Cincinnati Parent // 12.2009

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Greater Cincinnati’s Leading

Parenting Publication

Holiday Gift Guide Virtual Education 1.0




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Bring the family to celebrate the holidays at Music Hall! DEC 11–13 MUSIC HALL Featuring African Children’s Choir N'Kenge, soprano Feel the Christmas glow in a decked-out Music Hall filled with carols, holiday tunes and seasonal songs.



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DECEMBER 2009 table of contents



parents uncenseored


holiday gift guide



News You Can Use: New News for December


* Health & Wellness

Special needs awareness: Prepare Children for the Holidays


* Around Town

PROFILE: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital


arts & enrichment: Ice Skating and Snow Sports


* Commentary & Parenting

PUBLISHer’s NOTE: Embracing the Spirit of Giving


This Just IN: Slowing Down for the Holidays


dear teacher: Motivating Kids, Homeschooling & Improving Reading Fluency


my parent. my mentor.: Three Pluses and a Wish


teens & tweens: From Holiday Kids to Holiday Helpers



Arts & enrichment guide


childcare & Education Directory


fun & wacky holidays calendar






virtual education 1.0

Ask the Staff: What was the most memorable gift you ever received as a child? A Cabbage Patch Doll from my grandma—that I still have.






An American Girl Doll



K at i e Pfier


My first piggy bank from my dad. ce

My most memorable gift is coming this year... I’m due with our first baby on Dec. 20th!

h e at h e r

A Lite Brite

A Cabbage Patch Doll aN

A play kitchen.

n Bro o k e Va


co mmentary & parenting

PARENT Publisher & President of Sales & Business Development Mary Wynne Cox

Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Lynette Rowland

Art Direction & DESIGN Heather Lipe

director of MARKETING & business development Katie Pfierman

Business Development and Marketing Coordinator Josie Fine

Public Relations and Advertising Coordinator Erin Tulley


Publisher’s Note

Embracing the Spirit of Giving


Volunteering to Give Back to Your Community

he busy holiday season is now here. Bring on the parties, school plays and performances, shopping, decorating, baking and fun. December is always a fun and busy time for us—it can also be a very stressful time for many families who have found themselves not as fortunate this year. In the hustle and bustle of the season, it is important to reflect on the true meaning of this special time. It is such an important time to reach out to those in need and to teach your children about the importance of helping others. When you are out shopping with your children, be sure to stop by The Salvation Army Bell Ringer and put a few dollars in the red kettle. Take a few minutes to explain to your children that this money helps families and children in the Greater Cincinnati Area who are in need. Below are some facts that you can share with your children to let them know what an important and wonderful organization The Salvation Army of Cincinnati is to our community.

Last year, within the Greater Cincinnati area, The Salvation Army: • Served approximately 185,000 people with various services and programs

• Provided approximately 1,800 individuals with meals and groceries • Ensured that 4,200 individuals received clothing and/or shelter • Delivered gift baskets to 2,500 families

• Provided 10,392 individuals with some form of aid — food, utilities, clothing, etc.

• Visited 8,000 individuals in hospitals, retirement homes and correctional facilities

• Facilitated providing 1,171 inviduals with HeatShare assistance

• Made an unquantifiable, yet dramatic, difference in the lives of countless poor and needy throughout the community through its compassion and presence in times of struggle and hardship

• Sheltered 6,849 individuals with temporary lodging • Cared for kids with 8,039 days of after-school attendance • Provided summer-fun for kids with 3,412 days of summer enrichment attendance • Provided a camp experience to 755 individuals, at Camp Swoneky • Provided Emergency Shelter to 234 women and children, with 96% of the women engaged in a treatment plan to secure a stable income within 30 to 90 days of entry to the facility • Coordinated and implemented the effort for nearly 500 families and seniors to participate in the Adopt-a-Family program, with 1,556 receiving Christmas gifts • Provided toys, in partnership with Marines Reserve Corps’ Toys for Tots program, to 7,050 children • Distributed $75,500 in Kroger Gift cards to 3,117 Toy Shop families to help them have a more joyous Christmas dinner

There are many ways that you and your family can volunteer at The Salvation Army. You can participate in the “Adopt-A-Family” program, or volunteer at “The Toy Shop.” If you would like more information on volunteering at The Salvation Army, please visit their Web site at We hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and can give the gift of love and compassion to others in need within our community. Cincinnati Parent looks forward to ringing in the New Year with all of our readers!

-Mary Wynne



Accountant Brooke Vance

For the most important investment you will ever make.


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NOTICE! OUR ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER HAVE CHANGED. Cincinnati Parent 9435 Waterstone Blvd, Suite 140 Cincinnati, OH 45249 513.444.2015 (ph) 513.444.2099 (fx)

Copyright: Cincinnati Parent Magazine is published monthly. Copyright 2008 by Cincinnati Parent and Midwest Parenting Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of products, commentary or services herein. For information on subscriptions, editorial guidelines, advertising rates and more visit


Winter Admission Events Montessori Interview Sessions (PreK-K) Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009 Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010 Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010 Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 All sessions begin at 8:45 a.m. Toddler Interview Sessions for two-year-olds may be individually scheduled beginning in January by calling the Office of Admission. Limited space available. All School Entrance Testing (Grades 1-12) Saturday, December 5, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m.

Parent Preview Day for Lower and Middle Schools (Grades 1-8) Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 8:45 a.m. RSVP required for all events. Please call 871-4700 ext. 261 or email • New Montessori Toddler Program for Two-Year-Olds • Busing available from 10 School Districts • Tuition Assistance available for students PreK-Gr.12 • Year-Round Montessori Program for 3-6 year-olds




this just in

Slowing Down for the Holidays

Women’sCare Seven Hills

Appreciating the Little Things

‘Tis the season for us to run around nonstop—purchasing gifts, wrapping gifts, baking cookies, throwing parties, spending time with friends and relatives—really, the list goes on and on. I wish I could say that this was the only time we, as parents, put too much on our plate. But, since this is the time of year when we really overdo it, I thought this was the perfect topic to wrap up 2009. Here’s the perfect example: I called my mom today and before I could get out “Hi mom, it’s me,” she cut me off saying, “Honey, I’ll have to call you back. I have a closing in one hour (she’s a realtor) and before I do that, I have two stops to make.” Then there was a sigh and a click­— our conversation was over. That’s when it dawned on me­—we all do it. Even my own mom does it, and she doesn’t have little ones at home anymore. We try to be everything to everyone and it tends to be our family members who suffer. And ladies, we are the worst offenders! My husband has no problem saying no. He says no all the time and he’s just fine. He’s even joked with me before, asking me to repeat after him: “N-O. Say it honey! No! No! Doesn’t it feel good?” Honestly, it’s hard to say no and I imagine it’s hard for a lot of you. This year, I said I would be a volunteer for my fiveyear-old son’s kindergarten class. My thoughts were that I’d chaperone a field trip or two, or bring cookies for a class party. Instead, volunteering turned into becoming a room mother. Because I couldn’t say “no,” I found myself shopping at midnight for ingredients for the next day’s class treats. Of course, shopping at midnight turned into baking everything at eight in the morning. Thirty minutes into baking, I’m barking at my son because he’s already done helping, the cookies are falling apart, my kitchen is covered in flour and I’m mumbling to myself about how no one appreciates me. Instead of me enjoying this moment with my son, I became so wrapped up with disappointing his teachers and the four other room mothers that I was stressed out and flustered before I even left for work. By the


time I got to work, I was feeling guilty about snapping at my kids. Please tell me I’m not the only one! Due to my working in news, I have reminders night after night about how important it is to cherish the little things in life—like making cookies with your kids. Too often, we’re reporting about children being abducted, or getting hurt or dying from some awful disease. Yet, I’m just like so many of you. I’m cooking, cleaning, running errands, and picking up instead of enjoying the time with my kids and letting go of the little things. My two-year-old is in a phase where he’ll say, “Hold me, Mommy. Hold me.” All too often I’m in a hurry and get irritated that he can’t be a big boy at that particular moment, instead of loving the fact that my little boy still wants me to hold him. So, as I called my mom and heard her do to me what I’ve done to her countless times before, I realized we all do it! We get so caught up in doing everything and making sure to mark things off of our to-do list that we forget about what is really important. One of my favorite gifts for new moms is a poem about hugging trees, going to the movies in your pajamas and remembering that kids are kids. Lesson: don’t make them grow up before they have to. I wish we could remember that for our kids, and for ourselves. So much of what will stress us out this holiday season really is not that important. So what if our ribbon doesn’t match the wrapping paper? Who cares if you can’t make cookies for the neighbors or attend all of the holiday parties you were invited to? If only we could step back and just appreciate the little things. After all, isn’t that what the holidays are really about—appreciating one another and celebrating life? I am just now realizing my New Year’s resolution for 2010—I hope some of you did, too. Sheree Paolello is an Anchor for News 5. Beyond the desk, she’s a wife and mother of two boys.

news*you can *use news & sh o pping


news you can use

New News for December

Half Price Books B(eco)me Wild Campaign to Benefit World Wildlife Fund

Half Price Books is offering a two-for-one this holiday season: a unique and affordable gift that benef its the environment.

To tie-in with the bookseller’s holiday campaign, which features fun and fresh polar bear graphics, Half Price Books is offering limited-edition polar bear-themed tote bags and holiday note cards, the sales of which will benef it World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The tote bags, made from recycled water bottles, retail for $1.98 and the note cards (8 cards per set), which feature four designs printed on 100 percent post-consumer waste recycled paper, retail for $4.98. WWF will receive $1 from the sale of each tote and card pack. Learn more at There are fewer than 25,000 polar bears left in the wild and climate change is a serious threat to their survival. As part of its global conservation mission, WWF is providing vital funding to f ield research by the world’s foremost experts to f ind out how it will affect polar bears and other threatened and endangered species. A few tips for shoppers includes: use tote bags and other reusable items to “wrap” gifts this year, forgo traditional wrapping paper that ends up in the landf ill. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans generate an additional 1 million tons of household waste over the average between Thanksgiving and New

Year’s Day. That is a 25 percent spike in waste—from the standard 4 million tons to 5 million—that occurs every year. “B(eco)me Wild” is an extension of the Half Price Books “B(eco)me” campaign launched in 2007 to encompass the company’s many environmental efforts. In 2008 Half Price began its B(eco)me Bagless effort to educate customers on the benef its of reducing plastic bag use. In the f irst six months of the campaign, Half Price Books customers refused more than 1 million one-use bags. The quantities of the polar bear items are limited and will be available at and in all 106 Half Price Books stores on November 27, the day after Thanksgiving.

First Annual Light Up the Levee Holiday Show

Looking for something new, different and FREE to enjoy this holiday season? Newport on the Levee has THE show for you and your family. The Levee’s Holiday Light Show, Light Up the Levee, will illuminate the exterior Riverwalk from the Gallery Building to the Newport Aquarium featuring LED lights dancing in synchronization to holiday music. Over one million lights comprise the Levee’s holiday package this season. The energy eff icient LED lights last up to 70 times longer and use one-tenth of the electricity of standard



Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park


CLASSES Party Buses

• Toddlers, Children, Teens & Adults! • Classes now available at five locations: Baker Hunt Arts and Culture Center (Covington), Clifton Cultural Arts Center, Madisonville Arts Center, Mayerson JCC & Playhouse in the Park

For registration and information call 513/421.3888 or visit


news & sh o pping


news you can use

incandescent bulbs. The display will include a 30-foot tall Christmas tree, ten- and 20foot spiral trees, f ive-foot snowf lakes, wreaths and more. “This computerized light display gives our visitors another unique experience when they visit the Levee this holiday season,” said P. Ellen Prows, General Manager of Newport on the Levee. 18 impressive shows will take place daily beginning at 6:10 p.m., every 20 minutes with the last show at 11:50 p.m. The animated lighting shows will run November 18, 2009, through January 10, 2010. For more information, please visit

Covedale Center for the Performing Arts Presents: MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET

CFS Student Awarded the First Alexander and Helen Griffin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Keyara McFadden, a 19 year old, Universit y of Cincinnati criminal justice major from Mt. Auburn is the recipient of the f irst scholarship awarded by the A lexander and Helen Griff in Memorial Scholarship Fund. Marsha Spivey-Harris, daughter of A lexander and Helen Griff in, presented the f irst scholarship award at the recent Know How 2 Go College Fair. “The scholarship will help me with school books and it means a lot to me that the Griff in’s see my potential,” said Keyara. The Griff in Family established the Scholarship Memorial Fund in loving memor y of their parents who believed education was key but never attended college themselves. The Griff in Memorial Fund is just one of the one hundred scholarship funds administered by the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation (CSF), a local non-prof it organization that helps local businesses, individuals, and family members create a legacy through scholarships.

The Show: Kris Kringle is the personification of good will and holiday spirit. As Macy’s holiday Santa, he enchants children and shoppers so completely that he is deemed dangerous by fellow employees who question his competency and plot to ruin him. A small girl’s belief in Santa and the magic of the holiday is at stake in a climactic courtroom decision. This is a hilarious, tender and charming show for the entire family.

Ned Hertzenberg, the CSF’s President, said, “A lexander Griff in worked for the Cincinnati Board of Education for 34 years and although he and his wife were prevented from graduating from high school, they instilled in their 11 children the importance of education. The children established the scholarship fund in honor of their parents’ devotion to the value of education.”

Complete Performance Dates Include: The CSF helped the Griff in family establish the scholarship criteria, which consisted of high school aff iliation, post-secondar y institution requirements, high school GPA, application requirements, and the monitoring of minimum GPA once in college. After screening all of the applications, the CSF presented the Griff in family with its choice for the f irst scholarship recipient. The Griff ins then reviewed the applicant’s qualif ications to make sure she met the established criteria and best ref lected the scholarship’s objectives.

Thurs. Dec. 3 – Fri. Dec. 4 – Sat. Dec. 5 – Sun. Dec. 6 Thurs. Dec. 10 – Fri. Dec. 11 – Sat. Dec. 12 – Sun. Dec. 13 Wed. Dec. 16 - Thurs. Dec. 17 – Fri. Dec. 18 – Sat. Dec. 19 – Sun. Dec. 20 Performance Times: Thursday – Saturday at 8:00 p.m., Sunday at 2:00 p.m. There is also one Wednesday evening performance on December 16th. Tickets: $21.00 for Adults, $19.00 for Seniors and Students. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling the box off ice at 513 241 6550.

“We partnered with CFS to utilize their experience in the administration, publication and application/selection process of our scholarship fund, the CSF made f inding the student who f it easy,” said Janice Robbins. “We look for ward to meeting with the scholarship recipient ever y year. Our family sees it as a time to remember our parents and all they have given us.” For more information visit www.

Visit us on the web at

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profile: children’s hospital

H1N1 and Seasonal Flu What Parents Need to Know

Syndrome. If the need arises, ibuprofen or acetaminophen — in the appropriate dosages — can be used instead.

Research Studies: Clinical studies have been and are being conducted to determine the dose and timing of the seasonal f lu and the H1N1 f lu vaccinations. Participation by children has been crucial to learn how best to use the vaccinations safely and effectively in children. There are ongoing research studies to determine the best and most effective dosage of Oseltamivir or Tamif lu for younger children. This is particularly important for those children less than one year old, as the medication is not approved for their use due to a lack of knowledge about the appropriate dose and safety of the medication. Understandably, many parents feel concerned about their child participating in a research study and may not be fully aware of steps involved to protect children within any study. • All research participation is voluntary and can be stopped at any time. • The study must be approved by hospital committees, as well as other children’s institutions. • The visits are conducted by trained physicians and research professionals who carefully monitor each child and take the necessary time to explain every aspect of the study before starting. • Most medications tested in children have seen extensive testing in adults, which demonstrates that the medications are safe and effective.

Every parent wants the medications that their child takes to be safe and effective, which can only happen if there has been testing done in children. Michael G. Spigarelli, MD, PhD is the Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Internal

Medicine, a MD with distinction in Research at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

It seems that every day there are more and more stories describing the ongoing pandemic of H1N1 (sometimes called the swine f lu) through out country. The thought of a sick child causes even the calmest parents to worry. This year, with the H1N1 virus being seen throughout the country and reports that it may be more dangerous to younger people, parent worries are intensif ied. It can be both confusing and frightening to think that a child can be more at risk of getting a serious infection than older people who have most likely had previous exposures to similar H1N1 viruses.

Infants 0 to 23 Months Old with Flu Needed for Study Flu Medication Study

change the outcome*

Prevention: The best-known method to prevent infection with either the seasonal f lu or the H1N1 virus is to be vaccinated, either through injection or with nasal sprays. While there have been some who express concern about the safety of the vaccine, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says, “Vaccination is the best way to prevent inf luenza infection and its complications.” This is particularly true for younger individuals, particularly those less than 25 years of age and pregnant women when it comes to the H1N1 vaccination. According to the CDC, “The 2009 H1N1 inf luenza vaccines are expected to have similar safety prof iles as seasonal f lu vaccines, which have very good safety track records. Over the years, hundreds of millions of Americans have received seasonal f lu vaccines.” In addition, hand washing and using strategies to reduce transmission of the viruses, such as keeping ill children home from school until 24 hours after their fever resolves, is important to protect the health of everyone in the community.

