Indonesia Expat - Issue 206

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ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat


Indonesia expat

issue 206

Chief Editorial Advisor Bernhard Eduard Frese

Marketing Consultant Edo Frese

Editorial Assistant

Sales & Advertising Dian Mardianingsih (Jakarta) Dipa Siagian (Jakarta) Wahyu Atmaja (Bali)

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Contributors Stephanie Brookes Karen Donald Ahda Arifa Ismail Vivani Kapoor Randy Mulyanto Rinka Perez Eamonn Sadler Antony Sutton Kenneth Yeung

DEAR Readers, Love is fluttering onto our pages this February with our annual Valentine’s Day issue. We have all of the answers to your date night questions and romantic idea queries with informative features from our crafty writers. Karen Donald explores the notion of a romantic and spiritual Valentine’s Day spent in some mystical neighbourhoods in Bali. Vivani Kapoor provides a long list of recommendations on what to do with a retro twist in Jakarta. Stephanie Brookes recreates her truly romantic, candle-lit dinner set under the stars and surrounded by a Javan temple in Blitar. On a sombre note, new writer Rinka Perez details the loneliness an expat housewife can feel at times here in Indonesia. Also, Kenneth Yeung pens a stoic tribute to one of Bali’s most beloved residents, Monte Monfore, whose unexpected passing has left many of us in the expat community in shock and grieving. We hope his legacy will pass on through all of the lives and people he’s touched over the years. RIP Monte.


BUSINESS PROFILE Ambassador Trevor Matheson and the New Zealand Mission in Indonesia


BUSINESS Taiwan's New Southbound Policy for Indonesia


BEAUTY Parlour of Therapy


TIPS The Ultimate Guide to a Spiritual Valentine's Day in Bali


TRAVEL Romancing the Stone


OBITUARY Monte Monfore (1961–2017): The Humanitarian Who Swam for Indonesia


DUA TANGAN CUKUP Lighthouse Bali: A Light in the Dark


SPORT Indonesian Soccer League 2018 Preview


PERSPECTIVE The Lonely Expat Housewife of Jakarta


LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT They're Playing Our Song!


VALENTINE SPECIAL Groovy Valentine's Day Ideas in Jakarta







Until next time, Edo Frese

Editorial Enquiries



Published by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia Alamanda Tower 25th floor Jl. T.B Simatupang kav 23–24 Jakarta 12430 T: 021 2965 7821 F: 021 2965 7821 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday Indonesia Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia. Opinions Expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.

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Indonesia expat ISSUE 206





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ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat


Business Profile

Ambassador Trevor Matheson and the New Zealand Mission in Indonesia As New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia, Trevor Matheson has led the diplomatic mission through thoughtful facilitation between the two countries. On the eve of the 60th anniversary since the establishment of formal relations, Ambassador Matheson discusses the past, present and future cooperation between the two formidable nations.

Thank you for your time, Ambassador Matheson. It’s the sixtieth year since formal diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Indonesia were established. What are some of the achievements over that period? We are really excited for the anniversary of New Zealand and Indonesia diplomatic relations established back in June 1958. One early achievement is the strong relationship in the renewable energy sector when New Zealand provided education and assistance as part of the Colombo Plan in the 1950s. It was during this time that Indonesia became a party to this organization, and from these humble beginnings we’ve developed a relationship where we are a respected and trusted partner for Indonesia. Currently, we are the leading collaborator for Indonesia in this sector, particularly in geothermal energy, having built Indonesia’s first geothermal plant in Kamojang, Bandung, which was jointly inaugurated by President Suharto and New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon. From there on, we’ve trained the highest echelons of geothermal experts here in Indonesia and we’ve expanded in the last 20 years to become a trusted partner in disaster risk management. Reflective of this fact is that Indonesia and New Zealand are basically located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, and have the same natural hazards profile with the threats of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis along with a whole range of other factors. It’s a really exciting area because we are learning from our shared experiences. Our expertise has been recognized particularly in recent years where we’ve been the preferred partner for Indonesia to help develop their national disaster risk framework, which is almost complete, and will be launched this year as part of the 60th anniversary. These are only a few examples where we’ve progressed over this period of time. What events are planned to celebrate the anniversary? We are excited because we’ve worked very closely with the Indonesian authorities in this matter, in particular my very good friend Indonesian Ambassador Tantowi Yahya in New Zealand. Several items we have in mind are making joint approaches to Air New Zealand to see if they can serve Indonesian cuisine on their seasonal air services from Auckland to Denpasar. We have agreed on a joint logo to showcase the strong teamwork between Indonesia and New Zealand, and we will be launching the logo on 1 February in Jakarta, and the


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

Indonesian Embassy in New Zealand will be doing something similar. The logo also has a specific theme, “Friends for Good.” It’s to showcase the relationships that have developed between Indonesia and New Zealand are primarily people-to-people, and we’ve built a degree of friendship, trust and respect for each other. Even when friends disagree, as often we do within families, mutual trust and respect are still there and we can agree to disagree. We can continue to build and develop relationships where we can. On March 8, it’s the International Day of Women and we are hosting an event about women in the geothermal sector. The forum will be held at the Fairmont Hotel to showcase women who have made amazing contributions in this sector. Later in the year, other organizations will be hosting events featuring sports and culture. One particular group we are working with is called Ballet for Indonesia ( who are working with the New Zealand School of Dance in developing a workshop in July to train young, Indonesian, ballet pupils. Ambassador Yahya is going to hold an event in August to showcase Indonesian coffee through a festival in New Zealand. New Zealanders love their coffee and Wellington especially is one of the great coffee capitals

of the world. Indonesian companies like Javanero Coffee are exporting coffee beans to the Ripe Coffee Company in Wellington, and you can actually sample West Java coffee from their stores and outlets in New Zealand. I can see that sector growing as the quality of Indonesian coffee is outstanding. The city of Selwyn in New Zealand has a sister city relationship with the Toraja region in Indonesia, which started off as collaboration with coffee. However, their relationship has expanded to other areas as well by using good, reliable, Kiwi know-how and knowledge from New Zealand farmers who are volunteering and traveling to Toraja to spend time there to help the local communities to develop their agricultural potential and reach self-sufficiency. These are just a few examples of the interesting and collaborative events that we’re hoping to expand upon and develop in 2018. It’s a very exciting time for Kiwis around the world: a new coalition government, a new young Prime Minister who has also just announced her pregnancy. Are there any changes that might come about from the change in government especially as it relates to Indonesia?

I think all new governments have different priorities. The new coalition government led by the Labour Party, New Zealand First and the Green Party will obviously be looking at the Indonesia and New Zealand relationship to put, perhaps, greater emphasis in the social policy area. We have been helping Indonesian develop its human rights spectrum and learning from what New Zealand has already been able to achieve in our own environment in the Pacific Islands, and I think that’s something that we can continue to do. I don’t think that we should expect major changes in the policy settings, but one that we will see is the New Zealand government’s focus on the environment. It’s becoming more a part of our our approach with Indonesia. We have already been working closely with Indonesia in that area especially in the maritime and fisheries space. During Prime Minister John Key’s visit to Indonesia two years ago, we signed a memorandum of understanding on illegal and unreported/ unrecorded fisheries and so we agree that we are both maritime nations and that the future of our populations will depend a lot on the way we act as custodians of our natural resources, lands and seas. We can work together more closely especially as environmental issues are

becoming more and more of a concern for communities and to our sense of legacy and what we should be leaving for our future generations, I think that’s something that we would like to step up very much. And I think it’s great to also have in New Zealand a female prime minister. We also have a female governor general who serves as Head of State. Our chief justice is also a woman. So the three highest offices in the land are held by women and it’s most appropriate that it should occur in the country that first gave women the right to vote more than 120 years ago. However, we shouldn’t stop there. We need to keep moving. It’s too easy to say we have done it all, so we need to keep evolving as there are more challenges to face. How is Indonesia important to the New Zealand economy? Very important; and gaining ever more importance. Indonesia is effectively 40 percent of the ASEAN GDP. It’s a major economy and it’s fair to say that trade between our two countries is underperforming. We have two-way trade at roughly $1.7 billion, which is not insignificant. However, our leaders told us that those levels are lower than they would like so they’ve given us a target to more than double that trade within ten years. By 2024, they would like to see two-way trade (in goods) to the order of $4 billion and we should also move to increase trade in services. New Zealand, as an openly trading nation, we always look to expand and look for markets. Indonesia, with its 260 million population, has phenomenal potential and opportunities for us. It’s also a challenging market, but Indonesia is improving immensely in its ease of doing business. It’s probably the fastest moving (and improving) economy in the world. I know that the government is not satisfied. New Zealand is currently number one in the world for ease of doing business whereas Indonesia is currently 72, but that has come from 109 in the previous year so Indonesia has made some amazing strides. And so as it continues to improve its rankings, that should make it easier for New Zealand businesses and investors to look at opportunities here. What are some of the products or companies from New Zealand of which people living in Indonesia might be familiar? Our profile as an agricultural based country is world-renown. I’m sure that Indonesian consumers here will know about New Zealand dairy products from Fonterra, and the various brand names such as Anchor and Anlene. We also are well known for our kiwifruit from Zespri, and apples from ENZA Foods. Of course, there’s our range of quality red meat such as beef, lamb and

mutton. And, increasingly, the green-lipped mussels and our New Zealand wine. We would love for Indonesians to be eating and importing a variety of foods from New Zealand and around the world. The one good thing about trade is that even though New Zealand is self-sufficient in most things, we are one of the most openly trading countries in the world. We love to try products from other countries. For example, although we have a productive cheese-making industry and we export 95 percent of our dairy, we still love to sample other countries’ cheeses. It’s a win-win for all sides in terms of variety, selection, and affordability for people. What can be done in order to improve trade relations and boost investment? I think one of the things we’d like to do is promote each other’s countries better. I still think that many Indonesians still don’t understand what New Zealand has to offer and so part of my role is to explain that a lot more of New Zealand has moved on from just being a producer of agricultural and food and beverage products, but that we are an innovative and forward-looking country. The development of our creative economy is expanding very well and New Zealand recently has entered the space age with the first rockets being designed and built in New Zealand, taking satellites successfully into space in the Hawkes Bay area of the country. New Zealand is really on the verge of becoming a much more well-known, innovative economy around the world and we want to take that sense of innovation to Indonesia. We’re doing that in the education space by promoting the quality of New Zealand education, which is world-class, but at the same time trying to translate that quality of education into science and technology into business relationships. At the same time, we see phenomenal opportunities and developments taking place in Indonesia, which will be a benefit to New Zealand. My job is to try to facilitate and introduce businessmen in both countries and try to protect the prospective investors and make those introductions and hopefully those people will be able to take it forward. The focus is on young business leaders, and we have a programme to take these young leaders from Indonesia and ASEAN countries to New Zealand, and reciprocate with our own young business leaders to come to Indonesia. Seeing is believing, and it’s difficult to understand what Indonesia has to offer from back home in New Zealand so we are encouraging Kiwis to come to the market and look for yourself; we will help interested parties through NZ Inc, NZTE, our investment bodies and business councils to help facilitate.

What development activities are being offered by New Zealand in Indonesia? Our bilateral development programme with Indonesia is the largest outside of the Pacific Islands. It reflects Indonesia’s potential and also the challenges for development here. This is a country which has some significant development challenges particularly in eastern Indonesia so our development assistance is focused geographically on the eastern parts of the country where all of the data indicate the development indices are amongst the lowest in the country particularly in Papua, West Papua, Maluku, NTT, and NTB. We have three pillars from which our activities are based here. We focus on support in agriculture, renewable energy and disaster risk management. There is also the cross-cutting supports to assist schools and knowledge through scholarships and education, in particular for graduate and postgraduate study. We offer 60 scholarships to Indonesian students to study in New Zealand. We also offer English language training to target ministry officials in our key areas of focus, and we offer vocational training in trying to encourage New Zealand universities and polytechnics to develop relationships with Indonesian schools and to look at the potential for in-country training opportunities here. We know we can only take a small percentage of people to New Zealand and not everyone can travel to study with commitments. New Zealand has a strong tourism image through its 100% Pure New Zealand campaign. Do many Indonesians make it down to the country, though? Not as many as we’d like. Three years ago we had only 17,000 Indonesians traveling to New Zealand. Part of the reasons for that is the lack of knowledge of the country and the lack of air connectivity. We don’t have direct air services between Indonesia and New Zealand, and it’s a factor for people’s decisions. We do have seasonal service through Air New Zealand from Denpasar to Auckland, but that only runs MayOctober. It should be expanded this year and Air New Zealand should be making some announcements soon. In the last three year we’ve worked very hard to promote New Zealand and now we have over 25,000 Indonesians going to New Zealand. The target is trying to get to 30,000 over the next year or two. It’s still small numbers, but it’s very impressive growth we’re seeing in the market and we want to take it in a more orderly fashion to see more travelers going to our country.

