Industry Update Issue 93 November 2016

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Industry Update


Issue 2014 $12.00 Issue76 93 February November 2016 $12.00INC.GST INC.GST


BEING TOUGH INVOLVES ASKING FOR HELP Whether we like it or not, Australian manufacturing has traditionally been a male-dominated industry. And while, as you will read inside this issue of Industry Update, great strides are being made throughout Australian industry to create mentally healthy workplaces, many of the underlying issues relate directly to the very "maleness" of the workforce. In short: one in eight men will experience extended periods of depression throughout their life. One in five will suffer from ongoing anxiety. It's clear that these problems aren't being addressed as well as they could be, because in 2015 alone, there were just over 3000 suicides in Australia. 2292 of those deaths were male, which is 8.3 deaths every single day. Men are often under pressure to ‘man up' and stay strong in the face of adversity. Speaking out and ‘admitting' that you are suffering from a mental illness

Stay Safe This Holiday Season P15

Many Australian companies are overpaying customs duties, and are unaware that they can reclaim this money. The overpayments can range up to tens of thousands of dollars, and all it takes to rectify the problem is to seek a second opinion.

Continued page 8

Continued page 10

SEW Eurodrive Initiative Supports A Mentally Healthy Workplace P18

Efic provides financial solutions to Australian exporters when their bank is unable to help. With a quick approval, Efic’s online Small Business Export Loan was just what Worldpoly needed to open the door to a new export market.

Helping build your business overseas

The situation is commonplace across a wide spectrum of industries, ranging from raw materials to piece parts and finished goods, and is caused by incorrect customs clearance. Customs clearance is the process of reporting to Australian Customs exactly what is being imported into the country. Each item imported requires classification into specific categories in order for the duty to be calculated correctly. This is key to ensuring that you are not overpaying or underpaying import duty. If the item is incorrectly (or inaccurately) classified

Rite-Hite® Industrial Fans A change is in the air. P32

Rob Hall and Nikita Hall Director and Marketing Manager Worldpoly

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can daunting; many men fear criticism, or being labeled as ‘weak'. In physically demanding and male-dominated industries, this social pressure can be intensified many times over. This peer pressure can also lead some down a dangerous route towards alcohol or drug dependency, creating further issues in terms of workplace safety. "Men have a greater tendency not to recognise or respond to their own negative emotions or distress, partly due to the stigma associated with 'mental health', which in turn may result in clinical depression," according to BeyondBlue's outreach initiative, Man Therapy. Our resolve, in other words, is the very thing that can make us so vulnerable to these illnesses. The expectations of manliness and masculinity we identify with can become toxic demands on our mental health, making it harder to seek help.

“Efic’s Small Business Export Loan helped us with new opportunities in Africa.”

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100 free 7-day passes giveaway Anytime Fitness P20

Understanding Fork Truck Work Platform Requirements P42






In deciding that Industry Update should address some of the big workplace health and safety issues that affect both manufacturing industry and other organisations alike, I was aware that our message would be moving rather close to home. So in preparing our special feature on workplace mental health this month, it has been easy to empathise with the individuals we have interviewed and to appreciate what a difficult task they have accomplished in establishing mentally healthy workplaces. The onus on those in management roles to open their doors to employees with issues of any kind is common across all organisations, whether they be multinational manufacturers, regional distributors or small-scale publishing houses. However, one of the most important things for any manager to appreciate is that he or she is not expected to solve employee mental health problems. After all, if an employee broke an arm or a leg at work, their supervisor wouldn't be expected to set it. Rather, the role of the manager is to be available to discuss the problem and to provide access to the correct professional help.

The journey to a robust mentally healthy workplace can be a difficult one. But with suitable policies in place, it can be a rewarding one. Another similar (and sometimes allied) area that needs to be addressed is in the consumption of alcohol and narcotics. And here there has been a cultural sea change in recent years. The alcohol-fuelled hospitality of the 1980s and 1990s was not unique to the business publishing sector. However, it was unusual for any business deal to be concluded without some form of "lubrication". And for the workforce a few beers on the shopfloor on a Friday afternoon were not uncommon. Our attitudes have changed, and workplace health and safety policies dictate that the prime responsibility is to the safety of all employees. And today that safety extends beyond physical harm and into the realm of mental wellbeing. On that note, it just remains for me to extend the compliments of the season to all our readers, and to wish you all a prosperous 2017. "For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

In the words of the Stones' classic: "Please allow me to introduce myself..." Having spent a considerable career in and around the engineering press in the UK and Europe, I found myself bemoaning the fact that the Australian market was not seemingly able to support the type of journalism to which I was accustomed. And then I discovered Industry Update. It has been interesting to witness the evolution of Industry Update from Scott's early vision through David and Tim's careful nurturing to the market leader it is today. And it is heartening that it has prospered as a magazine while embracing the benefits of the web. Less than 20 years ago I was asked by an audience of middle-level managers from a major US semiconductor manufacturer whether I thought there was a long-term future for traditional business-to-business magazines in the face of the advance of the (then relatively juvenile) new media. My reply was that, for engineers at least, there would always be a demand for a physical publication, because web browsers simply weren't that portable.

The irony was that it was that very manufacturer's chipsets that enabled the boom in the type of mobile computing that we all take for granted today. In the intervening years, I took full part in the dot-com boom of the early noughties, working on a stable of engineering product news websites that prospered during the days when the web was more about quantity of information, rather than quality. The all-powerful Google changed all that, putting the onus on all of us to target our online presence to the needs of the user. And that rule applies equally to manufacturers and the media. So now to Industry Update, and I am delighted that Scott has given me the opportunity to oversee the next chapter in its evolution. The fact that this chapter coincides with such strong signs of the rejuvenation of Australian manufacturing industry makes my opportunity all the more appealing. I look forward to meeting as many Industry Update readers as possible over the coming months and years. And should those meetings coincide with 18 holes of golf, then so much the better!

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The election of Donald J Trump as President of the United States of America has taken a lot of people by surprise. His meteoric political rise from game-show host to leader of the ‘free world' was drenched in media frenzy, sordid accusations, and a complete and utter disregard for the precedents that every other presidential candidate in history had set. How did a man the NSW Parliament formally branded a "revolting slug" end up in the top spot? The answer may have no small relation to manufacturing. Or, to be more precise, the lack of it. The Wall Street Journal published a set of statistics in March of 2016, focusing on the demographics of support for the Democratic and Republican primary candidates. As these statistics come from the very beginning, before most other candidates were eliminated, they let us see who has been supporting Trump from the very beginning. Overwhelmingly, his supporters were not college educated, earned under US$35,000 per year, and lived in rural communities. Trump's message of "Make America great again" was so powerful because it could mean vastly different things to different people; for voters in rural areas (which make up three quarters of the USA's landmass), it seems like he meant "bringing back the industries that have left our rural counties". "There's this sense that people in those communities are not getting their fair share compared to people in the cities,"

said Katherine Cramer, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin, when speaking to NPR. "They feel like their communities are dying, and they perceive that all that stuff — the young people, the money, the livelihood — is going somewhere, and it's going to the cities," she said. This so-called "rural resentment" is built on shrinking populations, jobs, and opportunities in non-urban areas. As manufacturers and industries leave, as the best jobs become more technical and require education and training that can't be found in rural areas, people who have lived there for generations feel very harddone-by indeed. The "manufacturing counties" are home to almost a third of the rural population. There, job and wage growth is stagnating, in sharp contrast to the 1980s and 90s, where manufacturing and rural sectors showed growth and positive investment. With such a dramatic contrast in recent memory, and (seemingly) little attention being paid by the predominantly rich politicians in Washington, resentment is inevitable.

Despite the Democratic Party's (and Hillary Clinton's) progressive and supportive views on rural economies, with a focus on small businesses and reliable investments, Trump talked the talk better than her, and won the rural vote despite a lack of concrete policy. It didn't help that Clinton is a long-running member of the political and economic elite that rural voters are so resentful of, while Trump is a "self-made" man. This attitude towards an economic and political "elite" is not new, nor is it fixated on the USA. The UK has seen its own backlash towards the bureaucratic and distant EU, with Brexit edging to just over 50% of the popular vote and threatening to undo decades of globalist progress. Before that, we've seen the Occupy Wall St movement express similar sentiment, as has left-leaning Bernie Sanders during his presidential bid. In Australia, a similar feeling may exist, (as evidenced by the resurgence of the One Nation Party) but it has not reached the peak that exists elsewhere. Still, as fewer and fewer people identify with major parties (down from 90% to less than

75%), this is a movement that should be carefully addressed. What does a Trump-led USA mean for Australia at large and Australian industry in particular? Quite simply it is too early to say. Already we have seen that President-elect Trump looks like being a very different animal to presidential candidate Trump. Traditional wisdom would suggest that any move away from free-market economics in the USA would not be beneficial to Australia – either directly or via any potential trade war between the USA and China. Similarly, any back-tracking of the USA from its agreed responsibilities under the Paris Agreement on climate policy could be disastrous globally. However, while the resources sector is enjoying a brief renaissance based on projections of future US policy, those projections remain speculation. The transition from politics to policies is rarely a smooth one (see Brexit above). We will have to wait to see the true President Trump to judge his actions.




NEWS A global OEM's approach to process savings




BUSINESS AND FINANCE Filling in the export information gap




















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Industry Update Manufacturing Media


Industry Update Media Pty Ltd Suite 403, Level 4, 116-118 Christie Street, St. Leonards NSW 2065 Phone: 02 9439 1288 Fax: 02 9439 3233 Email: Web:

All material in this publication is copyright to the publisher and/or its contributors. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent from the Publisher. It is a condition of purchase or acceptance of this magazine that the Publisher does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage which may result from any inaccuracy or omission on this publication or from the use of the information in this publication or from the use of the information and illustrations contained herein and the Publisher makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to any of the material contained herein. © Copyright Product Update Publications Pty Ltd 2012. Circulation 2015 19,045 as Readership at 1st July at 1st July 76,180 as 2015

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A GLOBAL OEM'S APPROACH TO PROCESS SAVINGS Manually scanning and entering orders cost Munters roughly 3½ hours of lost labour each day − that's 728 hours a year. Thanks to Apex's ACTYLUS solution, they've been able to reclaim that time and make their production far more efficient. Today's lean-focused original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are always on the lookout for ways to eliminate waste and optimise productivity. Many use the 5S method of workplace organisation with its mantra, "A place for everything, and everything in its place." For Munters, a global manufacturer of air treatment and climate control solutions, this focus on Lean and 5S is a daily practice. Its Amesbury, Massachusetts plant manufactures massive air treatment units for some of the world's largest and most demanding customers. Meeting their deadlines can have significant financial implications, so it's crucial that supplies for each project are always in the right place, at the right time. One of Munters' core values is that "there is always a better way." To Kevin Spearman, Materials Analyst Supervisor of Global Operations, that means, "We metric everything. With global competition for every job, there's no room for complacency." Finding a Better Bin System One process that Spearman wanted to improve through the 5S method was how the company managed its OEM electrical inventory. Production workers were required to scan low bins on a daily basis,

which meant they had to walk to a cabinet, pick up a scanner, walk back to their station, scan the bin's bar code, then make another round trip to return the scanner. At that point, a supervisor would have to enter those orders into the ERP system. This cost the company roughly 3½ hours of lost labour each day – that's 728 hours a year. This process often led to overordering, since production workers were more focused on preventing costly stockouts, not inventory carrying costs.

"We metric everything. With global competition for every job, there's no room for complacency." This resulted in a significant amount of reserve stock, excessive inventory costs and the need for extra storage space. Spearman turned to his WESCO Distribution rep, Jim Cavanaugh, to find a better way. Spearman had seen other automated bin systems, but none quite fit Munters' needs. Then Cavanaugh took the challenge to WESCO's Supply Chain Solutions team, whose specialists had recently learned about the ACTYLUS

"ACTYLUS Smart Bin Systems located closer to the point of use will save more than 101,000 steps per year."

Smart Bin System from Apex. These cloud-based devices constantly monitor bin levels and send replenishment orders directly to WESCO's ERP system. Spearman decided to give them a try and track his results. A short time later, WESCO had implemented 10 ACTYLUS units to automate supply replenishment orders for Munters' production lines and panel assembly area. 101,000 Fewer Steps, and No More Scanning Immediately, Spearman began seeing the results. The first obvious win was a reduction in wasted steps. Since the units are located near the point of use, employees can now pick up supplies in seconds. And ACTYLUS eliminates barcode scanning and all those wasted steps, providing even more productivity gains.

"We saw a ROI on Actylus in the first 2½ months." In total, Munters employees will save more than 101,000 steps a year – that's 700 employee hours that can be channeled back into production. And since supervisors no longer manually enter orders into the ERP, they can now turn their focus to more productive tasks. Putting Newfound Floor Space to Work Munters has made valuable gains in its 5S program to eliminate waste. Because the ACTYLUS automated replenishment system ensures accurate orders, Spearmen



knows every item will be where employees need it, right when they need it. As a result, they've been able to cut back on reserve supplies, lower inventory costs, and consolidate bins to free floor space. In all, Munters gained 108 square feet of productive floor space by reducing reserve stock. Spearman quickly put this extra space to use by adding an extra manning table in the panel assembly area. This provides flexibility to add staff when Munters needs to respond to spikes in customer orders. Strengthening the Partnership With real-time visibility into supply levels, WESCO can now help Munters achieve the Lean cost savings and efficiency it needs to compete in the global marketplace. WESCO has also been able to reduce delivery runs from five days a week to four – a 20% savings in the account's operational costs. Spearman adds, "ACTYLUS wasn't just a great fit for our 5S program, we also saw ROI in 2½ months. That means automated replenishment of floor stock will be the cornerstone of our future." In fact, Munters is looking at implementing ACTYLUS in other North American manufacturing facilities, a sure sign that the Munters/ WESCO partnership will continue to grow. Apex Supply Chain 1800 229 7912

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ANDREW WATSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, EXPORT FINANCE, EFIC For many manufacturers, access to finance for export continues to be a problem. Often the high costs involved in maintaining state-of-the-art machinery and purchasing the raw materials needed to meet large export orders, mean small to medium sized manufacturers need to find funding support to meet international demand. The first option is to explore an export loan with the bank, but many manufacturers struggle because their banks require levels of cash flow many can't meet. This has led to a number of manufacturers seeking out new sources of finance, such as Efic's Small Business Export Loan. One such company is Victorian manufacturer and family business, Worldpoly. Established in 2000, Worldpoly's history began in 1959 when Tom Hall made the first polyethylene pipe in the Southern Hemisphere. From small beginnings, Worldpoly now exports to over 108 countries worldwide, accounting for about 70% of total business. Based in Victoria, Worldpoly is a specialist manufacturer of polyethylene pipe butt welding equipment. "Butt welding machines are primarily an alignment clamp which aligns two lengths of polyethylene pipe, shaves them, heats

them and then forces them together under an international or national standard of temperature, time and pressure to give a lifetime of 100 years and a joint which will survive the failure of the pipe," says Rob Hall, Managing Director and owner of Worldpoly. With a focus on international markets, Worldpoly saw an opportunity to establish a new distributor in South Africa, further opening up the Sub-Saharan Africa market. The company's bank was unable to help finance the venture because of the cash flow nature of extended terms to a foreign country. "The largest challenge to exporting is the cash flow required to match the credit terms, which are provided by foreign national competitors," says Hall. With the introduction of EficDirect, small businesses like Worldpoly are able to access smaller, unsecured loans with flexible repayment terms. "Efic's funding allowed us to send our machines to a new distributor in South Africa. The Small Business Export Loan from Efic made this sale possible, and has allowed us to facilitate more stock in South Africa," says Hall. "The online portal, EficDirect, was straightforward, easy and self-explanatory all the way through. It gave me a sufficient degree of predictability on the loan that I

was able to commit myself to the sale in negotiations with the client. Once we started the online application we were able to save it and return to it. Then once it was submitted, we were able to track the application through to completion," adds Hall. Marketing Manager Nikita Hall is equally enthusiastic, remarking: "Our experience with Efic from the start has been fantastic. There's always been help available. The people have been very real, which is refreshing." "The key to Worldpoly's success is our passion for the industry, and the fact that we're never scared of a challenge. We

project our partnership in South Africa will grow substantially over the next few years and will allow us to expand further into Sub-Saharan Africa." Australia has one of the most successful manufacturing industries in the world, but many still face challenges with access to finance. Financial assistance is out there for exporters who know where to look. Worldpoly is just one example of a manufacturer who has benefited from looking for new sources of finance. Efic

Continued from cover page

BEING TOUGH INVOLVES ASKING FOR HELP This is why, when Greens senator Scott Ludlam spoke publically about taking time away from work to deal with his ongoing anxiety and depression, his words (and the overwhelming support he has received from Parliament) meant so much to men around Australia. "Friends, I am taking a leave of absence to treat depression and anxiety. These are issues I've been dealing with for a while," Ludlam said on social media. "I will return to work as soon as I'm able to give the commitment the work demands… I am fortunate to be getting the very best of care from my friends and family, and my health professionals." His approach is straightforward and simple; Ludlam is seeking treatment for his health in the same way he would with



any other illness, and is being upfront about the reasons for his absence from parliament. His actions provide a strong example to those in Australia who have considered seeking some kind of professional help, but put their mental health on the backburner due to social pressure. The widespread and almost unanimous support he has received is a sign that these toxic expectations of men are beginning to dissipate. People are now, more than ever, realising how important it is to be open and honest about mental health. It's not just a good idea to get checked out; it's an admirable one. Seeking help, even if it is a one-off consultation, is one of the smartest and bravest things you can do for yourself, no matter how small you

think your problem might be. For those who would like to learn more, Beyond Blue (www.beyondblue., and its male-targeted outreach

programme Man Therapy (www. are informative and welcoming places to start.


