Indonesia Expat - issue 150

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I S S U E N O . 15 0 | 2 3 S E P T E M B E R – 6 O C T O B E R 2 0 15

J A K A R TA • J AVA • B A L I • L O M B O K • K A L I M A N TA N • S U M AT R A • S U L A W E S I • W E S T PA P U A









issue 150 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat issue 150

issue 150 Indonesia expat



Om Swastiastu Editor in Chief

Angela Richardson

Editorial Enquiries


Edo Frese

Editorial assistant

Caranissa Ayudia Djatmiko


Dian Mardianingsih

Distribution & Admin

Juni Setiawan


Frederick Ng


Lini Verawaty


Terry Collins Karen Davis Annali Hayward Alice Jay Fikri Zaki Muhammadi Heru Nainggolan Daniel Pope Grace Susetyo Kenneth Yeung

Circulation Enquiries

In Outreach, Alice Jay takes a closer look at the Bali Tolak Reklamasi (Bali refuses reclamation) campaign, which has the backing of some big names in the local music scene. “Bali is not for sale” says Balinese punk band, Superman is Dead, who we see on our cover. It would appear the people are finally making their voices heard, which is definitely a positive step for this island and its people.

Last, but definitely not least in our regional series, we arrive at the Bali Issue. Bali is so many things to so many people: a place to discover one’s spirituality; a surfing paradise; a foodie’s dream; an underwater haven; an outdoor person’s retreat; a hedon’s playground; and most importantly, a home. Because Bali is so beautiful and offers so much, everyone wants to live here and development has drastically changed her landscape, particularly that of South Bali. Over the last 20 years, and each time I visit, new places have opened, old ones have closed, and ‘progress’ keeps spreading further and further north. Development can be a good thing, don’t get me wrong. However, it would appear that the laws in place do not protect the Balinese people and the environment of this stunning island I’ve been visiting since I was a young child. I find myself worried about the disappearance of padi fields. When I first knew Seminyak, it was just rice fields and now you’re lucky if you spot one! Canggu is the new

Seminyak, and it would appear the padi fields are starting to disappear here, too, making way for gigantic, plush villas, many of which I’m told do not hold the correct permits to operate as a business. In our Business Feature this edition, we discuss this exact problem of overdevelopment. According to Nainggolan, Bali is likely headed for an electricity crisis earlier than experts predicted. Stateowned power company PLN warns the decline in the electricity reserve margins on Java and Bali will likely reach an alarming level by 2016. The Government plans to expand its tourism market by introducing free visas to over 90 countries, but is infrastructure prepared for even more tourists?

As is with everything in life, too much of something is never good. With an oversupply of hotels, restaurants, shops, villas, parties and profit, there doesn’t seem to be much thought of their impact on the environment and the people who live off of the land. Wherever you choose to make your home, you must give back – simple as that. A healthy balance must be met in order to preserve this beautiful island for generations to come. Let’s hope we can find this equilibrium before it’s too late. Enjoy this issue and enjoy Bail, responsibly!

Angela Richardson Editor in Chief




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PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia Graha Eka Formula Building 3rd floor, #302 Jl. Bangka Raya No. 2 Kemang, Jakarta T: 021 719 5908 (sales/editorial) 021 719 3409 (admin/finance) F: 021 719 3409 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday INDONESIA EXPAT IS PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY BY PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA. OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS PUBLICATION ARE THOSE OF THE WRITERS AND THE PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, OMMISIONS, OR COMPLAINTS ARISING

Dear Indonesia Expat,

Dear A.J,

I’ve been reading your publication since it was still called Jakarta Expat and I really feel like you’re getting better and better all the time. Congratulations!

Thank you for writing and we’re happy to hear your positive feedback.

I’m writing not only to congratulate you, but also to suggest that your website be updated. I try to read the articles that get sent to me via your e-newsletter, but when I’m on the go it’s really hard to read because your site is not mobile-responsive. I believe making this investment will do wonders for your readership and notability.

With regards to our website, we are actually launching our brand-spanking new site very soon, which will be mobileresponsive. We are expected to launch in October, so long as everything goes to plan, so do check back soon for our fresh, clean and updated website then!


Anyway, enough from me. Looking forward to reading more interesting stories from you soon!


Cheers, AJ in Sanur


The Cover Superman Is Dead supporting the Bali Tolak Reklamasi campaign. Courtesy of SID.


Indonesia expat issue 150

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Issue 150






Featured Story Heads Up, Tourist Extortion in Bali Still Business as Usual

Expat Business

Featured Concerns Loom over Bali's Readiness Following Visa-Free Travel Policy


Meet the Expat Nature Photographer: Akasha Modesta

Expat Outreach


Worthy Causes Becak Terus: Rickshawing from Aceh to Jakarta for a Good Cause



Book Review Jakarta Jive, Bali Blues


Observations Medical Anomalies

Travel The Royal Palaces and Holy Waters of Eastern Bali




Business Directory

Fashion Bali's Sartorial Species




Meet the Expat Marten Hubbeling of DMC Bali Plus


Scams in the City Ripping Off Refugees

The Environment The Return of People Power

Business Profile Aaron Mashano of Leaders of Tomorrow







Expat Lifestyle

issue 150 Indonesia expat



Heads Up, Tourist Extortion in Bali Still Business as Usual The island’s image as an attractive holiday destination may be marred by a tradition of local authorities taking cash off unwitting tourists. By Fikri Zaki Muhammadi


ali is known as a resort paradise with friendly locals, so it never crossed Mark Ipaviz’s mind that his stag party would turn ugly. Ipaviz, a former Australian model, was enjoying his last night as a single man in Bali this February, when a squad of armed police stormed in. Reports later revealed police beat attendees with their handguns. Some party-goers were electrocuted with a taser. Members of the group were also forced to pay a US$25,000 bribe to avoid imprisonment beyond the 24 hours they would later spend in jail. Officers allegedly threatened the 16 Australians with 10 years in prison for violating Indonesian laws on decency. Following the incident, questions were raised as to why Bali authorities raided the party in the first place. Some speculated it was due to the presence of a stripper. Others believed rumours of controlled substance abuse were circulating. In the end, however, it seems the police were hungry for cash. Ipaviz’s case is one of many police extortion scandals that have taken place in the archipelago in recent years. Critics say tourist destinations like Bali are particularly prone to extortion by cops who see unwitting foreigners as ripe sources of supplementary income. Kuta Police Chief Deddy Januartha, along with seven other police officers, were named as suspects after the Australian media reported the case in June. The attention prompted Bali authorities to open an official investigation of their own. Police spokesman, Hery Wiyanto informed reporters the arresting officers were suspended until hearings concluded. Earlier this month, reports said the officers who admitted to raiding Ipaviz’s bachelor party and escorting several attendees to ATM machines were made to simply “stand in the sun for hours” as punishment. Despite local authorities claiming to take the issue seriously, tourist extortion seems to remain a rite of


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passage for Bali police officers. In a petty but equally embarrassing incident caught on film in recent years, a local traffic cop demanded Rp.200,000 (US$14) from Kees van der Spek, a Dutch journalist who rode a motorbike in Kuta without wearing a helmet. Van der Spek's ride was intercepted by an officer named Komang Sarjana, who asked him to come to a nearby police post. The officer explained van der Spek violated the law and therefore had to fork over cash on the spot to avoid a court hearing. It’s no secret that transactions like this are daily occurrences in the archipelago. Anyone who’s spent time in Indonesia has likely experienced petty corruption and payoffs in one form or another — business as usual, some would say. Unluckily for Sarjana, however, van der Spek secretly filmed the encounter that day and the video went viral on YouTube in a matter of hours. What is more embarrassing in the video, the officer immediately proceeds to spend the bribe money on beer and drink it with van der Spek while on the job. In the video, Sarjana says, “Okay, one hundred [thousand rupiah] for the beer, one hundred [thousand rupiah] for my government.” Witnesses watched the officer buy beers then call another officer to join the drinking session. In addition to web ridicule, Sarjana was punished with a 21-day jail sentence. Chief brigadier Ketut Indra Jaya, his participating colleague, was sentenced to 14 days. Because amounts are often small, most cases like this go unreported in Bali, but they’re not necessarily limited to police encounters. Ahmad Bajeba, a 28-year-old Yemeni, maintains he was extorted in the amount of Rp.500,000 (US$35) by immigrations officers. Bajeba claims he was asked to hand over cash directly to the immigration desk at Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta airport. “[It was] because the stamp date on my passport showed I overstayed,” says Bajeba.

Fikri Zaki Muhammadi is a Jakarta-based freelance writer and former journalist who's been covering a variety of issues since 2012.

“My mistake was that I didn't check the stamp upon arrival in Bali. It unfortunately showed the wrong month,” he explains. Bajeba entered Indonesia via Bali and exited through Jakarta. He spent a total of five days in the country and was on his way to Riyadh. The immigration official, however, told Bajeba he stayed longer than the 30 days his visa permitted. While it’s impossible to prove malice, Bajeba alleges immigration officers in Bali deliberately put the wrong month in his passport in an effort to take money off him later. “I actually showed them the other stamps from Riyadh, Dubai, and Guangzhou, all of which showed my travel date sequence. But the officers in Jakarta told me it was these three immigration offices that made the mistake,” he explains. In the grand scheme of things, it’s often easier for foreign extortion victims to simply hand over the cash and mumble curse words under their breath than it is to actually look for the proper course of action. Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) head Neta Pane says there is no official data as to how many of such incidents occur in Indonesia per year. He’s confident there are hundreds of similar cases across the nation. More likely, there are thousands.

Despite local authorities claiming to take the issue seriously, tourist extortion evidently remains a time-honoured tradition for Bali law enforcement.

Police should also ensure local travel agents make their foreign customers aware of local laws, values, and overall etiquette, Pane adds. As for tourists, he asks foreigners to contact their travel agent’s local office for a consultation before they arrive. “These police officers are clearly doing the wrong things,” Pane admits. “So it would be to the benefit of both the foreigners and Indonesian [police] that the foreigners, too, avoid making unlawful moves that could lead to such incidents.”

Earlier this month, Indonesia announced it will allow entry without visas to 47 more countries in a bid to make its tourism sector competitive with Thailand and other nations in Southeast Asia. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya says the Government is hoping for 10 million foreign tourists to spend at least US$1 billion this year. Stakeholders hope the majority of Bali’s tourist income will be channelled appropriately, and not end up padding authorities’ wallets. However, unless there is some kind of formulaic stand on tourist extortion in Bali, it’s likely the island will simply see more business as usual.

“We don't have reliable data on this because not every extorted tourist would report his experience,” he tells Indonesia Expat. Instead, foreign tourists tend to spread messages via word of mouth to warn their friends and relatives, Pane adds. Pane says tourist extortion tarnishes Indonesia's image around the world as an attractive vacation destination. He also claims to have called for a swift move by the Indonesian National Police to resolve the issue. He suggests that officers found extorting foreigners should be punished more harshly. He also says proceedings should be made public and open to media scrutiny. This could serve as an incentive for officers and court officials to dole out appropriate and consistent verdicts.

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EXPAT BUSINESS FEATURED Heru Nainggolan is a Jakarta-based freelance writer and journalist who’s been covering a variety of issues since 2011.

Concerns Loom over Bali’s Readiness Following Visa-Free Travel Policy By Heru Nainggolan

number of tourists, but to also ensure the tourism industry is developed in a sustainable way. Welcoming more tourists means the island needs to supply more water and electricity, and provide better facilities and infrastructure, he says. Bagus Sudibya, an advisor of the Bali chapter of the Indonesian Tour and Travel Agents Association, shares similar concerns about the sustainability of local tourism development. To measure the “carrying capacity” of a tourist destination, he says, one needs to compare geographic size with the existing population. In the case of Bali, the island has a land area of 5,659 square kilometres and a total population of approximately 4.2 million. According to him, the target is attainable so long as the resort island improves the quality of its infrastructure.

Stakeholders are sceptical about whether Bali can accommodate the high number of foreign arrivals that will be caused by the new visa-free policy.

