English basic module

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Unit 2. T I M E




















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Greetings Country and Nationality





Hello How do you do Nice to see / meet you Glad to see / meet you Pleased to see / meet you Bye / goodbye Have a nice day Good night

Hello How do you do Nice to see / meet you too Glad to see / meet you too Pleased to see / meet you too Bye / goodbye Have a nice day Good night

Note Informal (often used by young people) Neutral greeting Formal greeting Optional Optional Optional Way of leaving someone Used when people go to bed

SPEAKING Practice 1. Zahra introduces herself to all department staff in AZ-Hotel as a new comer. Zahra : “ Good Morning, please allow me to introduce myself as a new hotel receptionist. I’m Zahratunnisa Nugroho, just call me Zahra. I’m from Depok, Indonesia. I hope I’m welcomed to be a new comer here. Pleased to meet you here. Thank you” Anjani : “Hi, I want to introduce myself. I’m Anjani from Indonesia. I work as a receptionist. Thank you to welcome me working here. Nice to see you


Opening Introduction

“(Greeting), May I introduce my self,….my name is……….” “(Greeting), I’d like to introduce myself, I am ……..” “(Greeting), I want to introduce myself………” “(Greeting), Let me introduce my self,……” (informal situation)

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[ENGLISH BASIC] Practice 2. Rini, Human Resources Manager, welcomes a new receptionist in his office Rini Zahra Rini

Zahra Antony

: Good morning, I’m Rini, a Human Resources Manager. Welcome to AZ-Hotel : Pleased to meet you, My name’s Zahratunnisa Nugroho. : I’d like to introduce you to Antony, the Front Office Manager. Zahra, this is Antony Zein the front office manager : Pleased to meet you, sir. I’m Zahratunnisa Nugroho : Hello Zahra, Pleased to meet you too. I hope you enjoy working in AZ-Hotel.

Practice 3. Rini Ardin, a human resources manager, introduces a new receptionist to his colleagues in the Front Office Department.

RINI August Rini Diana Zahra August Zahra August


: Good morning everybody : Good morning Rini : I’d like to introduce a new receptionist, Zahra. She starts work tomorrow. : Hi Zahra, I’m Diana. Nice to see you : Hi Diana, I’m Zahratunnisa Nugroho. Nice to see you too : Are you Australian? : I’m not Australian, I’m from Indonesia. Where are you from August? : I’m from Singapore

Introduce yourself What’s your name? My Full name is … My nick name is … My first name is … My middle name is … My last name is … Surname is … What’s your address? Where do you live? My address is … I live in … What’s your phone number? My phone number is … Being introduced Do you know… (my mother/boyfriend…)? This is …..(my sister, JANE..) I’d like you to meet some of my friends.

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More information Where do you come from? I come from…(country) Where are you from? I am from ...(country) Are you Japanese? Yes, I am Japanese No, I am … (nationality) What do you do? I am a …….. I work at / in … What is your job / occupation? I am ………


EXERCISE 1. Practice: Introduce your colleagues or your friend 2. Complete the table with Country and nationality below. COUNTRY


Indonesia Spanish Italy Polish England French Greek Irish Turkey Chinese


Asking to repeat

“I’m sorry sir / madam, would you like to repeat please!” “I beg your pardon, sir / madam!”

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Day, Week, Month, Year Clock Preposition

VOCABULARY Practice saying these Numbers, Days, and Months. NUMBER 1 = one / First 2 = two / second 3 = three / third 4 = four / fourth 5 = five / fifth 12 = twelve / twelfth 22 = twenty-two / twenty second 33 = thirty-three / thirty third …

DAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

MONTH January February March April May June July August September October November December

SPEAKING Practice 1. What information do you ask for when taking a reservation? Zahra : Good afternoon, AZ-tour&travel. Can I assist you? Mr. Setyo : I need to reserve a honey moon package. Zahra : Certainly sir, we have three packages of honeymoon. Denpasar: The Extravagance of Asia, Exotic Life of France, and Turkmenistan Romantic Moon. What sightseeing are you looking for sir? Mr. Setyo : actually, I’m looking for a natural beach life and having a romantic occasion at night Zahra : I see. We suggest you to join our Denpasar: The Extravagance of Asia. The beach and the romantic night are the place you can enjoy full for your honeymoon moment. This package has two types: 3D2N and 7D6N Mr. Setyo : sounds nice. I’ve also read the detail about this package in your website and I take the 7D6N. Zahra : Good choice, sir. You have decided to choose our “Denpasar: The Extravagance of Asia”. For when is it, sir? Mr. Setyo : For 5th October Zahra : ok, so that’s on Wednesday and your depart date is 12th October. For how many people, sir? Mr. Setyo : Just four. That’s me, my wife, my friend and his wife. Page 5


: Just a moment sir, I will check the time for flight.

