Indonesia Expat - issue 233

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ISSUE NO. 233 | 13 – 26 MARCH 2019





Online Learning Education 4.0 Life as an Intern in The Big Durian


And much more...


ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Indonesia expat ISSUE 233

ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Chief Editorial Advisor Bernhard Eduard Frese

Marketing Consultant Edo Frese


EDUCATION Online Learning: Should I? Shouldn't I?


BUSINESS PROFILE Allan F Tabien – Dean of Raffles Christian School, Kelapa Gading


MEET THE EXPAT Garth Wyncoll


SNA MEDIA CLUB COLUMN IndoNation Building: Giving Back to the Nation


INTERNSHIP Life as an Intern in The Big Durian


SCAMS IN THE CITY What Price Power?


CULTURE The Dark Night – Bali


SPORTS Be Active and Stay Healthy with Houbii Sports Academy







Editorial Assistant

Dear Readers,

Sales & Advertising Dian Mardianingsih (Jakarta) Wahyu Atmaja (Bali)

Distribution & Admin Juni Setiawan

Finance Lini Verawaty

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Published by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia Alamanda Tower 25th floor Jl. T.B Simatupang kav 23–24 Jakarta 12430 T: 021 2965 7821 F: 021 2965 7821 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

We can all agree that a good education is undeniably one of the most important aspects of learning in life. With good education, we can create positive change in our society. Education is necessary especially during early childhood since this is the period where children are actively engaged and curious. It's a time for growth not just physically, but also mentally, fostering good habits and laying the foundations for developing social awareness. Children have the capacity at this stage to learn the right tools to grow--hopefully with rich experiences and the right knowledge to make the best decisions for themselves and their communities. In this issue, expats who have carved a career in the Education sector discuss the best schools located in Indonesia. We also have an article on online learning that can give you a new perspective. It’s all about Education in this issue, alongside our regular columns to keep you informed about scams in the city, expat living and more. Looking for events in Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya and other cities? You might find something fun in our Events section. Whatever your needs Indonesia Expat is here to inform, and remember, we are open to suggestions! Until next time,

Edo Frese


021 2965 7821

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Indonesia expat ISSUE 233








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ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Online Learning: Should I? Shouldn’t I? BY KATE PARADIS


he most obvious benefit of online learning is the convenience: you can work at your own pace, from wherever you want. As an expatriate in Indonesia, you may be inclined to obtain a post-graduate degree from your home country or from a specific university that is widely accredited and well-recognised. You may be looking to take courses whilst you work full time, or accelerate your graduation date while you are unable to work, or jobhunting. Online learning makes all of these possible. Many people can’t afford the career break needed to increase their education. Choosing to study online is a great way to get that certificate or add a line on the resume, whilst expanding your mind and your understanding, enhancing a different set of skills from your norm. You can do this whilst catering to all the other things going on in your life, such as work, family, travel, etc.

E-Learning has Improved Online learning is a new form of education when compared to classroom learning, but it has evolved significantly from what it started as. First, the technology has got better. There are a variety of e-learning platforms that make navigating the online classroom intuitive to use. Online video meeting rooms, user-friendly blogs, access to online libraries, and easy drag and drop functions to submit assignments make the “technical” stuff a non-issue. Also, universities have adapted their approach to give you a better learning experience. More research has been done to confirm the benefits of online learning, specifically what works and what doesn’t.

Online Learning is BETTER Recent research has shown that online learning, if executed properly, is actually more beneficial to the student than a traditional classroom. The biggest argument against online learning is that the support network of students and peers is no longer there, but that simply isn’t true. Your network actually expands further and faster through online classes. If you want the advantage of a vast and international network after graduation you can opt for an online course that has group work. With modern technology we are more connected than ever before, and developing meaningful business relationships online is now possible. Classroom participation can be very useful for outgoing and extroverted folk, but many find classrooms distracting and daunting. Online classrooms have the advantage of veiled anonymity. Though this is a doubleedged sword that requires a knowledgeable instructor to be able to manage it properly, it can be great for those who are too shy or uncomfortable to speak up in a normal class. Here’s how the online version typically works: professors ask for blog entries on a regular basis. A question is posed and the blog is intended to invoke critical thinking about the topic being studied. Each student must respond – something that is not possible in a traditional classroom, and generally makes a lot of people annoyed and uncomfortable. The opportunity to learn from classmates is increased markedly online because the environment is simply more conducive to sharing, and allows time for more thoughtful, and wellresearched responses. It must be mentioned

however, that this veil of anonymity can be dangerous, as sometimes it is seen in cyberbullying cases and with trolls on social media. Professors have the responsibility to set up ground rules immediately and monitor their classroom chats to ensure a professional and courteous environment is maintained. Limiting the number of words on a post, and also asking students to always err on the side of friendly are good ways to make a classroom blog successful.

Access to World-Class Educators This benefit will likely only become more relevant in the future as more educators sign up for teaching online. Sitting on a university campus as a tenured professor may not be of interest to many of the educators who travel the world working on their research and development. Being mobile is becoming more important for people across the globe. Oftentimes the students and teachers alike are global citizens, moving around at various points in their life.

How to Choose a Program? Take your time to research which schools have good programs. Information is often available about how likely you are to be hired, and at what salary, after you graduate. It is highly recommended to reach out to recent graduates in the field you want to study to get some honest feedback. This should be easy to do on LinkedIn. Beware, there are MANY online schools that really have no business being in education. Many have had lawsuits filed against them and are accused of being scams only after money. Unfortunately, there is no gold-standard or rating system for education across the globe. Spend some time looking at the number of graduates, post-graduate hiring rates and their salaries, student satisfaction, and also the type of teaching methods used. Other questions you should research are: is there any group work required? Is it entirely individual and self-directed study? Even though many will groan at the thought of group projects, the programs that require group work usually yield higher learning achievement and student satisfaction. Growing your network is a key advantage of education that should not be overlooked.


Indonesia expat ISSUE 233

Are there actual deadlines? How does their grading system work? Take a look at the roster of teachers and their background – are they all PhDs? Do they all have published research and vast experience teaching? It takes a great deal of time to complete this research, but it is worth it. You may shell out around US$20,000 to 30,000 for a degree, so you want it to be a good one that both has a good reputation and teaches you things you didn’t know before (sounds obvious, right?).

Things to Consider if Taking Online Courses While Living in Indonesia: Time Difference: Check out your desired programs. If they don’t post the schedule requirements on their website, contact a student advisor to determine if there are specific times you must log in. Some programs are completely self-directed, but many others require you to phone in or video in at specific times (via Skype, WebEx, etc) with the professor directly, or a group of other students. Ensure these times can fit with your schedule in Indonesia before choosing the program. Textbooks: Not all textbooks can be purchased here, and not all publishers and distributers ship to Jakarta in a timely manner. Amazon is a good source for textbooks, but often shipping takes a long time. If this is the case, it pays to make friends with classmates so they can scan the first few chapters of their book while you wait for yours to arrive in Jakarta. Also note that even e-books are not available in all regions. This is when having a VPN, and credit cards in multiple countries will ensure you can access the e-books as required. In summary, don’t delay once you get your reading list, order quickly to avoid a headache. Co-Working Spaces: An immense amount of reading and writing is required to complete an online degree, so avoid going stir-crazy and get out of the house. Co-working spaces provide comfortable areas to plug in your laptop, print documents, relax, have a snack. Being surrounded by other people that are working can be more motivating than being at home. Also, these spaces can provide new business and learning opportunities since there is a vast network of people using them every day. You can often pay-per-visit, or buy a monthly pass. The co-working space industry is growing rapidly for a reason, check them out! Jakarta and Bali especially have many co-working spaces and facilities, ranging in price and amenities, and some even serve free beer and coffee. Online learning. You should.

ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Allan F Tabien

Ora et Labora and Yayasan Pendidikan Sekolah Bhinneka of which Raffles Christian Group of Schools is a part has a proud tradition of nurturing outstanding students. The first campus of the Raffles Group of Schools – Raffles International Christian School, Pondok Indah – was started in July 2005 and founded by the late Mr. William Soeryadjaya (a renowned entrepreneur in Indonesia and founder of the Astra Group) and Mr. Radius Prawiro (the former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia), in consultation with the Singapore Teacher’s Union.

