Industry Update Issue 108 June/July 2019

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Issue 76 February 2014 $12.00 INC.GST $12.00 INC.GST

Issue 108 JUNE/JULY 2019

ASBESTOS ALARM Asbestos remains one of the most deadly threats in the Australian workplace more than 15 years since its use and importation were banned. And the Government’s Asbestos Safety & Eradication Agency is concerned that there is a misconception that certain forms of asbestos are safer than others. Australia has one of the highest rates of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases in the world due our past heavy use of asbestos. And while the importation and use of all forms of asbestos were banned from 31st December 2003, the nation has a substantial asbestos legacy.

Australia has a long history of asbestos use, and at one stage was one of the world’s highest users of asbestos per capita. The material was mined in Australia for over a hundred years, with production only ceasing in 1983.

Asbestos was also imported into the country and was widely used in Because of this, it is estimated the manufacturing and construction that there could be as many as industries, including in many 19,000 new cases of mesothelioma commercial and industrial diagnosed in Australia before theA V A I L A B L E I N Adomestic, USTRALIA EXCLUSIVELY FROM end of the century. premises built before the late 1980s. 250kg or 500kg

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chargeable -ion batteries

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And while there has been an extensive education campaign aimed at tradies working on domestic renovations, there are more than enough asbestos-containing materials to be found in commercial and industrial premises dating from the same period. Possible hazards include plant and other machinery containing asbestos gaskets and/or seals, lagging around pipes, flues and even electrical switchboards. These are in addition to the asbestos-containing building materials that might have been used in the construction of the premises themselves. Although in almost all these applications the asbestos fibres are Continued page 4

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HALL OF FAME CELEBRATES LOCAL HEROES One of the early highlights of National Manufacturing Week in Melbourne was the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards, celebrating Victorian manufacturers of all sizes and complexions.

This diversity was typified by the award for Manufacturer of the Year Safetech MD Lindsay (Medium Business), taken Wakefield receives his company's out by materials handling award from Tim Piper of the Australian Industry Group specialist Safetech, which has achieved international success from its manufacturing base at Moe in regional Victoria, a point emphasised by Managing Director Continued page 4

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Over the past few weeks, it’s been interesting in a changing industry to reflect on the resurgence of the traditional aspects of our business. For while Australian manufacturing is evolving into its new shape in the 21st century, the way the industry takes itself to market is showing that the old ways are often the best. I’m the last person to suggest that the Internet has not been game changing for the way we all do business. And social media are taking that a stage further. But when it comes to getting an important message in front of potential customers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage with the right people. The last twelve months have seen an increasing number of suppliers appreciate this problem and return to more traditional marketing channels. Magazine advertising is on the increase, and Industry Update has benefitted greatly from this. We had a great 2018, and 2019 will be even better. Another traditional medium that is enjoying a big renaissance is the trade show, and you don’t need to look too far for evidence to support this. Last month’s major event in Melbourne, combining National Manufacturing Week with the Austech

manufacturing machinery show was an unqualified success. The combined exhibition area showcased an industry ever more keen to impress (it was the largest Austech ever), and the combined conference sessions drew good audiences throughout the four days. But it was the overall attendance that impressed the most, with close on 13,000 visitors – almost 2000 up on the previous Melbourne event in 2017, and harking back to the “golden days” of the industry trade show. What’s more, the feedback from exhibitors has been particularly favourable about the quality of the visitors, with several major deals concluded at the show. Such a turnout proves that Reed Exhibitions and AMTIL (the respective organisers of NMW and Austech) both did a fine job in marketing their shows to their prospective audiences. And I’m delighted to say that both those organisations advertised in Industry Update as a key part of that marketing. Like Industry Update, these shows will go on, but those who missed them will have to wait until 2021 for the next events. And we’ll have published another eleven editions by the time that comes around!

I must admit that I’m not a massive fan of Australian politics in particular or in any kind of two-party system. And populist election victories around the world in recent years suggest that I am not alone in this sentiment. One inevitable problem of the duopoly appears to be the continual fighting between the different factions within each party. We’ve seen it seemingly tear apart the Liberal Party (although the wounds did not prove fatal). Now, with the changing of the guard, we are seeing the Labor Party performing an elegant ballet of diplomacy to ensure that the new leader has a front bench team with whom he can work while keeping the opposite wing of the party satisfied with its share of power. Unfortunately, the major casualty of these machinations has proved to be the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr. Say what you like about Senator Carr’s politics, coming as he does from the left wing of the Victorian Labor Party, but there is no doubting his passion for his portfolio, which he held in government and in opposition through a succession of counterparts on the benches facing him.

Indeed, in my short time at Industry Update, there have been four ministers, but only one Kim Carr. And he has always been willing and available to comment on any subject covered by his portfolio: as a voice for Australian manufacturing, and particularly as an advocate for the nation’s programmes of research and innovation. Our readers have always understood and appreciated his point of view. I can bear this out from conversations at successive exhibitions and conferences: many would struggle to name the minister of the day, but all would know Senator Carr and admire his commitment. And his regular contributions to Industry Update have always been widely read. His column in our June/July edition was penned before the election, but it is still a relevant commentary on the potential of the Australian automotive industry, which is why we have published it. But we haven’t heard the last of Senator Kim Carr. While he now sits on the back benches, he remains a senator, and has no intention of retiring. He will no doubt continue to be a voice for Australian manufacturing. And he has assured us that he will continue to contribute to Industry Update.

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Continued from cover

bonded into the material, it is important to appreciate that there are many possible mechanisms for the asbestos to be released into the air, thereby creating a deadly hazard. In addition to obvious forms of release, such as drilling or sawing, natural

phenomena such as weathering and even earthquakes have the potential to break down bonded material. Australian employers have a duty under the 2004 Occupational Health & Safety Act to identify asbestos in the workplace (including plant) so far as is

reasonably practicable. They are also required to document this in an asbestos register, consulting with employees, controlling associated risks and notifying anyone contracted to work at the workplace of the presence of asbestos. However, Asbestos Safety &

Eradication Agency recommends that the only way to properly manage the risk of asbestos is to remove it from the environment (a task that can only be carried out by licensed asbestos removalists).


Continued from cover

Lindsay Wakefield in accepting the award. "Being regional, you could say that we've had to do it harder and smarter," he said. Safetech provided a strong contrast to the small and large businesses taking out the other two Manufacturer of the Year awards, with iconic brand Dulux Australia named the Large Business and Cheltenham-based component manufacturer Columbia Australia the Small Business. Other awards were presented to Air Radiators, awarded the Leader in Innovative Product Development and Commercialisation, and to Holden Special Vehicles, which received the

award for Leader in Global Supply Chain Partnerships. Rochelle Avinu from Leica Biosystems was named the Woman Manufacturer of the Year, and Nicholas Orchowski from RUAG Australia received the award for Young Manufacturer of the Year. Robert Bosch Australia took out the Leader in Industry 4.0 award and Barker Trailers was awarded the 2019 Leader in Workforce Skills Development. Geoffrey Bell was inducted into the Hall of Fame Honour Roll, in recognition of the evolution and growth of AW Bell. And RUAG Australia was the latest company inductee into the prestigious Hall of Fame.


Presenting the awards, Victorian Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade Martin Pakula said: “The Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards highlight the strength and competitiveness of Victoria’s manufacturing industry and

“Our manufacturing industry is one of Victoria’s greatest strengths and successfully exports, invests and contributes to our thriving economy.”

FROM THE PUBLISHER................... 2


ENERGY EFFICIENCY.................... 52

NEWS................................................... 6


VEGA VIDEO.................................... 54

BUSINESS & FINANCE.....................10

MACHINERY.................................... 42

WORKPLACE SAFETY................... 55

INDUSTRY POLITICS......................18


Australia’s automotive future is electric................................................. 20

Robots open doors for worker safety and productivity at New Zealand lock maker........................................... 48

Safety relays protect people and equipment.................................... 56

















PRODUCTS...................................... 58 FUN & GAMES.................................. 62



I want to congratulate all our outstanding winners and finalists.

MANUFACTURING MAGAZINE All material in this publication is copyright to the publisher and/or its contributors. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent from the Publisher. It is a condition of purchase or acceptance of this magazine that the Publisher does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage which may result from any inaccuracy or omission on this publication or from the use of the information in this publication or from the use of the information and illustrations contained herein and the Publisher makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to any of the material contained herein.


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INDUSTRY UPDATE MEDIA PTY LTD Suite 403, Level 4, 116-118 Christie Street, St. Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: 02 9439 1288 Fax: 02 9439 3233 Email:

Circulation 19,242 as at September 2018

Readership 76,968 as at September 2018

ABN 25 083 502 783 JUNE/JULY 2019

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NOVEL PROCESS IMPROVES RECLAMATION OF RARE EARTH METALS “There’s growing concern that future access to these materials won’t be reliable, leading to them being targeted for reclamation and recycling,” says Dr Pozo-Gonzalo. “The primary extraction and processing methods for rare earth metals are also energy-intensive processes that lead to the excessive generation of toxic and radioactive waste. We need a real alternative.” After separating the metals from their end-of-life product, the new process uses advanced electrolytes known as ionic liquids (liquid salt-based systems) to recover the rare earth metals from the resulting solution using a process of electrodeposition. The process has great potential, minimises the generation of toxic and harmful waste and can easily be implemented widely across the world.

With the ever-expanding demand for mobile communications devices, electric and hybrid vehicles and renewable energy technologies, the world’s supplies of the rare earth metals that are critical to these technologies are under increasing pressure. Elements such as cerium, praseodymium, neodymium and lanthanum are in increasingly short supply, because they

are (by their very nature) rare. To add to the problem, almost 85 per cent of the world’s primary resources of rare earth metals (REMs) are in China, where the government has been restricting exports, endangering availability and price stability. Now, scientists from Deakin University and Spain’s Tecnalia research

and innovation hub have developed an improved process for recovering rare earth metals from e-waste.

“The efficient recovery of REMs from recycled materials is becoming increasingly important, given that only about 3 to 7 per cent of REMs are currently recovered from end-products because of technological difficulties,” says Dr Pozo-Gonzalo.

The team is led by Deakin Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) researcher Dr Cristina Pozo-Gonzalo, who identified the urgent need to develop a cleaner and simpler process for recovering the elements.

“Our work addresses a key knowledge gap in the rare earth metal recycling process, and is an important early step towards establishing a clean and sustainable processing route for REMs and alleviating the current pressures on these critical elements.”

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ACADEMY OFFERS KEYS TO COMPETITIVENESS Bang on the schedule defined by its roadmap, the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre has opened up its Manufacturing Academy - an online resource designed to equip Australian manufacturers with the knowledge to prosper in the 21st century. The Academy website is an impressive resource, comprising more than 500 pages of in-depth research, interviews with more than 20 Australian manufacturers, and more than 50 hours of video content, distilled into five inspirational, informative modules. It has been designed as a learning resource - for both manufacturing management and staff - and is freely accessible for anyone who cares to register, on any device and anywhere in Australia. The content, which was revealed to the world on the second day of

National Manufacturing Week, is actually rather inspiring. Australian manufacturers reveal their evolution warts and all - to help other Australian manufacturers in their journeys towards global competitiveness. If all this sounds a bit “cheesy”, it really isn't. There are some key concepts to be appreciated here. In the words of AMGC Managing Director Dr Jens Goennemann in launching the Academy at National Manufacturing Week in Melbourne: "There is a big misunderstanding in Australia that manufacturing is just production… it isn't." And he went on to describe the so-called "smiley curve" of manufacturing, running from R&D through to sales and beyond. "It's about global competitiveness. It's about commercialising ideas," he added. The website itself is well structured,

offering a curated tour through the advanced manufacturing process. The modular programme offers plenty of opportunities to progress through the journey, and keeps track of the user's progress. (And future enhancements will include tests to check on comprehension before progression.) The launch of the programme at NMW was boosted by the attendance of several of the subjects of the video content, who were keen to help promote the work of the Academy, and many of their stories involved the transition of suppliers away from the automotive sector towards highervalue activities. Indeed, one sentiment expressed was that "history might well show that high-volume manufacturing leaving Australia was a blessing in disguise." One of the most appealing features of the academy website and educational tour is the sheer breadth

Jens Goennemann: "Stories need to be told"

of the content that has been compiled by the AMGC over the past few months. As Dr Goennemann points out, regardless of where in the manufacturing spectrum you sit, there will be stories that are relevant.

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MANUFACTURING GROWTH CONTINUES IN THE SLOW LANE May, indicating that the rate of growth has slowed. Nonetheless, growth it still was – despite the political uncertainty – meaning that the figure has been at 50 or above for 33 consecutive months. As one manufacturer responding to the survey put it “elections kill business”. The ever-expanding food and beverage sector continues to lead the way, with a further increase in growth to an impressive 63.9, and building materials (62.0) and chemicals (54.1) also remain in positive territory.

The uncertainty factor of the now decided federal election cast a damper on Australian manufacturing during

May, with the Ai Group Performance of Manufacturing Index dropping from April’s high of 54.8 to 52.7 points in

Unfortunately, machinery and equipment (45.1) and metal products (45.2) continue to decline. But on the plus side, a number of machinery and equipment manufacturers reported renewed demand from the mining and renewables sectors.

In terms of activities, all seven subindexes were above the break-even 50 mark, albeit with only employment (up 4.1 to 55.6) and finished stocks (up 2.9 to 50.8) growing. Worryingly, input prices remain high at 68.3, but selling prices are still rising at 52.1. Announcing the results, Ai Group Chief Executive Innes Willox said: "Manufacturers are hoping that the resolution of political uncertainties associated with the election will provide a base for a return to more robust conditions.” He added: “The medium-term outlook remains clouded by the prospect of uncompetitive prices for gas, both for direct industrial use and as a critical input into electricity generation.”

STAT ATTACK: MANUFACTURING GROWS REVENUES FASTER THAN JOBS The latest industry-wide figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show the manufacturing sector punching well above its weight in the productivity stakes. The data, from the 2017/18 tax year, show that earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) across the manufacturing sector grew by 10.8% over the previous year to a robust $3.5 billion, while employment rose by a



paltry 1.2%, from 830,000 to 840,000 over the same period. Wages and salaries in the manufacturing industry grew 2.9% from 2016/17 to 2017/18. One of the few sectors to beat this performance was wholesale trade, with strong growth in EBITDA of 24.5% (to $4.4 billion), while employment in that sector actually fell by 0.9% from 545,000 to 540,000.

The construction industry was also buoyant in the 2017/18 tax year, with EBITDA up by 9.8% (to $4.1 billion) and employment up by 4.2%. In contrast, the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry was in decline, with EBITDA falling by 12.9% (to $3.0 billion), with employment falling by 0.4% from 484,000 to 482,000. Among the largest contributors to employment growth in Australia

during the period covered were the professional, scientific and technical services industry (up by 6.2%) and the administrative and support services industry (up by 6.3%).


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MotivatingMANAGEMENT Millennials: MILLENNIAL IN A CHANGING WORKFORCE Managing tomorrow’s workforce, today

months) in their last few roles, compared Like it orGnot, but the demographics ALAXY RESEARCH - JANUARY 2016 with Generation X 5.8 years (70 months) of Australia’s workforce are changing, and Baby Boomers 7.3 years (88 and the so-called Millennial generation months). (born between 1981 and 2000) is beginning to predominate. Indeed, by Furthermore, for those that did 2025 Millennials will make up 75 per cent stay the course, only a quarter (24%) of of the workforce. Millennials spent more than five years on average in their last few roles, compared with more than half of Generation Why is this an issue? X (59%) and three quarters of Baby Boomers (78%). According to a recent survey commissioned by workforce While one explanation for this short management specialist Kronos and tenure might be youthful inexperience, carried out across Australia by Galaxy it is worth considering that the Millennial Research, Millennials have career generation spans ages from 18 to 35, and expectations that are very different from so includes seasoned professionals and their predecessors in the Generation X adults with considerable responsibility. (Bear in mind that the median age of (born between 1965 and 1980) and Baby parents in Australia is 30.8 years for Boomer (1946-1964) cohorts. mothers and 33 years for fathers.) Furthermore, it appears that And breaking the survey data down Australia’s manufacturing industry is further reveals that the average tenure for well behind the field in recognising 25-34 year-olds is the same 3.4 years as for these differences and adapting its the supposedly carefree 18-24 year olds. management strategies to cater for the new workforce.

So, what are the differences? The first, and probably most alarming difference for those in the “old guard” is that Millennials certainly don’t consider long service as a virtue: career mobility is paramount. The survey found that Millennials averaged just 3.4 years (nearly 41



So, why the short tenure? Interestingly, of those surveyed, two-thirds (62%) of Millennials said that they would stay with an employer as long as they were acquiring the skills and training that would leapfrog them onto the next role. Compare this with the findings for Generation X (35%) of and Baby Boomers (27%), and it might appear that Millennials are taking a

longer-term career view. A recent global study found that 60% of Millennials chose a "sense of purpose" as one of the core reasons they work for their current employer. And this may well explain the likelihood of a swift exit when work begins to stagnate. 60% of Millennials surveyed by Galaxy Research had left a position within a year of feeling they were no longer giving their best and 32% had departed within three months. By contrast, only 40% of Generation X left in a year (18% in under three months) and 21% of Baby Boomers (10% within three months).

What motivates Millennials to stay? There has long been a contention that money is not the answer to retaining Millennial loyalty, but the Galaxy Research survey would suggest otherwise. When asked to name their top three incentives for staying, 61% of Millennials compared with 41% of Generation X and 44% of Baby Boomers had pay among their top three reasons to stay energised. Other key factors where there were clear differences included internal promotion, favoured by 44% of Millennials compared with 22 and 29% of Gen X and Boomers, respectively,

and better training opportunities, with a quarter (23%) of Millennials in favour, compared with just 7 and 12% for the other groupings. Interestingly, interventions such as mentorships, often cited as ways to nurture young talent, do not have a significant following. Only 2% of the Millennials put mentoring as the single most motivating intervention, compared with 3% of Generation X workers.