(======= time checking ======)

Mr. Setyo Zahra Mr. Setyo Zahra Mr. Setyo Zahra Mr. Setyo Zahra

Thank you for waiting, sir. Your flight on 5th October is in the morning at 09:00 a.m. and for departure time on 12th October is in the afternoon at 16:33 p.m. May I know to whom is this package for? : Setyo. That’s me. : How do you spell it sir? :S–E–T–Y–O : How about your email and your contact number? : Here is my email: jsn@sahid.com and my phone number is 08011752012 : Thank you. So that’s the package for four people on 5th October to 12th October for 7D6N package of Denpasar: The Extravagance of Asia. : That’s great. Thank you : Thank you for contact us, we will send the total charge and the payment method to your email today.

Practice 2. Reading Text

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C L O C K – second, minutes, hours

Use cardinal numbers: zero (0), one, two, three, … O’clock

* A quarter past *

past * A quarter past


* A half past


17:15 = it’s fifteen / a quarter past five 17:45 = it’s fifteen / a quarter to six

NOTE: PREPOSITION IN = country (in Indonesia, in Myanmar, …) city/town (in Jakarta, in Makassar, …) district (in pondok cabe, in Sawangan, …) building (in STP Sahid, in AZ-Hotel, …) season (in winter, in summer, …) part of the day (in the morning, …) months (in May, in August, …) ON

= Floors (on the second floor, …) Address (on Jl. Kemiri no. 12, …) Days (on Saturday, on Friday, …) Date (5th October, 17th May 2015, …)


= times (at 7 o’clock, …)

EXERCISE: A. Answer these questions below: 1. 2. 3. 4.

When is Indonesia Independence Day? What time is it now? What time do you start your activity? When were you born? Page 7

[ENGLISH BASIC] 5. Do you still remember when STP Sahid was established? 6. The official hours of STP Sahid open at _________ and close at _________ 7. Normally , the college starts at ________ and ends at _______ 8. What does “Weekday” mean? 9. What does “Weekend” mean? 10. When do you enjoy your fun with your family? B. Now practice to mention the time below:


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Unit 3. What do you do? LEARNING OBJECTIVES:


Simple Present Present Continuous

Make something / someone to be ready


Keep something for a particular purpose / time


Mark name or things as having been dealt with something


Go to one place


Go away / leave


Reach the place / the end of a journey


Visit a place to learn something / for a special purpose


Visit a place for a short time


Visit a place over a long distance


Suggest a particular action to someone or something

READING Practice 1. Read the text and answer the questions A day in my life My day usually begins at six-thirty. I get up and do some exercises for about fifteen minutes. Then I take my shower. After my shower, I get dressed and have breakfast with my family. I usually have a light breakfast, consisting of toast and coffee. At seven-thirty I leave for school. I usually take the bus to school. I catch the bus near my house and then walk from the bus-stop to school. It takes about thirty minutes to get from my home to school. My first class is at eight-thirty and I usually finish school at three. Sometimes I stay late to have a game of volleyball or to work in the library. I usually reach home at around four o’clock. When I get home I like to watch TV for a while. Then I start my homework. I have dinner at seven o’clock. After that I often have more homework to do. Sometimes I watch TV or go out with friends after dinner. I generally go to bed around ten-thirty. Questions: 1. What time does the writer have an exercise in the morning? a. At 06:30 pm c. at 06:45 p.m b. At 06:30 am d. at 06:45 am Page 9


2. How long does the writer need to do his morning activities before leave for school? a. 60 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 30 minutes d. an hour fifteen minutes 3. How long does the writer need to reach school? a. 60 minutes b. 45 minutes c. 30 minutes d. an hour fifteen minutes 4. The writer wastes his time in school around………to study a. 6 hours b. 7 hours c. 8 hours d. 9 hours 5. How many hours does writer need in a day to do all his activities in a day? a. 13 hours b. 14 hours c. 15 hours d. 16 hours 6. A light breakfast means, a. A cup of coffee or tea b. A cup of coffee or tea and toast c. A cup of coffee or tea and toaster d. Toast only 7. Break time after school, usually done by the writer to …….. a. Have an exercise b. Stay in the library c. Work in the volleyball hall d. Be an employee in the library 8. The writer usually has something to do after dinner, such as………….except…… a. Finishing homework b. Have fun with friends outside c. Going to bed early d. Watching TV 9. The last activity of the writer ends around ………. a. 30 minutes to eleven b. 30 minutes to ten c. 30 minutes before ten d. 30 minutes lately Page 10