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Continued from first page

IMPORTERS IN THE DARK OVER PAYING CUSTOMS DUTY then an incorrect duty rate may be applied – even to the extent of paying duty on duty-free items. So how does this misclassification arise? According to Nicole Chilvers of Chilvers Customs, simple human error is all too common. "It can be a simple mistake for a classifier or customs broker to use the wrong tariff classification for a particular item. And once it has been done once, chances are the mistake will be repeated

on each subsequent shipment," she says. "Also, new duty concessions come out every month, and so imports that were once dutiable may now be duty free. But if the customs broker hasn't checked for new concessions, the importer will continue to pay duty." The good news, though, is that importers can reclaim any duty that has been overpaid over the past four years. And all it takes to set this process in action

is to seek a second opinion. Customs clearance specialists such as Chilvers Customs offer a free shipping health check service, and if anomalies are found can then perform a full duty audit on the past four years of shipments. According to John Chilvers: "Depending on the frequency of a company's imports, a duty audit on four years of shipments could be hundreds of shipments. If we perform an audit and an

importer is found to have been overpaying duty, they could have thousands of dollars waiting to be claimed back." And all that can accrue thanks to something as simple as seeking a second opinion. Chilvers Customs & Forwarding

DEMAND SOLUTIONS ANNOUNCED AS PREMIER SPONSOR DEMAND SOLUTIONS OFFERS EXPERTISE AND SUPPORT TO APICSAU AS THEY BEGIN TO ROLL OUT AN ONLINE DELIVERY OF EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS CONTENT. apicsAU is pleased to announce Demand Solutions as a Premier Sponsor as it ramps up to deliver educational webinars and resources to help supply chains deliver their required results. Lloyd Sheather, apicsAU Life Member and Founder of Demand Management Systems Pty Ltd, says that supply chain practitioners cannot afford to park professional learning. "Professional learning is a daily requirement in the supply chain and we're well positioned to equip the market with helpful resources to transition supply chain solutions to cloud-based solutions," he said. Under the Premier Sponsorship, Demand Solutions will support the Manufacturing & Operations Special Interest Group, and will offer a range of educational activity including webinars, whitepapers, customer success stories, podcasts, awards to the supply chain industry to foster further education in supply chain. This new joint initiative is a significant demonstration of Demand Solutions' commitment to the apicsAU professional supply chain community. In particular, it highlights the efforts of Sheather, who was responsible for the integration of the American Production & Inventory Control Society Certification program into apicsAU's NSW Chapter in 1979. "It raised the standard of professional knowledge for our local not for profit supply chain community to compete with a globally acknowledged qualification. Today, Demand Solutions is making yet another significant contribution to our not for profit Australasian professional supply chain community," said Dr Pieter

Nagel, CEO of apicsAU. apicsAU is a premier non-profit, professional membership community providing leadership and innovation, education and training and professional development for the Australian supply chain, procurement and logistics community. Demand Solutions is the world's leading integrated business, demand and supply chain planning solution provider, operating through the DSX platform to deliver affordable and easy-to-use solutions for both manufacturers and distributors. Maximise profits and lower costs Demand Solutions DSX solution offers functionality for demand planning, collaborative forecasting, inventory planning, production planning and scheduling, sales and operations planning and integrated business planning. According to Yuri Verjoustinksy, Managing Director, Demand Solutions Asia Pacific, Australian Demand Solutions' clients, across many industries, are benefiting from increased forecast accuracy, improved customer service levels, and reduced overall inventory to maximise profits and lower costs. "It's time to assist our clients in the journey to execute best practice Integrated Business Planning ... and through DSX, whether it's on premise or cloud based, we have a tried and tested solution that's been delivering results for over 30 years. This sponsorship provides us with a platform to add value to the apicsAU suite of certification and training products by offering practical and necessary technical knowledge in the areas across the total supply chain," he said.

Yuri Verjoustinksy (left) and Lloyd Sheather (right) are proud to be integral players in the launch of apicsAU's educational initiative.

apicsAU 1300 557 175

EASY FINANCE FOR ONLINE ACQUISITIONS GraysOnline has teamed up with Magnolia Lane Financial Services to provide easier access to capital to fund major equipment purchases. The company now offers competitive financing for purchases of plant and equipment on


INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU for items priced at $10,000 and over. Magnolia Lane is an expert independent equipment and vehicle finance broking firm with access to a wide range of lending providers, offering

tailored finance specific to customer requirements. According to GraysOnline, the application process is fast and easy using the "Get Finance" button when viewing items for sale on GraysOnline.

There is no extra cost to apply for finance through GraysOnline, and the company points out that knowing finance is available can provide an extra level of confidence as you place your bid.

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KING MOB PROVIDES PROTECTION Hi, I'm Ron Mileham. It's been a year since King Materials Handling was sold. Since then I have been looking into products that have not been represented here in Australia, and PropaGroup, of Italy, showed up on my radar. King Group of Companies now represents PropaGroup under a new division named Pack King, and is pleased to introduce the PropaGroup packaging product range to Australia. Pack King will be featuring all manner of innovative ideas to protect your precious cargo, in a new web site that will be up soon. PropaGroup supplies a range of products including: • PropaDry and PropaSec – Silica gel and clay desiccants in all sizes up to full height container pods on a string – hanging from a hook. • PropaMetic – Foil backed plastic in roils up to 9800mm wide. • StiroFilm – Highly scuff resistant flexible film used for wrapping crates/ objects against humidity, and in open storage. • PropaTech – Corrosion inhibiting bags, films and papers. • PropaDyn – Dynamic humidity stabilizer used in preservation of fine arts, along with many other applications The one that really got me excited is an extruded product that is unique in its construction, because it is tailor made to perform a very specific function. PropaFlex has a semi hard exterior shell of tough plastic, with a closed cell foam centre and softer skin

on the inside. When it is being extruded, the die forms ribs into the roll. The ribs can run either across or longitudinally. It was developed to protect the contents on reels, such as fibre optics, conveyor belts, cables, sheet steel, indeed anything that is prone to transport damage. It can all be covered by PropaFlex, which protects against shock, violent and heavy impacts and compression, and helps to weather seal and protect whilst being transported and stored outside. It is used by many steel and cable manufacturers in Europe and Asia, and is certified according to the Hamburg BFSV Standard for Cable Protection. It can be welded together or it can be banded and taped. It comes on a roll in widths from 100mm up to 3m, with a maximum roll diameter of 950mm. There is a choice of white or blue outer colour and in four thicknesses of 1.8, 2, 3 and 4mm. By arrangement, larger width rolls can be supplied. It can be printed. It can be anti-slip and anti-static treated. It can be punched and thermo formed. It can also be used to protect bundles and tubes, and act as a cushioning layer on the sides, floor and between levels of crated items. I have recently been asked if it will perform well as a ute bed protective cover, and as a cushion between batteries. I think the possibilities for PropaFlex are only just emerging. After all, where else do you find that combination of a tough exterior and a soft heart in the packaging world?

Pack King 03 9720 0425

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Brambles has signed a three-year agreement with the international non-profit organisation The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) in an effort to reduce hunger, poverty, malnutrition and food waste globally. The agreement comes as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reports that the value of food lost or wasted annually around the globe – some one-third of the food produced or 1.3 billion tonnes – amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialised countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries. At the same time, nearly 800 million people suffer from hunger every day. Brambles is a logistics solutions company operating in more than 60 countries, primarily through the CHEP and IFCO brands. Through this partnership Brambles will provide supply chain knowledge, in-kind contributions, volunteers and donations to help finance GFN operations, "We are honoured to partner with Brambles to leverage its expertise, products, and leadership to help drive efficiency and scale in food banks around the world. We would like to thank Brambles for their commitment to the fight against world hunger while also advancing sustainability," said Lisa Moon, President and CEO of GFN. Last year, food banks within GFN's network distributed 421,840 tonnes of food to 6.8 million needy people in partnership with 27,000 charitable organisations and

social centres. The GFN network consists of a total of 792 food banks located in 32 countries. "Brambles is highly committed to deliver sustainable value in the communities where we operate. Food banks are a great example of that. Our new relationship with GFN builds on our multi-year engagement working with our customers to support food banks around the world. In addition, Brambles efforts to expand both the capacity and capabilities of GFN Network to address hunger is an important part of our comprehensive approach to addressing food security," said Brambles CEO, Tom Gorman. "We are focused on reducing postharvest food loss, improving the ability of smallholder farmers to access modern packaging that protects the integrity of the product and enhances food safety. Whether we are working with individual food banks, the GFN, The Consumer Goods Forum or Enactus our employees are dedicated to improving access to food and economic opportunity and to improving the sustainability of our environment". Zero Hunger is goal number 2 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Food loss and waste are recognised by Organisations such as the World Bank, the United Nations FAO, and the Consumer Goods Forum, (CGF) as critical challenges in the fight to reduce hunger, protect the environment and grow economic opportunity.








Regan Carr is Managing Director of Melbourne-based materials-handling specialist Warequip. He describes himself as "a typical old-school bloke". He has devoted his life to his company, his wife and his three daughters. But lately he is a changed man.

Earlier this year, with no apparent warning, Regan collapsed in the shower at the family home. His first stop was his GP, who tested him for any sign of heart trouble, but was told that his cardiovascular system was in perfect working order. But when he was tested for stress, anxiety and depression, all the readings were off the chart. "When I came to think about it", says Regan, "my over-riding feelings were of anger and frustration. And that had begun to boil over into work. I just wasn't performing properly as a boss. My brain was full of emotions, and there wasn't room for anything else". He admits: "For 12 months I saw everything in a negative light". Treatment following the diagnosis has combined medication with regular

psychotherapy, and involved a short break from work, which Regan found hard to justify from his old standpoint. But the treatment is working, albeit slowly. He says: "Just deal with little things first, and then you can move on to the big things". Now, he is learning to switch off, put the phone down and relax, and is proud that he has made some changes for the better. Classic symptoms On reflection, he can see how his condition deteriorated due to his lack of recognition that there actually was a problem. He cites many of the classic symptoms of anxiety, such as increasing self-criticism, fear of failure, and doubt whether he was doing his job properly. This, he says inevitably impacts on decision making and leads to increasing

levels of conflict at work. But all the while his work colleagues were unaware of the problems he was experiencing. "That's the greatest problem", says Regan. "Unless you talk about it, nobody will know. You can be dealing with the most laid-back and seemingly relaxed characters, but you can never truly know what's going on behind the eyes". "We need a culture such that anyone can go to their boss and talk about issues like this, and we need the bosses to understand the issues", says Regan. "But that's not how it's been", he admits. Regan Carr is a changed man, and he knows the change is for the better. "In the old days, if one of my staff had come to me and said they were suffering from stress or anxiety, I would probably have told them to harden up", he admits. "But

the world has changed, and we can now speak about these things". Warequip has a workforce of 22, and not surprisingly is predominantly male. Says Regan: "We old-school blokes never used to talk – except maybe down the pub over a beer. And with alcohol involved that's not the best place to discuss mental health, so it's probably best to stick to talking about football". But now, the culture has changed, thanks to Regan's candor in talking to his staff about his own condition. He says: "This makes this workplace different now... everyone understands that it is right to talk about it [mental health]. And hopefully when our workers move on to another company, each of them will take some of that culture with them".

THE COSTS OF STRESS Although to the casual observer the term "mental stress" may be synonymous with mental illness, the association is almost certainly incorrect. A degree of stress, be it in the workplace or in daily life, need not be hazardous to health. Indeed certain personality types thrive under stress, and require it to perform at their best. But it is when stress becomes overwhelming that the warning bells should sound. Prolonged exposure to excessive stress levels can have profound effects on a person's physical and mental wellbeing. So while it may not be possible to ensure a stress-free working environment, the management of stress in the workforce is an issue that should concern all engineering managers. And



not just from a staff welfare standpoint. According to Fair Work Australia, when workplace mental stress does go too far, the typical workers compensation claim that ensues is higher than any for physical ailments as the period of absence involved is generally longer. However, this needs to be tempered by evidence from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which showed that 70% of workers who reported that they had experienced work-related stress did not apply for workers' compensation. Nonetheless, during the three years from 2008/09 to 2010/11 almost 25,000 compensation claims for mental stress were accepted in Australia, with the majority of them leading to some form of mental or physical disorder.



LAURENCE MARCHINI LOOKS AT THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU CREATE A MENTALLY HEALTHY WORKPLACE. For Australian companies of all sizes, the best place to start is certainly the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, which was set up in 2013 by the Government's National Mental Health Commission. The Alliance comprises a range of stakeholders ranging from beyondblue and the Black Dog Institute to the Australian Industry Group and Safe Work Australia. All the members of the Alliance are bound by a commitment to supporting Australian companies to take active steps to create mentally healthy workplaces. The Alliance has conducted a review of the latest research into creating mentally healthy workplaces, and has come up with six key areas that companies need to address: smarter work design, building

better work cultures, building resilience, early intervention, supporting recovery, and increasing awareness. Now the Alliance has collaborated with beyondblue to create Heads Up – a national campaign that aims to aid the establishment of mentally healthy workplaces for all businesses across all sectors. Interactive online tool The Heads Up website (www.headsup. ) provides easily accessible tools to help both management and employees to play their parts in creating the desired environment. The first step is an interactive online tool that helps each company to develop a customised action plan. The tool runs through a three-stage

process, helping the user to first identify priority areas, then implement actions, and then review and share the plan throughout the organisation. Aside from the fact that it is free, one of the most impressive things about the Heads Up process is that it is proactive in suggesting the next stage of the process. So, after you have registered your company and run through the process to create your action plan, if you miss an action, Heads Up will remind you by email of the next stage in the process. For example, having tested out the tool, after a few days of inactivity I was emailed a reminder to download and read the 36-page "Creating a mentally healthy workplace" booklet. Described as "a guide for business

leaders and managers", this booklet is a comprehensive manual that provides a high level of background detail on both problems and solutions, before guiding the reader through the process of implementing the action plan. And, crucially, the information is applicable to organisations of all sizes: from small businesses to large corporations. Without doubt, Heads Up is an extremely valuable resource. In the words of The Hon Jeff Kennett the Chairman of beyondblue: "Just as beyondblue has destigmatised depression and anxiety over the last 14 years, with Heads Up, we are now endeavouring to ensure that all workplaces – private and public, big and small – are mentally healthy".