Treatment: When someone is sick, typical care is the best place to start. In the medical world, we call this supportive care; my grandmother knew it as lots of rest and f luids, but both describe the same concept. If you or your child becomes ill, take the time to rest, eat well and allow your body to f ight the infection. Should that illness worsen or if at any time you become worried, it is important for you to discuss the situation with your doctor or your child’s doctor. It is possible to shorten the duration of symptoms of the f lu using medications, if they are started within the f irst 48 hours of symptoms. The medication that is used most often, for those that are older than one year of age, is Oseltamivir (known as Tamif lu). The CDC reports that 99.5% of the H1N1 viruses that they have evaluated (since September of this year) are responsive to treatment with Oseltamivir.

What A research study to test what dose of Tamiflu, an antiviral drug, is welltolerated, most effective and the safest to treat influenza (flu) in infants 0 to 23 months old.

Who Infants 0 to 23 months old who have been diagnosed with influenza (flu) may be eligible to participate.

Pay Families will be compensated for their time. CCHMC IRB # 2008-0119

Details Contact Julie Denlinger at or 513-636-6273.

It is important to caution that aspirin or aspirin-containing medications should not be used in children, as they increase the risk for a dangerous condition known as Reye


D E R O S N E ! C e n N o l . A U . . t s o t N n ’re re



Working Together For You

For extended coverage on this story, tune into Lisa Cooney on News 5 Today on December 1, 2009.


all have days when we feel

guilty, embarrassed or unfit to be a parent. But that’s the thing­—we all have those days. Read on. You’re so not alone. Locked out “It was the middle of winter and I was home with Olivia—she was one,” says Maria Schneider, a Wyoming mom of three. “I needed to take out the trash and did so, without a coat. We had a push button lock on the door and Olivia decided to see what would happen if she pushed it. So I found myself locked out of my own house with my 1-year-old wailing and dog barking furiously inside. My neighbor saw what was happening and called the police. They showed up minutes later and decided we needed to break into the house. But the best way was to break the glass window of the door, which was right next to where Olivia and the dog were standing. So I had to try to coax them away from the door, which as you can imagine was quite a challenge. We f inally got in about 10 minutes later but I’ll never forget that day and how much trouble a 1-year-old can cause in a split second!”


The poo bomb “Michelle, her son Jaden and I went to Hobby Lobby in the early winter to do some shopping,” says Tari Clidence, Batavia mom of two and friend of Michelle Spoon, also a Batavia mom. “Jaden had ‘done his duty’ so we thought we’d leave, go to the mall and use their family restroom. Once there, we realized Michelle’s husband had taken the diaper bag and not put it back in her car—we had one diaper but no wipes and no change of clothes. We f igured we could clean him up with paper towels and just put him back into his clothes. What we didn’t realize is that his poop had run out of his diaper, into his jeans and shirt—even his socks! Once we got him stripped down—a diff icult chore for a monkey-like child of age three—his poop just went everywhere—the mirrors, the ceiling, the walls, and the countertop. Jaden was having the best time slipping and sliding everywhere while Michelle and I were holding our sides from laughing so hard! Here it was, 40 degrees outside and we had to stroll him through the mall in just a diaper—getting all sorts of evil looks from other parents whose kids were bundled up from the weather—to run to Children’s Place to buy him some clothes.”

Tough Love “When we f irst moved Ella into a twin bed, I would always lay down with her until she fell asleep,” says Brian

A. Klems (, St. Bernard dad of two. “It was a ritual we both loved but it was also a ritual that my wife, who was left with the impossible challenge of getting Ella to bed when I was at softball—kindly told me I needed to break. So I took Ella to bed, tucked her in and explained to her that she was a big girl now and big girls fall asleep on their own. She smiled and nodded. But it wasn’t until I walked out that the gravity of the situation hit her. She began to sob, crying out, ‘Come back daddy, come back. I need you.’ She cried herself to sleep. I thought I had ruined her life and sucked the optimistic, happy-go-lucky princess that I loved out of her. I expected more outbursts the next night. But instead she looked me in the eye and said, ‘I’m a big girl, Daddy’ and gave me a kiss. I shut the door. She was asleep within minutes and we never looked back.”

Accident in aisle three! “My son was two years old at the time,” says a local dad who wishes to remain anonymous. “We took him grocery shopping. He was potty training and I suggested to my wife that he wear a pull-up just in case. She said no, adding that he had been good about going to the bathroom on his own. My son wanted out of the cart while we were standing in line at the deli–so he was standing next to me while we waited. Then all of

a sudden an older woman who was walking next to us slips and falls—hard. ‘Oh God, something spilled here,’ she said as she picked herself up. I looked down at my son’s pants. His whole pant leg was drenched with pee and there was a huge puddle on the f loor. I was so embarrassed I picked him up, put him in the cart and got out of there fast—before the woman realized what she actually slipped and landed in.”

Church improv “The Sunday school class was doing a program as part of the church service,” says Kathy Frye, Liberty Township mom of four now-grown children. “The little kids were all lined up on the steps and out of nowhere Michael—who may have been 4 at the time—raised his hand up, pointed his f inger as if he had a pistol and said, ‘Pow!’ Another little boy in his class ‘fell dead,’ rolling down the steps. Of course the entire congregation went into a roar of laughter, and the teacher and the parents were mortif ied.”

This month’s Healthy Reward is a

FREE ½ gallon of milk!

In December, earn a FREE half gallon of Kroger milk with every $20 purchase of Kroger milk, cheese, and yogurt in a single transaction using your Kroger Plus® card.

Mistaken identity “One afternoon ‘Daniel’ woke up early from his nap,” says Julie Hall, a West Chester mom of three. “I got him up without waking his twin brother and decided to run to Kroger with him—it was the weekend and I was getting errands done while daddy was on nap duty. We got through Kroger with no problems and I decided to swing by my parent’s house to let my dad visit with ‘Daniel.’ I get inside and dad keeps calling him Nathan, so I correct him. It’s an easy mistake, as they’re identical twins. Then dad corrects me and shows me that I really had Nathan the whole time! I hold my husband partially guilty, as he put them down in the wrong cribs for naptime.”

Kara Gebhart Uhl is a Fort


Thomas, Ky.-based freelance writer and editor. To read more of her work, visit www. To learn more about her family, visit

Don’t forget to pick up milk for Santa!

It’s just not the holidays without The Nutcracker... DECEMBER 17_27, 2009

The Aronoff Center for the Arts 7:30 pm - Dec.17, 18, 19, 23 & 26 | 2:00 pm - Dec. 19, 20, 22, 23, 26 & 27

Reserve your tickets for your family today! CAll The Box offiCe: 513-562-5282 oR go online:


Blackberry Tour This season’s hot must-have for the unorganized professional on your list. The Blackberry Tour is the newest line of smartphone complete with full qwert y keyboard, trackball and hundreds of apps, calendar, tasks, 3 MP camera, speakerphone and more. Now syncs with Blackberry Desktop for both Mac and PC plus the accessories can do everything from desktop charging and connecting to any nearby stereo for automatic audio. Website: Cost: Varies based on contract with service provider. Band Hero The newest line of Band Hero comes stocked with old and new songs. Available on the Nintendo DS, this portable edition comes equipped with a plug in guitar buttons and a slip on drum pad as well as a stylus in the shape of a guitar pick. Also available is the new Band Hero for the Wii. Jackson 5, Joss Stone, Maroon 5, No Doubt, Duran Duran and much more. Play the drums or guitar or sing along with your favorite songs. Includes a USB microphone, drum kit, guitar, drumsticks, guitar strap, kick pedal for drums and guitar faceplate. Website: Cost: $199.99 (Wii) or $49.99 (DS) BlackBerry VM-605 Bluetooth Handsfree Visor Speakerphone This Blackberr y-specif ic hands-free visor includes a built-in FM tuner so you can play music through your car’s stereo. It automatically auto-stops music when a call rings through and is designed to work with voice-activated dialing, caller ID and verbal commands. It has up to 13 hours of talk time, includes four LED indicators to show battery status, connection and call status and FM radio. Use it for last-number dialing, call-mute and ignoring calls. Cost: $99 Maisto Tech Offroad Jeep Rubicon This remote-control Jeep comes in a 1:16th scale and will f ill any youngster’s (or older) need for some fast-paced fun. Website: Cost: $34.99 Sasquatch Pet Bed Keeping warm and cozy this winter is just as important for your four legged family member as it is for the rest of the clan! An ultimate f irst-of-its kind pet bed has hit the market. Shaped like an oversized Croc and lined with f luffy faux f leece, The Sasquatch Pet Bed is as much a conversation piece for the whole family as a comfy place for Fido or Fluffy to sleep. It’s available in six bold colors, including hot pink and electric blue. Easy to clean, too! Website: Cost: $99.95


Shark VX63 2 in 1 Cordless Vacuum Ultra-lightweight and convenient, the Shark VX63 2 in 1 cordless hand and stick vac is great. With its powerful suction it effectively picks up dirt, hair and food particles from hard f loor surfaces and low pile carpet. Extremely versatile, this 2 in 1 vacuum becomes a powerful hand vac with a crevice feature that is perfect for corners and tight spaces. As a stick vac, with shark swivel steering, a motorized brush and powerful suction it is perfect for both bare f loors and carpets. The removable battery charges anywhere and the telescopic handle adjusts to different heights. Website: Cost: $99.00 Wii Sports Resort This sequel to the popular Wii Sports makes use of the Wii MotionPlus accessory, which gives players the most responsive and realistic experience possible. The Wii MotionPlus accessory, which is included with Wii Sports Resort, plugs into the base of the Wii Remote controller and, combined with the accelerometer and sensor bar, provides an experience that gives players an even greater sense of immersion. Website: Cost: $49.99 Scribblenauts In Scribblenauts, players use the Nintendo DS touch-screen to help their character Maxwell acquire the Starite in each level by solving a series of puzzles armed with their stylus, notepad and imagination. Players jot down the word for any object that comes to mind in order to reach the goal. Every object behaves as it would in the real world, and players can combine countless objects to create completely new scenarios. Players advance through ten worlds, each with eleven puzzle and eleven action levels for a total of 220 challenges to complete. Website: Cost: $29.99 Hannah’s Kittens This absolutely adorable plush basket full of fuzzy and cuddly kittens is sure to make any little one squeal with joy. Comes in a marabou-lined reusable hat box and three precious kittens named Sweat Pea, Daisy and Violet. The f irst edition, there are only 1,000 boxes of Hannah’s Kittens available so you’re not only buying a f itfor-a-princess toy but also a collector’s item! Winner of two “Toy of the Year” awards! Website: Cost: $129.99 World of Zoo Step into the World of Zoo‚ the only sim game that pushes you past the fences and into a world of your own zoo. Create and customize your zoo experience and develop hands-on relationships to earn the trust and love of your animals. Website: Cost: $39.99

Batman: The Brave and Bold Batmobile Get ready for the ultimate crime-fighting action! The Batmobile from Batman: The Brave and the Bold transforms from ultra-cool and ultra-stylized Batmobile to the awesome crime-f ighting Bat Jet that f ires two projectiles! Its exciting transformative play and fun action-adventure all in one! Website: Cost: $34.99 Polly Pocket Roller-coaster Resort Polly Pocket Roller Coaster Resort Hop aboard Polly doll’s fab roller coaster for a luxury vacation adventure! The continuous car goes up the escalator, through the tunnel, to the exotic vista point with a waterfall slide and mountaintop pool. Next stop, the luxurious hotel suite where Polly stops to drop off her luggage and chillax. Then lookout below, it’s a wild ride through the tropical paradise with splash pool, a dining room buffet and disco dance room! Includes one doll and one pet. Other dolls shown sold as part of separate sets. Website: Cost: $49.99 Leap Frog Tag Junior Touch the Book Pal to the Tag Junior book and bring the book to life with more than 130 playful audio responses. Includes a USB cable to connect to the internet so parents can track progress and other supplemental activities. Cost: $34.99 Zippity High Energy Learning System Kids will get up and move when they play with this over sized joystick and activity mat that connects to your TV. They will play and learn with their favorite Disney characters in 3-D animation. Cost: $79.99 Moby Wrap Baby Carrier Be uniquely close to your baby. Your baby can hear your heartbeat and keep cozy while you carry them safe and close hands free. This carrier uses a wide band of comfortable and slightly stretchy material with no fasteners or narrow straps to dig in or wear you down. Distribute the weight and carry your baby comfortably in a variety of ways. Cost: $39.95 Bl azer Butane Refill able Torch Lighter Touted as the world’s f irst torch lighter, the Blazer torch Model PB207 has set the standard for modern lighters. It features an electric crystal ignition system and powerful blue wind resistant 2500 F f lame. Maintains an easy ignition system while providing a unique child resistant safety feature. Cost: $55.00



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Colortunes by iHome The iH15W is a small, 5-1/2-inch cube with handy carrying handles and internal adjustable lighting. The cube features four color change settings for cycling through the colors, which is great for parties and other fun occasions. Cost: $59.99 Logitech Performance Mouse MX Leave it to the world’s leading maker of high-per formance mice to conquer the surface where no mouse has worked before. The culmination of a groundbreaking f iveyear engineering effort, Logitech Darkf ield Laser Tracking shatters the glass barrier with the f irst trackon-glass technology. So now you can conquer any task on virtually any surface without a second thought. Cost: $99.99 Ivar Daypack Multiple organizing pockets, Airf low back design, Wide & padded shoulder straps, Dual side pockets, Adjustable sternum strap, Headphone port, Ref lective details, YKK zippers, etc. The Urban 33 is the bigger brother to the original Urban daypack. Customers asked for a larger Urban option and the Urban 33 was the long anticipated answer. Simply a great all around backpack, popular as a school or recreational pack. Cost: $70.00 Candy Land Sweet Celebration Game Introducing new worlds, new characters, and a whole new way to play Candy Land ! There’s a celebration at King Kandy’s castle. Everyone’s invited, and each character wants to bring treats. Visit the locations and gather sweet surprises to take to the party. You build the path, and you decide how many treats you want to collect. It’s Candy Land your way! Cost: $25.99 Spy Gear Lazer Tripwire Secure your perimeter just like banks and museums do with this tripwire. Only you can spot the beams with secret spy mist. Use Lazer Tripwire to guard a favorite object or protect your room against sneaky siblings. Includes three sensors/emitters. Website: Cost: $37.00 Battleship An updated version of the classic Hasbro board g a me : Bat t lesh ip. The new double sided battle grid and hexagon placement opt ion ad d s new elements to th is t ime tested fam ily game. Cost: $24.99