[ENGLISH BASIC] 10. Does the writer have some fun in his daily activity? a. Every hours is for studying and working b. He never has a time to be with his friends c. His activity in a day is d. He has time to have fun with friends SPEAKING Practice 2. Zahra has an interview in AZ-Hotel Zahra : Good morning, I have (1) an appointment with bu Rini Ardin to be interviewed at 9:00 this morning. Diana : Alright madam, please follow our concierge. He will escort you to HRD room. Zahra : Thank you (in HRD room) Zahra : Good morning madam, I’m (2) Zahratunnisa Nugroho. I have (3) an interview with bu Rini Ardin Rini : oh yes. I’m Rini Ardin. Have a seat please. Well Ms. Zahra, I’ve read your detail CV and interest to interview you today. Could you tell about yourself? Zahra : I am (4) a hard worker and love to meet many different people. I learn (5) many different characters from them and language they use (6). Learning some new thing is (7) the way I know (8) what I don’t know (9) from them. For in case, when they talk (10) polite and impolite, request (11) something with low intonation and high tone, and many more. I choose (12) working in hotel as a receptionist because hotel gives (13) me many new experiments and experiences. It isn’t (14) bored and it’s (15) so fun meeting new comers every day. Rini : what time do you usually start (16) working? Zahra : I work (17) in 3 shifts; morning from 06:00 to 14:00, afternoon from 14:00 to 22:00, and evening from 23:00 to 06:00. I usually arrive (18) to hotel one and a half hour before working, and I leave (19) the hotel an hour later. Rini : Why do you apply (20) to join in AZ-Hotel? Zahra : I think AZ-Hotel can give me something new more than before. I’m still Learning (21) everything and I believe (22) I can step forward to my better future with AZ-Hotel. Rini : Ok, Zahra. Our hotel is looking for (23) a person who is energetic, friendly, and interested person. From your story, we decide (24) to accept your CV to join with us working as a receptionist. Congratulation Ms. Zahra, welcome to AZ-Hotel and develop this hotel together in a team

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NOTE: Simple Present describes something that happen again and again or things that never change (see example number: 1 – 20, 22, 24) Present Continuous describes something that happen now (see example number: 21 & 23) EXERCISE A. Choose the correct answer:

GRAND SAHID JAYA The five star Grand Sahid Jaya _____ [has/have] a long and rich history in the Indonesian Hospitality industry combining traditional Indonesian charm with professional hospitality, an approachable style and spirited service with sincere values. The hotel _______[maintain/maintains] its cultural traditions and the identity _______ [is/are] not only in design but also by heart. Situated on Jakarta's most prominant address along the Jalan Jend. Sudirman boulevard, the cities major commercial district where key corporations and financial institutions, retail businesses and entertainment venues _______[make/makes] their home. Located just 40 minutes by expressway from Soekarno - Hatta International Airport. There are 721 rooms and suites offer a unique variety of rooms to choose from with all the amenities of a modern hotel. Our Guest Room facilities: All guest rooms and suites ___________[include/includes] extra-large desks, full-stocked refrigerated mini-bars, bathrooms’ telephone extension and Cable television. For guests desiring even greater level of spaciousness and service, any of the 28 rooms and suites on the hotel's two Executive floors will be ideal. Nestled in the heart of Sudirman, Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta ______[are/is] an ideal spot from which to discover Jakarta. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. For those of you who want to venture out, British Council, Embassy of Ukraine, Embassy of Canada _________ [is/are] just some of the attractions available to visitors. Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta also _________ [offer/offers] many facilities to enrich your stay in Jakarta. The hotel offers access to a vast array of services, including 24-hour front desk, 24-hour room service, luggage storage, Wi-Fi in public areas, valet parking. Guests can choose from 720 rooms, all of the rooms ________ [is/are] excluded an atmosphere of total peace and harmony. Throughout the day you can enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the fitness center, outdoor pool, spa, massage, pool (kids). Superb Page 12

[ENGLISH BASIC] facilities and an excellent location ________ [make/makes] the Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta the perfect base from which to enjoy your stay in Jakarta. B. WRITING: - Inform your routine activity at home and college - Make a short story about a hotel accommodation in Indonesia using your own words.

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Unit 4. Job Titles and Job Description VOCABULARY Restaurant Head Chef Sauce Cook Head waiter Waiter Barista Wine Waiter Busboy

Hotel Housekeeping Front office FB Product FB Service Engineering Human Resources Accounting

Travel Travel agent Travel Consultant Reservation Agent Tour Leader Tour Operator Tour Guide Cashier

SPEAKING Practice 1. Zahra is in her first day at work. See the conversation below. Zahra : Good morning. August : Hi, welcome to your first day. Hopefully, you enjoy working here. Zahra : Thank you. You come so earlier. August : I always arrive one hour earlier and leave an hour later. Zahra : I see. What are you doing, August? August : As an operator, I must prepare the operational form, check the telephone line, and make a list of section needs before I have an incoming telephone. Zahra : How long have you been in AZ-Hotel as a telephone operator? August : it’s about 3 years, I’ve joined in AZ-Hotel. The first I worked in reception desk for 2 years Zahra : Mmmmh, I can learn about receptionist job from you then. Would you please help me if I need a favor? August : I will, Zahra. Just come to me. *****************************************************************************