TWO-PRONGED APPROACH TO MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Having accepted that workplace mental health is critical, the problem then becomes how to actively identify and manage these issues at work. What can management and employees collectively do to help the situation and reduce the cultural stigma of mental unwellness?

Employers are legally required to manage mental wellbeing in the workplace, and workers are also required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and to co-operate with any reasonable instructions. Company culture, reputation and values can also be motivating factors.

Now, HSEQ software specialist myosh has come up with a two-pronged approach to help companies manage mental health in the workplace. The myosh Wellbeing Module provides a combination of tools for management and employees to help reduce risks, improve productivity, promote a positive working environment,

raise awareness, and reduce stigma. Through implementation of the module, it aims to provide support for all staff, and recognise and reward positive results. On the management side, there are tools and guidelines to help to identify the issues, implement controls, create wellness programmes and to measure and review

the initiatives taken. And for employees, there are a suite of measures designed to help identify issues, report these issues and request help confidentially. myosh 08 9330 1314





HOW AN AUDIT AT AN IT GIANT LED TO MENTAL WELLNESS JOINING THE MAINSTREAM OF OH&S SOFTWARE The development of commercial software to help companies establish and enact workplace mental health strategies might seem an unusual venture. But for myosh, it was a natural progression, according to company spokesperson Sarah O'Leary. The company specialises in modular workplace occupational health and safety systems that use a combination of cloudbased software, interactive dashboards and mobile apps. And while systems from myosh have a great deal to do with regulatory compliance (WHS, HSE, OHS, OSH etc), the overriding purpose is to provide comprehensive health and safety tools tailored to a full spectrum of industries and companies of all sizes. Safety seminars Says O'Leary: "We had been considering expanding our offerings into the mental health sector for some time. We are involved in a lot of safety seminars, and the topic kept coming up." "We realised that many companies didn't have programmes in place, and didn't know how to go about establishing them," she added. But it was when an existing client approached myosh with a specific requirement that the synergy became fully apparent.

That client was Melbourne IT, one of Australia's largest online solutions providers with a workforce of 680 people spread across three states. Tony Jackson is Internal Audit Manager – Risk & Audit at Melbourne IT. He confirms that he was reviewing the company's OH&S procedures and had identified several gaps in compliance, mostly around the area of mental wellbeing. "We were aware of the psychological hazards associated with our type of business, but we didn't have any mechanisms in place to deal with them," says Jackson. "It was clear that people didn't like coming forward with these sorts of problems, and we had no way of reviewing the situation if they did. So we approached myosh to see if they could help." "When you look at companies like Melbourne IT," says O'Leary, "their OH&S requirements are less likely to focus on physical industrial injuries. But the mental wellbeing of a highly skilled, intelligent workforce has a direct relevance to productivity, and so it makes perfect sense to focus on this aspect." The next step for myosh was to start working with Heads Up to establish the objectives and methodologies for its software – the beginning of the project

that has bought the myosh Wellbeing Module to market. But that is not the end of the story. Stand-alone version Appreciating that the full OH&S suite is not for everyone – particularly SMEs – the company will also be rolling out a stand-alone version with an easy webbased interface for use by companies of any size. As the myosh wellbeing solution addresses the issue from both a management and employee perspective, the company has made some interesting discoveries during the development phase. For example, Sarah O'Leary reveals that there had been fear from some managers that they might be expected to provide mental health therapy to employees who reported problems. "So it has been important to remind them that their role in the process is to steer their staff towards the proper treatment – just as if they had a headache or a broken leg," she says. Tony Jackson from Melbourne IT was impressed with his first look at the new myosh software. "This provides the mechanisms we need: it's discreet for the staff; there are mechanisms for referral for professional treatment; and there are mechanisms to provide meaningful feedback to management," he says.

THE STATISTICS • M ental illness is now the leading cause of sickness absence and long-term work incapacity in most developed countries [Source Heads Up] • M ental illnesses are the third leading cause of disability burden in Australia, accounting for an estimated 27% of the total years lost due to disability [Source Mindframe] • A t any given time, one in five employees is likely to be experiencing a mental health condition [Source Heads Up] • U ntreated mental health conditions cost Australian employers $10.9 billion every year [Source Heads Up] • E very $1 spent creating a mentally healthy workplace produces an average return of $2.30 [Source PricewaterhouseCoopers] • 6 5% of people with mental illness do not access any treatment [Source Black Dog Institute]

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By Adrian Phoon, Head of Content at GRC Solutions complex, with many underlying factors to consider.

A 2014 Beyond Blue study found that while 91% of respondents believed mental health in our workplaces was important, only 52% thought their own workplaces were conducive to mental health. By comparison, 76% thought their workplaces were physically safe. Australians, in other words, are more confident that their workplaces are physically safe than mentally healthy. There are many reasons why people might not consider their workplaces to be mentally healthy. Partly this is because mental health is

A worthy task Mental health issues are prevalent in our society. The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing found that 45% of Australians aged between 16 and 85 will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Given the amount of time we spend at work, the task of making our workplaces as mentally healthy as possible is a worthy one. One major obstacle to mental health at work is the issue of bullying. We know that bullying can cause psychological as well as physical harm, with long-lasting effects. What is bullying? Under the Fair Work Act, bullying is said to occur when one or more workers repeatedly acts unreasonably towards another worker, and the behaviour creates a health and safety risk. Bullying can be overt – the easiest type of bullying to identify – such as verbal intimidation, shouting or physical violence. It can also be covert – for example, spreading rumours, gossiping or excluding individuals from social groups.

It could take the form of non-verbal conduct, such as eye-rolling, sideways glances or aggressive pointing. Context is important. Anyone can bully, and anyone in any industry or workplace could experience bullying. Sometimes people may not realise their actions amount to bullying. In 2015, an ABC Four Corners program investigated cultures of workplace bullying in hospitals, with surgeons throwing scalpels at medical students and trainee doctors being subjected to aggressive questioning and teaching by humiliation. Reluctant victims Bullying often causes higher stress levels, low self-confidence and depression in victims. This often makes the victim even more reluctant to speak up. Perhaps the worst thing we could ever tell the victims of bullying is to ‘toughen up'. In 2010, a Victorian court found that four men had contributed to the suicide of their 19-year- old colleague, Brodie Panlock, by bullying her. Their behaviour included insulting, ridiculing and spitting on the victim, telling her to take rat poison and taunting her about an earlier

suicide attempt. That finding led to the establishment of Brodie's Law in Victoria, where serious bullying is now punishable by up to 10 years' imprisonment. How do we tackle workplace bullying? The challenge is to not ignore it but rather to speak up about it, identify it if we witness it and offer support as necessary to those who may have experienced it and wish to come forward. More broadly, it also means communicating that bullying behaviour will not be tolerated in our workplaces, from the top down and back up again. Removing bullying from our workplaces makes good business sense. In 2013, the Australian Productivity Commission reported that the cost of workplace bullying to employers and the national economy ranged between AUD$6 billion and $36 billion annually. But it also promotes and safeguards our mental health. A win for everybody. Adrian Phoon is the Head of Content at GRC Solutions, which provides awardwinning Salt Compliance e-learning courses and platforms. T: 1800 676 011


While it is not unusual for an Australian company to go above and beyond the call of duty in supporting a local charity, when those efforts promote beneficial change in that company the rewards are there for all to see. Such is the case with SEWEurodrive, the Melbourne-based drive solutions specialist, and its charitable efforts for locally based not-for-profit mental health and disability support organisation Wellways.



The association between the two organisations dates back to 1998, when then SEW-Eurodrive Chairman, Tom Molomby, took the initiative to support a charity he had founded some years earlier. That charity was then named the Schizophrenia Fellowship, which subsequently became the Mental Illness Fellowship and is now Wellways. Over 19 years SEW-Eurodrive has raised more than AU$1.8 million for the charity, with a variety of activities including an annual gala dinner, golf days and other activities that have involved a significant proportion of the company's 210-strong workforce. And the commitment is continuing, with SEW-Eurodrive Managing Director Robert Merola determined to break through the $2 million barrier within the next 12 months. But it has not been a one-way street. Says Merola: "Over the years, our

relationship with Wellways has given all of us a greater appreciation of the issues surrounding mental health in the workplace and how this is to be managed." Caring and understanding Merola is proud that SEW has always looked after its employees and in doing so adopts a very caring and understanding approach to staff. Initiatives such as family first, flexible hours and development training all assist with ensuring that staff mental and personal needs are taken into consideration. "Given the statistics, the chances of any organisation having staff with pre-existing mental conditions cannot be discounted. So it is essential to put into place the proper management, which includes ongoing monitoring of the work environment on all levels and where possible not creating extra burdens that can lead

to or exacerbate any mental issues," says Merola. One of the key aspects of the Wellways mission statement is to assist people who experience mental health issues to get a job as part of becoming full members of the community. Says Merola: "From our work with Wellways we have seen that many sufferers of mental health disorders are unfairly denied work on the grounds that they are seen to be unfit, and this in effect further challenges their mental state by creating a feeling of unworthiness." While it is true to say the only way many not-for-profit organisations can continue their work in the community is with the support of local companies, the relationship between Wellways and SEW-Eurodrive has gone beyond simple financial assistance. Perhaps, for once, charity begins not at home but at work.

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GET FIT AT WORK WITH THESE HELPFUL HINTS The truth can sometimes be more than a little confronting; in Australia the risk of heart disease and diabetes is growing, and two in three Australian adults are either overweight or obese. We're just not getting enough exercise. The World Health Organisation has listed inactivity as the fourth biggest risk factor for global adult mortality. For many people working 9-5 in offices every day, finding the time for physical activity is not easy, but as a result their health is put at risk. Industry Update spoke to Danii Carr, the owner of Northbridge Anytime Fitness, to get some tips on how to increase physical activity in the workplace. For Carr, his role mostly focuses in training and coaching the general population, and working with people who, understandably, don't know where to start. He says that there are a lot of fitness solutions for people who are looking to achieve many different results. "Sitting behind a desk all day is bad on so many fronts. We have to look at the fact that our food has become richer and we move much less than we did 30 years ago. Everything is pretty much done for us so if we add a sedentary work life, then you are just asking for trouble," he said.

"Sitting behind a desk all day is bad on so many fronts." For most office workers, Carr recommends a light regimen of exercises that can be done while still in the office. They're not going to turn you into a bodybuilder, but they will help to keep you healthy, and stave off the negative effects of a sedentary workplace. When exercising, please remember to exercise caution. Pay attention to your surroundings and other people around you when performing any kind of physical activity.

Desk push ups With the help of a sturdy desk or a flat, non-rolling chair, place your hands shoulder width apart and grip firmly. Plant your feet on the ground a few steps away from the table or chair. Straighten your arms and lift your body. Keeping the same position bend your arms lowering your torso to the edge of the table or chair, and then return to original position. Complete 6 –8 reps. Chair squats Standing in front of your chair with your feet apart, slowly lower your body keeping your back straight, and bending your knees, as if you were to sit on the chair. Keep your knees above your ankles and distribute your weight over your heels. A few centimetres before reaching the seat stop, hold the position for 5 seconds, and stand back up. Complete 6 – 10 reps. Chair dips Standing with your back facing a nonrolling chair, place your right foot firmly on the chair with your toes at the edge of the chair at a 90-degree angle. Once balanced, bend your left leg at the knee in a lunge position, with your right knee pointing towards the ground. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to original position. Complete 5-8 reps for each leg. Shrugging To ensure that you also keep good posture, sit up straight and raise your shoulders up to your ears, hold this for 5-8 sections and relax. Complete this 10–12 times.

Wall sits Standing with your back against the wall walk your feet two steps forward. Moving your back against the wall, bend your knees until you are in a sitting position. Hold this for 10-15 seconds (or for however long comfortable), and then keeping your body straight, return to standing position. Complete 10–12 reps. Other advice Along with regular exercise, Carr says that simple things like drinking plenty of water, going easy on the coffee, and using the stairs when possible, could help to improve overall fitness. "Moderation is the key. You don't get anywhere going on a crash diet and not eating anything with carbs in it, only to fall off the wagon and put the kilos back on." "You want to approach everything so you can just enjoy it." He said.

FREE 7-DAY PASSES For those who want to go further and join up to a gym, Industry Update is offering a free 7-day trial to Anytime Fitness upon subscribing to our biweekly newsletter from our site: webform/magazine-and-newslettersubscription Thanks to Anytime Fitness, Northbridge, NSW for the Giveaway passes. For more information on Northbridge Anytime Fitness and its programs, visit any day at any time, or Contact Dani Carr for your free assessment on 02 9967 5996.

UNION-COMPLIANT DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING SOLUTION Every year, billions of dollars in productivity and damages are lost due to the consumption of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. In construction, manufacturing, mining, and forestry, misuse drugs and alcohol is a rising problem. Statistics have shown that 84% of Australians consumed alcohol in the past 12 months, where 9% consumed alcohol at work at least once. Further, 18.6% confessed to using illegal drugs at least once in their lifetime, while 8.3% had used during the past 12 months.



Drug and alcohol use in the workplace creates a range of problems. In the best case scenario, a non-sober employee is operating in an addled state; at worst, they are injuring themselves or others. Unions are now reinforcing companies in the high risk industries to implement policies of drug and alcohol testing with the aim of reducing the risk of drug and alcohol consumption in the workplace. Many companies are still yet to implement policies to address these issues, and Andatech is here to help high risk companies to tackle this issue by offering a

simple and convenient solution package in line with the unions' requirements. Andatech are here to ensure workplace productivity by offering you a cost-effective drug and alcohol testing solution to ease you through policy implementation. For the full range of drug and alcohol testing products and solutions Andatech offers, visit their website listed below. Andatech Ph: 1300 800 200


THE ALERE TOXWIPE KEEPS YOUR WORKPLACE CLEAN Alere Toxwipe: because Knowing Now Matters Drug testing is an important component of maintaining a safe and productive workplace, but off-site testing can come with a great deal of complications and delays that your business cannot afford. For those who need faster results, on-site oral fluid screening is an increasingly popular solution. It offers a non-invasive collection method, and can be a better indicator for impairment due to its shorter window of detection and stronger correlation with blood drug concentrations than urine1. The Alere Toxwipe is a new oral fluid drug test available in 2, 5 or 6 drug panel format depending on your workplace requirements. The test has been developed to ensure accuracy and productivity. The Alere Toxwipe is easy to use: simply wipe the collection device around the mouth and tongue to collect 0.2mL of sample. The wiping action aids in the collection of drug trace, especially any THC traces that might

be present (THC is sticky and adheres to surfaces). Once a sample is collected, simply insert the test into the buffer cap and wait just 3-5 minutes for the results to display on the device. The Alere Toxwipe is accurate, with its performance verified by an Australian NATA AS:4760:2006 accredited laboratory. It is also fast, requiring an easily collected sample volume of just 0.2mL. With sampling usually taking just 10 to 20 seconds, and results appearing in less than 5 minutes, the Alere Toxwipe is an incredibly quick testing measure. 1. Study Cited: D. Lee, M Huestis, Current knowledge of cannabinoids in oral fluid, drug testing and analysis (2013) Alere 1800 622 642




EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO ACCEPTANCE OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING Increasing numbers of manufacturing companies are considering the introduction of workforce drug and alcohol testing. However, such test regimes can cause friction between companies and their workers, and lead to workers refusing tests and sites not meeting regulatory compliance. This can reduce productivity or lead to a less safe workplace. As with any business, it takes time to put together a formal policy - especially over something as complex as drugs and alcohol in the workplace. But once the policy is in place, you need to let the workforce know what the expectations are – not every worker will know all the details of WHS legislation! To solve this potential conflict, Medvet recommends educating all workers about drugs and alcohol, and your plans to address them. There are two types of education that should be considered for any size of company.

