Indonesia Expat - issue 221

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ISSUE NO. 221 | 12 – 25 SEPTEMBER 2018




ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 221

ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



INDONESIA EXPAT Chief Editorial Advisor Bernhard Eduard Frese

Dear Readers,

Marketing Consultant Edo Frese

Editorial Assistant

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Distribution & Admin Juni Setiawan

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Editorial Enquiries



As we bid farewell to the foreign athletes who took part in the highly successful and critically acclaimed 18th Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, I would like to congratulate the Indonesian athletes who represented their country with such distinction. It is also with great respect and admiration that I note their generosity towards the victims of the recent earthquakes in Lombok. Many of the medal winners have pledged part of their bonus to the relief effort, and others have donated their jerseys, rackets and other equipment to be auctioned to raise funds. Our friends at Singapore National Academy are also doing their part to help and details of their appeal can be found in their regular column in this issue. Please help if you can. Inside you will also find help navigating some of the issues that face expats on a regular basis, including a clarification of the rules when working in Indonesia on a stay permit sponsored by a spouse, things to think about if you are expecting a child in the country and even how to bargain when shopping in Bali. All of this sits alongside our regular and popular Top 10 and Scams columns, and I am sure you will find something to educate or entertain you as you explore these pages.

Published by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia Alamanda Tower 25th floor Jl. T.B Simatupang kav 23–24 Jakarta 12430 T: 021 2965 7821 F: 021 2965 7821 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

With this issue we also introduce the Expat Advertiser as an expansion of our regular classified ads section, and we introduce the Expat Privilege Club, which is free to join for all professional expats living and working in Jakarta and offers many and varied benefits to members. Look for Expat Privilege Club on Facebook or go to to join. Details of benefits and privileges will follow shortly.

Opinions Expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.

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ON THE COVER Image by Retina Cinematography (IG: @retinacinematography)


Indonesia expat ISSUE 221



TRAVEL TIPS Bargaining in Bali


IMMIGRATION Working in Indonesia with a Stay Permit Sponsored by a Spouse?


SCAMS IN THE CITY UAE Boxing Coach Scammed in Jakarta


SNA MEDIA CLUB COLUMN Please Help Lombok – Part One


OUT AND ABOUT The Malls that Ate Jakarta


CONSERVATION Rescuing Trafficked Apes: Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia Joins Giving Day for Apes 2018


EXPAT LIFE Having a Baby in Indonesia


TOP 10 Indonesian Serial Killers

Until next time,



Edo Frese












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ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat


Stephanie Brookes is a travel writer and blogger with tales from Indonesia and beyond. Web: Facebook: stephtravelwriter. Instagram: stephtravelwriter. Author of “Indonesia’s Hidden Heritage; Cultural Journeys of Discovery”.


Bargaining in Bali



here is no doubt Bali is a shoppers’ paradise, but how do you know if you are getting a good deal? Many people feel awkward bargaining with the locals, especially if they are not used to this way of buying, but in Bali bargaining is a way of life. It’s fun bantering with the seller and the more you can joke around the better. Before you start the process, here are a few rules of engagement.


Asking prices vary at the street markets and stalls of Kuta, Seminyak, Sanur and Ubud, and so bargaining is a must. Large markets or small markets – it does not matter. These places do not display a price. In supermarkets, malls, and department stores everything is clearly labelled with a price tag. These prices are fixed.


Most Balinese sellers have sharpened skills and know how to read a customer. Your first tip is to go shopping before 12:00 noon. It is best to bargain in the morning as towards the end of the day the seller is often tired, and sometimes has little energy left to work out the best price for both parties.


The asking price will always be inflated. As a general rule no matter what the price is, offer 50 percent and work up from there. Sometimes the seller will go lower than the wholesale price if they like the customer, so throw in some humour and try to get on well with the them.


Firstly, look at the process as entertainment. The whole bargaining process is a delicate game of to and fro between


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the buyer and the seller. The banter is all about moving from an outrageous price to a fair price for both parties.


It usually takes two to five minutes to get to the lowest price on offer. The seller will try to read you and ascertain how well off and how keen you are, as part of establishing the starting price. Wayan Windya, a market stall owner who has been operating at Ubud market for 20 years explained, “Customers are very savvy now. Everyone has access to the internet and can check prices quickly, so gone are the days when you could ask for a ridiculously high price and get it.”


It’s important to remember that a market seller’s income in Bali still tends to be very low so it’s unfair to engage in bargaining if you are not genuinely interested in the item. Balinese people are very soft-natured and polite. If you are getting frustrated with the bargaining process, they will feel this. Walking away is okay. Just be polite. You can for example say that the item is really beautiful and you admire the great craftsmanship but that you have decided not to buy it. Always leave with a big smile and showing respect. It is very unusual to encounter aggression because you do not buy an the item.


Closing a deal from the seller’s point of view almost always means they have made a profit, and they try for around 30 percent, which helps to cover the running and staffing costs of the business. Wayan told me, “I never push someone to buy. I smile from the heart and always do a good deal for my customers. As long as they are happy with the purchase, that is the main thing for me.”

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Working in Indonesia with a Stay Permit Sponsored by a Spouse?

Foreigners wishing to work in Indonesia require a Foreign Manpower Utilisation Plan (RPTKA) and work permit (IMTA), which are issued by the Ministry of Manpower, and a limited stay permit (ITAS) or permanent stay permit (ITAP). The RPTKA and IMTA cannot be sponsored by spouse and always must be sponsored by the company where the foreigner is working. The ITAS and ITAP can be either sponsored by the company or by the spouse, when the spouse is an Indonesian citizen. In this article we discuss whether the ITAS and ITAP sponsored by a spouse can be used for work purposes in Indonesia.

31 of 2013, which confirms that family unification is a NonWorking Visa type.

Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) Sponsored by Company The majority of the foreign workers in Indonesia have their ITAS sponsored by an Indonesian company. Once all document requirements are fulfilled, the process is straightforward. Once the ITAS is issued, the job title of the foreigner will be stated under the header “Occupation” on the ITAS.

In practice, when applying for a spousal stay permit, Immigration Officers will reject the RPTKA and IMTA as supporting documents for the ITAS application. The online immigration system does not support the upload of RPTKA and IMTA. As a result, when the ITAS is issued, it will state under the header “Occupation” that the foreigner has no occupation. To avoid problems with immigration during audits, foreigners should notify Immigration of their work status, and request an amendment of the “Occupation” header under the ITAS. Based on our experience however, spousal ITAS holders are not being questioned by Immigration on this issue. Several local immigration offices have also confirmed that they are aware of this issue and that they will not take any action against it.

Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) Sponsored by Spouse Foreigners who are married to an Indonesian spouse are eligible to obtain an ITAS sponsored by their spouse. According to the explanatory note of article 39 of the Immigration Law, there are two types of limited stay visa in Indonesia: 1. Visa for Working; and 2. Visa for Non-Working The note further explains that a limited stay visa provided for family unification (e.g. in case the foreign worker stay permit is sponsored by spouse) falls under the type of a Non-Working Visa. This explanatory note is further regulated in Article 102 of Government Regulation number


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On the contrary, Article 61 of the Immigration Law states that foreigners who are sponsored by their spouse are allowed to work in Indonesia. This is supported by Article 28 (9) c of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation 27 of 2014, which states that a foreigner who is married to an Indonesian spouse and who intends to work in Indonesia by using his/her spouse as sponsor, needs to attach the Foreign Manpower Utilisation Plan (RPTKA).

Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP) Sponsored by Company In order for a foreigner to obtain an ITAP sponsored by a company, the foreigner must fulfil strict requirements. A foreign worker can obtain an ITAP when at least one of the below requirements is met: 1. The foreigner holds the position of president director in a Limited Liability Company (PT PMA) or holds the position

of chief representative of a Foreign Representative Office. In addition, the foreigner has stayed for more than three years continuously in Indonesia; 2. The foreigner holds the position of either director or commissioner in a Limited Liability Company (PT PMA) and has invested at least Rp1 billion in the company’s share capital. In addition, the foreigner has stayed for more than three years continuously in Indonesia; or 3. The foreigner is a pure investor and does not hold a director or commissioner position in a Limited Liability Company (PT PMA). The minimum investment in the share capital of the company is Rp10 billion. In addition, the foreigner has stayed for more than three years continuously in Indonesia. Not many foreigners apply for an ITAP sponsored by a company due to the stringent requirements set by the Indonesian government. Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP) Sponsored by Spouse Foreigners who are married to an Indonesian spouse can obtain an ITAP after two years of marriage. Similar to an ITAS sponsored by spouse, the ITAP will not state the occupation of the foreigner on the ITAP. Foreigners are therefore advised to notify Immigration of their work status. As the ITAP card does not mention any occupation, foreigners are not required to request an amendment of the ITAP card.

For more information, please contact PNB Immigration Law Firm at +62 21-22792254, or email us at Visit our website at

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Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor

UAE Boxing Coach Scammed in Jakarta The Asian Games were a great success, marred only by a few scandals and controversies, including a Palestinian expatriate scamming a visiting boxing coach in a nightlife area.



he recent Asian Games hosted by Jakarta and Palembang exceeded all expectations of success, despite some initial problems with ticketing and a few thefts. The spirit of friendship, rather than unpleasant tribalism, between nations was glorious to behold.

Muhamed agreed to the plan. According to police, they entered a taxi and went to the Malio nightclub, but Muhamed declined to enter the premises. Next, they went to Classic Hotel in Pasar Baru, and the Egyptian again declined to enter.

For example, on the final day of games at the Rugby Sevens, rival athletes mingled happily and posed for photos with spectators. Korean team analysts set a great example to the host nation by picking up and binning all of their rubbish. The Afghan team shared their national bread and their meals.

MMH then reportedly asked Muhamed for some money to pay for the taxi. Muhamed, apparently lacking sufficient local currency, took US$100 to a nearby money changer and exchanged it for rupiah. When he came back to the taxi, MMH had gone.

Inevitably, there were some minor incidents that blemished the Asian Games. Such as the scamming of the boxing coach of the United Arab Emirates, an Egyptian national named Muhamed Ibrahim Mawad.

Unable to communicate with the taxi driver, Muhamed was in a difficult situation. Eventually, he managed to return to Lokasari. He went back to the phone shop, only to be informed “his friend” had been there earlier and collected Muhamed’s phone, jacket and bag containing US$300.

On the night of August 23, he had gone to Taman Lokasari in West Jakarta for a meal and to buy a charger for his mobile phone. Lokasari, located alongside Jalan Mangga Besar, is known for its mobile phone stores and nightclubs.