Practice 2. Dina brings a tour group in a program of Jakarta City Tour from Sulawesi. Here is the quotation of Dina’s opening tour. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Jakarta. I’m Dina as your tour guide. As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is a well-known with its MONAS which is looked beautiful at the night. Our itinerary for tomorrow is we will visit Monumen National. For tonight you are free to rest and relax in hotel. On this way to the hotel, I will give information about the hotel where we stay. The name of our hotel is Sahid Hotel, it’s located at JL. Jendral Sudirman kav. 86, Jakarta Pusat Indonesia 10220. It is located in a strategic place, check a look on this map. Monas is not too far from Sahid Hotel. It takes 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Sahid is also close to the biggest shopping centre, like Tanah Abang, and Thamrin City Mall Page 14

[ENGLISH BASIC] When we arrived there, we can look a wide lobby and we will get a warm welcome from all of the receptionists who are very nice and friendly. Sahid hotel has complete guest rooms. There are deluxe rooms, superior rooms, executive rooms, and suite rooms which are all non-smoking rooms. There are Cable/satellite TV, 4-restaurant, spa, outdoor swimming pool, and fitness center. There are bath room (en-suite room), which has hot water, shower, and bath tub. I believe that you will enjoy staying there, and if you are hungry, don’t worry this hotel has 4 restaurants, or you may enjoy having meals outside of the hotel that stay around the hotel. Alright ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow we will visit Monument National (MONAS) at eight o’clock. That will be a full day tour. Enjoy your night at Sahid Hotel and see you tomorrow.

Here is the example of Hotel Organization Chart:

Taken from: www.google.com [images]

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[ENGLISH BASIC] EXERCISE A. Answer the questions: How about the Organization Structure in your hotel? Can you explain their job desk? Are you familiar with hotel and travel or airlines job? Can you explain the job description of those job titles at the vocabulary in the box above? B. Match the job on the left to the job description on the right! 1. Waiter a. one who organizes the tour plan before departing until arrival to the destination 2. Busser b. one who stands by to wait the hotel guest arrival from somewhere in the airport 3. Barista c. a restaurant employee who takes order, carries food and serves food to the guest 4. Captain Restaurant d. one who guides tourists on the way to their destination 5. Steward e. one who take cares and helps guests arrange things, such as ticket, bring luggage and give information 6. Concierge f. a restaurant staff who bring dirty dishes from the table and bring the clean one 7. Hotel Airport trap g. one who control the ticket reservation 8. Tour leader h. a restaurant staff who directly supervises employee service and controls all restaurant management tasks 9. Tour guide i. a restaurant staff who washes and clears all dishes and kitchen equipments in the kitchen 10. Ticketing staff j. one who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at bar

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Unit 5. Handling Complaint LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Making Expressing Complaint SPEAKING Practice 1. At the hotel,conversation between Rini and Service Centre (SC). What is the complaint about? SC : Good morning, Ms. Rini. Can I help you? Rini : Hello, good morning I want to complaint about my room . SC : Alright Madam, What thing is it? Rini : My water closed in my room, there are some problems there SC : Some problems , would you tell me what the problem is? Rini : The door in my bathroom cannot be opened, and the bathtub gets trouble too, it is sink. SC : I’m so sorry to hear about the trouble you get in your room madam. I have noted your complaint and as soon as I will call the Engineering to fix it. Anything else? Rini : Oh.. one more thing I almost forget to tell you when the first time I entered the room, the room was not clean. Can you make up my room immediately? SC :Certainly madam, we are really sorry about it Madam. Rini :Ok don’t worry *****************************************************************************

Practice 2. At the Restaurant Mr. Jarwanto: Excuse me, waiter Waiter : May I help you sir? Mr. Jarwanto: Can you check my cream soup order? Waiter : wait a moment, sir. I will take your note. Here you ordered one crab cream soup without celery on it, isn’t it sir? Mr. Jarwanto: you noted well, but look what you have served to me. It’s not a crab cream soup but it’s a chicken with more celery on it. You know I really don’t like celery. How come you served me the wrong order. Waiter : I do apologize, sir. I didn’t mean to serve a wrong order. Would you excuse me to change your soup with the crab cream soup without celery, sir? Mr. Jarwanto: how long should I wait? Your soup make me wait for 30 minutes then you ask me to wait thirty minutes more. It’s ridiculous. Waiter : I’m so sorry sir. Would you excuse me to ask my manager first about this re-order, sir. Mr. Jarwanto: ok Waiter : Sorry for making you waiting. My manager said you get free for the wrong order sir. How about that? Mr. Jarwanto: I agree. Waiter : Thank you, sir. We will bring your soup immediately. Page 17


