Industry Update Issue 94 February 2017

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Industry Update


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Get your factory in order: Organise & Colour Code Page 28


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March sees the introduction of the new Commonwealth Procurement Rules, complete with five new clauses added at the insistence of independent senator Nick Xenophon.

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There may only be five new clauses, but between them they potentially present a lifeline for Australian manufacturing in general, and the nation’s steel industry in particular. Two of the new clauses relate to standards compliance, and state that “Where applying a standard (Australian, or in its absence, international) for goods or services, relevant entities must make reasonable enquiries to determine compliance with that standard…”

While cynics might point out that to “make reasonable enquiries” is open to loose interpretation, the focus on standards compliance is a direct response to criticism of substandard components and fabrications imported in recent years. However, the “jewel in the crown” of the new document is the clause that dictates “… for procurements above $4 million, Commonwealth officials are required to consider the economic benefit of the procurement to the Continued page 8 OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH 31, 2017!




Mobile Security Is your company secure? Page 14


Substantial $$$ savings with effective waste management Page 52


Preview Page 24


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The current CAB audited circulation of Industry Update magazine is 18,236, with a readership of 72,944 as of September 2016.






There aren't many public sector operations outside the Royal Australian Mint that are literally a licence to print money. But it seems that Australia Post is just such an organisation – for its senior executives. Over the years, the publishing industry has had a reputation for making spectacular profits. The media barons of the 20th century bear this out. But where are they now? The publishing landscape has changed radically. However, those of us that do still publish magazines and newspapers have been massively frustrated by the declining performance and hugely increasing costs of our distribution network – operated on a Commonwealth-sponsored monopoly basis by Australia Post. We do appreciate that the economics of running a postal service are complex. And there is not a single service worldwide that seems to be able to turn a profit from a basic mail service. But in under-resourcing its mail service through reductions in personnel while simultaneously increasing prices by a massive 35% during the last six months, Australia Post is not endearing itself to

the publishing business. The fact that its financially underperforming postal service is more than compensated for by its massively profitable parcel service speaks more of its privileged position as the "national carrier". Frankly, with the continued growth of online shopping, if you can't make money out of a parcel service with an inbuilt competitive advantage then you don't deserve a salary, let alone a seven-figure bonus. So how palatable is it that this underperforming public sector organisation is making the fortunes of its MD and other senior executives? Not only did the MD (who has since resigned) receive $5.6 million, another five executives received between $1.3 million and $1.8 million a year and one claimed a $380,000 retirement benefit. All this while laying off posties and gouging an extra 35% from anyone wanting to send a letter – or mail a few thousand magazines. The mail is a public service. It is a keystone of national infrastructure. It is not a licence to print money for executives.

If the past 12 months have taught us anything, it is probably not to put too much credence in opinion polls. I was in the UK in the lead up to the Brexit vote, and there was absolutely no way that the populace would ever vote the country out of Europe (if you believed the polls). Similarly, late in 2016 we all watched the US election with a sense of inevitability that Hillary would soon be the leader of the free world (because, again, we believed the polls). In both cases, the polls got it horribly wrong. People said one thing to the pollsters and did the opposite when it came to the real vote. From this came the theory of a kind of "voter guilt". Clearly, those being surveyed felt that they couldn't reveal their true intentions as they feared they might be ridiculed. In effect they said the "right" thing. So, how much credence should we put in the recent Fairfax opinion poll that revealed almost 83% of Australians claimed to support the statement that "We rely too heavily on foreign imports and should manufacture more in Australia."

Not surprisingly, the result was heralded in the media as a vote of confidence in Australian manufacturing. However, like political opinions, sentiments like this are free. And it is certainly the "right" thing to say. But will these 83% of Australians follow up their sentiments with deeds? Will they put their money where their mouths are? Sadly, in this case it is all too easy to predict what comes next. Political questions Talking of Australian politics, we have a new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, in the shape of Senator Arthur Sinodinos. So we took the opportunity to ask him and his opposite number Senator Kim Carr to give us their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges facing Australian manufacturing during 2017. Their answers are on page 6. We'll be putting further questions to the two senators in future issues of Industry Update during 2017. And if any of you have any burning topics you would like explored I would be happy to hear them.



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The beginning of 2017 has been slow, mired in uncertainty and caution. In the manufacturing industry, reports of slowing business and record-length periods of loss are beginning to filter through.

The beginning of 2017 has been slow, mired in uncertainty and caution. In the manufacturing industry, reports of slowing business and record-length periods of loss are beginning to filter through. Confidence is an elusive quality - ask any sportsperson. One good performance can follow to another, and suddenly the team is “on a roll”. There may be no tangible reason, no new superstar player, no killer tactics. Failure can be equally elusive. Unpredictable circumstances (by their nature, unforeseen and unprepared for) can easily demolish a winning streak. By the same token, business confidence is a very fragile thing indeed. The twin electoral shocks of Brexit and Trump have brought multiple levels of uncertainty to the international business landscape. Will free trade prevail? Will the Chinese economy right itself or continue to shrink? Will there be a trade war between the USA and China, and how will that all affect us? Australia has taken many

trends and pointers from America and England in the past, after all. Looking at the Australian market, it appears as if companies are sitting on their capital expenditure budgets, and consumers are holding back on purchases. Uncertainty itself appears to be to blame.

Despite the uncertainty, there is hope. The money is all still there, after all — it’s just being saved, held back until things are less risky. The Bureau of Statistics estimates that new capital spending fell by 2.1 per cent (seasonally adjusted) from September to December, and total investment fell by 15.5 percent over all of 2016. A similar trend is evident in the US, as Republican efforts to promote domestic manufacturing are being stymied by a

corporate reluctance to invest heavily in new ventures, due to an apparent market peak and uncertain future. ABC Rural has reported an increase in companies hedging their purchasing strategies in the face of geopolitical uncertainty, preferring to save money and re-assess their risk strategies instead of spending and investing. Business Insider reports a 7.5% decrease in household confidence in the Australian economy. This is a position matched by InStreet’s analysis, which found an increasing rate of household savings, despite lowered interest rates (which would usually encourage spending). Industry Update has directly spoken to one company that has suffered several months without turning a profit; the longest period of such in its recent history. Another has seen lows in investment and purchases from abroad. If economic incentives are unable to incentivise spending, the fear of an

uncertain future may outweigh the benefits of spending and feeding back into the economy. With an uncertain background only compounded by a political climate that is wrought with a lack of transparency, downward-trending public approval, and growing polarisation, the future is hard to predict. Despite the uncertainty, there is hope. The money is all still there, after all — it’s just being saved, held back until things are less risky. And despite investment falling over 2016, manufacturers have started increased their spending on equipment by almost 8 percent. Any sportsperson will tell you, after all (to return to the metaphor), that sometimes you have to risk a little bit to win it all. Much like the Patriots clutch victory in overtime at the Super Bowl, perhaps we too need to defy the odds and invest in risky strategies.







SECURITY FEATURE: Mobile Security Spotlight





ELECTRONICS Migrating to the IIOT


MATERIALS HANDLING Aussie Leaders Share Their Thoughts










SAFETY Timber is NOT a valid support tool

















Industry Update Manufacturing Media


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It's a pleasure to make my first contribution to Industry Update magazine as the new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science. I have been a strong supporter of Australian industry and jobs throughout my public life, including in The Treasury and as Chief of Staff to the former Prime

Minister, the Hon John Howard OM AC. I look forward to applying those past experiences in my current role as Industry Minister. The Industry, Innovation and Science portfolio is at the cutting edge of the Government's agenda. We want to build outward looking and confident enterprises and industries that can take on the world. I want to particularly focus on establishing more robust collaboration between industry, government and investors. High value manufacturing plays a central role in this vision. According to the latest ABS figures, manufacturing employed 957,000 people in Australia (in the November 2016 quarter). That is the highest quarterly figure since February 2011, when 976,300 people were employed in manufacturing. This is a positive sign. This growth will go some way to creating job opportunities for former automotive workers, and

the figures on the whole are reason for optimism about the future of high-value manufacturing in Australia. During the transition period for the Australian automotive industry, the Government is supporting automotive employees by committing $15 million to extend the Automotive Industry Structural Adjustment Programme, which is helping automotive workers find new jobs. This programme is open to applicants into 2018. In terms of the automotive supply chain, the government's Automotive Diversification Programme is helping companies such as Precision Components to make heliostat fields for solar thermal power generation, and Dolphin Products to make detonator parts for the global mining industry. The Government is determined to ensure that Australia punches above its weight in the global automotive industry

through a renewed focus on exporting our world-class industry research and development. The key to achieving this is developing new and innovative ways of working. It can transform existing manufacturing business and build new ones, and help create new products, processes and business models. The Government can help innovation flourish by creating an environment that encourages investment, the emergence of new businesses and the growth and productivity of existing firms. The Government's $250 million Industry Growth Centres initiative is just one way we're helping businesses grow in the globally competitive environment. I believe it is workers, entrepreneurs and risk takers who should be at the centre of the economy – not government – and I look forward to supporting the successful Australian businesses of the future.


By statistical measures, Australian manufacturing started 2017 on a modest upswing. The Australian Industry Group's Performance of Manufacturing Index for January was 51.2, marking a fourth consecutive month above 50 and so of expansion – though the index was down 4.2 points from December. Such indicators are useful, but they don't give the whole picture. In particular, they don't illuminate the challenges facing manufacturers in the year ahead. This will be a year of upheaval as the



remaining two carmakers, Holden and Toyota, prepare to cease production in October. And even before the expected heavy job losses begin, the $155 million Growth Fund that is supposed to help supply-chain firms invest, diversify and grow has run out of cash. The shutdown of the car industry, which has already begun with Ford's closure late last year, will have ramifications for the wider manufacturing sector and across the economy. Modelling by the University of Adelaide indicates that up to 200,000 jobs are at risk, with a $29 billion hole ripped in GDP. It is no secret that I believe this disaster need not have happened. The carmakers were goaded to leave. The question now, however, must be how we respond to the crisis. The automotive industry in this country has always been the great reservoir of technological capabilities for Australian manufacturing, and a locus of innovation. How do we preserve those capabilities and attract new investment,

so that the hundreds of supply-chain firms can diversify into other kinds of manufacturing? How do we preserve highskill, high-wage jobs? These questions can't be answered unless the Government takes an active role in responding to the challenge. There is no invisible hand that will magically create new opportunities and shift people and skills into new industries. So far, the Government's response has been woefully inadequate. The two major elements in the Growth Fund – the Automotive Diversification Programme and the Next Gen Manufacturing Grants Programme – are already fully allocated. And the Next Gen Manufacturing Grants Programme, which was by far the largest element of the scheme, wasn't available to most automotive supply chain firms in any case, because the guidelines stipulated that the vast majority of these firms were not eligible to apply. The Growth Fund claims to include $30 million for worker retraining, but that is entirely made up of money set aside by

Holden and Toyota. There is nothing from the Commonwealth. This must change, and Labor is willing to work with the Government in doing everything possible to assist the manufacturing sector through this difficult time of transition. The work that must be done is not only about the response to the immediate crisis. Australian manufacturers know that surviving in a globalised marketplace means obtaining a competitive advantage by offering quality products that give customers value for money. That is why we need a strong national innovation system, but the National Innovation and Science Agenda only restored a mere fraction of the $3 billion cut from science, research and innovation programmes in the 2014 budget. We must repair the innovation system, so that advanced manufacturing in Australia will continue to thrive. Senator Kim Carr is the Shadow Ministry for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

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Industrial Gear Unit Service available from Mackay SEW-EURODRIVE will soon offer a comprehensive service portfolio for industrial gears from a new state-of-the-art facility in Mackay. Take advantage of the technical expertise of a global player with a strong local presence in Mackay and surrounding region to ensure reliability of your operations and processes. Our product specialists will provide comprehensive assistance from repair of SEW products, all the way to repairing or replacing non-SEW units with energy efficient, modern and space saving drop-in replacement solutions.

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Continued from first page Australian economy.” And while there are no set formulae for calculating “economic benefit”, it is clear that this clause presents a clear instruction to examine the consequences of awarding contracts to overseas bidders based purely on the deal value alone. But what of the states? Interestingly, only Queensland has any consideration like this in its procurement rules, which refer to “the generation of economic, social or environmental benefits for Queensland”. One state where procurement has been under the microscope is New South Wales, brought to a head by the decision to import 6500 tonnes of railway steel from Spain for the $8.3 billion Sydney Metro Northwest project (as highlighted in “It’s a disgrace”, our lead story in June 2016. While the NSW opposition promised sweeping changes to state procurement practices should it win government in 2019, it was left to NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge to introduce the Steel Industry



Protection Bill, which passed through the NSW Upper House in August 2016. Every political party in the NSW Parliament, except the National and Liberal Coalition, voted in support of the bill that mandates the use of at least 90 per cent Australian steel in all NSW public infrastructure projects. The bill is now before the NSW Lower House. David Shoebridge said: “This Steel Industry Bill is designed to secure the future of this vital manufacturing industry in NSW. “It continues to have the support of every political party in the NSW Parliament except those in the Coalition. “We see this very much as the blueprint for government procurement policies across the country that ensure public money is spent on quality and competitively priced local products and services. “While former Premier Baird was opposed to any legislation that prioritised spending tax dollars on local products and services, this is a chance for the new

Premier to make a positive change. “The Greens, together with the ALP who we have worked with on this Bill, are more than willing to sit down with Premier Berejiklian and make this a genuinely collaborative project. “We owe it to the steel workers, their families and the economic future of regions like the Illawarra to get this legislation right and get it passed,” he concluded. One person who has been a vocal advocate for the Australian steel industry is Ian Waters, a mechanical engineer with K&R Fabrications in the NSW Illawara region. And while he is buoyed by the changes to the Commonwealth rules, he remains frustrated by the slow progress at the state level. “Many people in the steel industry warmly welcome the initiative of the Commonwealth Government procurement rules. It is heartening that the Government recognises the importance of the full Australian manufacturing sector with these changes,” says Waters.

“The world has now changed with the Brexit, Trump, Xenephon and Hanson factors playing a significant role. The insiders’ world of the political elite and their full-on economic rationalist philosophy is crumbling - to be replaced with a situation where politicians who favour cheap imports over items produced by their own constituents are now going the way of the dinosaurs,” he adds. With the NSW Steel Protection Bill currently still being debated in the lower house, Waters says: “It is quite ironic that parties from the extreme left to the far right in the NSW upper house all support the steel industry bill – but the government will have no part of it.” Regardless of whether (or when) the NSW Steel Protection Bill is finally enacted, the debate about government procurement and Australian industry has entered the public consciousness like never before. And it may just be that it is this public awareness of the issues that offers the true lifeline.


NEW HOME FOR AIR SUSPENSION SPECIALIST Leading Australian provider of air helper suspension kits for vans, light trucks, 4wds, utes and SUVs, All Air Suspension, has relocated to a new and expanded facility in Rydalmere, Sydney, to better serve its customers and its service network. All Air is the official NSW distributor for Airbag Man products - using Firestone air bags, the world's number one air spring – and supplies to both the retail and trade market, with an extensive state-wide coverage of dealers able to supply and install suspension systems used to enhance working vehicle safety, handle uneven loads and reduce wear in service, delivery, logistics, service and trades vehicles. The new facility is centrally located adjacent to manufacturing, industrial, transport and logistics distribution hubs used by manufacturers and industrial suppliers, offering easy access to

customers, as well as providing additional room for inventory and spare parts. "We wanted our new headquarters to have better access for all our customers and additional space for our products to improve availability and lead times. At Rydalmere we found a place that ticked all the boxes, and which presented as bright and professional at the same time," says All-Air Suspension General Manager, James Maslin. All Air Suspension provides Airbag Man kits – which incorporate Firestone air springs – to support suspensions, particularly under heavy or uneven loads. They can be adjusted for varying loads and road conditions by simply inflating or deflating, just like inflating a tyre. Airbags are used for front-to-rear and side-to-side levelling control of a vehicle. This enables a vehicle to "level up" when towing trailers or when a vehicle or truck is carrying heavy, uneven loads – providing

full adjustability for varying conditions, including highway, rough road, worksite or varying passenger and freight loading, including liquid cargoes and tanks.