Despite concerns about the current state of Bali’s infrastructure, Indonesia’s resort island is set to receive a surge of foreign tourists in light of the Government’s decision to allow entry without visas to 47 more countries, including Australia – the biggest tourist market for the province. In the wake of the new policy, Bali’s provincial administration is expecting to attract four million more foreigners this year, with an even more ambitious target of 30 million overseas tourist arrivals by 2029, as outlined by the province’s tourism roadmap for 2014 through 2029. Bali Tourism Office head Yuniartha Putra says he’s optimistic the target can be achieved. Between January and June this year, the island saw an 11 percent increase in foreign tourists, compared to the same period last year. “Up to June 2015, the total [number] of foreign tourists coming here already reached around two million,” says Putra. “Meanwhile, our target until the end of 2015 is four million foreign tourists.” Among other factors, Putra attributes the growth to a weakening Indonesian rupiah against the US dollar as well as the Government’s visa-free policy. In June, Jokowi signed an agreement to waive visa fees for 30 more countries on top of 15 nations which already enjoy the privilege. Now, the Government will extend its visa-free policy to another 47 countries come October, bringing the total to 92. In early 2015, Indonesia also went ahead with visa-free policies for Chinese, Russian, South Korean, and Japanese tourists, as those nations represent large markets for 8

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Indonesian tourism. An increase in the number of visa-free countries was needed to achieve the target of 20 million overseas visitors by 2019, or 450,000 additional foreign tourists per year. Famous tourism observer, Dewa Nyoman Putra says the number of inbound tourists from China, Japan, and South Korea showed significant growth in the first semester of 2015, thanks to the new policy. According to data from the Bali Tourism Agency, the number of tourists from those countries during the first six months of this year grew by more than 10 percent. The number of Chinese tourists increased by about 29 percent to 340,711, while the number of Japanese tourists rose to 104,127, an approximate 12 percent spike from the year before. Under the new regulation, visitor visas will be doled out for a stay period of 30 days in Indonesia. These visas may not be extended or converted into any other type of permit. The law also stipulates only immigration units located at five airports and four seaports are allowed to issue visa exemptions. Currently, the airports include Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, Kualanamu International Airport in Medan, Hang Nadim International Airport in Batam, and Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. The seaports are Sri Bintan Pura International Port, Tanjung Uban International Port in the Riau Islands, Sekupang International Port, and Batam Center International Port. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya says the Government hopes to attract up to 1 million additional tourists this year as a result of

the new visa-free policy. Yahya says the increased number of foreign tourists will create an additional foreign exchange income of close to US$1 billion. In order to maximise the benefit of the visa-free policy, the Government is also planning to set up independent tourism agencies in five places other than Bali. They are Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Lombok Island in West Nusa Tenggara, Flores in East Nusa Tenggara, and the Thousand Islands regency near Jakarta. The agencies will be managed by the central government as opposed to regional governments. “Lake Toba has to be the Monaco of Asia. The management could not be under a regency or governor,” says coordinating maritime affairs minister Rizal Ramli. “We have to manage it and establish [a] Toba Tourism Authority.” Regardless, most of the inbound foreign tourist growth is still slated to happen in Bali, as it’s already one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. Tourism

However, as it stands, Bali is unable to accommodate such a large number of visitors, says Sudibya. This is especially true if tourism development is restricted only to certain areas. Regardless of whether the island can handle a sharp increase in tourist arrivals, Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika expresses optimism that Bali can pull in 30 million foreign visitors by 2029. He references Singapore as an example, a city-state which has been able to accommodate 37 million tourists each year despite being smaller than Bali. However, he fails to cite the fact that Singapore has world-class infrastructure. Putra says the provincial administration will work closely with the island’s nine regencies to implement a sustainable roadmap. “We will discuss further with the regency administrations, especially on how to improve the quality of tourist sites and infrastructure in each regency,” he says. To fund infrastructure development in the province, Governor Pastika implores the central government allocate more funds to Bali, saying additional funding can be sourced from tourism revenue in the future.

Tourism experts have questioned whether the island's infrastructure can realistically accommodate such a large number of inbound visitors. experts, however, question whether the island’s infrastructure can realistically accommodate such a large number of visitors. Bali is likely headed for an electricity crisis earlier than experts predicted, as low output from several key power plants is expected to curb supply amid soaring demand. State-owned power company PLN warns the decline in the electricity reserve margins on Java and Bali will likely reach an alarming level by 2016. This is significantly earlier than the previous forecast, which went beyond 2018. Ngurah Wijaya, chairman of the Bali chapter of the Indonesian Tourism Businesses Association, reminds the administration not to focus only on the

“This [additional] funding is important to be reinvested so that we can maintain our culture and environment,” he told the media. “[It would] increase the quantity and quality of infrastructure to support the tourism sector as the biggest source of revenue for Bali.” The current law states fund allocation from the central government to a regional government can only be for the sake of natural resources, like the forestry and mining sectors, for example. “That’s not rational and not fair because the fund allocated for Bali is relatively small compared to the amount of revenue generated from tourism in Bali,” Pastika said. He added that Bali tourism generates annual revenue up to Rp.47 trillion (US$3.3 billion).

issue 150 Indonesia expat



Aaron Mashano of Leaders of Tomorrow

Turning Passion into Profits By Angela Richardson

Zambian-born Aaron Mashano moved to Australia in 2001 to study English, law and commerce. He was drawn towards helping young migrants in prison, which led him to build his business in educating people to turn their passion into profits. In 2012, he moved his headquarters to Bali and wrote his books, The Economic Migrant and Seeds of the Wawa Tree - 11 African Short Stories. We talk to Aaron to find out more about his business consultancy, workshops, passion and how Bali chose him.

Where are you based at the moment? I live in Canggu but will probably be making Sanur my base soon. My business model works around partnering up with co-working spaces because I get the ideal clients with the seed to start up and monetise their passion. It’s also a really good community space, so you find people are a bit more relaxed. Sanur has a place called Kumpul, which is in a creative house called Rumah Sanur. It is the first coworking space I’ve found that has a 50-50 split between expat and Indonesians, which is great for me. What led you to pursue the work that you do now? I’m a humanitarian at heart and working in the corporate arena, I wasn’t really seeing the impact with individuals and communities. So, I started branching out in social enterprises on the side and found that I was more passionate about that. How was Leaders of Tomorrow born? When my son was born, I started questioning my behaviours, actions and my role in life. ‘Am I here to look good or am I here to make a difference to future generations?’ I figured out that I wanted my life to mean something. I always knew that I wanted to become a coach or a writer or a speaker but I never thought I could do it. In 2012, I set up a business with a silly name that keeps me accountable and I really do my best so that my son can follow suit. Tell us about the work you did in juvenile prisons. I started working with juveniles in prison, teaching them about life skills, communication and confidence building. A lot of the African migrant community were ending up in prison because of identity

issues, which refugees and immigrants face. We started getting really good results and I got a real addiction to helping young people find opportunities. Was it difficult for you as a migrant in Australia? I’m an eternal optimist, but it was probably one of the hardest things I’ve done, especially with the language barrier. As an African, black man trying to find his feet in Australia, I think I lost myself trying to become someone who I thought I needed to be. I found myself being one of the best performers in interview and job settings but I just wasn’t getting picked. I had to work 10 times harder to get the job, which I did, and I found myself in middle management within a year because of my work ethic. Australia opened it all up for me and after six years I got my permanent residency and the sky was the limit. What attracted you to set up Leaders of Tomorrow in Bali? I was going through my own spiritual journey and I came to Bali to speak and ended up running a workshop. I have to admit I had my own ‘Eat Pray Love’ experience, so I thought maybe it was a good time to expand internationally. I came back to Bali a few months later to write and by the time I finished my book, I realised I felt more at home in Bali. By February 2014 I was living here, but I still run my operations in Perth and I’m looking to expand to the US.

Tell us about your Bali workshops. I started my first ‘Passion 2 Profit’ workshop in Bali in August 2014, which I run every quarter in Sanur. I’m looking for people who have a talent or a passion and want to create an enterprise around it. Our workshops run for six hours and we help to identify people’s passion, refine their skills, and ways of monetising to create an enterprise. How many people do you have in your workshops? A maximum of 50; I used to take 400, which would be better for a keynote speech, which I’m interested to pursue in Jakarta. What happens after each workshop? Explain your business consulting services. Because I have more of a personal approach, I try to find out about the

individuals who join my workshops, discovering what their core needs are. 80 percent of the people that do attend are probably not suited for my postworkshop business consulting services. If you continue on with me, you can either buy a book, study online, or I take a few people on a personalised consultancy where we talk once a month. For the latter option, you have to be really ready. By the third month you should have your business up-and-running and by the sixth month you should be making a profit. How many people ‘make it’ with you? A majority of them do eventually make it, which is why I can only take 20 percent of the room at any given time. What traits of a successful person do you notice in your workshops? Jim Rohn, my favourite mentor of all time said, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you find an excuse.” When people don’t show up at my workshop, chances are they’re not in that 20 percent group. In the workshop we play games oriented around action-taking and I find by the end of the six hours, 20 percent have played most of the games and played them competitively. If you think about it in the business world, if you’re not out there hustling, you won’t build a business. If you won’t hustle in a safe environment with a small amount of risk, you’re not likely to hustle at a bigger level with a lot of risk,

Did Bali welcome you with open arms? I’ll put it this way, I’ve been in Australia for 15 years and I was calling Bali home pretty much a month after I moved. It just resonates with me.


Foreigners will have life-long right to use property in Indonesia Source: Jakarta Globe


Indonesia expat issue 150

Foreigners living in Indonesia will be able to secure the ‘Right to Use’ property for as long as they live under a newly planned state policy, according to a government official. Minister for Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Ferry Mursyidan Baldan revealed that his office had been tasked with drafting a new regulation on the matter.

they are still prohibited from purchasing landed property or low-cost apartment units.

“The regulation will include details on ownership periods, requirements, and rights and obligations of expatriates who will be granted the right to purchase and own property in Indonesia,” Ferry said in Jakarta last week.

“The state allows foreigners to own living spaces in Indonesia for as long as they live, and they’ll be able to trade the properties or pass them down to their children. [Ownership] is classified as Right of Use, though. It will not be Freehold,” Ferry said.

He added, however, that foreigners would only be allowed to own luxury apartments;

Freeholds are permitted for foreign embassies operating in the country, he added.

Foreigners also will be only entitled to hak pakai, or the Right of Use; not hak milik, or Freehold. The Right of Use is permanent and will not have to be renewed every 25 years as specified in the current regulations.

I find the Indonesian and Balinese to be very straight-forward. They know exactly what their business is and what it is not.

and sharks in the market place. Within half of the workshop, I have cherry-picked and know who is most likely going to be someone I’d like to work with as their personal business consultant. Tell us about the different workshops you have on offer and how much they cost to join. ‘Passion 2 Profit’ is more expat-oriented and ‘Business Blitz’ is more for local businesses, where people ask for specific advice on specific problems. ‘Passion 2 Profit’ costs Rp.350,000 but if it’s at a co-working space where you’re a member, then it’s Rp.250,000. ‘Business Blitz’ is Rp.150,000. Both workshops run for six hours. Do you notice differences in business approach between expat and Indonesian people in your workshops? I find the Indonesian and Balinese to be very straight-forward. They know exactly what their business is and what it is not.

Usually they are very focused on sales. With the expat community, the business should be simple but I spend more time trying to simplify what’s going on in their minds. They’re worrying about how they’re going to make a million dollars to worrying about what the government thinks, so we don’t get the business started. The expats are also very much about perfection, whereas the Indonesian market want to get the product out there and refine as they go. In the most practical way, the Indonesian entrepreneur is probably more suited for business because that’s what business is. What’s next for you? 5 December will be my last 2015 workshop in Bali and I plan to do something in Jakarta before then. Next year I will launch in San Francisco, Amsterdam and Africa. I’m also creating an e-business suite, which will allow my clients online marketing campaigns and administrative service, so they can focus more on building their businesses.

Thank you, Aaron. To get in touch, e-mail:

Presidential spokesman Teten Masduki said Joko had approved the suggestion from REI officials to support the domestic property sector following the slowdown of Indonesia’s economy. The policy is also expected to bolster the confidence of developers in staying competitive in the regional market. Property developers have welcomed the plan. Rudy Margono, President Director of private developer Gapura Prima said the new policy could boost property growth by 20 percent. Property observers like Ali Tranghanda, however, expressed concerns that the regulation would only trigger a property bubble in five years if not handled carefully, pointing out the absence of an instrument to control land prices in Indonesia.

The Indonesian expatriate community, meanwhile, seems skeptical of the reported plan, with some saying the proposed Rp.5 billion benchmark was too high and others claiming the policy is no different from a changing lease scheme. Indonesia's habit of changing its regulations with every new administration is also a source of concern. Vice President Jusuf Kalla, however, defended the planned policy, saying: “There are a lot of foreigners working in Indonesia now… some have been working well, some have been developing businesses. It is normal for them to purchase, instead of continually leasing properties.” issue 150 Indonesia expat




Australian expat Marten Hubbeling is General Manager of DMC Bali Plus – a one-stop and complete Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) provider in Bali. He explains his travel business to us, and reveals an exciting upcoming live music venue he’s involved with, opening in 2016.