NOTE: Step of handling complaint and expression used: 1. Asking the problems a. What can I do for you, sir/madam? b. Can I do something for you? c. May I help you? 2. Apologizing a. I’m so sorry for the trouble you get in your room b. I’m really sorry about it c. I do apologize for the inconvenient you have in our hotel 3. Showing your sympathy then explain the problem a. We promise there will be no more trouble you get. b. We will try to treat our guest as comfort as you ask 4. Offering solution a. We will call the engineering to fix your problem sir/madam b. We will change your room sir/madam

EXERCISE Make a dialogue for each complaint below then practice it. Remember the step: 1. apologize 2. explain the reason for the problem 3. offer a solution 1. Complaint I

: Guest requested medium chicken porridge but got spicy

2. Complaint II

: Waiter poured wine in a glass but it was spilled out to the guest

3. Complaint III

: Guest needed to sleep early tonight but it was noisy next room

4. Complaint IV

: Guest requested a taxi at 7 p.m but you forgot it

5. Complaint V

: Guest ordered overcooked steak but got rare

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6. Complaint VI

: Passenger has been paid the flight ticket and already booked the windows seat but it has been seated

7. Complaint VII : The plane is delayed for four hours, Passenger are getting mad 8. Complaint VIII : Flight attendant spilled out coffee to the passenger 9. Complaint IX

10. Complaint X

: “I couldn’t find my baggage when I arrived in this airport in the “AZ-Airlines, and I have looked at it in the baggage claim too. Where are my belongings?” : The tour package wrote that the departure scheduled for “Kalimantan Borneo Tour” is on the first week of December, but until the third week of December we haven’t got any confirmation about this rescheduling,

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Unit 6. When will you trip to? LEARNING OBJCTIVES:

WILL To Be Going To

SPEAKING Practice 1. August, Zahra, and Diana are discussing their holiday plan August : Hi Zahra, Good Morning Zahra : Oh hi August, August : what is your planning for next month holiday? Zahra : I am going to go to my parent place in Makassar. How about you? August : I am not sure, whether I will go to Singapore or enjoy my holiday in Bali. Diana : Why are you so confused? August : Visiting Bali is my dream and I promise myself that I will visit it one day. I guess this is the right time to plan it, but my parents ask me to visit them in Singapore, they miss me so much. Diana : I see, it is a difficult decision. Zahra, what are going to do in Makassar? Zahra : My family and I are going to visit TORAJA. We have scheduled it 2 years ago. Diana : That would be great, I wish I can join with you, but I don’t have off-duty anymore. So, I will spend of my holiday time at work place. August : Okay enjoy your holiday then. Zahra : You too. *****************************************************************************

Practice 2. Zahra

: Good morning, Mrs. Jarwanto. Are you going to confirm your check-out time? Mrs. Jarwanto: Good morning. Right and I'd like to make a reservation for the third weekend in September. Zahra : Alright madam, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. How long are you going to stay? Mrs. Jarwanto : I’m going to stay for two nights. Zahra : How many people is the reservation for? Mrs. Jarwanto : Just for me. Zahra : And would you like a room as alike as you have it before with a double bed? Mrs. Jarwanto : Yes please. Zahra : Great. I’m going to put your reservation in our system madam. Just a moment, please. Now what name will the reservation be listed under? Mrs. Jarwanto : Rini Jarwanto Zahra : Alright madam, your reservation is the same as it used to be. How about the contact number? Is it 0226076435?

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[ENGLISH BASIC] Mrs. Jarwanto : Yes, that’s my active cell phone number 0226076435.


:Great. How about the payment madam? Are you going to pay the same Credit Card? Mrs. Jarwanto : I guess no, I will deposit it by cash or transfer. Can I? Zahra : I suggest you to pay by cash madam for a guarantee of the available room you order because the date you want is a high season moment. Mrs. Jarwanto : Alright, Zahra. How much should I deposit? Zahra : It’s for two nights makes $ 200. Mrs. Jarwanto : Ok here you are. Zahra : So your reservation has been made for the twenty-fourth of September for a room with a double bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at two o'clock afternoon. Pay deposit by cash. Anything else madam? Mrs. Jarwanto : No that’s for now. Thank you so much. Zahra : you’re welcome. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us. We'll see you in September, Mrs. Jarwanto. Have a nice day.

NOTE: To describe future planning, you need: Will / Shall and To be Going To : Example: Tom will / shall be in Singapore for New Year We will not celebrate New Year with party Will they celebrate New Year with praying? New year, 1st January, is going to start at 00.00 am New Year isn’t going to be on Christmas Is New Year going to be on Thursday?