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With Australian manufacturing falling to its lowest level in 100 years, it has never been more important that a formidable advocate puts forward the much-needed case for an Australian manufacturing revitalisation.

Senator Xenophon speaks with obvious passion and commitment when mentioning the amendments to the Government tendering and procurement guidelines, which requires government officials to consider the economic benefit to Australia of any purchasing or procurement decision. Working with Finance Minister Senator Mathias Cormann the NXT group was able to secure these changes that come into effect from 1st March this year. Now, Senator Xenophon is set to chair a Joint Select Committee that will

consider Australian manufacturing and exports. He is looking forward to the committee discussions being “robust and wide-ranging” with all ideas on the table and where the ideas and policy foundations aim to get the best outcome for Australia and Australian jobs. In articulating his vision, the Senator spoke with considerable admiration of Germany’s “stunning success” with its value-added manufacturing sector, which continues to grow, and is now exporting more than ever. “The German collaboration between industry, government, unions and finance is a model of success we can all learn from and has many useful lessons for Australia,” he said. One area of opportunity is Australia’s super funds, which hold more than AU$1.5

trillion in funds and growing, and according to the Senator present an opportunity to unlock some of that funding mass to boost productive investment within Australia. Currently more than AU$300 billion is invested overseas. “Could not some of this $300 billion of Australian super funds be available for investing in local Australian business development, and strengthening Australian supply chains,” asks Senator Xenophon. On the recent election of US President Donald Trump, and his position on global trade Senator Xenophon is cautious. He believes globalisation in its current form has spawned policies that became ideological, rather than practical or sensible. In his view, the current ideological

model of globalisation has failed and caused considerable harm to Australia and Australian jobs. The voters of Australia agree and are demanding better. Senator Xenophon laughs off the suggestion he is a protectionist, and in a light moment suggests he has been misunderstood, saying: “International investment in Australia is both needed and desirable. It is a question of the value for the Australian economy, Australian workers and the taxpayer.” Senator Xenophon has joined the battle for Australia’s economic future. It is a battle of ideas, ideas and coherent policies for jobs and living standards and better economic opportunities for all Australians. David Gray is lead consultant at Biztechwrite.

MANUFACTURING BOOSTS TASMANIAN ECONOMY The past few years have been difficult for Burnie. The mining downturn and departure of 280 manufacturing jobs in early 2015 have led to a negative spiral pushing the local economy down, and unemployment up to 10.5%. The state government, however, has not sat idle: the launch of a 'Caterpillar Transition Taskforce' (CTT) and almost half a million dollars in investment towards a new Manufacturing Centre of Excellence have begun to show results. The goal of the CTT is to study the impact of Caterpillar's 280 jobs shifting overseas, and promote locally-based solutions to support the north-west region's economy. With the opening of the Manufacturing



Centre, and the changing role of manufacturing, efforts are currently focused on training 'advanced manufacturing' skills, and teaching principles of industrual design. "The advanced manufacturing space is very competitive, just about everybody in the world is looking to get in there," said Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council chief executive, Wayne Bould. "We're much more nimble in Tasmania and with the right approach we believe

that Tasmanian industry can find a niche for itself unlike any other. Current targets for retraining are exfactory workers, primarily those who have been recently made redundant. Courses aim to retrain them with skills that enable them to participate in an evolving industry, teaching industrial design principles, robotics, and other technical applications. Andrew Dickinson an industrial designer teaching a new 'Design for Industry' programme at the University of

Tasmania, said a diverse range of people had applied so far. "We've got some young people, we've got some experienced engineers and we've got a cohort of males and we've got some women applying," he said. "To us that's really very important. Diversity in industrial design is very important. You'll find the more diverse your groups are the more rounded and better the design result will be."





TESTING PUTS GEARBOXES THROUGH THEIR PACES SEW-EURODRIVE IS SET TO OFFER LOAD TESTING FOR GEARBOXES AND COMPLETE DRIVE ASSEMBLIES AT ITS NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND SERVICE CENTRE IN MACKAY, WHICH IS DUE TO OPEN IN MARCH 2017. Testing a gearbox and/or drive under load ensures that potential problems are identified before the unit goes back into service. The new test system at the Mackay service centre will be capable of load testing up to 500kW power and up to 600kNm torque. Spin tests or partial load tests up to 1.5MW will also be available. In addition to load testing the gearbox, in most cases SEW-Eurodrive will be able to load test the entire gearbox, motor and swing-base assembly. This can be performed using a shaftmounted assembly that closely replicates site mounting. According to Daniel Dallari, Sales & Operations Manager for SEW-Eurodrive in Far North Queensland, the load testing facility will be a great addition to the new SEW-Eurodrive service centre in Mackay. "SEW's load testing capability will be the first of its kind in Queensland," says Dallari. "Other gearbox repairers only spin test the overhauled gearboxes and any potential problem will only be revealed after the unit is back in operation." SEW-Eurodrive collaborated with Melbourne-based CNC Design on the state-of-the-art load testing system. CNC Design has extensive experience in

GearTest load testers for both industrial and wind turbine gear units in Australia and the USA. GearTest is a back-to-back setup for testing a gearbox up to 100% full load with minimum energy consumption. The drive motor is connected to the gearbox undergoing the test. The output shaft of this gearbox is in turn connected to a special purpose SEW speed-matching test gearbox unit, itself driving another motor that acts as a generator. The principal is the same for both industrial and wind turbine gearboxes. The test rig is controlled by an advanced motion-control system. This means that the load cases and test sequences are flexible and can be tailored exactly to each gearbox. This is set up and monitored via a user-friendly operation station, and software for sound and vibration measurement can be integrated in the solution as required. SEW-Eurodrive will conduct a number of tests to determine the condition of the gearbox during the load-testing phase. The load test will load the bearings and gearing, avoiding gear mesh backlash that affects vibration analysis, ensuring FFT readings will identify any potential bearing,

gear, or shaft defect. Loaded gear tooth patterns will detect potential misalignment, including misalignment caused by load, speed or temperature. A test protocol will be provided for each performed test and will remain both with the gearbox documentation and also stored electronically for evaluation later on. Load testing also offers an opportunity to measure noise and check compliance with noise requirements. SEW-Eurodrive also guarantees that all gear replacements will be manufactured using state-of-the-art gear technology.

A benefit of performing the load testing from the new service centre in Mackay will be that maintenance and service personnel will be able to visit the facility to witness the load-testing phase. The soon-to-open 2000m2 service centre will allow SEW-Eurodrive to better support gear drive customers in Mackay and the surrounding region with all their drive technology requirements. SEW-Eurodrive 03 9933 1000

GRANTS TO FURTHER AUTOMOTIVE USES OF CARBON FIBRE COMPOSITES CARBON FIBRE COMPOSITE SPECIALIST QUICKSTEP HOLDINGS HAS BEEN QUICK TO STAKE ITS CLAIM FOR A LEADING ROLE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THE AUSTRALIAN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY BY SNARING TWO SIGNIFICANT GOVERNMENT GRANTS. The first is a Cooperative Research Centre Project (CRC-P) grant of $1.45 million to develop lightweight automotive carbon fibre composite seats. The second is an Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) grant of $250,000 to develop a carbon composite bumper for the European automotive market. The three-year CRC-P project will see Quickstep collaborate with a global



automotive seating supplier and Deakin University, through its Carbon Nexus Research Centre for carbon fibre and composites. Automotive seating is a significant market, with a projected global value of US$67 billion during 2017, representing some 93.5 million sets of vehicle seats. The potential to save weight by using carbon fibre composites in automotive

seat construction is particularly appealing to manufacturers in the luxury and performance vehicle sectors. Quickstep will also be working with Deakin University on the AMCG project, which will be focusing on automated manufacturing techniques that can reduce the cost of creating complex shaped components that have traditionally been made using manual layup.

Initial discussions with European carmakers have shown significant interest in the project, leading to a forecast that the market for such bumpers could be worth $25 million annually. Quickstep also sees potential for the development of additional composite automotive parts for the European market with similar levels of complexity after the development of the bumper.


WET SPINNING LINE SET TO DISRUPT CARBON FIBRE MANUFACTURING Australia has its first carbon fibre spinning plant, thanks to CSIRO and Deakin University. The new wet spinning line has begun operating at Waurn Ponds just outside Geelong. Although the use of carbon fibre composites has expanded greatly in recent years in areas such as aerospace, the automotive industry and sports, the creation of the carbon fibres themselves has remained almost a "black art", with only a few companies worldwide producing the raw material. And each company jealously guards its own "recipe". The carbon fibre from the new line is unique in this respect, produced using patented CSIRO technology and bespoke machinery. The wet spinning line machinery creates a sticky mix of precursor chemicals and turns it into five hundred individual strands of fibre, each thinner than a human hair. These strands are then

wound onto a spool to create a tape and moved to carbonisation ovens to create the finished carbon fibre. The machinery for the wet spinning line was custom built by an Italian company in collaboration with CSIRO and Deakin researchers. The Italian company was so impressed with the design it made another line for its own factory. Indeed, the machinery has been described as "the Ferrari of wet spinning lines". According to Dr Anita Hill, Director of CSIRO Future Industries: "This facility means Australia can carry out research across the whole carbon fibre value chain: from molecules, to polymers, to fibre, to finished composite parts. "Together with Deakin, we've created something that could disrupt the entire carbon fibre manufacturing industry."

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MOBILE SECURITY EVERY COMPANY NEEDS TO HAVE A MOBILE PHONE AND PORTABLE DEVICE POLICY… AND ENFORCE IT Licensed private investigator and forensic consultant Luke Athens offers some tips you should consider to protect yourself if you don't have a policy in place. As more and more portable electronic devices are introduced into the enterprise environment through BYOD (bring your own device) policies, the greater the risk to the company – and not just from the standpoint of viruses and malware. Intellectual property is now the biggest issue that needs to be addressed. To identify the risks in your working environment requires a simple probability calculation based on several considerations. Any device that is introduced into the workplace can be considered a BYOD, and this commonly includes: laptops, USB devices, mobile phones, tablets, memory cards and dongles. So what risks apply when introducing BYODs into the office environment? This article breaks the risks down to two categories: security and intellectual property.

Security If your company has no electronic device or BYOD policy in place you are effectively opening all the doors and windows to your enterprise and allowing people to enter at any time they wish. Just like a cold or flu, a digital virus can be transmitted from one person to another via simple contact, and in some cases can be transmitted through the air to another victim. Whenever you bring a device into your workplace or when a BYOD connects remotely with your system, it has the potential to infect other connected devices. This is a major security issue for your business and the privacy of your valued clients. There are now more mobile electronic devices in the world than computers. And hackers are now concentrating more on penetrating mobile devices than "regular" computers. In part this is due to the recent increase in the quantity of flash memory in mobile devices. Mobile banking has become increasingly


IN THE RUSH TO CONNECT EVER MORE DEVICES TO THE WORLDWIDE WEB, SECURITY SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN FORGOTTEN ALONG THE WAY. LAURENCE MARCHINI EXPLAINS WHY THIS MAY BE A PROBLEM. Make no mistake: the Internet of Things is big… mind-bogglingly big. There have been a number of predictions, and most seem to agree that the IoT will comprise more than 50 billion devices by 2020, and there is nothing to say that number will not continue to rise. Now, here's the worrying part. This growth in the numbers of connected devices clearly implies that "things" ever further down the digital food chain will become connected. And many of these things – be they domestic refrigerators, electric kettles, pop-up toasters or even curling tongs – will not be connected with any regard to security. (After all, who cares if their toaster is hacked? What's the worst thing that could happen?)



Well, the worst thing that could happen has nothing to do with burnt toast. It is not so much the toaster that is under threat, it is more to do with anything that is connected to the toaster. And bearing in mind we are talking the Internet of Things, the toaster is potentially connected anywhere and everywhere. Two potential "doomsday scenarios" come to mind. Take the case of the US manufacturer that was in the process of building a manufacturing plant in China, and thought it would be a good idea to set up webcams so that everyone back home could follow the progress of the project. According to an executive from the company concerned when interviewed

for the 2016 Deloitte report on cyber risk in advanced manufacturing: "They put the live feed on the Internet, but did not realise this rendered it/us as a target. It was hacked. It was brutal." While this case illustrates the potential for a connected device to provide a conduit into a company's systems, it would all have been avoidable if suitable security had been in place to detect and stop the intrusion. But what if the "dumb" thing could be taken over and used for a different purpose? Think back to the evening of 9th August 2016 when the Australian Bureau of Statistics' website was very

publicly brought to its knees just when the majority of the country's population was attempting to complete the national census of population and housing. The cause of the crash was claimed to be a DDoS attack – distributed denial of service – in which the ABS website was bombarded with small amounts of data from a huge number of sources. Traditionally, these sources have been personal computers infected with malware that enables them to be remotely controlled by the perpetrator of the DDoS attack. With tens of thousands of infected computers (known as a botnet) participating in any given attack (without their owners' knowledge), the resulting data stream of the attack can reach into


popular for small businesses, and the sheer amount of personal data stored on a portable device makes it a more interesting target. Portable mobile devices are likely to connect with more surrounding environments more frequently, and this has the potential to spread a virus quicker than a single attack on a server or single PC. Just keep in mind when connecting a portable device to your local environment that malware and viruses can be duplex. So if a server or PC is compromised and you connect your handset, the infection can spread to the handset – and vice versa. In some cases a user that connects a device to the workplace can override security protocols, leaving the business at risk if the correct policies are not present. Viruses, malware and trojans are becoming more sophisticated, hiding code so that scans and security processes will see a file to be clean even though it's actually harmful. Most problems and hacks occur due to poor staff training and knowledge. So it is vital in any organisation to educate employees on the basic issues. Here are some tips: 1. Educate staff via workshop training programmes and policies (prevention is the best cure). 2. Don't jailbreak an IOS (Apple) device; this is a process that removes the integrity and security components of the handset.

3. Don't root (Android) devices as this removes the integrity and security components of the device. 4. Ensure you have a single unified security platform that is able to communicate across all devices. This reduces the risk of external viruses being introduced into the workplace environment. 5. Systems such as remote wipe functions for mobile phones and location services should be enabled. In this way, if a portable device is stolen or misplaced, you can delete the data so it doesn't end up in the wrong hands. 6. Ensure that a complex password policy is enforced along with an auto lock feature. 7. Consider your next mobile. Don't just pick a phone because of its design, think about the security components. One mobile to consider is the Blackphone 2 from Silent Circle. Intellectual property Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names and images used in commerce. It also includes information gathered by your company, such as your client database. Most companies that contact us about intellectual property theft today are concerned about internal threats: employees who might take a company's

come with security based on default usernames and passwords that is all too simple to exploit. And this weak security has already been exploited by a piece of malware named Mirai, which is reckoned by now to have infected more than half a million such devices. As the Mirai botnet of IoT devices grows, so the severity of DDoS attacks should grow. However, it does appear that this particular malware is becoming a victim of its own success. The source code for Mirai is freely available on the Internet, and now hackers are competing to recruit devices to their botnets.

the hundreds of gigabits per second – enough to bring down even the most robustly protected sites. Cue the Internet of Things. And while the things are dumb, they can still be used

to wage the war. Worse, because they are so dumb they have little or no security. The key culprits identified to date are surveillance cameras, baby monitors and digital video recorders, many of which

But what is the motivation? Why do DDoS attacks happen? These botnets of infected devices are quite literally "guns for hire", and can be recruited to take down a competitor's online presence for a surprisingly small amount of money.

client list with them when they leave. Although, that being said, this is more common in certain industries than others. Another major issue causing clients to come to us is when they have been hacked. This is where your policy and procedures should have saved you! However, most companies do not enforce or have policies to protect their sensitive intellectual property. I'm amazed how many companies today do not have even basic policies in place. Most small- to medium-size businesses believe they are doing the right thing by having some basic security software and that should protect them. You should have as a minimum, a backup policy (daily) perhaps an offline back system, passwords and/or encryption. Think about minimising who has access to your client database. We understand that your staff may need client information to conduct their day-to-day activities; however, there are other alternatives. Logs and transfer details should be stored so that you can identify who, when and how long or how much data was transferred during any employee log in. If staff are aware that everything is logged and recorded we dramatically reduce the risk of intellectual property theft from within. If you need advice, systems, policies or staff training feel free to contact Luke Athens. International Intelligence Agency 1300 738 400

Many attacks, particularly those with a high profile, are carried out simply to show that it can be done. Some are more commercially motivated, either to take out the competition or literally for ransom. Others have been known to be even more nefarious, with the attack serving as a smokescreen to cover other directly targeted hacking activities. Fortunately, the lessons appear to have been learnt to some extent, and each of the wireless technologies competing for the attention of IoT device developers comes with at least a rudimentary level of inbuilt security. However, just as the need for data protection in the world of desktop computing gave rise to a whole industry of digital security, which shows no sign of diminishing in size or importance, it is most likely that securing the Internet of Things will prove to be another never-ending task.