What’s missing? Ironically, the report concludes that an open conversation about an employee’s intention to leave seems to be one of the key things that would lead them to stay. This wish for transparent, grown-up discussion cuts across the generations. More than half of Millennials (57%) said they would have stayed in their role longer if managers had asked them what they needed to keep them there. Furthermore 65% of them said they would have stayed longer if managers had shown interest in them as an individual – a sentiment expressed by only 48% of Generation X and 49% of Baby Boomer respondents. While this might imply that Millennials are more malleable than their older counterparts, it is questionable whether it should be the sole factor to shape retention strategy.



Millennials are motivated more by money than their older colleagues. 61% of Millennials have pay in their top three reasons to stay energised and deliver their best.

Millennials are on the rise. In five years’ time, they will make up half of the Australian workforce, further to 75% in 2025.

Millennials are well educated. Research suggests over half (54%) of Millennials have university degrees compared to 40% of Generation X and 26% of Baby Boomers.


Gen X

Baby Boomers

Millennials stay in a job as long as they are paid well: the attitude of 84% of Millennials compared to 75% of Generation X and 69% of Baby Boomers.

Millennials swap jobs twice as quickly. Their hiring half-life - the time they spent in their last few roles - averages 3.4 years, compared to 7.3 years for Baby Boomers and 5.8 years for Generation X colleagues.

Millennials will stay for better pay or promotion - but only for a limited time. More money will increase their service by a factor of 18 months, while promotion extends their work cycle by 19 months.

More Millennials average less than two years in a role, a significate minority of Millennials (15%) compared to just 6% of Generation X and 1% of Baby Boomers.

Millennial loyalty - however bought - often expires early. No incentive, from training to formalised mentorship, delivers more than 19 months from a Millennial, compared to 26 more months from Baby Boomers.

Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials

Most Millennials swap strategically. Two thirds of Millennials say that they’ll stay at an employer as long as they are acquiring the skills and training, compared to a third of Generation X and 27% of Baby Boomers.

Millennials may make their moves more quickly, but they appear more open to managerial discussion. When presented with a list of incentives, only 19% said there was nothing an employer could have done to prevent their departure.

Millennials mobilise when their passion or performance passes its peak. 60% of Millennials had left a position within a year of feeling they were no longer giving their best, of which 32% left within three months.

Millennials respond more positively to personalised plans. Two thirds (65%) of Millennials say they’d have stayed longer if management had shown interest in them as an individual, or simply asked what they needed to keep them there.

Motivating Millennials: Managing tomorrow’s workforce, today

The Kronos report suggests that the very qualities that make the Millennial contribution to the workforce so important - collaboration, a willingness to learn and be challenged, an interest in innovation - may themselves carry an in-built obsolescence, as working environments become familiar and skills are mastered. In this context, it may often be the correct decision to set them free rather than to tempt them with gold.

are some companies doing exceptional3 things, and they’re reaping the benefits,” he says. “It’s all about giving Millennials both the challenges and the management that they expect.” In its conclusion, the Kronos report suggests a few golden questions that industry leaders should ask themselves.

However, the data do illustrate the ways in which Millennial careers will differ from those of preceding generations. And this suggests that companies will need to react to both hiring change and their method of managing and motivating a virtual, mobile workforce.

• Does our churn rate data imply we have an underlying problem with a particular demographic?

According to Gideon Joseph, Kronos Australia's Practice Manager for the Manufacturing, Services and Distribution Division, "Employee retention is vital in this tight labour market, so manufacturers must strategically meet the needs of Millenials. The alternative is high churn rates, losing talent and skills to competitors and costs involved in recruiting and training.

• What message are we sending to Millennial employees who are considering joining and leaving?

“Organisational culture needs to change. What’s worked in the past doesn’t hold true any more, and that is proving difficult for much of manufacturing industry to appreciate.”

• How far are we from delivering that response now?

Joseph does concede that the manufacturing sector is not alone in having this problem. But he does see a marked difference in the way the industry manages its “star performers” and in the way it deals with the bulk of the workforce, very much in a traditional divide between white-collar and bluecollar roles. “While much of the industry has been slow to recognise that these changes have been happening, there




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• Have we scrambled to stretch out employee cycles in the past - if so offering what, and how successful have these efforts been?

• Do our managers create an environment for honest discussion and negotiation? If not, why not? • What would our response be to a 10% lift in Millennial churn rates? What about a 20% increase?

• Do we have the systems in place to manage a rising Millennial workforce? • Are we prepared to lead the organisational shift required to make the change?

These questions may well involve some uncomfortable soul searching for some of the “old school”. But, given the changing demographic of the available workforce, change is essential – and inevitable.




GETTING A FOOT IN THE DOOR “But St.George has supported us when we’ve needed support, and they’ve understood what we’ve needed to do. It’s that sort of relationship.” Andrew Hall is Senior Relationship Manager at St.George in the team that specialises in manufacturing and wholesale, and has been working closely with F&D Normoyle. “It’s really about spending some time and working out what they want to achieve and what we can realistically do for them,” he confirms. And in many cases this hasn’t involved traditional banking products.

Andrew Hall, David Normoyle and Matthew Kelly, Head of Manufacturing & Wholesale NSW for St.George Bank

The adage that success breeds success could well have been written for Sydneybased fabricator and manufacturer F&D Normoyle Engineering. The company has become recognised as one of Australia’s leading lights in producing structural steel, timber and glass and all types of architectural metalwork, particularly in the design, fabrication and installation of facades for some of the most striking buildings around the country. The company’s portfolio includes numerous projects around Sydney’s Barangaroo development, as well as four ornamental ventilation stacks for the Melbourne East Link and the façade, steelwork and balustrade for the new Exchange building at Darling Square, Sydney.

And in a business where you are still only as good as your last job, from that one opening, F&D Normoyle has gone on to take on and successfully deliver ever more ambitious architectural projects. It has also seen the company establish a reputation for working with many “exotic” materials, including duplex stainless steel and copper nickel alloys in its work on Sydney’s desalination plant. “In the past, it was a problem convincing people that you could do it,” says Normoyle. “But now our reputation is established.”

Things were not always so: David Normoyle recalls a meeting in 2005 with the company’s bank at the time that placed an unachievable repayment schedule of 3 months on a loan of $300,000 at a time when construction work was scarce. It very quickly became clear that the bank regarded this as a make-or-break situation. It was at this point that David Normoyle resolved to change banks. And with the encouragement of his wife, Forooz – herself a former banking professional – he made contact with St.George Bank and

Normoyle and Scotts agree that the successful digital design, fabrication and delivery of the ventilation stacks for the Melbourne East Link comprised a pivotal moment for the company. “It got a foot in the door, and showed what we could do,” says Scotts.



F&D Normoyle has come a long way since David Normoyle founded the company back in 1986. The original F&D Normoyle Engineering had been set up in 1890 by David’s great-grandfather “Old Dave” Normoyle as a coachbuilder and blacksmith in Young, New South Wales. (That company – National Engineering Young, NSW – underwent several changes of ownership and name, before eventually being liquidated in the October of 2013.) In 1986 Normoyle Engineering began working out of a small garage in Bondi Junction with a 4in grinder and a 240V stick welder as the only pieces of plant.

And the company’s success can be directly attributed to the moment when company founder David Normoyle elected to follow the path to advanced manufacturing, embracing 3D modelling and computer aided design and hiring key personnel to bring this about – notably Alex Scotts, now the company’s Senior Project Manager. This increased company capability took F&D Normoyle Engineering away from the mundane, where it found itself having to compete on price with lower cost imported steel fabricators, to ever more ambitious projects, where its new skills allowed it to compete on its abilities.

To this end, through its strong industry contacts St.George has introduced F&D Normoyle to other synergistic companies, such as Southern Steel, which has led to collaborative project work. It has also entailed an introduction to the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, which has helped facilitate the company’s advanced manufacturing evolution, while providing access to government grant funding.

Alex Scotts shows off a 3D model of a spiral staircase

“And in the construction business, when things get complicated they know there are only a few companies they can turn to.”

established a business relationship that exists to this day.

And at the same time, the traditional fabrication work continues, with a second factory leased nearby to produce 45km of wall lining subframe for the Sydney North Connex tunnel.

That relationship has endured through some testing times. “It wasn’t so long ago that $5-6 million turnover was a really good year,” says Normoyle. “And now we’re looking at $15-20 million.”

This is in stark contrast to the well equipped factory currently owned and operated by the company in St Peters, where 3D modelling and computer-aided design are married to advanced materials processing to produce award-winning custom features for some of the 21st century’s most striking developments. However, as David Normoyle puts it: “At the end of the day, we’re still beating metal around.”

F&D Normoyle Engineering St.George Bank manufacturing




Introducing the NEW Nilfisk Scrubber Dryers Modern Design | Exceptional Performance

By Matthew Kelly

homes, with the Internet of Things changing the way we control our appliances. Growth in service-based manufacturing: The move from traditional manufacturing towards service-based business models means a shift in thinking and establishing the right support network to help your business grow. Being competitive in an era of advanced manufacturing means thinking about how you make your product, not what you make.

As one of the few Australian banks with a dedicated manufacturing team, we thought it was important we attended last month’s National Manufacturing Week expo in Melbourne. The conference theme, “Industrial Evolution”, focused on opportunities for businesses to capitalise on the sector’s transformation. Economically, Australian business is comforted by the certainty a federal election result brings. Significant government infrastructure spending, low unemployment and strong population growth continue to underpin Australia’s vibrant economy. Coupled with the projected 1.2% annual growth of the manufacturing industry nationally over the next 5 years, it’s time for manufacturing businesses to make the most of the opportunities ahead. It was really great to see some of our customers at the event, as well as hearing some truly inspirational ideas revolutionising the industry. The following were our team’s key takeaways from the week. Industrial Internet of Things: This exhibitor zone showcased machines embedded with sensors, switches or intelligent controls to make factories smarter and more efficient, reducing costs and improving workplace safety. It’s not the stuff of science fiction – this type of technology has already made its way into our smart, connected


Manufacturing Academy launch: Technology is also changing the way we access information and learning – the meteoric rise of MOOCs (massive online open courses) from some of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions means that knowledge is now at everyone’s fingertips. Offered by the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, the Academy is a valuable online resource to support manufacturers across a diverse range of topics including product value, market reach and resilience. We understand capable, compliant and well-trained staff are the beating heart of successful manufacturers. However, we know existing training courses and education curriculums are not always equipped to meet the needs of every business. For this reason, we are interested in getting under the hood of the training needs your business has for your floor staff and first-line supervisors. If you’d like to be involved in our research, or receive a copy of our findings, please reach out to me.

Time is money – and today’s demand for cost efficiency and high standards requires a solution that is economical, flexible and eco-friendly. The Nilfisk BA 611 & BA 651 Walk Behind Scrubber Dryers, complete with the OneTouch™ control panel simplifies operations for greater ease of use. Designed for maximum performance, easy handling and low maintenance, providing greater versatility, up to 30% more productivity, unmatched reliability, extremely quiet operation and the most advanced ergonomics available.

Give us a call to see how we can help your business grow. We have a network of bankers, specialists, industry customers, partnerships and special events we’d love you to be a part of. Matthew leads the St.George Bank Manufacturing Relationship Team of specialist industry bankers. He brings his experience from 22 years in banking to help support Australian manufacturers.

Find out more at or call 1300 556 710

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MADE IN AUSTRALIA WITH GLOBAL SUPPORT Much has been said and written about skills shortages in Australian manufacturing. But when one manufacturer realised that the staff he couldn’t find locally were all in “behind the scenes” roles, he decided to look further afield. Laurence Marchini spoke to The Lamson Group CEO Rodney Frost to find out how his company found a solution to its skills shortages and competitive challenges, and how this business model might suit other Australian manufacturers.

LM: What exactly was the problem? RF: Our local manufacturing businesses are run using industry specific software that allows us to integrate with our business partners to automate the process. Ten or so years ago the software skills required were in great demand locally and we honestly couldn’t afford what some of these people were being paid and we struggled to even find them. We also had some very clever people in our team that were not able to succeed on high-pay-off tasks as we had a lot of low-value tasks that still had to be done. Our team were not as engaged on the mundane tasks and we had to give them the best opportunity to succeed. There had to be a better way if we were to be the last man standing! LM: But you wanted to keep the manufacturing operation in Australia? RF: Absolutely yes, the whole strategy was about thinking globally to ensure we could run a sustainable business here and keep our 70-plus team members gainfully employed. We also had to compete against other companies that had moved their operations offshore. LM: So, where did you look? RF: I took this challenge to the TEC group that I was in and we agreed that the only options were either to outsource the work or to set up a dedicated business in another country that had the skills that I required. So I personally conducted a three-month study on India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and The Philippines.

English and a business partner that we could trust. And that led us to The Philippines. LM: What about the cultural differences? RF: That was actually a key factor in the decision. We realised that the cultural differences in the other countries we looked at would present challenges and additional costs to overcome. The cultural differences between Australia and The Philippines are minimal in comparison. In particular, the quality of English is far superior, which leaves for less interpretation when using voice or video for training and meetings. The value systems within Filipinos are very similar to Australians, and I believe that is a direct result of our aligned cultures. Filipinos are loyal people that want to provide for their families and they are grateful for the opportunity to work. With over 6% unemployment and a population of more than 105 million there is an abundance of skilled people ready to work. Over 1 million people have a degree in something and they’re actively seeking employment. LM: What are the barriers to setting up an operation like this? RF: Setting up a business in another country is never an easy task. In The Philippines there is a guide to setting up a business and it’s 116 pages long. It doesn’t cover all of the requirements either.

LM: What were the key criteria when selecting a location?

You need to decide on the ownership structure and who the directors will be. There are restrictions on the numbers of foreign directors and foreign ownership.

RF: The main criteria for us at the time were that we needed the right skills, the right culture, great

Will there be Power of Attorney signed or will your representative travel to sign the required documents, which



is a regular occurrence? Who will be your lawyer in The Philippines? You need to understand the Foreign Investments Act, The Corporation Code, The Labour Code, The Civil Code, The Tenth Negative List and the Foreign Equity Restrictions that apply. The list goes on! There are also Paid Up Capital Requirements and minimum employee numbers that need to be employed in some cases. LM: So, having invested so much time and effort in solving your own problems, you decided to commercialise the service and take Integrated Office Solutions to the global market. That’s rather like letting others benefit from your experience isn’t it? RF: That is exactly what it is. Helping companies of all sizes fast track their global thinking and competitive strategies. The entire experience of setting up was not easy and we learnt a lot. After about four years of operations we had our own colleagues and various networks asking if we could provide various other skills in our operation in Manila. We started to do this with no vision or intention of growing as we have, but it didn’t take long before we were hosting more people working for other companies than we had for our own Australian operation. That’s when we realised it was time to get serious as the need was growing! LM: And what would you say to those who might accuse you of exploitation? RF: Along with keeping jobs in Australia this is a topic that I’m very passionate about and when I table some clear facts people soon understand. I’m a proud Australian and we love our Australian team, they are my family. We have never let a single person go because of our strategy. If we didn’t have our own team (of 12) in The Philippines we would genuinely struggle to employ more than 70 people in Sydney. Exploitation is defined as “the action or fact of treating someone

unfairly in order to benefit from their work”. The talented people that we employ work in first class sites and are paid very well for their skills in The Philippines. Our team retention within our Integrated Office Solutions business is well above 90%, which is something we are very proud of. You will see some videos on our YouTube channel that echo the culture that we have that is something to be proud of. To date none of our partners has let people go from their jobs from this strategy, and most have actually grown as a result. This is a part of the strategic value we offer as a part of our relationships. We know what works. We also give back at Integrated OS. In Tondo we work with our partners to fund an entire school facility to enable over 300 children basic living and education programmes. While they are at school their parents are given paid jobs under an NFP to ensure that all of the funds go back to the families that live in the rubbish tip known as “Smokey Mountain”. We welcome open and confidential conversations with anyone considering building a team in another country to help their business. Integrated Office Solutions 02 9743 8577



FINANCIAL WELLNESS APP AIMS TO BANISH PAYDAY LOANS A novel Silicon Valley financial technology product has been launched in Australia following huge success in the USA. PayActiv is a mobile app based “financial wellness” product that gives employees immediate access to earnedbut-unpaid wages, helping them to avoid financial stress. Working on the basis that a workforce with reduced financial stress is a more productive workforce, any employer can sign up for PayActiv free of charge. The platform takes less than 48 hours to set up. And once installed, employees can access their wages – before payday – using the mobile app. “This platform offers immediate and sustained workforce engagement benefits by reducing employee financial stress which we know causes more sick days, 60% more job accidents and a loss of almost 7 hours of productive time per week,” says PayActiv Country Manager Michael McLauglin. “PayActiv is astonishingly easy to implement, in just a few hours Australian businesses can have the leading global financial wellness product that costs nothing to establish or run,” McLaughlin adds. The app allows employees to check their earned wages in real time and withdraw up to $1000 per pay period for a $5 flat fee to pay for urgent or unforeseen expenses. There is a maximum of two

Do you hear that your team are always busy? Is productivity improvement an issue for you? Have you ever considered setting up a team in another country but thought it’s too hard, risky or we aren’t big enough?

We can help you solve all of these challenges and more! withdrawals per pay period as part of a suite of safeguards to promote responsible money management. “We know from research that more than 50% of Australians suffer financial stress and often seek short term, high-risk, high interest loans to make ends meets,” says McLaughlin. “Payday lending is now a billion-dollar industry in Australia and in my view it’s feeding a vicious debt cycle that I’m committed to disrupting with a product like PayActiv.”

Common Myths • We need to have big companies to setup offshore (our minimum is one person) • Its too hard for the setup and training • I don’t know where to start We are different because we perfected this for eight years for our own Australian medium sized Manufacturing business before generating this model. It’s not all about cost reduction, we can share ideas to help you crush your competition via additional capacity and extended hours.

We are yet to find a business that we can’t help optimise.

“I don’t pretend that PayActiv is a silver bullet, but I believe it’ll play a key part in stemming the tide of people flocking to outrageously expensive, short term finance solutions that inevitably have long term, devastating consequences.”