NOTE: Shall not = Shan’t [“Shall” is used for British] (seldom to use, and just for Subject she/He/It/I) Will not = won’t [“Will” is used for US] I’ll = I will / I shall Optional Answer Yes, …. Will / shall No, … won’t / shan’t Yes, … is / are / am No, … isn’t / aren’t / am not

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[ENGLISH BASIC] EXERCISES A. Answer with will or to be going to and some in negative !!! 1. I ________ finish my D-III in three years if I don’t have “E” in my subject. 2. If the government is serious to promote “Visit Indonesian 2008”, we __________ have many tourists visiting Indonesia 3. I don’t think, I _________ try a new recipe from college

4. Give discount up to 30% for this high season, and your hotel _________ get many visitors 5. Who ___________ be a President and Vice President in the next election. 6. “Are you serious, without studying you____________ get “A” for all subject?” 7. The soup____________ tasteless without salt and pepper. 8. The most religious person ______________ have heaven as a present from God. 9. May be, my family ________ stay at home at the night of New Year. 10. “I am sorry, tonight I _______ call you”. 11. More ingredients in your spaghetti ______________ more delicious. 12. Too much wine in your stew _____________ delicious but bitter. 13. Jennifer _____________ enjoy her New Year celebration because she is hospitalized. 14. Our restaurant _______________ grill fish because there aren’t any fish. 15. That wine _________________ delicious if you drink it sips by sips. *****************************************************************************

B. Complete the sentences below using FUTURE PREDICTION a. Look! The cloud is so dark. I guess it ….. b. When you call me, I …. c. After I graduate from Sahid, I …… d. If you study seriously, you ….. e. Before raining comes, I …….. ***************************************************************************** C. Tell your planning with this topic below: Continue Study


“What are you going to do to reach your dream?”

Running a Business


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Unit 7. Request and Offer

RESTAURANT 10 JL. RIDWAN NO.05 JAKARTA 51009 TELP: 021 – 51009 FAX : 021 – 51009 E-MAIL : RESTAURANT_10@HOTEL10.COM

SPEAKING Practice 1. At the restaurant Aeron : I have reserved a table for two. Waiter : What name, please? Aeron : Mr. Smith. Waiter : Thank you. Would you like to have a table in the next door? Fancy : Can we have a table by the window? Waiter : Sure. This is no smoking area. Aeron : That’s alright. Thank you Fancy Waiter : Would you like to order something to drink? Aeron : What would you recommend? Waiter : We have very good house rose wine served in a carafe. Would you like to try it? Aeron : Fancy, what would you prefer to have? Fancy : I have not decided yet. Can I have a glass of dry red? What do you recommend? Waiter : We don’t sell wine by glasses. Wine is sold by bottles. Would you mind trying President’s XV or El Bombero. Aeron : Can we get sample the wine? Waiter : Yes, Sir. Aeron : That’s alright then. *****************************************************************************

RESTAURANT 10 JL. RIDWAN NO.05 JAKARTA 51009 TELP: 021 – 51009 FAX : 021 – 51009 E-MAIL : RESTAURANT_10@HOTEL10.COM

Practice 2. At the Restaurant Customer : Can I order food? Waiter : Yes, you can, sir. Customer : Then I’d like to order steak and chips. Waiter : What would you like to drink, sir? Customer : I’d like to drink red wine. Which wine would you recommend from your Page 23

[ENGLISH BASIC] wine list? Waiter : I would recommend Spanish wines such as Rioja or Malena as well as local wines such as Saperavi or Khvanchkara. Rioja is dark and delicious and matches well with sirloin steak. Malena is good with grilled meat. Customer : I will try the sample of local wine, please, and take a glass of Saperavi.

NOTE: REQUEST Can you ………..?  less polite Examples : Can you give me your id card? Could you ………? Examples: Could you show me your passport, sir/madam? Could you spell your last name? Would you mind + V-1 + ing + ……………? Examples : would you mind showing me your passport? Would you mind spelling your surname?

OFFERING Can I ………..? May I …………? Examples: Can I help you? May I help you? Would you like to + V-1 +………….. Examples : would you like me to bring your luggage to your room? Would you like to see our menu list? Would you like to sit in smoking area or nonsmoking?


I recommend you ……………… You should …………………. You may/might …………………..

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May I ……………? Examples : May I clean your bed, sir/madam? May I leave the room to go to the rest room? May I come in to your room, sir / madam? Can I ………….? Examples : can I go to the restroom? Would you mind if …? Examples: would you mind if I go to the restroom for a few minutes? Would you mind if I change a bath hand towel, sir/madam? ….? ………? EXERCISE A. Categorize these sentences into R (request) or O (offer) (10 points) a. “Could I speak to Mrs. Bader, please?” b. “Could I have your name, madam?” c. “Could I take your laundry now?” d. “Could I bring your tea to your room, sir?” e. “Would you mind me to bring your bill?” f. “Would you mind signing here, sir?” g. “Can I take a message for you?” h. “Can I take your message, please?” i. “Can you pay your bar bill with Visa?” j. “Can I take your coat, madam?” B. How many polite sentences you can make from these below instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Request the guest’s passports Offer a porter to carry the luggage Request not to smoke on flight. Offer to see souvenirs. Ask permit to play MP-3 on the flight

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Unit 8. Accommodation LEARNING OBJECTIVES:

Hotel Tourism Object

VOCABULARY Amenities Bedside table Wardrobe Toilet bowl Wash basin

Single bed Double bed Twin bed Extra bed Adjoining room

View Sightseeing Atmosphere Itinerary Pax

Invoice Tour Package Quotation Tour Planning Vendor

READING Practice 1. See the brochure of AZ-Hotel below and find more accommodation





AZ 051009170512 reservation@AZ.com

Page 26

[ENGLISH BASIC] Practice 2. See the TANA TORAJA brochure below. You will see more accommodations offered to the customer.