LEGACY INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AT RISK FROM CYBER ATTACK The 2016 report "Cyber risk in advanced manufacturing" from Deloitte and MAPI makes sobering reading for anyone tasked with managing a manufacturing operation. However, the good news is that modern industrial control systems are considerably easier to secure than their predecessors. The report follows a survey of more than 200 manufacturing enterprises, of which 40% reported they were affected by cyber incidents in the preceding 12 months. In financial terms, 36% of these incidents resulted in damages of $1 million or less, but 38% led to damages in excess of $1 million. One of the key findings of the report is that the greatest threat exists with legacy industrial control systems, particularly in the light of the difficulty of adding cyber security solutions to these existing assets. The reluctance to upgrade, it seems, stems from the fear of production disruption or aversion to the high costs associated with

upgrade projects (or both). Historically, the information flowing through some of the more antiquated industrial control systems has been protected (almost by accident) by the sheer volume of data involved. This information density has made it difficult for hackers to isolate individual data streams and thereby make any kind of incursion into the system. However, the report concludes that it is only a matter of time before a determined hacker is able to unravel these data streams. The report is also scathing on the subject of air-gapping – the traditional security measure of choice for

many manufacturers. Air-gapping is the practice whereby the industrial control system is prevented from connecting to the enterprise network, third parties, or the Internet by means of a physical or logical barrier. However, there have been numerous cases where supposedly air-gapped systems have fallen victim to cyber attack through the connection of portable storage media, via wireless access points, or through low-priority systems (such as HVAC) that have been overlooked and are actually connected to the outside world. Air-gapping a production facility can also have a damaging effect on


productivity as barriers to the free-flow of critical information are deliberately erected. And with the "Industry 4.0" paradigm dictating ever increasing number of devices involved in the production process are connected to each other and the outside world, manufacturers rigidly enforcing air-gap policies risk being left behind. The report concludes that there are clear cost advantages in upgrading to new shop floor systems that are much easier to understand and are much more standardised.












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MIGRATING FROM M2M TO THE IIoT INDUSTRIAL PROTOCOLS CONTINUE TO PROSPER IN DEMAND FOR NETWORKING IN AUTOMATION, SAYS SIMON DUGGLEBY, PRODUCT MARKETING MANAGER, ELECTRONICS DIVISION, RS COMPONENTS. It is difficult to talk about connected devices today without referencing the Internet of things (IoT). But long before the IoT was conceived, devices in the industrial environment were already communicating. As the trend grew it ushered in the age of M2M (machine-to-machine). Those early, simple point-to-point exchanges quickly evolved, to bring the shop floor and back office closer together using a common network. This became known as Industry 4.0 and now, as those plants are becoming accessible from anywhere, we have the IIoT (industrial Internet of things). This natural evolution doesn't just reflect how the collection and transfer of data is growing exponentially, but also how the IIoT is allowing control to follow the same path. Building the IIoT relies heavily on communications at many levels. Much of the underlying requirements are already in place, but others are only beginning to emerge. From an engineering viewpoint, bringing all of that interconnectivity into a robust and affordable formfactor represents the kind of challenge that motivates developers. Wide-ranging requirements As a cross-industry initiative, the IoT in general is being addressed from several angles, but it seems clear that its implementation will require hierarchy. The Internet offers the ideal backbone for mass data transfer, but it isn't ideal for real-time control; there is too much latency built in to the protocols that enable the Internet. In simple terms, in a connected home all the appliances can be connected and controlled using a local network, as well as being accessible over the Internet. It would be possible but impractical to use the Internet when controlling devices locally; it may take several seconds for a light to turn off, or a TV to change channel, for example. Consequently, the concept of ‘device avatars' is gaining momentum, where every device also has a virtual version in the cloud. Locally, the devices are controlled directly over a local area network. Remote control would be delivered over the Internet, where it is the avatars that are instructed to change. These changes would then be relayed to their real-world counterparts. This duplication of effort may seem frivolous but it overcomes the limitations of using a nondeterministic network for controlling devices locally. In an industrial environment the challenge is compounded by the need for ‘hard real-time' control, where small packets of data are sent/received between devices. The underlying requirement here is that the packets arrive reliably, in a determined time. Early industrial protocols have evolved to deliver this, such as HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer). This protocol has the distinction of using legacy 4-20mA point-to-point connections, and it now supports both analogue and digital signalling over a single pair of wires. The physical interface uses frequency shifting keying (FSK), representing a logical ‘1' (mark) as a sinewave with

centre frequency of 1.2kHz, and a logical ‘0' (space) as a sinewave with a centre frequency of 2.2kHz. These digital representations can be modulated on top of the analogue current level between 4 and 20mA, making it a versatile protocol for industrial applications. Furthermore, the protocol can be implemented using a microcontroller (MCU), with a suitable HART modem providing the physical interface, such as the A5191HRTPG-XTD from ON Semiconductor. This may even be achieved using current data convertors if the MCU can run the algorithm needed to generate and recognise the FSK frequencies. While the HART protocol can also be used in a multidrop configuration, it may still not be suitable for every industrial application, and almost definitely wouldn't be used for networking to the Internet. This mix and match of protocols is typical in industrial control, and there is little sign of it changing any time soon. Continued on next page

The Infineon XMC4800 MCU integrates an EtherCAT node





Continued from previous page

The right tool for the job The use of protocols intended specifically for Internet communications has many limitations in an industrial environment. As well as latency, it may be necessary to time-stamp events in an industrial environment, a feature that isn't supported in common networking protocols such as TCP/IP. Ethernet is the ‘public face' of the Internet, as it is the way most people interface to it. While it is true that the Internet protocols used over Ethernet are not suitable for real-time control, it is also true that Ethernet can, in fact, provide a robust and reliable industrial network infrastructure when the right protocols are used.

There are a number of protocols targeting the industrial sector that use Ethernet as an interface. Most notable, perhaps, is EtherCAT. This is just one of the Ethernet-based protocols that now form part of the Fieldbus family as defined by the IEC 61158 specification. Because it uses the same physical interface as Ethernet, the EtherCAT protocol can be implemented using a microcontroller that has an Ethernet MAC, such as the XMC4500 from Infineon. The XMC4000 family is based on the ARM Cortex-M, and Infineon now offers the XMC4800 and XMC4300 which are the industry's first microcontrollers to integrate an EtherCAT node on an ARM Cortex-M MCU with on-chip Flash and mixedsignal capabilities.

In an industrial topology, the devices that actually carry out the actions (motors, heaters, pumps, actuators etc) are traditionally directly controlled by a PLC (programmable logic controller). The current trend in the IIoT is to network PLCs using low latency, realtime protocols such as those in the Fieldbus family. However, despite the name and years of effort, there is still no common Fieldbus standard, and the many protocols that reference it are not necessarily interoperable. As a result, PLCs need to support multiple protocols in order to operate in a more networked industrial environment. Perhaps the most widely deployed of the Fieldbus technologies is Profibus, but there are many others including Profinet, CAN and Modbus. Many microcontrollers now integrate CAN interfaces, while adding Modbus can be achieved using a UART and implementing the protocol in the application running on the MCU. Software support Although many of the protocols deployed for control in the IIoT are relatively simple to implement in even a low-cost MCU, it would seem reasonable to expect a high level of consolidation to take place; more capable MCUs will be used to handle a wider range of protocols in a networked topology. At this point the use of an operating system (and in the case of industrial control, a real-time operating system, or RTOS) is likely to be beneficial. Running an RTOS on an MCU imposes certain

Analog Devices Blackfin processors are supported by Micrium's μµC/OS RTOS

requirements on the hardware, which is now reflected in the shift towards 32bit architectures such as the ARM Cortex-M family. It is not unusual for MCU and processor providers to work closely with RTOS vendors to ensure communication stacks and real-time kernels run efficiently on their hardware, such as Analog Devices and Micrium. Analog Devices' Blackfin 16/32bit embedded processors are closely supported by Micrium's μC/OS realtime operating system, which features middleware for TCP/IP, USB, CAN bus and Modbus, for example. The need for these industrial protocols running on highly integrated embedded processors is reflected in the fact that a wider number of RTOS vendors now offer protocol stacks for industrial control as middleware for integration into their technology. Conclusion Creating an industrial network that provides remote control and maintains real-time control will require a mixture of communication protocols. Fortunately, semiconductor providers understand this and already offer a range of devices capable of delivering the hardware interfaces and processing power needed to make the IIoT a reality. It is also clear that protocols currently used in the industrial arena will still have a place in the IIoT. RS Components 1300 656636

ENTRY-LEVEL RADAR SENSOR HAS BLUETOOTH INTERFACE AVAILABLE NOW FROM VEGA AUSTRALIA, THE VEGAPULS WL S 61 IS AN ENTRY-LEVEL RADAR SENSOR THAT CAN BE READILY INTEGRATED INTO EXISTING WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE INFRASTRUCTURE. Radar technology offers many advantages over the ultrasonic sensors traditionally used in these applications, and in particular is immune to the influence of weather. No compensation is needed for variations in the signal transmission time due to air temperature fluctuations. With a measurement range up to 8m and an accuracy of ±5mm, the VEGAPULS WL S 61 covers a wide range of applications, and is particularly suitable for level and flow measurement in water treatment plants. Its excellent focusing enables its use in pumping stations and rainwater



overflow basins, for flow measurement in open channels, and for level monitoring. The sensor's robust IP68 housing is wear- and maintenance-free, it complies with the latest level probing radar (LPR) standard, and is approved for open-air use without restrictions or special attachments. The new sensor is the first from VEGA to come with Bluetooth wireless connectivity as standard. This is particularly useful for commissioning and maintenance,

which can be performed using a smartphone or tablet. Corresponding display and signal processing units enable the display of measurements and provide the relay outputs needed, for example, to control a pump. VEGA Australia 1800 817 135

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The Internet of things has sparked an explosion in low-power wireless technologies. But which wireless will win? Rudy Ramos of Mouser Electronics looks at the likely contenders. On 6th December 2016 the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) officially adopted Bluetooth 5 as the latest version of the Bluetooth core specification. Already a ubiquitous wireless protocol, this latest version of Bluetooth has four-times the range, twice the speed and eight-times the broadcasting message capacity of the previous version (4.2). The enhancements of Bluetooth 5 focus on increasing the functionality of Bluetooth for the IoT, the smart home, and audio as well as interoperability and coexistence with other wireless technologies plus enhance the reemergence of the beacon market with the transfer of richer and more intelligent geo-targeted information and data. IPv6, IEEE 802.15.4, and a personal area network called IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) used by Thread, ZigBee, and Z-Wave are complementary. The latter two were conceived expressly to serve devices with limited processing power, low datarates, very low RF output power, and minimal power consumption from either mains or battery. This should make device and network design relatively straightforward and cost‑effective. The Thread protocol owes its existence to "smart" thermostat and smoke/carbon monoxide alarm manufacturer Nest Labs, which was acquired last July by Google for $3.2 billion. A month earlier Nest had announced that it was establishing a working group to create an IoT protocol with silicon vendors ARM Holdings, Freescale Semiconductor, Samsung, and Silicon Labs as

partners, along with lock maker Yale and Big Ass Solutions (formerly Big Ass Fans, which makes… well you get it). ZigBee 3.0 is a highly developed mesh network standard operating at 2.4GHz and supported by 400 manufacturers. Its maximum datarate is 250Kbit/s, it's scalable to support thousands of nodes over a distance of about 30m (defined by IEEE 802.15.4 standard), and supports IPv6 and 128bit AES encryption. The "3.0" version integrates all the formerly discrete applicationspecific versions of ZigBee including ZigBee Home Automation, ZigBee Light Link, ZigBee Building Automation, ZigBee Retail Services, ZigBee Health Care, and ZigBee Telecommunication. The proliferation of these ZigBee variants has been widely criticised by its competitors, which this version will solve. ZigBee Pro is a new mesh network variant of ZigBee that operates in the 900MHz unlicensed bands as well as at 2.4 GHz, can accommodate up 64,000 nodes per network and many times that by linking networks. It is frequency-agile over 16 channels, supports multiple star topologies and inter-personal area networks, spread-spectrum modulation techniques to avoid interference and various transmission options including broadcast. It has a ZigBee Green Power option that allows devices without batteries to join the network, using energy-harvesting techniques such as motion, light, and vibration for extremely low-power operation sources of power. Z-Wave is a well developed mesh network standard operating around 900MHz (varying by country) that is supported by more than 300 companies, and is designed to provide product interoperability regardless of application, rather than application-specific variants like ZigBee. Its maximum data

The Thread protocol owes its existence to "smart" thermostat and smoke/carbon monoxide alarm manufacturer Nest Labs (pictured above)



These wired headphones will soon go the way of the dodo as more manufacturers opt for the Bluetooth wireless standard

rate is 100Kbit/s and it can support up to 232 nodes over a distance of about 30m between nodes. It incorporates IPv6 and 128bit AES encryption. Who will prevail? Keeping track of all the players in the rapidly emerging IoT market is confusing and complicated by the fact that it seems to change by the week. It seems likely that Bluetooth, ZigBee, Thread, and Z-Wave will continue to compete for a long time, as each has its own strengths and supporters. Once Bluetooth 5 gains mesh-networking support, all four standards above will have the necessary bits and pieces for the IoT, making support for a particular standard a matter of choice rather than technological superiority. There are other groups in the USA, Europe, and elsewhere that are developing their own strategies for the IoT, but those mentioned here are a reasonable representation of the top-tier. This non-exhaustive list represents the top players in the ever-changing RF wireless market. Mouser Electronics

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VISION SYSTEMS HELP MANUFACTURERS TO REGAIN CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE Robert Silicato, Business Development Manager at Omron Electronics, describes how two manufacturers have used industrial vision systems to improve quality control after being forced to recall their products.

A product recall involves the process of returning and replacing defective goods due to safety concerns that they might harm consumers or users. This process not only negatively impacts the manufacturer financially but also results in brand degradation and loss of customer trust. According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), product recalls increased by 14% in the 2015-2016 financial year. The food and grocery sector accounted for the second largest number of recalls with 123 products recalled compared with 71 the year before. Contributing factors to these recalls included the presence of contaminants such as pieces of plastic, incorrect labelling, and biological causes such as bacteria. These resulted in significant economic impact, leading to brand damage and loss of sales. They also potentially raised major public health hazards. Omron Electronics continuously aims to provide safety solutions that avoid product recalls within the food and beverage industry, and the current FH Vision system has been used in many projects over the past few years. The FH Vision system is the industry's fastest. It features a compact camera and a controller, and can be used for inspection of all types of objects. It offers high-speed precision measurement of objects using its advanced Shape Search III algorithm. Shape Search III is nine times faster than its predecessor, and is capable of accurately detecting objects even under poor lighting, out of focus or in various locations. This feature also makes it possible to detect glossy objects with no background noise effects.