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IT’S OFFICIAL: WRITE-OFF SCHEME EXTENDED AND EXPANDED The Australian Taxation Office has confirmed that the Instant Asset Write-Off Scheme has been extended to 30th June 2020, and the asset limit has been expanded to $30,000.


For assets first brought into use between 29th January 2019 and 2nd April 2019, the threshold is $25,000, and before 29th January the old $20,000 limit still applies.

Significantly, the scheme has also been expanded to include many more businesses as the turnover limit has been raised from $10 million to $50 million.

Nonetheless, Australian businesses with turnovers up to $50 million can now instantly write off investments of up to $30,000 on a whole range of assets, and do so multiple times in the tax year to 30th June 2020.

However, such has been the piecemeal approach to extending the scheme, with two separate government announcements in the first half of the year, the $30,000 asset limit is only applicable to new or second hand assets brought into use or installed ready for use after 2nd April 2019.

In the manufacturing sphere, the increase in the asset limit is a significant one. As anyone walking the halls of the recent Austech and National Manufacturing Week exhibitions will know, you can get some significant machinery for $30,000, right up to and including a choice of collaborative robots.

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CERTIFYING PRODUCTS AS ‘AUSTRALIAN MADE’ Australian consumers are increasingly concerned about the authenticity and quality of the products they buy, and supporting local businesses. As a result, the number of businesses registering for ‘Australian Made’ certification is on the rise. “According to Roy Morgan Research, 90 per cent of Australian consumers have a preference for buying local,” Australian Made Campaign Chief Executive Ben Lazzaro says. “So, it should come as no surprise that the Australian Made logo is used by thousands of businesses, on many thousands of certified Aussie products.

“Much of our success is attributed to manufacturing locally,” says Benjamin Young, founder and CEO of frank green, which manufactures smart and reusable beverage containers. “When we come up with a product or idea, we are able to run to market very quickly and meet our consumers’ needs, we have become obsessed with becoming consumer and productcentric. The product quality in Australia is also amazing, and if on the

choose to manufacture our products.

big believer in the logo is Volvo Group Australia, which has produced more than 65,000 Volvo and Mack trucks at its factory in Wacol, in Brisbane’s south-west, since 1972.

“We wear the Australian Made logo as a badge of honour. Internationally, people know when they see the logo that we are proudly Australian and that we are built on quality and ingenuity. Manufacturing in Australia adds value to our products and our brand. Displaying the logo has become an effective competitive advantage for our company.”

“Australia is the ultimate testing ground for trucks – heavier loads, longer distances and extreme temperatures,” Volvo Group Australia President Martin Merrick says. “We are an Australian company, and we build Australian trucks for Australian conditions. “What really makes us unique is our local base, with our local engineering, purchasing and manufacturing. People are sometimes surprised to hear that we manufacture Volvo and Mack trucks here in Australia. We also use the local supply chain and have approximately 90 local suppliers.

“As a registered country-of-origin certification trademark, the Australian Made logo makes the ‘Australian connection’ instantly and clearly for shoppers. It’s a sales solution for businesses who want to quickly and easily identify their products as authentically Australian.”

“The Australian Made logo is iconic and delivers a powerful message. We had to get through an extremely robust third-party accreditation to achieve this fantastic certification.

The Australian Made logo is an effective marketing tool for any business growing or making products Australia. Research by Roy Morgan found the logo is recognised by 99 per cent of Australians and trusted by 86 per cent as certifying the authenticity of the product’s origin. The logo extends into international markets and is a registered trademark in China, India, Singapore, South Korea and the USA, with more countries to follow. Since its establishment in 1999, the Australian Made Campaign has helped thousands of brands communicate their Australian Made credentials with authority and credibility.

rare occasion there are any issues, we don’t have to ship our stock and wait before we can establish problems, it’s always something that we can fix very quickly. “We wanted a third-party accreditation that showed the values and vision of our company. The Australian Made logo is a statement about what we stand for, and how we

“Manufacturing our trucks here in Australia really does give us an advantage. We have the skills and resources here at our local base and speaking to our local customers, they are incredibly proud to buy Australian Made.”

The logo works hard for the brands that carry it, and is at the centre of a multi-channel promotional campaign backed by an extensive PR program. The Australian Made website is the largest directory of certified Australian products for a substantial online audience looking to buy Australianmade products.

Certification to carry the Australian Made, Australian Grown logo starts from $300 plus GST for a licence. Australian Made Campaign 1800 350 520

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AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT REBOUNDS New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that manufacturing employment is on the rise again. Although the total number of filled jobs in the sector declined from 900,000 in March 2014 to 880,000 in March 2019, the recent trend has been upwards and accelerating, with the total rising by 16,000 in the past twelve months, of which 10,000 were added in the last quarter. The March 2019 edition of the ABS’ Labour Account Australia also revealed that more than 6% (or a little over 1 in 20) of all the jobs in Australia were in manufacturing. These annual figures also give a snapshot of the distribution of filled jobs across the subdivisions within the manufacturing industry, revealing that food and beverage manufacturing accounts for the lion’s share of the industry, at around 24%, followed by fabricated metal products (15%), and machinery and equipment (10%).

Food manufacturing accounts for 24% of jobs in the sector

The Labour Account also provides insights into labour income, and revealed an increase in total labour income for manufacturing over the past five years of 1.7%, to an annual figure of $17,866 million.

However, it would appear that the average of the manufacturing workforce is increasing. The bureau’s Jobs in Australia study reveals that while the median age remained constant at 40 years between

2011-12 and 2015-16, the industry is showing a reduction in staff aged between 25 and 35. Not surprisingly, the same study showed that the manufacturing workforce remains predominantly male at 72%.

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By Hon Karen Andrews MP

It’s an exciting time for Australian industry and I’m thrilled to be able to continue my work as Minister. My priorities are building industrial and research capacity and creating jobs.

Key to driving industries forward is strong economic management with the right policies in investment, trade, technology, skills and energy to support new jobs and business opportunities.

The Prime Minister has made it clear that job creation will be a central focus of this government and I am determined that my portfolio will deliver more than its fair share on this.

The future of Australian industry lies in producing internationally competitive high-value products and services, developed with specialised

To this end we want to smash the bureaucratic congestions by streamlining government processes to assist businesses and promote economic growth. Australia needs to be at the forefront of technological developments. We aim to reward innovation and stimulate industries to be competitive in the global marketplace.

We are committed to ensuring that our technology sector continues to create new industries skills and technologies that connect machinery, devices and people.

We are kick-starting a new $50 million Manufacturing Modernisation Fund to assist manufacturers to invest in their businesses, so they can grow and employ even more people. This will be complemented by $5 million to re-invigorate and promote the Australian Made logo in key export markets and an additional $60 million for the Export Market Development Grant scheme to support SMEs accessing global value chains. Our existing $20 million Export Hubs programme will further boost business export capability across the country. We understand that access to finance is critical for startups and small business. Partnering with financial institutions, we are providing $100 million in funding to the Australian Business Growth Fund to provide equity financing to businesses with annual turnovers between $2 million and $50 million. This builds on our $2 billion Australian Business Securitisation Fund to help increase small business access to finance via small banks and non-bank lenders. New, as well as traditional industries will also play a key role in creating new Australian jobs. We have a goal to triple the size of the space industry to $12 billion and create 20,000 new jobs by 2030. Building on our success



with the Australian Space Agency, the Morrison Government has established a new $19.5 million Space Infrastructure Fund, to support projects to further accelerate the growth of Australia’s space industry in states and territories. Other initiatives include increased opportunities for local companies in Australia’s defence industry and new Cooperative Research Centres and projects in emerging industries including future batteries and plastics recycling. Support for start-ups continues through the CSIRO Innovation Fund, Australian Landing Pads and Incubator Support Initiative, and our $2.4 billion investment in Australia’s research, science and technology capabilities. Australia’s ongoing economic success depends on our ability to harness technological advances. We are committed to ensuring that our technology sector continues to create new industries, assist traditional industries to move forward and in the process create high-quality jobs. As Minister I am absolutely committed to working with industry and the community in the best interests of Australia. Together, we can make our economy thrive and create new jobs.

The Hon Karen Andrews MP is Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.



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By Senator Kim Carr

In the heat of an election campaign, some policies that could have been bipartisan sometimes become bitterly contested. During the federal campaign that has just ended, that was notably true of Labor’s proposals for electric vehicle manufacturing. The Government was dismissive of the plan, arguing that increasing the number of electric vehicles on Australian roads would somehow destroy people’s weekends. The suggestion was that these vehicles would not be up to the task of towing caravans, boats and trailers. That is not true, of course. There are issues to be overcome in developing electric vehicles for Australian conditions, but they don’t include generating sufficient power and acceleration. The most urgent need is to provide the necessary infrastructure, an extensive network of charging stations. Even more importantly, we need to invest in Australia’s manufacturing capabilities and jobs, so that more component makers in the local automotive industry can join global supply chains. That in turn will provide an incentive for international automotive companies to set up assembly plants here – not only for passenger cars, but for trucks, buses and vehicles of all types.

Taken together, these measures would make electric vehicles more attractive to consumers, and as more were built to satisfy demand they would become cheaper.

industry that would be transformed, because many new forms of manufacturing also rely on energy storage, data gathering and autonomous systems.

Developing a local electric vehicle industry makes sense as industry policy as well as environmental policy.

These technologies are at the heart of Industry 4.0, the era of the smart factory, and by developing an electrical vehicle industry we would be ensuring that Australian firms are at the forefront of global advanced manufacturing practices.

It would mean investing in new skills and hi-tech capabilities for Australia manufacturers while assisting in the transmission to a lowcarbon economy. Labor’s plan was designed to do all these things, and we are willing to work constructively with the Government to make them happen. The Government must be aware that in other industrial nations with

The domestic auto industry could reclaim the place that it long had in Australia’s manufacturing sector – as the great repository of capabilities and innovative design. International investors are already keen to begin making electric vehicles in Australia.

a vibrant manufacturing sector is crucial to the success of every modern economy automotive industries, the shift to electric vehicles, and to alternative fuels such as hydrogen, is already under way. Why should Australian firms not be encouraged to participate in this global transport revolution? It is not only the automotive


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Sanjeev Gupta, of the GFG Alliance, which makes automotive components and builds McLaren vehicles in the UK, has urged Australia to make the most of its comparative advantages in advanced manufacturing. We have readily available raw materials, such lithium for batteries, and an educated workforce capable of adopting and adapting new technologies. Gupta pointed out that internationally the scale of electric vehicle production will increase sufficiently to overtake combustionengine vehicles as the preferred mode of personal transport. Battery prices have fallen 75 per cent in the past seven years and are forecast to fall another 50 per cent in the next five. According to Bloomberg Finance, electric vehicles will pass



price parity with conventional cars by 2024. Gupta says that he is resolved to build an electric car manufacturing hub in Australia, which would adapt for local production a prototype vehicle developed by the UK firm Gordon Murray Design. He has had discussions with the South Australian and Victorian governments about suitable sites. Nor is Gupta the only manufacturer who believes there is a future for electric vehicle production in this country. A Brisbane firm, ACE, is already producing small-scale vehicles, and the Chinese firm BYD has announced its intention to build small electric cars in Adelaide. There is no doubt about whether Australia has the capabilities to develop an electric vehicle industry. And it is beyond question that a vibrant manufacturing sector is crucial to the success of every modern economy. If the Morrison Government is willing to ensure that Australia develops the industrial structures necessary for the 21st century, Labor will support it in that task. And there could be no better way to start than to invest in an Australian electric vehicle industry.

Senator Kim Carr is the former Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.



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With its largest-ever exhibition footprint, and the highest visitor turnout in over a decade, Austech 2019 – held in Melbourne in mid-May – was one for the record books.

Martin Pakula, the Victorian State Minister for Jobs, Innovation & Trade, opened the show with a speech at the Industry 4.0 Theatre, in the middle of the exhibition floor.

Owned and operated by AMTIL, Austech is Australia’s premier advanced manufacturing and machine tool exhibition. Colocated as always with National Manufacturing Week (NMW), Austech 2019 took place from 14th to 17th May at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

As soon as the exhibition opened, the aisles were quickly bustling with visitors and the exhibitor stands were visibly busy, and that strong early attendance continued throughout the duration of the show. By the end of the week, a total of 12,991 people had visited Austech and NMW – the highest overall turnout since 2007, and



up by 20% on the previous event in 2017. “We’re completely blown away with the visitor numbers for this year’s show,” said Kim Banks, AMTIL’s Events Manager and Austech organiser. “We were already on track for our largest ever exhibition, so it was really important for us to justify the commitment made by our exhibitors by getting people through the doors. The turnout in the end has completely surpassed our expectations.”

Austech 2019 had already begun breaking records some time ahead of the actual event. A total of 170 organisations booked exhibition space to showcase their products and services. Moreover, many had taken substantially larger stands than in previous years, meaning the total floor space comfortably exceeded 6000m2 – a footprint unprecedented in 20 years of Austech exhibitions. Austech 2019 was also the fastest to sell out in terms of exhibition space for more than a decade. And with high



1) Watch Australia's Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel deliver the keynote presentation "Reversing the flow - what manufacturing can teach AI”.

2) Watch Avant Group Managing Director, Kate Whitehead deliver a presentation on “Understanding government grants for the manufacturing sector”.

3) Watch Flow Powers’ Lachlan Jacobson present “Combining the best of demand response with renewable PPAs”.

4) Watch AMTIL’s Neil Clarke present “Industry 4.0 is as much about software as hardware”.

5) Watch the Industry Update Highlights video of National Manufacturing Week 2019.

6) Watch an expert panel discuss “The Impact of Industry 4.0 and Showcase of NSW Advanced Manufacturing Industry”.

levels of visitor preregistrations, hopes were high for a good turnout ahead of the event. Importantly, along with the sheer volume of people coming into the show, a high proportion of visitors were key decision-makers with authority for purchasing – 20.18% were business owners, directors, CEOs, managing directors or general managers, while engineering and technical managers made up a further 14.22%. This was also evident on the stands, with many exhibitors reporting high numbers of good-quality sales leads. Best of all, an impressive number of actual sales were made during the show. One company exhibiting was Dimac Tooling, whose Managing


Director Paul Fowler (also AMTIL President), was unsparing in his enthusiasm for the way Austech 2019 had gone. “It’s simply one of the best shows I’ve ever been to,” said Fowler. “It’s been – as it always is – professionally run. Putting on a show this scale, the biggest we’ve ever done, it’s quite significant how smoothly it’s run. “On the very first day, the crowds were already up, and that continued through the rest of the show. “The other thing that really seems to characterise the inquiries we’ve got: it’s not a wish, it’s a want. They’re not wishing they could afford this product, they actually want it. I suspect when we do our follow-up after the show, there’s genuine interest and follow-through.”

This year’s show also featured the most diverse array of technologies at Austech to date, most notably with the introduction of the Air Technology Pavilion, showcasing the latest compressor systems and associated air technologies. The Digitalisation Pavilion also returned, having made its debut in 2017, exploring the latest innovations in connected manufacturing, while the Additive Pavilion was the place to catch up on the fast-evolving world of additive manufacturing, complemented by Unlimit3D, a conference on additive manufacturing run by AMTIL during the first two days of Austech. Finally, the Manufacturers’ Pavilion provided a vivid demonstration of the

strength and diversity of Australian manufacturing, with more than 20 manufacturing businesses showcasing their capabilities. “I don’t think anyone would argue with me when I say this has been one of our best ever Austechs,” said AMTIL CEO Shane Infanti. “Attendance has been great, we’ve had an excellent line-up of exhibitors, and you can see that people have been doing business and investing in the latest technology. “There’s been a fantastic atmosphere around the show and I think it says great things about Australian manufacturing right now. Roll on 2021!”




COLDSAW MACHINES HAVE ALL STEEL CUTS COVERED range, offering a choice of fixed- and variable-speed cutting and single- or three-phase power. Between them they provide options for cutting a full range of metals, from aluminium to stainless steel.


All units share the same rigid base to reduce vibration and increase cutting accuracy, together with a heavy-duty motor and gearbox. And a high-quality electric coolant pump helps extend saw blade life.

Industrial cutting specialist Excision used the recent National Manufacturing Week event to launch its new range of circular coldsaw machines, billing them as quality European engineering at an affordable price for any engineering or fabrication workshop. There are three base models in the

A self-centring vice makes it easy to switch between different sizes of tubes, pipes or bars. The saws can accommodate tubes up to 115mm diameter, square sections up to 100mm square, and rectangular sections up to 120 x 80mm. All models come with a movable CE approved guard to ensure operator safety. Excision 1800 633 448


By using a Hydrafeed Barfeeder and a Royal Rota Rack working in conjunction, you can add a massive dose of productivity, keep your machines running long after your last employee has left for the night or weekend and improve your competitiveness in the market. They can be retrofitted to any entry level CNC machine as well as multi-tasking turning centres.