Now, from those two brochure mention the accommodation that offered to the customer

Page 27

[ENGLISH BASIC] EXERCISE A. What type of bed and the ballroom decoration are these? 1








B. Find a brochure around you then learn the accommodation that offered

Page 28


Unit 9. Reservation VOCABULARY Reservation Booking Check – in Check – out Refund Schedule Issued Return Ticket One Way Flight

To keep something and reserved in advance (as hotel accommodation, table in restaurant, or seat on a plane) An arrangement to have a hotel room, ticket, etc at the particular time in the future Announce someone’s arrival (at hotel or airport) Announce someone’s departure from hotel An amount of money that is given back A list of planned activities or things to happen Release some documents to come-out after the payment done (flight ticket) A ticket for travel to a place and back again Travelling or allowing travel in only one direction An aircraft that is making a particular journey

SPEAKING Practice1.

Ticket Reservation Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff

Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff

:AZ-Airways, good morning. May I help you? : Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney at afternoon? : One moment, please. We have a flight at 16:45 and 18:00. : Good. Could you tell me how much is a return flight for the flight at 16:45? : Economy, business class or first class ticket? : Economy, please. : For when is it, sir? : Tuesday, 1st May and the return is 17th May : For how many person? : Two Adult and one child 3 years old : Alright sir, let me check it first. The ticket for one way is Rp. 2.050.199 and for infants is Rp. 410.039. So the total for return ticket all is Rp. 9.020.874. : OK. Could I make a reservation? : Absolutely sir. Could I have your name, please? : Nugroho Jarwanto : How would you like to pay, Mr. Jarwanto? : Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket? : Certainly, you will have to confirm this reservation at least two days before departure time.

Page 29

[ENGLISH BASIC] Mr. Jarwanto Ticket Staff

Mr. Jarwanto

: I see. : Now you have booked, Mr. Jarwanto. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476. : Thank you.


Practice 2.

Table for three, please. Head waiter : AZ-Restaurant. Good afternoon. How may I help you? Mrs. Jarwanto : I would like to book a table for dinner please. Head waiter : Certainly madam. For what date please? Mrs. Jarwanto : The fifth of October Head waiter : and for what time madam? Mrs. Jarwanto : at 8:30 Head waiter : May I have your name please? Mrs. Jarwanto : yes, it’s RINI JARWANTO Head waiter : Could you spell the name please? Mrs. Jarwanto : sure. It’s R – I – N – I for RINI and J – A – R – W – A – N – T – O for JARWANTO Head waiter : I get it madam. For how many person madam? Mrs. Jarwanto : Just for three. I’d like a table in non-smoking near the window through the garden. Head waiter : Just a moment Mrs. Jarwanto, I’ll see if we have the table for you. I’m sorry Mrs. Jarwanto there isn’t any free table through the garden, but we have the table near the window through the fish pool. Mrs. Jarwanto : Yes alright Head waiter : So, it’s a window table through the fish pool in non-smoking room, at a half past eight, on fifth of October, for three person. Is that right madam? Mrs. Jarwanto : Yes. Head waiter : May I get the contact number please? Mrs. Jarwanto : It’s 010876170512 Head waiter : Alright madam, thank you for calling. We’ll see you on the fifth of October. Goodbye Mrs. Jarwanto Mrs. Jarwanto : Bye

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Expressions to use

Agreeing Expressions: Certainly madam/sir… Absolutely madam/sir… Yes, (we/I ) ( do/will) Yes, sir/madam Yes, of course That’s Great All right Good Yes, that’s right

Disagreeing Expressions: * I’m sorry madam/sir * No, thank you * I’m afraid your order is… * I am really sorry * I am extremely sorry for… * I do apologize * I’m very sorry if our service … Polite Expressions: * Excuse me…. *…..please…. * I beg your pardon * Could you do me a favor?