The system is available with a choice of powerful controllers ranging from dual core mid speed and dual core high speed to quad core high speed to offer flexibility to the user. Objects can be detected using up to eight cameras, depending on the application, including small flat type and pen type cameras for installation in limited spaces, or cameras with built-in lights and lenses, further increasing its cost effectiveness. It can detect multiple shapes within the field of view. Furthermore, the images captured can be transferred without any delay through the use of a highperformance bus. The system is easy to program, and features preinstalled GUIs that allow operators to simply switch between screens and customise the interface according to their needs. Information can be displayed in nine different languages, and there is an IP65 certified touch screen for safe operation during on-site applications. The system can also be operated remotely via an Ethernet connection. One recent filling application involved soup. The manufacturing company would source PVC containers from local suppliers and fill them with soup. A product recall was issued following to the discovery of unacceptably high levels of loose fragments from the container inside the soup. This was considered a safety hazard, and the size of the fragments was also a concern. Machine operators manually stacked the containers upside down before human visual inspection ready for processing. But, the handling of the container during the operation could not guarantee the absence of foreign objects before the filling station. So Omron's engineers installed the FH vision system prior to the filling stage. The cameras were set to detect the inside of the container. Being a liquid filler, the machine is hosed down at the end of each shift, and so each camera and light had to be protected with an IP67 casing. As the FH vision system is one of the fastest object detectors available, it is ideal for high-speed processing plant like this in which three containers have to be detected in one cycle (three containers

per second). And while simultaneous detection of multiple objects would normally result in waiting time, the FH uses parallel processing on a multicore CPU to speed up the inspection of objects. The second case had a similar issue with broken pieces of container becoming mixed with cream contents during filling and packaging. In this case, the company concerned issued an internal product recall. This was a more challenging problem than the previous case as the container was not transparent (it was blue), and there was limited space for setup. The packaging process used vacuum suction before the filling station. However, there was no guarantee that the suction could remove some of the larger foreign objects or other foreign objects located near edge of the base of the container. The biggest challenge for the Omron engineers in installing the vision system in this application was the lighting. Because the container was not transparent a backlight could not be used, so front lighting was the only option. And the solution was found using Omron's real colour sensing technology. Whereas previous generations of vision systems used colour segmentation processing and colour image processing, the FH series has a real-colour sensing feature that leverages the unit's high speed processing to use colour information for accurately detecting defects and edges. Omron's real colour sensing can detect as many as 16.7 million different colours,

and resolve them as positions in a 3D RGB space. Therefore, in this application it can even sense irregularities in the edge of the container that might suggest that it is broken. A five-camera FH vision system was installed with a single controller that can not only detect broken pieces of the container but also ensure that once the lid is closed that the label matches the barcode. The multiline processing system is able to perform GS1 code inspection, character reading (OCR), package insert detection and external inspection. This is a big plus in track and trace industries for saving space and reducing costs. Even though a product recall may negatively impact an industry, it is done so with respect to consumer safety. Omron's main goal is to help manufacturers to regain customer trust and ensure the safety of the community by providing solutions regardless of the challenges on the way. Omron Electronics 1300 766 766

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PROCESSING & PACKAGING INNOVATIONS ON SHOW IN SYDNEY Billed as Australasia's all encompassing processing and packaging event for 2017, AUSPACK will be held at the Sydney Showground in Sydney Olympic Park from 7th to 10th March. AUSPACK 2017 will provide opportunities to see hundreds of processing and packaging innovations, engage in education and training and enhance networking opportunities within the industry. AUSPACK 2017 will see an even greater focus on processing machinery, with a strong line-up of exhibitors

and the first ever AUSPACK Processing Day to be held on the second day of the show - Wednesday 8th March 2017. Processing Day will feature multiple streams, with dedicated educational sessions, workshops, meetings and networking gatherings. Processors and processing machinery suppliers will discuss the key issues facing the industry, and visitors can find out how the latest technology can help them to overcome those issues. Further educational opportunities will be available at

the 2017 National Technical Forums, running alongside the AUSPACK exhibition. The 2017 event will deliver a four-day educational programme that will cover a broad range of topics relating to the theme "Innovation and Design". With all this happening, AUSPACK 2017 looks set to be a busy time for anyone involved in processing and packaging. However, if you do have a spare moment, why not drop in on Industry Update? We'll be on Stand 581.

WRAPAROUND CASE PACKER HIGHLIGHTS SECONDARY SYSTEMS EXPERTISE Long renowned for its high-speed automatic bagging systems, Kockums will showcase its newly expanded repertoire of secondary packaging lines on Stand 75 at AUSPACK 2017. This new range of packaging systems includes: wraparound packers, pick and place robotic packers, carton and tray erectors, carton closers, tray, pad, and film shrink wrappers, palletisers and multi-packers for continuous packing of bottles, jars, pots and similar products. The IWA wraparound case packer is an intermittent motion machine able to pack pouches, bags, bottles, jars, cans, and boxes into a single- or double-faced shelfready carton. Kockums will supply the unit with an individually designed product infeed system to meet customer requirements, and this includes the option for a dual infeed to handle two different products. The unique dual servo-driven case transfer system allows the case length to be selected from the operator interface screen, removing the need for time-consuming manual size change adjustments. And an optional rotating HMI system allows the operator to control from either side of the machine.



This machine can be supplied to create either an internal or external minor flap. Full-size guard doors on both sides of the machine offer complete access for operator intervention. Fully automatic adjusting product guides guarantee higher reliability and precision when changing to a new carton size. As with any machinery supplied by Kockums, support is a major part of the package, as the company's CEO, Francois Steyn points out. "It's all well and good to import the latest European machine for that expansion project but Australia is a long way away from Europe and they wake up when we go home," he says. "Relying on support from afar has been a source of frustration to many customers in our industry. At Kockums we realise that having delivered a very sophisticated piece of machinery to a customer, we have an obligation to support the customer and help them to get ready to run and maintain their new investment, " he adds. The company operates a partnership programme that allows customers to select the most appropriate level of support to suit their unique operation. Services include operator and maintenance training, regular scheduled preventive maintenance, remote assistance, spare parts, and breakdown support as required.

"Our engineers are specifically trained on the machines we supply, and our aim is to have the ability to solve 90% of all issues without contacting the OEM," says Francois Steyn. Kockums Bulk Systems 03 9999 0510






AUSPACK 2017 will see Smalte Conveying Solutions demonstrate its expanded range of PVC/poly belt conveyors, which are all built to order from a range of modular designs. The straight-line conveyors offer a choice of aluminium or stainless-steel construction and a choice of belts, including Habasit, Forbo and Ammeraal. Specialised options include goosenecks, take-out conveyors, check-weigher and metal detector conveyors. There is also the option for translucent belts that allow the use of backlighting for automated vision systems.

Datalogic comes to AUSPACK 2017 with a new device it reckons the smallest industrial 2D imager available. Multiple models of the new Matrix 120 cover a wide spectrum of OEM, manufacturing and packaging applications. Fully specified to survive in industrial applications, the Matrix 120 features IP65 sealing and full electrostatic discharge protection. Multiple connectivity options include Ethernet, RS232/RS422 and USB. Different levels of resolution are available to suite the cost/performance constraints of the application. These range from basic WXGA to 1.2Mpixel for high-resolution code reading. Other options include a wide-angle version for short-range code reading, a polarised model for orthogonal mounting on



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reflective surfaces, and a 1D code model that provides the optimal price/ performance tradeoff. All versions feature a novel external smart user-selectable focus feature for simplified setup. Applications for the Matrix 120 industrial 2D imager include: packaging machinery, food and beverage lines, and label print and apply.

5S SYSTEM ENSURES EFFICIENCY, CONSISTENCY AND SAFETY Wells Hygiene, the exclusive Australian importer of the Vikan colourcoded hygiene equipment range, has developed a customisable 5S shadow board system to support hygiene management, colour coding and good manufacturing practice. 5S is a management system to ensure efficiency, consistency and safety in fast paced manufacturing facilities. Originally derived from Japanese "six sigma" practices, each S in the 5S programme has an important meaning and objective. Sort: Clearing up your workplace, keeping only what you need. It's not about having a lot of equipment, but having the right equipment. Set in order: Organise, identify and arrange everything in your workplace. Develop storage systems and processes to assist this. Shine: Regularly clean and maintain your equipment and work environment. This promotes responsibility and efficiency.




Standardise: Make sure everyone is doing the same thing in the same way. Develop standard operating procedures to ensure the best outcomes on a regular basis. Sustain: Ensure adherence to the system to maintain a safe and efficient workplace. Put in place a review and assessment process to ensure the system is working and sustainable.


LIGHT GRIDS MAKE PACKAGING MACHINERY FINGER SAFE New from Pilz at AUSPACK 2017, the PSENopt II is billed as the industry's first type 3 light grid for applications up to PL d (providing both hand and finger protection). The new device plugs the "type gap" brought about by the introduction of the latest IEC 61496-1 safety standard, which had led to manufacturers having to overspecify their protective measures. The IEC/EN 61496 standard for light barriers, light curtains and light grids only defines types 2 and 4. And in the latest version of the standard, type 2 light grids can only be used in applications up to performance level c. This has meant that users have had to switch to type 4 to satisfy the PL d safety requirement. The PSENopt II light grids are well suited for manual workplaces, on machinery for the infeed and/or discharge of material and for robot applications in materials handling and packaging. And with a high shock resistance of 50g, they are suitable for



the most rugged industrial environments. As type 3 devices, the PSENopt II light grids provide both hand and finger protection up to PL d. They use continuous single lightbeams and have no "dead zones". This saves space as the grids can be installed closer to the application. In combination with the company's control technology, Pilz reckons that PSENopt II light grids offer a complete, safe and economical solution for all industries and application areas.

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MINI ROBOTIC PALLETISER IS UP AND RUNNING IN HOURS Dubbed the "palletiser in a container", the new MRP Palletiser will make its debut on the Australis Engineering stand at AUSPACK 2017. This mini robotic palletiser can be installed and running in a matter of hours. Its single frame houses an automatic pallet de-stacker, an ABB palletising robot and a pallet conveyor. It comes with easy mounting locations for the user's product in-feed conveyor.




To increase its flexibility and ease of setup, the MRP comes with inbuilt palletising pattern generation software. This means that new products and patterns can be accommodated quickly and easily. In addition to its own equipment, Australis Engineering will also showcase an expanded range of cartoning and wrapping equipment from Spanish manufacturer Ear-Flap.

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TRAFFIC LIGHT SCALES GIVE SPEEDY INDICATION OF FILLING ACCURACY ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS ON SHOW FROM A&D WEIGHING AT AUSPACK 2017 (STAND 70), WILL BE THE COMPANY’S HT-CL SERIES COMPACT SCALES WITH COMPARATOR LIGHTS. Ideal for use in packing operations for fresh produce, these clever scales give operators a simple visual cue to the weight of produce packed using the universally accepted language of traffic lights. The easily visible red, green and amber lights give an immediate indication of whether the package is underfilled, on target or overfilled, removing the need for operators to concentrate on a numerical readout and compare actual values with the target weight. One area where the HT-CL scales have already proved their worth in Australia is in soft fruit packing. This is an industry in which (unskilled) labour is typically the biggest cost. But there is another that can go unmeasured – the cost of extra produce given away in overfilled packs. This can add up to

thousands of dollars per week. Now, by using the HT-CL scales with their traffic light signals packing operators are both reducing overfilled packs and increasing packer speeds. One operator in Queensland was staggered to find that re-checking several cartons of traditionally packed punnets, produced several extra punnets of fruit when using traffic light scales. According to Julian Horsley from A&D Weighing: “Scales with target-based lights are our biggest area of demand at present. With supermarkets pushing for more prepacked fresh produce in Australia, we expect this to be a focal point for some time as growers and packers look to improve speeds and reduce giveaway.”

A&D Weighing 1800 241 434

HACCP COMPLIANT METAL DETECTOR KEEPS LINES RUNNING SMOOTHLY Contamination of food by metal shards from broken machinery is a major safety issue within the food processing industry. Therefore a high-quality metal detector is an essential part of any food processing and packaging line. A&D Weighing reckons that its EZI-Check metal detector is the ideal solution, and will demonstrate this on Stand 70 at AUSPACK 2017. The EZI-Check metal detector helps food manufacturers to maintain high production standards, and it reduces the risks of damage to their brand reputations and also to the health and safety of their customers. The EZI-Check metal detector for food processing provides a high level of accuracy to 0.3mm for iron and 0.8mm for stainless steel, thereby helping food processors to deliver safe consumer products. Designed to meet HACCP standards, the EZI-Check provides the quality protection required to keep a production line running smoothly. The advanced design of the EZI-Check metal detector uses the company’s cutting edge digital signal processing technology to enable high-speed scanning. This makes it a suitable metal detector for food processing in a variety of industrial environments, capable of working with belt speeds up to 60 metres per minute. The hygienic design is sealed to IP65 standards, making it suitable for operation in wet environments. And operation is simple and intuitive via its large clear 7-inch touchscreen HMI.



The detector is easy to integrate into factory networks using standard Ethernet I/O, and it has onboard storage for digital history of up to 100 inspections, ensuring traceability of results. A major market driver for the adoption of metal detection by Australian food processors is the QA/QC standards imposed by the major supermarkets. According to Julian Horsley from A&D Weighing Systems Division: “With the increase in own brand products, the major players insist that their suppliers invest in end of line inspection systems. 40% of the inspection systems we’ve sold in the last two years have been a direct result of a supermarket manufacturing contract.” The EZICheck Metal Detector can run as a standalone system or can easily be integrated with one of A&D’s inline checkweighing modules for a complete end-of-line inspection solution. A&D Weighing 1800 241 434


CASE-SEALING MACHINE PROVIDES ECONOMICAL AUTOMATION New from 3M at AUSPACK 2017, the 3M-Matic a88 is a fully adjustable side-belt-drive case sealer that can seal up to 27 cases per minute. And, as they based on highreliability gear motors, these case sealers produce less noise than conventional models, which makes them suitable for quieter workspaces. The tough and reliable automated case-sealing machine provides economical automation for a wide range of case sealing needs, from start-ups to large companies. It also features 3M Tape heads, which are reliable and easy to



thread with the full range of Scotch and Tartan packaging tapes from 36 to 50mm wide. The machine features adjustable side guides that centre cases of various widths over the length of the unit. And dual masts enhance taping head stability. The unit also features epoxy powder painted surfaces for inplant durability. The packaging tape machine is suitable for a wide range of industries from manufacturing to wineries, food and beverage. And it comes with all the latest electrical, electromagnetic and compliance approvals required in Australia and New Zealand.

3M 136 136


US-based labelling system specialist Fox IV has appointed BCDS Group as its master distributor for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Rim. In addition to supplying new Fox IV equipment such as the 2010 Series and the novel Zebra based print and apply systems, BCDS will take over responsibility for spares and servicing of more than 1000 Fox IV print and apply systems that have been installed in Australia over the last 20 years.



"Fox IV's automated print and apply labelling systems have been a reliable addition to Australian manufacturing facilities for the past 20+ years," says Rick Fox, President and CEO, adding: "BCDS's expertise in integrating barcode, auto-ID and RFID equipment made them an excellent fit for representing Fox IV." "It was clear that they share our commitment to our customers in Australia, New Zealand and the region. Through BCDS, Fox IV customers can continue to expect quality equipment as well as knowledgeable support and service," concludes Fox. Ian Jefford, Managing Director of BCDS, adds: "This new appointment by Fox IV comes with much excitement within the BCDS Group, allowing us to further succeed on our business purpose of making our clients lives easier." Fox IV systems will be available through BCDS subsidiary ALS (Auto ID Labelling Solutions).