The first is employee awareness. Let your team know how drugs and alcohol impact them: not just accidents or near misses involving machinery and vehicles, but also the short- and long-term impacts. If you do begin testing, then your workforce should understand the exact process. If they do know what to expect the process will run more smoothly and reduce the hours billed by your testing provider. Your workforce will also spend less time off the job. Medvet also recommends using sessions to let everyone know policy specifics. If everyone knows your policy, everyone has the opportunity to meet expectations. The second area for education is at the supervisor level. "Reasonable cause" training can help supervisors spot both the physical and behavioural effects of drugs and alcohol in their teams. Not everyone shows the same signs, so a keen eye is needed to tell if a worker is or has been

under the influence, and is potentially making the workplace unsafe. This kind of training can also help supervisors know how to record their suspicions, how to approach workers they suspect might be unsafe, and how to get workers the appropriate help. It's not about punishment for using drugs; it's about staying healthy.


Andatech is here to help high risk companies to tackle this issue by offering a simple and convenient solution package in line with the unions’ requirements. We are here to ensure workplace productivity through offering you a cost-effective drug and alcohol testing solution to ease you through policy implementation.




SOLUTION PACK INCLUDES: 1 x Prodigy S Breathalyser 1 x Gold Calibration Management Plan 1 x Online Training for Prodigy S


Due to the consumption of drug and alcohol in the workplace, billions of dollars are lost every year in industries including construction, manufacturing, mining and forestry. Drugs and alcohol in the workplace have always been a rising issue, and now the unions are reinforcing companies in the high risk industries to implement policies of drug and alcohol testing.

When your workforce understands drugs and alcohol, the testing process becomes easier. Making it easier to test will help make your factory a safer workplace.

1 x Box of 25 Oral Fluid Test Kits 1 x Chain of Custody Book 10 x Online D&A Induction Program


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Drugs & Alcohol: Is your workplace at risk? Medvet can help you implement a complete drug and alcohol program incorporating: • Policy Development: A clear, comprehensive, and enforceable policy to meet your obligations and the challenges of site safety • Training & Education: Educating your workforce on the impacts and implications of unsafe drug & alcohol use on construction sites • On-site & Laboratory Testing: NATA-accredited, reliable, and quality drug & alcohol testing services, on-site where and when you need

Medvet is the preferred supplier for leaders in mining, oil & gas, construction, and utilities – safety services you can rely on Medvet is a Registered Training Organisation (40379) and NATA accredited (Section 2 AS 4760 & AS/NZS 4308 including Appendix A) drug and alcohol testing company using Australian Standard compliant urine and oral fluid drug test devices and assessed and certified Collectors nationally.


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ARE LIGHTS BURNING A HOLE IN YOUR PROFITS? Most lights used at industrial and manufacturing businesses are actually better heaters than lights. Their low level of efficiency means they produce more waste heat than usable light. Thankfully, you can now slash energy usage from lighting by up to 90% by upgrading to the latest LED technology. High bay lights High bay lights are the large dome-shaped lights you find in almost all warehouses, factories and workshops. These lights are identifiable by the fact they often take a few minutes to get to full brightness when you first turn them on. High bay lights typically use about 440W of power and cost over $250 per year to operate (given normal business hours). The latest Philips GreenUp LED High Bay uses just 110W of power and produces the same amount of usable light as a conventional installation. That means a reduction in operating cost of 75%. Fluorescent tube lights Fluorescent tube lights are found in just about every

business. These too can be upgraded to LED lighting. In fact, if your fittings are the type which have a starter you can install the LED tubes yourself, no electrician required. Simply change the tube and starter and you're done, 60% energy savings await. If upgrading the tubes isn't an option, you can also upgrade the entire fitting to an 'LED Troffer' (for office ceiling grids) or an 'LED Batten' (for surface mounted batten lights). Outdoor and security floodlights Finally, many business leave some lights on overnight for security purposes. Unfortunately, the floodlights used are often over-spec energy guzzlers. For example, the latest LED floodlights consume just 50W as a direct replacement for a 500W halogen floodlight. That's a 90% energy saving with no reduction in lighting strength. How the numbers stack up Thanks to big reductions in the cost of LED lighting, these upgrades all typically pay for themselves in energy

savings in under two years. You should also consider the following additional benefits of upgrading to LED: • Reduced maintenance costs due to less frequent light bulb changes. • Reduced waste heat resulting in lower air conditioning usage in air conditioned areas. • Better light quality and 'instant on' to full brightness. If all that is not enough to motivate you into action, businesses located in NSW or Victoria may be eligible for additional government rebates. It is worth remembering that every dollar saved from energy costs goes straight into bottom line net profit. For a small investment of your time you could quickly uncover substantial energy and cost savings. Ryan McCarthy is a Director of ReductionRevolution., a distributor for Philips Lighting Australia and provider of energy auditing and other energy efficiency services.

LED LIGHTING: GOOD ENOUGH FOR COKE, GOOD ENOUGH FOR US After decades of prominence, the red-and-white neon sign that marked the ‘entrance to Kings Cross' has been replaced with something a bit more vibrant (and energy efficient). To be precise, the 41-metre sign has been taken down, along with the 800 lamps that made it such an iconic nighttime landmark. In its place, a new retro-inspired LED sign has been erected, paying homage to the classic design while drastically reducing its energy consumption. The new sign, with over 2km of LED



string lighting, is the largest controllable LED sign in the southern hemisphere. It matches the original billboard in both stylistic design and size, but boasts the ability to change colours and brightness on command. As an iconic component of Sydney's visual landscape, the global soft drink company has set an example for the city, and proved a point. You don't need to sacrifice the classic, trusty look and feel that your customers have grown to love, in order to make your business more efficient.




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HYDRO INNOVATIONS TRAINING CENTRE Since 2008, Hydro Innovations has been cultivating an extensive range of products and experience; now, with their training centre, they're able to pass some of their expertise on to you in a truly impressive way. This is the centre-piece of the training centre: a fully operational installation of a Gorman-Rupp ES 200x200 sewage and wastewater pumping station. The installation stretches across two floors, with separate observation areas for the above-ground pump enclosure, and the below-ground piping where all the action happens. The upper section has a full size working standard pumping station; two Gorman-Rupp Ultra-V sewage pumps sit inside a low profile housing, accessible from two wide-opening hatches. This is the heart of the installation, where the pumps provide the power needed to move 40 litres of water per second. The below-ground section is where the demonstration really comes to life. There, thanks to custom-fitted sections of transparent plastic pipes and siding, the audience can see tonnes of water flowing right past them, cycling into of the

temporary reservoir/wet well before being pumped away by the aforementioned Ultra-V pumps. The internal workings of the installation are also monitored by an electronic system which displays the data through an easy-to understand computer interface. Trainees can see everything from the flow rate and pump speed to the suction and discharge pressures, all displayed on a large wallmounted screen. Hydro's training centre also holds another cutaway demonstration model; a self-priming centrifugal pump. With glass casings installed, the internal self-priming mechanism is clearly visible, allowing viewers to have a direct view of the priming process. Self-priming pumps, unlike regular centrifugal pumps, have the ability to operate even with the presence of air inside the pump, preventing it from becoming air-locked. Instead, the air and water are mixed together at the impeller, the air then separates from the water, which continues to circulate, pulling air out of the suction line, until the pump is primed. "As the impeller turns, it creates a

"Garry Grant, Director at Hydro Innovations, with the training centre's indoor pumping station."

vacuum. Atmospheric pressure forcing down on the water in the wet well, pushes it into the suction line and into the pump," said Garry Grant, director of Hydro Innovations. The combination of clear electronic delivery of information and cutaway views of the internal operation of the pumps is an excellent educational experience. Accompanied by thorough explanations from the Hydro Innovations team, your

session at the training centre is assured to be informative. Hydro Innovations holds regular training and information sessions, and can inform operators and engineers about their full range of products and capabilities. Each session can accommodate up to twelve people. Hydro Innovations 02 9898 1800


As the inventors of the original safety light curtain, we have accumulated over half a century‘s worth of experience and expertise in all things safety. And what do we do with that experience? We continue to innovate – so our customers can take it to the next level. We used our expertise to create the deTec4 Prime: Versatile thanks to its flexible connection concept. Freely positionable with optimal resistance to interference. Extremely easy to use with a visualized display. And a minimum of connection work when cascaded systems are needed. It’s a masterpiece based on the original. We think that’s intelligent. For more information please visit or call 1800 334 802 (Tollfree).

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FILLING THE EXPORT INFORMATION GAP Efic has teamed up with the Export Council of Australia (ECA) to create a novel export focused app. Available for both Apple and Android platforms, Export Essentials is the first app to be designed with new and growing exporters in mind, with a focus on small and medium businesses. "Both Efic and the ECA are focused on helping Australian SMEs achieve export success. With that in mind we developed an app with need-to-know information at their fingertips. Export Essentials will help Australian businesses take the right steps on their export journey," says Andrew Watson, Executive Director, Export Finance at Efic. The free-of-charge application aims to fill the export information gap for Australian SMEs by providing key details often overlooked by businesses when planning to export. From checklists and calculators, to understanding how to manage currency risk, Export Essentials will continue to be updated on a regular basis to provide businesses with the help they need to develop export strategies and opportunities. "Exporting can be a complicated business, especially when you're new to the process or entering a new export market – the Export Essentials app is designed to empower new and less experienced SME exporters

with the tools and information they need to achieve their export goals," says Watson. "We encourage new exporters to seek professional advice when starting their export journey. It's important to understand the steps and risks, and critical to get help from the experts – the likes of Austrade, ECA, and legal and accounting professionals." Former Federal Minister for Small Business, Bruce Bilson says the evolution from an Australian SME to an exporting SME can be daunting: "There are so many questions that an SME needs to ask itself when planning to export, or enter a new export market." "Export Essentials is a resource that provides useful, practical and actionable information and supports SMEs to get their ambitions underway. There is nothing else like it." To download the free Export Essentials app, visit the Apple or Android app store and search for ‘Export Essentials'.

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While the end product may look tantalisingly delicious, anyone involved in food and beverage manufacturing knows it can be a dirty, sticky business. Often, manual conveyor cleaning is undertaken to ensure Australia's first-class hygiene protocols are attained. However, it's a tough, time-consuming task, and many manufacturers are finding effective conveyor cleaning is achievable simply by installing the correct spray nozzles for the job. Whatever the purpose, there is a spray nozzle that's ideal for every situation. The challenge is finding the best nozzle to suit your requirements and building a system that's appropriate for your particular application. That's where Tecpro's decades of experience can help you out. A properly automated conveyor cleaning system should provide uniform cleaning across the entire conveyor as well as efficient water usage. Optimal results can only be achieved when the positioning of spray nozzles is carefully planned. Other factors to consider include available water pressure and flow rate, nozzle size, droplet size and spray pattern.

For example, food manufacturers who need to remove soil etc from fresh produce prior to processing or packaging have different needs to processed food manufacturers wanting to remove sticky residues or food scraps off the conveyor. Tecpro Australia offers one of the widest ranges of spray nozzles in the Southern Hemisphere. Not only that, the company has technical consultants and engineers available to provide advice and custom designed spraying systems for any application. The expertise also includes custom fabrication of spray bars and manifolds in a wide range of materials and sizes. In addition, fully welded bars and press-fit bars are available, ready to connect to your air or water supply. If you have an inefficient conveyor cleaning system, or you're considering installing a new automated system, speak to the experts at Tecpro Australia. Tecpro Australia 02 9634 3370

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CONDUCTING FAN MAKES VENTILATION A BREEZE Spaces such as car parks, warehouse and factories tend to trap carbon monoxide (CO) and other unwanted gases due to poor ventilation. To combat this ongoing problem, Mitsubishi Electric Australia has launched a new range of air conducting fans designed to improve ventilation and air conditioning efficiency. The Mitsubishi Electric air conducting fan (AH-1006/1509/2009/3009S-E) has been designed to create a through-breeze in enclosed spaces, assist in the movement of exhaust gases towards ventilation equipment, and smoothly distribute conditioned air. "The range of air conducting fans was introduced into the Australian market as a complimentary product to our commercial air conditioning products," says Atesh Mani, National Product Manager, Mitsubishi Electric Australia.

1300 306 478

The airflow created by the fans allows fresh air to permeate all corners of a warehouse or factory while at the same time reliably directing the unwanted gases toward the exhaust fans. "Incorporating air conducting fans into a ventilation system eliminates the need for ductwork. They are particularly useful for moving and expelling stagnant, dirty exhaust gas and hot air that stagnates in the midsections of buildings with complicated floor plans," Mani said. The Mitsubishi Electric air conducting fans feature a compact axial fan with a quiet propeller design to reduce noise levels. The compact and high-efficiency motor and coaxial fan also reduce power consumption. Mitsubishi Electric 1800 811 212



The benefits of high-volume lowspeed (HVLS) fans are well understood, and there are many different brands and models available in Australia. But what are the features that make one HVLS fan stand out from the crowd? According to Arbon Equipment, there are three key design features to look out for. First comes the design of the blade. And as the purpose of the fan is to move large volumes of air, the aerodynamics clearly play a major part. The ideal blade design produces uniform pressure and velocity over the whole length of the blade. Nonuniform pressure and/or velocity will cause backflow and increase energy consumption. The number of blades does not necessarily matter: it is the best design of blade that will move the most air over the largest area. Secondly, and equally important, comes the way in which the fan blades are mounted and the construction of the hub. And while a tight, solid connection between the blade and hub is important, mounting designs using a pivot with

vibration damping material provide longer life than rigidly mounted blades. The hub itself needs to be strong enough for the task, and so milled hubs are preferred to castings. Thirdly, and possibly more important, comes the safety design of the fan. Here, the ideal design should involve a threeway motor-to-hub safety connection to safeguard the health of anyone under or near the fan. A well designed HVLS fan will always outperform an inferior model. But it is equally important to ensure that the fan you choose is correctly specified for the task. And there is no substitute for obtaining professional help in analysing the airflow requirements and choosing the correct specification for the job. Arbon Equipment supplies the Rite-Hite range of HVLS fans, and can recommend a solution that is best suited for a specific application. Arbon Equipment

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IT HAPPENS. In production systems, cleaning not only ensures cleanliness and process safety, but also serves to maintain machines and contributes to value retention. Every type of dirt has to be quickly and effectively removed – from swarf to grease and oils and emulsions – without interrupting the production process and always with the highest degree of safety. Kärcher’s range of professional cleaning machines help you clean up after an accident – whenever and wherever it happens. 1800 675 714

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BREAKTHROUGH MACHINE CAN FINISH PARTS IN ONE HIT The machine that caused such a stir at the MACH 2016, the all-new Harrison Alpha XC combination CNC lathe, is now available in Australia from Sydney-based 600 Machine Tools. There was a very good reason why so many workshop managers from all over Europe crowded the 600 Group stand at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. Even rival companies expressed admiration for the brilliant design of the XC model created by the 120-year old company's resourceful team of engineers in Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. Applications engineer at 600UK, Trevor Matthews, said: "The XC is a new model that is based on the globallypopular Harrison Alpha XS lathe. Our customers around the world fed back to us that they wanted a full interpolating c-axis on the machine and, with the XC's innovative design, that is exactly what we have provided." Making its debut at MACH 2016, the XC range now incorporates driven tooling and full c-axis interpolation. This feature, a significant addition to the simple-to-operate CNC Alpha lathe, now allows operators to carry out secondary operations at the machine in one set-up. Asia-Pacific managing director of 600 Machine Tools, Cliff Purser, said: "The new XC can conduct off-centre drilling and boring, hexagonal milling, and much more. What this remarkable combination CNC lathe gives workshops in Australia is the ability to perform secondary operations that usually require machining centres or expensive slant bed CNC turning centres." He added: "The turret has eight stations, and all positions can be driven at up to 5000 rpm on some models. The

VDI tooling setup is based on the size of the machine and has either a 20 or 40 VDI configuration." "We have previewed the XC to customers and distributors throughout the country, and they have welcomed the availability of a flat-bed machine that can finish the parts in one-hit – at a price they can afford." Adding the c-axis, milling and drilling to the Harrison Alpha range dramatically reduces the need for secondary operations. It means that 600 Machine Tools now offers a combination CNC lathe that genuinely increases productivity and slashes cost-per-component, especially on prototypes, one-offs, and small batches The control unit on the machine is the renowned Fanuc 0i-TD system. Purser explained: "As engineers will recognise, Harrison has its own Alpha programming system that is unique, and acclaimed by users worldwide. "This is in addition to the Fanuc Manual Guide system that is fully conversational for the end-user, using pictorial guides along with the full G-Code CNC system – not forgetting manual operation – giving Alpha operators unrivalled programming options." Bigger and better The machine that attracted crowds at MACH 2016 was an Alpha 1400XC with a 1250mm centre distance, swing over bed of 400mm, and a 55mm through bore spindle. However, a larger capacity model – the

Above: Alpha XC doing test cutting on a steel billet weighing in at 900kg. Right: Showing an example of work from left to right, scalloping around a P.C.D, engraving showing bidirectional C axis movement, Keyways on end shaft.

