Indonesia Expat - issue 253

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ISSUE NO. 253 | 15 – 28 JANUARY 2020





Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020


Edo Frese





Dian Mardianingsih (Jakarta) Wahyu Atmaja (Bali) MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS

Dear Readers,

Contents NATIONAL ISSUE Welcome to the Roaring Twenties

Did you set any resolutions to stick to and follow this year? Or have you completely ditched forming resolutions because they’re pointless? Either way, a fresh start this New Year will bring an opportunity to do great things. Perhaps you have put off your dreams, but now is a time for them to be realised.

NATIONAL ISSUE A Cleft Lip Surgery for a Two-Year-Old DISTRIBUTION & ADMIN

Juni Setiawan


Happy New Year 2020! May you keep on shining at the start of a fresh year that’s hopefully filled with laughter, joy, and warmth.




Lini Verawaty

MOVIE REVIEW Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Tragically, it’s only been a couple of weeks since we’ve welcomed a new decade, but a national disaster has struck us. Reports from the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) have appealed to the public to be aware of heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds and storms that will pour down on Jakarta and its peripheral areas until late March. The chances of flooding, similar to that of January 1, as well as landslides and long periods of blackouts, are likely going to happen again. Please remember to secure your valuable documents and electronics. Many people are opinionated about the recent fatal flooding being linked to climate change, along with the poor water system the city has. Do you agree? PUBLISHED BY

PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia 17th floor, Pondok Indah Office Tower 3, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 29, Pd. Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12310 T: +62 21 2953 8871 Office hours: 09.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

Opinions Expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Let’s not forget about the devastating fires in Australia, similar to Riau’s forest fires and smog last year. If only we could transport the rainfall to Australia. Also, netizens are chattering about World War III due to the USA’s drone attack against Iran, assassinating top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, with Iran now having launched ballistic missiles targeting the US presence in Iraq. In lighter news, the local government of Greater Jakarta has issued a circular letter to ban plastic bags effective from June. A little too late to the party, unlike Bali and Semarang, but its better late than never. Prepare your tote bags, or like in Thailand’s case, bring your used rice sacks, barrels, and other creative storage carriers to the supermarkets! Rather than sulking about the bad, gloomy, and humid weather, enjoy this first edition of Indonesia Expat in 2020. Don’t forget to check out our Events and Classified sections. Happy reading!

10 TRAVEL Explore Kediri: Where Nature Meets History

12 INFO FOR EXPATS What is the Minimum Capitall in Indonesia for a Foreign-Owned Company?

14 BUSINESS PROFILE Charlie Feng and Daliyanto Soebandy

15 WHAT'S UP Fire and Flood

16 ART & CULTURE Ika, The Great Businesswoman of Belly Dance



Edo Frese






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national issue

Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

Welcome to the Roaring Twenties It’s the start of a new decade and it looks like it’s going to be a prosperous one for Indonesia. BY ANDY BARSKI


f you’re following Seven Stones Indonesia’s blogs or social media posts, you'll be familiar with our positive tone on where Indonesia is heading. We know it’s not perfect and there are challenges to face up to, but Indonesia is addressing its problems and making changes to create a dynamic and competitive economy – one that’s worth taking seriously if you're looking at making investments. US-China Trade War Of course, the global economic climate is a significant factor when we look at the prospects for Indonesia. For many analysts, it’s far from crystal clear. One of the most significant considerations is the US-China trade war and the impact this is having on economies around the world. It’s difficult to say how long this is likely to last, especially considering recent developments in the Middle East, but a continued tit-for-tat approach is likely to have negative effects on both parties, and the rest of us. That's not good for anyone. Europe and Brexit The situation in Europe, especially around Brexit, isn’t much better when we’re looking for stability. A recent Forbes article suggested, “the EU’s biggest economy, Germany, is set to slide into a recession,” and “Italy, the EU’s fourth-largest economy, was in a technical recession for the second half of 2018 and has faced continued economic woes from weak productivity, high unemployment, huge debts, and political turmoil.”(source: Forbes) Palm Oil and Nickel Then there’s the very sticky issue of palm oil, of which Indonesia is the world's largest producer. The EU is decidedly anti-palm oil because of environmental issues surrounding deforestation, which impacts on its trade deals with Indonesia. Indonesia is also the world's largest producer of nickel ore, which Europe needs for its steel and EV battery industries, so Indonesia’s ban on nickel ore exports isn't going down so well. Instead, Indonesia is focusing on developing its own local refineries and trading in much higher value, nickel-based commodities. This current impasse doesn't help either party but they do also need each other in the long run. Indonesian Opportunities These global issues, however, present domestic opportunities. While the US and China lock horns, and the EU and Indonesia battle it out, attractive business opportunities are presenting

themselves here, especially because new markets are being opened as trade agreements with other countries are being developed.

up. The state-owned companies of Pertamina and Garuda have both seen directors and c-suite executives removed in efforts to cut down on corruption and inefficiency.

CEPA Agreement with Australia One of the most important of these deals is with Australia. Both countries are in the process of ratifying something called the CEPA agreement – the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. This will create a framework for Australian and Indonesian businesses to expand and diversify economic partnerships.

Omnibus Law An Omnibus law basically covers a number of diverse topics and we're about to see the release of one in Indonesia. If reports are to be believed, areas being addressed will largely be around taxation and labour.

EFTA Agreement Then there’s a CEPA with non-EU, European countries including Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein, and Iceland, called EFTA, the European Free Trade Association. According to EFTA’s website, EFTA states and Indonesia will reciprocally remove all customs duties on imports of industrial products. Indonesia’s Investment Climate President Joko Widodo’s focus on economic development is having important effects. Trade deficits are being reduced, as are the needs for fuel subsidies and it’s all adding to a strengthening of the economy. There’s a long way to go, but we think the train has left the station and more foreign investors are likely to take Indonesia a lot more seriously than they have done in the past. We’re not alone. Recent reports in Bloomberg also support this outlook for Indonesia in 2020. One, in particular, suggests that “after two years of stagnant growth, Indonesian stocks will hit a record in 2020, when President Joko Widodo’s policies to shore up the economy take effect,” say analysts from JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley. Indonesia Stock Exchange The President opened the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on its first day of trading in 2020 on January 2 when he announced 55 new companies had listed their shares on the market. He said this was the highest number of listed stocks in ASEAN, the seventh highest in the world, and longterm fundraising had reached an impressive Rp877 trillion (approximately US$62.64 billion). New Cabinet Clean Up The new Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, has rolled up his sleeves and set about cleaning things

It sets a clear domestic road map, and we're big fans of road maps! It strengthens the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Online Single Submission (OSS) system that will allow for quick action on any investment issues and challenges. They should also be able to extend further tax reductions and benefits, as well as offer strategic plans for investment and industry in various provinces. Airport Investment Last but not least, possibly one of the most momentous moves aimed at encouraging investment in Indonesia has been Singapore’s Changi Airports International Pte Ltd. being awarded a 25-year concession to operate Komodo Airport in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. The consortium, which includes Changi and PT Cardig Aero Services, will invest some Rp1.2 trillion (approximately US$86 million) to expand the existing airport runway, aprons, and international terminals. According to Reuters, an additional Rp5.7 trillion will also be invested into the airport’s operations. The natural spinoff from this is more investment in hotels and the tourism industry, including everything and anything supporting it. This is the first time foreign operators have been allowed to operate an airport in Indonesia and there are strong signs it won't be the last. The roaring twenties have only just started and exciting times are ahead! For more detailed information, overviews, and how Seven Stones Indonesia can be of service building bridges for cross border investments, please touch base at hello@

Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

A Cleft Lip Surgery for a Two -Year -Old BY VARJA DIJKSTERHUIS


elsi Kapitan was born with a cleft lip and therefore she has a hard time eating, talking, and even playing with friends. Fortunately, this is almost a thing of the past, as she will get surgery soon. The twoyear-old will then be able to eat and play, and excitngly learn to talk properly just like other toddlers. Little Delsi looks thoughtfully and curiously around her, while she is nibbling a soy bean. That’s not so easy with a cleft lip, but by constantly pushing the bean back with her little hand, she has found a way to manage it. She peeks at me sometimes, when she is not hiding her face in the arms of her father, Wilhelmus Kapitan. Together with him, she has just arrived in Rumah Bicara, the homestay in Bali where Delsi and other patients get prepared for their surgery. This is the first time that Delsi and her father are anywhere other than their birthplace, Seram Island. The trip to Bali took a total of more than 14 hours. The Kapitan family lives in an isolated area of the Indonesian island of Seram. Compared to Bali, the people of Seram Island are really poor: for the Kapitan family, electricity is a luxury they will never experience. The eight of them live in a small wooden hut and everybody works hard to make ends meet. Delsi’s father chops wood in the forest for a living, and he tries to sell it at the market. “But often I have bad days,” he explains. “The days that I don’t sell any wood means we don’t earn any money. Mostly we live on less than Rp933,587 (EUR60) a month.” In Indonesia, the average wage varies per island and region, but it often varies between Rp1.9 million (EUR120) and Rp3.1 million (EUR200) a month. Obviously, the Kapitan family earns below the average income. Surgery for Delsi is definitely not affordable for her father to pay. Even a trip to the nearest hospital takes about two hours by car and one hour by boat, which would cost them Rp233,396 (EUR15). Wilhelmus says that he could never afford that. A surgery costing from Rp9.1million (EUR585) is all but unimaginable. Two weeks ago, our local scout found out about young Delsi. Kolewa Foundation volunteers, Ed and Miranda Monteiro, were sold when they heard about her story and when they saw photos of her. They didn’t hesitate at all and offered to pay for Delsi’s surgery. Everything went fast: one of our team members travelled to Seram Island to pick up Delsi and her father, then brought them to our shelter at Rumah Bicara in Bali. “I still can’t believe we got this chance,” Wilhelmus says with surprise. “We had already accepted that our little girl would have to live like this forever. I’m so relieved for her future; she has way more chance of getting a job now than before. Even eating for her was hard, that is why she is so skinny.” Except for the eating and speech problems, there is another disadvantage for people with a cleft lip to deal with. Due to social barriers, these people are often excluded from communities. As a result, they can fall into social isolation as they are less likely to make friends, find a partner, and find a job. For Delsi, this minor intervention means a major change for the rest of her life.