Marten, let’s start with a bit of background info. Where are you originally from and how long have you been living in Bali and working in the events and travel industry? I’ve been living in Bali since 1995 and have worked in various companies from offroad to horse riding to rafting, and even Volkswagen tours! When was DMC Bali Plus founded and what was the driving force behind its conception? We founded the company in 2002 and our aim was to be the best MICE company in Bali. Can you tell us about the exclusive tours that you offer? We have general tours like other travel services, but we offer tours with a twist, combining exclusive locations with local interaction. We were one of the first companies to use the open-top VWs in Bali, which we still offer because it offers our clients the right amount of surprise and luxury, while embracing the local village life. DMC Bali Plus also offers team-building outings, which range from CSR to masterchef to bumper balls, and some of your clients include UOB Bank, Bank BNI and Shell. Can you please explain how outings can benefit a business? We have a team building arm of the company, which has a variety of


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programmes. Clients who want to do fun team bonding with challenges that give great memories would enjoy these programmes. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tours have helped many orphanages in the past few years, renovating schools or providing donations and interacting with kids who really need help. Where do your guests predominately come from and do you get businesses from outside of Bali coming to experience your team outings? We cater for local as well as overseas clients who come from all over the world: Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, England, Greece, The Middle East, South Africa, Italy, Belgium and France. You have water, land and mountain tours. Is there a most popular tour that you provide? It’s probably a mixture of all – cycling has been a fantastic addition to our group tours over the past few years and rafting is still a tour we highly recommend. How many staff members do you have in your team? What’s the most difficult aspect of their day-to-day jobs? We have 12 office staff, plus an army of operational staff. As the team has been with me for a long time, there are really no surprises preparing for any type of group. Our clients are very individual and

Watch out for 737, an event location with an amazing concept opening next year. therefore the programmes will also differ from group to group. Can you tell us what changes or developments you’ve noticed in the travel industry over the last few years and what challenges you face, if any? Well, certainly the Internet has affected most companies, as clients will research destinations prior to making a decision on accommodation, places to eat and the like. But for us that’s also been an advantage as we have received probably 60 percent of our past two-year business from the Internet. What does DMC Bali Plus offer that other tour and travel companies do not? We offer all our services in-house and most of our staff have a long history of handling groups from all areas of the world, hence we are truly adapted to providing groups what they require.

Can you tell us about one of the large corporations that have booked with you? We are handling Yahoo! at the end of the year, who we hosted four years ago. They approached us again this year to create another memorable event. We hear you are involved in an upcoming live venue in Bali – are you able to give us the scoop about this project? Watch out for 737, an event location with an amazing concept opening next year. We will be one of the most versatile event locations in Bali; a real destination to go to. Incorporating creative ways to dine and drink, it will also be a wedding location, and, better still, a venue to hold corporate dinners and even festivals. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more info about this project! In your eyes, what makes Bali a great travel destination? It is one of the most awesome places to visit. The people, resorts, restaurants, beaches, bars and the whole island package makes it, in my opinion, one of the ultimate destinations in Asia. My partners and I are committed to developing tourism projects on the island.

Thank you, Marten. To get in touch, please e-mail:

issue 150 Indonesia expat




Jakarta Jive, Bali Blues

Terry Collins is co-author of Culture Shock! Jakarta and is currently researching A History of Indonesian Jazz.

Living through interesting times and recording them as an observer, albeit with a strong attachment, offers a value not only for future historians, but also for those of us on the periphery. By Terry Collins

Jakarta Jive, Bali Blues Jeremy Allen pub. YellowDot 2009 ISBN 978-979-18946-3-0


anadian Jeremy Allen straddles the worlds of expats and Indonesians alike. He first came to Indonesia as an “innocent” backpacker in 1980 and “became enthralled by Indonesia’s natural wonders, its vibrant culture, and by the way [he] was received with warm hospitality.” He is an innocent no longer, and nor are any of us in Indonesia who've witnessed first-hand the natural and manmade disasters, the social unrest, the blatant corruption, and the disregard for legal processes – often by the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. All this and more is covered by the local and international mass media, NGOs and personal social media. Jakarta Jive, Bali Blues is a reprint of two books. The first, originally published in 2001, has as its core the events which led to the forced abdication of the “dictator in all but name”, Suharto, in May ’98. Other accounts have been published about the Asian Economic Crisis (krismon) which led to Suharto to resign, but, as Jeremy points out, “all economic circumstances are relative”. For him,“ the quadrupling of the price of imported cheese was a minor inconvenience.” However, “for a middleclass mother, the four-fold in baby formula was a serious concern.” As businesses and banks collapsed, one solution was for “selebritis” to establish upscale warung makanan, which came to be known as kafe tenda (tented cafe). At one such, Jeremy learnt from a former banker at a Soehartoowned bank that “he believes that there is nothing wrong with nepotism as long as you keep it in the family”. Although his income at the time was derived mainly from copywriting, his keen ear and empathy marks Jeremy out as a “proper journalist”. He was curious and concerned as he ventured out on the streets in that tumultuous week, often in the company of Monica, a traumatised ChineseIndonesian student from Trisakti University, who hid her tension behind the lens of her camera. She was to develop into a filmmaker, documenting the aftermath of the mass rapes of Chinese women, and the students’ continued push for reformasi; the “desire to see an end to Soeharto’s rule with no clear concept of how to replace the existing authoritarian government with a more


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A few remembered feeling a force at their back, like someone physically pushing them out of harm's way. democratic political system”. Many would say that nearly 20 years later, in spite of direct elections, there are still few with a clear concept. The students divided into two groupings, militant activists and those demanding a more peaceful route, both facing the “incompetently commanded troops”. And then came Ramadhan, the Islamic fasting month, and all sides called a cessation, probably because “the prospect of hours in the tropical afternoon sun without a drop of water would be a rigorous test of both political zeal and military discipline.” Among the ‘characters’ Jeremy met was Pak Trisno, who became a journalist “fired with humanitarian fervour… documenting the plight of the common people as a halfmade, fractious republic lurched from one crisis to another.” In 1965 he was arrested, accused of subversion (but never tried) and spent the years until 1974 being “shuffled from one prison to another in Jakarta”. Upon release he was helped by friends to establish a used furniture-antiques business in South Jakarta, close to expat enclaves. And they led Jeremy to an ‘expose’ of the duality in the then expat scene in Jakarta. There were many insensitive DIAs (“dollar income a**holes”) who thought life was "dirt cheap", and they are contrasted with the majority of Indonesians for whom "life was no party". Bali Blues, the second book has as its focus on the Bali bombings of October 11th, 2002. Jeremy had hoped to be in Bali that day to meet some friends, but fortuitously had a business meeting in Jakarta, while an allergic reaction kept his friends out of both the Sari Club and Paddy's Bar. He “hastened there and discovered that [his] friends’ fortuitous escape had not been an isolated occurrence. A few remembered feeling a force at their back, like someone physically pushing them out of harm’s way.”

And so begins a personal account about the balance between the metaphysical and physical planes of existence at the centre of Bali life, and the changes wrought to the land- and mind-scapes with the advent of mass tourism, as well as the seekers of a residential paradise with little understanding of the exotic norms. Underlying and beyond the urbanisation, the traffic jams, the real estate vendors, new age dreamers, surfers, and the Javanese economic migrants (including “professional prostitutes”), lies a “shadowy parallel world, called Niskala, and the physical world, Sekala. These are kept in balance through the endless cycles of prayer, ritual and public ceremony. The catastrophic Bali Bomb disrupted this harmony, threatening the well-being of Bali, but of the world.” Much of the book are character studies of Jeremy’s social circle, so it comes as something of a shock to find chronological accounts of the fateful evening with laughing terrorist Amrozi and his cohorts intertwined with those of Jeremy’s Indonesian friends. The book closes with an epilogue. A week after the executions of the three bombers, Jeremy undertook a cycle ride from Bali back to Jakarta. En route he took a detour past by the burial site of the two brothers, Imam Samudra and Ali Ghufron. They had been buried in a “plot of carefully cleared land shaded by mango trees, with a chain-link fence enclosing the side-by-side graves.” The fence had been erected because so many faithful pilgrims made midnight visits and took away the “mystically charged earth.” So much of contemporary history is reduced to sound bites that having a personal, occasionally anecdotal, yet essentially objective account of seminal events such as this omnibus edition is of immense value. There is a strong humanity shining through Jeremy Allen’s prose; I recommend it for that and to all those seeking a good armchair read. It’s in your local Periplus book store.

issue 150 Indonesia expat




The Royal Palaces and Holy Waters of Eastern Bali

Grace is a freelance writer, former TV journalist, and aspiring documentarist with a passion for Indonesian history and culture. Contact her at

Words and Photos by Grace Susetyo


uring the two-hour ride along the eastern coastal road, the hustle and bustle of Denpasar fades into rice fields and rural neighbourhoods. Many villages have ornate Hindu temples where locals present their offerings. Karangasem in East Bali is a breezy coastal town at the foot of Mount Agung. Tracing its origins to a 17th century kingdom formerly subject to the Java-based Majapahit Empire, Karangasem’s original name Karang Semadi means ‘rock of meditative prayer’. In the early 20th century, Karangasem lost the colonial war and was invaded as part of the Dutch East Indies. Today, Karangasem’s atmosphere is a mélange of Amlapura’s royal Hindu-Balinese heritage and CandidasaPadangbai’s commercial touristic hub – a coexistence of the sacred and the profane. An understatedly delightful site, Taman Ujung Sukasada is a palace that belongs to the Karangasem Royal Family. Its name means ‘gardens of eternal happiness on the edge [of Bali]’. Established in 1909 by King I Gusti Bagus Djelantik, the palace was collaboratively designed by Dutch, Chinese, and traditional Balinese architects. Known as Waterpaleis in the Dutch colonial days, it floats over the pre-existing Dirah pool, which some sources say was built to drown alleged black magicians, and others say served recreational and spiritual purposes. Twice destroyed by the eruptions of Mount Agung in 1963 and 1975, the Waterpaleis today has been beautifully restored into a lush park, flaunting manicured gardens, elegant sculptures of Hindu deities, fat chickens and pheasants, long pleasant walks on stately bridges and geese swimming in tranquil pools. Inside the palace are sculpted panels of scenes from revered Hindu epics under Dutch stained glass, old photographs of the Royal Family, a Chinese altar and preserved bedrooms and sitting rooms reminiscent of the Kingdom’s days. East of the palace, there are ruins of a great theatre on the hilltop. A panoramic view of the Waterpaleis’ complex is visible on one side, and the Strait of Lombok on the other. There, the Indian Ocean whispers for those who meditate in stillness. I Gusti Bagus Djelantik, also known by his title Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem, was the Last Raja of Karangasem. Ruling 1908–1967, he was a


Waterpaleis eastern view

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Bali’s nickname ‘Island of the Gods’ is no exotic coincidence. Long before this island attracted tourists, Bali has been home to grand kingdoms with cultural and spiritual ties to Mother India.

The Hindus of Bali consider water from Tirta Gangga holy. This water is used for prayer rituals in nearby temples. Additionally, Tirta Gangga supplies municipal potable water to Amlapura, as well as irrigation to nearby rice fields.

Tirta Gangga Water Labyrinth


Blue Lagoon Padangbai

Country: Indonesia Province: Bali Largest city: Denpasar Land area: Karangasem Regency (893.5 km2) Bali (5,780 km2) Population: Karangasem Regency 40,870,000 (2015) How to get there Daily flights to Denpasar from pretty much anywhere followed by a 2-3 hour drive from Denpasar to Karangasem What to bring Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen lotion, camera, sarong, cash for admission and donations to preserve royal heritage sites

little man with big power and a Renaissance appeal, fondly remembered as a leader that advanced Balinese culture with modern technology and artistry. Today, the nearby Puri Agung Karangasem in Amlapura is still considered the living centre of the Karangasem civilisation Djelantik laid foundations for. It preserves important artefacts that belong to the Last Raja, such as his heirloom keris and the Pusaka Lontar genealogy. Another royal water garden built by the Last Raja is the Tirta Gangga. Before its construction in 1948, Tirta Gangga was

originally a wellspring concealed beneath teak trees, surrounded by fertile hills. With his artistic ingenuity, the Raja turned these wetlands into an aquatic labyrinth which expresses his yearning for the holy waters of the River Ganges. A walk through Tirta Gangga is a meditative exercise in itself. Just over the surface of the waters are barely-there stepping stones and long paths around Balinese fountains. The water is so clear you can see big koi fish swimming around as you walk. Rows of gods and goddesses smile, posing so daintily as if frozen in a photoshoot in the middle of a delicate dance. Animals and mythical creatures like demonic boars and garuda keep the pool flowing with water. On land, the gardens are a blanket of rich green with bursts of red, fuchsia, and gold. A host of dreadlocked demons keep watch over the footpath. In a corner, a humanfooted barong – the red-faced, lion-like benevolent King of Spirits – brightens up the garden with his cheerful laughter. Two fierce pairs of dragons intertwine over a sturdy bridge, as if guarding those who cross it.