DIMAC TOOLING PTY. LTD. 69-71 Williams Road, Dandenong South 3175 VIC, Australia. T: +61 (03) 9771 6121. E: Find us on social @dimactooling



At AUSTECH 2019 in Melbourne in May, Raymax Lasers and SLM Solutions Group displayed their innovative 3D printed metal parts. Much of the interest from visitors centred on the use of bionic design to achieve well finished, structurally sound parts. One sample piece that generated a lot of interest was a single-piece steering knuckle, which attaches to the suspension and steering system in motor vehicles. Developed by SLM Solutions and Hirschvogel Tech Solution, a division of the Hirschvogel Automotive Group, the steering knuckle exemplifies not only new design processes but also the fact that a single large item can be produced inside a build chamber of an SLM Solutions laser system using the powder bed fusion method. Faced with a new challenge, Hirschvogel Tech Solutions chose to meet it by using design methods taken from ‘bionics’, or biologically inspired engineering. Bionics takes solutions nature has found to structural problems and adapts them to engineering challenges, effectively producing products that are essentially much lighter in weight. Structural solutions derived from nature can be applied in technical construction, gaining additional benefits of improved performance by maximising structural integrity to specific areas reducing deadload sections. This was demonstrated in the neck area of the steering knuckle, where a weight saving of some 40 per cent was achieved compared with the weight of a conventional forged part. A further benefit of bionics comes with resource efficiency through the processes of ‘additive manufacturing’. By using metal powders in building a layerby-layer construction from the base up, as

against a traditional ‘destructive’ method, with excess powder recyclable, the process achieves goals in both sustainability and economics. Initially, a number of part variants of the steering knuckle were developed based on solutions from nature. Following an assessment of the variants, a specifically adapted CXa computer-aided technology system was applied to fulfil the required calculations to meet the build conditions. At almost 600mm long, the part was successfully produced inside the build chamber of an SLM500 machine. On completion, the final part came up to the standards required along with a material saving of 40 per cent compared with the original forged parts. The process of applying bionics to solve engineering problems is not new. For more than a decade, Airbus has been a proponent of bionic design, using it to explore shark-like grooved skins for improved aerodynamics and develop water-shedding coatings for cabin interiors and shape-changing winglets. But today bionic design has found a significant role with the latest laser systems hitting the market with large build chambers, highpowered multi-laser configurations and improved build times. The introduction of new design technologies offers new solutions for updating traditional design concepts while achieving maximum structural efficiency highly suited to 3D metal printing from which the automotive parts industry can benefit. Raymax Lasers 02 9979 7646




Industrial gas and engineering giant BOC used National Manufacturing Week to unveil its new Beacon IIoT technology, an Australian innovation set to transform the way its customers check, track, monitor and order gas worldwide. The new telemetry system connects the company’s bulk tanks and cylinders using an advanced network of smart devices that transmit realtime sensor data to the cloud. The results are available to both BOC and its customers using the new Beacon mobile app. Interestingly, BOC has chosen to set up its own dedicated LoRaWAN network for the Beacon project, taking advantage of the long-range lowbandwidth capabilities of the LoRa radio technology. The company has developed a single unified radio device that is used on both bulk tanks and individual cylinders.

According to Chris Barnes, Head of Product Marketing at BOC, Beacon will provide equal benefits to both BOC and its customers, with gas levels and location tracking for each vessel visible through the app anytime, anywhere. BOC gas customers of all sizes will be able to manage their gas supply with access to their own gas levels as well as the status of deliveries. BOC is currently rolling-out the Beacon technology across its Australia-wide network of bulk gas and Cryospeed liquid tanks, with cylinder packs and cylinders to follow. The system will also be rolled out by BOC organisations around the world. BOC 131 262


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the application, enabling users to lift and position pails, cartons, containers, and all manner of manufactured and engineered parts.

“The products we choose to represent are always among the best made, both with locally available raw material and highly skilled artisans.”

Alternatively, users can attach a magnet, scissor grip or hook, or integrate their own existing tooling or design their own to suit.

King Group is only looking for innovative products that are currently not available directly in the USA.

King Group is looking for amazing Australian industrial products to showcase on its American website (www.kinggroupusa. com), which is a platform to introduce unique or outstanding Australian-made products to buyers in the USA and Canada, with some enquiries from South America also. According to King Group Director Ron Mileham: “Australia has an amazing tradition of inventing products and ideas that have been taken up around the world, and King Group USA aims to introduce more of these

Any product selected will appear on the website with all relevant information and pictures and/or videos. Knock down (or flatpack) versions are preferred as this reduces shipping costs. The manufacturer agrees to sell the product to King Group at the normal reseller price. King Group will market and ship the product to the client directly. Ron Mileham is keen to expand the King Group USA portfolio, and invites any Australian company to email him its product information along with pricing and shipping info (mail to

There are two pneumatic circuits for “load” and “no-load” balancing, an air reservoir and additional safety features. The Armtec BA100 is a zero-gravity cable arm manipulator for the fast, easy and safe handling of loads up to 90kg. Available column mounted, overhead fixed or overhead rail mounted, this lifter has virtually unlimited uses. In addition to a standard hook, the BA100 can be supplied with a wide range of purpose-designed tooling, including simple or complex mechanical or pneumatic grippers, suction cups and mandrels specifically designed to suit

The Armtec BA100 meets all the requirements of international corporations, is CE marked and comes with a comprehensive manual that includes hazard assessments and adoptive solutions (a reference list is available on request). Posilift Australia 02 9415 1914

A fully integrated system or a basic component – YOU choose from a single supplier.

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e-drive Flex Get heavy loads moving effortlessly with this efficient starting assistance

Maxi ± 15

Powerful drive motor

e-drive Flex

Create added value

Easy mobilising of heavy loads.

Demonstration Unit Available Contact Tente Castors & Wheels for further information 1300 836 831 Get heavy loads moving effortlessly with this efficient starting assistance

Increase manpower performance by saving effort.

Technical datas

Maximum surface unevenness ± 15 mm

Installation height: 170 mm Length: max. 315 mm (emergency release actuated) Housing made of pressed steel, Width: 190 mm zinc plated Height (retracted): 145 mm Maximum surface unevenness: ± 15 mm Lifting force / downforce: 400 N Weight: 6 kg Protection grade: IP X4

Fast refinancing through reduced sick leave.

Health pre prevent ne and wrist

Improved when mob

A moving solution e-drive Flex Drive Wh Powerful drive motor

Easy plug & play installation, ideal for retrofitting.

- E-Drive Flex system can be retrofitted to most trolleys - Increase manpower efficiency by saving effort - Used a a 5th wheel to improve direction stability - Retractable wheel system ensures easy manouverability - Reduces potential injuries for staff – neck, back, shoulder and wrist pain - Infinite speed control (forward and reverse) - Egonomic handle design with system and battery charge LED indicators

Starting Starting with a to

e-drive Flex_2015_09.indd 2

Technical datas

Replaceable wheel

Installation height: 170 mm Length: max. 315 mm (emergency release actuated) Width: 190 mm Height (retracted): 145 mm Maximum surface unevenness: ± 15 mm Lifting force / downforce: 400 N Weight: 6 kg Protection grade: IP X4

UFF: material solid rubber, non-marking, Shore 63 A Ø 125 mm

Starting force without e-drive Flex: Starting force of 40 kg for equipment with a total weight of 400 kg

Standby position guarantees free trolley flexibility.

Ergonomic handle design with system and battery charge LED indicators

e-drive Flex_2015_09.indd 2

Contact Tente Castors & Wheels To Find Your Product Solution Phone: 1300 836 831

Infinite sp and revers operation.

Flexible insta for tube or p



The innovative system has been successfull course of TENTE’s project partnership with working closely with the employees of the S we have optimised the motor parameters t weight of the individual trolleys and adapte of the rechargeable batteries. Now the e-dr the load for service personnel all day long, a continuous assistance to the staff.


The use of e-drives on service trolleys overcomes heavy loads and thick carpets in luxury hotels, while at sea, coloured castors blend into the fantasy world of Disney’s cruise ships Service trolleys in hotels are piled with sheets, towels, cleaning equipment and items for mini-bars to the extent that they can weigh as much as 150kg. So a fully loaded service trolley is hard to move and manoeuvre even on the best of flooring surfaces, and almost impossible on the very thick carpets of luxury hotels. The result is a whole range of workplace health and safety risks for hotel staff. The Starling Hotel and Conference Centre Geneva is the largest 4-star hotel in Switzerland, with 496 bedrooms and suites, 43 conference rooms and 270 employees. Like most luxury hotels, its corridors and rooms have very thick carpets.

service and bar trolleys almost effortlessly, even on the thickest carpets. Tente perfected the innovative system during the course of its project partnership with Mercura, while also working closely with the service staff and managers of the Starling Hotel. Together, they optimised the motors’ parameters to correspond to the weight of the individual trolleys and adapted the performance of the rechargeable batteries. As a result, the e-drive lightens the load for service staff over a full working shift and enables them to concentrate fully

With the help of this smart solution, service the heavy service and bar trolleys effortless corridors. The e-drive noticeably lightens th enables them to concentrate fully on their a

Left: the e-drive wheel attached to the Mercura trolley (above)

On the high seas Half a world away, on the high seas, the service trolleys on the Disney Cruise Line’s cruise ships have somewhat different design criteria. Not only do they need to remain stable in the sometimes unpredictable movements of the ship and negotiate the narrow corridors, but they also need to blend in with the immersive

The company uses service trolleys from Sorol Hospitality Equipts for cleaning on board the ships. And when Sorol was designing the trolleys according to the Disney Cruise Line’s operational requirements, it approached Tente in its quest for the perfect castors. Tente considered the requirements from every perspective, looking at operational factors such as safety, stability, flexibility and easy manoeuvrability, as well as design options. The combination of requirements led the company to recommend its Linea castor.

The results: Increased employee satisfaction, a lower sickness rate and significant improvement of the work processes.

The broad wheelbase of this double castor ensures high stability and maximum steering flexibility, even in narrow corridors and heavy seas. Crucially, there is also a directional lock that can be used to fix the direction of travel.

Looking to improve working conditions for its service staff, The Starling commissioned service trolley manufacturer Mercura to design and build new trolleys. Mercura Industries Suisse produces lightweight aluminium service trolleys that are used in accommodation, transport and healthcare facilities in more than 45 countries. Faced with the design brief to lighten the load for the hotel employees, Mercura turned to materials handling specialist Tente and its e-drive system for trolleys. Tente installed the e-drive on each of the 15 new service trolleys. A control unit on the handle of the Mercura trolley allows easy operation of the e-drive. When the e-drive is activated, an electric drive wheel is lowered to help the operator move the trolley. In combination with four swivel castors – also chosen by Tente to cater for the specific operational conditions the system makes it possible to move and manoeuvre the

The Linea also has great creative scope as it is designed to be manufactured to a customer’s corporate colour scheme and can also be produced with logos and picture motifs. As a result, Sorol’s trolleys with Tente’s castors can be made to blend in with any of Disney’s theme worlds.

One of the Disney cruise line's ships

on their actual tasks. The results have been increased employee satisfaction, lower sickness and injury rates and significant improvements in productivity. “The electric drive increases the level of satisfaction of our staff and improves our service,” says Anne Elise Choux, the Operations Manager of Starling Hotels and Conference Centres Geneva.

fantasy world of Mickey and his friends. Disney Cruise Line’s holiday-goers of all ages choose a cruise on the entertainment group’s ships primarily because of their unique fairytale world, so it is essential that every item of equipment on board fits the corporate design and does not break the spell cast by the magical surroundings.

“When it comes to individual colour design, Tente leaves nothing to be desired,” says Richie Okorie, the Managing Director of Sorol Hospitality Equipts.

Castors & Wheels “The electricTente drive increases the 1300 836 831 level of satisfaction of our staff and improves our service.” © Disney







The R&D team at Teralba Industries continues to refine the company’s highly efficient and effective Dimpleflo tubular heat exchanger. Constantly striving to increase heat transfer coefficients, the team uses different configurations of dimples at various depths to produce the optimum heat exchanger for viscous and fouling products. The turbulence enhancing deformations (the dimples) generate eddies and vortices that disrupt the laminar flow. This has the added benefit of minimising fouling – particularly in UHT and high-temperature processing applications where fouling and burn-on can be an issue with conventional doubletube heat exchangers. The photo illustrates how the Dimpleflo tubing causes turbulence in the flow of a thick sticky product such as jam. Dimpleflo heat exchangers have been successfully installed in diverse

The cable stand incorporates a folding mechanism that also locks the axle into position, and it can be used to carry and unroll multiple cables at the same time. After use the dispenser folds into an extremely compact package for storage and transport.

applications from processing human blood to heating sewerage sludge in anaerobic digesters. And with more than 30 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of Dimpleflo, Teralba reckons it has a heat exchanger that can be used to heat and/or cool any product. Teralba industries 1300 20 70 20

The ability to cart cables and pay them out without tangling or twisting improves productivity and the speed of installation. The safety aspect of having all cable reels secured in one convenient location is an important bonus.

Cable handling expert Adept Direct has added a novel lightweight folding cable stand to its range of heavy-duty cable dispensers. The new compact cable dispenser will be ideal for smaller reels of telecommunications and electrical cables.

Adept Direct folding cable stands are available online. They can be specified with either a bright yellow or galvanised steel finish and can be shipped anywhere in Australia. Adept Direct 02 5924 1213

AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA EXCLUSIVELY FROM 250kg or 500kg capacity Rechargeable Li-ion batteries Stepless variable speed LED load display with overload buzzer warning


Complete with carry case

The battery hoist works easily with any Bomac Engineering crane Jib Crane Gantry Crane Monorail Crane Mobitrac Mobile Crane





IBC BLENDERS GAIN VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL This means the same tote mixer can be used for blending a wide variety of products and viscosities, including juice concentrates, beverage ingredients, food slurries, inks and paints, chemicals and pharmaceutical and veterinary solutions. Designed and manufactured in Australia from 316 stainless steel componentry, the Mixquip Series 200 IBC mixer incorporates a folding impellor and is durable, easy to use and extremely versatile. Teralba Industries has expanded its range of IBC blenders to include electric drives with variable speed control.

Teralba industries 1300 20 70 20

END-OF-ARM TOOLING IS ATTRACTIVE FOR HANDLING STEEL can be activated and deactivated pneumatically to enable integration with automated handling systems. They employ powerful rare-earth magnet elements and come in standard- and lowprofile configurations. The tools are available in a range of sizes and styles to suit the handling of steel sheets, blanks, stamped parts and complete assemblies.

Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics offers a range of end-of-arm magnetic pick-and-place tools for automation applications where the task is to pick up and place steel components. These permanent-magnet tools



All units provide positive pick up, release and placement and are designed particularly for end-of-arm attachment on robots or other automated equipment. Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics 02 9971 7577


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ustry update ad.indd 1

30/08/2011 5:25:30 PM

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WIRELESS ROBOT FEEDS GROWTH FOR ANIMAL FOODS MANUFACTURER Over 70 years, food and beverage manufacturer SunRice (Ricegrowers Limited) has grown from a single rice mill to become one of the largest branded rice food companies in the world. Built on innovation, initiative and operating excellence, it delivers delicious goods to consumers, and offers a broad portfolio of subsidiary and complementary businesses. It is proudly Australian and recently announced its listing on the Australian Stock Exchange.

retailers and grocery chains across Australia and New Zealand.

More than 40 years ago, it welcomed to its growing portfolio CopRice, a manufacturer and supplier of quality livestock feeds. Its manufacturing process includes rice brokens, rice bran and rice hulls, which are supplied through the rice milling process.

CopRice has a primary robotic palletiser that is crucial to its business. Used daily, this 500kg payload robot is fitted with an SAS fork tine gripper to pick and place stock feed items. With various sized bags needing to be palletised, the gripper tines have to be in different positions when picking up these bags to ensure that the best quality products are stacked onto pallets for customers.

CopRice also manufactures a wide range of quality horse feeds as well as pet food and cat litter, which are sold through agricultural and speciality pet

Based on growing demand, CopRice operates three stockfeed mills each with a capacity of up to 125,000t per year and an extrusion plant of 36,000t per year capacity. The company takes pride in its operational excellence and all its facilities are accredited to international standards for quality and food safety management systems.

“We made use of a manual spacer


ROPE AND CHAIN CRANES AND HOISTS: • Helps reduce the risk of accidents • Protects against overloading of Crane and supporting structures • Quick and easy installation and available for all capacity cranes • Available preset or easily calibrated on site • Helps reduce maintenance costs • Minimizes down time • Automatic reset by reducing the load CONDUCTOR BAR • Available in steel and copper • Quickly and easily installed • Supports required only every 1.5m • Also available in a compact cluster range

SIDE PULL PREVENTERS/ROPE GUIDE PROTECTOR Prevents side pulling and protects rope guides and drums on most multi-fall Cranes and Hoists. • Prevent dragging of loads • Helps reduce down time.

Liftco Industrial Supplies Pty Ltd

Freecall: 1800 LIFTCO (543826) Email: Web:



to perform this process previously and looked to SMC to help automate this process for improved efficiencies,” says Dawid Croucamp, Robotic and Automation Engineer for SunRice and CopRice. “In terms of the application, the robot gripper needed to adjust the gripper tines automatically for each item as it was being palletised. The problems that we faced in the past were a limited number of inputs and outputs, expensive fieldbus modules and failed solutions due to vibrations on the gripper.” Croucamp says that it was challenging to install additional wiring from the robot arm to the endeffector, due to the robot’s size and elevated height. “The robot’s range of movement restricts additional wiring and cabling,” he says. “Cabling would also restrict the future need to expand IO on the robot end-effector.” Ricegrowers Engineering partnered with SMC to develop a customised solution for CopRice, and SMC’s wireless fieldbus system, the EX600-W, a recent addition to its portfolio, was chosen. “Based on the customer’s requirements, the EX600-W was the perfect solution for this project,” says Angus Christian, Area Sales Manager Australia and New Zealand for SMC

Pneumatics. “We had only recently launched it in Australia, and we were all pleased with the outcome during the initial trial phase.” Croucamp says that the EX600 was affordable and easy to install and that the sales and technical support were outstanding. “The expandable option on the slave manifold allows us to easily add more valves or IO units in the future as needed,” he says. “In time to come, we plan to add more IO units and valves to the EX600-W to replace all the existing fieldbus IOs.” The EX600-W is Ethernet/IP and Profinet compatible, can withstand electric noise and is suitable for harsh, industrial environments. It is highly reliable and flexible, and makes use of frequency hopping techniques to prevent interference from other wireless equipment. Data also encryption stops unauthorised access. As a wireless unit, the number of cables and connectors is also cut to minimise installation, modifications and maintenance time. The risk of disconnection and circuit breakage is also significantly reduced to both performance and productivity. SMC Pneumatics 02 9354 8666



BRIDGE CRANE GOES ROUND THE BEND Not content with creating a world's first with its revolutionary pivot system, bridge crane specialist Global Track can now send loads round the bend… literally. The company has further developed its manual bridge crane design with a prototype in its R&D facility that runs on a curved track. The ergonomic design of the Global Track pivotal crane system developed by company founder Greg McKay features a pivotal bearing and levered swinging U-hanger. This means that the load of the crane is applied between the pivot points, creating a lever reaction that reduces the operator effort required to move the load. McKay had always considered that the design could potentially be used for curved tracks as well as straight lines, but realised that the curve would increase the frictional resistance, and hence increase the operator effort required.