Visit the website for further details.


movie review


is an example that jumps to mind. But the more I watched, the more I realised that the whole plot itself feels very familiar to Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983).

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker BY DIANA SYARAH

*WARNING! THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS Spaceship battles? Check. Exploding planets? Check. Lightsaber duels plus dramatic screaming? Check and check. Is that what Star Wars is really about, though? Christmas came early for Star Wars fans in 2019. The saga that started in 1977, with the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, is finally coming to an end. In general, the film still continues the journey of the Resistance in the aftermath of their battle with the First Order. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) now becomes the leader of the First Order after he killed Supreme Leader Snoke. He comes with a bigger ambition; expanding their fleet and army to wipe out the Resistance once and for all. Along the way, he makes an unexpected ally; none other than Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) himself. All this time, he’s been hiding in an unknown territory, plotting revenge. Palpatine proposes to build a new regime called the Final Order, but first Kylo needs to find Rey. However, the Resistance always fights back, despite their lack of numbers and resources. Again, the fate of the Resistance

and the whole galaxy are in the hands of Poe (Oscar Isaac), Finn (John Boyega), and Rey (Daisy Ridley), with a little help from an old and much-loved character, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) who makes a return for the final battle. Together, they embark on an adventure to find the location of Palpatine’s lair, which leads them to new and forbidden places and to meetings with new people along their journey such as Zorri (Keri Russell) who’s an old acquaintance of Poe, and an ex-stormtrooper named Jannah (Naomi Ackie). Meanwhile, Kylo and Rey face a more difficult battle. Not against each other, but a battle within themselves. Rey is still haunted by her past, her parents, and who she really is. There’s a fear inside her and it takes a toll on her Jedi training. On the other hand, Kylo is consumed by the guilt of killing his own father, Han Solo (Harrison Ford). Their internal struggle would test whether they belong to the Light Side or the Dark Side. Some mind-bogging questions will be revealed in this latest instalment of the intergalactic expedition. Rey’s origin story, including the reason why the force between Rey and Kylo is strong yet contradictory,

That’s why I had mixed feelings about the movie. JJ Abrams seems to be running out of ideas by handing out too much lip service; meaning using tons of reference to the previous franchise. He keeps throwing fans pop culture elements such as Ghost Force, cameos from old characters, Luke’s legendary X-Wing, Holocron, Sith – you name it, with a hope that fans will like it and forget about the plot. It is not a bad move though. He has played it safe – too safe perhaps – it seems that there’s nothing fresh with The Rise of Skywalker. I kept having déjà vu while watching it, since it’s very similar to The Force Awakens – like Rey’s costume and the setting that is purely surrounded by desert. A bit disappointing to say the least, as some fans (like me) get excited seeing new planets. He did, however, introduce us to a new creature, Babu Frik, a droidsmith who has turned into an internet sensation for her signature “Heee..heeey”. There’s also a new, cute but forgettable droid called cone shape. Another issue I have with the new instalment is Poe Dameron’s character development. At first, he was painted as a brave and honourable fighter-pilot in The Force Awakens, but all of a sudden – maybe after they grasped how generic and onedimensional Poe was in The Last Jedi – he became filled with mansplaining bravado. I guess there’s no turning back from that, so JJ gave Poe the same rugged, sarcastic character just to add a more Han Solo vibe to the ensemble. Not to mention a waste of character like Rose Ticco; I think JJ might as well have killed her character off at the beginning of the movie if she had nothing to do in this latest chapter. In spite of that, the cast did a wonderful job as always, including the droids R2D2, 3CPO, and BB8, and especially Daisy Ridley and

Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

Adam Driver acting as Rey and Kylo. The “will they/won’t they” situation gets deeper and more intense. Despite the f laws in the movie’s plot and in some the characters, visually this film is very stunning, especially the CGI technology they use for Princess Leia. Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, passed away in 2018 so her appearance brings a sense of bittersweetness to the audience. Honestly, I wish that the plot focused more on a slow transformation of Kylo Ren returning to become Ben Skywalker and eventually helping Rey and the Resistance, even though no one trusts him. Instead, we spend almost two hours watching the resistance searching for a map – frankly another Force Awakens déjà vu. The good news is the The Rise of Skywalker fulfils its promise when it comes to an epic battle between Rey and Kylo. Yes, I cried. To answer my question above, Star Wars has always been more than just an epic war movie in space. It teaches the importance of working together and family values. Luke Skywalker couldn’t win the war against the Empire without the help of Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the rest of the Rebellion. The same reoccurring premise was also used in The Last Jedi, as Luke was helping the Resistance by ending his isolation and eventually fulfilling his Jedi legacy. The Rise of Skywalker strengthens this value as they come together once again to put everything in place. Opinions by critics and fans might be divided over The Rise of Skywalker. As a fan, I still find it hard not to be biased about this film. Was it enough? No. Have they successfully created iconic characters we would still talk about for the next ten years? Maybe not. But at some level, this film tries to pay a fitting tribute to the saga. I’d give the film 3.5 stars out of five.

New to Jakarta? Look for a doctor! You and your family might be in good health, but in general everyone needs some medical input at some point in time. I think it is very important that you at least identify a clinic that you are comfortable with. Look for a group of medical professionals who you can turn to, with any concerns. I would like to share some information to make life a bit easier. Common health problems for expats living in Jakarta There are three things to expect when you are living in Jakarta; infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases and accidents/ injuries. Infectious diseases, like foodborne, airborne, or even body fluid transmitted diseases are common to get in Indonesia. Non-infectious diseases, or chronic diseases are sometimes unavoidable depending on your risk profile. Accidents and injuries can happen anywhere. Rhesus negative blood is very rare in Indonesia. Join our registry: Rhesusnegative@

Chronic disease management If you are suffering from a chronic disease, we advise you to have a list of your regular medication. You should identify a doctor who can regularly check up on your condition and someone who can advise which (specialist) doctor you should see, this can even be outside Jakarta. Make a plan for the regular follow ups. Your family doctor can facilitate the communication with your specialist. Monitoring your condition on behalf of the specialist can also be done by a good family physician.

What to do when you are sick Feeling unwell can be a challenge for someone who is new to Jakarta. First advice would be to seek an opinion if you are unsure about your condition. You may use Dr Google, talk to a friend or even a medical professional back home. If possible, visit a clinic that you are comfortable with. In an ideal world you should have an assessment by a trusted medical practitioner. Your medical practitioner will give a possible diagnosis. A management plan needs to be mutually agreed upon. You need to voice your expectations and ask for possible options. (Are you expecting a referral? Do you think further treatment should be done abroad?)

In a tropical country like Indonesia, there are a lot of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases can be spread by water and/ or by food such as traveler’s diarrhoea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever and amoebic dysentery. Insect bites can spread diseases like malaria, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, zika and chikungunya. Tuberculosis and influenza are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Body fluid transmitted diseases like STDs, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B & C are also common in Indonesia. There are possibilities of getting rabies and avian influenza if you are exposed to certain animals.

Preventive actions To avoid diseases from happening, you need to know how to manage avoidable risks. For infectious diseases, there are lots of vaccinations available to protect you. Food prepared under unclear circumstances, tap water, and mosquitoes should be avoided. Identify a clinic that you are comfortable with! You can discuss your own your risk profile with your trusted physician.

Dr Steven Graaff,MD,MRCGP, the founder of Good Practice Clinic is a graduate of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Before completing his formal training in General Practice in the UK, he worked in several hospitals, occupational health and general practice in the Netherlands and the UK. As a medical professional with international experience,Steven decided to start his own clinic – Good Practice, in Jakarta

Discuss any concerns with your trusted medical practitioner. It is important that you identify a clinic that you are comfortable with. Good Practice has patients from 66 countries. Our all English speaking team implements international guidelines. We provide highly personalised care. Try us!