After the royal tour, I visited Candidasa. A contrast to the meaning of its name – ten temples’ – Candidasa today reflects the heavy reinvention of Bali as everyone else’s ‘ultimate tropical getaway’. Its shores are burgeoning with cocktail bars, restaurants, surf clubs, dive operators and tourists with an insatiable demand for privacy and service. Known for rocky beaches and crashing currents, Candidasa is gaining in popularity among surfers looking for lesser crowded waves to ride than Kuta and Uluwatu. Teluk Amuk – the islet-studded bay where Candidasa is situated – also boasts lively underwater coral reefs for eager divers. I finished the day at Blue Lagoon. My attempt at practicing yoga proved flimsy as my feet kept sinking under the sand beneath trembling knees. As I challenged myself to the one-legged ‘tree pose’, Vriksasana, I thought of its inventor King Bhagiratha. According to Hindu teachings, the Vriksasana was the king’s expression of his longing for Ganges’ return to Earth. Before this, Bhagiratha’s 60,000 uncles had been cursed into ashes for attacking a sage. Only the holy waters of the Ganges could undo the curse, but praises from other deities have lifted her up to the heavens and flawed penance meditations from previous kings have pushed her even further away. It took Bhagiratha 1,000 years meditating the Vriksasana in the Himalayas to make Ganges fall – bringing life back to Earth’s highest point all the way to the seas. Giving up on the Vriksasana after several falls, I decided to embrace the waters and swim. Staring into the soft turquoise waters and blue hills on the horizon under the misty sky, I wondered what thoughts were brimming in the heart of the Last Raja as he fashioned his beautiful water palaces in longing for the Ganges. Just then, an hourglass-bodied bikini girl showed up and flaunted a long, flawless rendition of the much harder Standing Head-to-Knee pose. I knew that was my cue to put on some dry clothes and head back to Denpasar.




Sartorial Species

Annali Hayward is an expert eater, decisive drinker, fumbling fashionista and tasteful traveller, who writes to savour it all – preferably at once. E-mail her at

By Annali Hayward

We all know Bali is full of varied, enchanting natural beauty. Cliffs, forests, lakes and volcanoes adorn this island, showcasing Mother Nature at her finest. Here, you can frolic with fish and mingle with monkeys. But if you really want a sight for sore eyes, turn your peepers onto some of the island’s indigenous fashion species found in their natural habitats…



ON HIM: By the pool? A budgie smuggler so tight you’re afraid an off-balance swagger to the loungers will reveal all of St. Petersburg’s treasures. At night, a shiny shirt unbuttoned just enough for copious chest hair to enjoy the breeze. Sunglasses, gold rings, and a massive cigar. Think knock-off Burberry, pre-Christopher Bailey – mostly found on Scousers and Cantonese housewives.

ON HER: As little as possible. By day, she takes ‘barely there’ to barely legal, with neon swimwear from Victoria’s not-so-Secret. Allow your teenage son to play nearby at your peril. At sundown, she ups the ante with a rotation of body-con dresses that you would rather left something to the imagination. Accessories consist of towering heels, cigarettes and a scowl. See Hervé Léger.

ON HIM: A six-pack (not the beer variety), board shorts, and a smile. May also entertain rash vests, ankle bracelets, long hair, and sport some scars from swashbuckling surfing war-stories. Likely to resist clothing on matters of practicality rather than principle (see Eat-Pray-Lovers). If all else fails, a Bintang vest.

By day, something comfortable enough for hopping off her Garuda flight from Jakarta: skin-tight white denim jeans and six-inch wedges should do it.

STOMPING GROUND: Jimbaran, Nusa Dua


ON HIM: Look up ‘hipster’ in the dictionary. Bingo. Obligatory facial hair sits atop a doesn’tlook-designer-but-actually-is shirt (possibly lumberjack), slim-fit jeans, and Toms. Illusions of individuality are provided via ‘quirky’ accessories: a laissezfaire bracelet here; je ne sais quoi sunglasses there. The entire look head-to-toe can be found on Jl. Petitenget. ON HER: By day, something comfortable enough for hopping off her

ON HER: Sporty Spice goes tropo. Cutesy tropicalprint triangle bikinis, itty-bitty shorts, tousled seaspray hair, and lashings of sunblock. See Quiksilver, Billabong, et al. STOMPING GROUND: Kuta, or else Uluwatu surf breaks.


ON HIM: Preferably nothing. Clothing is for fascists, man. If coerced into covering up, he might be able to put his hands on some scratty, been-around-the-backpacker trail pants, flip-flops and a mandarincollared shirt that possibly used to be white. It is crucial that he looks unwashed – a shower would ruin the look. Think Jim Morrison.

ON HER: Depending on her surroundings, she vacillates between

Garuda flight from Jakarta: skin-tight white denim jeans and six-inch wedges should do it. When she steps out of her secluded, little-known villa, she has transformed into her version of a Bali butterfly. It could be a billowing Biasa blouse, or a pair of printed harem pants. Hitting only the best bars at night, it’s got to be a maxi dress with sandals, gold or costume jewellery, and fabulously coiffed locks. See Lulu Yasmine.

too-small spaghetti-strap tops and full-on culture vulture cover-ups. It is important that something on her person is elephant-printed – preferably her harem pants. Copious friendship bracelets, anklets and love beads adorn her person, and she greets one and all with a beatific smile, smugly garnered via morning yoga sessions and kale smoothies. I can’t name labels as she rejects them, whilst single-handedly upholding the businesses along Jl. Monkey Forest.

STOMPING GROUND: Look no further than Seminyak.

STOMPING GROUND: Ubud, of course.

issue 150 Indonesia expat


Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor

Ripping Off Refugees A photo of a drowned boy sparked an outpouring of international grief, prompting some Western countries to take more Syrian refugees; but in Indonesia, asylum seekers are ripe targets for scammers. By Kenneth Yeung


rental agent in Jakarta has ripped off at least a dozen Middle Eastern asylum seekers, taking their money for longterm apartment leases but paying the actual owners for only a few months, resulting in the foreigners being evicted. Police and apartment managers don’t want to help.

One of Naomi’s KTPs, which expires in 2016, lists her address as Jalan Hijau Lestari V in Ciputat Timur, South Tangerang, Banten province. Another, which expires in 2020, lists her address as one of the Kalibata City apartments. Sami says the second address is false.

Asylum seekers don’t have an easy time of it in Indonesia. If arriving at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, they can be taken aside and asked to pay bribes of US$,2,000 or more to enter the country.

Some of the Middle Eastern asylum seekers in Jakarta are not thrilled by the fact that a photo of a dead three-year-old Syrian boy on a beach in Turkey resulted in Western countries offering to increase their quotas for Syrian refugees.

Queue Jumping

After registering with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), they can then wait up to four years in Indonesia for processing. Those who are granted asylum will eventually be resettled in a third country, such as New Zealand or Canada. Those who are denied refugee status may risk getting on boats to Australia, or they can return home if they are not facing persecution. While stuck in Indonesia, asylum seekers are not allowed to work, so most of them live on funds provided by relatives in their home countries. Some also receive funds from Western charities. Sami, an Iranian, arrived in Indonesia in January with his young teenage son, claiming they were fleeing political persecution. They needed a place to stay in Jakarta pending the lengthy process of applying for asylum. Some refugees living in the Kalibata City apartments complex in Pancoran, South Jakarta, introduced Sami to a rental agent named Naomi Catharina Sahita (41). The Kalibata City apartments have become a magnet for refugees, mostly from Afghanistan and Iran. The complex is also home to some Eastern European women, whom Immigration authorities have accused of being sex workers. The apartments are occasionally raided by Immigration officers. Naomi offered Sami an apartment for two years for Rp.56 million (about US$4,000), plus a bond of Rp.1.5 million. He accepted, signed a lease agreement, and then invited an Afghani refugee to share the apartment with them to cut costs. All was well until August, when they received a visit from the apartment’s real owner, who informed them the lease had expired. Sami was shocked and showed the owner his two-year lease agreement expiring in January 2017. The owner said Naomi had paid for only six months. About 20 other refugees in Kalibata City, all of whom had six-month to two-year rental agreements 18

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Arash, an Iranian refugee who has been in Jakarta for over two years with his wife, says life for refugees is easier in Turkey than in Indonesia, so the West should not be encouraging people smuggling by offering to take more refugees without first carefully screening them.

Many children have been dying in conflict for many years, but people only care when a photo trends on social media.

from Naomi, suddenly faced the same problem. Owners were showing up to demand more rent.

decided to stay in Kalibata City, but he had to pay the apartment’s owner for a new lease.

Naomi, who had been renting out apartments as recently as August 8, was nowhere to be found. She stopped answering her phone and ceased communicating on WhatsApp. The two numbers that she had provided on rental agreements are no longer active. The management and security guards of Kalibata City initially told the refugees they should stay in their apartments if they had leases. But a couple of weeks ago, the guards changed their tune and declared that tenants who could not pay for new leases would face eviction.

“The other swindled refugees tried to complain to police,” says Sami, speaking through an interpreter, “but the police rejected them and said they should leave the apartments and go to the court. But because they are refugees here they cannot go to the court.”

Sami says one asylum seeker returned to his apartment one afternoon to find the lock had been changed on his door. Security guards told him to leave, so he lost his furniture and possessions. Others were warned by thugs to leave or face forceful eviction. Some of those evicted have gone to Bogor, south of Jakarta, where they can rent a spartan room for Rp.300,000 a month or pay Rp.2 million per month for a small house. The problem with living in Bogor is that police sometimes extort money from asylum seekers. Sami

Most of the swindled leaseholders were single men, some of them sharing an apartment between three or four. There were also a few families. The prospect of initiating legal action in Indonesia is a daunting one for any foreigner, let alone an asylum seeker with few rights and no income. Police should be able to track down Naomi based on the two different Resident Identity Cards (KTPs) and the bank account number she attached to lease agreements. Unfortunately, police are often unwilling to deal with complaints or conduct investigations unless they are paid to do so. There seems to be no sympathy for Middle Eastern asylum seekers.

“Many of us have been here [in Indonesia] for a long time. We follow the process. We are not getting on illegal boats or using people smugglers. Now we see that lots of Syrians are using people smugglers and getting entry into European countries. It’s like they are queue-jumping, just because of that photo. Many children have been dying in conflict for many years, but people only care when a photo trends on social media.” The ill-fated toddler in the photo was Alan Kurdi, although some reports said the family’s real surname is Shenu. Alan and his five-year-old brother and their mother were among 12 people who drowned on September 2 when two boats carrying them toward a Greek island capsized. Alan’s father, Abdullah, had been working in Turkey for two years. Some survivors claim Abdullah was a people smuggler, at the helm of one of the boats – a claim he has denied. Instead, he blames Canada for the deaths of his sons and wife, although Canadian authorities say he never applied for refugee status there. Arash says it is irresponsible to have a child in a conflict zone and to put a child’s life in the hands of people smugglers. “I have been married for 10 years. Every day my wife asks me for a baby. I say not until we are resettled in a safe country. You should not put a baby or child in danger.” Security is paramount for all asylum seekers. Having the security to receive support from police when they are scammed by unscrupulous rental agents would make life easier for those in Indonesia.



Karen Davis is a NYC artist and writer

Conserving Nature

What projects do you think need to be addressed here? Where to begin? We basically need a paradigm shift in our mentality towards nature and its resources. First and foremost, the lack of education needs to be addressed. That’s the root of it all, I think. It would be amazing if even the most basic sustainability lessons were implemented into the Indonesian public school system to bring about awareness in the local people, especially at a young and impressionable age.

Meet Akasha Modesta

Environmentalist and nature photographer, Akasha Modesta, returns to make Bali her home after studying and working abroad. By Karen Davis

And our addiction to plastic is a huge problem! We need to work on reducing the use of plastic bags and plastic water bottles and cups. Small lifestyle changes like bringing a reusable bag to go grocery shopping and packing a water bottle when you head out for the day would already make a great difference. It’s so sad to see our oceans and rivers filled with plastic; the rainy season is especially worrying. Bali definitely has its own environmental issues, but Indonesia as a whole has a tonne more which requires attention as well.

We basically need a

paradigm shift

in our mentality towards nature and its resources.

You are a second generation Bali expat. What was it like growing up here? Absolutely incredible. I feel so blessed to have been raised on such a beautiful island filled with rich culture and diverse people. The whole expat community here is like one big family. I really feel that we are lucky to have each other as such a closeknit support system. Tell me about your education while in Southeast Asia. I did the majority of my schooling at Bali International School, which I loved. When I was in the ninth grade, my mother and I decided that it was time for a change, so I enrolled into Prem Tinsulanonda International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where I completed my last three years of high school. Those years were a really exciting time for me because everything was fresh and unfamiliar. Thailand is amazing. Boarding school showed me a new sense of independence,

and the International Baccalaureate course I took really challenged me and taught me the importance of a strong work ethic. I made so many good friends that I’m still close with to this day, and that’s also something I’ll be forever grateful for. What inspired you to study Environmental Science in the United States? I’ve always had a love for the outdoors, ever since I was a kid. It’s hard not to when you grow up in a paradise like Bali, especially the old Bali. I would spend my free time either at the beach or wandering around aimlessly in the nearest sawah. Life in Chiang Mai also showed me a different side of nature’s beauty. Our campus was nestled in the Northern Thai mountains, and so everyone made the most of that by hiking and river rafting. After I graduated, I moved to Los Angeles for a year, and then transferred to Hawaii Pacific University on Oahu. Again, another decision I will never regret.