Muhamed reported the theft to the local police precinct at Taman Sari. Police examined some CCTV footage. One week later, at about 11pm on August 30, they arrested the Palestinian at Lokasari and recovered the stolen items.

At about 8.30pm, at the counter of a mobile phone store, he was befriended by a Palestinian expatriate, who claimed to be a Jordanian. Police identified the man only by his initials as MMH.

Muhamed has since left Indonesia, so the case is now being handled by police, Immigration and the UAE Embassy. MMH faces up to four years in jail if charged with fraud and theft.

MMH offered to show Muhamed some of the local nightlife attractions. Muhamed was reluctant, as he wanted to charge his phone’s battery. MMH urged him to leave the phone, as well as his team jacket and bag at the phone shop, while they went out to see some sights.

Police said the Palestinian man had arrived in Indonesia in 2014 and worked as an activist in the social sector. They said he learned to speak Indonesian and often committed crimes, including extortion involving sharp weapons. He was once incarcerated at Jakarta’s Salemba jail for crimes against Indonesians.


At the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, the cheers were loudest for the 25-member Palestinian team, which unfortunately failed to win any medals. One Palestinian who excelled at the Asian Games was Emad Alamad. He’s not an athlete or a coach. Instead, he ran a food outlet called Palestina Street Food inside the culinary zone at Bung Karno Stadium. He has lived in Indonesia for four years and has been selling food here for the past two years. Having an Indonesian wife made it easier for him to get permission to operate at the Asian Games. His stall was a big hit with Indonesians, who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians facing aggression from Israel. He was able to sell about 300 kebabs a day at the Asian Games. A chicken kebab sold for Rp40,000, while a beef or mixed kebab was Rp45,000. Those are higher than his usual prices, but he said cost of renting a booth during the Games was very expensive. Palestine did well in the men’s football, coming second in its group stage with wins over Laos and Indonesia, and draws with Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong; only to be knocked out by Syria in the elimination stage. Palestine did not field a team for women’s football or any other women’s events.


One of the most prominent Palestinians in cyberspace is travel vlogger Nuseir Yassin, who posts one-minute travel videos each day to his Facebook page Nas Daily. He was educated at Harvard and holds an Israeli passport. Many Indonesians are surprised to learn that about 20 percent of Israelis are Arabs. The infectiously positive and smiling Yassin recently travelled to Singapore to go through the convoluted process of applying for a visa to Indonesia, only to be rejected by Indonesian Immigration. This meant he had an extended stay in Singapore, where his slick, informative videos about the island state went viral, racking up millions of views. Yassin on August 31 posted on Facebook a special message to Indonesia, lamenting the rejection of his visa application. “For a Palestinian-Israeli like me, it's not easy. You have to go through a special visa process and a ton of paper to apply. I followed the whole process, step by step. Exactly as the guidelines suggested. Only to hear earlier today that my application was rejected. I don't know why. But I am guessing it has something to do with my Israeli passport. Even if I am a Palestinian Muslim. I still was told that I'm not allowed to enter. Let this post be the answer to the nice people who ask me to come to Indonesia. I seriously honestly wanted to. I wanted to show the world the beauty of Indonesia in the most apolitical, pure way possible. But sadly that won't be possible on Nas Daily. At least not with the current state of things. This is not goodbye. This is see you later. I am sure one day we will all meet.” Indonesian Immigration spokesman Agung Sampurno confirmed Yassin’s visa application was rejected but denied the decision was because of his Israeli passport. He said it was merely an administrative process and that Yassin is welcome to re-apply for entry. When playing the anti-Israel card, Indonesia would be wise to remember that plenty of Israeli passport holders are Palestinian Muslims. Keeping out scammers and muggers would be better than denying entry to inspirational, apolitical youths. The friendly spirit of the Asian Games should be maintained, especially if Indonesia wants to host the Olympics.


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Indonesia Expat and Singapore National Academy are joining forces to provide insightful articles on Surabaya. The young student journalists in the SNA Media Club get to learn valuable writing techniques with the help of the editorial staff at Indonesia Expat.

Please Help Lombok – Part One S

ingapore National Academy is running a fundraising program for the victims of Lombok’s devastating earthquakes. Our Media Club has conducted interviews with Lombok earthquake victims and heads of organisations offering assistance, such as World Vision Indonesia (Wahana Visi Indonesia) and Gema Inti. Massive earthquakes have been striking Lombok, specifically the northern part of the island, for nearly two months. The first earthquake happened on July 29, with a strength of 6.4 on the Richter scale. The earthquake was so strong that tremors were felt on the island of Bali. On August 5 the second earthquake with magnitude 6.9 on the Richter scale hit the same area. Lombok suffered damage amounting to more than Rp5 trillion rupiah (US$469 million). The current death toll is at more than 556. More than 417,529 people fled their homes or were evacuated after the earthquake to seek shelter in government-provided tents or makeshift structures in open fields. Approximately 71,937 homes were damaged. Authorities said that aid was slow in getting to some of the hardest-hit areas as they are remote. Mr Saiful Hanan, a Lombok local who is a victim-turnedvolunteer, shared with us “Everyone was running to the mountains for safety, all telephone lines, water and electricity were cut off, it was hard to contact my family members. Lombok now shakes all the time. We slept in tents for almost three weeks. We are afraid to go back home because all the walls are cracked.” Fortunately for Mr Saiful, his village suffered less damage than neighbouring villages in North Lombok. Lombok is currently in a state of distress, and despite the generous help from various volunteer groups and the Indonesian government, locals are still living in fear. They worry for their family members and for their own safety.


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In fact, many locals are still living in tents, still fearful of the next strike. On August 30 at 7am another earthquake struck Lombok. Although it was of a smaller magnitude than previous earthquakes, it was enough to shake the villagers who were previously moving back into their homes. “I work in the tour and travel industry and we have had no business ever since. On August 29 I was in a car with a client and a driver, it was very tense” said Mr Saiful. He and his colleagues decided to create a team of volunteers and went to all areas of Lombok aiding others and taking note of what each of them needed, and then returned to give them the required help. He informed us that many of the children were traumatised by the disaster and his team offered healing therapies, such as storytelling and educational games. Mr Ronny Ichwan, Head of World Vision Indonesia (Wahana Visi Indonesia), Disaster Management Specialist, shared that he has 12 volunteers in Lombok to give psychological aid through a program called Child Friendly Space. These services are offered to victims of the earthquake, especially children. The program includes counselling, storytelling, car library and donations of books, stationery and toys. In addition, they also built a water reservoir and rebuilt damaged water pipes to channel the water to areas in need. Public toilets were also built to ensure proper sanitation. Families were given tarpaulins, and basic daily necessities such as rice, cooking oil and sugar. Mr Krista Wijaya, National Head of Gema Inti, shared that his organisation had collaborated with Mama Chew Restaurant, Pelangi Restaurant, Rotary Disaster Relief Indonesia and ten international chefs, to cook one ton of rice for the victims of the earthquake. Mr Bernard Chew and his wife, Mrs Figie Subrata of Mama Chew restaurant,

gathered the chefs to cook for this altruistic event. The chefs paid for their own flights to be a part of this program which was called the “48 Hour Cooking Marathon for Lombok”. They cooked for 48 hours, sleeping in tents between shifts. The food was distributed to Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) with the assistance of the Indonesian army. Mr Wijaya also calls for any individuals or companies who are interested to collaborate with them to provide help to the Lombok victims. All the help given by these organisations and volunteers was made possible through the generous funding from members of our community and expats in Indonesia. This time, we are specifically seeking donations to fund the building of houses for the victims and to purchase staple foods such as rice. There is also a huge need for tarpaulins to use as tents for temporary housing and schools and thick blankets to shelter from the harsh weather. The people in Lombok are unable to work yet due to the condition of the island and sadly the economy is at a standstill as most of the locals survive on tourism. We hope that you will join us in helping the victims of the Lombok earthquakes. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at Singapore National Academy on 031 853 1920. Donation of goods can be delivered to Singapore National Academy, Raya Pepelegi Pondok Maspion IV Blok GH no. 1-6, Waru 61256 Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Monetary donations can be transferred directly to Singapore Piaget Academy, Maspion bank account number 106.2.00388.6. Any support will be highly appreciated by us and the Lombok earthquake victims.

We will be writing a part two of this “Help Lombok” article to share with you how we used your donations.

My Back Hurts!! Back pain is very common, usually it improves within a few weeks or months.

Pain in the lower back is very common, although it can be felt anywhere from the neck downwards. Usually it is not caused by anything serious and the pain will get better over time.

Sometimes it can be due to a medical condition like: • A slipped or prolapsed disc. • Sciatica – irritation of the nerve that runs to the feet You can experience numbness, weakness or a tingling sensation with these conditions.

How to relieve back pain • Stay as active as possible and try to continue your daily activities. This might sound strange but resting for long periods makes the pain worse. • Try exercises and stretches for back pain, other activities such as walking, swimming and yoga may also be helpful • Take anti-inflammatory medication, like ibuprofen providing this is safe for you to take (talk to your GP!) • Use hot or cold compression packs for short-term relief • Be optimistic and realise that your pain should get better.

Contact your GP It might be a good idea to see your GP if: • The pain doesn't improve within a few weeks • The pain makes you stop doing your activities • The pain is very severe or gets worse • You're very concerned or when you are struggling to cope Your trusted medical practitioner will ask about your symptoms, examine your back, and discuss possible treatments. They may refer you to a specialist doctor or physiotherapy.

Possible causes of back pain It is often not possible to identify one cause for the back pain. Sometimes the pain can be a result of an injury such as a sprain or strain, but often there is no clear reason. Usually it is nothing serious.

How to prevent back pain These tips might help: • Do regular exercises and back stretches. Ask your GP for advice. • Stay active – exercises help to keep your back strong • Avoid sitting for too long • Take care when lifting • Check your posture when sitting, using computers and watching television • A good mattress on your bed • Lose weight

When to get immediate medical advice • Numbness around your genitals or buttocks • Difficulty to urinate • Loss of bladder or bowel control • A high temperature • Unexplained weight loss • A swelling or a deformity in your back • It started after a serious accident, such as after a car accident These things can indicate something more serious and need to be checked further urgently. Good Practice Clinic provides trusted medical practitioners who can help you. Try us. We have seen patients from over 60 different countries already.

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ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



Daniel Pope is a part-time hedonist, residing mostly in Jakarta, where he still finds everything a bit of a rum do.