Hi Allan, it’s nice to have a chat with you. Please tell us about yourself and where you are from. My name is Allan Tabien and I specialise in Mathematics. I have been with RCS since January 2006 at our main campus in Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. In July 2014 I was given an opportunity to be transferred to our campus at Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara to start the As/A Level program for Grades 11 and 12. How long have you been in Indonesia and what are your thoughts about this country? I have been living in Indonesia for 14 years and Indonesia has become my second home. The best things about Indonesia are the people and the food. I love the warmth and sincerity of the locals I have worked with in this organisation and I have treated some of them as my second family here. Regarding food, Indonesia is a calypso to my taste buds. I love nasi goreng, mie goreng, sate, nasi capcai and bak kut teh Indonesia style, Indomie and many more. And before I forget, tahu crispy is at the top of my list. What are your plans for this school? RCS – Kelapa Gading campus has been known for our academic excellence in the region. Moving forward, it is our mission to provide a well-rounded education to our students, which is why we are now strengthening our holistic approach to education, focusing more on character development, co-curricular activities such as sport, performing arts and visual arts, learning beyond the classroom, and community service. This is in line with the vision of the organisation which is to be a world class, futuristic and a Christian learning community that nurtures Rafflesians to be active, lifelong learners and influential leaders of sterling character. Please tell us something about Raffles Christian School. The Raffles Christian Group of Schools (RCGS) comprises a group of premier schools that provides a world class, futuristic and Christian learning environment nurturing Rafflesians to become active, lifelong learners and influential leaders of sterling character. The educational foundations, Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen 8

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In October 2010, Raffles International Christian School acquired the PSB Singapore Schools in Kebon Jeruk and Kelapa Gading to form the Raffles International Group of Schools. The PSB Singapore Schools have a rich and extensive heritage which can be traced back to 1964 when they were established as the former Singapore Productivity and Standards Board by the Singapore Government. The educational foundation, Yayasan Pendidikan Sekolah Bhinneka of which Raffles-PSB Singapore School was part, was integrated into the Raffles International Group of Schools. In January 2015, Raffles International Christian School was renamed as Raffles Christian School, in accordance with government regulations. The Raffles Group of Schools further acquired INTI College Indonesia in July 2015 and rebranded the campus into Raffles College. Today the Raffles Group of Schools has a total of five campuses located throughout the city of Jakarta. Raffles Christian School is a Certified Cambridge Centre for International Examinations (CIE), offering an international curriculum aligned to the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint, IGCSE and International AS and A Level examinations. Raffles also offers the Global Assessment Certificate (GAC), one of the world’s most widely recognised university preparation programs, which guarantees entry into a worldwide range of universities. Anchored by a highly dedicated, passionate and caring teaching faculty equipped with sound pedagogical practices, Raffles provides a rich and challenging learning environment that ignites our students’ passion for learning and inquiry, building a strong academic foundation for our students, and opening the doors to many opportunities for their future success. We see the breadth and depth of a child’s achievements not only in academia but through the multitude of other interests that he or she pursues. The wide range of CCAs and programs that we offer aims to provide our students with opportunities to develop lifelong interests, broaden their experience and prepare them to face the challenges of the 21st century. We value and understand our students’ unique personalities, and

seek to develop their character through our pastoral system so that they are socially and emotionally equipped to embrace the challenges awaiting them after high school. We continue to fine-tune our programs so that our students are availed of the best learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. What brings you here since you worked in the Philippines? Back in December 2005, I received an unexpected phone call from a teacher of Raffles Christian School who was my former colleague at De La Salle University College of St Benilde. She persuaded me to work at Raffles for six months as a substitute teacher for her because she was leaving for Dubai to get married. Then, I took six months leave from the university and decided to continue serving Raffles. I fell in love with the students, and the school gave me a career path that made me stay for good. This is one decision that I have never regretted. How is Raffles Christian School adapting its offering to the needs of modern students? At Raffles Christian School our teachers are well equipped and aware of the emerging trends and issues in education. We are ready for the challenges and embrace the paradigm shift from the traditional way we deliver our lessons to more effective and efficient approaches to teaching and learning using ICT. We would like our students to take more ownership of their learning by implementing inquiry-based learning (IBL), self-directed learning (SDL) and collaborative learning (CoL), where teachers act as facilitators and design the teaching and learning process in a way that is more engaging and student-centered. How do you see Raffles Christian School compared to other international schools in Jakarta? 1. Educators with a passion for nurturing every child Anchored by a highly dedicated, passionate and caring teaching faculty equipped with sound pedagogical practices, Raffles provides a rich and challenging learning environment that ignites our students’ passion for learning and inquiry. We build a strong academic foundation for our students, catering to their diverse interests and opening the doors to many opportunities for their future success. 2. Established track record of academic performance in international examinations Raffles has a proven track record and fine tradition of producing top students in Indonesia for the Cambridge Examinations. The school has garnered the Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards initiated by Cambridge UK and awarded to the top student in Indonesia (attaining the highest marks) for each subject every year since 2007 in both the International General Certificate in Secondary Excellence (IGCSE) and Cambridge International A Levels. Rafflesians have consistently and strongly outperformed global benchmarks for the subjects taken in the past eight years. One in two students scored at least five distinctions in the IGCSE examinations and more than 3A's in the Cambridge International A levels.

The school has also produced more than 30 scholars who have been offered scholarships to study in top schools in Singapore. 3. Raffles alumni in top 100 Universities around the world RCS students have also continued their studies in many top universities both locally and overseas. These excellent results have allowed Raffles alumni to secure places in the top 100 universities around the world and go on to establish their careers in reputable companies. 4. Well rounded and holistic education At Raffles we focus on developing the whole child. We see the breadth and depth of their achievements not only in academia but through the multitudes of other interests that they pursue. The wide range of CCAs and programs that we offer aims to provide our students with opportunities to develop life-long interests and broaden their experiences. We value and understand our students’ unique personalities and seek to develop their character through our pastoral system so that they are socially and emotionally competent to embrace the challenges awaiting them after high school. We continue to fine-tune our programs so that our students are availed of the best learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. 5. Affiliation with Raffles College Raffles College offers high quality education from established universities in Australia, the US, UK, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand. Such collaborations and partnerships can only serve to benefit students who choose such pathways for their future academic career. Our affiliation with Raffles College allows a wide variety of study options such as overseas degree transfer programs and foreign degree completion in Indonesia. Students can choose to spend more time in Indonesia or a greater amount of time overseas. 6. Raffles scholarships for top students What is your strategy to make your teachers passionate as educators? As part of the school management committee, I devote myself to inspiring our teachers to be passionate in everything that they do as educators, especially in bringing out the best in every student we encounter. I help the teachers and guide them to have that burning desire to always strive for excellence in the teaching and learning process, and in their involvement in cocurricular and extra-curricular activities. This can be achieved through the initiatives of the Leadership and Talent Development Unit (LTDU) within the Raffles Group of Schools which ensures that our teachers undergo adequate and high quality professional development such as the Raffles Teachers Craft mentorship program and the Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CICTL). Teachers are also given opportunities to be involved in framework development which anchors our core school programs such as the Character Development (CD) Framework, Learning Using Information and Communication Technology (LICT) Framework, Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC) Framework, Aesthetics (Aes) Framework and the Sport and Wellness (S&W) Framework.


Developing Students’ Passion through Co-Curricular Activities at Raffles Christian School The objectives of education cannot be accomplished by academics alone. At Raffles Christian School – Kelapa Gading various aspects such as physical, intellectual, emotional, socio-cultural, aesthetics and spiritual activities are inculcated in the curriculum to promote the holistic growth and personality development of the learners. Co-curricular activities (CCA) are an essential part in all stages of education. Activities for literacy, physical development, civic development, leisure time and social welfare are integral parts of the educational program for they provide avenues for developing leadership skills, social skills, confidence, artistic skills, responsibility, unity, cooperation, and a lot more. These activities are organised after school hours with the following objectives: 1. Provide opportunities for students to venture into non-academic field of interests for holistic growth; 2. Enhance many skill developments while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world; 3. Give the students a venue to express and generate ideas freely, promote leadership quality and excel in their fields of interests; 4. Develop the personality of the students and the spirit of healthy competition; 5. Foster social integration and deepen students’ sense of belonging, commitment and sense of responsibility to school and community; Our CCA moderators are teachers, who have personal or professional competencies aside from the subjects that they teach. We also partner companies or institutions that offer different activities that add value to the growth and development of your child. CCA at Raffles Kelapa Gading are held twice a week and students are given the opportunity to join CCAs that will nurture their interest in sports, the visual and performing arts and academic Club which extend their knowledge and skills that they learnt in class via CCA’s.

Types of Co-curricular activities offered at Raffles Christian School Sports

Basketball, Futsal, Badminton, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Wushu, Muay Thai, Karate

Visual Arts & Performing Arts

Photography, Video Editing, Art Club, Drawing Club, Theatre Arts Club, Chorale, Band, Culinary Arts Club, Chinese Cultural Club, Indonesian Cultural Club


STEM Club, Robotics Club, Human Calculator Club, Entrepreneurship Club, Coding Club, Debate Club, Chess

To showcase one of our CCA, the photography club will hold a Photography Exhibition at Mall Kelapa Gading on March 20– 24, 2019. Students in the CCA Photography were trained in school by a professional photographer for one semester (July – November) and are able to produce an output which are the photographs that they have taken when they travel during the school holiday in Indonesia and abroad. These photographs will be on sale as part of the fund raising campaign in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity – Indonesia.

ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat




Garth Wyncoll Hi Garth, greetings from Jakarta. Tell us about yourself and where you come from. My name is Garth Wyncoll, originally from Toronto, Canada. I’ve been teaching for 30 years now and have taught in the USA, Philippines, Nigeria, Ecuador, and now in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. This is your first role as a principal in Indonesia. What are your thoughts about the country? I love living in Indonesia. We’ve already travelled to some beautiful places in Bali and we are looking forward to visiting many more interesting parts of Indonesia. Bali is a very special place! In many ways, Bali is a beautiful meeting point of cultures, in which people are open-minded, caring and appreciative of different perspectives. I also love the food - nasi campur - I can’t get enough. What are your plans for the Bali Island School (BIS)? Bali Island School is an established International Baccalaureate (IB) worldschool. Our students experience the IB ethos from preschool to Grade 12. Our students earn great results in the IB Diploma (DP) program and are accepted to universities around the world each year. Our community values the importance of developing global perspectives, serving others, and leading an engaged and useful life. Because BIS is a highly functioning school, my plan for it is to look for small improvements and further refine our programs whilst working towards fulfilling our strategic plan. Please tell us something about Bali Island School. What is your top priority for Bali Island School? How is Bali Island School adapting its offering to the needs of modern students? At BIS we strive to prepare our students for a future that, in many ways, is unknown. What we do know is that creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills will be invaluable tools for the next generation. The BIS Board has developed a strategic plan that will enable the school to continue to prepare our students, and future students, to be engaged, globally minded, confident learners. Bali Island School is developing our STEAM offering in which our students are challenged to apply their Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics learning into practice by creating solutions to real world problems. I am excited to announce that the Board has also developed a scholarship program! The program aims to assist students who are academically talented and have leadership skills.