What did you love most about being in the USA? The variety! There is so much to choose from in the United States. I think it's a country that has something to offer everyone and I’d like to explore more of it. I will never forget my first trip to the supermarket in LA— I got lost in the aisles for hours; I couldn’t believe how much variety there was to choose from. Even after five years of living in the States, I still get a little overwhelmed at the store. What environmental projects were you involved in State-side? I did a lot of volunteer work during my studies in Hawaii. I was involved in coastal wetland restoration projects, beach clean-ups, water quality monitoring in the ocean and in streams, and invasive plant species removal in the forests. Hawaii has a huge problem with invasive species, so pest control organizations are always very appreciative of any help they can get. When I moved to California after graduating, I did a nine-month internship with a small non-profit called Friends of the Petaluma River. I worked in watershed conservation, which I really enjoyed. What did you miss most being away from Bali and Indonesia? My family, friends, and, of course, nasi campur.

What got you interested in nature photography? I think taking photos was just an inevitable result of me spending a lot of time outdoors. Whenever I see a beautiful view, I have an instant desire to document it so that I can relive a part of it through a photo many years later. Nature is perfect as she is, and I think that’s why I prefer to shoot natural elements as opposed to human subjects. I don’t need to direct and correct when I shoot natural scenes, so that always makes it a peaceful experience. I also love sharing my adventures with others through photography, and I think social media has played a huge part in that. I think the same goes for many my age— we are all dialled into social media one way or another. It’s so prevalent, and that can be both a blessing and a curse. I especially love your photographs of simple subjects such as water. You show the movement and life within these elements. How do you bring out what most of us overlook? Thank you. Water is my favourite element to photograph, and I think it’s because water is so effortlessly beautiful. It brings a literal meaning of ‘going with the flow’, one of my primary approaches to life. I think water is so intriguing to photograph because it represents so much of the unknown. We never really know what lies beneath the surface unless we go under and find out for ourselves. Getting my scuba certification really opened my eyes to a colourful world that most of us don’t experience. What are your plans for the future? I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. I’m very happy to be back home and living in Bali for the time being. I have plans to help my mother out with her spa business, and hopefully I will find my way into some coastal conservation work here in Indonesia. I definitely want to take what I’ve learned in college and use it to give back to my home country.

Thank you, Akasha! To get in touch, e-mail

issue 150 Indonesia expat


EXPAT OUTREACH THE ENVIRONMENT When she isn't travelling around Asia, Alice enjoys spending time with her golden retriever Gerard.

The Rhythm of

PEOPLE POWER An environmental movement against the planned reclamation of water and mangroves for large-scale development in Benoa Bay is uniting conservationists, musicians and youth in their efforts to stop the project. By Alice Jay Courtesy of ForBALI

“Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel,” the American counterculture writer Hunter S. Thomson once said. Music is a powerful tool indeed, and in Bali it is spurring the community to stand up against overdevelopment and environmental degradation. United by love for their island home and music, some of Bali’s top bands are joining forces with youth to oppose the Benoa Bay land reclamation project. Led by investment group PT Tirta Wahana Bali International (TWBI), the project would see around 838 hectares of the area’s shallow water turned into a chain of connected islets to house resorts, golf courses, nightclubs, a theme park and even a Formula One circuit. Specifically, the development plan has sparked a protest movement called Forum Rakyat Bali Tolak Reklamasi, or ForBALI, a coalition of academics, artists, musicians, religious leaders and farmers angered by the rampant overdevelopment of the island. Some of the island’s most renowned bands, such as the punk outfit Superman Is Dead, and the folk and pop group Nosstress, have joined the fight, and for the past three years have been using their celebrity status to attract young anti-reclamation warriors. Nosstress has even written a protest song, which has since been performed by numerous other Bali bands. The lyrics ‘Build Bali, subsidise the farmers. We all eat rice, don’t need reclamation’ go a long way to voice the sentiment of dissent currently reverberating through the island. “The movement is definitely gaining momentum. Farmers, the majority of students, as well as the community at large, are all actively resisting the reclamation,” says JRX (Jerinx), the outspoken drummer and songwriter for Superman is Dead and the celebrity face of ForBALI. “I am optimistic about our struggle against the rulers and greedy businessmen. The universe isn’t blind, and in Bali money isn’t God.” THE ISSUE Environmentalists have warned that the artificial islets, which would consume 75 percent of the bay’s area, could cause severe flooding. Conservation International Indonesia Executive Director, Ketut Sarjana Putra, said that the seawater levels in the area could increase by as much as 1.6 metres, potentially affecting the nearby low-lying areas. The project would also destroy the area’s mangrove ecosystem and deprive local fishermen of their livelihood. Benoa Bay used to be protected under zoning regulations, but Presidential Decree No. 51/2014 issued by former Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 20

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turned the bay into a business zone and gave the development project the green light. Bali Governor, Made Mungku Pastika, is also a vocal advocate of the proposed man-made network of islets. THE GOOD FIGHT Under the banner Bali Tolak Reklamasi (Bali Rejects Reclamation), ForBALI has been staging monthly demonstrations and live music events to raise awareness about the dangers associated with filling in the environmentally sensitive estuary, as well as to urge the Government and investors to stop the project. And while it is the conservationists and environmental experts who are guiding Bali Tolak Reklamasi, it is the youth who are spurring the movement on with their dedication and energy. “Bali Tolak Reklamasi is one of the biggest environmental movements in the history of Indonesia. No other eco-movement has had the energy to organise monthly street protests of up to 3,000 people. It’s so good to see that it is Indonesia’s youth who make up a lot of this number,” says Rudolf Dethu, a writer and socio-political activist who will lead the discussion about the Benoa Bay reclamation plan at this year’s Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. A former manager of the influential Bali band Superman is Dead, Dethu has been a major player in attracting young antireclamation warriors to join Bali Tolak Reklamasi. “It’s not easy to kill a grassroots movement such as this one. We are not doing this for money but out of passion. Everybody is so dedicated,” Dethu says. “It is the youth who are behind all the Bali Tolak Reklamasi banners on the streets. Interestingly, those always disappear when Jokowi, or some other important figure, visits Bali. It doesn’t matter because they soon reappear again.” ForBALI holds regular seminars in banjar (community centres) around the island to educate Bali’s youth about the perils of uncontrolled development. Those who learn about the detrimental consequences the Benoa Bay development would have on the environment usually become active opponents of the project. Man Angga from the band Nosstress, who got involved in Bali Tolak Reklamasi almost three years ago, says that while many young people are initially attracted to the movement because of the live music events and what he refers to as the “coolness factor”, they quickly learn about why the Benoa Bay project would negatively affect Bali’s environment and culture. “It’s great to see the kids turn into ecodefenders. They love the music, but they

Courtesy of ForBALI

“If we are successful in stopping this project from going ahead, we might just set a precedent for the whole of the country.” -Rudolf Dethu-

also realise that there is so much more behind it,” Angga says. “I am certain of one thing – if the movement hadn’t existed, Benoa Bay would have already been partly filled.” The demonstrators hope that Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo revokes the controversial decree issued by his predecessor, which removed Benoa Bay’s protected status and let TWBI press ahead with the project. “I still believe that Jokowi is a good guy. We can’t say that we don’t trust him, but we don’t trust him 100 percent because we don’t think that right now he has enough power to do much about this,” Dethu says. “Nevertheless, we won’t stop petitioning him about how important it is for Bali’s future that the presidential decree passed by SBY is revoked.” A TEST FOR INDONESIA This would have been unheard of before the fall of President Suharto in 1998 – thousands of protesters taking to the streets of Bali to rally against a project that would see an environmental estuary turned into a cacophony of noise and lights.

With so much at stake, it is no wonder that many see the Bali Tolak Reklamasi movement as a test of Indonesia’s emerging democracy. And with the movement and media support growing, it is no wonder that many are optimistic. “We are definitely heading in the right direction,” Dethu says. “I am so happy that we have the opportunity to use our freedom of speech and expression to do good. In the early days we were always threatened by thugs. Since Bali Tolak Reklamasi has grown, we have had no more direct threats when we go out on the streets.” And the movement is spreading, not just throughout Indonesia but also internationally. Antireclamation demonstrations have already taken place in Indonesian cities such as Jakarta and Malang, as well as in Washington D.C in the United States. “We will keep fighting,” Dethu says. “If we are successful in stopping this project from going ahead, we might just set a precedent for the whole of the country.”

For more information, visit

A BAR WITH ATMOSPHERE AND GREAT FOOD “Why is it called Frank’s?” and “Who is Frank?” These are two questions we get asked a lot since our opening in late August of this year. Frank is a friendly name and it’s a common first name, and this sums up who and what we wanted to create here at Frank’s Bar and Smokehouse. A friendly place where everyone knows each other by their first name, a place where you meet other individuals that enjoy a bit of camaraderie and fun. It does not matter if you are Frank, or Joe, or Irwan, or Rika; Frank’s brings people together who enjoy a good drink, great food, and the company of others. Frank’s is very much a friendly bar, where you and your mates can indulge in the largest selection of American whiskeys and tequilas in town, or simply stick to a cold lager. Don’t miss Frank’s signature drink, the Jack Daniel’s Lynchburg Lemonade. It’s awesome. Frank’s is never boring or stuffy, with great live music on the weekends, daily, weekly and monthly drinks promos and a bunch of monthly special events that make Frank’s a new lifestyle habit for fun-loving people. With Frank’s bar, a new food experience came to Kemang when we chose to explore the concept of a central Texas Smokehouse, again because this food is simple, down to Earth, steeped in tradition and brings people together in a friendly and informal way; having a beer, relaxing and just having some fun. We smoke all of our imported meats fresh every day, starting in the early morning hours so that by 5.30pm we are ready with our smoked meats of Beef Brisket, Pork Ribs, Beef Jalapeno Sausage and pulled Pork. It often happens that these popular items run out by 8pm on the same evening (sorry we don’t plan on leftovers for the next day), so come early! Keeping with central Texas smokehouse traditions – the likes of Kreuzes smokehouse in Lockhard Texas or City Market in Luling Texas – we serve our smoked meats on a plastic tray and brown butcher paper with dill pickles and sliced raw onions. Our Texas style homemade BBQ sauce, which comes in two flavours, mild and hot, is always served on the side, never smothering the taste of our great meats. Of course, besides our smoked meats we have other Texas specialties such as Chicken Fried Steak, Burgers and yes, for our Tex-Indonesian folks, Brisket Nasi Goreng. Just

coming for a drink or a beer? We have a large selection of bar snacks including our infamous Atomic Buffalo Turds (Creamed cheese stuffed Jalapeno Peppers). We suggest our house-made sides that include homemade fries, potato salad, coleslaw, pinto beans mac n’ cheese. Let’s be Frank: • We are proud of our 40-foot-long bar that offers the largest selection of tequilas and bourbons in town. A must-try is our Jack Daniel’s Lynchburg Lemonade. • Opening Hours, Monday through Friday from 3pm until late. Saturday and Sunday we open from 11am until late. • Please note that smoked meats are not available for lunch, but we also have a variety of snacks, sandwiches, along with main courses served at lunch and dinner. • Every Friday and Saturday night, starting at 10pm some of the top live bands in town are ready to entertain you. • A special place needs special events and we have a f ull agenda with wine, whiskey and tequila tastings (not all at once, please). We are hosting several business networking and association events over the coming months. • At Frank’s we are open to group bookings such as birthdays, product launches, arisan, farewells, small meetings etcetera. • Sunday and Monday night NFL Football replays are shown at the bar every Monday and Tuesday Evening, and Saturday afternoon. • Enjoy a drink while playing a game of pool or darts in our gaming area. • Located in Taman Kemang, we are at the doorstep of Kemang Village Lippo Mall and a stone’s throw away from Kemchicks at Kemang Mansion. Testimonials: “Best BBQ in Town” “The County Line Restaurant in Texas would have a hard time competing with your food” “Great food, great atmosphere, definitely be back” “Love the selection of tequilas, best I have seen in Jakarta” “Must try the Lynchburg Lemonade and the smoked brisket” “Beautiful” “Blown away by the brisket and pulled pork, superb food”

Frank’s Bar & Smokehouse | Jl. Taman Kemang no. 29 | (+62) 21 718 3007 | | FB: franksbarjkt | TW: @FranksBarJKT

issue 150 Indonesia expat



Becak Terus

Rickshawing from Aceh to Jakarta for a Good Cause By Angela Richardson

Back in 2013, we interviewed a man brave – and some might even say crazy – enough to run from Bali to Jakarta on a mission to raise money and awareness for children’s cancer charity, Mary’s Cancer Kiddies. This year, Thompson plans to ride, and sometimes pull, a becak from Banda Aceh in north-west Sumatra all the way to Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta. Scott Thompson on his modified becak which he will be riding from Aceh to Jakarta in the name of charity

Scott Thompson on popular Indonesian TV show Kick Andy

The recent forest fires and haze enveloping Sumatra is also a worry for Thompson and his team, not to mention his loving wife, Laura. Thompson’s mentality is to just tackle it day by day and see what happens. “If the mind is strong, the body will follow,” he says, determined to ride until the end.

