India Duncan Dummy Book Reflection 04-12-13 The idea of the dummy book was to create eight spreads. The second half of the dummy book would consist of alternative ideas to the first four spreads. The theme of my book is of reflections; photos of bizarre reflections are captured in daily objects that most would not notice there to be. These photos are reflections that are documentations of my life, where I’ve been, and who I am with at the time. The photos bring the viewer into my personal space, which is why I have chosen a size of 7’x 7’’. The cover/ pages were selected to be of glossy paper because the shine magnifies the reflection images. The title page is left blank with no title to emphasize and continue with the reflection theme, but most importantly to create mystery, and further questioning from the viewer. My book was viewed by Morgan, Lauren, and Emily of the Photo book class, and each was required to provide suggestions that would help me figure out the physical appearance of the final photo book. The theme of my book succeeded in drawing them in for a closer look at the images. It was said that the viewer has and wants to travel through each image. The offset images on the pages and the additive of color on blank pages was liked within the first four spreads. It was stated that the idea of my book was not gotten immediately, but once realized the viewer was compelled to look back through, which this aspect of looking and relooking was appreciated. Also the decision to make my book a mystery from the blank cover page and absence of title (or any text) was seen as a nice way to continue with the reflection images whose content are not entirely visible- I received a well done. The images were seen as having no order, which I did notice. But the book seen as having no order is not a mishap to me. The images are placed in order of when they were taken, but that is not important for viewers to know, neither is
them recognizing me as the photographer that stands within each. My book was said to have cohesion because each image is of a reflection and each has me or a part of me within. The second half of the book received mixed reviews. The second half was favored more so than the first four spreads. The reflection images that I found bizarre, many preferred a white background. As for layout I received comments that suggested I play with the positioning, and color of the images. The layout was the most difficult which is why I focused the second half of the dummy book to providing possible layouts had in mind. I provided different layout versions of the images I considered to be bizarre. I was contemplating whether there should be color to accentuate the bizarre photos, and or should I place them as full bleeds. Changing the colored images to black and white was suggested, so I tried this out and the results were not pleasing. The reflections were even that more difficult to see, color made the reflection and non reflected objects fuse together as one image. Outside of this group many of my peers thought that I had Photoshoped these images. From this comment I felt that my goal to capture and present strong images was accomplished because I did not Photoshop any of them. It was also suggested that I consider having text, but some also stated that text was not needed. After seeing the physical book, I decided to make a few changes. The bizarre reflections will be placed in center on the left side of the page with no background color, nor for the right. I figured why not let the uniqueness of the image speak for itself. All other images will be positioned at an offset from the right of the right pages. Sense the book has no stamp of its purpose I have decided to add a title to the back of the book cover, instead of the front, which would still create mystery. Creating a dummy book was physically/visually helpful.