Alpha 1550 XC – is now available from 600 Machine Tools, with a swing-over bed up to 550mm and centre distances up to 3000mm. This powerful CNC lathe can be configured for milling, too, thereby eliminating any need to lift large and heavy workpieces to other machines for secondary operations. This is true of other machines in the Alpha range, which includes the 1660 XS and 1760XS with beds of up to four metres, and the massive 2800XS with beds up to six metres. The Alpha 1660XS is fitted with a high powered 18.5kW motor, swing over bed of 660mm, and 105mm spindle bores, bringing true heavyweight turning

performance to Alpha users. These big machines have a one direction indexing c-axis, with a 0.1 degree of accuracy, they manage with ease such commonplace secondary operations as drilling holes and keyways in the flange of a six metre long workpiece, such as a prop-shaft. Purser said: "Now that the XC models in the Alpha range come with full c-axis, as found on many slant-bed CNC machines, workshops throughout Australia can increase throughput and achieve significantly higher productivity, while Continued




maintaining high levels of accuracy and repeatability. "In some workshops, it will be possible to create more floor space by dispensing with long-serving machines used for supplementary tasks. "Research shows that there are very few flatbed machines in the marketplace with a fully functioning c-axis, and the new capability of the XC range comes at a keen price that really does represent excellent value for money." Following the enthusiastic reception for the breakthrough Alpha XC design, especially from workshops in Germany, the 600 Group has created a short video, to discuss and demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of this combination CNC lathe. The video can be found by searching on YouTube for "MTDCNC review the Alpha XC lathe". 600 Machine Tools (02) 9674 4738

SAFETECH STACK ‘N' WRAP OFFERS THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS The Stack ‘N' Wrap is a scissor lift and stretch wrapper all in one, manufactured by Safetech and distributed by Tente. Not only does the machine streamline the process of two time consuming and backbreaking tasks, but it's packed with useful features to make the remaining work even easier. The lift table allows the operator to set a constant working height to palletise goods, and a rotating turntable top ensures near-side access is maintained at all times. When a packing job is complete, the large working surface (measuring 1300mm x 1150mm) can be lowered on its hydraulic scissor lift, which has a lowered height of 205mm and an extended height of 1120mm. Once lowered, the load can be wrapped and made ready for despatch. The built-in stretch wrapper has a semi-automatic mast with auto load height sensing, making the wrapping process a breeze.

If you want to streamline your packing and wrapping, and make it safer in the process, call Tente and ask about the Stack ‘N' Wrap. Tente 1300 836 831

BIGFOOT IS A TRUE BEAST OF BURDEN Warequip Solutions is proud to present a strong addition to the Taylor Dunn range: the all-electric Taylor-Dunn Bigfoot. A true 'beast of burden', the Bigfoot incorporates a spacious operator compartment, adjustable seats and tilted steering wheel for improved legroom and operator comfort. Taylor-Dunn Bigfoot vehicles are powerful and strong, these electric vehicles have AC motors with maximum torque just above zero revs and smooth distribution of power. With full customisation, Bigfoot is the perfect utility vehicle to meet the demands of almost any job. Custom features range from special paint colours to major frame modifications, Taylor-Dunn builds craftsmanship, dependability and care into every vehicle.

Taylor-Dunn Bigfoot electric transport vehicles combine quiet operation and zero pollution with a real work capacity. Owning a Taylor-Dunn Bigfoot vehicle makes a real difference to moving and operating without limits of time or space within residential areas, tourist structures, parks and golf clubs, civil or commercial, industrial, train stations, airports and health precincts without disturbing visitors or operators residing in these areas. A true-blue Taylor-Dunn Bigfoot is the best way to keep your business moving. Warequip 1800 337 711




SAFE CUTTING SOLUTIONS The Spark Buster from Austsaw is a revolutionary guard attachment for angle grinders that turns a potentially dangerous tool into a safe and versatile cutting system. The Spark Buster converts almost any 100-125mm industrial angle grinder into a compact circular saw – fully enclosing the blade with a novel spring loaded guard. A variety of blades can be used, including abrasive cut-off discs, diamond cutting discs, and the Austsaw Rotary Hacksaw and RESQ blades. The Rotary Hacksaw blade is a premium quality TCT blade that not only cuts timber, it will also cut steel, aluminium, sheet metal, fibreglass, plastic and mdf. The new Austsaw RESQ blade is a premium rescue and demolition cutter for bricks, concrete, steel, PVC, wood, aluminium, glass etc – a true multipurpose cutting blade.

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Reduced vibration and kick-back, smooth and comfortable cutting, and lower energy losses make the Spark Buster a safe and versatile solution for today's demanding industrial environments and OH&S requirements. The Spark Buster, combined with Rotary Hacksaw and RESQ


blades is a perfect combination for safely cutting a wide variety of materials in many industries. Sheffield Group 02 4957 8787

4/04/2013 5:04:39 PM

Having reliable security for carparks, warehouses, and docks is an increasingly common requirement in the security-conscious world we live in. DMF analyses the best approaches for any given installation. When choosing a security door, two factors are important: the level of security needed, and the type and frequency of traffic through said door. Every installation is different, and what works for one situation will not necessarily work for another. For example, there are many types on the market that are used for large openings, but when traffic frequency is high, slow action type doors often will remain in the open position. This will not only compromise security, but any dust or temperature controls in the interior area. A more appropriate installation would be a DMF Efaflex High Speed door. This faster-moving door provided exclusively by can be considered as an effective and reliable alternative to the standard roller shutter or sectional type doors, opening and closing with sufficient speed to ensure security and environmental control. The range of Efaflex doors provided by DMF have an opening velocity of approximately two metres per second. This will minimise the time the door is open, and therefore reduce the risk of being exposed to unauthorised entry. The door blades are manufactured from various materials, including extruded double walled aluminium, insulated panels, clear polycarbonate, punched ventilated aluminium, and the less secure option of flexible PVC, more commonly used for dust sealing. The door blades are securely tracked within seals in the door's columns, providing a greater level of vermin seal and security when compared to a roller shutter door. Further, the door blade does not roll onto itself but is instead tracked around a spiral design system, resulting in very smooth and quiet operation with very low wear. The doors are driven by an electronic control system, with PLC, encoder positioning, and frequency inverter drive control, providing many program features to enable an efficient customising of the application. Being rapid speed, the standard outfitting comes with sophisticated sensors and many forms of activation, to ensure safety and ease of use. Methods of activation may include pushbuttons, remote control, swipe cards, induction floor loops or various forms of active or passive motion sensors. Efaflex Gmbh are German manufacturers of premium high speed spiral, roll up and folding doors, which can be used for indoor or external applications for all types of facilities.Built on four decades of experience and development, Efaflex are committed to a philosophy of in-house research and efficient outcomes, resulting in fast action doors built to a quality that you would expect from German engineering. As the exclusive licensed Australian agent for Efaflex products, DMF International Pty Ltd are uniquely positioned to offer these high calibre products to local customers. With trained partners Australia wide, DMF can provide solid backup service and many spare parts are stocked in Sydney and Melbourne. DMF 1800 281170


EASE OF USE IS KEY TO PLASMA PROFILE CUTTING A Baykal BPS high-definition plasma profile-cutting machine from Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse has brought new capabilities to a steel supplier in country Victoria. Established in 1985, Nalinga Steel and Roofing Supplies has more than 30 years' experience in the industry, offering reliable steel distribution services in Nalinga and surrounding areas of Victoria. The initial business was largely direct on-selling of manufacturers' products. But the 1990s saw steady growth, leading the company into new, larger premises, holding ever-increasing stock levels and offering ever-increasing levels of added value to its customer base.

"What really attracted us to the Baykal machine was its ease of use" The company's first purpose-built warehouse was equipped with an overhead travelling crane and racking to store its first grade stock, together with a bandsaw, punch and shear. The warehouse allowed the business to grow along with demand, and further extensions were made in 2000 and 2004. Now Nalinga Steel has expanded its capabilities even further with the purchase

of a Baykal BPS high-definition plasma profile-cutting machine from Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse. The Baykal BPS Billed as the leader in its class, the Baykal BPS is designed for high accuracy plasma cutting, and is also the strongest and stiffest machine in its class. This strength guarantees long term accuracy and minimum vibration for the whole of the machine's life. It features a high-precision drive system with AC servos and very high precision (3 arc minute) planetary gearboxes. Its unique floating drive arrangement allows constant pinion/rack mesh without the excessive wear or compliance associated with spring or pneumatically loaded backlash compensation systems. Because the BPS is fitted with much larger drives than many other plasma machines the acceleration and traverse speeds (30m/min) are higher than the industry standard. This translates into shorter cycle times and higher productivity. The software package has a powerful set of programming tools available for drawing parts from scratch or editing

Chris Payne-Croston operating Nalinga Steel's new plasma profile cutting machine

CAD drawings. It also has both DXF and BMP import facilities for importing CAD drawings or scanned graphics. Together with text and splining tools it is a powerful package for sign making as well as normal engineering parts. Key Benefits A key market for Nalinga Steel and Roofing Supplies is in custom design and build of sheds of all sizes for industrial and commercial projects across rural Victoria and southern New South Wales. The initial duties for the BPS at Nalinga have been in fabricating structural plates for use in these buildings, but Chief Fabricator Chris Payne-Croston can see a lot of other applications. "What really attracted us to the Baykal

machine was its ease of use," he says. "We spoke to a lot of existing users and they all said the same… it's a very userfriendly machine. Inevitably, we had a few teething problems at first, but we're really happy now." Another positive for Chris PayneCroston is the high-quality hole cutting ability of the machine, which came fully equipped for Hypertherm True Hole technology using the HyPerformance Plasma HPRXD auto gas system. And, as the True Hole technology is delivered automatically, this further enhances the user friendliness of the Baykal BPS. Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse

THE MITSUBISHI WILL EVEN CUT YOUR COSTS. THAT’S APPLIED THINKING. All Mitsubishi laser cutters feature cross flow resonators. This exciting technology delivers outstanding savings on maintenance and running costs. In fact a figure of 3L/h laser gas usage is achievable along with a staggering 90% saving of energy in standby mode. Plus operators can expect a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to an axial flow resonator. They are also surprisingly affordable, so there’s savings all round.

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27/01/2016 3:29 PM




UNDERSTANDING FORK TRUCK WORK PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS Most people think they can just buy a work platform and fit it to any forklift. The fact is that the Australian Standards have very strict rules in relation to work platforms, explains Ross Grassick of Lencrow Materials Handling. Australian Standards are very particular on the tasks for which a work platform can be used. In brief, these only cover situations where it is necessary to elevate personnel to perform special tasks for short duration and where it is not practicable to use a scaffold or equipment designed for people, such as a scissor lift. They go on to add they may not be used for production work or stocktaking. A counterbalance forklift must have a capacity of 1800kg at 600mm load centre at maximum lift or five-times the combined mass of the platform and rated load, whichever is greater. For a reach truck (with mast or fork arms fully retracted) or a straddle truck the minimum capacity is 1000kg or threetimes the combined mass of platform and rated load, whichever is greater. Work platforms may not be used with pedestrian operated forklifts. Forklifts use hydraulic rams to suspend the load and require a flow control valve to be fitted that will limit the descent rate to 0.6m/s, and this must be rated with full capacity load. The platform must conform to Australian Standards, which include safety fences, toe guards, and a 2m mesh

back to protect people from forklift mast operations. The forks must be fitted to two tunnels connected to the platform and the forks must be anchored at two independent points. The platform must be fitted with a warning notice attached to the rear of cage that can be seen by all occupants. (This is just a brief overview of the platform: there are detailed explanations within the Australian Standards.) The forklift must also be fitted with a mechanical lockout that will only allow the operation of up and down movements when the work platform is being used. This must actively stop the use of all other functions. The forklift must also have the work platform shown on the rating plate, noting the unit has been tested for the use of a work platform, and the serial number of the work platform must be noted on the plate as well. The operator requirements are strict and require the operator to hold a current licence that is appropriate for the equipment being operated. The requirements are covered in the list from Australian Standard AS2359.2 2013. The use of a work platform still requires the operator to put together a safe work method as well to communicate accurately with other staff involved in the operation to reduce the risk of accidents. Lencrow Materials Handling has been involved in the supply and maintenance of forklifts in Australia for the last 40 years. The company is concerned with forklift safety and can assess the compliance of your forklift for use with a work platform. The company can rate suitable forklifts as well as supplying forklifts and work platforms that are compliant with the regulations. Lencrow Materials Handling 1300 536 279 Branches & agents Australia wide



AUSTRALIAN STANDARD AS2359.2 2013 3.10.2 OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS Where work platforms supported by truck are being used to elevate personnel, the operator shall observe the following safety requirements: a. The pre-operational checks listed in clause 3.2 shall be carried out immediately prior to lifting and supporting of any personnel. This includes checking for the work platform. b. The truck shall be used on hard level surface. c. Any stabilizers shall be engaged prior to lifting. d. The travel controls shall be in neutral position with parking brake engaged. e. The mast if adjustable shall be set in a vertical position. f. The fork arms shall be set in a horizontal position. g. The hydraulic controls other than the lowering and lifting controls shall be locked out (by physical latching or other suitable means) to prevent the operation of these controls of functions, such as tilt and side shift. h. A work platform shall not be used when the truck is fitted with a rotating attachment. i. The operator and every person to be elevated shall check the platform is securely attached as per requirement. j. The operator of the truck shall be in the normal operating position and remain in this position when using the work platform. Note the use of pedestrian operated trucks with work platforms is not permitted. k. Operators of the truck shall keep their hands and feet clear of the controls other than those in use. l. The operator shall keep clear of all overhead obstructions and in particular well clear of electrical conductors. m. Before any person is elevated or supported by the work platform, the operator shall lift the platform to the required work height to confirm that all systems are functioning correctly. n. The operator shall lift the and lower the work platform in a smooth manner. o. The operator shall ensure that the elevated personnel are standing on the floor of the platform at all times they are elevated. p. Ladders, the platform railings, or other means shall not be used to gain additional height. q. Whenever a person is supported by the work platform, any manoeuvring of the truck shall be minimised. A person shall not be transported any distance by use of the platform.