If you haven’t met Scott Thompson, I can only describe him as a humble and altruistic Scottsman with a fire inside him to help others. We met to discuss his upcoming physical and mental challenge, which plans to commence at the end of the month: a rickshaw ride that will take him from Banda Aceh to North Sumatra, through Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, and finally across the Sunda Straits to Java and into Jakarta via Banten. The journey is estimated to take approximately 18 days and hopes to be in the Guinness Book of World Records with the longest rickshaw ride ever taken. The previous record was set by fellow UK citizen, Tim Moss, who completed a 1,000-mile (1,609.34km) ride across the length and breadth of Great Britain.

face, Thompson has built a special harness, which he will use to pull his 80kg becak. According to his calculations, the elevation climb will be equivalent to starting at sea level, climbing to the top of Mount Everest, returning back to the sun-lounger on the beach, and then repeating the summit climb three more times. Thompson’s becak is certainly out of the ordinary – it’s been souped-up to ensure stability and longevity. With a Sram groupset and a specially-designed frame in place, including disc brakes set in parallel and a Volkswagen steering damper, this becak has been carefully prepared for the long journey it’s about to take. Other additions include water holder, music station, GPS, sandwich box, and, representing Indonesia, the vehicle has been painted red and white and flies the nation’s flag.

Thompson’s Banda Aceh- to Jakarta-ride of 2,600km – which is the distance from London to Rome – will not be a smooth one, by any stretch of the imagination. Between the Riau border and Palembang is what Thompson calls “the valley of a thousand hills”, which speaks for itself, really. To conquer the many large hills he’s soon to

Dua Tangan Cukup

As one of the most popular destinations in the world, Bali represents Indonesia on the global scene. To contribute in keeping Bali's beaches clean and safe, Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia and Quiksilver held Bali's Big Eco Weekend 2015 in August, where local communities, the Government, visitors and industry players of Bali renewed their commitment by taking real action to tackle the waste problem in Bali. Bali's Big Eco Weekend is an annual campaign of the regular Bali Beach Clean-Up, both initiated by Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) and Quiksilver as continuous efforts to bring more attention to Bali's environmental state and drive more support for the Bali government's programme in creating a 'Clean and Green Bali'.

Indonesia expat issue 150

Thompson’s Banda Aceh to Jakarta ride of 2,600km – which is the distance from London to Rome – will not be a smooth one, by any stretch of the imagination.

With a multitude of sponsors behind him, Thompson has already raised Rp.3 billion which will go to children’s charities Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB), Mary’s Cancer Kiddies (MCK) and Puspita Foundation, and residential, vocational training programme for adult men and women with mobility disabilities, Wisma Cheshire.

After Thompson’s triumphant run from Bali to Jakarta in 2012, rumours circulated about a shift in his internal organs. “It’s not true,” Thompson says, reassuring that he’s in tip-top shape. “In order to make it in time on this trip, I’ll probably be riding 12 hours a day,” he explains. “The most dangerous thing to avoid is dehydration.”

There is probably no man better prepared to take on the job. With his rigorous training schedule, planning and determination, it looks as though Thompson will be riding his rickshaw into BSD City three weeks after he embarks from Aceh, and he will have helped many Indonesian people in need at the same time. Becak terus!

Thompson will be followed the whole stretch of the way by a support car, which may double-up as a bed if there are no losmen in certain areas where he will stop for rest. This will also help to deter any trouble-makers in the area from getting in the way, which has been a concern in this area.

Fans can keep up-to-date with Thompson’s journey at , where his GPS will track his exact whereabouts on the map. If you would like to help him raise more money than his previous run from Bali to Jakarta for charities, please visit:

Actions From Across The Archipelago

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia and Quiksilver Continue to Preserve Bali's Beach Ecosystems through Bali's Big Eco Weekend 2015


So, what drives a man to take on such physically exerting and dangerous challenges? In Thompson’s case, it’s helping others, as well as inspiring athletes to come up with ways of raising money for worthy causes. “Hopefully I can inspire younger athletes to do whatever they can to help build a bridge and reach out,” he says.

"We've invested in the programmes since 2007 and it has been a very good collaboration between Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Quiksilver, the Bali government and local communities. While the regular beach cleaning has been contributing impact, through Bali's Big Eco Weekend we are still calling for more support from everyone in Bali, including both the growing citizens and tourists," says Kadir Gunduz, President Director of Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia. This year's Bali's Big Eco Weekend marked the 8th year of Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia and Quiksilver's commitment to keeping Bali's beaches clean and safe. Started in 2007, Bali Beach Clean Up (BBCU) empowers the local communities in Bali by hiring 78 local workers and providing them with regular training in waste management and clean environment awareness. As front-liners, BBCU workers run daily clean-up in five iconic beaches in Bali (Jimbaran, Legian, Kuta, Seminyak, Kedonganan)

and maximize the clean-up facilities which include three surf rakes, three garbage trucks, four beach tractors, and at least 150 new bins per year. The total amount of waste collected through the programme has reached more than 29 million kilograms as of July 2015. Joining the thousands of visitors in rolling up their sleeves and collecting waste on Jimbaran Beach and Padma Beach Legian were Dadang Rizki Ratman, Directorate General for Tourism Destination Development, Ministry of Tourism; Rijaluzzaman, Head of Centre of Development Monitoring on Eco-region of Bali and Nusa Tenggara; Ketut Wija, Deputy Economic & Development of Bali Province; and Quiksilver global athletes, including world champions Mark Richards (4X World Champion), Tom Carroll (2X World Champion), Jake Paterson, Matt Hoy, Kelia Moniz (2X Longboarding World Champion), and Torah Bright (Olympic Gold Medallist).


Tauzia Hotel Management strikes exclusive partnership with Bank Mega JAKARTA TAUZIA Hotel Management has signed a long-term promotional partnership with prominent local financial institution, Bank MEGA, a subsidiary of TRANSCORP Media Group. The exclusive deal is only made available for Bank MEGA Credit Card holders and valid from 6 September 2015 to 31 August 2016. “With this partnership, it means we are open to more business possibilities from over 2 million card holders all across Indonesia and it is our great pleasure to provide easier access and more affordable rates for both existing

and prospective customers who want to try or come back to stay in our hotel chains,” said Yusuf Ijsseldijk, TAUZIA’s Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing. Promotional schemes made available across hotel brands include 10 percent off room charge and 15 percent off F&B and spa for HARRIS Hotels, Solo Paragon Hotel & Residences, Eden Hotel Kuta and Pesona Alam Resorts & Spa Puncak through direct online booking; and 5 percent off room charge for POP! Hotels through direct online booking.

Mega International Healthcare launches in Indonesia Winners of the first Indonesia Property Awards 2015 unveiled JAKARTA The nation’s most active developers and industry leaders were lauded in Jakarta at the first-ever Indonesia Property Awards; a glittering ceremony at the InterContinental Jakarta Midplaza. A total of 23 awards were presented at the event which joins Ensign Media’s prestigious Asia Property Awards programme in its 10th anniversary year. “Over the last few years we have observed a major progression in the Indonesian real estate market, and the calibre of the developments during our launch year proves that Indonesian developers are serious about fostering the local industry through innovation and building superior quality projects,” said Terry Blackburn, CEO of Ensign Media, awards organiser and publisher of Asia’s industry-leading Property Report magazine. Sinar Mas Land, nominated for four awards, brought home the highest honour of the year, Best Developer, for its commitment to building highquality products that aim to improve the quality of life in Indonesia, and for leading in innovation for all stages of development, design, construction and marketing. The leading firm also received the Best Retail Development award for The Breeze, and scooped the Best Housing Development (Jakarta) gong for The Avani by Sinar Mas Land, as well as the coveted Best Housing Development (Indonesia) trophy. It also took home one Highly Commended certificate. Several key awards went to the PT Ciputra Group, recipient of a Highly Commended accolade in the Best Developer category. The group collected three awards for Raffles Hotel Jakarta, namely Best Hotel Development, Best Hotel Interior Design and Best Commercial Development (Indonesia); and the Best Mixed-Use Development trophy for Ciputra World 2, a project undertaken by its subsidiary PT Sarananeka Indahpancar. Another Best Developer nominee, PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk, was presented a Special Recognition in CSR for its initiatives in transforming lives through environment-friendly, high-quality and sustainable business activities. The Tangerang-based developer also picked up the Best MidRange Condo Development (Jakarta) award for Hillcrest House at Millennium Village. Other big winners of the evening included: Kencana Graha Global, taking the Best Luxury Condo Development (Jakarta), Best Residential Interior Design, and Best Condo Development (Indonesia) for its outstanding Regent Residences project, one of the components of the Mangkuluhur City mixed-use complex in Jakarta’s bustling CBD; and the stunning, luxury island resort Bask Gili Meno by P Bask Gili Meno, a triple winner for Best Landscape Architectural Design, Best Hotel Architectural Design and Best Villa Development (Resort).

INDONESIA Mega Insurance, together with GlobalHealth Asia have joined to provide an international healthcare Insurance product in Indonesia. This product is designed to meet the market needs of foreign workers and high networth local individuals and their families who are mobile and have concerns for their health and wellbeing. The cooperation of these two leaders in their respective fields has led to the delivery of Mega International Healthcare (MIHC), a product that delivers flexibility, convenience and certainty of protection on an international scale.

MIHC product provides comprehensive benefits with protection options that can be tailored to the needs of each individual. The main advantages of this product are flexibility of plan selection within one family; as Charged Covers with annual limit up to US$ 2,500,000; full cover for acute and chronic conditions; simple claim process to suit demanding lifestyles and many more. President Director of PT. Asuransi Umum Mega, Ivan Nanulaitta said, "Mega Insurance understands the needs of society, especially those local high net-worth individuals with whom we do business. We are now in a position to help them obtain health insurance which has an extensive coverage in terms of treatment options, rich benefits, and worldwide cover.”

Shangri-La Hotel presents Supreme Brunch for monthly culinary carnival JAKARTA Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta invites epicureans to an over-the-top experience of the hotel’s latest brunch extravagance, ‘Supreme Brunch’, a monthly culinary carnival available every first Sunday of the month. SATOO and Shang Palace, the two most sought-after brunch venues at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta have joined forces to present a huge landscape for fellow food aficionados to enjoy brunch with their families and friends. During brunch, guests are welcome to spend their Sunday on a culinary exploration brimming with delectable international cuisines ranging from Indian, Thai, Western and Chinese to appetising Indonesian hawker food. Plentiful options and an exclusive kid’s buffet with adorably decorated sandwiches, cupcakes and many other delights are also available for Shangrila Hotel, Jakarta’s ‘Very Important Kids’. The little ones can also enjoy the outdoors and have fun in the hotel’s spacious garden. These precious guests have access to extensive fun-filled activities, such as pony rides, a painting show, nail art and more.

issue 150 Indonesia expat


* Answers in the next edition!


The zebra crossing to nowhere

ACROSS 1. 9 16's first moves (7,6) 8. See 12 9. Magnificent (5) 10. Change (4) 11. Fragments of shell (8) 13. Belief - trust - favourable acknowledgment (6) 14. Woman's name - Christian hymn praising God (6) 17. Untouched - old keyboard instrument (8) 19. Rim - move gradually (4) 21. Religious teacher (5) 22. Licensed passenger vehicle (7) 24. We learn trills (anag) - sportsman (3-2,8)

DOWN 1. Aged (3) 2. Give effect to (7) 3. Island of the Inner Hebrides (4) 4. German poet and dramatist (6) 5. Doubtful - plausible (8) 6. Organ of the intellect (5) 7. Large movement (of water or public opinion) (5,4) 10. The other way round (4,5) 12. A possible 1 across (8,7) 15. Fundamental (7) 16. Lord - controller - teacher (6) 18. Non-conformist (5) 20. Centre of rotation (4) 23. Length of wood or metal - drinking place (3)


ACROSS — 1. Sector 4. Toffee 9. Airhead 10. Avoid 11. Chimp 12. Stammer 13. Patron Saint 18. Astride 20. Spasm 22. Ochre 23. Deserve 24. System 25. Island DOWN — 1. Snatch 2. Corgi 3. Over par 5. Omaha 6. Frogman 7. Endure 8. Odds and ends 14. Aitches 15. Assists 16. Patois 17. Impend 19. Irene 21. Atria


Indonesia expat issue 150

Spotted by a friend in Jakarta's CBD

Send your funny pictures to for competitive advertising rates and get noticed through our printed publication, e-newsletter and on our website.


