Industry Update Magazine issue97

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Industry Update

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Issue Issue 76 97 February Aug/Sept2014 2017$12.00 $12.00



IN DEFENCE OF MANUFACTURING As Australia’s automotive assembly operations continue their planned run-down, one sector that is putting itself forward to soften the blow is the defence manufacturing sector. In his keynote address to the recent Australian Business Defence Industry Sovereignty Forum, Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne said: “This Government is putting Australian industry and Australian workers front and foremost in our defence procurement plans. “There will be opportunities


Tsubaki celebrates 100 years P 10


for Australian industry involvement and Industry Update has been promising a revolution in Australian jobs far manufacturing media, and now it’s here. Industry Update broader than those Video is now live on our website at www.industryupdate. covered by sovereign industrial capabilities. While many companies have already embraced “The Government’s the medium of video to promote their products and to forthcoming Defence BAE's AMV35 combat reconnaissance vehicle is one demonstrate them in action, until now, no Australian Industrial Capability of two contenders for theThe Australian Army’s Land industrial 400 manufacturing media organisation has taken this approach first real hybrid sweeper Plan, our Defence Flexible cleaning, low emissions, low noise Programme. to video. Export Strategy and the range of initiatives we opportunities for Australian industry have already put in place Continued page 49 and Australian workers to contribute – not to mention the size, scope to our nation’s future security,” said and scale of our Naval Shipbuilding Pyne. INTELLIGENCE IS KEY TO Plan – will provide unprecedented POWER MARKET DEMAND MANAGEMENT P6 Continued page 6


Test and Measurement feature P 16

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THE REVOLUTION IS HERE We have been promising a revolution in industrial trade media, and now it’s here. Industry Update Video is alive (and well) on our website www.

Now we are delivering our messages via the third and final professional media option in the shape of Industry Update Video - Australia’s first-ever manufacturing video series.

It’s no secret that Industry Update Magazine is Australia’s market leading manufacturing magazine. And since its inception, the magazine has always defied media trends.

Personally, I feel proud that we have delivered on my vision to provide a new and vibrant channel for our advertisers and friends to reach out to Australian manufacturing industry. And our dedicated video team are setting about their task with relish – including our star presenter, Tim Webster, who is delivering the message in his own professional style.

And while Industry Update is in this most enviable position, its continued growth and exceptional high standards in journalism and are testament to our strong relationships with Australia’s industry. The Industry Update website has been thoroughly redesigned under the skin (where it matters) to make sure that our readers can get to exactly what they want and our advertisers and supporters get what they want in the form of increased traffic and a leading position in the search engines that matter.



The video library on www. is growing daily, so log on, sit back and enjoy the revolution.

CURRENCY MANIPULATION – THEY’RE ALL AT IT! One of Donald Trump’s grand schemes post inauguration was going to be to accuse China of currency manipulation. His contention was that the government was driving down the value of its currency to give its manufacturers an unfair edge in world markets. That he failed to formally make the claim was just one of many instances where the truth seems to have got in the way of a good story. The fact was that rather than actively driving down the value of its currency the Chinese Government was taking all reasonable measures to maintain the value of the Yuan. It was other market forces that had caused the shift in the exchange rate between the US and Chinese currencies. So what are we seeing today? Headlines about the surging Australian dollar are starting to sound alarm bells with local exporters, with the currency breaking through the US $0.80 mark for the first time in two years, and predictions of US $0.90 on the horizon. So far during 2017, the Australian dollar has risen by more than 10% against its

US counterpart. The US $0.80 mark is seen to be a significant barrier. According to Australian Industry Group Chief Executive, Innes Willox, “at 80 US cents or less, close to 90% of Australian manufacturers say they can compete in export markets and 70% say they are competitive against imports.” However, the currency has not risen by anything like 10% against other major world currencies such as the Pound, the Euro or the Yen. Indeed, the Trade Weighted Index – a complex measure designed to value the true purchasing power of any given currency – has risen by less than 5% during 2017. According to the Australian Industry Group, the magic figure for the TWI is 70 points, and the Australian dollar TWI is currently around 67. So, it seems, the headline AU/US dollar exchange rate has just as much to do with a declining US dollar as it does with a rising Australian dollar. You don’t suppose somebody could be manipulating it, do you?

1300 08 06 08


SMALLER ISN'T SAFER By Tony Pearce It seems to be common wisdom that the larger a business is, the more it has to worry about cyber security. The converse of this is assumed to be true: the smaller a business, the safer they are. Who's going to want to hack into the friendly neighbourhood machining house when multi-million dollar companies are waving their online data tantalisingly in the digital breeze? The answer, unfortunately, is quite a lot of people. Small businesses all over Australia, and even in rural locations, are just as vulnerable as anyone else and they can present a very attractive target to those with ill-intent looking to hone their trade. Small businesses are juicy targets for up-and-coming hackers who are looking to test their skills or make small, unobtrusive hacks that are unlikely to be traced back to them. SMEs often lax security means it's easier to get in, and harder to get caught. They often have less strict information storage policies, meaning personal data is more likely to be stored on company computers (making it easier for an intruder to do more damage, or steal more information). Anyone who's able to guess a company password or exploit an unmatched application can gain access to company information, personal details,

and additional passwords which could enable them to get into bank accounts, or any application or account that you move money through (like Paypal, Ebay, or Amazon). But surely we're too small to be targeted? Some people consider themselves safe because hacking their small business would be "too much work for a very small chance of a very small reward", but this isn't so. Hacking at this smaller scale is less "typing code into a glowing screen" and more "running down a checklist of possibilities". Much of the work has been done long before someone sits down to breach a system, so it's not much work at all to attempt a hack. Software is coded and compiled, and vulnerabilities are located in old software builds well in advance, and all someone needs to do is try as many approaches as possible, rather than code a custom solution for every company. All takes for a successful hack is one weak password, or one out-ofdate program. Recent ransomware like Wannacry or NotPetya crippled companies around the world, and attackers didn't compile a custom program for every company; they created a program that exploited a single vulnerability in old

Some hacking attempts may seem too simple to work, but we all start somewhere…

operating systems, and tried to find as many instances of that vulnerability as possible. How do we stay safe? Luckily, laying the groundwork for staying safe as a small business is simple and free. We've covered common approaches to business security before, and the core rules always apply: keep your software updated, have strong passwords that are

not reused for different accounts, check what files are before you open them, and don't connect unknown devices to your computer or internal network. Other rules, such as having a separate device for work and for personal use (so that if one is infected, hacked, or in any way compromised, the threat doesn't spread to a different network) can help small businesses stay safe and prevent the cross-contamination of business and personal data.









Forklift Fundamentals Part 2





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Industry Update Manufacturing Media

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Continued from cover

Among projects already started, the $50 billion investment in Australia’s Future Submarine Programme will directly create and sustain around 1100 jobs and a further 1700 jobs through the supply chain. And the Future Frigate Programme will directly create more than 2500 jobs and, according to Minister Pyne, “will form the backbone of Australia’s future surface shipbuilding industry.” With the Federal Government committed to investments that will increase Australia’s defence manufacturing capabilities to the extent that the industry can become an export earner, such is the potential for on-going business that the states are finding themselves pitted against each other. Take, for example, the impending $5 billion contract to replace the Army's Australian Light Armoured Vehicle. The two leading contenders are the BAE Systems AMV35 and the Rheinmetall Defence Boxer CRV, and each bid has the backing of a state government. Rheinmetall intends to build its vehicles in Queensland, and is receiving support both from the state government and local federal politicians. But it is the Victoria-backed BAE Systems bid that is receiving more publicity – and financial support. Importantly, the plan is to build a new assembly works at Fishermans Bend, the 37-hectare former Holden manufacturing site, purchased last year by the Victorian

Government for $130 million with plans to turn it into a hub for highend industries. And Victoria's Industry and Employment Minister Wade Noonan claims the contract could lead to the creation of up to 2000 jobs, thereby helping at least some of those who have lost employment in the car manufacturing sector. Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr, reckons that defence manufacturing is an ideal growth area: “Australia has a long history of quality defence manufacturing,” he says. “The Bushmaster is a notable example. It has served Australia’s soldiers well in the conflicts of the past 20 years as one of the world’s best-protected mobility vehicles. But the Bushmaster is approaching the end of its useful life and the ADF must choose a successor.” “It is in the national interest that the new armoured vehicles will be built in Australia too, “ he adds. “Australia needs a defence industry plan to ensure that this is done properly.” But Carr warns: “These strategically vital industries should not be used as bargaining chips to buy votes.”

The Collins Class submarine is a diesel sub built and operated by the Australian Navy, and were the first subs to be built in Australia.

However, government sponsored expansion of the Australian defence industry is not universally welcome. Australian Greens industry spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon says: “The defence sector compensating for depressed activity elsewhere demonstrates that the government can intervene to support jobs and investment. “The question is then what sort of activity the government should be

supporting; should it be the development and export of machines of war? “Surely it would be better to support jobs and investment in productive, socially useful areas like renewable energy and public transport. “An innovative manufacturing sector providing thousands of secure, well-paid jobs will go a long way to overcoming the challenges our country faces,” says Senator Rhiannon.

INTELLIGENCE IS KEY TO POWER MARKET DEMAND MANAGEMENT With dire warnings of impending electricity supply shortfalls in the eastern states during the coming months, attention is turning to effective demand management as a tool to balance supply and demand. And while electricity retailers are offering financial incentives for both individuals companies to switch off large loads at projected times of shortfall, this simplistic approach can have only limited benefits. Flow Power, the electricity retailer that gives its clients access to the wholesale power market, has a rather more sophisticated approach to demand management. And it needs to. “As a wholesale customer, you can respond to market signals to save on energy costs. In fact, the more businesses that buy wholesale, the better the market



will cope when supply and demand are out of sync,” said Flow Power Managing Director, Matthew van der Linden in a recent Ai Group webinar on energy management. Because Flow Power allows its customers to take advantage of the lower but variable wholesale rate (rather than the arbitrarily averaged rate charged by the big three retailers), they are potentially exposed to the wilder fluctuations that can occur in the wholesale market, with rates potentially multiplying tenfold from one half-hour period to the next. The key to avoiding these market peaks is intelligence: to have advance knowledge of when the market is about to change for the worse. Generally, these events will be known in advance – especially when they involve something

like a generator being taken out of service for routine maintenance. But there are also occasions where there is only a short warning period. The key for Flow Power’s customers is the kWatch Intelligent Controller, a “black box” that is wired into each of the company’s clients’ sites. At the simplest level, the controller monitors the site’s loads, providing realtime data on consumption and rates via the Flow Power Portal. But it can also be programmed to manage the site’s energy use when prices change with automatic responses to market signals. And, ultimately, it can be used to interactively manage supply and demand. As a result, having the advance knowledge of the impending rate rise, the

Matthew van der Linden

user can elect to switch off large loads for the duration of the higher rate, or to switch in their own generating resources, whether that be an on-site diesel generator or solar with storage, thereby reducing their demand on the grid. Flow Power 1300 08 06 08




The latest productivity enhancing service from Konecranes addresses the problem of keeping spare motor drives in shape so they can be relied on to enter service if required. The company’s new variable frequency drive capacitor reforming service uses a proprietary DC power source to reform stored VFDs onsite, ensuring that they are in top condition when they are needed in service. According to Konecranes’ Australia and New Zealand Consultation Services Manager, Joseph Cefai: “Companies that use VFDs almost always keep spare units on-site in case one breaks down. These spares can remain dormant for years before being put into service. These dormant VFDs require reforming at least once a year to ensure their capacitors stay charged and in top condition. Failing to do so creates a risk of a catastrophic failure during a time when the spare VFD is needed the most,” he says. Konecranes’ VFD capacitor reforming service is designed to reform spare drives

without ever removing them from the facility. A certified/qualified electrician will reform the capacitors in the DC bus of a VFD using a fully automated portable DC power source. The service also includes a full visual inspection to identify faulty devices and recommendations for corrective actions. “After the drive has been reformed, the electrician will issue a certificate of inspection and label the VFD. The certificate includes the date of the next recommended reform, should the VFD remain idle for another year,” adds Cefai. “Spare VFDs are there to minimise downtime, when the main VFD isn’t working. The last thing you want is for your spare part to also fail, causing additional unnecessary downtime,” he said. Konecranes 1300 937637

To arrange an inspection or for more information please contact: LOGAN FENEMOR +61 410 082 603 | or LLOYD GOUREL DE SAINT-PERN +61 409 188 910 |





Manufacturing in Australia and around the world is turning the corner. It’s turning the corner in a smart, advanced way, creating opportunities that the nation must grasp. The tide of change occurring in the sector—and the opportunities arising from this change—was a central theme of my address to the National Manufacturing Summit in Canberra in June. The summit was a great chance to speak to key stakeholders from across the sector and outline the Government’s

vision for manufacturing in Australia. The summit was also an important opportunity to hear experts from a range of sectors—industry, education and government—discuss the state of Australian manufacturing and share ideas about how manufacturing in this country can innovate and prosper. As the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, I’m acutely aware of the important role manufacturing plays in the nation’s economy. Manufacturing is an indispensable part of the innovation ecosystem that we are trying to build in this country. We can’t hold back the tide of change that’s gathering pace—what we have to do is adapt. I made it clear at the summit that we have to adopt an innovation mindset and a global outlook. We recognise that we need to embrace advanced technologies and innovative business processes to be globally competitive. In essence it’s about being smarter in the way we do things.

The opportunities presented by Industry 4.0, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and robotics were all discussed at the summit. They’re all incredibly exciting developments and will all play a role in smarter manufacturing for the future. But the essence of smarter manufacturing is clever ideas—and one thing I know about this country is that we really punch above our weight when it comes to knowledge creation. The challenge, however, is how we translate this knowledge creation into more commercial outcomes. No sector of the economy invests more, relative to its output, in new research and experimental development than manufacturing. But we can do more—and we are. It all revolves around collaboration. We have the Industry Growth Centres, Cooperative Research Centres and Entrepreneurs’ Programme all working to help Australian businesses and researchers

to collaborate, innovate and succeed. And we have just rolled out the first two tranches of our additional $100 million investment in advanced manufacturing. This includes the $47.5 million Advanced Manufacturing Growth Fund, which has grants to encourage new capital investments in advanced manufacturing in South Australia and Victoria, where car assembly will cease later this year. And $20 million has been dedicated to advanced manufacturing research projects under the Cooperative Research Centre Projects initiative. Manufacturing is seizing opportunities by playing to their competitive strengths to build dynamic and globally focused businesses. But to make the most it, we must continue to invest in knowledge and draw on our reputation as a nation of innovators. Senator Arthur Sinodinos is the Minister for Industry, Innovation & Science.


The IMF and OECD have drawn attention to the fact that, for the first time since the industrial revolution, the rate of technological change is increasing faster than new job opportunities are being created. Unfortunately, when these warnings are distilled into media commentary they too easily become predictions of catastrophic job losses, especially in manufacturing. We should heed instead the example set by democracies where policymakers are intent on unleashing the opportunities in technological change while containing the risks. Automation does not have to mean that the future will be a sci-fi nightmare in which robots perform most of the work while humans are reduced to precarious casual employment in sweatshops. Avoiding that will require action by governments, and it will require workers being properly engaged in deciding the future of work. This is increasingly widely recognised. Even Elon Musk has made the extraordinary assertion – for him – that



to avoid disaster governments need to regulate effectively. In deciding how to shape the future, we must rely on fact rather than the predictions of doomsayers. We must challenge the notion that most jobs will disappear at the rate than some people have been predicting. The evidence to sustain such claims just is not there. We frequently hear that more than 40% of existing jobs will be gone by 2030. Sometimes it is nearly 50%, depending on who is doing the doomsaying. The source of all this gloom is a much-cited paper published in 2013 by two Oxford University researchers, Carl Frey and Michael Osborne. They argued that “about 47%” of jobs were at risk from computerisation. Their estimate went global, and was picked up in a CEDA report that has fuelled the media commentary here in Australia. The disruption predicted by Frey and Osborne is real enough. But citing a bald figure, whether 40, 47 or 50%, can be seriously misleading. David Autor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has argued that although automation may reduce average employment (the number of jobs per unit of output) it does not necessarily reduce aggregate employment (the total number of jobs). According to Autor, robots and computers substitute for human workers in repetitive tasks while increasing the

value of tasks that workers uniquely perform – tasks involving problem-solving, adaptability and creativity. That is also the view of the International Federation of Robotics, which argues that in future manufacturing robots will complement and augment labour. Robots will perform routine or dangerous tasks while raising the demand for higher-skilled forms of human labour. New lower-skilled jobs may also be created, through spillover effects in other sectors. This is not wishful thinking. It is already happening in some advanced economies. The Centre of European Economic Research has reported that between 1999 and 2010 the replacement of routine work by new technology actually raised labour demand across the 27 EU economies by 1.9 million jobs. It is essential that this bigger picture be kept in mind each time the Frey and Osborne research, or some garbled media version of it, is mentioned. The European Union argues that with the correct policy settings opportunities can actually be expanded in the new age of automation. The EU has set a target: by 2020, it wants 20% of total economic value to come from manufacturing. That is a 25% increase on present levels. This is no rosy-eyed optimism. EU planners accept that there are difficult problems to be overcome, such as deciding the amount of investment needed to attain the target.