However, he says that his latest patented development overcomes that frictional restriction, and will also improve the performance of the company’s straight-running bridge cranes. Indeed, the new generation cranes typically require just 6kg of force to move a 1000kg load along either a straight or curved track. And in extensive testing in the Global Track factory, a 800kg load has been moved with as little as 3.23kg effort. What’s more, the motive force can be applied anywhere across the bridge to produce smooth movement along the track. The radial crane can be built within the span range currently offered by Global Track (up to 15m span) and with a curve radius from 1 to 15m. The radial crane system is likely to find some interesting applications, particularly in confined facilities where materials and assemblies

need to change direction within a production process. It could also potentially replace secondary handling equipment, such as forklifts, when transferring from one line to another.

Global Track Australia 03 5275 3252



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PLATFORM STACKER MAKES BATTERY-POWERED MINIEXCAVATOR FOR CONFINED LIGHT WORK OF LIFTING SPACES bottom shelf or pallet height. In operation, the KGL platform is very easy to manoeuvre, with a single braking mechanism that locks both steering castors. The lifting mechanism uses a simple footpump that can be adjusted to enable double-speed lifting for lighter loads. Available exclusively in Australia from Maverick Equipment, the Bishamon KGL platform lifter is a high-specification moving platform stacker that makes light work of day-to-day materials handling tasks in manufacturing and retail applications. Two basic versions are available with capacities of 250 and 450kg, each with a choice of maximum lifting height of either 820 or 1170mm. In each case the platform can be lowered to 150mm, which puts it level with

The Bishamon KGL platform lifter range is available now from Maverick Equipment. Standard units are finished in painted steel, and all types are optionally available with stainless-steel frames for use in food processing, clean rooms, pharmaceutical and medical applications. MAVERick Equipment 1800 500 411

Materials handling company Hasemer stocks the Canadian-designed and -built Track-O Minidozer. This robust and durable purpose-built excavator has been designed for use in confined spaces and is perfect for cleaning up under conveyor belts and around industrial and manufacturing plants, drainage systems, pumping stations, irrigation and construction projects, council sites and many more. The minidozer is operated by a wireless remote-control device, and its low profile and narrow width ensures it can easily move in tight places to pick up and transport materials. Its battery provides a running time of nearly 10 hours, more than enough for one work shift, or an external charger and interchangeable battery can power continuous work. Designed with safety in mind, the vehicle is powered by battery rather than

diesel, to protect workers from breathing in fumes and toxic gases while working in confined spaces. It also emits minimal radiation and noise. As well as being very cost-effective because of its electric drive system, it also requires little maintenance. The Track-O Minidozer is available in two models, the M-27 and the M-48, both of which can be fitted with a range of optional accessories, including cameras and hose trunks. Hasemer Materials Handling 02 9771 9848



CONVEYOR COMPONENTS Range unmatched from any other Australian supplier. Performance and reliability unmatched and backed. No comparable products on the local market that can match it for quality and performance. Hard to beat price on any other European products. Solutions to most hard to source replacements. Complete roller range offered and assembled here.





BELT CONVEYORS DRIVE BULK MATERIALS HANDLING Belt conveyors are used for the continuous transport of bulk materials, and a wide range of conveyor lengths, capacities and speeds can be utilised. Belt conveyors feature a continuous rubber or plastic belt and tensile elements for strength. The conveyor belt passes over at least two drums, one or more of which is powered and moves the belt through wrapping friction. Bulk materials handling places great demands on conveyor belts and their drive technologies. Different solutions are required according to conveyor length and construction, the direction of transport and volume flow. Robust and reliable drive units from Nord Drivesystems ensure uninterrupted, dynamic and precise flows of materials that can be individually controlled. Durable and low-maintenance Maxxdrive industrial gear units, in which the bearing points and sealing surfaces of the Unicase housing are

produced in a single operation, are ideal for large, high-capacity belt conveyors. The latest generation Maxxdrive XT has been supplemented with an application-optimised twostage helical bevel gear unit, making it ideal for belt conveyor systems in the bulk materials and minerals industries. The power and speed range has been specially adapted to the needs of these industries. Because of their two versions, helical or bevel gear units with flange-mounted or push-on housings can be mounted parallel or at right angles to the axis in conveyor systems. They can be combined with a foot-mounted, high-efficiency IE3 motor on a motor rocker or frame and are connected to the motor via a hydraulic coupling. As most bucket conveyor applications produce dust, there is a risk of explosion if the dust is flammable. In this case, motors and geared motors with customised explosion protection, which Nord

assembles from its modular range according to individual requirements, are used.

conditions such as continuous operation, dust and the effects of weather.

The practical maintenance package from Nord, a combination of protective measures and monitoring systems, ensures that the investment functions even under harsh ambient

Nord Drivesystems 03 9394 0500

Schaeffler puts Industry 4.0 into practice Digital technologies benefit the manufacturing industry. Schaeffler is shaping the field of digital transformation with a clear vision and specific solutions to increase the efficiency of machines and equipment. With our Service Platform, Schaeffler offers, from one supplier, consistent hardware, software, and IT infrastructure – from standard components to digital services – that encompass all stages of digital added value. See how it can benefit you. Talk to our digital team.






Hyster has released its its new UT Series of lift trucks, pallet trucks and stackers in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at customers seeking cost-effective solutions for simple everyday materials handling tasks.

It is billed as an affordable and uncomplicated range for industries including food and beverage, warehousing, manufacturing and logistics.

The UT Series is available with diesel or dual-fuel options in six different capacities from 1.5 to 3.5t.

The value proposition “Meets the need. Makes the move” relates to customers who don’t need particular



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advanced functionality, but prefer proven materials handling solutions backed by a supplier they can trust. Hyster says this uncomplicated approach to materials handling - backed by 24/7 service - is particularly attractive to customers whose materials handling equipment is required to work intermittently over a working week, on an asrequired basis, typically up to 4000 hours a year. “Hyster’s Asia-Pacific network of especially chosen, experienced, independent dealers with outstanding service backup offers a wide range of support services delivering reliability and productivity to their customers,” says HysterYale Asia-Pacific Managing Director, Tony Fagg. “The advantage the new range brings with its ‘meets the need’ value proposition is fine-tuned responsiveness to customers’ individual needs, including varying hours of service, different applications, cost of ownership, capability, strength and dependability of the product.” Rather than pigeonhole basic utility needs – or offer one-sizefits-all solutions – the UT Series philosophy opens a discussion with customers on “What are your specific needs and how long do you need to use it for on a daily basis.” “Then our established Asia-

Pacific dealer network can bring their extensive expertise to deliver cost-effective, quality solutions for individual customers,” says Fagg. The ergonomically designed operator compartment, with a familiar automotive layout, means that drivers will be able to work comfortably, preventing tiredness during handling operations. A range of standard features and options help to ensure that the truck is configured to the needs of the application. Thanks to the simplicity of the components and specification, servicing can be carried out quickly and easily, even when PCs, laptops or diagnostic tools are not available. The use of proven high-quality components, as well as efficient filtration and excellent cooling, results in the reliable operation of the trucks and lower wear and tear. This, together with a standard warranty and the fast availability of cost-effective replacement parts, helps to reduce service and maintenance requirements and costs.

Hyster-Yale Asia-Pacific 02 9795 3842



VACUUM GRIPPER IS MADE FOR WOODWORKING The gripper can transport cut or planed goods before and after processing, as well as glued boards and walls for prefabricated houses. It is connected via a hose connection to an external vacuum generator, generally an electric vacuum blower or vacuum pump. Internally installed valves keep the installation costs low. Its compact dimensions and low weight make this gripper ideally suited for operation with gantries and industrial robots. Furthermore, it is exceptionally easy to service: a folding quick-change suction plate permits drying the sealing foam separately from the gripper.

Schmalz is extending its portfolio of efficient vacuum handling systems for the woodworking industry with its FMHD area gripper. This gripper is robust, easy to maintain and, by virtue of its integrated


vacuum reservoir, uses very little energy. Schmalz developed the FMHD for handling workpieces in challenging environments, such as the sawmill industry.

At the same time, the interior spaces of the gripper are easily accessible for clearing out sawdust or other residues. Time-consuming refitting operations are unnecessary. A quick-change adhesive film further permits worn-out sealing foams to be replaced effortlessly, with no cleaning required. Maintenance and standstill times may be reduced by up to 70 per cent. Schmalz offers the gripper in standard

lengths of 1040 and 1250mm, and custom lengths are available on request. The workpiece should be at least 50mm wide to ensure that the gripper can lift it reliably. In the Schmalz portfolio, the FMHD fits between its FMP and SBX models. It is lighter than the SBX and equipped with a tighter suction cell grid but is more robust than the FMP. The FMHD features a favourable price-to-performance ratio and can be easily integrated into older installations. As an option, Schmalz can equip the gripper with near-field communications, which provides significant data from the system to the operator’s mobile device in real time. This simplifies process control and faults are discovered quickly, before expensive damage happens. Millsom Hoists 03 9215 8800





Industry Update Video has been a huge success, with more than a million impressions and half a million YouTube views in one month alone during 2018. All our videos can be viewed on the Industry Update YouTube Channel and from the Industry Update Website. And now readers of Industry Update Magazine can check out the latest releases direct from this regular Video Update section. Just scan the QR codes on these pages with your mobile device of choice and you will be taken straight to the video. (Users of some older mobile devices may need to download a QR reader app.)

A-Safe - iFlex Seven Rail Barrier


Adept Conveyor - A New Life for Ageing Conveyors

Applied Machinery - HLF Fibre Laser

Applied Machinery - Weber Grinding and Deburring Machines

AWS - 3M Speedglas with Adflo PAPR

Bestech - Beanair Wireless Sensor Network

Cigweld - Comet Black Nickel

Control Logic - Red Lion Edge Controller

Control Logic - Smart VPN

DMF International - Swingflex PVC Doors

Floorsafe - Liquid Anti-slip products

Global Pumps - Peristaltic Hose Pumps

Hare & Forbes - Pipe Tube Notcher

Honeywell - Turbolite Fall Arrest Block

Hydro Innovations - Eradicator




Lapp Australia - Quality Compliance

Lencrow - Unicarriers Forklifts

Mechtric - Motor Protection Circuit Breakers

MTI Qualos - SI15_SI18 VSD Roll Fast Doors

Lencrow - Unicarriers Reach Trucks

Mastercut - Solder Paste Stencils

OJ Holdings - Sign Printers

Omron - Multi Circuit Power Monitors

Protoblast - Custom Builds

SEW Eurodrive - Gear Units _ Gear Motors

PCA - Encoder Tester _ Simulators

Pilot Pen - Tough Permanent Markers

Southern Cross Compressors - Service, Repairs _ Maintenance

Southern Cross Compressors - Two Stage Rotary Screw

Spitwater - Wet / Dry Vacuums

Tennant - EC-H20 Nanoclean

Turck Austraila - QR24 Contactless Encoder

Turck Australia - Cabinet Guards

Turck Australia - FEN 20 Module

Tente - Linea eLock Hospital Bed Castors







CONVEYING THE IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY Even at that early date, the three cofounders of the company had a combined 58 years of experience in the conveyor business, so they knew what they were talking about. And 20 years on, that collective experience is approaching a century. “It was a strange situation,” says Adept founder and co-owner Paul Johnson. “The conveyor system is the only truly dynamic part of the warehouse, yet it was frequently the last part to be specified. To us it was hard to fathom why anyone would undervalue the most important part of the operation.”

A company that has put the conveyor at the heart of the warehouse is just about to rack up 20 years in the business, and is finding its expertise in increasing demand as part of the logistics revolution brought about by today’s e-commerce addicted society.

Founded in September 1999, Adept Conveyor Technologies set about convincing the market that the conveyor system had to be the key part of the operation – not just an afterthought that joined up point A with point B.

However, with racking companies focusing on selling steel, rather than selling a complete solution, it was perhaps understandable that the conveyor became an afterthought. Clearly, Adept’s first task was as much to educate the market as it was to sell conveyor systems. And this meant that the company had to position itself at the very

Paul Johnson: “all the latest offerings in conveyor technology”

leading edge of conveyor technology. Johnson recalls: “Our focus has always been towards quality European suppliers of specialised equipment that we can place into our conveyor system designs”. This insistence on using European technology in its Australian made conveyor systems has certainly differentiated Adept from other Australian-based conveyor suppliers.

MTI PE200 SWING DOORS The most robust solution for food industry, retail and logistics The new PE200 HDPE double acting impact traffic door, exclusively available from MTI See-Thru, offers the perfect solution for insulation, functionality and durability. Benefits of the MTI PE200 Swing Door; • Made of solid polyethylene – non breakable • Hygienic (EU/FDA approved) • Maintenance-free • Made to measure • Short production time • Easy installation • Long service life • PVC finger protection • 10 year guarantee on door leaves • Stainless steel hinges

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At a time when Australia has increasingly looked to Asia for much of its manufacturing and materials handling equipment, it has been a strong differentiator for the company. Johnson adds: “We have always made it our business to keep up with all the latest offerings in conveyor technology. And this has entailed regular visits to our existing European suppliers as well as attending the most important European exhibitions and conferences.” Interestingly, the focus of Adept’s business has changed several times over the course of the last 20 years. “The Australian market is constantly evolving,” says Johnson. “We have been through many industry phases in manufacturing, freight and courier industries. And now we’ve come full circle back into warehousing – particularly with pick and pack systems for e-commerce fulfilment.” However, one thing that has not changed is that focus on high-quality European components. And Paul Johnson regards one particular move in this area as crucial to the company’s on-going success. It was as long ago as 2004 that Adept set up a joint ownership operation with its main component supplier in Germany. The foundation of Marx-Rollentechnik GmbH in Germany not only “locked in” the company’s supply of high-quality conveyor components for its own manufacturing operation in Sydney, it also provided the opportunity to sell these components on the Australian market to other conveyor companies and systems integrators. So the next step was to set up MRT Australia, Adept’s sister company, which has successfully carved out its own market niche in supplying those conveyor components to manufacturers and systems integrators in the Australian market, together with the necessary applications expertise. It also holds considerable levels of stock both for Adept and the market.


Adept for its own part has continued to advance the conveyor technologies available in its bespoke conveyor systems. These have included low-energy conveyor drives with energy-saving features such as “run on demand” and the use of safe 24V green technology. It also includes the company’s own design of sorting systems that are increasingly in demand in e-commerce driven logistics systems. The key, as ever, has been that experience and expertise gathered through decades in the business. And, thanks to its full in-house design facilities and its ability to build and test its systems in its own Australian factory, Adept can give each customer a system designed to handle their specific needs – without compromise. Says Johnson: “A lot of times we see competitors offering solutions that are ‘out of the box’ and don’t necessarily provide a total solution – there is always some degree of compromise. Adept’s solutions are always tailored and that means something a little bit special for most customers.” Perhaps that is the key to Adept’s success. Australian made systems using world’s best technology but with the added advantage of local expertise and support. As Paul Johnson puts it: “We have made our name by doing this, and so every system leaving our Sydney factory will continue to be built using the most appropriate and up-to-date conveyor technology and control functions. And yes – only ever with quality European parts – never anything less.” Adept Conveyor Technologies 02 9771 4655




DVF 5000



Maximum work size

Travel distance

















-30~ +110




Maximum spindle speed



12000 {18000}


Tool capacity


30 {40, 60, 90, 120}


NC System


TNC640, Fanuc 31i5


AVAILABLE FEATURES & OPTIONS 18,000 or 12,000 rpm spindle speed

Intelligent 5 axis machine Kinematic software

Fanuc & Heidenhain control options

Chip conveyors

DOOSAN Easy operation GUI software (EOP)

60, 90, 120 Tool ATC

Through spindle coolant systems

Fully Enclosed Guarding with door interlocks

Robot and Automation Interfaces

Renishaw RPM60 Probing system

Operator training

Special Work holding

Renishaw Laser Tool setting

In-house service and support Australia-wide



Lynx 2100LYB/LSYB

Swing Over Bed



Max. Turning Length



Y Axis Travel



Standard Chuck Size



Bar Working Diameter



CNC System




Manual guide i programming

High pressure coolant system

Chuck air blast

DOOSAN Easy operation GUI software (EOP)

Auto tool setter

Fully enclosed guarding with door interlocks

Parts catcher

Operator training

Chip conveyors

In-house service and support Australia-wide

Available from Specifications & Prices are subject to change without notification. All prices exclude GST and valid until 31-07-19







Laser Power Laser Power

Cutting Head Cutting Head

CNC Control CNC Unit Control Unit

BLE 1530 BLE 1530

BLE PRO 1530 BLE PRO 1530

1000, 1500,1000, 20001500, W 2000 W

1000, 1500,1000, 2000,1500, 2500,2000, 30002500, W 3000 W

Built with Built quality, with quality, at anat affordable an affordable priceprice

Baykal ( Automatic Baykal ( Automatic Focus ) Focus Precitec ) ( Automatic Precitec ( Automatic Focus ) Focus ) Baykal CNC Baykal (19’’ CNC TFT-Windows (19’’ TFT-Windows 7) Beckhoff 7) CNC Beckhoff (19’’ CNC TFT-Windows (19’’ TFT-Windows 7) 7)

CNC Motion CNC System Motion System

Yaskawa CNC Yaskawa ServoCNC System Servo System Beckhoff CNC Beckhoff ServoCNC System Servo System

Nesting Software Nesting Software

LANTEK Expert LANTEK CutExpert (Optional) Cut (Optional)

Work PieceWork Dimensions Piece Dimensions

1524 x 30481524 mmx 3048 mm

X Axis ( Rack X Axis & Pinion ( Rack ) & Pinion )

3000 mm 3000 mm

Y Axis ( Rack Y Axis & Pinion ( Rack ) & Pinion )

1500 mm 1500 mm

Z Axis ( BallZScrew Axis ( Ball ) Screw )

150 mm

150 mm

Rapid Traverse Rapid( XTraverse and Y axis ( X and ) Y axis )

90 m / min90 m / min

110 m / min 110 m / min

Vector Speed Vector Speed

125 m / min 125 m / min

145 m /min145 m /min

Acceleration Acceleration

1G (10m/s2) 1G (10m/s2)

1.2G (12m/s2) 1.2G (12m/s2)

Absolute Positioning Absolute Positioning Accuracy Accuracy

Feed RateFeed Rate

Repeatability Repeatability

Focal Length Focal Length

ransfer Table Transfer Table

Max. LoadMax. Capacity Load Capacity

AutomaticAutomatic Nozzle Cleaning Nozzle&Cleaning Calibration & Calibration


(02) 9890 (02) 9111 9890 9111

± 0.08 mm ± 0.08 mm Programmable Programmable up to 50 m/min up to 50 m/min ± 0.03 mm ± 0.03 mm 150 mm

150 mm

Motorised Motorised - Automatic - Automatic Exchange Exchange 1000 kg

1000 kg

Standard Standard


(07) 3715 (07) 2200 3715 2200

Material Type Material Type 1000 W

Maximum Maximum Cutting Capacity Cutting Capacity 1500 1000 W W

2000 1500 W W

2500 2000 W W

3000 2500 W W

Mild Steel Mild Steel 12mm

14mm 12mm

16mm 14mm

18mm 16mm

20mm 18mm

3000 W 20mm

Stainless Steel Stainless 5mm Steel

6mm 5mm

8mm 6mm

8mm 8mm

10mm 8mm


AluminiumAluminium 3mm

4mm 3mm

6mm 4mm

8mm 6mm

8mm 8mm




4mm 2mm

5mm 4mm

6mm 5mm

6mm 6mm




4mm 3mm

6mm 4mm

6mm 6mm

6mm 6mm



*Material cutting *Material thickness cuttingisthickness dependent is dependent on many factors on many including factors including material specifications, material specifications, condition and condition machine andparameters. machine parameters. All All specifications specifications are subjectare to change. subject to change.