When several years of overexertion in the pursuit of decadent fun had begun to give my expatriate friend panic attacks, he sought a consultation with a psychiatrist. I couldn’t resist quipping, “Well, you certainly would have to be crazy to want to see an Indonesian psychiatrist.” I was no newcomer to such Catch-22s and other idiosyncrasies in Indonesia’s medical industry. A dentist once explained to me during a routine check-up that although I had a bad tooth, he couldn’t extract it because he’d recently undergone heart surgery and wasn’t permitted to do anything strenuous. But at least he had a fully equipped, private surgery. In Borneo once, I peered into a shopfront window and saw not a shop of any sort but a dentist chair rooted in the centre of an otherwise bare floor. The dentist was lounging in a seat by the wall. He was reading a newspaper like a barber waiting for a customer to walk in. He was also smoking a cigarette. I can’t abide any medical practitioner that smokes. It’s like a firefighter who deliberately burns himself, or a dietician who stuffs his mouth with cream buns. Not that my own former smoking habit had ever been constrained by such a belief. One day in 2002 I was rolling a cigarette on my desk at home in Central Jakarta when my arm suddenly went dead, becoming like a rubber appendage. Sensation gradually came back, but not fully. My arm was left feeling vaguely floppy and uncoordinated. If I tried to touch my nose I'd poke myself in the eye. While persevering with the construction of the cigarette, I momentarily went blind in my left eye. It was time to see a doctor. I just hoped it went better than the last time I saw one. That time I had been diagnosed with amebic dysentery, and had been prescribed an antibiotic called Flagyl. Turning to leave the surgery, I asked the doctor whether I was allowed to drink alcohol with this medicine, since I still had some partying to finish off.

When well-off people in Indonesia need medical treatment, they often head off to Singapore. Daniel Pope thinks he knows why. friends about the unsatisfactory service she had received at a Jakarta hospital was promptly arrested, charged under the criminal code with defamation, convicted and jailed. Although the case became a public relations disaster for the hospital – and the woman’s conviction was overturned – it shows that it's best to seal one’s mouth with an Elastoplast regarding such matters. Back to my latest problem, the left side of my face had become paralyzed, and I had experienced some mental anomalies not related to alcohol consumption. With a companion at my side, I reached the dubious reassurance of a private hospital in South Jakarta. Here I underwent an MRI scan. My companion, standing near the monitor, alarmed me by shouting, “My God! I can see your brain!”

But the day after that I felt fine, so I drank again… and was sick again. At last suspecting – or reluctantly accepting – that drinking on top of taking my medicine was the cause of my stomach trouble, I looked up the antibiotic online (this was back in the days when the Internet was still a big deal). The very first line of information read ‘DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL WITH THIS MEDICINE; IT CAN CAUSE NAUSEA, STOMACH CRAMPS AND VOMITING…’ There are only a handful of antibiotics that carry a high risk of adverse effects when taken with alcohol. I considered myself unlucky to have been prescribed one of them. I also cursed the doctor for not advising me properly. I cursed him discreetly, mind, wishing to avoid provoking corporate lawyers. Some years later in 2008, a woman who had complained in emails to her

Recalling the steep prices in the brochures the MRI doctor had shown me, I chose to stay at a public hospital in order to save money. Hospital bills are usually long and meticulously itemized in my experience. At a glance you’d think they must include the price of each individual molecule making up your plasters and bandages.

…a woman who had complained in emails to her friends about the unsatisfactory service she had received at a Jakarta hospital was promptly arrested, charged under the criminal code with defamation, convicted and jailed. The doctor had a less hysterical assessment. He said I’d suffered a transient ischemic attack, or TIA - a mini stroke - whose symptoms of numbness were temporary. He recommended a cautionary stay in hospital, and took me through some glossy hospital brochures like a travel agent inviting me to choose a resort to stay at. He also listed the size of the deposits which would have to be paid before I'd be admitted to a ward rather than pointed back out to the street. Encouraged by the word ‘transient’ in the name of my disorder, I replied that I’d prefer to remain an outpatient. So the doctor prescribed a daily dose of Aspirin and advised me to take all the usual measures – stopping smoking, eating well, exercising regularly – to help reduce the risk of further attacks or worse.

In all honesty I expected a flat ‘no’ (this surely would be the default answer even if the doctor was uncertain). But after hesitating, he replied, “Just a little,” and gestured so with his finger and thumb. I must say I was skeptical, but I was at the Jakarta branch of a reputable international clinic so what did I know. Out with friends that evening, I drank two large bottles of beer, which in those days amounted to much less than just a little in my view, and woke up later in the night sicker than I'd ever been. I threw up so hard I thought my honking might drown out the amplified call to prayer from the local mosque. All the next day I felt nauseous.

Just a single Aspirin later the next morning, in my classroom at the school where I taught, a small bomb went off inside my head. The left side of my face felt like it had been blasted off. My ears rang. I couldn’t speak (at least not without sounding like the Elephant Man). So I gave my students a lop-sided smile, and staggered from the room. Maybe some hospital observation was in order after all.


Conditions at the bustling establishment in Central Jakarta where I settled into bed were so primitive that I expected to see Florence Nightingale on duty. The corridors were packed and the open wards, although old and with their paintwork heavily scuffed, appeared makeshift, as though set up in a hurry to deal with a disaster such as an earthquake. It was hectic. Visitors smoked. Patients smoked. The doctors smoked. As an EFL teacher, I had taught many doctors and nurses. They were invariably keen students. Indeed, one general practitioner taking an English conversation course, when unable to attend a class, had insisted on participating over a speaker-phone link. He was thus represented in the classroom by a small green telephone on a desktop. In this diminutive, tinny-sounding form he answered questions and generally remained involved throughout the lesson. However, I was beginning to have concerns over his motive for wishing to be absent from the classroom. This was because, while the rest of the students were silently writing, I clearly heard coming from the speaker the scrape and hiss of a cigarette lighter being struck, followed by the soft crackle of tobacco igniting, and lastly the audible satisfaction of the GP exhaling smoke. Then coughing. Every so often, my expat drinking buddies amuse themselves, or perhaps celebrate their own continued survival after years of unhealthy excess, by counting off on their fingers the number of people they’d known over the years who had bit the Java dust. Some of those deaths are through medical negligence. I am happy to say that following my hospital stay and some lifestyle changes, my TIAs eventually cleared up and I am not yet on that list. Nor has the berserk state of the medical industry in Jakarta ever prompted me to seek the services of a psychiatrist.

Daniel Pope is a part-time hedonist, residing mostly in Jakarta, where he still finds everything a bit of a rum do.

issue 150 Indonesia expat


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JAKARTA Arts & Culture

Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design 2015 28 October–30 November 2015 Artura Insanindo & grandkemang Hotel Jakarta presents Indonesian Contemporar y Art & Design 2015, held at the grandkemang Hotel Jakarta. Open daily from 10am-8pm, this contemporary art exhibition is held annually to explore the richness of Indonesia’s local wisdom in a contemporary way. The exhibition lasts six weeks with various programmes mainly related with design and art. ICAD always introduces inspirational pe ople w it h t hei r br i l l ia nt and inspirational works to be shared and to be experienced by the public. More info: www.

The 90s Festival 7 November 2015 Get ready to take a trip down the memory lane in a throwback extravaganza as the 90s Festival is assembling dozens of both local and international artists and musicians in this year’s theme ‘Big Reunion’. The festival will include a r tist s like Frente, Base Jam, P-Project, Coboy, and plenty of upcoming artists yet to be announced. For more information please visit: www., Tw itter, Fa c e b o ok , I n s t a g r a m: @ the90sfestival

parts of the world live, Kemang is defined by diversity. For that reason, the people are holding Multi Culture Party Carnival that will see a variety of cultural performances, such as ondelondel, barongsai, lenong and w ushu. Additionally, people c a n a l s o e nj o y pu r c h a s i ng items from the exhibitions. For more information visit: www.

Jakarta Biennale 2015 15 November–17 January 2016 Jakarta Biennale is an art event that focuses on international contemporar y ar t. With this year’s theme of ‘Got Forward, Backward Taxable: Learning in the Present’, the event will observe the present, past, and future, through the three elements of: international context in current Jakarta; Indonesia in the 80s; and current young Indonesian artists. Artists, curators, and researchers from var ious disciplines and backgrounds will partake in this event to evaluate an array of art projects involving citizens and communities. www.

SIAL Interfood 2015 11–14 November 2015 SI A L Group and K rista Exhibitions present the 14th international exhibition on food and product that joins the forces of two powerful groups in the food and beverages industry: SIAL GROUP and INTERFOOD. SIAL Interfood will display numerous food and beverage companies t h at a r e t r y i ng t o c omp e t e in t he A SE A N ma rket . The event will take place at Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran. For more information, visit www. Community Clean Up Jakarta Day 2015

Multi Culture Party Carnival Kemang 2015 7–8 November 2015 Known as an area where people from different backgrounds and


Indonesia expat issue 150

18 October 2015 Back for its third year, Clean Up Jakarta Day is an annual event that gathers communities, schools, bu si ne sse s a nd i nd iv idua ls through the tradition of ‘gotong royong’. Approximately 15,000

Blaze” Burns who meets the hardhitting Timofey Nastyukhin, and Pakistan’s Bashir Ahmad who takes on Australian Martin Nguyen. Buy your tickets at or all 7-Eleven outlets.

a road race. Participants can now register online through the official race website: www. Arts & Culture

MAGELANG volunteers from all walks of life will be cleaning up the streets of Jakarta at around 40 locations in an attempt to raise awareness about the problem of rubbish, as well as educate about the need to practice the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Volunteers will gather at their sites from 6am, and the clean-up will run from 7-9am. For the centrally-located sites, a Post Event from 10am-12pm for 600 volunteers will act as a place to gather and share experiences. To register and find out more, visit

Mandiri Jakarta Marathon 25 October 2015 The Mandiri Jakarta Marathon will start and finish at Jakarta’s Monas. 50 countries took part in the marathon last year, 1,200 out of 14,120 participants were f r om o t he r c ou nt r ie s . T he international event consists of three categories: full marathon (42,195km), half marathon (21, 10 and 5 km) and children’s sprint.

Sports Silent Disco 4 Kids

MesaStila Challenge & Ultra 2015 9–11 October 2015 The MessaStila Challenge is an exciting event for those who are up for an off-road running race of 13km, 21km, 42km, 65km and 100km. The race star ts i n A mba r aw a a nd f i n i she s at MesaStila, crossing one to f ive mountains surrounding Me sa St i la w it h idyl l ic r ic e paddy-tracks, coffee plantations a nd jungle tra ils. Athletes, local communities and sports enthusiasts all over Indonesia are expected to participate in this 5th annual running event that is also associated with a charity programme. Phone: +62 21 719 4121. Email: intouch@ Web: mesastila

BALI Sports

Bali International Triathlon ONE Championship: Odyssey of Champions 27 September, 2015 Asia’s hottest Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event brings a dynamic roster of fighters from all across Asia at Jakarta’s Istora Senayan. Main card will be Mongolia’s Narantungalag Jadambaa, a national kickboxing champion versus Russia’s undefeated mixed martial artist, Marat “Cobra” G a f u r o v. O t he r h ig h l ig ht s includes three-time Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion, Herbert “The

25 October 2015 Nusa Dua will be home to the eighth ‘Triathlon with a Soul’, a race that has won numerous awards, including “Best Destination Triathlon”. The event comprises a full Olympic Triathlon, a half-triathlon and a 5-kilometre fun run. It is expected to draw over 1,000 athletes from 30 countries, including more than 500 Indonesian triathletes. The race w ill beg in shor tly after sunrise with a swim in the tranquil waters of Jimbaran Bay, followed by a bike sprint to Nusa Dua and finishing with

26–27 September 2015 Grand Nikko Bali is inviting young dance enthusiasts aged six to 12 years to ‘Silent Disco 4 Kids’. This September, children shall experience dancing like never before by listening to music through wireless headphones, while parents can sit back and enjoy happy hour. The event will be free for those who stay at Grand Nikko Bali, while outside guests can purchase a Day in Paradise Package to join. For reservation and further information, please contact +62 361 - 773377 or

An Evening of Music & Cuisine Featuring Violin Virtuoso Fakhri Bagus Pratama 30 October 2015 A n evening that combines a celebration of talent and support for a good cause, The Laguna Bali collaborates with one of Indonesian’s finest violinists, Fakhri Bagus Pratama, to raise funds for the UNICEF Check Out for Children Programme. A group of 20 young violin students will be selected to join a private ma ster cla ss led by Fa k hr i. Afterwards, the event continues with a performance and will be concluded with a buffet dinner. For further information please contact +62 361 300 5503 or email: secretary.thelagunabali@ Festival Nusa Dua Fiesta 2015 9–13 October 2015 The annual festival of Nusa Dua Fiesta returns this October to celebrate Bali’s cultural vibrancy that one should not miss. Aspiring to reinforce its position among ot her i nt er nat iona l t ou r ist resorts, Nusa Dua Resort hosts the event to express its identity as the ultimate Balinese resort. Visitors will have the chance to capture Bali’s multi-cultural

spirit through displays of artwork, numerous performances such as ballet, traditional music, and many more. For more information, please contact +62 361 771010 or visit

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 28 October–1 November A Pulitzer Pr ize-w inner, an OBE, a 1m+ YouTube star, an Oscars contender, a North Korea defector, a rebel, a yogi, an Italian blockbuster and a Reverand will all be descending on the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, with many more of the world’s best writers, thinkers and artists. Purchase your 4-day pass and gain access to 85+ main programme sessions. More info at w w w.