At the same time, we are very keen for more Kiwis to come to visit Indonesia. Currently, 95 percent of visiting Kiwis travel to Bali, but there’s more to Indonesia than Bali so part of our support is to get New Zealanders to go and see the rest of the country like Lake Toba, Raja Ampat, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, climbing Mount Bromo, the amazing cultural history of Yogyakarta and such. So we are working with airlines to improve connectivity while at the same time supporting many of the tourism opportunities and links that are out there. Where do you think are some of the best places for a truly unique Kiwi holiday? There are so many places. My hometown is Rotorua, and it’s the home of Maori culture. It’s also the heart of the geothermal sector, and it’s the home of trout fishing and forestry in New Zealand. It has a unique blend of experiences so I would certainly encourage people to visit Rotorua as a destination for a number factors, and also to get that Maori and indigenous understanding. Have a hangi, spend a night on the marae and get to know Maori people and their background, their culture, their language. For grandeur and truly extraordinary scenery, there’s the South Island. It’s unbelievably beautiful with the high peaks and snow-capped mountains of Mount Cook and its surrounds. Indonesians haven’t really experienced this kind of scenery so it’s quite phenomenal for first timers. There’s also the serene beauty of the Milford Sound. You have been New Zealand’s Ambassador to Indonesia for several years now, what are some of the events or places you will remember from your time here? There have been so many amazing experiences. Visiting Papua was something extremely special as I have Polynesian heritage and my mother is from the Cook Islands (Pulau Cook). Pacific Islanders have a close association with the Papuan people and so to go to Papua was special from a cultural perspective. I enjoyed the beauty of the people and the scenery, but also recognize the true development challenges they face. Climbing Mount Bromo was second to none in the world, and to see the sunrise was something particularly special for me. To see the sunrise at Borobudur Temple with my wife was also extremely touching as she is originally from Thailand and a Buddhist, and to have that experience with her as the sun hit the temple in the morning was like nirvana. Thank you, Ambassador Matheson.

It’s not just about numbers, but about people spending more time in New Zealand so that they get value for money and take the opportunity to really see the country. Tourists also should take the opportunity to understand Maori culture as well as the unique fauna and flora in the country.

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



Randy Mulyanto is a freelance journalist.

Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy for Indonesia Despite the absence of a formal diplomatic relationship, Taiwan is keen to strengthen its unofficial ties with Indonesia through its New Southbound Policy. Representative John C. Chen from the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia, Taiwan’s de facto embassy in the country, discusses how people-to-people exchanges could enhance the policy.



aiwan’s current president Tsai Ing-wen, during her inauguration address in May 2016, revealed her goals for identifying a new direction for economic development for her country. The New Southbound Policy aims to reinforce the sense of economic community with 18 specific countries: Australia, New Zealand, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. “The New Southbound Policy is mainly to strengthen the connection and to redefine our relations with the 18 partners targeted by this policy,” explains Representative John C. Chen, Head of Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia, who has been posted to Indonesia since December 2016. Mr. Chen hopes these new economic goals will allow for further benefits between countries. He adds that the policy has been perceived positively since its launch, particularly in Indonesia. It is intended to enable and establish better connectivity, shared resources, and to cultivate talented people within the specified countries. There are four main aspects of the New Southbound Policy: economic and trade cooperation, talent exchanges, resource sharing, and regional connectivity. According to the Office of Trade Negotiations of the Executive Yuan, it aims to allocate NT$7.19 billion or roughly US$243 million for the policy’s implementation in 2018. The Taiwanese government places importance on Indonesia for a number of reasons. Not only is Indonesia the leading member of ASEAN, the country also has a vibrant and young population. According to Indonesia’s Ministry of Development Planning, the country will experience a demographic surge in 2030-2040, with 64 percent of the population working from an estimated 297 million people. It has a growing middle class, with increased purchasing power within the domestic market.


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The New Southbound Policy will centre primarily on people. “In the past, we mainly focused on economic and trade relations. We want the relations to be more comprehensive culturally,” states Mr. Chen. Peopleto-people relations, nongovernmental organizations, and youth exchanges will take a bigger part of the policy. In the meantime, the policy also promotes cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan in the education, tourism, technology, healthcare, and agricultural sectors. There are five major flagship programmes that represent these fields: Regional Agriculture Development, Medical and Public Health Cooperation and the Development of Industrial Chains, Industrial Talent Development, Industrial Innovation and Cooperation, and New Southbound Policy Forum and Youth Exchange Platform.

last September. In the same year, it also provided 69 scholarships for students from Indonesia to study in Taiwan. Taiwan wants to promote more cross-cultural activities in Indonesia. Taiwanese art exhibitions and dance performances have been held here in the past.

Last year, the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia facilitated diversified exchange programmes to boost people-to-people relations. For instance, it participated in the Bali International Film Festival that introduced eight Taiwanese films

“The most important consideration is the complementarity,” Representative Chen tells Indonesia Expat. “We are running short on labour force. We need more trained skilled workers not only in Taiwan, but also working in Indonesia.” He highlights the opportunity for Indonesians to work in Taiwanese factories and companies. Currently, more than 250,000 Indonesian labourers are working in Taiwan. Despite those numbers, the Taiwanese government would also be interested in sharing its experience and expertise in areas such as science and technology.

“The New Southbound Policy was introduced to reduce its dependence on China.”


The New Southbound Policy was introduced to reduce its dependence on China. The head of Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia thinks the overall environment there is less conducive for foreign investors nowadays. “Firstly, its labour cost is getting higher and higher,” he says. “Much higher now than the time when Taiwanese investors first went to China.” He also cites that rules are constantly changing in China, and investors are considering other countries like Indonesia.

Despite all of the positive spin on this policy, according to researcher Broto Wardoyo at the International Relations Department of the University of Indonesia, Taiwan’s relations with Southeast Asia are asymmetrical. Taiwan has made a great effort to push for relations with Southeast Asian countries. At the same time, these countries tend to be mostly passive in their response. Mr. Wardoyo argues that the lack of any diplomatic relations is still an obstacle; the One China Policy adopted by the countries in Southeast Asia is the biggest problem to any diplomatic effort. Economic developments could be used to create a de facto acceptance toward Taiwan.

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



Ahda Arifa Ismail was born in Indonesia and raised in the United States. She is a full-time feature writer for one of Southeast Asia’s largest media companies. Just like the secret meaning within her name – ahda arifa means eloquent guidance – she aspires to inspire others through her words.

Parlour of Therapy Hidden nail havens abound in Jakarta for those who do not have the privilege of free time; being busy does not necessarily require one to appear careless.





ime and convenience are two of the most precious things for city dwellers; they are aspects of life money cannot buy. The decreased enjoyment of either one is arguably a dilemma that on-schedule people have to endure. As time moves faster and life becomes more harried, slots for self-indulging activities also grow thinner. The fact is, most metropolitan residents look for shortcuts so as to get full enjoyment out of their busy lifestyles. Especially in Jakarta, where getting from point A to point B takes a hefty amount of effort, what is cut is usually distance. A majority of people prefer to schedule all of their appointments in one place since free time is simply a period where one appointment ends and another one begins. In a perfect world, a career woman should easily balance her hectic business schedule for the sake of her well-being. In reality, it demands many shortcuts getting to that point – one of which is to take advantage of Jakarta’s most trusted resource: the shopping mall. Modern malls here are no longer just for shopping as they offer a whole lot more than retail and food. Every prestigious mall in the capital city is now housing at least one establishment for nail care as they are immensely popular amongst time-deprived, urban women. The quick and instant, spa-like services offered in nail parlours are what make them ideal. For many women, these salons are sanctuaries and havens for some good, old-fashioned, tender, loving care. Something as simple as a manicure can provide an uplifting, mood altering makeover from the fingertips to the soul – bringing joy and serenity to the bearers. There is also the bonus of a skilled nail therapist whose magic conveyed through touch and small conversation can replace even the most experienced psychotherapy session. Apart from the convenience, nail parlours in malls have increasingly become much better compared to stand-alone salons, both in terms of service and skill. Recently, many of these parlours have undergone upgrades, and have attracted more and more customers through good interior designs. Many salons have also acquired international certifications and won awards for best practices. They have trademarked names and applications for nail shapes, invented new approaches for hand and foot spas,


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developed different brands of polish, and adopted hospital-grade hygiene practices. Sophisticated designs abound for both your nails and the salons. In contrast, at-home beauty services featured on mobile apps and websites, have several major issues associated with them. While they may seem convenient in theory, realistically they cause problems from bothersome appointment rescheduling to the lack of professional tools and selection of product offerings. Some people also feel uncomfortable letting strangers into their homes. And most importantly, many of these beauticians don’t have credentials to provide services and treatments – which is unusual at nail parlours one would find at the mall. Below are some recommendations for reliable nail parlours for those interested in a quick pampering.

ORLYmiin Beauty Lounge


Onnie Studio Owned by Indonesian Hollywood actor Joe Taslim’s wife, Julie Taslim (who is also a certified therapist) this Koreaninspired salon is a paradise for nail art connoisseurs. Besides their manicure and pedicure spa, they are famous for creating art on nails. Starting from a simple polish to lace embellishments, glitter ornament, metallic facing – all the way to their signature three dimensional acrylic nail art; Onnie Studio knows how to get them done right.

This premium Korean beauty salon offers head-to-toe services using only the finest products. They are deemed to be the ultimate trendsetter in terms of nail art techniques with their international nail products, and semi-permanent makeup services. For treatments, they offer amazing hand and foot spas, unique twists on nail polishes and nail extensions, and also elegant wedding treatment packages for the bride-to-be. The salon offers membership programmes for loyal customers with special discounts and benefits.

Location: Plaza Indonesia and Pondok Indah Mall Price for nail service starts from Rp.100,000 to Rp.650,000.

Location: Plaza Indonesia, Gandaria City, Pluit Village, The Dharmawangsa Square Price for nail service starts from Rp.60,000 to Rp.450,000.





Pink Parlour This beauty haven is as glamorous as they come, women can indulge in several major shopping malls in the city. Their all-inclusive, professional services keep customers coming back for more. Although they are commonly known for their less painful waxing services – especially their awardwinning Brazilian waxing – the parlour also offers immaculate treatments for nails, including a basic manicure and pedicure, gelish service, and advanced manicures and pedicures that involve hand and foot massage and scrubbing. There are countless bottles of nail polish – both regular and gel.

Location: Pacific Place, Grand Indonesia, Lippo Mall Puri, Kemang Village Price for nail services starts from Rp.95,000 to Rp.395,000 before tax.

Kimi Nail Salon The professionalism and knowledge of the therapists are one of the star qualities of the salon; they act more like a counsellor than a nail therapist. They understand that each person has different types of nail beds and conditions, and different treatments are required depending on each person’s state. They also provide one-of-a-kind relaxing massage chairs so customers can get free massages while being pampered. They offer luxurious nail polish brands such as the likes of Chanel, CND and Marc Jacobs.

Location: Kemang Village, Bintaro Xchange Mall, AEON Mall BSD City Price for nail service starts from Rp.90,000 to Rp.500,000.

Arguably one of the most popular nail polish brands in the world, O.P.I has opened its doors in Jakarta. Their trustworthy array of products is now being served by well-trained professional therapists customizing customers’ nails. This is the place where nail care devotees can dedicate their time to try the newest collections and treatments of O.P.I’s top-of-the-line products.

Location: Plaza Senayan, Plaza Indonesia, Lippo Mall Puri, Mall Taman Anggrek Price for nail service starts from Rp.120,000 to Rp.1,500,000.

Apart from the leading nail parlours mentioned above, there are plenty of professional, high-end places worth a try. They include Sassi Beauty Nail & Spa, Her Glam Nail Boutique, NAP Professional Spa & Beauty and Tokyo Nail Collection.

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



The Ultimate Guide to a Spiritual Valentine’s Day in Bali Love is in the air and we’ve got you covered with our soul-inspiring romance rundown for Valentine’s Day in Bali. Why not move past the superficial definitions and nurture true love on the world’s most spiritual island? You can take the first step to experiencing a fulfilling relationship that will last and raise both your spirits up beyond the stars!

Purifying Holy Water Spring Love can blossom after a purification, Bali-style! Tirta Empul is one of the largest and busiest water temples in Bali, with healing powers to cleanse and revitalize your love life. The temple was founded in the year 926 and is dedicated to Vishnu, the Hindu God of water. It’s located close to the town of Tampaksiring, a 30-minute drive north of Ubud. The Jaba Tengah is the most famous part of Tirta Empul temple. This section contains the two purification pools. Many worshippers believe the water inside these pools to have magical powers and local Balinese come here to purify themselves under the 30 water spouts that feed the pools, dipping their heads below the gentle flows.