MELBOURNE MELBOURNE (03) 9212 (03) 4422 9212 4422


(08) 9373 (08) 9999 9373 9999

1/2 Windsor 1/2 Windsor Rd, Northmead Rd, Northmead 11 Valentine St, Kewdale St, Kewdale 625 Boundary 625 Boundary Rd, Coopers Rd, Coopers Plains Plains4 Abbotts 4 Rd, Abbotts Dandenong Rd, Dandenong 11 Valentine


MACHINERY RANGE IS A CUT ABOVE FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS says, “with the end uses for plastics expanding into so many areas, from signage to construction, there is huge potential for CNC machinery, whether it’s cutting intricate outlines for signage and display material or shaping of architectural facades with CNC routing.” He is also keen to point out the huge array of plastics and other materials that the Biesse machines can cut with such high precision and speed. “There’s always demand for using nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene and acetal,” he says, “and we can add to productivity with features such as the ability to cut and polish plastics in a single operation.”

A global company probably better known in Australia for its woodworking machinery is making serious waves in the market for machining plastics, composites and thermoformed materials. Fresh from celebrating its 50th anniversary and recently moving into its new Australian headquarters campus, Biesse is attacking the advanced materials market with a range that includes CNC routers, beam saws, waterjet cutting systems, sanders and thermoformers.

machining quality and increase reliability using helical rack and pinion drives to maintain accuracy of travel throughout the extended lifetime of the machine. Where the advanced materials machines differ from their woodworking cousins though is in

a drag knife, an oscillating knife and a cutter wheel, each installed on the tool head. The oscillating knife is particularly useful in providing a vertical cut into foam-type materials, while the drag knife (rather like a pizza cutter) is ideal for cutting materials such as fabrics,

“Remarkably,” says Mostacci, “50 per cent of our Australian staff are service technicians – and that’s up 20 per cent in the last 12 months.”

“Back in the mid-1990s, that’s exactly what we were using – there were no dedicated machines for milling plastics, so woodworking machines were used,” says Mostacci.

It also gives them other highquality design features, such as gantries that are driven on both sides to reduce stresses, provide improved



In terms of usability, Biesse machines are highly flexible. They not only come loaded with the company’s own CNC software, they can also be operated using any other industrystandard software, making them easy to integrate into an existing machining operation. Biesse recently opened its Sydney Headquarters and called it “Oceania Campus”. This is because training is one of its key functions: training for both users and particularly its own service technicians.

Aldo Mostacci has a long history in the engineering plastics market, and is the Oceania Brand Sales Manager for Advanced Materials at Biesse. He sees the company’s traditional woodworking strengths as a positive sign for the advanced materials sector.

The Biesse Advanced Materials Portfolio shares the same European design and quality standards, with large, heavy and rigid bases that guarantee high-precision machining at high throughput rates.

Other key materials capabilities include the ability to cut solid aluminium and aluminium composite materials, together with other architectural materials such as cement fibre and plasterboard.

the tools provided, with a choice of three different knives that between them offer CNC cutting capabilities covering a full range of plastics, foams, composites and other materials. So, whereas a typical CNC router would use a rotating bit for cutting, Biesse offers the additional option of

acoustic panels and the like. Engineering plastics are a key market for Biesse machines, a point not lost on Aldo Mostacci, who has worked in the area for over 20 years before joining the company. “This is a key specialisation,” he

Add to that a spare parts inventory of around $5 million, and you begin to appreciate that Biesse means business in keeping its users’ machines up and running – without having to wait for expertise or hardware to come from Europe.

Biesse Group 1300 243773



COMPACT VACUUM EJECTORS BOOST PRODUCTIVITY Schmalz has developed a new series of compact ejectors that can be integrated directly into a vacuum gripping system thanks to their slim, lightweight design.

integrates functions for monitoring and controlling the entire production process with an IO-Link interface and NFC to transmit process data to mobile devices and computers.

The SCPM family ejectors are ideal for use in space-saving decentralised vacuum generators that combine powerful suction with straightforward integration. Their compact dimensions and high power density allow them to be used very close to the suction cup. Up to 16 ejectors can ganged together to form a compact pneumatic unit with just one connection. This means that users can set up and individually control multiple vacuum circuits with one device, allowing different parts to be handled independently of one another from only one terminal. The family features a modular design that simplifies the task of


In combination with the Schmalz ControlRoom app, the pneumatic vacuum generators can be read out and parameterised directly on the system at any time using mobile terminal devices. And by integrating functions such as predictive maintenance, the SCPMi ejector can increase productivity by up to 10 per cent. specifying the right ejector for each job as three different versions can be created with just one main body. In addition to the SCPMb basic

version, there is also the SCPMc controlled version with additional features such as an automatic air-saving function and active blow off. The intelligent SCPMi version

Millsom Hoists 03 9215 8800




DESIGNING ROBOTS TO SHARE THE WORKSPACE WITH HUMANS Industrial robots are used in factories because they provide an effective alternative to manual workers for repetitive, highvolume assembly line tasks. Machines can repeat high-precision tasks for many years with only the occasional interruption for routine maintenance. The initial high capital investment is repaid by boosted productivity. But relatively low-cost human workers remain the best option for low-volume, high-mix, intricate assembly work because they are dexterous, flexible and able to solve problems that bring machines to a halt. Collaborative robots, or ‘cobots’, the lightweight, compact and relatively inexpensive cousins of full-size industrial robots, are now being introduced to combine the advantages of both robots and humans. However, because they share the workspace with humans, new engineering techniques are required to keep the workers safe while maximising productivity.

Sharing the workspace Collaborative robots fill a niche in manufacturing when the product mix is consolidating and volumes are increasing but not to the extent that justifies full automation. The robots can do the routine, repetitive actions while the humans work on the intricate tasks and intellectual challenges of the process. Collaboration is not a natural function of traditional industrial robots. The ISO defines an industrial robot as “An automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes, which can be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications”. This description fits a machine designed for maximum productivity without human assistance. Since the introduction of industrial

robots in the 1970s, the safe automation of high-volume applications has required a division on the factory floor. Workers are kept well away and the machines are enclosed behind barriers to eliminate the dangers posed by heavy, rapidly moving mechanical parts. Basic external sensor technology instigates an emergency stop when someone or something crosses a beam or triggers a switch by opening the barrier. When a technician intentionally enters a robot’s operating space for maintenance or reprogramming, the machine is powered down with its arm(s) locked in a safe position. Maximising speed, strength and precision remains important for collaborative robots, but to maximise the advantages of collaborative working, humans and robots need to work in harmony. To justify the introduction of a collaborative robot, it must cost no more than the equivalent for human labour. A robot that is moving parts into position and adding quick-drying adhesive is of little value if a human coworker still has to fit together the previous two or three

workpieces. More importantly, robots must constantly sense where the humans are positioned, how they are moving and the force they’re applying when contact is made (whether intentionally or unintentionally) to ensure safe working.

Guidelines for the design of collaborative robots Key factors in the design of collaborative robots relate to the fact that the machine and a human share the same workspace. The designer needs to ensure not only that efficiency is high but also that the robot constantly senses the sometimes unpredictable movements of its coworker and can react safely. The designer also needs to ensure that the robot doesn’t apply excessive force if there’s intentional or unintentional contact between itself and the human. This adds complexity, because, unlike industrial robots in which safety systems are not an intrinsic part of the robot, collaborative robots contain safety systems that are generally integrated into its own

structure and controlled by its own systems. Fortunately, guidance on these design challenges comes in the form of international safety standards for collaborative robots, which have been developed in parallel with the rapid introduction of these robots in the workplace. For example, the ISO provides some guidelines for designing collaborative robots in its standard ISO 10218, and its technical specification ISO/TS 15066 (which is a voluntary document and not a standard, but is expected to form the basis of a standard in the future) focuses on their safety. ISO/TS 15066 highlights the importance of safety-related control system integrity with regards to controlling process parameters such as speed and force. ISO/TS 15066 also provides general information for a collaborative robot designer to use, such as information explaining the need for a risk assessment of hazards in the workspace. For example, even the best robot design can’t be

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considered safe if it allows the robot to wave a sharp object around, or a workspace could be dangerous if it’s closed in by fixed objects that cause a worker to become trapped then crushed by robot movement.

it. This operation is used for lift assists or highly variable tool applications.

The key sections of ISO/TS 15066 address the design of workspaces and a robot’s operations, and the transitions between its collaborative and noncollaborative operations. Specifically, it provides extensive details for implementing the following requirements for collaborative operation, which creates safe, efficient solutions that fulfill design objectives.

This collaborative work method is perhaps the most relevant, as it allows an operator and robot to move simultaneously within the workplace by equipping the robot with sensors to monitor how close the worker is. At large separations, it continues to operate at medium speed, but on closer approaches, it reduces its speed, and at very close approaches, it comes to a complete safety-rated monitored stop.

Speed and separation monitoring

Safety-rated monitored stop A safety-rated monitored stop is an assured robot stop without removing power and occurs when a human worker enters the collaborative workspace. The system ensures that a robot and human don’t move at the same time and is primarily employed when the robot is rapidly moving heavy parts through the workspace.

Hand-guided operation Before a hand-guided operation can start, a robot must perform a safety-rated monitored stop. During the operation, a worker is in direct contact with the robot arm and can utilise hand controls to move

Power and force limiting Power and force limiting are required in applications where there could be intentional or unintentional contact between a collaborative robot (or any workpiece) and a worker when both are working in the collaborative workspace. Contact can either be quasi-static, such as clamping part of a worker’s body between a robot’s manipulator and a fixed object, or transient, such as knocking into a part of a coworker’s body where the worker is able to recoil.

Design safety challenges With some adaptations to limit cost,

size and complexity, collaborative robot designers can employ existing industrial robot technology for some systems while still implementing the work methods described above. For example, a safetyrated monitored stop is an established technology for industrial robots that uses safety barriers to implement an emergency stop when a human enters the operational space. Considering that industrial robots are designed to come to a dead halt when a human enters the work zone, speed and separation monitoring demands new engineering techniques. Collaborative robots will keep moving, albeit at a reduced speed, when workers are sharing the workspace, unless an approach is close enough to trigger a safety-rated monitored stop. Key to implementing such systems is integrating sensors into the robot’s control systems so that the closed-loop feedback enables rapid motor response when speed reduction is necessary. But the most difficult design challenge is limiting power and force. Designers can learn little from industrial robot design because its emphasis is on load capacity and speed. An annexure to ISO/TS 15066 offers help by suggesting limits to quasi-static and transient forces for pain thresholds as well as minor, reversible and irreversible injury thresholds for humans. Transient force thresholds can be twice as high as quasi-static ones, because they

occur within a shorter timeframe and the worker is able to recoil. While research continues on pain and injury thresholds, the present guidelines recommend lowering clamping risks by reducing a robot’s speed to less than 250mm/s and its force to less than 150N during speed and separation monitoring operations, while transient forces can be twice as high but must not be applied for longer than 500ms. Meeting these thresholds is challenging. For example, a 2kg robot arm carrying a 0.5kg load and moving at 1m/s must decelerate at 60m/s2 to limit its crushing force to below 150N if unintentional contact occurs. In that time, the arm will travel 8mm, which is acceptable for collaborative operation. An identical robot arm carrying a 3kg load would need to decelerate at 19m/s2 to limit its crushing force to less than 150N, during which time it will have travelled 27mm (which is acceptable with padding). This illustrates that the designer must consider the differing dynamic forces generated by collaborative robots with different payload and speed of movement capabilities. Mouser Electronics +852 3756 4700

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12/06/2019 11.36




ROBOTS OPEN DOORS FOR WORKER SAFETY AND PRODUCTIVITY AT NEW ZEALAND LOCK MAKER Prior to deploying the UR5, operational staff were rotated every two hours, due to the demands of repetitive wrist and shoulder movements. By automating the final step on the lock bodies production line, the UR5 has relieved operators of work hazards. Knowing that employees can work in very close proximity to the UR5 without safety guarding provides Assa Abloy NZ with peace of mind. Staff reaction to the UR5 – dubbed Victoria – has been extremely positive and they have upskilled as a result of cobot integration. New roles are being created for the team which are more focused on quality and process monitoring of material supply, compared to the role of a traditional assembly worker.

Automation and robotics have revolutionised the way business is done at Assa Abloy NZ, the global leader in door and window opening solutions. Looking to increase output and ensure delivery on its promise of two-day lead time, as well as solve an employee health and safety challenge, Assa Abloy NZ deployed universal robots’ UR5 collaborative robot arm. This has increased productivity, improved employee safety, and relieved employees of repetitive tasks so they can be more involved in strategic business initiatives.

The challenge High labour costs and geographic remoteness mean that to remain competitive on an international scale, manufacturing companies in New Zealand need to deliver products to market faster, with the highest level of quality, while keeping costs down. Such was the case for Assa Abloy, the global leader in door and window opening solutions. Looking to increase output and ensure delivery on its promise of two day lead time, as well as solve an employee health and safety challenge, Assa Abloy NZ deployed Universal Robots’ UR5 collaborative robot arm. The UR5 performs repetitive tasks such as picking, packing and screw driving on the company’s Auckland lock bodies production line.



The solution The UR5 has automated key manufacturing processes, such as the picking and placing of screws, relieving employees of repetitive tasks and ensuring a smooth production flow. Since the installation of the UR5 in 2016, Assa Abloy NZ has reported improvements in productivity, quality and most importantly, employee health and safety.

Flexibility and ease of use Assa Abloy NZ is part of Assa Abloy’s global business which specialises in door opening solutions and has been servicing the market for more than 50 years.

programming. This means the UR5 can be reprogrammed and deployed for different tasks within minutes without prior knowledge on programming or robotic engineering.

Assa Abloy engaged Design Energy, a distributor for Universal Robots, to help integrate the UR5 and train the manufacturing team on how to advance the UR5 on the production line. “We even decided to have a bit of fun – the lock bodies team had a naming competition and we named the UR5 Victoria. With this, Victoria becomes one of us – she’s like another coworker,” said Simkin.

To kick off the industrial robot selection process, Assa Abloy brought three different robotic arm suppliers onsite and evaluated each one while they performed the same activities. “The scalability and easy programming of the UR5 was unmatched. It also offered the flexibility to perform the varied tasks we needed at an affordable price,” said Marc Simkin, Manufacturing Engineer Manager, Assa Abloy NZ, speaking on selection of Universal Robots.

The initial purpose for implementing an automated solution was to relieve production staff from the onerous physical tasks of assembling locks and screwing face plates. In contrast to traditional robotic solutions, Universal Robots’ small and lightweight robotic arms work safely alongside staff (subject to risk assessment).

Ease of use is a key benefit delivered by Universal Robots, such as its easy programming feature. A graphical user interface with a teach function enables an operator to show the robot arm how a movement should be performed. The user-friendly interface allows staff to drag and drop the routines to automate

Like all Universal Robots, the UR5’s state-of-the-art force limit safety feature automatically prevents the robot from operating when movement is interrupted. The UR5 doesn’t exert a force greater than the limit specified in the adjustable safety settings, which can be set from 100 to 250N.

Safety challenges

“We’re so pleased to see the team’s sense of pride in the new skills they’ve developed as a result of operating Victoria. Permanent staff have taken on the responsibility of mentoring temporary staff on how to work with Victoria,” said Mataio Goding, Production Manager, Assa Abloy NZ.