The Malls that Ate Jakarta BY DANIEL POPE


hen humans eventually colonise Mars, it’s a tossup what they will build first. If they’re Chinese, they might put up some casinos. The Americans would likely erect a giant solar flare shield to keep out the Mexican astronauts. The British would, of course, build a monument celebrating victory over the French. The Grand Brexit Obelisk, perhaps. The only certainty is that Indonesian space colonists would waste no time in building a shopping mall. Perhaps like one of the following commercial complexes.

PLAZA INDONESIA The Indonesian term for “window shopping” is cuci mata, which also extends to ogling beautiful people. Unless you have several gold debit cards and resemble a Versace mannequin, you’ll be restricted to browsing at Plaza Indonesia, the country’s original luxury shopping mall. Founded by a group involving former president Suharto’s middle son Bambang Trihatmodjo and Japanese investors, the mall opened in 1990. Located between the Hotel Grand Hyatt and the Japanese Embassy on Jalan M. H. Thamrin in Central Jakarta, this mall offers an atmosphere of stately opulence without overdoing the ornamentation. During the mass riots of May 1998, Plaza Indonesia was afforded military protection, so none of its classy branded goods were looted or went up in flames, unlike at some less fortunate malls.


PLAZA SEMANGGI What’s the best way to deal with a major intersection plagued by massive traffic congestion? Build a giant mall there of course. Thus, Plaza Semanggi was born in 2004 at the junction of Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Gatot Subroto. Here, you’ll find a mix of mid-range shops and local products, not the usual array of high-end branded goods. Opened by President Megawati Sukarnoputri, Plaza Semanggi is built around the domed Balai Sarbini concert hall, which resembles the saucer section of the Starship Enterprise. Don’t expect to run into Captain Kirk though. He’ll be shopping for his spare warp drive reactor coil at Lindeteves Trade Center in Glodok.

SARINAH At a soaring 15 floors, Jakarta’s first mall and skyscraper opened in 1966, built with war reparations from Japan. Named after President Sukarno’s childhood nanny, its design was inspired by his visits to uninspiring communist countries. Unusually for Indonesian shops of the time, it had fixed prices. In its early years, few Indonesians could afford any of the luxury imported goods. Over time, some of its space was rented out to fast-food restaurants and cafes. Today, it is best known for housing Indonesia’s first McDonald’s, and for the handicrafts and batik on the fifth floor. Located on the crossroads of Jalan Thamrin and Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Sarinah in 2016 witnessed a terrorist attack

in which multiple explosions and gunfire left eight people dead. It could have been worse had the terrorists not appeared to have received their training from the Keystone Cops.

PASAR BARU This bustling 19th century trading complex lies between the Presidential Palace and Jakarta’s “Chinatown”. The only designer goods you will find in its busy stores are fakes, but the area’s street food is deliciously authentic. Pasar Baru is the place to visit for fabrics, sporting goods, musical instruments and old cameras. For military enthusiasts, there’s a little-known mall that specialises in air rifles, air guns, crossbows and binoculars. There are also dozens of vendors of second-hand clothing. Former trade minister Rachmat Gobel once claimed you can catch HIV from used clothes. He later retracted his statement but went on to ban the sale of alcohol from the country’s minimarts. You can catch drunkenness from bottles of beer, after all.

ROXY MAS Need a new smartphone at the lowest possible price? Go to the online retailers and check the prices. Then head to Roxy on Jalan Hasyim Ashari in Grogol, where Central Jakarta adjoins west Jakarta. Avoid the ground floor stores because rents and prices are higher there. Higher up, you can find the best deals in town for phones, covers, SIM cards, chargers and power banks. It’s also the best place to get a broken phone repaired or a cracked screen replaced.

MANGGA DUA MALL Buying online is generally the way to go for the best prices for laptops, computer hardware and related gadgets. But if you like to browse and you want the lowest store prices, make the trek to Jakarta’s Mangga Dua Mall. You can also get the best-value upgrades and fastest repairs on the fourth and fifth floors. It’s a massive complex, straddling both sides of a main road, which can be intimidating to firsttime visitors. Enter at the south side for the electronics.

GLODOK From second-hand laptops to cutting edge PC gaming rigs, from the latest TVs to the highest flying drones, Glodok’s


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cluttered, workshop-like electronics malls in west Jakarta have it all. Then there are the pirate DVD wholesalers located alongside a police station. I once emerged squinting from a nearby nightclub at dawn some years ago to find myself in the middle of a pitched battle between the Glodok DVD stallholders and anti-riot police, who had turned up with orders to close the illegal trade down. Some of those officers will have retired now. The stallholders won’t have. Admittedly, the trade is dying as technology moves on.

BLOK M Some veteran male expatriates will associate Blok M with a playground of seedy bars where they could flirt and drink to their broken and bruised hearts’ content. But there’s more to Blok M than red lights and beer taps. This large shopping quarter in the south of the city is typical of Jakarta’s commercial sprawl with its assorted markets, malls, plazas and underground centres, offering a range of prices. Oldest on the block is Pasaraya, opened in 1984, followed by Blok M Plaza, opened in 1991 by Suharto’s wife, Ibu Tien, and then Blok M Square in 2008. Always leave early for Blok M, especially on weekends. Jakarta’s malls cause havoc with the traffic. If you see a traffic jam stretching for miles, there’s probably a mall or even a group of malls at the end of it.

TAMAN ANGGREK Hailed as the biggest mall in Southeast Asia when it opened in west Jakarta in 1996, this behemoth is best known for having Indonesia’s first ice skating rink. In recent years, it has been dwarfed by a flurry of new high-rise malls, hotels and apartments. There’s now also an ice rink at Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall in the city’s southwest.

PACIFIC PLACE JAKARTA This ostentatious monument to consumerism rises from the heart of Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD). There are some good restaurants and the US Embassy’s cultural centre. If you’re offended by such exorbitant opulence in a nation where more than 25 million people live below the poverty line, then the perfect antidote is a trip to Pasar Senen, a thrift-themed shopping centre, which is yet again under partial renovation after being partly destroyed by yet another a fire.

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The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging and balanced two-year programme with final examinations that prepare students exceptionally well for success at university and life beyond. The programme is held in high regard by the world’s leading universities.













Through the subject groupings and the Core elements, the Diploma Programme develops students physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically. Strong connections are made across the disciplines, supported by additional requirements in the areas of community service (CAS), recognition of higherorder learning (TOK) and the production of an extensive mini-thesis (EE) in a chosen subject. Uplands students have achieved great success in comparison to world average scores in each year of the programme since its inception in 2001.


In recent years, Uplands students have been successful in winning places at top universities across Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA, Australasia and Asia. These universities include: United Kingdom: Cambridge University, Oxford University, University College London, Imperial College London, King’s College London, Queen Mary’s London, London School of Economics, University of Bristol; USA: Ivy League at Dartmouth College, Princeton and University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Yale University; University of California, Berkeley, Boston University, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Swarthmore and Vassar; Canada: McGill University, Queen’s University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario; Australia: Australia National University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Denmark: Aarthus School of Business; Netherlands: Maastricht University; Switzerland: Ecole Hotelier Lausanne; Singapore: National University of Singapore, Yale-NUS; Japan: Nagoya University; New Zealand: Auckland University, University of Otago; Malaysia: International Medical University, Penang Medical College.

IGCSE at Uplands While academically non-selective, Uplands has consistently achieved a very high percentage of its overall IGCSE examination results at or above a B-grade. The last five years has seen Uplands achieve its best results in its 60 years of operation, with a five year average of 72 percent of all grades being of B-grade or above. In addition, our IGCSE/GCSE students consistently receive the Cambridge International “Outstanding Learner” Awards. The following students were recognised by Cambridge International at their 2018 Awards Ceremony that took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:




Student Name

Top in the World

Cambridge IGCSE

Mathematics (Without Coursework - Extended)


Top in Malaysia

Cambridge IGCSE

Mathematics (Without Coursework - Extended)

Ella (Yi Wen)

In addition to these fantastic achievements, the following students are also recognised for their high achievement in the IGCSE Programme for the 2017-18 academic year, receiving seven or more A* grades: Tasmine – 10 A* & 1 A Faustina – 9 A*

Nicole – 8 A* & 1 A & 1 B Adam - 7 A* & 3 A

Jing Zhe - 7 A* & 2 A Desiree (Li Yin) – 7 A* & 2 A & 1 B

To find out more about Uplands, please visit our website or email ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia Joins Giving Day for Apes 2018



nimal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI) is a small non-profit organisation operating a rescue centre close to Bogor, West Java for trafficked animals belonging to endangered Indonesian species. The animals we take in are rehabilitated for release back to their natural habitats. Some of you may already know us from having participated in one of our education programs (Follow-AKeeper or Follow-A-Vet), or through our posts on Twitter ( At any one time we are taking care of about 80 animals, up to 20 percent of whom are apes (gibbons, siamangs and orangutans). These apes are all endangered, losing their habitat fast due to deforestation, and highly vulnerable to poaching and trafficking for sale in the illegal pet trade. When rescued apes arrive at ASTI they are often in a traumatised state as a result of their terrifying experience at the hands of the traffickers. This refers particularly to the babies, most of whom would have been forcibly removed from their mothers who were almost certainly killed in the process. And those animals who have already been kept as pets for some time may be malnourished from being given inappropriate food (such as spicy meatballs or fried rice) instead of their natural diet which includes fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds, insects and birds’ eggs. They may also be weak and unhealthy from being kept in small cages.


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At ASTI we provide rescued apes with initial rehabilitation to prepare them for later relocation to species-specific rehabilitation centres operated by other groups working in the animals’ home ranges (which may be in Java, Sumatra or Kalimantan depending on the species). This means we take care of them while they recover from their trauma, and prepare them to travel back to their home ranges for intensive rehabilitation leading to release. So we give them medical check-ups and treatment as necessary, and nutritious food resembling their natural diets. We also provide them with enclosures large enough to allow them to move normally, with swings, ladders, ropes, hammocks, and

tree branches to keep them occupied. When they are ready to return to their home ranges, we arrange their journeys and make sure they arrive safely. In connection with our work described above, ASTI has been invited to be part of Giving Day for Apes 2018, a global fundraising effort sponsored by Arcus Foundation in partnership with the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. We’re very excited about this opportunity to raise funds to help Indonesian apes. Anyone interested in this cause is invited to take a look at our page on the giving day platform (hosted by Mightycause); the link is provided at the foot of this article. Fundraising for this appeal has already started, and will culminate in a 24-hour giving day on September 25; we’re doing our best to raise as much as we possibly can between now and then. Please make a donation or create your own fundraiser for ASTI. Thank you so much in advance for your support of our work with these endangered animals.

To donate, kindly visit: https://givingdayforapes.