Seven Temples of Enlightenment Tour Romantic visitors dream of experiencing Bali as it was before the tourists arrived. Why not visit a tenth century meditation temple by the sacred river of Pakerisan? Located 20 kilometres north of Ubud, this fascinating expedition outlines the origins of the Balinese Hindu religion tracing its evolution on a tour of Bali's most important temples. Jagasari is a complex of three mud brick temples representing the head, body and feet. It is Bali's first Hindu temple. Next, there is a temple where the head priests meet to write the Balinese calendar on Nyepi day – (Balinese New Year). The day ends at a large temple where leaders of the Buddhist, Hindu Shiva and other religions met and agreed to create one religion for the Balinese Hindu as it is known today.

Secret Waterfalls of North Bali It’s hard to top tropical swims with your lover! Git-Git near Singaraja is the most famous waterfall in Bali, a beautiful sight that draws dozens of visitors daily. But, nearby in the village of Ambengan is a waterfall, which arguably is just as stunning. It takes a short trek to get there, but the rewards make it more than worth it. The Ambengan waterfall is 100 metres tall and ends in two crystal clear mountain pools that are great to swim in. Remember to bring a towel. In the many years people have been visiting the area with guests, it’s still rare to see other tourists – but sometimes groups of monkeys arrive to play in the vines above the pools! The Ambengan fall is just one of several secret waterfalls you can visit in the forests around Bali.


Long Distance Love from Paradise Have a boyfriend or a girlfriend living far away from you? Here are a few ideas to make your long distance Valentine's Day memorable. Make a video or a slideshow with the pictures of the two of you on that unforgettable Bali trip. This is one of the easiest and personalized ways of telling your partner how special he/she is for you. Some funny captions for each picture will bring a smile to your partner's face. Who says you cannot have a dinner date if your boyfriend or girlfriend resides in some other city? Take advantage of modern technology and internet services to wake up your sweetheart with a voice message or a sensual video, and spend quality time online with your partner. Or with a number of online gift services, send your sweetheart cards or flowers from paradise.

Couples Spa with Kundalini Yoga The season of love can be a great time to focus on your romance-related goals and start visualizing the relationship you really want. Escape with your loved one to a romantic retreat featuring daily yoga practice. Enter a new journey of life with pure hearts and acceptance of each other. Om Ham Retreat and Resort is one of Bali's truly unique holistic centres, infused with love, and good intention as it was hand-built by Guru Ketut Arsana. It is the perfect place for you reconnect in an awe-inspiring and highly energized natural environment while practicing Kundalini tantric yoga combining flowing movements and specific breathing techniques raising energy and awakening consciousness.


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206


Manifest the Love You Want

Spiritual Dives

Making a Bali-inspired “love vision board” is a helpful way to manifest whatever you want in the love department. Decide where yours will live in your home, to remind yourself of your romantic dreams. The next step is to think about the goals you want to manifest. To do that, simply close your eyes and sit on the floor. Or write down your thoughts as a stream of consciousness. Also envision the type of relationship you want and the qualities you’d like your ideal partner to have. Now for the crafty part! Using old magazines start choosing photos, phrases and symbols that represent your vision of love. Put on music, light a candle and give yourself time to freely create. The power of manifestation is very potent!

Scuba diving means total immersion into a different world, which can transport our spirit. Bali features some of the region’s premier dive sites. The protected marine park Menjangan Island, offers a wide array of sites with varied underwater life, 20-plus metres’ visibility and a stunning drop-off wall. A favourite spot there is Eels Garden. Nearby is Tulamben, home of the famed Liberty Wreck, one of the world’s top 15 dive sites. The 120-metre-long wreck, formerly an American supply ship, was hit by a Japanese torpedo during World War II. The spirituality of diving is about finding new ways to feel alive, and to be thankful that we were given another day to live on a wonderful planet, in a time when such things are possible.

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Stephanie Brookes is a travel writer and blogger with tales from Indonesia and beyond. Please see (Facebook: stephtravelwriter | Instagram: stephtravelwriter)

Romancing the Stone Writer Stephanie Brookes enjoys a romantic evening in a magical setting at the Penataran Temple in Malang, East Java, and shares all of the unique and wonderful details of this enchanting evening under the stars.



hen I arrived at the Hotel Tugu in Blitar, a three-hour drive from Malang, I felt like I was taking a journey back in time. The pages of history opened before me as I sat in the late afternoon sun at Waroeng Jawa, an openair lounge where guests gather around oil lamps. If you wish, you can gossip Javanese style while enjoying traditional cakes and snacks, and sipping Java tea or a strong black Javanese coffee. The hotel is in a beautiful colonial building, which dates back to 1850. The art and romance of this era are captured magnificently in the gorgeous antique furniture and large, old paintings that adorn the walls. In my suite, there was a giant tiger painting stretching from one end of the room to the other. Taking centre stage was a regal, leather-studded, four-poster bed. If the opportunity arises, ask reception to show you the Sang Fajar Presidential Suite or simply pay the US$270 a night (an absolute bargain) and stay there. It is imbued with 1940’s elegance, and includes a hand-carved, emperor-sized, wooden bed. Old photos and beautiful books are spread around the suite, many honouring Indonesia’s first President Sukarno who served from 1945 to 1967. Dinner was calling, so my partner and I took the hotel car to the grounds of the grand temple Candi Penataran, the oldest Hindu Temple in East Java. As the sun was setting, I followed a trail of bamboo torches along a winding pathway through the grounds of the magnificent candi (temple). It lies on the slopes of Mount Kelud, and is one of the most exquisite in all of East Java. The open-air Lost Temple Private Dinner included seven courses accompanied by fine wine. As we dined, a lone musician played lilting flute melodies, which took us back to another time and place. Stone statues guarded us as we soaked in the twelfth century atmosphere. As the dark descended, the temple features faded softly into the night, lit only by stars and hundreds of flickering candles. It was a truly mystical moment, sensing the grace of this beautiful East Javan temple under a vast and starry sky. Candi Penataran is in Penataran village in the Nglegok District, around ten kilometres from the small town of Blitar. It’s an ideal Jakarta getaway weekend, although I would recommend a at least three days for the break. It’s one of the best-kept secrets in Indonesia. You won’t see many foreigners in Blitar, which is all the more reason to go.


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The temple dates back to the twelfth to fifteenth centuries, and is linked with the Majapahit Kingdom around the time of the reign of King Hayam Wuruk. It is difficult to find out the exact history, but history books tell of King Hayam Wuruk’s association with this temple. The temple is currently being considered for world heritage listing, which would undoubtedly make it a tourist icon. Allow one to two hours to view its impressive Hindu statues and reliefs, including depictions of the Ramayana (the Hindu epic of the divine Prince Rama). Day trips around Blitar can include a historic trip to the Sukarno Museum, Sukarno’s ancestral home and his tomb. When you visit the museum make sure to look carefully at the giant painting of Sukarno, which is positioned just at the front entrance. If you view the picture from the side, near to the roped off area, you can see the President’s “heartbeat” at the centre of the painting.





It’s all true. The painting has been deemed a “living” painting. I could find no draught or wind source to create movement on the canvas and, indeed, the painting does move! I stood for some 15 minutes captivated by the pulsating of the canvas in the area of Sukarno’s heart. Surprises and delights are in store when touring East Java, so hop on a flight to Malang and romance your partner under the spell of a lost temple.

STAY Hotel Tugu Blitar – The Art, Soul and Romance of Indonesia Blitar, East Java Website:

“As the dark descended, the temple features faded softly into the night, lit only by stars and hundreds of flickering candles.”

FLY Major Indonesian cities and carriers go to Malang, East Java. It’s about a three-hour drive from Malang to Blitar. SIDE TRIP Tugu Kawisari Coffee Plantation is located between Malang and Blitar on the slopes of Mount Kelud. It is a lush 900-hectare coffee plantation with waterfalls and rivers. The plantation dates back to the Dutch colonial era. Old plantation traditions are still followed, just as they were 100 years ago.


David Metcalf runs cultural photography tours in Indonesia and beyond. His photo gallery, Taksu Photo Gallery in Ubud, Bali is a showcase of beautiful photographic work from Indonesia. | davidmetcalfphotography

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat


Obituary Monte Monfore (1961–2017)

The Humanitarian Who Swam for Indonesia Kenneth Yeung’s powerful tribute to one of Bali’s beloved long-term residents who channelled his passion for swimming to raise awareness and funds for charities and good causes. BY KENNETH YEUNG


ew foreign athletes have devoted themselves to humanitarian and environmental causes in Indonesia as much as Montgomery Monfore, an American world record ocean swimmer, who spent much of the past 20 years in Bali. Monte, as he was known, made numerous record-breaking charity swims to raise awareness and funds for environmental and social campaigns in Indonesia. His untimely passing in October 2017 on Rota Island in the North Pacific Ocean was ruled accidental, though the autopsy report has led family and friends to question its veracity. Born in 1961 in Fresno, California, Monte excelled at swimming from a young age. At high school, he was an All-American in swimming and water polo. He held all of his high school’s swimming records except two, and three decades later, five of his records remained unbroken. He also achieved state records. Disappointed by the US boycott of 1980 Moscow Olympics, he retired from competitive swimming. Monte studied social science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he starred in the water polo team. After graduation in 1984, he worked as an English teacher in Japan. He also escorted groups of Japanese tourists on visits to the United States. After a ten-year hiatus, he joined the Masters Swimming international competition for two years, picking up more than a dozen national records, culminating with a Masters’ world record for the 400-metre individual medley in 1991. After taking up long-distance ocean swimming, he crossed the treacherous 19.5 kilometre Tsugaru Strait between Honshu and Hokkaido in northern Japan. Despite strong currents, stormy weather and brutal swells, he completed the swim in under 15 hours. He became only the third person to cross the channel, but his swim was listed as unofficial because he had boarded a support boat for a few minutes of treatment after being stung by a Portuguese man-owar.


Always a free spirit, Monte was reluctant to be tied down by an office job. After a


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trek in Nepal in the early 1990s, he visited Bali, attracted by its warm equatorial waters. The island and its people captured his heart. Living in Bali deepened his love of ocean swimming. It also spurred him to become involved in environmental activism and social causes. His introduction to conservation came from an American environmentalist, Robin Marinos, who was his neighbour in Legian. They had first met at Blue Ocean Beach, where Monte’s body surfing skills drew onlookers. “He was a tremendous body surfer, the best I ever met,” says Robin. “When the tide was going back in and the huge waves were dumping, he’d go out there and swim behind the waves, and once in a while he’d catch one. He was the only guy out there. People used to sit out there and say, who’s that crazy guy out in the water? He was a very noticeable person.” At that time, Robin was investigating the commercial slaughter of protected green sea turtles at Tanjung Benoa peninsula. Monte joined in rescue missions at illegal beachside slaughterhouses, where he witnessed the suffering of tied and mutilated turtles. He also became concerned about pollution and reef destruction in Indonesian waters. A subsequent trip through Java opened his eyes to poverty and malnutrition. Upon his return to Bali, he decided to undertake humanitarian activities, utilizing his ocean swimming skills to raise funds. He spent a lot of time looking for corporate sponsors and getting them. In 1998, when 37 years old, Monte made his first charity swim, crossing from Bali to Java in a record time of just 38 minutes, smashing the previous record of 1 hour and 36 minutes. The convergence of the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea creates dangerous currents in the Bali Strait, which is 3 km at its narrowest and widens to 6 km. Monte timed his swim to take advantage of the current, but even then he was still pulled off-course. “The current was stronger than I anticipated and I ended up 6 km further south than I anticipated. While I swam the extra distance, I was assisted by the current,” he explained. As his childhood friend John Blair later recalled, Monte was a natural swimmer

with a beautifully smooth technique and an incredible feel for the water, enabling him to glide through water. “He can swim across the pool easier than most people can walk across the street,” said John. When performing charity swims, Monte adhered to international channel swimming rules: no fins, no wetsuit and no touching support boats. He swam not for personal glory, but to gain attention for important causes. He also inspired and encouraged others to swim and become involved in charitable causes. His blonde hair, blue eyes and muscular physique won him plenty of female admirers, but he remained a bachelor, reluctant to settle down. In 2003, Monte made the 17 km swim across the Badung Strait between Nusa Penida Island and Bali in a record time of 2 hours and 46 minutes. His friend Robin was on the support boat and decided to join him for the final 300 metres of the swim, but the current was so powerful that Robin had to be rescued by the boat, whereas Monte continued to slice through the water. He used publicity generated by the swim to campaign for conservation of oceans and reefs. “Awareness and diligence are necessary to safeguard this vital ecosystem, the protection of which is essential to mankind's existence and survival,” he told Tempo magazine. By 2004, Monte had become a resident of Bali. He promoted children’s nutrition and education, and supported the Advice For Life orphanage and Baitul Muslimin orphanage, as well as Bali Community Cares, which supports children of HIV/ AIDS patients. He was also concerned by the lack of water skills among children and provided swimming lessons. Although offered employment as a diving guide and swimming coach, Monte was too restless to accept extended periods of contracted employment. He lived life to his own rhythm. He was a generous man, often too generous, helping needy individuals and those with hard-luck stories, but he was not always repaid for his kindness. His record-breaking ocean swims supported projects and initiatives undertaken by the United Nations, Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund. He championed the UN World Food Programme’s Global School Feeding Programme for hungry children, as more than one-third of child deaths in Indonesia are caused by under-nutrition. In February 2005, Monte became a humanitarian swimmer for the One Ocean One World initiative. In May that year, he

Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor

Dua Tangan Cukup

“Despite adverse conditions, he set a new single-crossing world record of 29 minutes 30 seconds for the Bali to Java swim. ” performed a 17 km swim to raise awareness for victims of the December 2004 Aceh tsunami that left about 84,000 people homeless. The following year, he completed his Bali Fight Hunger Swim, setting a record for a two-way crossing of the Bali Strait. He began the swim in darkness to symbolize that many people are unaware of world hunger. He finished at sunrise to represent hope that child hunger can be overcome. Despite adverse conditions, he set a new single-crossing world record of 29 minutes 30 seconds for the Bali to Java swim. In late May 2006, an earthquake hit the ancient Javanese temple city of Yogyakarta, killing more than 5,700 people and leaving about 650,000 displaced and requiring urgent humanitarian assistance. Monte teamed up with the UN World Food Programme, performing in early June a 12.5 km swim over 4 hours and 4 minutes off the coast of Central Java from Menyawakan Island to Kumbung Island, raising funds and awareness. Always keen for new challenges, Monte in October 2006 made the first ever recorded swim across Lake Batur in the highlands of Bali, raising funds from sponsors to alleviate poverty as part of United Nations Millennium Development Goals. In 2007, aged 46 but showing no signs of slowing down, he made the 7-kilometer Lombok Strait Fight Hunger Swim from Lombok to Gili Trawangan Island as part of a World Food Programme initiative to support hungry schoolchildren. Swimming against strong currents, the gruelling swim took 2 hours and 10 minutes. Monte made numerous other sponsored swims, notably his 2007 Reverse Climate Change Swim, covering the 6 km stretch from Serangan Island to Bali’s Nusa Dua. “The ocean is dying… Fifteen years ago I used to see dozens of reef sharks and turtles every week. Now I rarely see them. The beautiful coral reefs are also dead or dying. The major cause of this destruction is global warming ... which must be stopped,” he said.

He was modest about his achievements. “My main objective is to swim in support of environmental and humanitarian causes. Another thing I hope to achieve is, in a small way, contribute to a better understanding between people of different parts of the earth. I live on the Hindu island of Bali, for example, in the middle of the largest Muslim nation and third largest democracy in the world, and I see a different face of Islam than is often depicted on television screens across the globe. I've travelled throughout this archipelago and have experienced nothing but smiling faces and kindness. I love this beautiful country and its wonderful people and plan to spend the rest of my life here. And it's my intention to promote Bali and Indonesia internationally with my swimming whenever possible.” Over the years, Monte suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome. He often needed to sleep after training as a result of the pressure he put on his body. When he needed to swim against strong currents, he could override his fatigue. He was always careful when entering ocean water, never diving in head first, but always jumping in feet first to avoid potential head injuries. In 2012, he gave his body a break and returned to California to spend time with his father, who had always been one of his closest friends and mentors. Yet Monte yearned to return to the tropical climate. In April 2017, he moved to Rota Island, where he planned a simple life. On 24 October, Monte was due to fly to Japan and his luggage had been loaded, but the flight was delayed due to bad weather. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead in a shallow recreational pool at a water park near a beach in Songsong, Rota. He was 56 years old. A local autopsy concluded death by accident from blunt force trauma to the head. He is survived by his father, three sisters and a niece and nephew. He was a tremendous athlete, who had a way of making people feel good and bringing out their best. He loved Indonesia and carried no grudges, only a desire to protect the marine environment and help the needy.

A Light in the Dark Lighthouse Bali aims to empower those afflicted with substance and chemical abuse. The organization’s outreach programmes and wide-ranging rehabilitation facilities have attracted alcoholics and addicts from across the globe – including those from Australia, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and China – to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle. BALI is often known as a place that offers peace and serenity and has therefore become one of the world’s most popular destinations to travel. Yet, for people who struggle with substance and chemical abuse, the Island of the Gods is not only a place for rest and recreation, it also further helps reorient their way of living. American expat Alice Dill Prasetyoko and her Indonesian husband Wira Danu Prasetyoko saw the opportunity to make a difference in 2013 and decided to establish a rehabilitation centre in Bali. The idea was to help alcoholics and addicts recover by providing assistance and programmes that specifically cater to their needs and conditions. Having worked with alcoholics and addicts from all walks of life, Alice believes that each and every individual requires a unique approach and assistance in order to heal. She has learnt that rehabilitation centres should not treat patients with the same method and expect them to get better simultaneously. For this reason, Alice and her husband Danu came up with the idea of establishing a rehab facility that offers private recovery programmes for those who prefer personalized treatment. “While a group dynamic works well in many instances,” she says, “not everyone fits the same mould. Each of our clients is afforded a high level of respect and has input on their programme’s design, opposed to the ‘boot camp’ or ‘babysitter’ approach adopted by other rehabs,” Alice said in a press statement. Danu personally experienced addiction and survived, and he now focuses on co-managing the Lighthouse Bali recovery centre with his wife. Aside from those who struggle with substance abuse, Lighthouse Bali also welcomes those who are suffering from HIV and AIDS. So far, Australians are recorded as the majority of the Lighthouse Bali’s clients while others come from other parts of the world. Both local and international counsellors and recovery coaches are also available at the rehabilitation centre.

For those who are struggling with addiction or know anyone who is in need of help, please contact the Lighthouse Bali or visit its website at

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Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to











Indonesian Soccer League 2018 Preview BY ANTONY SUTTON


ith the new Liga One season due to kick off in the second half of February most of the 18 clubs that make up the top flight of Indonesian football have been busy wheeling and dealing in the transfer market to ensure they hit the ground running come the big day. The arrival of three newly promoted sides with long, proud histories and large fan bases should guarantee the turnstiles are kept ticking over at the most popular league in Southeast Asia. Champions Bhayangkara have been kept busier than most. Denied the opportunity of competing with Asia’s elite in the AFC Champions League, coach Simon McMenemy has seen a number of key players move on including talismanic striker Ilija Spasojevic to Bali United and exciting youngsters Evan Dimas and Ilham Udin to Malaysia in a controversial move that saw a PSSI official question their patriotism. As well as looking to bring in new players to replace key departures, McMenemy has signed experienced dup Zah Rahan and Vladimir Vujovic. Bhayangkara, owned by the Indonesian police, have been forced to find a new home ground with Bekasi’s Patriot Stadium being prepared for Asian Games usage. The club is looking at a couple of options for the new season with PTIK Stadium in Blok M. It is familiar to players in the Jakarta International Football League, and it is actively being considered. Bali United narrowly missed out on the title last season and took a major hit preseason when their leading scorer Sylvano Comvalius signed for Thai side Suphanburi. However, the arrival of the prolific Spasojevic will go some way to ease the loss while Bali Coach Widodo Cahyono Putro has also strengthened his midfield options by signing Dutch attacking midfielder Kevin Brands to play alongside naturalised Stefano Lilipaly.


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“Two big clubs looking for a reversal in fortunes are Persib Bandung and Persipura Jayapura.” Another team with a strong Dutch connection is PSM Makassar. Coach Robert Alberts is now entering his third campaign with the team while the talented Wiljan Pluim, Marc Klok and Steven Paulle have all been tempted to extend their stay in South Sulawesi as Indonesia’s oldest football club seeks to improve on last season’s third place finish.

with enough personality to impose himself on the expensive squad. The high profile arrivals of former West Ham United and Chelsea striker Carlton Cole and ex-Chelsea midfielder Michael Essien had mixed results with Cole injured for much of his time and the club manager telling the world he didn’t rate the former England international. New coach Mario Gomez had great success with Malaysian side Johor Darul Ta’zim and Persib will be hoping he can bring some of that stardust to West Java. With Essien being linked to a move to South Korea and Raphael Maitimo following Vujovic out of the club a lot of experience needs to be replaced and Gomez will be hoping to add some quality, especially up front where nine goal Maitimo – a cultured midfielder – was top scorer last season.

After a slow start to the 2017 season Persija persevered with their Brazilian coach Teco and were rewarded with a fourth place finish and a place in the AFC Cup with some exciting away games in Southeast Asia in the future. The Kemayoran Tigers will start the campaign playing their home games at the Singaperbangsa Stadium in Karawang, West Java, and have signed Jaimerson and Ivan Carlos to add to the samba contingent with Teco on the bench.

Meanwhile Persipura, for so long a by-word for consistency, have been shipping players at an alarming rate preseason with very few signings being made and they withdrew from the preseason President Cup late. The five times champions finished a disappointing sixth last season, their lowest position since 2006, and have appointed former West Ham United midfielder Peter Butler to bring back the glory days. He faces a tough challenge building a team in the weeks ahead.

Unusual for Persija, which is traditionally a club notorious for getting things done at the last minute, they did most of their transfer business early on in the window while tying down important players like Andritany Ardhiyasa (arguably the best goalkeeper in the country) and the iconic Bambang Pamungkas to new contracts. Whether their squad will be deep enough for the twin demands of Liga 1 and AFC Cup remains to be seen.

And finally we have the three newly promoted sides. Persebaya Surabaya boasted the largest crowds not just in Indonesia but across Southeast Asia as they won the Liga 2 title and they will be joined in the top flight by PSIS Semarang, who will play their home games in Magelang while the Jatidiri Stadium is being renovated; and PSMS Medan is back in the top division for the first time since 2009.

Two big clubs looking for a reversal in fortunes are Persib Bandung and Persipura Jayapura. Persib continue to draw large crowds wherever they play but the 2017 campaign was marred by off field infighting and the lack of a coach

No one could foresee Bhayangkara lifting the Liga 1 last season and we can be sure the 2018 season will be another campaign of twists and turns, of surprises and of even more head scratching moments.


Planning a dream wedding? Looking for an astonishing place to celebrate your newly-wedded bliss? Hoping to escape for a romantic, close-to-nature getaway, combined with tranquility and glorious views at an enticing and visually-stunning, beachfront location? Menjangan Dynasty Resort is the answer for all of your questions.

dive sites and reefs – there’s even a shipwreck – around Menjangan Island, which offers some of the finest snorkeling and scuba diving in Bali. This is a place where you can view some of the best soft corals, sponges, and a huge diversity of gorgonian fans – which attract scores of brightly coloured reef fish. The walls plummet deep into the ocean floor so there is always plenty to look at.

Resting beside the gentle waters of Banyuwedang Bay, on the outer perimeter of Bali’s untouched wilderness, The West Bali National Park, ‘Menjangan Dynasty Resort, Beach Glamping & Dive Centre’ is situated away from the crowded tourist areas of Bali. Offering intimate and private location, this glamping retreat features 24 safaristyle tented rooms, four tented pool villas, a restaurant and barefoot beach club, a spa, two swimming pools and a PADI dive centre all of which harmoniously coexist with the natural splendour of an extraordinary patch of paradise.

At the resort’s Pasir Putih Spa, you can pursue some divinely romantic couple’s packages including the famous mandi lulur, a royal wedding spa treatment originating from the royal palaces of Central Java. The glamping theme is supported with a cliff-top Spa Tent, the only one of its kind in Bali, as well as two self-contained waterfront Spa Pods. Each pod is an enchanting bamboo pavilion blessed with awe-inspiring views across Banyuwedang Bay.