Questions about legal liabilities, intellectual property and the harmonisation of standards will have to be resolved. Above all, there are questions about the transfer of skills that will be required in the transition to the smart factories of the future. That includes questions about how people at the bottom end of the labour market can be reskilled. But, even with these acknowledged difficulties, EU policymakers are still talking to the public about opportunities. The Germans, in particular, estimate that there will be a 6% increase in manufacturing jobs in the next decade. The Germans are already demonstrating that smart factories can be compatible with lower unemployment. The unemployment rate in Germany is 3.9%, and the number of robots per 10,000 workers is 300. Compare that with Germany’s neighbour, France, where the number of robots per 10,000 workers, 126, is much lower but the unemployment rate, 9.5%, is much higher. Australia should heed the German example. We cannot be luddites, rejecting new technology. But nor should we assume that technological change means an insecure future for manufacturing and those who work in it. Senator Kim Carr is the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. This article is adapted from his speech to the Australia Institute’s Future of Manufacturing Summit, held in Canberra in June.

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This year marks the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Tsubakimoto Chain Co at Osaka, Japan, and the milestone is being celebrated at the company’s subsidiaries around the globe. Shortly after the first event in the centenary celebrations in June, Tsubaki Australia hosted a training seminar followed by a cocktail reception for almost a hundred guests at Sydney’s Darling Harbour. The audience, which included customers and distributors from both Australia and New Zealand, were honoured to be welcomed to the event by Yasushi “Eddy” Ohara, the President and

COO of the global Tsubakimoto Chain Co. In his welcome, Ohara gave the assembled guests a brief tour through the preceding 100 years, which had seen the company grow from a small operation manufacturing bicycle chains to the global chain specialist it is today, serving markets from auto engines to materials handling. Said Ohara: “Today, if something’s moving, you should see our products underneath!”. The formal presentations concluded with a traditional toast, raised by Brendan McConnell, Sales Director of Tsubaki Australia.

WOOD PROCESSORS USE COUNTLESS KILOMETRES OF CHAIN One of the largest users of Tsubaki chain products on both sides of the Tasman is CarterHoltHarvey Woodproducts, represented here by Peter Neal from the company’s New Zealand operation and Gary Monshing from Australia. The company operates 14 sawmills around Australia and four in New Zealand, and has been using Tsubaki chain exclusively for the past 11 years – amounting to “countless kilometres of chain, “ according to Gary Monshing. Peter Neal describes Tsubaki as “an integral part of our operations” and



his company’s “preferred supplier that offers added value and the lowest TCO in the business.” In toasting the next century for Tsubaki, the two colleagues expressed their confidence that the company would continue to deliver premium products and service and would continue to innovate to add value to customers such as CarterHoltHarvey Woodproducts.

Yasushi “Eddy” Ohara, President and COO of Tsubakimoto Chain Co, welcomed the guests

NEW ZEALAND FRUIT PACKERS ARE RECENT CONVERTS One company that is a relatively recent convert to the benefits of Tsubaki chain products is Compac, the New Zealand based leader in high-speed packhouse technology for the produce industry. The company produces its fruit sorting systems both in New Zealand and China and exports them worldwide, with significant sales throughout the Americas, notably in California. And those systems are now built using Tsubaki chain. According to Compac’s Joshua Schoombie, this amounts to many kilometres of chain a year: “Not enough to go to the moon yet,” he quipped, “but

we’re getting there!” “There is so much to admire about Tsubaki,” says Josh: “the Japanese philosophy, the quality, the workmanship and the capacity to support the products.” “I’m sure Tsubaki will continue its trajectory into its second hundred years with its spirit that there can be no second best.”


Sales Director Brendan McConnell raises a traditional toast


NEW ZEALAND DISTRIBUTOR RATES NUMBER ONE SUPPLIER Robin Russell is Director of Russet Holdings, Tsubaki’s major distributor in New Zealand, and reckons that the company is his number one supplier. “We feel privileged to be a distributor,” says Russell, who has been representing Tsubaki on the New Zealand market since 2009. “We did try before to get the agency, but Tsubaki stuck with its incumbent distributors, and we admired them for their loyalty. Now they are loyal to us and we are loyal to them,” he added. Russell has been in the materials handling business for almost 32 years, and knows a thing or two about quality equipment. So when he describes Tsubaki

as his number one supplier it’s clearly an informed statement. “It’s not just the excellence of the products,” he says, “it’s the continuous innovation, the helpfulness, and the support is absolutely A1.”

The reason why the Tsubaki centenary celebrations moved direct from the company’s headquarters in Osaka, Japan, to Sydney is due in no small part to the company’s President and COO, Yasushi “Eddy” Ohara. Ohara is a 35-year veteran of the company, and is proud of its history, pointing out that 10 presidents had preceded his appointment. He has strong ties with Australia, having first visited the country some 40 years ago, and having spent five years during the 1990s based at Tsubaki Australia in Sydney. “My son grew up here,” he said “and he still calls Sydney home!” Ohara added that his son is now carving out a career in politics in Japan. Having formally kicked off the centenary celebrations at the company’s Osaka headquarters, it was Ohara that insisted that Australia should be next on the list. “I cannot attend all the celebrations around the world,” he admitted, “but I wanted to make sure that I could be here to celebrate with my Australian friends and colleagues.” Both Eddy Ohara and Taku Sakai, Managing Director of Tsubaki Australia, expressed regret at the demise of volume car manufacturing in Australia, with the impending closures of the Ford, Holden and Toyota plants. However, they both expressed hope that the industry would continue in

some form or other (and continue to use Tsubaki chains). “Who else is going to manufacture a ute?” quipped Sakai. “I’m worried about that too,” added Ohara. And Ohara’s ties with Australia continue to get stronger. His secretary was recently married… to an Australian!




EXPRESS ACCESS TO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL AND NETWORKING PRODUCTS LAPP Express Australia offers instant access to thousands of stocked industrial electrical and networking products. Operated by ECS (Engineering Computer Services), a business serving engineers and purchasing specialists for more than with 30 years with extensive experience as a leading authorised supplier of electrical and automation products across Oceania, the company has now extended its online offer to customers in Australia. Employing only trained electricians and automation engineers who understand customer needs, LAPP Express stocks more than 5000 high-quality parts and over 1 million metres of the world’s best

cable from renowned manufacturers such as LAPP Group, Wieland Electric, Moxa Networking and LS. Lapp Express offers cut-to-length cable with no cutting charges from its huge stocked cable range with over 1000 different options to choose from. And with fast free delivery to any location in Australia in 1-4 days on all orders over $100 the company reckons it can reduce downtime for Australian clients. The company’s website makes it easy for users to quickly find and buy what they need using the intuitive search and find functionalities, rich technical product data, real time stock availability and online and telephone technical support.

In addition, customers can track their orders as they are dispatched and delivered, download invoices online and receive updates via email on the latest new products, technologies and promotions.

LAPP Express Australia 1800 931 559

ICONIC STORAGE BRAND SET FOR AUSTRALIAN LAUNCH An iconic Taiwanese brand in storage solutions is on its way to Australia. Shuter Enterprise Co will introduce itself to the Australian market with a series of conferences during October. Shuter was founded in 1969, and over the years has developed a strong reputation for high-quality engineering and manufacturing, combined with aesthetic design. These attributes have seen the company’s storage solutions find global acceptance in applications from the factory floor to the front office. And now the range extends to stationery and the home, with the Livinbox brand of domestic storage products. The product is broad, and includes

industrial sorting containers, tool storage, workstations, office furniture and cabinets and stationery organisers. All the company’s products are designed from the user’s point of view, by finding the simplest way to build an ideal home for objects. Shuter has been particularly successful in developing high quality products that combine its manufacturing expertise in both metals and plastics. For example, the ST series of professional steel cabinets are constructed using high-quality galvanised steel, high impact PP or ABS drawers, along with its innovative multi-material combinations. With more than 100 different cabinet designs combined with no fewer than 27

different types of drawers, the company reckons it can cover every user’s needs. All Shuter storage solutions have the strength to carry heavy-duty repair tools or auto parts, and lockable casters make transportation safe and easy. And the modular design ensures that cabinets can be stacked as required to help users manage their workspaces efficiently. The Shuter range will be introduced to the Australian market with a series of

conferences, beginning in Parramatta on 13th October 2017, then in Melbourne on 16th October, and concluding in Brisbane on 19th October.

Shuter Enterprise Co +886 4 2335 8800

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AUSTRALIAN EXPORTERS ARE GROWING IN CONFIDENCE The last six months have seen Australia’s small- to medium-sized exporting businesses growing in confidence and looking forward to increased sales, profits and growth. The latest exporter sentiment index from Australia’s export credit agency, Efic, paints a bright future from its survey of more than 1200 SME exporters, reporting on perceptions about current and future economic conditions and the international business outlook. Expectations for future economic conditions over the next 12 months increased by 10 basis points since the last survey in November 2016. There is also a much stronger expectation of international business profitability with 58% of all respondents expecting increased profitability over the next year. And around half of the surveyed businesses expect to increase employee numbers - an increase of 6 basis points on the previous survey.

Two thirds of all respondents are expecting future sales revenue to increase. According to Swati Dave, CEO and Managing Director of Efic: “We have found that confidence among respondents is strong in terms of economic conditions, their financial position and perceived future profitability from international revenue and employee growth.” “The increased confidence is driven by an increased demand in export markets and due to improved sales strategies,” she added. Although positive sentiment is significantly higher since the last survey, competition in international markets has increased. 27% of respondents that expected declining sales cited increased competition in international markets - a significant increase from November 2016 when 12% of respondents felt constrained by international competition. Access to finance appears to be easing

slightly with 34% saying that borrowing money for an overseas venture will be easier in the year ahead. “However one in five respondents surveyed are expecting finance access to become more difficult – primarily due to the cost of credit increasing and working with financiers that do not understand the complexities of managing working capital through the export cycle,” said Swati Dave.

“It is in cases like these where Efic is able to help with expertise in exporting and the ability to support businesses when their bank may not be able to assist,” she concluded. Efic 1800 093 724

SYDNEY SHOWCASE FOR SUCCESS OF AUSTRALIAN FOOD MANUFACTURING If anyone needed convincing of the buoyancy of the Australian food processing industry, a visit to foodpro 2017 in Sydney would have done the trick. As one of the top performing areas of the country’s manufacturing industry, the food manufacturing business now accounts for 4% of Australia’s GDP, employs hundreds of thousands of people and contributes significantly to Australia’s exports. In the words of Federal Minister for Small Business, the Hon Michael McCormack, who visited the show on opening day, it “is a fantastic example of the importance of food manufacturing in Australia. There’s never been a better time to produce food. There’s never been a better time to market it overseas.” Marking the show’s 50th anniversary, the 2017 foodpro was the largest show ever, both in terms of numbers of exhibitors and floorspace occupied, and was the best attended ever in Sydney. Split over two floors of the new Sydney International Convention Centre



at Darling Harbour, the show saw some impressive displays from exhibitors, with the organisers awarding a tie between both Multivac and Sealed Air for the best stand at the show. Best shell scheme went to Wilmar BioEthanol, and best stand under 100m2 was Columbit Foods. Event Director Peter Petherick is enthusiastic about the event: “foodpro 2017 was the best we’ve had, absolutely. It was marvellous seeing the show floors so busy, with visitors so engaged in what was on offer. From demonstrations of the larger equipment to ingredients exhibitors showing new additives – there was no shortage of interesting and valuable opportunities available. I can’t wait to see what advancements, partnerships and products come from this show.”

foodpro 03 9261 4500

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– ARE YOU USING THE RIGHT SENSORS? The measurement of distance (or displacement) has become an essential part of automated manufacturing, as Sam Bhasin explains. In a world of Industry 4.0, sensors must perform high-speed measurements and provide high-precision results to ensure reliable quality assurance. Optical measurement techniques play an essential role in the increasing automation of manufacturing and inspection processes. Noncontact sensor technology is responsible for wear-free, fast, highprecision and reliable measurements of manufactured components and their measuring points. This is a decisive advantage in online measurement, particularly if the target is in a difficult-toaccess area. Razor profile measurement

The manufacture of laminated glass, solar cells, flat screens and smartphone displays are challenging as they consist of several layers and different transparent materials. When manufacturing multilayer, laminated and curved glass for aeroplanes, automotive and architectural applications, precise thickness measurement of each layer is important. If the curvature of the adjacent layers does not comply with the specifications, there is a risk of increased stress, which might lead to deficiencies or delamination of the glass.

Single sided glass thickness measurement >

CONFOCAL SENSORS Measurement data are generally available in real time and so can be used to automatically correct and control the production process. Process automation can improve product quality and reduce raw materials and energy usage, which minimises production costs. A wide range of displacement sensors are available to suit different applications based on parameters such as measuring range, frequency response and accuracy.

Eddy current sensor for harsh environment >



The exact thickness of each layer and the air gap between those layers must be determined to ensure high quality. Due to the high cycle rates involved, the measurements must be performed quickly and precisely. Confocal sensors master these tasks. They are compact, high speed and easy to integrate and ensure highest reliability in almost any area where high precision is expected - from machine monitoring to fully automatic quality control of the final product.

Large plants and machinery such as stone mills or telescopic installations often work with hydrostatic bearings, which are continuously supplied with liquid lubricant via an external pressure supply. In this case, eddy-current displacement sensors are used as they can ‘see through’ the lubricant and provide submicron position control. Eddy current sensors can be used under high pressures and temperatures, in high radiation and in dirty and dusty harsh environments. Built-in temperature compensation also ensures high measurement accuracies can be achieved even in fluctuating temperatures. Laser triangulation sensors with their small spot size, large standoff, fast measuring rate and very high precision find numerous applications in industry. One example

is in pick-and-place machines, where laser triangulation sensors are used to monitor the position of tiny components. They ensure that the components are positioned the correct side up, at the correct location and at the correct height. The requirements on the measurement technology are enormous; not only because the parts are extremely small, but also primarily due to the rapid change from shiny to matt surfaces. The pins consist of a shiny metal, whereas the circuit board presents a matt surface. Therefore, the receiver element in the sensor is at frequent intervals alternately exposed to strong and then weak reflections. A laser sensor technology with automatic target compensation (ATC) provides fast control of different reflections and enables a smooth signal frequency of the distance signal ensuring high measurement precision at all times. Laser sensors are not only bound to one-dimensional measurements, as there is demand for multidimensional quality control in industrial production. Laser profile scanners are increasingly used for 2D and 3D profile and contour measurement applications. Their operating principle is based on the laser triangulation technique for twodimensional profile detection. They detect, measure and evaluate the profiles on different object surfaces. While the


Compact high-precision laser sensor

laser scanners are giving 2D information, you can obtain the third dimension by moving the laser scanner or the target object relative to each other.

QUALITY CONTROL One such application that can benefit from laser scanners is the inspection of adhesive beading in a smartphone housing. A challenge here is the very fine contours inside the smartphone and extremely thin, partially semi-transparent adhesive beading. To ensure the product passes quality control, perfect control of the completeness of the beading and the exact height and width of the applied adhesive are required.

Online faulty label inspection >

This also applies to the logos on tablets and laptops: grooves are milled into the aluminium housing, in which the logo elements are glued afterwards. The latter must be flush with the housing. Haptic (touch) feedback is a critical factor, as the customer would immediately feel any protruding logo or depression. Using laser line scanners, these depressions are measured to determine the planarity as well as the depth. The parts being glued are also measured to ensure a perfect fit. Other applications include welding seams,

profile and gap measurement. Research equipment also benefits from capacitive displacement sensors, including the particle accelerator at one of the largest research facilities in the world - CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research). Here, a capacitive hydrostatic levelling system is used to ensure that the pipes through which the particles are sent are at the same height, even when the concrete foundations of the pillars on which the pipes are mounted change their height due to natural soil movements. High-performance capacitive sensors have outputs that are very linear, stable with temperature, and able to resolve incredibly small changes in distance, resulting in high-resolution measurements of less than 1nm. With its high precision, measurement speed, compact size and fast data processing, noncontact measurement technology offers many benefits. The user can choose from a variety of different measurement systems. Each principle comes with its own advantages and limitations that all need to be carefully considered. Because demanding applications can require things like higher resolution, robustness, temperature stability, linearity or special mounting and installation conditions, Bestech Australia offers Micro-Epsilon sensors for special solutions and custom designs that are adapted to the customer’s specifications. Contacttype sensors such as potentiometers, LVDTs and draw wires are also available. Factory trained application engineers with specialised product knowledge will work with you to understand your requirements and recommend the right sensors for your application.