MAGNETIC GRAVITY GRATE REMOVES METAL CONTAMINANTS On show from Aurora Process Solutions at AUSPACK 2017, the Force10 Magnetic Gravity Grate is designed to reduce the risk of product recalls and damage to brand reputation. The unit can remove metal contaminants in a wide range of industries, including challenging process environments. The gravity grate incorporates an ultra-high-intensity staggered magnetic bar configuration that is designed to provide maximum product coverage, enabling the unit to perform highperformance separation of ferrous and submicron paramagnetic contamination, including longitudinally aligned items that metal detectors can miss. The high-quality rare-earth magnetic elements are housed in a novel "quickclean" drawer system, which makes it easy to remove the contaminants after separation. There are a large variety of transitions and connections available to enable the integration of the Force10 Magnetic




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Gravity Grate into any process flow, and its highly flexible design can accommodate a wide range of line sizes, flow rates and product characteristics. These gravity grate units can be installed at various stages of process flows, for example: on outlets of rotary valves, chutes and conveyors; in chutes feeding packers; in bulk intake areas; prior to critical or delicate process equipment; and immediately prior to metal detecting equipment to reduce the likelihood of downtime.

AUSPACK 2017 will see Toyota Material Handling Australia show off its new range of driverless forklifts using automatic guided vehicle technology the company reckons provides reliable and accurate driverless operation for transporting, stacking or picking. What's more, the AGV system used in the BT Autopilot series forklifts can function safely alongside manually operated equipment. One of the main advantages cited for Toyota's AGV range is its similarity to the company's existing range of pallet trucks, order pickers and reach forklifts. And for added flexibility the Autopilot-equipped


driverless forklifts can also be used manually if necessary. Other advantages of AGV driverless forklifts include a reduced risk of accidents, smoother workflow, greater reliability and improved efficiency. According to TMHA National Sales and Product Manager – Automation, Tony Raggio: "AGV customers in Europe are reporting significant increases in productivity as soon as they take up the technology, and we expect the ROI for the AGV driverless forklifts to be between 12 and 36 months."



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SMALL-FOOTPRINT CASE PACKER IS A 24-HOUR WORKFORCE Making its debut on the Walls Machinery stand at AUSPACK 2017, the Australian made Adaptapack Apollo combines robotic shelf-ready and flat-pack case packing in one machine. The Apollo is a smallfootprint machine based on a servo collator, and features a flexible design that allows each machine to be built to customer specifications. Its stainless-steel construction makes it suitable for a wide range of industries. Featuring high-speed product infeed, the machine is simple to operate, and features an easy to use graphical


operation panel. Adaptapack reckons it can provide manufacturers with a 24‑hour workforce. The Apollo can also be supplied with an integrated robotic case erector.

SENSORS SPOT THE SMALLEST HIGH-DENSITY CODES The latest CMOS-camera-based code readers from Leuze electronic are designed to read the smallest highdensity codes used in the pharmaceutical industry. Two versions are available: the DCR 80 is a scan engine for OEM integration, and the DCR 85 is a complete code reader in a protective metal housing. With its protective metal housing, the new code reader is well suited to the automation of code reading in the packaging industry, material handling, and in general automation and robotics.



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THERMO-CHILLER KEEPS IT COOL FOR PACKAGING MACHINERY Answering demands from packaging equipment for a constant temperature fluid supply, the HRSE series is an easyto-operate energy-efficient thermochiller with a temperature stability of ±2.0°C from SMC Pneumatics. The HRSE thermo-chiller provides three levels of control – for the compressor, the fan and the electronic control valve – depending on the heat generated from the packaging equipment, delivering 35% energy savings over other designs. There is a two-step digital information panel with touch buttons to simplify the temperature setting of the circulating fluid, and 12 alarm codes aid self-diagnosis. An optional magnetic pump removes the risk of fluid leaks





and reduces the need for maintenance, delivering further cost savings. Designed to be compact and with low noise operating levels, the HRSE can fit into small spaces and be used in quiet environments.



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The DCR 85 can be integrated in instruments, attached directly to a pipettor, or mounted directly on a PCB via an M12 plug or an open cable end. It features high-performance reading and decoding and can read all current 1D and 2D codes. The specially designed optical system allows the sensor to read the smallest high-density codes, as well as detecting standard codes over a large field of view. The new code reader comes with an onboard RS232 interface and can be easily configured using Leuze Sensor Studio software.

SPACE-SAVING BELT DESIGN DRIVES CONVEYORS ROUND THE BEND New from Intralox at AUSPACK 2017, the Series 2100 Flat Top Zero Tangent Radius is a novel belt designed specifically for curved conveyors. The new design will enable designers and installers of packaging machinery to reduce equipment footprint, maximise performance, improve conveyor reliability and increase manufacturing flexibility. The Series 2100 Zero Tangent Radius belt is designed to maximise space usage in curved conveyors with no straight sections. It has a smooth, closedtop surface that can handle a variety of package sizes, types and configurations, including delicate products (such as packages immediately exiting a shrink wrapper). The new belt will maintain the orientation and spacing of products




through its curves, and its compact design provides flexibility, simplifying the design, layout and installation of curved conveyors. According to Intralox Engineer Abraham Miller: "Equipment manufacturers always talk about three things - functionality, space and price. The Series 2100 exceeds these needs and is an ideal solution for equipment manufacturers and end users alike."


AUSTRALIAN MADE SCAFFOLD COMBINES LIGHT WEIGHT WITH MAXIMUM STRENGTH The Instant Access 400 Series is Australia's premier aluminium scaffolding system and has been manufactured in Australia since the 1960s. Now available in almost any size, the basic 400 Series comprises single-width, doublewidth and square platform variants to suit scaffolding applications of all sizes, with platform heights up to 9m and working loads up to 450kg. These aluminium towers are easy to transport, quick to erect and safe to use. Fitted with 125 or 200mm lockable castors, Series 400 scaffolds are easy to move, always creating a stable working environment. They are constructed from lightweight aluminium, and manufactured using Instant Access' unique dual rib-grip process, rather than welding, which might weaken the crystalline structure of the metal. As a result, each joint is three-times stronger than any welded equivalent. And Instant Access is so confident of this claim that it offers a lifetime warranty. All 400 Series installations are fully compatible with other exclusive Instant Access products such as Spandeck, Instant Stairwell and Instant Step, enabling customisable

and secure scaffolding installations for hard-to-reach places. Safety enhancing accessories include the Instant Guard system, which provides total fall prevention for the operator throughout assembly and dismantling of all towers. Instant Access is a specialist provider of access equipment, and was the first company in Australia to offer aluminium mobile scaffolding. Throughout 48 years of operations, the company has continued to develop costeffective aluminium access solutions for the ANZ market and operates a quality system to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008. The company provides safe and cost-effective access solutions, provides a comprehensive range of high quality access equipment and related services, and supplies and supports products that meet or exceed Australia/ New Zealand legislative standards by providing efficient, responsive and professional solutions. Instant Access 1300 10 20 80

SAFETY GATE LATCH IS WORLD'S FIRST WITH INTEGRATED ALARM The Australian designed and made MagnaLatch child safety gate latch from D&D Technologies is a worldbeater, with millions sold worldwide. Now the company has gone one step further by developing the MagnaLatch Alert, the first safety latch with an integrated alarm. The MagnaLatch Alert provides two levels of electronic warnings: bright, flashing LED lights, and an audible alarm that sounds if a gate is opened or left unlatched for more than 15 seconds. So users can see at a glance, and hear from a distance, if the gate is not secured.

Two versions are available: a Top Pull model for child safety applications, and a shorter Vertical Pull model that offers protection on pet security and general-purpose gates around the home and garden. A single beep on opening warns of visitors or intruders. D&D Technologies reckons the MagnaLatch Alert is the ultimate safety gate latch, and the ideal alert device for when you can't turn your back for a second. D&D Technologies 02 9454 7600

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TIMBER IS NOT A VALID SUPPORT TOOL A recent court case has highlighted an unsafe practice that is all too widespread in engineering works around Australia – the use of timber in place of properly specified work supports. The case followed a tragedy at a workshop run by PJL Group in Cobar in May 2014 in which a 30-year-old diesel mechanic suffered fatal crush injuries when a load frame from a 20 tonne underground haul truck slipped from its supports and fell on him. An investigation by SafeWork NSW found that the load frame was supported on steel cylindrical stands propped-up on the wooden blocks, which were unable to handle the load. The wooden blocks split, causing the load frame to fall on the worker, resulting in fatal crush injuries. SafeWork NSW charged PJL with a breach of section 19(1)/32 of the Work Health and Safety Act (NSW) for failing to manage the risk of serious injury or death from the load frame moving or falling. PJL was found guilty in the District Court and fined $225,000.



Tony Brooks is a Director of maintenance equipment specialist Safety MITS, and he is adamant that timber is not a valid support tool. He says: "Instead of using fit-for-purpose jacking, cribbing and blocking tools for supporting heavy loads, I'm frustrated to see companies still putting their workers at risk by using inefficient and dangerous random pieces of timber." The main problem with the use of timber is that its structural integrity (or lack of it) often cannot be identified until it's too late. A block may be perfect the day you buy it, but the danger comes as it ages and gets exposed to certain elements. Timber in moist conditions will absorb water and become structurally unsound, while timber exposed to excessive heat becomes brittle. When the load-bearing effectiveness is compromised, timber can fail catastrophically with little or no warning. Says Brooks: "There are plastic engineered cribbing blocks available on the market, which are far superior to

timber. For example, each of our Dura Crib plastic engineered cribbing blocks possesses a uniform load-bearing capacity across the entire block. This is due to blocks having a specific chemical composition that is constantly repeated, and a quality manufacturing process that ensures all products are the same, plus or minus five per cent. I do appreciate that industry is slowly

recognising the benefits of plastic engineered cribbing blocks, but that process is not fast enough. We still have too many workers being killed or injured in our workplaces needlessly." Safety MITS 02 8005 6487



AUSSIE LEADERS SHARE THEIR THOUGHTS ON MATERIALS HANDLING Pete Jeans looks at the business of materials handling and seeks the insights of Brett Ambrose of Blum Australia and Chris Spence of Hyundai Forklifts. The days of merely carrying out a warehouse site inspection at each location to review materials handling, forklifts and racking needs in order to develop efficiency improvements are probably largely over. The materials handling industry in the USA defines materials handling broadly as the movement, protection, storage and control of materials and products throughout the process of their manufacture and distribution, consumption and disposal. According to the MHI website: "This process involves a broad array of equipment and systems that aid in forecasting, resource allocation, production planning, flow and process management, inventory management, customer delivery, after-sales support and service, and a host of other activities and processes basic to business." "Solutions include sophisticated techniques that expedite information flow, including RFID and satellite tracking systems, and the electronic transmission of order and shipping information. These innovations along with traditional material handling and logistics equipment and systems are the solutions that make manufacturing and supply chains work." Wow! That's some mouthful! But very real and relevant in our digitally connected world! The reality is that supply chains contain multiple materials-handling platforms, processes and approaches to particular organisational and market challenges and

cost streams (rather than revenues). Leaders like me, I guess, probably have tended to rely historically on their ops leaders to drive continuous improvement via judicious capex through the supply chain and materials-handling side of the equation. Not any more. The opportunity to initiate supply chain task projects, I believe, is squarely on the Group CEO's list of KPIs; particularly when the potential to unlock efficiencies and deliver savings could be substantial. A buck saved, is a buck earned. Who does it well in Australia? Brett Ambrose is CEO of Blum Australia; well known for its high-stack warehousing and materials-handling solutions in servicing furniture and cabinet-hardware customers throughout the nation. Blum was ahead of the game and still is when it comes to major supply-chain components like materials handling. I asked Brett what were the key reasons, drivers and outcomes for Blum Australia in its investment in leading-edge materials handling solutions? "Blum has around 15 ASRSs or highbay automated warehouses operating around the world. As Australia is one of the larger markets for Blum, it was logical for Blum to construct and operate one here. What also suited our operation here was that as Blum Australia sells through a distribution network, we are moving larger pallet quantity orders through the warehouse rather than small picks. This suits the particular ASRS installed at Hoxton Park." "With the ASRS, our customers benefit from this facility in a number of ways: 100%

72,944 PEOPLE* involved in the manufacturing industry will read Industry Update Magazine.

Brett Ambrose of Blum Australia (Left) and Chris Spence of Hyundai Forklifts (Right)

inventory accuracy, increased warehouse capacity on a much smaller footprint; and a simple process of adding additional cranes and racking to our original site." "With the additional storage capacity and the speed of the cranes, we have been able to double our output with minimal increases in staff numbers. As the warehouse is a machine-only site, we do not have the usual safety issues a typical warehouse with standard pallet racking would have," he concluded. In the forklift industry, Chris Spence is Chief Operating Officer of Hyundai Forklifts in Australia. Interestingly, the company's website focuses on the benefits of using the product from an operator's viewpoint: "a forklift operator, who enjoys his work, does a better job. That is why we at Hyundai do everything we can to make that happen. We have merged operator preference, fast precision and lasting performance into a quality product." I asked Chris what were the key materials-handling issues and challenges at the client level in Australia now and in the future in major Australian user sectors. "Our current focus in supporting

our clients is to continue to innovate flexible and transparent rental solutions for the MHE market. The traditional fully maintained rental offering no longer suits many larger corporates that are always looking at ways of achieving cost down structures. Hyundai has globally been at the forefront of technological innovations and is now looking to partner this with a more customer centric approach to MHE rentals." "In regards to technological advancement, Hyundai will continue to produce new models to meet growing client demand and given our global footprint, we are able to take industry best practice from across the globe and implement it here in Australia." "The introduction of driverless equipment and full automation will start to impact in some operational environments, but given the diverse and irregular tasks undertaken in many of the shared operations, we expect it to be some time before automation takes the lead over operator controlled machines," he concluded. Pete Jeans is COO of strategic growth project leader SMO Sydney.

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The conventional four-wheel counterbalance is the most widely used type of pallet stacking device the world over because its original design is practical, versatile and cost-effective. The truck does, however, require a lot of space relative to the size of load and 4-5m aisles are not uncommon. Three-wheeled counterbalance trucks were designed to reduce the stacking aisle to approximately 3m. In general these machines are more cost effective, but they lift less weight and are less able to work on rough terrain, so they are more associated with internal warehousing and minimal yard work. Reach trucks have masts or tines that 'reach in or out' from the body of the truck to further reduce aisle width and can work in aisles approximately 3m wide offering a valuable saving. To enhance the aisle performance, reach trucks are designed in a compact manner, and this necessitates harder tyres to overcome stability issues resulting from the high centre of gravity. These smaller, harder tyres dictate that the reach truck is only suitable for inside work or very smooth yards. More often than not a counterbalance truck is required to load vehicles from the warehouse. VNA (very narrow aisle) trucks are capable of working in much narrower aisles, approximately 1.7-2m, making the maximum use of storage space. This is the area in which UK forklift designer Freddy Brown was responsible for many developments prior to designing the original Bendi articulated truck.