Loud Enough Volume Limiting Headphones The Loud Enough earphone offers full, detailed sound in a small and lightweight form factor. It was developed especially for children ages 8+ who listen to their earphones while in the car, playing video games, watching movies, walking to school or just hanging out with their friends. The key feature of Loud Enough earphones is builtin sound pressure protection that reduces any music source by up to 40% . The volume control element is invisible to kids and to them look like the cool ear buds that they are. Due to the noise isolating design, children will not have a need to turn the volume up so loud. Website: Cost: $39.99 The Game of LIfe - Bikini Bottom SpongeBob SquarePants Edition The life choices you make in this classic board game may make you rich - or you may get soaked! Experience life SpongeBob style— become a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, adopt a giant clam as a pet or get stung by a jellyf ish! The one with the most clams at the end of the game, wins! Cost: $89.99 Mickey Hot Dog Dancer Mickey is at again! This updated classic says fun Mickey phrases, dances along to 2 songs: including the popular “Hot Dog” song from the show, and tells funny jokes. Cost: $39.99 Trio Bulding Set with Storage Easy building for kids ages 3-5, the Trio Building Set comes with with bricks, sticks and panels to provide more ways for kids to build their creativity. It features easy to attach parts that click and hold together for big building play and provides multiple ways to build. The set comes in fun, bright colors and include custom parts such as f igures, wheels and chassis and durable tub for convenient storage and clean up. Cost: $29.99 Go Diego Go Extreme Launch & Rescue Pack New for 2009, this extreme back pack is just like Diego’s from the show! It features over 50 rescue missions, sounds and phrases. Spot an animal in trouble and launch the rescue f lares which store inside the pack. Includes the pack with built in binoculars, 5 removable accessories and batteries. Cost: $54.99 Flippity Kickball Wubbzy Navigate Wubbzy on a wubtastic ride with the Flippity-Kickball Wubbzy RC. It comes with a blue polka-dot kicketykickball, just like on the show, and an attached plush Wubbzy dressed in his underwear. This remote controlled toy can be driven in two directions - forward and reverse. All electronics and mechanism are in the ball and the remote is shaped like a “W”. When ball is driven forward Wubbzy follows behind the ball on his feet. If ball is driven forward and suddenly reversed wubbzy f lips over the ball and is dragged on head. If ball is driven forward and not suddenly reversed, Wubbzy will not f lip over. If Wubbzy bonks into anything he makes a funny noise or phrase! Cost: $44.99 Super Wikki Stix Amazing three-foot lengths of Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are the perfect


opportunity for super-creativity. Six different bright neon colors colors, 48 individual Wikki Stix, for a total of 144 feet of anytime, anywhere fun! Wikki Stix adhere to almost all smooth surfaces with just f ingertip pressure press them down, peel them up again to make changes. Cut to your own desired length for f lat or 3-D imaginative play. Perfect for class projects, rainy day fun, festive seasonal decor. Cost: $19.95 Hyper Blast Numbers Game Stimulate your child’s mind and body with this fast paced, exciting game. The Hyper Blast game starts when you stomp the blaster and the game sends the numbered balls f lying while shouting out commands. Return the balls to solve the problem and the fastest time wins. Choose from double digits, reverse order or math games to sharpen the mind and the body. Cost: $29.99 1-2-3 Stomp! This game is a great way to promote physical activity while helping develop number and math skills. Stomp the pad to send the numbers flying, follow the instruction to identify numbers and colors and then develop skills for simple addition and subtraction. Can be played solo or in teams, can be played indoors or out and doesn’t require electricity. Cost: $29.99 Yankee Candle MacIntosh Puzzle This 300 piece puzzle is sure to challenge your mind and stimulate your senses! The scent of MacIntosh apples will fill the room while you fit together the unique Yankee Candle Jar shaped pieces. Cost: $22.99 MATCHBOX Rocky the Robot Truck Now boys can interact with their new best friend and hard-working buddy Rocky, the interactive dump truck! Interactive sensors and motorized movement bring Rocky to life - he speaks over 100 phrases talking and interacting with kids and even tells jokes! Rocky can also dance, his headlights light up and his rugged design and full-tilting bed are great for manipulative play. 36 months - 10 years. Website: Cost: $88.99 Fisher Price Little People Happy Sounds Home Allows little girls to discover their very first home and provides them with tons fun. Playset folds open to reveal plenty of rooms on 2 levels, plus activities & fun sounds to keep them busy. Features a open and close refrigerator, ringing telephone, washer/dryer unit with realistic machine SFX. The tub bubbles, lift the toilet seat to hear it flush. Playset comes with Mom, Dad and Baby figures, table, 2 chairs & high-chair. Folds closed for storage; all parts/pieces fit inside. Ages 12 months - 4 years. Website: Cost: $44.99 Fisher Price Imaginext Dragon World Fortress The Imaginext Dragon Castle Playset is a vertical castle that features a world of accessories and activation points. Figures and helmets that activate feature points. Twist, lower, open, close, spin, turn and more to hear dozens of different sounds. Great fun for kids 36 months - 5 years. Website: Cost: $54.99

Mobi Headphonies By far best l ittle m in i speakers you’ll ever get your hands on. Plug your cell phone, mp3 player., portable gaming station, etc. Just 3” tall this little guy boasts a built-in hi-f i amplif ier that we promise will wow you. Try it for yourself ! Website: Cost: $24.95 Orange H owe l l’ s Snowflake Ornaments Pau la Zanger has made products for everyone from Vera Want to Barneys NY, so her ver y own label, Orange HOWELL (named after her Hoosier grandfather) is a beautiful addition to her works. Each silver-plated ornament is unique with jewel-like crystals set within the intricately created piece. Great idea for the ornament collector! Website: Cost: $45-$75 Logitech Squeezebox Radio Stop tr ying to f ind a place to plug in your mp3 player or phone! This one-of-a-kind radio lets you listen to your own personal music from everything from Pandora and Rhapsody to Slacker and Facebook. Access

digital music stored on your PC or Mac, iPod and more. Plug your iPod directly into the built-in jack for immediate access or listen to internet or local radio. Finally, a radio that works with everything. Website: Cost: $199.99 Elmo’s Tickle Hands A great spin off of the Tickle me Elmo toys, these gloves tickle, laugh and sing with just the shake of a hand. They are bright and furry and the perfect size for little hands. The gloves also come with a DVD that teaches kids the “Tickle Hand Groove.” It’s a great toy for kids featuring one of their favorite Sesame Street characters. Website: Cost: $30.00 Crayola Ultimate Art Supplies Kids and parents alike will love this all-in-one art studio with on-thego portability, and storage for easy cleanup. Case comes f il led with ever ything a budding artist needs: 8 washable watercolors and paint brush, 8 washable markers, 12 colored pencils, 24 crayons, scissors, glue and construction paper. Website: Cost: $16.99

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arts & enrichment

Ice Skating and Snow Sports Experiencing the Magic of Winter Sports

The 2010 Winter Olympics is right around the corner — tell me you’re excited to see f igure skating! I can’t wait! Bobsleigh, snowboarding, skiing and the rest certainly have merit, but iceskating has a magical quality unlike any other sport. Blame the beauty of gliding across ice, the unbelievably fast spins or even the costumes, but millions of families tuning into the Olympics this winter will be taken by the sport and kids across the globe will wonder what it must be like to skate on ice. If your child is among those whose interest piqued, support his or her curiosity and hit the nearest rink. Susi Wehrli, senior director of membership at U.S. Figure Skating, recommends that even before engaging in lessons, you should take your child to a public skate with the sole purpose of having a fun, safe and relaxing experience that everyone will want to do again. “If parents want to start a kid skating, the best thing to do is take them public skating a couple of times so they are comfortable wearing skates and walking around the lobby, getting used to the balance differences and playing on the ice.” She also mentions that if you aren’t a skater yourself, it’s a good idea to ask for help from an accomplished

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arts & enrichment guide

Arts & Enrichment Guide skater so your kid’s f irst steps are easy and fun. If your child wants to more formally learn how to skate, Wehrli recommends kids start skating at about age four, though acknowledges many programs start younger. Learn to Skate Cincinnati is a local skating organization offering instruction for recreation and competitive ice skating and uses the Skate with US program designed by U.S. Figure Skating to help train students. Denise Mackey, co-owner of Learn to Skate Cincinnati, says that ice-skating “is a great avenue to do something athletic as well as artistic. Not many sports encompass both.” She also says it is a lifeskill kids can learn and feel comfortable doing throughout their life. If you’re considering introducing your child to ice skating, here are a few things to keep in mind before lacing up your child’s skates.

Age While Wehrli recommends introducing kids no younger than four to ice skating, others say three or younger can give it a go. The main thing is to make sure that your child is comfortable leaving you for the lesson and able to take direction from the teacher. Your child’s motor skills should also be developed enough so he or she can start learning how to balance and glide. Of course kids don’t have to be toddlers to learn to love the ice. Children, teens and adults of any age can learn to skate—it’s never too late. Cost Like most any sport, ice-skating is not free. It’s not necessarily expensive to get started, either. According to Mackey, the cost can range anywhere from $75 per month for once-a-week group lessons to $300 and up per month for competitive skaters. With that being said, Learn to Skate Cincinnati is offering FREE LESSONS on Dec. 30 and Jan. 1, which would be an affordable way to introduce your child to ice-skating. Visit for more information.

Equipment You need skates and a helmet. Skates must f it properly and it’s a good idea for your child to practice walking in the skates before taking the ice. The skates should have a snug f it without pinching the toes. Lightweight socks or tights are recommended. Skates can be rented or purchased as previously worn; however, if your skater takes to the sport it is a good idea to buy a pair from a pro shop that will f it just his or her foot. U.S. Figure Skating strongly recommends the use of helmets for beginners of all ages too. A hockey, skateboard or ski helmet will work well for beginners as these helmets can withstand more than one moderate impact. As with any safety equipment, protection is provided for only a limited number of impacts so replace the helmet if it shows signs of being damaged.

Attire: Indoors or outdoors, ice-skating is a chilly sport, so dress in layers to keep warm. According to Wehrli, most indoor arenas are between 50 and 60 degrees. It’s also important to dress in comfortable attire that allows you to move freely. Don’t forget to wear gloves or mittens to help ease the falls that are almost certain to happen. LIke so much in life, ice-skating can be more than what f irst meets the eye, or ice in this case. “Personally I think skating is fantastic at building life lessons and character,” says Wehrli. “It’s all about learning a new skill, accomplishing goals like short and long term goals. The best thing, and I teach a lot of parent education, is accomplishment, learning how to fall down and get up, which is a huge life lesson for our kids. In order to be a successful skater you have to be able to fall, learn how to do it and have the patience to try again.”

Carrie Bishop is a freelance writer and mother of two young sons, whose daily antics inspire her work and her life.

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Skating Learn to Skate 40765 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241 Denise Mackey 513-759-4259 Group Ice Skating Lessons for Ice Skating and Hockey. Seven week sessions. Classes offered on Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.

Music Dramakinetics 3030 West Fork Road, Bldg. 6, Cincinnati, OH 45211 513-389-1721 Performing arts classes for ages 3 and older. All abilities can participate in the classes, which use movement, music, and drama to increase socialization and independence. Classes locations in Anderson, Monfort Heights, and Oakley. $120 for a 10-week session. Scholarships available. The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati & ArtReach 2106 Florence Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206 Krista Katona-Pille 513-569-8080 Professional MainStage productions at the Taft Theatre. Individual tickets $7 per student; one free chaperone per 15 students. FREE study guides available. ArtReach is Cincinnati’s oldest in-school touring theater. Visiting schools and libraries with fairy tales, history shows and stories based on classic literature. WorkShops bring your curriculum to life. The Music Factory 8005 Pfeiffer Rd Cincinnati, OH 45242 513-545-7125 The Music Factory offers fun and educational group music classes that build musical foundations for children ages 9 months through 5 years. The Music Factory offers a specialized, age-specific, curriculum that is designed to encourage learning through music. Classes are now available onsite for your Preschool or Daycare! Peanut Butter & Jam Sessions - Linton Music, Inc. 1241 Elm St. (Music Hall), Cincinanti, OH 45202 (513)381-6868

PB&J concerts combine classical chamber music, dancing, puppets, education, and fun for preschoolers and their families! Tickets are only $4.00 at the door, and the 40 minute concerts (10:00 & 11:30 am on Saturday mornings) are held in venues throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. Visit the website for concert dates! MusikGarten Wyoming – Musi Kids Program 513-771-7675 Clifton – Miss Amanda’s Music Garden 513-221-SING Ft. Mitchell Music for Us Studio 859-344-9445 Florence – Little Songbird Music Studio 859-547-8765 Dance! Move! Sing! Play instruments! MusikGarten is a holistic, cross-cultural music curriculum for children from birth to age 9. Bathe your child’s ears with the language of music, while the absorbent mind is active! Come for the fun, stay for the education! Influence your child’s musicianship…for life! piano lessons in your home See our ad in the classified section! west chester academy of music 8374 Princeton Glendale Rd, West Chester, OH 45069 (513)829-2345 Quality private lessons in piano, voice, guitar, violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone, flute, drums, harp, trumpet and steel drums. Also offers nationally acclaimed Music for Young Children, a group keyboard curriculum for ages 5 and up, and Music Pups, a music and movement class for birth to 4. Call for FREE trial class.

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Grace, beauty creativity, movement! Experience the joy of dance at Ballet Theatre Midwest. Our nurturing environment, professional faculty and lovely facility offers the finest in classical dance training for ages 3 - adult. Age appropriate training and performance opportunities for all students.


During the last 50 years, technology has changed how we do everything from shopping to farming, how police cars patrol our neighborhoods and, more recently, how we educate our children. Computers are in every classroom and are being integrated into every subject. Taking it a step further are virtual charter schools. What is a virtual charter school? Virtual charter or on-line schools take many forms. Fulltime virtual charter schools allow students to complete schoolwork from home by completing the state-approved curriculum both on-line and by traditional methods including science projects, text book work and field trips. Blended programs are conducted at home and at a central location for group study. All models include ample socialization and online certified teachers to support students and parents along the way. “For several years, teachers in Ohio Virtual Academy’s (OHVA) elementary school have provided “blended” school opportunities for students in various locations throughout Ohio. A blended school initiative facilitated by OHVA compliments the instruction students receive at home by offering a weekly, in-person face-to-face, half-day class session to local students. BRIDGE stands for Building Relationships in Developing and Guiding Education,” said Jeff Shaw, head of school at OHVA. The blended initiative offered by OHVA has continued to transform over the years based on input from parents, students and teachers on their perceptions about what they believe to be some of the most beneficial aspects of classroom-based opportunities. According to Evergreen Consulting, there are an estimated 320,000 course enrollments in state virtual charter schools and 175,000 students in full-time online schools in the United States. Sixty-nine percent of the public say that they would be willing to have a child go through high school taking some academic courses over the Internet. K12, the largest provider of online school programs in the United States, has collaborated with school districts and charter schools such as OHVA, as well as statewide or just within school districts. “We are most known for online public schooling for kindergarten through 12th grade offering full-time education with core and elective courses. Families get certified teacher support and college preparatory classes,” said Jeff Kwitowski, vice president of public relations with K12.

Why they work? “ Virtual schools like, Hoosier Academies, offer a highly individualized nature of programs for each student. The inflexibility of traditional 40-minute school periods doesn’t apply in the virtual model. Students who have difficulty with a particular concept get more time to comprehend it; while an engaged student can take more time to explore. They are not limited by the end of class time,” said Kwitowski. There are over 50,000 K12 students across the world studying nearly one million courses. “K12 international academy brings students together to interact, discuss, debate and participate in a mock United Nations. The “Big Think” is a closed online social forum that engages students internationally,” said Kwitowski “With so many 22 CINCINNATI PARENT * DECEMBER 2009

Virtual Education 1.0 Popularity of Online Education Reaches New Heights

Cinci Par_full page.pdf



10:42 AM


>=N<:MBHG PBMA BF:@BG:MBHG' Every day we inspire young minds across Ohio. The Ohio Distance & Electronic Learning Academy (OHDELA) is a tuition-free, online Kindergarten through Twelfth grade public school that engages your child. At OHDELA, students are able to learn in the comfort and safety of their own home. Our team of Highly Qualified Teachers help support parents through exciting classes, field trips, and a personalized learning plan. Forget the flu, bad weather, or the bully down the block. Home is where learning happens everyday. Witness the joy and confidence your child experiences when the obstacles to learning are removed. OHDELA provides free use of a complete computer system, technical support and internet reimbursement, along with engaging online curriculum which is available day or night, 365 days of the year. Learn how to help your child succeed.


courses available for all ages, students as young as third graders are being exposed to foreign language courses. Virtual charter schools allow students to earn a public state-approved education at their own pace with access to worldwide interaction with other students and an extensive list of elective courses.” Open to the public, virtual learning offers flexibility for students that are focused on other talents including athletics, music or the arts. Students with special needs will benefit from the one-on-one attention and flexible schedule, as would anyone else interested in participating in a virtual charter school program. According to a “Students at Virtual Community School of Ohio are not bound by the clock or a physical classroom, so they have the flexibility to blossom as individuals. Some of our students need to work at their own pace. Some students want to attend school from home for physical or philosophical reasons. Some students excel in sports or the arts, and they need a flexible schedule to train and travel. Some of our older students have responsibilities such as a job or a family of their own, and they cannot stay on a traditional school schedule,” said Lori Berkheimer, director of communications.

said Shaw. “One elementary class illustrated a children’s book as a group project and were able to send a link of it to relatives as far away as Korea.” “Parents are provided daily curriculum guides and links to every class their child is participating in and they are provided tracking software to know exactly how he or she is progressing and what areas need more attention,” said Shaw.

recent article

in the August 20, 2009 edition of Education Week, less than twenty-five percent of last school year’s graduating high school

How they work? “Our charter school, students are home based they receive instruction books, computer, printer and all their necessary course work in workbooks or hard books or electronic form along with additional disks along with contributing items that go along with each subject. We have 2 types of delivery four-days a week with a live teacher and other students from home or for students that have time constraints they can do the course work at their own pace. They do work on regular paper and transfer answers to the computer and submit. The student immediately knows their score. The program is free of charge and supervisors are state-certified and assigned to each student order curriculum, monitor grades and all around go-to person daily or weekly via email or phone, always available. We also have tutoring available for all students for all subjects by any means necessary and sessions are unlimited,” said Darlene Kinsey, outsourcing and marketing manager at Buckeye Online School for Success who adds courses are always growing upon students needs and wishes offering students any numbers.

seniors who took the ACT scored at the “college-ready” level in all four-subject areas. However, 40% of 2009 graduating seniors in OHVA met all four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks.