EXERCISE A. Re-arrange this scramble conversation below: WAITER Please follow me sir, I’ll escort you to your table. This is your table 41 Mr. Paul and here’s the menu. I’ll return in a moment to take your order. And what would you like for dessert? Let me repeat your order: one well done Tbone steak, one bake potato with butter, for the vegetable is Corn on the cob, the dessert is the cherry pie, a la mode and a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee. Anything else sir? Welcome to AZ-Restaurant. Do you have a reservation? How would you like that cooked? Would you care for something to drink? Wait a minute sir, I’ll check your reservation. So, it is a party for one, sir? Would you like that with butter or sour cream or both? All right sir. Your order will be ready in 10 minutes. Enjoy the music sir. Are you ready to order, sir? The vegetables today are corn on the cob,


Yes, the name is Johnson, Paul. I’ll have the baked potato

No thanks, I think that’s all Waiter…! I’ll take the corn on the cob. What do you have? I’ll take a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert. I’m on a diet, so only butter. I’ll take the cherry pie, a la mode, please. Well done, please. Page 31

[ENGLISH BASIC] peas and carrots, or broccoli. We have apple, cherry and lemon meringue pie, chocolate and vanilla cake, peach cobbler, and chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream. You have a choice of potatoes- French fried, mashed, or baked.


Yes, I’ll have the T-bone steak.

B. After you put the sentence into the correct order then working the role play situation with your partner The roles : a waiter, a customer

Page 32


Unit 10. Show me the way to VOCABULARY



Turn Right Go Right


Intersection Crossroad


Y – Junction

Turn over

T – Junction

Go Ahead Go Straight

SPEAKING Practice 1. Checking-In Zahra

: Good afternoon. Welcome to the AZ-Hotel. How may I help you? Mrs. Jarwanto: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of Rini Jarwanto. Zahra : Can you please spell that for me, madam? Mrs. Jarwanto : Sure. R –I – N – I . Zahra : Let me check it madam. ----- I’m sorry, there are many names beginning with RINI. May I have your second name? Mrs. Jarwanto: Jarwanto with J – A – R – W – A – N – T – O Zahra : Here is the data, Mrs. Jarwanto, we've reserved a Double Bed at Suite Room for you with a view of the ocean for two nights. Is that correct? Mrs. Jarwanto : Yes, it is. Can I ask? What are services that I will get in this Hotel ? Zahra : A full Continental buffet for your breakfast, free airport shuttle service, free swimming pool, Taxi call, and free WIFI 24 hours in your room madam. Page 33

[ENGLISH BASIC] Mrs. Jarwanto : Great


: Your Room is 487, and here is your key. To get to your room, take the elevator on the right up to the fourth floor. Turn left once you exit the elevator and your room will be on the left hand side. A bellboy will bring your bags up shortly. Mrs. Jarwanto : Great. Thanks. Zahra : If you need a favor or requests, please dial 'O' from your room. Mrs. Jarwanto : Ok, thanks. Zahra : My pleasure, Mam. Have a wonderful stay at the AZ-Hotel. Mrs. Jarwanto : Thank you very much . *****************************************************************************

Practice 2. Where is STP Sahid? (see the map) Pamulang







STP Sahid UT Kemiri

Pondok Cabe

a. From Ciputat: Just go straight until you find traffic light in the crossroad of Gaplek. Then go ahead and take to the left in Terminal Pondok cabe. On your way you find SMK Link and Match on your right. On the T-Junction you take to the left and go straight. STP Sahid is on your left. b. From Pondok Cabe: ____________ (continue your own words) c. From Parung: ________________ (continue your own words)

Page 34


Note: Questions Model Can you show me the way to …? Could you tell me where is …? How to go to …? Is it far from … to …?

Note: Baby Shop

The baby shop is the opposite of Police Office Behind STP Sahid is Clinic

Police Office

Terminal MALL


STP Sahid


AZ – Hotel

The right side of library is AZRestaurant There is a mall on the left in the corner

AZ Rest aur ant

The mosque is between AZ-Hotel and Bank Next to AZ-Hotel is Mosque STP Sahid is across of AZ-Hotel

Libr ary


EXERCISE A. Here is the map of the second floor of AZ-Hotel and complete the text below: R.212







R.207 R.215

Buss. Center


R.218 LIFT









Page 35


1. From lift you must turn ___________ until you see R. 214 in front. Then go ________ and your R.215 is on the ______. 2. When there is an emergency sign, you must find emergency stairs. From R.206 you must go ______ and on your ______ there is R.207 and R.208 in the _______, you can take to the ______ and just go ________. There is an emergency stairs ________ you. 3. Your room is ________ R.209 and R. 211. It is _______ business centre. 4. R. 213 is _________ to the emergency stairs and it’s ________ R.215 5. ________ the lift is business center and it’s _______ R.210

B. Look at the table manner picture. Can you describe the position of the cutleries and crockery?

Example: The napkin is inside the water glass

Page 36


REFERENCE Dubicka, Iwonna and Margaret O’Keeffe. English for International Tourism. Longman Strutt, Peter. English for International Tourism. Longman. International Express Baude, Anne et all. 2002. Ready to Order. Published by Pearson Education Talalla, Renee.2008.English for Restaurant Workers, Second Edition. Compass Publishing

Page 37

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