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Why do you think Bali Island School appointed you as their Head of School? I was appointed as Head of School to help move Bali Island School to the next level of excellence. There’s a saying that leaders stand on the shoulder of mentors. I have been lucky enough to have had a number of fabulous mentors throughout my career, on whom I routinely rely for guidance. BIS also has a strong network of educational leaders, who have been very helpful to the school throughout the years, and to me over the past few months. BIS is a founding member of the Indonesian IB Schools Association, of the Bali Island Heads of Schools Association and a member of the Java Association of Small Independent Schools. What brings you here? You were High School Principal at Academia Cotopaxi in Ecuador before. How is Bali Island School adapting its offering to the needs of modern students? I was a high school principal for ten years, most recently at Academia Cotopaxi in Ecuador. The Head of School position at BIS offered me an opportunity to further my career. When I visited the school during the interview process, it was love at first sight. Our campus is a unique mix of Balinese architecture and 21st century learning spaces, the program is rigorous and challenging, each member of the faculty is a certified teacher in his or her area of expertise, and BIS boasts a supportive and engaged community. BIS is inclusive, meeting students where they are, and challenging each child to learn through an individual learning plan.

Garth Wyncoll tells Indonesia Expat about his background, his vision for Bali Island School and his success in the education world.

How do you see Bali Island School compared to other international schools in Bali? Parents are lucky living in Bali because there are so many choices and opportunities for their children to get a high quality education. Bali Island School provides one of those choices. Our school serves internationally minded families living in Bali, who want a world class education for their child. Interestingly, we are seeing a growing number of families move to Bali from congested South East Asian cities. Families are learning that the BIS program not only fits the education needs for their child, but that the community and fresh air of Bali is beneficial to the health of the entire family. What are your thoughts on the homework debate? At Bali Island School we believe that young children learn through playing and that time outside the school spent with family is integral to the social and emotional

“What we do know is that creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills will be invaluable tools for the next generation.”

development of the child. Research suggests that reading with family members on a daily basis increases a student’s fluency, so we encourage this practice for all of our students. With our rigorous academic program, students eventually need to practise skills at home. The children at Bali Island School begin having assigned homework in Grades 5 and 6. At that point in a child's life we are not only assessing the practice, but also the student’s approach to learning – his or her ability to be organised, complete tasks, and manage time. What is the BIS policy on bullying? While bullying has no place at any school, unfortunately, it does happen from time to time. The advantage of a small school is a low student to teacher ratio of 15:1, meaning that our teachers know the strengths of each child and his or her particular areas for growth. Our teachers also monitor the social and emotional learning of each student. Our Health and Physical Education program teaches explicit strategies to address negative behaviours amongst a year group and our Guidance Counsellor supports students individually and in small groups when issues arise. Students make mistakes, we all do, and our role is to ensure that each child feels loved and cared for, knows where to get help, and is confident to advocate for their own safety. What is your strategy to attract parents to BIS over the other schools in Bali? Our strategy at Bali Island School to attract new families consists of sharing our story. BIS has many wonderful stories to share. We have an amazing faculty chock-full of wonderful experiences from teaching at international schools around the world. Our IB program is established and successful. Our alumni are making positive differences in the world by continuing to help those in need and by being engaged citizens. I believe we appeal to parents who value the importance of developing a global perspective for their child, the transferability of an IB education, and the doors that swing wide open when applying to universities around the world with a BIS Diploma in hand. What does an effective school look like in your opinion? An effective school, at its heart, serves the needs of each individual child. An effective school provides an academic challenge through a differentiated learning program, taught by experienced educators, who are masters in their discipline. An effective school supports each student’s social and emotional growth and is able to provide leadership, service, and action opportunities outside the classroom. The Bali Island School is an effective school and I am proud to be a BIS Dragon.


THE FUTURE FACE OF EDUCATION Sekolah Pelita Harapan Moves Forward to Education 4.0

Last year, one of Indonesia’s national agendas was “Making Indonesia 4.0”. In his opening address to the April 2018 Industrial Summit, President Joko Widodo stated that the Fourth Industrial Revolution - or Industry 4.0 - is now transforming the world. This revolution is characterised by digital manufacturing that adopts computers and automation, alongside smart and autonomous systems fuelled by data and machine learning. Indonesia must anticipate this big shift. One of the steps we must take is to improve and advance human resources to have the important skills of innovation, creativity, and problem solving. Education is a strategic sector to prepare a well-equipped generation that is ready to enter the Industry 4.0 world. As the world is constantly changing, education must adapt to current global trends. Traditional education in the previous industrial age was designed for mass distribution and implementing the “factory manufacturing model”. School was designed as a “manufacturer” that was organised like assembly lines to mold students into passive recipients of information or knowledge. Teachers were the only source of knowledge. As a result, students became highly dependent on teachers. Education valued competition, end results, standardisation, and conformity as indicators of success, thus producing close-minded intellectuals instead of creators and innovators. This “old-school” traditional method of education is obsolete compared to what our world needs nowadays. Of course, knowledge is indispensable, but it is simply not enough. Our country no longer needs graduates with only perfect scores. We also need inventors and problem-solvers who can apply their knowledge into action, think on their feet, and work collaboratively towards a better future. Because innovation should begin at school, Education 4.0 will be the future face of education. It has been designed in response to the need for the Industry 4.0, where humans use machines to discover new, creative possibilities. In Education 4.0, teachers must prepare students not only with knowledge and information, but also by promoting creativity and refining students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With Education 4.0, students will engage in intense researchbased learning on a specific problem whilst being

mentored by an expert in that field and equipped with advanced technology. Sekolah Pelita Harapan is committed to being at the forefront of education in Indonesia by pioneering new ideas and challenging the conventional wisdom of traditional education. As we move from the traditional Education 1.0 and 2.0 phases, we have been applying the Education 3.0 model, which allows students to become more independent learners. It also promotes the consistent use of up-to-date digital technology as an integral part of the students’ education as we move towards applying the Education 4.0 model. We have initiated the first Center of Excellence in Applied Science, known as the Applied Science Academy. The Center of Excellence aims to provide students with advanced research, best practices and support in specialised areas, and mentoring by field experts. The Applied Science Academy has been founded to empower and nurture our student scientists. This is possible by providing authentic exposure to a research environment for scientific exploration in order to produce young innovators in applied science. To support this program, we also provide new and advanced lab equipment and materials. Indonesian researcher, Dr. Eden Steven, Ph. D., is the director of the SPH Applied Science Academy. He received a doctoral degree from Florida State University, specialising in advanced materials and electronics. Dr. Steven is mentoring our students alongside competent professors from UPH. We look forward to launching many Centers of Excellence in the future including: The Center of Excellence in Performing Arts and Music, the Center of Excellence in Arts, and the Center of Excellence in Physical Education. While maintaining our roots as a Christian school, we continue to adapt to educational trends to meet the needs of 21st Century students. We aim to enable a generation of innovators who are willing to use their God-given talents to bring transformation to the world, for His glory and for the benefit of this nation.

Learn more about the future of education at Sekolah Pelita Harapan. For more information, visit our campus, call +62215460233

ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Indonesia Expat and Singapore National Academy are joining forces to provide insightful articles on Surabaya. The young student journalists in the SNA Media Club get to learn valuable writing techniques with the help of the editorial staff at Indonesia Expat.

IndoNation Building: Giving Back to the Nation O

n February 2, 2019, a team of students and teachers involved in the IndoNation Building organisation of Singapore National Academy, collaborated to provide support to seventeen underprivileged children from SDN Gebang 2, which is an isolated primary school in Sidoarjo. Just two years ago, there was no electricity available in the school, which speaks volumes about the conditions there. We decided to visit the school with donations including books and uniforms for the children as well as to give them an interactive English lesson. Due to its location in rural Sidoarjo, the school is not easily accessible. To get to the school, we had to ride a skiff, or a small boat, through a river that seemed to stretch for miles. In good weather, the boat journey would take an hour. We interviewed our boat driver about the transport in the area and he said, “The time taken to arrive at the school relies heavily on the weather and the tides. During high tide, approximately an hour is needed, but when the tide is low, we have no choice but to wait two to three hours to be able to drive our boats there.” The river is the children’s only pathway to go to the school. The water is brown from the eroding banks, but we enjoyed the relaxing boat trip. Upon arriving in the school, we were welcomed with cheerful greetings and laughter by the students. After introducing ourselves we started the day by teaching the students English, as it plays a vital role in their lives, being the language of international communication. Firstly, they learned the alphabet by playing an interactive handwritten board game and recited numbers from one to ten in English. Next, to spike their interest, we demonstrated a simple experiment with Coca-Cola and Mentos mints. This experiment made the children so exuberant. This was then completed by a brief explanation of the spectacular reaction between the soda and the mints.

“ It was very delightful to be around the students, all of us coming together, singing and dancing our hearts out. At the beginning, I thought I was merely going to hand out donations and leave, but I am glad I got to bond with them.” – Lala, SMA Bhayangkari 1 Surabaya

We switched back to teaching, but this time, we tutored them on some professions in English. Apparently, some of them aspire to be doctors, while the rest of them dreamed of being teachers or policemen in future. It is extremely easy for them to give up on their dreams when there is hardly any support or financial help, yet the look on their faces showed determination. Then we sang a song while playing the game “Simon Says.” We all enjoyed dancing, and everyone took turns being “Simon.” This teaching activity was a heartwarming and uplifting experience that gave us an insight into the difficulty of teaching and adapting our social skills to better communicate with young children. In addition, it taught us various things like how to manage unexpected circumstances, and how to tailor the teaching materials to the students’ potential. This touching event was rewarding for both parties, and it left us with more awareness and knowledge of the lives of other people. Furthermore, helping these children has given us a sense of purpose and satisfaction. We are certainly lucky to be able to bond well with the students from SDN Gebang 2, and overall, this serves as a gentle reminder to always be grateful for what we have been blessed with in life. Most importantly, the trip to the school made us realise that it is crucial that we give back to the underprivileged so that they can have the chance to do well in life, using education as a stepping stone.