Quality and consistency The UR5 ensures there’s no variation during the final assembly stage, improving consistency of product. The UR5 enables Assa Abloy NZ to deliver on its operational strategy of ‘any colour any key any time’ – producing any key or lock, in any colour – with a two day turnaround. This provides a competitive advantage as automation has traditionally only been relevant for large scale production. “We have seen improvement in quality as a result of a more consistent assembly process,” said Goding. Automating repetitive tasks and improved consistency of output means less time and resources are required on the production line. Staff can be redeployed into more value added tasks, driving efficiency across the business. Assa Abloy expects to see a cost saving within the next 12 months that will pay for the UR5. Based on the success of Victoria’s installation and commissioning, Assa Abloy NZ is developing another process that involves two UR5s producing door hinges, with 22 different variants of product. Universal Robots +65 6635 7270



SMALLER, LIGHTER ROBOTS DEMAND DIFFERENT CABLING The trend towards smaller and lighter collaborative robots poses major challenges in terms of cabling and connectors, says Lapp's Simon Pullinger. Large industrial robots have shaped the image of robotics for decades, but today’s cobots are rewriting the rulebook. These lightweight robots are designed to be quickly trained for new tasks, making production so flexible that an armada of motorised arms can assemble a smartphone one day and sort eggs and check them for cracks the next. However, even compact and light robots need cables to supply their drives with power, open and close their grippers and transfer data from sensors and cameras. But these cables need to be both space- and weight-saving.

In order to improve insulation and reduce the size of data cables, insulation material is foamed during the extrusion process

If you compare a conventional, large So while one of the key properties for industrial robot with a modern cobot, the cables on the outside of a robot is the in most cases you won't be able to see ability to handle narrow bending radii, this anything. That's because the cables are housed inside the arms. criterion is even more5:56 important when the mouser-widest-selection--230x155.pdf 1 14/5/2019 PM

cables are on the inside as the bends are even tighter. While there are a number of ways to

make cables more compact and more robust, the required copper crosssection of any cable is determined by the specifications of the servomotor or tool













that has to be powered, so there is no leeway in reducing the cross-section. However, careful selection of the appropriate cables can save some space. The motors are smaller for compact robots, so they require less power and therefore smaller conductor cross-sections. It is similar for data cables: if only a few sensors with simple binary signals like position sensors are to be scanned, then a fast CAT 6A Ethernet cable is not required - a slimmer CAT 5 cable will be sufficient. Once these simple saving measures have been exhausted, there are still a few other options for improved cabling. For example, polyethylene (PE) is commonly used as a dielectric in data cables, and in the case of high-quality data transmission cables, the PE is foamed during the extrusion process. Regulating the amount of gas introduced into the production process allows cable manufacturers to optimise properties such as capacitance or impedance, enabling the production of thinner space-optimised cables.

The lay of the copper strands within the conductors also has a part to play. Typically the strands are twisted because this improves the flexibility of the cable. (If all the strands and all the wires were parallel, the outer copper wires would be stretched at each bend in the cable and the inner ones would be compressed, leading to an extremely rigid cable.) So the thickness and flexibility can be controlled by the length of lay (ie the distance for a round of twisting). If it is longer there is less twist and the cable turns out thinner. Lapp has developed wires for power transmission with special (longer) lengths of lay for a manufacturer of compact robots. And in data cables, twisted pairing of the wires also improves fault-free transmission of data. There are also changes to the tasks that the cabling has to do. In classic robotics, control signals, energy and sensor data are often transmitted by parallel wiring. But when larger amounts of data have to be transferred serial cabling is used, usually Ethernet CAT 5 cables with datarates up to 100Mbit/s.

The Italian made Comau Racer is a fine example of a compact lightweight robot

In compact robots, these lines are structured as star quads. The two wire pairs are twisted in the interior of the sheath so they occupy less space yet still tolerate long-term bending and torsion. The situation is different when the robot has multiple sensors or even a camera as the two pairs of wires cannot cope with the datarates required. In this case, CAT 6A Ethernet cables can transfer data at up to 10Gbit/s. These cables contain four pairs of wires, which are stranded as pairs, and the four pairs are then twisted - which unfortunately means they take up more space than star quads. Fibre optic cables are still a niche product in robotics. However, they might be a viable alternative in applications that require very high datarates, and they are also attractive in applications where electromagnetic interference might be present – such as in welding robots. Contrary to common belief, neither glass nor plastic optical fibres are inflexible, although there are limitations on their minimum bending radii. This does rule out the use of glass fibres in compact robots. And with plastic fibres generally only capable of 100Mbit/s, they are no faster than copper data cables. But they do have the advantage of being immune to EMI. The demand for more compact robot cables has also impacted connectors. Large robots are controlled from the control cabinet by a supply line connected to the robot's foot with an industrial rectangular connector. Smaller robots us an M23 circular connector. Applications flexibility is a key factor. For example, if a robot is retrofitted



with a camera for quality inspection, the connector should be able to accommodate the additional data transmission. Modular connectors, such as the easily extendible Lapp Epic MH connector system, accommodate all kinds of plug-in modules for energy, signals and data. If a function is added, another module is simply inserted or replaced. Lapp Group has recently created a special connector for an innovative manufacturer of compact robots. The connector had to be easy to fit, harmonise with the design of the robot, have exemplary EMC performance, incorporate strain relief, be qualified for Ethernet data transfer, and be attractively priced. Lapp finally solved the conundrum with a modified M23 circular connector. The general industry trend towards ready-made cable sets is having limited impact in the world of robotics. For supply cables from the control cabinet, there is a clear trend towards ready-made products such as the Lapp Ă–lflex Connect range. And that trend looks like expanding into the construction of the robots themselves. However, while hybrid cables are becoming popular with other machine builders, they are really not suitable for compact robots. Lapp Australia 1800 931 559



We’ve shredded HIS YAWEI LASER IS BATHURST TREATMENT YAWEI LASER IS the price, not the PLANT UPGRADES ESIGNED TO CUT quality. GNED TO CUT PERISTALTIC PUMPS BOVE THE REST. We’ve shredded Now that’s THIS YAWEI LASER IS VE THE REST. THIS YAWEI LASER IS the price, not the OW THAT’S APPLIED DESIGNED TO CUT Applied Thinking. WDESIGNED THAT’S APPLIED quality. TO CUT The Ragazzini peristaltic pump features a number of enhancements over other brands, which makes them highly reliable, and easy to service and maintain.

HINKING. ABOVE THE REST. NKING. ABOVE THE REST. First, the “roller on bearings” design eliminates the need for lubricating oil, reduces friction on the hose (thanks to the use of rollers instead of “shoes”) and results in extended hose life.

























The encounter was between WIOA Operator of the Year David Cashen and Phil Rothheudt, NSW Regional Manager for Hydro Innovations, and it led Cashen to the Hydro Innovations display stand at the conference to view a Ragazzini peristaltic pump.




A chance meeting in the car park at the 2018 Water Industry Operators Association (WIOA) Conference in Tamworth has led to a successful change of peristaltic pumps at the Bathurst Water Treatment Plant.



The automatic retractable roller system enables easy maintenance, simplifies hose changeover and takes pressure off hoses during pump rest periods.





A leak detector automatically stops the pump when a hose fails and sends an alarm, which minimises product loss. And with no (hose) lubricating oil in the pump chamber there is no mess to clean up or danger of contamination to pumped product or the surrounding area in the event of a hose failure. This greatly simplifies hose change-outs. The range comes with a choice of seven different hoses, making it easy to specify the right hose for the right product. And there are pumps with duties from 1 to 180,000L/h, with operating pressures up to 15bar.

Cashenaccuracy, is Supervisor ofspeed the Bathurst s extreme and consistency cut, combined with very low operating Two Ragazziniof model MSO pumps Water Treatment Plant, which at the time were subsequently supplied, one your was business to the next level. the had new Yawei laser is the perfect way to and take two peristaltic pumps transferring accuracy, speedHLF andfiber consistency of cut, combined with very low operating fitted immediately to see if it performed

for use in its treatment aweicarbon HLFslurry fiber is the perfectspeed to your the business to the next With itslaser extreme accuracy, andtake consistency of cut, combined withlevel. very low operating toway expectations and fulfilled promises process. The slurry is quite abrasive, and so for dollar, the new HLF is in a league of its own, opening up possibilities for companies costs, the new Yawei HLF fiber laser is the perfect way to take your low business to the next level. made. Heavy duty, reliable, cost effective recycling With its extreme accuracy, speed and consistency of cut, combined with very operating hoses needed to be replaced once or twice oss new the laser cutting sector;offrom start-ups through to full production, 3-shift the HLF is in a league its own, opening up possibilities for companies perthe Yawei HLF fiber laser is the costs, perfect way to take your business tosolutions the next level. pump has now nments. for dollar, the new HLF isThe in first a league of itsbeen own, opening up possibilities for companies er cuttingDollar sector; from start-ups through to full production, 3-shift operating since July 2018 (running

Heavy duty, reliable, cost effective recycling Thisall frequency of maintenance across the laser cutting sector;offrom start-ups throughpossibilities to full production, 3-shift Australia’s favourite solution for all kinds of waste/ Dollar dollar, the new HLF is in a league itsforown, for companies continuously up to opening 18-20 hours up per solutions wasfor OK, but the hose changes were environments. quality German built Precitec auto-focus cutting head, IPG laser source, Siemens materials reduction applications all across the messy laserbecause cutting start-ups to full production, 3-shift in the hotterthrough periods); and at a recent exceedingly thesector; pump fromday Australia’s favourite solution for all kinds of waste/ SL controller and a fabricated, stress-relieved fully annealed frame it really is a cut above inspection in April IPG 2019, there had source, been environments. casing needed to be filledauto-focus with lubricating cutting erman built Precitec head, laser Siemens With a quality German built Precitec auto-focus cutting head, IPG laser source, Siemens Extensive range available: materials reduction applications no hose failure or need to change-out the st.and fluid, thanks to the pumps’ “shoe on hose” er a fabricated, stress-relieved fully annealed frame it really is a cut above 840DSL controller and a fabricated, stress-relieved fully annealed frame it really is a cut above original hose. cutting head, IPG laser source,•Siemens In theGerman event of a hose a Withdesign. a quality builtfailure, Precitec auto-focus Vision Series Shredders Extensive range available: the rest.slurry mixture of carbon lubricating oil stress-relieved fully annealed frame it really is a cut above 840DSL controller andand a fabricated, Cashen’s expectations have been • Gran-Calibur Series Granulators • Vision Series Shredders resulted in a mammoth mess to clean up, the rest. more than realised with not only a clean both inside and outside of the pump. • Gran-Calibur Series Granulators • Complete recycling lines; tyres, e-waste, cable, and reliable system to pump the carbon re information: plastic washingrecycling & drying. • Complete lines; tyres, e-waste, cable, slurry, but a hose life that is up to 9 months HoseFor replacements and the 3 9706 8066 more information: plastic washing & drying. on: consequential and still going. carbon mixed Call: cleanup 03 9706of8066

For more information: with lubricating could take days, and Email:oil The initial outlay has also been Call: 03 9706 8066 Cashen also had the cost of the (not Visit: vindicated by the cost savings in downtime Email: inexpensive) lubrication fluid to replace Connect with us socially Visit: each and clean-up time, reliability, reduced hose Connect with us socially time, on top of the replacement hose replacement and all round costs. Connect with usConnect sociallywith us socially efficiency. Once Cashen had been shown the indd 1 APP054-Yawei-FPC-1.indd 1 features and benefits of the Ragazzini 4-Yawei-FPC-1.indd 1 Hydro Innovations peristaltic pump over his existing units, he 02 9898 1800 was convinced he had found the answer to his messy hose changing issues.


22/12/16 22/12/16 9:27 am9:27 am 22/12/16 22/12/16 9:27 am 9:27 am




GOLD MINER PUTS THE SKIDS ON MINE AIR SUPPLY When Tomingley Gold Operations required a suitable air compressor to supply mine air for drilling and refuge chambers the company couldn’t simply buy one off the shelf. The duties of the compressor and the conditions under which it would need to operate were far from “standard”. The customer specified an 8bar 860cfm 1000V air compressor to be skid mounted together with a large storage air receiver needed to handle the hot, dirty mining environment. As the Tomingley mines are located in south-west NSW, SLS Mechanical Services based in Parkes offered both local convenience for supply and installation and ongoing support and service for the compressor.

SLS recommended a Southern Cross JN132 1000V air compressor and 2500L air receiver package including customised design features to adapt the compressor to the operating conditions. This included the design and fabrication of a customised skid package, which can to be split in half and shortened to enable easy movement of the compressor along narrow access roads around the mine. A specialised filtration system was also fitted to cope with the harsh, dirty environment. Another deciding factor in choosing a Southern Cross compressor through SLS was the extended warranty on the unit and lifetime warranty on the airend. Stephen Symonds of SLS Mechanical

Services says that that since installation, Tomingley has indicated the compressor is doing its job extremely well and the quiet operation is impressive for such a large air compressor - an important factor in mine operations with nearby neighbours.

capacity of 1Mt a year from early 2014.

Being based only 40min from site, SLS mechanical is contracted to carry out a regular maintenance programme to keep the compressor performing in peak running order for many years to come.

early 2019 producing 60,000 to 80,000

The gold operations at Tomingley are located approximately 50km south-west of Dubbo in Central West NSW. Operated by Tomingley Gold Operations (TGO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Alkane, the gold processing plant was commissioned on time and on budget in January 2014 and has been operating at the design

Mining at Tomingley is based on four gold deposits (Wyoming One, Wyoming Three, Caloma and Caloma Two). Open cut mining occurred on the deposits until ounces of gold per year. Underground mining commenced in early 2019 from the bottom of the Wyoming One pit.

Southern Cross Compressors 1300 098 901


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SAVINGS FROM POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS ARE GROWING and as more businesses sign up, the benefits will only increase. PPAs help integrate renewables into the grid and drive renewable investment in the Australian energy market. These deals see businesses contract a portion of their consumption from large-scale wind and solar generators and provide lowcost power over the long term. One of these is Ascham School in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, which is the first school in NSW to enter into a PPA and has made the ambitious commitment to being 90 per cent powered by renewables.

Businesses signed onto Flow Power’s Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have

collectively saved $15.4 million since their contracts began at the start of 2018. The savings are still growing,

“Our growing focus on sustainability as part of our strategic plan, spurred us on to look at alternative options and sources of energy,” says Ascham School Business Manager Candice Heapes. “At Ascham, the whole school is

committed to sustainable actions, so drawing energy from wind and solar farms is a terrific step in greening our future.” Demand for PPAs is increasing and more businesses are choosing to reserve renewable power for the future. With 50MW more renewable energy committed since March, only 42 per cent of Flow Power’s wind and solar offering is left. There’s good news for smaller businesses too: Flow Power is making its renewables deals available to them. Its analysis highlights the significant opportunity for businesses of all sizes to drive down energy expenditure while benefiting from these contracts. Flow Power 1300 08 06 08

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SERIES 8 - PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS PROVIDE VITAL PROCESS FEEDBACK Pressure instrumentation is a key part of most process plant, and today’s pressure sensors can play an increased role in the measurement of other process parameters.

Harter examine the ceramic-capacitive Certec pressure measuring cell at the heart of VEGA’s pressure instruments, together with innovations such as integrated temperature shock compensation.

This series of videos looks at some of the fundamental concepts of pressure measurement and illustrates them with VEGA’s state-of-the-art Vegabar 80 series of pressure transmitters.

They take us through the options available for configuring the Vegabar 80 series of pressure transmitters and go on to compare conventional and electronic approaches to the measurement of differential pressure and explain the difference between

VEGA engineers Florian Burgert and Manuel

absolute and gauge pressure sensors. The series concludes with a video detailing the application of electronic differential pressure sensors to level measurement in froth flotation cells. VEGA Australia 1800 817 135

Tough markers

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work. Make your mark fast, reliably, without fuss – put some Pilot Permanent Markers in your toolbox. Made in Japan using new permanent oil-based ink technology with class-leading performance in four vivid ink colours. They write on almost anything – cartons, plastic, wood, paper and metal – they’ll even write over grease or oil. The marker also guarantees a 24 hour cap-off life – a tough marker for tough jobs. Go to for more information.



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Kahi Puru (third from left), with Real Pet Food Company employees

Tested Impact EnergyKahi Puru Paralympic powerlifter

made a huge impact on employees at the Real Pet Food Company in Ingleburn, south-western Sydney, Equivalent vehicle and speed when he visited them to share the story of his workplace injury.

5,400 Joules



mph Puru was 29 when his left leg had impact 6 tonne to be amputated after being crushed 90° Impact on Bollard by a forklift at work. He is now a member of the icare Paralympic Speakers Programme, and visits workplaces around NSW to help erial Properties support a culture of safety at work and reduce perature Range workplace -10°C toinjuries. 50°C

on Temperature

370°C to 390°C

“I’ve experienced first-hand the Point devastating350°C 370°C effecttoof a workplace injury city Not Hazardous and the ramifications it has on your loved ones and your workplace,” he mical Resistance Excellent - ISO/TR 10358 says. “By sharing my experience, I can hering Stability 5/5* y Scale)make people more safety-aware. Being able to prevent one workplace injury is Stability 7/8** Wool Scale) worth its weight in gold.

c Rating 1015 1016 Ω “I wanted to-reinforce ace Resistivity)

with the guys Pet Food that life is precious, No and they should never be afraid to ering scale 1 is very poor and 5 is excellent about unsafe situations in the stabilityspeak scale 1 isup very poor and 8 is excellent workplace.”

at Real ene Seals

Sue Wood, the company’s General Manager, Logistics, Manufacturing and Distribution, says she would encourage other employers to invite mpact Zone 750mm Puru into their workplaces. “Kahi is amazing man and he fully engaged with our team at Ingleburn,” she says. “We were overwhelmed and humbled by Kahi’s life story and I’d like to thank him from the bottom of my heart for sharing his story with my team and making the issue of workplace safety ‘real’.” Colour Combinations

*Please note that the RAL and PANTONE colours listed are the closest match to standard JUNE/JULY 2019 A-SAFE colours, but may not be exact matches of the actual product colour and should be



While vehicle accidents can result in death or permanent incapacity, the most common cause of injury for manufacturing workers is body stressing, which includes muscle strains and back injuries caused by manual tasks like heavy lifting and repetitive movements.


icare NSW provides workers compensation insurance to more than 326,000 public and private sector employers in NSW and their 3.6 million employees. icare’s General Manager Workers Compensation Jason McLaughlin says the speakers programme is a great way to spread the message of workplace health and safety. “With almost 11,000 manufacturing workers injured at work in the past 12 months, education, training and tools are crucial in building a safer work environment,” he says. “Stories like Kahi’s bring home the ‘why?’ around injury prevention. “Through the Paralympian Speakers Programme and our Protect Together injury prevention program, we’re working with employers to develop practical improvements and build a culture focused on strong safety behaviours.” Employers can book a speaker for Bollards multi-functional product their A-SAFE next safety eventare byavisiting the used extensively used in industrial, commercial and icare website. public environments.

to protect structures and equipment from impact damage, icareDesigned NSW and provide a robust physical presence to prevent access or guide vehicles and pedestrians.