Due to the close tolerances within the VNA aisle, a number of criteria have to be fulfilled. Expensive floors with very fine tolerances are required to meet the flatness required by VNA machines. Rail or wire guidance is used to enable the truck to be millimetre perfect while travelling up and down the aisle, and this guidance adds significant cost. Ironically, large spaces (transfer aisles) measuring 4-6m at the end of each aisle are required to allow the VNA trucks to transfer from one aisle to the next, which wastes valuable storage space and is a slow process. This type of truck is also only suitable for in-aisle operation, which means that other more conventional trucks are required to feed the VNA system and take goods away. Every VNA truck is tailor-made for a specific warehouse, product and racking system, which means that the product can't vary too much and the trucks cannot easily be relocated. Short-term hire or replacement in the event of a breakdown is virtually impossible to find. For many companies this inflexibility combined with the operational costs limits the size of the VNA marketplace. Bendi recognised that any effort to

reduce aisle size comes with compromises and the more space saved, the more compromises arise. The Bendi was developed to remove all these issues with a fast moving, narrow aisle, general purpose forklift: one truck that could do everything - inside, outside and that was mass-produced to fit all applications. The result was the Bendi, the original and still the world's most popular articulated truck. So what are the real benefits? Rising property and land values, heating, lighting and maintenance costs are all major factors increasing the cost of operating a warehouse or factory. Businesses throughout Australia are being forced to streamline their operations, which in extreme cases can result in closure of some locations. This in has led to an increased number of companies trying to condense their operations under one roof, and this is when the Bendi comes into its own. Bendi's 220° mast and axle rotation enables the truck to operate in aisle widths of only 1800mm with Australian pallets – less than half the width it takes to operate a conventional 2t counterbalance truck. This means double the storage capacity or increased area for the production facility. It also means fewer trucks and increased productivity, which in turn can mean huge cost savings. Advantages to manufacturing industry It isn't just the warehousing and distribution sectors that are enjoying the benefits associated with the Bendi articulated truck. Companies in manufacturing and production industries are also benefiting from significant



improvements in handling efficiencies. Manufacturing, unlike many other industries, has to cater for numerous and varied handling tasks including offloading and storage of the raw materials, transportation throughout the manufacturing plant, feeding production lines and storage and distribution of the finished goods. Historically this would have resulted in the need for different types of handling equipment, ultimately being underutilised, which increases the truck fleet costs, and double handling the products thus leading to operating inefficiencies and increased risk of damage. Thanks to the innovative design of the Bendi, which enables the truck to operate safely in working aisles and spaces of only 1800mm with Australian pallets, double handling is a thing of the past. Manufacturing customers of Bendi are using one truck to unload vehicles, transport and feed the production lines, store the finished product and then distribute. This leads to huge cost and efficiency gains throughout the manufacturing process: • Reduction in forklift fleet operating costs. • Increases in storage capacity, which means more components and raw materials can purchased at lower costs. • Reduction in the storage area required which offers more space for production or assembly. HUBTEX Australia 1300 365 621


WHAT PUMP SHOULD YOU SELECT? Selecting the correct pump the first time can save you a lot of time and money. Having the knowledge you need to select the right pump for your business will help you to achieve better production rates, while reducing maintenance downtime and cost. When you start looking at equipment currently available, you’ll find an enormous range of pumps that have been designed for a myriad of specific applications. Selecting the wrong pump can cause lots of inefficiencies and cost you more than you might think. With the ever-changing world of technology, it can be daunting not knowing where to start when you need to move a medium. What do you know about the medium? Is it a flowable liquid, and can it be poured from a cup? Does it have high solid density? Does it need to be handled gently to ensure optimum quality of the end product?

It is important to know how different types of pumps will perform when pumping your medium for your particular application, so that you can achieve good flow rates and increase your operation’s productivity at the lowest possible cost. To help you answer the most important questions, Global Pumps has developed a free guide that will walk you through the steps to select the best pump for your application. All the critical things you need to know about selecting the best pump are answered in this e-book. Download a free copy of the Global Pumps selection guide at www. Global Pumps has a wide range of pumps for every kind of food and beverage production. Meat, dairy and potato processors, breweries and wineries are our speciality. The company’s friendly staff have expert knowledge of industry

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TILTING MAGNETS GO FROM VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL Tecnomagnete's TB tilting magnets are ideal for handling vertical or horizontal steel plate. Why do the magnets tilt? So that a vertical plate can be lifted and then transferred to the horizontal (and vice versa). Typical applications include retrieval of plates from vertical rack storage and transfer to a flat cutting table, or lifting of a flat plate into a vertical rientation. Using Tecnomagnete's unique permanent-electro lifting modules in a tilting arrangement, plates as long as 12 metres and weighing up to 10 tonnes can be handled.

Unlike other electromagnet systems that soak up large amounts of energy during the lifting cycle, permanent-electro systems use power only momentarily for activate and de-activate tasks. Systems can be supplied with wireless remote control that can be worn on a belt. All Tecnomagnete systems are available in Australia and the Pacific region from Serpent & Dove – Applied Magnetics. Serpent & Dove - Applied Magnetics 02 9971 7577

SELF-PROPELLED MODULAR TRANSPORTERS MOVE HEAVY LOADS Enerpac reckons its 600 Series SelfPropelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs) offer a compact solution for transporting heavy loads in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing. The SPMT features a low height and compact frame, which makes it easy to lift, manoeuvre and lower a load in a confined space. Each wheel has its own drive motor, steering actuator and built-in lifting cylinder. This helps the load to be properly distributed across the whole unit, and the built-in cylinders absorb ground variations and lift and level the SPMT for travel. A single trailer can transport up to 60t safely and efficiently, and is operated via an easy-to-use wireless controller. There are two models in the range. The SPMT600-100 has a rack and pinion

steering system capable of ±50-degree steering and a maximum configuration of 4 x 2. The SPMT600-360 features a slew drive steering system capable of ±179-degree steering and maximum configuration of 6 x 2. A single hydraulic power pack can operate up to three trailers, depending on the model, and the Tier-4 diesel engine produces low emissions. For added portability and convenience, two trailers and a power pack can be shipped inside a 20ft container and delivered right to the customer's site. Enerpac 02 8717 7200

ENERGY HARVESTER SHEDS LIGHT ON CONVEYORS Energy harvesting has been a hot topic in the world of microelectronics for some time. The ability to draw microampere-level currents seemingly from thin air and use them to energise low-power circuits is very appealing, and has enabled the design of a raft of battery-free microelectronic devices, including many "wearable" gadgets. However, one Australian company has set its sights a little higher, and has come up with a system that exploits the spare kinetic energy available from the humble conveyor belt. The Energy Harvester Lighting and Control System is the brainchild of Wollongong-based KRS Design, and was



originally developed for use in the mining sector to provide power for illumination and security in long underground coal mining shafts. Now proven in that application, the company is keen to move on and apply the system to other materials handling conveyors. The KRS Design Energy Harvester comes as a "plug-and-play" system that can be attached to virtually any conveyor. The generator is attached to any idler roll on the bottom return path of the conveyor, and is typically capable of harvesting 150W. This power is fed to the system controller, which distributes it to LED lights, sensors, cameras, communications

circuits etc as required. In all, the company reckons that each harvester unit will supply sufficient power to provide these services to a 100m-long run of conveyor. Multiple systems can be installed on longer conveyors as required. Importantly, the generator does not load the conveyor during startup. And it is fully protected against overcurrent and overtemperature. The system comes with comprehensive control software that can be linked to an existing Scada system via Modbus TCP/ IP or can be accessed remotely using a dedicated web server via the controller's onboard Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces. All the electronics are housed in a

rugged stainless-steel enclosure, together with a maintenance-free backup battery to keep essential services powered when the conveyor is not operating. Since developing the system, KRS Design has been trialling it at three locations around New South Wales, all without failure. The longest running trial is above ground at a coal-processing plant at Lithgow, which has been running reliably for the past 15 months. KRS Design 02 4262 2572

Go Green in 2017 With Our Electric Warehouse Range



HIGH SPEED DOORS COMBINE SECURITY WITH EFFICIENCY TO IMPROVE THE BOTTOM LINE There are many different types door on the market that can be used for large openings. However, in situations where the frequency of the traffic through the doorway is high, it is inevitable that any slow action type of door will regularly be left in the open position. This not only compromises the security of the building, but also any dust or temperature control that might be necessary. This is not only a problem for climate- or pollution-sensitive areas, it can significantly increase the costs associated with heating a building in winter and cooling it during summer.

Above and Right: Efaflex STT high speed doors feature all clear acrylic glass door blades and are capable of up to 3.2m/s opening speed. They also have high wind capacity.




The simple solution is to install an Efaflex High Speed door available from DMF. These fast-acting doors are rigorously designed, precision manufactured, and offer an effective and reliable alternative to standard roller shutters or sectional type doors. Efaflex is a German manufacturer of premium high-speed doors. The range includes spiral, roll up and folding door designs, and these can be used for indoor or external applications in all types of facilities, including warehouses, high-rise carparks, emergency facilities, correctional centres, production facilities and stores. Efaflex doors provide highly secure access control thanks to their fast speed of opening and closing. With opening velocity of approximately two metres per second, Efaflex doors minimise the time the door is open and therefore reduce the risk of being exposed to unauthorised entry. Climate Control But security is not the only benefit. Because they spend less time in the open position, high-speed doors offer major benefits in maintaining climate control for temperature-sensitive areas, reducing draughts in the workplace, reducing the ingress of weather and/or dust and fumes, and keeping vermin and birdlife out. The Efaflex range includes door blades manufactured from various materials, including extruded double walled aluminium, insulated panels, clear polycarbonate, punched ventilated aluminium, and flexible PVC, which is a less secure option that is commonly used for dust sealing. In all cases, the door

blades are securely tracked within seals in the columns of the doors, and this provides improved security and sealing against vermin compared with a typical roller shutter door. One critical design feature is that the door blade does not roll onto itself, but is tracked around a spiral design system. This results in very smooth and quiet operation, and results in very little wear. Efaflex holds the original patent for this design, which now also comes with an "oval spiral" option, and even flat tracking design that is ideal for applications where there is low lintel space. Each Efaflex high-speed door is driven by an electronic control system, combining a PLC with encoder positioning and frequency inverter drive control. This control system enables a wide range of programmable features so that the operation of the doors can be customised to each application. Workplace safety is a paramount consideration, and so each door comes with a sophisticated sensor system as standard to ensure safe operation. A safety light curtain is synchronised to the door blade position, and is highly reactive to anything that intrudes into the closing space. Additional safety features include optional motion sensors that cover the immediate surrounds of the doorway, and flexible bottom rails for smaller doors with high pedestrian throughput. A wide range of activation methods can be specified for each door, depending on the exact requirements of the application. These include pushbuttons, remote control, swipe cards, induction floor loops

The Efaflex STR high speed PVC door may only offer low security, but at up to 4m/s it is the fastest opening door on the market. It is ideal for applications requiring climate control, and also features high wind capacity.

and various forms of active or passive motion sensors. The choice will depend on the nature and frequency of the expected traffic, the security level required and the level of climate and environmental control required. It is also important to consider the likely traffic in the vicinity of the door to avoid unnecessary opening of the door. Being German designed and manufactured, you can be assured of the finest quality in high-speed door engineering. Built on four decades of experience and development, Efaflex is committed to a philosophy of inhouse research and efficient outcomes, resulting in fast action doors built to

a quality that you would expect from German engineering. As the exclusive licensed Australian agent for Efaflex products, DMF International is uniquely positioned to offer these high calibre products to local customers. With trained partners Australiawide, DMF can provide solid backup service, and many spare parts are stocked in Sydney and Melbourne. DMF International Pty Ltd 1800 281170

Left: The Efaflex SST S Classic door is based on an extruded aluminium door blade for increased security. They have a high wind capacity up to 175km/h. Right: The Efaflex SST S Classic door is based on an extruded aluminium door blade for increased security. This version features the optional ventilation section, and also has high wind capacity.






Looking at this month's Industry Update special feature on industrial doors, it becomes clear that the criteria for selecting an industrial door have changed dramatically, and will continue to do so. It goes almost without saying that security will always be a prime consideration. And the many and varied forms of access control available today enable specifiers to make some sophisticated tradeoffs between total security and ease of access for legitimate use. However, with ever increasing energy costs and the changing nature of the Australian climate, environmental considerations are playing a far more active role in the selection criteria. Whether the requirement is to maintain a reasonable working environment for personnel within a facility or to protect sensitive processes from excessive temperature variation, the door has several roles to play in reducing the energy costs associated with climate control. These include insulating properties, draught proofing and light transmission. But the speed of opening and closing of a door has a significant effect too: simply, the less time a door is open, the less the internal climate is compromised. And with energy costs in Australia likely to continue to rise for the foreseeable future, high-speed doors look set to be a permanent part of the industrial landscape.

The Tourlock from Boon Edam Australia is a high-security revolving door. Rotation of the Tourlock can only begin after an authorisation signal from an access control system, such as a card reader or biometrics reader which may use retinal, fingerprint or facial recognition technology. Tourlock can be integrated with a variety of different security systems that accurately detect and prevent any form of piggybacking or tailgating by which unauthorised people seek to gain entry at the same time as other people. The Tourlock 180+ 90 is an automated four wing version that allows for users to enter and leave the building at the same time. The level of security offered by the Tourlock 180+90 can be adapted to individual requirements, using advanced StereoVision 2 technology, which uses both optical and near-infra-red sensing technologies to monitor the compartment of a security revolving door or portal. The two technologies work together to determine displacement and distance by measuring the time it takes light to travel from the

instrumentation to an object and back. This advanced system can accurately tell the difference between two people and one person holding a box or luggage to minimise false rejections. The near-infra-red light sensor is not affected by sunlight or reflections. Users can also choose different levels of physical protection against vandal, burglar or armed threats with high degrees of bullet resistance available. Boon Edam Australia 1300 689 905

SPECIALIST HIGH SPEED DOORS Visit us at Total Facilities Exhibition March 29-30th 2017 ICC Sydney Stand B19

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DMF International Pty Ltd is a fully Australian owned family business, celebrating 50 years of door manufacturing in 2017. We are specialists in climate control and high speed security door solutions, and flexible PVC door products. With Australia wide service and export to over 10 countries, our experienced approach ensures the best design solution for any application. Call us today for free design assistance . . . . .

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PVC HAS CLEAR BENEFITS FOR INDUSTRIAL DOORS Melbourne-based industrial door manufacturer MTI Qualos is a major proponent of PVC, and has been working with the material since 1970. The company offers a full range of engineered PVC products, with strip, swing and high-speed roller doors for both internal and external use.

r a e l C

t s e b e h t y l

Industrial Door Solutions M.T.I. Qualos Pty. Ltd. are leaders in the manufacturing and service of Industrial Transparent Flexible Doors, Insulated Traffic Doors, and Roll-Fast Doors. We produce to the highest quality standard within a full range of industrial doors to suit any door application.

One of the key benefits of using PVC in industrial doors is the safety aspect: quite simply, the more you can see, the safer you are. The flexible nature of the material also has a major part to play, particularly in the company's ranges of swing doors, which offer practical and economical draft exclusion and maintain temperature control between adjoining areas. Two grades of PVC material are offered, with 5mm-thick material used for medium-duty designs and 7mm-thick PVC in heavy-duty types. There is also a choice between steel and aluminium for the frames, allowing the company to produce cost-effective fit-for-purpose swing doors for both industrial and retail environments. The company's flexible "See-Thru" strip doors offer economical solutions for shops, workrooms, food processing facilities, and even supermarket display fridges. Made from multiple grades of PVC from 1 to 5mm, depending on the application, the overlap design

offers an effective barrier against dust and drafts, helping to provide efficient temperature control. PVC also plays a major role in the company's range of high-speed roller doors, with "See-Thru" panels featuring throughout the range. The ultimate incarnation, though, is the S800 heavyduty external door. Ideally suited to manufacturing and food industries, the S800 features a tough, 4mm thick, fully transparent PVC panel that covers almost the full width and height of the door. It has an operating speed of up to 800mm/s, cutting opening time to minimise climatic impact. The S800 comes with a microprocessor-based controller, with options for inductive loops, microwave sensors, pushbuttons, infra-red sensors, remote control and a safety interlock. MTI Qualos 1300 135 539

NEW 36pp brochure now available. Contact us to get your FREE copy.