“ I have never expected to feel so much


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happiness with people I have just met. During the service, it was clear that their faces were much happier, not when we gave them toys, but when we played and danced around together. From this experience, they have in turn broadened my mind and taught me valuable life lessons.”

“ All this time we’ve thought that the whole

- Nadine, Singapore National Academy

– Indhira, University of Airlangga

of Sidoarjo was a city, but as it turns out, there’s an area where we’re required to use a boat to reach it. The students were incredibly friendly, and even when we just arrived, they welcomed us with excitement. This was definitely a joyous experience.”

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Life as an Intern in The Big Durian


ow can I even begin to sum up my experience as a student and intern living in Jakarta? For starters, it’s no Bali holiday. I wasn’t lounging around in villas, drinking cocktails, and getting daily massages. Instead, I found myself eating one-dollar nasi goreng from the warung down the road, stuck in staggering amounts of traffic, or soaking wet after getting caught in the lateafternoon thunderstorms.

“The longer I’m here, the more I feel there is so much more to learn about this incredibly diverse and culturally rich country.”

your own biggest motivator. Making friends with the local barista helped, they now know my name and daily coffee order (soy latte extra hot please). No one is peering over your shoulder watching you work, and certainly no one is forcing you to wake up before midday. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

Jakarta can be messy. It can be smelly, they don’t call it “The Big Durian” for nothing. It can be loud, busy, and confronting. Yet, I’ve fallen in love with the city in its entirety, from the obvious flaws to the hidden gems and secret wonders.

it’ll probably cause me withdrawal symptoms when I return home.

Being thrown into writing on topics way out of my depth was challenging, and there were certainly days I felt like I had no idea what was going on at all! Does an intern ever feel they do, though? Upon reflection with my fellow interns who work at other organisations, apparently we don’t. We’re all making it up as we go along.

There have been countless cultural differences that I had to reconcile myself with. Toilet paper is apparently not a thing here, and road rules are simply non-existent! Scheduled meetings run on jam karet (rubber time), and being a bule (foreigner) has made me a constant novelty for local people. I’m looking forward to returning home just so I can walk down the street without a paparazzi train in tow! Getting my body to adjust to the radical change in diet has been fun, albeit interesting at times. One of my favourite games is playing Russian Roulette with the local padang cuisine. It either ends with me on the toilet, doubled over with stomach cramps, or good to go for another round of delicious food. Eating copious amounts of fried food, especially tempeh and tofu, hasn’t been good for my skin, although it has done wonders for my tastebuds. The excess sugar has also shown itself in my skin and on my waistline;

Indonesians are some of the most hospitable people I have met. On a day at the National Monument, where I must’ve been looking very lost and slightly bothered after being bombarded with requests for selfies and photos, an Indonesian girl approached me and offered to help me find my way out of the melee. Next thing I knew, we were having lunch together in the Old Town, where she also graciously showed me round. Between the small amounts of English she knew, and the scraps of Indonesian I’d picked up, our conversations somehow flowed. Interning abroad has presented me with a host of learning experiences on the professional front. Working remotely sounds like good fun, until you realise that you have to be

The media events are something I quickly got used to and they made my fellow interns from other organisations very envious. On my very first day, I found myself at the Henshin restaurant, on the 68th floor, eating an exotic mix of Japanese Peruvian fusion cuisine. Who knew that was a thing? The free tote bag and shirt I received from a book launch is now my fashion staple, and the delicious cakes and free booze have left an impact on my waistline. I can’t believe this is considered as work! The first few weeks of my time here were rocky. I messaged and FaceTimed my family a lot, longing for some familiarity. This was especially true when I’ve been curled up in the fetal position in bed with a fever and pounding headache, praying that I haven’t got dengue. I think having to be your own caretaker when you’re sick is when you know you’ve reached adulthood. Suddenly, I woke up one day and realised that I now feel at home here, and my life in Australia began to feel like a distant dream. The sound of the call to prayer at the mosque was once strange to me, yet now it’s a comforting sound to hear each morning and night. Zipping in and out of traffic on the back of a GoJek bike feels as natural as if I’d been doing it my whole life, even if I can still picture my mum shaking her head with worry in the back of my mind. I’m not ready to leave, and maybe I wouldn’t if my visa didn’t run out in a few days. The longer I’m here, the more I feel there is so much more to learn about this incredibly diverse and culturally rich country. It’s a bittersweet goodbye to the past six weeks, and to all those I’ve met throughout my time here. Jakarta, you have my heart and you’ll be seeing me again sometime in the future, I promise.


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Kenneth Yeung is a Jakarta-based editor

What Price Power? National elections are approaching and legislative candidates need deep pockets. BY KENNETH YEUNG


Guests began to fill the venue, but there was no sign of the caterers or any food. Riyani was not answering her mobile phone. The master of ceremonies awkwardly announced that due to technical problems, lunch could not be served. Riyani had not paid the caterers, the decorators or the photographer.

ndonesia will on April 17, 2019, hold simultaneous direct elections for the president and vice president, the national parliament and local legislative assemblies. If you want to run for parliament in Indonesia, you can’t stand as an independent candidate. You must be a representative of one of the 16 participating political parties.

Embezzlement is nothing new in Golkar, which was notorious for corruption during former president Suharto’s 32-year rule. The party’s former chairman Setya Novanto was last year sentenced to 15 years behind bars for swindling US$7.3 million from a state project.

According to local media reports, many of the major parties require prospective candidates to pay vast sums of money to party officials. A former student activist who in 2014 ran for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) told that candidates should provide at least Rp500 million to Rp1 billion (US$35,600 to US$71,200) to be considered for registration. This money is purportedly required to pay for party banners, T-shirts and other paraphernalia, as well as meetings with constituents. In Tangerang city, west of Jakarta, PDIP officials have asserted their chapter did not impose fees for registration forms. Some parties require candidates to pay a “witness fee” of at least Rp500 million. What are witness fees? When votes are tallied at polling stations on election day, an official from the General Elections Supervisory Committee (Bawaslu) is present to ensure there is no cheating. But parties like to have their own witnesses present – and certain parties insist each candidate must pay for a witness. The Islam-based United Development Party (PPP) has confirmed that its prospective candidates are required to contribute Rp500 million, in advance, for “witness fees”. Local media quoted a PPP official as saying such fees are common in any political party. Big spending is no guarantee of victory. There have been reports of people handing over up to Rp5 billion ahead of the last national elections in 2014, only to end up as losers. If you’re a recognisable and respected face in the local community, you might not have to spend as much as ambitious unknowns. Being a woman could also be helpful, as parties must meet a gender quota, in which 30 percent of candidates are women. Indah Kurnia, a legislator representing PDIP, was quoted by as saying she spent only Rp90 million on her campaign to be elected to the national parliament in 2009. She had headed a Bank Central Asia (BCA) branch in the East Java capital of Surabaya, so she got to know plenty of people. She 18

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“Reports are common of failed candidates ending up in psychiatric care after they lose their life savings or are unable to repay their debts.”

also raised her profile by performing as a singer and becoming a manager of the city’s Persebaya Football Club. When campaigning started, she didn’t need to spend as much as other candidates to gain popularity.

with the most corruption felons are Hanura Party (11), Golkar Party (10), the Democratic Party (10), Gerindra Party (6) and the National Mandate Party (6).

Most candidates don’t have such success stories. Wawan was a commissioner of a state-owned enterprise when he was encouraged to run for former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party in 2014 in Central Java. He claims to have spent Rp2 billion on party fees and campaigning, only to lose on polling day.

Runaway Wedding Planner

Reports are common of failed candidates ending up in psychiatric care after they lose their life savings or are unable to repay their debts. Why are people willing to spend so much to join parliament? Obviously, their greatest motivation is to serve the people by ridding the country of corruption and bureaucratic inefficiencies. The official salary for a member of the House of Representatives (DPR) is Rp5 million per month. Add on the honorariums and numerous official allowances and it balloons to Rp54 million. Regrettably, there have been allegations of some national and regional legislators receiving inducements when voting on legislation and budgets. According to the General Elections Commission (KPU), at least 81 former corruption convicts will be running for office in April. This is because the Supreme Court in September 2018 overruled a KPU regulation that had banned corruption felons from standing for election. The parties

In the South Sumatra capital of Palembang, a wedding planner named Riyani (31) alias Uut, in 2018 registered to become a legislative candidate for Golkar. She was selected to stand for the city’s Electoral District 1. In June 2018, she accepted a job to arrange a wedding reception to be held in January 2019. After receiving a down-payment of Rp10 million, she insisted that all fees be paid in advance, so she could rent the venue for 1,000 guests. On the morning of the big day, January 5, Riyani was present at the groom’s house for the wedding ceremony. Then she disappeared, claiming she needed to collect a dress and would rejoin the couple at the reception venue.

Riyani’s alleged fraud did not help to improve Golkar’s image. The chairwoman of the party’s South Sumatra chapter, Anita Noeringhati, apologised for the “very embarrassing” case. She said Riyani’s action was inappropriate for a legislative candidate and had severely tarnished the party’s reputation. Despite the alleged fraud, Riyani is still likely to appear on ballot sheets. That’s because candidates cannot be disqualified unless they die or if there is a final and binding court verdict against them.

