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exhibition for Automotive Industry Hungary’s premier
EXhIBITIon foR auTomoTIvE IndusTRy
AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY International Trade Exhibition for Automotive Industry Suppliers and the accompanying AUTÓTECHNIKA-AUTODIGA International Vehicle Maintenance Industry Trade Exhibition will be held between 17–19 October 2018 at HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre.
Encompassing the Hungarian and Central-Eastern European automotive industry, the wide-ranging event will present the total spectrum of the automotive sector, ranging from design to manufacturing, to 10,000 professional visitors.
everything under one roof
Last year, automotive specialists from 34 countries came to the exhibition where 225 exhibitors from 12 countries presented their products and solutions. In addition to the four car factories which are present in Hungary – Audi, Mercedes, Opel and Suzuki – exhibitors included plenty of leading companies in their field, TIER 1, TIER 2 and TIER 3 suppliers, industry-related service providers, public organisations and representatives from various industry associations. Overall, around 73 per cent of the visitors were made up of decisionmakers or involved in decision-making and 82 per cent of last year’s visitors are planning to visit the event this year also.
Alongside car manufacturers and their suppliers, AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY also represents the manufacturers of spare parts, and the educational sector of the automotive industry.
The exhibition provides opportunities for networking with existing and new customers, recruiting, analysing competitors, identifying new sales channels and market opportunities and observing the current and emerging trends within the industry.
Behind the exhibition there is a wide range of professional and governmental support, enabling high-quality professional programmes to be created. The professional partners of the exhibition are the Asso-
ciation of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE), the Association of Hungarian Automotive Component Manufacturers (MAJOSZ) and the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA).

Training sessions
In addition to the planned programmes, this year also features several engineering training sessions: the MAGE-MAJOSZ-HIPA B2B supplier forum and TechTogether competition for engineering students. Portfolio and MAGE will organise an Industry 4.0 conference during the exhibition to focus on the topics of digital switchover, smart factory, smart investments, and the relationship between robotisation and labour shortage. Another presentation will introduce the new generation of design and simulation tools supporting the automotive industry, and also the 3D printing solutions that support additive manufacturing. The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling will also present packaging solutions offered especially for automotive suppliers.
Repair and maintenance forum
AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY’s co-event, the AUTÓTECHNIKA-AUTODIGA International Vehicle Maintenance Industry Trade Exhibition, will be held this year for the 27th time. This is the most important professional forum of the automotive repair and maintenance industry in Hungary. Diagnostics, garage equipment and spare parts for cars and services can be viewed under the same roof. The exhibition also offers a three-day opportunity for professionals to familiarise themselves with the newest innovations, developments and services in the automotive industry and the maintenance of electric cars, as well as the required tools and equipment. n
1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10. AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY project Phone: +36 1 263 6088, +36 1 263 6007, +36 1 263 6104 E-mail: automotivexpo@hungexpo.hu www.automotivexpo.hu/en AUTÓTECHNIKA project Phone: +36 1 263 6074 E-mail: autotechnika@hungexpo.hu www.autotechnika.hungexpo.hu/en
Free entry after preliminary professional registration on automotivexpo.hu/en/industryeurope