Contact our team today to find a solution for you. M.T.I. Qualos Pty. Ltd. 55 Northern Road West Heidelberg, Vic. 3081 Tel: 1300 135 539 Email: Website:




CREATIVE THINKING SOLVES CLEAN IN PLACE PUMP SERVICE LIFE ISSUE Sometimes parts that are providing reliable, long-lasting service can suddenly begin to fail when conditions change. Such was the case recently for leading Queensland food and beverage industry pumps and cleaning systems provider Euro Pumps, which needed to raise the temperature from 55 to 75°c at an abattoir. The abattoir had recently varied its livestock mix, and the 20° increase in temperature was necessary to cope with changes in fat and blood adhesion and soiling on production-line equipment. The increase in temperature was effective in cleaning the production line equipment, but it caused an unexpected side-effect – the nylon-cased clean in place (CIP) pump valves began to fail incredibly quickly. The initial solution attempt was to custom manufacture new valve cages from stainless steel, which brought about other issues causing the stainless-steel springs to break and fail. Further investigations showed that the spring breakage was attributed to the stainless steel binding on stainless steel, so the solution was electrocoat the springs. However, this did not

prove to be a long-lasting solution as the coating quickly wore off. A suggested anti-seize type compound was not an option due to the hot (75˚C), high-pressure (100bar) water flowing through the system. By this time the customer was getting anxious and the problem needed to be solved quickly. Euro Pumps Product Development Manager, Joanne Field says they were stumped, until they asked Cut To Size Plastics for some help. "I called Cut To Size's Technical Sales Representative, Campbell Parminter, who immediately started thinking outside the box," she said. "After examination of the original cages, material identification and a check for chemical compatibility with common additives to water, Cut To Size identified that the failure was due to accelerated

chemical degradation due to the elevated heat in a chemical environment - and not just heat, as was first suggested," she explained. Cut To Size recommended a special high-performance polymer to solve the problem. This test polymer was highly successful and has passed a standard service life test of 1000 hours. Further testing is still under way and both parties are expecting it to far exceed the standard 1000 hours. "The solution was a great example of how teamwork between suppliers and customers can yield outstanding results. Before we contacted Cut To Size, some of these pumps were wearing out in as little as one week and our clients need a much more reliable performance than that. Campbell and I enjoy working together on

solving problems," said Joanne Field. "Now they're not only lasting the industry standard, but we are aiming to well exceed it, pending the results of further testing," she said. Campbell Parminter is happy with the success of the solution, which he hopes will further cement Cut To Size's relationship with Euro Pumps. "Our attitude is always to find the best way to solve our customer's problems, we listen and ask questions – we never put a project in the ‘too hard basket'," he said. Cut To Size Plastics 02 9681 0400

The original valve cages (left) were wearing out far too quickly. The new highperformance valve cages (right) were a welcome solution



Modular Welding Tables Fixture Efficiently, Fabricate Accurately

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Place a BuildPro® Table in your shop, and you will discover how universal fixturing will benefit your operation in greater productivity, improved work quality, and reduced project lead times in prototyping, short production runs,

40mm spacing for optimum flexibility & access for standard clamps & accessories.

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BuildPro Modular Welding Table with Legs

Table height 900mm


AVAILABLE IN SIZES: 560 x 1000mm (W07710A)

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1,490 ex gst


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Table height 900mm

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BuildPro Max Modular Welding Table with Legs AVAILABLE IN SIZES:

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6,290 ex gst



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PLASMA PROCESSOR EXPANDS STEEL PLATE PROFILING OPTIONS Victorian steel processor Surdex Steel has invested in a state-of-the-art Kinetic K5000 plasma processor to give it more scope for profiling steel plate, together with additional drilling heads for tapping and counter sinking. The company has also upgraded its existing K2500 plasma machine and refurbished its Lumsden rotary wash grinders. The company reckons the combined investments will help it provide exceptional service in accurate plate surface grinding and cleaning to specific tolerances and flatness for Victorian customers. Surdex Steel now operates three beam lines, cutting and drilling structural steel up to 1350mm wide. A further cambering line is capable of pre-cambering steel beams to meet the demands of high-rise construction and heavy transport customers. In recent times Surdex Steel has diversified into more processing of plate, structural steel and coil to service fabricators, manufacturers, heavy transport, leisure vehicle, air conditioning manufacturers and roll forming industry clients.

With more than 10,000 steel products in stock and quality certified to ISO9001, the company also has a strong retail presence to service the individual demands of builders, home handymen and small business with a broad range of steel products. Part of the Southern Steel Group based in Sydney, with distribution in all Australian mainland states, Surdex Steel has nine sites in Victoria with its central

operations based in Victoria's manufacturing heartland of Dandenong South, and has been servicing the steel industry for more than 60 years. Surdex Steel 1300 778 335

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HIGH-TECH TOOL MAKERS TURN TO 5-AXIS MILLING The installation of no fewer than five 5-axis CNC machining centres from Hermle is allowing Hirschmann Automotive to turn technical innovations into high-quality mechatronic products more efficiently than ever before. The order was a first for Hermle. Hirschmann Automotive ordered five ultra-modern 5-axis CNC high-powered C series machining centres in one go, namely the C 12 U, C 22 U, C 32 U, C 42 U and C 52 U. Between them the five machines offer a broad range of highly adaptable methods of performing machining tasks for workpieces from just a few millimetres to large-scale 1.5 tonne tool components up to 500 x 1000mm in size. As the working capacities of the five machines overlap to a certain degree, milling capacities can be utilised in a highly flexible way, with all machining tasks delivered on a direct application or prioritised basis. Each of the machines is equipped with the latest TNC 640 Heidenhain control system, an NC rotary table, an HSK A 63 tool holding fixture and a main spindle with a top speed of 18,000rpm. Advanced operating functions include ACC (active chatter control) and AFC (adaptive feed control, depending on the respective spindle output

The C 52 U high-performance 5-axis CNC machining centre features a 1150 x 900mm NC rotary table for large components weighing up to 2000kg

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and other process parameters/data). The 5-axis machining centres at the plant in Rankweil are currently still operated manually for one-offs and small-scale machining of tools and special machine components. However, the two larger C 42 U and C 52 U machining centres are equipped with pallet changers or workpiece magazines for automated production. All the new machining centres feature more or less identical equipment and CNC technology, which is clearly an advantage in terms of training, programming, operating concepts and, last but not least, practical usage. And this has made a highly positive impact on the working environment. Above all, the training on the high-powered, 5-axis CNC machining centres has been well received by the staff from the start thanks to its practical approach and efficiency. "We've discovered increased positive effects on identification and confidence among our highlyqualified operators, which ultimately helps to maximise cutting volumes and therefore increase productivity," says Andreas Bolter, Head of Tool Making and Plant Engineering at Hirschmann Automotive in Rankweil" "Our job is to centre on the performance of external tool manufacturers, and we always have to be one step ahead. By focusing on the premium automotive sector and small to medium volumes of injection mould parts, we are able to offer a wide range of variants and therefore great diversity in our tools."

The C 52 U high-performance 5-axis CNC machining centre is the largest of the five new units at Hirschmann Automotive

"We've discovered increased positive effects on identification and confidence among our highly-qualified operators, which ultimately helps to maximise cutting volumes and therefore increase productivity," "Because we have had very good experience with two Hermle type C 20 U machining centres, one of which was fitted with the IH 60 workpiece magazine and handling system, in terms of performance and especially service over a period of several years, we opted for Hermle as a partner and launched an extensive investment programme based on 5-axis CNC machining centres." The Tool, Machinery and Plant Engineering departments, which employ 170 specialists in Rankweil alone, also play a key role. From idea to product development, to prototyping/sample production, to the manufacture of injection moulding tools to the construction of assembly plants and automation facilities, all of the company's threads run in a co-ordinated fashion. Hermle is represented in Australia by Applied Machinery. Applied Machinery 03 9706 8066

industry update ad.indd 1

30/08/2011 5:25:30 PM




WHEN IT COMES TO WASTE, ARE YOU WASTING OPPORTUNITIE$? When it comes to managing and reducing business costs, all too often the costs associated with managing waste generated in day-to-day activities are inadvertently overlooked, says Samantha Cross.

Few companies are closely looking at their waste streams. It's fairly safe to say there aren't too many companies that don't have at least one, or multiple, general waste bins of different sizes and configurations, conveniently collected and regularly invoiced by a waste contractor. Understandably, many businesses' waste

costs seem minor compared to other more significant manufacturing input costs like labour, raw materials, transport and utility costs. But waste costs are steadily increasing, and due consideration should be given not only to the direct costs associated with waste but also the indirect costs to business and wider communities associated with the generation, handling and disposal of waste. Waste is only one component of sustainable manufacturing, an area moving from being a buzzword to one that is increasingly viewed as a critical and strategic business imperative. Future articles will highlight companies demonstrating sustainability leadership, however this first article touches on waste. Are you still sending waste to landfill? Perhaps you don't properly understand or haven't recently reviewed the composition of the waste you generate. Could you be wasting opportunities to reduce costs and increase business profits? In addition, you may be missing valuable opportunities

to increase resource efficiency in your business from an input and output perspective, the ability to contribute to the sustainability along your manufacturing supply chain and additional opportunities to strengthen relationships with customers and meet expectations around responsible product stewardship. Typically, the direct waste costs identified on your monthly invoice include bin hire, collection and disposal costs. Often, these costs are wrapped up in a service fee making it difficult to understand the breakdown and how much weight is in each bin or generated each month. Some questions to consider are: "How do I know if my bins are being over serviced?", "Am I paying for half empty bin collection?", "Where does my waste or recycling really end up?" and "How do I know this is the most cost-effective and viable current option available locally to my business?" There are many ways that businesses can access information on current and potential opportunities to reduce waste

RECYCLING EQUIPMENT HELPS TOWARDS ACHIEVING ZERO LANDFILL Waste reduction and associated recycling has become a crucial part of the Australian landscape in recent years, and plays a key role in minimising landfill by using recycled material in the manufacture of new products. The Genox range of granulators, shredders, wash plants and complete recycling lines available in Australia from Applied Machinery are playing a major role in helping companies in their quest towards zero landfill. To date over 150 Australian companies have selected the Genox brand for a reliable, cost effective and environmentally friendly solution for their waste reduction needs. For plastics processing, the Genox



range includes single shaft shredders, twin shaft shredders, granulators, washing tanks and dewatering centrifuges. For e-waste, the range includes shear shredders, heavy-duty granulators, vertical crushers (densifiers), eddy current separators and various types of air separation systems. "We pride ourselves on the quality of the Genox range of shredders, granulators, wash plants and complete recycling lines. They have proven to be a reliable and cost effective solution, and go a

long way to assisting our customers to achieve their environmental goals and KPIs. They have emerged as Australia's favourite solution for all kinds of waste and materials reduction applications," says David Macdonald, Managing Director of Applied Machinery. Applied Machinery 03 9706 8066

costs or to become a more resourceefficient sustainable business. Find out about your state and local government sustainability programmes and support, get involved with sustainable manufacturing networks and industry groups, make contact with consultants who can help keep you up to date with innovations and industry developments and review online support and recycling directories. The answers are changing when it comes to how waste is perceived and how we can better manage it to reduce costs, turn it into a resource opportunity and increase engagement with suppliers and customers. What actions can you take in 2017 to realise value in your waste? Samantha Cross, Cross Connections Consulting, helps businesses to rethink the waste they generate and to identify and review resource efficiency opportunities. For more information visit www. or call 0423 943100.


So, just take a few moments to think about the waste your business is generating and see if any of these statements resonate with you. • "I just reviewed my waste bill and I can't believe how much it is." • "Managing waste isn't my core business so I rely on my waste contractor to make sure I'm getting my waste collected efficiently. I'm assuming what can be viably recycled is recycled but how do I really know?" • "I didn't know there were viable options to recycle soft plastic shrink wrap and pallets I currently receive with incoming goods." • "Would a baler or other equipment and technology reduce my transport and collection costs? What is the payback period?"


• "Is there anyone who would be interested in my manufacturing offcuts and processing waste byproducts?" • If you answered yes to any of the above, then contact Cross Connections now and we can help you to stop wasting opportunities.

 Ideal for companies looking to achieve zero landfill  Reliable, cost effective, environmentally friendly  Australia’s favourite solution for all kinds of waste/materials reduction applications  Extensive range available: – Vision Series – high quality, cost effective shredders – Gran-Calibur series granulator - defined size reduction of various materials in a single pass – High performance plastic washing and drying plants, complete tyre recycling plants, made-to-order solution for practically all recycling applications. For more information: Call: 03 9706 8066 Email: Visit:

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December 2016 saw the installation of a huge Genox Z1500 vertical shredder in Melbourne as part of an e-waste line customised for size reduction and separation of toner cartridges

APP046-Genox-Ad-2.indd 1

6/09/2016 2:0




COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS MADE TO ORDER Good compressed air reticulation is the "other half" of an efficient and effective compressed air system. A poorly designed pipe layout can result in pressure losses and contamination, leading to unreliable equipment operation. In addition, the compressor may have to work "overtime" to try to compensate for these conditions, resulting in excessive bills. Galvanised or black steel pipe systems, although in use in compressed air reticulation systems for many years, can corrode internally and build up an unseen crust of rust inside the pipe. This rust restricts airflow and, if dislodged, can enter a piece of equipment, causing malfunction. Plastic pipe is more susceptible to expansion and contraction with changes in ambient temperature and even when bracketed correctly tends to sag between brackets leading to collection of water at the low points. Plastic pipe can also become brittle with age and burst under pressure in below freezing conditions.


Where oil-free compressed air is essential, stainless-steel pipe is recommended. Modern press-crimp methods of joining stainless steel are quick and reliable and have reduced the overall cost of stainless-steel systems. For general industrial compressed air pipework, aluminium is the preferred material. Aluminium combines good structural strength with light weight and high corrosion resistance and its compression fitting joining method makes it quick and easy to install. Pneutech Group offers a design and installation service for compressed air pipe systems including calculation of optimum pipe sizes, design of optimum layouts and inclusion of all necessary filters, regulators and lubricators depending on the application. Pneutech Group 1800 763 833


ABRASIVE BLAST EQUIPMENT Protoblast Company has been designing and manufacturing to suit customer’s individual needs since 1975. • Abrasive Recovery Systems • Airless Blast Machines • Section Blast Machines • Dust Collectors The best way to prepare a surface for a coating is by using the abrasive blasting process. Whether you need to blast castings, concrete blocks, screws, surfboards or steel work... Protoblast has the experience to design and supply equipment that is fast, efficient, improves your product and saves you money... year after year.

P.O. Box 157 Picton NSW 2571 P. 1800 772 320 Inter. +61 2 4677 2320 E.



Available now from Signode, the EBS260 industrial printing machine will print precisely and clearly on most surfaces including steel, concrete and timber. This wireless unit enables operators to print a range of texts including letters, numbers, images and barcodes. The newly improved model can now print on most surfaces including metal, glass, concrete, timber, cardboard and absorbing materials such as textiles. Print cartridges are available in a range of colours, including a UV option. The new EBS-260 unit enables operators to print 1D and 2D barcodes, logos, images, sequential numbering, dates and a range of messages across multiple lines. Font sizes range from 7 to 57mm high.