Breathtaking views extend across a mangrove-entwined coastline to the lowland forests of the national park, the tiny island of Menjangan, the craggy folds of Bali Barat’s north-facing ridges and Java’s towering Mount Raung. Crystalline waters splash upon the pristine Pasir Putih white-sand beach and brilliant sunsets colour the sky. Here, honeymooners and lovers can enjoy a truly luxurious glamping experience – the romance of sleeping under canvas combined with modern technology and home comforts – delicious cuisine, intimate dining, indulgent spa treatments, and the opportunity to interact with nature through a wide range of land and sea activities. This is a truly tropical destination, a perfect blend of the exotic and the easy, guaranteed to please both relaxation seekers and adventure enthusiasts. Desa Pejarakan - Gerokgak, Buleleng North West Bali 81155 Call: +62 361 753300 Email: Web:

When you're ready to take a break from beach activities, including kayaking and stand-up paddle-boarding, take to the forest for a nature hike incorporating birdwatching and wildlife sighting. Or, in the company of the resort’s on-site Bali Hai Diving Adventures, explore the

During the balmy Bali evenings, Pasir Putih provides romantic dinners à deux, and are a specialty of the Resort. Relish the opportunity to dine wherever you wish – under the tamarind trees or right beside the water’s edge for an intimate toes-in-the sand experience. Menjangan Dynasty Resort also offers the opportunity to indulge your fantasies with a fairytale Bali wedding. Crafted in bamboo and thatch, Wantilan pavilion is bordered by luscious green lawns with magnificent views. Whether you desire the traditional or the unexpected, an extravagant white wedding, the rich pageantry of a Balinese celebration, or an intimate family affair, the resort’s dedicated team takes pride in delivering a timeless experience that will exceed your expectations and become a cherished memory for the rest of your lives. Everything will be taken care of from the celebrant to the photographer and the videographer, the hair and the make-up, to the catering and the cake, the flowers, the decorations and the entertainment, as well as tented accommodation for your guests. All you need to do is set the date! Begin – and continue – your journey of love at Menjangan Dynasty Resort, Bali.

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Rinka Perez is The Expat Housewife of Jakarta, sharing her experiences of living in The Big Durian as an expat mother of three. Please follow her on Instagram @the_expat_housewife_of_jakarta, and Facebook page, The Expat Housewife of Jakarta. #aMillionThingsToDoInJakarta



Popular expat blogger Rinka Perez writes a powerful piece on how the other half – the trailing spouse – feels about living in the Big Durian.


eing an expat housewife in Jakarta has its own set of challenges even with all of the pros of living here. Loneliness is one of the biggest ones. When I feel it, I think that I am the only one. For so many reasons, it’s difficult to talk about it out loud. Who do I turn to? How do I describe it? Am I allowed to feel this way? Am I being ungrateful? Will I be judged for admitting this feeling? I have learnt that keeping this a secret adds to the loneliness so I am going to be brave by sharing this now. I was lonely when I first moved to this new city because it was extremely different to what I grew up with. I was a mother of two young children, which on its own can be a lonely experience. Then to add an international relocation into the mix, everything suddenly became very daunting and overwhelming. I had to pick up and start all over again, building new relationships and setting foundations from scratch. All of these obstacles arrived while I was sleepdeprived and anxious. Back then I was lonely because my husband immediately started his new job and I was left to build our new home here. He trusted me to do this, and as the expat housewife it was my role to fulfil. I had to find new household staff members (as if it was normal for me) and unpack our belongings. I didn't know where to store our coffee mugs or where to position the crib, let alone whether I made the right decision about hiring strangers to join our household! This process was difficult because I hadn’t grown up with help. Handing over trust to someone else to take care of my babies and blindly following my intuition about who was the right fit for our family felt like a huge responsibility. I bore the weight of this responsibility on my own. I was lonely because the simple tasks like grocery shopping, organizing playdates for the children, catching a taxi – all became a very scary ordeal. Scrambling around with two children in an unfamiliar city feels extremely isolating. Especially when you feel that you are the only one who’s lost. This feeling is compounded even further in such a big, bustling city.


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I was lonely because I was the new mum in our condo’s playground, scanning the scene in search for new friends not just for me, but for my children also. Now that I am fairly settled I am sometimes lonely because I feel the burden of taking care of my family on my own. Yes, my husband helps out and is a present parent, but I feel the pressure of being a mum. I am alone in my own thoughts, and trying to do the right thing each day. I am planning, organizing, delegating, problem-solving and questioning every move. I am keeping it all together for everyone else. I am hiding my loneliness. I am lonely sometimes because I manage our household staff and my husband will never understand this burden or dilemma. No matter how much I try to explain it, he just won't ever get it. And so I no longer share my issues with him and I deal with them alone. I am lonely sometimes because my husband is being the man that I love, working hard to keep us happy. He is trying to better our future and exceed our expectations. And for that, he is constantly busy. He is travelling, studying, pursuing his dreams and trying to balance his work life with us. I am spending Saturday nights at home alone. And date nights are few and far between.

I am lonely sometimes because of the traffic. It isolates me, and holds me back. I have to decide between going out and sitting in traffic, or staying home and not socializing. I am lonely sometimes because my friends keep leaving. I am lonely sometimes because I missed that play date due to my baby being sick, again. And I can’t go to that girl’s night out because my nanny has quit. I am lonely sometimes because everything is different here and I miss my home. I miss my old life and the little things that made me happy, like the sounds of my boots on the pavement. And listening to breakfast radio in the morning; how much that used to make me laugh! I miss the coffee that I had on my walk to work. Don’t even talk to me about my old job; that is just too much. I miss that life even more than I thought I ever would. I am lonely sometimes because I am constantly dealing with my loss of identity, I’m now known as the Trailing Spouse who is no longer financially independent. Destiny's Child would be ashamed of me, “...the shoes I’m wearing... he bought it!” When it’s no longer my own money, I feel guilty for buying personal items that make me happy. I am lonely sometimes because I am bored. And I can’t commit to things because the prospect of leaving is always there. I am lonely sometimes because my friends back at home have moved on and have learnt to live without me. My parents are getting older, my nieces are being born, and here I am, away from it all. I am lonely sometimes because I want to pick up the phone to talk to someone and I have no one to call. My fingers are sore from messaging. I am lonely sometimes because I don’t know what the future will bring. I don’t know how long I will live here or where I will move to next. The scariest thought of all is that I don’t actually know when I will return home. All of these things make me lonely sometimes. And I know you’re lonely too. And that’s ok. Let’s be lonely together.

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Light Entertainment

They’re Playing Our Song! BY EAMONN SADLER


VERY COUPLE has a song which means something special to them. Maybe it’s the song that was playing when they first met or when they had their first dance, maybe it was playing the first time they kissed – but every couple has one. Generally, women have better memories and retain a lot more information about the history of the relationship than men, but for some reason “our song” also seems to stick in even the most forgetful man’s mind. It can be a rock song or a ballad, a pop song or R&B; it doesn’t matter. What matters is the romantic memories that it evokes. I have been performing and writing music since I was 15 so I tend to listen carefully to lyrics and analyze them more than the average person might. Sometimes there is great poetic merit and deep meaning, sometimes there is little or no poetic merit and a hidden meaning. Sometimes it seems the artist doesn’t care about poetic merit as long as the words rhyme, and sometimes there is no attempt to hide the meaning at all. Have a look at the following lyrics and judge their poetic merit and/or meaning for yourself. I hope none of you describe any of these as “your song!”

Guess which Beatle wrote this: (I’ll give you a clue, it wasn’t John, Paul or George.) I'm sorry that I doubted you, I was so unfair, you were in a car crash, and you lost your hair. Don’t Pass Me By from the White Album

Awwww… This is so sweet… She was a catch, we were a match, I was the match that would fire up her snatch. ~Mermaids by Australian band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Ooooh this is clever… I wonder what he means? I wonder what this guy’s girlfriend gets up to now that we have digital cameras… and what kind of shirts does he wear? You got me to hitch my knees up, and pulled my legs apart, you took an instamatic camera, and pulled my sleeves around my heart.

Do you think they got stuck for a fourth word that ends in “ate”?

Hike up your skirt a little more and show your world to me. ~Crash Into Me by soppy old sausage Dave Matthews (US)

You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you, you let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you. ~Closer by the lovey-dovey Nine Inch Nails

I guess these guys took the day off sick… ~You're Gorgeous by the UK’s Babybird

Looks like an evening in the kitchen for this couple… Love me like your favourite sweet, your just desserts and more, cover me in cheesecake mix, swallow me up whole.

Thinking of you is working up my appetite, looking forward to a little afternoon delight, rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ignite, and the thought of rubbing you is getting so exciting. ~Afternoon Delight by ever-romantic Starland Vocal band

You never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me. ~Little Things by UK heartthrobs One Direction


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

Remind me of something James used to say, ‘I like 'em fat, I like 'em proud,’ ya gotta have a mother for me, now move your big ass 'round this way so I can work on that zipper, baby ‘cause tonight you're a star and I'm the big dipper. ~Get Off by Prince (judging by the lyrics, I think he’s using the other meaning of “get off”.)

~Torture by UK 80s band King

Guys, dedicate this song to your woman if you want a punch in the face.

Sing this to your lady and you’re guaranteed a night on the couch…

I think there would be a major investigation if this song were released today… Happy Valentine’s Day! Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind, I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind. ~My Sharona by The Knack (who I hope were well over 18 years of age when they wrote it)

Valentine Special A RETRO ROMANCE

Groovy Valentine’s Day Ideas in Jakarta Take a time capsule back to the 50s and 60s to celebrate the day of love.



hat is the ideal way to celebrate love? The most genuine and unconditional feeling – love, can never be weighed enough in emotion or gesture. Love must be celebrated and shared beautifully with “the one.” We’ve seen this day evolve, year after year, from lovesick teens texting each other to a wedded love bug presenting a wall of roses. This February, take a cue from the retro kids we knew and read about growing up – Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Reggie from the iconic Archie's comics and recent angst-filled television revival “Riverdale.” Share a milkshake with your better half in one of the groovy diners with plushy booths and neon signs like TRS Diner, Johnny Rockets, TGI Fridays, for your fast food fill in Jakarta. If you’re looking for another kind of diner, Genki Sushi is your best bet. Afterward, plan a romantic movie date and save some space for a large caramel popcorn. For those who prefer quiet time, a cozy and intimate date at home; redecorate a room with bold retro wallpaper or place massive retro motif stickers. For dinner, plan a cook-off with your beau: you needn’t cook something elaborate to keep it full of fun and don’t forget to order in tubs of ice cream for dessert. Loosen up and play a couple rounds of a romantic truth-or-dare or whip out a few classic board games like Scrabble or Monopoly. A scavenger hunt is another interesting game to play together, where you can challenge your other half's memory of your romantic journey while navigating clues you place around the house. Of course, the last clue could be to the ring box if you’re planning to pop the question or present a gift for the Valentine’s Day occasion.

“A scavenger hunt is another interesting game to play together, where you can challenge your other half's memory of your romantic journey while navigating clues you place around the house. Of course, the last clue could be to the ring box if you’re planning to pop the question or present a gift for the Valentine’s Day occasion.” day, remember to stay suited and put on a colourful tie. For the ladies: wear a pleated short skirt with a slogan sweatshirt or a polka dot blouse and something really sweet is to match your sneakers with your man. If unable to skip the office that day, maybe wear a fitted pencil skirt with a satin blouse and put on your favourite kitten heels.

[Appropriate Valentine’s night-at-home films suggestions include Grease, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Hairspray or Pretty Woman. If you’re interested in doing a television show marathon, then perhaps Mad Men, Riverdale, Full House, Fuller House and Stranger Things are more up your alley.]

In the past, hairstyles were a big deal whether for men or women. For men, it was always neatly gelled hair and a conscious attempt to slick it back. Whereas for girls it was all about the curls, distinctly coiffed or the locks tied up in a backcombed ponytail. Add a ribbon or bow on the side to channel the your inner pin-up girl! For some makeup inspiration, think Twiggy who was an English model, actress, and singer during the swinging 60s. She wore bold and clumped mascara on her upper and lower lashes and that grew into a makeup sensation. To make the eyes more dramatic draw a bold winged eye with a liquid eyeliner like Brigitte Bardot’s for a dedicate charm. For the lips, choose something light, either a frosty pastel pink or even a metallic creme lipstick. Don’t forget to rosy up the apples of your cheeks with a pink blush for a flirty finish!

