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Innovation in transportation Waberer’s Group
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In recent years, transport and logistics companies have had to keep pace with significant technological changes. The Waberer’s Group is not only a key transport road operator in Europe, but is leading the way in innovation, too. Regular fleet extension and the implementation of the latest IT solutions are now necessary investments in order to achieve efficient operation and sustain growth. Edina Beale reports.

The Waberer’s Group made a huge step forward in 2017 when it successfully completed one of Hungary’s biggest stock market entries. Following this, it used the capital derived from the sale of stock to acquire the Polish road transport company Link and began the integration process as part of its strategy to achieve growth in the European market. In addition to this, new technological solutions have been introduced that have enabled Waberer’s to use their resources more efficiently.
Winner of SAP Innovation Award
The Waberer’s group implemented the SAP business operation system in January 2017 in order to replace the previously used Oracle system. As a result of this investment, the management of the firm’s 56 subsidiaries has become much more efficient and, thanks to the big data technology the business decision process has been significantly accelerated. This innovative investment has provided the basis for Waberer’s current vehicle fleet of 4300 trucks and enabled more efficient management of the financial and purchasing processes.
A year after the implementation, Waberer’s received the SAP Innovation Award for the extensive modernisation of its management system. The company regularly tests and uses the latest innovations for international logistics. On many occasions the group has introduced its own system developments to optimise resources while continuously modernising its business information systems and transferring these professional systems onto SAP elements. This has led to more

efficient business operations and increased the company’s competitiveness. Waberer’s is the first Hungarian company in history to win such high profile recognition from SAP.
The youngest vehicle fleet in europe
In addition to developing its own innovations, Waberer’s is also very keen to take part in its partner’s research and development activities. It has, for example, made successful tests in the area of truck platooning and tested intermodal freight transport using multiple modes of transportation. Furthermore, the Waberer’s group operates the youngest and most environmentally friendly vehicle fleet in Europe.
In early 2018, HUF 19 billion was invested into the extension and modernisation of its international fleet park headquartered in Budapest. The company has signed contracts with four manufacturers to deliver more than 1000 vehicles in 2018. DAF and Volvo will manufacture 700 semitrailers, while 384 truck trailers will be delivered to Waberer’s by Kögel and Schmitz before October this year. The selected Euro 6-C emission trailers are powered by the new generation of diesel engines.
These vehicles are equipped with highly innovative ideas that make the driver more comfortable and the journey safer. These extras include parking heater and parking cooler, adaptive and predictive cruise control and lane departure warning system. Since Waberer’s modernises its vehicle fleet every year, it always meets environmental requirements with regards to carbon dioxide emissions. Significant emphasis is also placed on using the most modern on-board computing and fleet management tablet. Waberer’s has recently purchased the best working tablet available on the market today when it purchased 3100 DriverLinc Lights from Astrata.
International acquisitions
In addition to organic growth, the company has been gradually increasing its international outreach through acquisitions. In addition to last year’s Link acquisition, in 2014 the company established a subsidiary in Suffolk, England. Waberer’s has been serving the British Isles and continental Europe for decades, with an ever-increasing market share. Six months before Waberer’s UK was established a similar company began operation in France, near Paris. Waberer’s International Pte.Co. has established local companies in Europe’s most important trade hubs, in the proximity of its customers, while also increasing the number of employees at Waberer’s Deutschland, Waberer’s Polska and Waberer’s Slovakia, which are already in operation. These sites refine the Waberer’s service portfolio in order to completely satisfy the country-specific needs of customers.
Winning strategy
According to Ferenc Lajkó, chief executive of Waberer’s International Zrt, there is no need to change a winning strategy: “In 2017 we successfully introduced new information technology solutions, which enabled us to use our resources more efficiently. At the same time we continued our collaborations with our partners in order to test and implement new technologies in our operations.
“I am certain that it will be the right strategy for Waberer’s to continue to focus on our competitive advantages based on our size and efficiency, whilst opening up the technology based operations and aiming to lead the way in the consolidation of the industry. In 2018 we will continue our efforts to integrate into the Polish market and we intend to extend our vehicle fleet there by a three-digit number. At the same time, we plan to make more acquisitions in order to extend our contract logistics services segment. In addition to this, we will continuously make efforts to extend our information technology and other operational systems in order to further increase our efficiency and profitability.” n