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Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020


Where Nature Meets History BY DINI PUTRI SARASWATI


ast Java has a lot of places to discover. You’ll be mesmerised by its beautiful nature which offers many attractive locations such as mountains, beaches, waterfalls, and valleys. Each city has its own unique quality that you cannot resist. One of them is Kediri, a small city situated near the Brantas River, the longest river in East Java. The city is near-identical to the well-known Hindu-Javanese Kingdom dated back in the past called Kediri Kingdom. Today, Kediri is famous for its amazing tourist attractions, and I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days in the city to enjoy its warmth and magnificence. Mount Kelud My first stop in Kediri was Mount Kelud, the top tourist attraction in Kediri. Located on the border between three cities – Kediri, Blitar, and Malang – this active volcano lies between the complex of Mount Kawi and Butak in the east, and also Mount Wilis in the west. The mountain is relatively small with a summit elevation of 1,731 metres above sea level. To reach Mount Kelud, I drove for approximately 27 kilometres from the city centre of Kediri. As an active volcano, Mount Kelud is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Java due to its frequent eruptions; the last one being in 2014, when its volcanic ash spread around East and Central Java. I was fascinated by the cold breeze of fresh air and the irresistible scenery of Mount Kelud. It was perfect for ecotourism and adventuring because there are several places to enjoy cool shady plantations, rock climbing, jogging, and camping. I took a trip to see the lake of the enchanting yellow crater by hiring a motorcycle taxi. It was quite thrilling as the motorcycle passed through the dark tunnel and rocky roads up to the crater, but the driver told me not to worry as it was absolutely safe to travel by motorcycle.


After I had finished exploring the crater, I drove my car out through the anti-gravity zone. This anti-gravity zone makes any object run uphill, although it does not move. I tried to put my car into a neutral gear with a running engine and it felt like magic; my car ran uphill very slowly. Although the locals believe that it has to do with supernatural powers, I believe that it is actually the area where the gravitational force on the upper hill is stronger than the other side. Orchid Village In the foothills of Mount Kelud, there is an Orchid Village that has big gardens of flowers and orchid-filled greenhouses. I was curious to see the orchids being cultivated there, so I decided to stop by. Situated on an area of 400 hectares, this orchid garden has many types and colours of orchids from all over the world, such as dancing-lady orchids, moth orchids, Singapore orchids, Cattleya orchids, tiger orchids, Dendrobium orchids, and boat orchids that you can take home for around Rp10,000-40,000 each. There are five greenhouses and laboratories which can be explored by visitors. I also visited the mini zoo and the flower garden that’s complete with a unique replica of a giant gorilla made of corn. At the end of my visit at the Orchid Village, I had lunch at a nice food court around the colourful flower garden. There are plenty of food stalls offered as well as souvenir shops. It was definitely a well-spent day. Simpang Lima Gumul Monument I spent my afternoon catching a sunset at Simpang Lima Gumul, a big monument in the heart of the city of Kediri which resembles the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. According to its name, Simpang Lima Gumul connects five regions of the city of Kediri, which are Kediri, Pare, Pagu, Wates, and Gurah. Reputedly, the construction of the monument

was inspired by the desire of King Prabu Jayabaya, from the Kediri Kingdom, to unite the five regions of Kediri. On this 25-metre high monument, you can see huge sculptures depicting Kediri’s history. Moreover, there is an underground walk from the parking area to the monument which showcases multiple pictures of popular destinations in Kediri as well as the history of the monument. It was quite enjoyable to walk from picture to picture while strolling to the monument. Tegowangi and Surawana Temple The next morning, I managed to have a historical tour to Tegowangi and Surawana Temple, the iconic Hindu temples in Pare. Both temples have different characteristics; Tegowangi Temple looked a bit neater than Surawana Temple as some of the relics were not fully intact. It is believed that Tegowangi Temple was built in 1400 AD by order of King

After a long trek down, I finally felt a splash of water on my face as I was approaching the waterfall. I was so thrilled that I immediately dipped my feet into the freshwater and enjoyed the chirps of birds in the tranquility. It was totally worth it!





Hayam Wuruk of the Majapahit Kingdom, to purify his cousin, Bhre Matahun who died in 1388 AD. Meanwhile, Surawana Temple was built in 1390 AD as a memorial to Wijayarajasa, the Prince of the Wengker Kingdom. The temples are not far from each other, only 8 kilometres away, and you will see vast rice fields along the way to the temples. If you are interested in knowing more about the temples, there is an on-site guided tour with an additional fee. Dolo Waterfall At noon, I continued my trip to Dolo Waterfall to see one of the biggest waterfalls in Kediri. The trip to the waterfall which is located 1,200 metres above sea level, was quite tricky as there are lots of steep hill drives. However, you will be impressed with the breathtaking scenery along the way. There are several interesting things in the complex of the waterfall, such as camping grounds as well as children’s playgrounds. In order to reach the waterfall, you need to trek down for approximately an hour. Quite tiring, it is, but do not worry as you can find small shops that sell cold beverages along the way. Make sure to bring enough cash with you! After a long trek down, I finally felt a splash of water on my face as I was approaching the waterfall. I was so thrilled that I immediately dipped my feet into the freshwater and enjoyed the chirps of birds in the tranquility. It was totally worth it! Later in the evening, I continued my trip back home. It was such a wonderful experience to visit Kediri, which offers a variety of charming tourist spots. Moreover, most of the attractions are free, with only parking fees for around Rp5,000-10,000 – quite affordable and fun indeed. I will definitely come back to Kediri!


Info for Expats

What is the Minimum Capital in Indonesia for a Foreign-Owned Company? This means that instead of having to set up a company and manage payroll, you’ll simply appoint Emerhub as a service provider and have full-time staff working for you. Employer of Record is a great alternative in situations such as: • Providing full-time contracts and social benefits to your remote employees that want to be stationed in Indonesia (e.g. your graphic designer that wants to work from Bali). • Testing the market by hiring a couple of sales representatives in Indonesia (e.g. an enterprise software company that hires technical sales staff to go from company to company). • Providing local customer support. Lowering minimum capital requirements by using a nominee company The primary reason to set up a nominee company is to bypass local ownership restrictions which are out of scope for this article. However, sometimes small companies are taken aback by the capital requirements and decide to set up the company by using a local shareholder instead.

What is the amount of minimum capital to register a company in Indonesia and does it all have to be paid up when incorporating a foreign-owned company (PT PMA)? These are some of the most frequent questions foreign investors ask when considering opening a foreign-owned company (PT PMA) in Indonesia. How to define a foreign company in Indonesia? Limited liability companies registered in Indonesia, regardless of capital structure, are called PT-s. If the PT company has any foreign ownership, it’s called a PT PMA. Note that having local shareholders does not affect your company’s capital requirements unless you don’t own any shares in the company. What are the capital differences between local and foreign companies? Indonesian laws classify companies into different categories based on the size of equity: • Micro: Less than Rp50 million • Small: Rp50–500 million • Medium: Rp500–10 billion • Large: Above Rp10 billion Only 25 percent of the total equity has to be paid up to incorporate a PT PMA company. To protect local small businesses, only large companies are allowed to have foreign shareholders. Therefore, to set up a foreign company, a PT PMA, you will need to pay up Rp2.5 billion (less than US$200,000) as capital. If that seems like a high capital requirement, then remember that you are allowed to use those funds for operating your company. Capital requirements are also relevant for local companies because the size of capital also determines if the company can hire foreign workers. Which capital requirements apply for different business classifications (KBLI) in Indonesia? There are industries where by law the minimum required capital is higher than Rp2.5 billion, such as: • Financial industries • Logistics and freight forwarding • 100 percent foreign-owned e-commerce companies

Reach out to Emerhub to find out the exact specifications for your business. Changing the capital of the PT PMA company There are two common situations for changing capital – it’s to either convert a locally owned company into a PT PMA or to increase the capital of an existing company. Converting a local company into a PT PMA Before you start changing the capital structure of the company, be sure to know what its current amount is of paid up capital and its business classification (KBLI). You change the capital by issuing new shares. According to the law, you must offer the shares to the current shareholders first. Then a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) needs to decide on the issuance of new paid up capital and the allocation of shares. You can also use the GMS to change the company’s business classification if needed. You will also need to call a General Meeting of Shareholders if the capital amount stays the same but the company is (partially) acquired by new shareholders. Increasing capital of an existing PT PMA The process is the same as for local companies – you add new shares, offer them first to existing shareholders, and then call a General Meeting of Shareholders. Ways to reduce capital requirements of a PT PMA While Indonesia may have higher capital requirements for foreign companies than many other countries, the size of the capital should not be seen as a cost. You will be able to invest that money into your local operations. However, there are some situations where we recommend companies not to incorporate a PT PMA company, such as: • You only need a company to hire employees. • You don’t want to put up that much capital as you want to test the market first. • You are planning to engage local partners only because your business activities are in the Negative List Hiring employees using Employer of Record service Emerhub’s Employer of Record (EoR) service allows anyone to hire employees in Indonesia without setting up a local company.