Bestech Australia 03 9540 5100




LASER TRACKERS CLAIM BREAKTHROUGH IN 3D MEASUREMENT PRODUCTIVITY The latest generation of laser trackers from 3D measurement specialist FARO are claimed to set a new price/performance standards for large-scale metrology. The high-performance FARO Vantage family are well suited to applications in assembly alignment, part and assembly inspection, machine installation and alignment, and reverse engineering. There are two distinct models, the VantageE with an operating range of 25m and the VantageS with an operating range of 80m. Both models are fully selfcontained, incorporating hot-swap batteries and industrialgrade Wi-Fi. This means they are easily portable both between job sites and within the factory by a single user. The Vantage uses the all-new FARO RemoteControls system for advanced control using a mobile phone or tablet. The mobile device not only controls the movements of the laser tracker but also incorporates live video feed from targeting cameras so that a single operator can control the tracker from anywhere in the measurement area. It also includes novel workflow management features

such as remote accuracy checks and programmable remote warm-up so the user can schedule the device to turn on in advance and make it ready for immediate operation. FARO RemoteControls has been designed to be easy to learn and use to maximise productivity. It also includes advanced productivity enhancing functionality, such as the ability for the laser beam to be automatically re-established with a simple set of gestures, indoors or outdoors, with no need to manually reacquire the target. Both VantageS and VantageE fully support FARO’s patented Super 6DoF TrackArm, which enables a Vantage Tracker to work with one or more FARO ScanArms, to create an integrated 3D measurement solution across a single coordinate system. Super 6DoF eliminates line-of sight challenges and greatly increases the measurement range while maintaining high accuracy. According to FARO President and CEO Simon Raab: “The new Vantage laser tracker series provides a combination of innovation in usability along with value driven pricing that sets a new, highly accessible price/

performance standard for laser trackers in large-scale precision measurement. We are confident that the breakthroughs offered in the FARO Vantage platform will make it the go-to option for a variety of demanding factory metrology applications.” FARO Technologies 07 3029 6000

ULTRASONIC FLAW DETECTOR EASES SINGLE-HANDED INSPECTION The Olympus Epoch 6LT flaw detector is designed for challenging ultrasonic inspection applications. The compact and highly portable instrument is optimised for single-handed operation in hard-to reach locations, such as offshore oil platforms, in-service wind turbines, aviation, bridges, large-scale machinery and structural steel.

Simple user software featuring a two-screen, icon based interface makes navigation quick and easy.

Weighing just 890g with the weight evenly distributed around the grip, the Epoch 6LT can be securely attached to a user’s leg or harness with the display rotating so users can properly view the A-scan and readings.

Optional Wi-Fi connectivity enables ‘on the go’ backups, downloads of setups, and access to cloud applications on the Olympus Scientific Cloud. It can also be specified with optional corrosion software, thereby combining the ease of use of a thickness gauge with the flexibility of a flaw detector.

Simple rotary knob and button controls make it easy to navigate through the user interface, even wearing gloves.



The ruggedly built unit is engineered to IP65/67 for dust and water resistance and drop tested to protect against the hazards found in challenging inspection applications.

Olympus Australia 1300 132 992


With its extreme accuracy, speed and consistency of cut, combined with very low operating costs, the new Yawei HLF fiber laser is the perfect way to take your business to the next level. Dollar for dollar, the new HLF is in a league of its own, opening up possibilities for companies all across the laser cutting sector; from start-ups through to full production, 3-shift environments.

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With a quality German built Precitec auto-focus cutting head, IPG laser source, Siemens 840DSL controller and a fabricated, stress-relieved fully annealed frame it really is a cut above the rest.

For more information: Call: 03 9706 8066 Email: Visit:

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TIME TO SWITCH TO CNC SYNCHRONISED BENDING Daniel Fisher of Applied Machinery reckons that the transition to CNC synchronised bending has never been easier. If you are new to the bending game, or have been running torsion bar pressbrakes for years, you might want to consider how a CNC synchronised pressbrake could be the perfect machine for your company. Advantages All of the hydraulic rams (Y1 and Y2 axis) are synchronised via the CNC controller to allow for absolute precise delivery of pressure for your bending job – regardless of where you are bending across the bed. Your bending performance will be equally as good at each end of your bed, as it will be for dead centre, allowing for tooling setups along the bed for more efficient processing of your multi-bend, multi-angle work. Furthermore, because of the greater accuracy in the delivery of the bending force, the CNC machine is inherently much more power efficient than the “always 100% on” force delivery from a torsion bar pressbrake. And with skyrocketing energy costs in Australia, this can

significantly impact your bottom line. More PBA production, lower prices for our customers At Applied Machinery, we have been providing high-level CNC synchronised pressbrakes into the Australia market for well over 10 years in the shape of the Yawei PBH series. And while Yawei has always produced an entry-level CNC synchronised pressbrake – the PBA Series - the economics of the machine have never really allowed us to present a competitive entry-level offering to our Australian customers - until now. The reduction in the price of steel, along with increased production at Yawei have seen the emergence of the PBA series machine as a legitimate option for companies looking to enter the market. With a PBA machine, you can be sure that you are getting years of product refinement from the PBH range, passed down to its little brother. When comparing the prices of these machines, to a

similar spec torsion bar machine, the difference may only be as little as 15%. However, when you take running and maintenance costs into account, the switch to the PBA could actually save you money over the payback period. Let’s take a closer look at the Yawei PBA series CNC pressbrake from a technical standpoint. The CNC controller is a Delem DA-52S, which is capable of CNC control of 4 axes as standard. A USB interface enables quick and easy memory stick backup of product and tool information and a 7-inch colour display gives quick visual access to the critical bending information that you require. Speedy single-page programming, tool/material/product library and hotkey navigation really make this control a fantastic option for entering the CNC market. The machines feature CNC control of 3 axes as standard: Y1, Y2 and X (backgauge). To keep costs down, we offer this machine without the CNC R-axis as standard, but it is available as an optional upgrade. All machines featuring Hoerbiger hydraulics, Heidenhain linear scales and Voith oil pumps. Lazersafe light guards, along with Rolleri tooling really add icing to the cake and finish this machine perfectly. What about crowning compensation? For the vast majority of customers looking at either 2050 or 2550mm machines deflection in the main beam will barely be a consideration. However for 3100mm machines, crowning compensation is usually included with the machine as standard. What next? We see the PBA series of CNC pressbrakes offering customers with far more choice. A high spec torsion bar machine will be priced not too far below a PBA, and when you consider the features that you will be getting in the CNC control, in the machine build quality and componentry, along with the associated power savings, then it becomes really easy to justify the upgrade. These machines will never replace the CNC5 and CNC7 available in the PBH series. However, they offer a legitimate entry point into CNC controlled synchronised sheet-metal bending, and we would welcome an opportunity to explain this further. Applied Machinery 03 9706 8066

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30/08/2011 5:25:30 PM

CENTRE LATHES Swivel Toolpost Guard 12 Spindle Speeds

Taper Turning Attachment

Lead Screw Cover

Feed & Threading Gearbox 5 x Adjustable Length Stop




460 x 1000mm (L606D)

$12,500ex GST

2 axis digital readout system

300mm induction hardened bed

Taper turning attachment

Quick change toolpost

Auto lubrication pump for slides

12 speeds, 25-1860rpm

460 x 1500mm (L607D)

80mm spindle bore

One piece cast iron base

5.5kW / 7.5hp, 415V motor

$13,500ex GST

SAVE $450

SAVE $450


560 x 1500mm (L610D)

$15,350ex GST

2 axis digital readout system

350mm induction hardened bed

Taper turning attachment

Quick change toolpost

Auto lubrication pump for slides

12 speeds, 25-1620rpm

560 x 2000mm (L611D)

105mm spindle bore

One piece cast iron base

7.5kW / 10hp, 415V motor

$17,350ex GST

SAVE $600


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DECADE-LONG RELATIONSHIP ENABLES MACHINING EVOLUTION If there's one thing Alsop Engineering is, it's ambitious. When Jarrod Vinen bought the business in 2008, it wasn't much more than a few manual machines and a rented space. Now, just under a decade later, it's a thriving business with CNC machines, a big workshop, separate fabrication and machining sections, and absolutely no signs of slowing down. "[The previous owner] was winding down the business and looking to retire. So when I took over the business, I had to start building it up; there was a small client base but I needed to ramp up [production]. “I didn't even have a computer, didn't have an email address, I basically started flicking through the yellow pages and looking for people that potentially needed machining services," Vinen says. "I had a manual lathe, and a manual milling machine and drill press, they were my three little machines." With those machines, Vinen built a business almost from scratch. Taking jobs from those initial leads he dug up, he soon found that he needed quality CNC machinery to remain competitive. Borrowing against his Melbourne apartment he purchased a Lynx 220LC with a bar feeder from Hare & Forbes, and a decade-long business relationship was born. "I'd done my homework," Vinen says. "We did look at other suppliers, but we'd have been paying a lot more money and when I looked at the figures it wasn't quite worth it… looking at bang for your buck it was a no brainer really." Over the years he's had accidents and issues, but without fail Hare and Forbes have been able to help out, usually with

The Alsop team, standing in front of their latest CNC machine: the Doosan DNM6700

a next-day response for spare parts and machine failures. "I have been very happy with what they've provided me with over the years. It's even little things like… very small minor problems where some companies might think "we'll get to it when we get to it because the machine's running but it's just a little warning light", but they're more proactive about that, actioning that and getting it sorted." This quick response for repairs allows

The Hartford LG1000 was the second CNC machine Vinen purchased, just after he moved Alsop to a bigger facility.



Alsop to remain flexible and provide a quick turnaround for its clients, which has been one of the leading factors doing business with local Australian companies. Like many other service providers and goods producers, Alsop Engineering is seeing an uptick in the number of clients dissatisfied with the long wait times, inflexible payment plans, and communication difficulties that come part and parcel of ordering from overseas manufacturers. As part of an 'onshoring' trend, more and more companies are bringing their orders back to Australia and reaping the benefits of a close, local supplier (and the prestige of an Australia Made certification). As Alsop's business prospects kept growing, and clients ordered so much work that Alsop had to outsource some of the overflow, Vinen had to take on a production manager to keep track of the business. His manager's first recommendation was to keep expanding, and get a new CNC machine. "That was when we bit the bullet and jumped into the Doosan DNM650. And that machine really was a gamechanger," says Vinen. "Not only does it have a lot more spindle speed, it was a lot faster and had a bigger table capacity, having the two machining centres helped us ramp up

production. Then [our clients] were very happy with what they were getting and started giving us more work." With every new machine, and every move to a larger property, Vinen has been able to add more and more capabilities and employees to his business. What was once a one-man operation has expanded to a bustling company with ongoing contracts for 3D printer parts, clothing rack fabrication, and more. "But we couldn't do any of that without investing in the next machine, and obviously a bigger factory space," Vinen says, outlining the constant upwards momentum of his company. He has no plans to stand still, either, and is already planning the next upgrade to his workshop. "Moving forward our next purchase will be a Puma Y axis lathe because our current machines don’t have Y axis twin spindle facilities.."

Alsop Engineering: (02) 9521 4412 Hare & Forbes (02) 9890 9111


MAGNETIC LIFTING HEADS FOR PALLETISATION AND DEPALLETISATION Steel cans and steel capped jars and bottles can be quickly palletised or depalletised with the use of automated magnetic lifting heads. Magnetic equipment specialist Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics has teamed up with Unimac-Gherri of Italy to offer this magnetic equipment as well Unimac’s complete range of cleaning, washing, drying, filling and capping equipment for food processors and other industries. These magnetic palletisers/ depalletisers are capable of lifting a complete layer of cans or capped jars to or from a pallet. In cases where layers are interleaved with layer pads an integrated pneumatic pickup system can be used to handle the pads. Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics 02 9971 7577

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ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TO ACCELERATE SUPERSONIC TRAVEL Stratasys has signed a three-year collaboration deal with Boom Supersonic that aims to help reintroduce supersonic travel to the commercial airline industry. The 3D printing and additive manufacturing specialist will help Boom accelerate the production of advanced tooling and production-grade aircraft parts using Stratasys FDM 3D printing technology. By taking advantage of the design freedom, production speed, and cost efficiencies of additive manufacturing, Boom is planning the first flight of its XB-1 supersonic demonstrator for 2018. Boom is using Stratasys FDM-based Fortus 450mc and F370 3D printers. Both machines are designed to produce on-demand parts using production-grade thermoplastics, as well as advanced manufacturing tools that perform even under aviation's most challenging environments. Boom's supersonic airliner will fly 2.6

times faster than any other aircraft on the market today. Accelerating to 2335km/h, the planes could reduce typical New York to London flight times to just over three hours. "Today's significant advances in aerodynamics, engine design, additive manufacturing, and carbon fibre composite materials are transforming the industry at all levels. Additive manufacturing helps accelerate development of a new generation of aircraft," says Blake Scholl, Founder and CEO of Boom. "With a proven trackrecord of success across aviation and aerospace, Stratasys now becomes a key catalyst in our design and production processes - helping to transform the future of aviation through the power of 3D printing." Stratasys +852 3944 8888

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DMF International Pty Ltd is a fully Australian owned family business, celebrating 50 years of door manufacturing in 2017. We are specialists in climate control and high speed security door solutions, and flexible PVC door products. With Australia wide service and export to over 10 countries, our experienced approach ensures the best design solution for any application. Call us today for free design assistance . . . . .

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The pace of Formula One (F1) development is rivalled only by the speeds achieved on the racetrack. Each time the Sahara Force India F1 Team brings its car to a circuit, it represents the team’s top engineering; every time the team leaves, the car is just a baseline. Between races it must be reoptimised to outperform the last, best version. “F1 is essentially a development race,” says Patrick Hawtin, Rapid Manufacturing Leader, Sahara Force India F1 Team. “Once the cars are on the track, that’s one thing, but every single week we’re trying to bring more performance to the car.” Sahara Force India F1 is based at Silverstone and Brackley in the UK, and has relied on 3D printing as a crucial component of its development process for more than 17 years. Particularly useful for wind tunnel testing, 3D printing has saved Sahara Force India F1 considerable time and money in the development and testing of new designs. Before 3D printing, not only was manufacturing more labour intensive, with pattern and composite shops providing tooling, carbon layering, curing, trimming and finishing, but the design process was also slower and more involved to accommodate these extra steps.



Using the previous workflow, it took 5-7 days to produce one testable design. From a development standpoint where 20 or more iterations of a design are needed for testing, these traditional methods simply were not scalable. Sahara Force India F1 has relied on 3D printing as a crucial component of its development process for over 17 years. “The benefits of using 3D printing in our design and development come down to cost, leadtime and quality,” says Patrick Hawtin, Rapid Manufacturing Leader, Sahara Force India F1 Team. “3D printing gives us the capacity to make hundreds of parts in a week, and when we go through the wind tunnel testing we do, there’s no way we could develop parts at the same rate without 3D printing unless we quadrupled the size of our more traditional manufacturing

departments.” Sahara Force India F1 predominately uses 3D Systems Stereolithography (SLA) for its wind tunnel tests. Hawtin says it is not just the throughput of the 3D Systems SLA printers that make them an asset, but also the accuracy and resolution of the systems to meet their target requirements. “3D Systems’ SLA systems deliver accuracy within a tenth of a millimetre,” Hawtin says. Sahara Force India F1 Team’s Rapid Manufacturing Department works closely with the team’s design, aerodynamic and other manufacturing departments to devise new designs in multiple iterations. The team’s engineers use 3D Systems’ stereolithography machines with a range of 3D Systems materials selected to meet

their application requirements, including Accura Bluestone, Accura Greystone and Accura 60. These applications include windtunnel model parts, full-size parts, moulds, cores and jigs. “We use SLA printing for airfoil sections and downforce testing, which require extremely smooth surfaces,” says Hawtin, adding that the temperature resistance of Accura Bluestone also makes it good for carbon moulding. “3D Systems’ SLA systems allow us to survey more and benefit from the sensitivity we can achieve with many iterations,” says Hawtin. “The amount of finesse we’re looking for would be lost if we did it any other way.” Hawtin concludes: “The current pace of F1 development would be pretty much nonexistent without 3D printing.” 3D Systems, On Demand Manufacturing - Asia Pacific 03 9819 4422


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AUSTRALIAN MADE WATER CLEANERS SUCCEED AT HOME AND ABROAD Spitwater has been producing highquality pressure cleaners since 1983 from its state-of-art facility at Albury in southern NSW. And the company is a true Australian success story, and has come a long way since its founders, the Martinotti family, migrated from Italy more than 30 years ago. “My father transferred the whole of his business from Italy to Albury,” explains company CEO Andrew Martinotti. “He started with five or six staff manufacturing pressure cleaners, then expanded into heaters.” Today, the company occupies a 15,000m2 manufacturing facility on the original site, employing dozens of local people, making a complete range of high pressure water cleaners for industrial, commercial and agricultural applications. The range includes both electric and engine powered machines, all designed, manufactured and tested at its manufacturing facility in Albury. “We design all our machines for hard

use. Our best sellers are our locally made hot/cold high-pressure water cleaners: they are built tough, to be used on tough Australian cleaning jobs,” says Martinotti. Spitwater’s product range is aimed firmly at commercial and industrial markets, and the company exports its Australian Made products to global markets including Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East and SE Asia. “We export to just about everywhere except the US and Canada,” Martinotti says proudly. “Since we arrived here we have always manufactured in Australia,” he says. “Some of the parts are imported (such as electric motors) but all of our machinery is manufactured and assembled in Albury.” This includes laser cutting, punching, folding, turning, welding and powdercoating, using the latest state-of-the-art manufacturing technology. Though he admits the cost of labour is much cheaper in countries such as China and even the US, his loyalty has always been to Australia.

