the Retailer Q3: 2022 | Quarterly magazine
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Just about anyone can be a manager or boss—but being the boss of someone doesn’t automatically make you a good leader.
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To be a leader requires us to be willing, vulnerable, and courageous to make mistakes. It requires us to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, adapt to unexpected changes, and learn from triumphs and failures.
The ongoing technician shortage is costing equipment dealers. So what’s the number one thing you can do to improve employee retention at your dealership? Be a better leader.
10 NEBRASKA FIELD REPORT It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. So what’s the best way to influence change in government? Get to know your representatives!
12 IOWA FIELD REPORT To combat the employee shortage, dealers are proactively implementing several creative tactics to improve employee retention.
14 EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS INEDA awarded $80,000 in scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year to 88 students pursuing career opportunities in the equipment dealer industry.
OFFICERS: Tim Kayton Chairman
Albion, NE
Scott Raber Vice Chairman
Fremont, NE
Scott Beach Past Chairman
Grinnell, IA
EDA DIRECTOR: Ivan Dorhout
Rock Valley, IA
18 FEATURE PHIL ERDMAN Phil Erdman joined the INEDA team in April as the Director of Dealer and Government Affairs.
22 EDUCATION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT From workshops to dealership tours, INEDA is always working to educate the next generation of equipment dealer employees about career opportunities.
Kevin Clark Jay Funke Kent Grosshans Brian Koonce Matt Vande Hoef
Lincoln, NE Edgewood, IA Central City, NE Marcus, IA Hull, IA
Mark Hennessey President/CEO Tom Junge IA Field Director Mark Othmer NE Field Director Phil Erdman Dir. of Dealer & Gov’t Affairs Donna Miller Operations Manager Will Rogers Director of Gov’t. Affairs Cindy Feldman Marketing Director Gwen Parks Controller Sydney Upah Marketing Comm. Designer Gretchen Burch Admin. Svcs. Assist. Channon Timm Admin. Svcs. Assist. David Adelman IA Legislative Director Tim Keigher NE Legislative Director
CONTACT INEDA: 8330 NW 54th Ave. Johnston, IA | 50131-2841 E: | W: P: 515.223.5119 | F: 515.223.7832 TF: 800.622.0016.
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25 MARKETING VIEW Social media trends continue to soar. Let’s review some new things happening in the social channels.
Individual subscriptions are available without charge to Association members. One-year subscriptions are available to all others for $30.00 (4 issues). Contact INEDA for additional information. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is furnished with the understanding that the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association, the publisher, is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. Changes in the law may render the information contained in this publication invalid. Legal advice or other expert assistance should be obtained from a competent professional.
Vol. 111 No. 3
executive insight You’ll notice the leadership and management theme woven throughout the stories in this issue of the Retailer. This quote by Muhammad Ali encapsulates my thoughts on the topic: “A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.” From a leadership and management perspective, I contemplated this quote. How is my perspective of leadership today different than it was 30 years ago? The world has changed vastly since 1992. The internet, social media, text messaging, working from home, and mobile computing were all unimaginable 30 years ago. Now these are all mainstream in the workplace. Like you, I had to embrace these changes at a faster pace than ever before. For me, I’ve learned that leading is much harder than managing. What is the difference? The simple definition I subscribe to is: “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Our world is filled with people who have failed believing that they were doing the right thing. How many times have you been convinced that you were doing the right thing but later realized you were wrong? I can raise my hand to attest to many failures throughout my career, but it was through those failures that I learned the most. The wisdom of this quote from Abraham Lincoln over 150 years ago is as true then as it is now: “My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” To be a leader requires us to be willing, vulnerable, and courageous to make mistakes. It requires us to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, adapt to unexpected changes, and learn from triumphs and failures. To give up and be satisfied with failure breaks the human spirit. The Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) continues to evolve and adapt to changes in order to fulfill our mission. Our district evening meetings with dealer members and workforce development workshops are a couple recent examples of INEDA adapting to change and “doing the right thing.” As your dealership continues to face challenges with supply chain obstacles, manufacturer requirements, employee expectations, and/or workforce development challenges, you must adapt to change and adjust your leadership strategy accordingly. In spite of all the chaos around us, I believe there are five ideologies that withstand the test of time and need to be preserved for future generations.