Enjoy Daily Freshness as You Chill Out at Relish Bistro Cooking right in the heart of Central Jakarta, Relish Bistro welcomes everyone to experience a casual dining restaurant that serves fresh food daily. Conveniently located within Fraser Residence Menteng Jakarta, a Gold Standard serviced residence, this bistro is a hidden treasure that aims to draw diverse patrons in the surrounding area. A meeting point of cultures where you can come to refuel and recharge, the restaurant serves comfort food that everyone knows and loves. As its name suggests, Relish Bistro will bring pleasing and zestful flavours to the table. With dishes that use the freshest of ingredients and are guaranteed to be sizzling when they arrive on the table, Relish Bistro offers a unique selection for budding foodies in Jakarta. A collective of Pan Asian cuisines as well as Indonesian and Western favourites in the menu served on a hot skillet, the restaurant has something for everyone. Expected crowd-pleasers are the Aceh Gule Kacang Hijau with its perfect blend of east meets west – the curry dish is made with green mung bean and premium lamb chop – as well as the Ayam Gecok, a culinary specialty from Semarang, where the dish typically uses twenty-five kinds of herbs and spices. Meanwhile, tummy fillers such as the Relish Burger, which features several layers of juicy beef or chicken patties accompanied by mouth-watering beef bacon, and Relish Pizza, which uses a variety of cheeses to create a savoury goodness, will definitely satisfy the biggest of cravings. For health-conscious eaters, a bowl of watercress, beetroot and chunky apple meets an apple vinaigrette dressing in the form of the Detox Salad, and the Relish Detox, a drink of blended horenso spinach and apple with an ample serving of lemon juice, are great energy boosters – especially on days when the city is buzzing with its non-stop hustle and bustle. In creating Relish Bistro, Fraser Residence Menteng Jakarta’s existing restaurant has been redesigned with a contemporary style of industrial geometric. Indoor and outdoor seating are available, up to a maximum capacity of 100-seated guests. The open air bar is perfect for those who seeks the breezy outdoors of Jakarta and gives the ability to feel al fresco dining.

FR A SER R E SIDENCE MEN TENG Fraser Residence Menteng, Jakarta adds 128 Gold-standard serviced apartments in the capital’s business and diplomatic center. With its Grand Opening on 7 November 2014, this building with its unique architecture stands distinct against the landscape of the charming and bustling district of Menteng in Jakarta. This property is designed and developed for the discerning business executives looking for an oasis in this vibrant city. The 128 Gold-standard serviced apartment units ranging from Studio to 1, 2, 3-Bedroom and Duplex Penthouse are cool and contemporary in design, fully serviced, lifted with all modern conveniences and more. Each serviced unit comes fully furnished with separate living, dining, kitchen, and bedrooms. Whether it is making a complete meal for your family or just making a cup of freshly brewed coffee, the well-equipped kitchen has all the amenities one needs. In line with the Fraser Residence brand of a contemporary minimalist style, each residence features full-length windows that allows an abundance of natural light to cascade in. Strategically located at Menteng Raya in Central Jakarta, close to the city’s main business district, Thamrin, Fraser Residence Menteng is minutes away from offices of multinational corporations, key tourist sites, as well as shopping and dining venues. To meet residents’ busy lifestyle needs, Fraser Residence Menteng provides facilities for work and play. Exercise at the 24/7 fully-equipped gym, lounge about the outdoor landscape swimming pool or just relax

in the steam and sauna, games room, the pampering massage Retreat, indoor children’s playroom, residents’ lounge and library. Business secretarial services, boardroom and meeting facilities, along with complimentary high speed internet access and iMac stations are provided as well.. Its Relish Bistro which overlooks the beautifully landscape pool provides Room Service as well to meet the needs of the residents who wish to have a day off from cooking. Other services provided are also the 24hour concierge, security and maintenance which certainly puts a lot of the expatriates mind at ease while you settle into your new surrounding or new job assignment without having to worry about who is going to fix your fused bulb, etc. As icing on the cake, Fraser Residence Menteng is a pet-friendly property and this is certainly a plus point for those who are relocating with their pet dog or cat. Whether is it remembering the way you like your coffee brewed at the Residents’ Lounge or how the kids enjoy their weekend at the indoor playroom, each stay is further complemented with these comprehensive and exclusive facilities and services. Fraser Residence Menteng Jakarta is a place you can always count in to call home.

Jl. Menteng Raya No. 60, Menteng, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia | Tel: +622129551888 | Email: |

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Rinka Perez is “The Expat Housewife of Jakarta”, sharing her experiences of living in “The Big Durian” as an expat mother of three.

Having a Baby in Indonesia BY RINKA PEREZ


any expats are reluctant to give birth in Indonesia due to the unfamiliarity and mistrust of the medical system. Another common concern is simply being stuck in traffic during labour. Expats may also have inadequate medical insurance coverage or prefer to be in the comforts of their home country with family nearby. I had two children under the age of three when I was expecting my third child, so it was logistically easier for us to stay in Jakarta for the birth. Here are some things you may like to consider if you are expecting during your time in Indonesia. RETURNING TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY FOR THE BIRTH Flying home can have its own complications. For instance, most airlines will not allow pregnant women to fly after 36 weeks of pregnancy. During the pregnancy, you may be required to fly home on several occasions for further OBGYN appointments and to arrange the administrative side of your labour ahead of time. Other issues to consider are: • Where will you stay and who will help take care of you after the birth? • If you have existing children, will they fly out with you at the same time and be absent from school for up to five months? Will your children stay in Indonesia without you? • Who will take care of you children during the labour and after the baby is born? • How much time can your husband take off work? • When will your husband fly out for the birth? The due date is not always an accurate prediction of the birth date. • You cannot return to Indonesia until your new baby has had its newborn vaccinations. This may take several months to complete. • Your newborn must also have a new passport and all of its official paperwork ready to be able to fly back into Indonesia. WOULD I RECOMMEND GIVING BIRTH IN INDONESIA? Based on my experience, yes. It is so much more practical than flying home and if it’s a healthy pregnancy with no risks or health issues, then I would highly recommend it. Many of my friends have also had positive experiences here. The births have ranged from easy, natural deliveries to complicated emergency caesarian sections. To put it into perspective, giving birth is a natural process and women have been doing this since the start of human civilisation without too much medical intervention required. In fact, many women from Western countries actually elect to give birth at home without any doctors or medical equipment. The key to deciding is to follow your intuition; do research by talking to other women and hearing their experiences, and then seek professional advice from your doctor.


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PRENATAL CARE I had regular check-ups and appointments with an OBGYN recommended by many of my expat friends. This OBGYN is popular in Jakarta amongst expat women because he speaks English, is highly skilled and open to natural birthing options, such as allowing a Doula to be present during the birth. Compared to my previous pregnancy in America, I found that my Indonesian OBGYN was very thorough with prenatal care and the consultation process was highly efficient. My OBGYN met me for every appointment and spent time to discuss my progress. Every scan or test was comfortably completed in my Doctor’s suite. In America, my prenatal appointments were actually with nurses and not the actual OBGYN. Each test and scan was also completed in various locations and clinics throughout the city.

In comparison to my other prenatal care in Singapore, Indonesia was on par and offered the same level of care and expertise. LABOUR AND BIRTH OF THE BABY One of the greatest advantages of giving birth in Indonesia is having immediate access to a private birthing lounge as soon as your contractions begin. In Australia and America, hospitals will generally not accept patients until their contractions are five to ten minutes apart and labour is imminent. As soon as I felt contractions I was able to speak to my OBGYN directly on his mobile phone. He recommended that I travel to the hospital to be monitored immediately to avoid traffic.

One of the greatest advantages of giving birth in Indonesia is having immediate access to a private birthing lounge as soon as your contractions begin.

I checked into Medistra Hospital with ease and was taken care of by a team of experienced and calming midwives. They spoke English and made me feel comfortable and confident with the process ahead. The nurses monitored my progress, keeping my OBGYN updated. My OBGYN checked in on me regularly and we discussed pain management options, birthing positions and addressed any other issues at hand. During the labour I was relaxed knowing that our children were safe at home with our trusted nanny and that they would be taken care of. My husband stayed with me throughout the whole experience and was allowed to be in the room during the birth. After eight hours of strong contractions, I reached my pain threshold and begged my husband to arrange for an epidural. It was 4am and there was no anesthetist at the hospital, so I had to wait a long hour for him to arrive and administer the magic potion. The epidural was different to the one I had in Singapore, which left me completely numb and paralysed from the waist down. This time I could move my legs, and feel my contraction pains, allowing me to trust my body and push when I needed to. My OBGYN suggested alternative birthing positions that also greatly helped with the birth. Once my son entered the world, the medical team did the quick newborn assessment on him and then immediately placed him on my chest for skin on skin contact. We were then allowed to bond with our new baby and were not rushed to hand him back for washing or measuring. AFTERCARE The hospital suite was large and comfortable with a great food menu. The nurses and hospital team were very helpful. They assisted my husband in arranging an Indonesian Birth Certificate and gave me exquisite aftercare with breast massages (to encourage breast milk production) and encouraged breastfeeding, rather than formula feeding. I didn’t feel bombarded by midwives offering conflicting advice or telling me what I should or shouldn’t be doing. The three nights that I stayed in the hospital were very relaxing and I was isolated from the world, able to enjoy my Babymoon period. Overall, my hospital stay was very comfortable and accommodating and the whole experience from pregnancy to bringing a newborn baby home really exceeded my expectations. For more information on my personal experience, contact The Expat Housewife of Jakarta theexpathousewifeofjakarta@

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TOP 10

Top 10 Indonesian Serial Killers BY KENNETH YEUNG

AHMAD SURADJI Born: January 10, 1949 Date of murders: 1986–1997 Victims: 42 girls and women Status: Executed July 10, 2008 Suradji, better known as Datuk, was a cattle breeder and dukun (shaman). He had many female customers requesting rituals to make them rich or beautiful, or to prevent their boyfriends or husbands from cheating. Datuk claims his father’s ghost appeared to him in a dream in 1986 and instructed him to drink the saliva of 70 dead young women to increase his supernatural powers. Datuk then took female clients to a sugar cane plantation near his house and buried them up to the waist, claiming it was part of a ritual. He strangled them and drank their saliva. They were then buried deeper, with their heads pointing toward his house. His 42 victims ranged in age from 11 to 30. Datuk was arrested in April 1997, along with one of his wives, Tumini, who was deemed an accomplice. She received life imprisonment. Datuk was sentenced to death in 1998 and executed in 2008.

