed to set the world

on a low-emissions path are there;

Energy for Sustainability - Sustainable Cities: it just has to break its addiction Designing for People and Planet – May 2015, to the oil, coal and gas that power Coimbra, Spain– May 2015 ( the global energy system while

polluting the atmosphere with heattrapping CO2, the chief greenhouse gas” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2014)

INDICATE will support key stakeholders in the transformation towards

smart & sustainable cities. The project will develop an interactive cloud-based tool to enable dynamic energy assessment of mulitiple entities within the urban environment. The partners, from the UK, Ireland, Italy & Switzerland, include: 2 large companies; 2 SMEs; 2 universities: & 2 public authorities. Expertise in the group includes: Dynamic Simulation Modelling; GIS Development; 3D Urban CAD Modelling; Demand Side Management; Sustainable Urban Indicators; Business Model Development for Energy in Cities; & Integration of Energy Effeciency Solutions & Demand on Fossil Fuels.

INDICATE is supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme Grant Agreement no. 60877

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