1. Relationships should never be taken for granted. We need to invest more in our relationships, not less.
2. Hard work pays off. My Grandpa worked hard, my dad worked hard, and now I work hard. And so will my son and grandsons. Hard work pays off.
3. We aren’t perfect. We all still deserve to be treated with respect. 4. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Speak less, listen more. Listen to nonverbal communication too.
5. A “thank you” goes a long way. A good leader appreciates their people and lets them know it.
As you wrap up reading this article, I have one simple request of you. Now is the time for you to tell the person who was a great leader in your life what they mean to you. If they are alive today, call them and tell them about the positive impact that their leadership has had on your life. If they are no longer living, take a minute and write a letter to them. Seeing those words will remind you of their impact on your life and your opportunity to make an impact on others.
Chief Executive Officer
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5 Ways to be a Better Boss and Leader SYDNEY UPAH, Marketing Communications Designer []
Employees don’t leave companies. They leave bad bosses. A Gallup poll of over one million people concluded that the number one reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor—not their position, the work itself, or the salary. The ongoing shortage of technicians is costing equipment dealers approximately $2.4 billion in lost revenue, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM).
So what’s the number one thing you can do to improve employee retention at your dealership? Be a better leader. Anyone can be a manager or boss—but being the boss of someone doesn’t automatically make you a good leader. Thankfully, leadership is a skill that can be strengthened over time with consistent practice and exercise. Perhaps the employee shortage thrust you into a management position despite having no formal management training.
Or maybe the stress of the supply chain crisis, equipment shortages, and current events has put your personal development and growth on the back burner. Whatever your circumstances, let’s take a look at five things you can do as a manager to become a better leader in the workplace.
Improve your communication skills.
Great leaders are normally great communicators. Don’t wait for annual performance reviews to give feedback. Employees want frequent, honest, and constructive feedback on a consistent and ongoing basis. By regularly taking time to check in, you will make your employees feel like valued team members – and give them the opportunity to work on their professional
development more often than once per year.
2. Set reasonable objectives. Equipment dealerships have a lot to accomplish in a day, and the employee shortage doesn’t help. But burdening your employees with unreasonable goals is a surefire way to create chaos and frustration. Instead, develop reasonable goals with the input of your team members. Goals should follow the SMART guidelines: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound. Specific: Specifically articulate what you want them to accomplish. Vague goals aren’t helpful because they don’t provide sufficient direction.
Jerry Pigsley, Attorney Licensed to practice law in Iowa and Nebraska
Attainable: Make sure that it’s even possible for your employees to achieve the goal(s) that you have set. Asking your sales team to sell 40 pieces of equipment in 2 weeks is impossible if you only have 5 items for sale. Setting unattainable goals is a surefire way to cause burnout. Relevant: Goals should be relevant to each team member and their roles. Asking your repair and service technicians to develop a marketing campaign to sell combines is unrealistic – and it’s not what your technicians signed up for.
For over 50 years, Woods Aitken’s labor and employment attorneys have represented local, regional and national businesses in a broad spectrum of industries. We provide services in human resources counseling, employment litigation, and traditional labor law.
INEDA Human Resources Helpline (855) 277-5575
The helpline is available for general advice at no charge to INEDA members. Representation on specific matters may be subject to charge to the individual member, but no charge will be incurred without the member’s agreement first.
Measurable: Measure your degree of success by using precise amounts, dates, etc. If your goal is simply to “reduce expenses,” how will you know when you have been successful?
Time-Bound: Your goals must have a deadline so you know when you can celebrate success. Reasonable deadlines will keep your team motivated and inspire them to achieve their goals.
3. Celebrate the positive. It might seem helpful to correct your subordinates every time they do something wrong in hopes of eliminating errors. But people don’t thrive in an environment of constant criticism. “Positive feedback increases people’s confidence that they are able to pursue their goals, leading people to expect successful goal attainment,” explained Researcher Ayelet Fishbach. “Negative feedback, in contrast, undermines people’s confidence in their ability to pursue their goals and their expectations of success.” In other words, positive feedback increases your employees’
confidence and motivation. So next time your employee does something great—even if it’s expected of them—be sure to let them know!