Car Cons & More In the East Java town of Blitar, police on February 12 announced they had arrested a Golkar legislative candidate for allegedly buying cars with bounced cheques and then selling the vehicles. Yanuar Febrianto (25) was nabbed while with his girlfriend at an apartment in Surabaya after ignoring two police summonses for questioning. A Golkar official said the party would uphold the presumption of innocence. In North Padanglawas, North Sumatra province, police in January arrested a gang of five alleged car thieves, including a legislative candidate from Gerindra Party. The group allegedly rented dozens of vehicles and then sold them for discount prices. In Makassar, South Sulawesi, a legislative candidate for PPP, Firman Hatta, was reported to police on February 12 for allegedly running a bogus public works project. He allegedly convinced three men to hand over Rp145 million for the purchase of materials for a street lighting project and promised to share the profits, but it transpired there was no project. When elections attract dozens of corruption felons and prompt some candidates to allegedly turn to fraud, the outlook for Indonesia is not too rosy.

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Stephanie Brookes is a travel writer and blogger with tales from Indonesia and beyond. Please see Facebook and Instagram: stephtravelwriter



ife in Bali revolves around ceremonies, and one of the major highlights in the Balinese Calendar is Nyepi, the Day of Silence. The three- to five-day period leading up to Nyepi Day is one of the most exciting, colourful and festive times on the island. However, from the stroke of midnight on Nyepi Day things change. No one is allowed out on the streets, except in special circumstances such as medical emergencies. Pecalang, or community police, patrol the streets and will escort anyone found outside back home – or to jail. Even the stray Bali dogs don’t bark and somehow disappear. At night no fires are allowed and all lights must be off. The dark night descends on the whole island. If you are planning to experience Nyepi, then arrive before the day (March 7, 2019), as the airport and the port are closed on Nyepi Day. The Ubud area, which is a oneand-a-half hour drive from the airport, is a great place to be based for the celebrations that take place beforehand. It is widely recognised as the cultural heart of Bali. If you want an even richer experience of Nyepi, then I would suggest staying outside of the town of Ubud and finding a little hotel or villa in a small village nearby. Many village streets are buzzing with activity in the leadup to the day and locals are very happy for you to be involved. Keliki Village has lovely accommodation options, as does Pejeng Village. I was in Pejeng, located 4.5 km out of Ubud, during the week before Nyepi and observed industrious workers chiselling, sawing and glueing fantastic giant creatures on the roadsides. Preparations were underway to make the ogoh ogoh, which are very large, colourful, grotesque demon-like figures. My experience of Nyepi is one I will never forget, and one of the most authentic cultural experiences I have ever had. I was the only foreigner in the crowd in the village on Nyepi eve as the excitement started to build. First came the boisterous sound of the gamelan orchestra, which heralded the start of the parade. Next, a large group of child musicians with clanging instruments made its way through the village, accompanying the ogoh ogoh. Their drums and symbols resounded at a fever pitch as fireworks lit up the sky. This loud noise was to lure lurking demonic spirits out of their hiding places. All these spirits were being summoned so they could be expelled from the island, with the help of special curses. Most spectacular of all was the vibrant parade of scary ogoh ogohs which were raised high into the night sky on bamboo platforms, typically carried by strong adolescent boys. (The whole ceremony has a strong youth focus). Witches with long protruding bloody tongues were perched on top of towers,


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followed by white ghosts balancing on swings and ugly babies with ghastly features staring at the crowds with slime dripping down from their bald heads. This string of monsters paraded through the streets in anticipation of the highlight of the celebration: the burning of the ogoh ogoh, which would take place later at the cemetery. I certainly did not stay for that, because I wanted to make sure I got back home to my villa before midnight. I had been warned. The Nyepi ritual recognises the existence of negative forces and is seen as a way of sending them back to where they belong, ensuring harmony on the island. On the next day, the Day of Silence, Bali must look empty. The bad spirits have been rounded up and sent off the island. So, to trick them and prevent them from coming back, Bali must look devoid of all activity. It is a day of reflection, meditation and feeling gratitude. It is indeed, the silent day. Peace and quiet really do descend on Bali on this day. An extraordinary sense of calm comes with knowing no one is going about their regular business and that all public activity has simply stopped. This Balinese ritual inspired the first World Silent Day in 2012, which is now honoured by many people internationally every year on March 21. Nyepi also inspired Earth Day, which is another worldwide celebration honoured in more than 193 countries, on April 22. In the lead-up to Nyepi, I was talking with Nyoman, a local hotel worker. He told me, “If you have a special letter from the banjar (village council), you can, in fact, be out on Nyepi day.” Being a shift worker in the hospitality industry, he had a letter.

At night, after finishing work, Nyoman had to walk two kilometres home. He confided to me, “I was scared. I could not use my motorbike as it is not allowed and, of course, the streets are incredibly dark. It felt eerie. I bumped into another person, and we both screamed. He was also out with a special permission letter, but we were both terrified. What forces made us collide, on this night?” He added, “I will never go out again on Nyepi. It really scared me.” The many parades and other activities leading up to Nyepi make this a perfect time to visit Bali. Grand public events are held in Ubud central and other towns all over the island. At these big events up to 1,500 dancers and musicians perform, all dressed in elaborate costumes, some entering the stage on giant horses or dragon figures. Live music and fireworks finish off the evening. The date of Nyepi changes every year, as it is set according to the lunar calendar and the time of the dark moon. In 2019, it falls on March 7. Bali is the only place in the world that shuts down its airport and harbour for 24 hours. This is Indonesia – a land of many islands and a culture steeped in tradition, with events like Nyepi that should not be missed. Don’t think twice about it – jump on a plane, come and meet the ogoh ogoh and join this unique celebration of Balinese culture.

Accommodation: Pejeng Village – 5km out of Ubud, Bali Keliki Village – 9km out of Ubud

Making the best choices for your child’s education abroad?

Moving abroad offers huge benefits for a child – exposure to a different culture, hearing a new language and creating a new network of friends in school can instil confidence which will pay dividends in later life. Education is one of the main challenges and is a well-known barrier to relocating to a new country. Your child’s education will always be a priority, how do you make sure you are making the best choices for your child’s education abroad? It is worth taking the time to consider the options you have available.

Should you choose a local or international school? This is a vital decision that will decide what education your child receives.

Local School: If a permanent move or the duration of your children’s education you should consider a local school. This could also be an option for any young children. Younger children are able to pick up new languages quickly and so should adapt to this environment well. You’ll find that it will help them to make friends and adjust to their new culture easily.

International school: At an international school your children can follow the curriculum set out by their home country. For many expatriates who are on a temporary visa, learning the English curriculum in an international school means their children are able to slip back into school easily if they return home. There is also the option to take the international baccalaureate program which is valid across the world. If you might be relocating again while your children are in education this may be the option for you.

How can you prepare your children for an education abroad? If it is possible, visit the new school you have chosen with your children. This will help ease them into their new environment. They will be able to meet their future teachers and get a feel for what their new school will be like. Consider asking yourself these questions:

• Size: Are you looking for a small or a large school? • Activities: Is it important that the schools offer sports, music or arts? • Curriculum: Is the type of curriculum important?

How to plan for your move If your schedule is flexible enough you’ll want to plan your move around your children’s education. The best time to move that allows your children to have a smooth transition will be if it can coincide with the new school year. This will mean everyone will be starting the year together and they are also likely not to be the only new student. Which will help them fit into their new school environment easier.

A typical school admissions process: Step 1:

Visit the school for a tour and to gather information

Step 2:

Apply to the school – an application typically includes the following: • A complete application form and application fee • Previous school records • Confidential reference • Parent questionnaire • Copies of passports • Proof of parent employment or sponsor letter from company School decision – school may ask for further information Family financial commitment – a non-refundable confirmation fee Orientation arranged by school for student Enrollment

Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:

Crown has been providing local advice on schooling for every age, including day care and pre-schools. We can also arrange for school visits and accompany families where necessary. Let us know how we can find the right educational experience for your child. Crown Relocations Indonesia is prominent in local housing markets and able to negotiate favorable contract terms, as well as coordinate all the formalities in securing a new home. For more information, call us on +62 21 7588 2338 or visit

Go knowing

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Be Active and Stay Healthy with Houbii Sports Academy


hen you envision the trampoline, do you picture jumping in the backyard? According to Melvina Andini, Head of Academics at Houbii Sports Academy (HSA), that is completely different to what you will see in Houbii. “I always hear people saying that trampolining is only for fun and just to see how high you can jump. That’s a misconception,” she said when sitting down with Indonesia Expat. Trampolining is more than just jumping. As a part of gymnastics, trampolining is a sport that requires strategy and training to fulfil the subjective scoring in competitions. With a curriculum tailored to learners, HSA aims to help build children’s characters through sports. This academy

doesn’t just teach about the fun side of trampolines, but also the safety aspects and the benefit to the child’s body. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Kids these days tend to sit at home and watch TV, play with their computer or tablet, and when they do go out, especially in Jakarta, they usually only go to malls. This also applies to parents or indeed any person living here, no matter what age. People don’t have a lot of space to run around and stay active here. HSA wanted to provide a place to address this situation. To make people active and stay healthy, the trampoline can be a great option. Because trampolining uses so much energy and activates a lot of major muscles, it doesn’t take as much time to get fit as it does with a lot of other

sports. It only takes ten minutes on the trampoline to burn 420 calories! It’s hard to get that rate of burn with other activities. Ten minutes on the trampoline is equivalent to a 30-minute walk on the treadmill. In our fast-paced world, people want to save as much time as possible. Houbii is a safe indoor facility with loads of exciting activities for all ages that has a giant trampoline zone along with a wall climbing, foam pit, ninja obstacle course, and even a dedicated dodgeball arena. There are people of different nationalities in the classes at Houbii. Through these classes, Houbii aims to teach clients how to communicate in diverse groups. The classes are bilingual so they fit both foreigners and Indonesians. For 2019, HSA wants to focus on professional classes because the academy sees the potential to create new athletes for on the trampoline. HSA has good connections with Persani (Indonesian Gymnastics Association) as well as the Ministry of Sports. 2018 was the first time Indonesia competed in trampolining during the Asian Games, and HSA wants to continue to cultivate new athletes for Indonesia. At the end of last year, Houbii Sports Academy also has won 5 medals in 3rd Trampoline Singapore Invitational 2018. Now, Houbii is preparing for the Trampoline Championship which will return on April 26 to 28 this year. “This championship is a good opportunity for our children at this academy to compete with other participants from other countries. We want to give more game time to help develop out students to be professionals,” Melvina said. There is a massive prize this year, U2019 Trampoline Championship is offering Rp120 million to the winner!