This is understandable, especially if you plan to have a lifestyle business that won’t be generating much more revenue than needed to support your lifestyle in Indonesia. But understand the risks of doing so – the local shareholder has full control over your company and can leave you with nothing. It happens often, especially if the local nominee is a family member or friend (or they deceive and the business is inherited by their relatives). It’s also not uncommon that the business takes off and the local partner decides to reap the benefits without you. Therefore we only recommend using professional service providers for nominee companies – companies like Emerhub have a reputation to protect and have much more to lose from acting in bad faith. Frequently Asked Questions about Minimum Capital in Indonesia How much is the minimum capital of a PT PMA? A PT PMA is required to have a capital of Rp2.5 billion. Some business classifications have higher capital requirements due to the nature of the activities. What can I do with the paid up capital? You can use the funds to cover business expenses. Paid-up capital should be seen as an investment. Do local companies have lower capital requirements? If the local company does not have any foreign shareholders and operates as a small or medium business, then the minimum required capital is lower. However, this might also restrict their ability to hire foreign workers and join tenders. Is there an Investment Plan that I need to submit? This was a requirement before the company registrations switched to the new system in 2018.

Get in touch with Emerhub via email to discuss your opportunities in Indonesia further.

business profile


Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

Charlie Feng and Daliyanto Soebandy, General Managers of Award-Winning Serviced Residences in Jakarta breakfast, room service, restaurants, bars, gym, swimming pool, and kids’ club are available in all Fraser properties. But here, guests can also enjoy laundry service where laundry machines are included in each unit. Also, meeting rooms are provided, unlike most serviced residences. Fraser’s properties are considered five-star – though the rates aren’t quite as high as five-star hotels. You can say that it’s a combination of hotel and residence. What makes Fraser Place Setiabudi, Fraser Residence Menteng, and Fraser Residence Sudirman different from each other? CF: Fraser Hospitality can be categorised in three types: Fraser Residence, Fraser Suite, and Fraser Place. None of them are above each other; they all have different concepts. Fraser Place is ideally located in the city, where it is vibrant, colourful, and near nightlife and entertainment. Then, Fraser Residence has family-style, minimalistic, and modern spacious units. So far, there are only these two types in Indonesia. Perhaps there will be the Fraser Suite soon, which is a more luxurious brand that’s likely to be situated in the business district area, suitable for people in executive levels and embassy staff.



o matter how much time we’ve spent in a specific field, we should always set a fire under ourselves. Service is from the heart, claimed the General Manager of Fraser Place Setiabudi, Charlie Feng. Everybody learns something new every day. That leads to the strong belief that we should all be passionate in whatever we set our minds and hearts into, expressed by the General Manager of Fraser Residence Menteng, Daliyanto Soebandy. Indonesia Expat sat down with these two men who have individually been working in hospitality over two decades. They discuss the importance of balance in order to bring out the better versions of themselves. Firstly, what is the concept and aim of Fraser Hospitality? Where can we find Fraser properties? My name is Charlie Feng (CF), General Manager of Fraser Place Setiabudi; and my name is Daliyanto Soebandy (DS), General Manager of Fraser Residence Menteng.

CF: Fraser Hospitality has been running in Indonesia for nine years now, started from Fraser Residence Sudirman Jakarta. Its well-established hospitality business owns and/or operates serviced apartments and hotels in over 70 cities across Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. All properties provide the options of short-term and long-term accommodation. DS: Ideally, Fraser Hospitality’s main focus is on long-term guests, which is 60 percent of our occupancy. Most of the guests staying here are expats who stay for a minimum of one month, six months, and a year. Fraser Residence Menteng has a minimum of 14-15 days, that’s already considered as a long stay. Guests can get long-stay benefits such as free drop-offs, free laundry, and free breakfast. Not everyone is aware that the Fraser properties in Jakarta are fully serviced residences. People think these properties are apartments. Facilities similar to hotels like

Becoming the leading apartment and suites in Indonesia means the products and service quality is at its best or even better. It’s very important to give the best hospitality service from the heart.

DS: You can find kids’ clubs, saunas, steam rooms, gyms, pools, gardens, massage chairs, and outdoor yoga areas depending on which Fraser property you go to. Also, Fraser Residence Menteng is pet friendly and caters to guests with pets.. The Fraser brand exudes upscale serviced residences in Jakarta. How do you both deal with competition? CF: Fraser Hospitality is one of the top serviced residence brands in the world. Many hotels nowadays have their own serviced residence. For example, ShangriLa has their hotel and serviced residence, accommodating people’s differing needs. It seems like the realisation of having a serviced residence as a good concept is quickly growing now. DS: We’re also competing with hotels, not just serviced residences since Fraser properties have food and beverage facilities, meeting spaces, and kitchenettes. I think there is more value for money. Guests can conveniently get whatever they want and need in just one place. Fraser Place Setiabudi won the World Travel Awards 2017. Fraser Residence Menteng also won an award at the Indonesian Travel and Tourism Awards 2018. How do you both maintain the quality? Are there any required improvements made along the way? CF: The World Travel Award is a very prestigious award, given to recognised organisations around the world. Fraser Place Setiabudi entered the Best Serviced Residence Indonesia category for the first time in 2017, and we won. It’s an honour to have won this award. The brand, Fraser Hospitality, also won an award that year for Indonesia’s leading Service Residence Brand. Besides the judges’ evaluation, peers and travellers all around the world voted. Unfortunately, we didn’t win in 2018. But I believe it’s very important that the service quality needs to be maintained. With good service, guests enjoy their stays with us and positive feedback will come from that. Service derives from a human touch, it’s from the heart. On a side note, Fraser Place Setiabudi has won the Indonesia Leading Serviced Apartment award for the third consecutive year at the Indonesia Travel and Tourism Awards (ITTA) 2019/2020. I also happened to receive the award certificate as one of Indonesia Top Hospitality Leaders at this event. DS: It’s been five years now Fraser Residence Menteng has won that award. To maintain standards, we have to stand


Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

DS: I started my career in 1996 so it’s been 24 years, with 90 percent of that time spent in hotels. This is actually my first time working and managing a serviced residence. It’s only been seven months, but prior to this, I was a GM for six years under a different brand.

The GM has to deliver performance, look after the well-being of the guests as well as staff, and then stay alert to all of the feedback. Thus, trust in the brand is built. In return, the performance will be up to expectations. with the true nature of the awards we get. Becoming the leading apartment and suites in Indonesia means the products and service quality is at its best or even better. It’s very important to give the best hospitality service from the heart. Is there a difference being the General Manager (GM) of a serviced residence compared to a hotel? CF: No there are no differences as a serviced residence GM with a hotel. First of all, a GM wants to run the serviced residence to an extent where it becomes well-known in the industry. The GM has to deliver performance, look after the well-being of the guests as well as staff, and then stay alert to all of the feedback. Thus, trust in the brand is built. In return, the performance will be up to expectations. DS: A GM is responsible for the overall marketing, sales, finance, and human resources of the serviced residence. In terms of customers, we conduct online surveys because the service given out has to be above the score of 90 on the sentiment of service and overall service standard. Then, a GM needs to take care of relations with the owner, headquarters, associates, and guests. How long have you individually been in the hospitality industry? CF: I’ve been working in serviced residences for the past 22 years; 11 years in one of the serviced residence groups and ten years in Fraser Hospitality.

Based on over 20 years of experience, what is the biggest lesson you’ve learned over the years? CF: I’m always learning. A new decade is before us and that means we need to prepare ourselves with the rapid technological enhancements that will be introduced and used in properties. We started with switching into digital marketing, while 20 years ago, it didn’t even exist, so there are things we learn along the journey. I’m sure that there is more to learn but the more you learn and practice, the more experience you can collect along the way. Also, many cultures surround us. We’re in Indonesia right now but someday, we’ll have to move to another city or country, so we need to be able to adapt and learn the culture. DS: Being a GM is a very rich and expensive learning process that not everyone can get. It’s quite challenging when we’re looking for a professional in a certain field because it takes time and it’s not easy to find the right person, meanwhile time is ticking and above it all, competition is very tight. Occupancy has to run at 90 percent and GOP has to be over 40 percent. As a GM, we have to think big and always find a solution as there are always problems out there. I’ve never worked in a serviced residence before Fraser. It was exciting, but at the same time challenging because a serviced residence was a new concept. From this, I learned that without passion, we can’t overcome a new situation, no matter how many years’ experience we have. To get to know both of you a little bit better, I’d like to know what excites a spark in you. So what interests you? What are your hobbies? CF: I always believe that if you work hard, you should play hard. I like to play football; it keeps you fit, healthy, and acts as a stress reliever. I’ve been in Indonesia for almost four years now, so I like to travel to other cities and experience the diverse cultures this country has. Indonesia is a beautiful country! My favourite destinations are Bali and Lombok. DS: If I have a lot going on at work, I like to take the time to meet and talk to people, whether they are new or familiar faces - it relieves my stress. Meanwhile, I spend most of my free time with my kids playing sports or doing anything fun – they are my energy booster during the weekends since I live in-house so I’m away from them on the weekdays. I also like to travel, so twice a year, my family and I will usually take trips overseas. It’s a great life balance that makes me feel energised.