4. Don’t micromanage. It’s hard to watch someone else make mistakes, especially if you already know how to avoid them. But that’s not an excuse for micromanaging them. Micromanagement is the “ultimate controlling management style,” according to Ben Mulholland of Process Street. “It’s demoralizing and counter-intuitive, as the desire for control to make sure everything goes to plan only creates more problems in the long-term.” You hired your team members for a reason—they have the experience and/or skills needed to complete the job. So let them! Give them autonomy, and trust that they will come to you when they have questions or need guidance.
5. Encourage work-life balance. Roughly 60 percent of employees blame their bosses for work-life imbalance. Now more than ever before, employees are prioritizing their wellbeing. Offering flexibility in the workplace is one of the best ways to promote work-life balance. Happy employees are productive employees. If your team works longer hours during planting and harvest season, why not give them more flexibility during the slower winter months? For some people, leadership comes naturally; others need to work hard at it. But don’t underestimate the effect your role has on others. Leadership is more than just a position. And leadership skills can be applied to every aspect of your life—not just work.
PHIL ERDMAN, Director of Dealer and Government Relations []
common refrain states, “it’s not what you know, but who you know.”
While there are some clear limitations that come to mind when I hear that, I believe there are some very relevant ways that this idea will help you overcome the issues you are facing.
Advocacy Right or wrong, this phrase is generally thought of first and foremost in regard to politics and politicians. Many times, people assume that things only happen because someone close to them has their ear and convinced them to take an action that may seem unbelievable to you. If that is how you feel, what would it take for you to pick up the phone and contact your
representative or their staff and seek to understand their thought process? To ask what knowledge or background they have on the matter and what motivated them to take the action? Versus just sharing your displeasure with their decision. Now what would that call feel like if you already knew them? Maybe they had been to your dealership, met with your team, learned your efforts to bring value not just to your business and employees, but to your customers and the community as well. That feels less daunting or overwhelming. It is what it should feel like. After all, they are your representative. But how can you expect them to know what your expectations and needs are unless they know you? One of the easiest ways to build that relationship is to be part of the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealer Association (INEDA) Summer Legislative Meetings and to contribute to the Political Action Committee. Your input and contributions literally determine what actions we will take and who you believe will make the best decisions. Those relationships are essential to your business’ future.
Employee Recruitment and Retention Maybe you are a manager/boss looking to build a cohesive team through recruitment and retention; working to bridge a generational or organizational gap between managers and employees. The ability to hear and understand the perspective of each person and the role they play in the success or failure of the effort is essential to be able to meet expectations. The more comfortable we are with those around us— based in healthy trust and accountability—the more vibrant and transformational your team will be. This isn’t just something that matters to your current team but is something very attractive to new teammates. I have heard from many of the dealerships I have visited already about the efforts you are making to recruit members of your team— such as service technicians—and the diverse ways you are seeking to find those teammates. You are building strong relationships with FFA chapters, customers with children nearing the work force, and even those in your community who have expressed an interest in learning a trade. You have invested in them through scholarships, training, and equipment to help them be part of your team. Not just to complete a task, but to grow your
business, to serve your customers, and to remain part of your community. Those relationships are essential to your business’ culture and success.
Member Services As Paul Harvey famously said, “and now…the rest of the story!” For 25 years, there has been one relationship that has meant a lot to INEDA members. Many have known him ever before his current role at INEDA because he was one of you (started at a local dealership and ultimately become the owner). Mark Othmer has devoted his entire professional life to this industry and the people who work in it every day. He has famously told me that he has only changed jobs one time and that was when he became the Nebraska Field Director at INEDA. Over the last month, I have had the honor to begin my service to INEDA members in Nebraska by traveling alongside of him and walking in his footsteps into the dealerships in Nebraska. It doesn’t matter if you are the owner, manager, technician— you know him by name, welcome him (and me) into your business, and share your struggles and successes. It is truly amazing to see the respect and trust you have placed in Mark. It is a blessing for me to learn from him during this transition.
nebraska SALES TAX spotlight Q. What product, commonly used in forage
production, will be exempt from sales tax beginning October 1, 2022?
A. Net wrap. State Senator Julie Slama’s original bill was
amended into LB 984 to exempt net wrap from sales tax later this year.