With K12, while working with their learning coach, it is expected that students will spend no more than 20 to 25 percent of that time on the computer, especially in the early grades. Older students may spend more time online in certain subjects, but the majority of their time is spent working with a learning coach. In learning centers, a computer is the primary tool for the teacher to facilitate lessons with the whole class or small groups. There are a variety of virtual educational software programs available, but K12 uses www. to facilitate class connect sessions. Students are taught by a live virtual teacher or are able to click on a link on the web session calendar to view the educational session. Each subject has a unique address. Students are able to participate in real-time activities following the session by interacting anonymously or observe the discussions other students are having. “Everyone is on an equal playing field not having to worry about who’s shortest or has acne,”


According to Shaw, parents transition from primary learning coach at elementary levels to supporter and coach once students reach the high school level. The K12 high school course catalog is robust, offering more than 90 core, elective, and Advanced Placement® courses. K12 Math, Language Arts, Science and History courses are offered in multiple versions to meet the needs of diverse learners with diverse goals. Up to four levels of world languages are offered, as well. Students can chart their own course, choosing from among the four levels of courses to match their aptitude and goals. Kindergarten through eighth grade students interact with one or more state-certified teachers, depending on the grade level, and communicate regularly with their teachers. Everything students need for in-classroom instruction is provided. Each family receives boxes of materials, including a wide array of textbooks, videos, and other hands-on tools and resources. These materials complement the interactive online elements of our program, ensuring that students receive instruction using the best method for each subject. “Virtual schools allow students to earn a public state-approved education at their own pace with access to worldwide interaction with other students and an extensive list of elective courses,” said Kwitowski. According to a recent article in the August 20, 2009 edition of Education Week, less than twenty-five percent of last school year’s graduating high school seniors who took the ACT scored at the “college-ready” level in all four-subject areas. However, 40% of 2009 graduating seniors in OHVA met all four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks. As a collective group, OHVA’s graduating class of 2009 outscored the State and National comparison groups by a significant margin.

According to Ron Packard, founder and CEO of K12, online schools are the most public of public schools. “K12 has broken down boundaries, made accessible excellent teachers and courses to anyone regardless of social, economic status or ability of students,” said Kwitowski. The manner in which your child learns varies as much as their demeanor. The approach parents and teachers take with each of their children and students must vary to maximize their success. It is imperative that parents think outside the box when considering their child’s education. Quality public or private schools, charter schools and homeschooling each in their own right allow educators to customize the approach to education. Nikki Keever is a freelance writer living in the Midwest with her husband and

three children.

K gets kids thinking big. 12

It’s what happens when they mash up math and physics to catch air. When they instinctively calculate a turning angle and know that friction is their friend. When they push force and energy to the mathematical limit. That’s thanks to K12 and our award-winning curriculum, individualized to bring learning alive, one child at a time. Every subject is delivered online, with hands-on activities, plus books and support from expert teachers.

when kids get into learning, learning gets into them. Options include: • Full-time, tuition-free public schooling in many states • An accredited online private school available worldwide • Over 180 individual courses including foreign languages, AP, and electives available for direct purchase • A robust Advanced Learner Program that challenges talented children with unique enrichment opportunities We’re America’s largest online curriculum provider for grades K through 12. Because we give every student a chance to think big.

Learn more at

Interested in a tuition-free online public school option for your child? The K12 program is available through the Ohio Virtual Academy, a full-time online public school for grades K-12 that offers state-licensed teachers, a vibrant school community, and a range of extracurricular activities. Is your child happy in school? Second semester starts soon. It’s not too late to make a change in your child’s education for 2009-2010. Discover what thousands of Ohio parents already know—that the Ohio Virtual Academy gives kids an exceptional education. We’re currently accepting K-8 enrollments for an immediate start and high school enrollments for a second semester start. Learn more at an upcoming event. See a full listing and get complete enrollment information at

Named Parent’s Choice WINNER for Best PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL IN OHIO by Business Week and

Learn more at an Ohio Virtual Academy event 12/2, West Chester 12/9, Middletown 866.339.9074

co mmentary & parenting *

dear teacher

Motivating Kids, Homeschooling & Improving Reading Fluency Teachers Answer Your Tough Questions

your children and the organizational skills to develop and implement a solid curriculum. You can’t decide whether home schooling is right for your children until you learn all about it. Visit these Web sites: www.home-ed-magazine. com,, and w w, f ind out what the legal requirements are for homeschooling in your state, and talk to as many homeschoolers as you can before making your decision.

How to Improve Children’s Reading Fluency Question:What is fluency? My daughter is in eighth grade and her whole class was just tested. The results came home that she was not a fluent reader. How can this be improved? – Needs Fluency

Motivating Your Children Parents: So many of you lament that your children are not motivated to do well in school. You may even brand your children as lazy. This usually is not true. However as children get older, their passion for learning often seems to shrink. It happens for some because they have failed repeatedly at school tasks and no longer see any sense in trying. And it happens for many young teens because of the distractions of biological changes, emotional concerns, and social and peer pressures. Plus, some unmotivated children may never have learned that school success takes time and effort. The loss of motivation can also be fueled by insufficient support in a new school or by an increased workload and expectations to which students haven’t yet adjusted. As children get older, it seems to become more diff icult to motivate them to do well in school. Of course, part of this job belongs to your children’s teachers. Children are more motivated to learn in classes where the work is challenging, yet achievable and where they see how the skills that they are learning can be applied outside of school. And many schools motivate their students by having an atmosphere that stresses learning. Parents also play an important role in developing, maintaining, and rekindling their children’s motivation to learn. Because of the importance of children valuing learning for its own sake, our New Year’s resolutions this year deal with ways you can help your children be motivated to learn.

Answer: Reading f luency is the ability to read material quickly and accurately. Children who are f luent readers can focus their attention on understanding what they are reading because they do not have to • Resolve to show your children that you are interested in concentrate on recognizing individual words. The reverse is true for less f luent readers. If your daughter is able to their schoolwork. improve her f luency, she will at the same time improve • R esolve to help your children succeed in school by her comprehension. contacting teachers whenever your children encounter any diff iculties in learning to f ind out how they can Until recently, f luency was a neglected reading skill. be helped. Now, more and more attention is being focused on it in the classroom. It has been discovered that the best way • Resolve to offer sincere praise to your children based on to improve f luency is for students to read aloud. It is not through more silent reading. Unless your daughter is their effort and improvement at school. currently in a reading class, she is not likely to get much • Resolve to f ind tasks in and out of school that your help at school to increase her f luency. children can succeed in to build an “I can do it” attitude. Fortunately, you can help your daughter improve her • Resolve to use rewards infrequently to encourage your f luency. Read a short bit of text material to her. This gives her a model for how the passage should sound. Then have her children’s motivation to do school tasks. reread it aloud to you. Provide assistance, when necessary. • Resolve to f ind your children’s strengths and to build Next, have her reread the passage until she can do so quite f luently. Three or four times are usually suff icient. Also, upon them. you can read a passage to your daughter. Then read it aloud • Re solve to te ach you r ch i ld ren how to together three to f ive times. This doesn’t have to be done on the same day. Your daughter will not become a f luent set goals and to work hard to achieve them . reader overnight. However, she def initely will become a more f luent reader if you and she frequently do repeated oral reading. These same techniques can be used to help Is Homeschooling beginning readers become more f luent readers. There are a Good Idea? Question: I think that my children might do better more techniques to help struggling readers on our Web site in school if I home school them. Is this a good idea? in Resources under “Skill Builders.” – For Change Parents should send questions to or

Answer: Home-schooled children usually do well ask them on the columnists’ Web site at • Resolve to be a good role model. Let your children see academically. However, it’s not easy to home school. You that you put forth your best effort in completing work and must have the time and patience to work closely with meeting obligations. 26 CINCINNATI PARENT * DECEMBER 2009

reso urces


education directory

Childcare & Education Directory Montessori Montessori Academy of Cincinnati 8293 Duke Blvd., Mason, OH 45040 (513)398-7773 Grades: 3 years – 8th grade Enrollment: 300 Now in our 20th year offering Montessori curriculum with an individualized nurturing approach. Experienced, degreed teachers foster a love of learning, promote independence and develop the necessary skills for success. New 7.5-acre campus! State Chartered. AMS Aff iliated. Extended Care available on-site. Montessori Center Room 2505 Riverside Ct., Cincinnati, OH 45202 Nicole Sherrill 513-321-3282 Grades: 3 - 6 years old A child-focused, AMS-Aff iliated, 40-year-old program for children ages 3-6 years. Before and after care available, Musikgarten is offered weekly. The New School Montessori 3 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45229 (513)281-7999 Grades: 3 year-olds through 6th Grade Enrollment: 150 Founded on Montessori principles in 1970, our wooded playgrounds, home-cooked meals and family-like setting in North Avondale’s Mitchell Mansion provide

a stimulating and nurturing environment for learning. We value diversity and create a caring and supportive community. Our graduates excel academically, but more importantly are empowered as citizens of our global community. (Accredited by AMS and ISACS).

Childcare/Preschool Chai Tots Early Childhood Center 7587 Central Parke Blvd., Mason, OH 45040 (513)234-0600 Grades: 6 weeks - 6 years Enrollment: 40 Academic excellence via unique blend of Montessori method and traditional Jewish education. Chai Tots teaches children the culture and traditions of Judaism, while developing their creativity skills and promoting independence. Flexible schedule. Before and Aftercare. The Child’s Place 4936 Old Irwin Simpson Rd, Mason, OH 45040 (513)398-6928 Grades: 9 months – 5 years Enrollment: 150 Montessori Early Childhood Program! Exceptionally low ratios in a nurturing environment! Our 2-acre campus provides bike and cart paths. Separate play areas for toddlers and preschoolers. Spanish and Music classes offered! Full-time and Part-time available. AMS Aff iliate. Goddard School Grades: Ages 6 weeks to 8 years To learn more about The Goddard School®

QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

in you neighborhood, call 1-800-GODDARD or visit online at The Goddard School provides the foundation to encourage your child’s lifelong love of learning. Whether gently holding your infant, encouraging your toddler to share, or providing your preschooler with a variety of enriching activities, caring teachers support your child’s healthy development from 6 weeks to 6 years, and up to 8 years for after-school enrichment. Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Nursery School 5950 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45213 (513)631-0170 Grades: 2 1/2 - 5 years, Parent/ Child classes birth to 32 months Enrollment: 65 Professionally qualif ied teachers provide active, expressive, child-centered learning experiences at this 3-star award-winning program. Choose 2, 3, 4, or 5 day AM or PM sessions. Excellent ratios, degreed teachers and spacious, sunny, classrooms await your preschooler. Parent and child classes also available for babies and toddlers.

Non-public Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy 11525 Snider Road, Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513)247-0900 Non-Public K-12th North Campus, PK-7 Otto Armleder CHCA’s vision is to unleash each student’s God given gifts through Christ-centered academic excellence. We are

"My 2-year-old son already has a best friend – they attended a Wiggles concert last week. After college, when I moved back to Cincinnati to work at the family business, I contacted Jody, a former Rockwern [Yavneh] classmate. Now, she and my wife see each other two or three times a week and our children (who were born within weeks of each other) are best friends. I hear it over and over again - the ties that you make at Rockwern can really last a lifetime." — Brandon Guttman ’92, Harvard University ’00

It starts now

Queen of Angels beautifully combines Montessori Education & Catholic Spiritual Formation · Proven Montessori methods & best educational practices · Student/Teacher ratio (13:1) · Spanish beginning in preschool 3x/week

Our children are: Intellectually engaged Spiritually Aware Socially Responsible Every day is an open house at Rockwern Academy. Call us at 513-984-3770 for a personal tour.

KINDERGARTEN PREVIEW NIGHT Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:00-8:30 PM

Call for a Tour anytime or come to our

Greater Cincinnati’s Jewish community day school providing values-based education, serving children, age 2 through grade 8, and their parents across the spectrum of Jewish life.

OPEN HOUSE - January 24th, 2010 1:00-4:00 pm 4460 Berwick Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 1 / 2 mi north of Mariemont Square


Give them the world

8401 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 513.984.3770, ext. 3112

New 21st Century classrooms featuring Promethean Active Boards State-of-the-art , generously resourced science labs 8 to 1 or better student teacher ratio Responsive values-based teaching approach which encourages children to build academic and socialemotional competencies

Hebrew language & Jewish studies

Beautiful spacious campus in a convenient, park-like setting

Optional Spanish study beginning in Middle School 98% of Rockwern students taking the Walnut Hills exam pass it


reso urces


education directory

devoted to developing the whole person, and instilling a lifelong passion for learning, leading, and serving. Rockwern Academy 8401 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513)984-3770 PS2 – 8th grade Enrollment: 230 Rockwern Academy, founded in 1952 as Cincinnati’s community Jewish day school, offers a superior and balanced academic program that is integrated with and informed by Jewish culture, values and identity. Small class sizes allow students to be intellectually engaged, spiritually aware, and socially responsible. November 11, 2009 - 9:30AM All Grades November 17, 2009 - 7 PM All Grades December 15, 2009 - 7PM Kindergarten Parents January 10, 2010 - 3PM Kindergarten Parent & Child February 7, 2010 - 3PM Pre-school Parent& Child Summit Country Day School 2161 Grandin Road (513)871-4700 Grades: Age 2 - Grade 12 Enrollment: 1100 Founded in 1890, the area’s only independent, Catholic, coed, college-prep school serving students age 2 - Grade 12 is recognized as a leader in formalized Character Education, Credo. A diverse community of students benef it from a rich, classical and challenging curriculum within three contiguous divisions. Extensive athletic and visual arts programs campus-wide.

Special Needs

Linden Grove School, Specialized Learning for the Whole Child 4122 Myrtle Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513)984-2215 Grades: Kindergarten - 8th grade We provide a unique environment that focuses on serving children who are on the autism spectrum, have ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, and communication disorders. Linden Grove provides a quality school environment to children who aren’t “f itting in” their current school’s program and thus are not learning and developing to their full potential. Working in partnership with families is a vital component in creating an integrated K-8 learning environment that combines academics, social skills and therapies in order to help the whole child achieve academically and socially. OPEN HOUSE is December 6th, 2009, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.


Ohio Virtual Academy Best performing eSchool in Ohio (866)339-9072 Grades: Kindergarten – 10th grade Enrollment: 3,300 Ohio Virtual Academy helps your K-10 children obtain an excellent public school education, tuition free! Under the guidance of licensed teachers, parents help their children learn at home using K12’s comprehensive curriculum and educational materials.

Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Nursery School OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, Jan. 24th at 2pm Early Childhood Education Preschool: 21/2 through 5 years Parent & Child Classes: Birth - 32 Months

• Curriculum enhances each child’s intellectual, emotional, social, & physical development. • Active, expressive, child-centered learning experiences. • Professionally qualified, degreed teachers. • 3-Star Step Up to Quality Award Winner!

513-631-0170 • 5950 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45213


co mmentary & parenting


my parent. my mentor.

Three Pluses and a Wish New Idea for Conflict Resolution

I was recently introduced to this management strategy by a reader of mine. She uses this tool to ease tensions in meetings, particularly when disputes are being ironed out.

This is how the strategy works: before sharing a grievance, a person must share three positives regarding the thing they are complaining about. At f irst I thought, “yeah, right.” But then I really started to think about the philosophy behind this tool. It made me wonder how much conf lict could be resolved using this approach. What does “three pluses” do anyway? Actually, it does lot. Three pluses forces you to consider what you l i ke about the sit uat ion or person. Or, at the ver y least, what their strengths are. It gives you some cool of f t i me. While you are busy th in k ing of the positives, that heat you a re feel i ng i ne v it a bl y will wane a bit. It also humanizes. When we human ize those around us, we interact better with them and our communication is more successf u l. Finally, this is the kind of tool that sticks w ith you. Although it is a simple strategy, it is also a mindset, a mindset of conf lict resolution and cooperation, not just winning. Well, naturally, this brings me to parenting. What a gift to give our kids. What if we decide to practice “three pluses and a wish” at home? What if, as parents, we decide to teach our kids how to view disputes in a different light? We could teach them to see a bigger picture when they are tugging at a toy or arguing over who gets the bathroom f irst. I have decided to try this at home. And I have a couple of predictions to make. First, I know my kids will go for it, because we as a family are always up for new things. Second, I can see them rolling their eyes when we have our f irst actual conf lict. And I see the inevitable grin when they have to come up with their positives. I guess that is the f irst diffuser right there. I also see them solving their conf licts quicker when they see mom coming over to intervene with some “three pluses and a wish” directives. Hey, whatever works, right? I wonder if this would work for your family? Give it a try. I was in a meeting recently that had a lot of conf lict in it. I found myself silently “three plussing” the people in the room. I felt calm and centered the whole time. Who knows, maybe what’s good for our kids is good for us too? Maria Murphy is a mom, writer and therapist. You can read more and get some cool free downloads at

...Before sharing a grievance, a person must share three positives







they pluses”


complaining do


Actually, it does lot. Three pluses forces you to consider what you like about the situation or person. Or, at the very least, what their strengths are. It gives you some cool off time.