Want to look the retro part? Stores like Fendi, Moshchino, H&M, Zara, Bershka, Pull&Bear have items that can help you to channel the old-school vibes! What’s old is always new again, so throw on a varsity jacket over your crew neck t-shirt and blue jeans. For the men working that

Couples who wouldn’t mind a fun and sporty day, challenge yourselves at a bowling arcade. The Jakarta Bowling Centre in Jakarta Selatan or Mall Artha Gading Bowling Center at Mall Artha Gading are great arcades. There, you can plan a surprise for your date with a bunch of her favourite

flowers and chocolates. For the guys, take your date to a Time Zone in Pluit Village Mall for few hours of gaming together or Funworld in Pondok Indah Mall and let your competitive spirit rise. Ladies, every thought about karaoke at the T-REX Family Karaoke in Grand Indonesia and serenading your special guy? Gifting is never about the amount you spend on the gift, it’s always the thought you put behind it. So think hard on what would really bring a smile on your beau’s face. Romantic letters with a countdown to Valentine’s Day (that’s 14 letters leading up to the day!) or you can attempt a love jar, filled with chits, and each with a line of what you love about your partner or what suggestions for dates you’d like to plan out year round. For instance, “I love your good morning messages, it lights up my day,” or, “I can’t wait to take you to see my favourite band in concert.” If you’ve been together for a while, collect a dozen or two of your favourite photos together and get them printed on a flipbook or an album. With each photo write the memory you have with your partner and how you felt that day when you spent time together. This is a fantastic gift to experience together and relive those golden moments. For those who live apart, get an Instax camera and capture memories from the entire day, wrap the beautiful polaroid moments and Go-Jek them with a romantic note to your better half at night. This would be a thoughtful way to end the day. A timeless gift, and one sure to always invoke a flustered blush!

LOCATIONS FOR GIFTS AND DATE IDEAS: • TRS Diner (Fatmawati) • Johnny Rockets (Lotte Shopping Avenue, Mega Kuningan) • TGI Fridays (Lippo Mall Kemang & Puri, Gandaria City Mall, Central Park Mall, Pondok Indah Mall) • Genki Sushi (Plaza Senayan, Grand Indonesia Mall, Kota Kasablanka Mall, Kawasan SCBD, Central Park Mall, Kelapa Gading Mall)

LINK FOR ROMANTIC TRUTH & DARE QUESTIONS: • For Boyfriends: dare-questions-for-boyfriend.html • For Girlfriends:

FASHION RETAILERS: • Fendi: Plaza Senayan, Jakarta • Moschino: Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta • Zara: Senayan City Mall, Jakarta • H&M: Grand Indonesia (east) Mall, Jakarta • Pull & Bear: Grand Indonesia (east) Mall, Jakarta • Bershka: Senayan City Mall, Jakarta

GIFTS: • Photo books and prints: Adorama (Grand Indonesia East Mall) • Link to Retro Gifts: • Instax:

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat


Announcements Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts Releases New Mobile App JAKARTA Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts have launched a new mobile app in January and guests are invited to use the service with a special offer. To mark the release, the upscale hotel group is introducing an exclusive loyalty programme that allows travelers to “unlock the world of Shangri-La” in more than 100 hotels and resorts across the Shangri-La, Kerry Hotels, Hotel Jen and Traders Hotels brands. The offer is available from January 22 to April 30. Guests will be able to join the Golden Circle programme by using the new mobile app. This way, they are free to explore member benefits and promotions that will ultimately make their stay experience more pleasant. The app was set up based on findings from consumer research. Accordingly, it features key functionalities such as fast and easy booking, mobile check-in/check-out, manage golden circle accounts and redeem rewards. The new Shangri-La app is available for both iPhone and Android platforms. Guests can download the app by visiting

Bali Welcomes the Marriott Vacation Club BALI Marriott’s Bali Nusa Dua Gardens - Marriott Vacation Club has arrived on the Island of the Gods. This is the company’s very first resort in Indonesia. Nestled within the exclusive Nusa Dua community, Marriott's Bali Nusa Dua Gardens features one-bedroom, two-bedroom and studio guest rooms. Each has its own kitchenettes with a design inspired by the tropical beauty of Indonesia. Guests staying at the resort can have access to the amenities and activities available in the courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua resort. These include on-site dining, fitness center, luxury spa and Kids Club, as well as access to a private beach club at Nusa Dua Beach. Numerous cultural attractions, boutique shops and an outstanding food scene are also available nearby the hotel. For more information please visit

Golden Tulip Devins Seminyak is now the DevinSky Hotel BALI Previously known as Golden Tulip Devins Seminyak, DevinSky Hotel is reborn as one of Bali’s most prestigious hotels and resorts with an improved mission and services to offer. The hotel rebrand was officially announced on January 19. After years of success and accolades, the hotel made the decision to stand under its very own management system. DevinSky Hotel believes in maintaining the quality of its services and facilities while continuing to explore new ways to please guests. Following the brand change, DevinSky Hotel’s e­mail address has now changed into the For more information please visit


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

Ayana’s Exotic Blue Terrace Cafe Offers Superfood Cuisine

Flying High in Bali with Bounce Trampoline Centre BALI The Bounce Board in Bali’s Bounce Trampoline Centre is inviting tourists across Bali to join the fun of jumping and flying high off the ground. The trampoline centre invites adrenaline junkies to explore the innovative board that normally features professional sportspeople. The Bounce Board is an effective and fun cross-training accessory that helps improve twists and turns and most of all, improves your jumping skills. Bounce board is available for Rp.70,000 for 20 minutes. For more information please visit

JAKARTA Serving healthy and stylish food has always been a priority for Ayana’s Blue Terrace Cafe. This time, they are inviting guests to explore the restaurant’s innovative superfoods, which includes a number of Asian, European and other types of cuisine. “Our goal with Blue Terrace is to provide a convenient gateway and ample opportunity for guests to experience total mind-body connection, simply by enjoying a delicious meal in our relaxed garden setting or air-conditioned dining room,” Chef Johan Kusnadi said in a press statement. Ayana’s chefs ability to channel their creative vision has allowed the restaurant to explore unique ways to present the best dishes. One of the innovations developed by these chefs include demonstrations on how to make healthy desserts at home. Daily live cooking demonstrations are also available at the restaurants that present a new twist on the dining experience. Blue Terrace’s Innovative healthy dessert menu includes vegetable-based products that are perfect for guests who want to eat healthfully. These products include broccoli, yam, corn, cassava, sweet potato and beetroot cake. Blue Terrace will also serve gluten-free and dairy-free desserts. For sweet indulgences, Blue Terrace’s healthy drink menu offers playful choices ranging from original healthy juices, smoothies, infused water and tea-tails (like cocktails, but with tea).

* Answers in the next edition!

For The Macet Mind ACROSS 1. Example of free use of the imagination (6,2,5) 8. Responsibility (4) 9. Figure of speech - allegory (8) 10. Wholly (10) 12. Start (6) 14. Tusked sea mammal (6) 15. Radical - daring (5-5) 19. Person sharing deep affinity (4,4) 20. Immense (4) 21. Accepting one's (low) rank and behaving suitably (4,4,5)

DOWN 2. Floor covering (8) 3. Zest (5) 4. Storm - created by Shakespeare? (7) 5. Go for - bring (5) 6. Clothing (7) 7. Cut down on - meat (4) 11. Dead-end road (3-2-3) 13. Take in - migratory bird (7) 14. Observe - evidence (7) 16. Once more (5) 17. Blacksmith's block (5) 18. Ripped (4)

ANSWERS OF ISSUE 205 ACROSS— 1. Aristocratic 9. Occur 10. Despair 11. Neat 12. Cosmetic 14. Hiding 15. Grocer 18. Hackwork 20. Baby 22. Tempest 23. Alien 24. House and Home DOWN— 2. Richard 3. Sore 4. Old Boy 5. Rosemary 6. Tract 7. Card-carrying 8. Down The Hatch 13. Anywhere 16. Cranium 17. Breton 19. Cymru 21. Cash

To turn or not to turn. Send your funny pictures to


ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



If you want your event to be posted here, please contact +622129657821 or email:


JAKARTA Networking


remixes. In 2016 he released his debut artist album “Ashes,” which took the number one spot on iTunes electronic album chart. This year he is set to appear in the prestigious annual music and arts festival Coachella along with major headlines like The Weeknd, Beyonce and Eminem. Illenium will take over Blowfish in Jakarta. Tickets are Rp.225,000. For more information please visit Java Jazz Festival 2018 2–4 March 2018

Jakarta Business Networkers Every Thursday Make the right connections and grow your business over lunch. At Jakar ta Business Networkers (JBN), all attendees are encouraged to help others by exchanging referrals and introducing them to their target audience. JBN is all about helping you grow your business. Promote your business, personal brand or portfolio each week to the rest of the attendees and explain to the group the type of referrals you would like to receive. JBN professional networking sessions are every Thursday lunchtime at Central, South and West of Jakarta. RSVP: info@ The Jakarta Bridge Club Every Tuesday and Friday The Jakarta Bridge Club invites ex pat communities across Jakarta to join a networking session every Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 AM to 12 PM. Participants meet for pleasant and convivial moments where they can share and exchange information among ex p ats at three to five tables. The networking event takes place at Die Stube Restaurant on Jalan Kemang Raya. Visitors and partners are welcome to join. For more information please contact Ernah at +62818686999.

Paramore Live in Jakarta 16 February 2018 A m e r i c a n p o p ro c k g ro u p Paramore is set to perform in Jakarta this February, marking the band ’s second visit to Indonesia. The band features lead female vocalist Hayley Williams, guitarist Taylor York and drummer Zac Farro, and will be on a tour to promote their latest and fifth studio album After Laughter. The band emerged a decade ago when they released their debut album All We Know Is Falling. Years later they rose to fame thanks to hit singles like “Decode,” “That’s What You Get” and “Still Into You.” Paramore will take centre stage at ICE BSD. For more information please visit concert/paramore-tour-fourconcert-tickets.

The Chainsmokers Live in Jakarta 30 March 2018

American DJ, musician and producer Nick Miller – who goes under the name Illenium – will greet fans in Jakarta for the first time this year. With hit singles like “It’s All On U,” “Needed You” and “Crawl Outta Love,” the young DJ has found fame in the international dance music community thanks to his stellar productions and captivating


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

Arts & Culture

Italian Design Day 2 March 2018


Illenium Live in Jakarta 9 February 2018

A f te r m o re t h a n 13 ye a r s entertaining jazz lovers, one of Indonesia’s biggest music festivals is back again. The Java Jazz Festival will mark its fourteenth anniversary with the theme “Celebrate Jazz in Diversity.” Festival-organizers are determined to not only entertain, but also to educate the audience about the history of jazz and its significant influence to the music industry. This year, jazz lovers will get the chance to witness performances from local artists such as Andien, Dewa Budjana, Glenn Fredley, Maliq & D’Essentials, RAN and Petra Sihombing. International stars include the Goo Goo Dolls, Dionne Warwick, JP Cooper, Maysa Leak and the Brion Simpson Band, and Vanessa Williams. The Java Jazz Festival will take place at Jakarta International Expo. For more information please visit

American DJ duo the Chainsmokers can be added to the list of inter national musicians who will reignite the music festival scene in Indonesia this year. Alex Pal and Andrew Taggart have both enjoyed success for years since producing their breakthrough single “#Selfie” in 2014. Since then, the duo has spent over 50 weeks in the top 10 Billboard Charts, won their first Grammy for Best Dance Recording “Don’t Let Me Down” last year and received another nomination this year for its collaboration with Coldplay for the song “Something Just Like This.” The Chainsmokers will party with fans in Jakarta at JIEXPO Kemayoran.

Italian Design Day is an initiative organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Economic Development and Cultural Heritage and the Triennale di Milano to celebrate the history and dynamic trends that Italy has to offer in its design sector. The huge celebration is thrown in 100 cities across the globe including New York, Cape Town, Zurich and Lima. After World War II, Italian design came to prominence as it became a crucial element of the country’s industrial production, which significantly contributed to its economic growth. To date, Italian design remains impactful and its dynamic trends can always be observed in both the arts and non-arts sectors. Jakartans can learn more about Italian design by celebrating the international event at the Italian Institute of Culture. For more information please visit w w w.iicjakarta. calendario/2018/03/italiandesign-day.html.

Arts & Culture

International Scholarship Expo 4 February 2018

Back to Bali Dynasty Party 2018 – a Silver Celebration 10 February 2018

Ambitious and intelligent students who are looking for an opportunity to study abroad fully funded are invited to join the International Scholarship Expo. The exhibition allows participants to learn more about what it takes to study in countries like America, China, Australia, Europe, Canada and UK. They will only need to bring education documents such as academic certificates, transcripts and English standardized language test scores (IELTS/TOEFL/HSK/ TOPIK). The scholarships offered range from 15 percent to 100 percent tuition fee reduction. Accommodations, flights and living expenses are excluded from the scholarships. The expo will be held at Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta. The entrance is free of charge. For more information please visit

Mark your calendar for Bali Dynasty Resort’s biggest annual fundraising event, the Back to Bali Dynasty Party 2018. Scheduled for Saturday, 10 February 2018, the Back to Bali Dynasty Party will return to the Subi Sports Bar. This will be the 25th year of the event. In celebration of this milestone, the resort is preparing a special silver-themed gala night as well as some great benefits for those who attend the evening. Attending the event will also give you the opportunity to participate in a noble cause. Being their major fundraising event, the Back to Bali Dynasty Party will raise the much needed funds to alleviate the suffering of individuals in Bali through a collaborative work between Bali Dynasty Resort and Solemen Indonesia. Tickets are already on sale online, and can be purchased via https://bdr.