TOM JUNGE, Iowa Field Director []
n nearly all of my dealer calls lately, the need for qualified employees becomes the forefront of the discussion. What was originally an issue of finding technicians has now expanded to include parts department personnel and secretaries/bookkeepers.
Last fall, one dealer thought they had a parts person hired, but two Iowa Hawkeye home football games on Saturdays ruined the potential hire. I have also heard from many store managers lately that working on Saturdays and the number of hours worked are becoming downsides to their positions. Many of these are younger managers replacing store managers who have recently retired.
To combat the labor shortage, dealers are proactively implementing several creative tactics to improve employee retention. A few of the trends that I notice include more flexibility in employee scheduling, trimming down hours worked per week, and proactively increasing wages.
Many dealers are also taking the time to evaluate the economics of being open on Saturdays during the off-season. Many say that they don’t sell enough parts to justify being open, and their technician efficiency is also poor on Saturday.
that among their previous five interviews with prospective employees, working on Saturday was an obstacle for hiring each of them. Another noticed that when working on some Saturdays was brought up in the interview process, applicants mentally checked out of the interview.
Customer expectations is always something to consider when you have the “closed on Saturdays” conversation. After discussing it, most dealers I talk to realize that only a handful of customers will complain.
Could technicians produce as many billable hours A few dealers have mentioned in a 5-day work week if they trimming their workday hours knew they didn’t have to work “Dealers that are proactive in from 7:00am-5:00pm to on Saturdays? It is something addressing the issue will retain 7:30am-5:00pm or from to consider. Assume you current employees and be successful currently work Monday7:30am-5:00pm to 8:00amin hiring new employees. Those 5:00pm. A few more dealers Friday, 7:30am-5:00pm and that don’t adjust to the current have decided to close on Saturday 7:30am-12:00pm. environment will have a long uphill Saturdays from mid-December That is a 47 hour-work week x battle ahead of themselves.” to mid-March. A couple of 65% billing efficiency = 30.6 dealers are also planning to billable hours/week. Can we close on Saturdays this summer. get those same billable hours in a 42.5-hour week with 72% billing efficiency and still get away with Working on Saturday is also the hottest topic paying techs the same weekly amount? on the recruitment front. One dealer mentioned
Probably one of the biggest reasons dealers don’t close on Saturdays is because their competition is open. I remember one dealer principal saying, “I don’t mind being closed on Saturdays, I just don’t want to be the first one and I don’t want to be the only one.” Now that the trend has begun, I anticipate that most dealerships will close on some Saturdays throughout the year within the next few years. Some dealers are having this discussion already with other businesses in their town, as they know everyone is facing the same workforce issue too. Dealers are becoming more flexible when their employees request time off. One dealer said they are letting one of their parts employees coach high school sports in the afternoons. This person works until 3:00pm on days they are coaching. They say as long as they have one parts person working later in the day, everything runs smoothly. Others have mentioned that they are working with employees who want to leave at noon on Fridays to go camping in the summer months. Another said they plan to implement a pilot program where techs work four 10-hour days. I firmly believe that in the long run, the dealers that provide employees more flexibility but still provide good customer service will be the winners. The last trend I’ve noticed lately is dealers proactively increasing wages. Numerous dealers say they have increased wages once already this year. Some say they’ve raised wages two or three times over the past year! With these increases, dealers are also realizing that they are falling behind on necessary increases to their customer labor rate. Many are saying that—according to the industry multiplier—they need their customer labor rate to be near $140/hour. One dealer just raised to $170/hour. Dealers are also having serious discussions with customers about the need to raise the hourly rate in order to be able to retain knowledgeable technicians. It will take time for the labor shortage to correct itself, if ever. Dealers that are proactive in addressing the issue will retain current employees and be successful in hiring new employees. Those that don’t adjust to the current environment will have a long uphill battle ahead of themselves.
iowa SALES TAX spotlight Q. Are churches and nonprofit organizations exempt from tax?