I trust the Group “Group Health gives

us more flexibility in case one of the kids needs to be seen right away.” – Brian and Liz with Isaac,Elise and Carly, Mason patients


rian likes to tell people, “I’m having the time of my life.” Of course, he often gets to play with kids – and parents – as owner of an early childhood development center. “Moms ask me about pediatricians,” he said. “I always talk about Group Health Associates and how great our doctor is. The kids love him.” Brian and Liz chose Group Health Associates in part for its size and diversity. When son Isaac needed an allergy specialist, they found one in the same office. Plus, with the computerized records system, the specialist was able to access the files to treat Isaac immediately. It’s that kind of service that makes Brian and Liz trust Group Health Associates.

Anderson 513.232.1253 Clifton 513.872.2000 Finneytown 513.522.7600 Kenwood 513.745.4706 Mason 513.229.6000 Springdale 513.346.5000 Western Hills 513.922.1200 120+ doctors in primary care and 18 specialties, including: Allergy/Immunology, Bariatric Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Dermatology, Ear, Nose & Throat, Endocrinology, Facial, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Gastroenterology, Infectious Disease, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Orthopedic Surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehab, Podiatry, Pulmonology/Critical Care, Rheumatology, Sleep Medicine, Surgery, Urology CINCINNATIPARENT.COM 29



hea lth & we llness


special needs awareness

Prepare Children for the Holidays Tips for Ensuring a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Physical complaints such as headaches, stomachaches and fatigue Tearful and whiny behaviors with no obvious cause Withdrawal from family and friends Increased oppositional or def iant behaviors Less interest in holiday traditions Problems with sleep Increased attachment behaviors (don’t want to leave your side) As you make your way through this holiday season, watch for those signs, but also take measures to reduce stress on your children. The following tips will help. Manage Your Own Stress Effectively. If parents are stressed during the holidays, their children will pick up on those feelings. Set realistic expectations for yourself. Don’t over-commit to family and friends. Share holiday responsibilities and duties with your spouse or other family members. Maintain Routines. The holidays often disrupt our basic routines; it helps if we stick to the schedule as much as possible. Make sure children are in bed on time. Maintain typical daily activities. Make sure your behavioral expectations for children remain consistent. Schedule “Down Time.” During these busy times, it’s important to take “breaks” from the activities and preparations of the holidays. Schedule rest and relaxation times for everyone in the family. A well-rested child will be able to tolerate stress more effectively. Have Fun. Busy schedules and deadlines have the potential to drain the fun out of the holidays. Slow down and take time to laugh and joke with your children. Plan your busy schedule to allow for plenty of fun. Eat Well. Make sure your children are eating nutritious foods and that they are drinking plenty of water. During this busy time, we often rely too much on fast foods, processed foods, sweets and holiday treats to get us through the day and meet deadlines. Educate Your Children About Holiday Stress. Ask your children what they would like to do for fun and relaxation and emphasize the importance of relaxation during holiday breaks. Allow reasonable time for children to engage in activities they love to do. Increased stress visits virtually every household during the holidays. As parents, we need to make sure we do all we can to make holidays a time of joy for us and for our children. With a little awareness, preparation and planning, we can reduce inevitable stress and make sure everyone has a merry and memorable holiday season. Once again the holiday season is upon us. Christmas lights, holiday music and family get-togethers dominate our thinking and experiences.

All families want their holidays to be filled with joy — especially for children. Unfortunately, too often all of this activity and high hopes lead to stress and anxiety. With this year’s additional economic strain, the typical hustle and bustle of shopping, baking, decorating, hosting and traveling likely will be even more stressful than usual. Most adults are aware of these stresses and can work to overcome for them; however, we might forget that children are affected by stress as well, and that they can be especially vulnerable at this time of the year. Children can experience holiday stress in a number of ways. Following are common signs and symptoms to watch for.


Dr. Jim Dalton, Psy.D., HSPP, is a licensed child psychologist, and the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Damar Services, Inc. Visit Damar online at www.

Wednesday 1

2 DA y

21 On this day in 1882,

the first Christmas Lights went on sale!


Sources:,, & the

29 On this day in 1862

the bowling ball was invented.

Celebration Idea: Visit your local bowling alley and bowl a few games!

30 ir


d ay, t i g w o o d s!

Celebration Idea: It’s a great day for a family trip to the Indianapolis Zoo! Be sure to bundle up!

e y! DA

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c h o co l at

Celebration Idea: Explore your genealogy Prepare a special meal or listen to music from another country in your family tree!


l na

Celebrate Your Roots Day





h a ppy

Celebration Idea: Gather up some friends and go caroling around your neighborhood!


17 On this day in 1903.

The Wright Brothers took their first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Celebration Idea: Watch your favorite Disney movie with your family.



Poinsettia Day 18

Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day!

19 al mu tm e ff i Oa

(We’re not sure why either, but hey, why not?)

24 Merry Christmas 25

Sneak-A-y! Peek Da



nza a Begins a w K

Happy C hristmas Eve! 31

New Year’s Eve!

Like this calendar? Let us know! E-mail editor@ with your suggestions


Tod a y is the Firs t Day of Winter!

Go Caroling Day



National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!

Celebration Idea: Drizzle, pour, or dip...just add some chocolate!



Na ti o

Celebration Idea: Have ice cream sundaes as an after-dinner treat!

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On this day in 1929,


National Firefighters Day


h a ppy

Time to send yours to family & friends if you haven’t already done so!


Hanukkaahy begins tod t. at sunse


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C hristmas C ard Day!


dic kinso


the first miniature golf course opened.

National Visit the Zoo Day!



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Celebration Idea: Celebration Idea: Send a handwritten letter Make a batch of your to a someone you haven’t favorite brownies and enjoy talked to in a while! them with a glass of milk!

Saint Nicholas Day ic al


Nationaol wn r Wear B Day! Shoes

Celebration Idea: Make a donation to a local homeless shelter.


W rite a L et ter Day!


Roof- 3 Over-YourHead Day


d is

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus.




a l FRI T T ER S


On this day in 1955,

n io at


h a ppy b i






calendar events reso urces




Tuesday 1

Thursday 3

Adventure Club: Frisch Marionettes Puppet Show!

Adventure Club: Seasons Greetings

Join us for a lively puppet show that the entire family will enjoy! Ages 6-11. Please register. 4 p.m. Newport Branch. 901 E. Sixth St.. (859)572-5035.

Christmas Candy Making Class

Learn candy making tools and techniques from Nancy Snodgrass of Fantasy in Frosting. Please register. 7 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. org. (859)781-6166.

Family Reading Book Club

Join us for Family Reading Book Club from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 1 at the New Richmond Branch Library, 103 River Valley Blvd., New Richmond, 45157. Parents are encouraged to read with their elementary age children. Our discussion will be on Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks. Call the library at 553-0570 to register or signup online at 5:30 p.m. New Richmond Branch. 103 River Valley Blvd., New Richmond OH. (513)553-0570.

Home School Network of Greater Cincinnati

Please check our web site for helpful information concerning Home Education as well as meeting times and contact information. Home School Network of Greater Cincinnati. www.

Wednesday 2 Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Kalamazoo Wings

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

Garden Décor Throughout the Season

Learn tips on creating arrangements for your outdoor areas during the holiday season! Please register. Adults. 7 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. (859)7816166.

The First Wednesday Book Discussion Group

The First Wednesday Book Discussion Group will meet at 2 p.m., Wednesday, December 2 at the Amelia Branch Library, 58 Maple Street, Amelia, 45102. This month’s title is Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. The session is open to all interested adults. For more information, call the library at 7525580. 2 p.m. Amelia Branch. 58 Maple St., Amelia OH. (513)752-5580.

Preschool Story Time with Miss Gail

Get ready for finger puppet fun, as well as other pleasant surprises with Miss Gail. 10:30 am. Free. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. 513-731-2665.


Make spectacular greeting cards for senior citizens in the community! Ages 6-11. Please register. 4 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. org. (859)781-6166. 10:30 & Sat., Dec. 19th @ 11:30 & is held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. To rsvp visit or call 513-591-2332. Free!. 10:30. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www.theplaceforfamilies. com. (513)591-CFEC.

Used Book Fair

Checkout the Used Book Fair at the Goshen Branch Library, 6678 State Route 132, Goshen, 45122 on Thursday, December 3, 11 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday, December 4, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Saturday, December 5, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Used fiction and nonfiction books and audio/visual materials will be available for adults, teens and children. For more information, call the library at 722-1221. Goshen Branch. 6678 State Route 132, Goshen OH. www. (513)722-1221.

Friday 4 Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Florida Everblades

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

Musical Passport: Music of Copland, Chopin and Elgar. Featuring pianist Ingrid Fliter. Tito Munoz, conductor. 8 p.m. $10-$105. Music Hall. 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati OH. home2.asp. 513-381-3300.

Laser Holiday Skies

This popular program features a mix of everyone’s favorite holiday music, from the classical to the modern, choreographed to colorful laser light. Laser Holiday Skies is a fun experience for everyone and gives new meaning to the term “holiday lights”. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 7 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Make a Gingerbread House

Make a Gingerbread House at 6:00 p.m., Friday, December 4 at the Williamsburg Branch Library, 594 Main Street, Williamsburg, 45176. Join us at the library to decorate a gingerbread house. Participants will need to bring candy and icing. All other supplies will be provided. For more information call the library at 724-1070. 6 p.m. Williamsburg Branch. 594 Main St., Williamsburg. www.clermontlibrary. org. (513)724-1070.

Victorian Holiday Village

Back for its eighth year, Ohio National’s Victorian Holiday Village is a holiday tradition for Greater Cincinnati families. Since 2002, nearly 17,000 guests have visited the annual free holiday event and enjoyed its complimentary cocoa, cookies, photos with

St. Nick and more. The lights, child-sized houses decorated with holiday scenes and family-centered holiday fun takes place over a four-night period in early December on the grounds of Ohio National Financial Services at the intersection of Interstate-71 and Pfeiffer Road. Staffed entirely by Ohio National associates who volunteer their time, the Victorian Holiday Village continues the company’s longstanding commitment to community outreach and service. Back by popular demand will be the ONtime Express, a miniature train that takes guests from the parking garage to the Village, and balloon artist elves. The village will remain lit throughout December, but the refreshments, photos and entertainment will only be provided during the four nights above. While admission to the event is free, all guests are asked to bring a nonperishable food item (no glass containers, please), which will be donated to the FreestoreFoodbank. Since 2002, Ohio National associates and Village guests from throughout the Greater Cincinnati community have donated nearly 14,000 pounds of food to the FreestoreFoodbank. In addition, Ohio National will make its seventh consecutive monetary donation to the FreestoreFoodbank through its Ohio National Foundation. Ohio National’s Victorian Holiday Village will be open rain or shine. Please note that due to the outdoor terrain and gravel path, the Village is not handicapped accessible. Onsite covered parking for 800 vehicles is available. Ohio National is located at One Financial Way at the southeast corner of the Pfeiffer Road (Exit 15) and Interstate-71 interchange. Pfeiffer Road is the first exit south of the intersection of Interstate-71 and 275. For more information, please visit www. 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Ohio National Financial Services. One Financial Way, Cincinnati OH. 513-794-6100.

Stay at home dads weekly playgroup

This is a private group for at-home dads in Cincinnati. Sign up and register at cincinnatidads. to gain access to the announcements and regular updates. The weekly playgroup meets at various parks and attractions around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.

Herpetology Programs

Learn more about reptiles and amphibians with the Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society. Programs are the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. in the auditorium: Sept. 2, Oct. 7, and Nov. 4. For a list of speakers and topics, or to check for date/time changes, visit Members free; nonmembers pay daily admission. Regular attendees encouraged to join the Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society: $15/ year individual; $20/year families. 7-9 p.m. Members free; nonmembers pay daily admission. Cincinnati Nature Center. 4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford OH. www.cincynature. org. 831-1711.

Imagination Station

Encourage your child to release their inner creativity during our weekly story-themed art classes. We’ll explore with a wide variety of mediums, such as paint, clay, sand, products from nature, and everyday recyclable items. Giving your child the freedom to express themselves artistically enhances their cognitive skills, problem-

solving abilities, manual dexterity, and sensory awareness. Watch their self-esteem blossom as your child is encouraged to let their imagination run wild! (and no clean-up time for you!) *Classes meet weekly @ 9:30 & 10:30am & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Classes available from 19 months-5 years, on Fridays, Dec. 4, 11 & 18 *To register, visit or call 513-591-2332. *Cost: $70/7-class package or $13/class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Saturday 5 Bethel Down Home Christmas Library Open House

Come for stories, make a gingerbread house, enjoy some refreshments and be sure the kids pick up a winter activity book and coloring page! Stories for the seasons will be in the children’s area from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Gingerbread Houses start at 9:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and Noon. Preregistration is required to make a gingerbread house. Participants will need to bring candy and icing. All other supplies will be provided. For more information or to register to make a gingerbread house, call the library at 734-2619. 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bethel Branch. 611 W. Plane St, Bethel OH. (513)734-2619.

Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Florida Everblades

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

Musical Passport: Music of Copland, Chopin and Elgar. Featuring pianist Ingrid Fliter. Tito Munoz, conductor. 8 p.m. $10-$105. Music Hall. 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati OH. home2.asp. 513-381-3300.

Cookies with Santa

Stop by between 1:00 – 2:00, have your picture taken with Santa and enjoy his favorite treat – milk and cookies!. 1 p.m. Newport Branch. 901 E. Sixth St.. (859)572-5035.

Make a Gingerbread House

Make a Gingerbread House at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, December 5 at the Union Township Branch Library, 4462 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Road, Cincinnati, 45244. Join us at the library to decorate a gingerbread house. Participants will need to bring candy & icing. All other supplies will be provided. For more information or to register for the event call the library at 528-1744. 10:30 a.m. Union Township Branch. 4462 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd. (513)5281744.

Holiday Open House

Join us for a Holiday Open House from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday, December 5 at the New Richmond Branch Library, 103 River Valley Blvd., New Richmond, 45157. Make a gingerbread house. The Resurrection Bell Ringers will perform at 11 a.m. There will be a Bow Making Demonstration at

reso urces Noon. Make a snowflake picture and play winter bingo. Preregistration is required for Gingerbread Houses. Participants will need to bring candy and icing. Call the library at 553-0570 for more information. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. New Richmond Branch. 103 River Valley Blvd., New Richmond OH. (513)5530570.

to the public. RSVPs are requested. Prepaid reservations are required for the Sunday Supper; the cost is $15 per person $10 for children 10 and under. 5:30 pm. $15. Grailville. 932 O’Bannonville Road, Loveland OH. www. 513683-2340.

Laser Classic Rock

Featuring the classic rock music of AC/DC, Queen, Van Halen, Aerosmith, ELP, and others, pulsating to a laser display, this show has it all. What could be better than “Bohemian Rhapsody” set to laser lights? Perhaps “Rock-n-Roll All Nite”? You decide. Come rock out at Drake Planetarium! Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 8 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Make Gifts out of Recycled Materials

Come join us as we make gifts using reccled materials, sing songs and have lots of winter fun!. 1:00 - 2:00 pm. free. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3054 Madison Rd, Cincinnati OH.

Sport Saftey Training With Adult CPR/AED

The Cincinnati Red Cross is providing a course in sports safety to train individuals in providing a safe environment for athletes while they are participating in sports. Participants will also learn basic emergency procedures for sudden illness and injuries and techniques to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults and teens. Registration required. Certification valid 1 year for CPR and 3 years for first aid. 8:30am-4:30pm. $65. Red Cross Northeast Office. 10870 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH. 513-792-4000.

2009 Education & Enrichment Fair

Explore all the options from schools to enrichment programs, after-school activities, music, art & more! The event is free and runs from 10-3. Games, prizes, stage performances. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Sycamore Plaza in Kenwood. Montgomery & Kenwood Rds..

Macy’s Downtown Dazzle

Santa rappels off a building at Fountain Square along with other holiday festivities produced by Downtown Cincinnati, Inc. www.****. 6:30 p.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Sunday 6 Advent Season

On Sunday, December 6, 2008, from 3:30 - 5pm Grailville Retreat and Program center in Loveland Ohio will observe the Advent Season with an afternoon of family and friends, song and prayer. Please come to view Grailville’s unique collection of over forty Nativity scenes from around the world. Stay for a seasonal program of readings and music, an art project and something hot to drink. 3:30-5 pm. Grailville. 932 O’Bannonville Road, Loveland OH. 513-683-2340.

Cincinnati Bengals vs. Detroit Lions

Football. 1 p.m. $64-$82. Paul Brown Stadium. 1 Bengals Drive, Cincinnati OH. 513-621-8383.