All machinery is manufactured and assembled in Albury “We believe we manufacture a simple product that is suitable for difficult markets,” says Martinotti. “That’s why we have had so much success in certain countries overseas.” The company is continuously upgrading and improving its range, regularly releasing new and improved models.

“We spend a great deal of time and money on R&D. We usually have up to four full time engineers working on new projects.” Spitwater Australia 1300 SPITWATER

SWEEP AND SCRUB IN ONE GO. THE NEW COMBINED SCRUBBER DRIER/VACUUM SWEEPER B 300 R I. With this combined scrubber drier/vacuum sweeper, you can kill two birds with one stone. In one single pass, it overcomes even the toughest challenges and practically halves working time in the cleaning process. The B 300 R I is highly manoeuvrable and agile, withstands even tougher applications easily and also shines on large surfaces with working widths up to 1.65 metres (scrub vacuuming) or up to 1.75 metres for sweeping. The powerful and robust combustion engines, either liquid gas or diesel, and a fresh and dirty water tank capacity of 300 litres each ensure very long work intervals. A marvel of productivity: Kärcher’s new B 300 R I combination machine. 1800 675 714



AUSTRALIA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF INDUSTRIAL CLEANING & HEATING EQUIPMENT Spitwater design and manufacture a complete range of high pressure water cleaners. The company also distributes a large range of Jetfire LPG and Diesel heaters and driers as well as a broad range of commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners and scrubber dryers. Distribution and service centres are located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.









700.00 mm


600.00 mm

When it comes to some of the tougher industrial cleaning tasks, only hot water will do. And Nilfisk reckons its MH 7P is the optimal solution for heavy duty, industrial cleaning tasks. The company’s research indicates that cleaning time can be reduced by a factor of four for removing oil and grease from metallic surfaces when using water at 60°C, compared with using cold water. This reduces labour, water and electrical costs by four, significantly reducing the total cost of use of a pressure washer. Featuring a four-piston pump and high-power boiler system, the MH 7P promises highly efficient cleaning performance over a long working life. And a novel flow-activated unloader system increases both reliability and operator comfort. The tough and robust MH 7P series combines low running costs, ease of use, best in class mobility and high cleaning efficiency, making it an effective tool for heavy duty, industrial hot water cleaning in any sector. Nilfisk’s award-winning EcoPower boiler system promises better than 92% heating efficiency, combining high heating



power levels for even hotter water with reduced energy costs. This is paired with the company’s famous C3 pump and 1450rev/min motor to provide low noise levels and a long working life. The unit is easy to move to the job, with four large wheels that mean it can be pushed or pulled over uneven surfaces with ease. Nilfisk 1300 556 710


KERRICK APPOINTS INDUSTRY VETERAN TO PRODUCTION MANAGER ROLE For recently appointed Kerrick Production Manager, Paul Peel, the industrial and commercial cleaning industry is a familiar one. With almost 30 years’ experience in the industry, including 19 years with sister brand Gerni and a previous role with Kerrick, Peel brings extensive knowledge to the role of Production Manager and has expertise in field service, national training, technical support and marketing roles. In his new position, Paul Peel will oversee equipment production and sales of Kerrick’s locally manufactured products, manage the brand’s special build projects and be involved in the predelivery and service quality and repair processes. He says he is extremely pleased at re-joining Kerrick, now part of the Nilfisk group. “Kerrick is a great company and aside from its leading range of products,

another factor that sets us apart from the competition is our focus on the customer, providing excellent service and building custom built products to fit their needs,” says Peel. “We have one of the largest parts inventories in the country to help facilitate faster maintenance and repairs – this leads to reduced downtime for our clients. Nilfisk’s recent acquisition of Kerrick also provides us with the backing and support of a global company and access to grow and improve our product range. But despite this Kerrick hasn’t forgotten its roots, we are still down to earth blokes, focused on building tough and reliable gear for our customers.” Paul adds that he is looking forward to the challenges the new role will provide him. “Over the coming weeks and months I’m going to be reacquainting myself

with our existing customer base and also looking to attract new customers to the brand. We’ll continue to offer great products and personalised service and support, and build on the industry

credibility that Kerrick is so well regarded for.” Nilfisk 1300 556 710



Tennant’s NEW Electric M17 Battery SweeperScrubber with ec-H20™ increases productivity with innovation designed to maximize efficiency and provide high-performance results. Call 1800 226 843 (FREE CALL) and quote this special promo code for more info:

J U N i U m* * Terms & conditions apply. © 2017 Tennant Company. All Rights Reserved. ec-H20™ technology is exclusive to Tennant Company.

Machines with real

WOW FACTOR Pro-PanelTM Technology exclusively from Tennant




NANOBUBBLES CLEAN UP IN CHEMICAL-FREE SCRUBBERS Tennant Company reports that its ec-H2O Nanoclean technology is gaining ever-wider acceptance as an environmentally sound alternative to chemical-based cleaning in industries ranging from food manufacturing to healthcare and retail. The ec-H2O NanoClean technology is available on a range of Tennant scrubbers from the walk-behind T300 to the ride-on T7. And while a traditional scrubber would remove residues from floors by combining water with chemicals and the mechanical scrubbing action of the machine, a scrubber equipped with ec-H2O NanoClean technology does the job with just the water and the scrubbing. The key to the process is the ec-H2O NanoClean e-cell, which applies a strong electric charge to the water, creating millions on tiny “nanobubbles” that activate the water into a more effective cleaning solution. The technology has been shown to clean a wide variety of soils including typical daily soils as well as more stubborn soils like food greases.

There are a number of advantages to ec-H2O NanoClean, in addition to the avoidance of chemical agents. For example, it increase productivity by allowing operators to clean up to three times longer between trips to the to dump to refill the machine - a significant source of downtime. And, because there is no possibility of leaving chemical residues, the chances of slip hazards are dramatically reduced. In the healthcare environment, another Tennant innovation comes into play. Like ec-H2O NanoClean technology, QuietMode is also available as an option on the T300 walk-behind scrubber. This feature allows operators to clean around patients and visitors with a minimum of disruption, keeping noise to a minimum. Facilities can therefore maintain a daytime cleaning schedule for high traffic areas to contribute to the comfort and satisfaction of patients, visitors and staff. Innovations such as ec-H2O NanoClean and Quiet-Mode are why hospitals and care facilities around Australia today rely on Tennant equipment.

“Tennant is dedicated to partnering with our healthcare customers to see that their facilities are cleaned to their high standards, while maintaining productivity and controlling costs. We know you have a commitment to your patients and their families, and our role is to provide trustworthy equipment to help you meet your commitments. We take that very

seriously,” says Joshua Hastings, Tennant Marketing Manager, Australia and New Zealand.

Tennant 1800 226 843

AIRLESS BLASTING MACHINES DELIVER EFFICIENCY AND PROFITABILITY Protoblast airless blasting machines have significantly improved the efficiency and profitability of businesses across a number of industries, and are used around Australia on a variety of products from structural steel and gas bottles to screws, concrete blocks, surfboards and waterskis.

One of the most common applications is pre-fab blasting for structural steel manufacturers. Here, the company’s highly efficient machines can process sectional steel prior to fabrication at an incredible 4m2/min.

Protoblast has been designing and manufacturing abrasive blasting equipment for more than 50 years, and has been very successful in designing airless blast machines for customers that have products that are of relatively constant size and shape.

Protoblast’s airless blasting solution is the product of 50 years experience, and can be applied across flat or curved surfaces. The company’s design and engineering team can produce custom blasting solutions that enable manufacturers to increase production and reduce costs.

In applications like these, Protoblast airless blasting machines deliver six-times the output of a conventional machine, and they do it with only one operator.

Protoblast Company 1800 772 320



The first real hybrid industrial sweeper Flexible cleaning, low emissions, low noise

The SW5500 offers a highly productive, comfortable and cost-effective way to sweep large floors and outdoor areas of dust and debris. A ride-on sweeper with the size and capacity to speed up your cleaning. At the same time, the SW5500 provides more sustainability with the optional hybrid technology reducing emission and the level of noise. A perfect choice for contract cleaners, industrial sites, factories, warehouses and distribution centres. Find out more about the SW5500 at or call 1300 556 710.

Nilfisk Professional | 1300 556 710


COMPRESSED AIR POWERED DRUM VACUUMS INCLUDE ATEX OPTION Available now from Knight Pneumatics, Guardair Drum Vacuums are ideal for vacuuming up chips, dust, debris, liquids or sludge. Powered by compressed air, these cleaners have no motors or moving parts to wear out, and so are always dependable and trouble free. Guardair Drum Vacuums generate exceptional vacuum lift and vacuum flow while operating quietly and efficiently. High and very high vacuum lift versions are available. And a handy kit includes all the most popular vacuum attachments and accessories. Factory installed options for these machines include: a liquid shutoff assembly, HEPA filtration, and an extra silent exhaust. The range also includes ATEXcertified Hazardous Location Drum Vacuums, which incorporate electrically bonded components, static conductive

attachments, and multiple earthing options to eliminate static electricity at the source. Also available from Knight Pneumatics, the Guardair Vacuum Generating Head can be mounted on any suitable 205 or 60 litre drum for instant high-performance vacuum capability. Knight Pneumatics 03 9503 0550

POWERFUL CLAIMS FOR PRESSURE WASHER Available now from Kärcher, the K7 Premium Full Control Plus Home is billed as the company’s most powerful pressure washer. It comes with Kärcher’s latest cleaning innovation - a 3-in-1 multijet lance that can be adjusted between vario lance, dirt blaster and detergent application settings. The pressure for each setting or the detergent dosage is easy to regulate with the simple buttons and LED display on the touch control trigger gun, and the hose is stored on a handy reel, with onboard storage for all other tools. The unit also features a plug-and-clean detergent system that makes applying detergent mess-free and easy. The Kärcher K7 Premium Full Control Plus Home features a 20bar (180MPa) maximum pressure rating, with flow rates up to 600L/h. Kärcher Australia 1800 675 714

BUY DIRECT & SAVE! On-line sales: Email: Phone: 1300 717 769










TACTILE 300 x 600 PADS







CARBORUNDUM NOSINGS PROVIDE AFFORDABLE STAIRWAY SAFETY Stair nosings have been used for many years to enhance stairway safety. However, in recent years the rubber materials traditionally used for this role are being replaced with carborundum inserts, especially on external stairways where pedestrian safety becomes of paramount concern.

strips rebated into several styles of aluminium profiles. And while these are excellent products, in many cases they are beyond the budgets of most contractors and clients.

Carborundum offers the best combination of high grip and low wear, and is virtually immune to moisture while offering improved performance in the presence of other slip hazards, such as oil and grease.

Floorsafe Australia is sensitive to these cost considerations, and always considers the affordability of its product ranges. This is just one of the reasons why builders, contractors and architects continue to chose Floorsafe products because the company focuses on producing and providing quality and reliable solutions at an affordable cost.

For some time high-cost stair nosing products have been available that incorporate four or more carborundum

The company has worked closely with its aluminium partners to address the cost constraints of the market, and has

come up with a range of very affordable carborundum stair nosings that meet the requirements of the Australian standards and building code of Australia. Neatly rebated hard-wearing carborundum strips are moulded into a high-quality aluminium profile, which is also anodised for extra protection. With all the benefits that this new range of stair nosings has to offer, Floorsafe Australia can now provide a quality long lasting safety product at a price that’s affordable. Floorsafe Australia 1300 717 769

MODULAR COLUMN PROTECTORS KEEP STRUCTURES SAFE Columns and pillars in warehouses and distribution centres can easily be damaged by impacts from forklifts. And this damage can undermine the structural integrity of the building. Now A-Safe has come up with a practical solution for protecting columns and pillars from forklift impacts. The A-Safe Column Protector comes as a modular system that provides a perfect fit to any square or rectangular universal column or vertical structure. Each of the four corner sections is constructed with high strength inner and outer structural support ribs that maximise impact resistance. Further impact-resisting chevron and rectangular indents in the

structure ensure that there are no flat surface areas that might be susceptible to fork penetration. These indents increase the total surface area of the column protector, providing more material for energy absorption, and allowing the structure to expand and contract before reforming to its original shape. The corner sections (and expansion panels if required) all lock together to increase the structural integrity of the column protector. And multiple sections can be stacked vertically using the integral stepped stacking feature to provide protection at any height, with each vertical layer locking to the layer below.



Because all the modular components of the column protectors lock together by design, each completed assembly acts as a single structure, dissipating the energy of any accidental impact throughout the whole structure. This means that the impact energy is transferred away from the column, rather than towards it. The A-Safe Column Protector range comes as standard in high-visibility yellow polyethylene, adding a further visual safety aspect to the design. The standard corner pieces combine to cover all common square column sizes from 100 x 100mm to 600 x 600mm, and the addition of three

Ask us about our hire & finance options

different expansion panel sizes allows the range to cover a near infinite range of column and pillar profiles. A-Safe Australasia 02 9625 8927



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU




PART 2: THE STABILITY TRIANGLE Understanding the concept of the stability triangle is fundamental to the safe operation of any lift truck, says Ross Grassick of Lencrow Materials Handling.

When viewed purely in two dimensions (as in Fig 1), the forklift stability triangle can be seen as the joining of three points: the two front wheels (B and C) and the pivot-point of the rear axle (A). So long as the combined centre of gravity of the vehicle and its load remains within this triangle, the vehicle will be stable. However, if for any reason the centre of gravity is moved outside the triangle then the vehicle will be unstable, and is liable to tip over. Factors that can move the combined

centre of gravity outside the triangle are all related to the load. The heavier the load, the further forward the combined CoG will be, to the point where a load heavier than the truck’s rating will move the combined CoG forward outside the triangle. And, if any load is not properly positioned on the forks, the combined CoG will be moved towards the CoG of the load – potentially moving it forwards (or sideways) outside the stability triangle. So much for the 2D view. However, forklifts are three-dimensional, and they operate in a three-dimensional world. The stability triangle can be considered more as a pyramid, with the


ROPE AND CHAIN CRANES AND HOISTS: • Helps reduce the risk of accidents • Protects against overloading of Crane and supporting structures • Quick and easy installation and available for all capacity cranes • Available preset or easily calibrated on site • Helps reduce maintenance costs • Minimizes down time • Automatic reset by reducing the load CONDUCTOR BAR • Available in steel and copper • Quickly and easily installed • Supports required only every 1.5m • Also available in a compact cluster range

SIDE PULL PREVENTERS/ROPE GUIDE PROTECTOR Prevents side pulling and protects rope guides and drums on most multi-fall Cranes and Hoists. • Prevent dragging of loads • Helps reduce down time.

Liftco Industrial Supplies Pty Ltd

Freecall: 1800 LIFTCO (543826) Email: Web:




Vehicle centre of gravity (unloaded)


Fig 1 The stability triangle in two dimensions

three points A, B and C from Fig 1 joined at the maximum lift height of the truck. The combined CoG of the truck and the load can now be considered as being suspended from the point of the pyramid. However, the point is not a fixed location – it moves relative to A, B and C, remaining above the combined centre of gravity (Fig 2). So, for example, at the maximum rated load of the truck, both the CoG and the point of the pyramid will be directly above the mid-point of A-B. This three-dimensional model of the stability triangle serves to illustrate several more important factors contributing to the stability of the loaded truck. First, the tilt of the mast has a major impact on stability. Tilting backwards moves the CoG backwards towards the middle of the triangle, whereas tilting the mast forwards moves the CoG forwards –

Fig 2 The stability triangle is really a pyramid


Centre of gravity of vehicle and maximum load (theoretical) potentially outside the triangle. This is why loads should generally be carried with the mast tilted backwards if possible. Secondly, the height at which the load is carried is a further major contributor. Because the pyramid tapers towards the point, the higher the CoG the smaller the stability triangle becomes and the closer the CoG is to the edge of the triangle. While this may not seem a problem with a static load, in a dynamic situation it means that the CoG has less distance to travel outside the triangle, and so an outside force such as cornering or sudden braking can cause it to become unstable. This is why loads should always be carried as low as possible when moving a loaded truck. Lencrow Materials Handling 1300 536 276


SCISSOR LIFTS AND PALLET LEVELLERS – HOW? In the conclusion to his two-part feature, Lindsay Wakefield explains exactly which factors are most important in specifying the right equipment for the job. Choosing the right product for your application can be difficult, and careful consideration is required to make sure your purchase is effective and productive.