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ANNOUNCEMENTS “21 Minutes of Wellness” Initiative for Frasers Hospitality’s 21st Anniversary JAKARTA As part of its 21st anniversary celebrations, Frasers Hospitality has launched its “21 Minutes of Wellness” global initiative on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. This initiative will see properties across Frasers Hospitality’s global network offering wellness related activities for the public on Fraser Day, which falls on March 31, 2019. The celebration will culminate in an online auction of room nights, with the proceeds being donated to the WWF Just One program, which supports action on climate change. “21 Minutes of Wellness” is the latest initiative of the global hospitality operator’s resolve to give back to the community by bringing together the very best of its offerings to nurture physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The initiative will see properties join forces with selected partners, such as fitness and yoga celebrities and instructors, as well as wellness companies, to conduct at least one of four types of activities - dance, meditation, running, or yoga. Each of these activities will last for 21 minutes, in line with the theme of the initiative. Selected properties will also donate room nights worth up to US$2,100 per property for the online auction. From February 27 to March 24, 2019, guests and members of the public can register for the complimentary activities through a dedicated microsite. Upon registration, participants will receive a direct link enabling them to enter the online auction, which will take place from March 29 to April 1, 2019.

A New Agreement to Manage Oak Tree Emerald Semarang

For more details on the online auction and activities offered under the ‘21 Minutes of Wellness’ initiative, please refer to or visit the Facebook event page, ‘FrasersHospitality21minutesofwellness’.

The New Sparkling Series from Sababay Winery BALI Good News for wine lovers! Sababay Winery introduced the new Sparkling Series at the beginning of 2019 in Jakarta and it will be available soon all over Indonesia. The Sparkling Series of bubbly wines are; Moscato De Bali (a refined bottle of sweet Bubbly White), Lambrusco (a Sweet Bubbly Red), Ascaro (a Dry Bubbly White – Prosecco style), and Moscarosa (a Sweet Bubbly Rose).

SEMARANG Mr. Philip Lim, Country General Manager for Indonesia of The Ascott Limited and Mr. Yohanes Ivan, Commissaries of PT. Jaya Perkasa Investama, have signed a management agreement to handle Oak Tree Emerald Semarang on Thursday, February 21, 2019. Through this management agreement, The Ascott Limited will now manage Oak Tree Emerald Semarang. The hotel has lovely facilities such as a swimming pool, restaurant, pool bar, a ballroom, and meeting rooms. The hotel has 172 units, made up of four different types of room: 120 Deluxe Rooms, 35 Executive Rooms, 16 Suites and 1 Presidential Suite.

Let YOUR MOMENT SPARK with NEW Moscato de Bali The award winning Moscato de Bali, made from Muscat grapes that have been grown in Bali, has been recognised since 2014 as a best-selling product. It is everybody’s favourite. The revitalised Moscato De Bali will delight your palate with soft and pleasant acidity; this is a refreshingly sweet, fruity wine. Add SPARK TO YOUR LIFE with a sweet memory from Lambrusco The audacious addition to the Sababay line of wines; Lambrusco, with its soft bubbles tickles the palate

and is uplifted with sweet flavours of dark red fruits and exotic spices. The texture is rich and drives to a slightly creamy finish. A fizzy delicacy to share with good companions.

“We are grateful to be able to go into partnership with The Ascott Limited in managing our property. This partnership shows that The Ascott Limited has trust in the quality and the potential of the Oak Tree Emerald Semarang. We believe that this cannot be separated from Semarang's position as one of the most attractive tourist attractions and business destinations,” said Commissaries of PT. Jaya Perkasa Investama, Mr. Yohanes Ivan.

Give SPARK TO YOUR SOUL with the Light of Ascaro Ascaro is a name derived from the Sanskrit word Aksara, which means light. It appeals to the senses with seductive aromas of tropical fruits, yellow apple, and a hint of spices with its delightful bubbles and refreshing palate. A dry style sparkling wine designed for celebrations.

Country General Manager Indonesia of The Ascott Limited, Mr. Philip Lim explained, “with the growing demand for accommodation, especially from business travellers and foreign tourists, there will be an impact on the type of client who chooses to stay in our hotel. We are optimistic about business prospects in Indonesia, with its high number of domestic and foreign tourists. The property that we manage will be able to provide alternative, high quality choices for travellers,” Philip Lim said.

The sweetness of Moscarosa will SPARK YOUR LOVE Made from indigenous Balinese grapes, Alphonse Lavallée is a sweet sparkling rosé wine that combines the aroma of wild strawberry, guava, citrus and a pleasant minerality. Moscarosa is created to redefine the rosé wine category in Indonesia and to complement Moscato De Bali.

The Ascott Limited also emphasised its commitment by elaborating its business development plan. “Besides Semarang, The Ascott Limited will also be opening several properties in other cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Karawang, Bali, and Yogyakarta,” Philip Lim added.

A Winery Tour is available now to see the process of wine making, and experience state-ofthe-art, new latitude vinification; visit www.


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Italian Cuisine at Il Mare of Hotel Senayan, Jakarta

JAKARTA Treat your family to a sensational diner that has everyone’s taste preferences covered. Il Mare, the Italian restaurant at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta presents the idea of indulging in authentic Italian cuisines, in the finest Italian way. The Italian Executive Chef of Il Mare elevates the dining experience to a whole new level by bringing the newest tastes of Italy using modern and artistic presentation.

Guests are invited to experience Italian cuisines. They can choose between selections of appetisers, main course, and dessert during lunch and dinner service. The feast will be preceded by appetisers, and guests are welcome to choose one of these delectable dishes, either Caesar salad, tuna carpaccio, eggplant parmigiana, Atlantic smoked salmon, roasted veal, pumpkin soup, or cream of wild mushroom. What about the main course? Guests have options ranging from penne tomato, roasted salmon, grilled tuna steak, charcoal boneless half chicken, and rump steak tagliata. Finally, close the perfect dining experience with one of a variety of homemade ice creams and sherbets, apple tart and classic tiramisu. This exquisite set menu is also available to be enjoyed with one bottle of wine during lunch and dinner. For those who want to experience a great taste of Italian Cuisine at Il Mare, please note that lunch is available from 12.00 noon to 2.30pm and dinner from 6pm to 10.30pm. For reservations and information please call (62 21) 574 7777 or access our website

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If you want your event to be posted here, please contact +622129657821 or email:


you can't miss out on! Tickets are priced at Rp450,000 each and are available for purchase via online at tickets and via offline at all Pizza e Birra outlets in Jakarta and Bandung. Price excludes 15 percent government tax.


start from IDR 300,000. For more information, visit http:// indonesia/jakarta/startupweekend/14116 Sports

2.5km Run. Early bird slots are running out fast – Sign up now! Registration ends on March 10. For more info and to register, visit events/bali


Beautyfest Asia 2019 29 – 31 March 2019 Looking for a beauty festival? BeautyFest Asia 2019 is now open! BeautyFest Asia is the largest beaut y festival and exhibition in South East Asia where beauty experts, creators, and brands can connect from all across the region. Held at Ciputra Artpreneur, Jakarta, all beauty enthusiasts are welcome to meet and find new products and ideas. Some of the many beauty experts taking part in this event are Nadya Aqilla, Alpha Makeup, Agnes Oryz, among many others. For tickets please go to https://beautyfestasia. Music

Chris Henry (UK) Baloonatics 31 March 2019 tour, Ed Sheeran is not only one of the most successful recording acts, ever, but one of the world’s most in-demand live acts. In 2017, he canceled his Indonesian concert date, as well as those in other countries due to injury. However, the “Shape of You” singer has confirmed that he will make a stop in Jakarta following his Divide World Tour 2019. Promoted by PK Entertainment, the concert will take place at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on May 3. Tickets can only be bought from www.edsheeranjakarta. com and Tokopedia.

Good News! Chris Henry (UK) Baloonatics will be performing in Jakarta. Balloonatics is the award nominated and family comedy show that has travelled the world, ideal for anyone who is crazy about balloons. It’s silly, it’s noisy, its energetic, it’s chaotic, it’s got plenty for adults as well as kids, and is the perfect antidote to the serious world around us. When you join the Balloonatics army, there is only one thing you have to remember: you don’t have to be good at something for it to be fun. Held at the American Club, doors open 6.00pm. Mark your calendar and stay tuned in www. For more information, drop your question to or contact +6282111943084.