Fire and Flood BY RICK BAIN

This bule went home for Christmas. I was aware bushfires were burning in Australia and I was, in a slightly sadistic way, pleased some of the East coast cities were suffering from smoke pollution. The Australian bushfires began in August and exploded again in November and early December. They were unexpectedly early, tragically deadly, and ecologically disastrous. As readers of this column know, I had just spent six months living in Jakarta complaining about air pollution partly caused by fires that burnt 900,000 hectares of Sumatra and Borneo. So there was a perverse and unpleasant part of me that thought maybe Australians suffering from smoke pollution would get a wake-up call and understand better what millions of Indonesians – and this bule – were forced to suffer on a daily basis. Ha, I planned to say, you’re complaining about conditions that were bad for a couple of days. Those conditions have persisted every day for the last six months in Jakarta. This is the future for humanity: Life confined to airconditioned cocoons, unless you can’t afford to live in an air-conditioned cocoon, in which case you are slowly poisoned. Welcome to the 21st century. I hoped my pessimistic, apocalyptic vision of the future was the result of cabin fever (living too long in air-conditioned cocoons) and was totally unfounded.

been burnt. That’s more than five times the extent of the fires in Sumatra and Borneo fires, more than five times the extent of the Amazon fires, and almost double the extent of the Siberian fires. Plus 23 people died and hundreds of houses were destroyed. The world’s biggest coal exporter was experiencing the direct result of climate change, which scientists know to be the direct result of burning fossil fuels. They have been predicting catastrophic fires for years. Blaming climate change on fossil fuels is a controversial statement in Australia. Many members of the current government refuse to accept the link between man-made pollution and climate change. They’re keen to keep selling coal. What’s the appropriate word? Irony? Karma? While Australia burned on New Year’s Eve, it started to rain in Jakarta. And rain. And rain. The f loods that followed killed 60 people and made hundreds of thousands homeless. The air quality improved, but no one cheered. Until New Year’s Eve, this bule vaguely hoped there was time to act before the world reached a critical tipping point, when climate change began to run out of control, and irreversible changes began to develop their own momentum. I still hope we can turn things around.


But New Years Day 2020 was the day climate change punched me in the face.

New fires developed and old fires flared up. By January 5, with two more months of the hot Australian summer to go, more than five million hectares had

My home and my adopted home were smashed; one by fire, one by water.

But on New deteriorated.



Where can I run to next? Mars?

art and culture


Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

Ika, The Great Businesswoman of Belly Dance BY ERIC BUVELOT


ka originates from a humble family of farmers in East Java where she was raised to simply follow her parents’ footsteps in the rice fields. Attending school was not much part of the plan. At the early age of 12, she chose to move to the city “as a maid, merely to avoid ending up married to someone,” she recalls today in her shop, located in the wealthy district of Kerobokan, Badung, Bali.

Everybody can be a good belly dancer at any age, with any kind of bodily figure – it is accessible to all. And contrary to the old cliché, you don’t need to have a fat stomach to be good. Actually, belly dancing follows the current trend of having fit bodies. Guess what? It will quickly help you get one too!

Among the many costumes believed to be straight out of a palace of “One Thousand and One Nights,” this well-known figure of Bali nightlife explains that she performs every weekend in prestigious venues. Ika also designs and creates the f lowing and sexy attire on sale at her boutique or via her mail-order catalogue. She has also set up the adjoining belly dance studio, where she welcomes dozens of students every week to her classes. She started her belly dancing studio ten years ago when nobody cared much about it in Indonesia. Often copied, Ika still stands strong and unique in Bali, whilst her competitors have failed to survive the trials of professional business. She regularly joins festivals around the world and keeps herself up to date with the ever changing world of belly dancing by attending classes of famous international teachers.

By complete accident, she had the opportunity to replace somebody at the famous but now closed Dance Company, where she definitely caught the bug for dancing and performing. Since then, she has made a big decision on the road to success by selecting what suited her most: the Arabian belly dance. “Contrary to many other dances, you can start belly dancing when you’re a bit older,” says this alluring woman with smoky eyes.

She prides herself in saying, “I teach but I also keep on learning with the best in the world.” Belly dancing has become fashionable worldwide, a move has been made towards what is called “tribal or fusion” and Ika doesn’t want to be left behind in terms of choreography as well as her outfits, constantly evolving its designs.

Often invited on TV shows to discuss this belly dance craze that’s sweeping Indonesian society, Ika also travels on a regular basis to festivals in Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, China, and Hong Kong. She plans to set up a major festival in Bali soon, to put Indonesia – the biggest Muslim population country in the world – on the belly dancing world map.

Prices for her costumes range from Rp1.5 million up to Rp3 million, making the Arabian princess appear affordable to the many new Indonesian followers of this belly dancing trend, that has recently been triggered by the Arabisation of the mores in Indonesia. True, the costume business has now become the most financially successful branch of her activities. She exports a lot to South Korea, she says, where her brand is well known. It’s difficult to imagine that before 2005 she had never tried a single dance step. Sometimes, destiny enters someone’s life and things happen unexpectedly. Before that, she had been sent to Bali as a babysitter in the home of an Italian-Indonesian couple. The young Ika was still all dressed up as a modest Muslimah, far from knowing that she would soon leave that all behind.

Ika Belly Dance Shop & Studio Jl Petitenget No.1, Kerobokan, Bali Call: +62 81 79 74 77 68 E-mail: FB/IG: @ikabellydance

“I would love to organise a festival in Bali every two years, which would encompass everything about tribal, fusion, and oriental belly dance with friends who already know how to set up such events,” she reveals. One thing amazes her though; no Arab has ever joined these international events. “Maybe they are too traditional and don’t want to accept the fusion spirit that has embraced the worldwide belly dance community,” she posits.

According to Ika, the best international teachers are now Ukrainians, Argentineans, and Russians – no longer the Egyptians. “Egypt is only good for theory now. Belly dancing has since opened to modernisation through a choice of combinations with many new styles,” explains the Indonesian queen of this popular art form from the Middle East. Her students are mostly Indonesian women. Foreign women only join during their stay on the Island of the Gods. The age of participants ranges from 20 to 60 years old. She also welcomes a few enthusiastic gay men. But most of the attendees are women wearing the typical modest clothing Muslim women don every day. She decrypts that their motivation to join her classes is derived from a wish to get more confident with their bodies, and even wanting to please their husbands. Ika also says that everybody can be a good belly dancer at any age, with any kind of bodily figure – it is accessible to all. And contrary to the old cliché, you don’t need to have a fat stomach to be good. Actually, belly dancing follows the current trend of having fit bodies. Guess what? It will quickly help you get one too! “Belly dancing moves will actually help you burn fat around your waist. Now, all women want to be fit and slim, don’t they? Belly dancing is the solution,” continues the dance teacher with great confidence. All socially negative aspects that have been previously associated with belly dancing have now vanished into thin air. “Nothing is more fashionable, nothing is artsier,” she says. Now highly paid, especially when performing abroad, Ika only dances in Bali on the weekends because her schedule has become very tight. On Friday or Saturday nights, you’ll have a chance to see her perform in places like Slippery Stones, Kumala Pantai Restaurant, Pantarei, Bali Mandira, and Shisha Café. Otherwise, you can still attend her classes. It will cost you Rp150,000 for 1 hour 30 minutes or Rp700,000 for eight lessons in a month. You can also have this female maestro all to yourself in a private lesson at her studio. She also performs at live events such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. Ladies, why keep waiting to join the international family of belly dancers?

Jak arta’s Best Apart men t Complex to Live in 2020 BY GARY JOY

At LetsMoveIndonesia, we have visited every premium apartment complex at one time or another, so it takes a lot to get us excited. In 2019, a new complex hit the market and it’s taking Jakarta by storm. Its location, price, and facilities have elevated this apartment to another level. The name? South Hills. But why is it the hottest real estate in Jakarta? In this article we’ll explain why.

1. Location South Hills is located along Jl. Denpasar in Setiabudi: an area renowned for good quality housing such as Setiabudi Skygarden, Four Seasons, and La Vie. This area is prime Jakarta real estate due to its great access points to Kuningan, Mega Kuningan, Thamrin, Sudirman, and Menteng. All of these locations are reachable within a few minutes and because it is nestled on a back road, you can avoid the congested roads and cruise to your most frequented areas with little or no problem. If you don’t mind a brisk walk to the hustle and bustle of Mega Kuingan, it is a 15-minute walk away from some of Jakarta’s most famous and popular bars. In addition, the Kuningan City Mall is literally a short walk away, meaning you can go about your weekly shop conveniently and without the need for transportation.

2. Facilities Nowadays, most new apartment complexes come with state-of-the-art facilities and designs, yet many fail to fulfil expectations when construction is finally finished. Whether the design is too optimistic or the final feel is too clinical, South Hills on the other hand, has well and truly hit the mark. The facilities are exceptional and unrivalled, even by the higher end developments that have sprouted up over the last few years. South Hills boasts incredible facilities which include: a cinema, tennis courts, meeting rooms, three fitness studios, an extremely modern gym that’s fully fitted out with professional equipment, steam and sauna rooms, plunge pools, a large outdoor pool, a BBQ area, a library, a function hall, and even a pool room to sharpen up your snooker skills. All the facilities are located on the ground floor, making it easy to navigate and perfect for spending the day away from Jakarta’s notorious traffic.