A. Nonprofit entities, churches and religious organizations
are not automatically exempt from paying state sales tax on taxable goods and services. This is true even if these entities remain exempt from the payment of state and federal income taxes. State sales tax must be paid unless some other general sales tax exemption applies. Local option sales tax must also be paid on purchases made in jurisdictions that impose the tax. In other words, a nonprofit corporation, church or other religious organization is treated the same as any other private citizen for sales and use tax purposes when purchasing goods and taxable services at retail. However, sales of items to any private nonprofit educational institution used for educational purposes are exempt. An “educational institution” means an institution that primarily functions as a school, college, or university with students, faculty, and an established curriculum. The faculty of an educational institution must be associated with the institution, and the curriculum must include basic courses that are offered every year. “Education institution” also includes an institution primarily functional as a library. When tangible personal property or services are shared by a parochial school and church, the primary use determines if the purchase is taxable.
Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association Awards $80,000 in Scholarships to 88 Iowa and Nebraska Students The Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) is pleased to announce that it has awarded $80,000 in scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year to students in Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, and South Dakota pursuing career opportunities in the equipment dealer industry. The Andrew Goodman Scholarship Program was created to address the shortage of dealership personnel and to attract and nurture homegrown talent. This dealer-driven scholarship program helps dealers financially support and train those aspiring toward management, technical, sales, or administrative positions within the dealership.
“Making a positive impact with students and connecting them with our implement dealers has led to many successful outcomes with our scholarship program,” said INEDA President and CEO Mark Hennessey. “Our scholarships have eased the financial pressures that students and parents face when pursuing post-secondary education. We are proudly committed to the future generations of individuals seeking careers with our dealers and the agriculture industry.” Since 2008, INEDA has awarded 598 scholarships totaling $820,000 to applicants who are enrolled as fulltime students in a “dealer-approved” higher education curriculum. The 2022-2023 Andrew Goodman Scholarship Program received a record number of applications. On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the INEDA Education Committee, chaired by Todd Barker of AgriVision Equipment, awarded $80,000 in scholarships to 88 applicants from 30 dealerships for the 2022-2023 academic year. “We had the largest number of applicants in the history of the program,” said Will Rogers, INEDA Director of Government Affairs. “In addition, nearly 90 scholarships were awarded to students with a grade point average of over 3.69. We are delighted to help so many students with their educational goals.” Congratulations to the following students who were awarded a scholarship: Dylan Anderson
Caleb Faler
Brayden Rabbass
Cameron Aughenbaugh
Damon Fehr
Jacob Reich
Darin Baumgartner
Jacob Ferguson
Eli Riedel
Kenten Benner
Benjamin Goedken
Dylan Roach
Dylan Bergantzel
Jay Heinen
Dawson Sabatka
Ethan Bowlin
Henry Hiebenthal
Carson Salvador
Isaac Brown
Jon LaDay
Christian Sanchez-Jimenez
Josiah Bundt
Aidan Lamb
Gage Schaardt
Brady Burkart
Logan Lamm
Kolby Schiefen
Lee Cain
Braden Lukassen
Bryce Seier
Abigail Connor
Collin MacCready
Jacob Sousek
Gregory Corral
Dylan MacDonald
Brett Uhing
Alex Craff
Joseph Merron
Jordan Walker
Kelsie Davidson
Cameron Meyers
Braxton Walker
Dylan Detten
Caleb Obert
Leyton Wolfer
Blake Deutmeyer
Heath Perez
Cullen Wood
Elijah Dowell
Brian Phillips
Carlee Zahurones
Chandler Duncan
Kassidy Pinkal
Jack Zenk
For more information, please contact Will Rogers at 515.669.1648 or
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Phil Erdman Joins INEDA as Director of Dealer and Government Affairs The Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) is pleased to announce that Phil Erdman has joined the team as the Director of Dealer and Government Affairs, serving our members in the state of Nebraska. Phil will succeed Mark Othmer after his retirement at the end of the year. Phil officially joined the INEDA team on April 27, 2022 and is keeping busy traveling the state of Nebraska with Mark to meet all of our dealer members and ensure a smooth transition.
“Finding Mark Othmer’s successor was a very critical decision for INEDA and our Nebraska members,” said INEDA President and CEO Mark Hennessey. “I’m very excited to have Phil join the Association. Phil will be there to serve and advocate for you in the same ways our members have relied on Mark. Thank you for the warm welcome that many of you have already extended to Phil.” Prior to his new position at INEDA, Phil served as Vice President of Membership for Nebraska Farm
Bureau Federation and State Agriculture Director for US Senator Johanns. He is a member of numerous state agricultural organizations including Ag Builders of Nebraska, Morrill County Farm Bureau, and the Nebraska FFA Alumni.
has an extremely good working knowledge about it—just another reason why he will be an excellent addition to the INEDA team.”