Grailville’s Winter Sunday Supper

Grailville’s Winter Sunday Supper at 5:30 pm featuring Grailville grown food and other culinary delights. The afternoon festivities are free and open

Laser Holiday Skies

This popular program features a mix of everyone’s favorite holiday music, from the classical to the modern, choreographed to colorful laser light. Laser Holiday Skies is a fun experience for everyone and gives new meaning to the term “holiday lights”. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 3 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Wizard of Oz

Follow Clifton Performance Theatre’s all child cast down the yellow brick road to see the Wizard. Dorothy’s strange and beautiful journey becomes important to everyone she meets in this inspiring classic. Friends and foes sing our old favorite songs as we find our way back to a place where dreams do come true. 2 pm. $7/child, $10/adults, $8/seniors. Clifton Performance Theatre. 404 Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati OH. www.cliftonperformancetheatre. com. 513-861-SHOW (7469).

‘Tis The Season

A more traditional Planetarium show, ‘Tis The Season features delightful stories about the roots of various Holiday traditions. We also introduce the winter stars and constellations of our current night sky. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $20 in advance, $24 at door. 2 p.m. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Pre-Natal Yoga

Please join us every Sunday at 12:00 for PreNatal Yoga. Angela Serna, Krupali Certified Instructor, leads mommy to be through gentle and nourishing yoga poses to prepare for an easy delivery and a comfortable pregnancy. 12:00 pm. $15. Elemental OM. 46 East Mulberry Street, Lebanon oh. www. 5138363822.

Monday 7 Adventure Club: Holiday Party

Join us for a tree and cookie decorating party and leave with your own tree! Ages 6-11. Please register. 4 p.m. Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch. 1000 Highland Ave., Fort Thomas KY. 859-5725033.

Tuesday 8 Gifts-in-a-Jar Make & Take Workshop

Gifts-in-a-Jar Make & Take Workshop at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 8 at the New Richmond Branch Library, 103 River Valley Boulevard. Make a curried rice, an all purpose rub for meat, oatmeal cookie mix, cream cheese mints and hot chocolate mix in a jar to take home or gift. Space is limited. To register for the event, call the library at 553-0570. 6 p.m. New




New Year’s Eve

oin us at the stroke of midnight as fireworks light up the sky over the city’s iconic and romantic Fountain Square. com. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Baby/Toddler Music with Miss Meghan

This first group is exclusively for babies and toddlers ages 17 months and under. We’ll move, sing songs, and mostly enjoy time together. $8/child Space is limited, please call to register in advance. 9:45am10:15am. $8. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. www. 513-731-2665.

Head & Shoulder, Knees & Toes

Creative play and sensory activities abound in this one-of-kind class for pre-crawlers. Our infant behavioral specialist will share specific techniques to promote your baby’s awareness and thinking skills, as well as activities to enhance sensory development and promote the brain-body connection, all through “play”!. 10:30 a.m. $60/6 class package or $13/class. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Lil Dribbler Camp

The goal of Lil Dribblers is to introduce the little ones (ages 3-6) to the sport of basketball and teach them the basic fundamentals to become a successful basketball player and to show them how much fun basketball is! This camp will be led by Shannon Minor and will run December 30-31 from 9-10am. The cost is $25/person. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www.towncountrysports. com.). 9-10 am. $25. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. 859-442-5800.

1st Annual Light Up the Levee Holiday Show

Occurring Daily Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Through Sunday, January 10, 2010. The Levee’s Holiday Light Show, Light Up the Levee, will illuminate the exterior Riverwalk from the Gallery Building to the Newport Aquarium featuring LED lights dancing in synchronization to holiday music. Over one million lights comprise the Levee’s holiday package this season. The energy efficient LED lights last up to 70 times longer and use one-tenth of the electricity of standard incandescent bulbs. The display will include a 30foot tall Christmas tree, ten- and 20-foot spiral trees, five-foot snowflakes, wreaths and more. 6:10 p.m. - 11:50 p.m. every 20 min. Newport on the Levee. 1 Levee Way # 1113, Newport KY. www. (859) 291-0550.

2009 Education & Enrichment Fair

Ongoing Each Saturday. Explore all the options from schools to enrichment programs, after-school activities, music, art & more! The event is free and runs from 10-3. Games, prizes, stage performances. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Sycamore Plaza in Kenwood. Montgomery & Kenwood Rds.. www.

7th Annual Scuba Santa’s Water Wonderland

Occurring Daily Beginning Monday, November 30, 2009 Through Sunday, January 03, 2010. Newport Aquarium. One Aquarium Way. www. (859)261-7444.

A Christmas Carol Occurring Daily Beginning Thursday, December 03, 2009 Through Wednesday, December 30, 2009. Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. 962 Mt. Adams Circle, Cincinnati OH.


Baby Adventurers

Occurring on the third Monday of each Month Through Monday, December 21, 2009. Ages 1 – 2 with adult caregiver Mondays Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 23, Dec. 21 A perfect introduction to sharing nature with your toddler, this four-part program meets one Monday a month for four months. During each hour-long session, discover the wonders of nature with your child using simple sensory experiences and fun indoor and outdoor play. 9:30 –10:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. $40 members; $50 nonmembers. Cincinnati Nature Center. 4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford OH. www. 831-1711.

Children’s Saturday Programs

Occurring on the second Saturday of each Month Through Saturday, December 12, 2009. Earthhuggers - ages 3-4 This series is great for working parents who can’t bring their children to Little Adventurers during the week, for children in full-time weekday preschool, or children who are new to CNC and need a gradual introduction. This preschool enrichment program integrates nature into all aspects of the day, including outdoor adventure, indoor discovery time, math, literature, music, and art. Awareness - ages 5-6 Short story, craft and snack provided. Discovery - ages 7-9 Introduction to topic and moderate hike provided. Pre-registration required; includes 4-part series September 19, October 10, November 14, December 12. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Member $36, nonmember $56. Cincinnati Nature Center. 4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford OH. 831-1711.

Christmas At EnterTRAINment Junction

Occurring Daily Beginning Saturday, November 21, 2009 Through Sunday, January 03, 2010. Christmas At EnterTRAINment Junction (world’s ONLY train-themed family entertainment center.) 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, OH 45069, (513) 898-8000. (877-898-4656). Open daily Nov. 21Jan. 3 (closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day). Times: Mon.-Sat 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sundays noon6 p.m. FREE parking. Magical indoor holiday celebration with lights and decorations; FREE holiday themed train displays; two beautiful walkthrough experiences featuring A Christmas Carol & Journey To the North Pole; visit ice cave, winter wonderland, North Pole, reindeer stable, elves’ workshop, Santa’s house, and more. $10 for holidaythemed walk-throughs ($5 off with combination ticket); separate admission for EnterTRAINment Journey, which includes the world’s largest indoor train display, kids’ interactive play area, railroading museum, expo center. For more information, call (513) 898-8000 or visit www. Mon.-Sat 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. $10. EnterTRAINment Junction. 7379 Squire Court, West Chester OH. 513-898-8000.

Circle of Life - Belly Dancing

Occurring Each Saturday Beginning Saturday, December 05, 2009 Through Saturday, December 19, 2009. Belly dancing has a long history of exercising the muscles that are used during childbirth and to strengthen and maintain muscle tone as we mature. Taking cues from Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, a combination of Middle Eastern Belly Dance, Flamenco, Classical Indian dances, North African and Salsa dances, this fun alternative exercise option teaches how to connect to the feminine aspects of strength, power and confidence along with connecting to a child that grows inside you. Join us as we prepare our bodies for the journey of childbirth and revel in our motherhood! Women at all stages of life welcomed *Classes are held Saturdays (Dec. 5, 12 & 19) at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Class is CINCINNATIPARENT.COM 33

reso urces



Richmond Branch. 103 River Valley Blvd., New Richmond OH. (513)553-0570.

Family Fiesta

Spanish for the whole family Children should begin learning a second language as early as possible because a child’s brain is capable of storing different languages in different areas, something that an adult brain is incapable of. Through simple games, puppetry, and stories and songs already familiar to your child, they will easily become familiar with colors, numbers, and typical daily Spanish words and phrases. Come join our fiesta! *Where: Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Date: Tuesdays,,Dec. 2, 9, 16 @ 9:30 & 10:30 *Cost: $70 for a 7-class package or $13/class *Ages: 19 months - 12 years *To register, please visit or call 513-5912332. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center.

4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Wednesday 9 Adventure Club: ArtReach presents: The Fantastic Toy Shoppe

When a mysterious gentleman arrives in search of a special toy, the toymaker’s kindness sparks a series of magical events! Please register. 4 p.m. Newport Branch. 901 E. Sixth St.. (859)5725035.

Common Childhood Illness

The Cincinnati Red Cross is offering a course on childhood illness. Learn about specific childhood communicable diseases, how diseases are spread

OPEN Nov. 27Jan. 10

and what to do when a child is ill. Meets Ohio and Kentucky licensing requirements for daycare and preschool employees. Certification valid for 3 years. Registration required. 9:00am-4:00pm. $25. Cincinnati Red Cross. 720 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati OH. 513792-4000.

Tiny Tunes

This joyful class of musical play incorporates songs from all over the world emphasizing many different cultures. The use of simple musical instruments and free expression dance encourages tempo and rhythm awareness. Singing, rhythmical music games, and finger-play enhance the development of your child’s cognitive, motor, and memory skills and promote freedom to experiment all the wonders of sound, improving listening skills, concentration, and selfesteem. We’ll shake, rattle, and roll! *Classes meet weekly at 9:30, 10:30 & 11:30 & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Classes available from Birth to age 5 on Mondays, Dec. 7 & 14 or Wednesdays, Dec. 2, 9 & 16 *To register, visit or call 513-5912332. Registration is $70/7-class package or $13/ class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Thursday 10 Adventure Club: ArtReach presents: The Fantastic Toy Shoppe

When a mysterious gentleman arrives in search of a special toy, the toymaker’s kindness sparks a series of magical events! Please register. 4 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. (859)781-6166.

Teen Cinema

Join us for a movie! Snacks provided. Ages 12-18. No registration required. 3:30 p.m. Newport Branch. 901 E. Sixth St.. (859)572-5035.

Thursday Afternoon Book Club

Family Gift Pak Get

4 2010 General Season Passes & 1 FREE Parking Upgrade

ONLY $159.99

Good this Holiday Fest and all of 2010! Hurry, this offer ends January 10, 2010

Join the Thursday Afternoon Book Club at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, December 10 at the Milford-Miami Township Branch Library, 1099 State Route 131, Milford, 45150. This month’s title is Star Bright by Andrew Greeley. Large print copies of each book are available. For more information, call the library at 248-0700. 12:30 p.m. Milford-Miami Township Branch. 1099 State Route 131, Milford OH. www. (513)248-0700.

Friday 11 Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Reading Royals

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

‘Tis The Season

A more traditional Planetarium show, ‘Tis The Season features delightful stories about the roots of various Holiday traditions. We also introduce the winter stars and constellations of our current night sky. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $20 in advance, $24 at door. 7 p.m. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Imagination Station

For more information and to order passes visit:


Encourage your child to release their inner creativity during our weekly story-themed art classes. We’ll explore with a wide variety of mediums, such as paint, clay, sand, products from nature, and everyday recyclable items. Giving your child the freedom to express themselves artistically enhances their cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, manual

dexterity, and sensory awareness. Watch their selfesteem blossom as your child is encouraged to let their imagination run wild! (and no clean-up time for you!) *Classes meet weekly @ 9:30 & 10:30am & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Classes available from 19 months-5 years, on Fridays, Dec. 4, 11 & 18 *To register, visit www. or call 513-591-2332. *Cost: $70/7-class package or $13/class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Saturday 12 Cake Town by Busken Bakery

Hands-on with “Mayor” of Cake Town Cami Smith, Cake Decorator Extraordinaire. Children will decorate pre-assembled gingerbread houses with icing and candies. 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m. $19.95. Hyde Park Busken Bakery. Madison Rd. & Edwards Rd., Cincinnati OH. www.busken. com/caketown.php. 513-871-5330.

Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Reading Royals

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

Family Fun Storytime

Family Fun Storytime at the Amelia Branch Library will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, December 12. Bring the family for a Holiday Hullabaloo! Enjoy stories, crafts and hands-on activities for everyone. Children must be accompanied by a parent. For more information or to register for the program call the library at 752-5580 or sign up at the Amelia Branch Library, 58 Maple Street, 45102. 2 p.m. Amelia Branch. 58 Maple St., Amelia OH. (513)752-5580.

Holiday Gift Basket

Join us for Holiday Gift Basket at 11 a.m., Saturday, December 12 at the Goshen Branch Library, 6678 State Route 132, Goshen, 45122. Decorate three canning jars, fill with seasoned popcorn, chocolate pretzel, and cookie mix. Patrons will need to bring a basket. For more information, call the library at 7221221. 11 a.m. Goshen Branch. 6678 State Route 132, Goshen OH. (513)7221221.

Holiday Open House

Come to the Holiday Open House hosted by the Union Township Branch Library at 2 p.m., Saturday, December 12. There will be a mix of holiday music with fun family sing along for all ages with Bob Ford and the Ragamuffins. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call the library at 528-1744 or visit the library at: 4462 Mt. CarmelTobasco Road, Cincinnati, 45244. 2 p.m. Union Township Branch. 4462 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd. (513)528-1744. www.

Holly Jolly Story Time

Join us at the Clifton Performance Theatre for a fun and Holly Jolly story time with music and movement. Lots of audience participation. 1 pm. Clifton Performance Theatre. 404 Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati OH. www.cliftonperformancetheatre. com. 513-861-SHOW (7469).

Laser Retro

A tribute to the great anthems of the 1980s, Laser Retro features Depeche Mode, the Eurythmics, The Cure, INXS, and many more. Astonishing laser and digital art is coupled with upbeat rock and pop songs from one of the most exciting periods in mainstream music: the ‘80s! Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 7 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Madcap Puppets Presents:

reso urces Look Out Galileo!

Madcap Puppets presents Look Out Galileo! Explore the starry skies like never before! Madcap’s giant puppets join Galileo on a comical quest to prove that the earth revolves around the sun. Scientific experiments are part of the fun as the ancient stories of Cassiopeia and Egyptian Sunrise come to life! Join us for the first show of the 2009-2010 Hats Off Series. 11:30 & 1:30. $7.00. Cincinnati Art Museum. 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati OH. www. (513) 721-ARTS.

Make a Gingerbread House

Make a Gingerbread House at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, December 12 at the Goshen Branch Library, 6678 State Route 132, Goshen, 45122. Join us at the library to decorate a gingerbread house. Participants will need to bring candy & icing. All other supplies will be provided. For more information or to register for the event call the library at 722-1221. 2:30 p.m. Goshen Branch. 6678 State Route 132, Goshen OH. (513)722-1221.


Gathering of like-minded individuals who spread Christmas cheer to fellow Cincinnatians. www. 6:30 p.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Saturday LEGO Mania!

Bring your friends and join us on Saturdays to construct unique Lego machines in our Lego Lab. You will build the wildest working contraptions imaginable. We will have some friendly competitions and put your creations to the test on challenge courses. Offered the 2nd Saturday each month. Ages: 5-7, 8-13. 10am–12 noon. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. www. (513)396-5578.

Winter Wonderland celebration

Winter Wonderland celebration will begin at 10 a.m., Saturday, December 12 at the Union Township Branch Library, 4462 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Road, Cincinnati, 45244. Listen to stories about winter and make a craft to take home. For more information or to register for the event call the library at 528-1744. 10:00 a.m. Union Township Branch. 4462 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd. www. (513)528-1744. www.

The Fantastic Toy Shoppe

Experience the hustle and bustle of the holiday season as the owners of a small toy shop struggle to make ends meet and pay their rent. When a mysterious but poor gentleman arrives in search of a special toy, the kindness of the toymaker sparks a series of magical events. Songs and fantasy celebrate the holiday spirit and the joy of giving. All shows are approximately one hour and take place in the Krueger Auditorium on the UC Clermont College campus (Batavia, OH.). Sat 7 pm, Sun 10:30 am. $6 adults, $4 children. Krueger Auditorium. 4200 Clermont College Drive, Batavia OH.

2009 Education & Enrichment Fair

Explore all the options from schools to enrichment programs, after-school activities, music, art & more! The event is free and runs from 10-3. Games, prizes, stage performances. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Sycamore Plaza in Kenwood. Montgomery & Kenwood Rds..

Macy’s Downtown Dazzle

Santa rappels off a building at Fountain Square along with other holiday festivities produced by Downtown Cincinnati, Inc. www.****. 6:30 p.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Sunday 13 Cincinnati Civic Orchestra Annual Holiday Concert

The Cincinnati Civic Orchestra will be performing their annual holiday concert at Springfield Township’s Grove Banquet Room on Sunday, December 13, beginning at 3 p.m. This year’s performance is entitled An American Christmas and will feature many of your favorite classics including “White Christmas”, “The Christmas Song” and Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Ride” mixed in with more modern holiday hits, including “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” and songs from the “Polar Express”. The concert is a free and family friendly event. The Cincinnati Civic Orchestra has provided Greater Cincinnati area musicians the opportunity to play classical, light classical and pops music in a full symphony orchestra since its founding in 1929. All members are volunteers, including those with extensive professional training and experience. The Grove Banquet Hall, 9158 Winton Road, is located at the rear of the Springfield Township Administrative Complex, behind the Senior/Community Center. 3 p.m. Springfield Township. 9150 Winton Road, Cincinnati OH. (513) 5221410.