KALIMANTAN Photography

Bali & Borneo Photography Adventure 20–27 November 2015 Join experienced adventurous professional travel photographer Mark Rayner and Masterclass photographer David Metcalf on a photographic adventure of a lifetime. You will have the opportunity to photograph a variety of wildlife in the Borneo, including a visit to a private island to see the orangutans by special arrangement. There will also be a three-day houseboat trip and cruise up the river visiting Dayak villages. Enjoy a special performance of Dayak music and dance and photograph the stunning sunsets in the wetlands as the native hornbills sweep across the sky. For more info, ple a se c ont a c t +62 (0) 812 53881385.




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issue 150 Indonesia expat


HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Indonesia Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 16.500 copies bi-weekly. Next deadline: 29 September

CONDITIONS Personal classifieds Commercial classifieds

Free of Charge (50 words max) Rp. 100,000 (0–50 words) Rp. 200,000 (50–100 words)

Property listings are considered as Commercial. Adding an image incurs an extra charge of Rp.150,000. Business Listings can only be placed on the Business Listings page (p.30) Send in your classifieds to

Jakarta Looking for work Experienced Writer, Marketer & Re se a rcher. A re you st i l l competitive in a falling market? Get a sharper image and the intelligence you need to stand out and shake up your competitors – permanently! Copy writing: Company profiles and Personal Bios. Annual reports, Corporate videos. Marketing: Strategy, Branding, Social media planning & story-telling. Competitive rates. Excellent references. Tel: 0812 1070 111 Email: paulkanwar@ My name is Hendry Sukmana, I’m looking for a job as a houseman, s e c u r i t y o r d r i v e r. I h a v e experience working with expat for 4 years. My main job was a house man, my job description was taking care of the garden , clean the house, taking care of the dogs. etc. I also help for dinner parties, preparing and serve drinks for guests and serving large dinner party when my Bos made parties. I also can drive, fixing plumbing and other repairs. I stop with my previous job was because my boss moved out to other country. I have recommendation letter from him, I also can give you my ex-bos contact if you want to have more information about myself. I can be reach at 0813 876 11360 or 0812 8888 1190. for competitive advertising rates and get noticed through our printed publication, e-newsletter and on our website.

"Your distribution is winning and could be found in all expat communities throughout Jakarta - more than other expat magazine." - Romie Johanes, Brand and Business Development Head, Gunung Sewu Kencana


Indonesia expat issue 150

My name is Endang al usman, I’m looking for a job as a gardener or security. I have 2 years experience. My phone number is 085 720 924 756 or 0813 87661 360 My name is Deni Nugraha, I’m looking for a job as a driver, I have experience working for Taxi company. I know very well the street in Jakarta, I am available for an interview at any time. My phone number 0856 9736 2924 Jobs Available Indonesia E x pat is hir ing a Graphic Designer to join the team! The ideal candidate could be a fresh grad majoring in design, with working experience in magazine layout , or other desig n. You will be working with the senior designer to create layouts for fortnightly deadlines, as well as creating artwork for Clean Up Jakarta Day and occasionally other creatives when needed. You will be an expert in Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, with

basic knowledge of Wordpress. You will also be a team player and a fun person to be around. Please send your CV and portfolio to: Due to the high number of applicants, not everyone will be contacted. Good luck! We would like to have writers who can collect information about a title and write procedures for us. We are a small and a grow ing website, we like to have people who can write 10 procedures related to Indonesia for a month. We are willing to pay 21,000 Indonesian Rupiah for a completed procedure. Interested people, please contact Administrative assistant/Parttime job. Must be able to read and speak English fluently and able to use the internet. Contact: F u l l T i me a nd Pa r t T i me vacancies are now available for experienced English language instructors for corporate courses around Jakarta. Competitive rates and travel allowance are offered. Please send your CV to recruitment@kpiconsultancy. com Automotives For rent 2013 Toyota Fortuner V N T Diesel automatic IDR 6.5mil/monthly. Also available Toyota Innova matic 4.5mil, manual 4mil, avanza matic 3,5mil. Pls call 0816865653 or sms 08551205556 I have a new black Toyota Avanza 2013 for rent. it is manual. want to rent for long periods,monthly or yearly. It is used to be rent by covered . i nt er e s t e d em a i l me at : or text me 081 860 9853 Property

House for Rent . L oc at ion: Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Access: 10 minutes driving to Senayan City Mall or Plaza Senayan, 15 minutes driving to Gandaria City, 25 minutes

driving to SCBD area, 20 minutes driving to Blok M, 20 minutes to Permata Hijau area (normal condition). Condition : Very good. House information : Land 145m, building 189m, 2 floors, Facilities: 1 master bed (king size, serta), 1 double bunk bed (single size), 1 single bed (for house assistant), 1 book rack, 1 tv table, stove, kitchen utensil, 1 long chair, 1 rocking chair, 1 ceiling fan, 1 AC. Price: Rp 145 mill / year. Contact: amalia.frese@gmail. com or 08111490400

Service apartment at Teuku cik ditiro, Menteng-Jakarta Pusat M R e s idenc e -R ent a l F u l ly furnished service apartment 35 m2, starting $1,700/ month Located in near embassy, Grand Indonesia ( Level A residence area in Jakarta ), Telp : 021-31907245 For R e nt F u l l y F u r n i s he d A p a r t me nt s a r ou nd S out h Jakarta for 1 BR / 2 BR / 3BR : Residence 8, Capital Apartment, Casa Grande, Botanica, and Pakubuwono Signature. Price range start from $1300-$7000/ month (price depends on location) All Min Lease 1 year. For further information, please contact: Chandra. Email: stevchandra18@ Phone : +62 (0) 81280065889

A brand new building with newly private furnished rooms and inside bathrooms. Located in Halimun, Setiabudi in the heart of Jakarta. 24hrs security and cleaning service. Accept daily and monthly. Contact: 087877373666

For lease beautiful house in Bu m i S er p ong Da m a i ver y strategic, near from malls and

city center 375sqm. Fully furnish. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 bedroom for maid, Kitchen set, LCD TV, TV cable & Internet ready to hook up, AC, refrigerator, water dispenser, water heater, backyard, Facility: 24 hours security, swimming pool and gymnasium. Call 0817-116-798

For L e a se , L at e s t lu x u r y Apartment located at Jl Senopati, the best address in Jakarta, just steps to Sudirman CBD area, Plaza Senayan etc. Surrounded by prime offices, foods, international schools. Modern luxurious fully furnished, 167 sqm, 2 bedrooms and one study room, Kitchen set, LCD TV, TV cable & Internet ready to hook up, AC, refrigerator, water dispenser, water heater, ba lcony, Fa ci lit y: 24 hours security, swimming pool and gymnasium. Call: 0817-116-798 For rent/sale new 2f lrs house Rivervalley Lebakbulus near pondokindah/Simatupang lux 210mtrs 3+1 bath attached rooms, Big garden back in secured complex clubhouse open space good view near river high on hill no f loods special price call ow ner Joh n ny. 08168126 12 02198856790 0216540888. Bright, spacious and modern 2-bedroom apartment for rent in Semanggi area. Available from early November, this conveniently located apar tment comes furnished. This 5th f loor unit has: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 ensuite), office area, living and dining area, 1 maid’s room and bathroom and a swimming pool view. Facilities include state of the art gym, 2 swimming pools, sauna and jacuzzi, free entry to exercise classes and basement parking. Easy access to central Jakarta and toll roads. Rent: $2,500/ month. Contact Pak Verdi on 08111007366 or email zuverdi@ Studio Apartment New Fully Furnished for RENT at Komplek Taman Rasuna. Suitable for single female/male. Rent charge: USD 550 per month(negotiable), min. 6 month. SMS/WA owner at 081767 11992 for detail & appointment or email me at jeni.

For rent 300 houses at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Jeruk Purut, Pondok Indah. Big gardens, swimming pools, USD 2,000 5,000. Phone: +62 (0) 816 859 551 or +62 (0) 817 009 3366 Services Bahasa Indonesia Tutoring for kids or adult, Child Minding, Pet Sitting, Babysitting,Housekeeping etc. Negotiable and affordable fee. Question & Appointment via email at: South / Central Jakarta Only. Spanish Tutor: Learn Spanish at your place with a DELE-certified examiner from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools (JIS and BSJ). Please call me (Raúl) +62 (0) 821 1050 2786 Email: Spanish/Indonesian translators: If you need experienced and native translators to translate in this language pair (both ways) please call us (FNA) +62 (0) 812 8821 5625 Email: elejakarta@ Learn Bahasa Indonesia fast with flexible time at our place/office/ house for expats. call 0811 899 864 or

Welcome to Jakarta! If you haven’t already discovered the expat website, come visit. September

1st marked our 18th year providing a wealth of practical information for newly arrived expatriates through our in-depth articles on medical, housing, schooling, social life and more. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. English & Bahasa Speaking. Highly confidential. Appointment based. 081286739918 Others W L C L a ng uage S chool For Sale. Official Off-Site IELTS test venue (in partnership with IDP). Jatinegara, East Jakarta. Expat-owned. Rp200m. Phone: 081386221216

License available. Latest aesthetic Stem Cell & RNIR business. Regenerate, rejuvenate & anti aging treatment. Price includes set up costs, f irst month’s rent, equipment, starter kit, training, marketing package. Available: Indonesia, Myanmar, India . Contac t: marcia@, ann@mlw. enterprises or phone for appt to(+6221)72791968 Ma zda 2 2013 model year purchased new April 2014, below 5,000km. Excellent condition. Arctic White, 1,500 cc automatic C BU f r o m Ja p a n . A l l R i s k Insurance transferable & prepaid through March 2018. Usage around South Jakarta, no floods or accidents. Original owner selling Rp 165 juta Contact/ WhatsApp: 081199 30360 Personals

Unique present: the kapal tuktuk modernized. A steamboat running on a tealight. See our website for more info Selling per 10 pieces. Selling various Hair Accessories Handmade such as Hair C lip, Broche, Hea d Ba nd, Bandana, etc. Suitable for any occasion. Accept gift order for Birthday Parcel, Wedding, etc. Product are available online too. For more infor mat ion:

Do you need an impressive date for your next corporate event? Someone to share a genuine and interesting day or evening with? I am a graduate educated, wellspoken, attractive, healthy 30

year old caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes, English (& Bahasa) speaking, slender build with a great sense of style. I can add class, intimacy, fun and interest to any situation. This is a non-sexual service, but I can pose as anyone you like. Please contact chelsea.

Bali Property

meter salt water pool, fully furnished, high speed internet, 2 telephones, fiber optics, on 13.5 are, only 4 years old - Western standard. 28 year contract. Motivated seller. Please email for photos and more information or call lynn 08123819883. 5% discount if no agent involved.

Jogjakarta Property

For sale five-star luxury resort at Jimbaran Bay with 3 spacious bedroom suites, a fully-fitted modern kitchen, a large openplan living and dining room with seamless f low outdoors to the beautifully landscaped terrace, pool and garden. Featur ing 297sqm of f loor spa ce over two f loors and air-conditioned throughout, the Villa is offered fully furnished and would be ideal as a no-maintenance, private residence or as a holiday rental property. Call 0817-116-798

Experience staying at a beautiful original antique Javanese Joglo villa in the foothills of Mount Merapi. Joglo Ago is a three double b e d r o om v i l la w it h gardens perfect for a weekend retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. In close proximity to Mount Merapi and Borobudur Temple. Visit w w w.jogloago. com for more information, or call Indah +62 (0) 8123563626 (owner).

Per fect business and renta l opportunity, beautiful home including open land for more building, in tourist hotspot Ubud Bali. Perfect location - close to town yet in quiet area. 7 bedroom 6 bath villas with car park, 15.5


Pelabuhan Ratu

Discover Villa Gamrang. Experience our hospitality and the complete privacy of your own beach house. Villa Gamrang (Cisolok beach, 4 hours’ drive

from Jakarta) is designed to offer guests a wonderful and luxurious holiday with beautiful and natural surroundings. Stylish interior, several outdoor terrace’s, sea view, spacious garden, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, complete kitchen, cable television, internet (WiFi). Idyllic place for couples or one or two families. Staf f and in house catering ava ilable. At tra c tive pr ices starting from IDR1,800,000 per night. Most of our guests visit us again. Reservations www. or just mail us at

Flores Property Land for Sale. For sale only IDR 220m. Land/garden size of 350 square metres, located nearby Pasar Lama Perumnas Maumere, Flores, Certificated (SHM). For more information, please phone: +62 8124142356

Next deadline: 29 September Send your classifieds to:

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Indonesia expat issue 150

issue 150 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat issue 150

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