Phil also served as a State Senator where he represented Nebraska’s 47th Legislative District in the Nebraska Legislature from 2001-2008, and he served as Chair of the Legislature’s Agriculture Committee in 2007-2008.
A native Nebraskan, Phil was born and raised in Bayard where he grew up on his family’s farm and returned to farming after college. He and his wife, Cortney, have four children (Grace, Micah, Noah, Faith) and live in Lincoln, NE. Phil enjoys cheering on the Huskers, coaching his kids sports teams, golfing, and boating.
“I first met Phil when he was serving in the Nebraska Legislature,” said Nebraska Field Director Mark Othmer. “INEDA was working a bill for some changes in the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab. As Senator, Phil kept an open mind on the issue and even today still
Please extend a warm welcome to Phil as he and Mark continue traveling together to meet many of our Nebraska dealer members in the upcoming weeks. You can reach Phil at 402.429.5726 or
TOP: Phil Erdman staying on top of all of the things happening at the Nebraska State Capitol. RIGHT: Phil Erdman and his wife, Cortney, with their four kids, Grace, Micah, Noah, and Faith.
Recap: Workforce Development Workshop Each spring and fall, the IowaNebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) hosts a workshop designed to provide creative solutions to workforce development challenges that the equipment dealer industry is facing. These workshops are curated with a diverse variety of expert speakers. We appreciate those who attended the workforce development workshops in Ankeny, IA on May 25 and Grand Island, NE on May 26. At each workshop, five speakers focused on sharing information about apprenticeship programs and best practices for recruiting nontraditional employees like women, immigrants, and high school students. Keynote speaker Beth Shelton, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa, shared her strategy for dealing with adversity and how to transform your business into a
welcoming place for women. Sonia Reyes of the Reyes Institute and former CEO of the Iowa Office of Latino Affairs discussed strategic programs and initiatives aimed at connecting to prospective employees in Latino and immigrant communities. Jerry Pigsley of the Woods Aitken Law Firm provided insight on the various immigration visas and how dealers can utilize them as part of a workforce solution. Christian Gray of AxisU discussed how apprenticeship programs provide the opportunity to develop homegrown talent at the dealership. Registered apprenticeship program can make it possible for 16- and 17-year-olds to begin working in a dealership toward certification as service technicians. Beth Townsend, Director of Iowa Workforce Development, provided an update on Iowa
unemployment statistics, training and apprenticeship programs for prospective employees, educational funding assistance through the Last Dollar Scholar program, and Home Base Iowa, a program aimed at connecting military services members with prospective employers as they transition to civilian life. Randy Kissinger, Director of Regional Reemployment Services with the Nebraska Department of Labor, discussed workforce statistics in Nebraska, wage and labor information, marketing opportunities with the state, and development of apprenticeship programs. If you would like to review the speaker presentations from the workshop, scan the QR code above.
TERMS EVERY DEALERSHIP HR MANAGER SHOULD KNOW As your dealership explores creative new ways to recruit the next generation of employees, including those from nontraditional backgrounds, it’s important to understand the correct terminology. These terms were created by the United States for census purposes, so not everyone in these communities may identify with them. When in doubt—just ask (respectfully)!
hispanic Refers to someone who speaks Spanish or descended from a Spanish-speaking community regardless of race.
refugee A person fleeing armed conflicts, persecution, or natural disaster. Refugees are protected by international law.
latinX A more inclusive gender-neutral version of Latino/ Latina that describes someone of Latin American descent living in the United States.
new Immigrant A person living in a country other than that of their birth regardless of immigration status. Immigration statuses include naturalized citizens, permanent residents (green card holders), refugee/asylee, twilight status, and unauthorized/undocumented.
WILL ROGERS, Director of Government Affairs, []
Education and outreach is the name of the game. The Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) is actively engaged in educating parents, educators, and prospective employees about career opportunities in the equipment industry. Here is a recap of a few of the ways we have been working to reach the next generation of equipment dealer employees about career opportunities in the equipment industry.