FIBRE LASER CUTTER GIVES JMAR ENGINEERING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Last year, Jmar Engineering spotted an opportunity to invest in a laser cutter to further grow its business and enhance the quality of the end product. After further research, a fibre laser cutter appeared to be the best choice, offering extreme accuracy, speed and consistency of cut, coupled with very low operating costs. Hans fibre laser from Applied Machinery

As founder and owner of Jmar, Mark Hooper's interest in fibre lasers saw him issue a challenge to Applied Machinery to supply him with a machine that would meet both his performance criteria and budget restrictions – a challenge that Applied was pleased to accept. After a detailed presentation, Hooper became Applied Machinery's inaugural fibre laser cutter customer with the supply and installation of a Hans GS LFD-3015 1kW fibre laser cutting system. "The new Hans fibre laser installed in late February is already paying huge dividends for us. Not only is it improving productivity and quality of our finished products, but it has also opened up new market opportunities," Hooper said. "We're seeing work that we would never have seen and quoting on jobs that

we have previously not been able to quote on – the new Hans fibre laser is really helping to expand our business." Another benefit of the new machine is that the quality of the finished product coming out of the company's pressbrake is now far superior, due to the huge increase in quality of the prebend parts from the fibre laser compared to the plasma. The Yawei pressbrake is co-incidentally another product supplied by Applied Machinery. A commitment to providing outstanding customer service, staying abreast of local trends and ongoing diversification has seen the company achieve steady growth and increase its customer base since inception. An example of that diversification has been the way the company now

undertakes a considerable amount of ‘reverse engineering'; fabricating many components and parts that clients may have previously bought from overseas suppliers. In addition to component manufacturing, the company has been a supplier to the agricultural industry for over twenty years with a unique product called the Christopher Dairy Bails. This is a retrofit product suitable for herringbone dairies that allows the farmer to feed in the bail at milking time. Nearly all Jmar's business comes from around the Goulburn Valley area within a 50km radius of Shepparton. "Quite simply the new Hans fibre laser ticks all the boxes," Hooper said. Not only is Hooper rapt with his new machine; he also enthuses about the

quality of Applied's service during the prepurchase and installation process. "Applied's service is unquestionably outstanding. I have been overwhelmed with the support and commitment of Applied's staff. Their ability to resolve any issues that did arise was really pleasing," Hooper went on to say. "This new fibre laser is completely in keeping with the ethos of Jmar Engineering. It not only allows us to produce the highest quality components in a faster time, but also provides us with the opportunity to add to the diversity of products we produce," concluded Hooper. Applied Machinery (03) 9706 8066.

DON’T BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, BEND IT LIKE YAWEI. THAT’S APPLIED THINKING. Because Yawei heavy duty pressbrakes handle up to and beyond 3000 ton, there are virtually no limits on what is possible. Yawei is a world leader in high precision pressbrake technology, utilising world class componentry and the latest in Delem 2D and 3D graphical controllers. Plus you’ll get the support of Applied Machinery’s service team that includes some of the leading pressbrake technicians in Australia. Call: 03 9706 8066 Email: Visit: Connect with us socially

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New zero backlash brushless DC servo gear motors with absolute encoder combinations ensure operator safety during complex processing applications. When a mineral processing company required an automation process involving high torque levels in close proximity to the machinery operator, new product thinking was required. The heavy equipment being moved generated considerable inertia that would need to hold under brake tension. Position control of the load requires encoder feedback on the brushless DC motor to compliment absolute encoder feedback on the load, and zero backlash on the gearhead to ensure the unit is in the exact position that the control system thinks it is.

The solution pictured is the first assembled combination of a maxon 60mm 48V 400w brushless DC motor, 3 channel digital incremental encoder, 24V holding brake and 160:1 zero backlash gearhead. This new motor solution can hold a 400Nm load continuously and withstand shock loading on the output of up to 2200Nm. Speeds of up to 30rpm are capable from the unit and it is easily configured for use with servo amplifiers or position controllers having zero cogging or mechanical detents. For further information on this new product combination or engineering assistance with complex applications: Maxon Motor Australia 02 9457 747

OZMIST: VAPORISE YOUR COOLING TROUBLES Ozmist is the leading misting system manufacturer and distributor in Australia. An Australian owned and operated company, Ozmist pioneered the introduction of misting systems to the Australian market place over fifteen years ago. OZmist offer a range of solutions via the use of high pressure misting from their specially designed pump modules, which pressurizes the water to 1,000 PSI. Millions of water droplets are created, and are so small that they instantly flash evaporate and absorb the heat in the air. Flash evaporation can reduce the surrounding air temperature by as much as 14 °C in just seconds, without leaving residual water. Ozmist provide cost effective solutions for: • Alfresco Cooling - Café's, bars, restaurants and home • Condenser Pre Cooling - Pre cooling air around chiller / condensers to lower



running costs and increase cooling efficiency. • Warehouse / Spot Cooling Industrial cooling for large spaces, factories and workshops. • Animal health and welfare - Cooling and aerial disinfection solutions of large animal, stock and poultry sheds • Event and Expo Solutions - Portable cooling solutions for outdoor events. Ozmist offer free, no obligation quotations on their systems and solutions, for a free quote, call 1300 306 478 or visit for more information.


PROGRAMME AND PROCESS COMBINE TO PROVIDE MODEL FOR SOFT PLASTICS RECYCLING A ground-breaking collection and recycling process for soft plastics is at the heart of a community engagement programme that has received considerable publicity around the Hunter region of NSW during National Recycling Week. The Plastic Police Partnerships programme engages with schools, councils, business, government and community groups, to manage soft plastic packaging waste not currently covered by domestic or commercial recycling services. Pioneered by Hunter-based Cross Connections Consulting, the flagship Plastic Police project involved a 12-month soft plastics collection scheme at Biddabah Public School in Warners Bay. And besides physically collecting more than 1.1 tonnes of materials that would

not normally be recyclable and hence destined for landfill, much of the success of the scheme was in educating the schoolchildren, their families and the wider community in the benefits of recycling. The soft plastics that were collected have been processed by Moama NSW based Newtecpoly using the novel PolyWaste Technology. And to complete the loop, the material collected from the school has been processed into an outdoor bench seat for use at the school. The originator of the scheme, Samantha Cross of Cross Connections, is keen to see the initiative expand, and has opened up the Plastic Police Partnership Programme to embrace the local community, including commercial and local government participation to support the programme. These organisations are encouraged to support local school communities as part of a shared value programme. There is also the opportunity for them to review opportunities to collect their own soft plastic waste and to engage with their staff and customers by providing a collection point for communal use. The key benefit of the PolyWaste process is that it can deal with a wide variety and combination of films (soft plastics), semi-rigid and rigid plastics from multiple commercial, industrial, agricultural and/or domestic waste streams. The Collins Mixer-Melter machine used for the process is particularly forgiving. It can deal effectively with low-grade plastics, low-value plastic film and contaminated plastics. Very little pre-processing is involved as the process will tolerate a degree of contamination and soiling on the in-feed plastic, generally eliminating the need to wash the feedstock. And no flaking, shredding, densifying, pelletising or granulating of the materials is required. The result of the process is a high-quality plastic material that is suitable for a wide range of applications,

including outdoor furniture (as the pupils at Biddabah Public School will confirm). The advent of National Recycling Week gave Cross Connections the perfect opportunity to publicise the Plastic Police Partnerships programme around the Hunter, throughout New South Wales and now nationally. As Samantha Cross puts it: "The Biddabah Public School project proved to be the perfect test bed to trial and develop a model that we could roll out within the Hunter region and expand to other regions, including regional areas. We now have an innovative community engagement model that is ready to progress to the next stage, with additional projects commencing to prove its scalability within NSW and interstate." If you would like to be part of the solution to capture soft plastic waste, or learn more about the ways your business can reduce its packaging waste to landfill make contact at or

THANKS TO GENOX THESE OLD TYRES WILL GO AROUND AGAIN. THAT’S APPLIED THINKING. To date over 100 Australian organisations have selected the Genox brand for a reliable, cost effective and environmentally friendly solution for their waste reduction needs. Genox fully automatic tyre recycling plants are the complete solution for your trye recycling needs. There is no need for manual debeading of tyres and ambient temperature processing reduces operational costs and minimises secondary pollution. Plus the plants are extremely easy to operate and maintain. Call: 03 9706 8066 Email: Visit: Connect with us socially

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When Australia stopped for the Melbourne Cup earlier this month, workers at a small manufacturing company in the Adelaide Hills had more riding on it than just the office sweepstake. The world's biggest starting gate, made by Steriline Racing at Mount Barker, was used to send the field on its way in Australia's most famous race, which is also the world's second richest. The South Australian company has become the dominant force in starting gates in the thoroughbred racing industry worldwide, designing and building gates in more than 50 countries including famous racecourses such as Royal Ascot in England, Meydan in Dubai and Hong Kong's Sha Tin and Happy Valley circuits. Steriline Racing gates have been used to start the world's richest race – the US$10 million Dubai World Cup – for more than two decades. But it is Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne and Australia's famous AU$6.2 million race that holds a special place in

Steriline Racing Chief Executive Officer John Fargher's heart. "It's everyone in the industry's dream to be associated with the Melbourne Cup because it's a spectacle, it's got a global audience of millions of people watching and it gets coverage everywhere around the racing world," he said. The Melbourne Cup Steriline has done work at Flemington since the 1990s and was asked to build the 25-stall starting gate ahead of the 150th running of the Melbourne Cup – the race that stops the nation - in 2010. According to Fargher, the world's previously biggest gate was 20 stalls wide, and so large fields in races such as the Melbourne Cup and some Royal Ascot events required multiple sets of gates. The 25-stall gates have since been used regularly for races that start in the Flemington straight such as the 24-horse Melbourne Cup and sprint races down the "straight six".

"When we were asked to build it, it was only going to be used for the very special, very large field races, which might have only been a few times a year. But since it's been installed they've realised how much easier it is to use so they've used it on a regular basis," Fargher said. Steriline's work at Flemington has not been limited to the track. It played a major role in the rebuilding of the famous Birdcage area in 2007 when a 180m tunnel was constructed from the parade ring to the mounting yard to provide safe access for horses and prevent overcrowding on busy race days. Racing folklore Steriline also replaced the Flemington clock tower in 2014, which is part of racing folklore because its positioning at the 150m mark was regarded by legendary Melbourne Cup winning trainer Bart Cummings as the ideal place for jockeys to unleash their final sprint to the finishing post.

Beat the competition.

"The challenge with the clock tower was the old tower was condemned through age," Fargher said. "However, it had some historic value so we had to make it look like it used to look but bring it up to safety and Australian building standards, which was almost an impossible task. The success was that some people didn't even know that a new tower had been put up." Global racing industry Steriline manufactures a range of other products for the global racing industry such as running rails, greyhound starting boxes, winning posts and fencing for mounting yards. Already this year, Steriline's 13 full-time staff and local contractors have built and installed new starting gates at tracks in England, Sweden, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates. Steriline Racing 08 8398 3133

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01.02.2016 14:20:52

Fast clean cut

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For use with hand-held grinders, circular saws, masonry saws, tile saws, chop saws & gas cutoff saws

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PVC Pipes







Vacuum bonded diamond particles are fused directly to the steel core creating the strongest most durable heat resistant bond available when cutting without water cooling.



SAFETY GUARD FOR ANGLE GRINDERS The Spark Buster is a revolutionary angle grinder attachment- turning a potentially dangerous tool into a safe and versatile cutting system. The guard is suitable for use with TCT saw blades, abrasive cut off discs, and diamond cutting discs. Combined with the Austsaw Rotary Hacksaw blade diverse industry demands are met, providing safe cutting of timber, steel, aluminium, fibreglass, plastic and more. SAFE » The innovative SPARK CONTROL SYSTEM safely exhausts sparks when in use. » Blade enclosure and spring loaded guard provide the safest working conditions with any blade type. » Controlled cutting to minimise kick back and potentially dangerous disc breakage. TO






VERSATILE Can be fitted with a variety of grinders, and most 100 - 125mm blades, to be used in metal, wood & concrete. SMOOTH Reduces vibration and kick-back to achieve smooth, comfortable cutting with small energy loss.




Premium Tungsten Carbide Teeth

Designed to cut wood, steel, aluminum, plastic, colorbond & fibreglass Steel





Weather Board


Available in: 103mm (4”), 115mm (4½”), 125 mm (5”) , 135 mm (5.3”), 160 mm (6”), 185 mm (7”), 210 mm (8”), 230 mm (9”), 250 mm (10”), 300 mm (12”) & 350 mm (14”)

Consistent Cutting width & depth

Will not wear like abrasive wheels

Made from a Hardened Tempered Body NO HEAT

For use with Circular Saws, Electric Mitre Saws & Portable Saws

NO BURRS Available through leading industrial suppliers



AUSTRALIAN MADE CAMPAIGN WINS LEGAL ACTION AGAINST COUNTERFEITERS The Australian Made Campaign Limited (AMCL) has successfully taken legal action against counterfeiters, seizing and destroying imported knock-off Eaoron skincare products. The products were copies of genuine Eaoron skincare product manufactured by Australian United Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd (AUP) and carried the AMAG logo. 18 consignments of the product, sent from China, were recently seized by the Australian Border Force (ABF) because they carried the Australian Made, Australian Grown (AMAG) logo and therefore triggered an intercept order in place by arrangement between AMCL and ABF. The intercepted consignments included over 5000 units of the skincare products with an estimated retail value of more than $150,000. Australian Health Industry Co. Pty Ltd (AHI), the owner of the Eaoron trade mark, says that when the matter was brought to its attention, it immediately suspected the products were counterfeit on the basis they were being imported from China, whereas all products in the Eaoron range are manufactured in Australia. Subsequent testing of the seized products confirmed that they were counterfeit. AHI has warned consumers to be wary of counterfeit products as they are never of the same quality and are not required to comply with the same standards and controls as genuine goods.

AMCL successfully took legal action to prevent some of the seized goods being released to the importers, and all of the seized goods will be destroyed. AMCL believes the products were to be sold into China, giving the appearance they were from Australia. Genuine Australian products, especially those that carry the Australian Made logo, attract a premium in Asian countries because of Australia's reputation for high quality products and best practice manufacturing. Australian Made Chief Executive, Ian Harrison says it's Australia's excellent reputation which makes us a target for copycat manufacturers and frauds. "Consumers look for the Australian Made logo to identify genuine Aussie products and Australian farmers and manufacturers rely on it to market their products, so it is of the utmost importance that we protect the integrity of the brand," says Harrison. "Those seeking to copy products and the logo and give the illusion that they are genuine Australian products when in fact they are not should be put on notice." Genuine Eaoron products are available for purchase from, and a list of authorised distributors is also available on that website.

SIMCENTRAL AND MEADOWS MEDICAL SUPPLY TAKE MEDICAL SIMULATION TO THE USA A medical manekin outfitted with a SimOxy, which simulates all the functions of a hand held pulse oximeter.