Laser Holiday Skies

This popular program features a mix of everyone’s favorite holiday music, from the classical to the modern, choreographed to colorful laser light. Laser Holiday Skies is a fun experience for everyone and gives new meaning to the term “holiday lights”. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 2 & 3 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Peter Pan

Children’s Repertory of Clifton Performance Theatre is performing PETER PAN, a Kathryn Schultz Miller’s adaptation with all of our favorite music numbers. Join us on a journey to Neverland with this talented and inspiring all-child cast. 1 pm. $7/child, $10/adults, $8/seniors. Clifton Performance Theatre. 404 Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati OH. www.cliftonperformancetheatre. com. 513-861-SHOW (7469).

The Fantastic Toy Shoppe

Experience the hustle and bustle of the holiday season as the owners of a small toy shop struggle to make ends meet and pay their rent. When a mysterious but poor gentleman arrives in search of a special toy, the kindness of the toymaker sparks a series of magical events. Songs and fantasy celebrate the holiday spirit and the joy of giving. All shows are approximately one hour and take place in the Krueger Auditorium on the UC Clermont College campus (Batavia, OH.). Sat 7 pm, Sun 10:30 am. $6 adults, $4 children. Krueger Auditorium. 4200 Clermont College Drive, Batavia OH.

Monday 14 Happiest Baby on the Block!

Learn how to turn on your newborn’s Calming Reflex – the extraordinary “off-switch” for crying all babies are born with! New babies are such a blessing, but they can also bring with them sleepless nights, crying, & sometimes quite a bit of stress! In this 2-hour innovative workshop you will be taught step-by-step how to help your newborn sleep better & how to soothe even the fussiest baby in minutes! Magic? A miracle? No, it’s a reflex! The Dec. 14th, 6:45pm workshop, is held at Good Samaritan Hospital, located at 375 Dixmyth Ave., Cinti., OH, 45220 Class fee is $50.00, which includes a Parent Kit containing the HBOB dvd. To register, please call




from 11:30-12:15pm. Registration is $50/5-class package or $13/class. *To register, visit www. or call 513-591-2332. $50. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Crime Lab Detectives

Occurring Daily Through Sunday, January 10, 2010. From the first clue of a shattered window, Crime Lab Detectives invites visitors to search for forensic clues and weigh the evidence to solve a true-to-life crime. Lift fingerprints, examine DNA, and document the scene of the crime as you sleuth your way through this CSI-style exhibition and learn what it takes to be a modern day detective. Monday-Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Sunday noon-5:00 p.m. Adults $8.50, Seniors (60+) $7.50, Children 2-12 $7.50, Children. Boonshoft Museum of Discovery. 2600 DeWeese Parkway, Dayton OH. 937-275-7431.

Family Fiesta

Occurring Each Tuesday Beginning Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Through Wednesday, December 16, 2009. Spanish for the whole family Children should begin learning a second language as early as possible because a child’s brain is capable of storing different languages in different areas, something that an adult brain is incapable of. Through simple games, puppetry, and stories and songs already familiar to your child, they will easily become familiar with colors, numbers, and typical daily Spanish words and phrases. Come join our fiesta! *Where: Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Date: Tuesdays,,Dec. 2, 9, 16 @ 9:30 & 10:30 *Cost: $70 for a 7-class package or $13/class *Ages: 19 months - 12 years *To register, please

visit or call 513-5912332. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

family story time

Ongoing Every Sun, Tue, Thu & Sat. get your kids to fall in love with reading and build their literacy skills too. i offer free storytimes for mom and children pregnancy to school age. enjoy storytime,crafts,make & take it projects,puppets and more. free to all. to learn more check out my site 1-3 and 12-2. free. mrs.pams’ barefoot kids reading club. 2120 hewitt ave apt c, dayton ohio. www. 937-9386915.

Gingerbread Houses

Occurring Daily Beginning Tuesday, December 01, 2009 Through Thursday, December 31, 2009. Come for stories, make a gingerbread house, enjoy some refreshments and be sure the kids pick up a winter activity book and coloring page! Stories for the seasons will be in the children’s area from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Gingerbread Houses start at 9:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and Noon. Preregistration is required to make a gingerbread house. Participants will need to bring candy and icing. All other supplies will be provided. For more information or to register to make a gingerbread house, call the library at 734-2619. Bethel Branch. 611 W. Plane St, Bethel OH. www.clermontlibrary. org. (513)734-2619.

Grilled Cheese Wednesdays

Ongoing Each Wednesday Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2009. Come join us on special Wednesdays for a warm and gooey grilled cheese.

Learn Piano, Guitar & Voice Lessons from Your Own Home! Enroll now for classes prime lesson times are filling quickly!

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reso urces



TriHealth at 475-4500. Class is from 6:45-8:45pm. 6:45 p.m. $50. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Friday 18

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

finger-play enhance the development of your child’s cognitive, motor, and memory skills and promote freedom to experiment all the wonders of sound, improving listening skills, concentration, and selfesteem. We’ll shake, rattle, and roll! *Classes meet weekly at 9:30, 10:30 & 11:30 & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Classes available from Birth to age 5 on Mondays, Dec. 7 & 14 or Wednesdays, Dec. 2, 9 & 16 *To register, visit or call 513591-2332. Registration is $70/7-class package or $13/class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Wednesday 16

Thursday 17

Drews Mitchell, director. A unique ensemble of middle school students from the Greater Cincinnati area performs both improvised and traditional jazz favorites. Location: Robert J. Werner Recital Hall. 3pm. University of Cincinnati CollegeConservatory of Music. Mary Emery Hall University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH. 513-556-6638.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

Pink Floyd The Wall Laser Show

Tuesday 15 Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Toledo Walleye

Wednesday at the Movies

Wednesday at the Movies: a monthly film discussion group will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, December 16 at the Batavia Branch Library, 180 South Third Street, Batavia 45103. The session is open to all interested adults. This month’s title is Lake Tahoe directed by Fernando Eimbcke of Mexico. For more information, call the library at 732-2128. 2 p.m. Batavia Branch. 180 S. Third St, Batavia OH. www. (513)732-2128.

Preschool Story Time with Miss Gail

Get ready for finger puppet fun, as well as other pleasant surprises with Miss Gail. 10:30 am. Free. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. 513-731-2665.

Tiny Tunes

This joyful class of musical play incorporates songs from all over the world emphasizing many different cultures. The use of simple musical instruments and free expression dance encourages tempo and rhythm awareness. Singing, rhythmical music games, and

Handel’s Messiah. May Festival Chorus with Robert Porco, director. Nicholas McGegan, conductor. Includes free buffet in Music Hall Ballroom, 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. $10-$105. Music Hall. 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati OH. home2.asp. 513-381-3300.

Mystery Book Club

Adults are invited to join the Mystery Book Club at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, December 17 at the MilfordMiami Township Branch Library, 1099 State Route 131, Milford, 45150. This month’s title will be The Cat Who Could Read Backwards by Lilian Jackson Braun. The session is open to all interested adults. Bring a bag lunch. For more information, call the library at 248-0700. 12:30 p.m. Milford-Miami Township Branch. 1099 State Route 131, Milford OH. www. (513)2480700.

Calico Children’s Theatre 2009-2010 Season Tickets Still Available, All 3 Shows for the Price of 2! UC Cler mont College 4200 Clermont Drive Batavia, OH 45103

Fitton Family Fridays

Comedy, world-class juggling, music and technology with Mark Nizer. 7:30 p.m. $17, $15 members; $8, $7 members ages 16 and under. Fitton Center for Creative Arts. 101 South Monument Ave., Hamilton OH. (513) 863-8873.

Jazz Explosion

Travel back to the 70’s and experience an everchanging universe of brilliantly colored laser light pulsing to the classic rock music of Pink Floyd’s The Wall album. Reminisce, tap your feet, and enjoy a truly fantastic audio-visual event that will rock your body, mind, and soul! Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 8 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four ticket. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

The Nutcracker presented by Ballet Theatre Midwest

This December, join Ballet Theatre Midwest for its 5th annual holiday presentation of The Nutcracker and treat the entire family to the visual splendor and warmth of this classic ballet. FREE Parking! Performances: Friday, December

Saturday 19 Laser Holiday Skies

This popular program features a mix of everyone’s favorite holiday music, from the classical to the modern, choreographed to colorful laser light. Laser Holiday Skies is a fun experience for everyone and gives new meaning to the term “holiday lights”. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 7 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Pediatric First Aid

The Cincinnati Red Cross is offering a course for childcare providers and parents on basic emergency procedures to help respond to sudden illnesses, injuries, breathing and cardiac emergencies in infants and children. Meets Kentucky and Ohio daycare licensing requirements. Certification valid 1 year for CPR and 3 years for First Aid. Registration required. 8:30am-5:00pm. $65. Cincinnati Red Cross. 720 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati OH. www. 513-792-4000.

Teen Lock-In

Spend the night at the Library! Play video games, watch movies and eat pizza! The event starts at 9 p.m. and ends at 9 a.m. on Sunday. Parent permission form required. Ages 12-18. Please register. 9 p.m. Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch. 1000 Highland Ave., Fort Thomas KY. 859-572-5033.

2009 Education & Enrichment Fair

The Fantastic Toy Shoppe December 11, 2009 - 7 pm December 12, 2009 - 10:30 am

Jungle Book: The Story of Mowgli’s Fire January 15, 2010 - 7 pm January 16, 2010- 10:30 am

Percussion Group Cincinnati March 5, 2010 - 7 pm March 6, 2010 - 10:30 am

For tickets call 513.558.1215 or visit


18 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, December 19 at 2 p.m.; Sunday, December 20 at 2 p.m. at the Walter C. Deye S.J. Performance Center at St. Xavier High School. Tickets $18- Adults and $15- Children 12 and under and Seniors – 65 and above are available at www. or by calling (513) 5202334. Friday 7 p.m., Sat & Sun 2 p.m. $18 adults, $15 children. Walter C. Deye S.J. Performance Center at St. Xavier High School. 600 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati OH. 513-761-7600.

Explore all the options from schools to enrichment programs, after-school activities, music, art & more! The event is free and runs from 10-3. Games, prizes, stage performances. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Sycamore Plaza in Kenwood. Montgomery & Kenwood Rds..

Macy’s Downtown Dazzle

Santa rappels off a building at Fountain Square along with other holiday festivities produced by Downtown Cincinnati, Inc. dazzle****. 6:30 p.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

The Nutcracker presented by Ballet Theatre Midwest

This December, join Ballet Theatre Midwest for its 5th annual holiday presentation of The Nutcracker and treat the entire family to the visual splendor and warmth of this classic ballet. FREE Parking! Performances: Friday, December 18 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, December 19 at 2 p.m.; Sunday, December 20 at 2 p.m. at the Walter C. Deye S.J. Performance Center at St. Xavier High School. Tickets $18Adults and $15- Children 12 and under and Seniors – 65 and above are available at http://www. or by calling (513) 5202334. Friday 7 p.m., Sat & Sun 2 p.m. $18 adults, $15 children. Walter C. Deye S.J. Performance Center at St. Xavier High School. 600 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati OH. 513-761-7600.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

Handel’s Messiah. May Festival Chorus with Robert Porco, director. Nicholas McGegan, conductor. 8 p.m. $10-$105. Music Hall. 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati OH. 513-381-3300.

reso urces Lego Holiday Display

View a display of Lego creations by local enthusiasts. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. (859)7816166.

Wild Weekends: A Horse of Course

The Art Museum explores Art in and of the Wild Kingdom this fall with a series of Wild Weekends, held on the third Saturday and Sunday of October, November and December. Featuring family-friendly programs designed for all ages, Wild Weekends celebrate the ground-breaking exhibition Roaring Tigers, Leaping Carp: Decoding the Symbolic Language of Chinese Animal Painting. Reservations not required. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Cincinnati Art Museum. 953 Eden Park Dr., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)721-ARTS.

can sign up for the first or the second or both! Ages: 3-10 Camp registration is easy. To Pre-Register for either session simply Call Imago at (513) 921-5124 or email us at 12/21-12/23 or 12/28-12/30 9:00 am-3:00 pm. $60 for Imago members/$65 for nonmembers. Imago Earth Center. 700 Enright Ave., Cincinnati OH. http://www. (513) 921-5124.

Join the Anime Club

Join the Anime Club at 6:00 p.m., Monday, December 21 at the Owensville Branch Library, 2548 US Route 50, Owensville, 45160. Teens are invited to watch anime films. Help us with your opinions to evaluate the movies. For more information or to register, call the library at 7326084. 6 p.m. Owensville Branch. 2548 US Route 50. (513)732-6084. www.




Bring extras for your picnic or purchase a combo meal with sides and a drink. Hot dogs will also be available, as well as fun activities for kids after your picnic. Dates: June 3, 17, July 1, 15 & August 12. 11 am - 12:30 pm. Sandwich = $1, Combo = $2. Anderson Township Park District - Beech Acres Park Playground. 6910 Salem Rd, Cincinnati Oh. 513-388-4513.

Health Screening

Occurring Each Wednesday Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Through Wednesday, December 16, 2009. Blood pressure, height, weight, foot and spinal screenings. Walk-ins welcome.

Appointment recommended. 9 am- 12 pm. free. Burlington Family Chiropractic. 2612 Burlington Pike, Burlington KY. 859-746-2225.

Holiday Fest – The Beach on Ice

Occurring Daily Beginning Friday, November 27, 2009 Through Sunday, January 10, 2010. The Beach’s tropical paradise has been transformed into a winter wonderland with millions of festive lights and over 12 holiday rides and attractions. New features this year include: heated Skate Pavilion with food, drinks and games and heated cabin rentals on Carroll’s Lake. Favorite Holiday Fest traditions will return as well, including ice skating on Ohio’s largest outdoor rink, toboggan

Sunday 20 Laser Holiday Skies

This popular program features a mix of everyone’s favorite holiday music, from the classical to the modern, choreographed to colorful laser light. Laser Holiday Skies is a fun experience for everyone and gives new meaning to the term “holiday lights”. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $25 in advance, $30 at door. 3 p.m. Cost: $7 in advance, $8 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Town & Country’s Paintball Camp

Paintball Camp will teach all the fundamentals of paintball including rules, strategy, communication, safety, contests, games etc. This camp, which will be held at Town & Country’s Paintball Facility, includes instruction by Kenny Stuart, a veteran to the sport of paintball and current competitive tournament player. Camp is for all levels of experience and for those 10 and up. Paintball Camp will be held December 20 from 11am-1pm. The cost is $45/person. (Paintballs, paintball marker/gun, vests, and masks are included in the cost, but you may bring your own if you have it.) For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit 11am1pm. $45. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www. 859-442-5800.

‘Tis The Season

A more traditional Planetarium show, ‘Tis The Season features delightful stories about the roots of various Holiday traditions. We also introduce the winter stars and constellations of our current night sky. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $20 in advance, $24 at door. 2 p.m. Cost: $6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets. Drake Planetarium. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. (513)396-5578.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

Handel’s Messiah. May Festival Chorus with Robert Porco, director. Nicholas McGegan, conductor. 8 p.m. $10-$105. Music Hall. 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati OH. 513-381-3300.

Lego Holiday Display

View a display of Lego creations by local enthusiasts. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Cold Spring Branch. 3920 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring KY. (859)781-6166.

Monday 21

Imago’s Winter Break Nature Camp

We’ve had such a great time with our summer camp - that we decided to have a mini camp during winter break! Sign up for a three day session filled with wintry explorations, hot chocolate, ‘cool’ games and activities, fun friends and more. There will be two sessions offered, and since they are different you CINCINNATIPARENT.COM 37

reso urces



Baby Adventurers

Ages 1 – 2 with adult caregiver Mondays Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 23, Dec. 21 A perfect introduction to sharing nature with your toddler, this four-part program meets one Monday a month for four months. During each hourlong session, discover the wonders of nature with your child using simple sensory experiences and fun indoor and outdoor play. 9:30 –10:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. $40 members; $50 nonmembers. Cincinnati Nature Center. 4949 Tealtown Rd., Milford OH. www. 831-1711.

Roby Stahl’s Holiday Player Academy

Soccer Camp will take place December 21-23 at Town & Country. Kids ages 6-10 will have camp from 9-11am, ages 11-14 will also have their session from 9-11am. The cost is $85/child. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 9-11 am. $85. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

Tuesday 22 Impresa Quarterfest

Quarter fests are a fun night out event hosted by the Impresa Business Network. The events are a great opportunity for our customers to get great product collections. At the quarter fest, you will find 60 - 100 different product collection that you could purchase for as little as a Quarter! Bring a bag of quarters and place your bid on the collections you ar interested in, and when your number is called, you win! There are more opportunities to win door prizes and raffels throughout the night. Proceeds will be donated to our local charity. Doors open at 6:30pm, Quarterfest to start at 7:00. $1.00. Edgewood Senior Center. 550 Freedom Park Drive. 859-818-0803.