Nebraska SkillsUSA Competition On Friday, April 8, the Nebraska Chapter of SkillsUSA held an off-road diesel technology competition at Fonner Park in Grand Island, Nebraska. SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving university, high school, and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations, including the equipment industry.
The event is focused on testing students in three areas of competency including technical skills grounded in academics, workplace skills, and personal skills. Approximately 20 community college and high school students participated in this year’s competition. Event Chairman Elliot Grosshans of Grosshans Inc. spearheaded the effort by developing the various testing stages of the competition, building and organizing testing equipment, recruiting judges, and promoting the event to local community colleges and high schools. INEDA would also like to recognize Grosshans Inc., LandMark Implement, and KanEquip for their generous support in donating prize money awarded to students who placed in the top five of the competition. Students also received a participation award from INEDA. Thank you to all of the dealers that helped with providing judges and equipment for the event.
Build My Future Event On Wednesday, April 16, the Iowa Homebuilders Association hosted a career exploration event for high school students at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. The event focused on career opportunities in the skilled trades and featured hands-on experiences operating equipment and simulators. Over 5,500 high school students and educators from across Iowa participated in the event and toured over 100 exhibiting associations and organizations. Students that visited the INEDA booth learned more about careers in the equipment industry, received information about the Andrew Goodman Scholarship Program, and operated an electric mini-excavator and tractor simulator.
LEFT PAGE: Students from the Nebraska Chapter of SkillsUSA at the off-road diesel technology competition on April 8. TOP: A student checks out the electric mini-excavator at the Build My Future event on April 16. BOTTOM: High school students tour O’Brien County Implement.
Thank you to Vetter Equipment and Star Equipment for organizing the hands-on experience for the event.
Tour of Dealerships with FFA Students On Tuesday, April 19, INEDA organized a tour of equipment dealerships in Northwest Iowa for 26 students from the Marcus-Meriden-Cleghorn Community (MMCRU) School District as part of a career education event. MMCRU FFA Instructor Samantha Schroeder led the students on a tour of three equipment dealerships, where students learned about working in the dealership, including service and repair, parts and inventory, and sales.
Thank you to AgriVision Equipment, Town and Country Implement, and O’Brien County Implement for hosting the students and providing access to facilities.
Plattsmouth High School Career Presentation On Tuesday, February 10, a representative from INEDA presented to over 100 students from Plattsmouth High School in Nebraska about career opportunities in the equipment industry. Students received information regarding the various career paths available in a dealership. Students from the same program had previously visited Pankonin’s Inc. in Louisville. Plattsmouth High School offers dual-credit courses to students in over 130 courses through the University of Nebraska-Omaha and Southeast Community College. It also offers specialized education through two unique academies within the school focusing on Business Education and Diesel Mechanics. TOP: Students explore careers in the skilled trades at the Build My Future event on April 16. BOTTOM: High school students tour Town and Country Implement.
CINDY FELDMAN, Marketing Director []
5 Social Media Trends to Know for 2022 We’re cruising right through 2022, and as the year progresses, social media trends continue to soar. From platform updates and features to brand personality and mental health—I’ll break down what these trends mean for your B2C brand. Let me share some new things happening in the social channels.
Instagram Everybody loves to show off their accomplishments, whether it’s something they cooked, a picture of their pet doing a trick, or a goal they’ve finally achieved. Instagram users can enjoy the satisfaction of receiving praise for what they share on
Instagram Stories with the new “Add Yours” sticker. This feature is a great way to gain engagement on your Instagram Story as it lets other users interact with each other’s stories. Do you ever want to see the cutest photos of your followers’ puppies? Simply post your favorite puppy picture and post it on your Instagram Story with the “Add Yours” sticker, then ask your followers to show you the cutest photo of their puppy. If a follower wants to show off a photo, they can simply interact and click the “Add Yours” icon to share a photo. Whether it’s for puppies or fun holidays, the “Add Yours” sticker provides B2C companies an opportunity to create or tap into topics and trending conversations that their audiences are engaging with that are relevant to their brand. The “Add Yours” sticker can create a domino effect that can bring a lot of engagement, interaction, and fun to your Instagram profile.
Advertising on TikTok includes five options:
1. Boosting a previously posted video in-feed, similar to a Facebook boost.
2. Brand takeover ad, which will fill the entire
mobile screen for a few seconds when the app is opened before changing into a video.