TUBAGUS YUSUF MAULANA Born: 1968 Date of murders: May–July 2007 Victims: 8 Status: Executed July 18, 2008 Tubagus Yusuf Maulana, familiarly known as Dukun Usep, claimed he could magically double money. His clients were required to hand over a minimum of Rp20 million, then dig a long, deep pit, and finally drink a black potion that turned out to be a lethal poison. Usep began his spree in May 2007, killing five people. In July 2007, he killed three more. In March 2008, he was sentenced to death. He was executed by firing squad on July 18, 2008, in a forest in Banten province. 22

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BAEKUNI Born September 6, 1960 Date of murders: 1993–2010 Victims: 14 boys Status: On death row The son of a poor farmer in Magelang, Central Java, Baekuni was teased as a child and dropped out of school in third grade. At age 12, he made his way to Jakarta, where he worked as a singing beggar. As a street kid, he endured cruelty and was sodomised by thugs. He later found a job in Kuningan, West Java, looking after water buffalo, and grew into a burly adult. At age 21, he got married, but his wife later died. He moved back to Jakarta, where he became a cigarette vendor and a minder of street children. In 1993, he began engaging in paedophilia and necrophilia, targeting male street kids aged between four and 14. If children were not acquiescent, he would kill them and then sodomise them. He mutilated four of his victims to facilitate disposal of their bodies. In 1995, wanting a daughter, he kidnapped a nine-year-old girl. He was sentenced to two years in jail for that crime. He was arrested in January 2010 after killing, sodomising and mutilating a nine-year-old boy. In 17 years, he had killed at least 14 boys. Baekuni, also known by the names Babeh and Bungkik, was sentenced to life imprisonment in October 2010. Two months later, Jakarta High Court gave him the death penalty. He remains alive as of September 2018.

GARIBALDI HANDAYANI VERY IDHAM HENYANSYAH Born: February 1, 1978 Date of murders: 2006–2008 Victims: 11 Status: On death row Very Idham Henyansyah, better known as Ryan, is from Jombang, East Java. He worked as a Qur'an recital teacher and was also a male model. In 2006, he invited his first victim, Agustinus Fitri Setyawan, to his parents’ house in Jombang. He beat him to death with a crowbar and stole Rp72 million. Ryan was arrested in July 2008 for murdering a businessman who had expressed interest in his boyfriend. He cut the man’s body into seven parts and dumped them in bags on a South Jakarta roadside. He confessed to ten other murders. Most of his victims were gay men, although he also killed a woman and her three-yearold daughter. He buried five people in his parents’ backyard, burning some of them first. Ryan was sentenced to death on April 6, 2009. He became known as “the singing serial killer” because he liked to sing and write poems. In 2009, he released an autobiography titled The Untold Story of Ryan. In October 2010, he announced his intention to marry a female former prisoner to please his mother.


Born: July 20, 1966 Date of murders: 1999–2004 Victims: 7 Status: Sentenced to 20 years in 2007, died in jail Garibaldi Handayani was a police inspector in Sumatra’s Jambi province. He murdered seven people over six years. His final victim was a young woman, Listi Kartika Baiduri, whom he shot in the head and burned with petrol, leaving only charred remains, some rings, and a pair of feet in shoes. The grisly remains, found in December 2004, were later identified by her family. Listi had last been seen with Garibaldi, who had promised her a civil service job. Police searched Garibaldi’s house and found Listi’s mobile phone, as well as hundreds of bullets for a Colt .38 police revolver, and possessions of other missing persons. He initially denied any wrongdoing but confessed after police found his stolen gun hidden in his parents’ garden. Among his seven victims was one of his wives, whom he claimed had gone to Jakarta for a beauty course. Another victim was one of his girlfriends, who was three months pregnant. Most of the victims were shot. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by a district court in 2007. A senior police investigator who worked on the case said Garibaldi later died in prison in Medan, North Sumatra.

12 street kids, all boys, aged nine to 15 years. He drank their blood and mutilated Born: 1963 their bodies. He kept certain body Date of murders: 1994–1996 parts as mementos. During his trial, he Victims: 12 boys Status: Died of a heart attack, March 26, 2007 claimed he had thought was slaughtering chickens. Robot received the death penalty in May 1997 and was incarcerated at Siswanto, better known as Robot Gedek, Nusakambangan Island jail. He died from had a troubled childhood in Pekalongan, a heart attack in 2007, two days after Central Java. He later worked as a scavenger a cellmate claimed his execution of second-hand goods in Jakarta. From was imminent. 1994 to 1996, he sodomised and killed

Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor

SUMIASIH ANTONIUS RIO ALEX BULO Born: May 2, 1978, Sleman Date of murders: September– November 2000, May 2005. Victims: 5 Status: Executed August 8, 2008 Better known as Rio Martil Maut (Rio the Death Hammer). Disowned by his father at age eight because he refused to follow the family’s conversion to a different religion, Rio moved to Jakarta to live with his older brother. He skipped school and fraternised with gangsters in Senen neighbourhood. He made a living by driving cabs and selling falsified vehicle registration and ownership documents. After marriage in 1994, he became a car thief, although he told his wife he sold clothes. He was jailed for one year for car theft. In 2000, he decided to steal rental cars in cities from Surabaya to Semarang and Yogyakarta to Banyumas. Armed with a hammer in each hand, he killed four rental car owners in hotel rooms. He was sentenced to death in May 2001. In Nusakambangan Island prison, he embraced Islam. In May 2005, on his 27th birthday, he killed his cellmate Iwan Zulkarnaen (34), who was serving 14 years for embezzling Rp40 billion from Indonesia Post. Iwan had said that while Rio was feared on the outside, he was nothing in jail without a hammer. Rio flew into a rage, stuffed a sarong into Iwan’s mouth and repeatedly smashed his head against the cell wall. Rio was executed on August 8, 2008 at the age of 30.

ASTINI Born: 1954 Date of murders: 1992–1996 Victims: 3 debt collectors Status: Executed March 20, 2005 Astini came from a poor family and was raised by a strict stepbrother. She was easily offended. A mother of three children, she murdered and mutilated three women

Born: September 28, 1948 Date of murders: August 13, 1998 Victims: A family of 5 Status: Executed July 18, 2008 Not so much a serial killing as a mass murder. Sumiasih, alias Mami Rose, was a prominent brothel-keeper at the Dolly prostitution complex in Surabaya, East Java. Since 1975, she had run the Wisma Happy Home brothel, famous for its beautiful girls and women. A senior Navy official, Lieutenant Colonel Purwanto, was a regular visitor and wanted part of the profits. In 1980, Purwanto opened his own brothel, Wisma Sumber Rejeki, and asked Sumiasih to manage it. She had to give him Rp22 million per month (rising by Rp1 million each year). Any late payments incurred interest. After police raids deterred customers, Sumiasih could not make the payments on time. Purwanto threatened Sumiasih and her husband with a gun, but became nicer when he met and asked to “use” their 15-year-old daughter, Rose Mey Wati. Sumiasih married Wati off to a local policeman in late 1986. Furious, Purwanto sent thugs to attack Happy House and its staff. Sumiasih plotted revenge. Accompanied by her husband Djais Adi Prayitno, her son Sugeng, her son-in-law Sergeant Adi Saputro and two staff, she visited Purwanto’s house in August 1988. Armed with pestles, they killed Purwanto and four members of his family. Sumiasih, Djais, Sugeng and Adi Saputro all received the death penalty in late 1988. Adi was executed in December 1992. Djais died from illness in prison in 2001. Sumiasih and Sugeng were executed in July 2008.

HARNOKO “OKI” DEWANTORO Born: 1964 Date of murders: 1991-1992/93 Victims: 3 Status: Serving life sentence in Cipinang jail Businessman and cocaine-user Oki committed three murders in Los Angeles. He shot dead his Indian business partner Suresh Mirchandani on August 19, 1991,

in a dispute over a dry cleaning business deal. He bludgeoned his Indonesian female friend Gina Sutan Aswar to death with a wrench in his house on November 2, 1992, for her money. He beat his younger brother, Ery Tri Harto Dharmawan, to death with a hammer at a hotel in late 1992 or early 1993 because Ery wanted money and knew about the two previous murders. The bodies were wrapped, boxed and ended up in a U-Haul storage lock-up. They were found in August 1994 when auctioned as unclaimed goods. Oki was arrested in Jakarta in January 1995 for passport forgery. Indonesia declined to extradite him to the US for trial. A Jakarta court in May 1997 sentenced him to death for the murders. In 2003, then-president Megawati Sukarnoputri commuted his sentence to life imprisonment. In 2011, his teenage son was stabbed to death in a nightclub in Kemang, South Jakarta.

inside her rented house in the East Java capital of Surabaya because they asked her to repay loans. Each victim’s body was chopped into about ten pieces, which were then placed into plastic bags and dumped in separate locations. She killed her first victim, Rahayu, in 1992 over a disputed debt of Rp1.25 million. Astini felt her repayment of Rp450,000 was sufficient. Rahayu’s body was never found. The second victim, Sri Astuti, was killed in November 1993 when trying to collect a debt of Rp300,000. One of her hands was later found by a scavenger. In January 1996, Astini killed Puji Astutik, who had repeatedly asked her to repay a loan of Rp90,000. Astini said Puji had insulted her by calling her poor. Puji’s head was later found in a nearby river. Astini, who was also known as Mrs Lastri, robbed her victims after killing them. Sentenced to death in 1996, she was executed in 2005. ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat


ANNOUNCEMENTS Intiwhiz Hospitality Management Successfully Holds Whizzata Night 2018 “2018 is the 5th time the Global Sales Mission – GSM was held. The series of activities began on August 13 and 14, 2018 by visiting several companies, travel agents and the media that have collaborated in 2018,” said Tito Munawar, Director of Operations from Intiwhiz Hospitality Management. On August 15 all hotel representatives gathered to evaluate the results of achieving the targets of each unit in the first semester. The next day Whizzata Fair 2018 was held, where 150 Travel Agents met with partners to find out more about hotels from each region.

Mid-Autumn Mooncakes at Keraton at the Plaza Jakarta JAKARTA In celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Keraton at the Plaza Jakarta presents traditional baked mooncakes. The traditional single yolk mooncakes are packaged in a red case reflecting charm and contemporary elegance of Chinese tradition. Meticulously crafted with silky smooth lotus seed paste and rich salted egg yolk, the mooncakes are the perfect gift for loved ones and business associates. Keraton mooncakes come in a gift boxed set of four, priced at Rp450,000++. Or treat yourself with individual cakes for only Rp95,000 at La Moda or Keraton Lounge. For orders or further information contact Keraton at the Plaza at +62215068000 or La Moda at +622129924217.