SEQUENCE OF OPERATION How, where, when and why will the lift be used, and what is the lift expected to do?

LIFTING CAPACITY What is the weight of the load in kilograms? (And don’t forget to include any conveyors, pallets, carts, operators etc.)

EDGE LOADING CAPACITY (ENDS AND SIDES) How will the load get on and off the lift? Will it roll over the sides or ends, be placed on by a fork truck etc? Is the load concentric and evenly distributed? Is the

load static or dynamic?

PLATFORM SIZE What platform size is needed to adequately support the load, any material handling equipment and a riding operator?

LOWERED HEIGHT What is the maximum lowered height acceptable for the application? Can the lift be pit mounted? Is mobility required?

required is equal to the highest elevation the platform must reach. If the lift is surface mounted, the travel required is equal to the highest elevation the platform must reach minus the lowered height of the lift.

RAISED HEIGHT The distance between the surface on which the lift is sitting and the platform height when the lift is fully raised.

POWER UNIT What electrical power is available to operate or lift? If pneumatic, what air pressure is available?



If the lift is pit mounted the travel

How fast does the lift have to travel to satisfy the application? Are the required



Ask us about our five year warranty programs

up and down speeds the same?

CONTROLS What operating controls are required (pushbutton, footswitch etc)?

ACCESSORIES What optional accessories are required? Perhaps the most important decision you can make is choosing the right adviser to guide you through the myriad of options and features. In our experience – experience matters!

Safetech 1800 674 566



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU



Introducing... bespoke levels of building protection

Does your fast-paced facility demand a column protection solution that is high strength, impact resistant and stackable to protect at any height? A new addition to A-SAFE's column protection range, wrap around Column Guards are an easy-install option for critical fuss-free protection.

Now available to order, featuring: • I mpact-Absorption: shock-absorbing technology protects vital structures and building fabric • W rap Around fit: simple installation with interlocking stacking for column protection at every height • S tructural Protection: minimise risk of a structural collapse and long-lasting damage to your building • M ulti-purpose use: designed for use in a range of applications - exterior and interior • M odular Design: column protection with stackable, customisable width and height • F ork Protection: built-in protection and deflection to guard against fork penetration

A-Safe Australasia Pty Ltd 02 9625 8927



HEADSETS SAFEGUARD HEARING WITH BLUETOOTH ONBOARD Honeywell has come up with a protective headset that will allow workers to stay connected while protecting their hearing in noisy working environments. Howard Leight Sync Wireless protective earmuffs integrate Bluetooth wireless technology to let workers talk on the phone, connect with coworkers, get instructions and perform tasks without sacrificing hearing protection. The headsets can block out as much as 80% of background noise. And the wireless format eliminates the need for cords or cabling that can pose trip, slip or hand hazards. “Noise-induced hearing loss is a significant safety risk in industrial and commercial settings, so ensuring workers keep hearing protection in place at all times is critical,” says Mahmoud Barakat, Product Manager, Hearing Protection, for Honeywell Industrial Safety. “With Sync Wireless, workers who rely on smart phones or need to stay connected with coworkers or their supervisors in noisy environments can stay connected and productive without sacrificing safety.” “Slipping off a headset to take a call creates safety risks,” says Barakat. “Honeywell is committed to adapting new technologies to keep workers and their job sites connected and safe.”

The Sync Wireless uses Bluetooth 4.1 to ensure reliable connectivity and data transfer using 4G cellphones. Its ergonomic design features a steel headband and padded earcups, and provides simple operation, with volume control buttons and flashing coloured lights to indicate different settings. The integrated boom microphone provides crystal-clear communication in noisy environments and rotates out of the way when not in use. And the rechargeable Li-ion battery provides more than 16 hours use on a single charge. Honeywell Safety Products 1300 139 166

SAFETY BARRIER REELS ARE QUICK AND EASY TO DEPLOY AK Reels has come up with a solution to the problem of safety traffic management in large open areas. The company’s RC 3000 Series high-visibility safety barrier reels are easy to deploy and available in lengths from 5 to 25 metres. Working bays, loading docks, and warehouse doorways generally have fixed safety barriers and signage in place. It is the surrounding open areas where issues often arise. The ability to quickly and effectively cordon off an area more than 10m wide is essential as time can often be a factor in preventing potential injury during pick up or delivery. The Australian made reels offer a practical solution that is light in weight (at less than 7.5kg for the largest 25m reel) and is made from food grade polypropylene so there are no issues with corrosion. The tape material is woven nylon that is similar to seatbelt webbing,

and is printed in colour coded red/white or yellow/black. Many of Australia’s major mining companies have introduced these units into their massive workshops (as seen in the picture). In this application the reels have been put to the ultimate test by the heat, dust and hard work of the operators in the Australian outback. And they have lasted for years. The practical uses are numerous, and the reels have been widely accepted by safety managers keen to support an innovative Australian product. Custom colours and wording are optionally available as are magnetic brackets that provide complete mobility of the system. AK Reels 03 94604455


SAFETY IN ACTION SHOW HITS MELBOURNE IN SEPTEMBER Free registration is now available for Australia’s leading OH&S event, Safety in Action on 5th and 6th September at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. Due to high rates of work-related injuries and illness, the manufacturing industry is one of the priority industries for Australian work health and safety strategy. Still today, many hazards put manufacturing workers’ health and safety at risk, ranging from asbestos, chemicals and heat to stress, noise and manual handling. Whether in processes, technology and/or approaches to people, it is becoming more and more crucial to solve ongoing problems and ensure that employees go home safely after work. Visitors will be able to network with the experts and source the latest innovative

products and services from more than 100 exhibitors in OHS on the trade show floor. Major corporate sponsor myosh will be joined by exhibitors, including technology partner Riskware, Bureau Veritas, Mix Telematics, Sine Group, Chemical Safety International, Retailquip and QHSE Integrated Solutions. The full exhibitor list can be found on the show website. To stay on top of the latest health and safety regulations and developments and the mental health and wellbeing of the workers, the upcoming Safety in Action tradeshow will introduce three new, dedicated safety zones. The three zones, covering “Major Projects”, “Innovations” and “Mental Health & Wellbeing”, will each run concurrent seminar programmes to educate today’s OHS professionals. All seminars are free to attend, and the

DRIVER FATIGUE DETECTION SAVES LIVES In Australia one in six fatal crashes involves a drowsy driver. MiX Telematics will demonstrate a system to detect driver fatigue, and hence prevent incidents before they happen. The system works by reading a person’s face and eyes in real time to develop an understanding of their health, intention or actions, all of which contribute to their ability to drive safely on the road.



MiX Telematics 08 9388 5800



full programme can be found on the show website. Held concurrently with the trade show, Safety in Action is also presenting three high-profile conferences focusing on “Safety Strategy”, “Leadership and Culture”, and “Workplace Wellness and Return to Work”. Safety in Action at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre will

run from 10am to 6pm on Tuesday 5th September and from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday 6th September 2017. Attendance is free for bona fide trade visitors, and registration is available from the show website. Safety in Action



HEALTHY AIR KEEPS WORKERS HEALTHY Better-Air Australia will demonstrate its BioZone probiotics system, reckoned to be the only solution for complete protection from biological airborne and surface contaminants. The system reduces allergens and pathogens, and eliminates odours caused by microbial contamination. By restoring the indoor ecological balance this environmentally friendly system reduces workplace absenteeism.

Ask us about our fixed price service contracts

Better-Air Australia 1300 035 433



N I V E R S A RY | 1300 536 276 (Australia wide) INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU







On show from Solv Solutions, SafetyMax is a secure online safety management system developed following the huge success of the company’s online injury and claims management system, injuryConnect. The system delivers a simpler way for companies to manage their safety information with less paper and improved efficiency, visibility and compliance.

Sine Group will show off its easy-to-use visitor management system, simplifying the check-in of visitors, contractors, staff and assets across the workplace using mobile apps, iPads or the web. Clients like Fujitsu, GE, Downer, Arup and LendLease use Sine to monitor active visitors, trigger real-time notifications, invite guests to meetings, and generate detailed reports.

MOVI is an Australian design company creating highly refined workplace products that encourage movement and combat the risks of sedentary lifestyles. The company’s mission is to improve employee health, productivity and wellbeing while they work. MOVI’s standing desk will be on show at Safety in Action.

myosh will demonstrate its ground-breaking management solution for Mental Health in the workplace. The mywellbeing cloud based solution has been developed to protect organisations, management, and employees, by empowering all parties with tools to identify, manage and report any issues within the workplace.

STAND MOVI Workspace 0419 872 076

myosh 1300 4 myosh

Solv Solutions 1800 33 55 83



Sine Group 08 8121 5956








G Australia’s Leading Occupational Health & Safety Event G 100+ Exhibitors

Major Corporate Sponsor:

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DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND FITNESS FOR WORK - IDENTIFY THE RISKS by Laurence Marchini With drug and alcohol abuse currently estimated to cost Australian industry upwards of $6 billion per year, having a company policy on drugs and alcohol would appear to be a no brainer. But the devil really is in the detail. And while it is one thing to set a policy, it is another to enforce it effectively and fairly. Rather than imposing a policy along the lines of “Thou shalt not…”, the process needs to start with agreement of all parties. In the words of the Alcohol & Drug Foundation: “Employees that are well informed about the impacts of alcohol and other drug use on the workplace are more aware of the risks and are better able to help maintain effective health and safety practices at work.” It is also essential that once a policy has been formalised, all parties are fully conversant with the procedures involved and that those procedures are followed to the letter.

Speaking at the recent Safety First event in Melbourne, Natasha Jager, National Manager for Workplace Services at the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, detailed instances from several different companies where employees had been terminated for breaches of company drug and alcohol policy yet had their terminations overturned by Fair Work Australia. Educational aspects Each case was different, but all had one thing in common: the proper procedures were not followed. This illustrates that the educational aspects of bringing in a company drug and alcohol policy must extend to the education of supervisors and management. Increasingly, companies are beginning to appreciate that it is not a drug and alcohol policy that they need, it is a fitness

Is he fit for work?

for work policy. And the sooner that it becomes clear that this is the objective, the easier it is to get all stakeholders to cooperate in its enforcement. All companies are different, and all will have different job-specific risks that apply to employees who are not in a fit

state for work. As a result, there can be no “one-size-fits-all” solution to the problem. However, the common factor is that it is in the identification of the job-specific risks and the full communication of the consequences that acceptance is likely to be found.

Alere Toxwipe Rapid test for drugs of abuse in oral fluid (saliva) ✓ Easy to use ✓ Fast ✓ Accurate ✓ Results you can trust Australia 1800 622 642 Free call in AUS

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© 2017 Alere. All rights reserved. The Alere Logo, Alere and Knowing now matters are trademarks of the Alere group of companies. Toxwipe is a trademark of Oranoxis under licence. A2812




CHINA WASTE BANS CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR AUSTRALIAN SMES AND MANUFACTURERS as unsorted mixed paper, textiles and some trace metals – would be banned from import into the country. This ban is expected to come into force before the end of this year. It is understood the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is currently seeking input from industry as it considers the implications of this announcement ahead of a formal response. Samantha Cross

The recent announcement that China will no longer accept a range of imported recycling streams is creating much uncertainty throughout the global waste and recycling industry, and will have a significant ripple effect back to businesses and councils who currently have recyclable materials collected through kerbside and commercial collection arrangements. In an 18th July 2017 statement filed with the World Trade Organisation, China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection said that recycled PET, PE, PVC, PS and “other” plastics – as well

What are implications for Australian manufacturers? Plastic is an internationally traded commodity material, and the commodity price per tonne paid for different plastic materials has already fallen since the announcement. Initial implications may be increases in current collection costs or reductions in rebates paid to generators/brokers of plastic waste. Such changes will be dependent on the market pricing fluctuations, demand and supply and the ability of the Australian recycling industry to secure alternative export markets

in countries such as Malaysia and/or Vietnam. Low-grade mixed plastics may be increasingly redirected into applications involving energy from waste or production of processed engineered fuels used as an alternative feedstock for cement kilns.

that could substitute imported products and assist in dealing with the waste we generate locally. You could even incorporate plastic packaging waste or offcuts you (or your customers and community) produce, thus providing further value.

The redirection of a recyclable material into waste to energy application is a lost opportunity to recover a valuable resource such as plastic to ensure it remains in the productive and circular economy.

In January 2017, the World Economic Forum released the report “The new plastics economy – catalysing action” in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur

Alternatively, China’s ban may prompt some Australian businesses to invest in technology to increase more domestic reprocessing and create local market demand.

China’s ban may prompt some Australian businesses to invest in technology to increase more domestic reprocessing and create local market demand.

What are the opportunities for Australian manufacturers? For any manufacturer currently using virgin plastic resin feedstocks or other manufactured plastic componentry in their production, manufacturing or assembly processes, there has never been a better time to consider options of manufacturing or sourcing locally manufactured products

Foundation. This provides a concrete set of actions to drive the transition to a more circular economy and rethink plastics. The Plastic Police Partnership Programme (covered by Industry Update in November 2016) is an innovative scheme being developed by Cross Connections Consulting that closes the loop on waste plastics currently going to landfill. The programme is currently seeking partnerships with SME business to increase local opportunities to better manage the waste and turn this into products of value for communities and businesses. It’s a collaboration and micro circular economy model that can create value for your business and local communities. For more information on recycling paths for your waste plastics or if you are interested in sourcing recovered plastics from the Plastic Police Partnership Programme for your manufacturing process or purchasing of products made from recycled plastics, contact Cross Connections.

Cross Connections Consulting 0423 943100




IT’S TIME FOR THE NEXT STAGE OF COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY SAVINGS AND EFFICIENCY With the rapidly rising cost of electricity, Australian industry needs to get serious about saving energy and take a close look at 2-stage, air compressor technology, says Mark Fergusson, CEO of Southern Cross Compressors. As energy costs continue to outstrip other business input expenses it is critical, more than ever before, to find new ways to save power. Installing 2-stage compressors is one way to maintain the same air output while significantly reducing energy usage. Many customers get fixated with the capital cost of an air compressor and while those that want to save costs will look a little deeper and review service costs, very few understand the long-term total operating cost of compressed air.

the plant. With continuously rising energy costs it’s an area in which businesses can readily address to achieve substantial cost savings. Two stage compressors really are low hanging fruit. A single-stage compressor typically used in industry is limited by the overall compression ratio across a single airend. This compression ratio in most industrial applications is around 9:1. High compression ratios, particularly as pressures increase, results in significant internal slippage which leads to loss of capacity and a reduction in efficiency. A high compression ratio also means higher bearing loads as the elevated internal pressures mean greater axial and radial bearing loads. This can limit airend bearing life which can lead to significant long-term maintenance costs. A 2-stage air compressor on the other hand allows the compression ratio to be split over two distinct rotary screw airends resulting in compression ratios across each airend of around 3:1. The outcome is less slippage, lower bearing loads and with intercooling, significantly higher outputs for the installed motor power. The output of a 2-stage compressor is typically around 20% higher than that of an equivalent single-stage type.

With capacities from 75 to 355kW, the Southern Cross 2-stage compressor range provides a huge cost saving opportunity for a wide spectrum of compressed air reliant industries

The largest cost related to producing compressed air is energy; often representing the highest energy usage in

To put that into perspective, energy savings mean generally one size smaller compressor and in most instances a return of the difference in capital cost in only a matter of months. Combine this with a VSD controller, where demand varies significantly, and savings can be even greater.

Screw Compressors For full range scan QR code or go to Call 1800 PNEUTECH for all of your compressed air needs.

A 2-stage air compressor allows the compression ratio to be split over two distinct rotary screw airends resulting in compression ratios across each airend of around 3:1.

Packaging company saves over $100,000 a year on energy costs After suffering a major breakdown in its old compressed air system, Snopak Manufacturing management realised it needed to upgrade its system to meet immediate and future needs. While investigating their options, they spoke with Martin Curd, Sales Manager of Southern Cross Compressors, who recommended a 2-stage compressor that would solve the current problems and cater to their business for many years to come. The KHE 2-stage, variable speed rotary screw compressor offered all the output Snopak required. And, after a thorough assessment of the old system, Martin Curd demonstrated a favourable calculation of energy cost savings by changing up to the KHE 2-stage. According to Peter Goddard, Manufacturing Manager at Snopak: “Not only does the new KHE VS deliver in excess of our current operating needs, it is a far quieter and efficient system all together. Cost savings have vastly exceeded our expectations and, fact is, we are saving an amazing $10,000 to $15,000 per month on our energy bills. “The new system provides all the compressed air power we need to handle our operations including power-hungry blow moulders, thermoformers and ancillary equipment. The programmable, variable speed function gives us the air we need when we need it, saving both on wasted energy and maintenance requirements.