3. Top view ads that occupy the first in-feed
post after three seconds. They show up to 60 seconds of full-screen video with auto-play and sound.
4. Branded Hashtag ads involve user-generated
videos posted with the defined hashtag. These ads will show up at the top of the discovery page, and clicking on the hashtag will take users to a collection of videos that are using the same hashtag.
5. Branded effect ads are similar to using a
Snapchat filter, and can run for up to 10 days at a time.
Tik Tok TikTok has come a long way since the early days of Gen Z dancing to music. While initially dominated by teens and young adults, by March 2021 TikTok’s users between the ages of 10 and 29 dropped below 50%. The platform continues to appeal to a wider age range, and an algorithm will curate a “For You Page” that can target almost any niche interest or hobby.
These options have the following campaign objectives:
• • • •
driving traffic to a website increasing app installs growing online sales attracting new sales leads.
Regardless of the objective, the best-performing ads are short, include sound, and have the authentic feel that you find in the TikTok feed. TikTok is growing in popularity with B2C marketers and can offer a unique way to reach an audience without the need to have a large following since the videos are ranked individually, independent from the profile. Authenticity is key when advertising on TikTok. Using this ad platform is a great way to evoke emotion with your brand and build trust with your audience.
NFTs in Social Media NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital assets that have become popular in mainstream media as graphics, but can also be used to represent tangible items like artwork and real estate. They are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated. In social media, NFTs have made an appearance on popular channels like Twitter through profile images, and their use in Facebook and Instagram is not far behind. So why are they popular on social media? NFTs attach ownership onto a digital asset, so they provide other functions that help connect your brand to your product offering, such as attaching membership to exclusive offers.
The market instability of NFTs is a factor for the average B2C marketer that may be considering this strategy. However, keeping in mind the transformation of the internet, it’s an evolution still worth following. In the short term, social media giants like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are looking to use NFTs to leverage NFT communities on their platforms. In the long term, NFTs can bridge the gap between your business’s existence on social and the metaverse, a virtual universe of social connection. Just as e-commerce is booming on social media, social giants like Meta are hoping to make the metaverse a new social universe of ecommerce, using NFTs as digital assets for trading rather than simply tokens for digital art ownership and bragging rights.
Mental Health Awareness When Working in Social Media Over the past few years, mental health has been at the forefront of conversations, especially among social media marketers. With the always-on mentality of social media, it was recently found that 90% of creators have experienced burnout and 71% have considered quitting social media altogether. Americans spent an average of 1,300 hours on social
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media last year, and because of this, marketers are feeling the pressure to produce more content. What can you do as a social media marketer to avoid burnout and focus on mental health? Get in the habit of doing activities to help avoid burnout.
1. Disconnect after work. Take time for yourself
away from your phone. Read a book, cook, take a walk, or anything else that will bring joy.
2. Set app timers. It’s easy to grab your phone
and scroll through social platforms even after working with them all day. Setting timers on your phone for your apps lets you check in without overdoing it.
3. Connect with coworkers or friends about social
media burnout. One of the most comforting things is knowing you’re not alone. Reach out to your coworkers or friends to chat about some of the struggles you’re experiencing and swap tips on keeping mental health top of mind.
Brands Are People, Too Since the start of the pandemic, there’s been a surge in brands on social media breaking away from the professional norm to form “personalities.” With users having spent so much time indoors and longing for human connection, brands have responded with authentic, humanized voices—some even characterized as sassy and unhinged.
Duolingo is one of the brands on TikTok shocking the internet with a terrifying oversized mascot costume and a Dua Lipa obsession. On Twitter, some brands seem to have no filter: Wendy’s and Burger King stay on top of trends and current events to stay relatable while adding a little bit of sass. While your brand probably doesn’t need to run and purchase an oversized mascot costume, these results show that users are increasingly interested in seeing more genuine, off-the-cuff content from brands. Depending on your audience, here are a few activities your brand could try:
• Incorporating “day in the life” content about employees.
• Utilizing relevant TikTok or Reel trends that relate to your company.
• Quoting popular sound bites or trends as captions.
• Monopolizing on trending meme formats
(things like Astrology, Spiderman Meme, etc.).
Have questions about your social media strategy? Give me a call at 515.508.1313 or email me at
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