JAKARTA The Global Sales Mission (GSM) is an annual program conducted by Intiwhiz Hospitality Management for all hotel representatives in every city under its network.

The highlight of the activity was held in the evening. Whizzata Night was dedicated to clients from several leading companies as a form of appreciation for their support. More than 150 invited guests were entertained by performances from several artists and had the chance to win various door prizes for winners of best costumes. The event was closed with the announcement of the Grand Prize, which are flight tickets along with accommodation given by the sponsor.

Tutor Time Global Open House 2018

JAKARTA Tutor Time Early Childhood Education Center continues in providing the best education for children aged six months to six years old. In their 22nd year of operation

Ascott Voted “Asia’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand” for Three Consecutive Years JAKARTA CapitaLand’s wholly-owned serviced residence business unit, The Ascott Limited (Ascott), was crowned “Asia’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand” as it emerged the biggest winner for the serviced residence categories with a total of 11 prestigious accolades at this year’s World Travel Awards Asia & Australasia ceremony. Ascott has topped the industry with this honour in Asia for three consecutive years.

Beer Spa Treatment at Anantara Spa, Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort

in Indonesia, they continue to evolve and update their curriculum to provide a holistic education for children.

Tutor Time’s Global Open House where you can personally meet their teachers and tour their facilities.

Tutor Time’s team of experts in Early Childhood Education creates their own curriculum covering cognitive, language, art, moral values, social emotional, and physical education. This approach is important in shaping a child to become a better person in the future.

Tutor Time’s Global Open House will held in all nine of Tutor Time locations on Saturday, September 15, 2018 from 8.00am to 12.00pm at their locations: Tutor Time Pondok Indah, Tutor Time Kemang, Tutor Time Kelapa Gading, Tutor Time Pluit, Tutor Time Kebon Jeruk Intercon, Tutor Time Gading Serpong, Tutor Time Bandung and Tutor Time Surabaya.

To get to know Tutor Time better, the school invites journalists and parents to come to

Voted by tourism professionals and business and leisure travellers worldwide, the accolades recognise Ascott for its excellence in quality and setting the benchmark for the industry. Its strong brand reputation is well-recognised across continents having been earlier named the ‘Leading Serviced Apartment Brand’ in Europe and the Middle East at the respective region’s World Travel Awards ceremonies. For the Asia awards, Ascott continued to be conferred the highest distinction in the following categories: • Asia’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: The Ascott Limited • Asia’s Leading Serviced Apartments 2018: Ascott Raffles City Chengdu, China • Singapore’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: The Ascott Limited • China’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: The Ascott Limited • Hong Kong’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: The Ascott Limited • Hong Kong’s Leading Serviced Apartments 2018: Somerset Victoria Park Hong Kong • Indonesia’s Leading Serviced Apartments 2018: Ascott Kuningan Jakarta • Japan’s Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: Citadines Apart'hotel • Japan’s Leading Serviced Apartments 2018: Citadines Shinjuku Tokyo • Philippines’ Leading Serviced Apartment Brand 2018: Ascott The Residence • Philippines’ Leading Serviced Apartments 2018: Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila

BALI Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort introduces its latest unique treatment that suits Seminyak’s lifestyle. Beer Spa is now available to pamper guests in the months of September and October. Research has shown that a great amount of antioxidant elements are present in beer. Skin treatment by beer is believed to reduce acne breakouts and can add a natural glow to the skin. Beer also acts as a good cleanser, it helps dissolve dead skin cells and increase the elasticity of the skin. The Beer Spa treatment by Anantara Spa at Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort begins with a soothing back massage followed by an invigorating Beer Scrub – made from active


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coconut and beer ingredients to draw out any impurities. It helps to detoxify and stimulate the circulatory system. The treatment ends with a deep toning facial massage and foot massage. The treatment can be combined with an uplifting Beer Bath with complimentary Beer Bucket which will be great for sharing. Prices are Rp1,150,000++ per person for Beer Spa treatment only, Rp1,450,000++ per person for the Beer spa treatment including Beer Bath + Beer Bucket, and Rp350,000++ for Beer Bath only. For more information and reservations, please call +62 361 737773 or email at

Grand Hyatt Jakarta Food and Beverage Promotions, September 2018

JAKARTA PANINI SET LUNCH AT FOUNTAIN LOUNGE Enjoy a freshly grilled panini with a selection of fillings such as chicken lyoner, chicken jagdwurst, smoked chicken, beef

pastrami, roasted beef, smoked salmon and tuna. Served with daily soup and salad of the day, relish this delicacy at Fountain Lounge from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. Priced at Rp150,000++.

Banyan Tree Ungasan Bali Presents Clifftop Exclusive Buyout Package

GLENMORANGIE HOUR Spend time with your friends chilling at burgundy and enjoy a thrilling selection of Glenmorangie whiskies. Available throughout September, with tasting sets available for Rp250,000++.

showcase traditional dishes based on rice such as nasi bogana, nasi keraton, nasi kecombrang, nasi jeruk purut and more. Taste the Nusantara flavours, priced at Rp350,000 ++ for lunch and Rp380,000++ for dinner.

JAPANESE BEEF SELECTION Be sure to enjoy the melt-in–your-mouth texture of Japanese premium beef selections at C’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant.

AFTERNOON TEA BUFFET AT FOUNTAIN LOUNGE Afternoons at Fountain Lounge are not to be missed. Invite your friends or loved ones and enjoy the afternoon tea buffet from 3.00pm to 6.00pm. Choose from a selection of coffees, teas and traditional drinks such as wedang jahe or wedang uwuh alongside various choices of sweet and savoury snacks. Priced at Rp188,000++ per person. For reservation and more information on our food and beverage offerings, please contact 021 2992 1234 ext. 3310 (Fountain Lounge), ext. 3400 (C’s), ext. 3430 (Sumire), ext. 3450 (burgundy), ext. 3300 (Grand Café) or +62 815 913 1234 (WhatsApp).

SANMA FISH AT SUMIRE Experience a special selection of sanma fish, a seasonal food which represents autumn in Japanese cuisine. Served with steamed rice and miso soup, do not miss the chance to taste this fatty, sweet and rich-tasting fish, prepared with sashimi and sushi and grilled teppanyaki-style. Priced at Rp315,000++. KREASI NUSANTARA AT GRAND CAFÉ Throughout August, Grand Café will

BALI Guests can now transform the entire luxury cliff-top retreat, Banyan Tree Ungasan, Bali for themselves with its Cliff-top Exclusive Buyout package which includes full access to its 71 pool-villas, wedding and event spaces, restaurants, pools, beaches and other resort facilities. Elevate your wedding or event arrangement to a whole new level. Imagine having the whole premises to yourself with your guests enjoying utmost privacy and security, ensuring a full VIP experience.


The Cliff-top Exclusive Buyout creates privileged surroundings that have continuously proved to be one of

the most memorable experiences for both the host and attendees. An exclusive buyout also provides space to customise the wedding or event arrangement without any restrictions on where and when the function can be held within the resort. The resort buyout, available year-round, starts from IDR 563,100,000++ per night inclusive of 54 unit pool-villas with daily breakfast and full access to the resort various facilities and services. A minimum of one time lunch/dinner event during the buyout period is required. The exclusive closure of the resort for your private event or wedding will start from 2.00pm on the day of arrival and end at 12.00pm on the day of departure.

FIND THE G20 COUNTRIES AND WIN TWO FREE COMEDY TICKETS! The names of THE G20 COUNTRIES are hidden in this word puzzle. Can you find them all? If you can, SEND A PICTURE of your completed puzzle to Mad About Comedy at 0821 1194 3084 and you could win TWO FREE TICKETS to our next international comedy show. The country names can be spelled out forwards, backwards, horizontally or diagonally. Winners will be selected at random from all entries received before September 30, 2018 and notified via WhatsApp.





















ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



If you want your event to be posted here, please contact +622129657821 or email:

JAKARTA Networking

Jakarta Business Networkers Every Thursday Make the right connections and grow your business over lunch. At Jakar ta Business Networkers (JBN) all attendees are encouraged to help others by exchanging referrals and introducing each other to target audiences. JBN is all about helping you grow. Promote your business, personal brand or portfolio each week to the rest of the attendees and explain to the group the type of referrals you would like to receive. JBN professional networking sessions are every Thursday lunchtime at Central, South and West of Jakarta. RSVP: info@

ENIGMA by Talitha Maranila is an art exhibition located inside the Urban Quar ter Store at Plaza Indonesia. It is a show of her latest artwork and an integration or merge between how contemporary art can deliver timeless style and mood with the products of Urban Quarter. This exhibition is where they pair modern furnishing and contemporary art to live amongst one another in an interior space. In this exhibition, Talitha will be displaying 10 artwork of her latest collection ranging from paintings (canvas and her widely known painting on acrylic), sculptures, to architecture. The exhibition will be held for two months. Food

The Jakarta Bridge Club Every Tuesday and Friday The Jakarta Bridge Club invites expat communities throughout Jakarta to join a networking session on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to 12pm. Participants meet for pleasant and convivial moments where they can share and exchange information among expats at three to five tables. The networking event takes place at Die Stube Restaurant on Jalan Kemang Raya. Visitors and partners are welcome to join. For more information, please contact Ernah at +62818686999. Marathon

Mandiri Jakarta Marathon 2018 28 October 2018 The Mandiri Jakarta Marathon 2018 is the largest running event in Indonesia.The Jakarta Marathon usually has several categories including the full marathon, half marathon and the c hil d ren’s spr int. T his year, the event will be held on 28 October 2018. For more information, please visit: www. Art Enigma by Talitha Maranila x Urban Quarter 6 August – 1 October 2018


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The Grand 30 th Oktoberfest at Aryaduta Jakarta 20 – 21 September 2018 Hotel Ar yaduta Jakar ta will mark its 30th Oktoberfest on September 20 and 21 2018! The event will start at 7pm at the Festzelt and Biergarten ballroom. Ticket prices start f r o m R p 8 10 , 0 0 0 n e t t p e r person which includes free flow beer, full smorgasbord of traditional Bavarian food and a variety of games and door prizes. Group discount is also available. Advance reservation is recommended. Please call Mrs. Netty at +622123521234 ext 8 65 3 or email to netty. Music Guns N’ Roses : “Not in this Lifetime” 8 November 2018 On November 8, 2018 Jakarta will open the Asian leg of Guns N’ Roses - “Not In This Lifetime” Tour at the iconic Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium. Members of Guns N’ Roses - “Not In This Lifetime” tour are A xl Rose (vocals, piano), Duff McKagan (bass), Slash (lead guitar), Dizzy Reed (keyboard), Richard Fortus

(rhythm guitar), Frank Ferrer (drums), and Melissa Reese (keyboard). Guns N’ Roses - “Not In This Lifetime” tour in Jakarta 2018 is promoted by TEM, and UnUsUaL Entertainment, and the official ticketing partner is BookMyShow. For more information, please visit www. GNRJK and follow @ unusual_ent on Twitter and @ temgmt on Instagram.