From the very inception of SimCentral, Craig Herbert and Dr Richard Morris have worked to innovate in the field of medical training simulation equipment. From inspired beginnings collaborating on the design and manufacture of a cardiopulmonary bypass simulator, to the extensively used SuperAnnie manikin, SimCentral has been a consistent innovator. After two decades of serving the Australian market, the company has partnered with Meadows Medical Supply to reach out to the American medical market and support co-innovation in the field of healthcare simulation education technology. This partnership combines SimCentral's diverse background in medical simulation, engineering and product development with Meadows Medical's expert industry knowledge, unsurpassed service and reach in the market. "SimCentral's simulators are not only unique in their capabilities, but they're also at a great price point for such a high

quality product. We're excited to bring the innovations and value SimCentral products offer to our customers," said Sean Meadows, Vice President of Meadows Medical Supply. Meadows Medical will introduce SimCentral technologies and equipments to its vast client base in the USA and represent SimCentral's products and services to the US market. SimCentral and Meadows Medical will also participate together in industry events and trade shows to share their latest innovations. Together SimCentral and Meadows Medical Supply are bringing the latest innovations and advances in simulation technology to the US healthcare education industry. Craig Herbert, CEO, SimCentral commented "These simple, practical products help clinicians prepare for real life emergencies. We look forward to working with Meadows Medical to make them available in the USA." SimCentral (02) 9558 7013

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SWEEPING, SCRUBBING, OR BOTH! Sporting a full range of features, Tennant offers two products that are designed to meet all of your ride-on scrubbing and sweeping needs. The S30 Ride-on Sweeper Tennant's S30 delivers exceptional indoor and outdoor dust control and is designed to tackle the harshest of environments. It benefits from the recently upgraded SweepMax Plus Cyclonic System that helps to reduce the cost of cleaning and improving your facility's image. This innovative, high performing machine is the industry's only sweeper with a 3-stage filtration system, and the only mid-sized sweeper equipped with a cyclonic pre-filter. This means less dust reaches the filter, resulting in fewer shake backs, increased filter life and more time spent sweeping. Engineered for reliable, industrial strength sweeping through fine grains of sand, dust, and light debris, the S30 sweeps and cleans quickly while maximising dust control. The S30 has also been upgraded with a ThermoSentry heat sensor located in the path of the system airflow from the hopper to the vacuum fan. This senses the air temperature passing through the vacuum fan and initiates shutdown if temperatures exceed 70 degrees celsius. This feature helps prevent fire if the debris in the hopper ignites, protecting your operator and facility. Optimised for performance, safety and ease of use, the S30 delivers consistent

and effective results to help reduce your cleaning costs, improve your facility's image and provide a safer working environment for your employees and customers. The M20 Ride-on Scrubber-Sweeper If you need something more, Tennant offers a range of exclusive, fully-integrated scrubber-sweepers engineered for consistent, industrial strength cleaning. Unlike traditional scrubber-sweepers, the M20 is not two separate machines bolted together. Rather, they have an integrated internal and external design to ensure the machines are simple to maintain, extremely efficient and last far longer than most. The M20 is a highly versatile machine ideal for large scale manufacturing and distribution centres, and has both a complete dry sweeping capability and a complete scrubbing capability. These systems can be used independently through the push of a button. This eliminates the need for two separate machines whilst combining Tennant's unique technologies for unsurpassed water recovery and excellent dust control. The major benefit of Tennant's integrated machines is the ability to scrub and sweep at the same time using the FloorSmart system. This combines twin

cylindrical brushes and twin vacuum fans to direct the water to the recovery tank and the debris to the hopper. This boosts productivity significantly as the hopper does not fill with water and does not need to be emptied as often. The M20 can be configured to your needs, with one of four different scrubbing systems, powered by petrol, diesel or LPG. It is designed to overcome the

cleaning challenges faced in a variety of applications while maintaining a safe operating environment. Tennant 1800 226 843

PERISTALTIC PUMPS PERFECT PRECISION DOSING Billed as the next generation of cased peristaltic tube pumps, the Verderflex Vantage 5000, available now from Global Pumps, promises highly accurate dosing of chemicals in industries such as wastewater and water applications, packaging, printing and pharmaceuticals. Dosing of flavours and/or colouring is another fitting application. The Vantage 5000 has a flow rate of up to 6600ml/min and 7bar maximum pressure. The use of a precision stepper motor for dosing at a 4096:1 speed control ratio enables high-accuracy dosing at very low flow rates. Individual dosing parameters can be programmed for up to 30 separate projects.



These pumps come with many different control options, including Wi-Fi connectivity, 4-20mA analogue input, profibus and modbus remote signaling, making them easy to use in new or existing systems. Programming can be performed via an easy-to-use 12bit digital high-resolution touchscreen interface. Global Pumps is the Australian importer and distributor for the Verderflex range of peristaltic hose pumps. Global Pumps 08 8275 8000

SPECIALIST HIGH SPEED DOORS Noise Security Dust Wind Air pressure Temperature Separation Guard Vermin Spray Clinical Australian & German manufactured doors DMF are exclusive licensed agents in Australia for

DMF International Pty Ltd is a fully Australian owned family business, celebrating 50 years of door manufacturing in 2017. We are specialists in climate control and high speed security door solutions, and flexible PVC door products. With Australia wide service and export to over 10 countries, our experienced approach ensures the best design solution for any application. Call us today for free design assistance . . . . .

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consuming and back-breaking practices in one machine.

Call Tente Castors & Wheels for further information 1300 836 831 or visit


TURCK INTRODUCES HIGH SPEED ENCODERS Turck has announced the availability of a set of rotary encoders designed to provide optical feedback solutions with electronic multiturn capabilities. Each encoder sends data through EtherNet/IP and Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) communications. Common applications for an ODVA-certified encoder include sensor applications in automotive production, logistics, metal processing, textile applications, as well as printing and packaging machines. The new EtherNet/IP encoders are available in both single-turn (RS-107/108) and mul­ti-turn (RM-105/106) variants and have a diameter of 58mm. They offer a total resolution of up to 32 bits (16 for single-turn, 16 for multi-turn), and have been designed specifically for high-speed applications. The encoders offer an RPI (requested packet interval) time of 1ms, and allow for operation in high-speed applications with up to a 1000Hz update frequency. These features allow users to save time and costs. The RS-107/108 and RM-105/106














EtherNet/IP encoders offer a cost effective, compact EtherNet/IP encoder solution with Device Level Ring (DLR) capability. The DLR capabilities allow the network to stay active even if one direction of the communication bus lines is compromised. This is a bi-directional communication capability built into the encoder. For the customer it means that their process can continue while one unit is off-line, greatly influencing efficiency and reducing costly down-time. The RS-107/108 and RM-105/106 encoders are available in solid shaft and blind hollow shaft versions, with the blind shaft version having diameters up to 15mm. The encoders feature an operating temperature range from -40 to +80°C and are IP65 rated. Additionally, thanks to their optical design, the encoders are highly immune to interference from magnetic fields. Turck 1300 132 566



INTELLIGENT PLASTICS PREDICT WHEN THEY NEED MAINTENANCE Treotham supplies a range of igus cables, energy chains and linear bearings that are self-lubricating, low maintenance, and wired to enable industry 4.0 integration. Igus components' intelligence and networking features ensure that, during operation, they can detect the degree of wear or damage they have endured, and emit an alarm through industry 4.0 networks as soon as repair or replacement is necessary. By installing an interconnected and self-monitoring network, customers can increase reliability and plant availability, minimise downtime and reduce costs

through condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Through extensive testing, igus is able to accurately predict the service life of its motion plastics. Igus plastics are also selflubricating and maintenance free, as well as lighter, hard wearing and more energy efficient than traditional materials. They offer a long service life and can be used wherever preventative maintenance is required, such as hardto-reach or dangerous areas like harbour installations, cranes, automotive factories and more. The isense products from igus include diverse sensors and monitoring modules.

Network integration with the igus Communication Module (icom) enables direct integration with the customer's IT infrastructure or the igus data cloud. Data can also be optionally shared with the igus data centre, opening up possibilities for customer service

life calculation and optimisation of business processes. Treotham Automation Pty Ltd 02 9907 1788

HIGH SPEED DISTANCE AND THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS Bestech Australia introduces the confocalDT 2471 HS, the fastest confocal chromatic controller for measuring principle, displacements, distances and thickness in the glass and electronics industry. Using the DT 2471, these parameters can be measured rapidly at 70kHz with very high precision on both diffusive and reflective surfaces, and can measure up to 6 peaks with its multipeak capabilities. The active exposure regulation feature in the CCD array enables accurate, fast surface compensation on difficult changing surfaces during dynamic measurement processes.

The controller offers more powerful measurement characteristics than other controllers, largely due to its enhanced optical components. It also operates with an integrated light source, reducing maintenance and purchase costs significantly. Due to a user-friendly web interface, the entire configuration process of controller and sensors is carried out without using any additional software. Data output is via Ethernet, EtherCAT, RS422 or analogue output. Bestech Australia 03 9540 5117




ARE YOUR COLLAPSIBLE STILLAGES SAFE? Storage is a key concern for any warehousing operation, but there's no need to compromise safety for convenience when you can have the best of both worlds with Kobot Systems' foldable stillages. The collapsible and foldable stillages designed by Kobot Systems are pallet sized metal containers with metal mesh or solid sides, built for reliably and safely containing your stock and equipment. Kobot's stillages are built for safety, and are now NATA certified. Each stillage, whether it comes with mesh or solid sides, is also fitted with a safety locking mechanism to prevent potential accidents in the workplace.

All stillages have fully removable front and back gates for safe and easy loading. Gates will stay locked in place when folded down for safe transportation. Each stillage can also be fitted with an optional polypropylene lining attached to the sides. This lining is made from ‘car bumper' material for durability and helps prevents damage to sensitive goods. For a full overview of the Kobot Systems container and storage range, please visit the online catalogue on the website. Kobot Systems Pty Ltd 04-1996-1978

PNEUTECH AIR RECEIVER TANKS Air receiver tanks can be a crucial component of a compressed air installation, receiving compressed air from the compressor pump and storing it until required. Their function is most often used to meet peak demands where short duration air requirements exceed a compressor pump's capacity. Compressors up to 22kW (30hp) are often mounted on a horizontal air receiver which forms an integral part of the compressor unit and its control system. Installation of a receiver tank next to a distant piece of equipment with high but intermittent demand enables an immediate air supply without pressure drops, which are caused by the friction air will experience when passed through long runs of piping. Vertical air receivers have a smaller footprint than horizontal receivers and can be used as primary or secondary storage reservoirs in a compressed air system. An additional vertical air receiver may allow an existing compressor to cope with increased intermittent demands of short duration without the need for a compressor replacement. Additional advantages of an air receiver of adequate

capacity are: 1. Prevents excessive loading and unloading of the compressor, thus increasing the life and reliability of the control components. 2. Collects condensed water which may have carried over from the aftercooler and moisture separator. 3. If located in a cool place ahead of a refrigerated or desiccant dryer, will provide initial cooling and moisture reduction in the air thus reducing the load on the dryer. 4. Provides damping of pressure pulsations from reciprocating (piston) compressors. 5. Reduces the pressure fluctuations in the compressed air system, avoiding needless compressor start-ups. Pneutech Group stocks a range of vertical air receivers with capacities from 150 to 1184 litres. Larger system capacities can be achieved by strategically placing additional space saving vertical receivers remote from the compressor as necessary. Pneutech Group 1800 763 83

NEED A SAFE, HIGH QUALITY, COLLAPSIBLE, FOLDABLE STILLAGE? Designed in Australia & NATA certified for only $450

KOBOT SYSTEMS Your economical manufacturing solutions provider

04 1996 1978





ADEPT DIRECT'S CABLE HANDLING BREAKTHROUGH One of Australia's most forward thinking companies in cable handling and dispensing, has upgraded its Cable Reel Rollers to handle up to 200kg cable reels. The Adept Direct 350mm Cable Drum Roller is a simple, yet brilliantly effective means of storing and unreeling cables and leads. The flanges of the plastic or timber cable drum rest on the galvanized steel rollers. These free-wheeling rollers ensure that cable is paid out safely without tangling, or the drum rolling away. The improved workplace safety of not having reels of cable rolling around on a building site or manufacturing area, goes without saying. These compact Cable Rollers are very versatile as the centres /spacing of the rollers can be changed from narrow setting through to medium or wide settings. This means the Cable Roller can be used for dispensing small diameter telecommunications cable reels one day

and electrical cable drums the next. Adept Direct Cable Rollers are designed and made in Australia using robotic welders and an advanced technology manufacturing system. The heavy duty rollers incorporate "sealed-forlife" bearings and the rigid steel frame is powdercoated high visibility, safety yellow. Adept Cable Rollers are low profile and compact which means they can be part of every electrician's or telecommunications technician's tool kit. As with all Adept Direct tools and equipment, these Cable Rollers can be ordered online at Adept Direct's website for delivery Australia-wide. Adept Direct 02 6964 0222


ROPE AND CHAIN CRANES AND HOISTS: • Helps reduce the risk of accidents • Protects against overloading of Crane and supporting structures • Quick and easy installation and available for all capacity cranes • Available preset or easily calibrated on site • Helps reduce maintenance costs • Minimizes down time • Automatic reset by reducing the load CONDUCTOR BAR • Available in steel and copper • Quickly and easily installed • Supports required only every 1.5m • Also available in a compact cluster range


ABRASIVE BLAST EQUIPMENT Protoblast Company has been designing and manufacturing to suit customer’s individual needs since 1975. • Abrasive Recovery Systems • Airless Blast Machines • Section Blast Machines • Dust Collectors The best way to prepare a surface for a coating is by using the abrasive blasting process. Whether you need to blast castings, concrete blocks, screws, surfboards or steel work... Protoblast has the experience to design and supply equipment that is fast, efficient, improves your product and saves you money... year after year.

SIDE PULL PREVENTERS/ROPE GUIDE PROTECTOR Prevents side pulling and protects rope guides and drums on most multi-fall Cranes and Hoists. • Prevent dragging of loads • Helps reduce down time.

Liftco Industrial Supplies Pty Ltd

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NO DRIP SPRAY NOZZLE WORKS FOR TIGHT BUDGETS AND SPACES When spraying any type of liquid, post-spray liquid flow can cause big problems. Drips can ruin the appearance of painted or coated finishes, and ruin sealing or mating surfaces. In addition, every drop of excess liquid flow is a wasted drop of often-expensive coatings or chemicals. To combat these problems, EXAIR has patented its No Drop Atomizing Nozzles, which are ideal for applications where absolutely no post-spray drip is permissible. When the compressed air supply is shut off, the No Drop Nozzle positively seals off the flow of liquid, eliminating the possibility of drips. The ¼" No Drip Internal Mix Deflected Flat Fan Atomizing Spray Nozzle atomises fluid and sprays at a right angle to the nozzle orientation. This allows spray to be placed precisely where it is needed when mounting and work areas are limited.

EXAIR's nozzles are available in five patterns: narrow angle round pattern, wide angle round pattern, flat fan pattern, deflected flat fan pattern and 360° hollow circular pattern. They are for pressure-fed applications that don't require independent air and liquid control. Internal Mix, External Mix, No Drip External Mix, Siphon Fed and No Drip Siphon Fed are also available in ¼" or ½". Applications include painting, coating, rinsing, cooling, quenching, wetting (moistening), humidification and dust control. The compact Atomizing Nozzles are fully adjustable to minimise air and liquid consumption and have interchangeable liquid and air caps. All No Drip Liquid Nozzles are CE compliant and conflict mineral free. Compressed Air Australia Pty Ltd Tel: 1300 787 688

INSTANT SNAPPY, THE PREMIUM ACCESS SOLUTION Originally designed in 1965, Instant Snappy is the ultimate folding scaffold. It can be easily set up in less than 3 minutes, no tools required. Each unit is lightweight, compact and easy to manoeuvre with lockable castors. The Snappy's configuration eliminates unsafe ladder, plank and step ladder usage, and is easily adjusted for varying platform heights. The Instant Snappy complies with AS/ NZS 1576. Using the additional extension

kit allows a working height of 3.9m, making the Snappy more versatile. It fits through a standard doorway while folded or open; it fits into a van and can be used as a workbench. Rated 225kg SWL allowing for 2 persons and tools. Instant Access 1300 10 20 80

TREOTHAM REVEALS INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC ACCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM In any industrial environment, ensuring that your software processes and applications are kept secure is paramount. The Euchner EKS prevents insecure access and only allows authorised users to access your software, keeping your systems safe and secure. The Euchner EKS consists of an electronic key, an electronic key adapter, and interface electronics. It is very simple to integrate into existing systems thanks compliance with the industry-standard PROFINET interface. The compact design and small installation depth make it suitable to be installed in shallow control panels, with standard holes measuring just 22.5mm diameter.



