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Creating value from waste IL Recycling
The company employees 220 people and its sales in 2014 are expected to reach PLN 65 million (more than €16 million). The export share is estimated at half of total sales. The EU countries, as well as Russia and Ukraine, are GZPS’s biggest foreign markets.
The start of 2014 saw the launch of the company’s Centre for Research and Development. “The Centre works on the new directions for our company development, preparing new solutions for forms, threads and materials. It is working to make our fasteners even cheaper and better,” says Mr Gawel.
Hi-tech products
“In the early years of the company’s development, threaded screws for wood were its main products. Now our products are more

New Zinc is a dynamically developing modern electroplating shop: we currently have two lines in operation (rack and barrel), with a third line (our second rack line) under construction and a fourth line (our second barrel line) in the pipeline for 2015.
New Zinc provides services for plating steel and cast iron parts. From our rack lines our offer includes: • zinc acid coating • zinc alkaline coating • zinc- iron coating • zinc - nickel coating
From our barrel lines: • zinc alkaline coating • zinc - iron coating • zinc - nickel coating with a range of sealers
More information about New Zinc on www.newzinc.pl
tel: +48 33 813 42 92 fax: +48 33 813 42 93 mail: newzinc@newzinc.pl

New Zinc
New Zinc is a zinc plating company, which has been operating on the Polish market since 2007. Our company continues the tradition of the Nuova Zincorotostatica electroplating founded by the family of Rua in 1965 in Turin.
Our services include zinc plating (zinc acid, zinc alkaline, ZnFe and ZnNi with different types of passivations and sealers on barrels and racks) on steel and cast iron products.
We owe our high position in the market to the experience of qualified staff and modern technology.
Electroplated coatings made by us are characterized by the highest quality and high corrosion resistance. The quality of electroplating processes performed in our factory is confirmed by external audits and satisfaction of very demanding automotive customers.

advanced and complex in shape as well as in the type of thread. Our total production is either custom manufactured according to the customer’s specification or it presents our specific solutions, for example the patented thread for plastics ALFATECH,” explains Mr Gawel.
The unique ALFATech threaded fasteners have been implemented thanks to the company’s own research and development work on metal processing, metal structural changes in the manufacturing processes for cold metalworking, the development of new tool designs and the development of new production technologies for threaded fasteners.
GZPS was one of the first companies in Poland to hold the DÖRKEN Licence that allows the use of lamellar zinc, which is a great alternative for galvanic corrosion protection and does not interfere with the natural environment, whilst also providing corrosion resistance.
Full control
GZPS has another unique attribute. “Most companies have some parts of the production process outsourced. We try to do everything at home. This enables us to fully control the entire production process,” explains Mr Gawel.
However, the company does cooperatre on the basis of long-term contracts with materials suppliers. One of its long-term partners is Valbruna Polska, a part of the Valbruna Stainless Steel Group. This group is a leader in the steel industry and both a supplier and producer of stainless steel and special metal alloys.
Gawel’s plans for growth in the coming years include the start of new production processes, further minimising the need for outsourcing and increasing the production of more complex products. Soon the Centre for Research and Development will achieve compliance with the ISO 17025 standard. The Centre also works on the use of new materials and searches for new market niches. n

IL Recycling is a Swedish recycling company with operations in Sweden and Poland. It has been working to supply manufacturers in various industries with raw materials for over 60 years. Industry Europe looks at the complete solutions the company offers to improve efficiency.

Since its establishment over 60 years ago, IL Recycling has grown into one of the world’s largest full-service recycling and waste management companies, handling virtually all kinds of materials. IL is a recycling company with national operations in Sweden as well as several locations in Poland – in Warsaw, Poznan, Gorzow and Katowice, where it uses the local brand name First Recycling.
A company spokesperson says: “IL Recycling has four owners, all Swedenbased paper mills. They are Fiskeby Board, SCA, Smurfit Kappa and Stora Enso. We were originally created by our paper mill owners to provide them with recycled fibre – but for some recycled products, the best sales opportunities are to be found outside Sweden. In that case, we make sure that we find suitable customers abroad and arrange transport. For example, we export highgrade fibres to Germany, Italy and Spain.”

Fields of expertise
IL Recycling’s 700+ employees have expertise covering the entire recycling process, from analysis, collection and transport of residual products to sorting, processing and delivery of recycled raw materials to industry. IL Recycling provides the vessels and containers for sorting and recycling, and handles the transport from the collection points to the recycling plants. IL Recycling also has the very latest technology in place, enabling it to offer the smartest solutions for efficient and above all profitable recycling.
IL’s core activities are paper and plastic, although other kinds of materials are also processed via business partners. Common materials and items that the company collects and processes include batteries, glass packaging, plastic packaging, metal packaging, corrugated board, electrical waste, light bulbs, newspapers and scrap metal.
The company handles waste left over from all kinds of operations, viewing waste as a valuable resource that often goes unused simply for lack of time or expertise. As well as