Set of 12 rare prints of India mostly of territories held by the French during the early 19th century. While most of India was under British control, the French had significant settlements on the Coromandel Coast (Pondicherry, Karikal, and Yanaon) as well as the Malabar Coast (Mahé.) The corvette La Favorite made stops in the French possessions as part of its world tour in 1830-1832.
From 'Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'Inde et de la Chine de la corvette de sa Majeste La Favorite execute pendant les annees 1830, 1831, 1832 sous le commandement de M. Laplace.’, published in Paris by Imprimerie Royal under the direction of Louise Auguste de Sainson with Arthus Bertrand as editor. Entrée d’une pagode à Pondichery, Palais du Gouverneur à Pondichery, Cours d’une pagode (Pondichery),