2019 Amazing Big Durian Race 27 April 2019

Bali Spirit Festival 24 – 31 March 2019

It’s a scavenger hunt, team building d ynamo, a d ay of great prizes, challenges, and chances to explore some sides of Jakarta you might not even have known exist! This year’s race, organised by AmCham and the Young Professionals Committee, will be held on April 27, 2019. Great fun awaits the bold and the brave! The race time is 10:00 to 18:00. Teams of 3-4 people will gather at our brunch venue to put together their game plan, before the race begins at 11:00. At the end, teams will count their points and the winners will be announced at the closing venue. The two exciting, centrally located venues will be revealed just prior to the event. Mark your calendar and stay tuned on Instagram @amchamindonesia or visit for details.

Join us at one of the world’s most inspiring celebrations of global community, world music and well-being, taking place on the idyllic islands of Bali. BaliSpirit Festival summons yoga enthusiasts, dancers, musicians and spirituality seekers from all corners of the globe, joining together to inspire one another and nourish each individuals potential within. Open your heart and be transformed! The six-day, seven-night festival, with over 7,0 0 0 at tendees from over 50 countries, offers a concentrated schedule of events, workshops, concerts, seminars and children’s activities, all taking place at two amazing venues that embody the spirit of Bali.

BALI Conference


Engelbert Humperdinck Live in Jakarta 13 March 2019 Titled The Angel on My Shoulder, the Jakarta leg of Engelbert Humperdinck’s tour will take place on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019, 8pm at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel. The personal setting will offer Engelbert’s fans an intimate immersion in his powerful voice and soulful performance. To help concert goers relive the hits, the Makara Ballroom will be illuminated with special lighting and a surround sound system. For tickets, visit Ed Sheeran Live in Jakarta 3 May 2019 Currently on the North American leg of his global ‘Divide’ stadium


Indonesia expat ISSUE 233

B e a u t y a n d B a l a n c e: A n Equinox Celebration in Bali 17 – 24 March 2019

Ruel “Ready Tour 2019” Live in Jakarta 27 March 2019 For the first time ever, Australian singing sensation Ruel is set to perform in Indonesia, bringing his Ready Tour 2019 to Soehanna Hall, Jakarta on 27 March. At the age of just 16 years old, Ruel has caught the world's attention with his enigmatic soulful voice through his Gold-certified singles including 'Younger', 'Don't Tell Me', and 'Dazed & Confused', off his debut EP 'Ready'. This year, Ruel is set to bring his Ready Tour to Jakarta for a special one -night- only performance

Startup Weekend Jakarta 2019 5 – 7 April 2019

Super League Triathlon Bali 23 – 24 March 2019

Take the first step towards launching your own startup in just 5 4 hours! A 5 4 -hour weekend long event, groups of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more will pitch their ideas for new startup companies form teams around those ideas, and work to develop a working prototype, demo, or presentation by Sunday evening. The locations will be both Location in Greenhouse Coworking and Office Space, Multivision Tower. Ticket prices

Looking for a new challenge in 2019? Age Group registrations for the @GoodLifeBCA Super League Triathlon Bali are now open! Held at the stunning Ayodya Resort Bali, Nusa Dua, we welcome athletes of all abilities to a festival of triathlon, live entertainment, and pro racing – with a fireworks display to end the weekend with a bang. Hit those new year goals with a variety of run and triathlon categories, including the new Super League Enduro Triathlon, where you complete a 250m Swim, 10km Bike, and

Join Maureen Cane for a weeklong equinox retreat in the heart of Bali to cultivate inner balance, generate new intentions for the Spring season and reinvigorate your physical body following the dormant winter months (for us northern hemisphere dwellers). The equinox is the moment of orbital balance marked by days and nights of equal length, before leaning back towards light in the northern hemisphere and welcoming darkness in the southern. Set back into the verdant rice fields, our retreat center for the week will provide the perfect environment for this deep and nourishing work. You will enjoy beautifully decorated

rooms, delicious vegetarian meals and excursions to some of Bali’s most colorful markets and sacred local temples. Each day of the retreat will offer a balanced blend of invigorating asana flow and restful restorative practice, with plenty of quiet moments to unwind, breathe and soak up the local environment. We’ll source inspiration from Bali’s uniquely rich culture, spirit and landscape to shed unwanted layers, awaken to new possibilities and forge strong connections. You will leave with a renewed sense of purpose, spirit and self! For tickets, visit retreats/beauty-and-balance-acelebration-of-equinox Music IBLA Grand Prize 2019 25 March 2019 The 2019 IBL A Competition winners, a group of highly acclaimed international soloists, are performing live at Green School. The IBLA Grand Prize International Music Competition is an annual music competition that is open to all instruments, vocalists, and composers and there is a focus on classical music. The competition aims to nourish the career of the winners by offering a large international performance experience. The 2019 IBLA Grand Prize winners will per form in Bali for one exclusive show as part of their international tour. Tickets are limited, and available for 550k including the booking fee. All of the profits will support Green School Bali’s local scholarship programme and the Bali Children Foundation Scholarships for disadvantaged students. For more information visit Facebook: @IBLA Grand Prize.

YOGYAKARTA Music Prambanan Orchestra 6 July 2019 Prambanan Orchestra, a colossal event orchestra music concert will be held on July 6, 2019 at Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta. In the first edition of the Prambanan Orchestra event, Yanni, a world-class musician and composer from Greece, will show her skills in front of thousands of homeland music lovers at the Prambanan temple masterpiece complex.

EASTERN PROMISE Business hours: 10 am ‘till late Jl. Kemang Raya 5, Kemang p:(021) 7179 0151 e:


A Runny Nose… Could It be Allergic Rhinitis? Inflammation of the inside of the nose can be allergic rhinitis, caused by an allergen. Examples of allergens are pollen, dust, mould, or flakes of skin from animals.

Treating and preventing allergic rhinitis

What are the symptoms?

What are the causes?

Allergic rhinitis typically causes cold-like symptoms, like sneezing, itchiness, runny nose or even blocked nose. These symptoms usually appear after being exposed to something you are allergic to (allergen).

Allergic rhinitis happens because your immune system is reacting to an allergen as if it were harmful.

It's difficult to avoid all potential allergens, but you can try to minimise exposure to known allergens. You can use non-sedating antihistamines, and you can rinse your nasal passages with a salt water solution to reduce irritants.

It is also possible to get allergic rhinitis for a few months a year, because you might be sensitive to seasonal allergens, like tree or grass pollen. Other people get allergic rhinitis all year round.

Cells in your body will release a number of chemicals which cause the inner lining of your nose to become swollen and it will produce mucus (slime). Common allergens that cause allergic rhinitis include pollen (hay fever), mould spores, house dust mites, flakes of skin or droplets of urine or saliva from certain animals.

Most people have mild symptoms that can be easily treated. Some people have symptoms that can be severe and persistent. They can cause sleep problems and interfere with everyday life. The symptoms can improve with time, but this can take years and the condition might not disappear completely.

When to see your GP (at Good Practice) Visit your trusted medical practitioner if the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are disrupting your sleep or when the symptoms prevent you doing your everyday activities. The diagnosis is based on your symptoms and any possible triggers you may have noticed. If the cause is unclear you could consider allergy testing.

Dr Steven Graaff,MD,MRCGP, the founder of Good Practice Clinic is a graduate of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Before completing his formal training in General Practice in the UK, he worked in several hospitals, occupational health and general practice in the Netherlands and the UK. As a medical professional with international experience,Steven decided to start his own clinic – Good Practice, in Jakarta

See your trusted medical practitioner for advice. You may need stronger medication, or a nasal spray containing corticosteroids.

Complications Allergic rhinitis can cause complications in some cases, like: • Nasal polyps– abnormal (benign) sacs of fluid that grow inside the nasal passages and sinuses • Sinusitis– an infection caused by nasal inflammation and swelling that prevents mucus draining from the sinuses • Middle ear infections– infection located directly behind the eardrum

Non-allergic rhinitis Not all cases of rhinitis are caused by an allergic reaction. Sometimes rhinitis is the result of: • An infection, such as the common cold • Oversensitive blood vessels in the nose • Overuse of nasal decongestants This type of rhinitis is known as non-allergic rhinitis. Good Practice has registered patients from over 60 countries. Our all-English-speaking team implements international guidelines. Try us!

Jl. Bangka Raya #106B Jakarta 12730 Tel. +62-21-7183140

ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



Indonesia Expat is looking for a highly motivated

PR/Sales Representative to join its Sales and Marketing Team.

The ideal candidate must have a strong interest in media sales, eager to learn, and be able to represent the company well. The future PR/Sales Representative will have the opportunity to work in a small team and learn directly from experienced employees. The candidate w i l l a l s o g e t to a t te n d n et wo r k i n g eve nt s a n d daily meetings with clients or potential advertisers in order to meet and exceed reve n u e t a r g et s . F re s h graduates who are looking to start their career in a local English-basis publication are more than welcome. Skills Required: • An excellent command of written and spoken English (native) with ver y go o d communications skills • Ver y good Bahasa communications skills • Excellent organization skills • The ability to sell and gain new clients • T he abilit y to present and pitch adver tising opportunities • The abilit y to organise events • A good understanding of sales techniques • A good understanding of social media • Hardworking, outgoing and positive Job Description: • Build and develop relationships with existing or potential clients • Attend networking events • Liaise with sales and editorial team • Plan, develop and implement sales and PR strategies • Reach sales target

If you believe this is the job for you, please send a cover letter and CV to info@ Due to t h e h i g h d e m a n d o f applicants, only candidates who will reach interview stage will be contacted.