Snopak Manufacturing Manager Peter Goddard: “The new system provides all the compressed air power we need”

“Martin’s professional and knowledgeable approach meant we got the right machine for our purposes and in quick time minimising the dramas of our breakdown situation... and we couldn’t be happier with the service we get from Southern Cross technician who regularly services the system and provides experienced technical assistance in a friendly, professional manner,” says Goddard. This remarkable outcome clearly demonstrated the value in gaining professional assessment of compressed air needs to match the right compressor and systems to a company’s specialised needs. Southern Cross Compressors offer a free system assessment or for major installations, a complete audit of air leaks and equipment inefficiencies that more often than not identifies potential savings well in excess of the cost of the audit. Southern Cross Compressors 1300 098 901




PREPARATION IS ESSENTIAL FOR COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS Almost all factory compressed air systems need some form of treatment to achieve the desired air quality for a particular use. Pneutech Group offers a complete range of compressed air preparation units together with a free advisory service to help clients achieve the desired compressed air quality for each part of their plant. The range of Pneutech compressed air preparation units includes: condensate separators, refrigerated dryers, utility grade particulate filters, submicronic canister filters, high-efficiency coalescing filters, activated carbon filters, breathing air combination filters, pressure regulators,

lubricators, drip leg condensate drains, and automatic liquid level condensate drains. All Pneutech high-efficiency filters are fitted with differential pressure gauges to facilitate monitoring of airflow capacity at any time. For larger industrial installations Pneutech Group offers a site visit service to assist in the determination of the optimum combination of air compressor, pipe layout and air preparation system for maximum factory efficiency. Pneutech Group 1800 763 833

SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS KEEP COMPRESSORS CLEAN AND EFFICIENT The old saying “oils ain’t oils” could never be truer than when referring to oil used in oil-injected rotary screw compressors. These lubricants are expected to work in some of the most arduous, hot and dusty conditions over extremely long service hours. Injected into the compression process, the lubricant performs three key functions: it lubricates the air-end bearings; it seals the clearances between the rotors and the housing; and, most importantly, it removes the heat of compression. Operating at elevated temperatures in a highly oxygenated environment is the biggest challenge for any lubricant. The lubricant must be able to operate over a wide temperature range, produce no solids or varnish and to have the lowest possible vapour phase carryover so that the air discharged into the plant is as clean as possible. It also must be able to maintain an adequate viscosity over the life of the lubricant to protect the bearings. Using an incorrect lubricant or mixing different types of lubricants can have catastrophic consequences. Varnish buildup can block coolers, and this can cause the compressor to overheat or fail. Southern Cross Compressors Australia has recently released a new synthetic lubricant called Kerry 10, which is specifically formulated for use in



oil-lubricated rotary screw compressors where high compressor performance and reliability are critical to maintaining production integrity. One of the most advanced formulated polyalphaolefin (PAO) compressor lubricants available, Kerry 10 provides protection to rotary screw air-end bearings while at the same time ensuring the compressor oil circuit remains clean and free from varnish and other hazardous build-ups. According to Shane O’Brien, National Service Manager at Southern Cross: “Naturally, we use Kerry 10 in all our customers’ rotary screw compressors because we know the benefits in minimising maintenance issues. Kerry 10 has extremely low vapour phase characteristics, meaning minimal lubricant top up between services and very low oil vapour carryover. It is a lubricant that will maintain a stable viscosity over a wide temperature range protecting air-end bearings. Under most operating conditions, oil change intervals can be extended to as much as 10,000 hours creating real service cost savings for any business.” Southern Cross Compressors 1300 098 901

This cooler became badly varnished after only 10,000 hours operation. It turned out that the customer was adding and mixing different types of lubricants between services.


LITHIUM BATTERIES ARE BORN OUT OF NECESSITY How a project to produce an electric DeLorean led to a NSW company setting up Australia’s first lithium battery manufacturing operation. Brett Sutherland is Managing Director of Solar Power Australia, a successful Newcastle-based designer and installer of domestic and industrial solar power systems. But he is also something of a rev head. So when his company was looking for a suitable promotional “vehicle” to demonstrate the performance capability of electric drive systems, it perhaps was not a surprise that converting a 1980s icon to electric power took his imagination. The fact that the resulting electric DeLorean DMC-12 had vastly more power than the original V6 petrol engine version may have had a lot to do with the “gutless” nature of the original. But it also set Sutherland on a path that has seen the foundation of a sister company, ELMOFO, which went on to build a high performance Electric Radical Race Vehicle designed to mix it up on the track with the extremely high performance V8 powered Radical SR8s. It was back in 2011 when he was working on the DeLorean that Sutherland encountered a severe limitation of the technology of the day. So when it became time to build a high performance electric race car, there were no commercially available batteries capable of delivering the current required to allow the car to reach its full performance potential. So he set about designing one, complete with a specialised battery management system. The first generation of batteries had an oil-cooled design in order to realise the required power density. But it worked, and gave the ELMOFO electric Radical

the speed and acceleration that was required to be competitive with the high performance petrol powered Radical SR8s on a race track. Further development of the battery design and the creation of a dedicated DC fast charging system meant that the Electric Radical Race Vehicle is capable of around 260km/h and can be cooled and recharged within the 1 hour limitations of a race day. Today, the result is the ELMOFO E-Cell range of energy storage systems, designed and assembled in Australia, and made specifically for Australian conditions. The current generation of ELMOFO E-Cells use Korean-made Kokam highpower lithium-polymer cells, and offer a range of standard modular sizes, with nominal voltage ratings of 24 and 48V DC, with capacities of 80 or 106Ah and usable energy of up to 4.9kWh. More importantly, all the E-Cells are rated for more than 4000 cycles and a life expectancy in excess of 10 years. And, they are maintenance friendly: unlike competing mass-produced laser-welded designs, the E-Cells feature a bolted construction, and so can be repaired rather than recycled. The ELMOFO E-Cells are proving popular – and not just for electric vehicles. Brett Sutherland lists offshore projects in WA, an electric train in northern NSW and electric boats among some of the more varied applications. The synergy between Sutherland’s two companies continues. The E-Cells

Brett Sutherland briefs the driver of the ELMOFO Electric Radical Race Vehicle



The electric DeLorean DMC-12 has much more power than the original

The E-Cells are available in a range of standard modular sizes

are increasingly being requested for residential, commercial and industrial energy storage systems through Solar Power Australia. And even the NSW train project involves a solar-powered charger to replenish the E-Cells between trips. There is, however, one major factor limiting the market for the ELMOFO E-Cell. They cannot be shipped by air. The problem is that lithium batteries are considered to be dangerous goods (a status not helped by recent instances of fires and explosions caused by poorly manufactured products). As such they are bound by United Nations “Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods”, or UN38.3, which defines a standard that must be met before the airline association IATA will transport the goods. While the Kokam lithium cells are certified to UN38.3, the ELMOFO E-Cells are not. And what makes this

worse is that there is no laboratory in Australia that is qualified to test to the requirements of UN38.3. Therefore, to get the E-Cells qualified, they would have to be shipped overseas to a qualified laboratory. But they couldn’t be shipped by air: all of which is rather frustrating for Sutherland, who points to CSIRO as one body in Australia that is slowly getting into battery testing. “However, they aren’t looking at UN38.3 yet,” he says. It seems ironic that a nation that is the world’s leading producer of lithium, and now has an embryonic lithium battery manufacturing operation does not have the business infrastructure to help this enterprise to grow. ELMOFO - ElectroMotive Force 02 4954 3310


BEGA CHEESE ADOPTS SUSTAINABLE SOLAR-POWERED LIGHTING As part of its factory sustainability programme, Bega Cheese Group - one of Australia’s largest dairy production companies - explored the possibilities of adopting an environmentally friendly “solar powered” LED lighting system instead of the traditional electrical-powered option. The sustainability programme aimed to introduce initiatives that could reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, using emerging technologies such as solar lighting, while also reducing running costs.

New lighting was required for the existing external stairwell and carpark area to allow night-shift workers a safe passage to their vehicles, as well as improved car park security throughout the night. Leadsun solar lights were selected for this project due to two important considerations: solar-powered lighting does not produce any carbon emissions and synergises with Bega’s sustainability programme; and, the installation doesn't require any difficult or costly electrical installation works as the areas to be illuminated are (approximately 70 metres) from the electrical switchboard. Additional benefits of the Leadsun “solar lighting systems” were that they could be installed in a single working day, minimising carpark downtime and not affecting the evening workers. Another innovative and important part of the installation was the EZYfoot concreteless footing system as it requires only 30 minutes per installation without the ordinary downtime of having to wait for

concrete to cure. A further benefit was using the EZYpole lowerable-pole system, which removes the need for any elevating platform or boom lift as all works are carried out safely at ground level. For reliability and longevity, all of Leadsun’s range of solar lights use longlasting lithium LiFePO4 batteries, and the “all-in-one” construction is sleek and modular as the batteries are enclosed directly under the solar panel. Having the batteries located at the top of the pole avoids problems of battery theft and water damage, which have traditionally been

issues with solar lighting systems. After the site survey was completed, the lighting design assisted Leadsun to determine which system in the range would best suit the application. This system is designed to operate from dusk till dawn with 3 days of battery autonomy, which allows leeway for external factors such as overcast conditions. Leadsun Australia 1300 281 005

No Boundaries When it comes to getting the best out of your industrial equipment , battery performance matters. And when it comes to deep-cycle batteries, no one goes to the extremes of performance like Trojan. Our full line of deep-cycle flooded, AGM and Gel batteries will take you to new places you never dreamed possible. We’ll keep breaking the boundaries. Where you go after that is up to you.




BAC SYSTEMS – IT ALL FITS TOGETHER Modular workplace and storage systems might not at first sight appear to be an Australian speciality, but Laurence Marchini finds that one company has carved out a very special niche in this market. BAC Systems is 40 years old this year. The company was founded in 1977 by the Bachmann[PB1] family from Switzerland, and is run to this day by Walter Bachmann. The company was incorporated in 1981, and moved to its current site in Glendenning, Western Sydney in 1988. The 2-hectare site is home to a workforce of 70 and 11,000m2 of office and floor space devoted entirely to the business of designing and manufacturing its modular workplace and storage systems. And “modular” is a key word for the BAC Systems range. As Walter Bachmann puts it: “it’s like Meccano or Lego, it all fits together and the pieces all talk to each other.” To describe BAC Systems’ workplace and storage equipment as Australian Made is understatement in the extreme. The innovative designs originate from the company’s own engineering office, and everything is punched, drilled, moulded, coated and assembled on site in Glendenning. The main raw material is steel coil… lots of it. The company holds stocks of around 1200 tonnes of Australian steel coil, all sourced from BlueScope Steel in

Port Kembla. And it’s from this high-quality local material that BAC Systems manufactures its products, fabricating all the parts in-house, from the frames and shelves right down to the linear guides that give the end product such a feeling of precision engineering. Many of the processes have not changed for decades, although some parts of the products have evolved. Today, many of the trim pieces are injection moulded on-site, producing components that are every bit as strong as the aluminium formings they have replaced. The assembly hall at BAC Systems Glendenning BAC Systems’ products have developed a reputation for extreme ruggedness, reliability and of this company,” says Bachmann. And long life. Indeed, Walter Bachmann can BAC Systems continues to innovate, with point to numerous companies in Western new product offerings that answer market Sydney that are still using some of the needs and provide features that add value company’s original workstations and in areas where others have not recognised storage units almost 40 years on… and still the opportunity. going strong. Take for example the new BAC Says Bachmann: “We have always tried Wall Storage System. In addition to to provide products that people want to the conventional round-hole pegboard use. So if you’re a worker and you get one design beloved by so many for organising of our workstations, you’re going to love workshop tools, BAC has added square it.” holes to the new version, allowing But it’s not all about tradition. users to integrate a whole range of “Innovation is the real key to the success new accessories. These include plug-in shelves for socket sets, drill bits and the like, all simply secured to the new square holes, making the Wall Board even more versatile for organising a workshop. This continuing innovation, coupled with its reputation for producing highquality, rugged and reliable equipment has seen BAC Systems prosper, both at home and abroad, with almost 20% of the company’s output being exported.

Walter Bachmann acknowledges that there have been a few notable gains that have shaped the success of the company, notably becoming accredited by US construction machinery giant Caterpillar some 35 years ago. This accreditation has seen BAC Systems workstations and storage solutions sold into Caterpillar dealerships around the world. But the company’s success has not purely been led by engineering workshops. BAC Systems has also become a worldwide expert source for storage systems for museums and art galleries. No doubt other markets will follow. As Walter Bachmann puts it: “If you’re innovative in design, you have a market.”

BAC Systems 02 9832 2777

Company founder Walter Bachmann with the BAC Wall Storage System





Continued from cover

Industry Update Video is hosted by Tim Webster, one of Australia’s most trusted and credible newsreaders and a sports reporter with decades of experience.

Scott. “This would enable us to create an immediate trust factor between readers and advertisers. And there is no one better able than Tim Webster to deliver that trust.”

In his role as the newsreader for Industry Update, Tim presents the content of each video clearly and succinctly as only a true professional can do. This unique form of presentation ensures that the viewer fully understands the message, and is given ample option to respond for further information.

Head of Video Rhys McGowan, who recently joined us from Fairfax Media has national media experience in video editing, and is producing videos that are seamlessly

Behind the scenes, the Industry Update Video team is hard at work under the direction of Publisher Scott Filby – who came up with the idea while writing a love letter. Scott’s vision to undertake this ambitious project has now been realised, and he says it has far exceeded his own expectations.

Head of Video Rhys McGowan

put together and take the medium to new levels of professionalism.

Sydney radio station 2BS, Tim Webster first came to prominence on television presenting TEN-10 Eyewitness News in Sydney. He went on to cover many major sporting events for Network Ten, including the Melbourne Cup, Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games Tim Webster has become evangelised with his new role, and Australasian golf tour. and thoroughly enjoyed his visit to National Manufacturing And from 1993 until 2004 Week, earlier this year, where he gathered background he hosted the nightly sports information on many of the companies that were involved programme Sports Tonight. both in the show and in Industry Update Video No doubt it is this association with sport that fore in the 6pm News style of Industry gives him such a special place Update Video. in the hearts and minds of the Aussie working man, but it is his experience at So visit the Industry Update Website delivering the news that is brought to the to see Tim in action.

“It’s remarkable,” says Scott, “that everyone who has seen our first videos has said how professional they are and that they are far better than they had expected.” “And I have to admit,” he adds, “I am proud of the results.”