I n va s i o n 2 018 – Te m p u s Chronicles 14 September 2018 The biggest indoor festival in Jakarta, Invasion is coming back this year with even bigger concept. This year, Invasion is coming with a theme “Tempus Chronicles” which will bring audience to the historical journey in a magnificent steampunk city. Experience the golden era of Industrial Revolution in 1920, combining technology with aesthetic design. A number of well-known DJs from various genre will perform, including Indonesia local Top DJ. Enjoy the performance of Snakehips, Yellow Claw, Sam Feldt, and many more. Tickets available offline and online (via www. More info: w w w.invasionjakar / Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @InvasionJakarta.

Kygo in Jakarta 2 November 2018 Norwegian DJ Kyrre GørvellDahll, better known by his stage name Kygo, is scheduled perform in Jakarta this November. house music lovers will witness Kygo at the concert which will be held at Hall C3 of JIExpo Kemayoran. The concert, titled Kygo Live in Jakarta 2018, rising Canadian DJ Frank Walker will also be joining Kygo on his Asian leg of the tour. he will play the groovy EDM tracks from his latest album "Kids in Love", including the songs Stranger Things and Remind Me to Forget. For more information visit w w and

Charlie Puth Voicenotes Tour, Live in Indonesia 16 November 2018 The singer with the extraordinary success of five multi-platinum hits, “One Call Away”, “Marvine Gaye”, “We Don’t Talk Anymore”, “See You Again” and “Attention” will have his concert in Indonesia. Get ready to witness Charlie Puth’s Voicenotes Concert with latest hits such as “What You Have Done For Me” and “How Long” sure to be performed live. The concert will be held at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) in BSD. Concert tickets will be available for purchase through or www.

Jakarta. To reserve a spot call Karina at +62 812 8429 8107. Don’t miss it, limited space available! Registration Fee: Rp120,000, Includes a T-Shirt, Drinks, BIB, and get a chance to win door prizes.

12 th anniversar y from 24 - 30 September 2018 at the stateof-the-art Cinemaxx Theaters in Lippo Mall Kuta & Plaza Renon. The theme for this year’s edition is ‘Timeless’ in selecting films that have an extraordinary ability to communicate the largest of human stories as well as the briefest moments of world changing emotion.

OMNIA Sun and Moon with ZEDD 21 September 2018

The Color Run Hero Tour 2018 16 September 2018 The Happiest 5k on the planet is back this year with our brand new superhero-themed tour! Get your powers super-charged as you crash through double the colour in our new colour zones, and then take off and fly through skies of dreamy foam clouds! Here, anything is possible and you are unstoppable!http://register.

Grammy Award winning DJ ZEDD headlines the second edition of OMNIA Bali’s day & night party Sun & Moon. Russian born, German bred, USA based artiste ZEDD is firmly established as one of the world’s most in-demand DJs & producers. Have a beautiful day under the sun on the stunning elevated Uluwatu plateau where OMNIA Bali boasts uninterrupted 180˚ views of the Indian Ocean, and as the sun sets and the moon rises hit the dance floor for a magical performance from ZEDD. Tickets now on sale at omniabali. com. For VIP reservations: VIP@ WhatsApp: +62 81238569307.

Indonesia Comic Con 27 – 28 October 2018

BTOB Concert in Jakarta 21 September 2018 Korean boyband BTOB is expected to hold a concert in Jakarta on 21 September 2018. The boy bands members Seo Eunkwang, Lee Minhyuk, Lee Changsub, Im Hyunsik, Peniel Shin, Jung Ilhoon, and Yook Sungjae will entertain their fans in Jakarta after promoter M y M u si cTa s te a nn o u n c e d the news that the boyband is scheduled to perform at the Hall, Mall Kota Kasablanka. Tickets can be purchased at price ranging from Rp850,000 to Rp2.5 million. Please visit nhwA or mmtglobal for ticket purchasing and more information about the concert. Sports Run To Give Jakarta 2018 23 September 2018 The running event you’ve been waiting for is back on 23rd September 2018 at 6am. Mark your calendar 7K run and join more than 2000 runners to help Lombok Earthquake Relief and half for Yayasan Emmanuel. Meeting point at Le Meridien

Indonesia Comic Con brings the best pop culture experience from both East and West in celebration of the latest content from comics, anime, toys, collectibles, games, TV, film and entertainment to dedicated fans across Indonesia. Indonesia Comic Con is part of the ReedPOP events which includes New York Comic Con, Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, PAX, OZ Comic Con, PAX Australia, Star Wars Celebration, STGCC, and UFC Fan Expo. The event will be held at Jakarta Convention Center.

BALI Festivals

BALINALE Bali International Film Festival 2018 24 – 30 September 2018 Bali International Film Festival (aka Balinale) is the largest and oldest annual international film event in Indonesia. Held on the paradise island of Bali, Balinale attracts a diverse audience of filmgoers with its outstanding selection of independent local and international movies, many with filmmakers in attendance. B alin a l e is c e l e b r at in g i t s

Djakarta Warehouse Project DWPX 7 – 9 December 2018 The annual Djakarta Warehouse Project dance music festival, or this year called the DWPX to celebrate its tenth edition will be held at Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park, Bali. They announced the phase of a show or lineup sprinkled by international musicians from all over the world. A total of seven musicians were announced for the first phase of the DWPX lineup. The first name announced was singer The Weeknd, who will be performing for the first time in Indonesia. Alesso, one of the biggest names in the world of dance music with more than 1.5 billion streams, was also announced to appear on DWPX. For more info visit

IF YOU WANT YOUR EVENT TO BE POSTED HERE, please contact +622129657821 or email:

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JAKARTA AUTOMOTIVE For Rent: Toyota Fortuner 2015, Black. Colour: Black. Type: G- VN Turbo Diesel. Rent Price: Rp 21 million/ 3 months or Rp 79 million / year. Call: +6281290455501. Email: Tax-free Avanza for sale. Toyota Avanza G 1.3 M/T. Engine 1,300cc. Manual transmission. Colour white, interior cream. First registration March 2014. Mileage 96,000km. All ser vice done in official Toyota workshop as to factory requirements – ser vice book available. Tires recently changed. Price Rp8 8,0 0 0,0 0 0. Ideal for those with tax-free status. If you are interested please contact +6282112108694 and/or +6282122475402. For sale White Toyota Rush 2012 1.5 S Automatic, Rp140 million or best offer. Contact Patrick at +6281310275073. Great condition. Seats 7. 103,000km. Available now.

F o rd Ec o s p o r t , M o d el 2 014 (Orange), 1 owner from new, 20,220km. Original parts w i t h A C H D B lu eto ot h /AU X music system and automatic transmission. Excellent condition, Rp. 155,000,000 (negotiable), c a l l + 6 2 8 13147 7 6 7 6 2 / WA +628158299900.

JOBS AVAILABLE Stars School is looking for a Music Teacher who is able to: 1. Work full time (07.40-15.30) 2. Work individually and as a team player 3. Teach lower and higher grades (Primary-Secondary) We are located at Jalan Samanhudi, Pasar Baru. If you are interested, please send your CV to

SERVICES Bahasa Indonesia classes at the American Women Association (AWA) Center Jakarta. The AWA Center will open Bahasa Indonesia classes in Mid August 2018: Beginner and Intermediate Levels.


Indonesia expat ISSUE 221

Beginner Levels: Mondays and Fridays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Intermediate.Levels: Tuesdays and Thursdays. For information and registration contact Ibu Restiany immediately. Email: restiany2012@ HP: +6285286601466. N on - members are welcome. Special Price for AWA Members!

Learn Spanish (IB, IGCSE, DELE) at your place with a DELE- certified examiner from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools (JIS and BSJ). Please call me (Raúl) +6282110502786.

Bahasa Indonesia lessons for expats living in South Jakarta, Kuningan, Country Wood, BSD, given by instructor with 20 years experience. Flexible schedule. Please call Pak Chairuman +628121037466 or email chairuman1942@

My name is Reza Ryan. I am a Bachelor of Arts in Music Study, performer musician, doing a lot music productions, and a guitar teacher. I am open for any private guitar classes in Jakarta. If you are interested to learn guitar and music in general with me, don't hesitate to drop me a line or two. My contact mobile number is: +628175481011 (WhatsApp & Call) Jalan Citanduy Number 212, Cipayung, Ciputat. My name is Irma Peña. I am available to tutor your child in English with an emphasis on reading, writing and conversation. I am a recently retired USA certified teacher with 28+ years teaching experience. Depending on your location in South Jakarta I can tutor in your home or mine. I live in the Pondok Indah area. irmaedy@ or irmapena720@gmail. com. +6281288222922. Available on WhatsApp. Piano lesson with an expat teacher in Jakar ta Selatan, Kuningan. More than 15 years of teaching experience - all age - all level please contact for a free trail lesson: +6281281536030. Email: | Native Italian and Spanish language teacher in Jakarta. Private lessons at your home. More than 10 years

of experience with students of all ages. Grammar and conversation lessons. Email me at sean.silla@ gmail.c om or W hats A p p to +6281298177496. Help your child reach his potential! If your child has AD/HD, Autism, PDD/ NOS, Down Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD), or a specific Learning Disability (LD) and needs after school home support to cope up with school work, please feel free to contact Teacher Jun at teacher. for an appointment. Need help in manage accounting when running business in Indonesia? I would help you in assisting below tasks: • Preparing financial report: Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss statement, etc. • Calculating, filling in tax report (SPT): income tax (PPH), vat (PPN). • S et t i n g u p, i m p l e m e nt i n g accounting software for your business. • Giving business administrative advice. I h a ve b e e n w o r k i n g a s a n accountant for 20 years. Just contact/WhatsApp me, Adrian at +6288212375565. Email: akhmad.

Jogjakarta Community School is seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic teacher of Mathematics for an immediate start. The applicant must hold a degree in M athematics and a teaching qualification. The ability to offer Physics or Chemistry and a working knowledge of the British curriculum would be an advantage. To apply, send a CV, a recent passport size photograph and contact details for 3 referees to humanresources@ For further details about the school visit our website www.

