LCP 2018 Pre-Application Booklet of AIESEC in Mongolia

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LOCAL COMMITTEE PRESIDENT 2018 Pre-Application Booklet

LCP Main Job Description National & External Role • • •

• • •

Weekly BOP meetings attendance. Quarterly NEB meetings attendance. Summer and winter conferences attendance in August and January respectively. Legislation meetings attendance/moderating. LC Membership criteria fulfillment. Entity representation on external events and meetings.

Local & EB • • • •

EB team recruitment after getting elected EB team management Governance spaces planning and implementation LC culture shaping based on AIESEC Vision

LCP Application Timeline

Pre-Application Released

Pre-Application Deadline

17th December, 2017

23rd December, 2017

LCP Application Released

LCP Application Deadline

25th December, 2017

5th January, 2018

Evaluation Panel


6-7th January, 2018

8th January, 2018

Pre-Application Contains

Pre-Application Submission

1. Application Questionnaire: in PDF format 2. Creative task: What is LEADERSHIP to you? 3. MBTI result

You will submit your pre-application in one zipped folder, named: [LCP 2018 Pre-Application_LC Name]_[Your Full Name] For example: [LCP 2018 Pre-Application_UFE]_[Enkhjin Gankhuyag] Send your zipped folder to: and CC to: by the latest 10:00 PM GMT +8, 23th December, 2017. Late submission or incorrect content will not be accepted.

Pre-Application Questionnaire 1. Why did you apply for LCP 2018? 2. What does AIESEC Way mean to you and to your LC? 3. What contribution does and could AIESEC in Mongolia make to Mongolian society? 4. Provide all the information about your LC exchange performance in the last 3 years. Which goals were achieved and which were not? Why? 5. What is your LC structure like? How do functions synergize with each other? Please answer as detailed as possible. 6. Your MBTI result.

What does

LEADERSHIP mean to you? Express your answer in a way that describes it the best. It can be just an answer, or an essay, or a video, or even a painting. It's your choice!

“A Leader is one who.. knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” Best of luck! from your


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