Roby Stahl’s Holiday Player Academy

Soccer Camp will take place December 21-23 at Town & Country. Kids ages 6-10 will have camp from 9-11am, ages 11-14 will also have their session from 9-11am. The cost is $85/child. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 9-11 am. $85. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

Town & Country’s Drop N Shop

Drop N Shop will be December 22 and 23 for parents to drop their children off at Town & Country for supervised fun while the parents get ready for the holidays. This camp is for children ages 6-13. Registration deadline is December 17. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. 859-442-5800.

4313 for information and reservations. $15 for city residents. $20 for non-city residents. There is also a different camp at California Woods (231-8678) on December 29th and one at LaBeautoix Woods on December 30th (542-2909). Sign up for all 3!!. 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. $15 for city residents, $20 for noncity residents. Caldwell Nature Preserve. 430 West North Bend Road, Cincinnati OH. 761-4313.

Roby Stahl’s Holiday Player Academy

Join the fun as we hike, play games, make crafts, and relax for a story. Fun way for your kids to spend a day while they also learn about nature! Call 76138 CINCINNATI PARENT * DECEMBER 2009

Saturday 26 Cincinnati Cyclones vs. Toledo Walleye

Hockey. 7:30 p.m. Various. U. S. Bank Arena. 100 Broadway, Cincinnati OH. www.cycloneshockey. com/. 800-745-3000.

2009 Education & Enrichment Fair

Soccer Camp will take place December 21-23 at Town & Country. Kids ages 6-10 will have camp from 9-11am, ages 11-14 will also have their session from 9-11am. The cost is $85/child. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www.towncountrysports. com.). 9-11 am. $85. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. 859-442-5800.

Explore all the options from schools to enrichment programs, after-school activities, music, art & more! The event is free and runs from 10-3. Games, prizes, stage performances. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Sycamore Plaza in Kenwood. Montgomery & Kenwood Rds..

Thursday 24

Football. 1 p.m. $64-$82. Paul Brown Stadium. 1 Bengals Drive, Cincinnati OH. 513-621-8383.

Baby/Toddler Music with Miss Meghan

Please join us every Sunday at 12:00 for PreNatal Yoga. Angela Serna, Krupali Certified Instructor, leads mommy to be through gentle and nourishing yoga poses to prepare for an easy delivery and a comfortable pregnancy. 12:00 pm. $15. Elemental OM. 46 East Mulberry Street, Lebanon oh. www. 5138363822.

This first group is exclusively for babies and toddlers ages 17 months and under. We’ll move, sing songs, and mostly enjoy time together. $8/child Space is limited, please call to register in advance. 9:45am10:15am. $8. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. www. 513-731-2665.

Baby/Toddler Music with Miss Meghan

Ages 0-4 years. Perfect for kids under the age of three. We’ll move, sing songs, and mostly enjoy time together. $5/child Limited space. Register early. 10:30-11:00am. $8. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. 513-731-2665.

Baby/Toddler Music with Miss Meghan

Ages 18 months to 3 years Perfect for kids under the age of three. We’ll move, sing songs, and mostly enjoy time together. $5/child Limited space. Register early. 11:15-11:45am. $8. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3054 Madison Rd., Cincinnati Oh. 513-731-2665.

Head & Shoulder, Knees & Toes

Creative play and sensory activities abound in this one-of-kind class for pre-crawlers. Our infant behavioral specialist will share specific techniques to promote your baby’s awareness and thinking skills, as well as activities to enhance sensory development and promote the brainbody connection, all through “play”!. 10:30 a.m. $60/6 class package or $13/class. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Friday 25

Wednesday 23 Give a Cheer for Winter. Winter Camp for grades K - 3rd. to gain access to the announcements and regular updates. The weekly playgroup meets at various parks and attractions around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. cincinnatidads.

Stay at home dads weekly playgroup

This is a private group for at-home dads in Cincinnati. Sign up and register at

Sunday 27 Cincinnati Bengals vs. Kansas City Chiefs Pre-Natal Yoga

Monday 28 Babysitter’s Training Course

The Cincinnati Red Cross is providing training courses for babysitters ages 11-15. Babysitters will learn accident prevention, emergency first aid, diapering and feeding as well as how to interact with children through games and activities. The Red Cross babysitting course is a great way to earn parents’ trust and to increase demand as a babysitter! Registration required. 8:30am-4:30pm. $40. Red Cross Northeast Office. 10870 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH. 513792-4000.

Town & Country’s Baseball Camp

This camp will be held for 2nd-8th graders at Town & Country on December 28 and will specifically focus on hitting and pitching. This Camp will be held from 12-3pm. The cost is $40/session. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 12-3 pm. $40. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

Roby Stahl’s Holiday Striker School

Soccer Camp will take place December 28-30 at Town & Country. Kids ages 6-10 will have camp from 9-11am, ages 11-14 will also have their session from 9-11am. The cost is $85/child. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 9-11 am. $85. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

Tuesday 29 Give a Cheer for Winter. Winter Camp for grades K - 3rd.

Join the fun as we hike, play games, make crafts, and

relax by the fire with a story. Fun way for kids to spend a day and also learn something about nature!. 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. $15 for city residents, $20 for non-city residents. California Woods Nature Center. 5400 Kellogg Avenue, Cincinnati Oh. cincyparks. com. 513-231-8678.

Town & Country’s Fast Pitch Softball Camp

Fast Pitch Softball Camp will be directed by John Zoellner who has experience as both a player and a coach. Coach Z has conducted many softball clinics and also gives private pitching lessons. Softball Camp, which will be held at Town & Country, is for children in 2nd-8th grade and will be held December 29. Offense and Defense Camp will be 11:30am2pm ($40/child). Pitching and Catching Camp will be 2:30-4pm ($20/child). For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www.towncountrysports. com.). 11:30am-2pm. $40. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. 859-442-5800.

Roby Stahl’s Holiday Striker School

Soccer Camp will take place December 28-30 at Town & Country. Kids ages 6-10 will have camp from 9-11am, ages 11-14 will also have their session from 9-11am. The cost is $85/child. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 9-11 am. $85. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

Wednesday 30 Give a Cheer for Winter. Winter Camp for grades K - 3rd.

Join the fun as we hike, play games, make crafts, and relax with a story. Call 761-4313 for the camp at Caldwell Nature Center on 12-23. Call 2318678 for the camp at California Woods on 12-29. Call 542-2909 for the cmap at LaBoiteaux Woods on 12-30. 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. $15 for city residents, $20 for non-city residents. LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Preserve. 5400 Lanius Lane, Cincinnati Oh. 542-2909.

Red Cross Youth CourseBasic Aid Training

The Cincinnati Red Cross is offering a course in first aid for children in grades 4-6. Learn first aid techniques, water safety, and coping with many emergency situations. This course also completes requirements for several scouting badges. Registration required. 9:00am-3:30pm. $20. Red Cross Northeast Office. 10870 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH. 513792-4000.

Thursday 31 New Year’s Eve

oin us at the stroke of midnight as fireworks light up the sky over the city’s iconic and romantic Fountain Square. com. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Lil Dribbler Camp

Introduce kids (ages 3-6) to the sport of basketball and teach them the basic fundamentals to become a successful basketball player and to show them how much fun basketball is! This camp will be led by Shannon Minor and will run December 3031 from 9-10am. The cost is $25/person. For more information; to register; or to pick-up a brochure, please contact (859) 442-5800. (Or visit www. 9-10 am. $25. Town & Country Sports & Health Club. 1018 Town Dr., Highland Heights KY. www.towncountrysports. com. 859-442-5800.

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slides, baby animals, a miniature train display and much more. $9 General Admission. The Beach Waterpark. 2590 Waterpark Drive, Mason OH. 513-398-SWIM.

Holiday Mail for Heroes

Occurring Daily Through Monday, December 07, 2009. The American Red Cross is partnering with Pitney Bowes for the third annual Holiday Mail for Heroes Program. The Red Cross will be collecting holiday cards through December 7th to send to military members, veterans and their families during this holiday season. Visit www. to print off pre-designed cards or send one of your own to P.O. Box 5456, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456. Please visit for guidelines and more information on the program. Free. American Red Cross. PO Box 5456, Capitol Heights MD. 513-579-3910.

Holiday Railroad!

Occurring Daily Beginning Friday, November 27, 2009 Through Sunday, January 03, 2010. All aboard the Holiday Railroad! Get in the holiday spirit with this holiday train display that will entertain visitors of all ages. Feel like you’re aboard the train yourself with a small camera that captures the ride and projects it on to a little screen. All ages. Visitor Center Events Room. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years’. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. The Morton Arboretum. 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle OH. 630-968-0074.

Imagination Station

Occurring Each Friday Beginning Friday, December 04, 2009 Through Friday, December 18, 2009. Encourage your child to release their inner creativity during our weekly story-themed art classes. We’ll explore with a wide variety of mediums, such as paint, clay, sand, products from nature, and everyday recyclable items. Giving your child the freedom to express themselves artistically enhances their cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, manual dexterity, and sensory awareness. Watch their self-esteem blossom as your child is encouraged to let their imagination run wild! (and no clean-up time for you!) *Classes meet weekly @ 9:30 & 10:30am & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. *Classes available from 19 months-5 years, on Fridays, Dec. 4, 11 & 18 *To register, visit or call 513-591-2332. *Cost: $70/7-class package or $13/ class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)591-CFEC.

Jammin’ in our Jammies!

Occurring Each Thursday Beginning Thursday, December 03, 2009 Through Thursday, December 17, 2009. Let’s “shake those sillies out” so we’re ready for a good night’s sleep! We’ll sing, dance, play with musical instruments, and improve those listening skills. Each unique “jam-session” winds down with a lullaby and reading a bed-time story. If you bring your kids in their jammies, you can just pop them into bed after class (and enjoy some much deserved quiet time for yourself )! *Classes meet Thursdays, Dec. 3, 10 & 17 @ 6:00pm & are held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave.,Cinti. OH 45223. *Ages: families with children 1-3 years *To register, visit or call 513-591-2332. Registration is $70/7-class package or $13/class. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Little Sprout Yogis

Occurring Daily Beginning Saturday, December 05, 2009 Through Saturday, December 19, 2009. This “new parent & baby” yoga class focuses on strengthening the physical, spiritual and emotional bond between parent and child. We will use slow moving, interactive yoga postures ideal for parent and babies 6 weeks to crawling. Class will also include concepts of infant massage and swaddling to ease the transition from womb to world for both parent and baby and gracefully carry you through the first busy months of caring for a new baby.





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Where: Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. Dates: Dec. 5, 12 & 19 @ 12:30 Cost: $70 for a 7-class package or $13/class To register, please visit or call 513-5912332. 12:30. $70. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Macy’s Downtown Dazzle

Occurring Each Saturday Beginning Saturday, November 28, 2009 Through Saturday, December 19, 2009. Santa rappels off a building at Fountain Square along with other holiday festivities produced by Downtown Cincinnati, Inc. www.****. 6:30 p.m. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. (513) 352-4066.

Come see this updated show that still captures the mood of the original. 9 p.m. 6 in advance, $7 at the door. Family Pack of Four tickets $20 in. Drake Planetarium-4th floor of Norwood High School. 2020 Sherman Ave., Norwood OH. http://www. (513)396-5578.

Pre-Natal Yoga

Ongoing Each Sunday Beginning Sunday, November 15, 2009. Please join us every Sunday at 12:00 for PreNatal Yoga. Angela Serna, Krupali Certified Instructor, leads mommy to be through gentle and nourishing yoga poses to prepare for an easy delivery and a comfortable pregnancy. 12:00 pm. $15. Elemental OM. 46 East Mulberry Street, Lebanon oh. 5138363822.

Miracle on 34th Street

Preschool Story Time with Miss Gail


Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati

Occurring Daily Beginning Thursday, December 03, 2009 Through Sunday, December 20, 2009. Thursday – Saturday at 8:00pm, Sunday at 2:00pm. $21.00 for Adults, $19.00 for Seniors and Students. Covedale Center for the Performing Arts. 4990 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati OH. www. (513)2416550. Occurring Each Thursday Beginning Thursday, December 03, 2009 Through Thursday, December 17, 2009. You’ve made it through the birth now what?! Where can you turn to for support, encouragement, understanding, and answers to your “new mom” questions? The CFEC! We’re here for you. Join us monthly for as long as you need the companionship of other new parents struggling with the same issues as you. We understand; we’ve been there. Group meets Thursdays (Dec. 3rd-17th) @ 10:30 & Sat., Dec. 19th @ 11:30 & is held at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, located at 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cinti. OH 45223. To rsvp visit or call 513-591-2332. Free!. 10:30. Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. 4244 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati OH. (513)591-CFEC.

Newport Aquarium

Occurring Daily Through Thursday, December 31, 2009. Hours subject to change without notice. Purchasing tickets prior to visit recommended. Two children ages 12 and under get in free with paying adult during Summer Family Hours 4:307 p.m. Sunday-Friday. 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. $20, $13 ages 2-12. Newport Aquarium. One Aquarium Way, Newport KY. (859)261-7444.


Occurring Daily Beginning Friday, December 11, 2009 Through Sunday, December 27, 2009. Servings will be bountiful this holiday season as The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center (The Carnegie) with the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra presents a fully-staged production of the musical OLIVER!, weekends December 11 – 27 at The Carnegie. Tickets are $18 - $25 and are available through The Carnegie Box Office or online at $18 - $2. $18 - $25. The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center. 1028 Scott Boulevard, Covington KY. 859.491.2030.

Penguin Parade

Occurring Daily Through Thursday, December 31, 2009. Outside Aquarium gift shop. Moves to lobby if inclement weather. Includes one or more of Blackfooted penguins and a randomly selected guest to lead the parade. 9:15 a.m. Free. Newport Aquarium. One Aquarium Way, Newport KY. 859-261-7444.

Pink Floyd “Dark Side of the Moon” Laser Show

Ongoing Daily. Travel back to the 70’s and experience an ever-changing universe of brilliantly colored laser light pulsing to the classic rock music of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” album. If you have been to a Pink Floyd laser show before, you know what a phenomenal experience it is.

Occurring Each Wednesday Beginning Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Through Thursday, December 31, 2009. Get ready for finger puppet fun, as well as other pleasant surprises with Miss Gail. 10:30 am. Free. Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore. 3065 Madison Rd., Cincinnati OH. 513-731-2665.

Occurring Daily Through Wednesday, December 30, 2009. Climb aboard a caboose or a diesel switch engine. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. $4, $2 ages 10 and under. Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati. 315 W. Southern Ave., Covington KY. 513-574-7672.

Sanders Family Christmas: More Smoke on the Mountain

Occurring Daily Through Thursday, December 31, 2009. They’re back! The Sanctified Sanders Family Singers return to the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park to celebrate the holidays with faith, family and old-fashioned fun. This heavenly evening of laughter and music begins public previews on November 7 and continues through December 31. Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. 962 Mt. Adams Circle, Cincinnati OH. www. (513)421-3888.

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Santa Skates

Occurring Every Sun & Sat Beginning Saturday, November 28, 2009 Through Sunday, December 20, 2009. Santa arrives at the ice rink on his Segway and skates with the children. Saturdays, 11am to noon & Sundays, noon to 1pm. Fountain Square. 520 Vine St., Cincinnati OH. www. (513) 352-4066.

Signing Safari visits the Cincinnati Zoo!

Occurring Daily Beginning Tuesday, December 01, 2009 Through Tuesday, December 22, 2009. Staff from Signing Safari and the Cincinnati Zoo join forces for an hour long program featuring weather, nature, and animals signs. Each parent/ child interactive class includes singing, signing, rhyming, story time, creative movement, and 3 special animal visits! We’ll have a wild time! Dates: Dec. 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, or 22 Class is appropriate for children 18-36 months. For registration information, including cost, please visit or call 513-683-6990. Select Dates in December. Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati OH. www. (513)281-4700.

Next Birthday, have a

Music Pups® Party!

Singing, Dancing, Instruments, Bubbles, Parachutes, More! West Chester Academy of Music


Fun! Ages 1 to 5!

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition

Occurring Daily Through Monday, February 15, 2010. Tickets are on sale for Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, viewed by more than 22million people worldwide and hailed as a must-see. The exhibition features 150 artifacts and opens at the Louisville Science Center on October 3. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday through Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. $18 for adults 13 and up, $14 for children 2-12. Louisville Science Center. 727 West Main Street, Louisville KY. www. 502-560-7159.

Kids Crooked House Whimsical Children’s Playhouses

Free shipping thru December 31. Custom designs available. or call 513-604-8223 to receive more information. CINCINNATIPARENT.COM 39

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