The closed and rounded shape of the electronic key adapter prevents dirt from entering and allows it to be easily cleaned. It is suitable for industrial environments and can be used in hygienically sensitive areas such as the food industry. An additional output is available as a second system channel in the FSA version, in order to realise safety relevant applications. Treotham Automation Pty Ltd 02 9907 1788


RS COMPONENTS ADDS OVER 600 AMPHENOL FCI CONNECTORS AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES REBRANDED AMPHENOL FCI FORGES STRONGER TIES WITH RS RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents Plc, has added more than 600 Amphenol FCI connector and cable assembly product lines to its portfolio, including the newly enhanced Rotaconnect range. The additions expand the RS AFCI offering to over 1700 items, including backplane and mezzanine connectors, power connectors, power supply accessories, board-to-board and wire-to-board connectors, I/O connectors, optical interconnect, cable assemblies, terminal blocks and flexible printed circuit (FPC) connectors. The move follows the acquisition of leading connector and cable assembly manufacturer FCI by Amphenol in June 2016, with the merged operation subsequently rebranded as Amphenol FCI, or AFCI. The acquisition has served to strengthen AFCI's position as an international supplier to the telecommunications, data communications, data storage, server, consumer electronics, industrial, automotive and

medical equipment, instrumentation and renewable energy markets. As a key addition to RS component's product lineup, the Rotaconnect range of rotatable board-to-board SMT connectors has undergone improvements, now including new-to-market pegged versions designed to simplify placement. AFCI Rotaconnect can be used to make perpendicular, coplanar, or angled connections. A hermaphroditic "mates to itself" design allows mating and disengaging at any angle between +90° and –60°, so the connectors can be placed anywhere on a printed circuit board. Typical Rotaconnect applications include control boards, sensors, actuators, rigid LED strips, automotive lighting, channel lettering and lighting luminaires.

RS539-Amphenol FCI RotaConnect WTB 4-pos

RS Components 1300 656 636

Multi Purpose Access System

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For more information or to arrange delivery call us now on 1300 10 20 80




HANDY, POWERFUL, QUIET AND MOBILE The new Karcher professional wet and dry vacuum cleaner sports a semiautomatic filter cleaning system and a compact but powerful setup, making it the ideal vac for workshops and construction sites. Due to its compact and robust design the machine is especially suitable for tradies, craftsmen and mechanics who often change locations, and need a portable machine that can take a few knocks. All of the accessories can be stowed conveniently on the machine and are therefore always close at hand and difficult to lose. The integrated power take-off point enables power tools to be connected to

the unit, expanding its capabilities as a mobile work platform. With its efficient semi-automatic filter cleaning system the NT 20/1 Ap Te guarantees constant suction power with fewer interruptions, and can be used for dust applications as well as coarse dirt or liquids. The NT 20/1 Ap Te is not only quieter than other machines in the market, it has also 20% higher suction power, with higher air flow (74 l/s) and vacuum rate (254 mbar) than the best competitor in its class. Kärcher Pty Ltd 1800 675 714


100TH ANNIVERSARY G8 SERIES RELEASE Tsubakimoto Chain has always been at the forefront of chain innovation. The company keeps its place at the leading edge by responding to industry demands, continually improving its products according to consumer needs. This is achieved by investing in new technology, research and development. As the prime pioneer of the industry, Tsubaki was the first company to develop a roller chain that uses special oil impregnated bushes: the Lambda Chain. Since its introduction to the market in 1988, Lambda Chain has gained an outstanding reputation in a variety of industries and applications. The product is capable of meeting a wide range of customer needs for longer wear life in lubrication-free environments, reducing long-term costs for the customer. To celebrate Tsubaki's 100th anniversary the company has launched the new and improved G8 series Lambda Chain.

New and Improved Tsubaki re-visited the fundamentals of its manufacturing process. After extensive research and testing, a new bush manufacturing technique was developed using new materials, density and oil types. Lambda chain now uses food grade lubricant and retains the same strength as a traditional bush. These new techniques, coupled with a specially coated pin to reduce running friction gives the end user less downtime and reduced maintenance costs. With the ANSI chain now lasting twice as long and the BS 1.3 times as long, total cost of ownership using Tsubaki G8 Lambda chain is significantly lower than using traditional chains. Why use Lube-Free Lambda Chains? In applications where lubrication is difficult or impossible, Lambda is the chain of choice. It is ideal for applications where lubrication cannot be used. An

example of this is when chain makes direct contact with the product. In these cases any lubricant may contaminate the product being transferred and this is not acceptable. There are other instances where the operating conditions are not ideal including cement plants or sawmills. Fine dust and contamination can cause serious problems on the chain. These particles can stick to the lubricant clogging the chain and sprockets resulting in articulation problems and

eventual derailment. Where long life, reduced downtime and higher productivity are required Lambda Chain is the ultimate choice. It is available in Long Life Lambda (X-Lambda), High Temperature (KF-Series) and corrosion resistant series. Tsubaki Australia 02 9704 2500


Screw Compressors For full range scan QR code or go to Call 1800 PNEUTECH for all of your compressed air needs.



Anaerobic high strength permanent grade threadlocking compound for metal screws, nuts & fasteners up to 25mm in diameter. Medium Viscosity. 10ml – $10.40 / 50ml – $31.10 plus 10% GST Unit 3, 64 Hassell Street, Smithfield NSW Ph: 02 9757 4367 | Fax: 02 9757 2676 |



FIRE PROOF for 90 MINUTES, now that’s safe.

Not all safety cabinets are created equal. Asecos ‘type 90’ cabinets for storage of flammable liquids and gases are tested and certified to withstand fire for 90 minutes, allowing staff to safely exit the premises, and limiting the spread of fire. | Phone 1300 435 221 INDUSTRYUPDATE.COM.AU



A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF FIRE SAFETY CABINETS Contrary to popular belief, doubleskinned metal cabinets for storing flammable liquids (Class 3) do not require a certified fire rating to be sold in Australia. This is a surprise to many, but true nonetheless.

Australian Standard AS1940, which covers cabinets for flammable liquids, does not state a minimum time for which a cabinet must protect the contents in a fire. Increasingly, industrial clients are turning to safety cabinets designed and tested to EN14470, a European standard now adopted by more than 25 countries. Safety cabinets designed and tested to EN14470 comply with the spill control, venting, labelling and auto door closing sections of AS1940, but offer vastly superior fire protection over standard double-wall steel cabinets. These cabinets minimise the risks associated with storing flammable substances by protecting the contents for a known and tested length of time. This time not only takes into account the time required for personnel to leave the room or area in the case of a fire, but also for the emergency services to gain access to the workplace before stored flammable materials contribute to an uncontrollable blaze.

Fire resistance is defined as the time taken for the temperature inside a cabinet to increase by 180˚C at any measured internal point. As a result the cabinet contents will not reach 200˚C, which is the auto ignition point for many commonly used solvents. Asecos cabinets stocked in Australia are guaranteed safe for 90 minutes according to EN14470, and are available in various sizes and configurations with folding doors, wing doors, shelves and drawers. The range stocked in Australia also includes 90-minute fire rated cabinets for gas cylinders, and these are proving popular for safe storage of flammable gases in industrial facilities. These cabinets have an even greater resistance to fire, allowing a maximum temperature rise of 50˚C for a total internal temperature of 70˚C. Like ABS and airbags in cars, when better technology becomes available, the smart ones upgrade for a better, safer future.

g3lab 1300 435 221

Gorman-Rupp Super T Series Pumps now available with:

Lightweight Inspector Cover Revolutionary Cleaning Tooth Cover Plate With Obstruction Free Path Designed for “Todays Sewage”: Sanitary wipes, Plastic bags, Fibres and Sludge The system consists of a new, patented lightweight inspection cover, an innovative back cover plate incorporating an obstruction free flow path, and an aggressive self-cleaning wear plate including laser cut notches and grooves, along with a revolutionary tooth designed to clear material from the eye of the impeller. 02 9898 1800 56


Retrofit Kits Available For Current Super T Series Pump



The Keysight brand is a valuable addition to Soanar's catalogue, with nearly a century of technical expertise behind its entire range of products. Its position as the world's leading electronic measurement company has been well earned, and its reputation of trustworthiness and quality ensures every tool will serve the customer well. Soanar now has the following Keysight products in stock: Multi-meters: • (U1233A) Autoranging Digital Multimeter 6000CT CATIII 600V • (U1242C) Autoranging Digital Multimeter 10000CT CATIII 1KV IP67 • (U1272A) Autoranging Digital Multimeter 30000CT CATIII 1KV IP54 • (U1282A) Autoranging Digital Multimeter 60000CT CATIII 1KV IP67 Clamp meters: • (U1213A) Digital Clampmeter Open Jaw AC/DC 1000A • (U1194A) Digital Clampmeter Open Jaw AC/DC 600A

SOLDERING STATION BOASTS PRECISE THERMAL CONTROL Soanar has secured the rights to Thermaltronic's full range of soldering irons and accessories. With today's delicate and complex electronic assemblies, temperature accuracy is a consistent challenge. Increasing component densities, decreasing lead sizes and increasingly the quantity of thermally sensitive components all combine to increase process control demands, criteria which many systems fail to meet. Thermaltronics' CHT (Curie heat technology) responds to the thermal demands of each solder joint by adjusting the power instantaneously, thereby meeting the exact requirements of the substrate, component and solder material. In addition, the high thermal performance and recovery of the Thermaltronics soldering hand-piece means that it heats instantly when removed from its holder and cools just as quickly when replaced. The product range includes both 450kHz and 13.56MHz power supplies. Thermaltronics is accredited to both ISO 9000 and ISO 14000, and all its products meet either TUV, GS, CE or NRTL safety requirements. Strict quality control procedures are in place and product warranties are among the best in the industry.

Soanar 1300 365 551


Scope meters: • (U1602B) Scope Meter 20MHZ 6000CT True RMS • (U1604B) Scope Meter 40MHZ 6000CT True RMS These Keysight tools will ensure minimal downtime and maintenance costs over the lifetime of your investment as they all built to last. Every model is highly reliable, extremely accurate, and can weather the roughest and most adverse conditions. Keysight tools all come with a full 3-year warranty. Soanar 1300 365 551




COMING EVENTS ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SUMMIT 2016 November 15-16 Amora Jamison Hotel, Sydney Ph: 03 9828 1400 COMPOSITES INDUSTRY BRIEFING AND NETWORKING 2016 November 23 Royal Perth Golf Club, Labouchere Road ASIA LINK CHAIRMAN'S DINNER November 30 The Hilton, Sydney LEAN MANUFACTURING AT VOLVO December 1 36 Viking Drive, Wacol, QLD Ph: 1300 263 287 HOW TO CHOOSE MACHINE VISION SOFTWARE December 2 Melbourne Parkview Hotel CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S SME NORTH ASIA FTA TRAINING December 5 Victorian Chamber of Commerce, Melbourne FORWARD OSMOSIS TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE December 7 671 Sneydes Road, Werribee Vic



TECHNOLOGY CLINIC FOR CIVIL AND COMPOSITE DESIGN ENGINEERS December 8 Royal Queensland Golf Club, Brisbane CSIRO 3D PRINTING AND TOUR December 13 Normanby Road, VIC LEADING THROUGH EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION CONFERENCE 2017 March 7-8 William Angliss Conference Centre, Melbourne AUSPACK 2017 March 7-10 Sydney Showground 02 9556 7993 NATIONAL MANUFACTURING WEEK 2017 May 9-12, 2017 Melbourne Exhibition Centre AUSTECH 2017 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING & MACHINE TOOL EXHIBITION May 9-12, 2017 Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre CEBIT 2017 May 23-25, 2017 International Convention Centre, Sydney 02 9280 3400

NEW FEATURES AND OLD FAVOURITES FOR INDUSTRY UPDATE With political upheaval in the USA and Europe creating uncertainty for global trading partnerships, there's never been a more important time to secure your share of the Australian market. The February 2017 edition of Industry Update will offer maximum exposure to advertisers, with the highest circulation of any Australian industry publication and a readership of more than 76,000 readers nationally. Throughout 2017, Industry Update will continue its dedication to the requirements of Australian manufacturing industry, with regular features on Machinery, Workplace Safety, Business and Finance, and Australian Made products.

LIKE WHAT YOU READ? SUBSCRIBE NOW, AND BECOME ONE OF THE GROWING NUMBER OF INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS THAT MAKE INDUSTRY UPDATE THEIR #1 INDUSTRY NEWS SOURCE. Join the 18,000+ readers who receive our twice-weekly newsletter and bi-monthly magazine, and you'll never miss a single story. *Subscribe before the end of the year (by visiting our website and filling out the webform) and receive a free 7-day trial to Anytime Fitness.

And starting in February 2017, a regular feature on Waste Management will highlight developments in recycling and sustainability to help Australian manufacturers comply with their environmental obligations. Special features in February include: • New Year Offers • Materials Handling • Electronics • Industrial Doors • And a Focus on Footwear All advertisers are guaranteed editorial coverage. The deadline for editorial submissions is Wednesday 19th January 2017. Don't miss out. Editorial and images should be sent to Advertising enquiries: Scott or Glyn on 02 9439 1288






date Industry Up






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AFTERSHOKZ TREKZ HEADSET There are a lot of Bluetooth headphones on the market, but the Aftershokz Trekz delivers sound in a unique and advantageous way: when looped over your ears, the speakers come to rest against your cheekbones, delivering sound to your ears via conduction. This unique setup means your ears remain completely unobstructed, making the Trekz perfect for use when you want to listen to music or an audiobook, but still require some level of situational awareness. Whether you're out jogging, inside cooking, or keeping an eye on the kids, the Trekz combine the cord-free experience of bluetooth listening with ears-free


listening, making it the perfect headset for anyone on-the-go. While the headset takes a little bit of time to get used to, it's a lightweight and long-lasting item that you'll likely end up wondering how you ever lived without. At $129, it's a steal.

Perfect for the busy exec who likes to mix style with practicality, the Michael Kors Access smartwatch is a reliable and elegant way to keep connected on the go. All variations of the Access function the same way; it Bluetooths to your Android smartphone or tablet, syncs up with your existing apps and notification settings, and provides that slight edge of functionality that makes your day easier. It's not going to revolutionise the way you work, send texts and emails,


It may seem like a triviality, but a self-stirring coffee mug is well worth the investment. It makes an excellent gift for that one person in your office (or life) that simply can't remember to wash up their spoons after they've made tea or coffee in the morning. If you're forever running out of teaspoons, or the sight of an unwashed spoon in the sink drives you to frustration, this mug is for you. It's also a simple, delightful addition to your day. There's a soothing sort of novelty to holding down a button and seeing your first cup of the day mix

itself together. The mug itself takes two AAA batteries. A button on the handle activates a small stirrer at the bottom of the mug, which spins around, swirling your drink into a delicious beverage vortex. For just $30 plus shipping, the self-stirring mug can be ordered from Yellow Octopus.

With holidays approaching, people are going to be partying, and many of them will be driving to their party destinations. Some of the drivers might decide to have a few drinks during the party. This is where the DrinkMate comes in. DrinkMate is a small, portable breathalyzer that attaches to the MicroUSB or Lightning port of your smartphone. Once attached, you wait 11 seconds for it to stabilise and then blow softly into it for 4 seconds. Once done, it will calculate your blood alcohol content (BAC) and display the data on your smartphone. The app comes with a plethora of

or navigate. Many of the interfaces are difficult to navigate on a small screen. But that's not what it's for: instead, it sits on your wrist, and gives your wrist a nudge every now and then to bring something to your attention. Clocking in at $350 for the silicone-band model, the Michael Kors smartwatch is a fashionable and functional addition to any smart wardrobe.

options for units of measurement, and settings for measuring against the maximum BAC of different countries. It also saves a history of your readings and the location of where the reading was taken. The price is USD$34.99 per unit.




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