Wireless communications are available via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB, and the unit will operate for up to 16h on a fully charged battery over its operating temperature range of 5 to 40°C. The newly improved EBS-260 comes with a laser positioner that automates the measuring of objects. This enables operators to print in any direction (left to right, right to left, up or down), and even along curved lines. The printer can also automatically calculate the printing space available and adjust the size of the saved printing text accordingly. Signode 1800 685 824


AUSTRALIAN MADE LED LIGHTING RANGE EXPANDS IN 2017 Australian owned and operated LED lighting company Aqualuma is going from strength to strength, despite the global events of 2016 making international and local business difficult. The company has an unmistakable culture of old fashion service and quality that has been lost in many companies today. This culture starts with owners Carl and Grant Amor who are working directors. They arrive around 6.30am every day to begin the daily tasks of the company. This is passed on to all the staff and creates a harmonious working environment, which in turn produces some of the finest LED products available in the world today. "Any company is only

as good as its employees and we have some of the best anyone could wish for," for says Carl Amor Brand new to the Aqualuma range is the Litebay, a lower cost LED highbay solution to accommodate installations with tighter budget constraints. This new fixture allows customers to choose a product made by Australia's leading LED lighting manufacturer at a very favourable cost without compromising quality or needing to worry about warranty issues. Made and warranted in Australia, the Litebay is a must see for any company considering LED upgrades for its current lighting. Due for release in Q2 of 2017, the Aqualuma Canopy light is designed for petrol station forecourts and any similar application that


requires a flat mounted fixture, including food preparation areas. This new light is in the final stages of certification and will be a very popular addition to the range. Quality, performance and customer satisfaction are the driving force behind every Aqualuma product, and the

company leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of these goals. Aqualuma 1300 145 555

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MODULAR STORAGE SYSTEMS IMPROVE FACTORY ORGANISATION Improved organisation and storage of equipment helps fast moving production facilities operate more efficiently and more safely. Colour coding is also a good way to provide area control of equipment. The challenge often is that tools and equipment come in a wide range of shapes and forms, and often factory managers end up making bespoke wall hangers and storage devices which are costly and not always the best solution. The Toolflex modular storage system, available in Australia and New Zealand from WR&D Wells, is a simple and flexible

system of wall storage, suitable for hanging a variety of equipment and tools. The Swedish-made system includes a range of clever rubber clip holders, plastic and stainless steel hooks and other universal or "multi-fix" holders. The range of tool holder options mean that the system can be used for hand tools, cleaning equipment, buckets, PPE and other miscellaneous factory equipment. The availability of eight different colours, means factories can easily apply area colour coding to support good manufacturing practice and control

across the plant. The system can also be complemented by the inclusion of location rails and picture plates, which mount above the Toolflex rail to clearly show which item is to be stored where. Wells offers free plant site surveys to assist with making the right choice and achieving better organisation when it comes to storage and organisation of equipment. WR&D Wells 03 9699 8999

POWER SUPPLIES DELIVER BETTER PERFORMANCE IN A SMALLER PACKAGE Soanar now offers Mean Well's LRS35, LRS-50, LRS-75, LRS-100 and LRS150 enclosed AC/DC power supplies (from 35 to 150W) as replacements for the superseded RS series. The LRS series are single-output enclosed type power supplies with a 30mm-high low-profile design. Compared with their predecessors these power supplies deliver better performance in a smaller package and at a more economical price. They incorporate an extremely low no-load power consumption of just

<0.2 to 0.75W, low profile (1U) and operation at altitudes up to 5000m. The efficiency is a high 91% with only free-air convection cooling. They have a full range of protection functions, 5g anti-vibration capability and are UL/CUL/TUV/CCC/CB/ CE certified meeting the requirements of various safety standards (including IEC/EN/UL60950-1, IEC/EN61558-1, IEC/EN61558-2-16, IEC/EN60335-1 and GB4943). Mean Well LRS series power supplies suit a wide range of applications,

extending beyond the traditional area from industrial automation machinery and control systems to mechanical and electrical equipment, instruments, equipment and apparatus through to household appliances. A 3 year warranty is offered across the range. Soanar 1300 365 551

A NEW GENERATION OF DESICCANT DRYERS Walker Filtration, one of the leading manufacturers of high efficiency compressed air treatment and drying equipment, has released the next generation of its PRODRY compressed air desiccant dryers. The new models are available in stock now at the company's Melbourne office. Combining customer feedback and smart technology, the company's UK based team of engineers have developed a product that delivers maximum performance with customers' needs in mind. The new PRODRY compressed air desiccant dryers cut service time in



half, boast significantly increased energy efficiency, reduce noise and provide customised options to meet nearly every customer requirement. The new range integrates into the current PRODRY offering and covers flow rates from 45 to 360scfm (77-360Nm3/h). Tested and validated to international standards, PRODRY's multivoltage capabilities allow for worldwide installation. The new PRODRY larger flow models now come with an option to upgrade to advanced dewpoint management for greater operating efficiency and a significant reduction in operation costs.

"The new generation of PRODRY represents the culmination of development and innovation by our dedicated team," remarks Group Managing Director, Lianne Walker, MBE (MBA). "We are excited to bring a superior PRODRY desiccant dryer to the market, and confident that the exceptional performance and improved design will not only meet our customers' requirements, but also exceed their expectations." Walker Filtration 03 9330 4144


CORROSION-RESISTANT CHAIN HAS TWO LAYERS OF PROTECTION A ground-breaking surface treatment is being applied to Tsubaki's newly launched Neptune range of corrosionresistant chain. The upgraded RS roller chain combines protection against corrosive environments and maximum chain strength. Chain failures can be expensive to repair and disruptive to normal operations. While usually robust and reliable, chain that is used in harsh environments requires additional protection in order to ensure a long working life. Tsubaki has developed a novel solution based on a two-layer protection scheme applied to high-quality carbon-steel chain components. A specially developed topcoat resin protects the chain from physical impact and forms the front line defence against corrosive agents. Beneath this is a base coating that prevents oxidisation from reaching the chain. The coating system is applied prior to the chain assembly processes to ensure that each chain component is completely

coated. Further, the application process is at low temperature so it will not affect chain strength, and so Neptune chain has the same high tensile strength and allowable load as standard Tsubaki chain. The resultant Tsubaki Neptune is a top quality carbon-steel chain that can be used in wet environments and even underwater. Neptune is available as roller chain and as single- and double-pitch conveyor chain. The conveyor chain is complemented by a wide range of attachments featuring the same two-layer protection. Tests show that Neptune chain has superb resistance against alkaline chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide, which are commonly used in the food industry to clean and disinfect. The chain operated reliably for over 2000 hours when tested against a 5% sodium hydroxide solution. Further, in salt water spray tests Neptune showed no sign of rust at all for 700 hours. The newly developed coating is RoHS compliant and environmentally safe

compared with other industry-standard coatings, which may contain harmful hexavalent chromium or other hazardous substances, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, or arsenic. It is therefore ideal for use in those industries that are already phasing out hexavalent chromium from their plants.

Typical food and beverage uses for Neptune chain include food conveyors, meat processing, wash down areas, high humidity areas, cold environments, food packing machines and spiral conveyors. Tsubaki Australia 02 9704 2500

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HIGH-PRESSURE COMPRESSORS TARGET AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY The recent acquisition of Austrian company LMF Compressors by Kaishan Group means that that stateof-the-art high-pressure compressor systems for air, natural and process gases can now be sourced directly through Southern Cross Compressors Australia. This recent integration with LMF Compressors has greatly expanded the local company's capabilities in the supply of large-scale high-pressure compressed air systems for Australian industries including oil, gas and mining applications. LMF is well known as a global leader in customdesigned and off-the-shelf, high-quality, high-pressure compressed air systems up to 8000hp with discharge pressures up to 700bar (10150psi) for air, natural gas and process gases. With over 166 years of experience, LMF has designed, built, installed and serviced systems in large-scale industries all over the world. LMF's unique high-pressure technology brings a highly advanced, custom designed and built range of industrial air compressors for applications in petrochemicals and refineries, seismic research, gas

transportation, storage and power, pipeline evacuation, industrial gases, PET for bottle production, biomethane and natural gas vehicles. Fully trained and operational in LMF technologies and capabilities, Southern Cross can now provide advice, custom design, engineering expertise, supply, testing, start up and full servicing for major Australian industry applications. As one of Australia's leading suppliers of compressed air systems, Southern Cross has the local market knowledge, manpower and mobile service technicians to impart this unique technology direct to Australian industry. Southern Cross service technicians have been fully trained in the installation and servicing of these large scale, high pressure systems and with one of Australia's largest and most qualified mobile service fleets, the company has extended its 24/7 servicing provision to this new venture. LMF produces a wide range of compressors, all designed and built to industry standards that meet the most demanding expectations. The range includes

reciprocating and rotary types with a choice of water and air cooling and options of lubricated and nonlubricated designs rated from 4 to 6200kW. Australian industry can now have the confidence to acquire and install systems that are designed and commissioned to fit their exacting application needs through a leading, fully qualified and globally supported local compressed air specialist company. Southern Cross Compressors (Australia) 1300 738 593

HYGIENIC PLASTIC ENERGY CHAIN IS A WORLD'S FIRST Igus has designed the world's first plastic energy chain according to hygienic design guidelines. With an open design, the chain is extremely easy to clean. The use of round corners and the absence of threaded connections mean that there are no dead spaces for dirt and germs to accumulate. The lubrication-free energy chain was developed specially to customer requirements. It features a blue material, which is normal for the food industry, and is FDA compliant. It is also highly resistant to aggressive cleaning agents and chemicals. The high-reliability chains can be used wherever hygiene requirements are very high and cables and hoses have to be

guided safely and securely. They are ideal for packaging, as well as for food and beverage filling machines. The energy chain is available in two different interior heights and five different interior widths. The five fixed interior segments for individual fillings are available for both chain sizes and allow cables and hoses to be laid separately from one another in order to provide sufficient space for cleaning. Treotham Automation 02 9907 1788

Screw Compressors For full range scan QR code or go to Call 1800 PNEUTECH for all of your compressed air needs.




SAFETY SHOES CLOSE GAP ON SPORTS FOOTWEAR Available now from Trading Downunder, the Puma Safety Elevate Knit is a metal-free low-cut shoe featuring a composite toecap with 200J impact rating. The knitted upper is made of high quality breathable material with scuff cap toe protection to reduce abrasion. The durable rubber outsole is 300°C heat resistant and SRC anti-slip rated, which meets the highest standard for slip resistance in safety shoes. A shock absorbing idCell is embedded in the heel, further enhancing the wearer's comfort. The Puma Elevate Knit is ideal for a mobile workforce in sectors where lightweight footwear is preferred, such as the transport or warehousing industries. As with all the styles in the Puma Safety range available in Australia from Trading Downunder, the Elevate Knit is certified to Australian Standard AS/NZS 2210.3: 2009 Class 1.

The Puma Safety Elevate Knit embodies novel technology in producing sports footwear that allows for the upper to be produced from a single thread, substantially reducing stitching but still incorporating patterns and designs that would normally be sewn together. "Despite being lightweight, this style does not compromise on its safety features," says Alessandra Pizzardello from Trading Downunder. Trading Downunder 02 8678 1546




INCREMENTAL MAGNETIC LENGTH MEASURING SYSTEM RUNS ON CONVEYORS The Elgo GMIX2 incremental sensor can be installed at a distance up to 4mm from the magnetic tape. The measuring system features a resolution of 2.5mm (four edge-triggered), a repeating accuracy of ±2.5mm and a maximum operation speed of 10m/s (output frequency 4kHz), making it suitable for use in storage or conveyor applications. Thanks to its noncontact measurement method (by magnetic scanning) and high protection class of IP67, the sensor provides

reliable and repeatable operation in rough environments. The compact sensor features an integrated translator circuit, which converts the detected signals into 90° shifted square wave signals A and B (like the output signals of rotary encoders). This allows the GMIX2 to be connected directly to follow-up circuits, such as position indicators. Treotham Automation 02 9907 1788

CASTORS ARE IDEAL FOR TROLLEYS AND TOWING Tente's new 364 series castors ensure efficient work and high performance. These castors are optimised for quick transport of high loads with minimum space. Precision ball bearings in the head race ensure efficient swivel resistance, delivering maximum driving comfort on any floor type. They are available in swivel, swivel brake, fixed, directional lock and central locking, and so several castors can be operated at once. A combination of total and lock and directional lock is

also possible. Wheel types include polyurethane, rubber and nylon and are rated up to 600kg per castor. These new castors are ideal for trolleys and towing applications up to 15km while retaining highest directional stability. Tente's 364 series ensure efficient work with minimal wear, reading to reduced maintenance costs. Tente Castors & Wheels 1300 836 831

NOT ALL ORAL FLUID TESTING DEVICES ARE EQUAL Traditionally urine has been the most common matrix used for workplace drug testing. However, with improvements in test technology during the last decade Australia has seen a significant shift towards oral fluid testing. Ease of collection, reduced chance of sample adulteration, recent exposure identification (is the individual fit for work?) and a better correlation with blood concentrations compared with urine are key reasons for this change. Australia was the first country in the world to introduce an oral fluid drug testing standard (AS4760:2006) that includes the provision for testing with on-site oral fluid devices. But there are no



testing devices that meet accreditation as per the standard, and this opens the door to a wide range of tests with regards to quality and accuracy. When you consider the implications of a non-negative result against cost, employee downtime etc, it is important to ensure your company's testing equipment is of the highest quality. So how does an organisation ensure that it is using an effective oral fluid drug test? Alere works with laboratories around Australia and globally to provide a range of the highest quality of products for drugs of abuse testing. Alere has two premium oral fluid devices that have been

independently verified by an AS4760:2006 accredited laboratory for sensitivity and performance. Comprehensive reports are available. With Alere ToxWipe and Alere DDS2, customers can rest assured that they are using accurate, reliable drug tests with laboratory proven performance. As an added benefit the Alere Toxwipe is one of the fastest oral fluid devices on the market. Alere 1800 622 642


Australian made and warrantied direct replacement LED Highbay Brand new to the range is the Litebay, a lower cost solution to accommodate installations with tighter budget restraints. The new fixture allows customers to choose a product made by Australia’s leading LED manufacturer at a very favourable cost without compromising quality.








124 Siganto Drive, Helensvale, Queensland, Australia 4212 Ph: 1300 14 55 55 | | LITEBAY.AQUALUMA.COM


COMING EVENTS MARCUS EVANS TPM 2017 March 2-3 Crown Promenade, Melbourne LEADING THROUGH EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION CONFERENCE 2017 March 7-8 William Angliss Conference Centre, Melbourne AUSPACK 2017 March 7-10 Sydney Showground 02 9556 7993 NATIONAL MANUFACTURING WEEK 2017 May 9-12, 2017 Melbourne Exhibition Centre AUSTECH 2017 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING & MACHINE TOOL EXHIBITION May 9-12, 2017 Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre CEBIT 2017 May 23-25, 2017 International Convention Centre, Sydney 02 9280 3400 SMART SUPPLY CHAIN & LOGISTICS CONFERENCE March 29-30 International Convention Centre, Sydney 1300 789 845



NATIONAL MANUFACTURING WEEK May 9 -12 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre 02 9422 2955 SAFETY FIRST CONFERENCE & EXPO May 9-12 Sydney Olympic Showground 02 9422 2659 AUSTMINE 2017 CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION May 22-24 Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre 02 9556 7993 CEBIT 2017 May 23-25 International Convention Centre, Sydney 02 9280 3400 CONTECH 2017 May 31 Melbourne Cricket Ground RENEWABLE CITIES AUSTRALIA June 14-15 International Convention Centre, Sydney 02 9556 8847

Amidst an uncertain start to 2017, Industry Update has flown out of the starting gates, bringing all of our loyal readers and advertisers along for the ride. The April edition of IU gives you a chance to get your brand in front of 76,000 key industry figures, with the highest circulation of any industry publication in the country. With unparalleled reach, and boundless optimism, our next release is set to be a bumper-size edition with six special features: • NMW 2017 Preview – We’ll be looking ahead to National Manufacturing Week in Melbourne, helping visitors to maximise the value of their time at the big show. • Welding And Profile Cutting Technologies – Reviewing developments at the cutting edge of metal fabrication.

AUSTRALIAN ENERGY STORAGE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION June 14-15 International Convention Centre, Sydney 02 9556 8847

Pollution Control And Waste Management – Continuing our commitment to environmental matters, with a focus on best practice • Industrial Lighting – Shedding light on the shopfloor. • Drug And Alcohol Testing – We look at the technology available and the best way to introduce it to the workplace. • Focus On Safety Glasses – Keep your vision safe in style! Plus all our regular features on Workplace Safety, Machinery, Business, Industry Politics, Training, and Australian Made. All advertisers are guaranteed editorial coverage. The deadline for editorial submissions is Friday, 17 March.

Editorial and images should be sent to For advertising inquiries, contact Glyn or Scott on 02 9439 1288


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