3. General Feel The feel throughout the complex is luxurious and tastefully decorated, without feeling too modern or cold. The furnishings are all modern and warmhearted, guaranteed to impress your friends and family should they visit. The entrance gate has a feel of grandeur when you arrive, coupled with excellent security, keeping the occupants safe and sound. There is a spacious lobby with the high ceilings that are usually reserved for high end developments; however, everything about this complex is luxurious, except the price, which we will come to later.

4. Developer Every good complex needs a good developer and this one is no exception. The developer Tankian is responsible for some of the most prestigious developments in Jakarta, such as JW Marriot Hotel, The Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan, Centennial Tower, Pacific Place Residence, Sudirman Mansion, and Botanica to name just a few. Their years of expertise and knowledge have helped cultivate South Hills into the incredible development that it has become.

5. Overall Finish The finish is exceptional. No stone has been left unturned and the thoughtfulness of design and utilities is evident. As small as the details may be – whether it is hairdryers in the changing rooms, or the quality snooker cues in the games lounge – this attention to detail is testament to the designers’ abilities and vision. You could easily mistake South Hills for a five-star luxury resort.

6. Living Space Although some could argue the layout of the apartments may come across as “boxy” or “compact”, rest assured the living space is designed well with comfortable living stationed at its heart.

quality, notwithstanding individual personal preferences in regards to furniture and basic interior design. Additional points of interest are that every unit has a private lift, a spacious balcony – something less frequent these days – as well as built-in air conditioning, which helps not only create a more luxurious feel, but also creates a more aesthetically pleasing look in the apartments.

7. Price In Indonesia, most apartment complexes in this price bracket come pretty bare and without some of the basic essentials needed to move straight in. However, South Hills provides all the basics to ensure uniformity and quality throughout every apartment. Whether that is uniform quality doors, stylish and modern fully stocked kitchens, or built-in wardrobes in the bedrooms, it ensures all of the units are of good

With all of the benefits of South Hills, it would be easy to assume that the price would be unobtainable. Instead, it falls into the same price category as other notable Jakarta favourites such as Setiabudi Sky Garden, Bellagio Residence, Ciputra World Two, and Denpasar Residence – the only thing being that the quality and facilities outshine all of them.

In our opinion, apart from arguably District Eight in SCBD, there is no competition for South Hills in this price category. Currently, it is the king of the castle and unless something exceptional comes along soon, it won’t be toppled off its perch for quite some time.

General Rental Prices and Sizes: One-bedroom: US$1,150-1,500 per month (Rp16 million-21 million)/68-73 sqm Two-bedroom: US$1,500-2,000 per month (Rp21 million-28 million)/87-101 sqm Three-bedroom: US$2,400-2,700 per month (Rp33 million-37 million)/123-143 sqm LetsMoveIndonesia is delighted to represent South Hills and has apartments available for both sale and rent. If you would like to view this spectacular development, then get in touch with the LetsMoveIndonesia Team by contacting (021)30029727 or emailing info@

About the author: Gary Joy launched LetsMoveIndonesia in 2016 with a goal to be the most ethical, creative, and cost-effective real estate and relocations provider in the region and since then has helped hundreds of people from all over the world with their property, visa, company establishment, and relocation needs. By intertwining service levels from the West with Eastern hospitality, LetsMoveIndonesia has become the number one agency in Jakarta for expatriate needs. You can reach Gary at or call the office at (021)30029727.


Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020



The General Manager of Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Centre Earns the Top Hospitality Leader 2019/2020 Award

Chinese New Year’s Eve at Holiday Inn and Suites Jakarta Gadjah Mada

General Manager of Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Centre, S. Aulia Masjhoerdin, has been recognised as the Top Hospitality Leader 2019/2020 at the Indonesia Travel & Tourism Awards (ITTA). This award is devoted to individual tourism practitioners who have made major contributions to the industry in Indonesia as well as overseas. Successful leadership within the hospitality industry, strong character, motivational direction, inspirational professional perspective, generating productivity, and an immeasurable positive impact on his staff and general working environment have all been credited as being behind S. Aulia Masjhoerdin’s victory. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Centre team for their hard work and support, and I personally dedicate this award to them. Based on my experience, a great leader looks after their staff, because behind every successful General Manager is a committed and talented team, and I’m extremely grateful for mine whom I treat like my family – with respect and utmost importance. Here’s to further future successes for us all, and to Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Centre,” Aulia said in his speech. The Indonesia Travel and Tourism Awards (ITTA) is an annual awards ceremony for Indonesia’s national tourism industry. Hotels, resorts, suites, villas, agencies, travel agents, tourist attractions, and other tourism stakeholders in Indonesia compete as nominees to be recognised as the best in their category. This prestigious award has been held every year since 2010, with the incentive to improve the growth, quality, and development of Indonesia’s tourism industry.


New Director of Sales and Marketing at Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort

The year of the metal rat is approaching soon, and Holiday Inn and Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada invites diners to ring in the New Year by enjoying a range of special Chinese New Year cuisine and celebrations on January 24, 2020 starting at 7pm, at two venues within the hotel; Duta Café and Restaurant as well as the Harmony Grand Ballroom. “Our Chinese New Year’s eve will be one of the best events in town. We believe with the hotel’s location, situated in the heart of the Chinese community, it will be a sought-after venue for the celebrations and family reunions,” said General Manager of Holiday Inn and Suites Jakarta Gajah Mada, Brendon Meppem. The Chinese New Year buffet dinner at Duta Café and Restaurant, on level three, includes Yee Sang which is commonly known as prosperity toss, hipio soup with crab meat, roast duck, pork ribs with red wine, fried dory fish with Balinese citrus sauce, lemongrass pudding, and much, much more. Performances by Barongsai, Guzheng, and Er Hu music, a magician and an illusionist as well as oriental live music will serenade guests during this dining experience, priced at Rp398,000 ++. An extra discount from the hotel’s credit card banking partners or using IHG Rewards Club or Gourmet Collection membership can also be redeemed. Meanwhile, at the Harmony Grand Ballroom, diners will indulge in a ten-course set menu made by the dedicated Chinese specialist chef, Toong Kah Chin. The celebration spread features auspicious signature Chinese dishes to welcome prosperity and fortune for the Lunar New Year. At Rp898,000 ++ per person for one table of ten people, diners will savour yee sang, five combinations, fish maw soup and bamboo mushroom (cuk sang) with chicken, roasted duck, angsio abalone six heads with pomelo sauce, lap cheong and yun cheong fried rice on lotus leaf, dry longan and peach gum with white fungus and sesame fried Chinese Year rice cake, and pao. The same type of performers at the hotel’s restaurant will be featured here, along with Chinese calligraphy, bian lian (face changing), and the opportunity to win the lucky Hong Bao.

Theresia Siregar has recently been appointed as Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort’s new Director of Sales and Marketing. With over 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Theresia will drive the resort’s sales and marketing efforts including revenue optimisation, brand distribution, generating and implementing innovative business strategies, as well as providing leadership. “We are delighted to welcome Theresia to the reopening team of Anantara Seminyak Bali Resort. Theresia brings with her a wealth of sales and marketing experience and we look forward to her leading our efforts to bring the famed Anantara hospitality to an ever-expanding customer base,” said General Manager of Anantara Seminyak Bali, Terence T. Lee. Her career in the field of sales and marketing can be traced back to 2006, with her overseas experience for the pre-opening team at the Banyan Tree Bahrain as Banquet Sales Coordinator, before moving up the ranks to become the MICE and Events Manager at Banyan Tree Bintan in 2008. Two years later, Theresia relocated to Bali as Senior Sales Manager with Conrad Bali in charge of all aspects of sales, including group and event sales. Her senior leadership role increased in scope in

2013 when she joined Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali as the Director of Sales, then continued at the Director level role for almost five years with another luxury independent brand of The Mulia – Mulia Resort and Villas Nusa Dua in Bali. Then, she became a successful Sales and Marketing consultant for all Wyndham Destinations properties in Bali and Lombok. Prior to that, she was Head of Sales and Banquet Manager with Ismaya Group, the biggest lifestyle company in Asia, overseeing Sales and Banquet for the Indonesian region. “I am looking forward to building on the success that’s already been achieved – together with the sales and marketing team to develop new ways to support Anantara Seminyak’s growth strategy following the refurbishment,” said Theresia. Born and raised in Medan, North Sumatra, she graduated with a diploma degree in Hotel and Business Management. For ten years she has been residing on the island of Gods, where she has mastered the background of luxury international brands as well as independent brands. In the midst of a busy schedule, she spares time for her passions of music, sports, and anything related to sunsets.


Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020


A Nostalgic Journey Through Djakarta Warehouse Project 2019 BY MIRELLA PANDJAITAN

Colourful lasers, magnificently futuristic stages, delectable treats, and blaring, good music with friends, are why thousands of electronic dance music (EDM) lovers from Indonesia and around the world had specifically travelled to JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta. The desire to let loose, for perhaps the longest three nights of the year, was the draw. Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) 2019 returned to Jakarta, after celebrating its tenth anniversary in Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Bali in 2018. Running for an extra day, this threeday celebration of EDM featured mega DJ names who haven’t performed in Indonesia for years, as well as marking a few international and Indonesian DJs’ debut performances at DWP. But it wasn’t just all about DJs. Similar to last year’s line-up, Ismaya Live decided to give a twist, by announcing an RnB singer who made her first ever appearance in Indonesia – it may have raised some eyebrows but this singer’s performance absolutely awed the audience. Day 1. Friday, December 13, 2019 Since 2016, DWP had always featured the moment of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, because a diversity of sub-genres from across the dance music spectrum each year is a key value. On this day, a Betawi dance named Kinang Kilaras stole the crowd’s attention as they proudly raised the flags of their respective countries, surrounding the Garuda Land stage. DJ Devarra also featured Indonesia’s national song, Indonesia Raya, in his set.

Day 2. Saturday, December 14, 2019 On the second day of DWP 2019, the Barong Family stage was transformed into the long-awaited, exceptionally colourful and spectacular stage called Elrow. The theme, El Triangulo de las Rowmudas, was showcased for the first time in Asia. Designed as a giant ship-shaped partying tub in the belly of the Kraken, colourful confetti, stilt walkers with undersea-themed costumes, and colourful floats made Claptone, Meduza, Marc Maya, Riva Starr, Chelina Manuhutu, Mario Biani, Hyde, and Okiocto’s performances nothing like what had ever been seen at DWP. Oliver Heldens, world number seven DJ according to the Top 100 DJs 2019 magazine, returned to DWP for the first time since 2015. Then, Disclosure made their debut performance at DWP. They asked the crowd at the Garuda Land stage to sing every single word to their songs “You and Me” and “Latch” towards the end of their slot.

Festival-goers were spoiled with various surprises from musicians who performed on the first day of DWP 2019.

Late into the night, it was finally the turn of highly anticipated dubstep genre pioneer, Skrillex, to take the same stage. “We got to see who we wanted to see: Skrillex! He was really good. We had a blast,” said Jeremy from Singapore.

For the last act of the night at the Garuda Land stage, Martin Garrix was joined by Zedd, who had previously performed on the same stage. The crowd went hysterical as both of these DJs took the decks together.

Fans were cheering as Skrillex ended the night by carrying the Indonesian flag and headed down into the audience separator, as Damien Marley’s “Welcome to Jamrock” serenaded the masses.

“I was very excited to see Martin Garrix. I’ve travelled from Japan to come and watch him tonight, but I’m definitely sticking around until Sunday,” said Amy from Japan.

Day 3. Sunday, December 15, 2019 Following the announcement of the full lineup of DWP 2019, fans went hysterical as soon as the name Calvin Harris was included on the list.

Yellow Claw’s return to DWP was phenomenal, as they were accompanied by RAMENGVRL and keyboardist Arindi Putry. Blasterjaxx also spontaneously played Reza Artamevia's “Berharap Tak Berpisah,” or Hoping Not to Split, that had been modified into a koplo dangdut version. A meet and greet session took place where audiences could interact with their favourite Barong Family musicians such as RayRay, Moksi, Wiwek, and Sihk – the only Indonesian musicians to ever perform at TomorrowLand. Also, fans could rock apparel and accessories from the DWP 2019 x Barong Family merchandise collaboration. After a shopping spree, festival-goers were then able to line up for the colourful light installations and capture some memories with their squad.

“I went to last year’s DWP in Bali and now here I am again, because why not? This is the biggest festival in Southeast Asia so of course, I’ll be here. I want to see Calvin Harris. He’s usually in Los Angeles and Las Vegas but he’s finally here in Jakarta,” exclaimed Morgan from France. Scottish DJ and producer Calvin Harris had finally returned to Indonesia after seven years. The crowd sang along to hit after hit such as “Summer,” “We Found Love,” “How Deep is Your Love,” and “Sweet Nothing.” French DJ and producer, Martin Solveig, also returned to DWP after his last performance in 2013. Martin brought his latest song, “Juliet and Romeo” as well as “Hello” and “Intoxicated” to the dance floor.

American singer and songwriter Tinashe made her debut performance in Indonesia and DWP at the Neon Jungle stage, just ten minutes before Calvin Harris. Her charisma, powerful choreography, spot-on vocal abilities, and fun energy captivated RnB fans as she performed songs such as “Company” and “Faded Love.” “Apart from the DJs and Tinashe, I came to enjoy the event itself. Everyone from different races comes and unites in one spot so it’s quite nice to see that,” said Wira from Malaysia. DWP 2019 continued to flourish until the

final hours of this year’s festival. Colourful fireworks alongside the bright moonlight illuminated the site and Rise by Jonas Blue ended the festival. Inaugurated in 2008, DWP was initially held at Jakarta Blowfish Club and was called the Blowfish Warehouse Project. A total of more than 5,000 people were present for the first edition of this festival created by Ismaya Live. Year to year, the number of people has consistently grown to this day, making DWP one of the biggest music festivals in Asia.


20 JAKARTA Festival

Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

2019 via For more information, visit www.

are free. 100 percent of all profits of this event will go directly to building the House of Hope Centre for the Lombok Forgotten Children. For more information, visit Fiona Unity Foundation on or contact +62 81383618535.

Arts & Culture

purchases can be through www.



Romantic Valentine Concert with Ronan Keating 29 February 2020

Australia Day Celebrations 2020 26 January 2020

Don’t miss Australia Day Celebrations 2020 where you can enjoy delicious lamb, gravy rolls, and Aussie barbecued sausages in a bun. Loads of Aussie-style fun and entertainment are in store such as kids entertainment, cotton candy, face painting, and balloon stations. Attend huge auctions and a mega raff le. Also, win some prizes in the traditional pie eating and beer drinking competitions. Prizes for best dressed Aussie male and female will also be given. Entrance fee: Rp200,000 or Rp150,000 for bookings in advance which includes: thre Aussie meat pies + one beer + an Aussie tattoo + a ticket to go in the draw to win a barrel of beer. Meanwhile kids under 10

Hammersonic 2020 – Rise of The Empire 27 – 28 March 2020

Hammersonic is a metal and rock music festival, held annually since 2012. They regularly invite huge bands around the world to perform live in Jakarta. Several bands that have performed in the festival included Bullet for My Valentine, Lamb of God, As I Lay Dying, and many others. In preparation for their 2020 event on March 27–28 at Carnaval Beach Ancol, they have announced that legendary American heavy metal band Slipknot will be part of the festival. Other headliners will be announced in the future. For more information, visit www.

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and people cannot live without love. Come and join in the Romantic Valentine Music Concert. Tell your love stories with romantic songs from Ronan Keating, Bunga Citra Lestari, and Christian Bautista. The event will be held on 29 February 2020 at The Grand Ballroom, Pullman Hotel Central Park, Jakarta. For further information, visit www.

Marcell, Brass Against, and others. Tickets are on sale now. Head to for more information.

17 – 18 January 2020

Khalid – Free Spirit Asia Tour 2020 – Live in Jakarta 28 March 2020

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2020 28 February – 1 March 2020

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival (JJF) is one of the largest jazz festivals in the world and arguably the biggest in the southern hemisphere. In 2020, the festival will be held at JIExpo, Kemayoran. Several confirmed acts for the event include The Jacksons, Omar Apollo, Tony Monaco and Friends, Gerald Situmorang,

Carrie: The Musical – Spread Awareness of Domestic Violence and Bullying

Did you miss Khalid’s concert in Jakarta last November? Well, be prepared to welcome back singer and songwriter Khalid to Jakarta. As part of his Free Spirit Asia Tour 2020, Khalid will come back to Jakarta and entertain his fans with his live performance. The singer of “Location”, “Talk”, and “Better” is holding his concert at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on March 28, 2020. The presale period started on December 19,

Using performing arts as a way to bring awareness to various social issues, Jakarta Youth for Performing Arts (JYPA) presents “Carrie”, a drama musical. The venue will be Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Since their earlier productions, JYPA is a youth-led theatre community who’ve used their voice to advocate awareness for mental health. With the upcoming production of “Carrie: The Musical,” which will be held January 17–18, 2020 at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, JYPA aims to shine a light on the issue of domestic violence, and how it is handled in Indonesia. Taken from the novel Carrie, written by Stephen King, this musical tells the story of Carrie White, a young girl whose mother, Margaret White, imposes trauma on her through verbal and physical violence. Ticket

Jogjarockarta International Rock Music Festival 2020 1 March 2020 JogjaROCKarta International Rock Music Festival was held again on March 1, 2020 at the Kridosono stadium, Yogyakarta. After successfully bringing Extreme and Power Trip in 2019, JogjaROCKarta International Rock Music Festival have again brought the legendary rock band Scorpions and Whitesnake. To get more information, contact +6282226664343.