Scott Filby is proud of the results

“My concept was to create a 6pm News style format video that included a national TV star well known to the manufacturing demographic,” says

The Industry Update Video library is growing daily as our advertisers sign up to become part of Australia’s firstever manufacturing video series. And one of the “draw cards” for many is the chance to become associated with the face of Industry Update Video, Tim Webster. With a broadcasting career that dates back to the early 1970s on

Get the It’s recognised. It’s trusted. It works. Australian Advantage Call 1800 350 520 or visit INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU




WORK/LIFE WELL HELD!BALANCE IS KEY FOR AUSTRALIAN AUSSIE LEADERS SHARE THEIR THOUGHTS ON MATERIALS HANDLING PLASTICS PIONEER Pete Jeans business What keeps alooks man at so the interested in his of materials handling and seeks business that at 80 he is looking for ways the insightsinofAustralian Brett Ambrose of and to innovate engineering Blum Australiafor and Chris Spencesuch of manufacturing major industries as construction, mining and energy, safety Hyundai Forklifts. andThe public works? days of merely carrying out a warehouse site of inspection at each In the case Laurie Green – location Managing Directorhandling, of pioneering plastics to review materials forklifts products manufacturing and and racking needs in order towholesaling develop group Cutimprovements To Size Plastics the answers efficiency are–probably are many, including a healthy work/life largely over. balance, but one constant over more The materials handling industry in than 60 years has been a passion for innovation. the USA defines materials handling Welcoming change andprotection, treating it as broadly as the movement, an opportunity, Cut To Size has expanded storage and control of materials and the scope of its business both nationally products throughout the process of and internationally, adding a branch in their manufacture Brisbane in recent and yearsdistribution, to complement its consumption and disposal. headquarters in Sydney. According to the the PM MHIabout website: “I agree with innovation "This process involves a broad array and planning. His approach is so refreshing of equipment and systems after the negativity we havethat hadaid for years in forecasting, resource public life. There is noallocation, doubt that if we production planning, flow and –process do not change then we perish and the challenge always is to develop change management, inventory management, without disruption. customer delivery, after-sales support and service, and aishost of other activities and “Change always an opportunity. Without itbasic we would still be living in caves. processes to business." We"Solutions must welcome it but we should always include sophisticated be considerate those who may be left techniques thatof expedite information behind when there is sudden disruption,” flow, including RFID and satellite tracking says Green. systems, and the electronic transmission The support of a good team – These a blend of order and shipping information. of youth and experience – has also helped innovations along with traditional material maintain the enthusiasm over nearly 60 handling and logistics equipment and years in the business. “Having a good systems the solutions make group ofare people doing thethat day-to-day manufacturing and supply chains work." work enables me to be free to think and Wow! That's some mouthful! But have discussions with a wide range of very realnot andnecessarily relevant inassociated our digitally people with the connected world! business.” The is that supply chains contain Thisreality free thinking and opportunity multiple materials-handling platforms, to dig into the needs of customers to processes approaches to particular understandand their business and provide organisational and market challenges and

cost streams (rather than revenues). solutions to their problems has led to Leaders like me, I probably have numerous innovativeguess, products recently. tended to rely historically on their ops Among these are the Cut To Size leaders drive continuous improvement range oftosplit plummer blocks, which can via judicious capex through the supply be particularly valuable in minimisung chain and materials-handling side by of disruptions to production caused bearing replacement and traditional the equation. bearing failure. Not any more. The opportunity to initiate supply task projects, These light,chain easily handled andI believe, selfspiltthe blocks canCEO's be precision islubricating squarely on Group list of machined from polyurethane and other KPIs; particularly when the potential to engineering grade and plastics for diverse unlock efficiencies deliver savings materials handling applications, often could be substantial. A buck saved, is a involving machinery with multiple bearings buck earned. and shafts inline where it would be costly to close down the entire line for removal Who does it well in Australia? and installation of heavier and more Brett Ambrose complex bearings. is CEO of Blum Australia; well known for its high-stack The company is also making sliding warehousing and materials-handling guided bearings that offer maintenancesolutions in servicinginfurniture free cost-efficiency high loadand mining, materials handling,customers steel and concrete cabinet-hardware throughout beam structures. the nation. A good lifeofbalance helps Blum waswork ahead the game and still motivation. Laurie ismaintain when itenergy comes and to major supply-chain and his wife Lindsay Greenhandling. cultivate components like materials showplace daffodils theirthe NSW I asked Brett whatatwere keycountry property, where away from the nitty gritty reasons, drivers and outcomes for Blum of engineering he becomes the aesthete Australia in its investment in leading-edge and appreciator of peace and beauty. materials handling solutions? But Green insists: “Plastics continue to "Blum has around 15 ASRSs or highhold my attention as we see growth and bay automated warehouses operating innovation as the industry works on being around the world. As Australia one of relevant to the future needs of is society. the larger markets for Blum, it was logical “When I became interested in the for Blum to construct and operate industry in about 1960, it was a veryone small here. What suited our operation here industry withalso light industrial areas almost was that as Blum Australia through everywhere – Crows Nest sells for example. a distribution network, we areengineering moving “There were three main larger the plasticspallet that quantity we dealt orders with – through Nylon, Teflon warehouse than small picks. This and Delrin. rather Then innovation and change started. suits the particular ASRS installed at Hoxton Park." “A big breakthrough I have lived through development of ultra"Withwas thethe ASRS, our customers benefit from this facility in a number of ways: 100%

72,944 PEOPLE* involved in the manufacturing industry will read Industry Update Magazine.

high-molecular-weight polyethylene, which is now one of our bestselling materials. “But it didn’t stop there as researchers started putting fillers and additives in this group to make them even more specific to different applications And now further along Laurie Green the plastics the path to the future industry innovator Brett Ambrose of Blum Australia (Left) and Chris Spence of Hyundai Forklifts (Right) we see developments in special food grades, our clients(can is tobe continue to innovate inventory increased warehouse the strongaccuracy, development of plastics from windows seen through) and flexible and transparent rental solutions capacity on a much smaller footprint; and biodegradable materials. One of our definitely electrical insulation and for the MHE market. The traditional fully asuppliers simple process of adding additionalan from Germany is devoting protection. maintained rental offering no longer cranes andresearch racking to our original enormous effort into thissite." area “We have to see the situation as suits many larger corporates that are always the additional capacity and"With has already releasedstorage a product based the customer sees it and only offer our on renewable materials is looking ways of achieving cost down and the speedraw of the cranes,which we have productsatas alternatives where they are biodegradable.” structures. has globally at been able to double our output with clearly andHyundai demonstrably better,been cheaper, the technological innovations Green reckonsinthat sitsAsinthe minimal increases staffAustralia numbers. saferforefront or moreofefficient. We respect our a very interesting place in regard customers’ intelligence and work and is now looking to partner this with with warehouse is a machine-only site,to wethe do use have of quieter, lighter, safer and aeasier to arrive at solutions. Innovation athem moretocustomer centric approach to is not the usual safety issues typical handle plastics for metals. often organic. It grows out of real needs MHE rentals." warehouse withsubstituting standard pallet racking and"In can’t be imposed from the top down. “Yes – there are those of us in the regards to technological would have," he concluded. It grows out of the inspiration of the industry think changeChris couldSpence be advancement, Hyundai will continue to In thethat forklift industry, customer and the manufacturer working faster, however there are many reasons produce new models to meet growing is Chief Operating Officer of Hyundai together to develop sustainable, sensible why the use of engineering plastics as a client demand andsolutions.” given our global Forklifts in Australia. and clearly better metal substitute is slow. We face a very footprint, we are able to take industry Interestingly, the company's website strong metal industry that has been able best across the globe and focuses on the benefits of using the Cut practice To Size from Plastics to develop a great history of achievement implement it here in Australia." product from an operator's viewpoint: over centuries. 02 9681 0400 "The introduction of driverless "a forklift operator, who enjoys his work, “Think when the first knife or sword equipment and full automation will does better job. That is why we at bladeawas recorded in history. Metal start to impact in some operational Hyundai to make has beendo so everything successful, we andcan cannot Laurie and Lindsay environments, that happen. We have merged operator be substituted in a large number of Green cultivatebut given the diverse and irregular tasks undertaken in many of the preference, precision and lasting showplace applicationsfast by plastics. daffodils shared operations, we expect it to be performance into a quality product." “The object is to live with metal and some time before automation takes the I asked Chris what were the key look for areas where metal could be lead over operator controlled machines," materials-handling issuesforand challenges improved on. We look lightness, for at he concluded. the client levelareas, in Australia now and low in the noncorrosive wear situations, cost (disposable) protection, Pete Jeans is COO of strategic growth future in major Australian usersecurity sectors. project leader SMO Sydney. "Our current focus in supporting

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The current CAB audited circulation of Industry Update magazine is 18,236, with a readership of 72,944 as of September 2016.






MASTER BUILDERS TO LEVERAGE THE APPEAL OF AUSTRALIAN MADE A partnership between the Australian Made Campaign and Master Builders Australia aims both to boost exports and to increase the use of locally made products in the building and construction sectors. The initiative will encourage building and construction firms to source Australian-made goods and assist local businesses in marketing their products and services to export markets. According to Australian Made Campaign Chief Executive, Ian Harrison, Australian-made often translates to better quality and durability. “Australia’s extremely stringent quality and safety manufacturing standards have helped establish our reputation for wellmade products, that last,” says Harrison. Recent research from Roy Morgan concluded that 75% of Australians prefer Australian-made goods, making local content an important selling factor for businesses. “Manufacturers and developers promoting goods as genuinely Australian should leverage country-of-origin branding whenever possible,” says Harrison. “Research shows the Australian Made logo is recognised by 99% of Australians, and has been found to increase sales in export markets as well, so it should form an important part of any marketing strategy. As a registered certification trade mark it defends the authenticity of Australian goods.”

Australian Made Campaign Chief Executive Ian Harrison,

that: “Formalising the longstanding relationship between Master Builders Australia and the Australian Made Campaign demonstrates our commitment to local industry. This initiative will greatly benefit Australian manufacturers and the broader building and construction industries.” The Australian Made logo will be central to the branding of Master Builders Australia trade missions and exhibitions to be carried out during 2017and 2018. “This year’s trade missions and exhibitions will benefit greatly from the powerful message the Australian Made logo conveys,” adds Wawn. Master Builders Australia has set up an Export Diagnostic Programme for businesses keen to participate in the export promotions. The programme assists companies in determining whether they have the right tools in place to be successful overseas, and aids in the development of export strategies. “Leveraging Australia’s excellent reputation via events like these can help grow market share abroad, making businesses far more import-resistant,” says Wawn.

Master Builders Australia Chief Executive, Denita Wawn

Master Builders Australia Chief Executive, Denita Wawn, says the organisation is proud to be working with the Australian Made Campaign, adding

Further details on Master Builders Australia’s Export Diagnostic Programme and upcoming events can be found at Australian Made Campaign 1800 350 520






A new series of flow switches available from AMS Instrumentation & Calibration offers a highly reliable and rugged solution for verifying accurate injection of chemicals and other additives in industries from oil and gas processing to water and wastewater treatment.

Available from Compressed Air Australia, Exair's patented 0.25in NPT no drip internal mix 360° hollow circular pattern atomising spray nozzles atomise fluid and spray away from the nozzle in all directions. These atomising nozzles are ideal for providing a smooth, even coating on the inside of a pipe or similar ductwork. They are also useful in applications where mist over a broad area is needed, such as dust suppression, humidification and cooling. The nozzles combine liquid and compressed air inside of the air cap to produce the finest mist of atomised liquid that can be easily adjusted to meet the needs of the application. These spray nozzles provide liquid flows from 5.9 to 55.7L/h with liquids up to 300 centipoise. They feature Exair’s patented No Drip valve assembly to stop the liquid flow when the air pressure is shut off. This effectively avoids post-spray drip that can ruin product finishes on painted or coated surfaces. The nozzles are also effective at saving expensive coatings and chemicals

Manufactured by Fluid Components International (FCI), FLT93 series flow switches are ideal for flow detection of liquids or gases and are available in a variety of wetted materials for compatibility with virtually any fluid. The switches are dual-function instruments capable of monitoring and alarming on both flow and temperature in a single device. Each of the dual 6A relay outputs can be assigned to flow or temperature. The FLT93 flow switches can be specified in either insertion or inline styles for installation in pipe/tube diameters from 0.25in and larger.

The switches use thermal dispersion technology, which has no moving parts to foul or clog, and require no routine maintenance. All electronics are housed in NEMA 4X/IP67 rated aluminium or stainless steel enclosures to deliver outstanding durability and reliability under the harshest process conditions. The FLT93 Series is SIL 2 compliant and carries a 3-year warranty. AMS Instrumentation & Calibration 03 9017 8225

or conserving water. They can be used with water, light oils, chemicals, rust inhibitors, paints and dyes. The stainless-steel construction of the atomising nozzles adds to their durability and corrosion resistance. They are available with in a variety of sizes and shapes to meet varying demands. All models come with a 5-year Built to Last Warranty and are CE compliant. Compressed Air Australia 1300 787 688

Safe & Reliable Wastewater Pumping with Gorman-Rupp Super T Series Self-Priming Pumps Now Available With:

Lightweight Inspector Cover Revolutionary Cleaning Tooth Cover Plate With Obstruction Free Path Designed for “Todays Sewage”: Sanitary wipes, Plastic bags, Fibres and Sludge The system consists of a new, patented lightweight inspection cover, an innovative back cover plate incorporating an obstruction free flow path, and an aggressive self-cleaning wear plate including laser cut notches and grooves, along with a revolutionary tooth designed to clear material from the eye of the impeller. 02 9898 1800



Retrofit Kits Available For Current Super T Series Pump Don’t accept imitations! Insist on genuine Gorman-Rupp!

A radar beam focused like a laser! The future is 80 GHz: a new generation of radar level sensors

The latest cutting-edge technology from the world leader: the unsurpassed focusing of VEGAPULS 64. This enables the radar beam to be targeted at the liquid surface with pinpoint accuracy, avoiding internal obstructions like heating coils and agitators. This new generation of level sensors is also completely unaffected by condensation or buildup and has the smallest antenna of its kind. Simply world-class!

Wireless adjustment via Bluetooth with smartphone, tablet or PC. Compatible retrofit to all plicsÂŽ sensors manufactured since 2002.


PUMP UPGRADE PROVIDES EFFICIENT DAF SOLUTION Cedar Meats is a state-of-the-art meat exporter in Victoria, with a philosophy of continual improvement. The company needed to upgrade its DAF system, and wanted a more energy efficient system that could deliver low running costs over the life of the system. A conventional dissolved air flotation (DAF) system consists of a centrifugal pump that pulls clean effluent from the DAF tank and feeds it into a pressurised air saturation vessel. A compressor feeds compressed air into the same vessel and the air saturates into the effluent water. The water is then fed back into the bottom of the DAF tank where the air comes out of solution to form tiny bubbles. These bubbles attach to fats and grease in the system and float it to the top of the tank where it is scraped away. The system requires a control system to combine the air and water correctly, and it requires regular certification of the pressure vessel. There is also the maintenance of the pump, compressor and pressure vessel to consider, along with energy consumption of both pump and compressor. Capital costs and running costs are not cheap for this “standard” system. The Chief Engineer at Cedar Meats, Yogesh Mistry was looking for a solution that did not involve intricate and delicate control systems and did not need ongoing Worksafe certification for pressure vessels. He had read a press report on a new DAF pump from German manufacturer Edur, and contacted Hydro Innovations for further information. The Edur DAF pump is a multistage “multiphase” pump capable of handling a gas/water mixture, making for DAF. The pump draws clean effluent from the



DAF tank, and at the same time, draws in atmospheric air on the suction side of the pump. The pump sheers and mixes the air with the water, and under pressure from the multistage pump, air saturates into the effluent water. The water is then pumped into the bottom of the tank, where the air comes out of solution, as in a conventional system, but with no need for a separate compressor or air saturation pressure vessel. Yogesh Mistry was so impressed with the simplicity of the system that he arranged the purchase and installation of an Edur DAF pump. And the results have been positive. The new DAF system at Cedar Meats removes solids at a higher rate than the old system, and does it with lower power consumption. The control system is less complicated, and Mistry is looking forward to reduced maintenance costs over the life of the system. Hydro Innovations 02 9898 1800


ELECTRONICS DESIGN AND ASSEMBLY EXPO SET FOR MELBOURNE design and production electronics. Colocated with Electronex, the SMCBA Electronics Design & Manufacture Conference (founded in 1988) brings together local and international speakers to share information critical to the successful design and development of leading-edge electronic products and systems engineering solutions. A series of free seminars with overviews on key industry topics will also be held on the show floor throughout the two day event and the programme can be viewed on the show website.

Australia’s only dedicated trade event for the electronics industry returns to Melbourne in September. Electronex – The Electronics Design and Assembly Expo is being held on 6th and 7th September at Melbourne Park Function Centre. With over 90 exhibitors and a technical conference plus free seminars featuring leading international and local industry experts, this is a must see event for decision makers and engineers designing or working with electronics. Visitors can preregister for free at www.electronex. This year’s event will feature a host of new product releases and continues to reflect the move towards niche and specialised manufacturing applications in the electronics sector as well as

the increased demand for contract manufacturing solutions. There are around 20 new companies at the Melbourne event, which reflects the growth from local manufacturers for specialist applications that recognise the expertise and quality that is available from Australian based suppliers. Last year’s event in Sydney attracted over 1200 electronics design professionals, including electronics and electrical engineers, technicians and management, along with OEM, scientific, IT and communications professionals, defence, government and service technicians. Electronex was launched in 2010 to provide professionals across an array of industry sectors with the opportunity to learn about the latest technology developments for systems integration,

This year’s conference programme comprises six main workshops to be conducted by internationally renowned speakers Vern Solberg and Phil Zarrow, and a series of training and certification courses. The conference offers engineers, designers, technicians and managers the opportunity to hear from our international experts and includes the following topics: “Best practices for improving manufacturing productivity”, “Flexible and rigid flex circuits design, assembly and quality assessment”, “The ‘deadly sins’ of SMT assembly”, “Embedding passive and active components: PCB design and assembly process

fundamentals”, “Implementing advanced ‘leading edge’ and ‘bleeding edge’ SMT component technology” and “Design and assembly process implementation for flipchip, wafer level and 3D semiconductor package technologies”. People involved in electronics manufacturing can enrol to be trained and certified in a range of IPC programmes by SMCBA Master IPC Trainers Ken Galvin and Mike Ross: “ESD control for electronics assembly”, “Handling moisture sensitive devices”, “Foreign object debris (FOD) prevention in electronics assembly” and “Stockroom materials storage and distribution”. Full conference details can be found at Electronex 03 9676 2133

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Rohde & Schwarz will premiere its RTB2000 entrylevel oscilloscope for education, R&D and manufacturing, offering functionality previously only available in substantially higher priced oscilloscopes. Key features include a frequency range from 70 to 300MHz, 10bit digitisation, a 10Msample memory and a 10.1in capacitive touchscreen.