Bali Spirit Festival 2–8 April 2018 Bali Spirit Festival is a global celebration of yoga, dance, music and well-being. Set on the beautiful island of Bali, the festival will invite performing arts enthusiasts and spirituality seekers from all around the world to gather and send each other positive energy. The six- day festival will include an array of inspirational workshops such as yoga, martial arts, African dance, ecstatic dance, crystal bowl sound healing, breathwork and meditation. There will also music performances featuring international artists to light up the nights during the festival and over 200 workshops and seminars to attend. For schedule, registration, accommodation and more please visit







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WHAT IS A COMMON COLD? It is the rainy season. A lot of people sneeze and cough. I thought it was good to write a few words on simple colds. What is a common cold? You can often treat a cold without seeing a doctor. It can take up to two weeks before you feel better unfortunately.

WHAT TO CHECK FOR Cold symptoms can start gradually and may include : • Runny or blocked nose • Painful throat • Headaches • Pain in muscles • A cough • Sneezing • A fever (more than 38°C in adults, 37.5°C in children) • Feeling of pressure in your ears and face (sinuses?) • Loss of smell and taste The symptoms are the same in adults and children.

There’s little evidence that supplements like vitamin c, zinc, echinacea or garlic can prevent colds or speed up recovery.

See a doctor if: • Symptoms don't improve after three weeks or if they suddenly become worse • You have a very high fever or if you feel hot and shivery • You're concerned about your child's symptoms • You have difficulty to breathe or develop chest pain • You have a chronic condition like diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease • You have a weak immune system

How you can treat a cold


To get better more quickly : • Rest and sleep • Keep warm • To drink plenty of water, fruit juice or squash mixed with water. • Gargle with salt water • Some cold medicines • You may relieve a blocked nose with a decongestant spray or tablets • Pain or a fever can become less with paracetamol or ibuprofen.

We don't recommend antibiotics for colds because they won't change your symptoms or speed up a recovery. Colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections.

Some medication is not suitable for children, babies or pregnant women.

How to stop spreading a cold Viruses which cause colds can easily spread to other people. You're infectious until all your symptoms have gone, which can be up to two weeks.

To reduce the risk of spreading • • • •

Wash your hands frequently Use paper tissues when you cough or sneeze Cough into the inside of your elbow Bin used tissues as quickly as possible

How to prevent a cold A person with a cold can start spreading it from a few days before their symptoms begin until the symptoms have finished. • Do not share towels or household items (like cups) with someone who has a cold • Do not touch your eyes or nose in case you've come into contact with the virus – it can infect the body this way • Try to stay fit and healthy • Wash your hands with soap and water Talk to your trusted medical practitioner if you have any questions or concerns.

The germs that cause colds are spread by coughs and sneezes and they can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.

Dr Steven Graaff,MD,MRCGP, the founder of Good Practice Clinic is a graduate of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Before completing his formal training in General Practice in the UK, he has worked in several hospitals, occupational health and general practice in the Netherlands and the UK. As a medical professional with international experience,Steven decided to start his own clinic – Good Practice, in Jakarta

Jl. Bangka Raya #106B Jakarta 12730 Tel. +62-21-7183140

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



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JAKARTA Cars for Sale

Mercedes Benz E240. Production Year: 20 04. Mi leage: 142,0 0 0 km Transmission: Automatic. E n g i n e : 2 .4 p e t r o l . C o l o r : Silver metallic
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BMW 520D. Production Year: 2012. Mileage: 52,000 km. Transmission: Automatic. Engine: 2.0 Diesel. Color: Black metallic. Price: EUR 14,900 (Negotiable/ Best offer). For non diplomatic mission or duty free privileged buyers, C-Form is required. (Proof of Tax Payment Issued by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Indonesian Ministry of Finance). For more info please contact Embassy of Hungary Email: Phone or WA: +6285251619874. Job Available Full time and part time vacancies are now available for experienced English language instructors for corporate courses around Jakarta” Compet it ive rates a nd t ravel a l lowance are of fered. Please send your CV to recruitment. Services Learn Spanish (IB, IGCSE, DELE) at your place with a DELE-certified examiner from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools ( JIS and BSJ). Please call me (Raúl) +6282110502786. Home tuition with friendly, helpful and experienced tutors for National and International Curriculum (IGCSE/IB). It is started from Kindergarten to Senior High School students. We provide : • Mathematics and Additional Math • English school, TOEFL and IELTS • Science (Chemistry, Biolog y, Physics) • Mandarin • Accounting • Indonesian for Expatriates Please call us at Chesy +628238929-5442 or privatetutors2t@ Lita Jeanette Supadi, M.Mus., Piano Performance. Graduated from Andrews University, USA, with 7 years of piano teaching experience of students with various ages and genre preferences such as classical and pop. Contact me through email or phone +6287788837532. A re you look ing for a f lexible Indonesian language private tutor coming to your house/ office in Jakarta? I can assure you that I am delivering top-notch service


Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

that you won't receive with a lowcost alternative. So, this is exactly what I specialise in. Talk about a perfect match! Since 2014, I have taught expats from Colombia, India, Morocco, U.S, Australia, France, Taiwan, Singapore, Laos, Italy and also staffs at the Embassies of Denmark in Jakarta. Before a ny t h i ng else, I k now you’re probably curious to see my work. Please have a look at feedbacks in ‘Jakarta Expats’ group : http:// bit .do/r ick y ja k a r t aex pat s or alternatively, you can also see other feedbacks from Internations: http:// Learning Progression may takes 4 months (more/ less) for each level. Level 1 (Beginner & Intermediate) & Level 2 (Advanced). *Get cheaper offer for frequent sessions and/or groups! I'll keep this short and we can go into more details when we chat: Call/ WhatsApp +628176055511. Email:

Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD), or a specific Learning Disability (LD) and needs after school home support to cope up with school work, please feel free to contact Teacher Jun at teacher. for an appointment.

Be your f ittest self at any age. Internationally certified, Englishspeaking Personal Fitness Trainer helps you lose fat and get fit faster with fun, personalized workouts at your home or apartment. Try a session FREE, full details at www. Phone number: +6282111720271.

English and French teaching/ t utor i ng i n Sout h Ja k a r t a, Cilandak/Cipete/Kemang general area. I teach English and French for ages 9 and above. Conversation, writing, public speak ing, test preparation, etc.60 or 90 minute lesson, individual or groups up to 4. Please leave message and I will contact you back asap, jl. Kenanga, Cilandak. Phone number: +6281317711960. email: laujau@

Private music lesson at your home (Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, Piano/Keyboard & Drums). For Kids & Adults. Lesson Duration can be 1 hour or 45 minutes. Interested? Contact: Bowo - +6281808361136 (WA/Text Message/Call). Email:

Private Guitar/Ukulele Lesson at your home. Interested? Contact +6281808361136 (WA/Call) for more details. G ol f L es son s: G et ready for Golf Season! All levels and ages are welcome, from beginner to advanced programs. Full-swing, Putting, Short game and playing le s s on s av a i l a b le. For mor e information and to book a lesson, please email below. Accel Golf Academy-Ken Runyon All lessons conducted in English at Pondok Indah Driving Range:

Piano Lesson at your home for all ages, please WA: +62811146512. Property

Private tutor for foreign beginners that would love to be able to speak Indonesian language. Free textbook. Affordable fees. Learn the basic and speak like a local. More info: French and Bahasa Indonesian language at your place with a qualified teacher for international students w it h I B and IG C SE Novi (+62816704370). Highly recommended Bahasa Indonesia teacher- learn Bahasa Indonesia with Rini! Are you new to Jakarta or simply would like to start learning Bahasa Indonesia? Then I have just the right person for you- Rini! Rini is a great teacher; lively and reliable, she structures her classes well and gives you plenty of opportunities to talk and learn. I feel that I've improved so much with her just within a few weeks! Her fee for a one to one lesson is IDR 300,000/hour or IDR 450,000/ lesson of 90 mins. All materials provided. Rini will come to your office or to your own home- she covers the Kemang, Cipete, Pejaten, Antasari and Pondok Indah area. Please contact her at +628121861919 or Native Italian and Spanish language teacher in Jakarta. Private lessons at your home. More than 10 years of experience with students of all ages. Grammar and conversation lessons. Email me at or WhatsApp to +6281298177496. Help your child reach his potential! If your child has AD/HD, Autism, PDD/NOS, Down Syndrome,

Beautiful new full renovated house for rent. 2 storey + basement. 750m2 + 1000m 2 land with join pool. Located 10 minutes from Cilandak Commercial Estate. USD3,000/ month nett excluding tax (negotiate). If interested please call / WA owner at +62811180605.

Luxur y t wo level Essence Dha r mawang sa apa r t ment townhouse (357 sqm) 4BR with private lobby entrance. 12m x 4m private pool. Gourmet open kitchen with breakfast bar and new appliances. Separate dining room, TV lounge with entertainment area and formal lounge. Upstairs to a large family room and 4 bedrooms and marble tiled bathrooms. Two special dedicated carparks in front of basement lobby. Fully furnished. Certificate Strata title. Facilities: Gym, Sauna, S.Pool, Tennis court, Jogging track, Lake, BBQ area, Garden, Playground, Meeting room, Function room, Mini market, ATM. FOR SALE: Rp 17,500,000,000.

FOR RENT: Rp 945,000,000, contact or Whatsapp+6281999799719. House for rent at Jl. Kemang Timur XV No.70A. Beautiful, spacious 2 storey house, 700 m2/650 m2, 4 bedroom & bath/big terrace, pool, garden, close to AIS, asking price US$2,800/month. For info please call or WhatsApp: +6285881418203.

Nice two-level Kemang Village apartment (239 sqm) 4BR For SALE (BELOW MARKET PRICE). Fully furnished. Premium unit, penthouse size. Top floors. Great air circulation and lighting. Two kitchens: dry and wet kitchen. Two parkings. Very strategic location, easy access to Kebayoran Baru, Pondok Indah, Cilandak and Cipete. Only 15 minutes to SCBD. Integ rated with Kemang Village Mall and surrounded by restaurant and shops, International Supermarkets, Siloam Hospital, International Schools. Facilities: Swimming pool, fitness centre, Tennis court, jogging track, Kemang Village country club, spa & sauna, laundry, ATM, etc. FOR SALE: Rp 6,500,000,000 ONLY. Contact or WhatsApp +6281999799719. A pa r t ment for Rent /S a le at Essence Dharmawangsa: Essence South Tower (very quiet and far for the main road) Sqm: 269m 2 Semi furnished apartment. Sofa and Dining Table not yet included (cur rent tenant brought t hei r own from their country). We will provide these furnitures if required. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom (2 ensuite) - 2 Bedroom with KingSize Bed and 1 BR with single bed. TV in the living room and master Bedroom. 1 Bedroom and Bathroom for maid. Located on the 20 th f loor with unblocked view toward the city (view facing north & east) Swimming Pool, Jogging Track, Restaurants and Fitness Center. 10000 watt electricity 2 parking space upgraded interior Washing machine, dryer and water filter included. Easy access to SCBD sudirman,kemang,pondok indah TB Simatupang. Close to several international school such as Mentari School,High Scope,Cikal, JIS, French I nter nat iona l School. Rent a l fee USD3, 50 0/mont h including building service fee. Fee is Negotiable, especially for long term rental. Phone: +628111487330. For rent Studio apt 22m 2 Full furnished Spring Bed 160 AC Pool Jog track Basement Mini market Easy transportation Near to all facility and school or university 10 min PIM 10min lebak bulus Yearly contract 25jt Can pay monthly installment Exc. Electricity.water and service charge (500-1jt depend usage) Serious only Contact by phone: +33781165221.