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Indonesia Expat Issue 253 | 15 – 28 January 2020

Expat Advertiser JAKARTA Jobs Available

Indonesia Expat is looking for a highly motivated

PR/Sales Representative to join its Sales and Marketing Team. The ideal candidate must have a strong interest in media sales, eager to learn, and be able to represent the company well. The future PR/Sales Representative will have the opportunity to work in a small team and learn directly from experienced employees. The candidate wi ll also get to at tend networking events and daily meetings with clients or potential advertisers in order to meet and exceed revenue targets. Fresh graduates who are looking to start their career in a local English-basis publication are more than welcome.

Indonesian moving company with more than 20 year experiences Call us: +62-021-7884-8814/15 Fax: +62-21-7884-7056 Email:

Skills Required: • An excellent command of written and spoken English (native) with very good communications skills • Very good Bahasa communications skills • Excellent organisation skills • The ability to sell and gain new clients • The ability to present and pitch advertising opportunities • The ability to organise events • A good understanding of sales techniques • A good understanding of social media • Hardworking, outgoing and positive Job Description: • Build and develop relationships with existing or potential clients • Attend networking events • Liaise with sales and editorial team • Plan, develop and implement sales and PR strategies • Reach sales target If you believe this is the job for you, please send a cover letter and CV to info@ Due to the high demand of applicants, only candidates who will reach interview stage will be contacted.

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JANUARY 22, 2020 Send your classifieds to:

Personal classifieds = FREE Property and other commercial classifieds = PAID (50 words = Rp100,000 | 50 words + image = Rp250,000)

The Jakarta Japanese School is seeking an English teacher – English conversation / grammar teacher (Native speaker). The Jakarta Japanese School (JJS) is an elementary and junior high school located in the south Jakarta suburb of Bintaro. The school caters for the children of Japanese nationals living in Indonesia. The English Department of JJS provides conversation and grammar based classes to students ranging from grade 1 to 9. The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic, hardworking, and enjoy working as part of a team. Responsibilities include planning and teaching

lessons, attending school functions and participating in extracurricular activities. Required qualifications such as bachelor's degree, teaching certificate (TESL, CELTA etc.), native speaker of English, can commit to a 12 month contract, currently based in Indonesia. The monthly salary is around Rp33 million. Benefits: THR (bonus of 1 month’s salary), transpor t from home to school provided within south Jakarta, annual medical check up,medical insurance, inclusion in the BPJS health and pension scheme. +/-10 weeks paid vacation per year. Visas and permits are provided. The job will start in early April 2020. Applications will be accepted up to January 31. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please send your CV and a cover letter to: English pr ivate tutor (Professional Business English) Location: Kuningan, South Jakarta. Frequency: once a week (on weekends). Code: #PSUIE076. Requirements: candidate should be very good at english, has experience in teaching english for adult / business, has good attitude, and willingness to work with our agency. Contact: Exito Course +6283874488125 (WA)

at +628121861919 (WA) or email or Property House for sale in Kebon Jeruk (West Java). 5 minutes access to Jl. Panjang. Close to Permata Hijau and TOL road gate. Walking distance to McDonalds, Holicow, Pizza Hut and The Harvest. The house is a combination of 2 houses put together (86m 2 + 87m 2). Freehold. Asking price: Rp4.9 billion (negotiable). Contact via WA: +6281290070037 (direct owner).

A new residence in Cinere, strategic location , exclusive only 10 units.please contact +6281511110100.

willing to be working with dogs around. Please contact Riska at: +62811801767.

BALI Jobs Available Expatriate diving manager. Candidates must have the following essential qualities and skills: • Managing day to day diving operations and logistic • Ident if y i ng a re a s for operational movement and helping to refine all system, processes and policies to improve the day to day operation of the business • Involvement in sales and marketing , and strategic development of the business • Creating new initiative that contribute to long term success and profitable Minimum requirements : • PADI OWSI or equivalent • Computer proficient - Ms. Programs, Excel, Google Drive/ sheets , powerpoint and email. The successful candidate will be provided the full KITAS/ working permit, a fixed monthly salary and housing allowance. Please send your CV to : or call +62361720331 for more info. Property

Services Company for Sale: 100% foreig n-ow ned Indonesian PMA company available with per manent management consulting/management services license for sale. All company documents and licences are up-to-date, including online registration, all of which can be verif ied. Contact: +6281280223330. Learn music with Waltzio Edutainment. Piano-ViolinViola-Cello-Guitar-Vocal lesson. All educators are experienced and can deliver in English. Private Lesson available as house-call at your house or just come to our basecamp in Nusaloka BSD City. Contact our WA +628118866003, +628788546 1400. E m a i l: waltzio.edutainment@gmail. com. Highly recommended bahasa Indonesia Teacher – Learn bahasa Indonesia with Rini! Are you new to Jakarta and would like to start learning bahasa Indonesia? Then I have just the right person for you! I can highly recommend my bahasa indonesia teacher Rini. Rini is a great teacher as she structures her classes well and gives you plenty of opportunities to talk and learn. I feel that I've improved so much with her just within a few weeks! The fee includes teaching fee, transport fee and materials. All materials provided. At your office or at your own home. She prefers around Kemang, Bintaro, Tangsel, Cilandak, Sudirman, Mega Kuningan, Pejaten, Antasari, and Pondok Indah area. Please contact her

For rent in Pondok Indah Resident Unit Amala (brand new). Full furnished (brand new); Sma r t T V; ex tra refrigerator (2 doors); building: 132.20m 2 ; 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms; 1 master bathroom with bathtub; outdoor pool Olympic size; indoor pool; children pool; children’s playground; tennis; g y m; function hall; BBQ area; 2 lot reserved parking. Rent Price US$3,000 per month for 2 year contract (Nego). More info: +62816656466. Personal We are looking for a forever home for Lady a small mixed breed dog. She was born on September 26 in 2018. She is a girl and she has all vaccinations and dewormed. She is neutered in October 2019. Lady is a very enthusiastic girl and she likes to play with people and other dogs. Because her foster has a lot of dogs she can get along with other dogs. She has a lot of energy but she can also be very calm. If you think you can give Lady the home she deserves, please contact: Carin: +6281282345304 or Sophia: Household Staff Live-in position available, preferably husband and wife, but other options are possible. Hi, we are looking for a helper/ maid and gardener/handyman, preferably a couple to live in with us. Little english is no problem as both of us speak Bahasa. The household is two people and two dogs, so it is important they are

For sale or rent, brand new villas 6 bedrooms, can extend for 1020 bedroom for guest house or homestay. Very strategic location behind Alfamart 24 in Jalan Raya Kerobokan, beside Global Extreme the private fast internet provider and located beside Office 888 Co-Working Space & Gym. In the back of the house is a river and the view of jungle like in Ubud with many birds song. Do not miss this brand new large villa of 400 sqm with private road & private jungle the natural city garden in the back. Flexible payment term and rent term can be daily, monthly, yearly according to your budget. Please contact: Nanang (Notaris) +628122875664 (WhatsApp) Cozy 6 bedroom villa in Umalas YRT2149. 6 are land size. 400 sqm building size, 2 storey house, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathroom, kitchen with equipment, open dining room, a big pool, little garden, AC, water heater, tv, wifi, Gazebo, property is full furnished. Price: Rp 550 million/year, US$39,640/year. More info : +623614741212, WhatsApp / text : +6285770330625. Email: Location: Padonan area near MMA Bali, 8 minutes to Brawa Beach, 12 minutes to Batu Bolong Beach & 13 minutes to Echo Beach And 25 minutes to Bali International Airport. Land size 200 sqm, 2 bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, 1 guest’s toilet, electricity 10,000VA, Property is furnished. Rp 200 million per year, Rp180 million per year / min 5 years. WhatsApp to: +6281936125565.

Finding Nature in Bali Bali offers a great lifestyle with ideal weather, readily blending modern living with the intrigue and mystique of Balinese culture. It has bountiful beaches, endless rice fields and nature walks, and also waterfalls in stunning locations. At the same time, there are top notch schools, medical care, and shopping as well as beautiful restaurants and bars. Many people dream of living in Bali, but how does one actually make the move and become part of a village or another community? Do you want to experience Bali at its best and experience some peace and quiet, but still be close to all the amenities? Moving to Bali for long term and buying property? Or maybe a rental investment? If so, do consider Villa Damee in Ubud; an exquisite, three-bedroom villa with a pool, located in a quiet village, and conveniently only 4.5 km from Ubud. This stunning tropical Balinese style private villa is listed for sale for the first time by its expat Australian/New Zealand owners. Surrounded by lusciously landscaped gardens set in the rice fields, it overlooks the jungle and is located in the traditional village of Pejeng. Just a three-minute walk out the door and you will find yourself at the beautiful World Heritage listed Pakerisan River. The strong relationship the owners of the villa have built with the village during their eleven years stay will ease your way into the community as the next custodian of this property. The name “Damee� is Sanskrit and means peace and harmony. With the privacy of 2,300 sq metres of land around you, this is indeed a great find and has excellent business income potential too. Price: US$335,000 Land Size: 2,300 sq metres, Leasehold 19 years + 10 year extension, three-bedroom air-conditioned villa set in nature with large pool with spring-fed water and ioniser eco- filter (low chlorine).

Enquiries to Mr. Gusti at Red Lotus Bali Property

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