Looking for math teacher in Jakarta Selatan? Please contact me for a free trial lesson : Pipit + 6 2 8 7 7 8 2 0 12 6 2 0 . E m a i l : Jakarta International College, which provides pathway programs to International Universities: Monash University - Australia and Western Michigan University - USA, requires additional Expatriate lecturers for its Surabaya Campus. Requirements include being able to teach English


Indonesia expat ISSUE 233

Literature subject, possess at least a Bachelor's degree from reputable overseas university, possess a teaching certificate and/ or have at least 3 years of full-time teaching experience in a tertiary environment, fluent in written and oral English. Responsibilities are planning and teaching the assigned classes, checking and assessing students'work , enc ouraging students personal development. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interested candidates are welcome to e-mail their full CV and cover letter to redes.harjono@ I am German and I’m searching for a Bahasa Teacher in Sunter or BSD Please send me a WhatsApp, if you are interested. Phone Number: +6281211983803. Email:


Learn Spanish (IB, IGCSE, DELE) at your place with a DELE- certified examiner from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools (JIS and BSJ). Please call me (Raúl) +6282110502786.

Bahasa Indonesia lessons for expats living in South Jakarta, Kuningan, Country Wood, BSD, given by instructor with 20 years experience. Flexible schedule. Please call Pak Chairuman +628121037466 or email chairuman1942@

Pest control, if you need someone to do pest control by profesional stuff for your house/apartment/ office,please feel free to call/ message us at +6281906324901. We solve the problem for your house from termite, mosquito,bugs,etc.we will give you low budget but best result. Phone Number: +6281906324901 Email: SM A R Z L anguage Center: Indonesian language training by Online Course or face to face (Jakarta and surrounding area). We have more than 10 years experience training Indonesian language for expatriates in Indonesia. Student can learn up to newspaper reading class/level. Pls check our website at Call +6281286494560. If you need someone to do pest control by profesional stuff for your house/apartmn/office,please feel free to call/message us at +6281906324901.We solve the problem for your house from termite, mosquito,bugs,etc.we will give you low budget but best result. Email: yuniiraning1977@ English Language Tutor Online I can help to improve your English Language Skills. Lessons conducted on Skype. 1 hour = Rp. 50,000 W hatsA pp: +6 28 21131124 0 3 Email: Help your child reach his potential! If your child has AD/HD, Autism, P D D/ N OS, Down Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD), or a specific Learning

Disability (LD) and needs after school home support to cope up with school work, please feel free to contact Teacher Jun at teacher. for an appointment. Online Tarot reader , by appointment only via WA:+6281807856883. Master Ceremony for DJ performance, wedding, birthday, exhibition, brand activities, etc. Please call: +6281292568213. Rental sound system, lighting, instrument music , decoration party area, etc. Please call JIMKINNI production: +6281292568213. Highly Professional Music Teachers – I met Ibu Rosa and Ibu Karina, both are highly experienced piano teachers, through Ensiklomusika Music School. I would like to add a few words on their skills to teach children – extremely patient, accommodating and always positive in her approach to ensure that kids are enthusiastic to the entire learning process. My two kids (aged 10 & 5) have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons delivered by Ensiklomusika Music School. They are very skilled in understanding the mood of children and varies their lesson plans to motivate children. Their English skills are ver y good and they are easy going with kids. Highly recommended. They have classes for anyone aged 2 and above. We have moved abroad and they can be contacted on info@ensiklomusika. com or +6287808881619. Feel free to contact me by email.Bhagya Laksmi:

Einstein Private Tuition, Mathematics and Science tuition for all level students especially in IB and Cambridge curriculum. Best teacher will come to your home. Guarantee best result. C all: + 6 2 8 5 214 0713 0 0 / +6 28 5719 20 5 5 0 8 (Mr. Fernando). Email :

Nissan X-Trail 2.5 ST A/ T for Sale. Production Year: 2006. Mileage: 148,000km. Transmission: Automatic. Engine: 2.5 petrol, 170HP. Color: Black Metallic. Price: EUR4,750 (Negotiable/ Best Offer) Tax Estimation: Rp48,406,060. For non diplomatic mission or duty free privileged buyers, C-Form is required (Proof of Tax Payment issued by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Indonesian Ministry of Finance). For more info please contact: +628118255432.


I nt ro d u ci ng a l u x u r i o u s apar tm e nt c all e d “Casa Domaine Prive”. Developed by PT Griyaceria Nusamekar, an alliance project of three leading property developers namely Lyman Group, Kerry Group, and Salim Group. St rategi c all y l o c ate d at the heart of Jakarta’s CBD with direct access to Jalan Sudirman and Jalan KH Mas Mansyur and close to the future integration facilities/ TOD dukuh which formed the largest transit development orientation in Jakarta. Minutes away from lifestyle and financial hubs i.e. short distance to Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia Malls, Casa Domaine Prive offers 2, 3, and ultra exclusive 4 bedroom units starting from ± 147sqm. Please contact our marketing team for available units to buy or rent. Units ready to be occupied now. For further details please contact Monica at +6281314201947.

Car polish Salon Home services, make your car clean & glossy, price starting 700K please call / WA : +6281292568213.


Toyota Innova Car for Sale. Manual transmission. Manufactured in 2011. Engine capacity 2 liter, Ecellent condition anf fully serviced. Tax paid until October 2019. Silver metallic colour. Mileage: 55,000 km. Selling price Rp160 million. Contact via WA: +6281314 6 976 4 3 or email

Senopati Suites Apartment for rent or sell. It's in the heart of south Jakarta's Central Business District. Complete luxurious facilities are provided in the building, such as indoor swimming pool, gym , library , private lift , etc. It's only 5-10 minutes away from shopping malls, main financial and business district. Unit size : 167 m2 , 2+1 Bedroom, 3 bathrooms, living room, 2 kitchen, fully furnished, TV, wifi connection, etc. Please contact me via WA for details price and showing unit : +6281511110100. For rent 300 houses at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Jeruk Purut, Pond ok Ind ah. Big g ard ens , swimming pools, USD 2,000 5,000. Phone: +62816859551 or +628170093366.

Personal classifieds = FREE Property and other commercial classifieds = PAID (50 words = Rp.100,000 | 50 words + image = Rp.250,000)

Next submission day:

20 March 2019

Hamptons Park Pondok Indah, South Jakarta - size 102 sqm, fully furnished - full facilities - walking distance to Starbucks, Hero near by Pondok Indah hospital, Jakarta Outer Ring Road Toll, Cilandak, Ke m a n g a n d P o n d o k I n d a h Whatsapp +6282114131051. Beautiful new full renovated house for rent. 2 storey + basement. 750m 2 + 1000m 2 land with join pool. Located 10 minutes from Cilandak Commercial Estate. USD 3,000/ month nett excluding tax (negotiate). If interested please call / wa owner at +62811180605.

For immediate lease: 150 sqm (net) office unit on a high floor at Alamanda Tower in furnished condition.

Comfortable two-storey house, 3 0 0m2 in exclusive quiet compound with pool. 3 bedroom, 2 with ensuite, maid room, store room, garage, carport. Dry and wet kitchen. Bright and air y, semi furnished. Close to mall,

3 bedroom of the garden apartment Kemang Jaya for sale, 175m with extra storage. It is on the ground floor have access to the very big garden with swimming pool, tennis courts, fish pond, jogging track, gymnasium, minimart, etc.. free from flood. Price below market: IDR. 3.3 billion. Info: jakartalinks@

Luxur y A par tment for Lease Bellagio Residence in Kuningan, 34th Floor Unfurnished with 184 sqm net, 2 Balconies, Newly refurbished totally, 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 1 hall equipped with a kitchen set and AC. Spectacular views over Kuningan Buildings, swimming pool, parking space. Address: Bellagio Residence Tower A 34th Floor, Unit3. Phone number: +6281219299258. Email: betty@ Apartment rental by direct owner US$1,200/month (include service charge, min. 1 year rental) -


from centre of Yogyakarta and 30 min from new build international air p or t ). C ont ac t for fur ther information +6281904098498 or “Moesson antik�+6281931233213.



Taman Sari Panoramic Apartment 19 t h fl o o r. T he a p ar tment is combination of 2 units put together Hoek position, one unit is 37,20 m2 , total is 74,4 + m2. 1 master bedroom. 2 regular bedrooms. Price: Rp590 million. Please contact WA only: +6281290070037.

YOGYAKARTA PROPERTY Land 2,120m2 for sale Rp1.5 million per metre (certificated), location Parangtritis Beach (Special Area of Yogyakarta), great view Indian Ocean surrounded by lush green tropical hills and chalk cliffs ( hang/paragliding) only 30 min.

Wonderful Sanur Bali Villa for sale. Two large bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms (master with walk-in closet), office, large living space, large western style kitchen, staff kitchen and quarters, large pool and bale. Five minutes from Sanur Beach, ten minutes from the international school. Expat designed, built and owned since new. Lease 18 years renewable. US $ 28 0,0 0 0 nego. najwag @ +62816572861.

JOBS AVAILABLE The Bali fab dive center, PADI diving, based in Amed, NorthEast of Bali, is looking for a general manager speaking minimum French and English. We are looking for a motivated person, a worker with excellent skills. The person is responsible for managing the diving center, guest house and Indonesian

and western staff, customer and sales, marketing and business development in connection with the director. Knowing how to fix diving equipment is a great +. Mainly management work, very little work as an instructor. Fixed Salary + Premium on objective, Indonesian work permit provided by the center, function apartment located in the diving. Experience in mandatory

diving center management and experience in the hotel is great. Knowing driving left and holding an international permit is mandatory. C ont ac t us by email onl y at Send in your personal classifieds to:

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ISSUE 233 Indonesia expat



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