Looking for something to buy / sell? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Indonesia Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 16.500 copies bi-weekly. Next deadline: 7 February 2018

L u x u r y t wo level apa r t ment townhouse (357 sqm) with private lobby entrance. Fully enclosed 12m x 4m private pool. Gourmet open kitchen with breakfast bar and new appliances. Separate dinning room, TV lounge with entertainment area and formal lounge. Upstairs to a large family room and four bedrooms and marble tiled bathrooms. Two side by side covered carparks with easy access to the basement lobby. Quick access to the apartment gym, business center , superette and Italian restaurant. Both fully furnished. FOR SALE = Rp20,000,000,000. FOR RENT = Rp.1,135,000,000 negotiable, contact david.michael.bouzaid@ The Hive @ Tamansari Apartment, 9 t h F loor, 6 t h Un it. Ja la n D.I Panjaitan Kavling 3-4 Cawang, Jakarta Timur, 13340. Flood free area Total land area/building: 31,52 m 2/27, 47 m 2. Type of building: Studio (Furnished); 1 spacious bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 pantry, balcony Electricity: 2,200 Watt (PLN token). Floor: Parquet Type of land title: Certificate of Ownership, Personal (SHM; Sertif ikat Hak Milik) Additional furnished: Kitchen set: Modena 2 stoves with the cabinet Two (2) doors wardrobe cabinet Flat screen LED TV 32 \" Sofa bed IKEA Solsta SB2 Ransta Dark Grey AP JP Washing machine 7 kg Bosch (placed at the kitchen area) Microwave & Water Dispenser Two(2) doors Sharp refrigerator, Grey Multifunction table Please arrange the visitation to see the detai l Persona l ow ned, price: Rp.880,000,000 Serious buyer please contact: +6281281614984. Apartment 126 m2 2 BR + 1 (Master bedroom has king size bed, 2 nd bedroom has a single bed or a bunk bed, upon request) 2 baths (with tub) + 1 fully furnished warm and cozy living great for family with children swimming pool, kiddie pool, fitness room, lounge area, BBQ area parking area opposite of Pondok Indah Mall Walking distance to Pondok Indah Offices 20 minutes to Senayan, Sudirman, business district Close to International schools, supermarkets, restaurants 24H security service Reachable by TransJakarta Busway Price USD 2,850/ month minimum 1 year contact owner : Belinda +62811198432 ( W hatsApp) or email This is a really good deal, you don't wanna miss it! Address: Pondok Indah Residences Jl. Kartika Utama Jakarta 12310 Indonesia. For Sale Moving sale - everything to go at rock-bottom prices. Items sold on first come first pay basis; all to be collected on Jan 27/28. Everything in excellent condition: • Divan bed (IKEA Sultan Alsarp) with storage space and mattress (1.4m x 2m) • Pine Wooden shelves - 6 levels x 2m length • I K E A Table (0.9 m x 0.9 m extendable to 1.5m, for dining or kitchen) •4 piece Cane set: glass coffee table with a two-seater and two oneseaters

• Wooden writing desk (extendable to 4 seater dinner table) with 4 chairs • Baby cot (rocking) • Indian Mango wood standing cabinet • Armchairs extending to futon (2 singles) • Galleri Pot - 2 large flower pots • Clothes drying rack (large wooden) • 2 cane stools with cushions Pictures available from aacronin@ or WA +628111669035.

For sale 4 pcs Horizontal plan cabinet lion L22, @Rp. 2,5 million. 5 drawer each cabinet to put A0 and A1 paper. Size : width 1375mm x height 850mm. Please contact : +622129938997 / +6281319004269.

Household Staff Available We are leaving Jakarta and want to find work for our excellent house staff who work as an excellent and harmonious team but are also available individually. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more i nfor mat ion. WA : +6281383611477. If you need a maid to help you do chores, or laundry, then you read the right ads. I offer you my service, to work from Monday to Friday, full time or part time. I have worked for some expat families before, and I also have a reference letter. Please contact +628388790165. I am ready for an interview if needed. Personal Tr a d i t i o n a l m a s s a g e c o m e to you r pl ace. P lea se SM S : +6287875321375.

Household Staff Needed Looking for a live out maid in Kemang area. Our priorities are cleaning and cooking (Indonesian and western food). Prefer if she is available Monday-Saturday , but we are open to negotiate working hours. She doesn't have to speak English as we speak Indonesian too. We have a 2 year old son and a nanny but we would prefer her to be good with kids too. Please text to +6287713071990. Amazing Nanny looking for Live Out position. Dinda has worked for me for a year looking for my daughter from 3 mont hs old. As I’m a working mum, she was alone all day with my daughter, and she is fully trustable. She is amazing with kids: she knows how to entertain them, but she also knows to set boundaries. She grew up my daughter to be very autonomous and self confident. She was very proactive in organising playdates with other kids in the compound. She is great with babies, but also with older kids. She left my house as her family moved from Jakarta 9 months ago, but they are now back and she is now looking for a new position. Feel free to WhatsApp me if you want more information: +6281210772955 or contact her directly to set up an interview: +6285881163155. Leaving after 8 years, blessed with wonderful staff who are now looking for new employment. All utterly trustworthy and hard working: 1. Ibu Titin: Cleaner, light cooking, laundry, looking after kids on the side. 2. Ibu Sugi: Nanny, excellent English, feisty, organised. 3. Pak Dino: By all accounts the best driver in Jakarta. Will always get you there before anyone else in your group. Wonderful with kids. 4. Pak Tri: Gardener, animal handler extraordinaire 5. Pak Solihin, Pak Puput and Pak Hairul - 3 guards, ex-British Embassy detail, we had them working round the clock between them (they organised their own roster). 6. Ibu Sumi: cook - diligent, a quick study, with a good knowledge of Indonesian, western and Persian cuisine. W h at s A pp/C a l l Sh a m i m on +6281807780999.

Recommendation: Muay Thai and Boxing Coach: I would like to share my positive experience working with Yudi as my Muay Thai trainer. I have since left Jakarta but Yudi has told me that he has some slots open for new clients. Personally recommended to me by a professional Indonesian MMA f ighter, Yudi trains all levels in boxing and Muay Thai, from novice enthusiasts looking to get fit, to professional fighters. A professional Muay Thai f ighter himself, he will lead you through a fighter's workout, focusing on strength and conditioning to build explosiveness and speed, as well as coach you to improve technique and sparring. He comes to your home or gym for one-on-one private sessions, and brings all pads and equipment a s needed . He's a n ab s olute professional – always on time, polite, encouraging and reasonably priced. I cannot recommend him highly enough. Please contact Yudi at 085319995630, or feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my experiences with him:

I’m looking for a home for a gorgeous 4 year old female cat named Xiaoli. Her fur is soft as angora, is very smart, and has a unique character. She likes people and can entertain herself (and others!) by chasing her bushy tail. Xiaoli is spayed and her shots are up-to-date. Xiaoli would do well as an only pet, or else with a kitten so that she can feel secure. Please contact me if you're interested in meeting this lovely little girl. Call: +62811173781 ( Juliana Roe).

BALI Job Available We are seeking a volunteer teacher of English pronunciation 3 hours / week to help teach highly motivated young when doing vocational training through a Bali - Based

Personal classifieds | Commercial classifieds Property listings are considered as Commercial. Adding an image incurs an extra charge of Rp.150,000 Business Listings can only be placed on the Business Listings page (p.27) Send in your classidieds to:

NGO. I f an ex pat must have KITAS or IMTA to allow volunteer teaching. Indonesians are welcome. No previous English teaching experience is required. Training will be provided. Must have keen ear for sounds of English. Teaching these students is a joy. Please contact me at: Bali Inside keep hiring people! We need more workers in our team ASAP. If you’re young, qualified worker we are interested in you! Please forward your CV to info@ Open vacancy: Accounting, SMM manager, sales manager, receptionist, quality control, full time maintenance worker. If you feel that you're doing good in some of duties above, don't hesitate to send your CV: info@ Of f ice Manager - Kuta Accommodation/Travel - full time - please only apply if you are looking for a long term position. Good salary and inclusions. Perfect for someone with high personal goals, wanting to have a busy, challenging, rewarding job. Responsible for: • Supervision of Staff • Handling all facets of customer enquiries and accommodation • Handling Management reports • Meeting deadlines Must have / be: • Good English Written+Speaking • Positive go getter attitude • Be reliable • Want a long term position • Able to work independantly Email your CV to: enquiries@ Seminyak based villa management company is look ing for Guest Relations, Tours & Activities sales manager. She will need to contact them, offer them tours and services, coordinate tour bookings with service providers, arrange tours, transportation, in-villa services, etc, arrange booked tours with tour providers and coordinate collection of payments from gusts and payouts to tour providers.. Must speak proper english, have experience with google spreadsheets and don’t be shy to speak with guests and sell them activities. Preferably woman under 30 with previous experience in tours and activities sales and knowledge about bali attractions. Full time job at the office in Seminyak. Fixed salary + commission. Apply for interview today: baligreenvilla@ Job Available Hi I’m Anggono,, im looking for a job. Have experience 3 years be a private driver australian touris in Bali and 1 year being a driver for Golden Bird. If you are looking for a driver please message me via WA: +6281238969306. I would like to relocate and work in Bali. I’ve worked 3 years in the Human Resource industry and 2 years as a Marketing Executive and personal assistant for Australian property. I'm Indonesian, and holding onto a bachelor degree. kindly drop me a personal message if you've a job opening and feel that I've the skills to carry out the particular job scope. Milasarinata / WA: +6281398651655.

Property 16 brand new modern contemporary villa complex with complete facility and located in the heart of Sanur (one of the most popular tourists destinations), together with our passionate team, you can spend your Bali Holidays and make your money or rental income. Please call us for inspection or further information +628123991568 or +6285792179769 A stunning villa complex available for yearly rent:al or sale. Located in beautiful seminyak, a short 5 minute walk to Oberoi street. This private, gated, luxury villa complex consist of 5 villas. Spa and Fitness area. Each villa is 200 square meters with private pools. For further information strictly by email only on: Own a hot Bali investment or live-in luxury Villa. Fully equipped and furnished. Modern 2 bedroom. Villa with private pool on 450 sq meters in the center of Sanur. Walking distance to the beach and all amenities. Great location in gated complex with 24 hour security. The villa has rental licence. Price USD $320,000 for 36 years lease. Please call: +6281558900389 or +62361284069. Gianyar House for sale. Jl. TPA Temesi, Gianyar - Bali. LT. 100m2 / LB. 60m2. PAM, PLN 1,200 VA. Garage. Certif icate SHM, The price Rp.460,000,000 ( negotiable ) Please call owner for inspection : +6285739399888 / +628164727456.

ARC Anti-aging Beauty Clinic offer Sygmalift. A high performance non-surgical skin lifting. This non-invasive & completely pain free treatment uses combination foca l & f lu x ult rasounds and cold laser therapy to effectively lift and remodel the face & body. Free cosmetic consultation: www. , call: +62361754645. Bali Island School (BIS), formerly Bali International School, is the only school in the island authorized to of fer the full international Baccalaureate Programme from pre - school to g r a de 12. BI S offers small classes and excellent mostly expat teachers. Please contact: (www. International Global Health is I nter nat iona l Globa l Hea lt h Solution craeted by a team of first resonders with more than 100 years experience handling medical emergencies in Indonesia. Backed by Australia’s largest insurer. This is the innovation in health insurance you have been seeking. Please call us : +62361737317 or visit our website at www.internationalglobalhealth. com Discover the depths of yoga and meditation retreat in Island of God – Bali. We offer more than just retreat, the combination of the country’s unique history and the wide variety of yoga and retreat. It’s our selection of high quality Yoga Retreat and Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. Call: +628113990150 (Yoga Retreat Uluwatu Bali). Others The BWA's Fabulous Las Vegas Dinner Show. Saturday 12th May 2018. Tickets on sale from January 22nd. For reservations please email:

Getaway from the big city and visit Ubud, Bali – A peaceful stay in the rice fields, staying at a traditional village, Pejeng Village, a short 4.5 kms from Ubud. 3 Bedrooms plus a villa cook. Huge pool which is spring-fed and has eco-ioniser filter. Beautifully appointed villa with a villa cook. Driver available. Authentic Balinese stay. The walk down to the World Heritage Listed holy Pakerisan River is your nature fix. Sleeps 6 (can extend to 10) Ideal for family or couples or girls-getaway weekend. Breakfast included – Western or Indonesian. Security 24 hrs. Read latest guest reviews on trip advisor. A magical experience – like a home away from home. Services Arrange your trip and tour around bali. Trusted driver and reasonable price, Please call : +6281338551818. Interested in learning Indonesian? Contact Lidya, private tutor : +6281337441810. Design and develop your website with reasonable price but quality r e s u lt , i nc lud i n g ho s t i n g or domain name. Please contact : +6281338551818.

For sale iPad air wifi 5. Generation , late 2014. 9,7 retina display, 16,6 GB , model n r. A1474, decent condition, 3,5 million. No nego. Canggu: +6282146944761. For sale surfboard 7,6 X 19,5 , big wave gun shape style, big stringer, carbon f ibre-i n lays deck and bottom, carbon fibre glass on fins, nice strong board in good condition. 1,5 bio. Canggu : +6282146944761.

Every Thursday Jakarta's oldest (1986) running club meets. For questions contact: +6281284504422


ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

ISSUE 206 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 206

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