Strong, durable and highly visible, A-SAFE bollards permanently reinforce a driver’s attention to safe driving and can also act as guidance along traffic routes.




SAFETY RELAYS PROTECT PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT of a minimum of one normally open and one normally closed contact. The contact spring assemblies and other conducting parts in the relay are designed to ensure no short circuits of conducting connections can occur, and the relays are produced with elevated standards of insulation and pollution resistance. In accordance with AS61508, the relays come with guaranteed working life specifications (B10 and B10d), which allow the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of the application safety circuit to be determined. Arlin Components & Hardware offers a range of safety relays from Swiss manufacturer Elesta GmbH. These forcibly guided relays are used in safety-oriented applications for the decoupling of different voltage potentials. They have a dual function to protect people from injury as well as protecting expensive equipment from damage. Safety relays enable the construction

of self-monitoring systems, and are used in applications ranging from emergency off circuits to elevator controls and complex machine controls. They are often a fundamental part of achieving conformance with safety standard AS61508 – Functional safety of electrical/ electronic/programmable-electronic safety-related systems. Compliant with IEC 61810-3 (formerly EN 50205), Elesta safety relays consist


A white paper “What is AS61508 and how is it different from AS4024?” is available, which includes the importance of following AS61508 from the outset.

Using safety relays The configuration of safety control circuits is only possible for specific fault conditions. However, the key characteristic of safety relays is that the make and break contacts can never both be closed at the same time. The circuit diagram below shows an emergency stop control circuit made using three 4-pole safety relays.

monitoring), and it does prevent the equipment from being restarted. In operation, closing the ‘on’ switch causes the K1 relay to be pulled in. The K2 and K3 relays are energised via the ‘make’ contacts K1-1 and K1-2, and hold themselves via K2-2 or K3-2. The break contacts K2-1 and K3-1 cause the dropout of K1 where the load circuit is released via the break contacts of K1-3 or K1-4. So, for example, if contact K2-3 were to fail to open, K3-3 will open when the emergency stop switch is actuated. And as K2-1 and K2-3 cannot both be closed at the same time, pressing the ‘on’ button



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The key to the design is in its redundancy, and so the first fault to occur does not cause the safety function to fail. However, the trip is visible (self-

does not cause K1 to close and the equipment cannot be restarted. Similarly, if contact K1-3 fails to open, K2-3 and K3-3 will open when the emergency stop switch is actuated. In this case, K1-1 and K1-2 cannot close because K1-3, K2 and K3 are already closed, so the equipment cannot be restarted. Arlin Components & Hardware 1300 362 191


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SERVING A HIGHER STANDARD OF CLEAN Tennant Australia has been providing premium quality floor care solutions to the food and beverage industry for over 43 years in Australia. Whether the challenge is cleaning tight, congested spaces or keeping large areas consistently free of dirt and food grease build-up, Tennant has a solution to protect facilities and keep cleaning sanitary with innovations like easyto-clean Hygenic solution and recovery tanks and its innovative detergent-free ec-H2O Nanoclean technology.

Maintaining sanitary environments is critical in food and beverage facilities. Tennant’s high-performance total floor care solutions help provide clean, hygienic environments where food or beverages are prepared, processed, packaged, bottled, stored or transported.

Australia is governed by a Food Standards code. HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating and controlling food safety hazards – where a hazard is anything that could make food dangerous to eat. These hazards can be microbiological (eg bacteria), chemical (eg cleaning products) or physical (eg debris).

Scrubbers equipped with ec-H2O technology electrically convert water into a detergent-free cleaning solution that cleans effectively, saves money, improves safety, and reduces environmental impact compared with traditional cleaning chemicals and methods. The technology was first launched in 2008, and the second generation was introduced on the Tennant T300 in 2016. ec-H2O NanoClean Technology

offers the same great benefits of the first generation, but cleans better by cleaning more soils in more applications. In addition to the outstanding performance, ec-H2O NanoClean can create real savings by: reducing the need to purchase detergents, increasing productivity by allowing operators to clean up to three-times longer, and reducing other costs such as water supply and waste as well as costs associated with the purchasing and storing of conventional detergents Since their launches, ec-H2O and ecH2O NanoClean Technologies have been included on more than 104,500 machines worldwide. Tennant Australia 1800 226 843

SAFETY DOOR SYSTEM RAISES MACHINE INTELLIGENCE non-networked machines. Unlike the other (bus-based) versions of the device, the MGB2 Classic is connected directly to the control system. It has two OSSD outputs, and can be connected in series with up to ten devices.

The latest version of Euchner’s MGB multifunctional gate box from Treotham Automation is an ideal safety device for

The MGB2 Classic has a modular design that provides maximum flexibility to machine builders, integrators and users. There is a comprehensive selection of submodules and accessories that can be combined to create the exact solution

for each application. These include pushbuttons, selector switches, keyoperated rotary switches and emergency stop buttons. The unit includes a simple DIP switch that enables a choice of configurations for the safety outputs. And the locking module can be switched for doors hinged on the left or right as well as on sliding doors. The MGB2 Classic features a robust

housing, has extensive diagnostic functions and is designed for easy maintenance and customisation. For example, all screws are captive and can be tightened or loosened with just one tool. Furthermore, the use of coded terminals or an RC18 plug connector on the connection modules ensures easy replacement. Treotham Automation 1300 65 75 64


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IOT MONITORS KEEP WATCH OVER MOTOR CONDITION These monitoring devices can constantly visualise the condition of three-phase induction motors and detect errors in advance that may result due to aging and deterioration. Each unit features an LCD with an alarm bar that clearly displays the output in three colours: green (normal), orange (warning) and red (critical). The user can also access and monitor the status of the motor on PC remotely over EtherNet/IP using Omron’s Motor Condition Monitoring Tool software. The ability to collect data using the IoT offers industry the opportunity to improve the operation ratio and the accuracy of maintenance plans for key machine elements. And now Omron has developed a series of motor condition monitoring devices designed to improve efficiency and productivity within the manufacturing industry.

Railway tracks suffer continuous wear and tear due both to operating stresses and weathering. And today, with increasing volumes of rail traffic and higher-speed trains, the stresses and loads are increasing. It is crucial to ensure that rail tracks remain in good working order as the consequences of track failures can be fatal. Scheduling a regular inspection routine is one of the key methods for maintaining the condition of the rail tracks to avoid incidents. One of the critical parameters to look at is the condition of the rail head: if the wear is too high, a train may potentially derail from its course, which could be fatal. Laser scanner technology can be used for measuring the profile of the rail track. And the scanControl 2D/3D profile scanner from MicroEpsilon is capable for measuring these profiles at high speed, up to a maximum of 4kHz. For more accurate measurement of rail wear, two scanControl devices can be used simultaneously to measure the entire rail head profile. And up to four synchronously operated scanners can be mounted into one measurement wagon, enabling simultaneous profile measurement on both side of the rail tracks.

The K6CM series includes the K6CM-CIM for comprehensive current diagnostics, the K6CMISM for insulation resistance monitoring, and the K6CM-VBM for vibration and temperature level measurement.

The use of clamp-type current transducers and push-in-plus technology makes the K6CM units easy to install and reduces wiring time. Real-time monitoring the status of a three-phase induction motor and/or pump will help maintain production lines and increase productivity within the manufacturing industry. Omron 1300 766 766


• Ideal for hydraulic bolt torquing applications that require mobility • Interactive wired remote control provides visual and vibration feedback • Excellent runtime with 5Ah, 28V battery • 100 mm glycerine filled pressure gauge for easy reading • Bladder reservoir allows pump to be used in any position

This scanControl system can record profiles in highspeed mode at up to 100km/h, which makes it one of the most efficient rail monitoring system in the world. The recorded profiles are continuously compared with the reference profile stored in the database. This allows defects to be identified in real time so that any maintenance actions necessary can be schedule in a more efficient way. The locations of the faulty tracks can also be easily identified as the deviations from the reference data are marked on a map using GPS. The systems can also be used under different weather conditions and can be customised to include an additional protection housing. Bestech Australia 03 9540 5100






IMPRESSIVE PERFORMANCE FROM HANDHELD INKJET CODER Made in Germany by the Ernst Reiner company, the jetStamp 1025 is the most flexible, function packed handheld inkjet ever brought to market. With the press of a finger, the 1025 can print on both absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces with 1D and 2D barcodes, graphics, logos, alphanumerics – all in half a second. The official global release at Lake Constance in Switzerland highlighted countless applications including supply chain, logistics, food and beverage, lumber, metal and contract packaging. Guido Scholtz, Sales Director of Trend Marking Systems, was present at the launch and describes the unit as “very impressive”.

New challenges are emerging as the global aerospace industry grows, and it often seems that production delays, manufacturing and materials shortages and counterfeit parts are keeping pace with advancements. Boker’s knows that aerospace OEMs and their supply chains demand manufacturing partners with a strong understanding of the unique requirements of the industry and the highest levels of precision, quality management and performance. Here’s what to look for when selecting a stamped components provider and how Boker’s stacks up. Boker’s has been in business since the dawn of the aviation era and producing parts specifically for the aerospace industry since at least 1939. Today, it continues to meet the evolving challenges of the industry, helping manufacturers solve their product engineering challenges quickly and efficiently. The highest international measure of quality and safety in the defence, aviation and space industries is SAE International’s Aerospace Quality Standard AS9100 rev D. Boker’s quality management system holds this stringent designation, along with ISO 9001:2015, and can comply with DFARS and RoHS, with the ability to manufacture to customer-provided AN, NAS, MS and MIL standards. A provider should maintain the highest levels of production readiness, with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and capacity. Boker’s offers immediate access to over 2000 commonly specified and hard-to-find materials, over 32,000 stock tools that eliminate tooling charges, and customisation options, and facilitates millions of possibilities in non-standard flat washers, spacers, shims and complex stampings.



Boker’s focuses on precision custom washers in outside diameters ranging from 2 to 300mm, with material thickness as small as 0.125mm. Custom stamping includes flat blanking and piercings in sizes up to 300 x 300mm, metal forming in thicknesses from 0.125 to 5mm (varies by material) and draws up to 75mm deep and 200mm in diameter. A wide range of materials is necessary to meet varying performance requirements for extreme temperatures, corrosion resistance and high strength-toweight ratios. Boker’s metallic materials include low-carbon sheet steel, numerous super alloys, stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper and nickel silver. Nonmetallic materials include ABS, acetal, polyester, nylon, MD nylon, polycarbonate, fibre, polyethylene and NEMA grade laminates: in all, over 2000 stock material choices. Advanced secondary and finishing operations include deburring, tapping, reaming, counterboring, spotfacing and metrology services, plus the availability of heat treating, plating and non-destructive testing services. A principal consideration is the provider’s custom manufacturing capabilities and its structure for performance. Boker’s offers expedited custom design capabilities with multiple inhouse technological advantages, including the tight tolerances of wire-EDMproduced tooling, complete statistical process control and 3D rapid prototyping capabilities to validate designs. Boker’s +1 612 729 9365

“The jetStamp 1025 has a unique self-traversing printhead with an automatic cartridge sealing mechanism making for a near zero-maintenance machine, capable of effortlessly printing many sizes, shapes

and surfaces,” says Scholtz. A 1 inch high print size allows for much larger, more flexible layouts, either from the supplied software or even via ERP/ database connectivity. The 1025 is now stocked and supported in Australia and New Zealand exclusively by Trend Marking Systems. Trend Marking Systems 02 9629 9535


Billed as the world’s first 3-phase 960W DIN-rail power supply with an I/O-Link interface, the Puls Dimension QT40.241-B2 is available now from Control Logic. The inclusion of the interface means that users can access application data quickly and easily. This includes parameters such as the load level of the power supply, the network quality, remaining lifetime, temperature, output current and much more. And this can assist in maximising system availability, improving efficiency, and reducing maintenance and operating costs.

Early warnings are available for overloads, upcoming maintenance, overtemperature and overvoltage, and the remote function enables the power supply to be switched on and off remotely as well as setting the output voltage if required. The PSU has high immunity to transients and power surges as well as low electromagnetic emissions, and so is suitable for use in most industrial environments. Control Logic 1800 557 705




INVEST IN PROTECTION with each of its protectors providing the utmost protection against forklift damage.

The key to the new markers is the ink with controlled surface properties that Pilot calls CSP ink.

Every warehouse has its own own war story, and Rack Armour reckons it has the best option in rack protection to suit all needs, whether it be specific selected protection for a vulnerable area, or a complete revamp for an entire site.

Not only will this CSP ink permanently mark any surface – from paper and cardboard to glass, plastics and metals – it will still work if the surface is oily or greasy. And because the ink is wear resistant it won’t smear, fade or rub out.

And now Rack Armour has simplified the process of accessing product information, photos, videos and customer feedback with its all-new website. Take a tour online and find out all about pallet racking protection.

This high-quality ink is combined with precision Japanese manufacturing in the SCA 100 and SCA 400 permanent marker ranges, offering a choice of 1 and 4mm tips and available in black, blue, red and green colours.

Finding a marker that can answer all the demands of the industrial environment has always been difficult. But now Pilot

Pilot Pen Australia 1300 325 866

Pens has come up with a solution with its new range of tough permanent markers.

In the run up to the end of the financial year, Rack Armour is pressing the case for pallet racking upright protectors as a worthwhile investment,

Karen Varian is with Rack Armour (Australia). Rack Armour (Australia) 9722 0502

1300 362 191

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29-31 October 2019, Sydney International Convention Centre



11-12 September 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

30-31 October 2019, Sydney International Convention Centre CORROSION AND PREVENTION 2019

ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPO 23-24 October 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

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THEY SAID IT.. The best industry and political quotes of the past and present: "Innovation is not an abstraction. It is how we make a better Australia." Senator Kim Carr " I’m not Tony Abbott." Anthony Albanese "I'd rather be a loser than a quitter." Tony Abbott

" Cultured people are merely the glittering scum which floats upon the deep river of production." Winston Churchill " It's OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket." Elon Musk "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." Henry Ford

"I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now." Homer Simpson

ARBS 2020

WASTE EXPO AUSTRALIA 23-24 October 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


19-21 May 2020, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


2) A man walked up to a woman behind a counter and handed her a book. She said: “That will be four dollars”, so he paid her and walked out, leaving the book behind. Why didn’t the woman call the man back to collect the book?

3 …. And on what date did it occur?

3) A man was trying to count carefully, but unfortunately miscounted. Shortly after he experienced a sharp pain in his back. Why?

3) He was counting the pins as he removed them from a new shirt. (He missed one.) 2) He was returning an overdue library book. 1) One (just me). 1 Blue whale, 2 The Eureka Rebellion, 3 Sunday 3rd December 1854, 4 27, 5 Barcelona, 6 Vatican City, 7 Tamworth, 8 The ute, 9 Ford, 10 They are all mammals that cannot jump. Teabreak Trivia ANSWERS




1) As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives. All the wives had seven kids, and all the kids had seven kits (kittens). How many were going to St Ives?



What is the largest animal ever to have existed on earth?

2 Which milestone in Australian history followed the formation of the Ballarat Reform League? 4 Rockers Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the same age. What was it? 5 El Clasico is the name given to football’s greatest rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Which side currently has bragging rights with 115 victories? 6 Which is the smallest sovereign state in the world? 7 Where in Australia is the Big Golden Guitar? 8 Which Australian invention answered a request from a Geelong farmer’s wife for a vehicle “to take her to church on Sundays and pigs to market on Mondays”? 9 … and which company made the first one? 10 What do rhinos, sloths and elephants have in common?

Once again Industry Update is setting the standard for manufacturing industry media in Australia with our video channel clocking up massive viewing figures worthy of the industry’s leading print publication. The August/September edition of Industry Update is sure to clean up, with our annual special feature looking at all the latest developments in industrial cleaning technologies from detergents and solvents to high-pressure cleaners and sweepers. Other features will include: • 3D technologies • Test and measurement • Compressors and pneumatics • Fluid controls • Industrial flooring

• and a look ahead to the up-coming Electronex exhibition. Couple that with our regular features on Industry Politics, Environmental Matters, Business and Finance, and Workplace Safety, and you’ll have a magazine that is sure to be read.

DON’T MISS OUT! The deadline for editorial submissions is Friday 19th July. If you’ve got editorial to send in, contact If you’re interested in advertising, contact Scott or Melanie on sales@, or call 02 9439 1288



Tim Webster

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Industry Update Youtube Channel Statistics

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Since its launch in 2017, Industry Update Video has been a phenomenal success, with content spanning the whole of manufacturing industry.

• Hosted by national TV icon and news journalist Tim Webster • Filmed in a 6pm nightly news broadcast style • Creating a high level of integrity for clients’ products and services • Average video length of 1 to 2 minutes • Individual client playlists, have all your videos in one place • Embed these videos on your website or any social platform (Facebook, LinkedIn etc) • All magazine advertising includes a QR code that links back to your website

Product Video Packs Companies must have good video content now - buyers expect it and will just go elsewhere if they don’t have something interesting and informative to watch. More importantly it increases sales by 81% (see below). It is a no brainer.

More facts: With over 1.5 million impressions and 600,000 views in less than 12 months, our videos are getting great rates of engagement. Plus, each video has an accompanying story published online, in e-news and in the magazine (with a QR code) to integrate all media options.

76% of businesses with product videos say their sales have increased, while the improved educational quality of the content reduced support enquiries by 47%1 One billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every day, with a user’s average viewing session lasting 40 minutes2 Source: 1) 2)

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