Hammond Electronics 08 8240 2255



Emona Instruments will showcase the Markforged range of 3D printers, capable of producing high-strength carbon fibre parts for use in products, prototypes, enclosures, brackets and mounts. Markforged’s carbon fibre reinforced and chopped micro carbon fibre materials are used in the Mark Two and Mark X range of 3D printers.




WAGO’s latest ECO range offers a series of economical DIN-rail-mount power supplies for standard 24V DC applications. The integration of push-in CAGE CLAMP and lever-actuated termination technology makes the new ECO models not only fast for installation but also maintenance-free and tool-free. The connection terminals allow the termination of larger conductor cross-sections – even those with ferrules.

Emona Instruments 02 9519 3933



Hammond Electronics has come up with a range of pole mounting kits that will allow small electronic monitoring and control systems to be installed in a wide variety of locations. The stainless-steel kits enable three of the company’s sealed enclosure families to be attached to round, square or rectangular poles without compromising environmental ratings.

Rohde & Schwarz 02 8874 510



WAGO 03 8791 6300



ONBoard Solutions will demonstrate the latest version of the Valor MSS process preparation software from Mentor Graphics-Siemens. The new release has a powerful Panelisation Manager that offers users the ability to create reusable templates for panel generation and takes out the labour of hand drawing panel layout mark-ups used to guide PCB suppliers.




QualiEco Circuits will showcase its recently launched 24h-turnaround PCB assembly service using its own in-house facility. The new service adds to the company’s fast turnaround offshore assembly services. Capabilities include rigid PCBs up to 32 layers, single and multilayer flexible and flex-rigid PCBs, and single and multilayer metal-core PCBs. QualiEco Circuits

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3D PRINTERS CLAIM HIGH ACCURACY AND REPEATABLE PRECISION Two new high-reliability devices from Zortrax have been added to the range of 3D printers available from RS Components. Designed for detailed, accurate and cost-effective rapid prototyping, the printers can also be used for low-volume production across industries such as automotive parts and robotics. The reasonably priced Zortrax M200 and M300 3D printers use single-extruder layer plastic deposition printing technology, and are claimed to provide high dimensional accuracy and repeatable precision. This means they can duplicate models without any loss of the original appearance, as well as completing extensive print jobs with almost no maintenance. The M200 package includes the 3D printer, a starter kit, the dedicated Z-Suite software bundle, and compatible material. The M200 printer has workspace dimensions of 200 x 200 x 180mm, offers 90 to 400μm resolution, wall thicknesses from 400 to 800μm and single printable point resolution of 400μm. Materials include Z-ABS, Z-ULTRAT, Z-HIPS, and Z-PCABS. The Z-ULTRAT filament comes in pastel shades of yellow, pink, purple, blue and turquoise; Z-ABS

in white and pure black; Z-PCABS is a polycarbonate ABS ivory filament; and Z-HIPS comes in black. The range also includes materials that offer high resistance to mechanical stress, high temperatures and chemicals. The M300 printer offers a larger 300 x 300 x 300mm workspace and 140 to 300μm resolution, optimal wall thickness of 800μm, and single printable point resolution of 400μm. The M300 package comprises the printer, side covers, starter kit, the key to the Z-Suite software, and two spools of material. Compatible with stl, obj, dxf and 3mf file types, both machines support Mac OS X/Windows 7 and newer versions, and have access to a helpful model library. Further accessories available for both machines include the Zortrax 40 x 40mm fan cooler and extruder cable with adapter. The Zortrax M200 and M300 3D printers are available now in Australia from RS. RS Components 1300 656636


Konecranes Variable Frequency Drives Reforming Service is designed to reform your spare drives onsite. It not only ensures they are in top condition when you need them, but also identifies faulty spares before they cause prolonged downtime. Have a certified electrician reform your VFDs, conduct a visual inspection and provide you with a certificate of service before it costs your business downtime. Konecranes Pty Ltd. 31 Sales & Service locations across Australia & New Zealand Ph: AU 1300 937 637 NZ +64 9634 5322 E:




SEPARATOR SYSTEM SIMPLIFIES ENERGY CHAIN HARNESSING Motion plastics specialist igus has come up with a new design of energy chain that can be harnessed up to 80% faster than any other. The E4.1L is the lightest cable-carrying e-chain on the market, and features a new type of separator system that makes installation much easier for the customer. Easy to open and fill from all sides as required, the E4.1L offers outstanding flexibility for harnessing. It is now very easy to insert shelves on several levels for interior separation as required. In addition, the opening mechanism of the crossbars along the inner and outer radii guarantees fast filling with cables and hoses. These captive crossbars, which can be opened with a screwdriver, can be pivoted open to 115 degrees and latched into their final position. If necessary, they can even be removed completely, fitted again and closed by just pressing down. The rounded edges of the crossbars and separators of the chain also ensure a long service life for hoses and cables. In addition, notches and a positioning scale

enable optimum separation of the energy chain. In addition to special harnessing, igus also offers ready-harnessed systems from a single source, whether they be simple or complex, from planning and design of the energy chain systems through to individual harnessing and on-site installation. The company’s readychain range

comprises the ideal combination of energy chain and matching cables for moving applications. All the moving components have been developed, tested and optimised to work with each other in igus' own test laboratory. With these readychains, customers receive a complete and reliable preharnessed system direct from the manufacturer, including a guarantee. At

the same time, the number of suppliers and orders can be reduced by up to 75%, while storage and process costs are avoided.

Treotham Automation 02 9907 1788

IMPROVED PERFORMANCE FOR PLAIN BEARING ALL-ROUNDER Igus has improved its best-seller, the all-round bearing material iglidur G, which is now available from Treotham Automation. The new material features higher temperature resistance and low moisture absorption as well as improved friction and wear behaviour, resulting in an increase of service life at almost the same price. Igus supplies a wide range of lubrication- and maintenance-free bearings made of different tribo plastics with special material properties. Customers can find plastics specially suited for construction and agricultural machines as well as for use in the food or chemicals industry. The most frequently used iglidur bearing, however, is iglidur G. Presented for the first time in 1983, it can now be supplied from stock in 650 metric catalogue dimensions with diameters ranging from 1.5 to 19mm.



Iglidur G combines a low price with many attractive technical properties: a long service life across the entire load spectrum on a wide variety of rotating or pivoting shafts, even in very different ambient conditions, for example when applications are exposed to dirt, dust or impacts. The igus developers have reduced the wear rates at low loads (up to 5MPa) by almost 75%. The service life under heavy loads has almost been doubled, depending on the application parameters. At the same time, the all-rounder can now be used continuously at temperatures up to 180°C (previously 130°C). Treotham Automation 02 9907 1788



Industry Update has been promising a revolution in manufacturing media, and now it’s here.

Industry Update Video is now live on our website at While many companies have already embraced the medium of video to promote their products and to demonstrate them in action, until now, no Australian manufacturing media organisation has taken this approach to video. Our 6pm TV news style format with a national and credible journalist at the helm is one of the secrets to the success of Industry Update Videos. MattScott is the production name of Industry Update Videos and will become as well known throughout the country as Industry Update. Industry Update Video is hosted by Tim Webster, one of Australia’s most trusted and credible newsreaders and a sports reporter with decades of experience. •

6pm News style format video

Will be on YouTube forever and video is indexed over text

Industry Update is market leader and is now leading the way in video

Should appear on page one of Google quickly

IU has employed Rhys McGowan, who recently joined us from Fairfax Media

National TV ICON Tim Webster as host

Rhys has national media experience in video producing and editing

Tim is the most recognised television journalist to the manufacturing industry

A first in manufacturing videos of this style

Tim has 37 years TV experience in journalism

Industry Update Magazine is market leader with 76,000 readers


Industry Update

Manufacturing Magazine



• D I R E C T M A I L • C R E AT I V E

INDUSTRY UPDATE MEDIA PTY LTD Suite 403, Level 4, 116-118 Christie Street, St. Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: 02 9439 1288 Fax: 02 9439 3233 Email:


IIOT ROUTERS ARE OPTIMISED FOR CLOUD CONNECTIONS With an eye to the growth of the Industrial Internet of Things, Red Lion has developed a protocol designed to provide secure and cost-effective data connections to ‘the cloud’. MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a machine-to-machine IIoT protocol designed for lightweight data transmission. It is included in the Red Lion RAM router range, available now from Control Logic. MQTT cloud based connections are optimised to work seamlessly with leading

IIoT cloud providers. Once connected, the user simply drags and drops the required data to secure custom web-based dashboards. The protocol and the RAM router combine to create a low cost solution for sending data to a cloud, while ensuring accuracy and simplicity to those receiving it. And they provide the freedom to select how and when a variable is to be updated and control the amount pushed across the cellular connection.

Red Lion’s RAM products offer multiple serial and Ethernet ports with optional I/O, Wi-Fi and active GPS to securely monitor and control remote devices over 4G LTE cellular networks. In addition they provide data visibility, control and real-time notifications for on fielddeployed equipment and processes. The RAM platform enables organisations to take maximum advantage of the benefits of IIoT.

Control Logic 1800 557 705

DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS HAVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The latest digital temperature controllers from Omron are the first to use artificial intelligence to adjust temperature parameters automatically. Using high-speed sampling at 50ms, adaptive control technology adjusts temperature parameters to ensure optimum values. Previously, any changes to temperature caused by variations in workpieces, environment or infrastructure required manual adjustment by an experienced worker, affecting quality and productivity. In the new generation controllers, the PID parameters are updated automatically, maintaining quality and productivity. Using a water-cooling output adjustment function algorithm, each unit can automatically suppress temperature variations that are caused by changes in moulding machines. For packaging machines, Omron has introduced new sensors that can mount on

the sealing element. When used with the new automatic filter adjustment function, temperature variation readings are suppressed and output control is stabilised. There are two models: the E5CD and E5ED, each available with up to two auxiliary outputs and two event inputs, and various control outputs to cover a wide range of applications. Both units feature large white display indicating information such as power on time, ambient temperature and output on/ off count similar to previous models. The E5CD and E5ED temperature controllers are compact devices, both 48mm wide and 60mm deep, with heights of 48 and 96mm, respectively. Omron Electronics 1300 766 766

TENTE LEVINA SCAN...THE WORLD’S FIRST TOTALLY METAL-FREE CASTOR WITH A LOAD CAPACITY OF 80KGS The Tente Levina Scan 537 series castor is completeley metal free & antimagnetic for MR imaging applications – metal detectors


pleased to advise you personally!


& Wheels Pty Ltd Birnie Avenue 60 INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU W 2141


- Capacity 80kgs - 100mm and 125mm Wheel Diameters The ideal balance between ultimate design and the latest technology - Stem 35mm Diameter x 60mm Long - Available in Swivel and Swivel Brake - Synthetic roller bearing, polypropylene body and rubber wheel Tente Castors & Wheels Pty Ltd

Phone: 1300 836 831


METAL-FREE CASTORS HANDLE HIGH DYNAMIC LOADS Tente now supplies the world’s first fully metal-free castor with a load of 80kg. And while the Tente Levina castor may not be the world’s first metal-free castor, it is the first to have such a high dynamic load rating. Applications for metal-free castors include medical imaging, such as MRI, where the high magnetism precludes the use of metals. Therefore, manufacturers

of equipment for medical imaging applications will be able to use the Levina Scan castor and be sure that they will always meet MR safe requirements. Similarly, with the homeland security sector growing, increasing numbers of metal detectors are used at football matches, concerts, airports etc. Equipment using Levina Scan castors can pass through a metal detector with no alarm

as there are no metal components to be detected. This allows personnel to fully concentrate on checking visitors without being distracted by sounds caused from the applications. Tente Castors & Wheels 1300 836 831

ETHERNET CABLES ARE READY FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 In the industrial environment, large volumes of data have to be securely transferred from one device to another as quickly as possible. Lapp Group has recently added two high-speed industrial Ethernet cables to its Etherline portfolio, including the world’s first torsion resistant and Profinet compatible Cat7 cable. Both cables achieve transfer speeds of 10Gbit/s in a frequency range up to

600MHz. This makes them suitable for machinery and robotics applications in which large volumes of data from sensors or high-resolution cameras are common. Both cables have robust and halogenfree PUR sheaths, but differ with respect to their internal structures and other properties. Etherline Torsion Cat7 is the first ever torsion-resistant and Profinet-compliant

Cat7 cable. It can be twisted by 180° in both directions along a length of 1m, at least 5 million times. The easy-toassemble cable does not have any filler, with the cores only held in place with a polyethylene cross-separator. Etherline Flex Cat7 is suitable for well-stocked control cabinets where space is tight. Thanks to narrow core crosssections, the flexible cable has an outer

diameter of just 6.4mm and a bending radius of four times the outer diameter. It can be laid next to cables with up to 1000V, or without mechanical protection such as separators. Treotham Automation 02 9907 1788




COMING EVENTS GRAMMAR GURU: THEY’RE NOT THE SAME Several pairs of words seem to have similar meanings – but they are not interchangeable. Here are three of the most abused. Historic/historical: while historical refers to something in the past, historic specifically refers to something famous (or infamous). Presently/currently: currently means now, but presently means soon (in the future). Expect/anticipate: we all know that expect is a verb describing something that is likely to happen, but anticipate has a far more specific meaning of expecting something to happen and taking some action in preparation.




23-24 August 2017, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Collection of good cams here: all cityscapes. They have some Australian specific ones but the URL is rather long:


29-31 August 2017, Sydney Showground

Live stream from the international Space Station: channel/live-iss-stream

5-6 September 2017, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


6-7 September 2017, Melbourne Park Function Centre


8. W hich Australian invented the Black Box Flight recorder? 9. W hich two of Henry VIII’s six wives share names with Hollywood actresses? 10. What is a happy medium?

Australia is the world’s largest producer of lithium. We produced 14,300t of the metal last year, out of a global total of 35,000t. [Source: US Geological Survey]

Lateral Thinking

7. Where in Australia is The Big Merino?

1 NH3, 2 Dame Nellie Melba, 3 God save the King, 4 Sir Michael Caine, 5 South Sydney Rabbitohs, 6 Sydney (3770 v 3791), 7 Goulburn, NSW, 8 David Warren, 9 Anne Hathaway and Jane Seymour (although Jane was born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg), 10 Either a satisfactory compromise or a contented psychic. Teabreak Trivia




20-22 February 2018, Mercure Ballarat, Victoria


How can you label the boxes correctly?

Pick a fruit from the box labeled "Apples and Oranges". This box must contain either only apples or only oranges.

6. Which is closer to the Equator, Sydney or Los Angeles?

13-14 September 2017, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

There are three boxes. One is labeled "Apples" another is labeled "Oranges". The last one is labeled "Apples and Oranges". You know that all three are labeled incorrectly. You are allowed to pick just one fruit from the box of your choice.

Although tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee beans by weight, a typical cup of coffee contains three- to four-times the caffeine of a similarly sized cup of tea. [Source: Mayo Clinic]


11-12 October 2017, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


Therefore, if you find an Orange, label the box Orange, then change the Oranges box to Apples, and the Apples box to "Apples and Oranges”.

5. Which team holds the record for the most NRL titles, with 21 wins?

6-8 September 2017, Crown Plaza Hunter Valley


11-12 October 2017, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

12-15 November 2017, Sydney International Convention Centre


2. W ho sang the National Anthem at the opening of Parliament House in Canberra in 1927?

4. W hich British actor was born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite Jr, on 14th March 1933?


1. What is the chemical formula for Ammonia?

3. …and what was the title of the Anthem?


11-13 October 2017, Mackay Entertainment & Convention Centre




Here's a long URL but it's for a car place in Texas: https://www.earthcam. com/usa/texas/dallas/gasmonkey/

and here are some falcons: http://


13-15 September 2017, Perth Crown

The weather’s warming up, and the days are getting longer again. Time to celebrate Spring with Industry Update’s October issue.

Plus all our regular sections on Machinery, Waste Management, Workplace Safety, Business and Finance, and Industry Politics.

We’ll be looking at the latest moves in wireless telemetry, and how new technologies are enabling the Industrial Internet of Things.

This is a great opportunity to get your message to our readership of more than 72,000 manufacturing professionals.

Other special features include: • Cooling and Fans • Packaging , Labelling and Wrapping • Motors and Drives • Pollution, Waste and Waste Management • Focus: Hearing • Solar and emergency lighting

The deadline for editorial submissions is Monday 18th September 2017. Don’t miss out. Editorial copy and images should be sent to Advertising enquiries: Scott or Glynn Ph: 02 9439 1288 All advertisers are guaranteed editorial coverage.


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