Capstone x Lucia Marti

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l u cĂ­a m a rti

table of contents mission statement rebranding lookbook event planning

mission statement

The purpose of this project is to develop a coherent branding for Lucia Marti, a puertorican j e w e l r y d e s i g n e r. To a c h i e v e t h i s , I a m g o i n g t o i n t r o d u c e h e r t o t h e N e w Yo r k m a r k e t p l a c e w i t h a l a u n c h p a r t y a n d e x h i b i t i o n o f h e r j e w e l r y.


client profile creative brief SWOT competitor analysis mood board style guide logo design - key words media and merchandising

demographics women 18-40+ years old Mid-range to high-range income

psychographics Independent , confident and outlandish Fashion oriented Aware of upcoming designers/trendy Sees fashion as a way of expression Empowered by personal style

client profile

age-26 young influencer style: s o p h i s t i c a t e d , e d g y, t r e n d y yet classic education: graduated from SCAD university / fashion marketing & managment with a minor in fabrics works at man repeller

Cayetana Ellar

lifestyle: y o g a l o v e r, c l e a n - e a t i n g habbits, enjoys a glass of wine

age-53 fashionista/blogger style: e d g y, e x o t i c , l o v e s b u y i n g unique/peculiar pieces education: graduated from University of Bari /journalist creative consultant and e d i t o r f o r Vo g u e , J a p a n lifestyle:

Elena Faina

enjoys traveling, goes to runways , workaholic

creative brief brand recognition classic with a modern twist simple yet edgy innovative r i c h , r a w, t i m e l e s s


strengths price point is affordable high-end pieces yet affordable original pieces variety of designs

weaknesses new brand/ less workers to produce product strong brand identity

opportunities latin american brand / market is smaller / more opportunity of standing out in latin america produced in latin america/ labor is cheaper

threats too many competitors world wide / makes it harder to stand out in the market

competitor analysis

key competitors/direct

high price

low quality

high quality

low price

mood boards revolve collection lunalimon collection

l u cĂ­a m a rti

l u cĂ­a m a rti

previous logo weak not remarkable does not communicate the designer’s style words to consider in the making: empowerment elegant/classic minimal straightforward

style guide

logo variation color palette

social media


l u cĂ­a m a rti webpage/ landing page

event planning

l u cĂ­a m a rti

launching event

strategy catering invitations

purpose of the event what for? motive

benefits: create sales, exposure, promotion and product introduction into the market increase traffic and promote the brand

catering: BACCO NY 4 0 g u e s t s To t a l D e l i v e r y : To t a l L a b o r : S u b -To t a l : S a l e s Ta x :

$32.50/pp $1300.00 $175.00 $965.00 $2440.00 $170.80

Ve n u e : $ 3 0 0 . 0 0



hors d’oeuvres Seared beef, caramelized onion, gorgonzola on ficelle Seared tuna, cucumber and olive tartare, jalapeùo crema, wonton crisp Indian


spiced chicken skewers with yogurt cilantro dipping sauce Spinach, onion and cheddar stuffed flatbread, avocado chutney B B Q b a c o n c h e d d a r b u r g e r, b a b y b u n Warm brioche and dried cherry coconut bread pudding, spiced cream Mini tiramisu, mascarpone custard, dark chocolate

l a u n c h i n g e v e n t

Wednesday July 19, 2017


55 5th avenue, NY 10011 4:00pm - 9:00 pm

l u cĂ­a m a rti

conclusion After finishing this project, I can say that rebranding is important for any brand that wants to achieve success. Brands that are remarkable and that create an impact in the audience have e strong brand i d e n t i t y, t h e r e f o r e t h e i r b r a n d i n g i s v e r y c o h e s i v e . Overall, I achieved my goal by following the right steps and Lucia Marti’s rebranding was achieved s u c c e s s f u l l y.

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