Learn Bahasa Indonesia with Rini! Are you new to Jakarta or simply would like to start learning Bahasa Indonesia? Then I have just the right person for you- Rini! Rini is a great teacher; lively and reliable, she structures her classes well and

gives you plenty of opportunities to talk and learn. I feel that I've improved so much with her just within a few weeks! Her fee for a one to one lesson is Rp.300,000/ hour or Rp.450,000/lesson of 90 mins. All materials provided. Rini will come to your office or to your own home- she covers the Kemang, Cipete, Pejaten,Antasari and Pondok Indah area. Please contact her at +628121861919 or email Be your fittest self at any age. Internationally certified, Englishspeaking Personal Fitness Trainer helps you lose fat and get fit faster with fun, personalized workouts at your home or apartment. Try a session FREE, full details at www. Phone number: +6282111720271. I offer private piano lesson for 6 years old student and up. around Jakarta . Jl. Sekolah Duta IV Pondok Indah. Call: +6281311258095. Email: Professional washing for carpets, hand-made and machine-made: get your oriental hand knotted or machine-made carpets washing and be amazed by the finished results. For fur ther inquiries p l e a s e c o nt a c t S h a u n D i a s (carpet expert ) WhatsApp only: +6281385533395. Bahasa Indonesia private tutor available for foreign beginners. Learn the language to ease your day-to-day life in Indonesia. Free text book. Info & appointment: Private music lesson at your home (Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, Piano/Keyboard & Drums). For Kids & Adults. Lesson Duration can be 1 hour or 45 minutes. Interested? Contact: Bowo – +6281808361136 (WA/Text Message/Call) or email

PROPERTY Apartment in Essence Dharmawangsa for rent. Cosy 2 BR (one king sized in Master BR, one sofa bed in Study/Spare BR). Fully furnished (sofa, dining table, ACs, fridge, washing machine, microwave, water dispenser, First Media cable & internet). Excellent location in Dharmawangsa, South Jakarta: close to Kemang, SCBD, and Simatupang (walking distance to international schools, hospitals, malls, supermarkets and American

Next submission day:

19 September 2018 Club). Great facilities: Swimming pool, gym, kids' indoor playroom & outdoor playground, tennis and basketball courts, minimarket, bakery, coffee shop, beautiful manicured gardens and outdoor space, parking allocated for 1 car. Good security. Awesome landlord :). Asking price: US$1,200/ month (negotiable for longer leases). Please call or WhatsApp + 6 2 8 119 5 0 5 4 8 3 . C a n s e n d pictures.

Personal classifieds = FREE Property and other commercial classifieds = PAID (50 words = Rp.100,000 | 50 words + image = Rp.250,000)


l a n d m a r k t o w e r, f o r m s t h e iconic corner piece of the Kota Kasablanka Superblock, a modern 9.5 hectare lifestyle destination. Its location is within close range of major business destinations around Rasuna Said and Mega Kuningan. Contact WhatsApp +628999112502 or check other listings on /

Beautiful new full renovated house for rent. 2 storey + basement. 750m 2 + 1000m 2 land with join pool. Located 10 minutes from Cilandak Commercial Estate. USD 3,000/ month nett excluding tax (negotiate). If interested please call / wa owner at +62811180605.

Ruko located in prime location with convenient access to the Cilegon tol road, Bluebird Taxi Poole and Cilegon Bus station. The model of the ruko is spacious and ideal for businesses. Price Rp2.7 billion, please call Maria +6281314776762/ WA: +628158299900.

Available for rent: Kusuma Candra Apartment SCBD and Setiabudi Residence, 2 bedrooms, Furnished. Contact via WA: Agnes (+628151611196).

Comfortable two-storey house, 3 0 0m2 in exclusive quiet compound with pool. 3 bedroom, 2 with ensuite, maid room, store room, garage, carport. Dry and wet kitchen. Bright and air y, semi furnished. Close to mall, supermarket, school, golf course, Pondok Labu, 2km south of Citos. US$550 per month. WhatsApp + 6 2 8 21119 4 3 0 8 4 o r e m a i l:

Lovely house in Senopati area for short term rent with option to extend. Beautiful 4 bedroom house with pool, garden and large patio in green and quiet Kebayoran Baru. The house also has separate laundry, wet kitchen and separate helpers area. It is within walking distance to JIS Patimura and Pacific Place. For more information, or to view, please call Tamara on +62815 9278806. Cheap office rental by owner at Kota Kasablanka. Rp20,000,000/month (including service charge). Size 60 sqm, min 1 year rental. Integrated with Kota Kasablanka mall and Casa Grande apartment, 5 minutes to Kuningan and Mega Kuningan, 10 minutes to Sudirman. EightyEight@ Kasablanka, Tower A, a 39 storey

I would like to find this man who was living in Cambodia in 1993 Can you please help me? I have only his photo and i remember his name was like “EMONTO” I really want meet him since he helped my family a lot. I was just a little kid that time. Please contact me if you have any information: lordju6666@ HELP!! I have 2 Dogs called Xena and Pumba that I adopted when I lived in Indonesia for 4 years. I had to leave for the UK quickly because of family issues, leaving them behind. I am desperate to get them home so am looking for somebody who is flying from Jakarta to Amsterdam soon. All of their costs are covered and the lovely person who can take them will be met at the airport in Jakarta and they will be collected from airport arrivals in Amsterdam. All of their costs will be paid we just need a kind human to check them in! If you or anyone you know might be able to help, please contact on Whatsapp/ Viber on +447928570130 or email rochelle. I would appreciate any help at all.


Cheap apartment rental by direct owner US$1,200/month (include service charge & 1 parking lot, min 1 year rental) - Hampton’s Park Pondok Indah, South Jakarta - size: 97 sqm, 2 Bedrooms + Study Room + Maid Room - Brand new fully furnished - Full facilities - walking distance to Starbuck, Hero, bless almond milk store, health food stores, Krispy kreme, JIS near by Pondok Indah hospital, Jakarta outer ring road toll, Cilandak, Kemang and Pondok Indah. Whatsapp +628999112502. For more listings, please check www. / /

House for rent Kemang - no flood. Direct owner: A 3 -BR, 2-BA in Kemang IV. Front and back yard approx Living area is about 333 sq. meters (+/- 2700sf) on an 800 sq. meters land. No flood, back-lot, end of street. Partially furnished, onestory house, 3BR, 2BA, formal DR, large LR, breakfast, pool, kitchen, garage, staff quarters. All utilities are tenant's responsibility. 2-year lease preferred will consider shorter term (1 year minimum). No month-to-month payments. Principals only please. US$2,300 / month. Contact: Richard (kan_til@

Taman Sari Panoramic Apartment 19 t h fl o o r. T he a p ar tment is combination of 2 units put together Hoek position, one unit is 37,20 m2 , total is 74,4 + m2. 1 master bedroom. 2 regular bedrooms. Price: Rp590 million. Please contact WA only: +6281290070037.

BALI JOBS AVAILABLE Looking for Operations Manager Your tasks in Operations: • Supervision and management of bookings (handling bookings 2 days per week) • C ommunic ation with lo c al partners (updating information, register new accommodations, organize acquisition tours, picture editing) • Communication with users (travel planning) Your tasks in Marketing: • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) • Community Management • Content Marketing (Content Plan, Blog articles, Newsletters) • SEO • Public Relations • Offline marketing activities We expect: • Responsible, reliable and on time • Management skills • Open minded, love communication and talking to people • Conceptual thinking and well organized • Speak and write English fluently / Bahasa Indonesia is an advantage Our company: HSH Stay (Home Sweet Home Stay) @HSHStay offers about 1,000 exclusive low-budget Guesthouses and Homestays all over Indonesia. We promote sustainable travel and help the locals guesthouses to get

more guests and the travellers to have a unique experience. Conditions: • 5 days per week, Monday - Friday • Must bring your own computer • Coworking space subscription will be provided • Potential to grow within the company. • After proper training, flexible working hours / location (30% location independent) IMPORTA N T: When applying please include expected salary and availability. Send your CV and motivation to Seminyak Villa - Staff Needed. Hi. We are looking for a maid or butler for central Seminyak villa. Needs basic to good english Live out - but full time position Able to cook lunch and dinner Good cleaning skills and some light gardening. Ironing and wash clothes with machine. Hours are flexible and need to work in with the team. Star t immediately. Salary negotiable. Great working conditions, and beautiful Villa. Please pm me if this sounds like a good job for you. ASAP or CV to Tabu D esign is in se arch of M a r ke t i n g E xe c u t i v e s . T h e Job desc will be: Managing all marketing activities, coordinating marketing, campaigns with sales activities, preparing online and print marketing campaigns. Planning and implementing promotional campaigns. Qualifications: Local person, minimum 3 years experience in Marketing, especially for design projects, fluent in English, social Media expertise required, S1 and experience in Interior or Architectural business is prefered, motivated, driven and read y to achieve g o als.

Send resume and CV to : hrd.


pool. There are two separate, fully self-contained guests suites at opposite ends of the garden, the second swimming pool which has been designed with children in mind (9m x 4m). Fully furnished for Rp7,000,000,000 under leasehold title through 2032 with option to extend. For more details and viewing do not hesitate to call (WA) +6281999299193.


2 bedroom villa in Canggu for yearly rent. Price : Rp130,000,000 /year. 2 bedrooms with ensuite bathroom, open living room, kitchen, swimming pool, air c o n d i t i o ni n g , w ate r h e a te r, fridge, cable,wifi indihome 20 mbps, small garden, garage, fully furnished. For more information and inspection please contact me, Dewi +6287864972481.

This unique villa sits on 2,400sqm of lush tropical garden with mature banyan trees, frangipanis and bamboos. Located only a short stroll from Restaurants, shops & cafes, yet feels very quiet and private. The beach at Gado Gado is about 700m away and is an easy walk. The 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms villa consists of a main building, with a 200sqm open-air living area, fully equipped kitchen, and guest toilets, outdoor shower, leading to a terrace and the main 15m x 6m swimming

A holiday in Bali is definitely exciting, but packing can be a nightmare especially if you are travelling with infants or toddlers. Toy Box Bali offers quality baby equipment you can rent at reasonable rates and we can delivers your orders straight to your hotel or villa. All baby supplies are guaranteed high quality by popular brands, and are sanitized to ensure safety. Check our collections on our Instagram @toyboxbali or simply contact us to +6282144256215. MAGIC FINGER OF BALI. acupressure and reflexolog y combined with traditional Balinese massage techniques, helping you to improve blood circulation, eliminate fatigue, lumbago, neck pain, headaches, and overcome insomnia. We will come to your place to do a massage. you are satisfied we are also happy. Healthy greetings. WA: +6281238162853 (Putu) Send in your personal classifieds to:

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Indonesia expat ISSUE 221

ISSUE 221 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 221

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